Website Creation For Newbies - 5 Basic Tips

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Website Creation For Newbies – 5 Basic Tips When you're first getting started with the process of developing a successful online business, there are many things that you should be paying attention to. The process of website creation is a vital step for your online business and it needs to be viewed as such. Making mistakes with your website design can lead to serious problems with your ability to attract customers, convert visitors into clients and display a professional and reputable image. Follow these 5 basic tips for website creation to get your website off to the right start. 1. Tone it Down - Too many people overload all of their web pages with far too much information, too many pictures and a design that's too busy and complex. Complex isn't better, and it doesn't demonstrate that you know what you're doing. The best websites are actually the simplest -- they get the job done and make it easy for people to find what they're looking for. So tone it down and don't overdo anything when it comes to website creation. 2. Get Personal - Inject some personality into your website. There are millions of businesses and certainly your own field has plenty of direct competition. Do your best to not blend into the crowd. You can do that by injecting some personality and friendliness into what you say and how you say it as opposed to droning on and on 3. Be Contactable - It's always extremely important with your website creation that you display your contact information on every page in a visible location. This will make it easy for people to reach out to you if they have any questions or concerns. More importantly though it will give your site an added boost of respectability and credibility, because visitors will feel that you're upfront and there are real people on the other end of that website who are performing a job. 4. Include a Sitemap - Many newbies to website design don't understand the importance of a sitemap. The truth is that while some visitors to your site may come upon the sitemap to help them navigate your site and find what they are looking for, the sitemap is created with the search engine spiders in mind. Having one page that links to all of your other pages makes it easy for the search engines to find and index all of your pages quickly. You can create either an XML sitemap, an HTML sitemap or both. 5. SEO - You can take many small steps in all aspects of website creation that improve your ability to see traffic and gain new customers. Most of these can be lumped into the field of search engine optimization. Do everything you can to improve your SEO - from including keywords in your content, to choosing a domain name with keywords in it, placing descriptive ALT tags on your images and on down the line. These 5 basic tips for website creation will help all newbies get started with their online business in the right way. Don't try too hard, inject some personality, build your credibility and reach out to the search engines for the best optimization. If you really want help in creating and developing your website, we have just completed a Free ebook that will show you the basics of website creation and online business development. Download it here: Basics of Website Development Larry Zolna and Sharon Zolna are authors of numerous articles as well as instructors of website creation and design for an onliine business and other related fields. Please visit

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