5 Things Great Leaders Do Everyday

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Introduction You might have heard that it's not what you do but what you do daily. A known fact to master anything lies in how many times the process is repeated. Creating a firm foundation for a new venture will depend on what we do every day. When it comes to creating a successful business, all great leaders practice some guiding success principles every day. But what are they?

Let’s get into it…

1. Visualising and Meditating On Goals Daily


Clarity is power. Become very clear about where you are going, why you want to go there and how that place looks like when you get there. This is a fundamental universal law. The big boys i.e. the Googles and Microsofts of this world understand this principle all so well. In fact, they have meditation deeply incorporated into their corporate culture and even have dedicated meditation rooms for employees. Now you know why we have trusted them into moving us as a human race forward in ways that a little less than 15 years ago were a wild fantasy. I don’t know what I would do without the GPS on my phone. Let's just say my sense of direction whilst driving is…a little wanting! One weakness I can happily live with.


Income Producing Activities

How does your business make money? What impacts your bottom line? What expands or contracts it? Answering these questions ensures that time is allocated to do the things that bring money into your business. You could do the activities yourself or trust someone better than you to do it. In an online business as an example, a typical activity could be placing an advertisement every day. Reaching a customer who has a problem that needs your solution depends on this activity being done consistently.


Commit To Personal Growth

If you are not busy growing, you are busy dying. You may have heard this message already from some industry leaders in the personal development arena. Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Bob Proctor etc. all do a great job in helping us become better versions of ourselves. The way I see it, we need information and knowledge to access the greatness that already exists inside all of us. I committed myself to this process of acquiring knowledge and oh boy am I glad I did. Going to seminars and that sort of stuff might be far out of your reach right now but could you make time to watch a 30 minute YouTube Clip every day on your phone? Could you grab an audiotape off iTunes to listen in your car or daily commute? I watch a lot of YouTube clips and I get targeted with more of that same content that I am interested in. Now, I don’t even need to look for it! It’s right there.



Understand The Power of Mastermind

As entrepreneurs, our surroundings have to be chosen with care. Be around the success that you want to become. Look for people who have or an in the process of creating the results you want. Make use of technology if being part of a group in person is out of reach at the moment. I struggled with an e-commerce business before I found my mentor online. Now, I have a chance to learn and interact with him and his team of experts every week. What do they all have in common? They have created monumental success online transcending all the hype in this industry. It's fair to say if you have been searching for business opportunities online, you know what overwhelm is firsthand. I can’t even begin to tell you the value of masterminding with the six-figure mentors not only for my own personal growth as an entrepreneur but to my business acumen as well.


Become A Great Leader

One my favourite quotes from Plato goes like, “conquer self or be conquered by self”. How powerful is that? When I think of all the times in the past I have engaged in self-sabotage unknowingly. How you might ask? By not following through on my goals, poorly managing daily distractions as I work on my goals and here’s the big one - allowing opinions of others to influence what I think, feel, and do every day. Maybe you may have experienced it too.


Become a leader in your own personal life. As my mentor says, focus on doing the things that all great leaders do every day. They learn, they do, they teach, and then they repeat this process. Consider starting to follow a leader you admire today. Social media is good for this! Look for the things they do every day. Chances are, you will find they follow this process. Remember success leaves clues everywhere.

Final Thoughts These 5 principles to great leadership may not be easy to achieve daily in the beginning. They depend on the formation of new habits. It’s important to remember that you are making them a priority in your life because you have a goal that is important to YOU. I take comfort in knowing and understanding the power of good habits and what they can do in my life. There’s a good book and audio by Charles Duhigg – The Power of Habit. Therein Charles discusses in depth why we do the things we do in life and business. Pure gold.

Wishing you success.


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Email:team@batianlifestyle.com Instagram:@batianlifestyle Facebook:@batianlifestyle Skype:guchueddie Eddie Guchu is a Digital Marketer, a Lifestyle Brand Owner & a professional DJ. He is based mostly in Perth, Australia & Nairobi, Kenya. Former life: A Consultant Network Engineer in the IT outsourcing and Mining Resources Industries in Western Australia. Holds an MSc in Information Systems Management From Curtin University, Western Australia. "It Always Seems Impossible Until It is Done - Nelson Mandela"


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