Aardvark Insurance Academy - February 2017

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Joe Tipton & Eddie K. Emmett, Co-Editors / Publishers

TechTips: The Best of 2016

Steve’s Best of 2016 1. Quickly Join Conference Calls with One Touch – MobileDay ....... 1 2. Use Email Signatures as a Marketing Tool – Sigstr ................ 4 3. Giving the IRS Your HardEarned Money? ............................ 6 4. Create Better Presentations with Canva ........................................... 8 5. Outsource Small Projects with Fiverr .......................................... 10 6. Pay Your Bills By Emailing Checks ....................................... 12 7. Ensure Email Delivery By Sending Whitelisting Instructions13 8. Google Adds Video Chat for Any Device ........................................ 13 9. Update Your Website Security or Risk Becoming Invisible on the Web ............................................ 14 10. Sell All Insurance Coverages to All Your Clients ....................... 15 Aardvark Insurance Academy

In 2016, 50 TechTips were published. Each provided what I hoped would be useful information about a new app, process, platform, or productivity idea. While I know not every issue resonates with every subscriber, my goal is always to provide enough value to make it worthwhile for you to review. I recently reviewed all 50 TechTips and picked what I consider to be the top 10 from 2016. They are listed below in no particular order so you can have an opportunity to review what I consider the best productivity improvement tips. I have included a short description and a link back to the original article so you can review the original issue.

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1. Quickly Join Conference Calls with One Touch – MobileDay MobileDay is one of my favorite apps to streamline the process of logging into a conference call. MobileDay recognizes the calling pattern for all the main conference services and allows you to log in with One Touch as either a host or participant. It is available for iOS and Android platforms. link to the article. I participate in many conference calls. Scheduling calls with clients, listening to webinars, and participating in ACT workgroup calls are just a few examples. For most of these calls, I need to use my cell phone to join the call. Continued on page 2

February 2017

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Steve’s Best of 2016 continued from page 1 Using your mobile phone to dial a long conference call number is a pain. First, there is the phone number and then the dreaded passcode! It might be my age, but I find it almost impossible to remember the correct passcode. You certainly should not try this while you are driving!

This app continues to be a very useful tool that I use often. It makes joining conference calls quick, easy, and painless. What tools have you found useful for your conference calls? Let me know.

Once I do get on the call, if I somehow lose connectivity I have to go through the entire process again. It is very frustrating. Several years ago I discovered an app for my phone — MobileDay — that allows me to dial into a conference call with just one touch. It continues to be one of my more useful apps! Here is how it works: You allow MobileDay access to your calendar. MobileDay can recognize the calling pattern for all the main conference services. So, as long as you have the conference call number and passcode as part of your calendar entry, you simply touch the big button with the phone on it and the conference call number and passcode will be dialed for you automatically. This one-touch dialing feature works both as a host of a teleconference or as a participant. Since connectivity can be iffy on a cell phone, MobileDay allows you to reconnect with just one touch, minimizing downtime. If you are running late, you can send a message to all attendees letting them know via email or SMS. MobileDay is available in the iTunes Store, as well as on Google Play as an Android app. The basic app is free and is likely all you need. There is a MobileDay Business version for an additional cost that allows managing multiple employees.

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February 2017

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Why should I subscribe to Aardvark? We have a better idea! Our benefits are designed to help agencies in every aspect of their operation and all of it is done on the Internet. It is delivered in a combination of “How-To” videos, interactive quizzes and breaking-news.

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$99.00 per year or $10.00 per month Subscribe at www.AardvarkInsuranceAcademy.com

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If you can prove to me that some organization has better benefits, I’ll give you a free year’s subscription to Aardvark Insurance Academy.

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February 2017

More Tips & “How-To” videos at http://www.aardvarkinsuranceacademy.com Steve’s Best of 2016 continued from page 2 2. Use Email Signatures as a Marketing Tool – Sigstr Your staff sends out hundreds if not thousands of emails every week to prospects and clients. Unfortunately, it is hard to enforce a consistent brand when using email signatures. Sigstr is a platform that allows you to manage all employee email signatures centrally. Why is this important? Because these emails are a great marketing opportunity for upgrading existing coverages, rounding out accounts, and reminding the recipient of all the services you offer. The agency can determine what marketing campaign to promote and all employee email signatures are updated with the new information. Link to the article. Every email you send out of your agency to a prospect or client could be a marketing opportunity — if you only take advantage of it. While email newsletters are a great way to engage with your clients, I suspect you also send hundreds, if not thousands, of emails out every month that you could use as a gentle reminder of other products and services you have available. Email signatures are nothing new. Outlook has the built-in capability of creating standard email signatures and allowing individuals to choose which one they want to use on a particular email. The problem? There is no way to centrally manage the messages that are included in the email signature. That is where a new service called Sigstr comes in. This platform offers the ability to centrally manage every email signature and update individual user signatures instantly. Different marketing campaigns can be built by uploading an image or by entering text into the platform. Employees do not need to edit any information, which makes it easy to have a consistent message going out. The signature blocks included in the emails are mobile responsive so they look as good on a mobile device as they do on a desktop. Employees manage their specific contact information. The organization administers the marketing campaign content. The platform also allows you to create signature campaigns for different groups. This enables you to build different signature campaigns for your personal lines, small commercial, and larger commercial departments. The platform works with most email systems including Outlook and Gmail.

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Transactional emails are not often considered a marketing tool. A platform like Sigstr could change that by allowing your agency to centrally manage a marketing campaign. Here are just a few ideas of the types of marketing campaigns you can include in an email signature:  Referrals: Referrals are always important. Who knows how many new referrals you could obtain using a gentle reminder at the bottom of an email?  Newsletters and Social Media: Include a banner that invites people to sign up for your newsletter or follow you on various social platforms.  Upsell/Cross-Sell: Are you sure every client knows the full scope of the products and services you offer? You could create a marketing calendar that highlights a different type of product every month in the emails that are going out to your current clients. A free version of the platform is available for individual use. Business versions start at $3 per user per month. Sigstr has taken an overlooked marketing asset — client emails — and created a simple way for organizations to make use of this marketing and branding opportunity. How do you use email signatures to market your products and services? Let me know. Continued on page 6

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February 2017



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More Tips & “How-To” videos at http://www.aardvarkinsuranceacademy.com Steve’s Best of 2016 continued from page 4 3. Giving the IRS Your Hard-Earned Money? The MileiQ app automatically detects when you are driving because it runs in the background, continuously detecting your speed and automatically converting each trip into miles driven. The app allows you to give each drive a purpose with a simple swipe by marking them as business, personal, medical, charity or any other custom category. Link to the article. April 15th is Tax Day in the United States, and it is only a short week away. Are you sure you are getting all the deductions you deserve? Nobody wants to pay the IRS more than he or she owes. Whether your taxes are completed and filed for this year, you have procrastinated and waited until the last minute or are just filing an extension, maximizing your deductions to lower your overall tax bill is prudent and reasonable. One deduction that’s especially relevant and useful for insurance agents — especially those who work out of the office — is the business mileage deduction of $.54 for every mile you drive for work.

Fortunately, there are smartphone apps that are designed to help you keep track of each trip and the miles driven. I have downloaded and used several of these apps in the past. The problem is remembering to start the app at the beginning of the trip and stopping it at the end. Then taking the time to make a note about the purpose of each trip. The MileiQ app solves these problems. I have been testing this app for a couple of months and am quite impressed with its capability and ease of use. The big difference with this app is that it automatically detects when you are driving and keeps track of the miles driven for each and every trip. This automatic drive detection makes it easy to capture every mile you drive. No longer do I have to worry about manually logging every trip. The app can automatically detect drives because it runs in the background, continuously detecting your speed and automatically converting each and every trip into miles driven. Even though the app is running in the background, it has been specially engineered to minimize its use of battery power.

The hard part of making sure you qualify for this deduction is to make sure you keep a log for every trip. There are some very specific IRS rules and guidelines you have to follow.

Battery drain was one of my concerns when I started using the app. However, over the last week the program has accounted for only 6% of my total battery use. This is well within acceptable limits for me; especially given the amount of money it will help me save on my taxes.

Moreover, if you correctly follow the rules, it could mean hundreds if not thousands of dollars in extra deductions on your personal tax return.

The MileiQ website has an excellent article that explains the different types of business driving that will qualify for mileage deduction.

(Note: I am neither an accountant nor CPA, so check with your tax professional to make sure you are correctly following all the rules.)

The app also allows you to give each drive a purpose with a simple swipe. This is important because not every trip is deductible. You can mark each trip as business, personal, medical, charity or any custom category you wish to create. Log any additional details you need for reporting mileage expenses to your employer or deducting mileage on your tax return. Be sure to check with your tax professional.

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February 2017

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More Tips & “How-To” videos at http://www.aardvarkinsuranceacademy.com Steve’s Best of 2016 continued from page 6

Canva has recently enhanced the platform to include the ability to create presentations. It’s simple to create a new presentation:

A website dashboard is available to view your drives, make changes to each drive, and customize your experience. It also allows you to keep track of all your drives by creating a monthly and/or annual report — essential documentation for taking deductions on your taxes. Three different types of payment plans are available: 1. Limited Plan: Completely free for up to 40 drives each month. 2. Monthly Plan: $6 per month for an unlimited number of drives. 3. Annual Plan: $60 annual payment for unlimited drives. Click this link to receive a 20% Discount off your annual plan. The more I use this app, the more impressed I am. While it will not help me with my 2015 taxes, I certainly will be taking higher mileage deductions on my 2016 taxes. I hope you will too! What other ways have you found to track deductible mileage? Let me know. 4. Create Better Presentations with Canva Canva is a great tool for creating all kinds of graphics. One of their newest categories is Presentations. You can simply browse through the predefined presentation templates on the Canva site and click on any multi-page layouts to see a preview. Select the layout you like by clicking it or dragging and dropping it into your design. Once you have completed your design, you can click the presentation button on the bottom right-hand corner of your screen to activate the full-screen presentation. Link to the article. Sitting through a presentation can be excruciatingly dull. Whether it is an in-person program or a webinar, it seems like the insurance industry has taken “Death by PowerPoint” to a whole new level. An excellent presentation can communicate more in a short period than a bullet-packed PowerPoint presentation. We live in a visual world. If you want to improve your communication, it’s important to step back and examine how you put your presentations together. It is likely your sales presentations need a makeover. In this issue of TechTips, I want to highlight a tool – Canva Presentations – that may help you improve the look and feel of your presentations. The last time I wrote about Canva was October 2014. The company continues to enhance their service. I rely on it extensively to create images that I use in articles and on my website.

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1) Log into Canva and click on the Presentation template. If you don’t see it, click on More… and you’ll find it under Popular Design Types. There are a number of visually compelling templates to choose from. 2) Browse through the predefined templates and click on any multi-page layouts to preview them. Some templates contain up to 10 pages. 3) Select which layout you’d like to use in your presentation design by clicking it or dragging and dropping it into your design. 4) Once you’ve completed your design, you can click the presentation button on the bottom right-hand corner of your screen to activate the full-screen presentation mode.

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February 2017

REJUVENATE When was the last time you took a closer look at your agency? It all boils down to answering two main questions: 1. How do you get new clients? 2. How do you keep current clients? Aardvark Insurance Academy is devoted to finding innovative (& usually free) methods you can use to rejuvenate your agency. For example …

FREE VIDEO CREATOR SOFTWARE: At Aardvark Insurance Academy, we live by two basic philosophies: make it simple, and make it beautiful. And we're proud to offer you the simplest way to create the most beautiful videos online, whether for yourself, your friends, your family, or your business. FREE E-MAIL MARKETING SOFTWARE: This software features and integrations allow you to send marketing emails, automated messages, and targeted campaigns. And the detailed reports help you keep improving over time.

Scan QR Code to see FREE MOBILE SITE: Fully engage your visitors by building a fullyfunctional, smartphonefriendly mobile site in minutes with our Mobile Site Builder. Insert pictures, videos, maps, vCards, contact forms, or other elements. No programming skills required! FREE VIDEO E-MAIL: Software that offers everyone the ability to create and receive video messages in a selfcontained, spam-free environment. With no client to install, you can start using the software immediately with any browser, on any platform.

FREE WEB SITE: Check out the step-by-step tutorials to create your own free website, browse through the FAQs, and post your own questions for support. FREE EMBEDDED LINKS IN YOUTUBE VIDEOS: It’s no secret that online video is exploding. According to Cisco, more than 90% of Internet traffic is video. Companies today understand they need to do more than just put videos on their website and share them on social networks. They need to find a way to drive more engagements while people are actually viewing their videos – in other words, they need to turn viewers into customers.

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Steve’s Best of 2016 continued from page 8 Canva allows you to embed a YouTube video directly into your presentation. Once you come to the slide with the embedded video, you can just click and have it start playing. You can also embed a web page within your presentation. If you have not used Canva, I would highly recommend you give it a try. It is quick, easy to use, and inexpensive. It’ll make your images look like they have been created by a graphic designer. There are a number of alternatives to using PowerPoint as your presentation tool. Canva is simply one of them that is worth exploring. In a future issue I’ll highlight some of the other options. What tools do you use to create compelling presentations? Let me know.

5. Outsource Small Projects with Fiverr Fiverr is an online marketplace that offers services starting at just five dollars. You can use Fiverr to create a new logo, video introduction, infographic, or have a whiteboard drawing video created for use in your marketing. The possibilities are endless. Link to the article.

I have written previously about how to use an online service like Canva to create compelling images easily. However, often you just don’t have the time to spend on creating a great graphic, much less the expertise. There are other available options. Some websites provide you with easy, quick, and inexpensive access to people who do have the time and the expertise to create the marketing material you need to stand out. Fiverr.com is one option I have personally used. Fiverr is a website where people do things for $5. You know, a “fiver.” There are thousands of people you can hire to create just about anything you need. Be aware – there are some weird things on the site that people will do for $5. However, don’t pay attention to those, unless you have some time to kill. A word of warning. Be careful whom you work with and what they provide to you. For example, I would not provide anyone from Fiverr access to any online accounts (your website for example). And if someone is creating an image that looks too good to be true, it might have been “borrowed” from someone’s copyrighted material. Make sure you do some research. Continued on page 12

There are many pieces that go into creating a consistent brand impression. The rise of social platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram require eye-catching images. You want and need your agency to get noticed in a noisy world. AccuAgency Aardvark Insurance Academy

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February 2017

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Steve’s Best of 2016 continued from page 10

 Video introductions: I have used Fiverr to create a nice looking video intro and outro. Many providers can add your agency name and information to their canned videos. It is quick and easy – and inexpensive. You can choose from a wide variety of stock templates and for a bit more money you will find something very nice.  Whiteboard drawing videos: Whiteboard videos have become very popular and are quite fun. They can be great at explaining complicated insurance topics. They are simply someone writing text or drawing a little figure on a white background. Personally, I think this is an excellent way to communicate tricky insurance concepts that you can add to your website.  Infographics: While I might be a bit tired of infographics, they do seem to work at getting attention. Using Fiverr could be a great way to experiment with this type of image. If you decide to try Fiverr, here are some tips for the best experience:

Here are some ideas for what you might want someone on Fiverr to do for you:  Logo creation: Design professionals will kind of cringe a little bit at this suggestion. Getting a logo done for $5 is not a good idea if you are trying to grow a professional and distinctive business. But, if you just need a logo for a new product/service/process, then getting logos done on the cheap could be a good move. Again, be aware of any copyright issues. Make sure to look at the comments and reviews for the designer you might hire. Aardvark Insurance Academy

 They are not all just $5: I have never paid just $5 for a “gig.” Some of the higher quality items on Fiverr will charge you more by saying an item is worth multiple gigs.  Watch the ETA: When you order a gig, you’ll see that they have estimated times of delivery. Make sure you check that before you buy to make sure it fits your schedule. Often, quicker delivery will cost more.

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Continued on page 12 February 2017

More Tips & “How-To” videos at http://www.aardvarkinsuranceacademy.com Steve’s Best of 2016 continued from page 11 Contact them first: There is a contact button under the gig description for every item. Always communicate with the seller before you pay the money to make sure they are a good fit for your project.  Leave feedback and answer messages: Fiverr seems to reward responsiveness. If you plan on using it regularly, make sure you reply to messages and leave feedback as quickly as possible. Puts you in good standing.  Be careful: Use the platform for all communication and for delivering the money. There is a reason sites like Fiverr ask you to do everything in a transparent and on-site way. Have you used Fiverr or a similar service? What has been your experience? Let me know. 6. Pay Your Bills By Emailing Checks Deluxe Checks has created a secure process — called Deluxe eChecksPro — that allows you to send a check to anyone with an email address to pay your bills. Eliminate a FedEx charge by emailing a check to an E&S broker to bind coverage. You only pay per check sent. Link to the article.

2. Create a single check to send or set up to send multiple checks. It is also easy to send batch check runs by exporting a CSV file from your accounting software and uploading it to the eChecksPro service. With just a few clicks, you can deliver any number of checks quickly and easily. 3. Before you send a check via email, I recommend you send a separate email explaining how the process works. 4. Once the check(s) are created, the eCheckPro platform will send an email to the individual with a link allowing them to go to the eCheckPro site, retrieve and print the check. 5. Once printed, the eCheck contains the same elements as a regular paper check, including routing number, account number, signature, amount, payee, and check number. 6. The printed check(s) can be deposited as it normally would using Remote Deposit Capture by scanning, taking a picture with your smartphone, or just taking the check to the bank as part of your regular daily deposit.

I’ve written extensively about the need for insurance agents to accept electronic payments. It seems that everywhere you look there is a new electronic payment service available such as Apple, Google, Amazon, Strip, and who knows how many others. To help explain the issues involved, I wrote a white paper detailing why now is the time to update your payment process. Being able to pay your agency bills electronically has previously not been easy or possible – until now. Deluxe Checks has created a secure process — called Deluxe eChecksPro — that allows you to send a check to anyone with an email address to pay your bills. You may know Deluxe Check as the company that sends the little box of paper checks when you open a bank account. And, yes, you read that correctly. I can now send a check payment to anyone with an email address, virtually instantaneously, using the Deluxe eCheck platform. Here’s how it works: 1. Create an eChecksPro account. Signing up for an account is free and takes just a few minutes. Once you’ve created an account, add a checking account and select the quantity of checks that’s right for you (the first five are FREE) so you can begin sending and receiving checks. The Separation of Controls feature allows you to add other users with specific authorizations that you, as the owner of the account, can choose. Aardvark Insurance Academy

It took me a bit of due diligence before I was willing to talk about the service. I have received checks via email and deposited them successfully. I have also started to use this service to send a check to others for payment of an invoice. To receive your five (5) free checks, set up your account, verify your banking information (there is a video showing the process) and select the “Starter Checkbook.” The cost of using the eCheckPro platform is about $0.50 per check sent. The per-check price decreases with the more checks you purchase at one time. That equals the cost of the stamp you use to mail the check. Seem like a deal to me.

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February 2017

More Tips & “How-To” videos at http://www.aardvarkinsuranceacademy.com Steve’s Best of 2016 continued from page 12 The eCheckPro service from Deluxe is also an interesting example of an old firm learning how to reinvent their service to be relevant in the digital age. We could stand to learn from them.

and spam filters. The instructions are in basic HTML and can be downloaded and hosted on your website, or converted to an email you can send as a follow-up when someone subscribes to your newsletter. (Firefox browser is recommended.)

What are you doing to reinvent your service so you too can be relevant in the digital age? Let me know.

7. Ensure Email Delivery By Sending Whitelisting Instructions The primary method we use to communicate with clients is email. It is important to make sure your email ends up in your client's inbox. One way to do that is to send every client instructions on how to whitelist your agency email address. This TechTip highlights a free website — Email Delivery Jedi — that helps you create whitelist instructions for virtually any email service your customer uses. Link to the article. Email has become the primary method we use to communicate with others. It is important to make sure the emails you send are received by the other party.

Use Firefox browser to create your whitelist instruction page

Spam (unwanted email) is a big problem and has made the process of making sure your email is received a bit more complicated. Many tools help manage and block unwanted email from your inbox. Most agencies have some type of spam filter on their incoming email. So do your customers. Your incoming emails could be considered unwanted spam by your customer’s spam filter.

The site says that none of your information is recorded or maintained anywhere.

Practicing proper email etiquette is one way to help make sure your emails are received in your customer’s inbox. Another is providing instructions to your clients on how to “whitelist” your emails with their Internet Service Provider (ISP) to make sure they are received.

8. Google Adds Video Chat for Any Device

Whitelisting is the simple process of your client telling their email service provider that they do want to receive emails from you. The complication is that every email provider has a different method by which the user whitelists your incoming email address. There are several opportunities, especially at the start of an email relationship, to encourage your clients to whitelist. This can be on the sign-up form, thank you page or in a welcome message. I have discovered a free website – Email Delivery Jedi – that helps you create whitelist instructions for virtually any email service your customer uses.

Providing whitelisting instructions to new email subscribers is one way to make sure your emails are received. What steps do you take to improve your email delivery? Let me know.

Recently, Google released a new one-to-one videocalling app called Duo that is available for both the Android and iOS platforms. Think FaceTime for any platform. The app requires Android 4.1 or later, or iOS 9.0 or later. Link to the article. Video calling is big and getting bigger. Steve Jobs introduced Apple FaceTime in June 2010 with the release of the iPhone 4 that included a frontfacing camera. Over the past six years, FaceTime has improved significantly as a communication tool – if both parties have an iPhone. Initially, I did not think FaceTime was a very useful communication tool. Who would want to see the other person when they talked? And, it was a closed system requiring an iPhone, which left out 75% of the population.

To create your customized whitelist instructions, just complete a form on the site with your email information and click the “Create My Whitelist” button.

One thing has changed my attitude. Grandkids! Continued on page 14

The resulting page will contain a detailed set of email whitelist instructions for all major ISPs, mobile devices, Aardvark Insurance Academy

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February 2017

More Tips & “How-To” videos at http://www.aardvarkinsuranceacademy.com Steve’s Best of 2016 continued from page 13 My two grandsons live in Pittsburgh, and we don’t get to visit them in person very often. However, Karen (and me when I am around) FaceTimes with them several times a week. It truly is amazing. And, when we do see them in person they know who we are because they have seen us so much. Using video to engage and interact with both clients and prospects is becoming a valuable tool for you to consider using. I have written before in TechTips about the importance of experimenting with video in your agency. Last month Google released a new one-to-one video calling app called Duo that is available for both the Android and iOS platforms.

video app — quality will depend on your actual connection speed. There are some phone requirements to be able to use Duo. Based on information in the Google Play marketplace, Duo requires Android 4.1 or later to work. For Apple, users can run Duo on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch, but will need iOS 9.0 or later installed. Google has stated that the application was built “with an emphasis on privacy and security.” To support that statement, Google said that all video calls between users are “end-to-end encrypted.” In other words, there is no way for third parties, including law enforcement and even Google, to see what two users are chatting about on Duo. The Google Duo app is free, and there are no in-app purchases necessary. Video is a compelling way to build relationships when you just can’t be there in person. You may not think you have very many clients at this point who want to talk with you on a video call, but you may be surprised when you offer this as one option. Have you used Google Duo yet? What has been your experience? What other video chat options have you tried? Let me know. 9. Update Your Website Security or Risk Becoming Invisible on the Web Google is taking a hard stance on unsecure Internet sites. Your agency website needs to add security for it to continue to be visible in search results. This TechTip explains the steps you can take to make sure your site is in compliance. Link to the article. Providing proper security on your website is always an important factor for insurance agencies. It is now more important than ever.

Google designed the app to make it straightforward and easy to access your contacts quickly with a single tap. This allows you to request a video call with another Duo user across platforms. The app does not yet support Windows 10 Mobile. You can use both WiFi networks and/or your LTE cellular data regardless of your particular carrier. The app can switch to and from WiFi easily without ever losing your connection. Google Duo includes a “Knock Knock” feature that alerts users to an incoming call. The recipient then has the ability to look at a preview of the video call before deciding whether to answer. It’s an especially useful tool when someone receives a call from a person he or she doesn’t know, and isn’t sure why they’re calling. In a blog post, Google says the app technology is designed specifically to deliver high-quality video across both WiFi and LTE. Just be aware that — like any other Aardvark Insurance Academy

Google has announced significant changes in how the security of an individual website will affect search engine results and the visibility of a particular website on a Google search results page. Beginning in January, Google will start marking websites and individual web pages that don’t have adequate security as “nonsecure.” You can tell the security level of the Internet site by its URL (the site’s online address). Traditionally, the website address begins with “http:” which indicates an unsecured connection. A secure website adds an “s” to the address (https:) indicating information sent between your computer and the web host is secured. Initially, the changes will be focused on website pages that use forms to capture personally identifiable information.

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February 2017

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Google uses website security as a factor in search engine optimization (SEO). While there are over 200 factors that go into determining where your agency is displayed on a search results, website security is becoming a much more important factor.

There are two areas where this could impact your agency website. 1. The Chrome Browser Chrome currently displays HTTP connections with a neutral indicator (see image below).

You can assume if your website does not have an SSL security certificate then it will become invisible to anyone using Google to search for insurance coverage information. Steps You Can Take 1. Contact your website host provider to determine the steps necessary to add a security certificate to your site. While there is a cost to add a security certificate, it is well worth it.

When you load a website over HTTP, someone else on the network can look at or modify the site before it gets to you. In an article announcing the changes, Google said that more than half of Chrome desktop page loads are now served over the more secure HTTPS connection. In January 2017 the Chrome browser will display the “not secure” indicator as shown in the graphic below.

2. Review any forms you have on your website to determine if there is a better (and more secure) way to capture personal information. 3. For personal lines, if you use a comparative rating platform explore the option of adding their client rating portal to your website. The sooner you take the necessary steps to secure your agency website, the better positioned you will be in January when these changes begin to take effect. You will also be communicating to your clients and prospects that your agency takes the security of their information seriously. Has your agency already secured your website? What tips would you give to other agents who are just starting the process? Let me know.

10. Sell All Insurance Coverages to All Your Clients Their plan to label HTTP sites more clearly and accurately as non-secure will take place in gradual steps, based on increasingly stringent criteria. Eventually, Google plans to mark all HTTP pages as non-secure and change the security indicator to the red triangle that is currently used for broken HTTPS connections. While this change only affects the Chrome browser from Google, it is the most popular desktop, mobile, and tablet browser in the United States. 2. Search Results Page The second — and perhaps more important — result of this change is how your agency website security will affect your company being displayed on a Google search results page.

On average, consumers purchase up to seven (7) different types of insurance coverage. Are you selling them all? Health Partners Solution provides a way for your agency to efficiently provide less common insurance coverages that your clients may be purchasing. Link to the article. The best way to increase client retention is to make sure you provide all the insurance products your customer wants and needs. Most agencies do a good job of selling the traditional personal lines coverage like home, auto and, perhaps, an umbrella. On average, consumers purchase up to seven (7) different types of insurance coverage. According to the latest information I have, the average number of policies per personal lines account in a typical P&C agency is only 1.4. Continued on page 16

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The Health Partners Solution

This low average count means your clients are purchasing some (most) of their insurance products from someone else. There is an extensive list of insurance coverage people buy which many insurance agents are not actively selling. This includes:  Pet Insurance (still the fastest growing insurance product) 

Life Insurance

Accident Insurance

The goal of Health Partners America (HPA) is to simplify the individual insurance market for their insurance agency partners. HPA provides a streamlined, customizable online platform for you to handle all aspects of the individual insurance market efficiently. Their platform includes a professional call center that is licensed in all 50 states, securing the best rates and commissions from over 100 carriers. They handle the entire process from carrier appointments to customer enrollment. Here is how this service can work for your agency:

 Individual Health Insurance (on and off exchange) 

Short-Term Medical

Dental and Vision Insurance

 Critical Illness Insurance (high deductible plans make this attractive) 

Medicare Supplement Coverage

Travel Insurance

Your agency signs up as an HPA Partner.

 You select a website URL you will use as your agency-branded individual insurance marketing and sales portal.  HPA creates your website portal based on your brand requirements.  You choose the specific products you want to offer to your existing clients and prospects that find you online.

 Rental Car Collision Damage Waiver (why do agents tell their clients to buy from the rental car company?)

 An 800 phone number is included on the website and is answered with your agency name.

 Wedding Insurance (I purchased two policies when my two daughters were married) For most insurance agents, the problem with selling these coverages is you cannot afford to market and promote them. It is simply too expensive. Your staff does not have the time to take these calls and educate your clients on the coverages. You don’t make enough commission to justify the time.

The cost to the agency for the customized website portal and monthly maintenance (including the call center services) is $100 per month. If the agency has a life and health license, you will receive a share of the revenue generated from HPA. If you are not licensed, you will receive a referral fee. HPA created a demo website for me so you can see what your agency site might look like.

Add to this problem the slimming commissions and carrier fluxes, and it is hard to provide a comprehensive market solution to your individual clients efficiently. At least that is what agency owners think. Fortunately, there is a solution. There are practical online solutions that streamline the marketing and sales process for every product mentioned above. Is your agency taking full advantage of the options? Effectively using the Internet as your marketing tool and outsourcing the sales process allows you to help your client by selling them what they want to buy. The best way to retain clients is to make sure you provide all the coverages they want to buy. Today, I want to highlight one option for outsourcing individual medical and voluntary insurance products. While there are multiple outsourcing options, after some detailed research I have come across a company I am comfortable recommending that will take over this process for you at a very reasonable cost. Continued on page 17 Aardvark Insurance Academy

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February 2017

More Tips & “How-To” videos at http://www.aardvarkinsuranceacademy.com Steve’s Best of 2016 continued from page 16 In case you are wondering, the Auto & Home button can send anyone interested directly to your agency website to get more information or a quote. Check out the full description of the solution. Here are some ideas on ways your agency could take advantage of this type of outsourcing solution. Pick and choose coverages: If you already have a process to sell some of the coverages available, continue to use your same process and just select the specific products you want to offer through the portal. I might suggest you look at the current cost for handling the sales process yourself. It may be more cost effective to outsource this part of your agency. Individual health: Only choose the individual health line of coverage to provide access to those people needing individual health coverage. It is hard to keep up to date with carrier appointments and the expertise required to sell individual health insurance market. Cross sell: Internally market the availability of these additional coverages to your existing clients in newsletters, outgoing emails and on your website by providing a link to your portal. Supplement group business: You sell the group benefits to businesses and then use the HPA portal as an outlet to pick up all of the non-benefit eligible employees. Alternatively, add a voluntary insurance option for employees to your overall plan. It would be a good way of providing voluntary insurance coverages to all employees easily maximizing your revenue. Maximizing agency revenue and increasing client retention will benefit your agency. Using an outsourcing solution like HPA just makes sense.

THE AGENCY ADVANTAGE PROMOTES CUMMINGS AND GIBSON Promotions Set Stage for Anticipated Growth DACULA, GEORGIA (February 1, 2017) - The Agency Advantage, a leading agency management software vendor to the Property and Casualty insurance industry, announced the following promotions: Steven R. (Russ) Cummings has been promoted to Executive Vice-President and Lisa M. Gibson to Chief Operating Officer. “Russ has been an integral part of our success and we are excited to promote him to this important position,” said Tom Preston, President of The Agency Advantage. Mr. Cummings joined The Agency Advantage in May of 1999 as an intern and steadily rose through several support, development and management positions. Mr. Cummings holds a Bachelor of Science, Management Information Systems from Auburn University and a Master of Education, Instructional Technology from the University of West Georgia. He is a Rotary club member and past member of the City Council of Roanoke, AL.

What tools has your agency found to help you sell all types of insurance to your clients? Let me know.

Mrs. Gibson joined The Agency Advantage in July of 2015 as a software trainer and quickly demonstrated the ability to oversee many other areas of the company. Mrs. Gibson was previously with ACOM Solutions in their Training and Support department.

As I mentioned at the beginning, these are based on my personal preference and comments made by subscribers, and are not listed in any particular order.

“Lisa is the person that holds the many facets of our daily operation together and keeps us all on track and we are thankful that she is a member of our team,” said Mr. Preston.

What TechTip from 2016 had the biggest impact on your productivity? Let me know.

The Agency Advantage provides agency management software to Independent Insurance Agencies across the USA. The company’s web site is www.agencyadvantage.com.

For anyone who wants to increase revenue or reduce expenses https://techtips.steveanderson.com

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February 2017

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Moving coverage to a new carrier – here’s an example what can happen The backdrop on this E&O claim involves an account the agency had to replace due to the prior policy being non-renewed as it was no longer within the carrier’s appetite. Although this was a tough account, the agency was able to find replacement coverage. During the course of the proposal, the producer advised the client the policy terms of the new coverage were the same as those provided under the expiring policy. The coverage is bound. At the end of the policy period, the new carrier issued a premium audit notice to the client. The client was expecting this as they were aware of the subject to audit provision. However, during the audit, the new carrier asked for payroll information concerning one of the client’s subsidiaries. The client immediately contacted the producer asking why the carrier was asking for subsidiary information when the old carrier NEVER asked for this? As soon as the client asked the question, the producer remembered that despite the question on the application asking for the payroll for both the parent and subsidiaries, the prior carrier had agreed that the client’s payroll audit would not include this particular subsidiary’s operations because the operations were ancillary to the main operations of the parent. Of course, the new carrier never agreed to this arrangement and eventually required the client to pay an additional premium of $100,000. The client subsequently brought an E&O claim against the agency to recover the $100,000. Five years later, the matter is still in litigation. What can be learned from this real-life E&O claim? Actually, there are a few solid lessons to be learned.

Also make sure marketing is aware of the special circumstances where appropriate. 2) Be extremely careful about representing that new terms are the same as expiring, because “terms” includes not only the wording of the policy itself, but how the carrier interprets the words. 3) When moving coverage to a new carrier, give thought about the policy terms that carriers can interpret differently, the audit terms being an example. Moving coverage to a new carrier is not as easy as it sounds. The agency should have a checklist to ensure that the necessary review is completed. More E&O Tips at http://www.agentseotips.com

Attention: Insurance Companies, MGA’s, Premium Finance Companies & Insurance Industry Vendors: Check out the rates for the most cost effective method of keeping your message in front of your customers … The Independent Insurance Agent. Ad Size

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Questions? Contact Eddie K. Emmett at eddie@fyiexpress.com or (770) 312-2342. HU

1) Keep a running note/list in the file of any special circumstances / agreements relative to an insured’s coverage and make it a point to review that information on every renewal.

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February 2017


Go to www.EandOQuote.com for more information

More Tips & “How-To� videos at http://www.aardvarkinsuranceacademy.com subscription to help prepare for the meeting and then consider using the following letter to set up an appointment. Scheduling an Appointment

What is an Appraisal Clause? First, clearly identify the problem. Then move forward in finding the solution The Producer Online IN ACTION is a monthly reminder of how you can turn the knowledge gained from The Producer Online into powerful sales opportunities. It was complicated. North Glenn had a loss in 2009 and was paid by State Farm without dispute but North Glenn did not use the money to fully repair the property. A second loss occurred in 2011. Some of the damage was to the unrepaired property and State Farm determined that they owed nothing because the covered loss was less than the deductible. North Glenn didn't agree and wanted to use the appraisal condition in order to determine what coverage should apply. State Farm refused to honor the appraisal request.

First things first

The appraisal condition or clause is part of most property-related coverages because it provides a process to resolve differences of opinions without involving a court. Each side selects its own competent and impartial expert and those experts then agree upon an umpire. The umpire has the final decision if the two experts cannot agree. Click here to read the PF&M analysis of the ISO Homeowners Appraisal Condition and the ISO Commercial Property Appraisal Loss Condition.

Conditions - neglected but not forgotten

North Glenn Homeowners Association sustained hail damage as a result of the July 15, 2009 storm. Their insurance carrier paid them approximately $125,000 for the damage. The Association decided to fix a portion of the hail damage and the remaining balance of the settlement was used to make other repairs and improvements. State Farm only discovered this when they arrived to settle another claim for wind and hail that occurred on March 22, 2011. State Farm decided that their portion of the new claim was under the deductible so did not make any payment. North Glenn wanted to activate the Appraisal Clause but State Farm refused and argued that the clause didn't apply because damage for the covered loss did not exceed the policy deductible. Click here to see how the appellate court ruled.

Explaining before the loss Have you ever scheduled an appointment with your customer to talk about what their policy actually says? It could be an important visit that might cement your relationship for years to come. Use your PF&M Aardvark Insurance Academy

All policies start with a very broad insuring agreement that is narrowed considerably over the next 5 to 40 or more pages. Unfortunately, the only parts of the policy that may be read are the coverage descriptions and the exclusions. This cursory reading leads to gaps and mistakes. When a loss occurs, the most important part for an insured may be the conditions, especially the loss conditions. These spell out the responsibilities, of both parties. If either fails to meet its obligations, a breach of contract can occur. The insurance company knows their responsibilities so it is the insured that is often unfamiliar with his or her responsibilities that may breach and lose the coverage without even realizing it. Click here to read the PF&M Analysis that describes and explains the ISO Homeowners and the ISO Commercial Property Duties of the Insured following a loss conditions.

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February 2017

For 135 years Rough Notes has been dedicated to making you a better agent. Become the coverage expert with the Producer Online-Plus Producer Online-Plus Includes Commercial Lines Risk Evaluation Survey Personal Lines Risk Evaluation Survey Policy Form & Manual Analysis Coverages Applicable The Insurance Marketplace Marketplace Cybercast

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More Tips & “How-To” videos at http://www.aardvarkinsuranceacademy.com Dancing IS a contact sport." - Duffy Daugherty / Michigan State

The Big Game "Gentlemen, it is better to have died a small boy than to fumble the football" - John Heisman "I make my practices real hard because if a player is a quitter, I want him to quit in practice, not in a game." Bear Bryant / Alabama "It isn't necessary to see a good tackle, you can hear it! Knute Rockne / Notre Dame "At Georgia Southern, we don't cheat. That costs money, and we don't have any." - Erik Russell / Georgia Southern

After USC lost 51-0 to Notre Dame, his post-game message to his team was, "All those who need showers, take them." - John McKay / USC "If lessons are learned in defeat, our team is getting a great education. - Murray Warmath / Minnesota "The only qualifications for a lineman are to be big and dumb. To be a back, you only have to be dumb." Knute Rockne / Notre Dame "We live one day at a time and scratch where it itches." - Darrell Royal / Texas

"The man who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely to be the one who dropped it." - Lou Holtz / Arkansas - Notre Dame

"We didn't tackle well today, but we made up for it by not blocking." - John McKay / USC

"When you win, nothing hurts." - Joe Namath / Alabama

"I've found that prayers work best when you have big players." - Knute Rockne / Notre Dame

"A school without football is in danger of deteriorating into a medieval study hall." - Frank Leahy / Notre Dame

Ohio State’s Urban Meyer on one of his players: “He doesn't know the meaning of the word fear. In fact, I just saw his grades and he doesn't know the meaning of a lot of words.

"There's nothing that cleanses your soul like getting the hell kicked out of you." - Woody Hayes / Ohio State "I don't expect to win enough games to be put on NCAA probation. I just want to win enough to warrant an investigation." - Bob Devaney / Nebraska "In Alabama, an atheist is someone who doesn't believe in Bear Bryant." - Wally Butts / Georgia "I never graduated from Iowa. But I was only there for two terms - Truman's and Eisenhower's." - Alex Karras / Iowa "My advice to defensive players is to take the shortest route to the ball, and arrive in a bad humor. - - Bowden Wyatt / Tennessee "I could have been a Rhodes Scholar except for my grades." - Duffy Daugherty / Michigan State

Call Eddie K. Emmett at (770) 312-2342 or send an e-mail to eddie@fyiexpress.com.

"Always remember Goliath was a 40 point favorite over David." - Shug Jordan / Auburn "I asked Darrell Royal, the coach of the Texas Longhorns, why he didn't recruit me." He said, “Well, Walt, we took a look at you, and you weren't any good." - Walt Garrison / Oklahoma State "Son, you've got a good engine, but your hands aren't on the steering wheel." - Bobby Bowden / Florida State "Football is NOT a contact sport, it is a collision sport. Aardvark Insurance Academy

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