Mission Mary Kay

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E M AT I L & C TS NY A GH P OM & INSI NESS C RE 0 0 3 W OT WA S A 4 D N 00 K B R A E LO O 5 0 0 N ID CE INS EPTIO 6 0 IEN C 0 D R U A PE 0 0 8 A RG E T T 009




EA EW G ID VERVI I B Y IA O RATEG 010 D E M A ST 011 E D I H A RT M 0 1 2 LOWC F 013


DIA ME L AL CIA GIT O I S D & 015 RINT ON I DS P S I RA 016 ELEV E P N AP T AN &B 017 OBILE E IT M RO S 018 S C I BU S M HIP Y S 9 R T 1 E U 0 B E A PA RT N 0 2 0 & PR ION 0 2 1 X PA N S E 023



N OW D K NKS REA T B A H T GE EN LT BUD U R E M P E C I A 4 2 S 0 AS S& ME E 5 C 2 R 0 SOU 026



RESEARCH EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Everyone is on a mission, an active quest for achievement. Mary Kay Ash provided an opportunity for women to thrive independently. Today, Independent Beauty Consultants (IBCs) adopt her philosophy of caring, personalized service and enriching women’s lives to achieve their personal missions. Generation Y (Gen Y) is confident, open to change and wants to connect to companies with similar goals. Mission: Mary Kay engages Gen Y in the personalized journey Ash developed. Strategy Is Success Advertising (SIS) presents a multifaceted campaign that embraces Mary Kay Ash’s philosophy — a place where young women, have the opportunity to live out their mission. Mission: Mary Kay recalls the foundation and progression of the brand, while propelling it into the future. By preserving the brand’s 50 plus year legacy, we are both appeasing the target’s affinity for nostalgia and advancing Mary Kay’s progressive origins. The campaign is a call to action — we offer an interactive platform for women to develop and achieve their own personal missions.

S U R V E Y S 1,402 I N T E R V I E W S 76 I B C I N T E R V I E W S 32 P A R T I E S H O S T E D & A T T E N D E D 26 S E C O N D A R Y R E S E A R C H A R T I C L E S 276 FOCUS GROUPS & EVENTS 5

Every aspect of our campaign is rooted in extensive research. We tested our creative concepts, conducted focus groups and in-depth interviews, analyzed secondary research, hosted and attended parties, held events and attended the Annual Mary Kay Leadership Conference. We know this year-long campaign will succeed.



Af fordable product line Fle xible business model Activ e Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Div erse product portfolio Exclusiv e purchase method

Our research indicates that our target views Mary Kay as outdated and not in their “evoked set” of cosmetic brands. Although Mary Kay designed the At Play line for Gen Y, the target is not engaged. Further isolating the brand from the target’s purchase considerations.

“I think of Mary Kay targeting an older generation of women who like to use their products.” Lauren C., 22


• Poor brand perce ption • Outdated brand persona • Behind industr y innovations


• Product customization and e xpansion • Infor m Gen Y of e xisting CSR ef forts • Emphasize the benefits of IBC lifestyle


• Competition is more accessible • Gen Y consumers shy a way from the direct selling method

“[Mary Kay] is not a makeup brand I gravitate towards, although I do have a few of their products. It’s not something I go out of my way to purchase.” Paige H., 20

“I’ve never even used it. It doesn’t seem like makeup that is relevant to me.” Veronica G., 19


Our team asked Gen Y consumers,

How important are a company’s corporate social responsibility efforts to you?


BRAND AW A R E N E S S We will connect with Gen Y by communicating the lesser-known aspects of the brand — the convenience of the IBC, the product and the values of Mary Kay Inc. Based on our research Gen Y connects

with businesses practicing good Corporate Social Responsibility. The target demands “something more” from their job. Cone Inc. surveys

I think it’s huge because it shows you what type of company they are. If they don’t have social responsibility, I wouldn’t want to be a part of them or buy anything from that brand.

Diana M., 21

“ “

I think it means a lot when a company actually cares about the customer and not just what they are making money from.

Doireann D., 20

I look to corporations who like to give back to the community somehow.

that “cares about how it impacts and contributes to society.” Gen Y also isn’t aware of the affordable, customizable products available. They are uninformed that IBCs provide personalized service.

This survey result indicates that awareness is not an issue with Gen Y, but they are still not buying Mary Kay. Never heard of it


Heard of it Bought it

985 187

Liked it


Use it regularly

62 0






This survey result indicates that Gen Y is purchasing more cosmetics for less than $20, putting At Play as the perfect price point. $$ (around 10-20) $$$ (around 50-100) $$$$ ( over 100 )

Emma A., 18

found that three out of four millennials want to work for a company

$$ ( under 10 ) RESEARCH // 004



Founded by Mary Kay Ash in 1963, the company employs more than 3 million IBCs in 35+ countries. Mary Kay developed the company’s mission to enrich women’s lives based on the Golden Rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This philosophy is maintained through various corporate social responsibility initiatives and an exclusive purchasing method.

Rather than save for an expensive product, Gen Y impulsively purchases less-expensive cosmetics more frequently. Valuing affordability, convenience and customization, our target actively seeks new companies to trust and research products before purchasing. Mary Kay offers Gen Y premium products tailored to their finances, standards, and lifestyle. Through the IBC’s exclusive service, they can receive the quality and personalization they desire.

75% of Gen Y want to work for a company that cares about how it impacts and contributes to society 65% of women surveyed consider themselves brand conscious

89% of Gen Y prefer to work when and where they choose

58% love to shop compared to 40% of adults overall


SIS Advertising used multiple touch points to research Mary Kay, Inc. This included.... • Ash’s Biography • IBC training materials • Attending weekly training meetings Our greatest insight was attending the Mary Kay 40th Annual Leadership Conference. The conference celebrated the triumphs of Mary Kay beauty leaders. Throughout the conference we interacted with IBCs from all walks of life that shared stories of success and business insights. Our handson interaction with Mary Kay leaders proved that the company still upholds Ash’s original vision: women’s empowerment.


t he bu m bl ebee

shouldn't be able to fly,

but the bumblebee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway.


There are three types of people in the world: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who wonder ‘ w h a t h a p p en ed ? ’


Independent Sales Director, Laura Prottsman, wanted us to see why she is so invested in Mary Kay. Laura emphasized that the company is more than just makeup. The ways to be empowered through the brand extends beyond selling products.



The reason women are so successful in this company is because they build it on their own terms, their own time, and according to what works for them ... There’s not one way to do Mary Kay because we are not all the same; you do what works for you.

By experiencing Mary Kay’s leadership through multiple resources and on a grand scale with the Leadership Conference, we found that everyone is the face of Mary Kay.

Its more than a shade of lipstick, it’s more than a pink car, it’s more than products and it’s more than the image that we put forth, and it sounds silly when you aren’t on the inside I think - but it’s a vehicle that’s used to change women’s lives.


Angela Stoker - Independent Executive National Sales Director


Like Laura, Mary Kay gave Canadian Independent National Sells Director, Angie Stoker, the confidence to share her personal story. Mary Kay provided Stoker a platform to connect with women around the world. The company gave her the tools and taught her how to succeed independently.



Though we initially perceived direct-selling companies as Mary Kay’s biggest competition, our research revealed retail and speciality stores as the primary market for Gen Y. Mary Kay’s competition resides predominantly in cosmetic companies with common characteristics, including:

• CSR • Sleek packaging • High quality products

• Trusted reputation • Convenient customization • Easily identifiable


We designed a product test focus group to determine how our target viewed the Mary Kay At Play line and its packaging. The feedback we received includes:

I could mix and match myself or ” I wish have the colors separated so I can use the makeup at different times.” -Ariana L., 20











There are no neutrals and it’s too ” sparkly. I think shine is better than sparkle ... like the [Urban Decay] Naked palettes. ” -Michelle N., 19

” I get the ‘@ play’ but it doesn’t say makeup to me. It’s not charming and it doesn’t make me feel pretty. ”

-Charlotte A., 20

” I really like the makeup remover packaging. I wish the rest looked that that. When you’re this age you’re not trying to be young you want stuff that’s a little more mature.

-Jessica L., 21 RESEARCH // 008


AGENTS The primary target for this campaign, Gen Y, is broken into three segments: Chloe, Alex and Lauren. Our secondary target is Mary Kay’s existing customers. Our relatable messaging is focused on engaging the primary target without alienating the secondary audience. All three personas multitask because they lead full lives. They seek stability and flexibility while balancing work, school and relationships. These women are in key life stages, each with different missions. Regardless of Chloe, Alex and Lauren’s individual life stages, they are bound by a universal mission to find affordable, convenient and personalized cosmetics. The resourcefulness and entrepreniual spirit of these beauty explorers connects them as Ambitious Agents.




Chloe is a beauty guru on the hunt for the latest trends. Always confident and connected, her mission is to build her personal brand in her career and online. A regular at Fashion Week, Chloe uses her blog to translate the runway into convenient looks for her followers.

Alex’s mission is to transition into adulthood by balancing her work and personal life. She consciously seeks guidance from beauty gurus and personalizes their advice for her busy lifestyle.

Lauren’s personal mission is to socialize and develop self-identity. Her personal style and purchasing habits are directly influenced by her friends’ opinions and what is popular throughout mainstream culture.

25- 2 2


20-18 RESEARCH // 009



BIG IDEA Our target is on an active quest to achieve their goals. Mary Kay is the vehicle that drives their ambition. Mission: Mary Kay recalls Ash’s corporate foundation, while embracing the target’s aspirations. An ongoing initiative, Mission: Mary Kay ignites the existing proactivity of Gen Y. Each person’s path to empowerment is different and the paths are diverse as the target. Mission: Mary Kay meets everyeone where they are in life. The Ambitious Agents who make up our primary segment are boldly independent. In the same way that secret agents exude the confidence neccesary to take on any mission, Chloe, Alex and Lauren represent the strength and ingeniuty of Gen Y. Mary Kay fills the gap between where our target currently stands and where they aspire to be. Our campaign embraces the juxtaposition between the long-held traditions of Mary Kay as a brand and the contemporary lifestyles of the primary target.



an active quest for acheivement STRATEGY // 010



Through our behaviorally, demographically and contextually targeted campaign we expect to:

With the $10 million, we designed a media plan that aims to increase purchases of Mary Kay products. We plan to raise the awareness among our target and their perception of Mary Kay through interaction with the brand by integrating traditional and nontraditional media. Change in perception leads to consideration. Our media strategy will align tactics through each stage of the consumer decision journey starting with consideration. The key is to have multiple tactics in each stage as every person uses and consumes media differently. To do this our traditional print, cable and broadcast media strategically placed throughout the year will be integrated with digital, web-based advertising and social media interactions.



Increase awareness of the Mary Kay brand and its benefits from 68% to 75% (8% increase) among Gen Y women ages 18-24


3 4


Increase positive perception by 10% of the Mary Kay brand among our target

Increase consideration of Mary Kay products among our target from 13% to 26% (50 % increase )

Increase consideration for product purchase through an IBC .





10 5

Reach Gen Y without alienating current customers

0 Feb















M E D I A STRATEG Y Our strategy is to target each of our identified operatives at their preferred media source for new beauty trends while digitally integrating the microsite and app. This timeline dramatizes when they each become aware of the campaign, establish their opinion, purchase product and become loyal to Mary Kay.









“Just picked up Vogue on my way to the office. Have you guys seen that new mod Mary Kay ad?!”

“Want to know my #MKMission? 200k followers by next year.”

@MaryKay @Hulu I loved the #MissionMK ad! I definitley need that Tuxedo pallette!

“Chatting with my IBC on the #MissionMK app. So excited to post tutorials from ny new haul!”

“It’s official: I’m an MK Beauty Agent! Check my channel for weekly vlogs with my fave @MaryKay products!”





AWARENESS @ChloeSays Everyone is talking about #MissionMK. Going to pick up Elle on my way to class.




@LiveLoveLauren “Just picked up Vogue on my way to the office. Have you guys seen that new mod Mary Kay ad?!”

CONSIDER @Alex_314 “LOVE the sleek feel to these MK ads in @ELLEmagazine. Gonna pin this for sure.”

CONSIDER @LiveLoveLauren “Loving all of these new @MaryKay pins. Making my own #MissionMK board ASAP.”

OPINION @Alex_314 “Watching @ScandalABC. OBSESSED with the new #MissionMK ads!”

OPINION @LiveLoveLauren “Just won that new @MaryKay masacara with #MyMissionSelfie. Thanks @Cosmopolitan!”

PURCHASE @Alex_314 “30 min. study break became 1 hr on @Buzzfeed + 2 hrs reading the @MaryKay trend report. Oops?”


LOYALTY @Alex_314 “Girls just wanna have FUND$. Just got my @MaryKay Agent Kit!My #MKmission: cover my books next semester.”

Our strategy is to target each of our identified operatives at their initial media source for beauty trends and updates. This timeline identifies when the individual views each media, trial of product, establishment of opinion, product purchase then loyalty to Mary Kay. Digital integration of the microsite and app, respectfully, will be available from each source.




“@Alex_314 Found out you’re an @MaryKay Agent. If I send a pic of my dress on the app can you give me some makeup suggestions?”

“First party= success. It’s great to be an @MaryKay Agent! Time for some serious retail therapy.”



Television Print Digital Social Media Partnership PR OOH Contingency Total



$3,000,000.00 $1,462,000.00 $4,480,000.00 $400,000.00 $100,000.00 $40,000.00 $0.00 $518,000.00 $10,000,000.00

17,837,000 23,698,000 742,721,000 500,000,000 500,00 N/A N/A N/A 1,284,756,000.00


ME DIA S TR A TE G Y DIGITAL Digital is the backbone of our campaign; Everything is integrated and supported by it. Research shows that the primary audience says they are constantly connected to the web through multiple devices and twice as likely to do so on a mobile device. The media strategy focuses heavily on various forms of digital media and campaign integration with other supporting media.

Display, Video, and Mobile Ad Networks

Video Hosting Sites

Paid Search/Search Display Retargeting

(Hulu, Youtube) Fifteen-and-30 second pre-roll and in-video advertisements are target based on related content viewed. Hulu ads coincide with the campaign launch and peak purchasing periods. Advertisements include integrated and choice-based ads that empower users. YouTube ads initially air sporadically to avoid oversaturation, then follow Hulu’s timeline. Both Hulu and Youtube enable quick and easy sharing capabilities in their advertisements.


Buzzfeed’s team will create custom, social content such as quizzes and lists appeal to target’s sense of humor and increases traffic to the app, considering 50 percent of content is viewed from a mobile device. The three waves of custom, Buzzfeed content are pushed due to their short, yet viral life-spans. Sixty-percent of Buzzfeed’s 100 plus million unique monthly visitors are our primary and secondary market. Seventy-five percent of readers visit Buzzfeed seeking content to share, making it an obvious choice for creative, integrated digital outreach.

Online Radio

Research shows the primary audience has moved towards online radio because of their constant connection to the Internet. Pandora and Spotify’s interactive ads, slide-down banners, radio spots and branded stations, will engage listeners. Branded summer playlists will engage the primary audience when they’re more likely to be free from obligations and appeal to our target’s taste in music. Ads accessible on mobile devices direct consumers to app, while web directs to microsite.

Specialized ad networks are optimized to better the target female 18-24 interest/purchaser of beauty products. Display rich media and drop down ads to engage viewers while video banners and overlays entice across platforms. Ads appeal through nostalgic imagery and directly link to the microsite and/or prompt app download for functionality.

Behavioral/Demo/Contextual/Retargeting beauty/cosmetic-related keywords as well as competitor product keywords used by the audience drive brand awareness and move consumers along the Consumer Decision Journey. Lighter periods of the campaign are maintenance periods that retarget the audience. Retargeted ads will feature products and purchase incentives to intenders who have shown interest (based on click thrus & site visits) as well as recommend new complementary products to past customers. This tactic will drive consideration for intenders and repurchases/loyalty among past and current customers.

PRINT Full-page print advertisements will be published in key fashion and women’s lifestyle issues, supporting Mary Kay’s brand as well as the target’s interests. Vogue’s Spring and Fall fashion issues introduce At Play into the high fashion market, Glamour’s All About Women and Women of the Year parallel both Mary Kay and the target’s values, Elle’s Spring Fashion and Personal Style connect with the target’s appreciation for new trends and customization, and Cosmopolitan’s Spring Fashion and Fun Fearless Fashion & Cosmo on Campus will kick off our campaign with the #MyMissionSelfie contest and highlight Operation: Beauty Bus. The ads meet the target’s desired aesthetic and establishes relatability, while highlighting the affordable price point. This changes their perception and drives traffic to social media and the app for trial.

TELEVISION :30 and :15 TV spots reiterate the updated At Play campaign on VH1, Lifetime, FX, ABC Family, MTV, Bravo and the CW targeting both the primary and secondary audience. Commercials will air heavily throughout the beginning of August, coinciding with fall fashion, end of summer, and the back to school season. The chic, retro commercial captures both audience’s sense of nostalgia while highlighting the affordability and convenient purchase experience through the app.

SOCIAL MEDIA As our target relies on social media to find and share information, the reach of our campaign depends on our targets active use of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest and Blogs. Apart from Mary Kay’s verified accounts and branded channels, promoted targeted content will drive brand awareness and purchase intent as well as integrate all aspects of the campaign throughout its flighting.

PARTNERSHIPS Partnering with Birchbox, a monthly beauty subscription service, will increase purchases through trial because 50% of their 400,000 subscribers purchase full product after trial. Birchbox’s partnership also covers Mary Kay’s products in various editorial and online outlets. Birchbox puts product directly into the hands of consumers from a trusted outlet while linking the microsite, app, and social networks from Birchbox’s site and box. Birchbox’s subscribers are actively seeking new cosmetics, open mindedly, making their clientele our ideal target.




#MissionMK An enhanced online presence will be built through #MissionMK across verified social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, and Tumblr). Generating a dialogue that spreads inspiration and awareness, #MissionMK will cater to the targets’ personal missions, emphasizing Mary Kay’s intimate relationship with customers. Missions can be shared when attending festivals, Pop Up parties, and other Mary Kay events with the Mission: Mary Kay hashtag. To further drive traffic to the At Play microsite, Mary Kay’s revamped and verified social media platforms will include information on new collections, IBC spotlights, tutorials, and live footage/commentary of Mission: Mary Kay events.

TACTICS // 015

PRINT ADVERTISEMENTS “Mission: Mary Kay” ads will make the target aware of the exculsivity, affordability and quality of the At Play product line. In addition to introducing the target to At Play products, these ads will showcase the personalized process of purchasing through an IBC. A 1960s mod aestistic establishes a nostalgic tone, while copy prompts Gen Y to download our app to find an IBC.

TACTICS // 016

TELEV ISION & DIGITAL “Mission: Mary Kay’s” commercial spot will bridge the generation gap

target to engage in their mission through convenient, trendy, well-informed

between primary and secondary audiences. It pairs glamourous elements from

IBC Agents. This invites the target to download our mobile app.

1960s “secret agent” films with our target’s everyday missions. The commercial

The 30-second advertisement will highlight how Mary Kay is the solution

will feature our three agents: Chloe, Alex, and Lauren. The spot drives the

helping these Ambitious Agents complete their beauty missions.



MISSION: @ PLAY 1. A classic 1960s title sequence introduces IBC as Beauty Agents on their latest mission, the Mary Kay At Play Line.

2. Agents and At Play products are presented through motion graphics to highligh the line’s $10 price point.

3. Silhouettes of the target applying At Play products,will present each new “mission” (Mission: At Play Lip Crayon, Mission: At Play Eyeshadow)

MISSION: #MISSIONMK 4. Dancing silhouettes show beauty explorers and varying personal “missions” reflective of their lifestyle (Mission: Ace of All Trades, Mission: 9 to 5)

5. Panels of Gen Y applying products continue as they complete Mission: Mary Kay.

6. Viewers are prompted to download the Mission: MK app to receive personalized looks from a Beauty Agent.

TACTICS // 017



Mission: MK • Locates the closest available IBCs and displays them on a live map

Mary Kay’s smartphone app will connect the IBC and the tech-savvy Gen Y consumer. It will provide an all-in-one solution for any customer’s cosmetic needs.

• Allows users to request a purchase from their IBC of choice

Upon downloading, the “Mission: Mary Kay” app will request the user’s name and skin tone, along with an optional agreement to enable the iPhone’s location services. The user can choose to opt out of the skin tone recommendation feature and scroll through the product database instead. Through the use of the iPhone location service, our app will locate the surrounding IBCs. The user can then send messages to their IBC of choice to discuss product purchase details.

Our app consits of 5 innovative features including:

• Chat with an IBC • Post-purchase reviews and ratings • Reminder to reorder



• Allows users to create, edit, and organize lists of their favorite Mary Kay products




• Directory of Mary Kay’s full product line • Organized by category and date of release • Consolidated and reformatted from the preexisting Mary Kay eCatalog



• Frequently-updated trend reports (organized by mission) • Date Night

• Products will be recommended based on the user’s skin tone information • A “Similar Products” tab will allow users to search a competitor’s product and provide a list of comparable Mary Kay products • A “Resources” tab features tutorials from the “Mission: Mary Kay” YouTube channel. These videos will be hosted by a variety of popular beauty gurus and IBCs

• Going Out • At the Office • Retro

TACTICS // 018

MICROSITE Our campaign will reside online with the Mission: Mary Kay microsite. The site will promote consumer interaction by displaying real time photo, video and other social media activity. This site is heavily integrated with the app, allowing an easy transition from one to the other. Overall, the Mary Kay microsite is the campaign nucleus. It brings to life women’s personal missions, while displaying those of the Mary Kay agents, all while keeping customers updated on current trends and Mary Kay collections. Social media is incorporated throughout the entire site making it easy for customers to follow and add us on their favorite sites. This cross platform intergration encourages Gen Y them to come back to the site for updates and new releases.

BANNER ADS Banner ads will drive the target to the microsite, urging them to find an IBC, explore the At Play line, and become an “agent.” Ads will promote the microsite as the essential platform to participate in Mission: Mary Kay.

TACTICS // 019

BEAUTY BUS A large portion of our strategy will be focused on digital media because research shows it as the preferred channel among our primary target audience. To further ensure we reach them, out of home executions will feature a national beauty bus tour. The beauty bus will stop in Gen Y dense cities that host popular music festivals and universities with an Alpha Chi Omega chapter. We strategically planned this because Mary Kay has previously been partnered with the Alpha Chi Omega chapter. Through the “Don’t Look Away Campaign.”



1. Mary Kay Headquarters | Addison, TX | Departure March 5th 2. South by Southwest | Austin, TX | March 7-16 3. University of New Mexico | Albuquerque, NM | March 20-21 4. University of Arizona | Tuscon, AZ | March 25-26 5. Arizona State University | Tempe, AZ | March 28-29 6. Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival | Indio, CA | April 11-13 7. Kansas State University | Manhattan, KS | April 17-18 8. University of Oklahoma | Norman, OK | April 21-22 9. Hangout Music Festival | Gulf Shores, AL | May 16-17 10. University of Georgia | Athens, GA | April 25-26 11. Bonnaroo Music Festival | Manchester, TN | June 12-15 12. Firefly Music Festival | Dover, DE | June 19-22 13. Lollapalooza | Chicago, IL | August 1-3 14. University of Arkansas | Fayetteville, AR | September 25-26 15. Mary Kay Headquarters | Addison, TX | Return October 1st

TACTICS // 020


The Mission: Mary Kay campaign will focus on communicating the message that Mary Kay offers exclusive, high end products for reasonable prices. We will use a variety of events, promotions and an online presence. All events will be integrated to pull participants back to the Mission: Mary Kay microsite, smartphone application and social media platforms.



Every woman is empowered through Mary Kay’s mission. Unlike some companies, Mary Kay does not need a spokesperson because every IBC, customer and woman can be the face of Mary Kay.

A direct mailer is a small, half-sheet promotional tool sent directly into the



home of the consumer. Mary Kay should announce Beauty Bus Tour to Gen Y homes in the cities on the tour.

A fact sheet is a single page written for consumers to learn more about


The Press Release is a strategic, written statement informing the media of a company’s story. Jim Cundiff, top-selling male IBC, should be used to inform the public about Mary Kay’s accepting business model .


Public Service Announcement position companies as an industry leader in knowledge. SIS suggests the client distribute visual images for Pink Doing Green and The Mary Kay Foundation.

individual companies. This provides a chance for others to learn more about Mary Kay.

MEDIA CONTACT LIST Media contact lists are list of media experts on national and local levels. SIS suggests Mary Kay use this list to distribute PSA, media pitch letters, press release and biography sheets.

TACTICS // 021



National Beauty Bus Tour

• Delegate IBCs to reach out to college campuses and throw Pop Up parties for Friday night outs or game days. • IBCs would be present to help guide the students with make up decisions as well tell them about the Mary Kay Brand as an organization.

• Beauty Bus Tour (March to October) • Sponsor a Mission-themed Airstream bus that would travel nationwide, visiting different music festivals and college campuses. • Would launch at Mary Kay Headquarters. • Would visit six universities, picked for their heavy concentrations of women and active Alpha Chi Omega sorority chapters, a current Mary Kay partner. • Participants are invited to share their personal missions in a pop art-themed video and photo booth. • Video clips would play in the truck from city to city and would be accessible on the • Mission: Mary Kay YouTube channel. • Photo booth photos and user-submitted content would be visible on the Mission: Mary Kay microsite.

#EyeSpy Online Scavenger Hunt

Corporate Responsibility Event • Sponsor a walk with proceeds helping domestic violence shelters. The walk would take place at 25 schools with the highest enrollment rates to raise awareness about domestic violence and to establish Mary Kay as philanthropic brand. • Local IBCS would pair with national sorority, Alpha Chi Omega, as a partner to get students involved in project. • Creates local and national attention from media showing Mary Kay’s good works.

• Create online scavenger hunt via social media platforms to increase consumer interaction and social media presence. • Create buzz and an opportunity for Gen Y to share their personal mission.


Online contest

Birch Box

• Sponsor a competition in which women from the ages of 18-25 submit videos showing their involvement in the community or helping others. • These videos would be put on the Mary Kay YouTube channel. • A winner will be selected for their involvement in the community and they will receive a scholarship.

Birch Box has 400k subscribers interested in finding new beauty products. 50 percent of whom purchase full product after trial, and 20 percent monthly retail sales growth for the partners. Based on these insights we chose to add two month trials to their monthly boxes. Efforts will be made during spring and fall months to coincide with our Vogue subscriptions for an extra push in the most crucial time for new trends in fashion and beauty.

Pro Pay

We will continue our partnership with Pro Pay.

TACTICS // 022


PACKAGING A Mary Kay At Play product testing focus group revealed the benefit of the line’s price point, but the participants expressed a disconnect with the product’s packaging. Mission: Mary Kay solves this problem with the launch of retrothemed packaging. By employing retro imagery, the revamped Mary Kay At Play line will appease our target audience while maintaining its nostalgic appeal.

In addition to extending the At Play line, we also propose adding a limited edition, yearly product that would benefit Mary Kay’s domestic violence charity. A special lipstick shade with creative, limited edition packaging, specifically based on the theme of the year’s Mission: Mary Kay, would be released at the beginning of the year and customers would be able to purchase the product for the full year. Limited edition packaging resonates with Gen Y, largely because of its exclusivity and allure. All of the proceeds from the product would be given to the domestic violence fund, further persuading customers, both young and old, to purchase the product.

IBC TRAINING The “Top Secret” Mission: a social media contest will select qualified agents to attend exclusive training. Directors will travel to major U.S. cities training IBCs on industry trends and effective marketing tactics.




Based on the varying needs of current IBCs, our field training program ensures the success and execution of their Mary Kay missions

Financial, Financial advisors available, Financial training in Silver Wings Scholar Program to help new IBCs successfully manage their business

Educating IBCs on how to create an inventory tailored to their target

“Mission”-qualified IBCs will train agents on the In Touch App, Propay and the #MissionMK lifestyle. The In Touch upgrades will include the ability to send emails, pictures and videos, makeup looks and product information to clients. ISD’s website can include training videos, newsletters, session information and promotions.

TACTICS // 023



Contingiency $518,000 PR $40,000 Partnerships $100,000 Social Media $400,000 Digital 4,480,000 Print 1,462,000 Television 3,000,000

DIGITAL Goal: Inform audience of product beneďŹ ts, Increase brand awareness and positive perception to boost product consideration, purchase, and loyalty KPI: Per click # of views; Bounce rate; Engagement Scores; Web analytics Pitfalls: Noise; Inactive listening Solutions: Engaging material, Strategic retargeting

PRINT Goal: Raise awareness of the Mary Kay brand; Inform consumers of product benefits; Insert contests drive brand interaction KPI: # of magazines purchased; # of impressions; contest participation Pitfalls: Magazines go unpurchased; Interactive reading Solutions: Interactive reading

SOCIAL MEDIA Goal: Build awareness of the Mary Kay brand, Inform consumers of product benefits, Increase brand engagement through interaction KPI: # of shares/mentions/likes/retweets etc.; Web analytics Pitfalls: Content may be overlooked; Solutions: Followers to increase mentions/likes/shares/retweets etc.; Interact with followers

TELEVISION Goal: Build awareness of the Mary Kay brand; Increase positive perception and consideration KPI: # of impressions Pitfalls: Noise; Muted; Skipped Solutions: Engaging/entertaining commercials, Large initial reach and frequency

INTERACTIVE Goal: Simplify consumer and IBC interactions while raising awareness of the Mary Kay brand. Drive positive perception, consideration, purchase, and loyalty KPI: # of app downloads, unique visitors, Bounce rate; Engagement Scores; Web analytics Pitfalls: lack of downloads and user engagement Solutions: Functionality of microsite/app, Clean app interface





• Reach of direct mailers • Unique website visits • Survey • Social media contests

• TV reach • Festival participants / eyes on events • Blogger reach • Sales


Media impressions Social media contests Event participation Guest blogger reach

INCREASE INTEREST • Print ad • Trend report reach • Field agent effectiveness

MEASUREMENT • Increase brand recognition • Website traffic • Knowledge about CSR

• Number of parties will show increase • Depending on each unit these numbers will increase

Concurrent and post-testing will run to ensure strategic communication tactics achieve the objectives. Concurrent testing will follow sales reports, audience impressions, media value equivalency and impact through the duration of the “Mission: Mary Kay” campaign. These testing methods will be evaluated by email interviews, online surveys and product audits to monitor awareness, perception and consideration of the Mary Kay products. IBCs will continue to keep a database on Gen Y consumers that express interest in being an IBC or attend a party. To measure campaign success, Mary Kay, Inc. will also keep a database of new, Gen Y IBCs.

• More members of Gen Y will relate to “Mission: Mary Kay” tagline

• Overall more Mary Kay sales, parties and IBCs

Post-testing will be run during the second leg of the campaign. It will measure communication effects (capture) and behavior effects (convert) through recognition, recall, attitudes, sales and inquiries. Recognition tests on the digital media will be the most valuable for evaluating Mary Kay’s effectiveness in “Mission: Mary Kay.”




"MILLENNIALS A Portrait of Generation Next. Confident. Connected. Open to Change." America’s next Generation: The Millennials. Ed. Paul Taylor and Scott Keeter. Pew Research Center, Feb. 2010. Web. <http:// www.pewsocialtrends.org/files/2010/10/millennials-confident-connected-open-to-change.pdf>

Cathy Rogers Va l e r i e A n d r e w s Ashley Francis Laura Beatty Sonya Duhe K i r b y Vo s s Casey Shaw Je n H u b e r Reid Steinberg K a t O ’ To o l e Lindsey Hartman A l e x Fo n t e n o t Christina Flannery Revival Outpost Laura Cassidy Prottsman Mar y Kate Hutchinson Nikki Piazza Kenya Baird Tu c k e r U m b e h a g e n Hazel and Florange Allyn White Ta m a r G r e g o r i a n R e b e c a Tr i a n a

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