bilin gual cam pus 1st- 4th July 2013 CENTRO UNIVERSITARIO
cardenal cisneros alcalรก de henares
The ideal opportunity to refresh your teaching and perfect your English
without moving from Spain Cub_FolletoCampusBiling3_aaff.indd 3
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testi mo nies students said
The bilingual campus was a wonderful personal experience in every way. The classes were very dynamic and practical. The campus was well organized and the level of the speakers was extraordinary, we could really learn a lot from them. I would definitely recommend the Campus to all teachers who look for new ideas and wish to improve. > Alejandro Esteban Esteban I learned a lot of new teaching techniques related to a wide range of resources (tales, videos and so on), which I find very useful in my daily teaching. I particulary found interesting the talk on scaffolding and the importance of good content organization in CLIL. The entire course was in English, which is an excelent opportunity to practice communication skills as well. > Margarita Vallejo My experience in the first Bilingual Campus was very enriching. I would recommend it because the teachers were very professional and I learned a lot of interesting and practical things about teaching English. > Raquel Álvarez Castro Me gustó mucho el ambiente de compañerismo y de motivación por aprender cosas nuevas. La organización fue de lujo y no perdieron el más mínimo detalle de las cosas. Animo a todo el mundo a participar porque es importante “reciclarse” a sí mismo para que los alumnos conozcan otras formas de enseñanza de las que usamos normalmente. > Jesús Ángel Lobo Cabello
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well come bilingual campus 3rd edition
«Ojalá existiera un lugar donde los profesores pudiéramos aprender más sobre la práctica de CLIL y al mismo tiempo mejorar nuestro inglés»
We have the right solution for you! clil course & english language immersion for primary & secondary teachers Morning: CLIL Workshops • Activities, resources and fresh ideas. • Dynamic and practical sessions. • Expert trainers. Afternoon: Language Immersion • Native speakers. • Natural communicative situations. • Rich and interesting social programme. • Fun and relaxed environment. Flexible timetable • Combine the training as you like. • Choose Morning Module or Afternoon Module. • Choose both Modules and get a special discount.
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clil experts & trainers
CLIL Trainers Dr. Linda Gerena > is a Fulbright Scholar and Associate Professor of Teacher Education at York College, City University of New York, where she prepares future educators to effectively teach English learners. She focuses on helping teachers use strategies to fully engage students in language learning through content instruction.
Jesús Aguado > worked as a researcher at the Universidad de Alcalá and a member of the Space Weather Team. Now, as a Doctor in Physics he teaches at the Cardenal Cisneros University, focusing on the didactics and methodology of teaching Natural Sciences.
Viridiana Barban, MSC. > is the Head of the Spanish branch of the “National Center for Teaching Thinking” (Dr. Robert Swartz). She works as an investigator, teacher trainer and coach specialised in developing teaching materials based on TBL (Thinking Based Learning).
Matthew Johnson > has worked as an EFL teacher and trainer in the UK, Colombia and Spain. Now he teaches at the Cardenal Cisneros University College and the British Council. He specializes in bilingual education, learner training and developing speaking skills.
Sheena Mitchell >h as taught English and Content in English in Spain and Italy, to all ages and on all levels. She was also the ICT Coordinator at the British Council in Madrid. Her areas of interest include developing literacy skills in the primary classroom and exploiting learning technologies.
Josúe Llull, PHD. > has been a lecturer in the Cardenal Cisneros University College since 1995. His teaching career is focused on the teaching of the Social Sciences, Geography and History, more recently in bilingual programs. As a teacher in a foreign language, in December 2010 he gave classes in Duksung Women’s University in Seoul (South Korea).
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Integral training offer Content, Cognition, Communication & Culture
edward marks > uses art, music, theatre and storytelling as his launchpad for language acquisition. He is founding director of the Building English language school, collaborator with the Departmento de la didáctica de la expresión plástica of Complutense University, writer of children’s stories and composer of songs for young learners.
majda knezic fratarcangeli > works in Edelvives as CLIL training coordinator. Majda is one of the co-authors of a practical guide “Bilingual Education Survival Tips” (Edelvives, 2009). She is very enthusiastic about multilingual approach to education and she speaks four languages herself.
with native speakers
language Coaches sarah albrecht > is a qualified teacher with more than ten years experience in teaching both English and subjects such as Science or Arts&Crafts in English. She has been actively involved in the British Council - Ministry of Education Bilingual Programme since 2005. Sarah is also an expert trainer in Synthetic Phonics.
Therese Kuettel > has many years experience as a teacher in bilingual education. She
is at her best creating collaborative learning frameworks where students learn in a stimulating, cooperative and motivating environment, with plenty of engagement.
Joseph Parkin > works for Edelvives as a teacher trainer, specialising in Phonics and
communicative teaching methods. Participation and good vibrations are the hallmarks of his dynamic training sessions in which he seeks to bring out the inner-child in all of us.
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cont en
Pro gra mme
1 July
Training content
9:30 11:30
CLIL Workshops
> Professor at City University of New York
Linda Gerena
«Bilingual Education Perspectives, Attitudes and Effective Practices» As a part of her research project on Bilingual Education in Spain, Linda spent a semester interviewing and surveying teachers, language assistants and students in bilingual programmes in Madrid. In this talk Linda will present the results of her investigation and address some recommendations. What do bilingual teachers need to know to be effective? And, how can they plan for communicative and interactive classrooms that promote bilingualism?
11:30 12:00 12:00 14:00
Morning Coffee Break (Courtesy of Edelvives) CLIL Workshops
Jesús Aguado > Cardenal Cisneros University College
«The Science Laboratory is Not the Only Room for Science»
The place to teach Sciences could be anywhere, as well as the tools employed for it. Science is not a strange thing that only people wearing white coats and working in a laboratory can do. In this session we are going to see several places where we can teach Science in English and a lot of things, related to the daily lives of our students, that we can use as teaching resources.
14:00 16:00 16:00 19:30
lunch Break Immersed in English & Social Programme
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Josúe Llull > Expert in Art History and Cultural Management
«History Mystery Tour Around Alcalá de Henares» In a tour around the city you will discover curiosities and hidden wonders from a not so well known 2000 year-old city. All in English, of course!
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totally practical and dynamic workshops
cog ni t
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2 July
Training content
9:30 11:30
CLIL Workshops
majda knezic FRATARCANGELI > Edelvives Training Coordinator
«Cooperative Learning in the Thinking Classroom» Learning in a collaborative setting is not only about engaging students in direct and unmediated communication with their peers. Cooperative lesson planning gives students the opportunity to produce knowledge rather than merely reproduce it. In this session we will analyse classroom situations and see practical ideas on how to help our learners step from individual or competitive learning into cooperative learning while developing good thinking habits.
11:30 12:00 12:00 14:00
Morning Coffee Break (Courtesy of Edelvives) CLIL Workshops
Viridiana Barban > Director of National Center for Teaching Thinking (NCTT-Spain)
«Teaching Thinking – Why and How?»
Teaching thinking skills should not be a separate area, but rather something infused into content teaching. In this talk we will see strategies on how to teach our learners to process their thoughts, avoid hasty or narrow thinking and to understand, rather than just memorise, written materials. Viridiana will demonstrate some basic instructional techniques, based on real lesson plans, which help students make their thinking explicit and visible for further reflection.
14:00 16:00 16:00 17:30
lunch Break Immersed in English
Matthew Johnson > Cardenal Cisneros University College
«Brain Games» A variety of both competitive and cooperative games, puzzles and problems will really get you thinking … in English! The idea is to get the mind working, have fun with English, and practice without even noticing it. 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:30
afternoon tea Social Programme
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«The Great British Pub Quiz» The pub quiz is a great British tradition. We love a pint of beer and a general knowledge team game in a friendly environment. Now, you don’t have to go to Britain to experience it. Our hosts Ana and James will make you put your thinking caps on and, win or lose, you’ll have great fun.
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comm u
all this in a beautiful University Campus
tion ca i n
Training content
9:30 11:30
CLIL Workshops
3 July
content Sheena Mitchell > Macmillan ELT Trainer
«Skills for CLIL» What skills do we need as CLIL teachers that we didn’t or don’t need as pure language or content teachers? What skills do we need to be aware of developing in our pupils as CLIL teachers that we didn’t or don’t need to be aware of in a purely language or content-teaching context? In this session, we will focus on key areas of academic and educational development and demonstrate how these areas can be practically and effectively developed so as to ensure a positive and successful learning experience in the CLIL classroom.
11:30 12:00 12:00 14:00
Morning Coffee Break (Courtesy of Edelvives) CLIL Workshops
Matthew Johnson > Cardenal Cisneros University College
«Scaffolding input and output»
In the bilingual classroom the reality is that we often have to overcome the obstacles inherent in working through a language other than the learners’ mother tongue. In this session we will look at techniques that work in supporting learners’ comprehension and production in any subject area.
14:00 16:00 16:00 17:30
lunch Break Immersed in English
Joseph Parkin > Edelvives Phonics Trainer
«No Communication without Pronunciation» Pronunciation is one of those things in language learning that always needs some improvement. In this interactive and dynamic session we will discover the ultimate pronunciation secrets of English!
17:30 18:00 18:30 19:30
afternoon tea Social Programme
«A Tribute to Catherine of Aragon and the Fallen at Flodden Field» Theatre in English (Soirée Creations) A theatre workshop with dramatic and musical performances in which the audience are not only invited to participate, but also form an integral part of the event.
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an oasis of peace and tranquillity in the middle of green
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4 July
Training content
9:30 11:30
CLIL Workshops
content edward marks > Building English Language School
«Art, Culture and Language Learning» Teaching art through English, or English through art, is a fine balance. How can we inspire the creative and critical process in our students while at the same time achieving an atmosphere for meaningful language learning? In this workshop we will look at fun, simple and highly practical tools to achieve this delicate goal. 11:30 12:00 12:00 14:00
Morning Coffee Break (Courtesy of Edelvives) CLIL Workshops
Josué Llull > Cardenal Cisneros University College
«Heritage Education as a Core Topic for Social Sciences»
In this session we are going to develop different kinds of approaches to heritage by reflecting through a cross-curricular perspective. After valuing the high significance of heritage for Education we are going to discover several examples of didactic and interpretative activities applied in museums, historic sites and schools.
Immersed in English & Social Programme
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«American BBQ & Farewell Party» Bring your appetite with you to the Big American BBQ! We will take this lesson from the Americans, and practising your English will never taste so good. What better way to say farewell to your classmates and trainers than with a spicy barbecued rib in one hand and a cool drink in the other?
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mo re info
bilingual campus 3rd edition
Registration fee > 50 €
Accommodation costs > 250 €
This fee is obligatory for all, independently of the Training Module you choose.
We offer you the possibility to stay at Cardenal Cisneros University Residence.
Training costs
The price includes:
depend on the Module you choose:
Morning Module (CLIL Workshops) > 150 € Afternoon Module
• 4 nights stay (Sunday to Wednesday) • single room with a single bathroom • air-conditioning • cleaning • Internet access
(Language Immersion) > 100 €
• breakfast and lunch
Complete Module
• access to swimming pool
> 210 €
• American barbecue on Thursday
The training cost includes:
Signing in
• attendance to the selected sessions
• The deadline for application is 24th June 2013.
• working material
• Please visit and fill in the registration form.
• welcome gift • coffee breaks
more info
• certificate of training
• Centro Universitario Cardenal Cisneros (Sección Bilingüismo) •R esidencia Universitaria Cardenal Cisneros • Grupo Edelvives
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testi mo nies CLIL trainers said
The science workshop I prepared for the campus turned out to be an extremely satisfying experience in which I had the occasion to meet enthusiastic, motivated and interested participants. The attitude everybody had was just the perfect one to make you feel like sharing tips and ideas every teacher can use in their classrooms. The hand-on activities were the most enjoyed and demanded ones. It was a pleasure to be there! > Alexandra Basile Todos sabemos de esa necesidad de sentirnos acompañados en este (never ending) camino del “bilingüismo” y todos en un momento u otro necesitamos saber si lo que hacemos en el aula está bien, es mejorable o incluso puede servir de ayuda a otros profesores. Por ello este espacio es una idea fabulosa de compartir tiempos, experiencias, necesidades, recursos, hacer contactos y aprender con y de los expertos. > Susana Urueña Sanchez
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bilingual campus
CLIL Training & Linguistic Immersion
En la Escuela Universitaria Cardenal Cisneros, adscrita a la Universidad de Alcalá, trabajamos desde 1973 para la capacitación y formación de los profesionales de la educación. El Grupo Edelvives lleva más de 120 años dando servicio a la comunidad educativa. Tratamos de facilitar la labor docente desde lo que mejor sabemos hacer, nuestro material educativo y la atención a los docentes. Un origen común, el contexto educativo que compartimos y unas claves de identidad similares nos permiten y animan a compartir proyectos y acciones para amplificar su alcance, difusión y efectividad.
more info
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