Mission Focused Strategic Planning 2020 Survey Summary

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EDEN CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Mission-Focused Strategic Planning 2020 Survey Summary

December 16, 2020 Paul Q Fisher Head of School


Mission-Focused Strategic Planning 2020 Survey Summary

TABLE OF CONTENTS Leadership Survey ............................................................................ 4 Personnel Survey.............................................................................. 5 Financial Survey ............................................................................... 6-7 Curriculum & Instruction Survey .................................................. 8-10 Arts Survey........................................................................................ 11-12 Athletics Survey................................................................................ 13-14 Campus Life Survey......................................................................... 15-16


Leadership Survey (165 responses) 93% 13% 61% 37% 19%

Eden parents Employees with child(ren) at MN with child(ren) at WX with child(ren) at BH

Number of Years at Eden 17% Less than a year 15% 1-2 years 27% 3-5 years 41% 5 or more years

Question Summaries Eden’s Leadership clearly demonstrates that Christ is the central, integrating core of thought, word, and practice for our school. 62% Always | 33% Most of the time | 5% Sometimes Eden’s leadership behaviors are characterized by the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23). 55% Always | 39% Most of the time | 5% Sometimes Eden’s leadership demonstrates a deep commitment to engaging student minds and hearts for Christ. 67% Always | 27% Most of the time | 5% Sometimes Eden’s leadership seems to want to hear my ideas, concerns, and perspectives. 49% Always | 26% Most of the time | 18% Sometimes | 5% Rarely | 2% Never Eden’s leadership communicates in a clear and effective manner that makes me feel valued and informed. 46% Always | 34% Most of the time | 15% Sometimes | 4% Rarely | 1% Never Eden’s policies and procedures are clearly rooted in biblical principles. 77% Definitely | 23% To some extent Eden’s leadership is committed to providing exceptional and engaging educational experiences for students. 77% Definitely | 18% Somewhat | 4% Uncertain

| 1% Not really

Free Response Aspirational Themes • Stakeholders have a strong desire to see strategic planning and to understand how their investment is being leveraged for their desires for their students and for Eden’s future and sustainability. Greater transparency is a priority. • Stakeholders would like a greater understand of the board’s role, see timely posting of board minutes, and to have greater access to board meetings. 4

Personnel Survey (188 respondents) 88% Eden parents 19% Employees 49% with child(ren) at MN 31% with child(ren) at WX 22% with child(ren) at BH

Number of Years at Eden 16% Less than a year 18% 1-2 years 28% 3-5 years 38% 5 or more years

Question Summaries ECA’s faculty and staff reflect the character of Christ, setting a Christ-like example for students. 65% Strongly agree |34% Agree |1% Disagree ECA’s faculty and staff are committed to providing an exceptional education. 73% Strongly agree | 26% Agree | 1% Disagree ECA’s faculty and staff are committed to providing an engaging educational experience. 67% Strongly agree | 31% Agree | 2% Disagree ECA’s faculty and staff demonstrate professional competence. 56% Strongly agree | 40% Agree |4% Disagree ECA’s faculty and staff teach and shepherd students from a thoroughly biblical worldview. 65% Strongly agree | 34% Agree | 1% Disagree | 1% Strongly disagree ECA’s faculty and staff welcome parent partnership in students’ education. 59% Strongly agree | 37% Agree | 4% Disagree ECA’s faculty and staff demonstrate that they value students’ spiritual growth in relationship with Jesus Christ. 72% Strongly agree | 27% Agree | 1% Disagree Free Response Aspirational Themes • Stakeholders would like to see diversity on faculty and staff—cultural, experiential, racial, ethnic, etc. • Stakeholders would like to see the school focus on professional development for teachers. • Stakeholders would like to see content taught in a theological framework without unnecessary indoctrination of political and social opinions. • Stakeholders would like teachers to initiate parent relationship and partnership more but acknowledge that teachers are very responsive to parents when parents initiate. 5

Financial Survey (192 respondents) 89% Eden parents 19% Employees 51% with child(ren) at MN 34% with child(ren) at WX 21% with child(ren) at BH

Number of Years at Eden 17% Less than a year 18% 1-2 years 26% 3-5 years 39% 5 or more years

Question Summaries ECA tuition for my children is paid by. . . 95% Myself and/or my spouse | 3% Another family member | 2% A benefactor | 13% Not applicable I receive financial aid from ECA. 24% Yes | 76% No I understand how tuition dollars are spent. 36% For the most part | 33% Somewhat | 30% Not really For my family, paying tuition is. . . 32% A comfortable sacrifice | 44% A slightly uncomfortable sacrifice | 19% An uncomfortable sacrifice | 4% Not sustainable ECA spends tuition dollars to support its core values and commitments. 32% Strongly agree | 40% Agree | 28% Uncertain

| 1% Disagree

ECA’s leadership seems to think strategically about how tuition is spent. 24% Strongly agree | 37% Agree | 38% Uncertain

| 1% Disagree

I am pleased with the way ECA maintains the facilities. 37% Strongly agree | 55% Agree | 6% Uncertain | 2% Disagree For the tuition, ECA provides an experience of exceptional value. 33% Strongly agree | 51% Agree | 11% Uncertain | 5% Disagree ECA demonstrates integrity and compassion in its business practices. 36% Strongly agree | 38% Agree | 24% Uncertain 6

Financial Survey (Continued) As a donor to ECA, I am satisfied with the way I have been treated and with how my donations have been utilized. 29% Strongly agree | 44% Agree | 24% Uncertain

| 2% Disagree

Free Response Aspirational Themes • Stakeholders desire greater transparency regarding vision, strategy, and decision-making processes. • Stakeholders would like to see academic support services funded because as it is they are costprohibitive (Discovery). Many would like to see the school invest in personnel for support services for a diverse array of student differences. • Stakeholders would like to have multi-student discounts implemented for families with multiple children enrolled. • Stakeholders said they would donate in addition to tuition if they knew how the school was spending and planning to spend money, so greater transparency is needed.


Curriculum and Instruction Survey (151 respondents) 91% Eden parents 16% Employees 53% with child(ren) at MN 29% with child(ren) at WX 18% with child(ren) at BH

Number of Years at Eden 17% Less than a year 16% 1-2 years 26% 3-5 years 41% 5 or more years

Question Summaries Eden’s curricular content is rooted in and implicitly teaches a biblical worldview. 55% Strongly agree | 34% Agree | 9% Uncertain | 2% Disagree Teaching methods are engaging and effective. 36% Strongly agree | 52% Agree | 10% Uncertain | 2% Disagree Curriculum is relevant and engaging. 34% Strongly agree | 49% Agree | 13% Uncertain

| 3% Disagree

My child(ren) or students demonstrate that they are learning to think and to act like Jesus. 33% Strongly agree | 56% Agree | 10% Uncertain | 1% Disagree My child(ren) or students seem to enjoy their classes. 38% Strongly agree | 44% Agree

| 12% Uncertain | 7% Disagree

My child(ren) or students are challenged by the curriculum. 39% Strongly agree | 46% Agree | 9% Uncertain | 5% Disagree | 1% Strongly disagree Eden’s curriculum and instruction help my child(ren) or students to know God and his desires for them more fully. 42% Strongly agree | 44% Agree | 13% Uncertain | 1% Disagree My child(ren)’s or students gifts have been nurtured by Eden’s curriculum and classroom experiences. 28% Strongly agree | 36% Agree | 31% Uncertain

| 4% Disagree

Eden’s curriculum and classroom experiences have helped to give my child(ren) or students a vision for how they might live and serve in God’s kingdom in a broken world. 25% Strongly agree | 40% Agree | 30% Uncertain 8

| 5% Disagree

Curriculum and Instruction Survey (Continued) Eden’s curriculum and instruction have helped my child(ren) or students to be more spiritually discerning (they can tell right from wrong, truth from deception, etc.). 36% Strongly agree | 49% Agree | 15% Uncertain The curriculum and instruction at Eden reflect the centrality of Christ in all subjects. 42% Strongly agree | 44% Agree | 11% Uncertain

| 3% Disagree

Eden’s curriculum and teachers support my expectations for academic excellence. 42% Strongly agree | 44% Agree | 10% Uncertain

| 4% Disagree

Eden’s curriculum encourages personal holiness. 34% Strongly agree | 33% Agree | 32% Uncertain | 1% Disagree |1% Strongly disagree Eden’s curriculum provides theological clarity. 25% Strongly agree | 46% Agree | 25% Uncertain

| 4% Disagree | 1% Strongly disagree

Eden’s curriculum and classroom experiences foster critical thinking and problem solving in the Spirit by the Word applied to challenging life issues and circumstances. 31% Strongly agree | 40% Agree | 28% Uncertain | 1% Disagree When my child has academic struggles, Eden has provided sufficient academic support to help them succeed. 21% Strongly agree | 28% Agree | 15% Uncertain | 8% Disagree | 5% Strongly disagree I feel that I am well informed about what my child is being taught in school and why. 24% Strongly agree | 41% Agree | 15% Uncertain | 23% Disagree | 2% Strongly disagree As a parent, I feel that I have a voice in shaping what and how my child learns at Eden. 18% Strongly agree | 30% Agree | 26% Uncertain | 15% Disagree | 4% Strongly disagree Free Response Aspirational Themes • Stakeholders would like more transparency to create parent buy-in and partnership. o At MN, would like to be able to see student work and assessments come home for parent review. o Would like to be able to see more of curriculum and classroom experiences through Canvas or teacher emails to parents. 9

o Expressed that curricular transparency gives them confidence that their tuition dollars are being well spent and their expectations met. • Stakeholders would like to see curriculum that helps students envision their present role in the Kingdom partners with Christ in redemption and reconciliation of things to Him—as opposed to “get saved and wait for heaven.” • Stakeholders would like to see more academic support and differentiation for students included in tuition. • Stakeholders would like to see more middle school electives; in high school, greatest interest is more languages. • Some parents desire more CHS classes rather than AP because they feel AP college credits are harder to earn due to testing requirements. Others recognize that AP is more universally accepted than CHS. • Stakeholders report that students in grades 4-6 could benefit from creative revitalization of their school experience to make it unique from the lower grades and to build a better transition to the upper school. They applied this recommendation to social, spiritual, and academic areas. • Some stakeholders expressed a need to make certain that campuses are not “silos” and are instead delivering the same uniform model of education according to Eden’s guiding principles and curriculum.


Arts Survey (125 respondents) 92% Eden parents 15% Employees 55% with child(ren) at MN 34% with child(ren) at WX 18% with child(ren) at BH

Number of Years at Eden 13% Less than a year 16% 1-2 years 26% 3-5 years 45% 5 or more years

Question Summaries My child participates in the arts at ECA (choose all that apply). General Art classes 66% | Music class 30%| Musicals 19% | No 15% | Choir/chorus 14% | Concert band elective 12% | Worship team 8% | Band/Orchestra for musicals 6% | Photography 4% | 2% Praise band | 1% Fiber arts The arts at ECA teach students the importance of God’s gift of beauty. 40% Strongly agree| 40% Agree | 18% Uncertain | 2% Disagree The arts at ECA are taught and experienced as a form of worship. 34% Strongly agree | 36% Agree | 30% Uncertain The content of the arts at ECA reflect God’s definitions of truth, goodness, and beauty. 42% Strongly agree | 42% Agree | 15% Uncertain

| 2% Disagree

The student culture of ECA’s elective arts groups encourages personal holiness and spiritual growth. 32% Strongly agree | 30% Agree | 36% Uncertain

| 2% Disagree

The arts at ECA increase our students’ interest in developing their artistic talents. 44% Strongly agree | 36% Agree | 16% Uncertain | 3% Disagree |1% Strongly disagree ECA’s arts programs inspire students to use their talents to bless their community. 36% Strongly agree | 33% Agree | 30% Uncertain | 1% Disagree | 1% Strongly disagree ECA’s arts programs cultivate a Christian vision for evaluating and creating beauty. 38% Strongly agree | 27% Agree

| 34% Uncertain | 1% Disagree

ECA’s arts programs nurture discernment regarding what is truly beautiful. 11

30% Strongly agree | 26% Agree | 42% Uncertain | 2% Disagree ECA arts programs nurture humility and teamwork out of reverence for Christ. 30% Strongly agree | 39% Agree | 29% Uncertain | 1% Disagree |2% Strongly disagree ECA arts stand out as being uniquely Christ-centered with compared with my experiences with other arts programs. 25% Strongly agree | 30% Agree | 30% Uncertain | 4% Disagree | 1% Strongly disagree The arts at ECA invite students to experience and to appreciate excellent works of art that challenge and inspire them. 32% Strongly agree | 30% Agree | 24% Uncertain | 4% Agree |1% Strongly disagree My child’s teachers and directors in the arts articulate how they are using the arts as a means of Christian discipleship. 27% Strongly agree | 26% Agree | 31% Uncertain | 3% Disagree | 1% Strongly disagree I am invited to partner with my child’s teachers and directors of arts to enhance my child’s experience. 22% Strongly agree | 22% Agree | 31% Uncertain | 9% Disagree | 2% Strongly disagree ECA students are encouraged to discern and answer whether God has given them a calling in artistic expression. 22% Strongly agree | 30% Agree | 34% Uncertain | 2% Disagree | 1% Strongly disagree Free Response Aspirational Themes • Stakeholders feel that we do not emphasize nor invest in the arts enough—both performing arts and studio arts. • Stakeholders would like to see more electives in the arts—from small ensembles in the performing arts (such as jazz band) to niche art classes such as pottery/ceramics. • Parents would like to see more depth and opportunity for art students to develop their talents for collegiate studies in performing and studio arts. • Stakeholders would like to see advanced academic art classes like AP Art History. • Stakeholders feel that there should be a music credit required for graduation.


Athletics Survey (137 respondents) 88% Eden parents 20% Employees 54% with child(ren) at MN 31% with child(ren) at WX 15% with child(ren) at BH

Number of Years at Eden 16% Less than a year 15% 1-2 years 25% 3-5 years 45% 5 or more years

Question Summaries My child participates in ECA athletics (choose all that apply). 25% boys basketball | 18% boys soccer | 14% volleyball | 13% baseball | 13% girls soccer | 12% girls basketball | 9% XC | 7% golf | 4% cheerleading | 1% track and field I see evidence that Eden’s coaches are concerned with developing Christ-like leaders on their teams. 39% Strongly agree | 35% Agree | 25% Uncertain | 1% Disagree | 1% Strongly disagree I see evidence that our teams are functioning as humble and gracious ambassadors for Christ when they play other schools. 31% Strongly agree | 36% Agree | 30% Uncertain | 1% Disagree | 1% Strongly disagree ECA athletics develops the God-given talents of our students with excellence. 30% Strongly agree | 37% Agree | 30% Uncertain

| 3% Disagree

ECA athletics teaches our students Christian stewardship of the God-given bodies. 30% Strongly agree | 32% Agree | 36% Uncertain | 2% Disagree | 1% Strongly disagree Eden athletes demonstrate a Christ-centered mission in their athletic pursuits. 31% Strongly agree | 32% Agree | 34% Uncertain | 1% Disagree | 1% Strongly disagree ECA student athletes demonstrate a commitment to the mission of Eden athletics. 27% Strongly agree | 39% Agree | 31% Uncertain | 2% Disagree | 1% Strongly disagree Individual team cultures provide a supportive and nurturing place for spiritual growth in Christ (positive peer influence, spiritual leadership from student athletes, etc.). 31% Strongly agree | 31% Agree | 33% Uncertain | 4% Disagree | 1% Strongly disagree 13

Athletics Survey (Continued) ECA athletics nurtures humility and teamwork out of reverence for Christ. 26% Strongly agree | 35% Agree | 36% Uncertain | 2% Disagree | 1% Strongly disagree ECA athletics stand out as being uniquely Christ-centered when compared with my experiences with other athletics programs. 28% Strongly agree | 37% Agree | 29% Uncertain | 5% Disagree | 1% Strongly disagree My child’s coaches demonstrate a commitment to parent partnership with excellence in communication. 28% Strongly agree | 25% Agree | 20% Uncertain | 2% Disagree |2% Strongly disagree My child’s coaches demonstrate a commitment to parent partnership by seeking feedback and support from parents. 21% Strongly agree | 24% Agree | 23% Uncertain | 6% Disagree |2% Strongly disagree Free Response Aspirational Themes • Stakeholders recognize a need for a sports boosters association to be established. • Stakeholders desire enhancements to sports venues. • Stakeholders identify student athlete culture in the locker room as an area for intentional spiritual shepherding. • Stakeholders desire a strong commitment to high expectations and accountability for student athlete behaviors on the field and court. • Stakeholders would like to see a high and consistently applied standard for discipleship on all teams and for accountability for Christ-centered competition and team culture. • Stakeholders would like to see growth in the elementary sports program—more opportunities, enhanced communication, and strong organization. • Stakeholders would like to see more sport options for girls in the spring.


Campus Life Survey (177 respondents) 88% Eden parents 18% Employees 61% with child(ren) at MN 38% with child(ren) at WX 20% with child(ren) at BH

Number of Years at Eden: 16% Less than a year 19% 1-2 years 27% 3-5 years 38% 5 or more years

Question Summaries Campus life provides students with opportunities to develop God-honoring friendships. 49% Strongly agree | 42% Agree | 6% Uncertain | 2% Disagree Campus life provides diverse opportunities for students to discover their gifts for service to God’s people. 29% Strongly agree | 42% Agree | 24% Uncertain | 5% Disagree | 1% Strongly disagree Campus life provides opportunities for students to use their gifts in service to others. 29% Strongly agree | 37% Agree | 28% Uncertain

| 5% Disagree | 1% Strongly disagree

Campus life helps students to develop a Christian imagination for the role they might be called to fulfill in the future. 27% Strongly agree | 40% Agree | 29% Uncertain | 3% Disagree | 1% Strongly disagree Campus life programs provide opportunities for sustained discipleship relationships. 28% Strongly agree | 34% Agree

| 31% Uncertain | 7% Disagree | 1% Strongly disagree

Campus life helps students to love to work with those whose experiences, interests, and cultures are different than their own. 20% Strongly agree | 33% Agree | 33% Uncertain | 9% Disagree

| 5% Strongly disagree

Campus life activities help students to develop a love for what is true, good, and beautiful. 38% Strongly agree | 41% Agree | 17% Uncertain

| 3% Disagree

Parents are encouraged to partner with the faculty and staff in campus life programs. 28% Strongly agree | 34% Agree | 25% Uncertain | 12% Disagree | 2% Strongly disagree


Campus Life (Continued) Campus life fosters authentic, meaningful relationships between Eden families. 24% Strongly agree | 34% Agree | 28% Uncertain | 12% Disagree | 1% Strongly disagree Campus life fosters unity within the Eden community. 27% Strongly agree | 38% Agree | 26% Uncertain | 8% Disagree | 1% Strongly disagree Campus life activities seem intentionally crafted to help students to think and to act like Jesus. 32% Strongly agree | 42% Agree | 23% Uncertain | 2% Disagree | 1% Strongly disagree Free Response Aspirational Themes • Stakeholders have a strong desire for age appropriate campus life opportunities for grades 4-6 at elementary campuses. • Stakeholders would like to see more formal long-term mentoring and discipleship relationships between faculty and students. • Stakeholders identified the benefits of high expectations for the personal moral conduct of student leaders and intentional mentoring for them as they set the example for their peers and are assumed to be spiritual role models. • Stakeholders would like to see campus life opportunities that develop more students as servant leaders. Gifts can be discovered and cultivated in many more students than are asked to lead. • Stakeholders feel strongly that there should be more authentic service opportunities throughout the school year. • Stakeholders would like to see upper school social events revitalized or altered to have a more spiritual focus rather than just borrowing from secular models of high school social functions. • Many stakeholders share a dream for more sensitivity to and appreciation for diversity of students and parents on campus and would like to see Eden take intentional steps toward equipping and shepherding students to be a light in a very diverse world that will not share their point of view or beliefs on a host of issues. • Eden families want to have a greater sense of belonging and connection and many are asking for assistance in making meaningful connections with faculty, staff, and other Eden families. • Stakeholders expressed a desire for Eden’s admissions policies and procedures to result in bringing parents and students who are deeply committed to Christian discipleship and to safeguard against enrolling simply to add numbers.


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