is coming

We have thankfully got our usual advertisers, with some new ones joining this month and more next month. Rex di Noci is just in time with his Autumn Hedge Fund Sonnet. We have a new project starting called Connecting our Community in 2023 (pages 6 and 8) this the first of what I hope will be many more updates and reports on this.
We have the early signs of Christmas and Winter (page 10). There’s plenty to think about before Christmas as the seasonal changes kick in, with a few articles getting us prepared for Winter with Ultimate Exterior Protection (page 9). It’s great to see William back in the magazine. Getting your car ready for Winter, we welcome Wrights Tyres (page 15). A business which Simon grew from the boot of his car.
Two projects to share are ‘Where are the famous 39’, the first of a few projects that Eden Local and Eden FM will be working on with Penrith Lions as we work towards May (page 14). Possibly for the first time we have allocated two pages to Remembrance Sunday, which takes the centre pages in our support for the local Royal British Legion; this article supported by Penrith Town Council.
There is always something going on, and for the sake of those who are not on social media and do not pay for local news, we have some news for you that you may have missed (pages 18 and 28), thanks to the Penrith Town media platform. We also have the latest ONS COVID statistics update released in mid-October (page 29).
Ted the dog (page 21) has a totally different approach to a wash and set.
And of course, our thanks to all our voluntary writers and organisations who cover a quarter of our magazine.
Welcome to your 13th November Eden Local as we enter our 13th year and reach Cumbrian Local publication 187. Despite what news we see, I have tried to reflect more locally what we have. In comparing the last three Novembers, they are all very, very different.
Christmas will come; it’s started to land in this issue and there’s a lot more to come in the next issue. Some of you may be thinking that the magazine has come quicker this month. Despite the showers, the teams have done very well, although I have a couple remaining. I continue to audit and measure how much the area is growing and growing each month.
But as the clocks go back, we move forward with our print and deliveries. So many of you will be getting your Eden Local a week earlier than last month, as we have brought the print and delivery forward almost a week; this to allow for the Winter nights drawing in and the weather that comes with it. Within two and a half weeks of this magazine arriving, we’ll be printing the December issue as early as the 9th/10th November. Planning ahead and problem solving seems to be a key part of running a
business and the need for dry days is just a part of it. I mentioned looking back at the last three Decembers, but over the last three months, I spent quite a lot of time looking over 12 years of coordinating this small magazine, which has grown a huge following. Being more involved in deliveries, I have mentioned so many times, that moment when I’ll be handing this magazine to not one person but hundreds of people every month, it’s so motivating. So, I will leave
and it is possible, based on the 2,500 doors that I cover with my wife
with a thank
could see you soon, let’s hope on a
for Eden. Thank
to all those who have taken part. The answers
the winners will be revealed in the December Eden Local. This month you are looking to find a number and that number is 2.
We had a dog, a Labrador Daft and big we called him Pluto
The instant he was out the door
A-hunting hedgehogs he would go
Ere supper in the fading light Sonorous his baritone bark
These furtive friends would put to flight Retracted in a spiny arc
From out between protective quills Fleas leapt across old Pluto’s head
A source of autumn evening thrills Parasite crunching until dead
Favourite of Beattie Potters
Baked slow in clay a tasty treat Eaten raw by white striped rotters A brace will leave those Brocks replete
At Sawrey on the hill’s incline Lakeland dew would softly sprinkle Bedding astride the Monday line Pegged by Mrs. Tiggywinkle
Rex di Noci
(Reference our-support/safer-and-moresustainable-communities/ devolution-hub/devolutionexplained)
Between now and early Spring 2023, everyone living in Eden will experience something quite unique. I have written several articles on the unitary system which was introduced in the 1990’s, so we should know what’s coming and what devolution is.
As a community in Eden, are we connected? Some would say our transport isn’t as in our area, do we all know what is actually going on and do we all understand what is going to happen in 2023 which affects the area in which we live, for the remainder of the time that we live here?
The process of ‘Devolution’, it’s not new and the use of the word unitary authority
goes back as far as the late 1960’s. In England, devolution is the transfer of powers and funding from national to local government. It is important because it ensures that decisions are made closer to the local people, communities and businesses they affect.
I firmly believe that much of the work that had to be done now at a local level, between the District Council and Penrith Town Council that could have been done from the moment the Penrith Town Council was in place has not progressed. What work, you may ask?
The challenge ahead will affect people’s lives, businesses and jobs. Could this have been avoided? In April 2023 the new Unitary Council has be up and running. This will replace the existing County and District Councils. The communication
Jointly, i.e. always together; or Jointly and severally, i.e. together and independently so that they can sometimes sign together and sometimes separately; or
Have you considered who and how decisions would be made for you if you had an accident or became seriously ill? This could happen at any stage of your life, and without warning. Everyday tasks such as managing your accounts, paying bills and maintaining your property would be difficult, as those closest to you cannot simply step in without proper authority. Decisions may need to be made about your care and treatment, and people you would wish to be involved may be unable to make important decisions for you. By making a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA), you can be sure that the person(s) you trust is able to make decisions for you, in the way you want, when it is needed. A Lasting Power of Attorney is a legal document that enables you to plan ahead and set out what you would like to happen should you become incapable of making decisions in the future.
This gives your attorney the authority to deal with your property and finances, when you choose, and/or if you lack mental capacity.
This allows your attorney to make health and care decisions on your behalf if you lack the mental capacity to do so yourself. This could include giving or refusing consent to the continuation of life-sustaining treatment.
Lasting Powers of Attorney are important documents and so you should take care with who you wish to appoint, as your attorneys must be trustworthy and good decision-makers. You can also appoint replacement attorneys in case your original attorney cannot otherwise act.
There are different ways in which you can instruct your Attorneys to act on your behalf and this should be discussed in detail to allow you to choose which is best for you… This could be:
A combination of (1) and (2), so some decisions can be made jointly and other decisions jointly and severally.
Before a Lasting Power of Attorney can be used it must be signed and then registered with the Office of the Public Guardian.
A property and financial affairs LPA can be used when you have the capacity to act (unless you limit this), and if you lack the mental capacity to make financial decisions.
A health and welfare LPA can only be used if you lack the mental capacity to make a health or welfare decision for yourself.
There are other factors that will need to be discussed such as if you wish to place conditions or restrictions on when and how your attorney(s) act for you, for example limiting some decisions or setting out how they should make decisions.
of this from District and County has not always been very good, to put it mildly. Eden District Council’s Voreda House project has come first before our futures, but is it being put in place for the future?
These could be challenging times, after all, we are dismantling the County and District Council. Where will this leave the Parish of Penrith and our Town Council? In Eden there are 72 parishes I think and close to 54,000 people. Do we all know what is happening and when? It is close to five months away and we should know if our parishes are taking on a number of services that are currently operated by the County and District Councils.
I believe that Parishes of Eden could potentially inherit a lot
of problems that have taken many years to create by people still in power at our County and District today. All because of putting politics before people. You don’t have to look far to see what these inherited problems are that are not solved. We currently have 38 District Councillors and 9 County Councillors. From April 2023 there will be just 16 Councillors, yes that’s 16 seats representing Eden and all its towns, villages and hamlets.
New Squares, now old - a land mark of failure from the last decade. The sad looking Coop building once in a busy area, now rotting away. But I always ask the question, how much do we actually recycle? Yes, we put it in the bags and the bins, but where does it go and how is it used?
The changes will have an impact on all our lives, our businesses and industries we have in Penrith and Eden. Do you know how many houses are being built in the next two years? Do we know how many houses have been built in the last five, and how many have sustainable energy and how many of the affordable homes still to come will have sustainable local energy, reducing fuel poverty at a local level?
Where are schools and the local services promised with these builds?
Between now and early into 2023, we can wait to find out the answers to these questions, but devolution is about local people wanting the best for their future and generations to come.
As an area, is Eden really connected and working together towards what it really needs?
Next month, I will bring more to this table and share ideas in how a community can be better connected and more involved in its future.
massage, nails threading & waxing.
got blocked. It then backed up water in the drainpipe, which then found the condensation pipe coming out of the Combi boiler that we have in the garage.
Needless to say, the garage was flooded, the boiler was not going to reset and an engineer was around the next day, but a few days to fix it as parts were required.
Yes, it is that time; please don’t get caught out!
the Chimney sweep booked in, and we’ll batten down the hatches and be ready for Winter. Don’t get caught in the rain with debris from your guttering blocking your drain. William’s details are below.
A warm welcome return to William from Ultimate Exterior Protection, as we enter that period where the daylight is reduced, the leaves get blown off the trees and the rain is non-stop!
Sadly, in the Quinn household, whilst William was booked in to do the Winter maintenance to check the guttering and clear the debris, we had some heavy down pours in the week ending 16th October and we got caught out.
So much came off the roof into the guttering, which probably already had seasonal debris in it, that one of our corner down pipes got blocked as the drain
It’s Winter maintenance time, where up on Wetheriggs in Penrith, whilst we’ve had our first frost in the week I’ve just mentioned above, with those crystal-clear days and views of the Lake District mountains to the South West and the Fells to the North East, the wood store will be replenished this week,
It’s a strange time of yearunsettled in the weather and for most, unsettled times when we switch on to the national media reports a cloud is cast over all it would seem.
When I searched the word Winter online, it came up with the months of December, January and February, and when I look at the long-range weather report, it shows a drier second half of October and potentially a dusting of snow in November.
I like things simpler than that, and I’m looking out of my window from my small office at home, and I see the view I have, pictured above; to me that’s
Winter. This year, astronomical Winter begins on 21st December 2022 and ends on 20th March 2023. The astronomical calendar determines the seasons due to the 23.5 degrees of tilt of the Earth's rotational axis in relation to its orbit around the Sun.
In the meteorological calendar, the first day of Winter is always 1st December, ending on 28th (or 29th during a Leap Year) February. Meteorological seasons consist of splitting the seasons into four periods made up of three months each.
Whether we have a white Christmas or not looks to be in the balance, but New Year could
deliver a surprise form the skies. I think I’ll stick with looking out of the window and waiting for the surprise!
Reference source uk
In support of the 40th Penrith Lions May Carnival, I have committed the Eden Local and Eden FM to helping this event.
Recent events once again do mean that May bank holidays, due to the King’s Coronation, may affect the first Bank Holiday Monday in May 2023, but after a quick chat with Penrith Lion’s President, John Rogerson a few days before writing this, he confirmed that the 40th Penrith Lions May Carnival would still be going ahead.
What I am tasked with, as it is the 40th Carnival, is finding out where the previous 39 CarnivalMay Queens are today. Can
you help? I was passed a pile of Carnival programmes which in total was 22. The earliest programme I have dates back to 1989, printed in blue ink on white paper, so I am in search of 1981 to 1988 - do you have any of these?
Moving into the 1990’s and printed in black ink, I have four programmes, so I’m missing 1990, 91, 92, 94, 96, 98. Based on what I have, it looks like from 1981 to 2002 it was always the Carnival Queen, then from 2003 it was the May Queen at the Carnival. I do have a folded sheet from when the Carnival was moved to Sunday 5th August 2001 due to Foot and
mouth. There are many events of the last 40 plus years mentioned in the programmes.
In 2004 the programmes went to blue print on white. I do have all the programmes from 2000 to 2010. I’m missing 2011 and 2012, but I picked up a change to black and white print from 2014 to 2016, then for the first time in the centenary of Lions International, we finally move to colour print.
With the 22 programmes I have, there is also the history of all the Penrith Lion’s Presidents as well as a number of Carnival and May Queen assistants. The programmes also highlight the hundreds of businesses and organisations supporting the event, with a number of these appearing in the earliest programme through to the last programme in 2019.
Possibly one of the most important things highlighted through the programme, is the charities and the funds raised by the Penrith Lions and their supporters, through this part of history in the town they have work so hard for.
It you can help with filling in the blanks and have some Lions programmes
I can use that I’ll return, or any information you can share in helping me contact the 39 Carnival and May Queens, please email lee@cumbrianlocal. or call 01768 862394.
So who is Stan? Well Stanley is my friend, Robert Walker’s dad, and since my first meeting with Stan, we are now ready to write the story of his life. I anticipate looking at a lot of photos with Stan as we work our way through his life. Every member of his family will play a part in sharing their experiences with Stan.
So, I have a question for you, ‘do you know Stanley, or do you know someone that might know Stanley?’
Over the next 3 to 4 months, I’ll be working with Stan and his family, and hoping that out there we’ll find others I can meet and talk to about Stanley. We’ll keep you posted. If it all goes well, the book will be out late Spring 2023.
It you have any information to share or links to Stanley, please call me on 01768 862394 or email
Stand back to see the bigger picture? Up close to nail the detail?
50 years management experience in industry, commerce and banking adds up to business expertise with common sense Eric Dixon 07592 312349
you notice anything different in the service they offer?
Open Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5.30pm and Saturdays 9am – 4pm
Available on Sundays from 10am to 3pm by appointment
Available 24 hours for emergency call outs
appointment at home or your place of work
we head into Winter, Simon and Pete will also be doing Winter checks:
Sometimes we are led by doing what we’ve always done, and I suppose as a small business owner since 1994, when I first set out it wasn’t a business adviser, a consultant or bank that helped me get started, it was determination to use my knowledge, skills and experience of what I’d been for over 18 years and applying that by becoming self-employed.
The direction I wanted to go was driven by the application of what I did for someone else, changing to me doing it for myself. Simon Wright started out just like this and at same age as I was. In launching Wrights Tyres in 2020, he had behind him 14 years’ experience and knowledge he acquired which he now applies to his business.
The first thing that happens is friends and family get behind you and share with more friends. In the business of tyre repairs and replacement, at Wrights this could be a car, van, a 4 x 4, a tractor or trailer.
In any business, it’s good to have something that’s a little special that makes you different from others. After all we live in the real world; it doesn’t just run Monday to Friday and many businesses open Saturdays. In the small yard with a small office and workshop, you’ll find Simon and staff.
Tyre tread and pressures
Lights and lenses
you’re planning ahead, they’ll check the air conditioning too.
This year, Remembrance Day falls on Sunday 13th November
A civic parade will form at 2:00pm, made up of invited organisations and individuals, and will march from Portland Place, down Middlegate and Devonshire Street to St Andrew’s Church for Penrith town’s Service of Remembrance at 2:30pm. Seats will be reserved for those invited to attend.
Prior to this on Friday 11th November at 11:00am, there will be a dedication of Armistice in the Garden of Remembrance at the WWI memorial in St Andrew’s Churchyard.
Members of the public are invited to attend both events.
On 13th November 2022, Penrith will remember the sacrifice of all those that have fallen and those that defended our freedoms; the Armed Forces, their families, the vital role played by the emergency services and those that have lost their lives as a result of conflict or terrorism.
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie, In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.
By Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae. First publishedWrite: Penrith Town Council. Unit 1, Church House, 19-24 Friargate, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 7XR Please get involved in helping to make Penrith a Carbon Neutral Town. It’s crucially important for all of us!!
A commemoration of the signing of the Armistice between the Allied Powers and the Central Powers, effectively ending all military operations and hostilities of World War I at Compiègne in France, which we commemorate, that happened for the first time at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918.
The first Armistice Day celebration was held at Buckingham Palace. King George V hosted a banquet in honour of the President of the French Republic on the evening of the first Armistice Day on 10th November 1919. The first official Armistice Day was held in the grounds of Buckingham Palace on the morning of 11th November 1919, which included a two-minute silence as a mark of respect for those who died in the war and those left behind.
In Britain, Armistice Day continued until the beginning of 1939, when the two-minute silence was moved to the closest Sunday to 11th November, so it didn’t interfere with wartime production should 11th November have fallen on a weekday. This became Remembrance Sunday. After World War II, most member states of the Commonwealth of Nations adopted the name Remembrance Day.
In the United States they chose to have 'Veterans Day', to honour military veterans, including those participating in other conflicts.
Closer to home here in Penrith and Eden, the Royal British Legion supports Remembrance events here and across the UK. Shadowed a little by the ‘Winter’ Drove which moved to Autumn, the RBL Poppy Appeal continues to be on the last Saturday of October, being 29th and this will take place on the steps outside Sainsburys at New Squares.
Poppies will be on sale from volunteers of the British Legion at Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, Home Bargains and Booths. If you would like to help with the RBL Poppy Appeal, please contact Edith Bamber on 01768 864274.
The British Legion encourage local and regional communities to produce Remembrance commemorations of their own. At the core of these events is the Act of Remembrance.
The Act of Remembrance is brief and nonreligious, making it exceptionally well-suited to personalised commemorations. You may assemble whatever readings, music or other elements you wish to accompany the Act of Remembrance in order to make your own ceremony or event relevant to your particular community.
RBL doesn't prescribe what these should be but services should be inclusive of all members of the community.
The Act of Remembrance consists of the following:
The Exhortation is recited:
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.
The Last Post is sounded. (A Piper Lament may be included in Scotland.)
The Two Minute Silence is observed.
Reveille is sounded.
The Kohima Epitaph is recited (optional): When you go home, tell them of us and say, For your tomorrow, we gave our today.
No devolution of Castle Park, as park is set to be taken over by Westmorland and Furness Council.
Eden Council overview and scrutiny committee tonight questioned the leader of Eden Council on matters including devolution of assets.
A question around the future of Penrith’s Castle Park was put to the leader around devolution of the park to Penrith Town Council.
The leader has faced multiple questions on devolution of assets at council meeting over the last year as a result of the local government changes taking place on the 1st of April that will see Eden council scrapped.
The leader of Eden Council Cllr Taylor responded to questioning at tonight meeting around Castle park saying that a statement would be coming out in due course on devolution of assets, but all
assets owned by Eden council would be transferred to the new Westmorland and Furness Council.
The leader of Eden Council who is also a member of the new Westmorland and Furness Cabinet said “that devolution of assets takes a lot of time finances and resources and the new council does not yet even have a policy on devolution or a budget so negotiations on devolution of assets will have to wait.”
Concerns around assets passing to the new Westmorland and Furness council have been raised as the new council will also inherit multi-million pound debts from the councils it will replace.
Some in the community have raised concerns this could see assets such as play parks sold to developers to build housing on to help plug the multimillion black hole the new council will have from the 1st of April.
support a wide range of insects. Ash woodlands often have hazel trees growing beneath the high canopies which again provide perfect conditions for a range of small mammals and birds.
Some of the brightest of the autumn leaves that can be seen at this time of year belong to one of the most common and ancient native trees in the UK – Fraxinus excelsior - the Ash.
At full height this tall tree can reach a height of 35m (115 ft) and given that the trees often grow closely together they make a magnificent sight as the canopy spreads and develops. In the winter the tree is easily identified by its pale grey/brown bark, branches and twigs which have black ‘sooty’ buds that grow opposite each other. As the days lengthen and warm, the light green oval leaves grow in 3-6 pairs with an extra single leaf at the tip of the ‘frond’. It’s also interesting to note that the leaves can move as a whole in the direction of the sunlight to the point that the whole crown of the tree can actually lean in the direction of the sun. In the autumn the leaves stay a shade of green/ yellow as they fall from the tree while the ‘ash keys’ become brown and only fall from the tree in late winter and early spring before the new flowers appear. The ash tree generally has its frothy purple male and female flowers on different trees but in some cases a single tree can produce them both but on different branches. Another peculiarity of the Ash is that it is one of the earliest trees to lose its leaves especially after a frost when they all suddenly seem to fall to the ground! This means that the habitat below the canopy gets slightly more sunlight throughout the year and makes it ideal for wild woodland plants such as dog violet, wild garlic and dog’s mercury. As a result these
As a native British tree the mythology and symbolism surrounding it goes back many centuries. It has always been considered to have protective and healing qualities particularly in relation to children. Sickly and poorly children would be passed through the cleft of an ash tree to promote healing. The tree would often be deliberately split and then bound after the ceremony to heal at the same time as the child got better. New born babies were often given ash sap to prevent disease and improve the mortality rate. Often ash berries would be placed in the crib to protect against the mischief of faeries and being taken as a changeling.
Other superstitions suggest that if you keep an ash leaf in your pocket it will bring you good luck (especially if it has an even number of leaflets on it!) and skin problems could be healed by carrying a pin in your pocket for three days then sticking the pin into the bark of an ash tree. A knobbly lump would appear on the tree and the skin disorder would disappear!
The strength of ash wood has made it an important material to work with. It is a dense yet elastic wood that absorbs shocks without splintering and that means it has made everything from chariot axles to oars, tools and weapons and hockey sticks! In the 19th century it was used to make carriages and even today the Morgan Motor Company still grows ash to make the frames for its cars. Given that the tree can live for at least 400 years – even longer if coppiced – it is a tree that keeps on giving.
I wonder if you can hazard a guess which will be the tree that I look at next month in the final piece of the year?
By Pam Waggott
am going to be lavished with a soapy massage and made feel on top of the world! I can give my groomer kisses and have a fuss made of me.
I didn’t notice my owner leave (don’t tell them). I am assisted into the bath (I’m 100 in people years) I am welcomed to a luxury pamper session.
As I begin to fall asleep due to the relaxation of her touch. My owner appears, as much as I’m happy to see them. I wish my pampering appointment was longer. As I stroll away, I look back at the Groomer feeling my younger self once again. Until next time… Ted
As we are driving down the road I question where we’re going - Please not the vets! Looking out the window, the car slows down. I notice the familiar face waiting as we approach. I begin to stamp longing to get out, I cannot contain my excitement! This means only one thing. I
Massaging my aching muscles as well as bringing my dead undercoat out. She is always gentle with me especially on the grooming table (I can’t stand for long). She styles and scissors my coat, being extra vigilant around my face. She knows I like to keep my eyebrows on, so very accommodating to my needs. Gentle and confident handling helps put me at ease.
It’s well and truly autumn and if you’ve been lazing through a flower-filled spring and summer now is a good time to look at other ways of achieving a colour-packed garden in every season.
Vibrant foliage is all around at the moment but trees and shrubs bearing berries are another fantastic way of getting colour in as the seasons change, and also provide tasty treats for wildlife. Here are some favourites.
A deciduous spindle shrub, the pink-red berries contain orange seeds and with impressive autumn shades of red this is a real stunner.
There are plenty of roses to select but I like this for its silvery grey leaves, delicate pink flowers and rosy-red hips. Tolerant of most soils it’s generally easy to grow.
A striking white-berried shrub and usefully it is shade-tolerant. Watch out as it can spread via underground suckers.
Quite unassuming in other seasons it bursts into the garden in autumn with eye-catching purple berries.
Loved by birds the name says it all, with glowing orange berries this evergreen shrub can be trained as a climber or used as a hedging plant.
We mustn’t forget trees so here are a few native ones that give great berry shows:
• Ilex aquifolium (the trusty holly), a favourite in Christmas displays.
• Sorbus acuparia (rowan), also called mountain ash, often grows at higher locations and is found wild in the Cumbrian fells. It has lovely autumn foliage too.
• Crataegus monogyna (hawthorn) provides a rich wildlife habitat and produces a riot of white spring flowers as well.
Get in touch to discuss ways of bringing colour into your outdoor space and connecting to nature whatever the weather. I can help create ideas, from revitalising tired gardens to complete garden designs.
A little safety note: check whether your chosen plants are poisonous to humans, particularly if you have children, and pets.
© 2022 Karen Roberts Garden DesignWhether you’re an employer organising an event, an employee attending a work-related event, or perhaps a group of employees socialising outside of work hours, there’s plenty for everyone involved to think about.
At the time of writing this article, we are fast approaching Christmas Party Season, and by the time you read this, some of you might already have been to a Work Christmas Party. The following advice applies to all social events attended by employees, not just seasonal ones, and I hope you find it thought-provoking and helpful, rather than scary!
Work parties and other social events can be a wonderful way of improving staff morale and getting staff to engage with one another, however, problems can arise as people can be unpredictable, particularly when alcohol and/or drugs are involved. My advice to employers would be to do everything you possibly can to remind your staff that you expect them to behave appropriately at these events. Ensure relevant policies are well communicated and understood by everyone. This means reminding employees on a regular basis of what is and isn’t acceptable. At least then, if something does go wrong, you’ll be in a better position to demonstrate that you have tried to be a responsible employer, and be able to take the required action.
My advice to any employee would be to enjoy yourself but act responsibly. Excessive alcohol consumption and/or being under the influence of drugs are usually the causes of incidents at these sorts of events, so be responsible and don’t let things get out of control!
Health & Safety - Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, employers have a duty to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of their staff. If a social event is associated with work, the duty is likely to extend to the event, so employers need to take steps to ensure the location doesn’t present any health and safety risks and that employees don’t put themselves or others at risk either during or after the event. Employers should also take reasonable steps to ensure their employees don’t act under the influence of alcohol or drugs as this is likely to risk the health and safety of others.
Employees have a duty to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions or omissions, so reminding employees of the health and safety implications of excessive alcohol consumption, reminding them that illegal drugs are prohibited, advising them that they should not drink and drive and that they should make advance arrangements for getting home after the event, are all strongly advised.
Harassment - A common issue that appears to arise as a result of employees attending social events is an allegation of harassment. Harassment is unlawful under the Equality Act 2010, where one employee engages in unwanted conduct related to a “protected characteristic” that has the purpose or effect of violating another employee’s dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them. There are a number of relevant protected characteristics for harassment, namely age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.
Bad behaviour - Employers can be liable for the actions of their employees when those actions are carried out in the course of their employment, and this could extend to their conduct and behaviour at social events outside of work hours. This is called vicarious liability. Employers, however, will have some defence if they can demonstrate that they have been pragmatic in taking steps to prevent harassment or other problems from happening at these sorts of events. Having guidance in place and sending out timely reminders to staff about standards of acceptable behaviour and the consequences of not following the rules could provide good defence in the unfortunate event that something goes wrong.
Well in advance of any major work-related social function, such as a Christmas party, it’s really worth reminding employees in writing of the standards of behaviour you expect from them at these events. You may have relevant policies and/or a Staff Code of Conduct or other similar guidance in place, however, reinforcing messages and expectations from time to time is essential.
A memo or statement to all staff detailing the following could be used periodically and tailored for each event:
• Where and when the event will take place
• What will be provided by the Company in terms of food and alcohol and what employees will be expected to pay for
• Any transport arrangements laid on by the Company
• Who to contact at the event should there be any concerns
• Rules regarding the internet and social media – whether photos/images from the event and any comments may be posted by individuals without the Company’s written permission
• Standards of conduct expected at events, encouraging staff to enjoy the event, but behave responsibly. This also applies to any partners/guests who attend events
• The fact that inappropriate behaviour could lead to disciplinary action and ultimately dismissal in cases of gross misconduct
• That failing to attend work following the event due to a hangover is not an acceptable reason for absence
• The policies and rules that apply to all staff
If you need any help or advice on this subject or with any other employment matter, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
The kingdom of Rheged was born out of the ruins of Roman Britain, during the occupation by Rome Britain was divided into administrative regions such as Britannia Inferior (the north) and Britannia Superior (The South).
The lands of Cumbria and Northumbria formed the Frontier zone stretching north from The Lune Gorge past Hadrian’s Wall where Roman control extended into the borderlands of now Scotland. The Wall was the tangible symbol of this frontier and was guarded by 12000 soldiers along its 70-mile length but was also supported by another 24000 soldiers in forts around the landscape in Cumbria and Northumbria. This was the largest concentration of Roman military in the Empire.
With the collapse of Roman Rule around AD 410, the south fell into civil war but the north remained stable. During the 4th century most of the main army had been removed from Britain but the frontier troops remained. The Commander of the entire Wall garrison was based at Luguvallium (Carlisle) and the last of these was Coel Hen a general in the Roman army possibly of RomanoBritish decent.
Coel Hen (Hen is a nick name and means old) was a soldier of great experience and was probably the inspiration for the rhyme “Old King Cole”. Coel managed to keep the north from falling into anarchy becoming the accepted ruler. His family and decedents created the Coeling Dynasty who through marriage became connected to many of the British Kingdoms and even some Saxon ones as well.
Rheged existed from around AD 420 to 640 and at its hight stretched from the Annan to Chester and east taking in the West Pennines it was the most powerful of the dark-age kingdoms. AD 450 to 550 are the years of myth and legend and we know very little from this period other that texts from later chronicles that mention many battles in Eden some attributed to Arthur. We will examine this period in more detail in later issues.
Rheged’s power came from its military unlike the south where most of the legions had been removed Rheged still had the frontier troops effectively a standing army as well as the most powerful cavalry unit in Britain the Ala Petrianna garrisoned at the fort of Petrianna now Stanwix.
The kingdom also had wealth from agriculture and the Roman mines around Alston.
The Land was divided into sub kingdoms between Coel’s grand children but this was a mistake which several generations later led to all out
civil war, a war which would weaken Rheged and lead to its downfall. The original centre of power for Rheged was Luguvallium (Carlisle) but later when it was divided into sub-kingdoms we see other sites that may have become regional sub-capitals an example is the Kingdom of the Pennies which possibly had its capital at Epicacum near Alston.
The name “Rheged” has been debated as in nearly every ancient text it is referred to as Hen Ogledd (Old North). It may be the lands of Cumbria were never called Rheged, the name was as far as we know were first used, by Taliesin in the 6th century he wrote many verses praising King Urien. In the book of Taliesin, he refers to Urien as King of Rheged and as Urien Rheged, the word translates to mean land of heather and should really be Rhegnedd. But as this appears nowhere other than Taliesin whose verses were altered by later poets it can not be seen as factual.
bund already in place directly south of the bio filter bed with an approximate height of 3m that will be planted with trees.
Cumbria County Council and Penrith Town Council have said they have no objections to the application.
However in the planning report that will be considered by the Eden Council planning committee is lists that one letter of objection has been received by Eden Council to the application from the representative for a local pressure group, Fresh AIR for Penrith.
Eden Councils planning committee is due to meet on Thursday morning at Penrith Town hall to consider the planning application for the construction of a Bio filter structure by Omega Proteins Ltd, at the firms Greystoke Road site.
The application is recommended for approval subject to conditions by Eden Council planning officers.
The application to construct a new bio filter bed is proposed in order to provide additional mitigation for low-odour room air, extracted from buildings within the plant.
The new bio filter construction is proposed to be constructed as a concrete tank of 20m x 48.5m enclosed by walls 2.5m high.
The bio filter bed will be located adjacent to commercial glasshouses of Mile Lane Nurseries, screened from the north by the existing Omega plant biomass tipping shed and a landscaped
The same Eden Council planning report also shows Eden Council has failed to reach a determination on eight further planning applications for the Omega site including an application for a Solar Farm with some of the eight outstanding applications dating back more than two years.
Eden Council planning data listed on the Eden council website also shows Eden Council currently has over 300 planning applications still to be determined with some outstanding applications dating back to 2019 still not determined.
The Councils planning department has seen a number of complaints over the last two years and the departure of most of the council planning officers and staff with the department now heavily reliant on consultants and agency staff according to Eden council finance data that shows the council is currently paying consultant and agency staff over £150,000.00 per month.
A roundup of the latest data and trends about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic from the ONS and other sources.
An estimated 2.3 million people in private households in the UK (3.5% of the population) were experiencing self-reported long COVID as of 3 September 2022.
Of those, almost half (46%) reported experiencing long COVID symptoms at least one year after first having (suspected) COVID-19.
The most common long COVID symptoms continued to be fatigue (69% of those with self-reported long COVID), followed by difficulty concentrating (45%), shortness of breath (42%) and muscle ache (40%).
Symptoms adversely affected the day-to-day activities of 1.6 million people, or 72% of those with self-reported long COVID.
We also reported that the percentage of people testing positive for COVID-19 continued to increase in England, increased in Northern Ireland and trends were uncertain in Wales and Scotland in the latest week. From
The estimated percentage of people living in private households (those not in care homes or other communal establishments) testing positive for COVID-19 was:
2.78% in England (1 in 35 people)
2.47% in Wales (1 in 40 people)
2.46% in Northern Ireland (1 in 40 people)
2.08% in Scotland (1 in 50 people)
They’ll be another COVID update in the December Eden Local, take care out there
Autumn is a time we associate with migration. Skeins of geese are honking overhead and our woods and gardens see visiting birds from the north and east coming to spend the winter in our relatively milder climate. But there are other migrants on the move that may not be quite so obvious. They are not above us, but under the water. Although sometimes they also take to the air.
If that all sounds a bit fishy, it’s because it is. I’m talking about salmon, who return to breed in our rivers at this time of year. They will have spent up to three years out at sea, possibly as far away as Greenland. Then, in one of those marvels of migration, they find their way back over distances of thousands of
kilometres, not just to Britain, not just to Cumbria, but to the very stretch of the river in which they were born.
How they manage this feat isn’t fully understood, but it’s thought that, like birds, they are able to detect the Earth’s magnetic fields with a built-in compass. Once they get close to their birth river, they then use their sense of smell to guide them back to their family home.
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), females, on their migration up river to spawn, in an Environment Agency fish trap (which is a salmon ladder with gates that the staff open once they have recorded the fish). England: Cumbria, Carlisle, River Caldew, Holme Head weir,
It’s at this point that they sometimes have to become airborne. Swimming upstream in a fast-flowing river is tough enough, like trying to run up the down escalator. To make things even harder, many of our rivers have waterfalls and the only way up these is by jumping. Salmon have been known to jump over three metres up a waterfall, not bad going after a journey like that. Watching them leaping the falls is a spectacular experience, most famously on rivers in the Scottish Highlands. But here in Cumbria we have some spots where these flying fish can be also be seen. The River Kent is probably the best bet with Force
Falls near Sedgwick and Backbarrow falls both being places where our finned friends have to fling themselves over these natural barriers.
Once they reach their spawning grounds the fish lay pea sized eggs in ‘nests’ called redds. Exhausted by their journey, during which they haven’t fed, most salmon then die. Suddenly the daily commute doesn’t seem quite so bad. In spring the eggs will hatch and the young salmon, called parr, will grow for one to three years before going through a physiological change that allows them to live in salt water. Now called smolts they head out to sea until it’s their turn to make the epic trip back. The least we can do is cheer them on as they head for the high jump.
More information about Atlantic salmon here: wildlife-explorer/freshwater-fish/atlanticsalmon
The Wildlife Trusts work with planners, water companies, landowners, statutory bodies and anglers to help make our waterways and waterbodies as good for wildlife as they are for people. By working together, we can create Living Landscapes: networks of habitats stretching across town and country that allow wildlife to move about freely and people to enjoy the benefits of nature. Support this greener vision for the future by joining your local Wildlife Trust. https://www.
I've heard it said that the Old Queen Mother
Could cast a salmon fly like no other She might well have outcast J R Hartley To win first prize at the " How big? " party
Pacific, Atlantic, Pink, Sockeye, Red Norwegian is best for the smoking shed They eat it raw on smorgasbord - gravlax To avoid the EU's high end fish tax
Salmon are famously anadromous As well as racily polygamous Eggs strewn generously on the river
As males chase tails swimming all a-quiver Farmed salmon sometimes manage to escape Changing for ever their life pattern's shape Though tired of splashing around Cape Horn
They can't return to spawn where they were born
Rex di Noci
October 12th 2022