6 minute read
Now Open, Start a new chapter at Newton House
from Eden Local Issue 177
by Lee Quinn
Now open

Start a new chapter at Newton House!
A stylish Extra Care Living scheme for people over the age of 55*, Newton House provides one and two bedroom apartments for rent, and two bedroom apartments for shared ownership**. Pets are more than welcome too! A dedicated Housing and Care Manager is available during the week and there is a Care Team on site 24/7. Optional, tailored care and support packages are also available for residents that need it. There is an impressive range of fully accessible communal facilities for residents and their visitors to enjoy. To learn more, book your viewing today or visit bit.ly/h21-newton-house.
Guide price: 25% ownership from £43,250** for a two bedroom or Rent from £108.29 a week** for a one bedroom apartment
*The age for Newton House is 65 plus, however residents can qualify between the ages of 55 and 64 if they have a care and support need. **Eligibility criteria, core charges and service charges apply. Monthly rent also applies on shared ownership purchases up to 75%.
To book your viewing, please call us on 07764 917300 or email Sean.Mcdougall@housing21.org.uk.
Newton House | Newton Road | Penrith CA11 9FY

Now Open, Start a new chapter at Newton House! Introduction Page 2 Pages 4 - 5
Christmas Past - Quinn & Rex Di Noci Worth Waiting for? – Reverend David Sargent Christmas Tree Collection for Charity New Year celebration at the Highland Drove Christmas Present - Quinn & Rex Di Noci North Lakes Hotel Wedding Fayre Christmases to Come - Quinn & Rex Di Noci Introducing personal Trainer Dave Kelly Pams Flower Power- December Holly
Pages 6 & 10 Page 8 Page 9 Page 9 Pages 10 & 12 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Pages 14 - 15 The Pheasant by Rafferty Antrobus Page 16 Shaping our Country by Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust Pages 17 & 26 -27 Christmas Word search sponsored by Ultimate Exterior Protection Page 18 Making a seasonal wreath by Karen Roberts Page 20 The Window Doctor – Don’t let your windows be a Pane! Page 21 Penrith Remembers by Penrith Town Council Page 22 New Website for Local Government Reorganisation of Cumbria Page 23 Looking Back at 2021 with Quinn HR Pages 24 - 25 Christmases to come - Quinn & Rex Di Noci Page 27 The Eden Project with a difference Pages 28 - 29 ‘Never Absent, Never Late’ By Sydney Chapman Pages 30 – 31 Celebrate this Christmas Season by Chaplain Ian Newton Page 30 Beating Conservatory Conversion Prices down Back Cover
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Eden FM Notice: Eden Local prints various articles, features, and advertisements. Although these appear in Eden FM, any opinions expressed are the opinion of the author, these are not necessarily the opinion of the publisher. ©Copyright Eden Local 2021. The contents of this publication are written specifically for our readers, no part may be reproduced elsewhere without express and prior permission.
27th DECEMBERwww.cumbriaoak.co.uk www.cumbriaoak.co.uk CUMBRIA OAK THE POT PLACE, STATION YARD, PLUMPTON, NR PENRITH CA11 9PA
01768 894 528
OPEN 7 D www.cumbriaoak.co.ukAYS A WEEK MON - SAT 10-5 SUN 10-4

Making the most of the short sunny days before I have to put my gloves on, trying to predict the next dry weather window for deliveries. I was even out delivering in my T-shirt and a few days later I had three layers on! The weather was good for the Royal British Legion Remembrance Sunday parade, which as I filmed will now be in the memory bank. We do a have a write up from Penrith Town Council on this (P22). As for the weather, will it be a white Christmas? At present it’s looking like 7 degrees and a slim chance of snow New years Eve. I will also remember November 2021 for the Cop26. Locally I’ll still be dwelling on just how many gas pipes are being laid and how many charging points there are in our Eden District Council Car parks and offices since it declared 11th July 2019, ‘A climate emergency and an ecological emergency’. Would Electric charging points be a tourist attraction more than the Lakes Mountains in years to come or even as early 2022? Based on the readership we have online, I reckon travel plans are evolving. Meanwhile, it’s in the news and I’ve made space for it, the Local Government Reorganisation of Cumbria, which sees the Eden District Council phased out to create a unitary system (P23). In other ‘news’, I did get the chimney swept and the fire was on with our kiln dried logs by midOctober, using the last of our winter 2020/21 logs, with a top up delivery arriving from a local supplier accredited through ‘Woodsure Quality Assured Woodfuel and Woodsure Ready to Burn’, near Bolton. Moving on, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, I reckon there’ll be decorations up before the end of November. Traditionally, Christmas trees and decorations went up on first day of Advent, which is the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day, but I’ll come back to that. We have covered a lot of elements this month which of course are about Christmas, however, I’m sure one of you will receive this Eden Local at the end of November, but I’m hoping everyone will have received it through their doors before 20th December.
As our November deliveries finish and our December deliveries commence, between Sunday 28th November and Monday 6th December marks the eight days Hanukkah, the Jewish festival that reaffirms the ideals of Judaism and the lighting of nine candles. Many would have seen the ninebranch menorah, a candelabra with 9 stems, known in Hebrew as Hanukiah and on each of the 8 days a candle is lit after sun set. The ninth candle is called Shamash (helper) and is used to light the others.
Some of us might know this as the festival of light, what I can now say is “Hanukkah Sameach!”. It’s taken almost 60 years for me to come to know this, but I importantly set aside the time to research it. As holidays go, from my research Christmas is the biggest holiday, Hanukkah is the second and New Year is third then it’s the Chinese New Year which in 2022 is 1st February. Of course, it isn’t just the Chinese that celebrate it and in this year that will be the year of the Tiger, the 16-day festival is celebrated across Asia and other Asiatic communities around the world. In the next issue of Eden Local I’ll be covering the Chinese zodiac (Sheng Xiao). As consumers, Christmas decorations are on sales before Halloween in many places, I always buy some to add to the Christmas ‘dec’ collection which I did before 27th October this year. Traditionally in my family we gauge when we put our decorations up subject to the buying of a real Christmas Tree. The care needed in watering it to keep it fresh and alive so in theory this might be