2 minute read
Penrith Remembers by Penrith Town Council
from Eden Local Issue 177
by Lee Quinn
Councillor Doug Lawson, Ex Chair of Penrith Town Council and Ex Mayor of Penrith was pleased to be able to present Mayors Medals to Tony Pears in recognition of all his hard work in keeping Penrith tidy with litter picking and to Cameron Stewart in recognition of his Christmas appeal during the pandemic. The Mayor’s Medal is presented to persons who have, in the opinion of the serving Mayor, made important and significant contributions to Penrith. The medals may be awarded for activities such as bravery, long-service and outstanding contributions to the community. Two more medals will be awarded in December.
On 30 October the current Mayor Councillor Charlie Sheppard attended the launch of the 2021 Poppy Appeal in Penrith. Penrith Town Council was pleased to support the Appeal and the Royal British Legion in Penrith, the RBL is 100 years old this year and Penrith was one of its founding branches. Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, last year the Council successfully arranged for distanced wreath laying and the Citation to be read in St Andrews Churchyard to acknowledge Remembrance Sunday. This year on 14 November 2021 Penrith remembered the sacrifice of all those that have fallen and those that defended our freedoms; the Armed Forces, their families, the vital role played by the emergency services and those that have lost their lives as a result of conflict or terrorism.
Penrith Town Council worked with partner organisations to ensure that the event could go ahead in a Covid safe format. To mark Remembrance Sunday, Penrith Town Council arranged the Penrith Remembrance Parade and supported Reverend David Sargent to deliver the service of Remembrance. everyone who participated in the event and for making the event covid safe. The Government is reorganising Council structures in Penrith and Cumbria and over the next few years you will be hearing more about this. The Town Council will be seeking your opinions and asking you to get involved as we expect the Town Council will be accepting more assets and services currently provided by Eden District Council. All the district Councils and the County Council will be dissolved in May 2023 and the Government intends to create two new unitary councils. For the Allerdale, Carlisle and Copeland areas the council’s name will be Cumberland. For the Barrow, Eden and South Lakeland areas the council’s name will be Westmorland and Furness.
Elections for the two new councils, as Shadow Authorities, will take place in May 2022. A shadow authority is an ‘authority’ which is appointed or elected to shape the two new councils ready for vesting on 1 April 2023. When the new councils go live on 1 April 2023 the shadow authorities are also then dissolved. This is subject to Parliamentary approval which is likely to take place in March 2022. The Penrith Town Council Office is open again to the public Monday to Wednesday 9:30am to 3:00pm providing you are free from Covid 19 symptoms. With best wishes and health and happiness for the New Year.

office@penrithtowncouncil.co.uk 01768 899 773
Write: Penrith Town Council Unit 1, Church House, 19-24 Friargate, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 7XR Please get involved in helping to make Penrith a Carbon Neutral Town. It’s crucially important for all of us!!