Edenlocal May 2016

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Cumbrian Local Publications • Issue No. 79 • May/June 2016

• EdenLocal

News from Eden District Council

Update Call for drivers to be aware of horse drawn vehicles With a month until the annual Appleby Horse Fair starts from 2-8 June 2016, the public agencies including Cumbria Police, who form part of the Multi Agency Strategic Co-ordinating Group (MASCG), who work to make the Horse Fair safer each year, are appealing for drivers in Cumbria to be aware of horse drawn vehicles in the area in the lead up to this year’s Fair. Superintendent Mark Pannone from Cumbria Police, said: “Road safety is of paramount importance around Appleby Horse Fair, especially as we have an increased amount of traffic in the county. This includes the traditional bowtops (horse drawn caravans) making their way to Appleby. “We are appealing to motorists travelling through Cumbria to be aware that more horse drawn vehicles will be in the county in the build up to the Fair, so please

slow down and allow more time for your journeys. Communities along the A686 and A69 roads around Alston and the North Pennines have expressed concerns to us about speeding vehicles and we will be putting measures in place to address these issues in the coming weeks. By working together we can keep Cumbria’s roads safe for everyone.” The MASCG has once again made an appeal to Gypsies and Travellers not to arrive too soon for this year’s Fair, after the new number of early arrivals was reduced significantly last year following a similar request.

Gypsy and Traveller Billy Welch, a member of the Multi Agency Co-ordinating Group (MASCG), who work to make the Fair safer each year, said: “I would like to thank the Gypsies and Travellers who responded positively last year to our appeal not to arrive too soon for Appleby Fair with their trailers. Your help made a real difference and reduced the impact the Fair had on local communities, many of whom are currently overcoming the impact of the terrible flooding that hit Cumbria in December last year. I will be inviting people to make a donation at Fairhill towards Appleby’s Flood Appeal, a good cause I am sure many people will be keen to support. “We are appealing once more, for people bringing trailers to Appleby to please respect the Fair, plan your journey carefully and look at www.applebyfair.org for further information on some of the more popular stopping places, so you don’t arrive too soon before the Fair starts on 2 June. By doing this you help not only help improve road safety, but also allow more space on road side verges for grazing and bowtops.” To keep up to date on the plans and news for Appleby Horse Fair 2016, including information about traffic managements plans for Appleby Town Centre during the Fair visit www.applebyfair.org or check out Facebook MASCG for Appleby Fair or follow @ApplebyFair on Twitter. A number of new measures will be


The magazine that relies on doors for circulation not sales

EdenLocal •

Got a question about the Council? Ask the Leader Kevin Beaty Leader’s Public Surgeries May – June 2016

in place for this year’s Horse Fair including Cumbria Police using mobile finger print devices to help quickly identify people who are helping with their enquires. Superintendent Mark Pannone from Cumbria Police, said: “We will be trialling the use of mobile finger print devices at this year’s Horse Fair, this should help our officers to quickly confirm someone’s identify and reduces the chances of evoking an arrest and the need for anyone to go to a police station to be identified.” Cumbria County Council and the local highways authority is continuing to work to improve public safety at the Flashing Lane, where the road is closed during the Fair to prevent the likelihood of conflict between horses and other traffic. The public are encouraged not to enter the Flashing Lane, especially the carriageway. However, for those who choose to do so, barriers will be put in place on the adjacent verge to provide some protection from flashing horses. Anyone who enters the Flashing Lane does so at their own risk and are advised to take extra care for their own safety and that of others. Councillor Hilary Carrick, Chair of Cumbria County Council’s Eden Local Committee, said: “The county council is fully supportive of the Multi Agency Coordinating Group’s efforts to make Appleby Horse Fair safer and more enjoyable for everyone. We are actively involved in improving road safety and minimising disruption before, during and after the Fair. There will be a public meeting in Appleby in May when people will be able to hear about the arrangements for this year’s Fair and give us their thoughts and comments.” Date of Public Meeting Pre-Appleby Horse Fair 2016: Appleby Monday 23 May Public Meeting for Appleby Horse Fair At Appleby Public Hall from 7pm

Why not talk to Council Leader Kevin Beaty at one of his monthly Public Surgeries and find out how we can address any concerns or questions you have about our services. No appointment is necessary for the Leader’s Public Surgeries, which run for an hour, simply drop in at the locations listed below: Lazonby – Village Hall, Tuesday 7 June 2016, from 11am-Noon More dates and venues for public surgeries until the end of 2016 will be announced in due course. For more information about Eden District Council visit www.eden.gov.uk or find us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter telephone: 01768 817817 email: communication@eden.gov.uk

Eden Community Fund If you are a community group or sports club and looking for funding to support your events or project why not apply to the Eden Community Fund. The next application deadline is the 20 May 2016 and a total of £110,000 is available in 2016/17 to support local community groups. For more information about the Eden Community Fund visit www.eden. gov.uk/edencommunityfund or call: 01768 817817 to talk through your project idea or for help with an application. For more news about Eden District Council listen to the Communication in the Community Show on Tuesdays from 2pm-4pm on Eden FM.

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• CumbrianLocal

Welcome to the May edition of your Ede Contents

The full update on Appleby Horse fair

Pages 2 - 3

Introduction & Contents by Lee Quinn

Pages 4 - 6

Understanding Care Fees Nicola Broyan

Page 7

Tailoring their way into big brands!

Page 8

Shout it from the roof tops

Page 9

Shopping at your convenience can cost?

Page 10

Chinese green with envy buying back Jade

Page 11

From waterfalls to Wainwright

Page 12

Signature Soufflé at the Stoneybeck Inn

Page 13

Oh they say when you marry in June by Pam Waggott

Pages 14 – 15

The Mid Summer Sale NOW on at Cumbria Oak

Pages 16 – 17

Don’t stand around staring into the heavens

Page 18

Introducing you to ConservClean

Page 19

The project to the perfect driveway and pathway

Page 20

Textures, Variety and Quality at Fellside carpets

Page 21

Beware Cold Callers

Page 22

An update from your community radio

Page 22 & 24

Order NOW Hanging Baskets at the Pot Place

Page 23

A new project outdoors this summer?

Page 25

Wainwrights Society update by Derek Cockell

Page 26

May Thackawatch by John France

Page 27

Bonny Blues Update by Karl Collinson

Page 28

Help deliver your Local

Page 29

The New 2016 Toyota Aygo x-cite by Andrew Kidd

Pages 30 – 31

On the Forecourt at Jim Walton

Page 32

Follow us on Facebook for additional stories and give us a LIKE Follow us on Twitter for regular updates


Phone: 01768 862394 Email: lee@cumbrianlocal.co.uk www.cumbrianlocal.co.uk Cumbrian Local Publications Ltd

Mostyn Hall, Friargate, Penrith, CA11 7XR

The magazine that relies on doors for circulation not sales

EdenLocal •

en Local Into May we go and it is hard to imagine, as I look out of my window on Wetheriggs, Penrith across to the North Lakes, that the snow still has a hold on the mountain tops as I write this opening editorial on the May Bank Holiday. In keeping with tradition, I have as I do every May, put the Bluebells on the front. It was one ‘I prepared earlier’ so to speak as the Bluebells are almost ready and some of you may even have got a snap of Bluebells in the snow as there have been quite a few with Daffodils this year. With some great sunsets and those longer days, even with the changeable weather, in the space of possibly one week, we had temperatures of up to 17 degrees then dropping below freezing with a heavy frost and snow with the gritters out on the roads. We are now heading into the summer; the longest day approaches in June; a summer of sport for the football fanatic and whilst it only seemed a short while ago we were lining the streets in our towns and villages to welcome the Olympic torch, it was 4 years ago and we will be watching it in Rio this year. Did you notice anything different about your front cover this month? Welcome to your Eden Local! Yes a lot can be said for a name. At the start of the year in the February edition of your Cumbrian Local, stay with me on this one please, there were a number things I covered in my opening editorial, about the title of ‘your’ local magazine. What’s in a name? It Continued on page 6

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• EdenLocalfrom Continued

page 5

was back in May 2012 when your Eden Local, as it was then, was pushing outside of the Eden Valley region and trialling new areas, so we switched to Cumbrian Local. These points already covered, but if you missed them, I do have paper copies of that issue and it is available online to read at www.cumbrianlocal. co.uk/previous-issues. Eden Local is a publication produced by Cumbrian Local Publications Ltd, so there is no change there. We are in Cumbria; your magazine is based in Penrith and with the exception of Derek Cockell, the Press and Publicity Officer of the Wainwright Society who has contributed editorial since our first publication in 2010, all the people writing the magazine are all generally based here in the Eden Valley. Importantly, those that advertise in the magazine are promoting their products, services and functions to the readers in this area. Our local stories are generally about things in our area of distribution that appeal to the people here in the Eden Valley and those that are in the vicinity of the Eden District and the River Eden.

welcome a few areas that we lost some distribution teams in and some areas where we were unable to recruit teams. On page 29 are some of the areas that I really do need a hand with distributions. I have been really enjoying the views when I’ve been out delivering on Scaws, Penrith this month, so if you fancy a long or short walk with a bundle of magazines for a part of your town or the whole of your village and a neighbouring village, please give me a call or drop me a line as soon as you receive this copy. Welcome back to some of those areas that we have returned to. Welcome to the new businesses joining Eden Local this month. I would like to draw your attention to a small article on page 22, placed by one of the Eden Local customers, ironically on the same day I also received a very similar press release from Eden District Council warning residents across the Eden Valley about the dangers of strangers knocking on doors. Please beware of the cold callers out there.

The link with Eden FM remains and as editor of this magazine, I’ll still split my working week between the magazine and radio, both of which link as they share the same audience and areas, based on distribution and transmission reach.

Heading into a busy month is where you’ll find me. I‘ll be cracking on with the Eden FM team on the new studio build, launching some new shows on Eden FM and hopefully this time next month, I’ll be able to present to you some positives about the Eden FM radio project, as much is going on behind the scenes at present.

In this month’s Eden Local, I would like to

Lee Quinn

A huge thank you to all our advertisers, volunteer writers, photographers and the team that is Eden Local and Eden Fm from design to delivery. LOG ON AND LIKE YOUR CUMBRIAN LOCAL www.facebook.com/pages/Cumbrian-Local-Publications


The magazine that relies on doors for circulation not sales

EdenLocal •

understanding care fees by Nicola Broyan

Elderly client care is a phrase we in the Private Client department use to cover a variety of issues; powers of attorney, care fees, benefits and looking after older friends and relatives. There are 850,000 people living with dementia in the UK, a figure which will rise to over 2 million in the next 35 years. One in six over 80s has dementia, and two thirds of sufferers are women. 70% of the care home population in this country have dementia or severe memory problems. These are high numbers, but by acting now you can ensure that if this does happen to you, your friends and family will have the burden reduced. As we get older, and with an ageing population, the question of residential care is never far away; there were 164,000 people in residential care homes in 2013, and this figure is on the rise. Most people will be expected to contribute to the cost of their care, but understanding how much you are liable to pay, and how this is calculated can be a minefield.

If you do have to pay for care, the amount you will be expected to contribute varies depending on how much capital you have; if you have assets worth more than £23,250, generally you will pay the full cost of your care. Different rules come into force if you own your home, and if you have assets worth less than £23,250. Not everyone will require residential care though, and at Butterworths we believe that whether or not you need care, it is important that you are aware of the benefits you could claim and that you receive all the help to which you are entitled. Nicola Broyan

For more information about how care costs are calculated, which benefits you should claim and looking after older friends and relatives, call Nicola Broyan on 01768 868989

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• EdenLocal

Tailoring their way into big brands! Edwards Menswear began trading from a small boutique in Penrith in 2001. Adrian Robson, who everyone knows as Eddie had a great vision to bring big brands to Penrith. 15 years on and he has grown his business into a small empire. Over the past few years Adrian has welcomed Peter Mitchell and Jamie O’Brien to buy into the business, and help it grow. Peter’s expertise lies in the online market, while Jamie specialises in merchandising and running the store. In 2008 Edwards had outgrown the small boutique and relocated to a larger property in the town centre, providing them with the space to offer so much more. Gaining the Armani Jeans account proved pivotal to gaining more brands, once you have one, more will follow! But as demands and tastes change, so did Edwards, the bigger the brands, the bigger the expectations from them were! Customers don’t realise the scrutiny you go through to even get acknowledged by some of the brands. We constantly have to mould ourselves and the shop to meet those expectations, so much so that this January we underwent a full shop refurbishment. Our inspiration came from on trend London and Manchester stores, and with the help of Sarjeant Group acquiring one off pieces to furnish the shop, we were very pleased with the finished article. Since then, the Edwards boys have been inundated with brands wanting to stock their collections, from Pretty Green, Lacoste, Gant, Fred Perry, For All Mankind, Paul and Shark, Baxter’s of California and

more. Edwards are currently in advanced talks with Hugo Boss and hope to bring the brand to the store in the coming months. As part of the refurbishment, Edwards introduced a Barbers section to increase footfall into the shop, aiming to become more of a lifestyle store. The Barbers is ready to roll, but is still looking for the right barber to join the team. They need to be as ‘cutting edge’ as the shop! Expansion has also seen the development of the clothing website, www.edwardsmenswear.co.uk which is still under construction, and the dedicated trainer website www.trainerstation.com which is proving hugely successful. Edwards is cornering the market on the street front and the web, meaning they are opening their doors to the world. EdenLocal

The magazine that relies on doors for circulation not sales

EdenLocal •

Shout it from the Roof Tops Eden107.5

As featured in the ‘Your Home’ show on Eden FM 107.5 Wednesday 12-2 pm

Feedback is something I welcome from readers about the Eden Local. When it comes to DC Building and Roofing, you only have to click on to their website to find positive feedback just like these which reflect that Dickie Curry and his team are professional, dedicated and importantly they stick to deadlines and they get the job done. “Fantastic guy Totally honest about what was required and what was needed for a more permanent solution to chimney leak. Very transparent with cost, I would recommend to everyone” “Excellent. Explained work required and helped my husband get onto the roof to view it (single storey small slope). Then texted us photos of work in progress and when completed as we were 100 miles away. 10/10” “I would highly recommend this firm. They came when they said they would and were punctual. They were all polite. Completed all the work agreed on, and did so quickly. No hidden extras no nasty surprises and kept us updated. Thanks for a great job well done.” “Very fast response and good price. Very helpful, work done and charged as quoted. Would recommend.”

DC Building & Roofing from the outset made this promise in their advertising; ‘They’ll beat any like for like quote by 10% and you don’t pay a penny until the job is done’. And remember from loose tiles, a leaky roof, cleaning dirty roofs that lead to blocked drains and of course a completely new roof project. All types of roofing is undertaken including felt, flat, green, rubber, single ply, tiled, slate and steel, on all types of building, domestic and commercial properties. They also deal with all the pipework and guttering, fascias and soffits. DC Building & Roofing – A business built on pride, customer care and satisfaction.

DC building & roofing For a free no obligation quote give us a call Call us on 01768 606192 or 07415 066742

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10 • EdenLocal

Shopping for Convenience can cost? Over the months we have talked about Cleanspec, including the products. We featured the Tile Master machine that you can hire for restoring, cleaning and protecting hard floors. Last month we promoted the full range of vehicle cleaning products. Prior to this, we introduced you to ‘Drop and go’ and now we have the question of ‘did you know?’ It’s not just about making quality products recognised in the trade available to you for your home or business, from the shop that is open Mondays to Saturdays at Gilwilly Road, opposite the rec just behind Castletown. It’s also about asking you, what do you know about the products you use in your home? Can you make savings? Is there someone at hand to ask when you select that product you are buying off the shelf? What do you know about that well-known brand or supermarket brand? Is it the best for your surface, sink, vinyl flooring, bathroom or kitchen tiles? It might remove grease and it might kill 99.9% of germs, but for something that might look clean on the surface visually, might potentially be the wrong solution to your cleaning and it could be damaging the surface, removing the protection it had. Like computers, cleaning products get upgraded. Like the tests on car carbon emissions, a lot of the assessments on cleaning products are by computers. Or is there a robot out there that cleans a floor 52 weeks of the year with the same product who then submits a report? EdenLocal

Ceramic and porcelain tile cleaner £8.40

Leather care kit £12.95

Drop & Go Rug Cleaning Service

Flash 5 lts £8.40

1 case of 45 3ply luxury toilet tissue £15.00

Behind Cleanspec is something you won’t find on a shelf, which is 30 years of advice in the use of cleaning materials, tried and tested in the industry. This is free advice offered to you when you visit Cleanspec. For every day, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly cleaning, the products are available to you. Cloths, mops, brushes, dusters, scourers, refuse sacks, bin liners, washing powder, dishwasher tablets, washing up liquid, fabric softeners, paper products, hardware, dispensers, hand care, gloves, PPE, oven cleaners, sanitizers, stain removers, solutions, powders, polishes, cleansers.

out. And finally a thought, which I hope sinks in, when you are preparing yourself for your next visit to a supermarket for your weekly shop or monthly haul, when it comes to that shop, whether it is online or a trip in the car or bus, ask yourself this question, ‘are you shopping out of habit, shopping in a store for convenience or are you shopping for the best products at the best prices supporting the local economy?’ Those looking on line, try www.cleanspec-cumbria.co.uk and those with transport take a small detour to 62 Gilwilly Road, Penrith.


62 Gilwilly Road, Cleanspec Gilwilly will have Industrial Estate, Penrith, CA11 9BL Monday every to Friday 8.30 - 5.30 Saturday 9.30 - 12.30 solution to As featured in the ‘Your 01768 865812 - 07850 805251 cleaning Home’ show on Eden info@cleanspec-cumbria.co.uk your FM 107.5 Wednesday 12-2 pm home or www.cleanspec-cumbria.co.uk business www.facebook.com/cleanspec inside and

The magazine that relies on doors for circulation not sales

Natural Paving from £13.95

EdenLocal • 11

Chinese green with envy for buying back Jade. bidders in China and sell at such outstanding prices. The auction saw the sale of two Jade pendants, one for £1600, the other £320, a card box with Jade inlay for £750 and finally a Chinese silver desk stand for £400.

Sarjeant Group had a spectacular Antiques Auction on 14th April, with some lots selling for some unexpected amounts. Thom Sarjeant, auctioneer, could not believe his ears when business partner Adrian Robson, who manages the online bids on auction days, shouted up with his next online bid, it leaped from £50 to £1600 in a matter of seconds! Thom remarks, “It was so unprecedented, the whole room gasped with shock, normally I speed through the bidding, but this one took me a moment to process!” The newly-rich Chinese have recently been buying back their heritage which is causing the oriental market to boom. Hence bidding went crazy! But, even with that in mind, Thom hadn’t expected the items to reach such levels. What is so good about having online auctions is that it opens up bidding to a worldwide audience. These jade lots are prime example that without www.thesaleroom.com we would not have been able to reach those

Other lots which met expectations were a selection of Royal Worcester Vases selling for £4000 and £6600, as well as our ever strong jewellery section which saw the 2.75ct diamond ring selling for £7600.

Jade Pendant Sold for £1600

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Amethyst Earring & Brooch sold for £600

The best rates in advertising, with the best distribution for local business


12 • EdenLocal

News from Eden District Council

From waterfalls to Wainwright

there’s a new way to explore Ullswater visitors stunning views, as well as the path Wainwright described as ‘the most beautiful and rewarding walk in Lakeland’. The route also includes a new section of footpath near Maiden Castle, once the site of an Iron Age Hill fort it now offers spectacular views of the Ullswater Valley, as well as views to the Pennines to the East and Blencathra to the west. Communities and businesses around the Lake District’s Ullswater Valley are celebrating the launch of a brand new walking route – the Ullswater Way - around what many believe to be England’s most beautiful lake. The new, 20-mile walking route connects the spectacular scenery along the shores of Ullswater with the picturesque villages and attractions, meaning visitors can enjoy even more of this special corner of the Lake District. Following the floods in December, people in the Ullswater area of the Lake District have been working hard to get reconnected and let people know how they are ‘open for business’. This has been particularly important in areas like Glenridding and Pooley Bridge where the flood damage made headline news across the country. The creation of a promoted circular route around Ullswater has long been an ambition of the community, so the opportunity was seized and a partnership project was put into action between local people and Lake District National Park, the National Trust, the Ullswater Association, Eden District Council, Ullswater Steamers, and See More Cumbria with additional


funding from the Cumbria Waste Management Environment Trust. Suzy Hankin, Area Ranger for the Lake District National Park, said: “The Ullswater Way is a fantastic example of people working in partnership on a project that will hopefully give the local economy a much needed boost. Ullswater remains a popular corner of the Lake District, yet people tend to explore it in pockets rather than connecting their journey. The community around Ullswater wanted to encourage visitors to enjoy the valley’s iconic scenery on foot, but to also utilise links to the public transport network, and hopefully give people a reason to stay for longer. “Although there were already existing walking routes in the area, there wasn’t a fully connected route around the lake. So we have been working with local people, businesses and landowners to improve access, including a new 2.5km public right of way, and the installation of new waymarkers, fingerposts and gates to make it easier for people to navigate on the ground.” The Ullswater Way crosses sections of open fell and farm land, offering

The magazine that relies on doors for circulation not sales

Jim Walker, from Ullswater Steamers, and Chair of the working group said: “Ullswater is famous for its stunning views of the lake and the surrounding mountains – from kayaking to climbing Helvellyn and from the spectacular waterfalls at Aira Force to simply enjoying the local hospitality. The Ullswater Way now means long distance walkers can now walk round the full 20 mile route, and those who want to explore at a more leisurely pace can break up the journey by including a trip on the historic Ullswater Steamers or open top bus.” A new Ullswater Way leaflet with a map has been created, showing the length and level of the walks, and a video will be available on the LDNP website and www.Ullswater. com which also has lots of local information to help you make the most of your trip to this special corner of the Lake District. There is even a special ‘Friends of the Ullswater Way’ group committed to developing bespoke interpretation along the route. For more information about places to go and things to do in Eden District visit your local Tourist Information Centre or go to www.visiteden.co.uk

EdenLocal • 13

Signature Soufflé right mix of locally sourced choice ingredients and adding a touch of magic and inspiration in the preparation and exclusive two step cooking process.

The Stoneybeck Inn Twice Baked Cheese Soufflé is not only a personal favourite of head chef Steve Pott but its moreish qualities give good reason for its popularity all year round and for what we believe has now become our very own signature starter. Steve’s unique take on this well-known dish has involved many hours of refining exactly the

At this time of year wild garlic grows in abundance in and around hedgerows, country lanes and wooded areas all across the county. It’s one of Steve’s favourite wild ingredients and he likes to get out and pick and prepare it himself before balancing it carefully with the choice flavours of True Grit extra mature cheddar and Parmigiano Reggiano cheeses to produce what can only be described as a true seasonal ‘taste sensation’ – something Stoneybeck Inn has become increasingly recognised for over the past few years. The Twice Baked Cheese Soufflé is an ideal starter at any time of the year and works well with any choice of main course from our new menu. In 2015 The Stoneybeck Inn won the coveted AA Rosette for culinary excellence award and an AA Silver 4-star award for accommodation.

Bowscar, Penrith, CA11 8RP

01768 862369

www.stoneybeckinn.co.uk reception@stoneybeckinn.co.uk The best rates in advertising, with the best distribution for local business


14 • EdenLocal

Oh, they say when you marry in June; you’re a bride all your life By Pam Waggott

....so go the lyrics to the song from the 1954 film Seven Brides for Seven Brothers! June is the month that summer comes to the northern hemisphere and the countryside and gardens are in full bloom. The sixth month of the year it is named after the Roman goddess Juno, the goddess of marriage and it is for this reason that June is said to be the month to marry: Married in the month of roses – June. Life will be one long honeymoon During medieval times a persons annual bath ... yes you did read that correctly...was usually taken in May or June so a girl marrying in June still smelled fairly fresh, though they still carried a posy of fresh flowers to mask any smell, and so the tradition of carrying a bouquet was born. It was also a good time to marry and conceive the first child as the birth would not interfere with the harvest time! There are some interesting and strange customs and traditions linked to getting married from across the globe. • In England it is considered lucky to find a spider in the wedding dress! • Rain on your wedding day is considered lucky according to Hindu tradition • Moroccan women take a milk bath to purify themselves before their wedding ceremony

represents harmony and is said to ensure a long, happy marriage. In 1840 Queen Victoria began the western tradition of wearing a white dress; before that girls simply wore their best dress. However wearing white has always been the tradition in Japan, while Korean brides wear shades of red and yellow. Bridesmaids in matching dresses dates back to Roman times when it was believed that evil spirits would try to curse the bride and groom, so by dressing the bridesmaids in dresses similar to the bride those spirits would be confused and they wouldn’t know who to curse and so would leave, and similarly the wearing of a veil stems from the Ancient Greeks and Romans who thought it protected the bride from the same evil spirits, though veils are often only considered appropriate for first time brides! There is a traditional rhyme that is often recited by brides: Something old,

• In Holland a pine tree is planted outside the newly weds home as a symbol of fertility and luck

Something new,

Traditionally engagement and wedding rings are worn on the fourth finger of the left hand as it was believed that a vein in that finger led directly to the heart. Diamonds set in gold or silver became popular as betrothal rings towards the end of the 15th century by wealthy Venetians and this developed into the traditional engagement ring still commonly worn to day. In the symbolic language of jewels a sapphire in engagement or wedding ring means marital happiness, while a pearl is considered to be bad luck because of its resemblance to a tear. Aquamarine

Something blue


The magazine that relies on doors for circulation not sales

Something borrowed, And a silver sixpence in her shoe. This poem appears to originate in England from around 1898 and it represents four good luck charms. The old, often something passed down the family represents continuity, the new – usually the bride’s trousseau brings optimism for the future, something borrowed symbolises happiness and the blue stands for purity, love and fidelity while the 6d in the shoe brings wishes for good fortune and prosperity.

EdenLocal • 15

The phrase ‘tying the knot’ is referenced in many cultures where couples hands are literally tied together during the ceremony to demonstrate the couple’s commitment to each other. Often the church gates are tied together – here in Cumbria regularly using baler twine, with the forward thinking best man often bringing something to cut it with – which can only be opened after small change has been thrown to the waiting onlookers. There are a number of ideas where this tradition comes from ranging from the thought that it could have been a way of paying back a little bit of the dowry, or symbolising the end of the ritual of the celebrations to reality of real life. However the simplest explanation is probably that enterprising children thought it would be a good way to get a little bit of cash! After all the plans, preparations, excitement and celebrations the happy couple will go on their honeymoon. The origins of this go back to the days when cultures used the cycles of the moon to mark the passage of time. Newly weds would drink mead during the first moon cycle of their marriage. Mead being a honey-based alcoholic drink believed to have aphrodisiac qualities that would ensure an early conception of the first child. And finally as romantic as it seems when the new bride is carried over the threshold of the couple’s home the tradition seems to stem from the groom valiantly protecting his new bride from those pesky evil spirits again, which lurk below the step!

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16 • EdenLocal

Living • Sleeping • Dining



The magazine that relies on doors for circulation not sales

EdenLocal • 17

Sale now on


You can find us at The Pot Place Garden Centre, Station Yard, Sponsors of your Plumpton, Nr Penrith CA11 Eden FM Breakfast 9PA. We are only 5 mins from show and the ‘Your junction 41 of the M6, you will Home’ Show on be glad you made the short 107.5 FM journey to visit us. Open 7 days a week Mon - Sat 9am - 5pm. Sunday 10am - 4pm

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18 • EdenLocal

‘Don’t stand around staring into the heavens’ Still snow on the tops (and some winter showers down into the valleys!) reminding us that spring can be ‘a long time coming’. Over this month many of the churches around the county will celebrate events that mark the ending of Jesus’s personal ministry and the emerging life of the first Christian communities. In the middle of this remembering many will also be involved in working to make a real difference in the world today. Like the transition of the seasons, these things don’t happen smoothly or quickly, but they happen. Ascension Day (5th May) recalls Jesus leaving his friends from the mountain top. However we might understand that event today, the challenge remains the same, ‘Don’t stand around staring into the heavens, there’s a task to be done and you’ll be equipped for it.’ The church community is called to be ‘witnesses’ to the story of Jesus in whatever communities they belong to. Some will celebrate the day by ascending local fells, but all are reminded that the challenge is to be the church outside the buildings where we meet. The needs of the world both locally and internationally can seem overwhelming at times and we all suffer occasionally from ‘charity fatigue’. How good it is to know that individuals and groups can make a very real difference. When compassion leads to generosity which is channelled through wise and

careful organisation great things can grow out of even the smallest acts of kindness. We have seen this throughout the winter and early spring months as people responded to the needs of friends, neighbours and strangers affected by the floods. ‘Christian Aid Week’ (15th – 21st May) reminds us of our connection to people right across the world. Working alongside local agencies Christian Aid has made a better world for millions of people over many years. It is possible when compassion and generosity leads to local, appropriate action. This is true anywhere in the world. Where does the inspiration, strength and power come from to do all this? I am always moved by stories illustrating the strength and resilience of ‘the human spirit’, but this month the churches also celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit given to the fragile, anxious, tentative early Christians. The Spirit changed them into women and men of great courage, deep conviction and humble confidence. They began to make a real difference in the neighbourhoods and communities to which they belonged and they did it because the Spirit was given to everyone; not just to the specialists, the elite, the educated or obviously talented, but to all. Everyone has unique gifts that can grow, flourish and bear fruit and it doesn’t take much warm encouragement to see such gifts start to emerge. Can we encourage those gifts within us and in others to develop and contribute to our communities? It doesn’t take much, but what a difference it can make. Rev David Sargent, Churches Together in Penrith.

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The magazine that relies on doors for circulation not sales

Need a hand with those odd jobs at home, general repairs and home improvements? •

Hanging pictures

Putting up shelves

Garage, Shed, House Clearance, Tip Run

Fitting blinds/curtains/rails

Assembling flat pack furniture

Guttering repair/ unblock

Fencing & garden repairs

Mowing or Pruning


join Julie in the ‘Your Home’ show Wednesdays from 2 - 4pm

EdenLocal • 19


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A complete, affordable interior and/or exterior conservatory cleaning service using specialist access and cleaning equipment that will leave your conservatory looking like new. A CONSERVATORY is an excellent investment, increasing the value far above its cost and when looked after properly, it will last for years. But, if it isn’t cleaned properly, there could be problems – and that’s where ConserVClean* comes in. Michael McFarlane could not find anyone to clean his own conservatory, so he started up ConserVClean which has been growing ever since. Most work has come via customer recommendations. The company is fully insured and uses specialist cleaning and roof access equipment. The system can extend the life of a conservatory and also helps to prevent potential leaks and algae growth. “Conservatories cost on average about the same price as a family car”, says Michael. “Proud car owners wash and wax their vehicles and send hundreds of pounds a year maintaining them. But, you only keep a car two or three years, and you lose money on it.” “A conservatory costs thousands too, but it will last a lot longer than a car, and it’s an excellent investment if it is properly maintained. It’s only common sense to keep it properly cleaned.” “Wet weather and bird muck can contribute to the decay of a conservatory. If conservatories are not maintained, they will become dirty and green algae forms, possibly feeding on the rubber seals”, says Michael. “Algae can grow within key joints which if left untreated may leak and the value of the conservatory may fall unless expensive repairs are performed. This need not happen if the conservatory is regularly cleaned.”

Powerwashers and normal cleaning brushes can damage seals and scratch poylcarbonated roofs, making good homes for dirt. For a fraction of the cost of maintaining a car, ConserVClean will increase the looks, reduce problems and prolong the life of your conservatory. Trying to sell your house? A gleaming conservatory will increase the selling appeal. Let in more light! A brighter interior – even a thin layer of dirt can diminish light penetration. Preventative Maintenance. Cleaned once or twice a year, your conservatory will be kept in good condition and you will get maximum enjoyment from it. WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS SAY “Excellent hassle free professional service. Makes a pleasant change.” Mr M, Workington “Brilliant, it looks just like new! I was delighted, I’ve never had the inside cleaned before and it looked wonderful when Mike had finished. Everyone should take advantage of this excellent service.” Mrs C, Carlisle

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The best rates in advertising, with the best distribution for local business


The Project to the Perfect Diveway & Pathway

20 • EdenLocal

We have presented various designs over the last 3 months and the variety of colours that Heritage Print Driveways offer. We have explored the potential ideas available for your home or business. To find out more and to give you a real insight into the work involved behind the creation of a Heritage Print Drive, I joined the team out on site. Importantly, when working with concrete, it doesn’t wait for you to set, but before we even get to that stage, a lot of work is taken on by the team. It starts with the enquiry, then the site visit, then the design and because no project is the same, every job is different, like choosing the colour that you’re going to paint your lounge or bedroom, you first agree the colour or colours and how it matches with the rest of your home. Yes, we are talking about a drive, a path or a patio! When the project is agreed, the work is scheduled in, the access planning, the equipment required, the resources and materials. As an overview this is what happens: 1. The existing drive, path or patio is removed and the working area is marked out, prepared and shuttered, including drainage areas. Potentially many tonnes of rubble will be removed. . When the area is ready, the concrete is poured and this will become your new driveway or pathway 3. Next the air is removed from the wet concrete with a process called ‘tamping’, which will, using a number of skimming devices, be smoothed out. 4. Next the colour is added, staining the concrete and most importantly hardening the concrete Around hours later,that specifically made the design 5. Eden Local 4The magazine relies on doors forto circulation not sales

you have ordered, moulds are placed on the semi dampened, coloured concrete to create the pattern chosen. 6. The concrete sets initially within 24 hours 7. After an allowed amount of time the excess colour is washed off, dried and sealed, leaving you with your NEW coloured imprinted drive or pathway

Eden107.5 As featured in the ‘Your Home’ show on Eden FM 107.5 Wednesday 12-2 pm

Jackson House Myers Lane, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 9DP

01768 861299 info@heritageprintdriveways.co.uk www.heritageprintdriveways.co.uk

EdenLocal • 21

Textures, Variety & Quality A business built on professionalism and service, delivering the best in quality, variety and textures for your home flooring

Fellside Carpets are celebrating their first year in business and would like to say a massive thank you to customers old and new for their fantastic support over the past 12 months. Pop in and see Christine, Michelle and the Team at Fellside Carpets and browse their fully stocked showroom which offers an extensive range of quality carpets, vinyls and rugs, plus you’ll always receive expert fitting and exceptional customer service.

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22 • EdenLocal

Beware Cold Callers! Unfortunately some large, reputable businesses are attracting the unwanted attention of scammers and cowboy builders who are cold calling and knocking on the doors of innocent people, pretending to be from well know companies working in the area. They apply pressure sales and bully tactics to get people to hand money over for substandard work, or in some cases work that does not even get done! Resin Drives, a reputable national driveway company have fallen victim to this scam and have a few words of advice for innocent consumers to ensure they and their money stay safe: Reputable companies will never knock on your door touting for business. Always ask for identification which is provided by reputable companies whenever their employees are visiting a customer. Do background checks and make sure the company they say they are from has sent them. Check companies out on Trust Pilot. Never hand over cash or any kind of payment to any work person unless you have contacted them directly and employed their services yourself.

Eden107.5 An update from your community radio As Eden FM comes to the end of its second year live on the 107.5 FM frequency, the same questions are asked in terms of how many people listen to it; the comparisons are still made to what people are used to. So here we are once again, as a reminder for some. As we enter June 2016, this marks completion of the first two years of having a full-time community radio station licence. Some key points As a community radio station, we are not permitted to transmit, or given the power to transmit across Cumbria like the BBC or commercial radio stations owned by media groups.

w o r l d w i d e t r av e l

Resin Drives spokesperson has the final word, “Resin Drives would never cold call or knock on your door, we advertise nationally and all of our customers contact us direct from the advertising we do, or through word of mouth referrals. It concerns us greatly that people are being conned by these disreputable people. Follow our check list and you will not fall foil of this scam.”

As one of many conditions of our Ofcom Community Radio Licence, we have to be a Not-for-profit limited company. We cannot be a charity.

Y o u r i n d e p e n d e n tAs atnon r commercial av e lradioastation, g ewenaret allowed s to raise up to £10,000 per annum of revenue through Continued on page 24

w o r l d w i d e t r av e l Y o u r i n d e p e n d e n t t r av e l a g e n t s 4 Bowling Green Lane, New Squares, Penrith, CA11 7GN. T: 01768 865918 36A Greystone Road, Carlisle CA1 2DJ. T: 01228 409850 www.wtcfm.com For up to date holiday news and offers tune in to the Travel show on Eden FM 107.5 every Thursday 2pm - 4pm and Saturdays 10am - 12pm. EdenLocal

The magazine that relies on doors for circulation not sales


EdenLocal • 23

Pre - Order Your Hanging Baskets Now! Select from our range of ready made baskets or bring us your own baskets and we will plant them up for you! Prices start at £10 depending on size and style of basket. Open 7 days a week 9am - 5pm • Mon - Sat, 10 am - 4pm Sun

01768 885500 • www.thepotplace.co.uk

The best rates in Plumpton, advertising, with the best distribution for local business The Pot Place, Station Yard, Penrith, CA11 9PA



24 • EdenLocal

Continued from page 22 the sales of ‘on air’ advertising and sponsorship. This helps cover some of the costs of the licenses we hold but not all. If we reach ÂŁ10,000, in order to continue selling ‘on air’ advertising, we have to match every pound of ‘on air’ advertising raised with ‘off air’ revenue. Advertising and sponsorship packages start at ÂŁ50 on Eden FM. Around 25% of this allows 3 adverts every day, shared sponsorship of a show, promotional activity via the Eden FM website and social media sites. Eden FM is on air 24 hours a day every day of the year. Most days we aim to have live content and a local voice from 7 am to 10 pm Monday to Sunday. To achieve this and all the work behind the scenes in administration, production and IT, requires not just 24 hours a day of resources but at least twice this. Some 2 hour shows require 2 hours of preparation. All of the systems work; the production works and presenting is all completed by a team of volunteers. Whilst the station is based in Penrith, only a small percentage of the team lives in Penrith. Eden FM has volunteers travelling in from all over the county;

10% off

Whitehaven, Kirkby Stephen, Carlisle and Brough. The more distant presenters travel in with a few also coming in from local villages. Unlike a sports club you can join locally or a gym, there is only one community radio station in the county of Cumbria accessible, not just to volunteers, but there with an open door to all charities, voluntary groups, clubs, societies, businesses, schools and


universities. To become involved with your community radio station that broadcasts across the Eden Valley, mountains permitting! That also serves Cumbria

with compliments in many ways, call us on 01768 862394 or 01768 899101. Email admin@edenfm.co.uk EdenLocal

The magazine that relies on doors for circulation not sales



We are delighted to announce that Stoneybeck Inn has been awarded an AA rosette for culinary excellence

Celebrate with us by Need a hand with those odd jobs at home, joining us for our New Year’sgeneral Eve repairs and home improvements?

5 COURSE FINE DINING•MENU Hanging pictures • Putting up shelves plus Murder Mystery entertainment!

Too late to prevent the arrival of customers for their New Year’s Eve dinner,

EdenLocal • 25

A new project outdoors this summer? You’ll need the tools and materials that are built to last. Sawing, drilling, fixing, drying, hammering, tightening, screwing, nailing, pinning, digging, painting, mixing, sanding, filling?

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Fence panels: from £17.50 Gilwilly Road, Gilwilly Trading Estate, Penrith CA11 9BA Tel 01768 899333 Fax 01768 891132 Email penrith@travisperkins.co.uk www.travisperkins.co.uk/branch/9290 • Monday 07:30 - 17:00 • Tuesday 07:30 - 17:00 • Wednesday 07:30 - 17:00 • Thursday 07:30 - 17:00 • Friday 07:30 - 17:00 • Saturday 08:00 – 12:00

Eden107.5products, on ‘Your Home’ show 12-2pm Find out more about TP offers and Wednesday’s on Eden FM

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26 • EdenLocal

The Coast to Coast Walk: Campaign for a National Trail The Wainwright Society is supporting a campaign to have the Coast to Coast Walk designated as a National Trail. The campaign was launched by Rishi Sunak, the MP for Richmond, N. Yorkshire, in April. The 190-mile route starts at St. Bees on the Cumbrian coast, traverses the Lake District, then passes through the Yorkshire Dales and over the North York Moors before the end of the walk at Robin Hood’s Bay. It has long been the Society’s wish to have the Coast to Coast Walk designated as a National Trail. Despite Wainwright’s reservations about ‘official’ long distance footpaths when he wrote the book in 1973, he was well aware of the Walk’s popularity in the late 1980s when he made the Coast to Coast series with Eric Robson for the BBC. He was, rightly, proud of his creation and I feel sure he was delighted that so many people had followed in his footsteps. Whilst it remains one of the most popular walks in the UK, it has no official recognition and is not even marked on Ordnance Survey maps. In 2007 (Wainwright’s centenary year) the Society decided to launch a campaign to have the Coast to Coast designated as a National Trail. However, the financial crash of 2008 seemed to have dashed all hope of success as it was clear that there would be no funding for the project at that time. In 2013, it was agreed with the local authorities that the route could be waymarked and the Society designed and funded waymarking discs that were installed along most of the route. Following discussions with Rishi Sunak MP for Richmond, he decided to launch a campaign to have the walk designated as a National Trail. The launch was held on the Coast to Coast route at Surrender Bridge in Swaledale in April. The Society is supporting Rishi Sunak’s campaign since it is likely to represent the best EdenLocal

© Alison Cockell (L_R) Derek Cockell (Secretary of The Wainwright Society) and Rishi Sunak MP for Richmond (N. Yorkshire) at the launch of the campaign at Surrender Bridge opportunity to have the walk upgraded to National Trail status. Natural England is the body that would oversee and finance the project. However, Natural England’s funding is tied up until 2020 completing the English Coast Path so the aim before then is to start building support among a range of organisations including local and regional councils, official bodies such as the national park authorities, local businesses, voluntary groups such as The Wainwright Society and individuals and that, hopefully, will lead to the political action to start that process. If you would like to know more about The Wainwright Society, log on to the website at: www. wainwright.org.uk or email: secretary@wainwright.org.uk Derek Cockell Secretary The Wainwright Society

The magazine that relies on doors for circulation not sales

Reed bunting © John France

EdenLocal • 27


May 2016 - By John France

Wood pigeons © John France

Goosander © John France

A pair of Goosanders were surprise visitors to the main water area at Thacka Beck Nature Reserve during mid April. Good views of this fish-eating duck species were had by a number of observers. Whilst Goosanders are not rare birds in Cumbria, it was the first time a pair had been recorded feeding on the water. At one point the male bird was catching up to 20 Minnows per hour. This species (along with its more sea faring cousin the Red-Breasted Merganser) is also referred to as a ‘sawbill’ because of the sharp tooth like serrations in its bill, which are used for gripping fish. A single returning Redstart was found by Roy Bottomley in the trees on the pathway between Thacka Lane and Thacka Flash, and the first Sedge Warbler of the year was calling from the rushes at the South-Eastern end of the reserve. May is a busy time, with plenty of returning migrants. Watch the skies for Swifts, and the trees and shrubs around Thacka for Garden Warbler and Blackcap. It is also a time when something different can turn up on migration - previous May records have included both Wood and Green Sandpipers, Black-tailed Godwit and Ruff! The best rates in advertising, with the best distribution for local business


28 • EdenLocal

Bonny Blues Update By Karl Collinson

We round off our season with trips to North Shields and Norton and Stockton Ancients with our final match on the 7th May at home to Sunderland RCA which our Juniors are sponsoring and are leading the players onto the pitch. Everyone has done a tremendous job at Penrith AFC as we consolidate our status as a division 1 club for another season. It’s a massive achievement on it’s own when you consider the finances and resources at hand to other clubs. The club would like to thank everyone who has sponsored and helped the club this season especially Atkinson Builders who have been a tower of strength throughout. If anybody would like to sponsor a match for next season, please contact the club as matches are getting snapped up already. Unfortunately the club lost a true gentleman in Walter Brogden in April. Walter has been associated with the club for over 40 years as well as the Cumberland F.A. and the Northern League. ©Ben France - Shaun Gardner has returned for Penrith

He was a pure footballing man and anyone who has been in his company will know exactly what his family, friends and Penrith AFC has lost. An absolute legend, RIP Walter.

April has been a busy month for the Bonny Blues having squeezed in 9 Northern League Division 1 fixtures. The month started with an impressive 1.0 victory at West Auckland Town but the game was marred by a very dubious red card for Nathan Waterston, who ended up serving a 4 match suspension. A week later we put in a very professional performance at Frenchfield Park where we put 3 goals past Dunston without reply. Unfortunately that was the start of 4 consecutive defeats to league leaders Shildon, Seaham Red Star, Bishop Auckland and a last minute defeat to West Auckland Town. However, the lads put in a tremendous performance and showed great character to win a 7 goal thriller down at Frenchfield Park against 7th placed Newton Aycliffe. It was a superb victory capped by 2 goals a piece for Jamie Hope and the returning Shaun Gardner, who has been missing for over a year with injury. EdenLocal

The magazine that relies on doors for circulation not sales

©John France - Penrith AFC players pay their respects to club legend Walter Brogden

EdenLocal • 29

Can you help deliver your Eden Local?

Can you help deliver your Eden Local? Can you deliver some magazines in your local village, or on the estate where you live?

The 8-a-side cricket tournament featuring 8 teams. The day is also one big family fun day, with a carnival atmosphere with a host of fantastic attractions We have a wide variety of food and drink available and this the day not to be missed!!

We need more local people in order to create shorter delivery routes ranging from 80 to 500 magazines per route, just once a month. Rates of pay vary according to difficulty of area. We need to strengthen our current

Blue Flames playing live after the presentation at our after party!! Live music, fireworks, food, drink! What more could you want to finish an awesome bank holiday Sunday off with!

team so we can expand into new areas. We are looking

Here are the fixtures for the Nunwick 8s Tournament 2016. As drawn by Pam & Lee live on Eden FM 107.5 with Adam Colin

Scaws Penrith Skirwith Low Hesket High Hesket Southwaite Armathwaite Aiketgate Ainstable Catterlen Helton Bampton Bampton Grange Butterwick Whale

The fixtures are in order of which they will run on the day: Nunwick Lions v Caldbeck Cavaliers Langholm Lightning v Rockcliffe Reivers Carlisle Renegades v Temple Sowerby Templar Knights Threlkeld Foxes v Stainton Sixers Caldbeck Cavaliers v Temple Sowerby Templar Knights Stainton Sixers v Rockcliffe Reivers Nunwick Lions v Carlisle Renegades Langholm Lightning v Threlkeld Foxes

to create smaller routes incorporating these areas below. Can you help?

Laithes Lamonby Johnby Ellonby Skelton Threlkeld Croglin Renwick Scale Houses Alston Bolton Kings Meaburn, Drybeck, Colby Great Asby Great Ormside

Tebay Melkinthorpe Cliburn Morland Newby Maulds Meaburn, Crosby Ravensworth, Reagill Sleagill Little Strickland Great Strickland Brougham

And a lot of areas in between Also needed areas in and around Appleby Call Cumbrian Local on 01768 862394 email lee@cumbrianlocal.co.uk for more information The best rates in advertising, with the best distribution for local business


30 • EdenLocal

The new Toyota Aygo x-cite SPECIAL EDITION On test with Andrew Kidd... here; the Aygo comes with a great specification in SPECIAL EDITION guise. Driving position can be adjusted to all sizes; the drivers seat has a pump-up facility which still leaves several inches of headroom in the upper position. Seating is smart and modern, with great lateral support. Instrumentation is firstclass, with a central binnacle containing the speedometer and assorted gauges (including the petrol gauge which didn’t seem to move; excellent!), with the rev-counter in a stack on the left.

“What are you doing for the rest of the day?”, asked my brother.

hatchback nevertheless. And ‘genuine’ is the key word

“Trying my best not to take this car back, because I’m enjoying it so much!” I replied. Having chosen this little cutie from the forecourt, resplendent in Toyotas large and small, petrol, diesel, hybrid, I’d gambled that the Aygo x-cite would do exactly what it said on the box. And sure enough, it put a smile on my face right from the off. The car is certainly compact, but it is a genuine five door EdenLocal

The magazine that relies on doors for circulation not sales

The steering wheel, complete with audio and phone controls, has a pleasing sporty leather grip. Combine all this with a delightfully smooth 5-speed

EdenLocal • 31

gearbox, and you have the ethos of the car: fun! That means having the genuine 5 doors for ease of shopping, a tight turning circle for ease of parking, the reversing camera, USB port, electric front door mirrors, fog lamps, funky air inlets, and a great range of options if personalisation is your thing. It’s a stylish car which revels in matching your personality and positivity..... Powered by a 998cc threecylinder VTTi petrol engine producing 69bhp, the car is eager to perform, and gives brisk acceleration accompanied by the sporty exhaust note from the lively 3-pot motor. The engine is remarkably flexible, pulling from just over 1,000rpm in most gears without any drama. Third and fourth gears are particularly wellspaced, allowing easy overtaking as conditions allow. All classes of roads were used during the course of the test; the Aygo

coping well over minor roads and sitting impressively on the motorway at 70mph. I’d certainly be happy to take the car on a long journey, particularly when there’s such a good touch-screen audio display, and motorway cruising is quite effortless.

will be fortunate if you’re in the ‘buying’ seat. The car has loads of safety features, resulting in a lowly insurance premium, and NIL car tax. Add this to great economy and a five year warranty, and you’ll be smiling too.

The Aygo has the ability to appeal to several markets at once, which

Thanks to Alan Walton, 01768 864555

The best rates in advertising, with the best distribution for local business


32 • CumbrianLocal

On the forecourt this month & every month a new set of wheels awaits you at Jim Walton

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Check our vast stock of vehicles on www.jimwalton.co.uk Cowper Road, Gilwilly Industrial Estate, Penrith, Cumbria CA11 9BN Telephone 01768 864555 Parts Direct 01768 865428

EdenLocal Local Cumbrian The magazine The Out best everyrates that month, relies in advertising, free on to doors read, with fornocirculation bad theMonday best news, distribution not a positive sales for in your localletter business box Showroom open to Saturday 8.30am

- 5.30pm

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