Lakes Local September 2012

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LakesLocal •

September 2012

Simply Good Ice Cream Kendal Calling New Arts North Border City Times Hound Trailing Distribution 5200


Solar PV & alternative energy solutions See page 4 & 5 for more details phone: 01768 899111


• LakesLocal

Local People serving the local community, a growing range of local products, sourced from local farms, local wholesalers and suppliers, which we can deliver to your door. Some things haven’t really changes that much since 1890

Locally sourced products, Its a taste you can take home from your Local Keswick co-op

St James Court, Keswick CA12 5EF Tel: 01768 772688 Keswick is a part of the Penrith co-operative society other stores include Penrith, Shap, Lazonby, Hallbankgate, Westgate, Frosterley, Stanhope and St Johns Chapel LakesLocal

phone: 01768 899111

LakesLocal •

Dear Residents and Businesses Welcome to this month’s edition of Lakes Local, I do hope you have managed to find time for a break whether it be at home or away and that you have had a pleasant summer. It’s just a few short months since May when this publication was first launched and yet so much has happened locally, across the county and at a national level. Whilst the weather has been patchy to say the least, it’s been a summer with so many positives; community spirit and passion shared across Great Britain, the Queens Jubilee, the Olympics and the huge range of local events and activities that come rain or shine carry on regardless of the weather. So much achieved and so many people involved, quite fantastic! In this months publication we have some interesting facts from Love Solar Renewables about Heat pumps (pages 4 – 5). I have continued to follow the progress of the Local Coop here in Keswick and the other Penrith Co-op Society stores across Cumbria in their efforts to gaining stronger links with local suppliers, wholesales and producers in developing a larger range of low mileage local products (pages 6 - 7) I’ve actually spent more time in the dentist’s this month than I probably have done in the last 10 years, but all for a very good reason, as I have been finding more about what happens behind the scenes at Fitz Park Dental Practice and the services available. My thanks to all the team for their continued contribution in developing some really interesting articles, which continue this month (pages 8 – 9). Looking through the various articles this month we actually have eight writers, my thanks to you all for your contribution. One man I feel I have had running around the county this month who has produced some outstanding images for so many of the articles is Paul Witterick of Wittwoo Photography. Whilst he has also spent some time at the dentist, his own article and images covering Kendal Calling are of a very high standard, thank you Paul. If you have an interesting hobby, event or a story you would like to share, please drop me a line. Next months distribution will include

our expansion into Cockermouth and the surrounding areas, there is more about this on page 12 and details on booking deadlines on page 30. Meanwhile, I would like to take this opportunity of saying thank you for reading the Lakes Local publication, until next month Lee Quinn, Editor


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Alternative Energy solutions Now at Your Local Co-op Instant Ice Cream – Peter Sidwell A Brush with the Hygienist No Frequency Win a Kitchen Border City and More 10% Flooring Deal New Arts North Workshop Celebrating 160 years Eden Lakes & Country Wainwright Walk Walking with Keith Wood MacCain’s Mountain Challenge Peaks & Pathways with Nick Wells Glorious Welcome for Country Fair Hound Trailing by Margaret Baxter Kendal Calling review by Paul Witterick Heating your Home for Less CA Business And Finally to Afternoon Design Bowman Carpets summer offers Cumbria Mini centre July offers

4-5 6 7 8-9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 -17 18 20 – 21 22 23 24 25 26 – 27 28 29 30 31 32

Phone: 01768 772112

Email: Lakes Local

Unit 6, Sunset Hill, Keswick CA12 4RN Special thanks to local photographer Keith Wood for our Cover Page Lakes Local Notice: Lakes Local prints various articles, features, and advertisements. Although these appear in Lakes Local, any opinions expressed are the opinion of the author, these are not necessarily the opinion of the publisher.

phone: 01768 899111


• LakesLocal

Solar PV and alternative energy solutions Renewables Solar PV (Solar Electric) The world of solar PV has changed dramatically in the last year. Since December 2011, we have seen the Feed In Tariff rate drop from 43p per unit to 16p per unit but we have also seen the price of solar PV panels and installations drop by over 50% in this same time period. Returns of 12% + per annum are still very much achievable; it is still one of the best investments available. For those who have already got solar PV systems installed or for those who do not have a suitable property there are a number of additional renewable technologies on the market and every bit as financially lucrative - Love Solar can now offer these technologies.

Solar Hot Water (Solar Thermal) Depending on your life style, family size, and hot water requirements a Solar Thermal system could be the system for you; reducing your hot water energy costs by up to 80% per annum. In brief, solar thermal system uses sunlight to heat your water via the use of tubes or plates (usually mounted on your roof) this heat is transferred to your hot water tank where it will heat or assist in bringing your water to the required temperature.


phone: 01768 899111

LakesLocal •

Renewable Heat Incentive For solar thermal systems you can also get paid as much as 8.3p per KWh of heat generated in much the same way as the Feed in tariff for solar PV.

Biomass Boilers & Pellet Stoves In brief a biomass boiler is a high tech log or wood chip burning stove with an advance and automated control. They can be used to heat a large farm or commercial building or the smaller pellet stoves can be used in a domestic property.

How do they differ from a conventional wood burning stove? • They usually run on wood chips, pellets or logs. • They have a wood hopper store which enables the stove to be kept going without the need for continual feeding. • The heat generated is used for hot water and heating and can replace the need for oil or gas • You are actually PAID for the heat you generated

How much can I earn from the Renewable Heat Incentive? Estimated output and earnings from a 199KW boiler 199 KW x 8.3p x 1314 hours


199KW x 2.1p ( 2400-1314) hours



£26,242 every year for 20 years ( index linked)

Tel: 01768

899 722 Mob: 07775 897980 phone: 01768 899111


• LakesLocal

Peter Sidwell, now at your Local Co-op Society In January 2012, Peter Sidwell, local TV chef and writer of the “Simply Good” range of cookery books, became a partner at Rheged working alongside their chefs, to develop both the menu and the talent within the kitchen. in between a busy filming schedule and travelling around the UK Peter had a number of options for the launch of his new book “Simply Good Family Food”. Peter Sidwell chose the local option to launch the book at the Penrith Co-op department store. The few hours on a Saturday morning wasn’t just a flying visit but the start of a longer term strategy to assist the Penrith Co-operative Society to further develop its recent campaign to source more local products and to work with more locally based businesses. It was a just few months ago that the society linked up with the Lakes Free Range Egg Company at Stainton, to get locally produced eggs. These are now being phased into its other stores in Cumbria. But it hasn’t stopped there, I have been out with John Mills, Chief Executive Officer keeping up with him on a quest for local lines. The store managers now meet regularly every month to discuss the introduction of more local products and the staff are also involved in getting behind the rediscovery of traditional and local products. Whilst we started with a Saturday morning book signing and ice cream making demonstration, over the next 12 months Peter will continue his work with the Co-op. Visiting your local Penrith Co-op and travelling around the other local stores introducing recipe cards based around key local ingredients sourced by the Penrith Co-operative Society and he’ll be back every month with a food demonstration with these specially selected local products. I’ll close a final word from John Mills, who did happen to take one sting out of a bee on his recent discovery of local honey at Newbiggin, coming up in September there will be many reasons to visit your local Co-op: ‘I am delighted to invite you to come and see some of the exciting things that are happening at your Penrith Co-op store in Burrowgate. Our members open day on Thursday the 20th September will be a day to remember as the society will be showcasing many of the new initiatives that are currently taking place, especially with some of our local producers of high quality goods. We will have Peter Sidwell on hand giving demonstrations using some of this fine locally produced fare, as well as many wonderful offers throughout the store that you simply cannot afford to miss. I look forward to sharing these with you on the 20th. John Mills Chief Executive Officer Penrith Co-operative Society Ltd LakesLocal

phone: 01768 899111

LakesLocal •

Instant Ice Cream By Peter Sidwell

This is a great recipe, it’s fast fresh and simple. Just make sure your grapes are well frozen and you’re ready to eat. I make this with my daughter as she loves ice cream, but does not like waiting for it to freeze.


Here’s how

Serves 4

Place the frozen grapes and yogurt into a food processor

1kg of seedless grapes 200g of thick Greek yogurt 1 piece of fresh ginger 1 tbsp of local honey

Peel and slice the ginger and add to the yogurt and grapes, followed by the honey Blend the Icecream until smooth, then serve immediately or place in the freezer until you need it.

phone: 01768 899111


• LakesLocal

A Brush with the Hygienist

It was an easy decision to make when deciding upon the topic for this month’s article. Both Simon and Stewart believe that good dental hygiene coupled with a sensible, well balanced diet is key to achieving what everybody wants for themselves and their children. That is a healthy mouth which is free from pain and infection along with a beautiful smile. When patients are first seen at the Fitz Park Dental Practice, by either Simon or Stewart, their level of oral hygiene is assessed and a personalised treatment plan produced which will give them a straight forward and clear approach to improving their oral hygiene and maintaining it.

Our team of dental hygienists, Janet Matthews and Margaret Carr, and dental therapist, Sarah Jane Russell, are key to helping us achieve this. There are several simple steps that all of us can follow to help to improve our oral hygiene. It is important to establish good oral health habits in childhood that will last a lifetime, however, it’s never too late to start! • Brush twice a day before breakfast and just before bed. It’s really important to spend at least two minutes brushing each time. Parents should always supervise and encourage their children to brush. • Use a fluoride toothpaste and don’t rinse out with water after brushing. The fluoride acts on the surface of the teeth to make them harder and more resistant to decay. • Use an electric toothbrush. They work much more efficiently and don’t place as much wear on the teeth and gums. Some electric toothbrushes even have two minute timers! • Clean inbetween the teeth once a day using dental floss or inter dental brushes.


phone: 01768 899111

LakesLocal •

and below the gum. The hygienists and dentists can give advice to patients with certain conditions e.g. pregnancy or who are undergoing certain treatments e.g. radiotherapy and chemotherapy. We wouldn’t like to say how many times we have heard the phrase, “My gums are bleeding so I have stopped brushing in this area”. In general the cause of bleeding gums is inflammation resulting from plaque deposits that are not removed by brushing. The only way to reduce the inflammation and bleeding is by brushing more thoroughly.

By following the above steps alongside eating a diet which is low in sugar the incidence of dental decay and gum problems will be greatly reduced. If the teeth and gums are inadequately cleaned there will be an increased build up of plaque around the teeth and gums. Plaque is a sticky layer made up bacteria. The plaque can cause decay of the teeth and an inflammation of the gums. This inflammation is called gingivitis and it affects between 50%-90% of the UK population. For around 54% of the population this inflammation and infection can spread to the bone supporting the teeth. This results in loss of the bone which makes the teeth mobile. Sometimes so much bone is lost and the teeth so loose that they have to be removed. This is a major cause of tooth loss in modern dental practice. Unfortunately the majority of people with gum disease (periodontal disease) are completely unaware that they have a problem. The first symptoms of gum disease may be bleeding gums and bad breath (halitosis). Gum disease is also known to have a relationship with other systemic illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, respiratory disease and adverse pregnancy outcome. These areas are current topics of research nationally and internationally. The dentist is able to check for dental decay, gingivitis and gum disease at a patient’s examination appointment. Patients at higher risk from gum problems can be identified and monitored. The dentist works with the hygienists to make it easier for patients to maintain good dental hygiene. Each patient is given a personal plan and shown how to use different dental aids to remove plaque deposits. The hygienists are able to clean into the areas that patients cannot reach with a toothbrush, for example in the areas above

Hygienist Janet Matthews said, “Visiting the dental hygienist has moved on from just a ‘scale and polish’ to a much more complex service where we work closely with Simon and Stewart to create a personalised treatment plan which is specific to each individuals needs. This establishes a routine for long term maintenance which helps patients retain their teeth.” Today so many pressures are placed on an individual that oral hygiene often takes a back seat. Hopefully this article has raised some awareness of the importance of making the time to look after ones mouth. Diet also has a huge effect on dental and oral health. We will discuss this in more detail in a future issue. If you are concerned or want more advice about topics discussed in this article please contact us.

Fitz Park Dental Practice, 31 Station Street, Keswick, CA12 5HH Tel 017687 73020 Email General Dental Council registration numbers (G.D.C. numbers) Stewart Blayney 59384 and Simon Welch 75410

phone: 01768 899111


10 • LakesLocal

No frequency

Eden rently being made to our home at Ullswater Road Garage, a new wall is being constructed which will segregate the Radio from The Cumbria Mini Centre showroom, as well as a few studio changes - plenty to keep us busy while we wait for the official nod from OFCOM, the regulator, to send in our full time community radio licence application, then, we wait once more to see if the application has been successful – Fingers crossed!!

Eden FM radio may have disappeared from your FM radio for the time being but we are still streaming 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on

stoke during our first RSL back in winter. The highlight event had to be the Olympic Torch Relay, what a fantastic atmosphere! We really did feel privileged to be part of it.

Our second RSL on 87.7FM was a major success, we ‘the team’ strived to be more relaxed, polished and unique, which came across well while presenting (even though it was only the second time on FM frequency for the majority of us) our confidence levels have grown thanks to your overwhelming feedback, there was still a few nerves for the first couple of days but it really does make such a difference knowing we are brightening somebody’s day.

After a fantastic second Restricted Service Licence (RSL) the behind the scenes hard work begins once again. Dramatic changes are cur-

Although we may seem quiet at the moment we have lots to do and will we also continue to support local events, local businesses and the local community. On behalf of the team Thank you to everyone who supports us, we couldn’t do it without you. Keep an eye on www. for updates and click ‘listen live’ to catch our shows. Sian Whittaker Eden FM Studio Manager/ Deputy Chair

We covered a huge range of events while on FM, from the scarecrow festival at Langwathby, to a constant live stream from the Boot & Shoe, Greystoke which was a fantastic achievement for us considering the signal from the transmitter at the studio didn’t reach Grey-

Advertise on Eden FM radio online 365 days of the year for 33p per day LakesLocal

phone: 01768 899111

LakesLocal • 11

Windows, Doors, Conservatories Kitchens, Bedrooms, Bathrooms & Solar AuTuMn PROMOTiOn up to

50% OFF



BEDROOMS FREE GuTTERinG AnD DOWnPiPES WiTH All FASCiA AnD SOFFiT ORDERS Friargate House Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 7XR Open 8.00am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday, 10.00 - 1.00pm Saturday, or call us for an out of hours appointment at home

Telephone: (01768) 866790 Fax: (01768) 891030 Email:

Would you like to win this kitchen, complete with an oven and hob and a full set of cookware and utensils? Its on display nowat you local Co-op Penrith Department Store Would you you like to raise money for your local group, charity, society or oganisation? This is the prize and thanks to three local businesses, the Penrith Co-op Society, Eden Valley Home improvements and Cumbria Local magazine it is here for you to generate funds for your local community group or project. We need to sell raffle tickets, we need local groups to come forward and apply to do this. The draw takes place at the end of November, this Kitchen will be installed in December before your Christmas dinner Drop into your local Penrith Co-operative Society store for more details or email phone: 01768 899111


12 • LakesLocal

There are many ways to describe distribution As a local business, a local group or a local resident with a great story or hobby that you would like to share, there are a number of ways you can communicate. For a business an investment in advertising is an investment in your future. As an individual actually getting your first piece of work published is a moment that you will want to last for ever. A piece of advice I give to all businesses contemplating a marketing strategy or currently involved in advertising is simply the importance of asking the question; “When you advertise in print what is the distribution?” Whilst some publications are sold and some distributed for free, the question always has to be “but how many?” Don’t just ask for the average, ask for the actual figures for the last six or twelve months. Ask for clarity regarding the geographical area that the publication is distributed in and how. With a paid for publication its effective distribution isn’t just how many are printed, it’s how many were actually sold. With a free publication there could be two questions; “How many were distributed for collection” and “How many were collected and how is this monitored”. If it is posted how reliable is it and who posts the publication.


phone: 01768 899111

Border City Times 217668 Lakes Local


Eden local


Eden Local, Lakes Local and the new Border City Times are distributed via the Royal Mail door to door service. Usually out on a Monday close to the end of the month they are posted through every business and residential door in the selected postcodes. There is more information about this above. October is looking to be a big month, it’s the month when your Lakes Local expands to the CA13 postcodes making your Lakes Local publication distribution rise by over 7,500 more doors. The total distribution by the Royal Mail

door to door service to CA12 and CA13 being 12,631 In the Eden Valley the Eden Local publication has increased this month to CA10 3, but it increases again in October into postcode CA4 0 taking its total to 23,232 doors. The new title is Border City Times, with a launch distribution in to Carlisle postcodes that includes areas of CA1, CA2 and CA3 it will be going to approximately 21,763 doors A complete listing of postcodes is available at

LakesLocal • 13

John Richardson &1852Son - 2012 Quality Timber Suppliers Home Improvement Centre


10% off all flooring

Roper Street, Penrith

Mon-Fri 7.30am - 5.00pm Sat 7.45am - 1.00pm

Tel: 01768 895000 phone: 01768 899111


14 • LakesLocal

New Arts North Workshops New Arts North, in partnership with Prism Arts, is set to deliver exciting new workshops across the county as part of Cumbria County Council’s Lifematters health and wellbeing programme. New Arts North is a Cumbria-based arts organisation specialising in delivering high quality arts workshops and events with local communities. They work with all ages and abilities, and aim to make participation in the arts accessible to all. They work with groups, schools, councils, the NHS and other organisations to design dynamic programmes of activity and events. Last year they worked with around 3000 participants, and over 16,000 audience members. Over the next 18 months, this local arts company and its team of trained practitioners will be delivering art and music workshops as part of the County Council’s new Lifematters programme which aims to offer new services for health and wellbeing, supporting those whose mental health may be at risk. Weekly sessions of Singing for Wellbeing will be running throughout the Carlisle, Eden, Copeland, and Allerdale areas from this September. Sessions will explore different pop and classic genres according to the wishes of the group. In addition, weekly sessions of Amazing Art will be available in the Eden, Allerdale and Copeland areas. Sessions will offer a relaxed introduction to visual art, personally tailored so that you can choose between paint, design, sculpture, print, embroidery and much more. “We are delighted to be involved with the Lifematters programme, and look forward to meeting new participants and sharing a wide and exciting choice of artistic activity with them. The aim is to get together to practice skills, in a relaxed environment, and enjoy a few cups of tea and hopefully a few laughs.” Russell Burbush (New Arts North) To find out about individual courses Tel: 01228 564571 (office open Mon-Thurs), e-mail: or go to LakesLocal

phone: 01768 899111

LakesLocal • 15

John Richardson & Son 1852 - 2012

Quality Timber Suppliers • Home Improvement Centre

Roper Street, Penrith Tel: 01768 895000 Mon-Fri 7.30am - 5.00pm Sat 7.45am - 1.00pm

JOHN RICHARDSON & SON Open Day Celebrating 160 Years of Business


9am - 3pm Trade Day

Specialist Advice New Range Launches Demo Wagon - Refreshments

SATURDAY 1st SEPTEMBER 9am - 3pm Fun Day

Kids Entertainment Demonstrations - Refreshments Lots of Givaways

EVERYONE WELCOME phone: 01768 899111

Hospice at Home Carlisle and North Lakeland



Lakes & Country

Eden Estate Agents

3 Warcop Mill | Warcop


Little Barco | Penrith


Cosy 2 bedroom mid terrace cottage, ideal first home or holiday investment; sitting room, kitchen shower, parking, small garden investment; sitting room, kitchen shower, parking, small garden

Cosy 2 bedroom mid terrace cottage, ideal first home or holiday investment; sitting room, kitchen shower, parking, small garden investment; sitting room, kitchen shower, parking, small garden

Coopers Garth | Skelton


White House | Langwathby


Cosy 2 bedroom mid terrace cottage, ideal first home or holiday investment; sitting room, kitchen shower, parking, small garden investment; sitting room, kitchen shower, parking, small garden

DCosy 2 bedroom mid terrace cottage, ideal first home or holiday investment; sitting room, kitchen shower, parking, small garden investment; sitting room, kitchen shower, parking, small garden

Noon Howe | Eden Valley


A striking detached five bedroom property with many period features, good sized landscaped gardens, an attached barn and outbuildings, plus extensive parking. It has potential for further development of the space, and some updating.

Your Property through 5200 Letterboxes! Property sellers, how would you like the power to present your property to over 5,000 households? With a full colour advert featuring fabulous presentation? Become an Eden client and it’s simpler to choose a size to suit you and your budget – from as little as £60.

Low Murrah & Cottage | Lake District £685,000

A four bedroom detached Victorian property with cottage in lovely gardens and three acres of land; private, secluded rural location with outstanding views of the surrounding landscape. Great potential to adapt a unique family country home to a buyer’s requirements.

Eden Estate Agents

The Lodge | Greystoke


The Lodge | Greystoke


The Lodge | Greystoke


Enchanting detached Victorian property with many original features. Entrance hall, kitchen/dining, conservatory, sitting room, two double bedrooms and

Enchanting detached Victorian property with many original features. Entrance hall, kitchen/dining, conservatory, sitting room, two double bedrooms and

Enchanting detached Victorian property with many original features. Entrance hall, kitchen/dining, conservatory, sitting room, two double bedrooms and

01768 869000

Why Lakes Local? Lakes Local is a glossy magazine which promotes the locality. It’s a glossy magazine, a perfect place for our property presentations. Delivery via Royal Mail removes any dependency on sale or reader collection. It reaches people wanting to move, tenants looking to buy, holidaymakers looking for a holiday home, local employees looking for a base here. It has a long shelf life, visible in supermarkets, restaurants, guest houses, hotels and surgeries. And it’s available online at

Clarkgate | Lake District Guide Price ÂŁ599,000

Eden Estate Agents

Brownrigg House Matterdale Guide Price ÂŁ795,000

An 18th century five bedroom farmhouse situated in a picturesque location at the foot of Mell Fell, approached by private driveway which runs through around five and a half acres of grounds, all set within a beautiful landscape protected by The Lake District National Park.

01768 869000

Three bedroom period country house with later additions, in a superb elevated position with beautiful and extensive private gardens and tremendous views of Ullswater and surrounding fells.

01768 869000

18 • LakesLocal

A Sale Fell Perambulation A walk to the summit of Sale Fell 3 miles 850’ of ascent Alfred Wainwright wrote this about Sale Fell: ‘The top is a pleasant grassy pasture populated by sheep but unfrequented by man – which makes it a desirable objective on a summer’s day for anyone who would like to visit a summit for quiet meditation without, however, incurring the expenditure of much energy on the ascent.’ The North Western Fells, Sale Fell p. 11 And Wainwright’s quotation sums up this short expedition perfectly. This is not a difficult walk with pleasant, grassy paths throughout and a gentle climb up to one of Lakeland’s less glamorous fells, yet one that benefits from an easy ascent and, away to the north, a fine view of the Skiddaw group of fells. The walk starts at St Margaret’s Church, a short distance off the A66 and reached by turning left at The Pheasant Inn. There is parking here at the side of the

Alfred Wainwright photograph by Derry Brabbs


phone: 01768 899111

road, but please respect the needs of Sunday worshippers at the little church. Walk back along the road a short way to a gate, which gives access to Sale Fell. The path rises gently to join another, which circumvents the fell. Bear right and ascend to a point where the path comes close to a wall. Here, turn up the fellside and, where the path bifurcates, take either track to reach the summit, where there is a small rash of stones, posing as a cairn! This is a good place to halt for a while and enjoy the vista, particularly to the east and south-east. The rest of the walk is easy from here. Descend to cross a wall through a gate and rise to the minor summit of Rivings. Continue to another top, Lothwaite, where a view of Bassenthwaite can be enjoyed with the Skiddaw fells rising dramatically from its shores.

At this point either way can be taken back to the starting point, but this walk turns left to descend to a shallow valley where a beck is crossed before passing through a gate to contour the hillside and descend the fell back to the church. A disused quarry is passed on the way and, painted on the wall is a mysterious white cross. The more adventurous can climb up to inspect it at close quarters. St Margaret’s churchyard is a delightful place, particularly in spring when there is a lovely display of daffodils. It is the perfect ending to an enjoyable ramble. If you would like to know more about the Society, log on to the website at or email Derek Cockell Press & Publicity Officer, The Wainwright Society

LakesLocal • 19

phone: 01768 899111


20 • LakesLocal Walking with Keith Wood


The valley of Mickleden serves as an extension of the main Great Langdale valley going even deeper into the heart of the high mountains. Overlooked by the twin peaks of Loft Crag and Pike O’ Stickle to the north and by the great rising ridge of The Band leading to Bowfell to the south. Guarding the head of the valley to the west is Rossett Pike with Rossett Gill and Stake Gill to either side. This short, two mile walk on the level starting from the Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel, the birthplace of rock climbing in Langdale, goes half way down the valley giving plenty of opportunity to appreciate the surrounding mountains.

up to the right keep walking straight on following the “Path” sign onto the stony path with a gate at the end and Bowfell straight ahead. Pass through the gate and walk straight on along the path just above the wall heading towards Mickleden. With Raven Crag immediately above on the right pass by Middle Fell Farm below on the left. This popular path, part of the Cumbria Way heads into the heart of the mountains at the head of Great Langdale with Pike o’ Blisco to the left, Crinckle Crags ahead and the mass of Bowfell to the front right. As the path proceeds deeper into Mickleden the distinctive shape of Pike o’ Stickle appears above to the right and Rossett Pike appears on the horizon at the head of the valley with Stool End Farm at the end of The Band in the valley bottom on the left. The path swings around to the right to go beneath Pike o’ Stickle heading straight down the valley with the deep cleft of Rossett Gill in sight at the head of the valley.

1) Start from the National Trust Old Dungeon Ghyll Car Park. Leave the Car Park and walk around the back of the hotel on the surfaced lane. As the road swings

2) As the valley opens out and the end of the wall on the left is reached simply cross the grass heading towards Mickleden Beck. Cross over the beck using

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LakesLocal • 21

3) The path goes around the back of the farm buildings and then follow the sign on a gate through the farmyard and follow the clear signs through the farm buildings around to the right and back around the sheep pens onto the surfaced lane to head back to Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel. Walk back along the surfaced road along the valley bottom over a cattle grid. The road crosses over Oxendale Beck. As you reach the road; turn immediately to the left following the sign “Public Way” to the Old Dungeon Ghyll Car Park. With the hotel and Car Park in sight cross over the Packhorse Bridge and follow the footpath signs back to the start. Full details of the route with map and photographs are in Keith’s “ Boot up Grasmere and Langdale”, which can be found in many local outlets including Penrith Outdoor Pursuits, the usual internet bookshops or directly from the author at: either the footbridge or ford to reach the clear path on the opposite bank. Having reached the bank turn left and walk along the clear path heading back along the valley with The Band up to the right. Join a farmers track as it rounds the end of a drystone wall and walk along the track as it passes through a walled enclosure. Follow the Footpath with its slate sign around to the right and after barely 50 yards swing back around to the left and through a gate with a drystone wall now on the left as the route heads to Stool End Farm. Pike o’ Stickle and Loft Crag; two of the Langdale Pikes are on the left and looking down the valley Side Pike and Lingmoor are now in the foreground. The rough stony path heads along beside the wall to reach Stool End Farm past a copse of mixed woodland.

phone: 01768 899111


22 • LakesLocal

MacCain’s Mountain Challenge

International Uphill Fell Races accessed from Hartside Top. People are asked to park in the car park on the left (North) side of the road about 100 yards east of the summit. The first three races starting at 12.00, 12.30 and 1.00 start from the Five Lanes and follow a track to finish at the small house below the big bend at the top of Hartside. The final three races finish along the top of the Pennines from Knapside – however there will be no access south from Hartside Top until after 12.00 noon due to there being a shoot on the top up to then. Fiend Fell, just south of Hartside Top should give a good viewpoint. The presentation of prizes will be at the Village Hall in Melmerby at 4.00pm The event has also had financial support from Eden District Council. On the 22nd September the international fell running world will be on the Pennine when teams from England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Ireland will be competing in a series of Uphill Fell Races. The races are the final races in the McCain’s Mountain Challenge and the Junior Races are the British Championships.

The races are also open to anyone to enter and entry forms and further details are available on the website People can walk along the courses to see the runners and the best viewpoints are probably best

Unlike most races which start and finish in the same place these will start at or near Melmerby and finish at Hartside Top. There will be races for Under 16, Under 18 and Seniors for men and women. The first race will start at 12.00pm and the last at 2.00pm from various locations along the fell bottom – the Senior races from the Shepherds Inn in Melmerby with the Ladies at 1.30pm and Men at 2.00. LakesLocal

phone: 01768 899111

For more information, and also if anyone would like to help on the day, please contact the event organiser – Ron Kenyon – telephone 01768 864728 email

LakesLocal • 23


Peaks and Pathways by Nick Wells

summit, from here we made our way along the ridge over Gasgale Crags towards Hopegill Head. This is by far the best Lakeland ridge walk in my opinion, not even Striding Edge nor Sharp Edge equal this.

We parked up at Lanthwaite Green Farm, situated at the foot of Grasmoor and Whiteside, which is almost at the end of Buttermere Valley. Walking over Whin Ben we reached the steep ascent of Whiteside, this offered good views of Crummock Water, and all the way across the Solway into Scotland. After about an hour of walking and scrambling, we reached Whiteside

At this point we had a bite to eat, enjoying the view from Loweswater to Stickle Pike and Skiddaw next to Saddleback. We then realised that Grisedale Pike was right in front of us, shadowing Outerside and Causey Pike, which we call Saggy Boobs (one needs to be here to see why!). This feature can only be identified from the head of Coledale Valley. After lunch we headed down Sand Hill towards Coledale Hause before entering Gasgale Gill, this offered a magnificent view of Whiteside and the Gasgale Crags. We followed

the Gill which turned out to be an unexpected highlight of the walk, with Whiteside on one side, Grasmoor on the other, and the torrent of Liza Beck eating its way through the Gill floor, providing many small waterfalls along the way. Further down, the path hugs the beck along a series of short rock steps and traverses, which look harder than they are, before reaching the foot of Whin Ben and back to the car at Lanthwaite Green Farm. This walk is about five miles in all, and took us four hours. I would grade it as easy to moderate, and would definitely put it in my top five walks so far. If anyone would like to suggest a walk, please email me at

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24 • LakesLocal

Glorious welcome for the second Lowther Country Fair!

The highly anticipated Lowther Country Fair arrived within the stunning grounds of Lowther Castle at the weekend, with Countryman Fairs’ newest event welcoming visitors in their thousands through their gates to experience the very best our countryside has to offer. Welcoming glorious weather and an incredible response from both locals and visitors from up and down the country, the year’s northern showcase saw sports enthusiasts and families enjoying countryside demonstrations, traditional field sports, have-a-go activities and lots of family entertainment. Lowther also played host to another set of qualifying rounds in many sporting disciplines including the Mitsubishi Motors World Series Clay Shooting and Gundog Championships, the Terrier and Lurcher Champion of Champions and the ATEO Junior Airgun Championships; putting through successful qualifiers who will now compete with the other finalists at the prestigious Midland Game Fair’s Grand Final this September. With lovely unbroken sunshine, visitors were able to sit on the stunning bank surrounding the Main Arena to soak up the rays and enjoy the demonstrations. This weekend, the Main Arena welcomed spectacular displays from the Patanavac Gundog Display, Thomas Longton’s Sheepdog Display, Ye Olde Redtail Falconry and Cyril the Squirrel. Whilst over in the Countryside LakesLocal

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Arena, families and individuals were able to enjoy displays and demonstrations which included the Flyball Display Team, Chris ‘The Countryman’ Green as well as beautiful birds of prey from inside the Falconry classrooms. Countryman Fairs’ Chief Executive, Ian Harford, expresses his delight at another fantastic year. “We are so pleased to have been able to bring the Lowther Country Fair back for a second year. Speaking with many of you across the weekend, it is clear that Lowther’s return is most welcomed with both visitors and traders embracing its new look and feel and getting involved in all kinds of countryside demonstrations and activities. With Lowther now over for this year, and with only one more event to go for this season, we can’t wait to build on what we’ve created so far for next year and look forward to producing the finest set of countryside attractions in the UK!” The Midland Game Fair takes place over 15th and 16th September 2012. Countryman Fairs organise 5 award-winning events across the UK throughout the year, each showcasing the very best in country life. For more information on all of Countryman Fairs award winning events visit the website at and join us on Facebook to stay up to date with the latest news and developments as they happen.

LakesLocal • 25

hound trailing by Margaret Baxter

Although hound trailing is a traditional Cumbrian sport which has been practised almost unchanged for well over 100 years, many local people know nothing about it. The hounds were originally bred from foxhounds, with maybe a touch of pointer and greyhound creeping in, making for a lean and comparatively light-boned and athletic animal, but there is definitely no suggestion of blood-sport now. The hounds follow an aniseed trail which has been laid over the fields and fells by the trailers, who drag the damp trail-rag. The senior hounds cover a distance of 8 - 10 miles, their time limits being 25 - 45 minutes, and the pups run for 4 -5 miles, their times to be between 15 - 25 minutes. The start of a trail is very exciting, with the hounds giving mouth and struggling to get on with the race, and the finish can be stressful for the owners as they look for their hounds and whistle and shout them home. Even after a long trail it can be close at the line, and a video camera is used nowadays to assist the judge. The season lasts from 1st April to 31st October, and there are 8 - 10 trailing meetings every week throughout the county. Most of these are in the evenings through the week, with afternoons on

Saturdays and Sundays. In addition, nearly all the local shows and sports meetings include hound trails, and they prove very popular with visitors, who have never seen anything like it! A champion hound may win around 40 races in a season, but there are always lower grades of trail for the less able hounds, because these provide the backbone of the sport - champions are rareities! The sport is governed by the Hound Trailing Association Ltd, with about 600 members. Each part of Cumbria has its own local committee, and all are represented on the Executive Committee. Every member has a say in how the sport is run, and women now play as much a part as men, both in committees and on the trail-fields themselves, all striving to do their best for the sport they love. The HTA’s website in and the fixtures can be found on the News page, which is kept up-to-date. Further information can be obtained from the Secretary, telephone 017684 83686

phone: 01768 899111


26 • LakesLocal

Kendal Calling Review P Witterick

Inspiral carpets

Little Barrie

The Feud Gamu Nhengu

The sun has once again come out for the last weekend in July, yes its Kendal Calling time again, and this year the international line up is stronger than ever, but for me it’s the 90’s bands I want to see, I mean Inspiral Carpets, James, Shed Seven, Dodgy and Feeder on the same bill.

So the weekend begins Friday lunch time, and its over to the Deer Park for a few days “in the fields” after getting sorted with the relevant accreditation it was time to catch some music, so it was over to a new tent for this years festival The Chai Wallahs tent, and to catch Lucy Rose, a name I keep hearing, ironically I’d just been listening to her on the car radio travelling over. Well she certainly had a good following, the tent was rammed, starting with a folkie number then picking up the pace with a bit of soft rock. I also noticed ex Razorlight guitarist Bjorn Agren part of the band…..Lucy Rose a name watch out for. As the sun was setting of the deer park, everyone was in fine spirit anxiously waiting for Sunderland’s Maximo Park, Paul Smith (lead singer) ran onto stage, energetic as ever, jumping up his mic stand to some awesome lighting, belting out classics like Our Velocity, Books From Boxes and Apply Some Pressure. What a way to close day one.

Scrouplious Pip

Saturday afternoon Dodgy set the scene with some classic Britpop sounds, what better way to lounge around in the sun, with some Staying Out For The Summer and Good Enough, with most folk over 30 Shed Seven


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Dizzee Rasca

LakesLocal • 27 James

Maximo park

Sound of Guns

The View

Dodgy The Lancashire Hotpots

Lucy Rose

singing along. A quick nip over to The Calling Out Tent to catch Kendal’s finest The Feud with the explosive, high octane rock sounds, with Jamie (guitar) sporting glasses similar to Timmy Mallets. Back to the main stage and Scottish rockers The View delivered a excellent set, and warmed the crowd up for a Kendal Calling favourite Dizzee Rascal, last time he graced the KC stage, he was flown in from Ibiza, did his set then flown back to the white isle, how’s that for commitment. Well it seems every one of the 13000 people was down to see Dizzee and his Bonkers carry on. With pyrotechnics, and a very special light and laser show, it was a spectacular affair, the atmosphere was electric, with thousands of smiling faces bouncing. Dizzee had travelled up from the Olympic park were he performed at the opening ceremony, and debuted his Olympic song Scream. What better way to shake off that “light head” on a Sunday afternoon, yes KC regulars The Lancashire

Hotpots, pulling the best day time crowds all weekend, with lots of crowd participation, at one point they had the full arena doing the conga. American rockers were up next We Are Scientist, with front man Keith having to wear two coats due to being cold…warmest day of 2012 for Cumbria, well sun and no rain anyway. For me it was the next trio of bands I was waiting to see, and most folk born in the 70’s. 90’s legends The Inspiral Carpets kicked it off and the Boon army was out in forcr, Clint didn’t disappoint playing the socks off that Farfisa Organ. A quick bite form one of the amazing organic food outlets, before catching Feeder then James close the weekend. James was emphatic as ever droping all of his classic, everybody singing along, he even managed a crowd surf, what a legend, what a weekend. A great event in the Eden Valley.. until next time …. See you in the fields.

phone: 01768 899111


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30 • LakesLocal

And Finally...... I always have a good feeling when I get to this page knowing that I have arrived at the end of another publication. Building on what I said in the opening editorial it is a small magazine but shared by a great group of people, which is now shared with you, my thanks to all those involved. What comes next, well its on with the Eden Local, this month up to 48 pages with distribution extended further south into the Shap area, Crosby Ravensworth and past Tebay. Onwards and upwards; I’ll now be working on three publications this time next month, lining up the fourth for 2013

24th September with the last day for booking advertisements and articles into the October edition being the 5th September.As a reminder our print run will be increasing to 12,800 from the November edition with delivery from 22nd October 2012 with approximately 12,631 to be distributed via Royal Mail to every residential and business letter box in postcodes CA12 and CA13, and then we’ll be looking forward to our Christmas edition with opportunities to promote all your festive events and offers.

As ever in and around Keswick there are a number of great events to look forward to in September including; The Seventh Derwent Water Trail Race and Challenge on the 1st September and the 136th Loweswater Show on the following day the 2nd September.

For more details on distribution and booking schedules please go to www. ;there is a link on our website to plot our distribution. As every new letter box appears the Lakes Local distribution increases. All past and present publications are available to read free on line via our website. We are also currently working on a new audio file with the Eden FM Radio Team

The next Lakes Local (October) edition will commence delivery from Monday

Thank you once again for taking the time out to read your Lakes Local

Printer - Bishops Printers, Walton Rd, Portsmouth, Hants. PO6 1TR


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