October 2011 Volume 1 Issue 9
spreading compassion to all sentient beings and Living in healing and peaceful world Editor
Maryam Morrison Enlightenment is the understanding that this is all, that this is perfect, that this is it. Enlightenment is not an achievement, it is an understanding that there is nothing to achieve, nowhere to go. Osho Artwork by Maryam Morrison
Front Cover artwork by Bill Brouard ~ Back Cover Photography by Linda Dimichelle Eden Magazine is an independent monthly online magazine. Our aim is to create a better environment where we live among other living being in peace and harmony. We support artists that their work match our criteria. If you would like to submit your artwork, article or/and your photography. For our future issues please contact Maryam Morrison at; edenmagazine@hotmail.com or www.theedenmagazine.com 2 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • October 2011
Contents 4 Bill Bouard
Angelica Georgiles
Health Rockz
Mindfulness & Compassion
Shan Children
Does your dog pulls on leash
Mexican Walking Fish
Bill Bouard
A world renowned visionary artist
Bill Brouard was born on the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius where he enjoyed a blissfully happy childhood with his parents and five siblings before moving to London in 1973 at the tender age of 17. Completing an art foundation course in 1974 at Winchester Art College, Hampshire; Bill spent two years studying within the fine art department at Newcastle Polytechnic where he subsequently completed his studies within creative and performing arts drama; majoring in dance.
sclerosis. Despite the pain and trauma he suffered during his seven year battle, Tristan was a true inspiration to all those whose lives he touched by his endless demonstration of the power of unconditional love. To help cope with the grieving process and to slowly begin to come to terms with the death of his son, Bill initially began to express the pain of his loss through the creation of a series of poetry which he published online. Having previously been introduced to the rudiments of Photoshop by Lulu (by now his ex-wife), he turned his attentions to the creation of inspirational digital artwork. His work became a healing journey as he began to experience a soul connection through the writing process and the crafting of his art.
Becoming a single parent at the age of 24, Bill’s commitment to his young son, Tristan, forced him to put his creative passions on hold and over the next few years he worked within a succession of demanding jobs within the catering industry where he steadily worked his way to becoming a head chef at a number of prestigious establishments. For the past two years, he has been almost compulsively creating and Meeting his wife Lulu in 1982 and marrying producing a vast portfolio of over 3,000 after a whirlwind romance, they produced beautiful spiritual images which he two further children; Dominic, now an in- publishes through his Facebook Fan Page, house documentary film editor for the Na- “Visual Alchemy”, where he currently has tional Theatre in London; and Caroline, a over 11,000 followers. talented singer/songwriter based in Brighton. Bill would prefer not to categorise his artwork due to the limitations inherent With a growing family to support, Bill in giving something a “label”. He says, decided to retrain as a computer engineer “I create my artwork for the sole purpose of and for many years he enjoyed a success- helping the awakening of consciousness. ful career within this new industry. I never cared for being too precious about anything, so a sense of humour is often He finally began to pursue his creativity present. I am frequently surprised and in earnest in 2008 following the sad loss delighted by what appears on the screen, of his eldest son Tristan at the age of 28, as I go into sort of guided meditation and as a result of complications of multiple work totally intuitively. 6 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • October
My greatest feeling is that beauty can be used as a means of accessing the divine. I believe that we are all one and that we deserve to see the beauty in ourselves and each other. We are all spiritual beings trying to understand and grow through the human experience and we each have unlimited potential for creativity and personal expression. Hearing personal stories of how my work has assisted others in their healing journey; including chronic pain management and the addressing of some forms of post traumatic stress by the use of my art as a meditative tool; totally validates my commitment to helping to make a positive difference to the lives of others.�
The future is looking very bright for Bill as he prepares for a move back to London after living in the Somerset/Avon area for the past 26 years. To date, his work has been featured on CD covers, websites, blogs, clothing and You Tube videos combined with inspirational music. Bill will be showing his work throughout the UK this autumn and will commence a worldwide exhibition tour starting in LA early next year. He has recently enlisted the services of a personal manager to handle the volume of interest his work has begun to generate and to guide his future career as a world renowned visionary artist.
Bill can be contacted directly at bill_brouard@yahoo.co.uk or through his fan page www.facebook.com/pages/Visual-Alchemy/307201723841 7 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • October 2011
Angelica Georgiles
A Holistic healer an Artistic Model 8 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • October
Miss Angelica Georgiles is an artistic model and a holistic healer who lives in Madison, Wisconsin. She is passionate about her life path involving holistic healing, animal health and welfare, wellness coaching, and artistic modeling. Angelica follows a heart centered path and finds inspiration in encouraging others to do the same. Currently focusing on obtaining a PhD in holistic health she works with clients assisting them with cleansing, nutrition, and supplementation to help them achieve optimum health. She also specializes in coaching women’s health and wellness. Angelica has obtained numerous certifications in the health field, including spiritual ministry, crystal healing, massage therapy, theta healing, hands-on healing, and teaching Reiki. As a result of a spinal injury, she has dealt with chronic pain for five years. She believes this injury is part of her journey of development and wisdom on her path as a wounded healer. The limitation of her injury greatly expands her compassion for those who struggle with limitations, both physical and emotional. She is currently experiencing new found positive results and pain relief from laser treatment administered by a local Naturopathic Physician. Miss Angelica has also discovered an outlet and reprieve from her physical pain by collaborating with talented artists through the art of modeling. She views modeling as a form of healing self- expression which allows her to tap into her creativity & passion. She also enjoys other aspects of the modeling field including makeup, hair and design. Miss Angelica has been modeling for the past two years, to view her online portfolio visit; http://www.modelmayhem.com/portfolio/1299198/viewall As an empath, Angelica has a specific interest in animal welfare. A shared mother-daugther passion, Angelica welcomed the position of vice president of Kindred Spirits Animal Network Inc. This non-profit organization founded by Angelica’s mother, Cecilia, encourages spaying and neutering, holistic health, and finding homes for abandoned animals, particularly cats. For years this organization has shown support for animals in the community and has received local recognition. A new web address is being created for her new website. In the meantime, she can be contacted through email at: tarabliss11@charter.net Feel free to contact Miss Angelica about any inquiries about modeling or holistic health services. Acknowledgements: A special thank you to Raymond Yingling who is providing pain relief through laser therapy. www.madisonlasertherapy.com Another thank you to Cecilia Georgiles, President of Kindred Spirits Animal Network Inc. www.kindredspiritswi.org The white business suit photo: Photographer: Michael Rosen The black body paint picture: Body Paint: Dawn Marie Svanoe Photographer : David April The turqouise shirt picture: Photographer: Th Taylor 9 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • October 2011
Health RockZ!
By Ellen Vaman Photography by Ellen Vaman
I started studying Naturopathy a few years back but even though it has had an enormous impact on the way I live, it is not really the sole influence. The greatest influence came from my parents & the way I was raised as a child. The most important lesson I have ever learned has been the advice given to me by my parents: “respect & honor the land & all it has a to offer us”. I grew up in a big city but my father owned a few large farming lands - one of which was just outside the city. This land became our sanctuary in which we spent most of our weekends & holidays. I used to love running free in 12 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • October 2011
the open spaces & climbing trees. There were also live cattle & chickens & a few small fruit gardens around this land (of which the most notable one was the Pomegranate garden- It was my absolute favorite & I knew even then that it is by far one of the most nutritious fruits nature has to offer us). We used to have fresh milk from goat or sheep & homemade feta cheese & yoghurt. We also used to eat plenty of fresh vegetables & herbs (mainly raw) & the eggs we used came from happy hens running free around the land. I can still remember the sensational taste of all the wholesome food I grew up with.
I started reading & learning about herbs & natural remedies years before I enrolled in Naturopathy course & have always aspired to align my life style to the natural way of living as much as it is possible - here are a few options which I believe would help us keep healthier & live more in harmony with nature. Drink more quality water; Considering our body is composed of over 60% of water we can understand why water is so essential to us. Water is needed to carry out most our body functions, remove waste and carry nutrients and oxygen around our body. Since we lose water every day through urine, bowel movements, perspiration and breathing, we need to replenish our water intake. The amount of water we need is dependent on various factors such as the humidity, our physical activity, and weight but generally we need 6 to 8 glasses of water per day. Please note that as the quantity of water is an important factor in keeping healthy, so it is the quality of water we drink. nowadays, there are a variety of water filters available in order to purify the drinking water. I personally have installed a high quality water filter at home which has been approved by certified bodies. Not only I drink my purified water at home but I also take my own bottles of water everywhere I go - I prefer not to buy water in plastic bottles for the obvious reasons (plastic bottles are another waste material / pollutant). Eat more fresh produce & wholesome
food; I started organic gardening a few years back & have never looked back! The taste of fresh organic herbs & vegetables is by no means comparable to the ones we buy from supermarket shelves or elsewhere! the fresh produce are bursting with flavor, color & life - & the aroma is almost intoxicating. They also are a plethora of vitamins and minerals. Fruits and vegetables with bright colors are usually high in anti-oxidants which as most people nowadays know are good for health ( they remove free radicals that damage our cells). So try to plant fruits/vegetables of different colors if possible: yellow (pineapples, cantaloupe), orange (orange, papaya), red (apple, strawberries, tomatoes, watermelon), green (cucumber, lettuce, celery), purple/blue; blackberries, eggplant). Other notable plants are; beans & legumes, asparagus, sprouts, carrots, apricots, pears, etc. Gardening itself apart from supplying you with goodness of nature, is actually one the most rewarding activities. It is said that gardening is a form of meditation & relaxation & helps to clear the mind of clutter (as symbolically referred to in Zen philosophy“: de-weeding the garden de-weeding the mind�) . Spending time in fresh air, moderate sunshine & in natural surrounding does wonders for your health.
The other alternative (to your own vegetable garden) of course would be to locate the organic shops or farmers markets in your area (very popular these days everywhere) to improve your diet in general. Cut down on processed & unhealthy food; During food processing most nutritional value is lost - & when additives & preservatives are added the problem becomes tenfold. Remember, The more work has been done to the food & the more processing it has gone through, the less nutritious it has become ! (there is only very few exceptions; such as tomato which when cooked & processed appropriately, its nutrition value is increased ! ) We must also try to avoid sugary, fatty/oily, junk food and the so called trigger foods (foods that make you binge after you eat them such as biscuits or candy bars) as much as possible. Instead of eating white carbohydrates and refined grains like white rice, pasta, white bread, crackers, noodles, tortillas, wraps, anything with white flour , we can choose to eat brown & whole meal versions which are more nutritious & do not send our sugar level sky rocketing ! examples are brown rice, whole grain flour which come with nutrients and vitamins intact.
times remember that the healthiest foods are those that are raw and/or closest to their natural form, also try to cut down on highly simulative substances such as caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, etc. All things can be enjoyed occasionally & in moderation of course ! Cultivate good eating habits; best eating habits to cultivate are; to eat more frequent small meals over a few big meals a day To chew properly & slowly - & to stop eating as you soon as you feel slightly full. I also like to eat in a calm environment when sitting down & relaxed. Keep away from chemical toxins as much as possible; I have a policy at home; no deodorants, no perfumes, no bleach or other harsh household chemicals is to enter our sanctuary. I use natural substances for cleanings such as borax, vinegar, bi-carb, & eucalyptus oil. They do the job & in most cases are cheaper than harsh household chemicals. there is a vast amount of information available on the net on how to use natural substances as cleaning agents, for anyone who is interested. furthermore, I refrain to use any night lights or any other electrical devices in the bedroom to encourage a natural sound sleep throughout the night.
Exercise, meditate, relax; I think the benefits of daily exercise & mediation is we can also add healthy fats such as by now apparent to majority of people. omega 3 & nuts to our diet instead of to keep the body healthy we need to get saturated & processed fats & oils. at all out & get some exercise. 14 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • October
There are so many forms of exercise that keeps the joints supple & muscles & bones strong - amongst them; jogging, walking, swimming, cycling, yoga, etc. Meditation & relaxation techniques also vary greatly. They help keep the stress levels down & improve one’s outlook on life.
our lung capacity. Athletes are coached proper breathing techniques to get their best performance. A full breath is one where your lungs are completely filled & your abdomen expands.
By learning conscious breathing you can unfold numerous health benefits to the body of which the most notable ones are; Breathe deeply; how many of us really longevity, increase in vitality, increase in breathe deeply & consciously? Oxygen general zest for life & increase in energy. is the most vital source of life. Most of us don’t breathe properly we take only shallow breathes and breathe to 1/3 of
Mindfulness and Compassion By: Heather Auria Gaines
“Never will you receive so much from absolutely nothing as stillness of mind” 16 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • October 2011
By practicing being in the present rather than ruminating about the past or worrying about the future – one learns about the pure joy that radiate when we can live in the present moment. The course also emphasizes awareness and connecting with what you are feeling in a non-judgmental way. You also slow down enough to become aware of what you are feeling and what your thoughts and physical reactions are to those feelings. Mindfulness changed my life. In many ways, it opened me up – I feel this inner blossoming happening to me as I continue to utilize the tools of mindfulness and compassion. My life has become more balanced and I am able to respond to stress and challenge with more ease by bringing awareness to dissolve the stress as well as feel safe to be with my emotions and practice compassion for myself and others. I call 2011 the year I found love. This love is a love that when brought awareness to can be experienced in every moment. It is as if all we have to do is turn the switch on and the light illuminates even the
darkest of moments with showcasing the true gifts that are available and accessible in every moment. With our ever growing technology and our fast-paced lifestyle of multi-tasking, there has never been more need for mindfulness, particularly for our youth. Our society is calling out to learn how to stop and slow down from the stress load that gets brought upon when we are constantly trying to squeeze one more thing into the day. And our time that is spent on connecting with ourselves, family and community diminishes and can result in the bit of communication and connection we give and receive via electronic devices. I am here to share and help the community learn about how the practice of mindfulness can help our youth, our families and our communities re-discover a renewed sense of celebration for life and get in touch with their heart and the gift of compassion for self and our world we live in. As we all know change begins with ourselves and extends by connecting with our community. It is possible for us all to take a moment to breath and learn again the beauty of life again.
Here is a small and lovely practice you can start with: Begin by lightly tensing and relaxing your body and perhaps some light stretching. Then find a comfortable position. You can lie down, sit or stand. Now I invite you to take 3 big breathes in with a big sigh out. Now allow your breathing to return to its natural flow again. Bring attention to the feeling of your breath entering & exiting your body. When you are ready as you are breathing you can say in your mind or have a friend read these words below with each breath….
es come while breathing. You can just acknowledge them and let them flow back into the stream or watch them float on by like clouds in the sky. You are welcome to sit as long as you like with your breathing. You can also return to your breathing any time you like. Thank you for joining in this time of solitude. If you are interested in learning more about mindfulness feel free to contact me by visiting my website http://twitter.com/awakenlovenow http://facebook.com/awakenlovenow or my facebook page:
Breathing in “I have arrived”; Breathing out “I am home” Breathing in “In the here”; Breathing out “In the now” Breathing in “I am solid”; Breathing out “I am free” Breathing in “In the ultimate”; Breathing out “I dwell” Again, return to your breath letting it flow again. I am letting you know that it is OK if thoughts, emotion or imag-
Dancing in the Heavens, Heaven really does exist!
LAO TZU. A Chinese philosopher and central figure in Taoism (also spelled “Daoism”). The term Laozi literally means “Old Master” and is considered honorific. He is revered as a deity in most religious forms of Taoism and is considered as “One of the Three Pure Ones.” The Daodejing is one of the most significant treatises in Chinese cosmogony. His ideas are mostly explained by way of paradox, analogy, appropriation of ancient sayings, repetition, symmetry, rhyme, and rhythm. “Would you like to save the world from the degradation and destruction it seems destined for? Then step away from shallow mass movements and quietly go to work on your own self-awareness. If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.” ~ Lao Tzu
Rebuilding the Young Lives of the Shan Children with and Education By Linda Dimichelle
Many Shan families are unable to live in Burma. Their communities are burnt down and destroyed and in hope of better lives and freedom from the brutality of the military regime some flee to Thailand. Unfortunately the fear does not end when people cross the border as they live with constant fear of being deported which could lead to torture, imprisonment, rape or death. For those without official refugee status life is difficult as international aid is limited or unavailable and to survive many find work within some of the worst jobs the country has to offer. 20 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM • October
Some Shan children live will live in dire poverty others heartlessly left orphaned. Many Shan children in Thailand have spoken of, acts of violence and terror that they have witnessed. Fortunately there are many people and organisations doing what they can with limited resources to bring aid to migrant, orphaned or displaced children and people. To help them bring compassion, a smile and a happy memory to as many of these children as possible, I contacted Fabian Frederick Blandford on facebook to see if he could deliver the teddies for tragedies to children who needed them. Very often one of these teddies can be the only toy that a child owns. They encourage use of imagination, manipulative skills, learning of colours and give children something to cuddle, nurture and love. Cuddling a teddy also helps children reduce stress from past trauma. Fabians first choice of delivery was to the children of the Daylight school which was
opened at the beginning of February 2010 by the Blood Foundation. The school was set up to provide full time non-formal education for the children of Shan migrants living and working on the commercial orange farms located in the mountains along the Burma border in Fang District. These people have come to Thailand illegally, seeking refuge from persecution and oppression. Having no papers and not speaking the local language makes for a highly uncertain life in Thailand. These families must avoid the authorities while trying to eke out an existence doing jobs no one would take for wages and conditions no one else would accept. For their children, education is essential for any hope of a positive future. Being able to speak, read and write Thai are necessary skills if they are ever to further their education in Thailand and enter a government school. Aside from Thai they also study their native Shan language and culture, this helps to preserve identity and keeps them connected to their heritage. 21 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • October 2011
Since the school began there have regularly been some 25-30 students in attendance. The teachers are using their school breaks to find more children in need of schooling. The school is held in an old abandoned building located on the orange farm. The Blood Foundation is a small NGO based in northern Thailand near the Thai-Burma border. They are a group of volunteers from different nations committed to serving the various people in that region through a series of education, health and income-generation projects. They believe in a universal spiritual heritage shared by all people which they hold to be the foundation of the human family. As with any family this carries an obligation and duty of care towards the less fortunate members. They believe there is much of value in all our great spiritual and philosophic traditions and encourage the ongoing search for the Universal in human experience.
They celebrate the diversity of our cultures and marvel at the absolute uniqueness of each individual and still the greater truth is that which unites us If you would like more information on the Blood foundation please contact Ben Blower on facebook or if you would like to help with a donation building improvements or educational materials you can go onto the website http://bloodfoundation.org/ To help Fabian Frederick Blandford by sending small teddies that he can deliver into the arm of children who will love them Please either contact him on facebook or post teddies to; Fabian, Phra Fred, P.O.Box 37, Fang, Chiangmai 50110. Thailand
your Dog pulls on the leash By Maryam Morrison
One of the most frustrating behaviors a new dog can exhibit is when he/she starts to pull on their leash. They usually start when they are about 4 or 5 months old and is not necessarily bad behavior, your dog simply does not know how to behave when walking on a leash and who’s in charge. Your dog pulls because you need to teach him how to walk on a leash - and it takes two of you to slow down the process. If your dog pulls when on a leash, and you continue walking, you are actually rewarding your dog for pulling. It is telling him “this is how we walk”. So, he begins to pull to get in the car, to go for a walk, or to greet another dog. This “rewarding” experience is what shapes his pulling. To teach your dog how to properly walk on leash, start him on the 6-foot leash, every time you feel tension on the leash, stop walking. Give him a second to figure out why the walking has stopped. If he is distracted and not paying attention, gently pull the leash toward you and when you dog turns around to look at you, be sure to praise him. When he is settled and paying attention resume your walking. If he pulls again, repeat the process, until he begins to see the pattern. If you are consistent in your training, in a short time, you and your pup will have mastered the leash pulling problem. For more information on obedience please contact maryammorrison@hotmail.com 24 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM • October 2011
Mimi’s owner lost her home and she is no longer able to care for her cat, she is heart broken but at this time she has to let go of her beloved Mimi. Mimi is 11 years old, been fixed, has not been declawed, super quiet and is a little bit afraid of dogs. If you can help please contact eden magazine or send an email to maryammorrison@hotmail.com.
Mexican Walking Fish Most Adorable Endangered Creature Ever the Mexican Walking Fish. Sadly they are seriously threatened with extinction, because of habitat destruction and water pollution. One of the coolest things about Axolotl apart from their appearance - is they ability to regenerate most body parts. The number of axolotls (pronounced ACK-suh-LAH-tuhl) in the wild is not known. But the population has dropped from roughly 1,500 per square mile in 1998 to a mere 25 per square mile this year, according to a survey by Zambrano’s scientists using casting nets. One problem is with non-native fish species like the Asian Carp and the African tilapia that eat young Axolotls. They haven’t evolved in the same environment, so they don’t have good defense mechanisms against them. The other big issue is habitat destruction. Lakes have been drained, and wastewater from Mexico City pollute waterways. This will not be easy to fix, but something will have to be done because these species that are threatened are just the canary in the coal mine. Bigger problems are on the horizon. So far, scientists disagree on how to save the creature. But a pilot sanctuary is expected to open in the next three to six months in the waters around Island of the Dolls, so-called because the owner hangs dolls he finds in the canals to ward off evil spirits. Zambrano proposes up to 15 axolotl sanctuaries in Xochimilco’s canals, where scientists would insert some kind of barrier and clear the area of nonnative species. http://www.treehugger.com/files/2008/11/ubercool_mexica.php http://www.treehugger.com/files/2008/11/ubercool_mexica.php
Sharing some beautiful moments
Vafa Shelter
need syour help Many beautiful animals needs a loving home.
For adoption please contact: http://www.cal.ir/ http://cal.ir/main/fa/contact http://cal.ir/main/en/contact
Share with us those moment that you captured 27 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • October