The Eden Magazine

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May 2013 Volume 3 Issue 5

spreading compassion to all sentient beings and Living in healing and peaceful world Editor

Maryam Morrison

Front Cover ~ John Vega Eden Magazine is an independent monthly online magazine. Our aim is to create a better environment where we live among other living being in peace and harmony. We support artists that their work match our criteria. If you would like to submit your artwork, article or/and your Photography For our future issues please contact Maryam Morrison at; or 2 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May 2013

John Vega

4 what are the three..... By DrGlenn Hepker

8 Your Personal Eden By Jan Diana

12 Arise, Children of....

By Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song

18 Omid

By Debra J. White

20 Bahaganat Dharma

By Auria Heather Gaines



Spirit Care

By Elliott Elli Jackson

28 How to be Happy

By Eliza White Buffalo

30 Feeling

By Ellen Heller

34 Four Simple Tops for... By Janet Winter

38 Kala del Sol


John Vega John Vega is a digital artist and designer living in Boulder, Colorado. A 20-year veteran of commercial new media, Vega is an award-winning interactive art director and motion graphics designer. His career clients comprise Fortune 500 companies such as Apple, IBM, Motorola and Sony Online Entertainment. In the early 1990s, while working as director of multimedia for Boulder, Colo.-based Leopard Communications, Vega produced multimedia for live events that traveled from Beijing, China, to Basel,Switzerland.

EarthShip Docked

Time to For Me to Fly

In 1995, Vega started Dancing Image Interactive, where he created cutting-edge Web pieces for technology-based clients including Sprint and Microsoft. In 1999, Vega sold his design business to Barnhart /CMI Advertising and was hired there as a senior art director in the interactive group. Vega changed course in 2001. He studied Fantastic Realism with Robert Venosa and began working with the University of Colorado-Boulder Fine Arts Dept., where he pioneered the award winning, interactive, net art piece, FILMTEXT, with co-instructor Mark Amerika. FILMTEXT has had several high profile exhibitions including installations at the Institute of Contemporary Art in London and the American Museum for the Moving Image in New York. 4 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May 2013

Vega has been a senior instructor of digital arts in the CU-Boulder Fine Arts Dept., and later became a senior instructor of CU’s ATLAS program to teach generative art and motion design. He has also collaborated with net artists Keith and Mendi Obadike to create the interactive libretto for the net opera, ‘‘The Sour Thunder,’’ and he has produced video art for several live events including concert visuals for electronic music pioneer Steve Roach and a theatrical collaborative piece with Philip Glass. In addition to showings at major electronic art festivals including SIGGRAPH, Ars Electronica and Transmediale, Vega’s digital art has be seen in museum and gallery exhibitions including showings at the American Museum of the Moving Image and the Austin Museum of Digital Art. He is currently teaching Digitial Media and Art at the University of Colorado ATLAS program.. Vega continues to create commercial new media with select agencies and clients through his ‘‘virtual’’ agency, John Vega & Associates.

Roach-Iris Output

Vega is now retired from commercial design and spends his time raising his children and continuing his research and development of algorithmic art. One of these R&D projects is the Facebook page Mandelmorphosis which Vega and a group of associates started in 2012. Mandelmorphosis is a community of algorithmic artists working in the realm of the 3D fractal. A logical endpoint for Vega’s 20 year exploration of mathbased art. 5 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May


The Sacred Feminine The Sacred Feminine | Eden



What are the Thr harbingers of al

By DrGlen Artwork by Ma


ree Portents, i,e., ll bad tidings...?

n Hepker aryam Morrison


An excerpt from Chapter XI - “True Faith and the Three Portents” - from my book, A Glimpse of Heaven: The Philosophy of True Health...

It is likely obvious to most that the terms ‘faith’ or ‘a faith’ denote belief in the efficacy of a religion, form of spiritualism, philosophy, or cause. Even so, the literal meaning of ‘faith’ is often misconstrued. In order to promote a sense of clarity and not be misunderstood, most literally faith is not faith if it is directed toward something which is based on clear absolute proven fact; to be ‘faith,’ it needs to be a belief in something which is not based on tangible undeniable truth. As Webster’s Dictionary relates, it requires “loyalty” to a “belief” - “trust in” - “a firm belief in something which there is no proof.”

“The purpose of this chapter is to elaborate on the principle of True Faith, particularly with regard to its strong association with the concept of the Three Portents. To be clear, in the traditions of the health and wellness arts which I teach and coach, the Three Portents can and do apply to a truly wide array of issues within our human experience well beyond the focus herein. Even so, the theory of the Three Portents is the foundation of True Faith - well-meaning, honest, and healthful faith. Setting forth the notion that something is fact, when it is rationally unsubstantiated The term ‘faith’ has many applications. It and/or can never be substantiated, is an can be associated with faith in oneself, effort to take the faith in it, as such, out of in others, or in a cause and/or belief it. Literal interpretation of holy texts can which may be greater than oneself. at times set one up for taking the faith The principle of True Faith sets forth its out of the belief - most particularly when essential argument: In order for one’s objective/critical thinking is not a part of faith to be congruent with the notion of the mix. True Health, it must be devoid or nearly devoid of the Three Portents, e.g., Hate, It can lead to a hateful, prejudicial mindGreed, and Ignorance. These portents set which is congruent with an unhealthare the most disturbing and sinister of ful ‘gang mentality’ - the embodiment unhealthful human characteristics - of ‘one-upmanship.’ Whether rooted in frailties which are the root of all base religion or otherwise, this way-of-berealization/experience and are the ing has been at the root of seemingly harbingers of all iniquitous tidings. countless wars - not just displayed in According to this tenet, the healthful wars in the larger world, but emotional or unhealthful quality of one’s faith can and spiritual wars going on inside each be gauged by its association or lack of one us, back and forth, like reflections association with any or all of these three mirroring one another. portents - “hate, greed, and ignorance.”


Please note that my purpose herein is not in any fashion meant to infer that religion is a bad thing. Albeit, when religion, a denomination, or most commonly, particular individuals or groups within a religion or denomination are, for whatever reason, displaying of hate or prejudice, ignorance, and even greed, such is certainly not congruent with the spirit of dignity, decency, goodness, and grace in its early and/or fundamental teachings. Furthermore, it certainly is not consistent with emotional and spiritual health and wellbeing.” dp/1463687125/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&i e=UTF8&qid=1331358849&sr=1-1 62087?ean=9781463687120&itm=1&u sri=glen+hepker

DrGlen Hepker had a doctorate degrees in psychology and health and wellness arts; He is an author of “ A Glimpse of Heaven; The Philosophy of true Health. He is an individual & marital counselor, wellness coach, and master instructor of tai chi chuan, chi kung, kung fu, and associated health/ wellness philosophy and practices. DrGlen own and operate Mason City Tai Chi~Chi Kung~ Kung Fu LLC & Mason City Wellness Center LLC. Currently DrGlen Hepker lives in Mason City, Iowa.




EDEN By Jan Diana

Artwork by Maryam Morrison 12 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May 2013

I love Eden Magazine and its mission. For me, hearing the name Eden conjures up images of a beautiful garden, with everything at your fingertips, fresh food to eat, clear crystal water to drink, the Sun is shining, birds are singing, everything is joyful and relaxed in a harmonious state of being. Imagine if our world was like this now, where all felt loved, cherished and lived in an abundance of all they desired. Wouldn’t that be wonderful! Imagine if your life was like that, filled with an abundance of joy, peace and all that your heart desires. My name is Jan Diana. I am a seeker of truth, teacher of spiritual principles and intuitive healer. My philosophy is quite simple; everything is energy, frequency and vibration and can be easily shifted to create greater harmony and joy into one’s life. When we are in harmony, there is greater clarity. Answers to questions can be more easily discovered and applied.

nite possibilities that are there for us to discover. My journey to my own personal Eden, which I like to call living in Serenity, began as a young Mother of 5 children. I was playing the Super mom role and one day just crashed. I ended up on the couch not able to do all that I had been doing. After dissatisfaction with the medical profession, they were baffled a bit and I didn’t like the direction they were going, I began a quest. I felt strongly there were answers. I had always been interested in nutrition and exercise and thought this was the answer to health, so I was really quite surprised at my situation as I had been exercising and eating healthy. I was drawn to look into holistic health alternatives. It was quite a journey as I explored and experienced several wonderful modalities. This process went on for several years, having some results but not fully recovering. My passion for discovery continued as I knew there were answers.

Seeking truth has been a passion for me that has been a constant throughout my life and is still. I also love to help people find the answers to the big questions they have in their lives, whether they are seeking answers to issues of health, relationships, finances, peace of mind or a greater understanding of themselves and their life’s purpose. With answers come hope, greater peace, fulfillment and the restoring of personal empowerment.

I had a friend suggest a spiritual healer. I had a lot of resistance to this at first because at that time I had strong religious beliefs. It was on my mind though, so I thought perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to just try it. I made a phone appointment and this was a beginning. I started to get some results. Through this experience, I began to understand that health, wellbeing and balance in my body and life was a reflection of inner harmony. For example, I learned that I had conflicting beToday, I would like to share with you how liefs that created like a tug of war with my I came to the understanding of where I energy and when I used tools to shift these am now in my life and why I am so into harmony, the tug of war was over, passionate about living with the infi- like letting go of the ropes so to speak. 13 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May 2013

The search for answers rewarded me with regaining my health which is a treasure within itself but the biggest treasure was the discovery of many pathways to reach freedom from the energy that seemingly created resistance of lack of anything I desired. To be free to live one’s dream, to feel the joy of an illuminated mind and heart is priceless.

creating imbalance in their lives. My heart fills with such joy as they find solutions to the issues in their lives. There really are no limits to potentials and possibilities when you open up to them, release the old ways, and bring discordant energy into harmony, making it possible to see things more clearly from a balanced state of being.

My quest continued as I desired to know more and open up my mind to further understanding. I discovered that I was not only drawn to wisdom and truth, but that I was gifted as an intuitive healer and Master Channel. One day I began to speak another language, the language of love. I became aware that I was channeling the Heavenly Mother, Goddess Creator and that this was the Mother’s language, the language of Origin.

I find it is very useful to use Master tools to release and reformat old energy, like changing the files on a computer. There are many pathways and many tools. For example you can dig a ditch with your hands, using a shovel or a tractor. You will get the job done with each method and yet wouldn’t you rather use a power tool?

As I became aware of my innate gifts and abilities, I learned ways to further develop them. With awareness, my developing understanding, and acquiring some great tools to work with, I continue on my own personal progression as the thirst for further light and understanding is always available and the efforts are so rewarding. I soon discovered my passion for helping others. I took classes, learned several modalities and acquired some great tools and skills. I became excited about sharing what I had discovered.

In these times of great change, there are wonderful opportunities at every corner to shift our personal realities into more of what we desire. So how can we achieve that? The key to riding the waves of change is to be in harmony. When we are in harmony, there is peace. The mind can be freed from the random inner dialogue. Within a quiet mind, we can access the higher truth of self and our life’s purpose. This raises consciousness, making it much easier to accept and embrace the truth from this elevated perspective. From this place of clarity it is easier to see the graceful pathways to the solutions we are searching for, and put the passion back into our live, so we can live the life we have dreamed of.

Thus I began my practice working with clients and students, teaching them how My passion for living life to the fullest to become empowered, so they too could brings me to the topic of YOU. experience freedom from whatever was 14 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May 2013

If your heart has been calling out for answers, if you are experiencing discordant energy or lack in anyway, if you are not living the dreams of your heart, I am sharing with you there are solutions to this and so much more. You have your own innate gifts and abilities. You are unique and have a special life purpose. There are so many possibilities and potentials for you. As you release the old energy, frequencies and vibrations, greater clarity and focus are yours to claim. Imagine YOU living all of the dreams of

your heart and feeling fabulous. As I mentioned before, my simple philosophy is that everything is energy, frequency and vibration. When we make shifts in our energy to elevate into greater harmony, not only do we receive the blessings from this heightened state of being but so does everyone around us. This smoother energy ripples out to bless your pets, the people you are around, and out into the whole world. 15 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May


This sends a message of greater harmony and possibilities for all to enjoy as it becomes a reality in the collective consciousness. This is how we can contribute to creating the New Eden here on Earth.

introduce you to some amazing tools. This Free Class, Healing in the Radiance for You and Your pets, will be by teleconference . Go to my website (listed below) to register, and I will email you the codes to access the class.

So where do we begin to create your own personal Eden, your Serenity Sanctuary? I suggest beginning with you. Choose thoughts and actions that bring you joy. Live in joy as much as possible as joy elevates. Be in gratitude for all that you are blessed with as gratitude opens the heart to experience joy more fully. Be kind to yourself and to all around you. Celebrate the wonder of you, for you are unique and special. Spend time with yourself pondering what it is that you would like to be and do in your life. This is your time to create and experience all that you desire, and it is easier now to do this in the new Earth energies.

Sacred Healing Radiance is this wonderful energy, which consists of the Sacred Rays, Divine Light and all of the colors, tones and resonance of the Sacred Geometries and their vibrational Hues. Radiance is so gentle, and loving and yet so powerful in bringing about harmony and well-being. The Radiance tools I will be utilizing are some of the tools of SVH. SVH is Serenity Vibration healing and Enlightenment, an amazing modality which works with Serenity, the God Vibration. You will love it and so will your pets.

In the class you will spend some time in a healing Temple, experiencing the gentle I know that we are each on our own loving energy of the Sacred Radiance, journeys and yet we are never alone for bringing healing on so many levels for we are blessed with many that assist us. you and your pets. I would love to help you to create your own Personal Eden, your Serenity You will also have an opportunity to Sanctuary and help guide you to path- experience reformatting of energy by ways that you have been longing for. deleting old files and replacing with new In the spirit of sharing, I will be doing a ideals that are in alignment for you and series of articles for Eden Magazine over receive some tools that you will be able the next few months designed to offer to personally use in your life to help create you some new thoughts that can assist greater harmony. This will be explained you on your personal journey. in detail in the class with an opportunity to choose the clearing and tools if you I also would like to gift you a Free Class. so desire. Your choice is always honored. I am inviting you to an opportunity to The information for registration is listed personally experience a healing for at the end of this article.. yourself, and you can bring along your beloved pets. This will be great fun and 16 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May 2013

I am grateful for this opportunity to share this information with you. It is wonderful to know that the pathways for a Personal Eden, a Serenity Sanctuary are available and easily within reach for each of us. We share this journey of life together here at this most auspicious time on our Beloved Earth. We are a family of light, each of us in the process of remembering our truth and aligning with that brightness. I am honored to be here sharing this time of great excitement as we co create the New World together. As we create the New Eden for ourselves and for all, imagine living in joy always, feeling the abundance of love, knowing the wonder of life and living, creating all the desires of your heart and living your dreams. This is our destiny that we share together. I look forward to our next time together. May your journey be blessed with great joy and the fulfillment of the dreams of your heart.

To register for this gifted Class, Healing in the Radiance for You and Your pets go to my website: (If the date is not convenient for you, please register and let me know and I will provide you with the recording when it is available.) I do sessions and classes primarily on the phone. If you have questions or would like to set up a session, you can reach me at my website Email; Other gifts-Free meditations journeys free_telecasts.html

Many Radiant blessings, Chanulanaha Jan Diana




By Peace Moth Artwork by

Arise, Children of the Light Offer Joy-full Salutations to Mother Dawn The Compassionate Dawn is here She has arrived! She is now amongst you To awaken your Sacred Memory Arise Dear Ones To your own Self Value The Promised Morning has reached you To illumine your Golden Mind With Sterling Self-Respect Arise Cherished Beings To the Divine Heritage Discard your tattered rags Accept the regalia of Brightest Light That was promised to you long ago



her Geeta Sacred Song Maryam Morrison

Arise to your Serene Nature Dissolve all shades of hatred Take up the Sacred Staff of Peace Releasing destructive ways Eradicate self-loathing Arise, Arise! You are Her child! Your tender Mother, the Morning Glory Is here to kiss your forehead… Embrace you and illuminate your spirit So long have you wandered Now come home…. Suffer no more… Claim your Divine Inheritance… Arise…. Arise…. Arise…. JAI JAI MAAAAAAAAAAA!




the mirac


cle dog from Iran

By Debra J. White


A stray dog, battered and bruised, dragged himself along the streets outside Tehran on a blustery autumn day in 2010. Mohsen Arab, a business owner, noticed the dog as he drove around Boomehen. Local residents said he was nobody’s dog. Mr. Arab left food for the dog then drove to work. All day long, he couldn’t shake the sight of the helpless dog so the next morning he dispatched a worker to bring the dog back to the office. The worker soon returned with the dog. Mr. Arab drove to an animal hospital where veterinarians determined the injuries were most likely the result of a car accident. A doctor suggested euthanasia. Mr. Arab glanced at the dog’s eyes and wanted to save him. So he called Iran’s first dog shelter, VAFA, located outside of Tehran. VAFA officials were hesitant to take such case as a shelter isn’t the right place for a paralyzed dog – but despite all the challenges they called him back and secured a place for the dog at the shelter. 22 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May 2013

Omid arrived in the back of a van lying in a cardboard box says Ali Sani, shelter manager. “He stuck his head out of the box and the spark of his eyes said hello life.” Omid didn’t seem to realize the full extent of his injuries. Caring for the shelter dogs took up much of Mr. Sani’s time but whenever he stopped to see Omid, “he would hurry up dragging his paralyzed end behind him with a doggie smile on his face.” He planted himself at Mr. Sani’s feel waiting to be petted. Staff and volunteers showered the dog now named Omid, (faith or hope in Persian), with affection, food, and care. Not all dogs in Iran are treated well but at VAFA they live like royalty. Caring for a special needs shelter dog is challenging under any circumstances. Omid always seemed happy, despite his limitations, and staff enjoyed caring for him.

They heard about Omid’s plight and volunteered to foster him. After one weekend, they fell in love. Soon, the adoption was sealed and Omid joined the AlaviAlipour home where he enjoys belly rubs, dog toys, and snacks. “He’s the most loving, calm, friendly dog,” says Banafshe. “We love him very much.”

With limited resources, VAFA‘s volunteer Farah Ravon, an Iranian living in California who administers their Facebook page and handles all foreign adoptions together with help of Sarah Nielsen of Street Dogs International, worked together to find an overseas placement. Soon, a traveler, Neda Biyabani, agreed to fly Omid to the Dulles International Airport. Mr. Arab soon heard Omid was leaving for the US. “I cried for joy for nearly half an hour,” he said. “I could not believe it.” Among the smiling fans waiting at the airport to greet Omid were volunteers from VAFA and Street Dogs International. A generous donor had stepped in with a doggie wheelchair so Omid would soon be mobile. Next up was the search for a suitable home. Maryland residents and dog lovers, Banafshe Alavi and Babakali Alipour, already lived with four rescued dogs.

So does the Maryland/DC community. Omid won first prize in the Washington Humane Society/Nova Dog Facebook inaugural Coverdog annual contest. In the summer 2012 issue Omid was featured on the cover of NovaDog magazine. What an honor for a dog barely scraping by on the streets of Iran a few years before. Omid was also the guest of honor at the Humane Society’s annual fundraiser, the Bark Ball. Local television also featured Omid’s journey from Iran to the US. The lack of spay/neuter programs and the absence of humane animal control leaves stray dogs and cats wandering the streets. VAFA rescues as many dogs as possible including dogs like Omid who owes his life to a kind stranger named Mohsen Arab, VAFA, and others in Iran who gave him a second chance. Some are adopted at home in Iran while others who are sponsored by VAFA supporters, leave with travelers to Western nations in Europe, Canada or the US. If you are interested in VAFA please visit their Facebook page (VAFA Animal Shelter) or visit them on the web at




Bhagavat Dharma Humanity’s Deep Longing

By: Auria Heather Gaines


Artwork by Maryam Morrison

What I most desire in life is to be happy. To be happy means to know that I am serving the world through my every thoughts, words and actions. And to let those be as close as possible to following the yamas and niyamas, leading an authentic life and spreading joy, bliss and inspiration to others by ways of true service. 25 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May 2013

True service is serving 100% purely focused for others to be helped while no focus on ulterior motives thus my service is pure because my intention is pure. Happiness to me also means deepening my sadhana and practice by following the ways of yoga i.e non harmful speech, thoughts and action, cleanliness, truthfulness etc. while doing my best to refrain from selfish behavior, gossip, jealousy, anger etc. This goes deeper for me as I know that I must reflect daily upon my actions or as much as possible so as to be clear in my thinking and to see that any irritation I feel is something to look within myself rather then finding fault or judge in another. I know that every experience that I have even if seemingly at first feels bothersome has treasures of valuable learning and growth for me. Every experience is an opportunity for me to learn more compassion for myself and others and for me to become a better person. Other aspects for me to consider is remembering my mantras, meditation, yoga and as much as possible to participate in spiritual community. I know that the 2 dcs near me are roughly an hour away. This is why I would like to create an Ananda Marga Community in Hartford, CT. And possibly see if some people from New Haven and Northampton might sometimes want to come down initially to help support a DC in Hartford grow. I also know I can attend and help out at retreats to help deepen my spiritual 26 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May 2013

practice and community. And writing this reminds how much I yearn and desire my connection to community. I miss that experience of being around people on a daily or even weekly basis. But I am happy that Nik my boyfriend is coming with me. It is wonderful to have such a loving and nurturing relationship. It makes all the difference. I am so happy to have such healthy and loving relationships in my life with all whom I know. I am Just taking one day, one step at a time. I think about beyond the big picture of my ultimate wish is my own personal biggest wish. My personal wish and desire would to build spiritual community here in Hartford, CT. This is what I want the most. I am not sure the best way to do this. But I miss being in community. When I was in Asheville I was surrounded and deeply immersed in the community and that is why I have traveled to Northampton to have that. But I have not felt it as deeply in my home area. And with my happiness with my partner I am happy to be in CT with him and my family. But yet still I thirst for community. I do not know why but there is something that I have experienced differently with Ananda Marga than just a Yoga Studio. I think that has to do with that everyone is sharing the common goal, the common yearning and together support one another on that journey paired with the many forms of community support and opportunities to deepen our spiritual sadhana.

I hope I can start a community here where I live so to build the same community that welcomed me. To have Ananda Marga Community be here for others to offer spiritual shelter, support, unconditional love and nourishment as I have found when I have experienced the love from many margis I have met! As a yoga teacher I feel that the Bhagavat Dharma reminds me why I have come on this planet. I came here with my yearning for happiness for all peoples. And I also came here to bring myself and my gifts and passions of yoga, meditation and building community so I spread this happiness. It is interesting to think that everything that played out in my life was part of the unfolding to lead me to decide to pursue the path of yoga and build community. Perhaps if it was not for my experiences growing up I would not have had the longing for community and may have never been inspired to create it! Living my truth means living in my path everyday doing my best to continue to grow, deepen my practice and remember why I am here. I am here on this beautiful planet to be happy, spread joy and serve to brighten the world with compassion, inspiration and kindness. As a yoga teacher I feel devoted to my own personal practice for I am setting an example for others. And I always do my best to be humble and go with the flow as much as possible and be kind to all those I meet.

how I express my soul. I love building community and connecting people. I also love creative collaboration and expressive movement. So I want to bring more dance expression to the world. I also love to bring yoga that inspires us to get into our power but also slow down. And I love bringing laughter and joy to the world via elements of; yoga circus, laughter yoga and community play! I am so happy to be clear in my path, with who I am today and be at peace with my past. I am so blessed to have an amazing relationship with God spirit and a healthy relationship with myself. I am also grateful to have a loving partner, wonderful friends, an amazing community and place for me in Ananda Marga and be in harmony with my family. Our supreme focus is upon bliss which is the ideation to focus on self realization and connecting to the divine with all of life through our every thought, action and spoken word. I love continuing to expand my heart, mind and spirit to feel the connection deeper and more fully with the divinity of life and feel the love of god divinity everywhere. Bhagavat Dharma reminds me to see everyone equally and to see the divine light that shines in everyone. I look forward to where I travel on this path and continuing to deepen my studies of yoga, community, dance and meditation, my own personal practice, my connection with god and serving this beautiful world.

My gifts I want to share are; passion, in- With Joy, spiration, joy, love, kindness, play, laugh- Auria ter and play. I have many dimensions of 27 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May 2013

Spirit C By Elliott Elli

This article will not be long, it need not be! This article will not be complicated, it need not be! This article is fact. Yet, remember in all thing and matters, you have freedom of choice, the greatest gift! WE speak to you now truth concerning the Spirit of all things. Many people say or lay claim to the untruth that Spirit/Source does not care about earthly outcomes. Many will tell you that WE, All there is was, and ever shall be have not vested interest in what occurs on earth and to each of you as individuals. We inform you they would be mis-taken. Those ones who give you this information are not fully aware of the universe in totality. Fore, WE wish and desire for all on planet earth to be happy. We desire for all to have the basic comforts of that which 28 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May 2013

you call life. We desire for animals to be cared for properly, loved and protected. We care for humane conditions on your earth. We care for all things, animate, inanimate or otherwise. Fore, WE are Love! Many will tell you that WE have no preferences on war, peace, freedom, abuse, famine, earthquakes and the like, they would be mis-taken. WE do not like, as you understand the term suffering. We do not like, as you understand the term greed and the mistreatment of any of your others on any realm. We do not as you understand the term, approve of conditions that foster such.

Cares Jackson

Yet, WE do not judge any of you. WE do however, make observations and tell the truth on all things. WE continually express to all of you through, songs, blogs, movies and all the tools that WE have given you and you have given each other; the way out of all situations that may harm you. WE send you information through your others on how to clean your air, your earth. WE send you information about climate change and the how to build sea walls to alleviate flooding in coastal areas. We send you information on how to care for your bodies and combat infections and the like. WE always give one of you ways and means to inform your others about high vibrational choices. WE have done this all throughout that which

you call time. Most importantly, WE care through each one of you. Fore, you are WE, and WE are you. The spirit or air that you intake is US, don’t you see? Don’t you understand? Don’t you remember? So, you see WE do have feelings, through all of you. WE do have concern, through each of you. WE do have active voice! Fore, Know Ye This! WE are alive in YOU! Anyone that tell you different does not remember, who and what WE are, who and what they are, US!



How to Be

Happy Eliza White Buffalo Artwork by Maryam Morrison

Now that the Big Two Roads Symbol is almost complete, my spirit guide, Black Elk has begun to speak about prayer again. The Big Two Roads Symbol is a big version of the gold Two Roads Symbol I wear around my neck (see image below). The Big Two Roads Symbol, a metre in diameter, is made from plaster, and decorated with airbrushed art and a central Red Stone of Power. It is a symbol of wholeness, of the divine polarities merged in oneness; the two roads of spirit and body with the Christ Consciousness in the meeting place. Wellness and wholeness of being reside eternally in this bright and peace filled heart space, this beautiful 30 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May 2013

green dimension balanced in the centre of all dimensions. All faith, all hope, all love is received through and within this place of miracles. Therefore, now that I know this, I know too just what Black Elk meant all those years ago when he prompted me by simply saying: prayer. But my story goes back to way before that even. My story begins as far back as I remember, when I was a child, kneeling down beside my bed to pray; that of course, was my earliest memories of prayer. I wish to begin in my teenage years, after I had fallen from the days of visiting my own version of The Green. It was a time of shadow and loneliness.

I was fourteen years old and I had great compassion for others. Everywhere I looked there were people sick, lonely, afraid. I wanted to help them but I did not know there was something I could do for them that would make a difference. What I also did not know was I saw so much suffering in the world and felt such compassion for others because I really wanted to heal myself. I was sick, lonely and afraid, and that truth was reflected in the world around me. I did not know how to help, but I did know how to pray, and so that is what I did. I prayed for others. In those days I believed I was unlovable, destined to be miserable and weak, but I also believed there was a tiny speck of good that resided in my heart space. I often prayed desperately, with tears flowing, for people to see that part of me and not the part I detested. Alas, I was so full of self hate I did not allow, nor feel I deserved, any blessings to come my way, so I prayed for others, and pleaded for myself. When I prayed for others I would touch my heart and pray: I ask this from this tiny piece of good. To my delight, when I prayed for someone they were always helped, even if it was a minor change in their situation. I began to believe my prayers were really making a difference. My grandmother noticed it; perhaps others did too, but my grandmother was the first person to acknowledge that when I prayed people were helped. She would tell people: get her to pray for you. She’s a really good prayer. In my late teens I began a petition to The Mother Mary. My petition was for my

happiness; I wanted to be happy. I went to Catholic Mass every day for nine days, or so I remember. Each mass was offered up for my petition. I did not achieve happiness in the days following, or in the years following, but I was beginning to believe it was possible I could be helped, and the missionaries holding the novena masses went a long way in convincing me that there was none that Mother Mary would turn away; and so, through the tiny piece of good in me, I trusted in Her. Several years following the petition to Mother Mary my father’s uncle died. My father, his brother and his sister, were present at the time of passing. My aunt reported that her uncle saw someone just before he passed, who my aunt believed was The Mother Mary. I picked up my ears at this piece of information; I thought about it a lot, and when my aunt found a little booklet in her uncle’s belongings and gave it to me, I was convinced Mother Mary was telling me something. The booklet was titled The Secret to Happiness. Inside were fifteen prayers. If each of the fifteen prayers were said by the petitioner each day for one whole year the petitioner would live a happy life, and at the time of his or her death Mother Mary would come and welcome them into Heaven. I had heard enough - I believed. I said those fifteen prayers daily for one year. I don’t think I missed a day, I was that hopeful that it would make me happy (see image below of the booklet, somewhat more used looking than when I received it). I did not achieve happiness in the days following or in the years following, but I did meet someone who gave me hope to pray for others again. 31 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May


A short time after praying The Secret to Happiness I was introduced to a man who only two years before had been cured of cancer. Kevin Ellison was a teacher in a grammar school in Northern Ireland, run by The Christian Brothers, a Christian Community founded by Blessed Edmund Rice. Kevin was given two days to live; the doctors said there was no hope. However, Kevin had been given a relic of Edmund Rice’s habit, and Kevin’s family and friends began a petition to Edmund Rice to intercede for Kevin’s life. The two days passed and Kevin began to get better. The doctors discovered there was hope after all, and when I met Kevin two years later he was in very good health. Kevin told me that a petition had gone to the pope asking him to declare Kevin’s healing as a miracle. The pope had not done so at that time but I was convinced it would be so, because I believed. I stayed in touch with Kevin for several years, during which I began to pray to Brother Edmund Rice for others, and I connected to an organization of hundreds of petitioners who believed in him too. I sent the petition for my happiness off to the organization: please may I live the life that Jesus and His Mother Mary desire for me. I discovered Edmund Rice granted intercession on Thursdays. I imagine now he will grant intercession on any day, but in those days this was what I followed. I prayed on Thursdays for anyone who wanted my prayers. I handed out the prayer to all who would receive it, and Kevin kept me in good supply. His son, who was little at the time, gave me a plaque with a metal of Brother 32 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May 2013

Edmund Rice on it. The child’s name was Edmund, and the plaque still shines for me amongst other sacred objects in my home. Edmund Rice was a great friend to me; he helped me help others through prayer. He helped people as far away as Romania because I prayed for his help. The reports were coming in thick and fast; whenever I prayed for Edmund’s help, whomever I prayed for was helped, and yet I did not believe I was worthy of help myself. I was praying for help for me, don’t get me wrong. I prayed, I begged, I cried for help, but it wasn’t until I believed I was worthy of it that I found happiness. I believe now that help was given to me all along but I did not recognize it because I was looking for happiness, and true happiness is only found by loving oneself. I kept praying. At times my grandmother provided me with a list of names. I was helping others through my faith in prayer and through my faith in Edmund Rice. Brother Edmund Rice was beatified in the year 1996, the year I married my soul mate and told him I was ready to let myself be happy. We named our first born child after Blessed Edmund Rice. I hope that one day I will hear that the pope has sanctified my beloved friend, and yet he is truly sanctified in his own divine heart, and mine. (Also below is a photo of Blessed Edmund Rice). My awakening came in 2002; I had a near death experience in which I went into the Light. After that I began to let prayer fall away.

I was conflicted as old conditioned Mother Mary, but I had to understand illusions of religion battled with my higher how to be happy, and that understanding truth. came from Black Elk. Did Mother Mary make that happen? Of course She did, My faith in prayer was wounded in the because She is the Divine Feminine, battle; who was I praying to? What was Mother of All, Mother Earth, and the Christ I praying with? The Church had taught Energy comes through Her. me who Jesus was, but it didn’t resonate with my newly awakened knowing. I Black Elk gave me The Two Roads Symbegan to reconnect with Black Elk. bol, the Christ Energy in perfect balance Prayer, he told me; focus on prayer, between Great Spirit and Mother Earth. but although I was beginning to under- He asked me to establish a prayer list stand Black Elk’s method of prayer, I (see below), a list of souls petitioning for didn’t understand that it was akin to what wholeness, to be happy. It is what everyI had done years before, when I would one wants - to be happy, and true haptouch my heart and pray with the tiny piness is found in The Christ Consciouspiece of good in there. Black Elk prayed ness within. And so, just as I once touched through Creation, touching the earth. I my heart and prayed with the Christ Conprayed through Creation, touching my sciousness so that others could be happy, heart. I understood that Creation is the now I gather around the Red Stone of Child of God; having come through Power, the heart of the Big Two Roads Mother Earth, Creation in perfect bal- Symbol, and I pray for others to be happy, ance with Great Spirit is the Christ Con- to be whole, healed through Christ. It is sciousness. The priests had said in the a given already, because within the Christ mass: we ask this through Christ our Consciousness all is whole, in perfect Lord. I realised that all those years ago I balance of their divine polarities; and so too had been praying through Christ and by holding the petitioners in their wholethat was why my prayers helped. ness, in their Immaculate Self, all illusion of sickness, unhappiness, falls away into I began to pray again, in the way I was nothingness. shown by Black Elk. He would pray in the Spirit World and I would copy him in I remember the words: this world. I always understood what he Ask and you shall receive. was doing, and when I needed more un- Are you ready to let yourself be derstanding he gave it to me. One of his happy? teachings was always to pray for standing; so I was on a sure way to growing on my journey of prayer. Something I in this moment is that I have never For-Healing/167249076694533?ref=hl received an understanding that I haven’t asked for. I am happy; I asked for that, years ago when I made my petition to 33 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May 2013

FEELING By Ellen Heller


Artwork by Maryam Morrison

So much of our information regarding metaphysics is based on our ‘thoughts.’ While it is true that our thoughts do create our reality, there is one step (prior to that process) that has been overlooked. This step missed (or not included in much information that has been published) is all about our “FEELINGS.”

with our feelings in wonderful detail!) We have an ‘automatic’ barometer or ‘GPS,’ within. Basically our feelings about anything tell us ‘where we are going,’ in terms of creation and the outcomes we are to experience IF we keep feeling a certain way. Feeling good? Keep feeling that and more things to feel good about will show up. Feeling bad? Do all you can to change that, as more things to feel bad about will start to manifest if you stay on that ‘frequency.’

For those who have read the book, (or have viewed the DVD) of ‘The Secret,’ by Rhonda Bryne, in the very last scene, she is writing in the sand the words, ‘Feel Good.’ Many missed this important message. As Michael Beckwith mentioned in the movie of ‘The Secret,’ by Rhonda Bryne, In another extraordinary book entitled, thankfully positive thoughts and feelings “When Everything Changes, Change are infinitely stronger than a negative Everything,” by Neale Donald Walsch, thought. So, no need to worry, as in this the process of creating our ‘feelings,’ is realm, there is a ‘time delay,’ and as long being addressed as the basic ‘kick-start- as you change that bad feeling to a good er’ to the creation of our reality. feeling, the outcome will change in accordance with ‘your song.’ Basically our prospective of a situation starts; this shapes our perception of the Awareness is everything. Be aware of world, which leads to an emotion, pro- all your feelings, and the quickest way to ducing a feeling. Our feelings then be- change any negative feeling or emotion come our thoughts, bringing attention to or thought? Once again....Gratitude. a certain outcome, and hence, bringing forth our ‘reality.’ Blessings! Because of this knowledge, what is most important (and such GOOD NEWS TOO!), is that we do not have to monitor our thoughts (that would be exhausting!). Rather, to accomplish the art of ‘consciously creating’ is to be aware of our feelings. (A wonderful CD by AbrahamHicks, entitled, “Money and Abundance,” addresses the issue of how we create 35 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May 2013


Ask Ellen Heller

Spirit-Minded (Advice Column)

“All questions can be sent to:

Question: Dear Spirit-Minded, Everyone tells me to monitor my thoughts and I just can’t do it! How I think, is how I think!

and by doing something to feel good is all it takes to change the outcome in our reality; for remember, a positive thought is infinitely more power than a negative one. And, we do have this If our thoughts create our reality, what wonderful ‘time delay,’ that because do I do now?! of this, our negative thoughts do not From, Scared manifest immediately; therefore, we do have time to ‘change our feelings, changing our thoughts, which leads to Answer: Dear Sacred, changing our reality. Our feelings create our reality and lead to our thoughts....Monitoring your feelings is a lot easier because Blessings! we know when we feel good, and when we feel bad. Just having a bad feeling is enough to bring it to our attention, 36 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May 2013

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Together we can make a Difference Find us in facebook:!/TheEdenmagazine 37 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May 2013

Four Simple Tips for a Successful

Butterfly Garden Janet Winter When going for a morning walk, there are many beautiful butterflies in the air and sunning on plants or flowers. Of course, the expectation is that these beautiful creatures will be in your yard, too. Arriving home to a butterfly-free yard can be really disappointing. What can you do to make your backyard a haven for butterflies?

for asters. To attract Pipevine Swallowtails try planting pipevine, of course. Several varieties are Calico Pipe, Dutchman’s Pipe, Rooster Flower and Virginia Snakeroot. Red Spotted Purple butterflies are attracted to wild cherry and willow trees. The Spicebush Swallowtail prefers sassafras and spicebush. For the beautiful Viceroy plant cherry, plum, poplar and First - Without a doubt, you have to stop willow trees. using chemical pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides. These are deadly considering Third - Once the metamorphosis of a that butterflies begin their life as a cater- caterpillar into an adult butterfly is compillar attached to a plant within a cocoon. pleted, they will begin to seek nectar sources. Incorporate into your garden Second - once you’ve eliminated this nectar plants that bloom from the start threat, the next important step is to pro- of the season to late summer and fall. vide ‘host plants’ to support the metamor- Select native nectar plants such as wild phosis process. There are specific plants columbine; lance leaf coreoposis; rose that will attract specific butterflies. verbena; swamp and whorled milkweed; New England aster; button bush; butterfly The Black Swallowtail prefers carrots, weed; orange, purple Missouri and sweet dill, fennel and parsley where the Great coneflowers; blue lobelia; cardinal flower; Spangled Fritillary loves violets. The prairie blazing star and Joe Pye weed. beautiful Monarchs are attracted to milkweed, but the Pearly Crescentspot goes 38 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May 2013

Butterflies will also be attracted to slices of banana, which attract fruit flies. They consume the fruit flies for protein and minerals. Put out a slice of watermelon or overly ripe fruit, and you’ll be amazed at all the butterflies that stop by for a light lunch. There are also a variety of butterfly feeders that hold prepared nectar or fruit.

and Admirals.

Fourth - Remember to provide butterflies a place to warm in the sun. One idea is to build a waterless pond. Arrange heatabsorbing rocks on their side in a sunny area. Add sand and salts and keep the rocks moist. Be sure to line the area with plastic to keep salts from leaking into the soil.

Sulphurs (Pieridae) - The Sulphurs are hard to miss because of their brilliant yellows.

Gossamer Wings (Lycaenidae) - Over 100 species of these small butterflies reside in North America. They include the Blues, Coppers and Hairstreaks. The gossamers hold their wings closed over their backs when at rest.

Whites (Pieridae) - Whites are often the first butterflies to be noticed in the spring. Many people assume they are moths due to their lack of color. Male “Whites” and “Sulphurs” are prone to “puddling”, which Many people enjoy having an attractive is gathering in groups near moisture and/ butterfly house in their garden. While or salts. there is no proof that butterflies use these, it does add a colorful accent. These True Skippers (Hesperiidae) - They are colorful houses also make wonderful small butterflies that are not particularly decorative additions to a porch or sun- attractive, and contain antennae with a room. telltale fishhook-like curve to the end section. Their flight resembles a stone skipThe six most common butterfly families ping across the surface of a lake. you can attract are: Use the tips provided to attract these Swallowtails (Papilionidae) - The most most beautiful of nature’s creatures so noticeable thing about swallowtails is a they will become permanent visitors to club-like projection extending from the your garden. hind wing. The most common swallowtails include: Easter Tiger, Giant, Spice- There is nothing more relaxing than sitbush, Eastern Black and Zebra. ting in a chair or swing on your patio, deck or porch and watching butterflies make a Milkweed Butterfly (Daneidae) - These graceful trip around your yard. medium to large size butterflies are all power flyers, and all eat various types Even in today’s hectic times, all seems of milkweed. The most common is the right with the world as a butterfly pauses Monarch. The Monarch imitators include: to sip some nectar or relax on a warm Viceroy, Fritillaries, Mourning Cloaks rock. 39 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May 2013

Kalรก is the author of A Vision of Beauty, a book which brings together an alchemic blend of assertiveness and poetry, metaphore and experience, with a spiritual Vision that dissolves the barriers separating Art from Life. Based on her inner exploration, experience and timeless teachings, the core of the book aims at being Conscious, becoming aware of the mechanisms of the mind and of our true Nature, thus enabling us to live in beauty and peace, enjoying the miracle of being alive. It is an inspirational spiritual work of art. Through her own search and inner quest and based in timeless teachings, she has found the keys for developing a Process to Clarity and created her own Spiritual Therapy System to bring relief to the mind and to live as Conscious Beings with the spirit at peace. She has lived in Asia looking for answers to her own suffering, for extended periods, delving into Taoism, Advaita and Zen Bhuddism. Kalรก has a Degree in Psychology UBA University and has practiced and trained in countless therapy methods. 40 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM โ ข May 2013

With a Vision of you reunite with y and you can exper the ecstasy of you with everything th

Beauty your real Essence... rience as a human being ur Union with God hat exists... Gestalt, Psychoanalisis, Person Centered Counseling, Systemic Relationships, Hypnotherapy, Psychodrama, Group Dynamics. Also alternative and spiritual methods, Family Constellations, Tantra, Meditation, Reiki Mastery, Breathing Techniques, Voicing… Kalá del Sol offers International Meditation Retreats, Trainings and workshops as well as one-on-one Therapy and Spiritual Counseling in the Process to Clarity. Kalá was born and raised in Corrientes, Northeast Argentina, and lives in Ibiza since 30 years ago with her family. 41 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May 2013

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