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Featuring The R O C K I N G H A M Vol. 11, Num. 11
Local Information County Wide
H OSPICE C ARES FO R C ITIZENS IN N E E D Handy Man Services Pressure Washing • Painting & More Free Estimates - Licensed & Insured
Moore Celebrates 50 Years In Radio Page 16
Historic Museum Invites You In Out Of The Heat Page 18
Morehead Hospital Awarded Accreditation Page 20
CSI Unit Begins Work Page 20
Thornton Celebrates 100 Years Page 23
Raleigh Report Pages 28 & 29
Rockingham County Star Features Pages 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 22, 23, 28
INDEX Obits Events of Interes Spots Jokes Classifieds
2 6&7 24-27 32 34 & 35
The definition of Hospice : an organization providing quality end of life care for the terminally ill. But Hospice of Rockingham County is so much more. Friends and neighbors caring for friends and neighbors hits the mark a little closer when talking about our “Hometown” hospice. So what else sets Hospice of Rockingham County apart? There are several hospice programs that are for profit, and some who are not based in
Rockingham County, yet still may serve patients here. Hospice of Rockingham County is a non-profit program which operates with people from our community, part of our everyday lives, who care for those in need, the sick and the family of the sick, on a day to day basis. Hospice of Rockingham County (HRC) began in 1987 with a
mission: With dedication to quality of life, compassion, dignity, and respect serving as a nonprofit agency that provides specialized care and support to terminally ill patients and their families and is a community resource for all people on death, dying, grief and bereavement.
Hospice... Continued on page 22
G ROWING A FAMILY IN A N U NIQUE W AY The Griffin’s are a family living out their faith in a huge way. When Clay & Amy Griffin of Stoneville heard there are 143 million orphans in the world with no one to love them, even though they have 3 children of their own, they decided they have enough love in their hearts for 2 or 3 more. There own three, Heaven, age 11, Gabriel, age 10 and Joshua, age 4. They have one in Western Rockingham Middle School, and one in Huntsville Elementary. The Griffin’s three children are very excited about adding new siblings. “Each of our children have a heart for children and understand that the children we are working to adopt have lived in an orphanage and will need time to adjust and will require extra love and comfort. They also freely say that if the tables were turned and they were in an orphanage, they would want a loving, Christian family to adopt them. We realize that our children (and ourselves!) will not fully realize the extent of the work or joy that adding two new siblings to our household will add until they arrive. None of the children will volunteer to change diapers!” Amy said. The couple will be adopting a sibling group, a boy - age 22 months and a girl - 4 months, from Moldova, the poorest country in Europe. The children in orphanages there get only enough food to survive, but often experience malnutrition. The Republic of Moldova is a landlocked country between Romania and Ukraine. It is a beautiful country - yet poverty is a major issue, with many families growing their own food. Many families have left their children in the care of the orphanages while they have gone elsewhere tin
The Griffin Family the world to seek employment. Sometimes they return and sometimes they do not. The majority of the population, including nonMoldovans, are Orthodox Christians (about 98 percent). Romanian culture is evident - however, since Moldova was under Russian control, Russian influences are present. Read more: Culture of Moldova - traditional, history, people, women, beliefs, food, customs, family, social, marriage, men, life, wedding, population, religion, rituals, History and ethnic relations h t t p : / / w w w. e v e r y c u l t u re . c o m / M a Ni/Moldova.html#ixzz0rfvs3jP0
After filling out all the necessary forms, the couple settled in for what they thought would be a long wait, but the paperwork for the adoption went through much faster than the Griffins or Carolina Adoption Agency (Greensboro) expected. The first trip to Moldova is now scheduled for around mid-August with the second trip to pick the children up at the end of September. These dates are still tentative - because the paperwork takes time and we will have to wait for the processing of documents both here and in Moldova. When asked about the mammoth
job of preparing a household for three new children they said, “We are shifting bedrooms. We are in the process of turning our formal living room (we have sold all the furniture) in to a bedroom for our two boys and will make the boys current bedroom into a bedroom for the children we are working to adopt. We have bought cribs for the children we are waiting for, and realize that in the next couple of years we will need to build on to our house (at least one bedroom-maybe two!).” In addition Amy says they
Adoption... continued on page 19
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