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Oa[haLen%SayM%TrFNute To%AHa*%Setty% SaVe%+]
S*a##%^uMFneMM% C#aMMeM%OEEereH SaVe%W_
Rockingham County Star
INCE[ Obits Events of Interest Spots +okes Classifieds
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TH E LO R D’S PANTRY C ONTINUES TO S ERHE A N Y O N E W H O FEELS A N E E D E"EN % A'()*+ ,G./0 12334'5 675 829* 7 32': +7. 4' 645 ;2 .*7)5= A>?*) +2)@4': >2) 925? 2> 645 34>*A 6* )*?4)*( 7'( B*:7' 645 )*73 +2)@A 6*3/4': 2?6*)5 4' ?6* 8299C'4?.= H45 +2)@ 675 3*( 649 ?2 2/*' ?6* '2+ +*33 @'2+' ,L2)(F5 P7'?).0 4' E(*' +6*)* 6* 7'( 645 97'. >74?6>C3 H23C'?**)5 +2)@ 32': 67)( 62C)5 ?2 97@* 5C)* 7'.2'* 4' '**( 2> >22( 2) 832?64': 45 ?7@*' 87)* 2>A 7? '2 825?= H45 >22( 94'45?). 5?7)?*( 4' 7B2C? I0 .*7)5 7:2 7'( +75 2)4:4'73% 3. 3287?*( 7? H79/?2' H*4:6?5 B7/?45 16C)86= L7?*) (C* ?2 4'5C)% 7'8* 455C*5 +4?6 ?67? >78434?.A 6* 92H*( ?2 B)4(:* S?)**? +6*)* ?6*)* 45 /3*'?. 2> )229 >2) ?6* >22( 7'( 832?64': 94'45?). 6* 2>>*)5= O/*)7?4': 5?)48?3. >)29 (2'7% ?42'5A ?6* L2)(F5 P7'?). >**(5 6C'% ()*(5A 2> >79434*5 *786 +**@ +4?6 B7:5 7'( B2N*5 5?C>>*( ?2 ?6* )49 +4?6 >22( 4?*95= L75? .*7) ?6* +623*573* H73C* O'2? )*?743 +6486 +2C3( B* 529* P0Q 92)*R 2> ?6* >22( B2C:6? >)29 2'( H7)H*5? 4' W4'5?2'%S73*9 ?2?73*( T9I9A9PV=W0= T6*. 7)* 7332+*( ?2 /C)8675* ?6* >22( >)29 ?6* 2'( H7)H*5? 7? 2'3. =I9Y /*) /2C'(= Y*? ?67? 45 2'3. 2'* 2> ?6*4) 5C//34*)5= T+2 5/*8473 F22( L42'5A ?6* E(*' M733 3287?42' 7'( M7.2(7'F5 F22( L42' 97@* 5C)* ?6*. 67H* /3*'?. ?2 5C//3. ?6* 829% 9C'4?. +4?6 ?6*4) (2'7?42'5 ?67? ?2?73*( 529* TV00A000 4' /)2(C8?5= I'(4H4(C735 7352 67H* (2'7?*( >22( 4?*95 75 +*33 75 92'*?7). (2'7?42'5A '2? ?2 9*'?42' ?6* 832?6% 4': +6486 45 7352 :4H*' 7? '2 867):*
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Features #ages 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31, 33
W643* N2)?6 17)234'7 675 B*829* 7 92)* C)B7' 5?7?* 4' ?6* /75? 20 .*7)5A 59733 7'( )C)73 829% 9C'4?4*5 82'?4'C* ?2 97@* C/ 7 37):* /7)? 2> 2C) /2/C37?42'= I' >78?A 733 2) /7)?5 2> 7? 3*75? ;V 82C'?4*5 4' N2)?6 17)234'7 7)* 82'54(*)*( )C)73= R28@4':679 12C'?. 7'( 733 )C)73 8299C'4?4*5 7)* 49/2)?7'? /7)?5 2> 2C) 5?7?*A 7'( ?6*4) 5C88*55 6*3/5 *'5C)* 5C88*55 >2) 733 2> C5= F4??4':3.A +* 67H* 7 'C9B*) 2> 49/2)?7'? 4'4?47?4H*5 ?67? 7)* *4?6*) 4' /378* 2) *N/7'(4': ?2 6*3/ 5*)H* ?6*
Monument Cleaning 336-616-1505 ###$*illeymonumen*/leanin5$/om
From *he 899i/e o9 %epresen*a*i;e <elson Cole - Au5us* 17B 2010
/*2/3* +62 34H* 4' )C)73 N2)?6 17)234'7= I 67H* 4'83C(*( 529* 4'>2)97?42' ?645 +**@ >2) .2C 7B2C? 529* 2> ?6*5* /)2:)795= I 62/* ?67? .2C +433 >4'( 4? C5*>C3= T67'@ .2CA 75 73+7.5A >2) .2C) 4'?*)*5? 4' N2)?6 17)234'7 7'( 5?7?* :2H*)'9*'?= P3*75* 82'?78? 9* 4> I 87' B* 2> 7'. 5*)H48* ?2 .2C= ToNM%anH%-Dono*y % T6* RC)73 E82'2948 "*H*32/9*'? 1*'?*) 675 73925? T2W 943342' 4' :)7'? 92'*. ?2 6*3/ 8)*7?* c2B5 ?6)2C:6 ?+2 49/2)?7'? /)2:)795d
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Raleigh Report... /on*inued on Fa5e 11
Loved ones who have recently passed away.
COUNTY ,IDE OBITUARIES !a#es&Har)ey&At-.ns0&12 3an4a&Kay&6ran7h&An4erson0&:; Rona=4&3ayne&6ran7h0&!r>0&?; Nor#a&Carro==&6.==.nBs=ey0&&C? M.7hae=&Kenneth&6=a7-Ee==0&1; F)e=yn&ABnes&6a=s=ey G.n4a&Kay&C=ar-0&:C G.n4a&Haye&Iyson&CoJ0&:C Katr.7.a&Ga.=&Casse==0&12 Sa#ue=&3ayne&Ch.=4rey0&1O 3.==.a#&!a7oP&Carter0&Sr>0&;; Ruth&Har4y&Chr.s#on0&QR Ann.e&Gea&Ian.e=0&C; Ma4Be=&6ray&Ga##on0&QR Sh.re==&SSherryS&IeHart Gau=4.n0&:Q 3.==.a#&T6.==U&Tea=&GrunEe==0&!r>0&C? Gora&Kr.7e&Hurst0&QO Kau=.ne&F)ans&Hern4on0&C;
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For As Little As
7O:O7 FE %P:6Q
Barbara Dillard helps sort out the clothing for the supply side of the center. All items are free to anyone.
per month
Bags filled with food items sit ready for families to pick up.
Don’t Leave Your Family To Worry About This Later
H= I> R?>=@:: TA= GBCD= I> NEF F?@CG:
Co=on.a=&Hunera= Ho#e&a&ChaWe= 221_O?;_[?[: R?;&F==.sPoro&R4> Ma4.son
Co=on.a=&Hunera= Ho#e&Sto-es ChaWe= 221_C;R_2?[[ R[?[&HoWe 6eas=ey&R4> San4y&R.4Be
!E#TEMBE' (010 EDE-’! /0- 1 C/3-T4 !TA'6 #AGE 8 !
By Fire Chief Tommy Underwood
The Eden Fire Department is looking for dedicated, hard-working men and women to serve their fellow citiKens as volunteer firefighters. Lolunteers must live within M or in close proDimity of M the Eden city limits. Lolunteers must be at least G8 years of age and possess a high school diploma or its equivalent. They must have a clean driving record and clean criminal history and must be willing to go through training offered through Rockingham Community College. -eing a volunteer firefighter is a demanding Qob M physically and mentally. Training is rigorous at times. If you think you might be interested, please call Fire Chief Tommy Snderwood for more information at 62V-7789, eDt. V0VG. To apply to be a volunteer firefighter, come to Eden City Hall’s Finance Department. Lolunteer firefighters are compensated for their time.
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We invite you to visit us, compare costs. We think you will be pleasantly surprised.
Since 1921
C3637389 0 C:;8<:3= 0 C>?>< MA4;6347= G8C4>735 MC8DE35 F8A4G3 HREE ESTIMATES Locally owned and operated By Sandra Joyce
Stop In and meet our Staff Open daily 4 until 5 Saturdays 9 until 12 In home or After Hour Appointments Available If Needed ADDITIONAL SERRICES D3C7: DC73= C363738>3= CE3C4>4S HC6>E9TC:;8<:U= MA4;6347 <E3C4>4S C42 83VC>8 F34<:3=5 C8A==3=5 RC=3=
Always There, Always Fair
! PAGE 4 EDEN’S OWN / COUNTY STAR, SEPTEMBER 2010 Letters to the Editor do not necessarily represent the opinions of the editor/publisher. Letters received are personal opinions from private citizens in the area and must be signed by writer. !ubmissions should be no more than 322 3ords, longer onl6 b6 7ermission. We reser:e the right to refuse a letter for an6 reason and to edit for grammar and taste. The 3riter should include their address and 7hone number for :erification 7ur7oses onl6. Address? EdenAs B3n Cournal D E19 ! Han Buren, !uite J D Eden, KJ 2M288 D or email? edens-o3nPembarQmail.com. D RaS to 336-62M-922E!
C ('(9$N:" ; < ' $ R R $=("'R*'(<N *- *R$N$"" ) < N ' + 836*+#3+ N*+19* &)2 >+3;/)$.*1 S*>'*.A*+ 45@5 )2 \=$'$B*#2 V3'*+ R*%$2'+)'$3# A,)+*#*22 M3#'&_ $# N3+'& =)+3/$#)! T&* %3)/ 3'&$2 >+3;/).)'$3# $2 '3 >+36$1* N3+'& =)+3/$#) ;$'$B*#2 ,$'&*6*+0 3>>3+'9#$'0 '3 +*%$2'*+ '3 63'*! N)+'$;$>)'$3# $# '&$2 2')'*,$1* *--3+'C ;3#19;'*1 A0 '&* =39#'0 E3)+12 3- E/*;'$3#2C $2 .)#1)'*1 A0 8!S! a @WH?L4!4I a @WH?L4!4I! M)#1)'*1 63'*+ +*%$2'+)'$3# 1+$6*! T&* 836*+#3+ 2&)// >+3;/)$. )2 =$'$B*#2 A,)+*#*22 M3#'& '&* .3#'& 1*2$%#)'*1 A0 '&* S')'* E3)+1 3- E/*;'$3#2 )##9)//0! R9+$#% '&)' .3#'&C '&* S')'* E3)+1 3- E/*;'$3#2 2&)// $#$'$)'* ) 2')'*,$1* 63'*+ +*%? $2'+)'$3# 1+$6* )#1 2&)// )13>' +9/*2 9#1*+ ,&$;& ;39#'0 A3)+12 3*/*;'$3#2 2&)// ;3#19;' '&* 1+$6*2! E);& ;39#'0 A3)+1 3- */*;'$3#2 2&)// >)+'$;$>)'* $# '&* 2')'*,$1* 63'*+ +*%$2'+)'$3# 1+$6*2 )#1 ;3#19;' 63'*+ +*%$2'+)'$3# )#1 >+*+*%$2'+)'$3# 1+$6*2 )' >9A/$; &$%& 2;&33/2 $# );;3+? 1)#;* ,$'& /3;)/ A3)+1 3- *19;)'$3# >3/$;$*2C 2;&33/ 202'*. )1.$#$2? '+)'$6* >+3;*19+*2C )#1 %9$1*/$#*2 3- '&* S')'* E3)+1 3- E/*;'$3#2! T&* R3;<$#%&). =39#'0 E3)+1 3- E/*;'$3#2 ,$// A* ;3#19;'$#% 63'*+ +*%$2'+)'$3# 1+$6*2 )' '&* -3//3,$#% *6*#'2b EREN RIVERPEST d S)'9+1)0C S*>'*.A*+ @LC 45@5 MARISTNDS @ST PRIRAF =RYISE IN d P+$1)0C S*>'*.A*+ HC 45@5
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MARISTN eERITA8E PESTIVAL d S)'9+1)0C T;'3A*+ 4C 45@5 REIRSVILLE =RYISE IN d P+$1)0C S*>'*.A*+ @5C 45@5 STTNEVILLE PALL PESTIVAL d S)'9+1)0C S*>'*.A*+ 4IC 45@5
E'ree;s <3eet <"8,,e
DeB2ra5ive CaEes, #ies H "wee5 "4aBEsJJJJ
6-2-S-W-E-E-T d336e-627-P338 323 B. E. Meadow Rd., Eden, NC
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Investing In Rockingham County’s Auality Of Life
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C2345y "5ar Investing In Rockingham County’s Auality of Life
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Co$%ty (tar A I ; V;I?IN G ?TH Investing In Roc-ingham Count34s 5ualit3 o7 Li7e !"n$inued /r"1 +a-e 2 $9:+ &;<+ &=>+ %?@;A=B - At RCC Oct) 8, 9, 16 / 7130pm and Oct) 10 and 17 / 2130pm) The =ury, played by the audience, must decide the outcome oF the biggest trial ever in the Fairy-tale world! The notorious Big Bad WolF is being slapped with a class-action lawsuit by storybooMs oF NuirMy characters who want to get even1 Little Red Riding Pood, her Grandmother, the Three Little Pigs and the Shepherd in charge oF the Boy Who Cried WolF) With Sydney Grimm as the commentator on live Court TT, the two greatest legal minds in the Enchanted ForestWthe Evil Stepmother and the Fairy GodmotherWclash in a trial that will be remembered Forever aFter) Mr) WolF maMes a good case For himselF) Was he born a criminal, or made oneY C9=CBDEE:.@+ 0:F+ G At RCC April 1, 2, 8, 9, 2011 / 7130pm, and April 3 and 10 / 2130pm)Wilbur is a young pig living on a Farm in New England who[s terriFied that he[ll end up on the dinner table) Pis Friend, Charlotte, is a charming spider, who comes to Wilbur[s rescue) She weaves words into her web, convincing the Farmer that Wilbur is a special pig, too special to Mill) $9:+ &:@E+ C9C;@EH=@+ #=<:=IE "J:C G At RCC - December 3 / 7130 and Dec) 4 ^ 5 / 2130pm ^ 7130pm) The Perdmans show up at the church Christmas Pageant tryouts and everyone is horriFied) WhyY Because they are horrible children! They steal, burn down buildings, and terrori`e the neighborhood) Students ^ Families will love the story oF how the Perdmans and their community learn to worM together, while learning the true meaning oF Christmas) 7KL@K - At RCC - February 4, 5, 11, 12, 2011 / 7130 and 6 ^ 13 / 2130pm) Gypsy, based on the memoirs oF the Famous burlesNue star Gypsy Rose Lee, Focuses on her mother Rose, whose name has become synonymous with athe ultimate show business mothera as she tries to push her two daughters into show business) boin Rose, bune and Louise in their trip across the country during the 1920[s, when vaudeville was dying and burlesNue was born) 5BB+!9DDM+3L+- At RocMingham County Pigh School Auditorium on bune 17, 18, 24, 25, 2011 / 7130pm and 19 ^ 26 / 3130pm) A musical about a guitar-playing roustabout who rides into a sleepy little town where the no-nonsense mayor has outlawed all Forms oF indecency including dancing and rocM-n-roll) Inspired by the music oF Elvis Presley, hilarity ensues as citi`ens Find love in the most unliMely places and discover that this leather-clad hound dog has got them all shooM up)
!"n$inued *" +a-e .
WS U T S I G A?IGQ?NHT ?? Marianne Aiken
aAny chance to visit Charlie Poole[s home town oF Spray fEden g,NC, and celebrate the greatness oF her native son is one to be taMen)h ---so says Loudon Wainwright III , winner oF this year’s Best Traditional FolM Grammy Award with his album jPigh, Wide and Pandsome1 the Charlie Poole Pro=ect)h) And celebrating the greatness oF Spray’s native son is =ust what he will be doing on Saturday, September 25) Pe has agreed to do a beneFit perFormance at the picturesNue Governor Morehead ParM in Spray, directly across the street From the teetile mills where Famed ban=oist Charlie Poole worMed between his rambles) jAn Evening with Loudon Wainwright IIIh will be an evening oF national caliber entertainment, with good Food to maMe it completeWFu``y’s oF Madison will be catering a barbecue supper, all included in the k25 ticMet price) Wainwright will be coming Fresh From a perFormance as part oF the DuMe University concert series)
The proceeds are to help Piedmont FolM Legacies, parent oF the Charlie Poole Music Festival, in its eFFort to save the huge historic NantucMet Mill by turning it into the National Ban=o Center, and to help the parM itselF deal with the crumbling Foundation wall oF the area’s very First teetile mill) Wainwright reNuests that all proceeds should remain in Spray out oF respect For Charlie Poole) Gates will open at 5 PM on September 25, and the barbecue will be served at 6) The opening act at 7 PM will be minney Rorrer’s widely acclaimed New North Carolina Ramblers) Wainwright will taMe the stage at 8 with his act that he has taMen all over the US and Canada since Grammy night) TicMets at k25 each will be sold on line at www)charliepoole)com through Friday, September 17, or can be ordered with a checM to Piedmont FolM Legacies, P)O) Boe 867, Eden, NC 27289) A table For 8 can be reserved For k200) No ticMets will be sold at the gate) For inFormation, call 336-623-1043 or 336627-0816)
UUVG(])G8WV]+ !#"CI5P _W8+ &C=M: !:CJ;A: ':@?CZ=A: 'DEDC@ All prices su12ect to change per manamgment
Oil Change _().)) Up to 5 Nt) Tire Rotation _W.`` Transmission Flush _U`.`8 #DCE+S+#DB;@9+X:=>+G+ !E=CE;I<+=E+_U8) Throttle Body Service _(`.`` Pours M-F 8-5 • Sat 8-12
4/3-7.!+CP"5-"'!+ S+"\#'"!!+5P$"'5$I/-!
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UUVGV(UGUUV) $3\",/+'"-$5P^+_V).))+S+3# 'I-7&"5'"'^+*1(+#'IC" 7'//%^+N'""
GrieFShare ^ Divorce Care groups meet every Monday From 6130 pm to 8100 pm at 7'/0I-7+/5R!+ C/%%3-I$4 CX3'CX 2270 Parrington Pwy, Eden, NC
Call UUVGV(UG***T+ For more inFormation www)growingoaMs)org This ol1 2hoto is 3rom the Fra%7is 8hoto9ra2hy 7olle7: tio% at the ;1e% Histori7al =$se$m> They are as yet $%i1e%ti3ie1> ?3 yo$ thi%@ yo$ @%oA the lo7atio% or Aho is i% the 2hoto 2lease 7o%ta7tB e1e%histori7alm$se: $mCyahoo>7om> Do$ 7a% Arite the m$se$m at EFE G ashi%9to% (t>H ;1e%H IC JKJLL or 7all M$lie Ham2to% Na%is at OOE:EJO:OLFO>
DIVORCE Care$ Someone ?ou @now Is Hurting Tell him or her about Divorce Care, a special weeMly seminar and support group For people who are separated or divorced)
C=BB+ED>=K+ZDC HDC:+;IZDHC=E;DI^+V(UG***T Sponsored by Growing OaMs Community Church
","- N5%IP4 ,"-$I!$'4
,C.+5.R.+!9=C>=6+,%,+S+5@@DA.+#5 **T+!.+#=CM+$:CC=A:6+">:I6+-C 9ew <e Patien lco me ts Cosmetic ^ General Dentist For Adults ^ Children = 3riend456 7en$4e 8en$a4 !are
5 ! R 5 & / 3 $ / 3 ' X / P I , 54 0 X I $ " - I - 7 ! # " C I 5 P - /0 / NN"'I-7 *GX /3' I - G/ NNIC" ! 5##XI'" 0 XI$"-I-7
-:Y+S+"H:C<:IAK+#=E;:IE@+0:BADH: 0"+5CC"#$ S+NIP"+5PP I-!3'5-C"! #C:Z:CC:>+#CDJ;>:C ZDC ,:BE=+,:IE=B+S+C;<I=+S+3I;E:>+X:=BE9+C=C:+[++X:=BE9+C9D;A:+S+%:>;A=;>+5AA:LE:> • Crowns ^ Bridges • Tooth Colored Fillings • Eetractions • Teneers • Root Canals • Partials ^ Dentures YYY.>C@9=C>=.ADH
• Teeth Whitening • Preventative Non-Surgical Gum Therapy
Stella’s Pi``a
HIV/AIDS Meetin&s )eld Monthly/ 0or in2o3 45567896:;7: <eresa )art
.ome of t7e 8+923 :;< Pi??aA
CHRONIC DISEASE MANAGEMENT classes are now held at Morehead Hospital diabetes Education Classroom Please call 89:;<=<>? @ am;Apm to register for these class; es. • Cardiac Rehab & Maint. • Diabetes Management E Pulmonary Rehab Prgm.
Delivery3 ;; a/@/ 6 ;; ?/@/ Mon/ 6 <hur/ Dat/ ;; a/@/ 6 ;8 @idni&ht
INFANT CPR >355 ?/@/ 6 A3:5 ?/@/B <hursB De?t/7 Morehead )os?ital Eirthin& Fenter
515 Morgan Road, Eden
12# MeD(ne 4rid8e .d. Eden- NC 2\288 Phone: 336-627-4989 E5(ilO he(t(nd(ir]tri(d.rr.c65
Steve Under9ood N.C. LicensesO ^C #`\\3 HbAC #1#623H-1-2-3 %er1ice > %(les > [nst(ll(ti6n > Resi8n-4Bild > Xl(nned M(inten(nce
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+ ntere't
Fon2erence Roo@ I class 2or eJ?ectant ?arents and &rand?arents to learn the basic tech6 niLues o2 in2ant cardio?ul@onary resuscitation/ De@onstrations and ?ractice sessions ?rovided/ Onstructors certi2ied by the I@erican )eart Issociation/
dents/ PalR6ins are welco@e/ )eld in Dinin& Roo@ F in the Innie Zenn Fa2eteria on the Ground 0loor o2 the hos?ital/ <he @ornin& classes each <uesday 2ro@ ;5355 6;;355 a@/ <he a2ternoon classes <hursday a2ternoons 2ro@ :35569355 ?@/ Zlease call 7V;69>A:/
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Ped/ 6 4?@ 6 Morehead )os?/ Dinin& R@ <ue Q 0ri 6 467?@ RocR o2 Sden D?ray Methodist AL-ANON - Fri’s @pm ; Hoint meet; ing with Alcoholics Anonymous ; Rock of Eden Spray Methodist PedTs 6 Morehead )os?/ Dinin& Roo@ 6 Fircle o2 Uove 6 4 6 7?@ NA (NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS) Meets V days a weeR in Reidsville at the RSMMDFX InneJB ;54 Y/ Main Dt/ Oncludes a noon @eetin& on Monday and 4 ZM @eetin&s <uesdayB <hursdayB 0ridayB Daturday/ ; hour @eetin&sB o?en to all/
LOOK GOOD - FEEL BETTER ;5 a/@/ 6 noonB MondayB De?t/ 85 D@ith6McMichael Fancer Fenter <his ?ro&ra@ hel?s ?atients learn to dis&uise ?hysical side e22ects they so@eti@es eJ?erience while under6 &oin& che@othera?y or radiation treat@ent/ X?en to any ?atient in RocRin&ha@ Founty re&ardless o2 where they are receivin& treat@ent/ Re&istration is reLuired/ <o re&isterB call ::>6>8:67A;:/
JOB SEEKER CLASSES Goodwill Ondustries o2 Fentral YF Fo@@unity Resource Fenter o2 Reidsville/ Fall ::>6>:A6;5;5 to re&ister S@?loyability DRillsB GSD Flasses HOUSE CALLS - RADIO SHOW ;;355 a/@/B 8nd Q 9th Pednesday ;975 PUXS IM • PM]Y IM )osted by ^erry 0aunceB Morehead )os?ital @arRetin& director )osted by <orrey GoardB co@@unity health educator GROUP DIABETES CLASSES _ Innie Zenn )os?ital o22ers 0RSS Diabetes Grou? Flasses twice a weeR to RocRin&ha@ Founty resi6
PARKINSON’S DISEASE SUPPORT GROUP 8 ?/@/B <uesdayB De?te@ber 8; Morehead Me@orial )os?ital Main Fon2erence Roo@ I su??ort &rou? ?rovidin& in2or@a6 tion and encoura&e@ent 2or individu6 als and 2a@ilies a22ected by ZarRinsonTs Disease/ Re2resh@ents will be ?ro6 vided/ 0or @ore in2or@ation call ::>6>8A6>;77/ COMMUNITY OF HOPE CANCER SUPPORT PROGRAM 8355 ?/@/B <uesdayB De?te@ber ;9 D@ith6McMichael Fancer Fenter Fon2erence Roo@ <o?ic3 <aRin& Fhar&e o2 Money Matters ?resented by 2inancial coun6 selorB `icRi )anson I &rou? desi&ned to hel? ?atients and their 2a@iliesacare&iversa2riends co?e with cancer/ 0a@ily concernsB 2inancial concerns and s?iritual con6
C . / 0 C . " 1"234
A New feature of Eden’s Own / Rockingham County Star Church Events is for Special Occasions that Churches in the county offer the public such as Revivals, Music, Guest Speakers, Programs, Vacation Bible Schools and more. For 10 Lines or less the fee is b10 The listing will be in the public’s hands for a full month, so be sure to tell the public what your place of worship has to offer them. Call 336-627-9234 and ask for Elizabeth or Lisa.
WOODBRIDGE APARTMENTS 21#1 %. %c(les %t.- .eids1ille- NC 4e (56n8 the first t6 en<6= > Ne? (@@li(nces in e1er= (@(rt5entA > Ne? c(r@et thr6B8h6Bt e1er= (@(rt5entA > Ne? he(t @B5@s f6r e1er= BnitA > Ne? sidin8C?ind6?s f6r (ll DBildin8sA > C65@letel= red6ne @l(=8r6BndA > .en61(ted @(rEin8 l6tA > And 5Bch- 5Bch 56reGG Apply No9 for a 1, 2 or 3 BR Apt. H(5il= Hriendl= 4e(BtifBll= L(ndsc(@ed 2J-h6Br M(inten(nce Mn site 5(n(8e5ent Call B336D 342-0705 T6 see ?h(t ?e h(1e t6 6fferG Mffice hrsO TBesd(= P ThBrsd(= 1#O## (.5. - 5O## @.5. Ris(Dilit= (ccessiDle Bnits D(sed B@6n (1(il(Dilit=. .ents D(sed 6n inc65e > %ec. 8 Telc65eG EVB(l H6Bsin8 M@@6rtBnit=. Xr6fessi6n(ll= 5(n(8ed D= X(rtnershi@ Xr6@ert= M(n(8e5ent(n eVB(l 6@@6rtBnit= @r61ider (nd e5@l6=er.
! D#$ &' C#)*+, I+ T/0 1*+,2&3 &' 4&2 September 11, 2010 Rockingham County Churches Honoring God Through United Service To Others. For More Details, Please Contact Bill Duke @ 342-4227 •
T/0 T)#+5'&)3#6*&+ &' 7#*6/ S03*+#) Ued by Uonnie Riley Fo6Director o2 the Meridzo Fenter MinistriesB Onc/ UynchB ^entucRy and author o2 the booRB mEy 0aith3 Uivin& On <he Fertainty X2 GodTs Realityn Saturday, October 9 - 9am f 3:30pm 0ellowshi? )all FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 957 Douth Main DtreetB ReidsvilleB YF :986988A • FIRST CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN A:5 Fhurch DtreetB Sden invites you to co@e and enioy the rich vocal har@ony o2 the &os?el LuartetB Down East Boys, in concert 7)*2#$, S0:603;0) <=> T/0 ?&+?0)6 ;0,*+5 #6 @ABB :>3> #+2 *5 &:0+ 6& 6/0 :C;D*?> I love o22erin& will be taRen in su??ort o2 the &rou?os @inistry to consistently ?resent the @essa&e o2 the Gos?el with charity and ?ro2essional @usical eJcellence/ • 4EIE7SG!EE H DIIOECE C!EE eGrei2 Recovery Du??ort Grou?f @eet every Monday >3:5 ?@ to 4355 ?@ GROWING OAKS COMMUNITY CHURCH 88A5 )arrin&ton )wyB SdenB YF Fall 336-623-1114 2or @ore in2or@ation www/&rowin&oaRs/or&
cerns and needs will be addressed/ 0or @ore in2or@ationB call Marcia Mcbueen at ::>6>8:67A;;B SJt/ 8948/ TOTAL JOINT EDUC. CLASS <his class @eets 2ro@ A355 ?@/64355 ?@B the 8nd <hursday o2 each @onthB in the Dhort Dtay Paitin& Irea o2 Innie Zenn )os?italB ReidsvilleB on the hos?italTs 2irst 2loor/ Zhysical thera?istsB nursesB and care @ana&e6 @ent ?ro2essionals ?rovide in2or@a6 tion and de@onstrations to ?atients who are considerin&B or schedulin& total Rnee or total hi? re?lace@ents/ <he May class will @eet on <hursdayB cune ;5/ 0or @ore in2or6 @ationB call 7V;69:VA/ THE DAV Yow @eetin& :rd Monday o2 each @onth at A?@ AMERICAN LEGION POST 79 6 ReidsvilleB Meets the ;st Monday each @onth at A?@ at the ?ost locat6 ed behind Iuto done in Reidsville/ 0or @ore in2o3 ::>687V6877>/ CIVIL AIR PATROL Svery <hursday3 <he Fivil Iir Zatrol eFIZf is seeRin& volunteer @e@bers 2ro@ all bacR&roundsB li2estylesB and occu?ations to hel? ?er2or@ three Rey @issions3 e@er6 &ency services eincludin& search and rescue and disaster relie2 o?era6 tionsfg aeros?ace education 2or youth and the &eneral ?ublicg and cadet ?ro&ra@s 2or teens/ Meetin&s are held every <hursday at >3:5 ?/@/ at the RocRin&ha@ Founty a Dhiloh Iir?ort in Dtoneville/ 0or @ore in2or@ationB ?lease call Fharlie D?ratt at ::>6V:A6:;;V or via cell at ::>6V856A44>/ “JOSHUA’S TROOPS” Meet every 8nd <hursday o2 the @onth at 43:5a@ at the Dan `alley Fo@/ Eld& eMadisonf No not have to be a vet to attend. SPECIAL YOUNG ADULTS A ?/@/ 6 43:5 ?/@/B <ues/B De?t/ A Q 8; Morehead Me@orial )os?ital Downstairs Flassroo@/ I ni&ht 2or adults a&es ;469V with @ild or @od6 erate develo?@ental disabilities to @eet new 2riendsB ?lay &a@es eEin&oB hnoB Do@inoesfB @aRe cra2tsB enioy snacRs and ?artici?ate in other social activities/ O2 you Rnow individuals who would liRe to attend our @eetin&sB ?lease let the@ Rnow about our &rou?/ 0or @ore in2or@a6 tionB call Erenda Moore at ::>6>8:6 ;5AA or ::>6>;:6V;A9 a2ter > ?/@/ AMERICAN LEGION POST 254 Meets :rd <hursday o2 each @onth >3:5?@/ Ill `ets are Pelco@e ;9A Y/ 0ieldcrest RdB Sden WEEKLY WELLNESS HOUR Svery Pednesday evenin& at A?@ 0RSS to Zublicj Door Zrizesj Fo@e taste the @ost nutritious and delicious bevera&e you will ever drinR/ Uearn about health and ?ros6 ?erity/ V79 Zierce DtB SdenB YF eneJt to libraryf >8A69:8V MARINE CORPS LEAGUE Meetin&s 8nd <hursday each @onth at >3:5?@ 6 4?@B at the Phitco@b Dtudent Fenter at RFF/ DeeRin& new @e@bers and businesses will6 in& to hel?/ >;:6:;A; or e@ail tthorneltriad/rr/co@ AMVETS6 Yewly 2or@ed local &rou?/ Ill `eterans and service @en and wo@en welco@e/ Pillard ePoodyf Paters at >:V6;A4> or woodyeeele@barL@ail/co@ SPECIAL POPULATION DANCE <he Irc X2 RocRin&ha@ Founty s?onsors a s?ecial ?o?ulation dance @onthly ethe second <hursday o2 each @onth/ RFFB Phitco@b Dtudent Fenter/ >3:5 ?/@/ 6 43:5
SE#$EM&ER 2)1) EDEN.S OWN 1 COUN$4 S$AR, #AGE 7 !
E #$%&' p.m. Refreshments Served. D1 for event: Brandon Ellis. Contact Information: 336-627-7565 4OGA CLASSES - T"##$ L"'( )"#*$+$", Y./' $01*#2)*.# '* I0 T.2)45 B"/$00"# 7 I0*"#8",$'*" W":).8" ; ; <<=;A A#?.# L'0"( E,"05 ABC;D<C= *. #"/$1*"# EDEN - CITY HALL EDEN ROOM Ongoing Classes Tues’ 8:30-9:45am or CB Hut - Boone Rd., Eden, Weds. 6pm-7:15pm T72 for 6 week session or T15 per class (must have min. number of students, class siYes limited, reg. early) EDEN.S WOMEN.S CLU& 3rd Thurs. of mo. - 7pm. 623-7290 FOS$ER CARE < ADO#$ION SU##OR$ Meets 3rd Tuesday of each month 6:30pm- 8:00pm, DSS Conf. Room. 1o Wilson 342-1394 GRIEFS>ARE < DIVORCE CARE - Support groups for people who are grieving the death of someone close to them or needing help healing from pain of separation or divorce. Every Mon. from 6:308:00pm, Growing Oaks Community Church, 2270 Harrington Hwy., Eden. Call 623-1114, 558-5947 or visit www.growingoaks.org WEN$WOR$> RURI$AN CLU& Ruritan Club meets 2nd Tuesday each month at 6:30 at the Wentworth United Methodist Church at 6:30pm. Contact: Charles Boswell ^ 336342-4346 or Sharon Reynolds ^ 336-613-0474 RED CROSS &LOODMO&ILES Appointments are strongly recommended for donors to get in and out faster. Call for the nearest bloodmobile near you! 349-3434
Monday d Thursday at lunch time. Anyone 60 years of age and over Why: activities, good food & fun • HUNTSVILLE NUTRITION 1151 Sardis Church Rd., Madison 427-5206 Site Manager-1oann Williams-Tucker • LEAgSVILLE NUTRITION Bridge St. Rec. 400 Bridge St. Eden Site Managers- Mildred Cochran gay Ramsey 623-5343 • MAD. - MAYO. NUTRITION Mad. d May. Rec. 300 S Second Ave., Mayodan - 445-9840 Site Manager - Rita Hunt • REIDSVILLE SENIOR CENTER Reidsville Rec./ RHS Apartment 201 N Washington St., Reidsville Site Managers- Sara Dominick & Diane Clark 349-9757 SALVA$ION ARM4 Hungryi Come by and have a meal on us! Mon. thru Fri. 12:00-12:30 314 Morgan Rd, Eden Sunday 9:30 worship 11am Sunday School.
EVENTS OF INTEREST MUSIC < DANCE Cascade Community Center 3561 Huntington Trail, Cascade, VA Every Friday Night 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. Cascade Ejpress & Friends. Concessions Av. MUSIC A$ $>E &ARN Tuesdays 7pm the doors open at the Barn, 151 Gant Road, Eden. Bluegrass music & 1am sessions. Free to public. Last Tuesday of month Open 1am 7pm 2nd & 4th Saturday, 6pm covered dish 7pm - Heart Strings...
S$ONEVILLE RURI$AN CLU& Meets at the VFW Hut, N. Glenn St. 3rd Tuesday or the month - 7pm Call Dot Ellington 573-2093 or Ricky Craddock 336-453-7005
EDEN DOWN$OWN FARMERS MAR@E$ Local Food/Local Growers Every Fri. thru Oct. 3:00 d 6:00 p.m. Henry Street d Municipal Parking Lot. Local, Fresh Early Spring Vegetables & Fruits. MouthWatering Baked Goods, Delectable Meat and Eggs, Handmade Soaps Herbs & Plants, Honey and Nut Butters, and more. Plus live music
MINORI$4 &USINESS ASSOCIA$ION - EDEN Meets 1st Monday of each month at 6:00pm Eden Chamber of Commerce building, Van Buren Road. Call Butch at 627-7600
S$ONEVILLE FARMERS MAR@E$ < FLEA MAR@E$ Corener of Glenn & Hwy. 770 7am Every Saturday thru October Sponsored by Stoneville Merchants Association
ROC@ING>AM COUN$4 AMA$EUR RADIO CLU& Monthly Meetings held 7pm on the 3rd Tuesday of Each month. Red Cross Building - 3692 NC Hwy 14 Reidsville, NC Contact Trey Belton WTSH 573-3317 or Pat Patterson N4SLP 548-2027
REIDSVILLE CRUISE IN Scales Street, Reidsville Second Friday night of the month. 6-9pm Streets close at 5:30pm!
S$UDEN$ CO-O# #ROGRAM Flurrycs Hope - A blind horse sanctuary. Applications are now being accepted for summer co-op program to work with horses on this Madison ranch. Please visit our website at FlurrysHope.Com Contact us for an opportunity to visit and tour the ranch and see if this volunteer opportunity is right for you. EMail: emiliestorch^gmail.com SINGLE #AREN$ SU##OR$ GROU# meets at Leaksville United Methodist Church, 603 Henry St., Eden. Dinner, child care provided. Door priYes. Sponsored by the Rock. Co. Partnership for Children, Rockingham Pregnancy Care Center, and Wal-Mart. FREE. Call Beverly at 342-9676 to register.
EDEN CRUISE - SE#$. 11$> Second Saturday of month from 4:00pm-8:00pm in the Olde Leaksville Shopping District on Washington Street in Eden. MADISON DOWN$OWN CRUISE IN Sept. 11th - 6pm- 9pm MADISON >ERI$AGE FES$IVAL October 2, 2010 www.madisonheritagefestival.com S$ONEVILLE >IG> SC>OOL CLASS OF 199) 2)$> REUNION Sepember of 25 Picnic 11am-1pm at Stoneville High. Dinner at Ruby Rose 7pm Contact Allison Hancock Lemons at 336-573-2145, Lori Evans Armstrong at 336-573-9966, Sheri Wolfe Prillaman at 336-573-2987 or gevin 1oyce at 336-655-4990. CONCER$ IN $>E #AR@ Freedom Park giwanis Amphitheatre. Saturday, September 25th from 6:30-8:30 featuring Veronica 1ones. Bring your lawn chair and enkoy the music in the park. Free to the public!!
I %&$,$'&
SENIOR DANCE IN EDEN September 27th at the CB Hut in Eden. 7:00-10:00 pm come at 6 to line dance. T5 admission at the door. The dance is held the last Monday of each month.
1":G"1 '?.2* *4.1" I4. #"H#"1"0* *4"8 '0, *4.1" 1""J$0/ H2?:$) .++$)" ?"+.#" )'1*$0/ ' ?':; :.* *. ":")* 1.8".0" *. *4'* .++$)"5 T4" .#/'0$; E'*$.0 I'0*1 *. 1"" ":")*", .++$)$':1 /$G" FAC; TUAL INFORMATIVE REPRESENTATION *. ':: *4"$# ).01*$*2"0*1 '* ':: *$8"15 T4"F "0).2#; '/" ':: )$*$E"01 *. ?" ')*$G" '0, '**"0, H2?:$) 8""*$0/15 O0" /.': .+ *4" .#/'0$E'*$.0 $1 *. 8'J" ' ?"**"# H:')" *. :$G" *4#.2/4 ?"**"# /.G; "#08"0*5 The meetings are held in the
O#EN >OUSE < $OUR OF NEW LAW ENFORCEMEN$ CEN$ER September 1 from 3 until 6 pm, Sheriffcs Office will hold a ldrop inl open house at the New Law Enforcement Center and 1ail ( at the rear of the kudicial center) for county citiYens . 170 NC 65 Reidsville Staff will be on hand to provide guided tours of offices and kail facilities.
athletic building behind Osborne Baptist Church every third Monday
A$$EN$ION MUSICIANSC Rockingham County Bluegrass Association Being Formed Meeting at The Barn 151 Gant Rd., Eden 5:30pm - August 21st Please plan to koin us as we form Rockingham County’s 1st Bluegrass Association, Call Debbie for details 336-706-2144
the month at 6:30 pm. Please contact Norma 1ean Mcginney at 336.627.8881 if you have questions. ROC@ING>AM COUN$4 DEMOCRA$ #AR$4 Meet on the 3rd Monday of the month at 7pm in the 1erry Owens Building at RCC. 548-9358.
$EN$> ANNUAL MORE>EAD MEMORIAL >OS#I$AL FOUNDA$ION FALL GOLF OU$ING Friday, October 8, 2010 - 12:45 PM Oak Hills Golf & Event Center Proceeds to Benefit the Cancer Center Pharmacy Ejpansion Player fee T75 includes Lunch, PriYes, Reception To sponsor, play, or for more information please call 627.6343
Rockingham County &oard oU Education $he Right Choice Uor A Christian Voice
For More InUormation Visit www.electcoreybrannock.com also on FacebookC
IN CONCER$ - S$EEL4 #AN S$EEL &AND Appalachian State University Sun., September 26, 2010, 3:00 pm Best Auditorium- Morehead High Tickets T10 Adults, T5 Students Tickets Available at the Door Proceeds benefit the Auditorium Seat Replacement Fund
#aid Uor &y Friends $o Elect Corey &rannock
1S$ ANNUAL DRUN FOR REIDSVILLED Reidsville Chamber of Commerce 5g Saturday, September 25, 2010 Downtown Reidsville Race kicks off from Market Square Reidsville Chamber of Commerce EMail: info^reidsvillechamber.org REIDSVILLE - MAR@E$ SEUARE September 25, 2010 Bluegrass Concert with Steep Canyon Rangers, gickin Grass, and Blues Creek. For more information call 349-1099. http://www.ci.reidsville.nc.us VENDORS NEEDED FOR >ERI$AGE FES$IVAL the October 2nd Madison Heritage Festival is now accpeting applications for Vendors. Apply on line at www.madisonheritagefestival.com or call Danny Sr. at 336-548-2305 or Bobby at 336-427-2112.
Government and Political Meetings EDEN CI$IFENS ORGANIFE COFFIR A group of Eden citiYens have held several meetings to form an organiYation to bring local government information and involvement to the residents. COFFIR - CITInENS ORGANInATION FOR FACTUAL INFORMATIVE REPRESENTATION has a mission goal lTo Help Make A Better Place To Live Through Better Government.l T4$1 .#/'0$E'*$.0 $1 ?'1", .0 /"**$0/ '1 8'0F $0,$; G$,2':1 '1 H.11$?:" $0*"#"1*", $0 *4"$# /.G"#0$0/ ?.,$"15 T. )4'::"0/" *4"1" )$*$E"01 *. :"'#0 8.#" '?.2* *4" /.G"#0$0/ ?.,$"1 '0, #"H#"1"0; *'*$G"1 *4'* I.#J '0, 1"#G" '* *4" G.*"#1 H:"'; 12#"5 T. "0).2#'/" ':: )$*$E"01 *. ",2)'*" *4"8;
$WO LOCA$IONS $O SERVE 4OUC 375 Goose Pond Rd., Ruffin, NC 27326
[ 33]-939-27)9 [ 33]-939-3)24 [ 33]-]13-)4]_ [ 33]-324-1924 124) Whetstone Creek Road Stoneville N.C. 27)48 [ 33]-]27-811) All monuments are mined and made in Elberton, Georgia. b $he Granite Capitol oU the Worldd with Uirst euality stone. We oUUer best prices and service. Death Date cut Uor f1)).)) [ Granite Vases f1_).)) Set is Mounted with Set - Rite gNot $apeh Check our prices beUore you buy [ #et Stones Available [
24” A 12” A 4” Markers Special $285.00 Plus Tax No Charge or obligation to come to your home. #orcelain picture mounted with LiUetime Warranty Urom Uactory. If you don’t get my price you lose! All items are finest quality!
#lease Call For AppointmentC
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'ORAYA +OODLAND 7;3 Church St., Eden, NC • AN3-N9=; +resh *eats • Custom Cut Steaks Cut 9hile You 9ait
=oQ Ribeye - $5 • Hamburger $N.A9 lb +resh Cut Bologna & Cheese DISCOUNTS ON LAR'E ORDERS Hours 7am-10pm - 7 Days 3 4eek
Tr;n;ty$<e>?eyan$E@uAat;on$Center ShaC;nD$YounD$L;Fe> OGGer;nD$Hua?;ty$aGGor@aI?e$Chr;>t;an$Ch;?@Aare J$OCen$Mon@ay$K$2r;@ay$LaM$K$LCM J$ADe>$L$<eeN>$K$OP$year>$o?@ J$AQEKA$Chr;>t;an$Qa>e@$)re>Ahoo?$Curr;Au?uM J$%%S$ACCroFe@ J$E@uAat;ona?$2;e?@tr;C> J$QeGore$S$AGter$SAhoo?$)roDraM$ T t ran>Cortat;on$CroF;@e@$GroM$?oAa?$>Ahoo?>U J$HoMeVorN$A>>;>tanAe J$LoV$Tu;t;on$Rate> J$S;I?;nD$%;>Aount J$3aAat;on$an@$Ho?;@ay$Cre@;t> Ca??$or$StoC$Qy$To@ayW
Tr;n;ty$<e>?eyan$E@uAat;on$Center OXL$EY$A;Nen$Roa@Z$E@enZ$NC$P[PXX T\\LU$LP\K]LPL$$J$$T\\LU$LP\KP^[P T<EC$the$Fery$Ie>t$;n$Ear?y$Ch;?@hoo@$E@uAat;on$an@$Care
C arter’s A uto R eCair 89&al%t: Wor< at Affor(a>le Pr%4es@
T Oil Changes T Full AC Service T Brake Sobs T 0une D /Cs T Service Engine Soon Diagnostics
D (o Sob 0oo Small D C+ar3ie Carter ]6ormer39 of >eidsvi33e :issan^
222 :B #ridge Street Eden= :BCB 2O288
U M A R A T TH E R O C Pmar at t+e >o2 is +aving an O7en _ouse = +osted 89 t+e :ort+east Wistri2tB Q+e O7en _ouse Ji33 8e +e3d on Saturda9= Se7tem8er 18= 2-1- at 1R-- 7BmB to FR-- 7BmB Q+is event is 6>EEB :ort+east Wistri2t Je32omes Pmar at t+e >o2 as t+e neJ 7rovider for vo2ationa3 servi2es in >o2?ing+am Count9 to indiA vidua3s Jit+ inte33e2tua3 and deve3o7menta3 disa8i3itiesB Q+e former >o2?ing+am O77ortunities Center Ji33 8e 2e3e8rating t+eir eFt+ anniversar9 and Je Ji33 s+are t+is 2e3e8ration Jit+ t+em during t+e O7en _ousef Our `oa3 is to 7rovide 7erA sonA2entered= Zua3it9 servi2es and to ensure t+at a33 7arti2i7ants are 7art of a su77ortive= res7e2tA fu3 environment t+at 7rovides t+em a range vo2ationa3 o77ortuA nities tai3ored to t+eir needs= a8i3A ities and 2+oi2eB Come to t+e O7en _ouse to dis2over Ja9s t+at individua3s and 3o2a3 2+ur2+es 2an 7artner Jit+ Pmar at t+e >o2 to offer 2ommunit9 lo8 73a2ement= so2ia3 intera2tion to assist 7arti2i7ants Jit+ 2ommunit9 a2tivities o77orA tunities= vo3unteer servi2es and mu2+ moreB Ue Ji33 8e offering guided tours= t+era7euti2 +orse rides= dun?ing 8oot+= 8oun29 ride= +ot dogs= a33 t+e trimmings= drin?s= 8a?ed goods= art sa3e= en3ig+tenment= fe33oJs+i7B Pmar at t+e >o2 is 3o2ated at deF C+ero?ee Cam7 >oad in UentJort+ 8e+ind t+e >o2?ing+am Count9 `overnmenta3 CenterB Ca33 dd6Ae2OAeeFe to >ShPB
E % E N ) OLICE RECEI3ES 2 U N % S Q+e :ort+ Caro3ina `overnorEs _ig+Ja9 Safet9 Program Qraffi2 Safet9 EZui7ment Prole2t funds t+e 7urA 2+ase of signs= 3ig+ting= generaA tors= ref3e2tive vests and ot+er safet9 eZui7ment used to 2ondu2t WUC= seat8e3t and driverVs 3i2ense 2+e2?7ointsB Q+e Eden Po3i2e We7artment +as re2eived m1O=2OF from t+is 7rogram to 7ur2+ase 1-- traffi2 2ones= 1F traffi2 vests= tJo sets of 7orta83e signsnstands= one 3ig+t toJer and generator and one eZui7ment trai3er to +o3d a33 t+e eZui7mentB Q+is eZui7ment Ji33 8e used 89 t+e 7o3i2e de7artA ment to +e37 fa2i3itate safe and effe2tive 2+e2?7oints t+roug+out t+e 2it9B Q+e greater visi8i3it9 7rovided 89 t+e eZui7ment Ji33 great39 2ontri8ute to t+e safet9 of our offi2ers and 2itiTens a3i?eB
S3e4%al%6%n, %n7 j gedi2are su773ement insuran2e j 6ina3 e@7ense insuran2e j individua3 k tem7orar9 +ea3t+ insuran2e j gedi2are advantage +ea3t+ 73ans j gedi2are Part W Pres2ri7tion drug 73ans +or more information Call:
Roger 9ard ;-=00-3;9-=9;A
County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s 5uality of Life Cont%n&e( fro0 Pa,e 1
RCC$% E E M E % E(CE)TIONAL ,E(0,OR09 ! #ased on t+e 2-1- Criti2a3 Su22ess 6a2tors annua3 re7ort 7u83is+ed 89 t+e :ort+ Caro3ina Communit9 Co33ege S9stem= >o2?ing+am Communit9 Co33ege is an e@2e7tiona3 instituA tionB Ct is one of on39 11 of t+e stateEs F8 2ommunit9 2o33eges to re2eive t+is +ig+est distin2tionB InoJn as KE@2e7tiona3 Cnstitutiona3 Performan2e=N t+is distin2tion is given to institutions t+at meet or e@2eed eig+t designated 2ore 7erA forman2e measures= do not +ave a student 7assing rate 3ess t+an O7er2ent on an9 3i2ensure e@am= and J+ose fourA9ear 2o33ege transfer students meet or e@2eed t+e 7erforman2e 3eve3 of native Pniversit9 of :ort+ Caro3ina s9stem studentsB Q+e eig+t 7erforman2e measures in23ude t+e fo33oJingR 7rogress of 8asi2 s?i33s studentsS 7assing rates on 3i2ensure 2ertifi2ation e@amsS 7erforman2e of 2o33ege transfer studentsS 7assing rates in deve3o7A menta3 2oursesS su22ess rate of deve3o7menta3 students in 2o33ege 3eve3 2oursesS student satisfa2tion of 2om73eters and non2om73etersS 2urri2u3um student retention= graduation and transferS and 23ient satA isfa2tion Jit+ 2ustomiTed trainingB KU+i3e e@2e33en2e is a3Ja9s our goa3= o22asiona339 our studentsV 7erA forman2e Ji33 fa33 s+ort on standardiTed e@aminations and 7erforA man2e metri2s=N said >CC 7resident= Wr >o8ert Ie9sB KQ+ese rare o22asions 7rovide us t+e o77ortunit9 to e@amine tea2+ing strategies= testing met+odo3ogies= and 3earning out2omes in our 2urri2u3ar 7roA gramsBN :um8ers used in 2riti2a3 su22ess fa2tor re7orts are 8ased on t+e 2omA 73ete a2ademi2 9ear 7rior to t+e 9ear in J+i2+ t+e re7ort is 7u83is+edB Q+is 9earEs re7ort is 8ased on figures from t+e 2--8A-X a2ademi2 9earB Q+e 7revious 9ear= 3oJer t+an a22e7ta83e 7ass rates on 3i2enA sure e@ams in nursing= emergen29 medi2a3 training and emergen29 medi2a3 servi2e= a3ong Jit+ a 3oJer num8er of deve3o7menta3 2ourse 2om73eters 7assing 2o33egeA3eve3 2ourses ?e7t >CC from gaining e@2e7tiona3 designationB Cn res7onse= 2+anges Jere made in tea2+ing met+ods= some 23ass siTes Jere redu2ed= and more 3a8 +ours Jere 7rovided Jit+ tutorsB KOur fo2us is a3Ja9s on student a2+ievement=N said Ie9s= Kand t+e Criti2a3 Su22ess 6a2tors re7ort 7rovides us a 8en2+mar? to deterA mine our su22ess in ena83ing students to attain +ig+ 7erforman2e 3evA e3sBN Cn addition to ref3e2ting t+e resounding su22ess of t+e 2+anges made= t+e Criti2a3 Su22ess 6a2tors re7ort a3so s+oJed +oJ >CC +as su2A 2eeded in ot+er areas of im7ortan2e to t+e 2ommunit9 at 3argeB 6or e@am73e= >CCEs Sma33 #usiness Center s2ored +ig+ satisfa2tion mar?s= as did t+e 2o33egeEs 2ustomiTed 8usiness training 7rograms= and em73o9ers s+oJed +ig+ satisfa2tion in t+e Zua3it9 of its graduA atesB Overa33= t+e F8 2o33egesR [E@2eeded t+e s9stemEs goa3 of 6F 7er2ent or more of degree stuA dents 2om73eting t+eir edu2ation= transferring to anot+er +ig+er eduA 2ation institution or returning to 2ontinue t+eir edu2ationS [Sur7assed t+e standard of deve3o7menta3 2ourse 2om73eters 7assA ing 2o33egeA3eve3 Eng3is+ and mat+ 2ourses ]in2reasing t+is rate is 2riti2a3 to im7roving overa33 student su22ess rates at 2ommunit9 2o3A 3eges^S [Posted a X- 7er2ent or +ig+er student satisfa2tion rating from 8ot+ student 2om73eters and nonA2om73etersB P3eased Jit+ >CCEs e@2e7tiona3 institutiona3 7erforman2e designaA tion= Ie9s said= KQ+e 2o33ege 2onstant39 strives to a2+ieve e@2e33en2e in a33 of its 7rogramsB _oJever= it is es7e2ia339 reJarding to ?noJ t+at Je +ave e@2e33ed in a2+ieving t+e +ig+est 3eve3 of re2ognition afforded 89 t+e State #oard of Communit9 Co33eges in attaining t+e goa3s reZuired 89 t+e :ort+ Caro3ina `enera3 assem839B Su2+ re2ognition for t+is a2+ievement=N +e said= Kreassures our students t+at t+e9 are re2eiving t+e +ig+est Zua3it9 edu2ation 7ossi83e in 7re7aring t+em for em73o9ment= 2ertifi2ation or 3i2ensure= or transA fer to a fourA9ear 2o33ege or universit9BN
C ELL ) H O N E S 2 O R S OL%IERS % RI3E Q+e ameri2an begion= Ui33iam co+nson Post Fde is s7onsoring KCe33 P+ones for So3diers WriveNB Ue Ji33 8e 2o33e2ting an9 o3d 2e33 7+ones t+at 9ou +ave 39ing aroundB Ue +ave severa3 8usinessesE +ere in toJn t+at +as agreed to 8e 2o33e2tion 7ointsB Cf 9ou are a 8usiness oJner and Jant to +e37 Jit+ t+is 73ease 2a33 usB Q+e more t+e 8etterf Q+e 8usinessEs in Eden areR Ramsey’s Barber ShoC DFd6 gorgan >dB Zanetti Insurance D 21- EB Iings _J9 Allstate Insurance De-d U Iings _J9 Eden Flea Market D 122 : han #uren >d Seagraves 9eating R Air Inc D O-O Patri2? St Morehead 9igh Army SRO0C D 1de :ort+ Pier2e Street See an9 mem8er of Post Fde for more infoB Conta2tR CBWB `rant= crB= Commander= ameri2an begion Ui33iam co+nson Post Fde= d1e goir St= Eden dd6A62dAO22X= dd6AdeeA-FdO 2grantOitriadBrrB2om
Cont%n&e( to Pa,e -
SE#$E%&E' ()*) E,EN.S /0N 1 C/3N$4 S$5', #57E 8 ! T"# !"#$%&'()*
!nvesting !n Rockingham Countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 5uality of 8ife Continued from Page 8
R ECYCLING N O T E S F R O M H A1EL P UCKETT Are flashlight batteries, watch batteries and other batteries recyclable6 !"e City of +den a//e0t1 all ty0e1 of 3atterie1 at it1 main re/y6 /ling /enter8 9e/"argea3le 3atterie1, 1u/" a1 tele0"one 3atterie1, are a//e0ted t"ere and at 9o/<ing"am County=1 re/y/ling /enter at t"e landfill8 >ome 1tore1, ?"i/" 1ell re/"argea3le 3atterie1, al1o a//e0t t"em for re/y/ling8
P ERSEVERANCE,PERSISTENCE PAID OFF F O R STUDENTS 0EN$0/'$9 @ +ig"t 9o/<ing"am Community College 1urgi/al te/"nology 1tudent1 @ A1"ley Ad<in1, Be3a Cine1, !oya Cogue, Dill Paylor, Fi/<y 9o3ert1on, GeAnn >"elton, Hary De1tmoreland, and Ca11ie D"ite @ re/eiIed t"eir 1urgi/al te/"nology 0in1 during a July 2L eIening /eremony8 !"e 1tudent1 ?ill graduate July M08 O!"i1 year "a1 3een one of 10e/ial /"allenge1 for ea/" of t"e1e 1tu6 dent1,P 1aid 0rogram dire/tor, Jennifer !ullo/"8 O!"ey are t"e fir1t /la11 to ta<e t"eir li/en1ing eQam a1 0art of t"e /urri/ulum8 Rn addi6 tion, t"e e/onomy "a1 0re1ented 10e/ial /"allenge1, reSuiring t"em to dig dee0er into t"eir 0o/<et1 to a/"ieIe t"eir /areer goal18 !"ey "aIe met t"e1e /"allenge1 t"roug" 0er1eIeran/e and 0er1i1ten/e8 !"roug" it, t"ey "aIe im0roIed t"eir o?n liIe1T in t"e /lini/al 1et6 ting, t"ey "aIe im0roIed t"e liIe1 of t"o1e ?e ?ill neIer <no?8P >ingled out for 10e/ial a?ard1 ?ere Hary De1tmoreland and Ca11ie D"ite8 De1tmoreland re/eiIed t"e >urgi/al !e/"nology Fa/ulty A?ard ?"i/" i1 giIen to t"e 0er1on ?it" t"e "ig"e1t oIerall grade 0oint aIerage8 A ?ife and mot"er, De1tmoreland ?or<ed full6time and attended 1/"ool full6time and earned a 0erfe/t V80 grade 0oint aIerage8 D"ite re/eiIed t"e >urgi/al !e/"nology Peer A?ard8 !"i1 i1 giIen to t"e indiIidual ?"o1e 0eer1 ?ould mo1t ?ant on t"e 1ur6 gi/al team if t"ey ?ere t"e 0atient8 !ullo/" al1o dre? attention to Fi/<y 9o3ert1on ?"o ?a1 one of four indiIidual1 nation?ide to re/eiIe a 1/"olar1"i0 from t"e A11o/iation of >urgi/al !e/"nologi1t Foundation8 Gue1t 10ea<er, Annette Coo<, 1taff deIelo0ment /lini/ian of 1urgi6 /al 1erIi/e1 ?it" XoIant Cealt" in Din1ton6>alem, inIited t"e 1tu6 dent1 to, O+nYoy your ?or<,P and OZe a 0atient adIo/ate8 !reat ea/" 0er1on a1 if t"at ?ere you on t"e o0erating ta3le8P 9CC Pre1ident, Dr8 9o3ert Bey1, t"an<ed t"e 1tudent1 for /"oo1ing a ?ort"y /areer and for /"oo1ing 9CC8 ODe 0roIide you ?it" t"e 3e1t in1tru/tor, la31 and 1urgi/al 1ite1 in order to 0re0are you for your /"o1en /areer,P "e 1aid8 O\our gradu6 ation, "o?eIer, i1 Yu1t t"e 3eginning8 Continue to learn8 D"en you /ea1e to learn, you /ea1e to 3e a 0rofe11ional8P Cla11 10o<e10er1on, GeAnne >"elton, t"an<ed t"e fa/ulty, 1taff, admini1tration and tru1tee1 for t"eir 1u00ort8 O!"an< you for en/ouraging u18P
M AY O D A N M E R C H A N Tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S A SSOCIATION !"e ne?ly6formed Do?nto?n Hayodan Her/"ant1 A11o/iation met re/ently and ele/ted offi/er18 Pre1ident, +rne1t Jo"n1on, +rnie=1 Coin >"o0 ] Colle/ti3le1T Fi/e6Pre1ident, Hi<e >te?art, Hayodan Card?are ] Gum3er and >e/retary, Helanie Zarn1, AIalon >alon8 !"e 0ro6a/tiIe grou0 i1 /om0ri1ed of 3u1ine11 and 0ro0erty o?ner1 inter1e/ted in ?or<ing to im0roIe t"e Do?nto?n area8 Di1/u11ion in/luded organi^ation 3yla?1, /leanu0 effort1, attra/ting ne? 3u1i6 ne11 and 0romotion18 9egular meeting1 ?ill 3e "eld mont"ly on t"e t"ird Honday at _`00 0m, alternating 3et?een Do?nto?n Hayodan re1taurant18
C O N G R ATULATIONS D U E S G T. WO O D A L L 0EN$0/'$9 6 !"e Xort" Carolina A11o/iation of >tudent 9e1our/e affi/er1 i1 a not6for60rofit a11o/iation of la? enfor/ement offi/er1 and 1/"ool offi/ial1 ?"o ?or< to en1ure a 1afe and 1e/ure learning enIironment t"roug"out t"e 1/"ool1 in Xort" Carolina8 Dit" a00roQimately Mb0 mem3er1 from a/ro11 t"e 1tate, t"e a11o/ia6 tion "a1 c region18 At a re/ent /onferen/e "eld at >ea !rail1 9e1ort in >un1et Zea/", >gt8 >"ane Doodall ?a1 Ioted to re0re1ent region b8 !"i1 region in/lude1 >to<e1, 9o/<ing"am, Ca1?ell, Per1on, For1yt", Guilford, Alaman/e, DaIid1on, 9andol0" and C"at"am /ountie18 !"i1 1ele/tion ?ill allo? >gt8 Doodall to /ommuni/ate mont"ly ?it" ot"er mem3er1 and 1erIe a1 a lin< to t"e 3oard of dire/tor1 for a 2 year term8 >gt8 Doodall i1 a 1tudent re1our/e offi/er at H/Hi/"ael Cig" >/"ool in Hayodan8 Ce "a1 3een ?it" t"e >"eriff=1 affi/e 1in/e 1eee8
Continued To Page 1<
A FTER S IC M O N T H S, FE W C OMPLAINTS R ESTA U R A N T S A N D B A R S LAW 9e/ently t"e X8C8 DiIi1ion of Pu3li/ Cealt" "a1 0o1ted infor6 mation 1"o?ing "o? re1taurant1 and 3ar1 "aIe adYu1ted after t"e fir1t 1iQ mont"1 of t"e ne? 1mo<e6free re1taurant1 and 3ar1 la?, ?"i/" ?ent into effe/t on January 2 of t"i1 year8 !"i1 re0ort /an 3e found at ???81mo<efree8n/8goI8 !o3a//o u1e i1 t"e num3er one /au1e of 0remature deat" in Xort" Carolina, /o1ting our 1tate more t"an f28VL 3illion ea/" year in "ealt" /are /o1t1 and /laiming more t"an 12,200 liIe1 ea/" year 3e/au1e of 1mo<ing related ill6 ne11e18 A//ording to t"e County Cealt" 9an<ing1 relea1ed 3y t"e 9o3ert Dood Jo"n1on Foundation and t"e gniIer1ity of Di1/on1in, MV 0er/ent of t"e /iti6 ^en1 in 9o/<ing"am County 1mo<e, /om0ared to only 2M 0er6 /ent on t"e 1tate leIel8 >mo<ing /ontri3ute1 to /an/er, /ardioIa16 /ular di1ea1e, and /ere3roIa1/u6 lar di1ea1eT re10e/tiIely /ardio6 Ia1/ular di1ea1e and /an/er are t"e fir1t and 1e/ond leading /au16 e1 of deat" in 9o/<ing"am County a//ording to t"e 200c Community Cealt" A11e11ment8 Xort" Carolina i1 t"e fir1t 1tate in t"e to3a//o >out" to ma<e re1taurant1 and 3ar1 1mo<e6free8 aur ne? 1tate la? 0rote/t1 t"e "ealt" of Xort" Carolinian1 and Ii1itor1 to our 1tate 3y remoIing to3a//o 1mo<e from nearly all re1taurant1 and 3ar18 Go/al "ealt" de0artment1 are t"e enfor/ement agen/ie1 for t"e la?, and t"e fol<1 in +nIironmental Cealt" at t"e 9o/<ing"am County De0artment of Pu3li/ Cealt" "aIe 3een ?or<6 ing Iery "ard for t"e la1t 1iQ mont"1 to edu/ate 3u1ine11 o?n6 e r 1
and t"e 0u3li/ a3out t"e la?, and to 3ring a1 many affe/ted re1tau6 rant1 and 3ar1 a1 0o11i3le into /om0lian/e8 !"e la? i1 /om0laint6driIen, meaning t"at t"e "ealt" de0art6 ment inIe1tigate1 /om0laint1 filed 3y tele0"one or online 3y indiIidual18 Rn 9o/<ing"am County, t"ere ?ere only nine /om0laint1 in t"e fir1t 1iQ mont"1 again1t eig"t fa/ilitie1, of ?"i/" 1iQ ?ere re1taurant1 and t?o ?ere 3ar18 !"i1 i1 e10e/ially im0re11iIe ?"en you reali^e t"at t"e 1mo<e6free re1taurant1 and 3ar1 la? /oIer1 a00roQimately 200 food 1erIi/e e1ta3li1"ment1 and _0 3ar1 in 9o/<ing"am County8 During t"e inIe1tigation of t"e1e /om0laint1, four fa/ili6 tie1 ?ere found to 3e in /om0li6 an/e and fiIe ?ere found to 3e in Iiolation of t"e ne? la? at t"e time of an +nIironmental Cealt" 1taff Ii1it8 A//ording to enIiron6 mental "ealt" offi/ial1, an e1ta36 li1"ment ?ill re/eiIe t"ree noti/e1 of Iiolation if found not to 3e in /om0lian/e, and on t"e t"ird noti/e of Iiolation a fa/ility ?ill re/eiIe an admini1tratiIe 0enalty8 >o far, t"e Cealt" De0artment "a1 only 1ent out Iiolation noti/e1 and di1tri3uted edu/ational letter1 and literature regarding t"e ne? la?8 !"ere "a1 3een 0o1itiIe feed3a/< regarding t"e ne? 1tate la? in 9o/<ing"am County8 9o11 Cammond, o?ner and /"ef at Hom=1 Bit/"en, t"in<1 t"e ne? la? i1 a great idea8 !"e tran1ition from 1mo<ing to 1mo<e6free ?ent Iery 1moot"ly, a//ording to Cammond, OZut on o//a1ion /u16 tomer1 ?ere found to 3e 1mo<ing in t"e 3at"room1 1o ?e in1talled 1mo<e dete/tor18 !"e only nega6 tiIe effe/t R=Ie found i1 t"e
eQ/e11 of /igarette 3utt1 found out1ide t"e re1taurant eIen t"oug" ?e 0roIide a 0la/e to di16 0o1e of /igarette1P8 aIerall t"e ne? la? "a1 "el0ed Hom=1 Bit/"en8 !"e air Suality i1 3etter, /u1tomer1 "aIe more 1eating o0tion1, and more non61mo<ing /u1tomer1 "aIe 3egun to freSuent t"e re1taurant8 Ju1t t"e o00o1ite i1 o//ur6 ring at Cuddle Cou1e in >to<e1dale8 A//ording to General Hanager Al Ar/"er, OHo1t of t"e /u1tomer1 are not "a00y ?it" t"e ne? la? and t"at in/lude1 me8 !"e Cuddle Cou1e re/eiIe1 a lot of traIeler1, e10e6 /ially tru/< driIer1 and out6of6 1tate traIeler1 ?"o eit"er 0refer to 1mo<e in1ide or are una?are of t"e la? in Xort" Carolina and ?e "aIe to inform t"emP8 Cenrietta Jo"n1on, a /ertified 1erIer at Cuddle Cou1e, al1o doe1 not li<e t"e ne? la?8 Jo"n1on 1tate1 t"at a1 a 1mo<er 1"e and "er "u13and "aIe 1to00ed eating out a1 mu/" and 1"e 3elieIe1 t"at t"e Cuddle Cou1e "a1 "ad fe?er /u1tomer1 1in/e t"e la? ?a1 0a11ed8 +m0loyee1 of t"e Cuddle Cou1e re0ort t"at /u1tomer1 a1< daily if t"ey /an 1mo<e in1ide t"e e1ta36 li1"ment eIen t"oug" no61mo<6 ing 1ign1 are di10layed on 3ot" entran/e door18 !o learn more a3out t"e 1mo<e6free re1taurant1 and 3ar1 la?, or to re0ort a 0o11i3le Iiola6 tion, Ii1it ???81mo<efree8n/8goI or /all X8C8 CA9+6GRX+ at 16c006LL26 _0M0 or /all to t"e 9o/<ing"am County De0artment of Pu3li/ Cealt" at MML6MV26c1c08 For "el0 Suitting to3a//o, /all 16c006hgR!6XaD i16c006 _cV6cLLej8
:ust a feA apartments left at 9arris #ointe Eden NC #remiere Senior JJ K 5partment Community Located neOt to %eadoAs 7reen Polf course !"an< you for your fanta1ti/ re10on1ek Rf you ?ant to 3e a 0art of +den=1 0re6 mier luQury a0artment1 for >enior1 bb and older Call today and R=ll tell you a3out our fanta1ti/ HoIe in >0e/ial18 aur great amenitie1 in/lude` 'anPe 'efriPerator ,ishAasher ,isposal LarPe Closets EOercise 'oom 'eadinP 'oom
Laundry ]acilities on each ]loor Community 'oom Aith ^itchen CeilinP ]ans in LivinP 'oom CeilinP ]ans in &edrooms SittinP 5reas all ]loors %edical EOam 'oom Computer Center
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4ou Aon.t Qelieve our affordaQle rent S moveTin specials U can.t Aait to hear from youW
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S UCESS IN TH E S U N LESSONS A T + ILL A VENUE P O O L !"#$ &as Natio-a# U/ Sa12t$ Mo-t4 a-d t42 Loca# P4$sica# Acti:it$ a-d N"tritio(LPAN) Wor?@ro"A o1 H2a#t4$ Caro#i-ia-s coordi-at2d a- 2:2-t to rais2 A"D#ic a&ar2-2ss o1 t42 da-@2rs a-d Arot2ctio- m2t4ods 1rom U/ (U#tra:io#2t) radiatio-. Som2 A2oA#2 ma$ ar@"2 t4at 2xAos"r2 to t42 s"- is a @ood so"rc2 o1 /itami- D a-d to a c2rtai- 2xt2-t t42$ ar2 ri@4t. T42
s"- do2s Aro:id2 t42 Dod$ &it4 /itami- D, D"t $o" do -ot -22d a #ar@2 amo"-t o1 s"- to acL"ir2 it. Too m"c4 s"- i- 1act, is 4arm1"# to t42 Dod$. I1 "-Arot2ct2d, U/ radiatio- ca- ca"s2 s?i- a-d 2$2 dama@2, s"AAr2ssio- o1 t42 imm"-2 s$st2m a-d "#timat2#$ ca-c2r, 2:2- at a $o"-@ a@2. S?ica-c2r is t42 most commo- 1orm o1 ca-c2r i- t42 US, so it is :ita# t4at &2 Arot2ct o"rs2#:2s 1rom too m"c4 s"- 2xAos"r2. T42 U/ Sa12t$ E:2-t &as 42#d o- !"#$ 24t4 a-d 4ost2d D$
t42 Mi## A:2-"2 S&immi-@ Poo# iEd2-. T42 2:2-t &as a @r2at s"cc2ss a-d Dro"@4t U/ a&ar2-2ss to aDo"t 40-45 AarticiAa-ts. A1t2r i-trod"ci-@ o"rs2#:2s a-d s4ari-@ t42 A"rAos2 o1 o"r :isit, t4os2 i-t2r2st2d cam2 o:2r to AarticiAat2 i- t42 2:2-t. T42$ &2r2 2d"cat2d o- t42 imAorta-c2 o1 U/ Sa12t$ D$ r2c2i:i-@ 2d"catio-a# Droc4"r2s 1rom t42 Am2rica- Ca-c2r Soci2t$ o- s"sa12t$ a-d M2#a-oma. Fr22 Dott#2s o1 s"-scr22-, &at2r Dott#2s, t"mD#2rs, a-d Dott#2s o1 &at2r &2r2 mad2 a:ai#aD#2 to a## AarticiAa-ts. ParticiAa-ts A#a$2d tri:ia @am2s co-c2r-i-@ U/ Sa12t$ 1acts iord2r to &i- 4ats o1 a## ?i-ds. Yo"-@2r AarticiAa-ts comA2t2d 1or 4ats/s"-:isors D$ raci-@ to aAA#$ s"-scr22- corr2ct#$. T42 2:2-t &as a 1"- &a$ to 2d"cat2 t42 A"D#ic o- 4o& to sta$ sa12 it42 s"- t4is s"mm2r. A## AarticiAa-ts o1 t42 2:2-t &2r2 mad2 a&ar2 o1 t42 six Dasic U/ Arot2cti:2 m2t4odsV • A:oid t42 s"- D2t&22- 10 a.m. a-d 4 A.m. • S22? s4ad2 &42-2:2r U/ ra$s ar2 t42ir stro-@2st
The ROC$I&'()*
County Star !n#e%ting !n *o,-ing.am Count34% 5ua6it3 of 8ife C"#$%#&'()./"0)P+,')1
• S#iA o- a s4irt or c#ot4i-@ o1 ti@4t#$ &o:2- mat2ria# i1 AossiD#2 • S#oA o- s"-scr22- #iA Da#m &it4 a s"- Arot2ctio- 1actor (SPF) o1 15 or 4i@42r. R2aAA#$ a1t2r s&immi-@ or to&2#i-@ o11. • S#aA o- a 4at &it4 a &id2Drimm2d 4at, s4adi-@ $o"r 1ac2, 2ars, a-d -2c?. I1 $o" c4oos2 a Das2Da## caA, r2m2mD2r to Arot2ct $o"r 2ars a-d -2c? &it4 s"-scr22-. • WraA o- s"-@#ass2s D"ri-@ t42 2:2-t ma-$ AarticiAa-ts #2ar-2d -2& 1acts s"c4 as t42 aDi#it$ o1 t42 2$2 to @2t s"-D"r-2d, s?i- ca-c2r is t42 most commo- ca-c2r i- t42 US, a-d t4at o- a- a:2ra@2 da$ -2ar#$ o-2 mi##io- Am2rica-s "s2 a ta--i-@ sa#o-. T4a-?s to t4is 2:2-t ma-$ AarticiAa-ts -ot o-#$ aAA#i2d s"-scr22- &it4 t42ir 1r22 Dott#2s, D"t ma-$ stat2d t4at -o& t4at t42$ ?-o& t42 ris?s o1 2xc2ssi:2 U/ 2xAos"r2 t42$ &i## co-ti-"2 to "s2 s"-scr22- i- t42 1"t"r2. Bott#2s o1 s"-scr22- as &2## as Droc4"r2s &2r2 #21t &it4 t42 Aoo# sta11 1or 1"rt42r 2d"catio-a# oAAort"-iti2s co-c2r-i-@ s"- sa12t$. T42 Loca# P4$sica# Acti:it$ a-d N"tritio- Wor?@ro"A o1 H2a#t4$ Caro#i-ia-s &o"#d #i?2 t4a-? t42 1o##o&i-@ 1or t42ir co-triD"tio-s to t42 s"cc2ss o1 t4is 2:2-tV t42 Roc?i-@4am Co"-t$ D2Aartm2-t o1 P"D#ic H2a#t4, Doctors /isio- C2-t2r o1 Ed2-, Wa#-Mart i- Ed2- a-d R2ids:i##2, t42 Am2rica- Ca-c2r Soci2t$, Roc?i-@4am Co"-t$ Pr2@-a-c$ Car2 C2-t2r, Dr. !o4- Ha## D2rmato#o@$ i- Ed2-, a-d Mi?2 Moor2 o1 WLOE i- Ed2- a-d WMYN i- Ma$oda-. I1 a-$o-2 is i-t2r2st2d imor2 i-1ormatio- co-c2r-i-@ s"sa12t$ a-d s?i- ca-c2r A#2as2 :isit t42 &2Dsit2 &&&.s?i-ca-2r.or@ or &&&.ca-c2r.or@ or ca## t42 H2a#t4 Caro#i-iaCoordi-ator, B2:2r#$ Sc"rr$, at 336-342-8258 1or mor2 i-1ormatio-.
!o4- Nor&ood, Fra-? M2ador, L2o#a M2ador, Mac2$ LiA1ord, !C Ma##ard, Na-c$ Nor&ood, Lorri2 Nor&ood, `at$ Dr2&s a-d Gordo- Dr2&s a-d Wa$-2 H"dd#2sto-, D"si-2ss r2#atio-s ma-a@2r, a@ric"#t"ra# mar?2t, D"?2 E-2r@$
R O C K I N G H A + C O U N T Y 4-H1E R S WIN AW A R D S AT S TATE E LECTRIC C O N G R E S S A d2#2@atio- o1 4-H’2rs 1rom Roc?i-@4am Co"-t$ &as -am2d t42 toA co"-t$ @ro"A at t42 4-H Stat2 E#2ctric Co-@r2ss !"#$ 12-14 at t42 U-i:2rsit$ o1 Nort4 Caro#i-a at Wi#mi-@to-. T42 d2#2@atioo1 :o#"-t22rs a-d 4-H $o"t4 i-c#"d2d !o4- Nor&ood, Fra-? M2ador, L2o#a, M2ador, !C Ma##ard, Mac2$ LiA1ord, Na-c$ Nor&ood, Lorri2 Nor&ood, `at$ Dr2&s a-d Gordo- Dr2&s. T42 co"-t$ a&ard @o2s to t42 co"-t$ t4at s"Dmits t42 toA Gro"A C"m"#ati:2 E#2ctric Boo?. !o4- Nor&oodb 18, so- o1 !o4- a-d Na-c$ Nor&ood o1 R"11i-, acc2At2d t42 a&ard o- D24a#1 o1 o"r co"-t$’s d2#2@atio-. T42 Roc?i-@4am d2#2@atio- &as a#so &o- t42 co"-t$ a&ard as t42 toA d2#2@atio- i- t42 D"?2 E-2r@$ s2r:ic2 ar2a. T42 stat2’s t4r22 2#2ctric Ao&2r comAa-i2s a--"a##$ r2co@-ic2 toA 4-H’2rs 1or 2#2ctric 2-2r@$ Arod2ct ac4i2:2m2-ts. !o4- Nor&ood &as a&ard2d 1irst A#ac2 1or D"?2 E-2r@$’s s2r:ic2 t2rritor$ d"ri-@ c2r2mo-i2s !"#$ 12 at Co-@r2ss. H2 &as a#so -am2d t42 stat2 s2-ior di:isio- &i--2r. Stat2 &i--2rs ar2 -am2d i- s2-ior a-d d"-ior di:isio-s 2ac4 $2ar. T&o 4"-dr2d 1ort$ 4-H’2rs, ad"#t #2ad2rs a-d CooA2rati:2 Ext2-sio- a@2-ts 1rom 63 co"-ti2s a-d Ao&2r comAa-$ r2Ar2s2-tati:2s att2-d2d t42 t4r22-da$ 2:2-t. 4-H’2rs &i- t42 2xA2-s2s-Aaid triA to 4-H E#2ctric Co-@r2ss Das2d o- t42ir 4-H 2#2ctric Arod2ct ac4i2:2m2-ts. Si-c2 1947, Pro@r2ss E-2r@$, D"?2 E-2r@$ a-d Domi-io- Nort4 Caro#i-a Po&2r 4a:2 sAo-sor2d t42 a--"a# co-@r2ss to 2mA4asic2 2-2r@$ co-s2r:atio- a-d sa12 2#2ctricit$ "s2. T42 4-H Aro@ram is co-d"ct2d D$ Nort4 Caro#i-a CooA2rati:2 Ext2-sio- at Nort4 Caro#i-a Stat2 a-d Nort4 Caro#i-a AgT Stat2 "-i:2rsiti2s. Mor2 t4a- 240,000 $o"-@ A2oA#2 D2t&22- t42 a@2s o1 5 a-d 19 AarticiAat2 i- Nort4 Caro#i-a 4-H acti:iti2s 2ac4 $2ar &it4 t42 42#A o1 21,000 ad"#t a-d $o"t4 :o#"-t22rs.
N URSING E D U C ATO R RETIRING WENTWORTH h A1t2r 13 $2ars as #ic2-s2d Aractica# -"rs2 i-str"ctor at Roc?i-@4am Comm"-it$ Co##2@2, L2a--a La&so- r2tir2d A"@. 1. At t42 tim2 La&so- doi-2d t42 RCC 1ac"#t$ as a Aart-tim2 i-str"ctor, s42 &as a#so a 1"##-tim2 occ"Aatio-a# 42a#t4 -"rs2 &it4 Am2rica- ToDacco ComAa-$. Wit4i- 1o"r $2ars, La&so- D2cam2 a 1"##-tim2 i-str"ctor a-d a Aart-tim2 associat2 d2@r22 -"rsi-@ c#i-ica# i-str"ctor. La-son iI’:2 4ad a @r2at tim2,j said La&so-. iT42 st"d2-ts ca## m2 ‘Mama La&so-.j Mama La&so- is a stic?#2r h s4o2s a-d "-i1orm m"st D2 c#2a-, attit"d2s m"st D2 A#2asa-t a-d 2-t4"siastic, a-d -"rs2s m"st a#&a$s D2 Ao#it2. iE-t4"siastic A2oA#2 @2t 4ir2d 1irst,j said La&so-. S42 ?-o&s. H2r o&- &or? as a -"rs2 str2tc42s D2$o-d Am2rica- ToDacco to i-c#"d2 Co-2 Mi##s, Gr22-sDoro Wom2-’s HosAita# a-d A#ac2s aro"-d t42 co"-tr$ &42r2 s42 #i:2d &it4 42r Arm$ 4"sDa-d, Er-2st, -o& r2tir2d. iRCC 4as D22- a @ood A#ac2 to &or?,j said La&so-. iI 4a:2 #o:2d m$ st"d2-ts. I’:2 2-do$2d t42m. I #o:2 s22i-@ t42m i- t42ir Aro12ssio-a# ro#2s. W42-2:2r I do t42$ @2t a Di@ ?ic? o"t o1 s4o&i-@ t42ir 1orm2r t2ac42r som2t4i-@ -2& i- t42 1i2#d. It’s t4ri##i-@ to s22 t42m ta?2 Arid2 i- t42ir &or?.j It s22ms i-2:itaD#2 t4at La&so- &o"#d c4oos2 -"rsi-@ as a Aro12ssio-. Wit4 a #a"@4 s42 r2m2mD2rs, iA## m$ do##s &or2 Ba-dAids a-d &raAAi-@s.j Pro12ssio-a##$, La&so- 4as mai-tai-2d m2mD2rs4iA i- t42 NC Practica# N"rs2 Ed"catio- Associatio-, t42 Critica# N"rs2s Associatio-, t42 NC Comm"-it$ Co##2@2 Fac"#t$ Associatio-, t42 Natio-a# Wom2- o1 Ac4i2:2m2-t, a-d t42 Natio-a# Associatio- o1
S0PT0*B04 5616 090:’S <=: / ?<@:TA ST!4, P!G0 11 ! !he R"C$%NGHAM
Jaleigh Jeport... Tontinued 5rom Hage B
County Star
- The General Assembly e0panded the Building Reuse and Restoration Grants Program by $3 million. The $11 million program helps communities restore and renovate vacant buildings for use by neB and e0panding businesses. Development grants of up to $480,000 are available for proHects in Tier 1 and Tier 2 counties. Grants are capped at $240,000 for proHects in Tier 3 counties. For most proHects, at least one Hob must be created for each $8,000 in grant funding. The ne0t application deadline is September 3rd. Since they Bere launched in 2004, the tBo programs combined have aBarded more than $80 million to 378 proHects, assisting 470 businesses and creating 11,200 Hobs. The grants are aBarded to local governments, Bhich Bork Bith the businesses to ensure Hob creation. - The General Assembly e0panded the Rural Center’s Small Business Assistance Fund from $500,000 to $1.5 million. The center is Borking Bith the SelfHelp Credit Union to leverage the state’s investment into $7.5 million in small business loans. The additional $1 million in this fund is e0pected to result in loans to more than 150 small businesses that Bill create 550 Hobs. The priority for these loans goes to businesses: in rural countiesT oBned by Bomen or minoritiesT Bith feBer than 100 employees and less than $10 million in salesT that create neB Hobs that pay above their county’s average BageT and that leverage federal stimulus dollars. - The Rural Center received $1 million in additional money for the Family Farm Opportunity and Innovation Fund. The money Bill be distributed to farmers in grants of up to $20,000 to help improve efficiency on the farm, to develop neB markets for their products, and to develop neB products. The total value of the fund from all sources is $18 million, including $1 million from the Tobacco Trust Fund to match the state’s contribution. !griculture - Agriculture remains the state’s top industry Bith an estimated annual value of $70 billion. Seventeen percent of all Hobs in the state are related to agriculture or agribusiness. The industry is threatened by increasing urbanization. Since 2002, North Carolina has lost more than 6,000 farms and 600,000 acres of farmland. Legislators are trying to stem the losses through the Bork of the state’s Farmland Preservation Trust. The trust supports farming, forestry, and horticulture by buying agriculture and conservation easements and funding programs that help family farmers develop business and marketing plans. The General Assembly put $2 million into the trust this year. - The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources have been directed to help develop a plan and a report on agricultural Bater infrastructure needs. The neB laB (SL 2010-149, H 1748) instructs the departments to continue to Bork Bith the North
!n#estin()!n)*oc-in(ha0 1ount34s)5ualit3)of)8ife C"#$%#&'()01"2)P,-')).3 Negro Business and Professional Women’s Club, Inc. LaBson Bas educated at cate Bitting Reynolds Hospital’s School of Nursing Bhere she earned a three-year diploma in nursing. Through American University, she earned a bachelor and master’s degrees in nursing. She continued Bith her education by taking parish nursing courses at Duke University and nurse educator courses at East Carolina University. I Bill miss the college,a said LaBson. `It has friendly people.a After retirement her plans are to rest, rela0, spend time Bith her husband, tBo children and five grandchildren, and travel.
4-H IN(ITES Y O U T H TO /OIN 4-H is for all young people, boys and girls, 5 to 18 years old, regardless of Bhere you live, Bhat your background is, or Bhat interests you. 4-H is for all Bho enHoy dlearning by doing.d 4-H offers clubs, special interest programs, summer camp and school enrichment. There is no cost to Hoin 4-H and no uniforms to Bear. Through 4-H you can gain valuable life skills such as: responsibility, leadership, self esteem, critical thinking, communication skills and good citizenship - and have LOTS OF FUN doing ite Contact Morgan Maness, Rockingham County 4-H Agent for more information on hoB to Hoin 4-H or become a Bonderful volunteere You can call Morgan at 336-342-8248 or email at morganhmanessincsu.edu.
TR A(IS TO FI33 B A33OT (A C A N C Y In a meeting held in late july, the E0ecutive Committee of the Rockingham County Republican Party voted to have Craig Travis fill the vacancy on the ballot for County Commissioner. Craig Travis, a native of Rockingham County and a veteran of the US Navy, received the Republican nomination to replace Robert Wilson on the ballot for Rockingham County Commissioner this fall. Travis received more than 1150 votes in the May primary, falling Hust short of the nomination outright. dI received a cal from Robert Wilson informing me of his decision to buit the race for county commissioner due to personal reasons,d Travis said. dI Bas saddened to hear Robertks decision, and I told him that he and his family Bould be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope all of you Bill keep him and his family in your prayers.d
Carolina Farm Bureau Federation, other agricultural groups, and farmers on the plan, as Bell as to identify and encourage voluntary Bater conservation and protection. The laB also calls for the development of a cost-share program to help farmers and agricultural landoBners Bho adopt best management practices for Bater conservation. The departments must report their findings to the Legislative Study Commission on Water and WasteBater Infrastructure by November 1st. - The state provided $250,000 for the Department of Agriculture `Got to Be NCa marketing campaign. This program promotes North Carolina farm products by helping to develop markets for North Carolina produce and products in grocery stores, restaurants, farmers’ markets, and other establishments. - The Department of Agriculture received $200,000 to augment its international trade efforts. The department’s International Trade Office helps connect farmers and North Carolina suppliers of agricultural commodities to international buyers. This money Bill help support additional international trade efforts and missions, especially in the groBing e0port markets for pork, tobacco, and cotton to China and Central America. *iscellaneous - The state Office of Rural Health has received $1 million to help small rural hospitals pay for operations and infrastructure maintenance. The office Borks collaboratively Bith the NC Hospital Association to distribute the money. Hospitals can typically rebuest $75,000 to $125,000 for ebuipment or enhancements that Bill help improve their long-term fiscal stability. - A person Bho has been issued a permit to remove a coyote noB has an additional option under legislation approved this year by the General Assembly. A neB laB (SL 2010-156, H 1824) alloBs the use of a humane, live capture collar trap. The trap Borks by throBing a cable loop over the animal’s head. The end of the loop is anchored in the ground. The laB rebuires that the trap be checked daily and that a dog or other animal not targeted by the trap be released unharmed. The laB Bas recommended by the House Select Committee on Coyote Nuisance Control.
- The Legislative Research Commission has been authorized to study the issue of Bhether the Wildlife Resources Commission has carried out is mandate to increase its capability for studying fo0es and other fur-bearing populations and then to implement plans that Bould produce `optimuma populations of the
animals in the state. The study alloBs the commission to solicit input from hunters, trappers, public health authorities, agriculture officials, and other interested parties. The studies bill (SL 2010152, S 900) also alloBs for a study of the issue of adebuate insurance coverage options for fresh produce groBers.
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! PAGE 12 EDEN’S OWN . COUNTY STAR, SEPTEMBER 2010 T<?036 o9 all t<?e5 7o3e at P7e3S5 "T3 Uo4r3alB !e?ort5= le55o35 a37 more= <o4 Tr0te 0t= TeSll maAe 0t looA 6oo7 9or <o4! VVW@WXY@ZV[[
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!ut on your Bobbi Socks, dig out that poodle skirt, roll up those sleeves and 9eans. It<s time for a return to the ?@<s in a grand Aay. Come dressed to impress in your best ?@<s attireC Dhis year<s fund raiser for
County Star I"#$%&'"( I" R+,-'"(./0 C+2"&3’% 52/6'&3 +7 8'7$ Continue( f0om *age --
School Is In! Look Sharp In Your NEW School Clothes This Year! the Draper Rural Gire Department HEdenJ Aill include a Sock Kop dance at the Mill Avenue Recreation Center, Mill Avenue, Eden, on Saturday, Nctober O, P@Q@, R p.m. S Q@ p.m. With music from the ?@<s on up to the present, there Aill be a dance contest and a vote for king and Uueen. Gor those that come hungry, the firefighter's Aill be selling and cooking hot dogs and have refreshments. Corsages for sale by Auxiliary stars in program in honor or memory of loved ones only X?. Want to advertise or place an YalbumZ in honor or memory of a loved one[ We have the solution. Display albums Hhuge record albums decorating the Sock KopJ are for sale for sponsorship durS ing event, from XQ@ S XQ@@ variS ous sizes to fit everyone<s budget. With space limited, there Aill be a X? entrance fee. Advanced tickets are on sale through any auxiliary member: Draper Rural Gire Department, and at Eden<s NAn Journal<s Nffice and Diamond<s _ Dust.
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The General Election is November 2, 2010. `E_ERAL ELECDIN_ _NVEMBER P, P@Q@ S c:d@ AM S R:d@ !M Residency Deadline: Nctober e, P@Q@ Registration Deadline: October 8, 2010 Absentee by Mail ReLuest Begins September d, P@Q@ S Ends Nctober Pc, P@Q@ Voted ballots must be delivered to the CBE office by ?:@@ pm _ovember Q, P@Q@ or must be postmarked by _ovember P, P@Q@. One Stop Voting PAt County OfficeR Begins Nctober Qe, P@Q@ S Ends Nctober d@, P@Q@ f Q:@@ pm Monday S Griday: g:@@ am h ?:@@ pm Saturday h Nctober d@th: O:@@ h Q:@@ Unless County Board of Elections extends voting until ?:@@ pm.
Dhe William Bethell Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution in Reidsville, honor and pay loving tribute to the memoS ry of Glorence Rogers. Dhe DAR is a nonSprofit, nonSpolitical, volunteer Aomen<s serS vice organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and securing American<s future through better education for children. DAR members met July Pd, P@Q@ on a hot Saturday at the Ruffin Community Cemetery to place the DAR Insignia on the grave of Glorence Wariner Rogers. Glo Aas a member ?P years and Aorked diligently in many offices until her health declined. Seen here are family members and members of the William Bethell Chapter of the DAR. Gor more information on the DAR please contact Susan Bullock, Regent at cQcSQ@PO Dhe Salvation Army Eden Service Center of Rockingham County Aould like to give a BI` DKA_j YNU to Eden !ost Nffice and the citizens of EdenC Because of the generosity of the Eden community and the Aillingness of the !ostal Carriers, the food pantry Aas greatly restocked Aith canned goods and nonSperishS ables. Dhank you to all Aho gaveC You have made a difference in the lives of those less fortunate in the community. `od bless you.
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+ra.t0.al 34r5036 5t47e3t5 5ta37 a37 9a.e a3 a470e3.e o9 9am0l<= 9r0e375= a37 035tr4.tor5 74r036 the a334al ?ra.t0@ .al 34r5036 .a??036 a37 ?033036 .eremo3< hel7 at !o.A036ham Comm430t< Colle6eB WENTWORTH hDuring a July PR evening ceremony, dP Rockingham Community College practical nursing students received their caps and pins. Dhe ceremony began Aith commendations from Kealth Sciences Division Dean, Dom Karding, on the students< diligence and hard Aork. Dhen guest speaker, Shannon jnight, R_, a graduS ate of RCC<s practical nursing and associate degree nursing proS grams, and current director of nursing facility at Britthaven of Madison, said, YYou are entering a profession that Aill impact a lot of people. But Ae are facing a challenge due to the shortage of nursS
Continue( to *age -.
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S ALMONELLA O UTBREAK A N D R ECENT R ECALL O F S HELL E G G S !"#$!%&$'( #C – On ture, and use them within one August 13, 2010, Wright County week. Egg of Galt, Iowa, conducted a • Freeze eggs for longer storage: nationwide voluntary recall of break the eggs, beat the yolks and shell eggs that it had shipped whites together, and put in a since May 19, 2010 to food freezer container. Egg whites can wholesalers, distribution centers be frozen alone. Use frozen eggs and foodservice companies in within a year. California, Illinois, Missouri, • Cook eggs until yolk is firm. Colorado, Nebraska, Minnesota, Many cooking methods can be Wisconsin and Iowa. These com- used to cook eggs safely, includpanies distribute nationwide. ing poaching, hard cooking, The recalled shell eggs are scrambling, frying and baking. If packaged under the following you prefer soft-cooked eggs, use brand names: Lucerne, pasteurized in-shell eggs (availAlbertson, Mountain Dairy, able in some supermarkets) or a Ralph’s, Boomsma’s, Sunshine, pasteurized liquid egg product. Hillandale, Trafficanda, Farm Casseroles and other dishes conFresh, Shoreland, Lund, Dutch taining eggs should be cooked to Farms and Kemps. 160]F (71]C) as measured with a State and local partners are food thermometer. Serve cooked also investigating human eggs and dishes containing eggs Salmonella infections in Arizona, immediately after cooking, or Connecticut, Massachusetts, place in shallow containers for Maryland, North Carolina, quick cooling and refrigerate at Nevada, Oregon, Pennsylvania, once for later use. Use within Tennessee and three or four I..$#++%0,(+#"%;3 Texas. days. S,.24$#..,% Salmonella Salmonella bacteria can be enteritidis caus#$8#'*8*"*+%(+(,..3 found inside seemes fever, nausea, .,+8%-4('%84%+#/#$ a b d o m i n a l ingly normal eggs. When those eggs are ",3+1%,$"%24+8%6#'= cramps and/or eaten raw or under- +4$+%'#04/#'%5*874(8 diarrhea usually cooked, the bacteria 12 to ,$8*;*48*0%8'#,82#$89% beginning can cause sickness 72 hours after and even death. eating food or However, people can do a lot to drinking a beverage contaminatprevent Salmonella infection. ed with the bacteria. Symptoms Proper handling and storage of can appear as early as six hours eggs help prevent bacterial after eating food contaminated growth, and thorough cooking with bacteria. Most people destroys the bacteria. become ill enough to see a docTo avoid egg-borne tor, and some people must be Salmonella illness, follow these hospitalized, a few with lifefood-safety rules when buying, threatening complications. storing, preparing, serving and According to Joyce Parrish, eating eggs. Public Health Preparedness • Don’t eat raw eggs or foods Coordinator/Communicable containing raw eggs, like cookie Disease Nurse, “It’s sometimes a dough, blender drinks, cake bat- little tricky initially identifying ter, homemade mayonnaise, or salmonella enteritidis versus an homemade ice cream (and don’t ordinary stomach virus. People lick the bowl). Instead, use pas- will assume that it’s just a stomteurized liquid egg product or ach bug and may not seek medpasteurized in-shell eggs if the ical attention until 2-3 days after food will not be cooked before onset of symptoms. To investieating. gate the source of salmonella a • Buy clean eggs. Choose Grade person needs to know what they A or AA eggs with clean, ate 3 days prior to the onset of uncracked shells. Open the car- symptoms. Generally by the time ton before you buy and make sure salmonella is laboratory-conthat the eggs are clean, not firmed its 5-6 days later and cracked, and have been refriger- almost impossible to remember ated in the store. Any bacteria what was eaten so many days present in an egg can multiply before.” quickly at room temperature. Illness caused by Salmonella Don’t wash eggs. enteritidis usually last four to • Keep eggs refrigerated. Store seven days, and most persons eggs in their carton in the coldest recover without antibiotic treatpart of the refrigerator, not in the ment. Very young children, the door, and use within three to five elderly and people with comproweeks. The refrigerator should mised immune systems have an be set at \0]F (5]C) or slightly increased risk of developing sericooler. Don’t leave eggs out of ous illness, and should visit a the refrigerator for more than two health care provider immediately hours. When baking or cooking, if they develop these symptoms. take out the eggs you need and In these patients, the infection return the rest to the refrigerator. may spread from the intestines to Keep hard-cooked eggs in the the blood stream and then to refrigerator, not at room tempera- other body sites and can cause
"2"# &72W7$%& &"P7W&
death unless the person is treated promptly with antibiotics. For more information on food safety, visit the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Food Safety website at www.foodsafety.gov. For more information about Salmonella, visit the CDC’s website at www.cdc.gov.
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'ea<t> $i@A ProDiding +o<utionA Ior .etter 'eat> +>ou<d 6ou 8et a I<u +>ot_ The flu is a respiratory infection that's caused by many different viruses. Up to one in five people get the flu in the U.S. each year. It comes on suddenly, causes worse symptoms than the cold, and can be serious for some people. As you know, last year, a new strain of flu was thrown into the mix. Called swine flu at first, then H1N1, it caused symptoms similar to regular flu, such as fever, cough, aches, chills, and fatigue. Did you get a flu shot last year? If you're someone who's always thought flu shots are just for your grandparents, think again. For the 2010–11 flu season, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now recommends that almost everyone get a flu shot. That is, everyone six months and older. These changes will simplify guidelines that have been confusing to many people. You should know that the new flu vaccine will include the H1N1 strain. Any shortage in vaccine supplies this season may slightly alter a plan to vaccinate everyone at once, however. In that case, the CDC may prioritize vaccines as it has in the past. It would first target people who are at higher risk of developing complications from the flu. This includes people who are 65 and older and pregnant women. Also, people with certain chronic medical conditions, such as asthma or heart disease, would take priority. In addition, it is also important for those coming into close contact with these people to get vaccinated early. Now, if you're pregnant, you may wonder if it is safe to get a flu shot. The short answer is, yes. However, this is not true if you have a severe allergy to eggs. That's because the ingredients for flu shots are grown inside eggs. Also, you should not get a vaccine if you have had a severe reaction to a flu shot in the past. If you're pregnant, request the flu shot, not the nasal spray vaccine. It is made from an inactivated virus. This makes it safe for you and your baby during pregnancy. Avoid trying to get pregnant for four weeks after a vaccination with a nasal spray vaccine. So, when should you get a flu vaccine? Now is a good time to start thinking about it. Flu season runs from November to April. Most cases hit between the end of December and early March. You can probably get the vaccine starting in September. It's best to do it as early as possible so you can head off any infections "at the pass." Getting the flu shot early gives your body time to build up immunity. This means it will protect you better against the flu. If you haven't gotten the vaccine by December or so, or if it hasn't been available for some reason, still go ahead and get it when you can. Remember that the nasal mist vaccine is only for healthy, non-pregnant people who are between 2 and \9 years old. If you do develop cough and cold symptoms, stop in to see us. We can help you select the best over the counter medications to help put you on the road to recovery.
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County Star Investin( In Rockin(ham County’s 5uality of Life Continued from Page 12 !"# T&!'!()'!* I ,-.,/! 0)1 /) '!23& )1/ /) )/&!' 32',-4 ,-5,.,5126" 2-5 !-3)1'24! /&!7 /) 8!3)7! -1'"!"#9 D1',-4 /&! 3!'!7)-0* ";!3,26 2<2'5" <!'! 4,.!- /) /&! ()66)<,-4> ?!-!2-! D1-- 2-5 M,3&!66! A&!/B!6 <&) !23& '!3!,.!5 2 P!!' A<2'5E 2-5 ?!--,(!' K!!6!' 2-5 C)1'/-!0 M20" <&) !23& '!3!,.!5 2 F2316/0 A<2'5# T&! 32-5,52/!" ()' 4'2512/,)- <!'!> A78!' S7,/& )( B')<-" S177,/E D2<- C)'17* M2-50 H266* K'0"/26 H2'',")-* C'0"/26 K,-4* M,"/0 M2'/,-* ?27,! M1-)B* B'2-50 S2//!'<&,/!* ?2-0-! S/!.!-"* T2'2 T,66!0* 266 )( E5!-E S&'!! L!!* S/!;&2-,! M2//&!<"* A6,"2 M3C1/3&!)-* 266 )( N'!!-"8)')E L0-- D!--0* ?!-!2-! D1--* C)1'/-!0 M20"* 266 )( M25,")-E C)1'/-!0 S7,/& )( M20)52-E F!6,3,2 B'27!* ?!--,(!' B')<-* K2/&!',-! C'!,4&/)-* C'0"/26 N2"/)-* ?!--,(!' K!!6!'* S&!7!O2 S7266"* M,3&!66! A&!/B!6* 266 )( R!,5".,66!E H!2/&!' T1'-!' )( R1((,-E D2<- N',((,- )( S2-50 R,54!E M,3&!66! D2.," )( S/)O!"526!E R)Q2--! D156!0* B!//0 F2'7!'* R!8!332 K!,/&* C,!''2 A2'5* 266 )( S/)-!.,66!E S2'2 A,6")- )( A26-1/ C).!#
Participants prepare quesadillas during the Che< and the Child program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
S U M M E R G R A D U ATION H E L D F O R RCC STUDENTS WENTWORTH U O.!' XWW ,-5,.,5126" !2'-!5 2 3!'/,(,32/!* 5,;6)72* )' 5!4'!! ,- /,7! ()' "177!' 4'2512/,)- !Q!'3,"!" &!65 ?160 \W ,- /&! A;;6! A7;&,/&!2/!' 2/ R)3O,-4&27 C)771-,/0 C)66!4!# P'!",5!-/ E7!',/1" )( A"&!.,66!-B1-3)78! T!3&-,326 C)771-,/0 C)66!4!* D'# K# R20 B2,6!0* <&) 31''!-/60 "!'.!" )- /&! S/2/! B)2'5 )( C)771-,/0 C)66!4!" ()' N)'/& C2')6,-2* 5!6,.!'!5 /&! 3)77!-3!7!-/ 255'!""# _N'2512/!"* 0)1 2'! /&! (1/1'! 6!25!'"&,; ()' R)3O,-4&27 C)1-/0# Y)1 <,66 8! 6!25!'" 8!321"! )( /&! a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a154! <,"!60 2" 0)1 7!!/ /&!"! 3&266!-4!"#9
Continued To Page 16
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M EANING O F FL A G D R A P E D C OFFIN !ll !mericans should 0e given this lesson. Those who thin7 that !merica is an arrogant nation should really reconsider that thought. 9ur :ounding :athers used G9<=s word and teachings to esta0lish our Great >ation and ? thin7 it=s high time !mericans get re-educated a0out this >ation=s history. Pass it along and 0e proud o: the country we live in and even more proud o: those who serve to protect our =G9< G?CD>= rights and :reedoms. Here is how to understand the :lag that laid upon it and is surrendered to so many widows and widowers. <o you 7now that at military :uneralsF the G1-gun salute stands :or the sum o: the num0ers in the year 1IIJK Have you ever noticed the honor guard pays meticulous attention to correctly :olding the Lnited States o: !merica Flag 1O timesK Pou pro0a0ly thought it was to sym0olize the original 1O coloniesF 0ut we learn something new every dayR • The 1st :old o: the :lag is a sym0ol o: li:e. • The Gnd :old is a sym0ol o: the 0elie: in eternal li:e. • The Ord :old is made in honor and remem0rance o: the veterans departing the ran7s who gave a portion o: their lives :or the de:ense o: the country to attain peace throughout the world. • The Tth :old represents the wea7er natureF :or as !merican citizens trusting in GodF it is to Him we turn in times o: peace as
well as in time o: war :or His divine guidance. • The 5th :old is a tri0ute to the countryF :or in the words o: Stephen <ecaturF =9ur CountryF in dealing with other countriesF may she always 0e rightW 0ut it is still our countryF right or wrong.= • The Jth :old is :or where people=s hearts lie. ?t is with their heart that they pledge allegiance to the :lag o: the Lnited States 9: !merica F and the Repu0lic :or which it standsF one >ation under GodF indivisi0leF with Li0erty and Zustice :or all. • The Ith :old is a tri0ute to its !rmed ForcesF :or it is through the !rmed Forces that they protect their country and their :lag against all her enemiesF whether they 0e :ound within or without the 0oundaries o: their repu0lic. • The 8th :old is a tri0ute to the one who entered into the valley o: the shadow o: deathF that we might see the light o: day. • The \th :old is a tri0ute to womanhoodF and Mothers. For it has 0een through their :aithF their loveF loyalty and devotion that the character o: the men and women who have made this country great has 0een molded. • The 1^th :old is a tri0ute to the :atherF :or heF tooF has given his sons and daughters :or the de:ense o: their country since they were :irst 0orn. • The 11th :old represents the lower portion o: the seal o: _ing <avid and _ing Solomon and glori:ies in the He0rews eyesF the God o: !0rahamF ?saac and Zaco0.
• The 1Gth :old represents an em0lem o: eternity and glori:iesF in the Christians eyesF God the FatherF the Son and Holy Spirit. • The 1Oth :oldF or when the :lag is completely :oldedF the stars are uppermost reminding them o: their nations mottoF =?n God We Trust.= !:ter the :lag is completely :olded and tuc7ed inF it ta7es on the appearance o: a coc7ed hatF ever reminding us o: the soldiers who served under General George WashingtonF and the Sailors and Marines who served under Captain Zohn Paul ZonesF who were :ollowed 0y their comrades and shipmates in the !rmed Forces o: the Lnited StatesF preserving :or them the rightsF privileges and :reedoms they enaoy today. There are some traditions and ways o: doing things that have deep meaning. ?n the :utureF you=ll see :lags :olded and now you will 7now why.
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2010 !"P$"%&"' *GD*R ","N6 NO'$N 2A'OLINA
Washington Street
River Otter Dan E. Smith
Friday 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm ? Saturday 10am - 10pm Celebrating Eden’s Art, History and River Heritage in Beautiful, Historic Olde Leaksville Shopping District E'I,AY NI7N$ D !3I2I," &LON," !a?urdaC D 2anoe X YaCa< 'Fdes P Nands On Ac?F[F?Fes Fn YFds. \one An?F]ue "n^Fne ,FsKlaC P NFs?orFcal "_TF`F?s $wo !?a^es o= LF[e %usFc 'e[olu?FonarC 0ar 'eenac?Ien? P Ar?s X 2ra=?s P Eood Oendors
!A$3',AY NI7N$ D !L""PIN7 &OO$Y &AN, For more in:ormation a0out RiverFestF call Dden Coordinator o: Tourism & Special Dvents Cindy !dams at OOJ-JGO-II8\F ect. O^G1 or visit "_Klore"denN2HcoI No anFIals6 s<a?e`oards or `FcCcles allowed
! !"G$ %& $($)’S O-) . CO0)12 S1"R4 S$!1$M6$R 78%8
Craft’s Corner
)DaGDn #n /artL
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Massage Therapy
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&7SPH$"L WQO7RY 6onnie boCer Lic.o314 % Hour P `RR O8 min^ `O8 3$r'i8i$% ?ri%(l(5i,' ?ri, A$a%i.5 B9C NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS B= EFF(i.'#$.' G.l=
Sick and tired. Trouble on the 3ob. No 3ob. Trouble at home. Homeless. Trouble in your love life. Want a love life. Too skinny. Too fat. Too old. Not old enough. Sad. Angry. Worried. Fearful. Trouble with the children. Wish you had children. The list can go on and on. There will ALWAYS be something to drain us, something to darken our day. Yet I hasten to inter3ect, IF We Let It. Yes dear
SCALES APPLANCE R E PA I R S E R L I C E _ _ R -a s h i n g t o n S t r e e t N $ d e n 4 ) C 7 S 7 X X OO&POQ8PXQ88
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Grooming Boutiiue LLC 711 Washington St., Eden, NC 27288 \eanette Haymore, Professional Groomer
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reader, you do have some control over how deep into the abyss you are willing to fall and how long you will wallow in the murky depth’s of disappointments. Oh I know it seems that these events have full sway, but it is often the smoke and broken mirrors of our emotions. I come to this table with a fair share of violin music myself. I understand loss, disappointments, fear, worry, longing, conflict, death of loved ones and dreams. I have experienced them all (sometimes a few in one day).KThat’s LifeL (as the old song says). So what nowM What do you do when all seems to be upside down or darkM What do you do when you see no way outM What do you do when you’ve done all you can and things get worseM INm glad you asked: 1. Don’t rush to do anything. Emotions often cause us to hasten when waiting is best. It takes courage to wait. Be brave, wait. While you wait, get valid information. Try checking out a book on the sub3ect or several sites online. Ask another doctor, contractor, teacher, pastor or expert. Be informed. Ignorance is not bliss, it’s stupid. 2. Realize that happiness and 3oy are two different places. You may not feel happy but you can still have 3oy in your life. Broaden your emotional vision and thoughts to those things that are right in your world, regardless to how small they may seem at the time. 3.Let the sunshine in. Get outdoors (even if only on the Nature channel), open those blinds, sing, laugh, do something nice for someone else. Ruined expectations and dashed dreams are selfish, they want ALL your attention. Force yourself to see the sunny side of life. 4. Understand that bad things happen. You are not alone. Get into a support group. Talk. Don’t shut people out. KThis too shall pass.L EVERY problem has an expiration date on it. \ust like there were good times before the problem, there will after (or even during) the problem. 5.Can’t feel happyM Try feeling grateful!! Count your blessings, write a list of even the tiniest things that are going right. Learn to celebrate in a storm and dance in the dark. Oh, I know, it takes practice. Trust me, I know. 6. Lastly, I leave you with the words of my dearly departed mother, KSilver and Gold have I none, but that which I have, give I unto you. I recommend \esus.L \ust a little talk with \esus makes it right.
To p N o t c h Tr e e E x p e r t s
County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s 5uality of Life 3(.'i.4$% 8r(# *a5$ 9:
" #C%&'()*+ C #,'-Y " /0*Y 1 # " 0&1/ -) * ' % S Y # , !" $oan (ei+en!e,-
We accomplished a lot! Rockingham County held its annual Relay for Life on May 14 b 15, 2010. We raised d179,000 towards our goal of d195,000 We have until August 31, 2010 to raise the rest! Relay for Life raises precious dollars for the American Cancer Society b dollars that are used for research to treat and cure cancer, as well as for local programs to help those currently battling the disease. Several events will take place in August including our KfurrstL annual Bark for Life! Yes, our furry friends get cancer too! This event is sponsored by Rockingham County Relay for Life and will be fun for the whole b extended b family! It will take place on Saturday, August 28th at Stoneville Ball Park in Stoneville, NC. Registration begins at 8:30 . The canine Relay begins at 10:00, after opening ceremonies. Anyone is encouraged to walk with us and en3oy the festivities b with or without a dog! There will be games and contests including prizes for longest and shortest tail, biggest ears, owner look-alikes and dogs that traveled the farthest! A water station and pool will be provided for canine participants. Each registered dog will receive a bandana which matches a Bark for Life shirt their person can buy. Pictures with your pet can also be purchased. Food will be plentiful b provided by Siuealing Pig Barbecue for a donation. Other pet friendly vendors will be on hand. Various rescue groups will have dogs available for adoption and we will have lots of human and canine entertainment. Tribute stakes may also be purchased for d5 each. These will line the track and will have a special human or paw print to memorialize someone who has or is battling cancer. Please ask your friends for donations and encourage them to come out and 3oin us in this walk to stomp out cancer! Prizes and trophies will be awarded to the three dogs who raise the most money for the American Cancer Society! For more information, or to register, go to www.relayforlife.org/barkrockinghamnc or call 336-548-1974 and leave a message. We can defeat cancer together!
C "&+/ S -# 3 3 / " S * S % S 1# " &' 1 # " + *-&#' On August 3, 2004 Floyd Lee K\imL Wilson was fatally shot while at his residence on Penny Lane in Reidsville. He was 64 and in poor health when unknown person(s) forcefully entered his home and murdered him. Lt. Tammy Howell continues to investigate this case in an effort to find the person(s) responsible for this death. If anyone has any information, please call Lt. Howell at 6343238, or Crime Stoppers for a reward up to d1,000. The family of Mr. Wilson also offers a reward.
4#*"5 6/0C#+/S ' / 6 +/+4/" -$)1-OR1H b At the \uly 13 meeting of the Rockingham Community College Board of Trustees, the oath of office was administered to new board member, \anice Richardson Tate. Appointed by the Rockingham County Board of Commissioners, Tate replaces Garland Rakestraw of Stoneville, who retired from the board effective \une 30. Tate’s duties began \uly 1. A retired business teacher and career development coordinator from Madison-Mayodan High School and then McMichael High School, Tate has many years of community service. She will continue her service as Mayor Pro-Tem on the Madison Board of Aldermanan, a position she also held from 2003-05. She has served on the Rockingham County Solid Waste Commission and on the oversight committee for the proposed Madison-Mayodan library. Volunteer service through her church includes working with Meals on Wheels and, through Kids Hope, mentoring a student at Dillard Elementary for over two years. She lives in Madison with her husband, Forrest Tate. KI’m honored to be serving as a trustee of RCC,L said Tate. KI am excited to be succeeding Garland Rakestraw and I hope I can follow in his footsteps. He was a marvelous asset to college.L
S -,5/'-S / * " ' *C*5/+&C 0&S-&'(
Serving All of Rockingham County @ Surrounding Areas
-$)1-OR1H b Rockingham Community College announces those named to the summer semester 2010 President’s List and Dean’s List. To iualify for the Presidentls List, students must be enrolled full-time (12 or more credit hours) and maintain a 4.0 grade-point average. !a#$% '( ')$ *r$,i%$.'/, 0i,' 1$r$2 Chatham, Va. b Vicky Robertson. Reidsville b Renee Caulder, Mary Westmoreland.
3(.'i.4$% (. *a5$ 67
9A Cut A;ove The Rest= 24 -$S SH$L1O) e Em -Hour $;<erienced "rCorist Fre tes e a 1ree Removal and 1rimming Stormrgency m i t Wo Es rk Chi<<ing and Stum< Grinding CaCling and 6racing N "nimal Rescue
Budget Hair Salon
R$oKia TE Best, PKoTect CooKdinatoK >?@-?B@? UestedenVtKiadEKKEcom
EDEN MALL • 336-635-6469
cPDATE: R82 of 1,692 seats sold Z8 Lheelchair Spaces] [87,302 of [2RR,000 raised in propect 34q Donated Local professional and businesses have helped replace all but 108 of the old MHS Duane Best Auditorium downstairs seats@ LetAs give a donor-shove for CremovalD in September. LetAs getAer done@ Recent donors are BB&T, Benson Cabinet Company, Cirrus Construction Company, Dr. and Mrs. L. Lee Turner, Dr. John Dabbs, Home Savings BankO Nelson Cole, NC House District 6RO Terry Lood and Lalmart SuperCenter. • RTCU TN in a Troutman rocker on Lashington Street September 10-18@ RIVERFEST Silent Auction Z[140 min.] for artist-painted rockers Z12] or one straight chair. Thirteen bid winners will be listed on the auditorium Lall of Honor and take home a chair@ Mark your calendar for MHS Duane Best Auditorium benefit shows: Tthers to be announced. • Sunday, Sept. 26 ` 3 PM Appalachian State cniversityAs 2Rth Anniversay Steely Pan Steel Band • Saturday, Tct 10 ` 3 PM cNCTNDITITNAL, a Modern Drama, written and directed by Donna Lee Lilliams, MHS 1984, Remnant Productions, a Professional Christian Theatre Company ZCharleston SC] • July 22 ` August 23 DTNTR APPRECIATITN applauds: ZHonorees are not listed.] Ann, Susan, Phyllis, Chip Anonymity Lynda Burnette 1963 Jeannie Simms Carter Fred CMotoD Chilton 1961 and Family CIRRcS CTNSTRcCTITN CTMPANe Z3] Dr. John Dabbs Barbara Lee Davis 1963 DRAPER ELEMENTARe SCHTTL Scott and Lynn Flanagan CThe Fine 9D Class of 1963 Jim and Lib Grogan Lois Grogan Carol Marlowe Gwynn John and Ronelda Hale Charlie and Stephanie Hall Duane and Christy Hensley Lula U. Hill Hough Nancy Hough Deanna Hunt LEAUSVILLE HIGH SCHTTL
1949 Carolyn C. Lester Dian Lovell 1963 Michelle Mangum Andy and Barbara McBride Jennifer McElroy Z2] Uaren Mize 1963 Rose Mary Nolen Susan Powell 1963 Carol Price huinn Rhonda Carter Rhodes, Uelley Collis & Uimberly Jarrett Dani Matthews Roach 1963 Anita Dunn Robertson Rebecca Stewart Robert and Rebecca Stewart Dr. and Mrs. L. Lee Turner Robert L. Via Jane Lall 1963 Adrienne Hildreth Lalters Beth Lamar Leeks 1961 Rob and Julie Johnson Lhitsett Brochure-Donor Form LTCATITNS: 1] Barbour Studio and Gallery 2] The BetteR-Look SaloniDay Spa 3] Bodyfit-Fitness Therapy 4] Boone-Reynolds Funeral Service R] Capelli Salon 6] Church Street Station 7] Diamonds-N- Dust 8] Eden Chamber of Commerce 9]
NEW FALL STYLES!!! Eden City Hall 10] Eden Public Library 11] ElaineAs Antikue Mall & Consignment 12] ElreeAs Sweet Shoppe 13] Fair Funeral Home 14] The Front Porch 1R] GrannyAs Variety & Antikues 16] Holmes Middle School 17] In Touch Integrative Healing Arts 18] More Than eoga 19] Morehead High School 20] Railroad Cafe 21] Riverhouse Gifts & Gourmet 22] TIREMAl 23] cdenAs Shoe Center 24] eankee HotAs Cafm 2R] eMCA THE BEST FcND TEAM: eTc@ Duane and Gloria Best, Carolyn Hale Burnett ZFt. Lalton Beach FL], Chad Clark, Pete and Susan Cunningham, Brenda Denney, Lynn Dyer, Ann Fair, Janice and Jessi Hagood, Charlie Hall, Landa Harris, Buddy Meadows ZChicago IL], Sheree Joyce Mills ZRancho Palos Verdes CA], Uay Miley, Richard Nance, Doug Nichols, Rose Mary Nolen, Fern Ragan, Amanda Carter Rorrer, Uay Spencer, Debra Stowe, Lynn Tuttle, Rachel Lright.
G IVE T# E G IFT O F LIFE AT A N A MERICAN R E D C R O S S B LOODMOBILE • Led. Sept. 1st Reidsville eMCA R04 Main St., Reidsville 349-3434 2:00 pm -6:30 pm • Thurs. Sept. 2nd, Eden eMCA 301 Uennedy St., Eden 349-3434 2:00 pm -6:30 pm • Led. Sept. 8th Rockingham Community College Lhitcomb Student Center, County Home Rd. Lentworth 342-4261 10:00 am-2:30 pm • Fri. Sept. 10th NC DTT, 191 Hwy 6R Lentworth 634-R642 10:00 am-2:30 pm • Sat. Sept. 11th eanceyville Road VFD, 3361 cS Hwy 1R8 East, Reidsville 9R1-9630 11:00 am-3:30 pm • Mon. Sept. 13thVera Holland Center 203 East Main Street, Stoneville 349-3434 2:00 pm -6:30 pm • Fri. Sept. 17th Red Cross Chapter 3692 NC Hwy 14, rReidsville 349-3434 10:00 am-2:30 pm • Sat. Sept. 18th Uings Hwy Christian 417 Lest Uings Hwy, Eden 627-1766 ZType T Drive] 10:00 am-2:30 pm • Mon. Sept. 27thBurger Uing 6703 NC Hwy 13R, Mayodan 427-0649 11:30 am-4:00 pm • Thurs. Sept.30th - Leaksville Spray Elementary 41R Highland Drive, Eden 627-7068 1:30 pm-6:00 pm
LABOR DAY HOLIDAY CLOSING The City of Eden Solid Laste Division will be closed Monday, September 6th, 2010 in observance of Labor Day Holiday
SO9IK 3AS=7 L -7M<S7 !olle0tion Kate -e0y0lin, :ondaB-G>-HG =o Co$$ection TuesdaB-GC-HG =oKma$ ScMedu$e Oednesda- B-GP-HG :onda-Qs Co$$ection TMuKsdaB-GB-HG =oKma$ ScMedu$e FKidaB-HG-HG =oKma$ ScMedu$e
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If your 0olle0tion day falls on an observed holidayH your 0olle0tion )ill be 3ednesday of that )eeIJ A.. AFTER HOURS CA..S SHOU.8 BE :A8E TO THE PO.<CE 8EPART:E=T AT >?@-BC55E
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336-623-7679 Mobile Service
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336-623-9741 Now Featuring NON-ETHANOL GASOLINE Coming Soon\ New Gas Log Showroom
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When it’s time for life’s toughest decisions... When it’s time For Intensive Rehabilitation, our facility offers structured physical, occupational and speech therapy plans tailored to your individual needs, delivered by professional therapists. For Long Term Care, our nursing care meets your physical and personal needs in the most caring family environment we can create. We provide just the right level of assistance and the oversight you need to accomplish life’s daily tasks.
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F7><=?87 6reaNfast X LunMV X Dinner 6urgers ` Home CooNed 5ealsa TaNe Out Or Eat Ina SERbING ICE COLD 6EER X DRAFT . 6OTTLE . CAN P(.25 S0(/=' N# '3.# 2: F&'&2 :3. 7ND LOCATION (2 HJe SC S#/:0+ AF#C A_*s IMe Cream ` Soda SVoP M :#,$2(*-7 M AQ’' P&2'2:E ;3** -#03 (' D#** (' 'E#/&(* C:;;##'L T#('L j N(=#.5 I2#-'
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ConneMtions<Integrative 5assage TVeraPE4 LLC 0&--#0$*-7 4*-+,<&+/ ,-+ 13*(*$ 1&==& M#*F&0 RNL LMNT 7Yie8L NCTMN
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SHERATON NASSAU4 6AHA5ASI N::= )5 S#E2 He2" ;:. f9JJ /:-E(0&:0 (&. /.#+&2 AND )::= 2".## 0&>"2' D&2" [2" 0&>"2 ;.##g 1(*&+ ;:. 2.(F#* A3> He M D#/C __a )*(/=:32 +(2#' (EE*5C S3)U#/2 2: (F(&*()&*&25C P(''E:.2 &' .#V3&.#+C F:. -:.# &0;:.-(2&:0L E*#('# /(** 8_YMHHYe :. #-(&* &0;:h#+#02.(F#*/:0'3*2(02'C/:-
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S:"5 A,, "74 S%"4ES Eden < =7><&%?@ 5adison.5aEodan < F7><87&> Reidsville < @FI<%&%F For Donation PiMNuPs =7><8&7=
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9a=>e someone Dnows something a>out this KiLture. It is >eliePed to haPe >een taDen in the late 31Ss or in the 41Ss. W989 is a station out oU New ;orD. IU an=one reLogniVes Kersons in the Khoto Klease LontaLt 9iDe 9oore at 627-W,"E.
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RCC%FO U N D ATION A D D S N E W M E M B E R S TO WENTWORTH ) Rockingham Community College Foundation has added nine individuals to its board: Del Boothe of Eden, Vicky Alston, Martha Foster, Clarence \ohnson and Mary Hux, all of Reidsville, Virginia Smith of Ruffin, Sue \oyce of Stoneville, Candy Wright of Summerfield, and Philip Berger of Wentworth. They began their new responsibilities on \uly 1. In addition to various forms of community and church service, the new members bring a wide variety of work experience. Boothe is brewery controller with MillerCoors, Alston, Foster, Hux and Smith are all retired educators. Wright is health services manager with MillerCoors, \ohnson is a pastor, and Berger is a district attorney. LWe are thrilled with the broad experience and years of community service these individuals bring to our board,M said Gaye Clifton, foundation director. Often holding offices in the organi^ations in which they are involved, their individual community service includes: Alston - Annie Penn Hospital Auxiliary board, Alpha Delta Kappa `honorary sorority for
educatorsab a volunteer with Annie Penn Hospital, the Free Clinic of Reidsville & Vicinity, Monroeton Elementary School and Salvation Army. Berger ) North Carolina Conference of District Attorneys, Rockingham County Business and Technology Center, and \uvenile Crime Prevention Councilb volunteer with Boys & Girls Club of Eden. Boothe ) Eden Chamber of Commerce, Boys and Girls Club, Rockingham County United Way, Rockingham County Education Foundation. Foster - Floral Garden Club and Reidsville Federation of Woman’s Clubb instrumental in starting the Wentworth Carnivalb a volunteer with Meals on Wheels and the Salvation Army. Hux - Rockingham County High School faculty advisory committee, regent with the Daughters of the American Revolutionb a volunteer with the Free Clinic of Reidsville & Vicinity where she earned the Paul A. Mabe award, the Diabetes Neighborhood Fund canvas, United Way of Rockingham County, and the Rockingham County Retired Teachers Association. \ohnson ) United Way of
BOARD Rockingham County, Rockingham County \uvenile Crime Prevention Council, Ministerial Alliance of Reidsville and Vicinity, United Ministers of Reidsville, NAACPb adTunct chaplain at Annie Penn Hospital and of Old North State Council of Boy Scouts of America in Greensboro. \oyce - Library Trustees for Rockingham County, Western Friends of the Libraryb a volunteer with community senior citi^ens group, Boy Scouts of America, parent/teacher associations, and the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. Smith ) National Education Association, North Carolina Retired Government Employeesb volunteer with Community Senior Citi^ens Group. Wright ) Wake Forest Occupational Health Advisory Board, Boy Scouts of America committee secretary for troops 600 and 126, Center United Methodist Church Youth Council, North Guilford High School PTSA senior parent cochair, Wayne State University Alumni Association presidentb a volunteer with North Guilford High School PTSA and Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure.
RCC%RECEITES LA R G E FEDERAL E D U C ATION G R A N T WENTWORTH ) Once again, Rockingham Community College administrators lost hope of receiving a Student Support Services grant in 2008 through the Federal Trio Program because the U.S. Department of Education suspended consideration of such grants. College administrators had tried to obtain the grant in previous years but were not successful, primarily because the nature of the grant makes it difficult for LnewcomersM to be funded: those who previously received funding are typically re-awarded the grant before new applicants are considered. In mid-December 2009, the Department of Education ended the suspension. RCC administers waited to hear, but as spring wore on and summer came, they decided they had been denied. Then it became August and a call came in. RCC’s proposal was approved. They were being awarded $220,000 per year for five years, with that amounted adTusted upward each year, if necessary, for the cost of living. Administrators were ecstatic. LThis grant gives us the potential to build upon RCC’s emphasis in
recent years of identifying students with particular academic and related challenges,M said Dr. Bob Lowdermilk, vice president for student development. LIt will enable us to provide programming and services that will contribute to their success.M Student Support Services grants target low-income, low-income and first-generation, and disabled students. Low-income students who are first-generation and disabled students must have academic needs. According to RCC’s Institutional Research and Planning Director, Dave Smathers, services provided through the grant can be offered to 140 students each year. These services may include instruction in basic study skills, tutorial ser-
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vices, counseling, a wide variety of assistance when applying for enrollment at four-year institutions or in professional programs, guidance on career options, mentoring and special services for students with limited English proficiency, and grant aid. LWe have the potential to further enhance the experience for a designated group of students,M said Lowdermilk. LFall 2010 will primarily be designated for refining our plans and for taking the initial steps in its implementation. We plan to review practices and procedures that have proven to be successful elsewhere as we work toward implementation of the proTect at RCC.M
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The 5th Annual Temptation’s En The Garden THURSI, SEPTEMBER 30 OL_ @I[[V ]O[B f EVEN8 CEN8ER: EDEN I-g' -."- -$*& +0 -.& 9&") ","$% G \-. L%%/"1 h8&*5-"-$+%' $% -.& ]")2&% G L C&1&6)"-$+% +0 B++2: W$%&: A/'$# f ")-i7 8.$' &4&%- $' 51"%%&2 69 -.& E2&% C."*6&) +0 C+**&)#&7 8.& 4&)9 6&'- #.&0': #++<': "%2 #"-&)&)' $% "%2 ")+/%2 E2&% P$11 6& +00&)$%, -.&$) '5&#$"1-$&'7 ?)&'&%-$%, '5+%'+): A$11&)C++)': P$11 6& -.&)& P$-. "11 +0 -.&$) ,)&"- 6&4&)",&'7 N+%3"1#+.+1$# 6&4&)",&' P$11 6& '&)4&2 "1'+7 8$#<&-' P$11 6& jTF $% "24"%#& "%2 jT\ "- -.& 2++)7 8.$' ,"1" &4&%- $' $%-&%2&2 -+ .$,.1$,.- -.& P$2& 4")$&-9 +0 Y/"1$-9 +00&)$%,' 69 -.& #++<': 6"<&)' "%2 #"-&)&)' $% "%2 ")+/%2 E2&%7 B+) *+)& $%0+)*"-$+%: #"11 -.& C."*6&) "- EES3STE3 EEES7 ?1&"'& #+*& +/- "%2 *"<& -.$' -.& *+'- '/##&''0/1 h8&*5-"-$+%' $% -.& ]")2&%i &4&)k
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Continued to Page 21
County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 20 Canady, Tonja Carter, Kristen Branch, Jennifer Miller, Melissa Page, Vicky Butchee, Katey Thompson, Marcus Tinsley, Daniel Caudle, Kyle Tilley, Brittany Long, Paige Southard, James Strader, April Broadnax, Sharon Farmer, Shirley Carver, Brent Rogers, Randy Dockery, Gary Hudson, Rachael Moore, Seth Childrey, Ann Grogan Sheila Webb, Ashley Thornton, David Harris, Tracy Shreve, Kathy Davis, Jessica Frederick, Katy Pruitt, Amanda Paschal, Brittish Watlington, Erika Davis, Suzanne Schmutz, Dedra Fountaine, Laurie Wagoner, John Roberts, Elizabeth Webb, Crystal Crump, Ethan Alcorn, Brittany Thompson, Jeremy Revis, Michael Rorrer, Kawanna Lee, Joshua Roberts, Brittney Williams, Jodi Gaglio, Lauren Fields, Christopher Walker, Savannah Sloop, Michele Hawkins, Brooke Turley, Tonika Watlington, Stacy Cooper, Lauren Manley, Ashley Dickerson, Amanda Mabe, Tammy Greene, Dolores Pegram, Tonya Thomas, Cassandra Crumpton, Mark Apple, Tameika Nicholson, Callie Haskins, Michael Pass, Alex Sharp, James Turner, Heather Barber, Ashley Ware, Kristen Johnson, Michael Jarrell, Jr., Austin Tilley. Ruffin – Michael Fuller, Lana Shivley, Bridget Stophel, Steven Pegram, Alice Gaines, Micah Paschal. Sandy Ridge – Maggie Hassan, Cassie White, Leanna Boles. Sanford – Jon DiGregorio. Stokesdale – Chelsea Holcomb, Tamatha Ellis, Angela Biggs, Erin Pacheco. Stoneville – Jessica Harris, Jonathan Jones, Daniel Webb, David Vanderwerf, Rebecca Brown, Jamie Silva, Wendy White, Kathryn Church, Courtney Burroughs, Robert White, Brittanie Hewitt, Clint Jackson, Marissa Armstrong, Robert Paquin, Jr. Summerfield James McCollum, Santina Pfohl. Tobaccoville – Brandon Hunter. Walnut Cove – Katherine Sides. Yanceyville – Kwanisha James, Jeff Mercer.
FAMILY C ENTER H O L D S O FFICIAL ‘NO N-FUNDRAISER’ We would like to alert you to the fact that due to economic conditions in Rockingham County and the increase of clients requesting our services without being able to pay, the Family Life Center is facing budget crunches. The Family Life Center needs you support and help. Now, we could hold another fund-raiser and ask you to help bake, work a booth, or spend hours on the phone. Right, like who has the time for
Continued To Page 22
E D E N R ECEIVES G R A N T TO P R O M O T E H EALTHY E NVIRONMENT A N D A CTIVE LIFESTYLES Eden, NC is one of eleven municipalities in North Carolina that have been awarded grants to promote active lifestyles in their communities and influence state policy as it relates to physical activity and health. The grants were awarded by the N.C. Division of Public Health’s Physical Activity and Nutrition Branch as part of its Built Environment Policy Initiative Grants Program. Funding for this initiative comes from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) award to North Carolina. Eden will receive $24,999 as well as technical assistance and access to multiple training events to improve their knowledge and skills in health, policy, advocacy and media. Funds will be awarded over a 15month period. A new CDC report shows that more than 29 percent of North Carolina adults consider themselves obese. Data shows that nine states had an obesity rate of 30 percent or higher in 2009 – an increase over zero states in 2000 and three states in 2005. Eden will help pave the way to healthier living by informing state level policy on physical activity and the built environment (bike lanes, greenways, pedestrian crossings, sidewalks, trails, playgrounds etc). Selected communities will help to identify key policy barriers and gaps based upon their experience with policy in the overlapping areas of transportation, environment, commerce and health. The work of the communities will help form an action plan to improve policies within North Carolina government that promote healthy environments and active lifestyles in North Carolina communities. “We are excited to receive this funding and to continue promoting the healthy lifestyles of our citizens,” said Kelly Stultz, Director of Planning & Inspections. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has funded the Built Environment Policy Initiative Grants Program as part of the “State Supplemental Funding for Healthy Communities, Tobacco Control, Diabetes Prevention and Control, and Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.” Work to be completed by
these communities supports Eat Smart, Move More North Carolina, a statewide movement
that promotes healthy eating and physical activity wherever people live, learn, earn, play and pray. To
learn more, visit www.EatSmartMoveMoreNC.com
)+solutely 3erfect7 *ove:%n Ready7
WE’VE EXPANDED... More Room! More Gifts! More Fun!
Hel; Your Childr en Heal Fr om The Hur t Of DiHor ce Divorce Care for Kids, DC4K, provides a safe, fun place where your children will learn to understand their feelings, express their emotions appropriately, feel better about themselves and develop coping skills. For Ages 5-12 Su;;ort Grou;s Meeting EHery Monday 6P30 R 8P00 ;m Beginning Se;tember 13, 2010 at Growing Oaks Community Church, 2271 Harrington Hwy., Eden, NC Call 336-344-0215 or 336-623-1114 for more information
County Star
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eynolds Winslow, Eden Brewery Plant Sanitarian (right), presents a check in the amount of $3,000 from MillerCoors to Rockingham County Literacy Project Executive Director Jean Light Kinyon (center), as Susan Webb, Eden Brewery VP Sr. Administrative Assistant (left) looks on. MillerCoors is committed to improving the lives of adults in the Rockingham County area, especially those who need reading, writing, and basic math skills. The Rockingham County Literacy Project provides these skills to those who need and want them by working with volunteer tutors and proving instructional materials free of charge to the students. For more information, contact Kinyon at 627-0007, or visit www.rcliteracyproject.org.
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Once again the Weil-McLain employees came through with a donation of school supplies that will be distributed between the Eden Rec's Mill Ave. Center, the Eden Rec's Bridge St. Center and the Boys & Girls Club. Pictured from left to right are: Christie Bauman, Marie Kirkman, Tank Overby (Eden Rec), Sandy Seacat and Randy Baucom.
Kaliegh McMichael of Reidsville, sold lemonade in her front yard Saturday, August 7 and raised $80 for the animal shelter campaign. She is shown presenting her contribution to Ginger Waynick.
COCHRAN INSURANCE AGENCY 149 N. Fieldcrest Rd. Eden, NC 27288
P R $ % R A M S T$ PR$VIDE .18
MI11I$2 F $ R FA R M E R S Gov; Beverly Perdue on Monday announced an W18;4 million package of programs to help North Carolina farmers rebound from the recession; Under the 9amily 9arm Innovation 9und, five state and
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one more fund-raiser. Hence, the Second Annual Official Non-9und Raiser; If you >ould like to help out financially->onderful! I thank you, and the people >e serve thank you also; YOU are the key to our success! The 9amily Life Center is a a 501cK3M nonprofit therapeutic counseling and education center providing: K1M Individual, marriage and family therapy to Rockingham County residents >ho are ePperiencing difficulty at home related to their marriage, their children, or their ability to cope >ith lifeR and K2M Preventative education programs related to a variety of family life issues; Please provide one of the reasons belo> and mail or call in your donation today; We a>ait your response; • I do not >ant to audition for a role in the follies, but >ill donate the W10 I >ould have spent searching for the right script for the audition; • I do not >ant to spend hours learning lines; It is >orth W15 to avoid it; • I do not >ant to learn dance steps and routines; Here is W20 to avoid it; • I do not >ant to >ork on making costume or sets and >ill donate W25 Xust to avoid it; •I do not >ant to hit up my friends, family and co->orkers for money, so here is the W30 Aunt Edna >ould have given; • I do not >ant to >alk, hike, s>im, run, or participate in any other physical activity that has the >ord Zthon’ in it; Here is the W35 i >ould have spent on aspirin and Ben-Gay; • I do not >ant to park cars, >ork in concessions, usher, or any other non-follies part; Here is the W40 Xust to avoid it; • I do not >ish to attend any fancy fund-raising galas; Here is the money I >ould have spent on formal evening >ear and valet parking; W________; • I really >ouldn’t have helped any>ay; Here is W50 to forget my name; • I am deceased; Here is W100 to remove my name; Please make checks payable to: `The 9amily Life Center;a Your donations are taP deducible; Send donations to: The 9amily Center of Rockingham County, Inc;, 307 W; Morehead Street, P;O; BoP 941 Reidsville, N;C; 27323-0941
Call Station 100 at 623-1022 to order
County Star !"#$%&'"()!")R+,-'"(./0 1+2"&3’%)52/6'&3)+7)8'7$ !ontinued from Page .. federal programs will help farmers lower energy costs, launch renewable energy projects, implement value-added production and develop other sources of farm income. Over the next year, they are expected to provide grants for up to 1,500 farm projects and energy efficiency training for an additional 2,400 farmers. "This initiative builds on the legacy of innovation in North Carolina's family farms, and it is another step forward in our JobsNOW economic recovery efforts," Perdue said in making the announcement at the N.C. Rural Economic Development Center. The programs are operated by USDA's Office of Rural Development, the North Carolina Farm Bureau, the Rural Advancement Foundation International-USA and N.C. MarketReady, a project of the N.C. Cooperative Extension Service. Funding is provided by state and federal appropriations and the N.C. Tobacco Trust Fund Commission. The Rural Center is coordinating the partnership of the programs and administering the state appropriation through its Agricultural Advancement Consortium. Applications are available now for: Rural Energy for America Program. Administered by the USDA Office of Rural Development, REAP grants and guaranteed loans help farmers, ranchers and rural small businesses with energy efficiency improvements and renewable energy projects. Value-Added Producer Grants. These USDA-Rural Development grants help farmers produce and market valueadded agricultural products. Farm Energy Efficiency Project. The N.C. Farm Bureau project provides low-cost energy audits and grants to help farmers boost energy efficiency. The energy audits and grants may be used to fulfill requirements of USDA's REAP program. Tobacco Communities Reinvestment Fund. A program of the Rural Advancement Foundation International-USA, the fund offers cost share grants to help farmers develop new sources of income. N.C. Value-Added Cost Share Program. Administered by N.C. MarketReady and the N.C. Agricultural Foundation, the program provides assistance with grantwriting, feasibility assessment, matching funds and equipment to help farmers implement value-added production. The assistance may be used in applying for the USDA Value-Added Producer Grants. Agricultural organizations will be reaching out to farmers statewide to share details of the programs.
!ontinued *o Page ./
2010 CANDIDATES (General Election) *Incumbents
OFFICE NAME ON BALLOT PARTY State Senator - 26th (1 Seat) Philip E. (Phil) Berger* Rep N.C. House of Representatives - 65th (1 Seat) Nelson Cole* Dem Bert Jones Una N.C. House of Representatives - 91st (1 Seat) Edward E. Gambill Dem Bryan Holloway* Rep County Commissioners (2 Seats) Keith (Zero) Mabe Rep Bobby R. Stanley* Dem (Republican Party's Choice to Fill Vacancy 7-29-10) Craig Travis Rep Guerrant Tredway Dem Sheriff (1 Seat) Sam Page* Rep Bryan K. Wallace Dem District Attorney - 17A (1 Seat) Philip E. Berger, Jr.* Rep Clerk of Court (1 Seat) J. Mark Pegram* Dem
Sam Shelton 5 Police Department
G ET Y O U R E D E N FIRE D E PA RT M E N T SHIRT A N D FIGHT CANCER During the month of October, Eden firefighters will forgo their usual uniform shirts in favor of a T-shirt that reads “Eden Fire Department Supports Cancer Awareness.” These shirts have been purchased at no cost to the taxpayers. Extra shirts will be made for Eden residents to show their support for the firefighters and cancer awareness. The donation to receive a shirt is $10, half of that goes to the local chapter of the American Cancer Society while half is used to cover the cost of the shirt itself. The donation is tax-deductible with a receipt available. Firefighter Charlie Johnson at 623-1022.
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M EET Y O U R E D E N CITY E M P L O Y E E S If you’ve had a child go through an Eden elementary school in recent years, chances are you’ve heard them mention Sgt. Shelton. They would be referring to Sam Shelton – the ever popular DARE instructor for Eden’s schools. Shelton has been a fixture in our elementary schools for years – educating fifth-graders about the dangers of drugs. Shelton has been with Eden PD for 16 years and has had m a n y assignments as a police officer. Now Shelton he’s part of the police department’s administrative team and has duties ranging from grant writer to background investigator to instructor. In addition to teaching DARE, Shelton goes into the community to instruct Eden residents about staying safe in their neighborhoods and businesses. Born in Portsmouth, Va., Shelton has lived in Eden for many years. He likes its sense of community with people eager and willing to help each other. He is happy that his job enables him
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to help Eden “remain the wonderful place I grew up in.” When he’s off duty, Shelton enjoys spending time with his family. He is married to Kathy and has one daughter, Rebekah. He also enjoys fishing and collecting 70s memorabilia.
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Right for Rockingham County BRYAN
WALLACE SHERIFF As a law enforcement officer, Bryan Wallace has fought crime in Rockingham County for more than three decades. “As your Sheriff, I will crack down on crime in Rockingham County, just like I did as a deputy and an investigator with the District Attorney’s Office. No one will work harder to put drug dealers, domestic violence offenders and violent criminal behind bars. I’ll do everything I can to protect our children, families and property in Rockingham county. Like so many other residents, I have a family to protect, too.” Byran’s fight against crime has taken him all over our community and state. “As your Sheriff, I will be accessible to the citizens. Hands on and responsible for the operation of the Sheriff’s Office. Transparent and conservative with all money spent by the Sheriff’s Office. EXPERIENCE • North Carolina Advance Certification • Retired Deputy, Rockingham County • Certified Law Enforcement Instructor • Certified Fire Fighter Level II • Leader in Forensic Investigations and Techniques • Trained in Bio-Terrorism / Haz-Mat Response • FBI Basic / Advanced Fingerprint Identification • S.W.A.T. trained • Member of Kings Highway Christian Church P/':)7+;)<3)=;'$":%)+7)>;3/")?/66/,$)1+00'&&$$
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Continued To Page 27
Tommy Underwood is sworn in as Eden Fire Chief by Mayor Pro-Tem Wayne Tuggle on August 12th. In August the Eden Fire Department promoted several firefighters to new positons. Opening remarkes ans swearing in of officers was performed by Mayor Pro Tem Wayne Tuggle. Neil Chaney was sworn in as Lieutnenat and had his badge pinned on him by his wife Amy. Neil Chaney has been a resident of Eden since birth. He graduated from Morehead High School in 1998. He is the son of Jerry and Sandra Chaney and Sarah and Curtis Pierce. Neil is married to his lovely wife Amy and they have a cherished dog named Marcy. Neil has been with the Eden Fire Department since 1999 and with several local rural departments over the years. Three of the years he spent volunteering were for the City of Eden. In 2002, Neil joined the ranks as a daytime firefighter. In 2006, he was offered a full-time position. Neil enjoys working with the local Safe Kids Rockingham County Coalition where he serves as vice chair and as the Eden Fire Department representative. J a m e s Slaughter was sworn in and had his badge pinned on him by his wife LeighAnn. James Slaughter is a native of Eden and a 1995 graduate of Morehead High School. He is the son of Steve and Teresa Slaughter and Shannon Perdue. James is married to LeighAnn. His family also includes his sister Jeannie, nephew Drew and niece Katie. James has served as a fulltime fireman for the city for 8 years and has 13 years of experience as a volunteer fireman. He is a member of both Draper and Leaksville fire departments. James attends Wayside Baptist Church in Ridgeway. Todd Harden was sworn in as Deputy Chief and pinned by his mother Judy Harden. Todd Harden is the son of Paul and Judy Harden. He has one child, Blake. Todd is a 1987 graduate of Morehead High School. In 1989, Todd became a volunteer for the Eden Fire Department. He served 4 years as assistant fire chief for the Spray Volunteer Fire Department. He became a fulltime fireman in 2000 when he went to work for the Reidsville Fire Department. In 2003, Todd came to work in Eden as a fulltime fireman.
Todd is a member of Fellowship Baptist Church. The Oath of Office to Tommy Underwood, Sr as Eden Fire Chief was held as was and Pinning of his badge on him by his wife Vickie. Reception Sponsored By Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary Tommy Underwood is a native of Eden (Draper area) and a 1971 graduate of Morehead High School. He served 6 years in the National Guard. He is the son of George and Eva Underwood. He is married to Vicki and they have two children, Tommy Jr. (who
Deputy Fire Chief Todd Harden
Lieutenant Neil Chaney
Lieutenant James Slaughter
orks in the police department) and Brooke, and two grandchildren, Larissa and Jaylan. Tommy has 27 years of experience as a volunteer fireman and 22 years as a full-time fireman with the city. He served for the Draper Volunteer Fire Department for 19 years, 16 of those as chief. He’s a member of Central Christian Church. Tommy assisted for many years with Morehead High School sports events but had to discontinue that work in 2009 after he developed too many obligations. He continues to drive an activity bus for te
school. When he’s not busy at work, Tommy spends as much time as he can with his grandchildren.
Reception following hosted by the Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary
Wheat, Corn and Soy Free Dog Treats! Visit us at the Riverfest September 17th & 18th, 2010 Visit www.caramelpaws.com for details.
"Nelson Cole Knows Main Street" In times like these, we need a hard-working businessman fighting for our families. We need a State Representative who isn't afraid to shake up things in Raleigh. Nelson Cole is a successful small businessman and retired auto dealer. He built a business from the ground up. Nelson knows the value of a dollar. He knows our families are hurting and need our help. He knows we must help our small businesses in these tough times. Nelson Cole has been an effective lawmaker fighting for Rockingham County. Nelson's record is a testament to his leadership and dedication: • Cut state spending $3 billion - a 12% across-the-board cut in state spending, the largest spending cut in state history, even larger than spending cuts in the Great Depression • Protected education funding, saving 1,700 teaching jobs across the state • Invested in small businesses with the Small Business Tax Credit Program • Fought to bring local jobs right here at home, helping local companies access incentive and economic development funds through the Dept. of Commerce "This election is about helping local families weather this recession. It's about making sure we take care of small businesses and it's about making sure our schools are training our children so they will be competitive in the global job market." Nelson Cole is fighting for our working families. He's an advocate for jobs. He's a leader for our community. He's a voice for better schools. Ranked By His Peers As The Most Effective Legislator In The Triad.
Representative Nelson Cole Rock Solid Results For Rockingham County
! !"#$ 26 $($N*S O-N . CO0N12 S1"R, S$!1$M6$R 2010
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Circle Drive-In BBB Boone Rd., Eden
WE NOW HAVE MILK SHAKES@ Call In Orders Welcome@
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Investing In Rockingham County’s 5uality of Life Continue3 from Da4e !ravely Nature Preserve, part of the county5s 6greenway6 Smith River Trail system, which was dedicated in April, @AAB. Developed by DRFA and Genry County, with funding from The Garvest Foundation, the JK-acre preserve features two miles of interpretive trails. Gistoric features include early twentieth-century tobacco barns and the Furgess Family cemetery, reminders of former owners of the property. Industrialist, civic leader, and archaeologist Richard P. !ravely, Nr. owned the property in the late twentieth century and left instructions for its preservation as a wildlife and nature conservancy. The preserve now hosts freOuent educational and recreational events for all ages, including day camps, fitness walks, historic presentations, workshops, after-school programs, and geo-caching. Participants in the outing are asked to bring boat and paddles, life Qackets, lunch and water, to dress in layers of artificial ROuickdryingS fabric and to sign a waiver. To reach the !ravely Nature Preserve from T. S. @@A south of Martinsville, turn east at a traffic light onto Old Sand Road. Cross the T. S. KB overpass and immediately turn left onto Eggleston Falls Road. Travel about two miles to the preserve, which is on the left, across from the foot of Old Mill Road. Outings and meetings of the Dan River Fasin Association are open to the public without charge. For information about the outing, contact Wayne Yirkpatrick, @J6-6[\-\\\[ or wynbtyk]embarOmail.com For membership information, visit www.danriver.org.
C ENTURY LINK E,PA N D S B R O A D B A N D SER3ICE B E T W E E N M ADISON A N D W E N T W O RT H MADISON - Consumers and businesses in the area along Gighway JA\ between Wentworth and Madison now have access to broadband service through the deployment of CenturyLink_ Gigh-Speed Internet. This service gives customers a private, direct connection to the company`s national network, which is designed for consistent broadband speeds throughout the day. CenturyLink_ Gigh-Speed Internet service offers customers Ouick access to online and entertainment services allowing them to download movies, stream videos and play online games. With CenturyLink_ Gigh-Speed Internet service, subscribers can also create up to eight email addresses with significant mailboa storage capacity, a calendar and address book. bWhile we wait for a decision on our federal broadband stimulus grant, CenturyLink has continued to deploy DSL broadband in Rockingham County,c said Rockingham County Fusiness d Technology Center eaecutive director Mark Wells. bThey have been very supportive of our goal to provide all our citieens and businesses with broadband, and their latest deployments are a prime eaample of that.c bWe`re pleased to be able to eapand our network and bring Gigh-Speed Internet service to our customers in Rockingham County,c said Vice President Lottie Ryans. bWe know how important reliable broadband service is to our residential and business customers who live in this area and we are committed to bringing them the best service at the best prices.c CenturyLink_ Gigh-Speed Internet prices start as low as gh\.[K per month for the J6Bk download speed when bundled with the company`s voice services and, depending on where customers live, a variety of faster speeds may be available to them. For more information about CenturyLink_ Gigh-Speed Internet, customers can call the CenturyLink store to talk to a CenturyLink associate at BJJ-\@B-[@[A, visit the store at \AK E. Diaie Drive in Asheboro, or visit www.centurylink.com. A"out Century,ink/ Century,ink is a 2ea3in4 5ro6i3er of hi4h9:ua2ity "roa3"an3; entertainment an3 6oi=e ser6i=es o6er its a36an=e3 =ommuni=a9 tions networks to =onsumers an3 "usinesses in ?? states@ Century,ink; hea39 :uartere3 in Monroe; ,a@; is an B&D EFF =om5any an3 is in=2u3e3 amon4 the Gortune EFF 2ist of Ameri=aHs 2ar4est =or5orations@ Gor more informa9 tion on Century,ink; 6isit www@=entury2ink@=om@
E-MAIL M ARKETING A N D S OCIAL M EDIA S EMINAR Iake Jour Marketin4 D2an Knto Ihe Di4ita2 A4e Noin the Reidsville Chamber`s Young Professionals and Women in Fusiness Forums on September hKth, @AhA for an information packed seminar on e-mail marketing and social media. Learn the ins and outs of effective, strategic e-mail marketing including techniOues to retain and grow your customer base. !ain the knowledge to tap into cyberspace`s super highway of social media and watch as your marketing audience increases eaponentially. This outstanding seminar, lead by Anissa Starnes of Constant Contact, will introduce the beginner to the basics of successful email marketing, as well as provide eaperienced professionals with valuable tips to get the most out of your contacts and build stronger customer relationships. Anissa brings with her a wealth of knowledge
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H A S O P P O RTUNITY TO INFLUENCE LI3ES Rockingham Community College`s new baseball coach, Chris Nohnson, will also serve as the college`s student life program assistant. As a former player, coach and recruiter, Nohnson knows baseball. Ge played for L e n o i r Community College and Southeastern College in Lakeland, .oh12o1 Florida, where he finished his career lettering two years. While earning a bachelor`s degree in psychology from Southeastern, he served as a volunteer assistant coach. After graduating, Nohnson served as the top assistant coach at two high schools. Ge helped lead Fartow Gigh School in Florida to the state championship where they finished as state runner-up. At North Forsyth Gigh School the team finished the season jA-@ and then went to the state final four which led to a national ranking through Faseball America, Collegiate Faseball Magaeine, and Sports Illustrated. Ge also served as head coach at Monacan Gigh School in Richmond, Va. as well as an instructor at the Richmond Faseball Academy South. Ge also knows how to physically build athletes. For three years he worked for Lifestyle Family Fitness, the largest health club chain in Florida where he held a certification in strength and conditioning. Nohnson comes to RCC from Montreat College where he worked as a pitching coach and recruiter in the baseball program. Ge has coached as an assistant coach at Wilkes Community College and !uilford College. Ge has tapped two assistant coachesk Todd Nenkins, former Atlantic Coast Conference pitcher from Wake Forest Tniversity who has also served as assistant baseball coach at North Forsyth Gigh School and Mt. Tabor Gigh School, and currently owns the Perfect !ame Fatting Center in Winston-Saleml and Adam Speas, a three-year starter from Montreat College who recently graduated with a degree in psychology and spent this summer as an assistant coach with the Statesville Owls in the Southern Collegiate Faseball League. Nohnson said the first workout days for the fall season will be held Aug. @6. Spring season will begin in Nanuary. Despite his love of coaching and his determination to rebuild RCC`s baseball program through players and facility upgrades, Nohnson said his first dedication is to the student life part of his new Qob. In this role, he will be working with students across campus through various leadership and community service roles. bFaseball is a huge part of my life,c he said, bbut it doesn`t
define me. Student life is important to me. I enQoy working with students, all students, and I`m looking forward to doing everything I can to help individuals reach their potentialsc Nohnson is eacited about working in the community college system. bIt`s different than a four-year institution because you are spending time with people from basically one community. That situation reOuires a commitment from each side.c Nohnson resides in WinstonSalem with his wife, Rachel, and their K-year-old son Landon-Yai.
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SF.le 7Fe P8es.den7 o6 7Fe Un.7ed S7a7es .s ou7 cam<a.Jn.nJ, 7Fe P8es.den7 o6 7Fe No87F Ca8ol.na SFe8.66Ys Assoc.a7.on comes 7o A8.Kona 7o see 6.8s7 Fand Fow se1e8e ou8 .mm.J8a7.on <8oBlems 8eall) a8e. SFe8.66 Samuel PaJe .s a 7wen7)En.ne )ea8 1e7e8an o6 law en6o8cemen7. He came 7o A8.Kona on F.s own eV<ense 7o see 6.8s7 Fand wFa7 was Fa<<enE .nJ. Du8.nJ F.s weeU lonJ 1.s.7, Fe Fas seen 7Fe d8uJ and Fuman 78a66.cU.nJ a8eas .n P.nal Coun7), com<le7ed 8.deEaElonJs w.7F <a78ol de<u7.es and me7 w.7F Bo7F SFe8.66 BaBeu and SFe8.66 De1e8. SFe8.66 PaJe s7a7ed, \As a sFe8.66, I 78) 7o s7a) as Bes7 .n6o8med on 7Fe .ssues 7Fa7 e66ec7 ou8 commun.7.es. I s78.1e 7o Be <8oEac7.1e .n law en6o8cemen7 and 7Fa7 .s wF) I cFoose 7o come 7o A8.Kona and see 6.8s7 Fand wFa7 was occu88.nJ. C8.m.nal ac7.1.7) alonJ ou8 sou7Fe8n Bo8E
de8s does Fa1e an e66ec7 on 7Fe .n7e8.o8 s7a7es. TFe d8uJ and Fuman 78a66.cU.nJ 7Fa7 .s <ass.nJ 7F8ouJF A8.Kona Bleeds .n7o all o6 7Fe Un.7ed S7a7es. I Bel.e1e 7Fa7 na7.onal secu8.7) sFould BeJ.n a7 ou8 Bo8de8s. Na7.onal secu8.7) sFould no7 Be aBou7 <ol.7.cs Bu7 8a7Fe8 aBou7 <8o7ec7.nJ ou8 c.7.E Kens.] SFe8.66 BaBeu s7a7ed, \SFe8.66 PaJe .s 78ul) comm.77ed 7o <8o7ec7.nJ 7Fe c.7.Kens o6 No87F Ca8ol.na and unde8s7ands 7Fa7 an unsecu8ed A8.Kona Bo8de8 7F8ea7E ens all o6 Ame8.ca. P8es.den7 OBama sFould 6ollow SFe8.66 PaJeps lead and Be as conce8ned w.7F secu8.nJ ou8 Bo8de8. TFe P8es.den7 sFould sus<end F.s <ol.7.cal 6undE8a.s.nJ 78.<s and .n7e88u<7 F.s 1aca7.ons 7o come see wFa7 wep8e 6ac.nJ. T8ul) mo8e 7Fan a se8.ous <uBl.c sa6e7) conce8n, Bu7 a s.Jn.6.can7 na7.onE al secu8.7) 7F8ea7 7o Ame8.ca.]
R OCKINGHAM C OUNTY JAIL & LAW E NFORCEMENT C ENTER O P E N H O U S E !7# NC Hw) *+ Re.ds1.lle NC 2742# A67e8noon O<en House and Tou8 Se<7emBe8 !, 2#!# 4D##E*D## <m O<en 7o 7Fe PuBl.c Du8.nJ 7F.s o<en Fouse, c.7.Kens ma) 7ou8 7Fe La.l and Law En6o8cemen7 Cen7e8 wF.cF occu<.es <a87 o6 a 48Eac8e 78ac7 alonJ w.7F 7Fe Eme8Jenc) O<e8a7.ons Cen7e8 and Lud.c.al Cen7e8. TFe 7+,Q7# sRua8e 6oo7 6ac.l.7) .ncludes a !Q,#2! sRua8e 6oo7 Law En6o8cemen7 Cen7e8, a *#,447 sRua8e 6oo7 De7en7.on S.nJ w.7F !#8 .nma7e cells and 222 .nma7e Beds. Unl.Ue man) sucF 7ou8s, c.7.Kens ma) Jo 7F8ouJF 7Fe de7en7.on w.nJ .n add.7.on 7o 7Fe adm.n.s78a7.on and law en6o8cemen7 a8eas as .nma7es w.ll no7 Be .n <lace du8.nJ 7F.s 7.me. TFe de7en7.on w.nJ conE s.s7s o6 s.V Fous.nJ <ods. W.7cFen and laund8) a8eas wF.cF se81e 7Fe BudJe7ed Bed s<ace we8e Bu.l7 7o accommoda7e 6u7u8e eV<ans.ons as well. All Fous.nJ <ods Fa1e 1.deo 1.s.7a7.on 8ooms and ou7doo8 eVe8E c.se a8eas. A mas7e8 con78ol cen7e8 .ns.de 7Fe de7en7.on w.nJ 6unc7.ons as 7Fe ne81e cen7e8 o6 7Fe 6ac.l.7), con78oll.nJ .nma7e mo1emen7 7F8ouJFou7 7Fe en7.8e com<leV. Rad.o, 6.8e, med.cal and secu8.7) ala8ms a8e monE .7o8ed 68om 7F.s mas7e8 con78ol a8ea wF.cF .s s7a66ed 7wen7) 6ou8 Fou8s a da). !e#$er&'()* (n* ,ner-.* /* ,n0(r1n2en3#4* 5e&(-n* 6!,,57 8er3(9(:#3(1n;*TFe <8oXec7 .s 8eJ.s7e8ed 6o8 LEED ce87.6.ca7.on wF.cF w.ll maUe .7 7Fe 6.8s7 LEED 8eJ.s7e8ed Xud.c.al cen7e8 .n 7Fe Sou7Feas7 7o acF.e1e LEED ce87.6.ca7.on. AmonJ 7Fe cen7e8Ys F.JF <e86o8mance and J8een Bu.ld.nJ des.Jn s78a7eJ.es a8eD Z an Ene8J) S7a8[ com<l.an7, F.JFl) 8e6lec7.1e 8oo6 memB8ane 7o lessen \Fea7 .sland] e66ec7s and Fel< Uee< 7Fe Bu.ld.nJ cool^ Z wa7e8Econse81.nJ, lowE6low, and dualE6lusF <lumB.nJ 6.V7u8es^ Z ene8J)Ee66.c.en7 7ecFnoloJ.es <8oXec7ed 7o 8esul7 .n a 2_ <e8cen7 8educ7.on .n ene8J) use^ Z CFC and HCFCE68ee 8e68.Je8E an7s 7Fa7 <8e1en7 damaJe 7o 7Fe oKone la)e8^ Z 8ec)cled Bu.ld.nJ ma7e8.als and FSCEce87.6.ed wood^ Z con1en.en7 loca7.ons 6o8 B.Ue 8acUs and <8e6e88ed <a8U.nJ 6o8 lowEem.77.nJ, 6uelEe66.c.en7 1eF.E cles 7o alle1.a7e au7omoB.le 78a66.c and <ollu7.on ^ Z ou7doo8 a.8 del.1e8) mon.7o8.nJ s)s7ems 7o .m<8o1e 7Fe 1en7.laE 7.on o6 .ndoo8 a.8 s<aces^ Z .nd.1.dual l.JF7.nJ con78ols 7Fa7 enFance occu<an7 com6o87 and 8educe ene8J) consum<7.on^ and Z an en1.8onmen7all)E68.endl) FouseUee<.nJ <8oJ8am.
County Star Investing In Roc3ingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 27 8eJa8d.nJ ema.l ma8Ue7.nJ and soc.al med.a a and w.ll sFow )ou Fow 7F.s .m<ac7s e1e8) Bus.ness, .nclud.nJ )ou8s. TF.s sem.na8 .s 68ee 7o CFamBe8 memBe8s, 7FouJF a nom.nal 6ee o6 b!+ w.ll a<<l) 7o nonEmemBe8s. ReJ.s7e8.nJ .s eas) a Xus7 call 7Fe CFamBe8 o66.ce a7 44*E4_QE8_8!, ema.l .n6oc8e.ds1.llecFamBe8.o8J, o8 loJ on7o D www.8e.ds1.llecFamE Be8.o8J 7o 8eJ.s7e8 onl.ne 68om ou8 e1en7 <aJe. Sem.na8 w.ll Be Feld a7 7Fe new CFamBe8 O66.ces, !!2 Se77le S78ee7 dac8oss 68om Ma8Ue7 SRua8ef
TAY L O R FO U N D G UILTY SENTSORTH E A Xu8) 6ound Dam.on La1on Ta)lo8, 24, o6 Eden Ju.l7) o6 RoBBe8) w.7F a DanJe8ous Sea<on, Cons<.8ac) 7o Comm.7 RoBBe8) w.7F a DanJe8ous Sea<on, and Possess.on o6 a F.8ea8m B) a Felon .n RocU.nJFam Coun7) Su<e8.o8 Cou87. LudJe EdJa8 B. G8eJo8) sen7enced Ta)lo8 7o QE !2 )ea8s .n <8.son. E1.dence <8esen7ed sFowed 7Fa7 on Lul) 2*, 2##Q a7 a<<8oV.ma7el) !#D## a.m., o66.E ce8s w.7F 7Fe Eden Pol.ce De<a87men7 8es<onded 7o a 8oBE Be8) call on Lo67us S78ee7. Du8.nJ 7Fe cou8se o6 7Fe.8 .n1es7.Ja7.on, Eden de7ec7.1es and o66.ce8s d.sco1e8ed 7Fa7 Ta)lo8 and code6endan7 Melan.e Fa8J.s s7ole a<<8oV.E ma7el) bQ##.## 68om 7Fe 1.cE 7.m, Le8ma.ne B8oadnaV. Ta)lo8 Feld a Tau8us __ 6.8ea8m 7o 7Fe 1.c7.mYs Fead wF.le Fa8J.s 7ooU mone) 68om 7Fe 1.c7.mYs <ocUe7s. A67e8 7Fe 8oBE Be8), Ta)lo8 and Fa8J.s 6led 7Fe scene. Ta)lo8 was loca7ed .n 7Fe close7 o6 a nea8B) Fome. TFe 6.8ea8m was 6ound B) Eden Pol.ce O66.ce8s w.7F 7Fe ass.sE 7ance o6 7Fe.8 WEQ. Fa8J.s <8e1.ousl) <led Ju.l7) 7o 8oBBe8) and cons<.8aE c) cFa8Jes, and sFe .s awa.7.nJ sen7enc.nJ. Ta)lo8 Fad a <8.o8 6elon) con1.c7.on 6o8 B8eaU.nJiEn7e8.nJ.
S PA R K S R EUNION Descendan7s o6 jeB, and Ma8) Ma87.n S<a8Us Feld 7Fe.8 annual Fam.l) Reun.on a7 M7 Ca8mel Un.7ed Me7Fod.s7 CFu8cF FellowsF.< Hall .n AuJus7. TFe8e we8e aBou7 _+ <8esen7. TFe8e we8e aBou7 !# G8and CF.ld8en o6 jeB and Ma8) S<a8Us <8esen7 , mos7 aJed 7# and aBo1e. Mos7 o6 7Fe 47 G8and CF.ld8en a77ended. RuB) S<a8Us 68om CFa8lo77e o8Jan.Kes 7Fe Reun.on eacF )ea8, 7aU.nJ o1e8 68om BoBB) S<a8Us R.cFmond. B8o7Fe8s Cu87.s and Sam F8e7well o6 7Fe a8ea no7ed 7Fa7 e1e8) one enXo)ed 7Fe 6ellowE sF.< and meal.
Continued To Page 31
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Paint & Zody Shop Harold Gearhart, o-ner/operator o1 Gearhart’s Paint & 7ody Shop, has o:er 31 year o1 automo?ile collision and re1inishing eBperience. The 1ull ser:ice paint & collision shop does anything 1rom small touch up to complete all o:er re1inishing and can repair anything 1rom small dings and adEustments to maEor collision & 1rame repairs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ith the high cost of today’s new vehicles it is often wise to renew your present vehicle instead of going in debt for a new one. We can make your older vehicle look new again for the cost of ;ust a few new car payments. We can even change the color of your present vehicle. our work is fully guaranteed.
So come and see Harold or Fosh Gearhart 1or a 1ree estimate.
I10 Zoone Road, Eden, NC 33I-I)3-3113
! P"G$ %& $D$N*S O-N . /O0N12 S1"34 S$P1$5B$3 2&8&
For The Fun Of -t FDFO1 SFGH1FNG: My daughter and I went through the McDonald3s take-out window and I gave the clerk a 9: bill. Our total was 9>.?:, so I also handed her a Auarter. She said, 3You gave me too much money.3 I said, 3Yes, I know, but this way you can just give me a dollar bill back. She sighed and went to get the manager, who asked me to repeat my reAuest. I did so, and he handed me back the Auarter, and said 3We3re sorry, but we could not do that kind oH thing.3 The clerk then proceeded to give me back 9J and K: cents in change. Do not conHuse the clerks at McD3s. 1hree island men There was L men an englishman, a german and a scotishman they were all stuck on a island. One day they Hound a lamp they rubbed it and a genie came out. He said Nyou all get one wishN. So the englishman said NI wish I lived in a large stone mansionN, and oHH he went. Then the german said NI want to get in a nice hot jacuzziN, and oHH he went. Then the scotishman said NI3m lonely I wish mee island Hriends were backN, so they came back. /lose /alls It was a particularly tough Hootball game, and nerves were on edge. The home team had been the victim oH three or Hour close calls by the oHHicials, and they were now trailing the visitors by a touchdown and a Hield goal. When the oHHicial made yet another close call in the visitorsP Havor, the home Auarterback blew his top. QHow many times can you do this to us in a single gameRS he screamed. QYou were wrong on the out-oH-bounds, you were wrong on that last Hirst down, and you missed a clip in the Hirst Auarter.S The oHHicial just stared. The Auarterback seethed, but he suppressed the language that might get him tossed Hrom the game. QWhat it comes down to,S he bellowed, Qis that YOU STINKWS The oHHicial stared a Hew more seconds. Then he bent down, picked up the ball, paced oHH J: yards, and put the ball down. He turned to Hace the steaming Auarterback. QAnd how do I smell Hrom hereRS. 3aNNi A man goes to see the Rabbi. 3Rabbi, something terrible is happening and I have to talk to you about it.3 The Rabbi asked, 3What3s wrongR3 The man replied, 3My wiHe is poisoning me.3 The Rabbi, very surprised by this, asks, 3How can that beR3 The man then pleads, 3I3m telling you, I3m certain she3s poisoning me, what should I doR3 The Rabbi then oHHers, 3Tell you what. Let me talk to her, I3ll see what I can Hind out and I3ll let you know.3 A week later the Rabbi calls the man and says, NI spoke to her on the phone Hor three hours. You want my adviceR3 The man said yes and the Rabbi replied, 3Take the poison3
School 1rouNles When I arrived Hor my daughterPs parent-teacher conHerence, the teacher seemed a bit Hlustered, especially when she started telling me that my little girl didnPt always pay attention in class and was sometimes a little Hlighty. QFor example, shePll do the wrong page in the workbook,S the teacher explained, Qand IPve even Hound her sitting in the wrong desk.S QI donPt understand that,S I replied deHensively. QWhere could she have gotten thatRS The teacher went on to reassure me that my daughter was still doing Hine in school and was sweet and likeable. Finally, aHter a pause, she added, QBy the way, Mrs. Johnson, our appointment was Hor tomorrow.S. "ccident There was an engineer, manager and programmer driving down a steep mountain road. The brakes Hailed and the car careened down the road out oH control. HalH way down the driver managed to stop the car by running it against the embankment narrowing avoiding going over a cliHH. They all got out, shaken by their narrow escape Hrom death, but otherwise unharmed. The manager said NTo Hix this problem we need to organize a committee, have meetings, and through a process oH continuous improvement, develop a solution.N The engineer said NNo that would take too long, and besides that method never worked beHore. I have my trusty pen kniHe here and will take apart the brake system, isolate the problem and correct it.N The programmer said NI think you3re both wrongW I think we should all push the car back up the hill and see iH it happens again.N "n Honest 9awyer Robert3s investment business was expanding and as a shrewd and diligent business owner decided to hire in-house counsel to save some money. He began interviewing several young lawyers. Interviewing one oH the potential applicants a Mr. M. Moody, Robert explains that Nyou can understand that in an investment business like this, our personal integrity must be beyond AuestionN. Robert leaned Horward and Auestioned, Mr. Moody, are you an 3honest3 lawyerRN Robert NHonestN Let me tell you something about my honesty level. Why, I3m so honest that when my Hather lent me HiHteen thousand dollars Hor my education .. I paid back every penny the minute I tried my very Hirst case. Robert: Very impressive. And what sort oH case was thatR Michael sAuirmed in his seat and admitted that his Hather sued him Hor the money. -hat -as He 1hinkingS A guy walked up to the teller and handed him a note demanding money. Only problem was that he wrote the note on a deposit slip Hrom his wiHe3s bank account. DonTt Be NerUous A nervous pair oH robbers entered a record store to rob it. The Hirst one shouted, NNobody moveWN When his partner moved, the startled robber shot him.
1he -ood In the back woods oH Arkansas, Mr. Stewart3s wiHe went into labor in the middle oH the night, and the doctor was called out to assist in the delivery. To keep the nervous Hatherto-be busy, the doctor handed him a lantern and said, NHere, you hold this high so I can see what I3m doing.N Soon, a wee baby boy was brought into the world. NWhoa there ScottyWN said the doctor. NDon3t be in a rush to put the lantern down... I think there3s yet another wee one to come.N Sure enough, within minutes he had delivered another little baby. NNo, no, don3t be in a great hurry to be putting down that lantern, young man... It seems there3s yet another one besidesWN cried the doctor. The new Hather scratched his head in bewilderment, and asked the doctor: NDo ya think it3s the light that3s attractin3 themRN SteUen -right on dogs The other day, I was walking my dog around my building...on the ledge. Some people are aHraid oH heights. Not me, I3m aHraid oH widths. I had a dog once. I spilled spot remover on him, and now he3s gone. I put contact lenses in my dog3s eyes. They had little pictures oH cats on them. Then I took one out and he ran around in circles. I bought a dog the other day... I named him Stay. It3s Hun to call him... NCome here, StayW Come here, StayWN He went insane. Now he just ignores me and keeps typing. He3s an East German Shepherd.
2ou 5ight Be a 3edneck ifW Your Momma has ever stomped into the house and announced, QThe Heud is onWS The antenna on your truck is a danger to low Hlying airplanes. Your Mother has been involved in a Hist Hight wdthe high school prinicipal. YouPve ever barbecued Spam on the grill. Your Brother-in-law is your Uncle. None oH your shirts Auite cover your stomach, and itPs not because you are Britney. You consider QOutdoor LiHeS deep reading. Your mother keeps a spit cup on the ironing board. Your Havorite Christmas present was a painting oH Elvis on black velvet. Your school Hight song was QDueling Banjos.S 1here is a Nlond on the plane A blonde gets an opportunity to Hly to a nearby country. She has never been on an airplane anywhere and was very excited and tense. As soon as she boarded the plane, a BoeingK>K, she started jumping in excitement, running over seat to seat and starts shouting, NBOEINGW BOEINGWW BOEINGWWW BO.....N She sort oH Horgets where she is, even the pilot in the cock-pit hears the noise. Annoyed by the goings on, the Pilot comes out and shouts NBe silentWN There was pin-drop silence everywhere and everybody is looking at the blonde and the angry Pilot. She stared at the pilot in silence Hor a moment, concentrated really hard, and all oH a sudden started shouting, NOEINGW OEINGW OEINGW OE....N
Y&*s Couple in their nineties are both having problems remembering things. During a checkup, the doctor tells them that they3re physically okay, but they might want to start writing things down to help them remember .. Later that night, while watching TV, the old man gets up Hrom his chair. 3Want anything while I3m in the kitchenR3 he asks. 3Will you get me a bowl oH ice creamR3 3Sure..3 3Don3t you think you should write it down so you can remember itR3 she asks. 3No, I can remember it.3 3Well, I3d like some strawberries on top, too. Maybe you should write it down, so not to Horget itR3 He says, 3I can remember that. You want a bowl oH ice cream with strawberries.3 3I3d also like whipped cream. I3m certain you3ll Horget that, write it downR3 she asks. Irritated, he says, 3I don3t need to write it down, I can remember itW Ice cream with strawberries and whipped cream - I got it, Hor goodness sakeW3 Then he toddles into the kitchen. AHter about ?f minutes, The old man returns Hrom the kitchen and hands his wiHe a plate oH bacon and eggs.. She stares at the plate Hor a moment. 3Where3s my toast R3
!"##$% 9ocate 1hese Hidden -ords Fn $den*s Own Hind " -ord 9"BO3 3FI$3 5OND"2 1H3$$ -O3K -HF1$ 9$"I$S
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T7ere ;re 11 =etter? =e@t. 5or t7e ;n?Der c=;??i@ied H;Ie.
County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 28
You Are CordiallyInvited ToAttend The Unveiling Of Our New Expanded Location At
E0rth$ 6ar0+3na[7$ K3ne 10)ntr.$ 37$ 800>3n5$ an9$ 3t[7$ n0 K0n9erF$ One$ tr3=$ t0$ ]r0ve V3ner.$an9$.0)[++$7ee$Kh.^ !he$ 5ra=e7$ are$ r3=e$ an9 harve7t$ 37$ 3n$ G)++$ 7K3n5F$ /03n ]r0ve$V3ner.$ _$`3ne.ar97;$ 3n ])3+G0r9$ 60)nt.;$ at$ the$ 8ea)t3N G)+$ aa$ a1re$ Gar>$ 0ver+0043n5 the3r$v3ne.ar97$a7$the.$h07t$the G3Gth$ann)a+$6raGt7$3n$the$]r0veb O+9$ V0r+9$ 6raGt7$ Re7t3va+$ an9 ]ra=e$ <t0>=$ 0n$ <at)r9a.$ an9 <)n9a.;$ <e=te>8er$ ath$ _$ PthF '9>37730n$37$Rree$an9$the$event K3++$ Geat)re$ an$ 0)t900r$ >ar4et 7h0K1a73n5$ a$ var3et.$ 0G$ +01a+ art37t7;$ta7t.$treat7;$an9$an$eL13tN 3n5$ 5ra=e$ 7t0>=$ 10>=et3t30nF V3ne$ ta7t3n57$ K3++$ 8e$ 0n503n5 a++$ aGtern00n$ an9$ .0)$ K3++ re1e3ve$ a$ Gree$ 70)ven3r$ K3ne 5+a77$ K3th$ a$ Ja$ K3ne$ ta7t3n5F 2n0Kn$G0r$the3r$Kar>;$Gr3en9+. h07=3ta+3t.$ an9$ G)nNG3++e9 event7;$ .0)[++$ G3n9$ that$ ]r0ve V3ner.$an9$`3ne.ar97$37$a$5reat 9e7t3nat30n$ G0r$ .0);$ .0)r$ Ga>3N +.;$an9$.0)r$Gr3en97F R3Gth$'nn)a+$ 6raGt7$ 3n$ the ]r0veb$ O+9$ V0r+9$ 6raGt7 Re7t3va+$ an9$ ]ra=e$ <t0>= <e=te>8er$ aNP;$ ?ABA;$ n00n )nt3+$c=>;$RHEE$'9>37730nF ]r0ve$V3ner.$_$`3ne.ar97 @TcA$ ,r0047$ ,r395e$ H0a9; ])3+G0r9$60)nt.;$E6$?@?a% TTcNPeaNaAcA$fK3ner.g KKKF]r0veV3ner.F10>
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Continued To Page 33
349 Kings Highway Eden, N.C.
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“Unique Gifts For Unique Individuals”
Benefitting The Barry L. Joyce Local Cancer Support Fund !he$%th$'nn)a+$,arr.$/0.1e 23143n5$ 6an1er$ 6ha++en5e$ 37 8e3n5$ he+9$ :0n9a.;$ <e=te>8er ?@;$ ?ABA$ at$ Cee=$ <=r3n57 60)ntr.$ 6+)8$ 3n$ <t0nev3++e;$ E6F !he$ann)a+$50+G$t0)rna>ent$37$3n 3t7$ %th$ .ear$ 0G$ ra373n5$ G)n97$ G0r 1an1er$ =at3ent7$ 3n$ H0143n5ha> 60)nt.F$$ I!he$ G)n9$ ha7$ ra37e9$ 0ver J?AA;AAA$ t0$ 9ate$ t0$ he+=$ K3th ever.9a.$ eL=en7e7$ 0G$ 1an1er =at3ent7$ an9$ the3r$ Ga>3+3e7$ +3v3n5 3n$H0143n5ha>$60)nt.;$8)t$?ABA 37$ =+a.3n5$ 0)t$ t0$ 8e$ 0)r$ 8355e7t 1ha++en5e;M$7tate7$/enn3Ger$/0.1e; 1ha3rK0>an$ 0G$ the$ 50+G$ t0)rnaN >ent$ an9$ 9a)5hter$ 0G$ ,arr. /0.1eF$$ On$ ?AA%;$ there$ Kere$ >0re than$ B?P$ 50+Ger7$ an9$ >0re$ than PA$+01a+$8)73ne77e7$Kh0$7)==0rtN e9$ the$ G)n9F$ $ $ <evera+$ =rev30)7 7=0n70r7$have$a+rea9.$10>>3tte9 t0$ ?ABA$ +34e$ :0rehea9$ H07=3ta+; <tate$ Rar>$ On7)ran1e$ an9 ,r395e7t0ne$ '3r1raGt$ !3re$ S<'; 8)t$ >an.$ 7=0n70r7h3=$ =a14a5e7 are$ 7t3++$ ava3+a8+eF$ $ <=0n70r7h3=7 ran5e$Gr0>$JTAA$t0$JPAAAF$$ <=0n70r7$ +34e$ '>er3=r37e R3nan13a+$ 3n$ :a9370n$ have$ 8een =artner7$ 73n1e$ the$ 3n3t3a+$ t0)rnaN >ent$ 3n$ ?AA?$ 8e1a)7e$ the$ nee9 10)+9$ n0t$ 8e$ 5reaterF$ $ $ UVe$ 7ee ever.$ 9a.$ the$ 7tr)55+e7$ 0G$ >an. 3n$ H0143n5ha>$ 60)nt.U$ 7tate7 :ar4$ 6a7e.$ 0G$ '>er3=r37eF$ U ,att+3n5$ 1an1er$ 37$ a$ t0)5h$ G35ht that$t00$0Gten$37$>a9e$>0re$93GG3N 1)+t$ G0r$ the$ =at3ent$ an9$ Ga>3+. 8e1a)7e$ 0G$ +3>3te9$ G3nan13a+ re70)r1e7F$ $ Ve$ Kante9$ t0$ he+= th07e$ v31t3>7$ an9$ the$ ,arr.$ WF /0.1e$ W01a+$ 6an1er$ R)n9$ rea++. 90e7$90$thatFU /enn3Ger$ en10)ra5e7$ 8)73N ne77e7$ t0$ 5et$ 3nv0+ve9F I<=0n70r7h3=$ 37$ a$ 5reat$ Ka.$ G0r 10>=an3e7$ 3n$ H0143n5ha> 60)nt.$ an9$ the$ X3e9>0nt$ !r3a9 t0$ 7h0K$ the3r$ 7)==0rt$ G0r$ 0)r +01a+$10>>)n3t.F$$$Over$?AZ$0G the$ 1an1er$ =at3ent7$ 3n H0143n5ha>$ 60)nt.$ have$ n0 3n7)ran1eF$$BAAZ$0G$90nat30n7$50 93re1t+.$ t0$ the>$ t0$ he+=$ K3th eL=en7e7$that$>a.$7ee>$7>a++$t0 )7;$ 8)t$ rea++.$ 3>=0rtant$ G0r$ =e0N =+e$ 10=3n5$ K3th$ 7)1h$ a$ 93GG31)+t 937ea7eF$I$$$
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++,-,2/-0211 22234567489:;7<5=>?@A<9:4B7>3C9B
Hours> Mon@Sat 10am @ 6pm Closed Sunday
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References Re^uired APARTMENTS)*)+OMES))))))))) C5B;;; _onthly -OR)RENT)OR)SALE +wnr !in 1 Stnvl C5B;;; DeLosit 5678 59:8; Chal /all %%D:EE&:FF7; > ?drmB C6B;;; sale Nice > Bedroom "Lt for RentB Dwn CF;;GB 5; yrsG Water includedR Ridgeway "reaR 5>I "PRB Lmts C5>> C9F;R;; a month >U8O>>8O;FU8 "LLlB DeL & Lot Rent _o?ile &ome !or Rent &9%:;99; Now "vaila?le >BRRB 5B" on !or Rent O > Bedroom $ownhouseR Lrivate lotR No Lets allowedR "ll "LLliancesR C99F Ler monthR TT8O8>UOUU>5 Call TT8O8>UOF;T5 5B >B TB & 9 Bedroom !or Rent "Lartments 1 &omes for Rent in )den Country &omeB > ?drmRB 5 ?athR areaR Reasona?le Rates` Central "ir & &eat W1D &ookuLsB Some include RefRB StoveB W&D &ook UL aLLliancesR Daytime TT8O8>TO8697 Zood Neigh?orhoodB No Pets night TT8O8TFO5U5U CF>F monthly & DeLosit ROOMS)-OR)RENT Call TT8OFUTOTT;7 C>8F _onth or <or Rent CT8F w Lvt ?ath >;8 !airway Drive C>; aLLl & C5T; DeL T BRR > Bath Den1W!P Carolina (nnB )den LRRB DRRB ]itchen w1 Pantry 8>TO>66U SRB Covered Deck + E L P /A N T E D ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) > Car Zarage Carolina !reightways 5,0)1"N) TNGG" "P1SO Looking for +wner +Lerators to run Located in _ayodanB N)1_W Lay on PC_iler Practical with handicaL accessi?le !SC on all disLatched miles units availa?leR &ome most weekends Section 7 assistance availa?leR Call TT8O8>TO5;FT _O! &rs 7OF Call 9>UOF;9UR ITEMS) +ffice hoursj -OR)SALE) 7 amO> LmR 9 !rame _anuel Stainless Steel _onRO $hursR &oney )atractor $DD Relay 5O7;;OUTFO>68>R Phone O 5OTT8O8TFO>76; )^ual &ousing +LLortunity Phone O 5OTT8O8TFO7>5T <,R S"G$ $hunder ]art O Zo Cart 8 hL )ngine O Roll Cage Seat ?eltsB two seaterR !et$ To ( )oo* +ome Like newb &as ?een or .o$t / Fo1n* a*$ are free used a?out 5> hrsR H%%DI %;&:;7EJ
!R)) O carious Sides of Wooden Wire SLools and wooden LalletsR Call _elissaes or fim at TT8OFUTO9>>F _otorcycle $railer O +ne of a kind` Lowers to the groundB drive the ?ike on itB raises ?ack uL to trailer heightR !or sale C7F;R Call TT8O85TO;T5> Children PhotograLhy LroLs and ?ackgrounds for saleR Like ?rand newB some never usedR Several scenes availa?le including holiday scenesR Need sLace and no longer in the LhotograLhy ?usinessR Please call "ngela at TT8O>FFOU>UF for more informationR 2E+ICLES <or Sale 8JFE 6lacL /orvette 9 SLeedB Zreat Condition %%D:D%E:EF&8 PETS) 4 ANIMALS )clectus _ale &andfed ?a?y C7;; "frican Zrey &andfed ?a?y C6F; Um?rella Cockatoo &andfedO?a?y C5B>;; &andfed guakers C5>F +ther &and fed Ba?ies avalR Cages and SuLLlies Reasona?le Prices hTT8i 8>UO6>U9 "dvertise your unneeded items in our classifieds for as little as CU a monthR` TT8O8>UO6>T9
T"ll S&'rt"n+ G''d .aA$on McNoll1m O:0#)
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!or SaleB >;;> Clayton Dou?lewide like newR +Len floor LlanB one acre of land in Bethany School districtR &as large kitchenB livingroom w1fireLlaceB ?ig ?athroomB ketted whirlLool ?ath tu?R Country living near )denB ReidsvilleB _adisonB Call hTT8i F97O8U68 or hTT8i 9FTO9559
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e*en$EoAnFem8ar?mailDcom H=)HCFF)>9FF)IGJ)KGA)D9IE=L@ GD@CGL:)CK)C@)C:)LG@)9)KA==)9B8 M) C9FF)NNO-OQR-SQNT) HC@;)CLKGAE9@CGL)UF=9V=)E=::9W=)CK L=>=::9AI8)I)/ILL W=@)X9>?)@G)IGJYZ
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)ee[ 6usiness /ar[s <or 2our 6usiness? /all 0s We /an ]elp!
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$[en’s ,wn cournal aeaturinQ 1he RocLinQham /ounty Star
G*enH$ IAn i$ :18li$he* an* :lace* on the $tan*$ on the C$t of Gach Month
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3rom a 5ew items to entire estates ServinQ )orth /arolina S TirQinia
/YATT AUCTIONS Nom:lete (1ction OerMice $:ecialiPin> in G$tate$, (nti?1e$, !er$onal !ro:erty an* G$tate Ta> Oale$D
fT`\)MG8 S@CFF)OKK=ACLW)_*Q)OKK) _:@)MGL@;]:)R=L@Y A 5#$ 6)-#0+7& 8'//(0-$& NNO-OQN-TOT\
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"ounty (tar Investing In Rockingham County’s 5uality o7 Li7e !ontinu'd f+om -a/' Court on August +,- .,1,. If an4one has an4 infor8a9 tion related to this incidentplease contact Sgt. Clint Si8pson at ?.+9@ABB. Jur4 ConDicts Hutchinson WENTWORTH 9 Jerr4 Hutchinson- 41- was found guilt4 in RocNingha8 Count4 Superior Court this weeN of Possession of CocaineDriDing While I8pairedDriDing While License ReDoNed- and Fleeing to Elude Arrest. Judge Patrice Hinnant sentenced Hutchinson as an HaSitual Felon to 1..91B? 8onths in prison. On OctoSer .1- .,,@- troopers with the North Carolina State Highwa4 Patrol were conduct9 ing a license checNpoint on Woolen Store Road. A green SUV driDen S4 the defendant turned around prior to reaching the checNpoint- and a trooper actiDated S4 the lights and siren to inDestigate. The defendant than ran a stop sign and a chase followed. Speeds reached approxi8atel4 W, 8iles per hour- and the defendant passed other 8otorists on roads 8arNed with douSle 4ellow lines. The driDer then stopped the Dehicle and atte8pted to flee on foot. Hutchinson threw a Srown pill Sottle containing cracN cocaine on the ground during the foot chase. Troopers recoDered the pill Sottle and the defendant was arrested without further incident. SBI anal4sis of the Hutchinson’s Slood reDealed that he had operated the 8otor Dehicle while i8paired on cocaine and 8ethadone. Hutchinson’s dri9 Der’s license was per8anentl4 reDoNed S4 NCDMV in 1@@A. Hutchinson had prior conDic9 tions of Assault with a Deadl4 weapon on a GoDern8ent Official \.]- Felon4 Speeding to Elude Arrest \.]- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia- Assault on a Fe8ale \.- Financial Card Fraud \.]- and 8ultiple counts of DriDing While License ReDoNed and other traffic offenses.
The Best Place To Advertise Your Business, Event or Announcements? Eden’s Own Journal Of Course! Featuring the Rockingham County Star Section! 336-627-9234
E D E - . /0EL ( 023 ( 2 4 E 5 23 U P A 1B^ rise in the 8otel occupanc4 tax reDenue for the Eden Touris8 Depart8ent has Seen announced for the fiscal 4ear .,,@9.,1, which ended June +,- .,1,. ReDenue exceed9 ed _?+-,.4.W1 or 1B.+^ aSoDe the prior 4ear. The reDenue was .W^ oDer the highest 8easured preDious 4ear- .,,?9.,,A. There are 8an4 contriSutors to the 8otel occupanc4 tax. The4 include corporate sta4s- specifi9 call4 fro8 those doing Susiness with MillerCoors and Weil9 McLain. The DuNe Energ4 Gas Powered Pro`ect has created a significant nu8Ser of 8otel
sta4s. This pro`ect will draw approxi8atel4 4,,9B,, te8po9 rar4 worNers to the cit4 until the new facilit4 opens in .,1.. Weddings- reunions and sporting eDents also attract 8otel sta4s and suSseauent reDenue. A group of golfers traDel fro8 Prince Edward Island- Canada each April to pla4 in the Eden area. The4 haDe Seen co8ing to Eden for seDeral 4ears and Srought 8ore than 1., golfers in .,1,. bWe could pla4 golf at Pinehurst or M4rtle Beach- Sut no one 8aNes us feel 8ore wel9 co8e than Eden does-c explained BoS Fitd- who coordinates the
annual golfing excursion. Eden resident Ron Norwood hosted the third gathering of fel9 low Argus Ca8era collectors at Eden Cit4 Hall this 4ear. Their annual gathering Srings in collec9 tors fro8 across the countr4 and oDerseas. The4 continue to patronide Eden Secause of the hospitalit4 the4 experience fro8 the cit4 and the Eden Touris8 Board. bEden has so 8an4 things to offer a Disitor. We haDe so8e Der4 nice acco88odations that offer great hospitalit4 and cus9
to8er serDice. This co8Sination Neeps people co8ing SacN 4ear after 4ear-c stated Cind4 Ada8sCoordinator of Special EDents and Touris8 for the Cit4 of Eden. bWe haDe tried Der4 hard to 8aNe people 8ore aware of all that Eden has to offer. Whether it Se a wedding in a Seautiful outdoor setting or a Na4aN excursion down one of our Seautiful riDersEden is the place to Se.c For 8ore infor8ation on the Eden Touris8 Board- contact Cind4 Ada8s at ++?9?.+9AAW@ ext. +,.1.
A group of golfers travel from Prince Edward Island, Canada each April to play in the Eden area.
The third gathering of fellow Argus Camera collectors
Leonard Pryor For
Rockingham County School Board Lifelong resident of Rockingham County
If elected to the board my priorities will be to: • Significantly increase parental involvement • Work to keep technology at the “cutting edge” • Prepare students for the “new economy” • Improve graduation rates • Increase the number of college applicants Paid for by committee to elect Leonard Pryor for School Board
LO N G-TIME CITY DIRECTO R RETIRES Oong’s Yustoms One Stop Shop ])0"&]/#,&B&O.#"* Chrome Wheels \ Tires Yustom Paint \ Airbrushing \ Po[der Coating Sand Blasting \ Welding AT] \ MotorKyKle parts \ serviKe
(336)-623-9278 longsXustoms`yahoo.Kom 621 Boone 3d. Eden, N.C.
%: ;el'/(a War(0 Waste>ater +uper'/te/(e/t
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BEOMONT PHA3MACY 105 Professional Dr. 3eidsville, NC 27320 September 8th - 2pm - 6pm September 14th - 10am - 2pm
WalX-ins WelKome
CA3OOPNA APOTHECA3Y 238B W. Yings H[y. Eden, NC 27288 September 9th - 10am - 12pm
Call 394-1120, 394-1105 or 394-1111 Monday - Driday 9am - 6pm to sKhedule an appointment
4$2+& I-#-,"*%B& 23$%& ;":-*2I"#2 /@"*%""#&(+&A%()*+<&J#&789VB&3" .-%& ;$%4-*;";& -#;& A%()*+ (",-#& 23"& D$*%2& ./*0& $# *"2)*#";& 2/& ("$#,& :)(6$4& )2$6$2$"% $#D6/.W$#D$62*-2$/#& *"3-($6$2-2$/# ;$*"42/*& $#& MNNN<& A*/)#;& MNNOB /D& 23"& 4$2+’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sbury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M ADISON/ MAY O D A N R E C R E ATION IN F O Landscape Painting Classes The Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department will be offering Landscape Painting Classes held on Wednesdays starting September 1st - October 20th from 1:00pm to 4:00pm. The cost is $50.00 for all ages. Supplies must be self provided. The program will be instructed by our experienced painter, Geneva Massey for a total of 8 weeks. If interested, contact the (336) 548-2789 to pre-register and to get a supplies list. Dance Program The Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department. is now holding registration for Dance! This program is for ages 2 1/2 Teens. Classes will be held Mondays - Thursdays and will begin on September 7th. Class schedules and monthly fees will vary upon the age of the child and which class or classes they participate in. The dance program is taught by experienced instructor, Deana DeHeart. For more information, call the MadisonMayodan Recreation Department at 548-2789. Piano Program Registration is now being held for Piano Lessons at the Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department. Lessons are every Thursday for youths and adults and will begin on September 9th. Each session is a 20 minute oneon-one lesson with our instructor, Dr.James Deere. who has an extensive background in piano. The cost for lessons is $40.00 per month, as well as a small fee for books which is determined by the instructor. Spots are limited, so call today for availability. Contact the Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department. at 5482789. Guitar Program The Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department. is offering Guitar Lessons with Instructor, Jason Dalton. Lessons are taught on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and are continuous throughout the year. Space is limited! The cost is $40.00 per month . A book and CD will also be required to be purchased by the MadisonMayodan Recreation Department. at 548-2789. Tap Dance Program Registration is now open for Tap Dance Lessons at the MadisonMayodan Recreation Department. taught by experienced dance instructor, Deana
DeHeart. The program is scheduled to begin on September 9th. Classes will be held for adults on Thursdays from 1:30pm 2:30pm. The cost is #37.00 per month for adults and $25.00 per month for ages 55 and older. For
M/M Continued on Page 40
Perkins Professional Day Care Educational Program TUTORING PROGRAMS Licensed by the State of N.C. & Dept. of Social Services • Star Rated License
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! "#$N& N $$' ()" *+))' ')N)", T"e %&er()an ,e- .ross .arol(nas 2loo- Serv()es ,e5(on "as (ssue- an ur5en7 )all 8or 9loo- -onors: T"e ,e- .ross )losely &on< (7ors na7(onal an- lo)al 9loosu==l(es 7o ensure -ona7(ons are >ee=(n5 =a)e ?(7" "os=(7al nee8or 9loo- =ro-u)7s (n or-er 7o &ee7 on5o(n5 an- e&er5en)y =a7(en7 )are: @T"ere (s a )r(7()al nee- 8or 9loo- -onors no?AB sa(- Coy)e D: 2ren-elA )"(e8 eEe)u7(ve o88()er 8or 7"e .arol(nas 2loo- Serv()es ,e5(on o8 7"e ,e- .ross: @T"(s su&&er ?e "ave "a- a =ar7()u< larly -(88()ul7 7(&e re)ru(7(n5 enou5" 9loo- -onors 7o &ee7 7"e reFu(re&en7s o8 our )o&&un(7yGs "os=(7als an- 7"e =a7(en7s 7"ey serve:B Mee7(n5 7"(s nee- (s =ar7()u< larly )"allen5(n5 s(n)e 7"e eE7re&ely "(5" 7e&=era7ures are >ee=(n5 -onors (ns(-eA &os7 s)"ools are no7 (n sess(on 7o "ol9loo- -r(ves an- ?e are eE=er(< en)(n5 a "(5" nu&9er o8 -onors ?"o are una9le 7o >ee= 7"e(r a==o(n7&en7s: In 7"e .arol(nas ,e5(onA 7"e ,e- .ross "as seen a==roE(&a7ely JKL 8e?er -onors 7"an eE=e)7e-: Monors ?(7" all 9loo- 7y=es are nee-e-A 9u7 es=e)(ally 7"ose ?(7" 7y=e O ne5a7(ve: ,e- .ross o88()(als say 7y=e O ne5a7(ve -onors )an &a>e 7"e -(88eren)e 9e7?een an a-eFua7e 9loo- su=< =ly an- a s"or7a5e: T"a7Gs 9e)ause 7y=e O ne5a7(ve 9loo)an 9e 7rans8use- 7o =a7(en7s ?(7" any 9loo- 7y=eA an- (s &os7 rea-< (ly 5(ven 7o =a7(en7s (n e&er5en)y an- 7rau&a s(7ua7(ons: Overy -ayA &ore 7"an KPAQQQ =(n7s o8 9loo- are nee-e- 8or =a7(en7s (n 7"e Rn(7e- S7a7es: 2loo- (s use- 8or 7"e 7rea7&en7 o8 )an)er =a7(en7sA =eo=le ?(7" 9loo- -(sor-ersA =re&a7ure 9a9(esA 7rans=lan7 re)(=(en7sA 7rau&a v()7(&s an- &ore: Oa)" ?"ole 9loo- -ona7(on )an "el=
!"#nn & 'mith Engagement
# . Y N N 0 , 12&H A N N ) ! N C $ $ N # A # $ 1 $ N & Ce88 an- Male S&(7" o8 O-enA V:.: announ)e 7"e en5a5e&en7 o8 7"e(r -au5"7er Cess()a Wauren S&(7" 7o Cus7(n Maryl G?ynnA son o8 Maryl an- Me%nna G?ynn o8 ,e(-sv(lleA V:.: T"e 9r(-e<ele)7 (s 5ran--au5"7er o8 Gaye S&(7" an- 7"e la7e C:S: S&(7" or ,e(-sv(lleA V:.: an- ,ay an- Cuan(7a ,o9er7son o8 O-enA V:.: S"e (s a 5ra-ua7e o8 Co"n Mo7ley More"ea- D(5" S)"ool an5ra-ua7e- 8ro& ,o)>(n5"a& .o&&un(7y .olle5e ?(7" an %sso)(a7es (n %r7s: In May o8 YQJJA s"e ?(ll 5ra-ua7e ?(7" a 2a)"elorGs (n %r7s -e5ree (n Ole&en7ary O-u)a7(on 8ro& Greens9oro .olle5e: S"e (s e&=loye- a7 ."aneyGs ,es7auran7 (n O-enA V:.: T"e 5roo&<ele)7 (s 7"e 5ran-son o8 ."u)> an- Grey .ar7er o8 ,e(-sv(lleA V:.: an- Geor5e an- %v(s Zn(5"7 o8 ,e(-sv(lleA V:.: De (s a 5ra-ua7e o8 ,o)>(n5"a& .oun7y D(5" S)"ool an- 5ra-ua7e- 8ro& ,o)>(n5"a& .o&&un(7y .olle5e ?(7" an %sso)(a7es (n %==l(eS)(en)e 8o)us(n5 on .r(&(nal Cus7()e Te)"nolo5y: .urren7lyA "e (s e&=loye- ?(7" ."aneyGs ,es7auran7 (n O-enA V:.: T"e ?e--(n5 ?(ll 9e "el- a7 [\QQ =:&: on Canuary Js7A YQJJ a7 S"aron 2a=7(s7 ."ur)" (n ,e(-sv(lleA V:.: save u= 7o 7"ree l(ves: @Se ur5e =eo=le 7o &a>e an- >ee= an a==o(n7&en7 7o -ona7e 9loo- no?AB sa(- 2ren-el: @."an)es areA so&eone (s )oun7< (n5 on you r(5"7 no? 8or 7"e(r very l(8e:B See Ta5e JU 8or a l(s7 o8 7"e 9loo-&o9(les (n 7"e area 7"(s &on7":
SE#TEM&ER ()*) E,EN.S /0N / 2/3NT4 STAR6 #A7E 89 !
O A K H AV E N A N D V ICTO RY JUNCTION G A N G C A M P PAY TRI?UTE TO A D A M P ETTY RUFFIN, NC _ Don`t be sur?rised to hear about large grou?s of ?eo?le getting lost in Rockingham County this fall. And to to? it off, they`re going to be ha*ing fun doing it. Peo?le from around the region will be tra*eling to Ruffin, N.C., to get lost in a fi*e-acre corn maae at Oakha*en Pro?erties. The maae, which is dedicated to honor the late Adam Petty and bictory Junction, is the highlight of se*eral acti*ities for families to ex?erience at Oakha*en. Paul Setliff, of Oakha*en Pro?erties, was ser*ing as a ?ublic relations re?resentati*e in NASCAR in May 2000 when Adam Petty lost his life. It`s a day Setliff will not soon forget. dIt seems hard to belie*e he has been gone for 10 years,e said Setliff. dBut his legacy is ali*e and well. Before his death, Adam had a dream to create a ?lace of solitude and ho?e for sick children. Through bictory Junction, kids are li*ing out his dream. We wanted to honor Adam and hel? raise money for an amaaing organiaation that is touching the li*es of so many great kids.e The maae design will feature Adam`s likeness and the familiar dKee?ing the Dream Ali*ee logo. With the hel? of The Pum?kin Patch, of Browns Summit, NC, all ?rofits from onlocation ?um?kin sales will be donated to bictory Junction. dWe want families to come and s?end a day in the maae and ?urchase a ?um?kin while they`re here. What a great way to welcome Fall. Much of the ?roceeds are going to hel? a bunch of deser*ing kids,e said Patience Ergish, owner of Oakha*en
Now Open
Golden Flea Market 411 S. 2nd A*e., Mayodan • (Old Food Lion Building)
3 Inside Flea Market 3 Farmers Market Outside Vendors Welcome
11 a.m. - 5 ?.m. Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 ?.m. Sat., 9 a.m. - 5 ?.m. Sunday
!irth&a( *artie, Sat & Sun 1N30 -4N00 All Ages - Bum?er Bowling A*ailable • Get A Grou? Of Friends Together & Come Bowling! •
Corn OaPe Pro?erties, LLC. Oakha*en`s Corntacular Ad*enture will o?en Se?t. 1 and remain a*ailable to *isit through Halloween. The farm is located in the Northeast corner of Rockingham County along Highway 29. With more than 1200 acres of rolling hills and farmland, it is one of Rockingham County`s best ke?t secrets. Designed for families of all ages, the Corntacular Ad*enture features the corn maae, 30` x 80` hum?ing ?illow, corn cannon, hay rides, Kiddy Train, Sand Mountain, Rubber Duck races and many other acti*ities. bictory Junction is a yearround cam?ing en*ironment for children ages six to 16 with chronic medical conditions or
serious illnesses. Founded by Kyle and Pattie Petty in honor of their son Adam, the cam? is located in Randleman, NC with a second location o?ening soon in Kansas City, KS. bictory Junction offers ?rograms for 24 disease grou?s and maintains strong relationshi?s with 30 ?artner hos?itals. bictory Junction`s mission is to ?ro*ide life-changing cam?ing ex?eriences that are exciting, fun and em?owering, in a safe and medically-sound en*ironment. As a not-for-?rofit organiaation, the cam? o?erates solely through the su??ort of generous donors to ?ro*ide this ex?erience at no charge to children and their families. For more information or to donate, *isit www.*ictoryhunction.org.
O.en !012ing 4, We22 4, 6eague *2a(
R:;<=>;??: LAB:= 1640 Freeway Dr., Reids*ille 88CD8E(D*89* Call For More Information
(Former Grogan’s ?uilding)
Rental ()ui,ment and Su,,lies for SPECI?L ACC?SIA4S • %eddings • Birthdays • Corporate Events • Reunions• ?nniversaries • ,olidays !ours 'am - 6pm Monday Thru Friday
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2SBZ:KI O:T;B= AI EH8) D [H)) MN \REE /#EN T/ TFE #3&LI2 Blues Creek at 4N30 ?m Kickin Grass at 6N00 ?m Stee? Canyon Rangers at 7N30 ?m
4ood 5ill 6e availa6le &::K TAK<:B W;?? O: SM:BV (Certain restrictions a??ly) NS 2SS?:K= A??SW:<V For information call 349-1099 www.ci.reids*ille.nc.us
90ur,: ;0n< = Fri< ?@ a<A< = ?@ .<A< Bat< C Bun< ? .<A< = ?@ .<A<
34# %. 'ings ,wy. • Eden, 4C 27288
&?J:= 2K::Y &AB<
Join us Saturday, Se?tember 25 as Market SZuare is filled with local, regional and national recording bluegrass artists.
Leagues Play Monday & Thursday Mornings Monday - Thursday E*enings - 7 ?.m. Senior League Monday 1 ?.m. 8
¶ PAGE 38 EDEN’S OWN / COUNTY STAR, SEPTEMBER 2010 September is Outdoor Lighting Month! All porch, post & outdoor ceiling lights are 15% off including special orders. Call 623-6188 or visit www.chandelier.com
D.L. Tuttle Farm
Certified Roadside Farm Market • Goodness Grows Member
Open To The Public On Weekends Beginning September 20th • 6 Acre Corn Maze • Pumpkin Patch • Hay Rides through Country • Farm Animals for Viewing • Cow Train & New Attractions
Every Child Gets A Pumpkin! With Admission!
2701 NC Hwy. 135 - 2 miles from Eden For Information Call: (336) 627-4261 or (336) 627-5666 clineberry4@triad.rr.com
Typing Services Avaliable!
All Your Typing Needs: Resume’s Letterhead’s • Brochure Design Flyers • Special Publications Call Eden’s Own Journal featuring The Rockingham County Star
Dance Store and More Be sure and stop by The Dance Store & More, 655 Washington St., during Riverfest where you will find 40% off all apparel! Riverfest is September 17th and 18th. Travel Consultants Sheraton Nassau, Bahamas: Book by Sept 15 for $300 companion air credit AND book three nights with 4th night free! Valid for travel Aug 15-Dec. 22; blackout dates apply. Subject to availability. Passport is required. For more information, please call 627-1175 or email info@edentravelconsultants.com King’s Chandelier House Cleaning Clearance Sale is on. Sales are on ceiling lights, sconces & table lamps to make room for new and exciting merchandise. They have a handful of extreme bargains remaining from their purchase of a closing competitor's inventory. And
Eden Therapeutic Massage Owner Kelley Pulliam is happy to announce we are now offering Integrative Reflexology sessions. Reflexology is a treatment based on the theory that our bodies, including organs, glands, and systems, have reflex points located on our feet. Using specific pressure on the feet, the therapist can release blockages around the corresponding body parts and bring balance and deep relaxation to the body. There are over 7,000 nerve endings in each foot. Be engaging with all 14,000 nerve endings the reflexologist can affect a wide variety of body elements. During the reflexology session you will be fully clothed, except for your feet, and reclined on a massage table. Often, the feeling after a session is one of
deep and profound relaxation. For information contact Kelley Pulliam RYT, LMBT #8237 @ 336-552-5826 or visit the web www.edenmassage-yoga.com. Available Downtown Property If you are looking for an excellent location to which to move your business or start a new business, 646 Washington Street in the heart of the Olde Leaksville Shopping District will be available in early October. This building recently housed a gift shop and would be the perfect location for a similar tenant. The front of the building will be completely renovated within the next thirty days. Call Mike Dougherty at 623-2110 for more information. Grand Opening/Ribbon CuttingMark your calendars A Grand Opening and ribbon cutting will take place at Short Cuts, located at 307 Glovenia St. on Wednesday, September 1st at 3:00 pm. Please come help us welcome this new business.
B EST A UDITORIUM W E L C O M E S S TEELY PA N S TILL B A N D The Steely Pan Steel Band from Appalachian State University will perform a concert on Sunday, September 26, 2010 at 3:00 p.m. in the R. Duane Best Auditorium at Morehead High School. The Steely Pan Steel Band is a steel drum band made up of 20 student performers and 40 steel drums and percussion. The band tours all over North Carolina and the southeast performing at civic events, universities, festivals and schools. They have also traveled to Hawaii and performed on several Caribbean cruises. The band is under the direction of Dr. Scott Meister, professor of percussion at Appalachian State University. Several Morehead High School graduates have been members of the band. 2010 marks the 25th anniversary of the Steely Pan Steel Band. The Steely Pan Steel Band performs on steel drums called “pans”, the traditional instrument of Trinidad and Tobago. The band plays a variety of musical styles from Caribbean to pop/rock, classical, sacred and Appalachian mountain music. This concert is the first in a series being sponsored by the MHS: R. Duane Best Scholarship and
Auditorium Fund. Proceeds from the concert will benefit the seat replacement fund. Upcoming performances in the fall series will include the original drama “Unconditional”, the Greensboro Big Band, Community Christmas Caroling featuring local elementary school choruses, and Peter Mayer, guitarist/vocalist/songwriter and former member of Jimmy Buffet’s band. Tickets for the concert are $10 for adults and $5 for students. Tickets may be purchased from Best Fund Committee members or they will be available at the door.
Need Flyers designed and printed? Don’t know what to do? Let us handle it! We design, and print your flyers for you! Call Eden’s Own Journal featuring The Rockingham County Star
Training for Professional Rescuers & Health Care Providers Rockingham County 349-3434
CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer NEW TWO-YEAR CERTIFICATION!
This course combines a participant’s manual, lectures and video with hands-on skills traning to cover the following areas:
Responding to breathing and cardiac emergencies in adults, children and infants.
Using an AED on adult and child victims of cardiac arrest.
Using personal protective equipment to stop blood borne pathogens and other diseases spreading Participants will receive the CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer and Healthcare Provider certificate with a validity period of two years. Lifeguards participating in the course will receive the CPR/AED for Lifeguards certificate valid for one year.
ZU M B A O FFRED IN E D E N Zumba® is a group fitness class that is a fusion of Latin and International music and dance themes that create a dynamic, exciting, effective fitness system! The routines feature aerobic, fitness and interval training with a combination of fast and slow rhythms that tone and sculpt the body. Zumba® utilizes the principals of fitness interval training and resistance training to maximize caloric output, fat burning, and total body toning. It is a mixture of body sculpting movements with easy to follow dance steps. Zumba® combines high energy and motivating music with unique moves and combinations that allows you to dance away your worries. It is based on the principle that a workout should be “FUN” and “EASY TO DO” allowing Zumba® participants to stick to the Zumba® fitness program and achieve longterm health benefits. Zumba® is a “feel-happy” workout that is great for both the body and the mind. In a nutshell: It’s fun . . .the type of exercise that you will WANT to do everyday and feel good about doing it!! It’s different . . . You probably never thought that you would be exercising to this type of music!! It’s effective . . . It is an aerobic workout, which we all know WORKS. But it is more fun—which makes you stick with the program and that will deliver the results!! Only $3.00 Per Class! With NO Commitment! Ditch the Eden NC ® Workout Zumba Class Schedule & Join the Starting - Monday September 13, 2010 Party!!! Monday: 6:30—7:30 Instructor: Amy Overman Poe Wednesday: 5:00-6:00 Instructor: Amy Overman Poe Live—Love6:30-7:30 Instructor: Britta Younts Smile Saturday: 9:30am-10:30am Instructor: Britta Younts Location: Boone Road Community Center, 606 Boone Road, Eden, NC Friends-FunFor more information call: Eden Parks & Rec Dept. at 336-623-2110 Dance Amy Overman Poe at 336-447-0269 * Britta Younts at 336-549-9189
Rent-A-House “A Nice House You Can Call Home”
336-623-8444 1-6 Bedrooms Available We Buy Houses & Land Shane & Abby Hensley
Real Estate Investors
Barbara F. Adams. CRFA President, Wealth Advisor
311 S. Main St. • Reidsville Securities offered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC
336-634-0201 Phone 336-458-9328 Fax barbara.adams@lpl.com ProtegrityWM.com
The Higgs Team
Boyd & Vonda
BEST VALUE IN EDEN Move-In Ready Home! 405 Sherwood Court, Eden, NC
CAROLINA PLUMBING Plumbing Repairs & Installation 30 yrs. experience / insured
336-344-4555 carolinaplumbing77@yahoo.com
CURRY’S ASPHALT MAINTENANCE Asphalt Repairs • Seal Coating • Hot Crack Filling
Free Estimate 336-932-0759 Serving Rockingham County For 20 Years
Gillespie’s Tax Service, LLC Tax Preparation • Estate Planning • Our Goal Is To Save You Money • Daniel E. Gillespie taxes_preparation@hotmail.com www.dgillespietax.com
142 Benjamin Road Eden, NC 27288 Phone: 336-627-1420 Fax. 336-627-9148
Reserve Your Space Here For The Next Issue 336-627-9234 Only $15 for the month Full Color! DL#1705
JIMMY JOHNSON MOTORS VANS, TRUCKS & CARS 325 Fieldcrest Rd. Eden, NC 27288 (336) 627-5093
Jimmy or Jay 336-635-1289
Ronald T. Corum President
605 Bridge Street Eden, NC 27288
WILLMON AUTO SALES We Repair Power Windows! Don’t Let The Headliner In Your Car Hang Down On Your Head! Get Professional Headliner Replacement
229 W. Meadow Rd., Eden, NC 27288 336-623-8324
Iron Eagle Tires • Brakes • Struts • Shocks Turn Rotors • Alignments • NC Inspections
608 Boone Rd., Eden Owned & Operated by Jimmy McBride
336-612-2114 221 E. Stadium Dr. Eden, NC 27288
Reserve Your Space Here For The Next Issue 336-627-9234 Only $15 for the month Full Color!
!"#$#%&' 11 The Boulevard, Eden Located at )ntersect)on o- Ch0rch 1t. 3 4he 5o0levard N T99i)es 7 > S*o4room 4it* Cerami) <ile ? restrooms > Oa% Yarage 4Zair Com/ressor Central Gir & Veat • >XXX s@9t /lus *uge 9ront s*elter ]LRM mont* 7 zoned 7 O7Y
336-623-8444 GREAT LOCATION FOR: BEAUTY SHOP • CAR LOT - OFFICES • GARAGE & MORE! M/M... continued from page 35 more in9ormation( )all t*e Madison7Ma%odan Ie)reation Pe/artment; at ML^7?Q^R; 7oga Classes <*e Madison7Ma%odan Ie); Pe/t; 4ould li8e to in"ite /arti)i7 /ants to _oin `oga )lasses no4 being o99ered to t*e )ommunit%; <*e /resent s)*edule 9or t*ese )lasses is as 9ollo4sa • Sat; RaXXam 7 >XaXXam • Mon RaXXam 7 >XaXXam • <ues >?aXX/m 7 >aXX/m • Wed Wa>M/m 7 Qa>M/m • <*ursda%s ^aNXam 7 RaNXam <*e )ost is ]N;XX /er )lass; <*e /rogram is taug*t b% eU/erien)ed instru)tor( <abit*a Sout*ard; bor
more in9ormation( )all t*e Madison7Ma%odan Ie)reation Pe/artment; at ML^7?Q^R; Staying Strong Program <*e Madison7Ma%odan Ie)reation Pe/artment; 4ould i8e to in"ite ne4 /arti)i/ants to _oin a Senior Citizen eUer)ise /rogram )alled DS<G` S<ITcY!J <*is /rogram is s/e)i9i)all% designed 9or Senior Citizens an dis a )ombination o9 t*e Ie"i"e( C*air Gerobi)s( and bit & Strong /rograms t*at t*e re)reation de/artment *as /re"iousl% o99ered; Classes are *eld on <uesda%s and <*ursda%s 9rom >XaXX7>>aXXam; <*e )ost is ]N;XX /er )lass and is taug*t b% eU/erien)ed eUer)ise instru)tor(
A N N U A L E D E N S E W E R R E P O RT !"er% %ear( ea)* muni)i/alit% and /ri"ate )or/oration 4it* a /ubli) se4er )olle)tion and treat7 ment s%stem is as8ed to send in a re/ort 9or t*eir /re"ious %ear:s a)ti"ities; <*is is to sta% )urrent 4it* t*e t%/es o9 treatment s%s7 tems being used( t*e miles o9 /i/elines in ser"i)e( and an% /roblems re/orted to t*e state b% eit*er t*e )olle)tion s%stem or t*e treatment /lant o"er t*e last >? mont*s; <*is is a re@uirement b% t*e state 9or t*eir re)ords( but it is also a 4a% to re/ort to t*e )iti7 zens in ea)* )ommunit% 4*at t*eir s%stem is li8e and *o4 it *as been doing; Man% )itizens still do not understand 4*at *a//ens a9ter t*e% 9lus* or 4*at e99e)t t*e% *a"e on t*e s%stem 4*en t*e% 9lus* t*e 4rong t*ings do4n t*e drain; Wit* /ubli)izing t*e DSe4er Colle)tion S%stem Gnnual Her9orman)e Ie/ort(J 4e are gi"ing e"er%one a )*an)e to learn more; <*is arti)le ser"es onl% as a summar% o9 t*e re/ort( but K urge an%one interested to read t*e re/ort in its entiret% on t*e )it%:s 4eb/age at 444;eden7 n);us !den:s )olle)tion s%stem )on7 sists o9 o"er >LM miles o9 /i/elines t*at *a"e to be loo8ed o"er and maintained regularl%; <*is is done b% a )re4 o9 >N men o"erseen b% Mar8 Oullins; <*ere are /roblems 9rom time to time t*at are out o9 t*eir )ontrol( but t*e% s*ould be )ommended 9or t*eir e99orts in identi9%ing t*e /roblems( res/onding in a @ui)8 manner( and ma8ing t*e ne)es7 sar% re/airs be9ore an% real dam7 age is done to t*e en"ironment; <*e% are t*e ones out in all t%/es o9 4eat*er 4or8ing in 4ooded areas or dodging tra99i) on bus% streets; Puring t*e /ast >? mont*s( t*eir )re4s res/onded to and re/aired NQ /roblems )aused b% in9lo4 and in9iltration during *ea"% rain9all or sno4 melt; <*e%
also res/onded to and unsto//ed >RL se4er lines t*at 4ere blo)8ed b% grease( roots( )olla/sed lines or /a/er /rodu)ts; Kn bet4een ma8ing re/airs( t*e% 4ere able to )lean and ins/e)t >L;MM miles o9 se4er mains t*roug*out t*e )it% in an e99ort to /re"ent /roblems be9ore t*e% o))urred; <*ere 4ere still o"er9lo4s 9rom t*e )olle)7 tion s%stem t*at *ad to be re/aired( but out o9 all t*e /rob7 lems( onl% NM )aused o"er9lo4s t*at 4ere serious enoug* to re/ort to t*e state; <*e treatment s%stem 9or t*e /ast %ear )onsisted o9 t4o 4aste7 4ater treatment /lants; <*e Pr% Cree8 /lant treats u/ to a *al9 million gallons a da%; Pue to t*e age o9 t*is /lant and its small size( it 4as )losed in Sune; <*e 9lo4 is being di"erted to a nearb% /um/ station t*at sends e"er%7 t*ing to our Mebane Oridge /lant; Kt )an treat u/ to >N;M mil7 lion gallons a da% alt*oug* 4it* t*e loss o9 our industries( onl% a"erages around N million gal7 lons a da%; <*is *as been a )*al7 lenging %ear 9or t*e /lant *a"ing to ada/t t*e /ro)ess to a mu)* lo4er "olume( but 4it* all o9 our nine em/lo%ees 4or8ing toget*7 er( 4e *a"e su))eeded in /rodu)7 ing a *ig*er @ualit% e99luent t*an e"er be9ore; Wit* t*at being said( 4e did *a"e t*ree di99erent instan)es 4*ere 4e *ad to re/ort being non7)om/liant 9or our mont*l% re/ort; Tne 4as 9or t*e Pr% Cree8 /lant 4*ere 4e eU)eeded our 9lo4 limit due to *ea"% rain9all t*roug*out t*e mont*; <*e /lant *andled t*e "olume 4it* no ot*er "iolations( but t*is still *ad to be re/orted; <*e ot*er t4o 4ere 9or t*e Mebane Oridge /lant; Tne o9 t*ese 4as 9or /V; We get one s*ot at t*is a da% and on)e %ou ta8e t*e sam/le( %ou *a"e to re/ort 4*at %ou get e"en i9 t*e rest o9 t*e sam/les are 4ell 4it*in t*e
Sulie So%)e; Hre7registration is not re@uired( but /arti)i/ants 4ill need to sign in 9or ea)* )lass at t*e re)reation de/artment o99i)e; bor more in9ormation( )onta)t t*e Madison7Ma%odan Ie)reation Pe/artment at ML^7?Q^R; eumba bitness Hrogram Come and tr% t*e eUer)ise e"er%7 one is tal8ing about 7 efMOG! eumba )ombines gatin and inter7 national musi) in dan)e routines 9eaturing aerobi) and 9itness inter"al training done to a )ombi7 nation o9 9ast and slo4 r*%t*ms; <*e Madison7Ma%odan Ie)reation Pe/artment 4ould li8e to in"ite ne4 /arti)i/ants to _oin t*is 9un /rogram! Classes are *eld at a "ariet% o9 times and
onl% )ost ]N;XX /er )lass! <*is /rogram is taug*t b% )erti9ied instru)tors( Oritta `ounts and Gm% Hoe; Come and _oin t*e /art% and *a"e 9un 4*ile getting 9it! bor )lass s)*edules and 9ur7 t*er in9ormation( )onta)t t*e Madison7Ma%odan Ie)reation Pe/artment at ML^7?Q^R;
CRIMESTOPPERS 349-9683 Rewards Available
Paid For By Committee to Elect Rob Robbins
!y Melinda Ward, Wastewater Superintendent
limits; <*at 4as t*e )ase 9or t*is sam/le; Tn)e 4e sa4 t*at t*e result 4as lo4er t*an our limit( 4e )orre)ted t*e /roblem and raised t*e /V ba)8 abo"e t*e lim7 its 4it*in t*e *our; <*ere 4ere no ot*er instan)es o9 it 9alling belo4 t*e limit again; <*e se)ond re/ort 4as 9or not )olle)ting and anal%z7 ing a sam/le during t*e mont* t*at it 4as re@uired; <*is 4as due
to o/erator error in 9orgetting to ta8e t*e sam/le t*at is onl% )ol7 le)ted on)e a mont*; Measures 4ere ta8en to ensure t*at sam/les are not missed in t*e 9uture; <*e Cit% o9 !den em/lo%ees do all t*at t*e% )an 4it* t*e resour)es a"ailable to t*em to ensure t*at t*is )it% is maintained /ro/erl% 9or our )itizens; Man% times t*ere *as to be some
amount o9 )oo/eration bet4een t*e )itizens and our sta99 to 8ee/ t*ings running smoot*l%; <*at is 4*% 4e are doing all t*at 4e )an to edu)ate t*e /ubli) and 8ee/ all o9 us in9ormed o9 4*at is needed; K9 an%one *as an% @uestions about our se4er s%stems( /lease 9eel 9ree to )onta)t m% o99i)e at W?Q7 >XXR( eUt; >NX;
We Use Only 1st Huality MaterialsM
ENCELLENT SEROICEM Driveways Roads New Construction “If I don(t haul it, you will pay too much5”