August 2013 Issue

Page 1

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Monument Cleaning


Vol. 14 Num. 8

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336-613-1604 Not all business retirement plans are equal. Kathy W. Hale, AAMS® Financial Advisor 302 B N. Pierce St. Eden, N.C

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249 The Boulevard, Eden Call 336-627-0160 for donation pickups BRING US YOUR YARDSALE LEFTOVERS! Mon & Thur 1-3pm • 1st & 3rd NEW SAT HOURS 10- 3

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Emergency area of RCC’s Human Service Building named in honor of NewBridge Bank

Custom Construction

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Mayor John Grogan leaves a legacy, smiles and good memories Eden lost one of its biggest advocates on July 4 when Eden Mayor John (Johnny) Everett Grogan passed away peacefully at home after a battle with cancer. Everyone who knew Johnny knew that he was pro-Eden to the bone. Born and raised on The Boulevard, he has resided Eden ever since. Grogan spent the last 28 years of his life serving the community as an Eden City Councilman for 20 years and the last eight as Eden Mayor. He was a graduate of Tri-City High School, served in the Air Force, and graduated from Western Carolina University. He started his career in banking at Gate City Savings & Loan, and later retired from BB&T. Johnny Grogan proudly served as both Pres. and Executive Director of the Eden Chamber of Commerce for many years. Cindy Adams of the City of Eden also worked with Grogan at The Eden Chamber of Commerce for years said of Grogan “I consider my years with John at the Chamber and here at the City a treasure. He taught me so much about business, but more about how to live your life

Mayor Grogan Continued to Page 19

Rockingham Community Sciences Division. “By housing College (RCC) will honor all of our health care programs NewBridge Bank for its finan- in one building within a simucial commitment to the estab- lated hospital setting, we will be lishment of a simulated hospital able to realistically reproduce on campus by naming the facil- that environment for our stuity’s emergency care area for dents. This will not only foster Rockingham County’s largest interdisciplinary collaboration community bank. within our programs, but will RCC has raised approxi- enable our students to make a mately $1.5 million towards the seamless transition into the estimated $3.8 million cost of work environment after graduathe project. Planned tion. It is the best renovations to the N. possible learning sceJerry Owens Human nario.” Services Building will NewBridge combine health sciBank is supporting ences programs into the effort because one building and cremany of its clients ate a simulated hospiand employees live tal environment for and work in students. The college Rockingham County plans to begin renovaand the Bank wants Helmick tions by the fall of to help foster profes2013. Funding is sional medical trainbeing sought from grants and ing in the county. “We know private donors. that the students who graduate “In many health care prac- from the program will be ready tices, such as hospitals and to work in our hospitals and nursing homes, health care medical facilities,” said practitioners of various disci- Pressley Ridgill, President and plines interact continuously in CEO of NewBridge Bank. order to provide optimum care for their patients,” said Tiffany RCC Morris, dean of RCC’s Health

Continued to Page 12

Front view of building

Check Out The Coupons on Pages: 3, 7, 8, 15, 24

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