And Our New 2nd Location: 637-8099 128 Hwy 65, Reidsville
Madison Office 427-5181 Across from McDonalds
(Beside Courthouse in Wentworth)
“We shop, you save on auto, home, business, and life”.
249 The Boulevard, Eden Call 336-627-0160 for donation pickups BRING US YOUR YARDSALE LEFTOVERS!
.00 NC State Emissions Inspection Every Thursday at Master Lube (Across from the Eden Mall)
Custom Construction
Authorized Agency
Thur 10-4pm, Fri 10-4pm • Saturday 9am-3pm
(336) 623-7759
Creating Outdoor Living Spaces PROVIDING ... • Renovation • Restoration • Wood & Composite Decking • Vinyl Rail Systems • Retaining Wall Systems • Sun Rooms • Screen Porches • Covered Porches
Vol. 16 Num. 8
EDEN THRIFT 945 Washington St., Eden • 336-637-6481 Back To School CLOTHES $1
Hands-on fun in Eden at
Children love to explore, climb, touch and crawl, and they can do that and more at the Touch-a-Truck event held in Eden on Henry Street, on Saturday, August 22nd from 10am - 2pm. This event will feature vehicles from construction, fire, military, police, public works, rescue, tow trucks and tractor trailers, monster trucks and much more. There will be food and face painting as well.
Don’t Scrap It! We Buy Broken Washers & Dryers!
Thurs. - Sun. 12pm - 6pm
College or Retirement? Find out how to afford both. 302-B N. Pierce St. Eden, N.C
Grogan Park Member SIPC Kathy W. Hale, AAMS®
Financial Advisor
Financial Advisor
(336) 627-0138
Hope Gilley
715 Washington Street • Eden 336-623-9912 Tues - Fri & Sat by Appt.
• Facials • Massage • Mani • Pedi • Hair
TanMarks 704 Patrick St. Eden Tanning Mastercard/Visa/Discover Salon 336-623-MARK (6275)
Grogan Park now under construction The John E. Grogan Park, located at Eden City Hall, is under construction. Cirrus Construction of Stoneville, NC is completing the project. More than $250,000 in private donations funded this facility that will include a gazebo, plaza, wall of honor, landscaping and planters. Private fundraising began in the fall of 2014 and continued this year. The generosity of this community was
Mon.-Fri. 8am - 8pm & Sat. 8am - 2pm
illustrated by the success of this fundraising campaign. The fundraising results are as follows: Eden City Staff $33,000 Individual donations $112,000 Commercial donations $56,775 Corporate donations $27,500 Non-Profits $ 26,270 An environmental nature trail is being considered for the park. It will contain kiosks that provide information about the twenty-one varieties of trees that create the beautiful park canopy as well as one to honor Eden’s rivers. A grant is being sought by the Rockingham Community Foundation for this trail. Citizens across the country are seeking gathering places. This has been called the Age of Third Places, as people search for places to go besides work and home. Eden has a history of patronizing its parks. Freedom Park attracts thousands of visitors monthly and last month was the host of two Dixie Youth Sports Tournaments. The Smith River Greenway has been one of the most popular attractions for local residents
Grogan Park
Unrestricted play is essential for healthy cognitive development in children. At Touch-aTruck they will have a chance to explore vehicles of their choice, becoming immersed in the pretend world, experimenting and investigating large vehicles and meeting their operators. From big rigs to emergency vehicles, children of all ages can look, see, touch and ask questions. Admission is a non-perishable food item for the Kid’s Backpack Food Program. (Individual servings: cereal, juice box, spaghetti, nabs, soup, water, oatmeal, Ramen Noodles, Beanie Weenies, etc.) For a complete list of accepted food and beverages, visit
Continued on page 5
While You Were Out!
Pet Services: Sitting • Walking • Feed/Water • Play • Medicate • Put Out/Bring In
Home Services: House Sitting • Get Mail • Security Checks • Lights Alternated • Plants Cared For • Messages Forwarded • Light House Keeping First Consultation Free, Charge For Additional Consultations
Clothing and Accessories as well as Huge Discounts on Furniture and More
Call Elizabeth Doss - 613-3025
Lending A Hand To Children In Need
Pennies For Change, Inc. 640 S. Van Buren Rd., Suite E Meadow Greens Shopping Center
336-623-2210 Mon. - Sat.10am - 6pm