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Featuring The R O C K I N G H A M



Local Information County Wide Vol. 11, Num.16



D R . SASSER A W A R D E D G O V E R N O R’S M EDALLION Monument Cleaning

$750/mth Business Space Available Two Rivers Plaza See ad on page 43

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Call: 336-613-0343

W ant More Business? Then place your business in Eden’s Own Journal Rockingham County Star. We can help you get the word out! We Can Come To You!

336-627-9234 • 336-613-0325 Fax 336-627-9225 An unexpected gift from the White House arrived in Eden in November when the Obama family sent a Happy Birthday photo to Betty Finney. Finney worked at the White House for 14 years and retired 3 years ago this year.

Dr. Paul Sasser of Dayspring Family Medicine, Eden, received a great honor in November when he was awarded the 2010 Governor’s Medallion Award for Volunteer Service at a ceremony held in Raleigh, at the State Capitol, in the Old House Chamber. Beverly Perdue, Governor of North Carolina presided at the ceremony, and Elaine Marshall, Secretary of State, presented the Medallions. The Governors Award for Volunteer Service program has honored the true spirit of volunteerism in our state by recognizing those who make a significant contribution to their community though their volunteer service. With nine categories to choose from, one is chosen per county for the honor. Dr. Sasser, who received the Faith-Based Volunteerism award in the county, was chosen by the com-

mission to represent the entire county. Faith-Based Volunteers are those who volunteer though a faith-based community organization. Nominees may serve members of, or those outside,

Continued on Page 14

Dr. Paul Sasser

C ITY C OUNCIL, CITY S TAFF S AV E TA X PAY E R M O N E Y At the November 16, 2010 Eden City Council meeting, the accounting firm of Rouse, Rouse, Penn and Rouse, presented its audit of the City of Eden 2009-2010(July 1, 2009-June 30, 2010) annual budget. Some of the findings from this audit included:

Visit Chinqua Penn During The Holidays Page 15

• $1.5 million less than they were budgeted was spent by City Departments during the fiscal year. This was due to a cost cutting program that each department implemented to reduce expenditures wherever possible in their respective budgets. • Over $2.3 million in grants was acquired by city staff. This includes $429,924 by the Eden Police Department, $359,353 by the Eden Fire Department, $760,723 in funds for water and sewer projects, and $750,000 for Indian Hills’ projects. In the audit report, City Manager Brad Corcoran stated, “Our staff has worked diligently for the past several years in attempting to secure federal and state funding assistance which in turn reduces the overall financial burden on our citizens.” At the October Eden City Council meeting, the City Councilmen Wayne Tuggle, Jim Burnette and Darryl Carter recommended a two year moratorium on water and sewer increases. The remaining City Council members voted to approve the measure. Eden city staff has not had a salary increase in two years in view of the current economic conditions, a factor in reducing budget costs. The Pierce Street roundabout that has improved public safety by reducing traffic on Hwy 14 was funded primarily from state grants. “I am proud of the work the city staff has done to reduce costs in recognition of the economic recession and the proposal for water and sewer increases to be delayed

Continued to Page 4

¶ PAGE 2 EDEN’S OWN / COUNTY STAR, DECEMBER 2010 Letter to the Editor, The results are in, another campaign is behind us, and I accept the outcome. Along with my wife Libby and the rest of our family, I thank you for the honor and privilege of serving you. It wasn't the outcome we hoped for, but nonetheless it was part of a mood that swept the nation, with populist angst ousting many hard-working public servants. The challenges facing our state and nation are at historic levels, and we witnessed voters take their bigger frustrations out on local leaders. I thank my supporters -- too many to name individually in this letter -- who put our future above partisan labels and worked tirelessly despite the odds. I will forever be indebted to you, and I encourage you to stay encouraged and active. I graciously congratulate my opponent on a spirited campaign. While he and I disagreed on some issues, he and I share a faith in Rockingham County that is stronger than political differ-

ences. I commend him for a tough race and wish his family continued blessings. He now tackles the promises made along the campaign trail, and I wish him all the best. I offer him the services of my staff to make his transition as smooth as possible as he gets acquainted with Raleigh. I also extend my congratulations to all the other candidates who ran for office across our area. It's a sacrifice for candidates and their families, and our

democracy is stronger because of the commitment displayed and the willingness to throw your hat in the ring and serve the people. Now the real work begins. Today we come together, united as the people of Rockingham County, on a mission to jumpstart our economy, and strengthen the future for our children and grandchildren. I pledge to you that I will keep working for the betterment of our community, working to

Letter to the Editor On September 18, I was given the opportunity to be a member of the Triad Flight of Honor to Washington, DC, to view the old War II Memorial. In honor of Veterans’ Day, November 11, I wish publicly to thank Rotary International, WXII Channel 12, US Airways and the numerous volunteers involved in the accomplishment of this memorable trip. My veteran comrades, Louis Land, Bill Leffew, Allen McBride, and I are especially thankful to Harry Hudgens and his fellow employees of Miller Brewing Company in Eden who contributed from their wages to make this trip possible for us. With the economic difficulties in Rockingham County, as well we throughout the Triad, we appreciate their individual generosity in providing us with this unique and rewarding experience. Sincerely, Jimmy Davidson, 1845 Indian Trail, Eden

create jobs, bring more industry here, improve education, and protect our quality of life. Again, my deepest thanks for the trust that you have placed in me. Because our best days are ahead. May God bless you and yours. N.C. Rep. Nelson Cole House of Representatives, District 65

P e r c i s i o n M a c h i n e S h o p

P.S. As always, I have an open door and a listening ear. Even if I'm not in the State House for the next term, I remain deeply invested in Rockingham County because it is my home and your home, and the home of our children and grandchildren. I pride myself on being accessible to you, and will continue to stay busy. Together, we will unify to jumpstart our economy, create jobs, keep families strong, protect our principles and our quality of life. Again, thank you for the privilege of serving you.

UPHOLSTERY Auto • Motorcycle • Boat • Furniture Call Connie Siegner at 336-635-2541 • 336-552-1057

Letter To the Editor, I am a member of the Joint Community Advisory Committee. Members are appointed by the Rockingham County Commissioners. We go into nursing homes, and adult care homes, to make sure that the residents rights are being upheld, and to help resolve grievances. We have some vacancies on our committee, and I would like to encourage the citizens of Rockingham county to consider joining us. If you are interested you can contact the county commissioners to find out more. If we live long enough you and I may end up in one of these homes. Wouldn't you want somebody to be around to stand up for our rights? Charles Mann, Madison, NC From: Charles Mann, 105 W Academy St,NC, 336-689-7400

MOVED Eden’s Own Journal Rockingham County Star NOW OPERATING FROM OUR NEW ADDRESS

5197 NC Hwy. 14 Eden, NC 27288

Letters to the Editor do not necessarily represent the opinions of the editor/publisher. Letters received are personal opinions from private citizens in the area and must be signed by writer. Submissions should be no more than 300 words, longer only by permission. We reserve the right to refuse a letter for any reason and to edit for grammar and taste. The writer should include their address and phone number for verification purposes only. Address: Eden’s Own Journal • 519 S Van Buren, Suite C • Eden, NC 27288 • or email: • Fax to 336-627-9225.

Cross the bridge south of Eden, second driveway on left, it has the “Rockingham County” Star beside it!

Just call us and we’ll set a time to come to you! If no answer, leave a message, we are probably busy with another client, and we WILL get back to you, as soon as possible. All our NUMBERS AND EMAILS REMAIN THE SAME You can now CALL, we will see you at your convenience. There is a secure drop box at our new location to drop off information and payments. We sincerely appreciate the citizen’s support and the advertisers support over the past 12 years, which continues to keep Eden’s Own / Rockingham County Star a FREE publication. Be sure to thank our advertisers as you see them!

Office 336-627-9234 Fax 336-627-9225 Lisa Finney Doss, Publisher, Media Consultant • 336-613-0325 • 336-613-0312 •


Schedules upcoming ISSUE

January 2011 Deadline

December 22n d 4p m sharp Call

336-627-9234 Fax 336-627-9225 email




Want to know more about the basics of government at the local, state, and federal levels? The School of Government recently made this book available online: Local Government in North Carolina

5197 NC Hwy. 14• Eden, NC 27288


Fax: 336-627-9225 • • Political Issues - limited to schedules and location of group meetings, the decisions made by officials, and voting information. • Community Events - Articles should be sent in as early as possible, by the 20th of the prior month is always safe, and photos are welcome. There is no charge for an article of community events. • Church Events - There is a special section for Special Church Events. The cost is $10 for up to 10 lines. • There are discounts available for prepaid consecutive advertisements. Call for details. • Letters to the Editor should be no larger than 300 words. We reserve the right to edit or not to print letters that we feel do not fit our mission. • Birthday, Anniversary, Family announcements available at reduced rates. Articles and ads presented in this paper do no necessarily reflect the opinions of the owners. Contributed articles are subject to editing for content and space. Respond to advertisements at your own risk. Mistakes in articles or ads will only be compensated up to the cost of the submission.

For Advertisement Information Call...

Lisa F. Doss 336-613-0325 336-627-9234 Visit Us At Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality Of Life




Continued From Page 1

by two years,” stated Mayor John Grogan. This was echoed by Mayor Pro-Tem Wayne Tuggle who pointed out the over $1.5 million saved in the 2009-2010 budget. "I simply want the public to be aware that all the employees for the City of Eden are seriously making an effort to reduce the amount of money it takes to run the city. An Energy Plan has been implemented that has reduced electricity, gas, heating, air conditioning, etc. The City of Eden audit also shows that departments spent $1.5 million less than they were budgeted for the year. And, with the state and federal government reducing funding to our city as well as dealing with more unfunded mandates, our departments have secured more than $2.3 million in grants and loans. I am personally proud of their efforts to be conservative." More Savings this Year Less than six months into the current fiscal year, almost $2 million more in grant funding has been awarded to the Environmental Services Department and Planning and Inspections Department for water and sewer as well as streetscape projects. At this rate, the 2010-2011 grant awards will far exceed the $2.3 million city departments acquired last year. Grant funds to extend water and sewer services to the Berry Hill Regional Mega Park will be sought from the Golden Leaf Foundation as part of the $2 million it is providing each Tier #1 county in the state. That application will be submitted on December 3, 2010. For more information, contact City of Eden Accounting Coordinator Amy Winn at 623-2110.

Heaven On Earth Massage Therapy

594 Pierce St., Eden

627-HEAL (4325) Bonnie Kober Lic.#314 1 Hour - $55 30 min. $30 Certified Iridologist Iris Reading $15 NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS By Appointment Only


TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU! 375 Goose Pond Rd., Ruffin, NC 27326


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Searching for that special gift? The Dan River Art Market Gallery is hosting a Holiday Open House on December 4th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and December 5th, 1 – 4 p.m. pm. Fine craft and artwork by local artists will be on display, just in time for the holiday season! Browse the gallery and find the perfect gift for all family and friends, in a wide range of price ranges. The Open House & Holiday Sale is free and open to the public. Music and refreshments are provided. The Art Market & Gallery


2 Sausage Biscuits Double Cheeseburger Fry & Drink $2.00


1004 W. Washington Street, Eden, NC



Your friends at Fair Funeral Home realize that holidays following a loss can be difficult. We invite the entire community to stop by and see our Tree of Remembrance, which honors all of the families we have served this year. This tree is decorated with more than 300 hand-blown, personalized glass “Guardian Angel” ornaments, tipped in 22k gold. It is our hope this gift will be one of peace and healing. Each of our families will receive one complimentary ornament.

will also offer extended holiday hours December 9th – 11th and December 16th – 18th. A raffle will be held the final day of the open house. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. Call 349-4039 or e-mail Drawings for the following prizes will be held on Sunday, December 5th (you do not need to be present to win): • 1st Prize: Snow Scene Painting valued at $450 • 2nd Prize: Pottery by Hawk Spirit Studios • 3rd Prize: Scarf by Kathryn Gauldin • 4th Prize: Necklace & Earrings Set by Ginger Waynick • 5th Prize: Wood Carving by Tim Fulcher Please join us for this special holiday event!

I would like to thank all my customers for the opportunity of serving them this year... Have a Blessed Christmas Season

All monuments are mined and made in Elberton, Georgia. “ The Granite Capitol of the World” with first quality stone. We offer best prices and service. Death Date cut for $100.00 • Granite Vases $150.00 Set is Mounted with Set - Rite (Not Tape) Check our prices before you buy • Pet Stones Available •

24” X 12” X 4” Markers Special $285.00 Plus Tax No Charge or obligation to come to your home. Porcelain picture mounted with Lifetime Warranty from factory. If you don’t get my price you lose! All items are finest quality!

Please Call For Appointment!

New Designs & Laser Etchings

About the Rockingham County Arts Council The Rockingham County Arts Council (RCAC) is the focal point/umbrella organization for the arts, and information about the arts, in Rockingham County. Founded in August of 1969 as a non-profit organization, we provide grassroots grants to local artists, arts organizations, and schools.

When it’s time for life’s toughest decisions... When it’s time For Intensive Rehabilitation, our facility offers structured physical, occupational and speech therapy plans tailored to your individual needs, delivered by professional therapists. For Long Term Care, our nursing care meets your physical and personal needs in the most caring family environment we can create. We provide just the right level of assistance and the oversight you need to accomplish life’s daily tasks.

Choose with confidence. Brian Center Health & Rehabilitation 226 North Oakland Ave. Eden, North Carolina 27288 (336) 623-1750



Loved ones who have recently passed away.



Elder Lawrence Thornton Manley, 86

Lindsay Katharine Apple, 29 - Reidsville

Margaret Melissa Shreve Moorefield - Rockingham County

Denny Ray Ashburn., 57 - Stoneville

Oscar Gray McCollum, 98 - Reidsville

Cecil Ray Barker, 81

Sybil Shelton Myers - Reidsville

Jeffrey "Jeff" Lynn Biggs, 35 - Eden

Barbara “Meme” Roach Moore, 72 - Reidsville

Berry Carlton Burris, 44 - Reidsville

Vallie Cockerham Murray, 85 - Eden

A. N. "Nelson" Collins, 93

Billy Reid Paschal, 74 - Reidsville

Riley Taylor Corum, Sr., age 70 - Eden

Virginia Kathleen Compton Price, 83 - Eden

Gracie Strader Collins, 88 - Reidsville

John Moir Price, 97 - Madison

Lucy C. Carter, 97 - Ruffin

Elizabeth McNary Penn, 83

Evelyn Meeks Davis - Madison

Makenzie Diane Ragan, 4 month old infant

Barbara Ann Pruitt Eanes, 63 - Eden

Sam Maurice Reynolds, 82 - Eden

Margaret Queen Fulcher, 67

Mary Duckworth Roberson

Douglas Wayne Gentry, Sr., 51

Lois Dunovant Smith, 92 - Stoneville

George Gilley, 51 - Rockingham County

Katherine Campbell Skeen, 57 - Reidsville

Benjamin “Layton” Grafton, Jr.

Ralph Eugene Sigmon, 59 - Eden

Vaughn Grogan, Jr., 64 - Rockingham County

Virgina Marie Smart, 76

Donald Ray Gilley, 52 - Eden

Sanford Lee Smith, 80 - Eden

Mary Jane Nelson Hall - Mayodan

Tommie Jane Martin Somers, 79 - Rockingham County

C. C. "Doc" Hall, 84,

Phillip "Pete" Wayne Smith, 61

Brian Clayton Hundley, 60

Betty Florence Hill Taylor, 79

Harvie Shields Hardy, 83 - Eden

Marjorie Myers Tysor, 90 - Rockingham County

Alice Virginia Hutson, 75 - Ruffin

Peggy Ann Tate Underwood, 77

Estelle Darnell Hicks, 83

Timothy Shane Vogler, 33 - Stoneville

Mary Emma “Menna” Smith Hall, 88

Essie Shumate Vernon, 98

Beulah Elizabeth Wilson Handy, 87 - Rockingham County

Patsy Ann Duggins Watkins, 66 - Madison

Edwin Tuttle Jackson, Sr., 72

Ralph Roscoe Williams, 99 - Reidsville

Coy Lee Jones, 65 - Reidsville

Edna Stanley Walker, 81 - Rockingham County

Magdalene "Maggie" Manuel, 71

George Michael “Mike” Wilson, 37 - Eden

Pam’s Caring Companions, Inc. Specializing In In-Home Companion Care Pam Phoenix - Owner 1422 Freeway Drive • Reidsville, N.C. 27320


Joyce Monuments

(336) 623-5333 14176 N.C. 87 N • Eden, N.C. 27288 Custom Monuments designed to your specification on site. All types of monuments in a variety of colors and sizes in stock. From design to delivery in 14 days or less. Cemetery • Churches • Civic Monuments Granite, Marble, Bronze FREE ESTIMATES Locally owned and operated By Sandra Joyce

Stop In and meet our Staff Open daily 8 until 5 Saturdays 9 until 12 In home or After Hour Appointments Available If Needed ADDITIONAL SERVICES Death Dates Cemeteries Cleaning Family/Church’s Monument cleaning and repair Benches, Crosses, Vases ALL TYPES OF METAL SANDBLASTING Car Parts, Cars, Frames, Out Door Furniture, Cast Iron Cook Ware


E vents COMMUNITY EDUCATION SUPPORT GROUPS & MEETINGS HIV/AIDS Meetings Held Monthly. For info: 800-924-3193 Teresa Hart CHRONIC DISEASE MANAGEMENT classes are now held at Morehead Hospital diabetes Education Classroom Please call 627-0409, 8 am-5pm to register for these classes. • Cardiac Rehab & Maint. • Diabetes Management • Pulmonary Rehab Prgm. LOOK GOOD…FEEL BETTER – Annie Penn Hospital - Female cancer patients are invited to a FREE beauty makeover taught by a volunteer cosmetologist. Each female cancer patient receives a FREE makeup kit worth $200. Classes are offered the first Wednesday of each month. To register, please call 951-4584. LOOK GOOD - FEEL BETTER 10 a.m. - noon, Monday, Dec.20 Smith-McMichael Cancer Center This program helps patients learn to disguise physical side effects they sometimes experience while undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment. Open to any patient in Rockingham County regardless of where they are receiving treatment. Registration is required. To register, call 336-623-9713.

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Wed. - 8pm - Morehead Hosp. Dining Rm - Tue & Fri - 8-9pm Rock of Eden Spray Methodist AL-ANON - Fri’s 8pm - Joint meeting with Alcoholics Anonymous Rock of Eden Spray Methodist Wed’s - Morehead Hosp. Dining Room - Circle of Love - 8 - 9pm NA (NARCOTICS ANON.) Meets 5 days a week in Reidsville at the REMMSCO Annex, 108 N. Main St. Includes a noon meeting on Monday and 8 PM meetings Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 1 hour meetings, open to all. GROUP DIABETES CLASSES – Annie Penn Hospital offers FREE Diabetes Group Classes twice a week. Walk-ins are welcome. Dining Room C in the Annie Penn Cafeteria Each Tuesday- 10 -11am. and Thursday afternoons from 3-4 pm. Please call 951-4673. HOUSE CALLS - RADIO SHOW 11:30 a.m., 2nd & 4th Wednesday 1490 WLOE AM • WMYN AM Hosted by Kerry Faunce, Morehead Hospital marketing director. Hosted by Torrey Goard, community health educator LIVING WILLS 1:00 p.m., Wednesday, December 15 Morehead Hospital Main Conf. Rm Learn about new NC legislation related to Advance Directives and prepare your living will and health

927 Washington St. Eden, NC 27288

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I nterest

care power of attorney. Each session begins with an informational discussion. Those attending are assisted in finishing their documents. A notary and two witnesses are present to finalize documents. There is NO CHARGE for this community service. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED - preferably at least one week in advance. Call to register: 336-623-9711, Ext. 2482. WEEKLY WELLNESS HOUR Every Wednesday evening at 7pm FREE to Public! Door Prizes! Learn about health and prosperity. 594 Pierce St, Eden, NC (next to library) 627-4325 SPECIAL POPULATION DANCE - 336-627-7565 The Arc Of Rockingham County sponsors a special population dance monthly (the second Thursday of each month. RCC, Whitcomb Student Center. 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Refreshments Served. GRIEFSHARE & DIVORCE CARE - Support groups for people who are grieving the death of someone close to them or needing help healing from pain of separation or divorce. Every Mon. from 6:30- 8:00pm, Growing Oaks Community Church, 2270 Harrington Hwy., Eden. Call 6231114, 558-5947 or visit FOSTER CARE & ADOPTION SUPPORT Meets 3rd Tuesday of each month 6:30pm- 8:00pm, DSS Conf. Room. Jo Wilson 342-1394 SINGLE PARENT SUPPORT GROUP meets at Leaksville United Methodist Church, 603 Henry St., Eden. Dinner, child care provided. Door prizes. Sponsored by the Rock. Co. Partnership for Children, Rockingham Pregnancy Care Center, and Wal-Mart. FREE. Call Beverly at 342-9676 to register. YOGA CLASSES - Terri Lea, certified Yoga instructor at In Touch. Beginner & Intermediate Welcome - 118-A Arbor Lane, Eden. 623-9138 to register EDEN - CITY HALL EDEN ROOM Ongoing Classes Tues’ 8:30-9:45am or CB Hut - Boone Rd., Eden, Weds. 6pm-7:15pm $72 for 6 week session or $15 per class (must have min. number of students, class sizes limited, reg. early) MOPS - Eden MOPS - Contact Virginia at 623-3400 for more info - Reidsville MOPS - Contact Kelly at 348-1634 for more info - Rockingham MOPS - Contact Heidi at 427-2712 for more info PARKINSON’S DISEASE SUPPORT GROUP 2 p.m., Tuesday, December 14 Morehead Memorial Hospital Main Conference Room.A support group providing information and encouragement for individuals and families affected by Parkinson’s Disease. Refreshments will be provided. For more info. call 336-627-6199. COMMUNITY OF HOPE CANCER SUPPORT PROGRAM 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 14 Smith-McMichael Cancer Center Conference Room Topic: Exploring Self-Esteem and Intimacy A group designed to help patients and their families/caregivers/friends cope with cancer. Family concerns, financial concerns and spiritual concerns and needs will be addressed. For more information, call Marcia McQueen at 336-623-9711, Ext. 2482.

CIVIC AND GROUP MEETINGS EDEN’S WOMEN’S CLUB 3rd Thurs. of mo. - 7pm. 623-7290 SPECIAL YOUNG ADULTS 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m., Tuesdays, December 7 & 21 Morehead Memorial Hospital Downstairs Classroom A night for adults ages 18-45 with mild or moderate developmental disabilities to meet new friends, play games (Bingo, Uno, Dominoes), make crafts, enjoy snacks and participate in other social activities. For more info.n, call Brenda Moore at 623-1077 or613-5174 after 6 p.m. WENTWORTH RURITAN CLUB Ruritan Club meets 2nd Tuesday each month at 6:30 at the Wentworth United Methodist Church at 6:30pm. Charles Boswell @ 336-342-4346 or Sharon Reynolds @ 336-613-0474 STONEVILLE RURITAN CLUB Meets at the VFW Hut, N. Glenn St. 3rd Tuesday or the month - 7pm Call Dot Ellington 573-2093 or Ricky Craddock 336-453-7005 MINORITY BUSINESS ASSOCIATION - EDEN Meets 1st Monday of each month at 6:00pm Eden Chamber of Commerce building, Van Buren Road. Call Butch-627-7600 CHRISTIAN WOMEN OF EDEN Entertainment and Brunch Wray Centre, 452 Bridge St., Eden $10 at the Door. Contact 939-2230 or 342-1524 For Dates and Times ROCKINGHAM COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB Monthly Meetings held 7pm on the 3rd Tuesday of month. Red Cross Bldg - 3692 NC Hwy 14, Reidsville. 573-3317 or 548-2027 JOB SEEKER CLASSES Goodwill Industries of Central NC Community Resource Center of Reidsville. Call 336-637-1010 to register Employability Skills, GED Classes

THE DAV Now meeting 3rd Monday of each month at 7pm AMERICAN LEGION POST 79 Reidsville, Meets the 1st Monday each month at 7pm at the post located behind Auto Zone in Reidsville. For more info: 336-295-2996. AMERICAN LEGION POST 254 Meets 3rd Thursday of each month 6:30pm. All Vets are Welcome 147 N. Fieldcrest Rd, Eden CIVIL AIR PATROL The Civil Air Patrol (CAP) is seeking volunteer members to help perform emergency services (including search and rescue and disaster relief operations); aerospace education; and cadet programs for teens. Meetings every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at Shiloh Airport, Stoneville. Call Charlie Spratt at 336-537-3115 or 336-520-7886. “JOSHUA’S TROOPS” Meet every 2nd Thursday of the month at 8:30am at the Dan Valley Com. Bldg (Madison) Do not have to be a vet to attend. MARINE CORPS LEAGUE Meetings 2nd Thursday each month at 6:30pm - 8pm, at the Whitcomb Student Center at RCC. Seeking new members 613-3171 or email AMVETS- Newly formed local group. All Veterans and service men and women welcome. Willard (Woody) Waters at 635-1786 or FREE MEALS MEALS WITH FRIENDS! Monday – Thursday at lunch time. Anyone 60 years of age and over Why: activities, good food & fun • HUNTSVILLE NUTRITION 1151 Sardis Church Rd., Madison 427-5206 Site Manager-Joann Williams-Tucker • LEAKSVILLE NUTRITION Bridge St. Rec. 400 Bridge St. Eden Site Managers- Mildred Cochran Kay Ramsey 623-5343 • MAD. - MAYO. NUTRITION

Rick Alcorn License #15168H2H3-1

336-623-7386 N ATE Certified Tech. Long’s Kustoms One Stop Shop Luke Long , Owner Chrome Wheels & Tires Kustom Paint & Airbrushing & Powder Coating Sand Blasting & Welding ATV & Motorcycle parts & service

(336)-623-9278 621 Boone Rd. Eden, N.C.

Ernie’s Coin Shop & Collectables 202 W. Main St., Mayodan, NC 27027

(336) 613-4115 Over 400 DVD’s In Stock, Most Priced $2.00! We Now Have Elvis & Tweety Bird Memorbelia! Use Our Christmas Layaway • We Buy, Sell & Trade!


E vents Mad. – May. Rec. 300 S Second Ave., May. - 445-9840 Rita Hunt • REIDSVILLE SENIOR CENTER Reidsville Rec./ RHS Apartment 201 N Washington St., Reidsville Site Managers- Sara Dominick & Diane Clark 349-9757 COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS MEAL SERVED AT DRAPER CHRISTIAN CHURCH on December 24, 2010 from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. Transportation will run from Salvation Army on Morgan Road to the Church beginning at 11 am. For more information on either event call the Church at 635-8932 or email Lisa Williams at SALVATION ARMY Hungry? Come by and have a meal on us! Mon. thru Fri. 12:00-12:30 314 Morgan Rd, Eden Sunday 9:30 worship 11am Sunday School. EVENTS OF INTEREST MUSIC & DANCE Cascade Community Center 3561 Huntington Trail, Cascade Every Friday Night 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. Cascade Express & Friends. Concessions Av.


Memory which is displayed in the hospital’s main lobby throughout the holiday season. All donations are tax deductible and all proceeds will go to benefit Morehead Memorial Hospital. This project is sponsored by the Morehead Memorial Hospital Auxiliary. WESTERN ROCK. CO. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY USED BOOK STORE 103 2nd Ave, Mayodan Fridays 10-5, Sat. 10-2 25¢ Sale - All religion, Christian Spiritual and Inspriational Fiction during Nov. & Dec. P.A.W.S HOLIDAY BAKE SALE Rockingham County Middle School Dec 4th 2010 - 10am til 4pm all proceeds go to rockingham middle school. Take it home or eat here. For info call Robin Devine at 336520-2633 anytime 11TH ANNUAL NIGHT OF MIRACLES LIVE DRIVE THRU Nativity at Draper Christian Church 1116 Fieldcrest Road Eden, NC 27288 December 3 & 4, 2010 from 7 to 9 pm.

MUSIC AT THE BARN Tuesdays 7pm the doors open at 151 Gant Road, Eden. - Bluegrass music & Jam sessions. Free to public. 2nd & 4th Saturday, 6pm covered dish - 7pm - Heart Strings...

–BOOK & GIFT SALE - Annie Penn Hospital Auxiliary . Dec. 7th Hospital Main Lobby, Tuesday, 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 pm. Large selection of discounted books and gift items. The public is invited. Proceeds are used for Annie Penn Hospital equipment needs or special projects.

MAYODAN MERCHANT’S ASSOC. Pro-active group comprised of business and property owners intersted in working to improve the Downtown area. Regular meetings will be held monthly on the 3rd Monday at 7:00 pm, alternating between Downtown Mayodan restaurants.

SENIOR ANGEL TREE A Cleaner World of Eden has a senior angel tree with adults in need of Christmas cheer. Please come by the Van Buren A Cleaner World and pick out your angel. All gifts must be turned in by December 14th. They must be unwrapped.

SENIOR DANCE IN EDEN Decembers Dance at the CB Hut will be a Christmas social and dance, We will play cds. (no band) It will be from 7-9:30 admission will only be $3.oo at the door. The dance is held the last Monday of each month.

CHRISTMAS CAROLING Rockingham Co. Community Band Holmes Middle School Chorus Central, Draper, Douglass, Leaksville Spray Elementary Schools Choruses Sunday, Dec. 5 at 3:00 PM MHS Best Auditorium 134 N. Pierce St., Eden NC FREE! Welcome Can Food & Spare Change Donations

RED CROSS BLOODMOBILES Appointments are strongly recommended for donors to get in and out faster. Call for the nearest bloodmobile near you! 349-3434 HABITAT RESTORE HOURS Monday & Thursday 1 - 3 PM 249 The Boulevard, Eden Tax-Deductible Donated Items Help Build Houses. Building Materials, Furn., Appliances Large item pick-up 627-0160 2010 TREE OF LIFE 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, December 7 Day Hospital Lobby Searching for that special holiday gift? The Tree of Life provides just that – the opportunity to symbolize your love and admiration for the special people in your life. Simply purchase a lovelight - $5 donation, or starlight - $100 donation, in honor or memory of that special person. A card acknowledging your gift will be sent and their name will be written into the Book of Honor and


Consultant Contractors, Inc.

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NEW BEGINNINGS NEEDS... Children’s clothing for this difficult holiday season. This shop’s proceeds supports the Rockingham County Women’s Shelter. Please donate you unneeded items to this shop. 653 Washington Street, Eden Phone: 336-627-5003 Also - For any group or individual willing to adopt a family for the holidays, please call 627-5003. AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOODMOBILE 6:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Thursday, December 9 Morehead Memorial Hospital Downstairs Classroom Morehead Memorial Hospital will sponsor a bloodmobile visit on the above date. Come and show your support for this lifesaving community service by donating blood – the gift of life. 2010 TREE OF LIFE

I nterest

5:30 p.m., Tuesday, December 7 Morehead Hospital - Eden Day Hospital Lobby Searching for that special holiday gift? The Tree of Life provides the opportunity to symbolize your love and admiration for the special people in your life. Simply purchase a lovelight - $5 donation, or starlight $100 donation, in honor or memory of that special person. A card acknowledging your gift will be sent and their name will be written into the Book of Honor and Memory which is displayed in the hospital’s main lobby throughout the holiday season. All donations are tax deductible and all proceeds will go to benefit Morehead Memorial Hospital. This project is sponsored by the Morehead Memorial Hospital Auxiliary. FEEL GOOD FRAMES SALE 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Friday, December 10 Morehead Hospital Main Conference Room The perfect holiday gift!!! Feel Good Frames are original, hand painted, one-of-a-kind picture frames, ornaments, and message boards unlike any you have seen before. Choose from a variety of sizes and colors and have your frame personalized while you shop!! FOUNDATION FUNDRAISER ANNIE PENN HOSPITAL FOUNDATION will celebrate their 20th Anniversary at this year’s “An Enchanted Evening” fundraiser. This annual event will be held on Saturday, December 4th, at the Pennrose Park Country Club. Proceeds will benefit Annie Penn Hospital’s Patient Services and the Annie Penn Hospital Cardiac Rehabilitation Department. Tickets are available by calling 951-4595. ANNUAL TREE OF HOPE LIGHTING CEREMONY, sponsored by Annie Penn Hospital Auxiliary, will be held on Sunday, December 5th, at 4:00 pm, beginning with the lighting of the tree at the Main Street Entrance to the hospital. Afterwards, holiday entertainment and refreshments will be enjoyed in the Annie Penn Dining Room on Ground floor. Lights may be purchased in honor or in memory of a loved one. Forms can be obtained at area churches, and Annie Penn Hospital information desks. The lights will be sold through December 31st, and a holiday card acknowledging the gift will be sent to the honoree or family of the recipient being remembered. For more information, call 951-4559 SANTA LINK Annie Penn Hospital’s Employee Council is sponsoring a Santa Link toy drive for needy children this Christmas. The children have been pre-selected by the local Free Clinic, and HELP, Incorporated. If anyone would like to donate new and unwrapped toys to assist in this effort, please contact Elaine Hicks at 951-4682. Care Link staff will collect all of the toys in the Annie Penn Hospital Main Lobby on Monday, December 13th.

We Install All Types Of : Heat Pumps & Refrigration, Compressors • Warranty Work On Most All Brands

SPAGHETTI DINNER FUNDRAISER Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department will be holding a Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser on Saturday, December 11th from 12:30pm – 4:30pm. All proceeds will go towards helping with expenses incurred due to recent flood damage. The Cost is $5.00 per plate which includes spaghetti, bread and a brownie. Take-out only! Advance tickets are available for purchase at the recreation department office. For more information, contact the Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department at (336) 548-2789. HOLIDAY DANCE The Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department will be hosting a Holiday Dance Friday, December 3re. The “Rock the Rec.” Holiday Dance will be for students in the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. The dance will be from 6:00 – 8:00pm and admission to enter will be $3.00 at the door. Our featured DJ will be “Party Rein forcers”. Also, to protect the floors in the Gym, proper footwear is required – tennis shoes or stocks only. Concessions will be available for purchase. Come join us for a good time! For more information, contact the Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department at (336) 5482789.

CITY OF EDEN PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES RENT-A-SANTA The City of Eden, Parks and Recreation Department, will offer Rent-A-Santa during December 1 – 22, 2010. Santa will visit your holiday party, luncheon, family gathering, and other events for 20 minutes to help celebrate the Holiday Season with you. The cost is $30 inside the City limits of Eden. Please call the Eden Parks and Recreation Department at 623-2110 to schedule a visit. SANTA HOTLINE The City of Eden, Parks and Recreation Department, is once again making arrangements with the North Pole to have Santa call the children in the City of Eden during the upcoming Holiday Season. Santa will be calling the children on December 20, 21 and 22 to find out what they want for Christmas and if they are being good or bad. If you would like Santa to call your children, please contact the Eden Parks and Recreation Department at 623-2110.

C H U R C H E VENTS A New feature of Eden’s Own / Rockingham County Star Church Events is for Special Occasions that Churches in the county offer the public such as Revivals, Music, Guest Speakers, Programs, Vacation Bible Schools and more. For 10 Lines or less the fee is $10 The listing will be in the public’s hands for a full month, so be sure to tell the public what your place of worship has to offer them. Call 336-627-9234 and ask for Elizabeth or Lisa.

The Transformation of Faith Seminar Led by Lonnie Riley Co-Director of the • GRIEFSHARE & DIVORCE CARE (Grief Recovery Support Group) meet every Monday 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm GROWING OAKS COMMUNITY CHURCH 2270 Harrington Hwy, Eden, NC Call 336-623-1114 for more information • CANTATA & CANDLELIGHT SERVICE "LOVE'S PURE LIGHT" featuring Sanctuary & Handbell Choirs Spray Baptist Church, 745 Church St. Sunday, December 19th, 6:30 PM Please come and join us in the story of our King!

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ED E N S ENIOR C ENTER Get involved in activities at the Senior Center. Call 627-4711 for details. Activities include: • Watercolor paint classes – Wednesdays and Fridays from 912. Classes begin January 12th Landscape/ One Stroke paint classes- Thursdays from 9-12. Register now classes begin in January. • Rook, Friends Club, Knit & Crochet Classes, Paint Classes, Craft Classes and Sit & Sew. Call 627-4711 for details. • Legal Aid will be December 9th to make an appointment call 1800-951-2257 • Walking Group from 8:00-8:30 on the Senior Center Track. • Come Exercise with us on Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:30-9:00. Sit down or stand up class using resistance bands, balls and hand held weights. • Rook or Hand and Foot card games – Anyone interested in playing the card game Hand and Foot please show up at the Garden of Eden Senior Center at 1:00pm on Wednesdays. • Bingo Bash at 9:00 on Monday, December 20th at the Garden of Eden Senior Center. • Bingo at Bridge Street Rec on Tuesday, December 21st at 1:00 (bring a $1 prize) • Computer classes are offered free to seniors 65 years & older. Under 65 must pay fees. Register now for classes. Classes begin the week of January 9th. Basic computer Wednesdays 3:305:30 Basic level II computer Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 • Internet Buzzwords (facebook etc.) Tuesdays 9-12 Internet Fridays 9-12 Seniors are welcome to come use our computers during times we do not have classes. In November Tommy Fleming’s Boy Scout Troop #567 visited the Cooperative Christian Ministries Food Pantry to learn more about CCM and see how the pantry functions. The boys did a three week food drive thru family, friends and neighbors. On November 22 the troop returned to the pantry which is located in the basement of Leaksville Moravian Church with their food donations and had a chance to help sort the food with the help of volunteers Dick and Dale Hallett. Because the pantry relies on the local churches for support and individual donations projects like this food drive make it possible to continue to help the people of Eden. The CCM thanks the boys for a job well done.


County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life

M-M RE C. DEPT.OFFERS S E A S O N A L C LASSES Christmas is just around the corner. so to help you get into the Christmas spirit, the Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department will be offering a special holiday class! Join us Thursday, November 18th and Tuesday, November 30th for a Bow Making Class. Details are as follows: 2 classes available Thur - 4:30pm - 6:30pm and Tuesday 5:00pm - 7:00pm. *Both classes are the same* Cost = $7.00 for ages 65+ and $10.00 for ages 64 and under. Fees include all materials & instruction to make 2 bows. If you would like to make additional bows, you will be responsible for the materials. Space is limited to 10 participants per class & pre-registration is required! For questions or more information, please contact the Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department at (336) 548-2789.



WENTWORTH – The selection process for the next president of Rockingham Community College is extensive. Therefore, when Dr. Robert Keys announced he would retire as the college’s president effective Jan. 1, 2011, the RCC Board of Trustees met with Dr. Scott Ralls, president of the North Carolina Community College System to discuss the process. Upon Ralls’ recommendation, the trustees contacted consulting firms experienced in assisting colleges with community college presidential searches. Following a special meeting on Aug. 25, the board chose the North Carolina Association of Community College Trustees and its Executive Director, Dr. Donny Hunter to assist with the search. Hunter helped the trustees develop a presidential profile of leadership characteristics, which can be viewed on the college’s website. In addition, ads for the position were placed in the Chronicle of Higher Education, the Community College Times, and on the North Carolina Community College System website and RCC website. October 18 was selected as the final date for candidates to submit applications. A Presidential Search Advisory Committee was then formed consisting of individuals from local industry, public education, health care, elected officials, the RCC board of Trustees and RCC faculty and staff. This group of 20 has been given the task of narrowing the submitted application pool to 12 semifinalist and then to the final six candidates who will be invited to the campus for personal interviews. The RCC Board of Trustees expects to choose the next president from the six finalists. The advisory committee is currently in the process of reviewing the submitted applications and has reviewed the applications and has narrowed the candidates to 12 semifinalists. The RCC Board of Trustees anticipates selecting RCC’s fourth president in January.

FUNDRAISING P INTO B E A N S U P P E R G R E AT S U C C E S S On October 16th the Rockingham County grass roots committee, Will of the People, held a "Pinto Bean Supper" for its members and guests at Whitcomb Center, RCC. There were more than 200 tickets out to members and the room was packed. This event was perhaps the best attended of any organized groups held in the County. The food was catered by Debbie's who did a great job. Bill Flynn, 94.5 FM was the guest speaker. He was dynamic and Bill Flynn, of 94.5 FM is greeted by the members Thomas Harrington of Will of the People. became very involved and energised. He talked about the very issues the Will of the People stand for which is giving government back to the citizens, government responsibility to the people, elected officials listening to the citizens, demanding answers and educating the voters. He stressed the importance of citizens getting involved such as the Will of the People and the importance of the upcoming November '10 elections. The applause and cheering during his talk was proof positive that the citizens of Rockingham County are engaged in the governing of our County and will continue to be involved. Thomas Harrington, Chairman and founder of Will of the

Continued to Page 9



County Star

JOHN’S-OSBORNE HOUSE One of Eden’s truly historic structures is on the Preservation Society’s Christmas Tour this year. The Johns-Osborne House at 1011 Center Church Road is undergoing a complete rejuvenation and restoration. Using local expert craftsmen in many trades, owners Guerrant and Janet Tredway are sparing no expense or care to see that the house is put back in absolutely pristine condition. The workmen have been at it for many weeks, and expect to have the house ready for the Preservation Society’s Christmas Tour on December 5th, and thereafter to be available for all kinds of special events. The Johns-Osborne House was built in 1850 for Dr. A. B. Johns, one of Eden’s more important “Founding Fathers.” Upon his death he left the property to his extraordinary daughter, Annie Eliza Johns, who distinguished herself as a compassionate nurse of Civil War wounded, a novelist, and as a dedicated churchwoman. She was a devoted member of the Episcopal Church of the Epiphany, and was very active in the Sunday School and other activities of the church, especially Sunday School for local unchurched children. A Civil War Trail plaque describing her nursing career stands today in the churchyard. Miss Johns deeded the house to her brother, Dr. A. B. Johns, Jr., and he and then his daughters lived there for many years. Various members of the D. F. Osborne family occupied it from about 1950 on, and finally it was acquired by Mr. Tredway. Some of the furniture has come from the King House, and everywhere Mr. Tredway has made an effort to use local materials and furnishings, such as Karastan rugs and King’s chandeliers. The newly installed kitchen cabinets are noteworthy in that they are made from cherry logs salvaged out of the river. It will be a rare treat indeed to see this magnificent home in full Christmas finery. THR SHAW HOUSE The neat dwelling on a rise at 208 Green Knolls Drive gives little hint from the outside what treasures are within. Doug and Betty Shaw have lived there a long time, and what hours they could spare from their Bible Book and Gift Shop they have obviously spent gathering collectible nineteenth and twentieth century Americana from far and wide, including not a few things from their own childhood. The effect is like walking through the middle of a museum exhibit, with interesting, beautiful, or utilitarian objects crowding on every side. Yet the atmosphere is warm and welcoming. Add to this the lavish Christmas decorations throughout the house, including fully dressed trees, many beribboned wreaths, and almost innumerable Christmas figures, such as over 100 Byers’ Choice Carollers, and many Santas. The den is completely furnished with unusual and authentic pieces, such as a large dry sink china cabinet, a Hoosier kitchen cabinet that belonged to Betty’s

Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 8 People gave away two door prizes which were bank bags with gold coins in each. Norma Kelly gave away a beautiful large fall center piece. The winners were surprised elated as no one knew there would be such fantastic door prizes. Mr. Harrington spoke to the members as well and congratulated them on their continuing involvement in Will of the People and the importance of our goals. As usual, Mr. Harrington was both serious and humorous in his talk. He stressed the importance of citizens voting in November and the importance of the '10 elections. He reminded everyone that we are not only involved in Will of the People for ourselves but the future of our children and grandchildren. Dot Bush recognized all the volunteers who worked five festivals in a row to inform the people of the County about Will of the People. The volunteers did a very good presentation to citizens and signed up many new members. Their participation provided citizens an opportunity to learn about the committee first hand. Over 1500 brochures were handed out during the five festivals in the County. Will of the People was met with great interest at the festivals and especially in the western part of Rockingham County.

FAMILY LO S E S H O M E TO FIRE On October 24, 2010, Gail and Rick Willis lost their home in Stoneville to a fire. Gail has served as the Worthless Check Program coordinator for the District Attorney?s Office for nearly four years. With the help of State Employees Credit Union, a fund has been established for donations to the family. Anyone who would like to make monetary donations to assist the family in this difficult time is asked to contribute to the Pamela and Richard Willis Fire Fund at any State Employees Credit Union location in Rockingham County. For additional information, please contact Chrissy Griffin at 342-8760.

H OLIDAY B O W M AKING C LASS Christmas is just around the corner! So to help you get into the Christmas spirit, the Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department will be offering a special holiday class! Join us Thursday, November 18th & Tuesday, November 30th for a Bow Making Class. Details are as follows: 2 classes available: Thursday 4:30pm – 6:30pm Tuesday 5:00pm – 7:00pm *Both classes are the same*

Continued To Page 10



mother, a pie safe with pierced tin insets in the doors, and a large walnut glass front china cabinet, and a lady’s bedroom roll-top desk. The dining room is furnished with handsome oak

time. Zelma Farabee was known throughout the community as owner-operator of the Paristyle Beauty Shop, located over the Carolina Drug Store, for sixty years. She decorated and fur-

pieces, and the table is set with full holiday regalia. To one side there is an amazing old high chair that converts from high to table level to a stroller, and finally to a rocker. There are two full English silver tea sets and several large cut glass pieces, as well as more Christmas figurines. One bedroom is furnished with a handsome tall back Victorian bed with a matching bureau and a handmade (in Eden) chest of drawers, as well as two colorful Gone-with-the –Wind style lamps. Another bedroom holds a walnut poster bed, and in the corner a primitive American compartmentalized flour/meal/sugar chest. Another interesting piece is a bonnet chest, with spaces for bonnets, and drawers for gloves and shoes. A hotel style oak washstand with its own towel rack offsetting the mirror at the top is one more of the many other interesting and unusual pieces that fill this unique home. THE FARABEE “The Farabee,” at 1301 West Washington Street, offers a step back in time with its copious contents of mid-century memorabilia in a charming small cottage setting. The house was built in 1940 for Lloyd and Zelma Farabee and is still owned by the family. It is preserved as a homelike setting for catered luncheons and teas and has become extremely popular over the years. Lynda Burnette and Joy Wade, daughters of the Farabees, work together to provide warm hospitality and always delicious edibles. They are talking about cookies and punch for Tour visitors this

nished the house for the comfort and pleasure of her family, and it remains largely just as she left it. Clothing, including hats, furs, and jewelry from the era is on display, as well as exquisite hand-made baby clothes, pictures and china. The parlor is furnished with Victorian style pieces, set off by a full wall landscape mural. Many Victorian vases and

knick-knacks provide interesting décor, and a huge majolica urn on its own stand is especially notable. All of this will be much enhanced by the Christmas decorations in great variety and quantity. OTHER SPECIAL HOMES SHOWN Other homes on the tour include the Matthews-Hagood House at 114 N. Oakland Avenue; and Mr. & Mrs. Billy D. Phillips home, 1581 Rhodes Road. Tickets are $10 for the whole tour, available at Barbour Studio & Gallery, Eden Chamber of Commerce, Riverhouse Gift & Gourmet, The Front Porch, Granny’s Variety Shop & Antiques, Diamonds-NDust, Eden Historical Museum, or from any member of the Society. They will also be available at the homes during the tour. All proceeds are to benefit Eden Preservation Society projects. Call 336-623-1043 or 336-6233853 for more information.

Ruby Rose Tea Room 209 E Main St. • Stoneville 336-573-3214

Enjoy lunch ... and a lot more! Sandwiches, Soups, Salads, Desserts ... In A Century-Old Victorian House Complete With An Upstairs Gift Shop. Let Us Host Your Next Gathering!

Reservations Accepted, and Private Parties Available After Hours. Tuesday Through Saturday - 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Bring In This Ad For A FREE Cup Of Hot Tea Or Cider!

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JROTC HO N O R E D On 10 Nov 2010 the Morehead High School Army JROTC Department received 584 points out of a possible 600 points with an overall 97% rating on the Formal Inspection conducted by inspectors from Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. With this 97% rating the "Panther Battalion" will continue to be rated as a HONOR UNIT WITH DISTINCTION and one of the best Army JROTC Programs overall in the state of North Carolina. The inspection included an in ranks inspection of 135 cadets in uniform, as they were inspected by local recruiters from the NC National Guard and Army Reserve. This was followed by a Platoon Drill and Color Guard Evaluation. At the end of these evaluations the inspectors moved from the gymnasium to the classroom where a Holiday Offering sensing session was conducted to Regular retail: $14.95 NOW evaluate the curriculum knowlONLY $10.00 edge within the cadet corps. through December 31! These selected cadets from all And quantities 10 and over… grade levels along with the just $7.50 ~ Half Price! Panther Staff received an excelNorth Carolina lent rating as the inspectors native, 20 year funeral professional and received a staff briefing and a general manager of demonstration of the Prisoner of Wilkerson Funeral Home, Ted Hopkins, War and Missing In Action Table CFSP, has recently Skit. At the conclusion of the published his first inspection the cadets of the book, Life Stories ~ Healing and Hope in Panther Battalion shared a "Year the Wake of Loss. in Review Video" highlighting all This fourth-generation family-owned business gives Ted a platform to console, counof their accomplishments in sel, and encourage thousands who are dealschool and the community. ing with loss. His personal story of loss, along with the stories of four other families share how they have embraced the Kingdom of God and how they have discovered LIFE and experienced Light beyond the dark places. These stories will help you discover that the Kingdom of God is the only TRUE solution to loss. Healing and Hope is within reach! Ted’s prayer is that you will understand that life doesn’t end at the grave, nor does it have to wait to begin again at the reunion in heaven.

This book is to perfect gift for families facing the Holidays after experiencing loss and disappointment! Contact Ted at or call 336.613.8767 for details.

County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 9 Cost = $7.00 for ages 65+, and $10.00 for ages 64 & under Fees include all materials & instruction to make 2 bows. If you would like to make additional bows, you will be responsible for the materials. Space is limited to 10 participants per class & pre-registration is required! For questions or more information, please contact the MadisonMayodan Recreation Department at (336) 548-2789.


Elree’s Sweet Shoppe Fresh Coconut • Pumpkin Rolls • Red Velvet, & All Other Cakes & Pies! Open Through - Dec. 24 - 4 p.m.

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Just a few apartments left at Harris Pointe Eden NC Premiere Senior 55 + Apartment Community Located next to Meadows Green golf course Thank you for your fantastic response! If you want to be a part of Eden’s premier luxury apartments for Seniors 55 and older Call today and I’ll tell you about our fantastic Move in Specials. Our great amenities include: Range Refrigerator Dishwasher Disposal Large Closets Exercise Room Reading Room

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Pictured left to right: NC Representative Nelson Cole, Nell Rose, Julie Ganis, Daniel Burton, Dr. Paul Sasser, Brenda Sutton, and Graham Pervier. Brenda Bryan Sutton is the Rockingham County Coordinator for the NC Volunteer Service Award. This year marks the 32nd anniversary of this program that showcases North Carolina’s most dedicated volunteers. Through the years, North Carolinians have proven their concern and compassion for their neighbors by volunteering in their local communities. Each county selects up to five individuals, businesses, and/or groups to be recognized for their outstanding contributions to their communities. One of the five recipients is nominated to receive the Governor’s Medallion Award for Volunteer Service. A local committee evaluates the nominations. Sutton made the following announcements at the Rockingham County Non-Profit Council Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon and 2010 Governors Volunteer Service Award Recognition on Wednesday, November 3, 2010: Youth Winner: Daniel Burton. Daniel has volunteered as Assistant Coach for Special Olympics for the past three years—since he was only 13 years old and in the 8th grade. Individual Winner: Julie Ganis. Julie has been a volunteer with the Eden Preservation Society since 2004. Senior Winner: Nell Rose. Nell Rose has volunteered with the Rockingham County Schools as a Children’s Advocate for 18 years—volunteering seven to eight hours daily for five days each week. Faith-Based Winner: Dr. Paul Sasser. Dr. Paul Sasser has been Chairman of the Fundraising Committee for the Rockingham Pregnancy Care Center since 2001. He is a wellrespected physician in Eden with a busy practice—who probably spends as many hours volunteering as he does at work. The highest level of recognition is the Governor’s Medallion Award. Sutton is proud to announce that Dr. Paul Sasser is one of twenty award recipients in North Carolina for 2010. Dr. Sasser and Ms. Sutton will be honored at a reception at the Executive Mansion on November 16, 2010, by Governor Beverly Perdue. Submitted by: Brenda B. Sutton, Rockingham County Cooperative Extension Director, Rockingham County Coordinator for NC Volunteer Service Award

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The Eastern States Working Dog Association is an independent non-profit police K9 organization comprised of a group of working dog and police K9 enthusiasts. These individuals work together to promote the best interests of the police K9 and working dogs utilized in law enforcement and other public safety functions.

Continued to Page 11


County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 10 It offers membership to all working dog and police K9 enthusiasts, it acknowledges that there are a great number of dedicated persons who are not sworn law enforcement officers who maintain a legitimate effort in the training and deployment of working dogs. This association provides a forum for those persons to validate their efforts, and attain certifications and achieve the recognition that they deserve. It offers support, guidance, education, and training involving the use of police K9's in all areas of law enforcement and public safety. It serves as a legally recognized certifying authority for those police K9's their handlers and trainers. It recommends certification for all of it's members as police K9 teams, police K9 handlers, and police K9 trainers.

R ADIOS S TO L E N FR O M E M E R G E N C Y V EHICLES November 4th at 3:26 a.m. Joel Madren, 50, of 2212 NC87 reported the following items taken from his 1995 Chevrolet Suburban. • 800mgh portable radio ($3,000) • 400 mgh portable radio ($500) • Rock. County Emergency Services ID badge ($10) • Digital camera ($100) These items were used by the victim while working as a member of the Williamsburg Fire & Rescue. Captain Ken Hanks (Reidsville Police Department) is also working a reported breaking and entering of a vehicle used by assistant Fire Marshal Jason Brooks. Someone also broke into his vehicle on Cresent Drive in Reidsville and took an 800 mgh Radio and a low-band radio with a combined value of $4700. These radios have been remotely disabled, but investigators ask anyone with information about the larceny to call Crime Stoppers at 349-9683.

“SU P P O RT THE TR O O P S” NETS BOXES O F G O O D S WENTWORTH – Under the leadership of Student Government Association (SGA) President Mary Martin, SGA members at Rockingham Community College put their stamp on the North Carolina State Employees Credit Union’s “SECU Supports the

Continued To Page 12

C ITIZENS F O R JO B S M E E T AT C ITY H ALL Citizens for Jobs, a Pittsylvania County group of citizens who support the collaboration between the City of Eden, City of Danville and Pittsylvania County on the 3,500 acre mega industrial park on Berry Hill Road outside of Eden, hosted a presentation on the mega park at Eden City Hall on Oct. 26. Pittsylvania County Administrator Dan Sleeper and his staff made a presentation on the progress of the mega park and its collaboration with the City of Eden for water and sewer resources. City of Eden Economic Development Director Mike Dougherty spoke about the mega park and other Eden industrial initiatives, including the expansions of Loparex, Gildan, significant investment of MillerCoors in the Eden brewery and the growth of Mabe Trucking Company. (Mabe was awarded the Carrier of the Year Award for 2009 by Dollar General. Mabe Trucking carries a significant amount of Dollar General freight from their South Boston, Va., distribution center.) Starting in 2001, Pittsylvania County began acquiring land along Berry Hill Road. The resulting 3,500 acre park is the largest in Virginia and the fifth largest along the east coast. It is designed to attract a “game changing” industry, such as an automobile manufacturer or steel production facility. The City of Eden is part of the regional partnership supporting this project because of its considerable water and sewer resources. The Oct. 26 meeting was an opportunity for Eden and Rockingham County citizens to learn more about the mega park project and to join Citizens for Jobs. Joining this group will enable citizens to learn about the group’s initiatives and support this regional partnership. Dougherty believes this type of grass-roots citizen group contributes to the success of such an innovative project. “For years, Eden and Rockingham County have competed with Southside Virginia. Now we are partnering with them for our mutual benefit. It is rewarding to see a group of citizens support this effort,” he said. For those wishing to learn more about Citizens for Jobs, visit or sign up for the mailing list by emailing citizensforjobs@ The committee members of the 2nd Annual Tish Evans Roberson Fundraiser for the American Cancer Society and the Anita’s Angels Relay for Life Team humbly thank all the folks that helped make our fundraiser on 11/13 a HUGE SUCCESS through their donations of goods, services, and money contributions. Thank you to all those that came out to strike a blow in the war against cancer and also honor our beloved friend and family member, Tish Evans Roberson. A special thank you to the Eden Moose Lodge for allowing us to host our annual fundraiser in their facility. God Bless You All.



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¶ PAGE 12 EDEN’S OWN / COUNTY STAR, DECEMBER 2010 GRANNY’S VARIETY & ANTIQUES FURNITURE - USED & ANTIQUE We Buy & Sell Antiques, Collectibles, Used Furniture, Glassware and Estates

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On November 20, 2010 Rockingham County teen 4-Hers attended the 4-H Teen Leadership Focus Conference held at the Betsy Jeff Penn 4-H Camp in Reidsville, NC. Two 4-Hers; Katy Drews and Lorrie Norwood attended the event with involved workshops focused on leadership. The workshops that they were involved in were focused on marketing, creating awareness on hunger, youth in governance and understanding themselves. They also attended their district meetings that involved a skit, chant and then met as a large conference group for awards. During the awards ceremony they awarded youth with Volunteer Service Awards. Lorrie Norwood of Ruffin was awarded with the North Central District Volunteer Award. She has done a lot of volunteer work this past year for Rolling Ridge Riding in Ruffin. She helps the therapeutic riding facility with the horses and the youth. We are so proud of Lorrie on her achievement! We are also very proud of our two Rockingham County 4-Hers; Lorrie Norwood and Katy Drews for their hard work and representation of our county during the 4H Teen Leadership Focus Conference. For more information about 4-H contact Morgan Maness at (336)342-8248 or by email at morgan_ or visit the 4-H web site at rocking

336-627-5000 Avoid the Shopping Rush! Get Them A Gift Certificate From Red River Grill...


County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 11 Troops” drive. From Sept. 29-Oct. 15, boxes were placed across campus to collect donated items for National Guard and Reservists serving overseas this Christmas. The collected items will be put in

SGA members - front row, l-r, Kay Hopper, Sheila Webb, Mary Martin (president), Daphne Moore, Daphne Kennon. Back row, l-r, Doris Willis, Chris Johnson (advisor), Kenneth Gantt, Rose Black, Richard Tolier, Kelly Donovan, Phyllis Bradley (SECU Reidsville branch manager). Christmas stockings and mailed overseas in November by the State Employees Credit Union. SECU Supports the Troops began five years ago in the credit union’s Roanoke Rapids branch. Last year, the drive was expanded to include all Charlotte area branches. That drive netted 1,126 stockings for military troops overseas. This year, for the first time, the drive was expanded to every SECU branch in the state. In the two weeks that the RCC Student Government Association participated in the Christmas stocking drive, students, faculty and staff donated a wide variety of items – snacks, candy, toiletries, firstaid items, clothing and more. Donations were also given by AFG Wipes and Unifi, Inc.


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Katy Drews at 4H Teen Leadership Focus Conference

We Cater!

Lorrie Norwood wins the North Central District 4H Volunteer Service Award.


Perkins Professional Day Care Educational Program

Rockingham County recently rolled out portable recycling trailers at six of the county’s volunteer fire departments. Multi-bin trailers will be located one day per week from 7:00 am until 1:30 pm at county fire departments as follows: Mondays: North Stoneyview Fire Department Tuesdays: Williamsburg Fire Department Wednesdays: Huntsville Fire Department Thursdays: Oregon Hill Fire Department Fridays: Leaksville Fire Department Saturday: Bethany Fire Department County citizens may deliver their recycled items to the designated Fire Departments at no charge, but regular household waste will not be accepted.

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Each trailer will feature removable bins accepting: • cardboard • mixed paper • newspapers • clear, brown and green glass bottles jars and jugs • plastic bottles jars and jugs and • steel and aluminum cans. An attendant will be present at each location to assist with separation of items and placement in the correct bins. At the end of the day, trailers will be taken to the County Landfill to be emptied and returned to the next site. The attendants will also work to expand educational and promotional campaigns to improve recycling rates across the county. According to Commissioner James Kallam, these mobile stations are intended to assist citizens in recycling the large variety of items listed above. “Myself and members of the Solid Waste Committee have

Continued to Page 14



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Each second Tuesday of December, historic Olde Leaksville lines the streets with luminaries for its Candlelight Downtown festivities. Shop owners will be open late from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. in order for you to find that perfect Christmas treasure. Lots of fun activities are planned for the evening in addition to all the great shopping. There will be an exciting perfor-

mance by Melanie Paschal’s Dance Creations at 6 p.m. and the very popular Doggie Costume Contest will be held at 7. You will also find carolers strolling through the district and live music in a few shops. A live nativity within the windows of Pace-Stone can be observed and enjoyed by all. And the evening would not be complete without a visit to the Eden Historical Museum. The evening will also include more than 15 participating merchants serving up such traditional holiday fare as cookies, cakes, mulled cider, hot chocolate and other delicious treats. Santa will be located in a vintage sleigh that can be found in the beautiful Washington Street Park at the corner of Henry and Washington streets for the young and old to visit. Tom Barbour of Barbour Studio & Gallery will be on site to take your keepsake picture with Santa. The “Fill the Vault” canned food drive will continue at BetteR-Look Salon. All the food gathered will go to a local pantry to help those in need within our community.

Make your 2010 visit to historic Olde Leaksville a holiday experience you’ll never forget! For more information, call Cindy Adams at 623-7789, ext. 3021 or visit www.Explore

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HOME EQUIPMENT Canes Crutches Walkers Hospital Beds

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Carolers Strolled The Streets Last Year

The Mama’s & Papas were recognized by the Rockingham County Commissioners in November. The group brought home the gold representing the county in the Senior Games held in Raleigh in October.

LO C A L D O L L A R G ENERAL S TO R E S H ELP CCM FO O D PA N T RY The three local Dollar ly after. Just recently the Dollar General Stores are General on Stadium A Special helping the in Draper, managed Thanks To: Cooperative Christian by Bonnie Boaz, has Asst. Mgr. Ministries by placing been added to our Tammy Taggle boxes at the front of list. The items are (NC 770 Store) the stores for non perpicked up weekly by ishable food item volunteers from donations. This sum- Store Mgr. Bonnie CCM . The CCM Boaz mer the Dollar General would like to thank (Stadium Dr.) Store located in the the managers and plaza on S. VanBuren employees and the Rd, managed by Store Mgr. Charles general public for Skayem Charles Skayem ,was their generosity and (S. Van Buren) continued support. the first to help us out and the Dollar General For eligibility call on NC 770, managed CCM at 623-7214. by Sandy Yeatts, followed short-

Have you heard about Medicare prescription drug coverage, but not quite sure how it works? Also called "Part D," this type of insurance helps you pay for prescription drugs at participating pharmacies like ours. No matter your health or income, you are eligible for it if you have Medicare. We can help you compare your drug costs and plans using the Medicare tool kit on their website. Please call for an appointment if you would like for us to help you “work through” this complicated process! To avoid a penalty, you need to sign up for it as soon as you become eligible for Medicare. (This is the period three months before and three months after your 65th birthday.) Even if you don't need a lot of medications now, you might later. That's why it makes sense to consider joining, so you'll pay a lower price in the future. Whether or not you choose Part D coverage depends in part on how good your current coverage is. If you're currently covered through your employer or union, they will provide information that tells you how much your current plan covers compared with Medicare. You can get Part D coverage in one of two ways: You can join a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan (PDP). Or, or you can join a Medicare Advantage Plan (MA-PD) or another Medicare Health Plan that offers drug coverage. You get all your Medicare coverage, including Part D, through a Medicare Advantage Plan. Both brand-name and generic medications are covered under either plan. Available to you through private companies approved by Medicare, these plans vary in cost and the drugs covered. So choose a plan that works best for you. If you need more coverage, for example, you might choose a plan with a higher premium. You'll want to make sure the plan you choose covers the drugs you need. The list of drugs covered through the plan is called a formulary. If you want to, you can change your plan each year between November 15 and December 31. Then the new plan begins on January 1. Although Medicare doesn't cover all your drug costs, it can protect you if you have high or unexpected prescription drug bills. Monthly premiums range from $8 to $121 with a deductible and small copay for each drug. Premiums are the monthly cost you pay to join a drug plan. The deductible is the amount you pay for prescriptions before the plan kicks in. Copayments are the amount you pay after you've paid the full deductible. If you qualify for extra help due to limited resources, you may not have to pay a premium or deductible. To learn more about this, call Social Security at 1-800-772-1213. If you don't qualify for extra help, your drug plan may have what's called the "donut hole." This coverage gap is a period when you will have to pay for all your prescription drug costs yourself, unless you have a plan that offers some coverage during this gap. It begins once you and your plan have spent $2,830 on prescription drugs. After that, you continue to pay your monthly premium and pay for the next $4,550 of your drug costs. (These figures are for 2010.) In 2010, if you entered the ‘donut hole’ you will receive a one-time $250 rebate check if you are not already receiving Medicare Extra Help. These checks mailed mid-June. Once you reach your coverage gap limit, you pay a small amount for each of your drugs for the rest of the year. In 2011, if you reach your coverage gap, you will receive a 50% discount when buying Part D-covered brand-name prescriptions drugs. If you need more information to help you compare plans, go to or call 1-800-633-4226. We can also provide you with resources that might simplify things for you.

Eden Drug is a full service, family owned pharmacy serving the individual needs of our patients.

Join us on Facebook @ Eden Drug Health Mart Pete Crouch, RPh, CPP 103 W. Stadium Drive, Eden, NC 27288 Phone: (336) 627-4854 Hours: Mon-Sat. 9am - 9pm, Sun. 1pm - 6pm FREE DELIVERY • Website:


S A S S E R...

Continuned From Page 1

the service-sponsoring faith community. Dr. Sasser has volunteered for the Rockingham Pregnancy Care Center for ten years and spends as many hours volunteer-

ing as he does working in his private practice as a physician. He is the current board chair and fundraising chairman at the Center. Dr. Sasser has used his pas-

Christmas Caroling will include the Rockingham County Community Band with Holmes Men’s Chorus Central, Draper, Douglass, Leaksville Spray Elementary Schools Choruses. Admission is FREE on Sunday, December 5, 2010 at 3:00 PM in the MHS Best Auditorium, Eden. Donations of nonperishable foods and spare change for the auditorium seat replacement project are welcomed. Pictured is Holmes Middle School 7th Grade Men’s Chorus directed by Eric Johnson (623-2932).

COMPLETELY REMODELED APARTMENTS FOR RENT PARKLAND APARTMENTS EDEN, NC 27288 Is your gross maximum income less then $21,540, $24,600, $27,720, $30,780? Would you like to live in newly completed remodeled apartments? Reasonable rent rates, rental assistance and handicap accessible when available.

• 2 Bedroom Apartment Summerglen. Rent is $435 per month, $200 security deposit • 2 Bedroom Apartment Hampton Woods. Rent is $450 per month, $200 security deposit • 2 Bedroom Apartment Klycewood. The Rent is $450 per month, $200 security deposit We Accept HUD Vouchers

OTHER AVAILABLE RENTAL PROPERTY • 1 Bedroom apartment available at Glenwood Court Apartments. Rent based on income. Rental assistance and handicap accessible when available. • We are taking applications for our waiting list at Norman Court Apartments. This is an elderly complex which means in order to apply you would need to be 62 years of age or disable. Rent based on income. Rental assistance and handicap accessible when available. • We are now accepting applications to add to our waiting list for Westridge Apartments in Stoneville Rent based on income. Rental assistance and handicap accessible when available. 1 Bedroom Apartments now available for Knollwood Court Apartments. These apartments are for applicants that are 62 years of age or disabled regardless of age. The rent is based on income, and handicap accessible when available. Equal Housing Opportunity.

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Veterans Alterations 1/2 Price Through November 2010

sion for reaching women and children to motivate other board members, staff and the many volunteers that make the organization viable. He also volunteers at the YMCA, homeless shelter, Habitat for Humanity and First Presbyterian Church. According to the commission, “Dr. Sasser is a volunteer that makes a true difference.” The NC Commission of Volunteerism and Community Service was created in 1994 by Executive Order to develop and ethic of service and volunteerism in all citizens. Part of developing that ethic of serves is also to recognize and celebrate the outstanding accomplishments the volunteers achieve each day in communities across the state. The Governor’s Volunteer Service Award has been in existence since 1979, and in 2006 the Governor’s Medallion Award was created to highlight the special volunteer achievements of individuals, groups and organization in North Carolina, whether it is helping the elderly, tutoring children or protecting our environment.

D ISABILITY R IGHTS D ISCUSSED AT LION’S M EETING In November members of the Lunch Lion’s Club gathered at Whistle Jacket restaurant for their regular meeting. Robbie Johnson had invited the special guest speaker from Disability Rights of North Carolina (DRNC), Elaine Whitford, to explain the program to members. Whitford provided handouts to all members and guests as she spoke of the mission of the program, which is to help protect the legal rights of people with disabilities through individual and systems advocacy. DNRC, a protection and advocacy system (P&A) works for justice, and to uphold rights of those with disabilities to live free from harm in the community of their choice, which would in the best case scenario have that person living on their own and integrated into the community. Services are individualized and consistent with that person’s strengths and resources. It is a federally mandated system, existing in every state, which has several programs targeted to specific problem areas. The DRNC upholds compliance with the American’s with Disabilities Act, which began some 20 years ago. The group has the authority to investigate


County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 12 worked to make recycling convenient to the citizens of Rockingham County,” he explained. “By using mobile trailers and providing multiple drop sites,” Kallam continued, “we’re trying to make recycling simple, convenient and affordable for Rockingham County citizens.


Mac and Cathy Robertson with adopted son Juan Zuñiga Scout Juan Zuñiga – Robertson received his Eagle Scout Award in a ceremony held at Leaksville United Methodist Church on October 24, 2010. Juan Zuñiga – Robertson is the son of Moises and Elvira Zuñiga and the adopted son of Mac and Cathy Robertson. Juan is a Sophomore at Morehead High School. Juan is a good student and plays Varsity Soccer. He also coaches youth 12 and under youth soccer at Eden YMCA. He assists with coaching girls Varsity Soccer at Morehead High School. Juan likes to shoot skeet and has won several medals for his skeet shooting ability. He enjoys fishing and water sports. During Juan’s Eagle ceremony Juan was pinned by his Mother, Elvira Zuñiga. Representative Nelson Cole presented Juan recognition from the N. C. House of Representatives and Governor Bev Perdue. Representative Cole also presented Juan with a NC Flag that flew over the capital in Raleigh. The NC Flag was a gift from Representative Cole and State Senator Phil Berger. Juan also received congratulations from the NC Senate and Senator Berger. US Senator Richard Burr sent congratulations and an American Flag that flew over the capital in Washington, DC. Juan became the 47th Eagle Scout from the Leaksville United Methodist Church. As an Eagle Scout Juan continues with a tradition that began in 1929 when the late Charles Martin became the first Eagle Scout from Leaksville United Methodist Church. Scoutmaster of Troop 567 is Tommy Fleming assisted by Chip Smith and Mark Bishopric. Leaksville United Methodist has the complete Scouting Program for all ages, Pack 567 for Cub Scouts, Troop 567 for Boy Scouts and Crew 567 for Venturing Scouts.



In early November Patrol Captain Tim Newman was travelling on the Price Road when observed a mobile home on fire. He also saw a lady in the roadway near the residence. He notified the fire department of the fire and directed his attention to the lady, Darlene Hooper. Ms. Hooper said she lived alone in the trailer and kept warm by using a kerosene heater. While in another room she heard some Hopper popping noises and then observed fire on the floor and wall. She became afraid, so she got her cell phone and exited the house to dial 911. That is when she saw Captain Newman. While waiting for the fire personnel to arrive, items stored in the residence began to explode. Ammunition, medical oxygen cylinders and stored kerosene were likely causes of the explosions. Members of the Leaksville, Shiloh, Stoneville, and City of Eden Fire Departments responded and eventually extinguished the fire. Fire Marshal Robert Cardwell said the structure was a total loss and the cause of the fire was not established. There are no injuries to report. The Eden chapter of the American Red Cross responded to the scene to assist Ms. Hooper with three days lodging, clothing and food necessities.


Continued to Page 16


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C HINQUA P E N N INVITES C HRISTMAS TOURISTS TO V ISIT H ISTORIC H O M E Thomas and Beatrice Penn built Chinqua Penn Plantation in the 1920s with the idea of grandly entertaining friends, family and business associates. The current owners of the Rockingham County estate will continue the tradition this holiday season by hosting the annual Holiday and Candlelight Tours from Nov. 26 to Jan. 2. At least 20 theme-decorated Christmas trees will be throughout the 27-room mansion, including a 14-foot live North Carolina Fraser fir in the massive living room of the house. Hundreds of

poinsettias will grace the house, as well as eclectic holiday decorations befitting the state’s premiere destination for the decorative arts. Holiday lights and decorations will be installed across the 22 acres of grounds. Holiday Tour hours are Tuesdays through Fridays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; and Sundays from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Special candlelight tours will be offered on Saturdays from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. with a special candlelight evening on New Year’s Eve, also from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Music

groups will perform during those tours. Apple cider and cookies are included. Chinqua Penn will be closed Christmas day. Admission is $25 for adults, $15 for senior citizens, the military and students, and $10 for youth (6 - 16). Timed tickets are available on Chinqua Penn's web site. A "family pack" that admits two adults and two youngsters is available online only for $50. The web site is For more information about the holiday tour, call 336-349-4576.

D ISABILITY R IGHTS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 institutions, announced or unannounced, so that any problems can be handled immediately. Services include investigating instances of abuse or neglect, having a regular presence in facilities that provide services for the disabled, work for access to technology whether in communication, power wheelchairs, lifts or ramps. They provide legal representation to protect rights and advocate for appropriate services for all people with disabilities, including discrimination in housing, transportation, employment, and access problems. If a person calls for a service they do not normally handle, they will offer referral services. Although the DRNC’s tasks are expansive, helping individuals with access to mental health and support services, therapy, health care, education, voting and more, they cannot assist with

assisted suicide, divorce, custody, and other family law matters. The do not help with drafting wills, or estate planning, nor with criminal, bankruptcy, malpractice or real estate matters. The intake system consists of the initial call to the agency, an intake specific call for more information, case reviews and the service requested is provided or a referral will be given. North Carolina has some 1.8 million children and adults with disabilities. In 2010 DRNC provided direct advocacy and/or legal services to 870 clients across the state. The programs are paid for through federal funding, grants, private and individual gifts, fundraisers, and is a nonprofit organization. In 2010 the DRNC received the Advocacy Award from National Disability Rights Network and the Presidents Award from the Arc of NC. They

also continued their work towards systems change with reports released this year including “Seclusion and Restraint: A Dangerous Education, Abuse at the NC School for the Deaf in Morganton, and Adult Care Homes: A Fractured System. When asked by Dr. McLeod of Eden what was being done about the lack of mental health care in our county, Whitford informed the guests that the DRNC is seeking a class action case for mental health care for children. They are diligently working on getting these services back into the local communities in the state. To contact Disability Rights North Carolina you may visit www.disabilityrightsnc.or, email them at, write them at 2626 Glenwood Ave., Suite 550, Raleigh, NC 27608. Call TollFree: (877) 235-4210 or phone (919) 856-2195.

120 Mebane Bridge Rd. Eden, NC 27288 Phone: 336-627-4989 Email:

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Traveling through Eden, you will notice homes and businesses have started decorating for the Christmas season. As you prepare to put up your own decor, keep this in mind: According to the most recent U.S. statistics available, around 250 home fires involve Christmas trees while another 170 home fires involve holiday lights. Follow these holiday decorating tips to ensure that your home does not suffer a tragedy this holiday season: TREE • If you purchase a live tree, make sure it is freshly cut. The needles should be green and should not break and the trunk should be sticky to the touch. You can identify an old tree by bouncing the trunk on the ground - if a lot of needles fall off, it's been cut too long and is a fire hazard. • Do not place your tree close to a heat source, including a heat vent. • Do not leave a live tree up longer than two weeks and in that time, keep the stand filled with water. • Make sure your artificial tree is flame retardant. LIGHTS • Inspect your Christmas lights before you plug them in. • Do not link more than three light strands, unless the directions indicate it is safe. • Connect strings of lights to an extension cord before plugging the cord into an outlet. • Periodically check the wires they should not be warm to the touch. • Do not leave the lights on unattended! As always, if you have questions or need more information, please call the Eden Fire Department at 623-2110, option 9.


Jameson Inn offers 19th Annual Holiday Hospitality Program. Eden, N.C. 11/23/10 - In keeping with the spirit of this season of counting blessings and giving, Jameson Inn in Eden is proud to offer a generous measure of holiday cheer by kicking off their annual Holiday Hospitality Program. This program provides support to families in need of accommodations as they visit loved ones in the area over the holiday season. “This is our way of giving back to our community,” said Ashley Fleury, general manager of the Jameson Inn in Eden. Fleury went on to say “this year we want to make home for the holidays affordable to all”. Through December 30, the Jameson Inn is pleased to offer families visiting loved ones who may be in the hospital, family members of hospital staff, police, fire protection, rescue personnel, volunteer organizations and many others, the company’s employee rate of $30 per night. The Jameson Inn in Eden is located at 716 Linden Drive directly in front of super WalMart. Ashley Fleury can be reached at 336-627-0472.

Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 14

M O R E H ELP FO R G R O O M S R O A D P ETS On October 23rd, Carolina Care Bullies from Hillsborough North Carolina came to the Reidsville Veterinarian Office to accept the three pit bulldogs seized from Grooms Road recently. They intend to provide foster care for the dogs until they can be placed in responsible permanent homes. Prior to removing these dogs from Reidsville Veterinarian, Carolina Care Bullies personnel treated each with a flea/tick treatment and distemper vaccination. They also inserted a micro chip in each of the three pit bulldogs. Carolina Care Bullies is 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization comprised of multiple foster homes that exist throughout the state of North Carolina. Anyone wishing to make monetary or food donations, contact Amanda Liston at 336-437-3380. Sheriff Page expressed his appreciation to all those assisting in this unfortunate incident of animal cruelty. Assisting agencies include: • The Humane Society of the United States, Morrisville, NC. • Norfolk Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Norfolk, VA. • Double G Stable & Farm, Sophia, NC. • Stanly County Humane Society, Albemarle, NC. • Guilford County Animal Shelter, Greensboro, NC. • Virginia Beach SPCA, Virginia Beach, VA.

A NNIE P E N N O FFERS TR E E O F H O P E LIGHTS Tree of Hope Lights Now on Sale – The Annie Penn Hospital Auxiliary is sponsoring its 26th annual “Tree of Hope” fundraiser during the holiday season. Individuals or groups may purchase lights in memory or honor of a loved one or friend. The name of those honored will be written on the windows in the hospital lobby. The cost of the lights is $5.00 and $25.00 for a “twinkling light”. Acknowledgements will be sent to the recipients or family. Forms are available at Annie Penn Hospital information desks, as well as area churches. This year’s Lighting Ceremony will be held on Sunday, December 5, at 4:00 pm, in the hospital cafeteria. For more information, please call 951-4595. Annie Penn Foundation’s Holiday Fundraiser – Tickets are currently on sale for the Annie Penn Foundation’s “Enchanted Evening” gala on Saturday, December 4, from 7:30 pm until midnight. The event will be held at the Pennrose Park Country Club, and will feature heavy Hors D’oeuvres and dancing to the Holiday Band. Tickets are $50 each, and proceeds will be donated to Annie Penn Hospital Patient Services and The Cardiac Rehabilitation Department for equipment needs. Sponsorships are also available for the event. To purchase tickets or for additional information, please call 951-4595.

A R TIST O F THE M O N T H Ramona H. Page of Reidsville is now retired, but worked a total of 39 years as clerk, deputy, assistant register of deeds and register of deeds, serving as Register of Deeds for Rockingham County from 1988 to 1998. Following retirement, Mrs. Page decided to pursue an interest in art she had since childhood and early art lessons at Wentworth School with Miss Maude Reynolds. Before retirement, Mrs. Page took several courses at RCC in landscape painting and pottery. In 1998 she enrolled in a class at RCC in acrylic painting and has continued to paint with a group from the class since that time. She also attended classes in watercolor media in Eden. Mrs. Page is a member of The Studio Group of Rockingham County and paint with a small group on Monday and Wednesday mornings. Exhibits include solo shows at the Eden Branch of Rockingham County Library; Business & Technology Center, Wentworth; Eden City Hall; Wentworth Branch Fidelity Bank; and Chinqua-Penn Plantation and previous shows at the Rockingham County Governmental Center. She has also participated in group exhibits in these and other locations including Morehead Memorial Hospital and Caswell County. Mrs. Page has received awards in the Fine Arts Festival of Rockingham County along with numerous awards in oil, watercolor, acrylic and china painting in the Rockingham County Senior Games at the local and state levels.

Continued to Page 18


Craft’s Corner Nona Craft, Educator, Leaksville Spray Elementary Eden, North Carolina

some point I think I came out of the body and heard everything he said from somewhere on the ceiling. The doctor told me to relax as I widen my mouth and closed my eyes. Most of the time my eyes were closed. I breathed through my nose and remembered that I had gone through natural childbirth twice. After a few hours my temporary crown was in. My left side was numb and my husband drove me home. He had made homemade soup for us for dinner. I ate the wonderful soup without crackers. He made tea for me. I sat in the recliner and sipped tea. I went to bed


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On my day off I scheduled a dentist appointment. It seems when I am asleep I clench my teeth. Because of clenching, I, over time had cracked a tooth! After assessing the crack my dentist determined that I had two choices, either extraction or a crown. I did not like either option. I had never had such a serious diagnosis in my life. I was hoping that the first crown I would get would be in heaven. The thought of having to get a needle almost caused me to faint. When it comes to needles, one side of my family are criers and the other side are screamers. I am a crying screamer. I tried to explain to the dentist how I did not think I could endure the procedure. He did not seem to understand how just thinking about it caused me to loose sleep. The waiting between the time I knew what I had to do and the date of the appointment was pretty awful. The day before my appointment I saw something shiny inside the mouth of one of my students. Not one but three CROWNS!!! I could hardly believe it! A child had endured what was reducing me to jelly. This little child explained that, “it wasn’t that bad”. I was told that it would not take long, that I would not feel anything and would be over before I realized it. The day of my appointment came and with courage born from knowing that a small child had gone through this, I drove to my destiny with my husband. The doctor came in and explained all the horrific stuff that could happen but statistically probably would not. My eyes began to water. He spoke of hitting nerves and the room seemed to spin. At

early. When I got to work and saw that kid who had endured three crowns in one day, I hugged her. “You are the bravest person in the world”, I told her. She laughed and asked me how I did. I was honest when I told her how scared I was. “But you did it anyway, I am proud of you.” “Thanks” I said. “You are welcome, that is what you say when we do math problems that scare us, that you are proud of us, it’s the same thing” she said. “I still have to get my permanent crown”, I whispered. “You’ll be ok” she said. I taught Math differently that day. Remember to be patient today. For what maybe no big deal to you maybe a trip to the dentist for someone else.


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Diabetes is a disease in which the body has a shortage of insulin, a decreased ability to use insulin, or both. Insulin, a hormone, is important because it allows glucose (sugar) to enter our cells and be converted to energy. When diabetes is not controlled, glucose and fats remain in our blood and, over time, damage vital organs. Diabetes affects more than 23 million people (7.8% of the population) in the United States.1

County Star

“According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, almost one-infour hospital dollars go to treat people with diabetes. The collective hospital bill for diabetes patients in 2008, the most recent year for which data is available, was almost $83 billion,” says Robert Vento, senior vice president at Quorum Health Resources

Divorce Recovery & Support Group Someone You Know Is Hurting Tell him or her about Divorce Care, a special weekly seminar and support group for people who have been touched by separation or divorce.

Call today for more infomration: 623-1114 Sponsored by Growing Oaks Community Church GriefShare & Divorce Care groups meet every Monday from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm at GROWING OAKS COMMUNITY CHURCH 2270 Harrington Hwy, Eden, NC

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G ri e f R eco ve ry Support Group Comfort & Care For Those Left Behind. GriefShare is a special weekly seminar/ support group for people grieving the death of someone close. Call Today For More Information.

Help Your Childr en Heal Fr om The Hur t Of Divor ce Divorce Care for Kids, DC4K, provides a safe, fun place where your children will learn to understand their feelings, express their emotions appropriately, feel better about themselves and develop coping skills. For Ages 5-12 - Support Groups Meeting Every Monday 6:30 – 8:00 pm at Growing Oaks Community Church, 2271 Harrington Hwy., Eden, NC Call 336-344-0215 or 336-623-1114 for more information

(QHR). “In this day of out-ofcontrol healthcare costs, it’s in the interest of consumers, taxpayers and hospitals to fight diabetes in every way possible. We must encourage prevention through healthy living, and disease management through education and awareness.” The most common form of diabetes is type 2 diabetes. While most cases of type 2 diabetes can be prevented, it remains the leading cause of diabetes-related complications, such as blindness, non-traumatic amputations and chronic kidney failure, among adults. “Type 2 diabetes most commonly occurs in people over age 40, who are overweight. However, the disease has also started to appear more often in children because of the rise in obesity and lack of physical activity among our youth,” says Family Practitioner, Greg Napier, M.D. with Morehead Family Medicine at Morehead Memorial Hospital. “The good news is that you can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by committing to a healthy lifestyle.” Consider these tips, he says: Get active! Regular physical activity can help improve your health in a number of ways. It can help: • Reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease; • Reduce your risk of some cancers; • Strengthen your bones and muscles; • Control your weight; • Improve your mental health and mood; and • Improve your ability to perform daily activities and prevent falls, especially among older adults. Of equal importance, physical activity can help reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. It lowers blood sugar and boosts your sensitivity to insulin, which helps keep your blood sugar within a normal range.

Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 16 Mrs. Page's art has been purchased for homes in North Carolina, Florida and Kentucky. Page is showing her artwork in the Governmental Center thorugh December. "The joy of painting is endless and affords many hours of pleasure. I treasure the friendships I have made through my involvement with the art community and the satisfaction derived from attempting to create meaningful pieces of art. "

LO N G L E A F P INE INITIATIVE A VAILABLE TO LA N D O W N E R S NRCS Longleaf Pine Initiative Available to Private Landowners Raleigh, NC -Longleaf pine forests once covered millions of acres throughout the Southeastern United States. Today, only a few thousand acres of this vital habitat remains. To help sustain, enhance and restore longleaf pine forests, USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Chief Dave White today announced the availability of more than $12 million to help private landowners in 9 States restore and manage longleaf pine. “The longleaf pine is one of our key native species; providing a home to hundreds of plant and animal species as well as being a tremendous economic resource,” White said. “Restoring and expanding this species is only made possible through voluntary partnerships with conservation-minded landowners who share our goal of healthy forests.” Longleaf pine habitat can contain as many as 300 different species of groundcover plants per acre, and approximately 60 percent of the amphibian and reptile species found in the Southeast. Additionally, this forested habitat is home to at least 122 endangered or threatened plant and animal species including the fox squirrel, northern bobwhite, red-cockaded woodpecker and gopher tortoise. “We’ve taken great steps toward conserving longleaf pine forests in North Carolina,” said NRCS State Conservationist JB Martin Jr. “Through this initiative, and the great works of our landowners, we will be able to enhance and protect more of this essential habitat.” The Longleaf Pine Initiative will incorporate both technical and financial assistance providing $800,000 to help landowners in North Carolina improve habitat on agricultural land, nonindustrial private forest and Tribal land. Nine states are included in the Longleaf Pine Initiative: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia. Approved participants will receive financial assistance for implementing conservation practices including planting longleaf pine, installing firebreaks, conducting prescribed burning and controlling invasive plants. Additional information on the Longleaf Pine Initiative, NRCS and our programs is available on our Website at or at your local USDA NRCS office.

H OLIDAY D A N C E The Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department will be hosting a Holiday Dance on Friday, December 3rd. The “Rock the Rec.” Holiday Dance will be for students in the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades. The dance will be from 6:00 - 8:00pm and admission to enter will be $3.00 at the door. Our featured DJ will be “Party Reinforcers”. Also, to protect the floors in the Gym, proper footwear is required - tennis shoes or socks only. Concessions will be available for purchase. Come join us for a good time! For more information, contact the Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department at (336) 548-2789.




After nearly 23 years at the helm of Reidsville City Government, City Manager D. Kelly Almond will be retiring as of February 1, 2011, Mayor James K. Festerman announced today. Almond has worked in municipal government for 38 years, starting out as a City planner and managing several other cities before coming to Reidsville in July of 1988. Mayor Festerman acknowledges that Almond will be leaving huge shoes to fill in terms of experience and overall knowledge of municipal government. “We will be consulting with Kelly as we prepare for the next step in the City’s future,” the Mayor said. “I anticipate, due to advertising deadlines and the need for a national search for candidates, that we will need to employ an interim manager as we work through the process of interviewing, selecting and hiring a new manager.” Almond announced his retirement plans to his employees this morning. “I could not have survived for almost 23 years without having true professionals like them helping me,” he stressed. “I am very lucky and very blessed to have been able to serve a wonderful City like Reidsville for 23 years. Frances and I love Reidsville and plan to stay here.” Mayor Festerman noted that during Almond’s 20-plus years in

Continued to Page 21

DECEMBER 2010 EDEN’S OWN / COUNTY STAR, PAGE 19 ¶ use for that nasty winter cough. Granny’s is located at 140 N Fieldcrest Rd Downtown Draper Village. Hours: Closed Mon and Tues.. Wed - Frid. 10 AM to 5 pm. and Sat. 11 am to 3 pm. King’s Chandelier – Open House Their Open House is Friday December 3rd with apple cider, food and door prizes. They will be open 7:00pm for those who work out of town so they can share in the festivities. Everything in the store will be 15% off – including gift items and our chandeliers! There is still time to get that perfect light for Christmas Dinner. The sale will continue thru Dec. 11th.

Rockingham County Literacy Project You can donate $6 for a stocking in honor or memory of a friend or family member now through December 23rd as part of the Stockings of Literacy Tree program. Rockingham Literacy Project is located at 705-A Washington Street. Call Jean Light Kinyon at 627-0007, or visit

Granny's Variety & Antiques Granny’s is having a 20% off Christmas Sale for the month of December. Come in for those unusual gifts such as vintage hats, antique glass including Fenton & Depression. Also Hull or McCoy Pottery will be on sale as well as Hummels. Granny’s features a large selection of vintage jewelry. They also have a very nice selection of vintage Christmas decorations. And always remember their very own local River Bottom honey including wildflower and sourwood also makes very nice gifts or to

UPS Store Franchise Opportunities Available Mail Boxes Etc., Inc. (MBE), a UPS company, is the world’s largest franchisor of retail shipping, postal, document and business service centers. The UPS Store® and Mail Boxes Etc.® together comprise approximately 4,800 independently owned locations in the U.S., Puerto Rico and Canada, providing convenient and value-added business services to the small-office/homeoffice (SOHO) market, corporate "road warriors," and consumers. In 2010, Entrepreneur maga-

zine’s annual "Franchise 500," a ranking of franchise opportunities based on factors such as financial strength, growth rate and size, rated The UPS Store/Mail Boxes Etc. #1 in the postal and business services category for the 20th consecutive year*. If you are interested in learning more about UPS Store franchising opportunities contact the UPS Store Area Office at 770645-2513, extension #204 for Jim Mc Elroy or # 208 for Christine Barker. Or you can visit Reno’s Italian Restaurant If you have not tried Reno’s Italian Restaurant, you are missing some of the best Italian Food in Rockingham County. Reno’s is open for lunch and dinner daily. They have a great menu with a variety of special Italian dishes. Reno’s is located at 629 Washington Street. Call 6232033 for takeout. Cunningham Tire—Now Open Cunningham Tire is now open on Hwy 14 next to the Eden Inn. They offer oil changes, repair brakes and tire replacement for all vehicles. Stop by to learn more about this Eden business.

take the steps to demolish the structure). Approved the request to adopt an ordinance for the demolition of a structure at 513 Flynn Street under the City of Eden Human Habitation Ordinance. . Approved the requst for funding of design work for Cook Block Streetscape Project. Carried. Consent agenda items passed as follows: • Adoption of Community Development Block Grant Hollard Street Community Revitalization Project Policies, Plans, Resolutions and Ordinances. (Kelly Stultz, Planning & Inspections) • Approval of Amended Contractual Agreement with Waste Management for Commercial Dumpster Service for City Customers. NCDOT Petition for Addition of South Pierce Street from Kings Highway southward for 0.09 miles in Eden to the State Highway System. • Approved Dan River Water, Inc., proposed Water Main Extension off Salem Church

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Store It!! Clarence Hale Mini-Storage Clarence Hale 814 Stadium Drive

E D E N C ITY C OUNCIL V O T E S O N ISSUES The following decisions were made at the regularly held monthly meeting of the Eden City Council in Novmeber Approved: Consideration of a zoning map amendment request to rezone property at 216 W. Stadium Drive from Industrial-1 to Business-Highway #2. Request was submitted by Edgar M. Rush, III. Approved: Consideration of a zoning text amendment request to amend Section 11.26(c)(3)(c) – the Board of Adjustment section of the City of Eden Zoning Ordinance to include Event Centers as a special use in the O&I, R-S, R-20, R-12, R-12S, R6 and R-6S zoning districts. Approved: Consideration of a zoning text amendment request to amend Section 11.29(a) – the Definition section of the City of Eden Zoning Ordinance to add a definition for Event Center. Request submitted by the City of Eden Planning Board. Deletedd the "during time limit hours" listed in the proposed text amendment. Approved: Consideration of a Local Historic Landmark Designation for the JohnsOsborne House located at 1011 Center Church Road. The request was submitted by Guerrant and Janet Tredway. HPCL-10-02. Approved the request to apply to the NC Division of Community Assistance for funds under the 2010 NC CDBG Contingency Program as provided by the US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, applying for funding through the contingency program for Piedmont Folk Legacies to purchase the Nantucket Mill. Approved the request to adopt an ordinance for the demolition of a structure at 1918 Stovall Street under the City of Eden Human Habitation Ordinance (allowing the property owners to demolish the structure, beginning 120 days from 11/16/2010, and after that time if it is not demolished the city will

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Road. • Approval and adoption of Resolution in Support of Signs on River Bridges in Rockingham County.

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For The Fun Of It IDIOT SIGHTING : The stoplight on the corner buzzes when it's safe to cross the street. I was crossing with an intellectually challenged coworker of mine. She asked if I knew what the buzzer was for. I explained that it signals blind people when the light is red. Appalled, she responded, 'What on earth are blind people doing driving?!' Never Represent Yourself A man was on trial for robbing a convenience store. He didn't like the job his attorney was doing, so he fired him and represented himself. He was doing a fine job until the manager of the store got to the stand. When she identified him as the robber, he jumped up and yelled, "You're lying! I should have blown your head off!!" He paused, then added, "If I had been the one that was there." It took the jury only twenty minutes to find him guilty. He was sentenced to thirty years. Flying without a parachute A man jumps out of an airplane with a parachute on his back. As he's falling, he realizes hiss chute is broken. He doesn't know anything about parachutes, but as the earth rapidly approaches, he realizes his options are limited; he takes off the parachute and tries to fix it himself on the way down. The wind is ripping past his face, he's dropping like a rock, and at 5000 feet, another man goes shooting up past him. In desperation, the man with the chute looks up and yells, "Hey do you know anything about parachutes?!" The guy flying up looks down and yells, "No, do you know anything about gas stoves?!" Mechanics A rich suburbanite had car trouble while on a mountain holiday. He puttered into the yard of a rickety roadside filling station and called to the greasy bearded attendant, “Have you had any experience with BMWs?” “Buddy, if I could work on cars like that, I don’t reckon I’d be here.”

Hymn #365 A minister was completing a temperance sermon. With great emphasis he said, 'If I had all the beer in the world, I'd take it and pour it into the river.' With even greater emphasis he said, 'And if I had All the wine in the world, I'd take it and pour it into the river.' And then finally, shaking his fist in the air, he Said, 'And if I had all the whiskey in the world, I'd take it and pour it into the river.' Sermon complete, he sat down. The song leader stood very cautiously and announced With a smile, nearly laughing, 'For our closing song, Let us sing Hymn #365, 'Shall We Gather at the River.' Dog Property Rules 1. If I like it, it's mine. 2. If its in my mouth, it's mine. 3. If I can take it from you, it's mine. 4. If I had it a little while ago, it's mine. 5. If I'm chewing something up, all the pieces are mine. 6. If its mine, it must never appear to be yours anyway. 7. If it just looks like mine, it's mine. 8. If I saw it first, it's mine. 9. If you are playing with something and you put it down, it automatically becomes mine. 10. If its broken, it's yours. Shrinking Cows “Dad, don’t we get leather from cows?” “That’s right, Son.” “Doesn’t leather shrink when it gets wet?” “Usually.” “Then what happens to cows when they stand outside in the rain?” Real Throngs of admirers collected around the handsome actorat a shopping mall. “Is that a real mustache?” one child asked. “No, not this one. I keep my real one at home on the dresser.”

I Love My Job (As told to Dr. Seuss) I love my Job, I love the Pay! I love it more and more each day. I love my Boss; she’s the best! I love her boss and all the rest. I love my Office and its location I hate to have to go on vacation. I love my furniture, drab and gray, and the paper that piles up every day! I love my chair in my padded Cell! There’s nothing else I love so well. I love to work among my Peers I love their leers and jeers and sneers. I love my Computer and all its Software; I hug it often though it doesn’t care… I love each Program and every File, I try to understand once in a while!! I’m happy to be here, I am I am; I’m the happiest Slave of my Uncle Sam. I love this Work; I love these Chores. I love the Meetings with deadly Bores. I love my Job - I’ll say it again I even love these friendly Men These men who’ve come to visit today In lovely white coats to take me away!!!

Tipping the Dealer A blackjack dealer and a player with a thirteen count in his hand were arguing about whether or not it was appropriate to tip the dealer. The player said, “When I get bad cards, it’s not the dealer’s fault. Accordingly, when I get good cards, the dealer obviously had nothing to do with it so, why should I tip him?” The dealer said, “When you eat out do you tip the waiter?” “Yes.” “Well then, he serves you food, I’m serving you cards so you should tip me.” “Okay. But the waiter brings me whatever I order. So I’ll take an eight.”.

Food and Drink might be deadly! The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans. On the other hand, the French eat a lot of fat and also suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans. The Japanese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans. The Italians drink excessive amounts of red wine and also suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans. Conclusion: Eat and drink what you like. It’s speaking English that kills you.

PUZZLE Locate These Hidden Words In Eden’s Own Find A Word














There are 9 letters left. For the answer classified page.




DECEMBER 2010 EDEN’S OWN / COUNTY STAR, PAGE 21 ¶ Keep on the right track!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 18 office, the City Manager took many giant steps to improve the quality of life for Reidsville’s citizens and the economic well being of the City. He said it would be difficult for him to name all of the accomplishments made under Almond’s administration, but he listed a few: ß Negotiation of water sales to the City of Greensboro ß Renovation of the Police Department building. ß Construction of two fire stations ß Improvements at Lake Reidsville, including new piers, a camp store, soccer field and amphitheatre ß Establishment of a Teen Center for City youth ß Revitalization of the downtown area, including the construction of Market Square ß Establishment of a network of greenway trails ß Recognition of Reidsville as an “All-America City” in 2008 Mayor Festerman concluded by saying that Almond is leaving the City in good financial health, no small task in these difficult economic times nationally. The next city manager of Reidsville will benefit from Almond’s expertise, he noted. While sad to see Almond go, the Mayor said Almond deserved to enjoy his retirement. “I wish only the very best to Kelly and his wife, Frances, as they take the next step in their lives because I know he has always given his best to the City of Reidsville,” the Mayor said.

N O T A LW AY S “TH E M OST W ONDERFUL TIME O F THE Y E A R” The winter holidays are generally perceived as “the most wonderful time of the year.” But for those who are facing grief after the death of a loved one, the holidays may instead be a time filled with pain and sadness. Even those for whom grief is not as fresh, the holidays may serve as an annual reminder of the loss—not only of that person, but of tradition and celebration. Bereavement professionals working in hospice understand how difficult this season can be. They support families coping with loss all year long.

Continued to Page 22

239 N. Main Street & Hwy 770 East • Eden, NC • Phone (336) 635-1709

C AROLINA B R A S S IN C O N C E RT On Thursday, Dec. 2, Rockingham Community College will host acclaimed artists CAROLINA BRASS in concert at 7 p.m. in the Advanced Technologies building auditorium in Wentworth. The audience will be ready for the holiday season after a fabulous evening of seasonal and holiday favorites, jokes and anecdotes. The concert will be followed by an “Artist Meet and Greet” session, so be sure to stick around to meet the group. Committed to excellence, this ensemble of dedicated professionals has trained at some of the country's most prestigious schools, including the New England Conservatory of Music, Indiana University, and the Eastman School of Music. They have extensive national and international performing, recording and touring experience. Using humor and drawing from their vast repertoire of Classical and Contemporary works, Medieval and Renaissance music, Carolina Brass is a favorite with audiences of all ages. They create exciting, entertaining and educational programs by encompassing Broadway, Jazz, Dixieland, and Big Band. These programs are fun and embrace the audience with music and conversation. The group’s newest CD titled JOY OF THE SEASON features the Carolina Brass and the North Carolina Master Chorale live in concert from Meymandi Concert Hall. Selections from the group’s fifth CD include holiday favorites such as Jingle Bells, Oh

Come Emmanuel, The First Noel, Bugler’s Holiday, Monteverdi Vespers, Joy to the World, and Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas among others. Visit for

more information about the group. The concert is the college’s holiday gift to the community. Therefore, admission is free. Come and enjoy a great evening

of entertainment as we usher in the holiday season with stylish fun. For more information, call 3424261, ext. 2297.

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Y O U R D R E A M S! You spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping. Dreams occur 25% of that time. Why are dreams important? Because they provide answers to questions that baffle us when we are awake. Dreams: Guidance from Within…A Christian Perspective is a book that gives real life examples of people’s life changing dreams and how you can learn how to tap into the power of the unconscious mind. You can purchase Dreams: Guidance from Within…A Christian Perspective at House of Health 641 Washington Street in Eden.

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V ETERAN’S PA R A D E FILLS PA R K Children marching, waving flags, and proud to be Americans can bring a lump to your throat. Just as it did in November when the Draper Elementary School students and faculty marched to the Veteran’s Memorial Park on


Fieldcrest Drive for the 7th Annually Veteran’s Day Parade in Eden. Following the Morehead High School JROTC in their full uniform, the students happily spent the morning honoring our

Coffeez And Creamz 349 Kings Hwy., Eden Behind the Former Grogan’s Building (at Riverhouse/Party Plus)

FEATURING HOMESTEAD CREAMERY’S ICE CREAM (Franklin County, Va.) All Organic, Hormone Free

Ice Cream By The Scoop Tuesday’s Special 2 Scoops For The Price Of 1! Sundaes • Milkshakes • Italian Ice • Sugar Free Ice Cream Available Cappuccinos • Espressos • Coffee Drinks (Hot Or Frozen) Eat In Or Take Out

County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 21

veteran’s, present and past. Tammy Heath, principal of Draper Elementary welcomed the guests and introduced Ronnie Lewis, chaplain of the Disabled American Veterans whop lead the invocation. The pledge of Allegiance was lead by Draper Elementary School Student Council President, Katherine Smith. Cheyenne Christley and Najia Johnson to lead the guests in “God Bless America” joined Smith. 1st Sgt. David Bray, and 1st Sgt. Zack Reynolds, instructors of the Morehead High JROTC addressed the audience with thoughts on what Veteran’s Day means and how it came about.

The students sang “Those Who Served” and Chiana Blackwell, as student recited the poem “In Flanders Field”. The Rockingham County Veteran’s Honor Guard provided a 21-gun salute, followed by Pete Shreve who played TAPS for all the fallen soldiers.

Ask About Our Ice Cream Parties For Children, Church & School Groups Hours: Tuesday - Thursday 12:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m Friday - Saturday 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., Sunday 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., Closed Monday

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Bereavement counselors stress the importance of making decisions that feel right to the grieving person, and giving oneself permission to make new or different choices at the holidays. Grief experts remind us that: • Holidays often center on certain traditions and rituals. For some, continuing these traditions without a loved one may be an important way to continue sharing their memory. For others, it may be more comforting to develop new rituals to help lessen the pain and immediacy of the loss. • While the holidays can be filled with meaning, they can also be filled with pressure and stress because of additional tasks such as shopping, baking and decorating. Grieving people should be encouraged to prioritize what needs to be done, and focus on those projects that may bring them pleasure. Perhaps the gift list can be pared down, cards need not be sent out, or another family member can cook the family dinner this year. • The holidays can bring opportunities to remember the person who has died in a way that is personally meaningful. Some families choose to participate in holiday events at a local hospice. Others may choose to share special family stories over a meal. Some may find that making a donation to a special charity or volunteering time to help others in need may be a comforting way to honor their loved one. Hospice of Rockingham County’s grief and bereavement professionals know of the importance of providing emotional and spiritual support to those who are grieving but most importantly, they remind us that a person grieving should do what’s most comfortable for him or her during this time of year. To learn more about grief and loss or about hospice, contact Hospice of Rockingham County at (336) 427-9022 or visit This information is provided by Hospice of Rockingham County and the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.

B O Y SC O U T S C ELEBRATE 100T H YE A R This year the Boys Scouts of America is celebrating their 100th year of scouting. While still going strong, there are many scouts locally who are in need of items that help them get the full experience of a scouting program. While going through your closets this holiday season, please keep this in mind

Continued to Page 23




Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 22 and consider donating any items you may have that would help us make the scout experience more meaningful for our young men. We are in need of First Class uniform shirts, pants,hats and belts, and also Second Class and camp T-Shirts. There are also boys who are in need of camping gear such as tents, sleeping bags, cooking utensils, and backpacks. Any items that are donated would be greatly appreciated and we would be happy to make arrangements to pick them up. They can also be dropped off at the Mayodan United Methodist Church on Main Street on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00 pm. If pick up is needed email or leave a message at 348-4683.

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R URITA N C L U B D O N ATES D ICTIONARIES Who says kid’s don’t like to read anymore? In November the Wentworth Ruritan Club donated dictionaries to the entire 3rd Grade class of Wentworth Elementary and the excitement was in the room when they also held a contest to see who could find the information the fastest. Members of the Ruritan Club including President Monette Rich as well as Francis Paschal, David Smith, Charles Bosewell, Mary Joe Boswell and Debbie Smith joined in on the fun as they announced information for the children to quickly find in their new dictionaries. Most of the children knew the answers to the questions before they even looked them up in the new books, but the challenge was to find what page the information could be found on. Hands went up all around the room when they found the answers and those who got it right first were allowed to come up and read the next question as well as get a quarter. The Ruritan Club of Wentworth meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 at the Wentworth United Methodist Church at 6:30pm. Charles Boswell @ 336-342-4346 or Sharon Reynolds @ 336-613-0474

Providing the right balance of Independence and Support, Privacy and Socialization, Security and Freedom. Arbor Ridge at Eden offers senior living solutions that just make sense!


At 5:50 p.m. today, a detention officer was making a routine inspection of a cell block. The detention officer found an inmate in a single occupant cell in need of medical attention as he had attempted to hang himself. Emergency procedures were activated, with emergency medical services responding to provide emergency treatment. The inmate was transported to a local medical facility. A t 6:41 p.m. Berry Carlton Burris, 43, of 112 Annabrook Court in Reidsville was pronounced dead. Shortly after, Sheriff Sam Page notified the family of the deceased. Mr. Burris had been taken into custody on November 8th for local charges of Failure to appear in court for Driving while license revoked. He was also being held for Lee County on the following charges: Attempted First Degree Murder, Robbery with a Dangerous Weapon, Assault on a Handicapped Person, Larceny from Person, Assault with a Deadly Weapon Intending to Kill/Inflict Serious Injury. This incident is being investiBurris gated by Detectives with the Sheriff’s Office.

Continued To Page 27

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By Mike Dougherty, Director of Economic Development

Duke Energy President and Chief Operating Office Jim Turner was joined by county commissioners, City of Eden council members, Rockingham County Manager Tom Robinson and Partnership for Economic Development President Graham Pervier in celebrating the Oct. 19 groundbreaking of the new gaspowered energy facility that will replace the existing coal-powered plant. The $700 million project will take over two years to complete, employing 400 to 500 temporary workers. (Area realtors and property owners are fielding calls from workers seeking Eden housing.) The facility is scheduled to begin operations in December 2012 and will employ between 25 and 35 full-time workers. After the groundbreaking ceremony, a community meeting was held at Eden City Hall. More than 3,500 residents living in close proximity to the site were notified by mail of the meeting. Representatives from Duke Energy and Piedmont Natural Gas were in attendance to answer questions about the facility.

TU R K E Y F RY E R S C A N B E H A Z A R D O U S By Fire Chief Tommy Underwood

Christmas is turkey season, too! Baked or fried - we Americans love to eat turkey, especially during the holidays. In recent years, we’ve seen the popularity of deep-fried turkey rise and with it, the sale of home turkey fryers. The Eden Fire Department discourages the use of these outdoor, oil-filled turkey fryers because of the personal safety and fire risks they pose. If you choose to use a turkey fryer, please follow these tips: • Turkey fryers should always be used outdoors a safe distance from buildings and any other flammable materials. • Never use turkey fryers in a garage or on a wooden deck. • Make sure the fryers are used on a flat surface to reduce accidental tipping. • Never leave the fryer unattend-

ed. Most units do not have thermostat controls. If you do not watch the fryer carefully, the oil will continue to heat until it catches fire. • Never let children or pets near the fryer even if it is not in use. The oil inside the cooking pot can remain dangerously hot hours after use. • To avoid oil spillover, do not overfill the fryer. • Use well-insulated potholders or oven mitts when touching pot or lid handles. If possible, wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from oil splatter. • Make sure the turkey is completely thawed and be careful with marinades. Oil and water do not mix, and water causes oil to spill over causing a fire or even an explosion hazard. • Keep an all-purpose fire extin-

Christmas Memory Candles DANVIEW CEMETERY Fieldcrest Rd., Eden

Let Us Light A Candle In Memory Of Your Loved One...

Christmas Eve Friday, December 24, 2010 Candles Are Lit At Dusk On Christmas Eve And Memorials Will Be Listed In A Booklet That Is Available At The Lighting (Your loved one does not have to be buried at Danview)

Candles are only $5.00 each All Donations Support Danview Cemetery Maintenance and Mowing.

Deadline To Order Candles Is Monday, Dec. 20th Please Contact: Bev. Coleman At Diamonds-N-Dust - 627-0447 In Memory Of_________________________________________ Name of Deceased

By:________________________________________ (Limit 2 Names) $5.00 per Candle, Total:________ Phone:___________________ Bring By or Mail To: Diamonds-N-Dust 430 W. Kings Hwy., Eden, NC 27288

guisher nearby. Never use water to extinguish a grease fire. If the fire is manageable, use your allpurpose fire extinguisher. If the fire increases, immediately call the fire department for help. If you have any questions or need more information, call the Eden Fire Department at 6232110, option 9.


Like many people, Floyd Moyer is looking forward to celebrating New Year’s Day. He perhaps has more reason to celebrate than the rest of us … it’s the first day of his life as a retiree. Moyer began work with the city in 1984 and has served in several positions including laborer, brush hauler, knuckle boom operator and finally, a crew leader in the solid waste division. Many things have changed in the time Moyer has worked for Eden. Advances in technology have allowed the city to upgrade its garbage collection equipment through the years. (Remember the days when workers rode on the backs of garbage trucks?) The job may have eased in physical labor intensity but collecting trash and waste is still a stressful and often thankless job. Moyer said he was surprised several times through the years to have citizens stop him on his route and thank him for the great job he did. Indeed, Moyer’s service has been invaluable to the City of Eden and its citizens. Rodney Carter, superintendent of the city’s solid waste division, noted he has worked with Moyer for the past 12 years. “Floyd is an

Moyer outstanding, wonderful employee to work with and to supervise. He has a fantastic work ethic and is a can do man.” Moyer is a native of Axton, Va., and now lives in Eden where he enjoys hunting, gardening and lawn care. He looks forward to relaxing and spending more time with his family, which includes wife Emma Jean, six children and twelve grandchildren. The city congratulates Moyer on his retirement and thanks him for his service. Stepping into the crew leader position is Eden resident Herman Wilson, a 12-year employee of the city. Wilson enjoys working with the public and looks forward to encouraging great team work from the solid waste employees to provide the best service for Eden’s citizens.

A MERICAN LEGION N A M E S S A M S HELTO N A S O FFICER O F THE Y E A R On Nov. 18, a surprised Sgt. Sam Shelton received American Legion Post 254’s Officer of the Year Award. Shelton was nominated to receive the award based on his tremendous contributions to the citizens of Eden and his fellow officers. If you don’t personally know Shelton, you have probably seen him out and about in Eden. In addition

to playing a critical role in securing grants for the police department, Shelton serves in many departmental capacities. He also teaches DARE at Eden’s elementary schools, making a difference in the lives of countless Eden youth. The Eden Police Department is proud to call Shelton one of their own and congratulates him on this honor. Shelton

CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY CLOSING N E W Y E A R H O L I D AY C L O S I N G The City of Eden Solid Waste Division will be closed Thursday& Friday, Dec. 23 & 24, in observance of The Christmas Holiday. The City of Eden Solid Waste Division will be closed Friday, Dec. 31, 2010 in observance of The New Years Holiday.

SOLID WASTE & REFUSE Collection Date Recycling Center Monday - 12-20-10 Normal Schedule Closed Tuesday - 12-21-10 Normal Schedule Open Wednesday - 12-22-10 Thurs. & Fri. Collection Open Thursday - 12-23-10 No Collection Open Friday - 12-24-10 No Collection Open The Recycling Center Will Be Closed Dec. 25th, & Re-Open Dec. 26th.

Monday - 12-27-10 Tuesday - 12-28-10 Wednesday - 12-29-10 Thursday - 12-30-10 Friday - 12-31-10

Normal Schedule Normal Schedule Fri. Collection Normal Schedule No Collection

Closed Open Open Open Open

The Recycling Center Will Be Closed Jan. 1st , & Re-Open Jan. 2nd.

If your collection day falls on an observed holiday, your collection will be Wednesday of that week. ALL AFTER HOURS CALLS SHOULD BE MADE TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT AT 623-9755.



S TOCKINGS A R E H U N G B Y THE CHIMNEY... A N D O N THE TREE EDEN – Stockings are hung by the chimney in hopes of their being filled with nuts, fruits, and candy. They are also hung on the Rockingham County Literacy Project’s Stockings of Literacy tree in hopes of their helping someone to read, write, do basic math, gain job skills, receive a GED certificate, or learn English. By sponsoring a Christmas tree stocking, you can honor or memorialize special friends or family members. The stockings are hung on the Christmas tree located in the window of the RCLP office, 705-A Washington Street, Eden. “Your donations of $6 per stocking allow the Literacy Project to purchase books, software, and other materials, which are greatly


needed,” says Jean Light Kinyon, Executive Director. “Volunteer tutors use these materials to work with local adults and help them reach their educational goals.” The person honored, or a family member of the person memorialized, will receive a card notifying them that a gift has been donated in his/her name. Each gift is represented by a small red and white stocking with the honored or memorialized person’s name printed on the top. To donate a gift, please contact Jean Light Kinyon at 627-0007, or visit thier website at You are invited to view the Stockings of Literacy tree between now and December 23.

W OMACK P R O M O T E D TO LIEUTENANT C OLONEL LTC Sherry-Lynn D. Womack of the United States Army recently was promoted and officially pinned to the grade of Lieutenant Colonel by Lieutenant General Frank Helmick, Comannding General of XVIII Airborne Corps at Fort Bragg, N.C. Following LTG Helmick’s remarks, Steward Wavell-Smith, Artist for America, presented LTC Womack with a commemorative painting of a scene from her combat tour in Afghanistan. More than 100 friends, family and fellow soldiers attended this

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LTC Sherry-Lynn D. Womack of the United States Army is officially pinned to the grade of Lieutenant Colonel by Lieutenant General Frank Helmick, Comannding General of XVIII Airborne Corps at Fort Bragg, N.C. event. This was LTC Womack’s eleventh promotion and the first attended by her mother and many of her family members. Sherry-Lynn Womack is the wife of LTC (R) James K. Womack, Jr. originally of Arizona. She is the daughter of Tivis DeShazo Smith and the sister of Charlie Bullins of Eden, and Michael Winfree of Sandy Ridge. Her Aunt Wilodae Dodson Woods is also of Sandy Ridge.

Womack is presently assigned to XVIII Airborne Corps Surgeon’s Office in Ft. Bragg, N.C. as a Corps Senkor Physician Assistant. She has 28 years of military service and is a 1981 graduate of Morehead High School. She graduated from the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center in 1992 and from the University of Nebraska in 1997.

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“bloweth where it listeth.” The same is true today but we must point our wings in the right direction to hear the sound of His voice. The south winds bring warmth to the earth. The north winds bring coldness and rain, both are needed for a fruitful life, (Song of Solomon 4:16). Without the cold north winds there could be no growth in the spring. Without sufferings the meaning of joy is to no effect. Without the driving rain from the north winds there could be no rainbows. Rainbows are reflections of light that shine through the clouds of despair. When the cold north winds blow in your life, know that it is for your good to help you grow. We must accept the struggles in order to embrace the Sovereign. Just as the hawk points her wings towards the south, we too are called to point towards the south winds of the Holy Spirit and bask in the warm rays of His love. To find out more about “Where the Birds Make Their Nests” please visit, Reidsville Bible Book Store or Riverhouse Gift & Gourmet in Eden.

By Dr. Mark Gaffney Stoneville, North Carolina


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The Hawk “Doth the hawk fly by thy wisdom, and stretch her wings

to the second part of the verse in Job, “and stretch her wings towards the south.” When it is time for the hawk to molt her old feathers and grow new ones in its place, she will elevate her body temperature until her pores open, allowing her to absorb the sun’s rays. It accomplishes this in one of two ways. If the south winds are blowing she will spread her wings towards its direction or into its warmth. If there is no south wind blowing, she will beat her wings to create a breeze while facing the sun. There is a great object lesson here, we too need to “molt”. Our old feathers must be shed in order to grow new ones. We are to put off the old man and put on the new man. The old man is, of course, our old sinful nature and the new man is the godly righteousness that we are to grow into. How do we let go of our old feathers? It is that we are to yield our lives to Him. Jesus told Nicodemus that the wind could not be tamed nor controlled, but

toward the south?” (Job 39:26) Have you ever watched the nature of a hawk? They seem to be great thinkers and observers, looking down on smaller birds from lofty tree-tops. God’s design of the hawk is of greater wisdom than we can comprehend. Job said, “Doth the hawk fly by thy wisdom…” Isaiah said, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.” All of nature is part of God’s pattern; each piece meticulously orchestrated by the Master builder, gently woven together fitting a mold like no other, each stitch without a seam, each thread without a fray. Only God could create such handiwork in all creation. I would like to draw your attention

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Members of American Legion Post 254 and VFW Post 2574 & Ladies Auxiliary who placed American flags on the graves of veterans at Woodlawn, Overlook, Dan View, and Lawson cemeteries on November 5th in honor of Veterans Day.

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Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 23


JIm McGough, Sheriff Sam Page, and Kevin Bottomley stand amid the donated equipment. The Sheriff’s Office relocated to the new location and was blessed with a room designed for “fitness”. However, equipment was not included in the budget. Today, Kevin Bottomley, Executive Director (336-637-1350) of the YMCA of Reidsville, along with Jim McGough, Associate Director (336-637-1351) made a donation of several pieces of equipment. The Reidsville YMCA recently updated their equipment and retired the previous equipment. There is enough equipment to fill the room and needs of employees of the Sheriff’s Office that choose to utilize the new fitness room. Sheriff Sam Page expressed his appreciation and had his picture made with these men and a portion of the equipment. He emphasized the importance of keeping physically fit in the workplace. Sheriff Page said the donation was greatly appreciated. Jim McGough, Sheriff Sam Page, Kevin Bottomley

ADTS A W A R D E D N ATIONAL A CCREDITATION Aging, Disability & Transit Services of Rockingham County (formerly Council on Aging) proudly announces its award of accreditation status by the Accreditation Commission for Health Care, Inc. (ACHC) for the services of in-home aide. T. Lee Covington, Executive Director for ADTS states, “ADTS and our hard-working, dedicated staff have been validated as an organization dedicated to quality services by successfully meeting national standards.” ACHC, a private, not-for-profit corporation which is certified to ISO 9001:2008 standards, was developed by home care and community-based providers to help companies improve business operations and service quality. Referring to the value of accreditation, ACHC President Tom Cesar indicated, “The survey process leads an organization to examine its policies and practices continually to clarify its strengths and improve its weaknesses.” Accreditation is a voluntary activity where healthcare organizations submit to peer review of their internal policies, processes and service delivery against national standards. By attaining accreditation, ADTS has demonstrated its commitment to maintain a higher level of competency and strive for excellence in its products, services and customer satisfaction. Aging, Disability and Transit Services is a private nonprofit agency dedicated to assisting and linking senior adults, people with disabilities and their families with information, opportunities and services that promote and enhance quality of life, and to meeting the local transportation needs of Rockingham County citizens. This mission is accomplished through providing an array of community services including Home Health (CAP-DA, CAP-C, PCS, Home & Community Block Grant), Meals on Wheels, Meals With Friends Nutrition Sites, Adult Day Care, RCATS Public Access Transportation, and Advocacy and Referral Services.

C O U N T Y H EALT H O FFICIALS W A R N FO O D S ERVICE E STABLISHMENTS O F P H O N Y H EALT H INSPECTO R S C A M WENTWORTH – Rockingham County health officials are warning restaurant owners to be careful of a scam targeting food service establishments. Officials say restaurateurs have reported receiving calls from people claiming to be health inspectors or other government officials who tell the business owners of a new inspection procedure. On Monday, November 15, 2010, an Eden area restaurant notified local environmental health officials of receiving such call. The phony “government official” provides a numeric code and instructs the restaurant operator to provide this confirmation code when prompted during an automated call or give the code to a health

Continued To Page 28


DEAN Bob Plain Community & Workforce Education Plain Division Rockingham Community College

At Job Fairs, on community college web sites and in a variety of Job Search courses, we hear that employers are looking for candidates who are computer literate, have the ability to problem solve and work in teams, and can read for information and apply math to their work. These skills and abilities apply to almost all positions in the job market. People develop these skills in a variety of ways: some are learned on the job; some in workshops. However, I think we sometimes overlook the fact that we need a solid foundation in “learning to learn.” This solid foundation comes from our K 12 education and in our attaining a high school diploma. Employers are nearly unanimous in requiring a High School Diploma or GED for work. If employers are requiring the diploma or GED and if educators believe the diploma or GED is your foundation, then it is clearly in the job seekers best interest to have a high school diploma or GED. The workplace statistics show that having a high school diploma or GED significantly improves lifetime earnings. The Community and Workforce Education Division is prepared to help you receive your GED. We have classes during the day and evening at our campus and at several different locations around the county. If you have a busy schedule, many responsibilities, and too little time, we have online classes to prepare you for your GED. Most importantly we have a staff at Basic Skills to help you find the right place to start, the right things for you to work on and our staff is ready to see that you earn your GED. Let us help you. At the Rockingham Community College campus and all over Rockingham County, the Community & Workforce Education provides paths for people to gain the skills to good careers!

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EverWondr Network and the Arts Council offers an tnvitation to balleries, businesses, venues and attractions, Introducing Phase 2 of the EverWondr Network and ExploreRocking hamCounty The creators of the EverWondr Network and the Arts Council of Winston-Salem cordially invite you to meet your new online media partner, the EverWondr Network. With 35+ sites covering the entire 12-county Piedmont Triad, EverWondr is your exclusive vehicle for targeting anyone associated with arts, culture, sports and entertainment in the region. As a preferred Arts Council organization, you have been selected for an exclusive, invitation-only preview and free training session of Phase 2 of the EverWondr Network, and your local url, ExploreRocking Wednesday, December 1, 2010, 10:30 AM to Noon at the Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts in Reynolds Place,251 North Spruce St. Winston-Salem • Preview the brand-new Gallery, Art Market, Best Of sections, as well as the upgraded and expanded Events, Community and Search areas of the site • Network with elected officials, community leaders, board members, network creators, partners, sponsors, artists and users of the 35+ site EverWondr Network • Take advantage of free opportunities to promote your organization more efficiently and effectively than with any other media vehicle • Test-drive the admin panel, and meet with technical advisers for a hands-on preview • Review network usage, statistics and results to date • Receive a free media pack, including Window Cling graphics to promote your URL • Discuss regional and national marketing, promotion and expansion plans to give your organization visibility beyond the Piedmont Triad • Receive exclusive, eventonly discounts (available for preview at RSVP TODAY TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE AT THIS INVITATION-ONLY EVENT Dara Silver, The Arts Council of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County. 336-722-2585 •




Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 27 inspector who is scheduled to visit the restaurant. The caller then says that the health inspector will visit the food service establishment the next day between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., or a similar time-frame. Glenn L. Martin, local health director said he has learned that other states have been targeted by similar scams. These scams have involved setting up “verified” accounts with a national online auction service. The purpose of the code is to get the restaurant to provide false verification to the online auction service which establishes a bogus online account to be used in other fraud schemes. Food Service establishments and other business owners need to be aware of this scam and should protect themselves by understanding: • Never provide personal or business information by phone unless you are certain of the person with whom you are speaking. • Environmental health specialists do not contact establishments in advance to schedule a routine inspection. • A new inspection procedure has not been developed and any “government official” who asks you to provide a given code through an automated call system or to an inspector is part of a fraud scheme. • Ask for proper photo identification if you do not recognize any inspector. There have been no reports of phony inspectors arriving at any establishment targeted by the scam in North Carolina. However, owners and operators should immediately contact local law enforcement if they suspect they are being targeted by a scam. Questions about the identity of any environmental health specialist authorized to inspect in North Carolina should be directed to the N.C. Division of Environmental Health at (919) 733-2884 or the Rockingham County Department of Public Health’s Environmental Health Division at 336-342-8180.

RCC TRUSTEES H O N O R K EYS, GILLILAND WENTWORTH – During its scheduled November meeting, Rockingham Community College’s Board of Trustees agreed to name two facilities in honor of two individuals – a major donor and the retiring president. The board voted to name the college’s gymnasium in honor of Dr. Robert Keys, RCC’s president, and the baseball field in honor of David L. Gilliland of Greensboro, a major contributor to the college’s baseball program. “Thank you,” Keys responded after the board gave him a standing ovation following the unanimous vote. “This was very unexpected and I am overwhelmed.” The selection of the gym was appropriate since Keys has been a strong advocate of health and wellness and student development at RCC since he came in 1996. He re-instituted an intercollegiate athletics program at the college with the goal of complementing the classroom experience of the student-athlete. Further, in 2007 Keys was selected to chair the statewide intercollegiate athletics task force to develop guidelines for athletes in community colleges. Gilliland, whose son played baseball at RCC, made the original contribution that enabled the college to construct a baseball field and has continued to make substantial contributions as field improvements have been made and equipment added. “Mr. Gilliland has continued to support our baseball program to show his appreciation to the college for his son’s very positive experience at RCC both as a student and as a baseball athlete,” Keys said. While the search for a new president is under way, board members said it will be at least January before one is selected. Therefore, the board asked Keys to consider delaying his previously announced retirement for two months or “until a successor is named, but no later than March 15.” Keys had submitted his notice of retirement as RCC’s third president in July, with an effective date of December 31. In reporting on the search process, Grayson Whitt, vice chair of the board and chair of the presidential search advisory committee, reported that the committee reviewed applications from 26 candidates and narrowed the pool of semifinalists to 12. These 12 have been asked to submit a video of their responses to a group of interview questions; the committee will review the videos and select six finalists to submit to the trustees for interviews. The board also was informed by Dr. Bob Lowdermilk, RCC’s vice president for student development, that headcount enrollment for the fall semester remained steady after last fall’s 20 percent increase. However, full-time equivalent enrollment – a number based on the number of class hours taken – grew 2.6 percent from the previous fall. Lowdermilk noted that one in four high school graduates in Rockingham County is coming to RCC, and the number of African-Americans attending RCC has grown 46 percent over the last two years. In other business, the board: – Discussed with Keith Wilson, architect of Calloway, Johnson, Moore, & West, PA, options for construction of the McMichael Civic Center. – Accepted an audit report of RCC’s credit and non-credit programs for Spring 2009-Spring 2010 which included only one audit exception.

Continued To Page 30


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336-623-2235 Check Out Our Holiday Discounts On Color & Perms!

Thank You For A Wonderful Year & We Wish You A Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year! Maria Hailey, Owner • Robin Servie • Terry Dabbs • Jennifer Boyte • Tamera “Tammy” Brame • Angie Taylor • Katina Thomasson • Jessica “Taylor” Hodges Sundays Matrix-Kendra-Chi Products 1 pm - 5 pm FACIAL WAXING HAIRCUTS Hours: 10 am - 7 pm - Mon. Sat.


Appreciation award winners included, left to right: David Tolbert, Rick Hurley, Zack Long, Alan Hart, Beverly Surry, Terry Vernon, Neil Chaney, and Dan Harrison.

B O Y S C L U B SH O W S A PPRECIATION TO C OMMUNITY LE A D E R S In October the guests gathered in the main room of the Eden Boys and Girls Club of Eden for an appreciation dinner, provided by Heather Wakeield of Whistle Jacket, followed by an awards presentation to special people in our community. First, the guests enjoyed a talk from a former Boys & Girls Club of Eden member, Chad Setliff, who spoke of how the Boys and Girls Club helped him in life. Awards followed for those in the community who have worked hard for the club including Beverly Surry of Healthy Carolinians, Neil Chaney of Rockingham County Safe Kids, Terry Vernon of the City of Eden Recreation Department, Rick Hurley of the United Way, and







C H R I S T M A S T O U R S: T U E S DA Y S - FRIDA Y S ~ 10A M-5P M SA T U R DA Y S 10A M - 8P M & SU N DA Y 1P M-5P Amy Nalley addresses the guests at the Annual Appreciation Dinner in October as Leonard Pryor looks on. Allen Hart of USDA Rural Development. Additional awards included the Laura D. Hicks Service Award which went and the Past President Award went to Lee Turner. Volunteeer of th Year Awards were presented to David Tolbert, Zack Long, Daan Harrison.

Back Row: Donnie Bullins, Ryan Sharpe, J Dejournette. Middle Row: Bray Tilley, Briana Dillard, Jacey Evans, Mercedes Martin, Brooke Maness, Kiersten Hamlett, Hilary Ladd, Kara Anderson. Front Row: Stephen Griffith, Joseph Rorrer, Michael Moyer, Jessica Fulcher, Shaquille Blackstock


The club’s missione is to enable all young people, especially thos who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. To join the Boys & Girls Club of Eden is only $40 per year and there are grants and scholarships for those whose families can’t afford this fee.





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MHS STUDENTS E XPERIENCE V IRTTUAL R EALITY LIVE Sixteen students from Morehead High School’s Computer Applications II and eCommerce I Honors classes visited the Duke immersive Virtual Environment (DiVE) lab at Duke University on Friday, November 5, 2010. This lab is a 6-sided CAVE-like virtual reality theater. All six surfaces – the four walls, the ceiling and the floor – are used as screens onto which computer graphics are displayed. The lab is a fully immersive room in which each student literally walked into a virtual reality world, is surrounded by the display and is capable of interacting with virtual objects in the world.

Only $10 & up

Students wore stereo glasses which provided depth perception, and one student at a time got to use a handheld “wand” which controlled navigation and input into the world for manipulating virtual objects. During their trip at Duke, the students toured Duke Chapel, Dorms, Cameron Indoor Stadium and Wallace Wade Stadium. “This was an enjoyable learning experience for students. I hope I will be able to take my classes each semester to experience Virtual Reality at its best.” – Mrs. Thompson

Holiday Gifts & Decor! Mon.- Fri. 8:30 - 5:30, Sat. 8:30 - 5:00, Sun. 1 - 6

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M ADISON/MAY O D A N PA R A D E On December 11 at 1pm the Madison?Maoydan Parade will retuirn in all it’s glory. Entry deadline is December 4th. For more infomration on the parade and the fees to enter call Crockett Saunders at 336949-4510.

In late October Sheriff Page rode Bart the horse to a couple schools to share his message of red ribbon week with students. I took these pictures in Eden at Central Elementary.

O P O RTUNITIES FO R V OLUNTEERISM Turn Over A New Leaf For Your New Year’s Resolution. Volunteer! American Red Cross of Rockingham County 3692 NC Highway 14, Reidsville, NC 27320 336-349-3434 FAX: 336-3493436 Animal Protection Society of Rockingham County PO Box 13, Wentworth, NC 27375 or Boy Scouts of American Old North State Council 336-378-9166 or 800-367-9166 Camp Carefree 381 Cherokee Camp Rd., Reidsville, NC 27320 336-342-4062

Merry Christmas From All Of Us At...



Store Fronts




336-623-2460 DAVE’S TOWING 600 Monroe St., Eden




Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 28 – Approved a business continuity plan, with details on how RCC would continue to operate in case of a disaster. – Reviewed 2009-10 financial statements. – Adopted a tobacco-free campus policy. The campus will become tobacco-free in March 14, 2011. The next board meeting will be held Jan. 11, 2011.

C HOIR TO P E R F O R M IN M ADISON/MAY O D A N The Madison-Mayodan Fellowship Choir will be performing in their annual Christmas Cantata on Saturday, December 11th, 11:00am, at the Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department. Prior to the performance, light refreshments will be served in the Gym at 10:45am. Everyone in the community is invited and the event if free of charge. For more information contact the Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department at (336) 548-2789.



WENTWORTH Rickey Daniel Dillon, 40, pled guilty to Murder, Discharging a Weapon into Occupied Property, and Possession of a Firearm by a Felon today in Rockingham County Superior Court. Dillon was sentenced to 238-305 months in prison by Judge Edger B. Gregory. On October 25, 2007, officers with the Eden Police Department responded to the area of Riverside Drive regarding a shots fired call. Upon arrival, officers found Jimmy Leon Stevens Jr. lying in his driveway near the roadway. Stevens had been shot in the chest and back. Witnesses identified Dillon as the perpetrator, and also stated that Dillon fired into Stevens’ home. Detectives recovered a projectile from the defendant’s gun embedded in a wall in the home. The defendant turned himself in and admitted to detectives that he shot the victim. Autopsy results revealed that Stevens died from multiple gun shot wounds. Dillon had prior convictions for Larceny, Possession of Stolen Goods, Larceny of a Firearm, Possession of Marijuana, Breaking/Entering, and Assault on a Female. Assault on a child under 12, Assault with a Deadly Weapon, and Assault Inflicting Serious Injury.


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We are a Family Care Home that assist people with bathing, dressing, eating, medication administration, and ambulation. We also offer respite care for those who require temporary care after surgery or illness.

WENTWORTH Phillip Madison, 50, pled guilty to Indecent Liberties with a Child yesterday In Rockingham County Superior Court. Madison, a resident of Redisville, received a 16-20 months suspension sentence. He was placed on probation for 5 years by Judge Edger B. Gregory, and ordered to pay a $1,000.00 fine and costs, submit to a sex offender treatment program, and register as a sex offender for a period of thirty years. Detectives with the Rockingham County Sheriff’s Department interviewed a 14 year old victim regarding a reported fondling incident. The teenager told authorities that on July 10, 2010, the defendant, the victim, and two others were riding in a vehicle confirming bus riders for Sunday services at their church. The defendant was a bus driver for the church according to the victim. While in the vehicle, the defendant fondled the victim’s breasts, forcefully grabbed her stomach, and rubbed her thighs. The victim submitted to a forensic interview and the counselor who spoke with the child found her to be “extremely reliable.” Madison was interviewed by detectives and confessed to touching the victim inappropriately on her breast and lower stomach.

W H O M O V E D M Y M O U S E? BO O K S IGNING B ENEFITS LO C A L C AT C LINIC International author Dena Harris will be on hand (or paw) to sign copies of her newest book, Who Moved My Mouse? A SelfHelp Book for Cats (Who Don’t Need Any Help) at the Cat Clinic of Greensboro, 2449 Battleground Avenue, on Saturday, November 27th from 10 am to noon. Portions of all book sales will go toward the “Maggie Fund,” which helps the clinic defray costs for their kitten adoption program as well as for finding homes for good samaritan strays. People can stop by the Cat Clinic on Saturday between ten and noon and drop off their business card in a drawing for Harris’ first book, the award-winning collection of humor stories, Lessons In Stalking: Adjusting to Life With Cats. There will also be drawings for cat toys, as well as kittens available for adoption. Based on classic self-help texts and filled with quizzes, exercises, and insider tips, Who Moved My Mouse? helps cats make the 20 minutes they’re awake each day the best 20 minutes of their lives! Chapters include, “How to Make Friends and Influence Dog People”

Continued To Page 32


M C B RIDE & LEWIS W E D Pamela Leigh McBride and Mark Lewis Smith were united in marriage on Saturday, Oct. 16, 2010 at 4 p.m. at Sunset Harbour, Cherry Grove, S.C. The wedding was officiated by Reverend Cheryl Turner. The reception followed at Filet’s Restaurant. The bride is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Noah Andrew McBride of Eden, N.C. She is the granddaughter of Dr. Martin P. Hines, of Raleigh, N.C. and Mr. & Mrs. Noah Mcbride of Eden, N.C. She is a graduate of Greensboro College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Child Development. She cheered as a cheerleader for the Pride. She received an Advanced Masters Degree in Counselor Education at A&T University where she graduated Cum Laude. Leigh is employed by Rockingham County Schools as a School Counselor. The groom is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Smith of Brown Summit. He is the grandson of Mrs. Betty Scott of Reidsville, N.C. He is a graduate of Catawba College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Recreation. He was a 3-conference championship holder, all conference, and all regional baseball player for Catawba College. He is a Firefighter with the Greensboro Fire Department and co-owner of M&M Lawn Care. The bride’s sister, Christy Ann Bailey of Graham, N.C. served as matron of honor. Maid

Trinity Wesleyan Education Center “Shaping Young Lives” Offering quality affordable Christian Childcare • Open Monday - Friday 6am - 6pm • Ages 6 Weeks - 12 years old • ABEKA Christian Based Preschool Curriculum • DDS Approved • Educational Fieldtrips • Before & After School Program (transportation provided from local schools) • Homework Assistance

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Typing Services Avaliable! All Your Typing Needs: Resume’s •Flyers • Letterhead’s Brochure Design • Special Publications Call Mark Lewis Smith and bride Pamela Leigh McBride of honor was Kimberly Ard of Ruffin, N.C. Bridesmaids were Heather Haynes of Eden, N.C., Kara Jones of Charleston, S.C., Kenna Pruitt of Beaufort, S.C., Tara Smith of Lexington, N.C., Renee McGuire of Raleigh, N.C. and Latisha Marden of Reidsville, N.C. Bridesman was Jacob Dodson of Greensboro, N.C. The groom’s father Lewis Smith of Brown Summit, N.C. served as best man. Groomsmen were his brothers, Todd Smith of Lexington, N.C., Matt Smith of Brown Summit, N.C., as well as Carter Bass of Lexington, N.C., Keith Brewer of Brown Summit,

Eden’s Own Journal featuring The Rockingham County Star

N.C., Andy Jones Of Brown Summit, N.C., Matthew Rudd of Brown Summit, N.C., Greg Smith of Raleigh, N.C. and Spence Southard of Brown Summit, N.C. Man’s best friend was Bruiser Smith of Brown Summit, N.C. The bride wore a white off the shoulder gown with flowers at the neckline. She wore a family veil of rosepoint lace from Belgium. The couple spent their honeymoon in the Hawaiian Islands over the Thanksgiving holiday. They now reside in Brown Summit, N.C.


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Thank You, Reidsville & Rockingham County, For Your Support For The Last Thirty-Five Years. Since 1976 We Have Truly Enjoyed Serving You. We Have Met So Many Wonderful People Over The Years, & Are Grateful For Your Friendship. As We Begin A New Journey In Our Lives, We Will Miss Seeing You, But We Are Also Looking Forward To Retirement.

We Will Be Closing On Saturday, December 11, 2010. We Will Open At 11:00 a.m., With Our $5.25 Buffet All Day. We Hope You Will Join Us As Pizza Station Closes To Make Room For A New Road.

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336-627-0927 New, private and gated, 50 acre equestrian facility is now accepting boarders! • Daily Turnout • 12x12 matted stalls with fans • Feed/hay 2 times daily • Wash stall with hot/cold water • 80 x100 covered arena outside arena with jumps and lots of trails. Diamond L Ranch also offers riding lessons, sales and training. Shelley A. Lilly has over 25 years experience in riding and showing hunter/jumpers.

Cutting Horse Trainer also available. Beginners are always welcome. Please call for more information!

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By Sgt. Sam Shelton, Police Department

Before You Leave Home Plan your shopping trip carefully. Know where you are going and what routes you will take. Tell someone your route plans and expected time of return. If possible, arrange for a companion to go with you. There is safety in numbers. If you are shopping at night and have to walk alone to your car, ask the mall security to escort you to your car. Dress casually and comfortably when shopping, and do not wear expensive jewelry. When You Are Driving Keep your doors locked at all times. Choose a well-lit and traveled route even if you believe it is out of your way. Never allow your tank to become less than half full. Never pick up hitchhikers. Do not stop to help strangers. Call the police to assist them. Avoid confrontations with strangers or with others who might seek to follow you to continue the confrontation. When You Park Your Car Park in a well-lit area. If you are parking during the day and returning to your car after dark, check for street and building lights. ALWAYS lock all your doors. Remove all electronic items, such as calculators, radar detectors and all packages from your car. Place them in the trunk or glove compartment, out of sight. Avoid parking near vans or other vehicles with covered cargo areas. Look around the parking lot for suspicious persons before you get out of your car. Avoid carrying large handbags. Carry only what is necessary. Avoid carrying large amounts of cash. Pay for purchases with checks, credit, charge or debit cards. Carry cash and wallets in a front pocket to reduce your chances of having your pocket picked. Shop in groups whenever possible. Use the “buddy system.” Don’t get out of your car until you are ready. If you don’t feel safe, stay in the car or drive away. Remember where you parked your car. While this may sound elementary, many shopping areas are spread out over large areas. Being unable to locate a car can cause you undue confusion and stress that may present you as a better target to a criminal. Don’t get out of your car until you are ready. If you don’t feel safe, stay in the car or drive away. When You Return to Your Car • If you are shopping at a mall, keep in mind the time the store closes where you entered the mall, as some stores close earlier than others. This may keep you from having to walk unnecessary distances to your car if you find the store has closed earlier than you expected. • Never leave the store with your arms full of packages. Use a courtesy cart. • Have your car key in hand, ready to unlock your door. • Check the parking lot for suspicious people and look around before you exit the store. • If you feel unsafe, always ask the store security to assist you to your car. • If you are parked near a van or other vehicle with a covered cargo area, it is a good idea to return to the store and ask a security officer to accompany you. • Check underneath, in front and in back of your car before you enter it. • Check the front and rear passenger seats before you enter your car. • Place all packages out of sight. When You Are Returning Home Frequently check your rearview mirror to see if you are being followed. If you feel like you are being followed, DO NOT go home. Drive to the nearest police station, fire station or other place of safety. Use your cellular phone, if you have one, to call the police. Try to obtain a license plate number, how many people are in the car and a good description of the car you believe is following you. If Your Car Breaks Down • If you are off the roadway, raise the hood of your vehicle, then get back into your car and lock the doors. • If you have a cellular phone, call for help. • If a stranger stops, slightly lower the window to request they contact the police for you. REFUSE ALL OTHER HELP. • If someone tries to force their way into your car, blink your headlights and blow your horn at the same time to attract attention.


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County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 30 and “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff…But Feel Free to Freak Out Over Anything That Moves Suddenly and Without Warning.” Foreign rights to the book have sold in the UK, China, Thailand, Germany, Brazil, and the Netherlands. Visit for more book information. The Cat Clinic of Greensboro is a full service veterinary hospital devoted exclusively to cats. Through their Kitten Adoption Program, they take in abandoned kittens, one litter at a time, and provide care and housing for them until a suitable home can be found. About The Author: Dena Harris has been a humor columnist for Cats & Kittens magazine and contributor to Chicken Soup for the Soul: What I Learned From the Cat, Cup of Comfort for Cat Lovers, and Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover’s Soul, among others. She is the author of Lessons In Stalking and For the Love of Cats. Founder of a corporate communications company, Write For You, Dena lives in Madison, NC with her husband and their two cats, Lucy and Olivia, in a home filled with expensive, never-played-with cat stuff.

M ERCHANTS A S K FO R IN P U T The Mayodan Merchants Association is asking for input from local citizens, as they plan for the new year. Residents are being asked to make a list of five projects and mail them to 202 West Main Street, Mayodan, NC 27027. The list can also be faxed to 548.4636. The Mayodan Merchants Association meets the third Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. Meetings are open to the public.

We Make All Kinds of Heat & Air Duct Work For Individuals That Wish To Install Their Own. • Also We Sell Heat & Air Equipment For You To Install!

DECEMBER 2010 EDEN’S OWN / COUNTY STAR, PAGE 33 ¶ Your Image Is My Art Oscar Macias Owner & Artist 337 - A S. Scales St. • Reidsville, N.C. 27320

336-342-0069 Hours Of Operation : Monday - Wednesday 11am to 10pm Thursday - Saturday 11am to Midnight Sundays - By Appointment and Walk-ins Welcom

E D E N E VENING LION’S C L U B TE A M S WITH W A L M A RT The very community active Eden Evening Lions Club was given permission to set their trailer up at the Wal Mart Super Center in Eden. Pictured are Lions John Blackburn and Dee Gordon. The Club members were selling Lions Club brooms of all sizes and the very popular 2011 Eden Trivia Calendar. This year's calendar covers all areas of Eden in the Trivia Section in the back pages and is a fascinating read. Many of the brooms and calendars sold were going to be used as Christmas gifts. The Evening Lions Club not only supports the visually impaired but the deaf, The Lord's Pantry, Camp Dogwood, White Cane and many other local charitable groups. The Lions Club Motto is "WE SERVE". The brooms and calendars can be purchased by calling John Blackburn @ 627.4543, Norma McKinney @ 627.8881 or Jim Bush @ 627.3408.

715 Washington St. • Eden, NC 623-9912

Gift Certificates Available


Sea Escape Facial & Body Therapy $125 Or Vita Cura 5 Phase Firming Facial $100 Visit Our “Boutique” Full Of Costume Jewerly!

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Look Us Up On Facebook! For News & Event Updates! Go To Friends And Type In Eden’s Own Journal PURLINA’S GIFT BASKETS On Friday, November 5th, Purlina’s Gift Baskets owner Faye Doe Alexander and her family Celebrated the Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting of their new store located at 608 Washington Street in the Olde Leaksville Shopping District. Ms. Alexander sells gift baskets for all occasions.

Wishing You And Your Family A Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year!

Volunteers Tim Gibbs, Nancy Wi l l i a m s , Ti n a Pulliam and Nancy Tate, Exc. Dir. greet shoppers.

Thank You, Rockingham County, For Your Vote This November Rockingham County Sheriff Sam Page

“Paid for by Sam Scott Page Campaign For Sheriff”

Denise Tuggle, Dir. of Volunteers and Family Services helps family applicants (Mon. & Thur 8:30 – 4:00) Recycled goods! Buyer delights! Houses for others! The Rockingham Habitat ReStore at 249 The Boulevard Eden Accept your tax-deductible donations of household items, building materials, appliances. Large item pickup (627-0160) ReStore hours 1-3 PM, Monday & Thursday only

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Gill’s Stop

Expires 12/19/2010





P IT S TO P O R S W E E T S H O P - WH AT W ILL IT B E ? Ann Jackson, (A.J.) for short, is one busy woman. When she found out she had breast cancer, giving up was not in her vocabulary, she fought hard, and came out one top. She also, at the same time mind you, began her businesses. Yes I said, businesses... plural. Both her Mayodan businesses, A.J.’s Pit Stop on the well known corner of Main Street and Second Avenue, is a fully functioning restaurant with outdoor seating, big screen tv and a hometown atmosphere. But winter’s coming you say, outside is not the place to be to eat. Well she’s got that under control. Walk right down the street to 105 S. Second Avenue, just in site of the Pit Stop, and you will see A.J.’s Sweet Shop, a little ice cream shop that will transport you back in time and fill your sweet tooth as well as your tummy. The entire menu that is served at A.J.’s Pit Stop is also served at the little ice cream shop in the warmth of the inside booths and with an old fashioned flair you don’t find often. She serves up hamburgers, hot dogs, vegies and meats and a little of everything you could want for dinner for the entire family. But don’t forget the wonderful hand-made desserts and sweets after the meal. Whether it’s warm or cold, A.J. can take care of your hunger and do it in an atmosphere that brings back fond memories of the past. If you have a hankerin’ for ice cream she has what it takes to fill that sweet tooth including sundeas, shakes, cookies, cakes and more. Next time your hungry, give it a try, stroll down to A.J.’s and visit her as she welcomes everyone with a smile. If you want to call and place an order first, call dial 4276502. This year the Mayodan Christmas Tree will be located on her patio at the Pit Stop and she invites everyone to come see the lighting on December 5th at 6pm. There will be carolina and Santa will visit as well.

A.J.’s Pitstop

AJ’s Pitstop & AJ’s Sweet Shop 100 W. Main St. • 105 S. Second Ave MAYODAN • 336-427-6502

Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Order At Either • Eat At Either • Enjoy At Both 2 Vegies & Meat, Roll, Tea Only $5.00 Burgers, Hotdogs A Full Family Menu

Handipped Ice Cream • Shakes • Sundeas • • Desserts • Coffee • Specialty Drinks and More!

Ann Johnson of A.J’s Pits Stop and A.J’s Sweet Shop.


Head In The Right Dir ection...




Painting & Wallpapering

MICRO SUPPORT SYSTEMS 202 Suite F, N. Van Buren Road Eden, NC 27288 623-2677 Fax 336-623-6079

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A B ETTE-R-LO O K AT M Y S TO RY Bette Hutchens It all started for me as some of my earliest memories in life . . . the way lip-gloss & hair spray could be so magical for a little girl. Now at age 37 it’s more like wow this morning is scary until the mascara wand waves into these baby blues. Now don’t get me wrong I think we all should feel beautiful naturally from deep within our soul but it always makes you feel more like “HELLO WORLD” after your face is on, or those gorgeous new tones of honey, wheat, & coco are mingled throughout your hair (covering those much unruly grey patches that we try to defy). Well you know how the saying goes every old barn could use a coat of paint . . . seems to be true for humans as well. I have been in the beauty industry now for 18 years making a living & thank God everyday for allowing me to still feel so passionate towards life in general. In my opinion we all make our choices as to which road we are going to take no matter what our circumstances may have been. We should believe in the power that we all possess to rise up & focus on our goals no matter who or what road we have traveled. Each day someone different comes into the salon with their own story of hope, joy, sorrow, & even pain. In any job we could all benefit from being more personable with our guest. Do we remember their names or how about their children’s names or certain details of what they have been willing to share with us during the last visit? Details are how the former Leaksville Bank & Trust or even later Bank Of America was converted into a salon & day spa. You see as a little girl I also remembered a former dance teacher repeating the words to us girls “Can’t Never Could” for years. I didn’t realize until later in life just how much that would play into my life. The 1922 building that my business had been in for 10 plus years was absolutely perfect until I realized people were coming in with gift certificates they had been given & saying “how long have you been here giving facials or I didn’t know anyone around here offered facials for a man or waxing services to rid men of “caveman” back hair.” Wow I started paying attention to some details of what was all around me, people needing to see what we offer a lot more then just designer haircuts & fabulous color. When I called the 1-800 number for the auction company in Florida on the sign in front of the former bank, the voice on the other end of the line said, “OH THAT PROPERTY WAS SOLD!” I knew something didn’t

feel complete or like I hadn’t tried hard enough. After going back that same day to look again there was a small Guilford County real estate sign bolted to the inner wall. We worked out a deal & a bit later “Blondie” was on a mission. I have a wonderful husband & three beautiful children (currently ages 3-5-7) that motivated me EVERYDAY, more than they will ever know, throughout the whole process. We as a family worked for 15 months on our “Project” from start to finish. The kids were with us every step of the way. We were spending between 20 to 25 hours per week on top of trying to both work our regular full time schedules, go to church, sports, & birthday parties, well you know… LIFE. THANK YOU FOR THE PEOPLE THAT SACRAFICED PRECIOUS TIME TO HELP US (EVEN MY SOUNDING BOARDS) I LOVE YOU & AM EXCITED ABOUT CONTINUING TO OFFER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO ROCKINGHAM & SURROUNDING COUNTIES. The BetteRLook Salon & Day Spa is about helping you relax & find YOURSELF again! We offer a wide range of dual services meaning you can come in with your spouse, parent, child, or just a friend & both get manicures (care of the hands & nails), pedicures (care of the feet), waxing services, hand, arm, or cranial massage, World Famous “Repechage” seaweed facials, ear candling & more in a private setting at the same time. We are PROFESSIONALS in multicolor applications as well & can help you find the cut that is best suited for your lifestyle and facial shape. We even offer Princess Day Spa Parties to ensure your “LITTLE PRINCESS” has the VERY BEST for her BIRTHDAY MEMORIES! If you don’t have a lot of spare time but want to still feel like a KING or QUEEN, we offer express treatments that can be performed during a lunch hour. (At least two BetteRLook team members will work on you at once combining such as a mini facial & mini manicure for total relaxation or hand & feet massages.) Wedding Parties or special events for make up applications & formal hairstyles are other services that we offer to our clients. We do accept walk-ins when available, however appointments are recommended. While visiting with us browse through our “boutique” for that special gift or pick up a gift certificate that will always be the PERFECT FIT. Just ask for complimentary gift-wrap on any purchase! Paid Advertisement

The Official Ribbon Cutting of the newly reopened Bette-R-Look. Attending the event in November were Mayor John Grogan, Coucilpersons, Chamber Members, Family and Friends.

Bette Hutchens

Absolutely Perfect! Move-In Ready!

DRS Medical Supply 302-A Pierce Street • Eden, NC 27288

Office: 344-2070 • Fax: 627-7003

We would like to Thank our Customers for allowing us the privilege to serve you over the years - Patient Care and Satisfaction is Our Goal!

DRS Medical Supply Of Eden Is Accredited By The Accreditation Commission For Health Care, Inc. (ACHC). DRS Is Pleased To Announce We Now Participate With United Health Care.

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Macy J’s

Grooming Boutique LLC 711 Washington St., Eden, NC 27288 Jeanette Haymore, Professional Groomer

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OIL CHANGE & Filter:

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Flynn Furniture & Carpet Co. “This Area’s Largest Complete Home Furnishing Store 130 W. Murphy St. Madison, N.C. 27025

336-548-2305 Fax: 336-548-1519

Tee’s Pizza! 10% Discount

115 N. Fieldcrest Rd. • Draper • (Next To Jerry’s)

With Coupon Expires Dec. 31, 2010

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Hours: Mon. - Sat. 11am - 2 pm - 5pm - 10 pm Sunday Closed.


Bailey’s Exhaust 729-A Washington Street Old Ralph Barrow Building

in the Historic Olde Leaksville Shopping District

336-627-7252 Thanks For Your Business This Past Year. We Look Forward To Serving You In The Next.

Have A Safe Holiday... Get Your Car Serviced At Bailey’s Exhaust

D R B A TA K E S A H IKE... DE C E M B E R 4T H A DJACENT TO H ANGING R O C K Late Fall Hike on South Side of State Park

Take in a breathtaking view of the south side of Hanging Rock as you hike on private property adjacent to Hanging Rock State Park with the Dan River Basin Association (DRBA) on the first Saturday in December. DRBA's First Saturday Outing will begin at 10:00 a.m. on December 4 when participants meet at Moratock Park in Danbury, NC to carpool to the site where the hike begins. Trip coordinator Julia Pyron, an active DRBA volunteer and outdoorswoman, notes that the woodland hike of approximately two miles is mostly easy, but with two or three short, steep climbs. "Wear boots appropriate for wading across a stream," she advises, as the trail will cross the headwaters of Old Mill Creek several times. According to our host, the hike is very much like walking in the park itself. "There is lots of wildlife," he says, "from Black Bears to Wild Turkeys, including lots of bluebirds, hawks, and owls. You might even see a few deer." Although no hunting will be allowed on the property or adjacent parklands, wearing brightly colored clothing is encouraged. The terrain includes countless rocks that get larger the clos-

er you get to the mountain. As in many woodlands in our rural area, the old home place, long abandoned, is marked by remains of stone chimneys. Parts of the trail pass through laurel and rhododendron thickets, with carpets of running cedar and occasional patches of the rarer running pine. Our host further notes that the forest may include "trees and The Dan River Basin Association's wild plants you don't December 4 First Saturday Outing normally see." He sugwill be a hike on land adjacent to gests that participants Hanging Rock State Park. The pubbring along field guides lic is invited without charge. to help identify these plants. Participants should dress in layers, wear waterproof ing lot near the old iron furnace. DRBA invites the public to boots, and bring lunch and water and walking sticks. All partici- join in, free of charge, for this pants will be asked to sign a special hike. For questions about the outwaiver. To reach Moratock Park ing, contact Julia Pyron, trip 336-344-0772, (36° 24' 28.95" N, 80° 11' 56.03'' coordinator, W) traveling on NC 8/89 in For information about the Danbury, turn onto Shephard Mill Road, crossing the bridge Dan River Basin Association, over the Dan River. At the end of visit the bridge, turn right onto an unpaved drive and go to the park-

Sit-N-Sew Sessions

The Hale Family wants to thank you for keeping Quality Cleaners on your Laundry List for the last 63 Years! MERRY CHRISTMAS

QUALITY CLEANERS Established 1947

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THE HALE FAMILY J.T. Hale Jr., Melinda Hale Joyce, Susan Hale Walker, Jesse T. Hale Sr., Denise Hale Blakeney, Karen Hale Sineeath

STRATTON APPLIANCES & FURNITURE NEW & USED APPLIANCES Refrigerators • Stoves • Washers • Dryers • Dishwashers

Maytag • Frigadare • Crosley • Amana Used Washer - $150 Used Dryer - $175 30 Day Warranty

COME SEE OUR SHOWROOM OF NEW FURNITURE! Bedroom • Living Room • Dining Room Compare Our Prices First!

Box Springs & Mattress - Twin Sets $119.00 Dinette Tables starting at $199.95 2 Piece Living Room Suits in stock $349.95 115 MORGAN ROAD • EDEN, NC 27288

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JOSH SMITH AUTO REPAIR, LLC Winterize Now For A Safe Holiday Travel From Josh Smith Auto Repair! Experienced With All Makes & Models. All Work Guaranteed! We Perform A/C Repair, Engine And Transmission Repair Shocks / Struts, Brakes, Tune-Ups, Hours : Oil Changes, Inspections Mon. - Fri. ASE Certified • Computer Diagnostics 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Phone : 336-627-9400 • Fax : 336-627-0400

536 N. Bridge St. Eden, N.C. 27288

Members of the Two Rivers Quilt Guild conduct “Sit-NSew Sessions” every week at the City of Eden Senior Center. The group consists of around 10 ladies who love to quilt. The group has taken on a very special project this year and are working toward sending at least 10 quilts to American Army Troops stationed in Afghanistan. Janice Smith, Sandra Janney, Inez O’Dell and Sheila Stewart are shown in the picture working on their special quilts.



Circle Drive-In 111 Boone Rd., Eden


Tis the season and everyone’s searching for the perfect gift that doesn’t break the bank. The more money saved, the more there is to spend. Still, many of us struggle to find the perfect gift. What if, for just one day, you forget the sales and choose to save a life instead? Donating blood helps save up to three lives and the only cost is an hour of your time. If just 10-percent of Americans give blood this holiday season, 34.2 million lives might be saved. Now, that’s a deal everyone can appreciate! So, as you flip through circulars and scan retail web sites, take a moment to log on to or call the Rockingham County Chapter at 336-349-3434 and make an appointment to give blood. Appointments are strongly recommended. - Wednesday, December 1st; 2:00 – 6:30 pm, Reidsville YMCA, 504 Main Street, Reidsville, call the American Red Cross at 3493434 for an appointment - Thursday, December 2nd; 2:00 – 6:30 pm, Eden YMCA, 301 Kennedy Street, Eden, (sponsored by the Eden Lions Club) call the American Red Cross at 349-3434 for an appointment - Tuesday, December 7th; 11:30 am – 4:00 pm, Madison Presbyterian, 4 West Decatur Street, Madison; (sponsored by Western Rockingham Chamber of Commerce), call the Chamber at 548-6248 for an appointment - Wednesday, December 8th; 11:30 am- 4:00 pm, Annie Penn Hospital, 618 South Main Street, Reidsville, Call Patricia at 9514674 or Shirley at 951-4653 - Thursday, December 9th; 6:30 am – 3:30 pm, Morehead Hospital, 117 East Kings Highway, Eden, call the Lab at 623-9711 x2480 for an appt.-Thursday, December 9th; 1:30 – 6:00 pm, Douglass Elementary, 1130 Center Church Road, Eden, call the school office at 623-6521 for an appointment - Thursday, December 9th; 1:30 – 6:00 pm, Lincoln Elementary, 2660 Oregon Hill Road, Ruffin, call the school office at 939-2435 for an appointment - Monday, December 13th, 2:00 6:30 pm, Good News Baptist, 1215 West Academy Street, Madison, call the church office at 548-2516 for an appointment - Wednesday, December 15th; 11:00 am – 3:30 pm; City of Eden Public Works, 1050 Klyce Street, Eden, call Joyce at 6277783 x 106 for an appointment - Wednesday, December 15th, 11:00 am – 3:30 pm, Rockingham County Government, 371 Hwy 65,

Wentworth, call Mark at 3428265 for an appointment - Saturday, December 18th; 10:00 am – 2:30 pm, Goodwill Baptist, 1036 K Fork Road, Madison, Call Natalie at 580-4141 for an appointment - During the month of December all blood donors will be registered to win 1 of 2 pair of Delta Airline tickets at all blood drives.

About the American Red Cross: The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides emotional support to victims of disasters; supplies nearly half of the nation's blood; teaches lifesaving skills; provides international humanitarian aid; and supports military members and their families. The Red Cross is a charitable organization — not a government agency — and depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to perform its mission.

- WINTER DAYS OF GIVING From December 20th – January 2nd; all donors will receive a Red Cross t-shirt in addition to being registered to win the Delta Airline Tickets - Monday, December 27th; 2:00 – 6:30 pm, Victory Chevrolet, 4417 NC Hwy 704, Madison, call Sarah at Victory Chevrolet 4275151 for an appointment - Tuesday, December 28th; 2:00 – 6:30 pm, Reidsville Christian Church, 1220 South Park Road, Reidsville, call Chad Bailey at 349-6616 x 203 - Tuesday, December 28th; 3:00 7:30 pm, Bethany Fire Department, 6052 NC Hwy 65, Reidsville, Call Betty at 9512187 for an appointment - Wednesday, December 29th; 2:00 - 6:30 pm, sponsored by Oregon Hill VFD held at the American Red Cross, 3692 NC Hwy 14, Reidsville, call the American Red Cross at 349-3434 for an appointment - Wednesday, December 29th; 2:00 - 6:30 pm, Rachael Chestnut BloodStock held at Zion Baptist Church, 807 Piedmont Street, Reidsville, call Rachael at 5200179 for an appointment - Thursday, December 30th; 2:00 - 6:30 pm, Type O Eden held at Kings Highway Christian Church, 417 West Kings Highway, Eden call the Church office at 627-1766 for an appt. Your blood donation this holiday season is the perfect gift…the gift that saves the day. Give life. Your heart, your wallet and countless hospital patients across the country thank you! How to Donate Blood: Call336-349-3434 or for more information or to schedule a blood donation appointment. All blood types are needed to ensure the Red Cross maintains an adequate blood supply. A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms of identification are required at check-in. Donors must be in general good health, weigh at least 110 pounds and be at least 17 years old (16 with completed Parental Consent Form). New height and weight restrictions apply to donors younger than 19. Visit to learn more.

Draper Speedway Shirts Great Christmas Gifts! $15 Each Or Two For $25 Sm. - XXX Lg. Mens & Women's We Buy Draper City Tags, Draper High & Speedway Paraphernalia Draper Cycles 513 S. Fieldcrest


WE NOW HAVE MILK SHAKES! Call In Orders Welcome!

GEARHART’S Paint & Body Shop Harold Gearhart, owner/operator of Gearhart’s Paint & Body Shop, has over 31 years of automobile collision and refinishing experience. The full service paint & collision shop does anything from small touch up to complete all over refinishing and can repair anything from small dings and adjustments to major collision & frame repairs. • The modern climate controlled facility offers year round repairs, avoiding temperature & humidity related problems. • The Dupont computerized paint mixing and color matching to your specific vehicle. Our computerized frame dimensions assures correct body & frame analysis & realignment after a collision. • Mitchell computerized estimating It’s Deer Season! and pricing gives fair and accurate estimates, no surprise hidden costs. Be careful, • Equipped with specialized welding slow down! equipment • Fully licensed and insured and work with all major insurance companies to return your vehicle to pre-accident condition. So come and see Harold or Josh Gearhart for a free estimate.

Rd. • Eden (336) 635-5811

610 Boone Road, Eden, NC 336-623-3113 Hometown Radio Online Live and Local Weekdays 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Local News/Weather Community Calendar Obituaries Birthdays Wedding Anniversaries Listener Comments Swap Shop/Trading Post Regional Christian Programs Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday 6:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


THE FULL MOON SALOON 633 Monroe St., Eden, NC • 336-623-3105

• Friends • Fun • Sports Sunday : Widescreen TV Monday: $1.50 Beer All Day Tuesdays & Wednesdays: All Canned Beer $1.50

Open 7 days a week. Hours: 2 p.m. until 2am Under New Management: Richard Boyd

Piedmont Foot Center is pleased to welcome Dr. B. Ivan McKinney to Rockingham County for the practice of Podiatric Medicine. Dr. McKinney specializes in foot and ankle surgery, wound care, and general podiatry. Dr. McKinney graduated from Elon University in 1998, Dr. William School College of Podiatric Medicine in 2003 receiving his Doctor of Podiatric Medicine, and completed his residency program in foot and ankle surgery at Norton Audubon University of Louisville Medical Center in 2006. Dr. McKinney clinical instructor in Foot Surgery at the University of Louisville Medical School from 2007- 2010.

Dr. McKinney will be seeing patients at 307 S Main St. Reidsville NC 336-342-5701 and 100 Vicar Place Danville, Va. 434-836-3338.

A LITTLE S ACRIFICE C HRISTMAS C HARITY G OLF TO U R N A M E N T Saturday, December 4th 2010 Shotgun Start: 9:30 a.m. Lynrock Golf Course, Eden, NC Captain’s choice. Great Prizes & Giveaways Purpose: to raise money in an effort to provide food through the “Lord’s Pantry” and toys to known families in need in Rockingham County. • Green fees $45 per person. • Non golf donations also accepted and greatly appreciated. • RSVP by Friday, November 26th. • Bring your own team or sign up individually. Contact persons: • Mike Smith (deputy) 336-613-1584 • Darren Wright (trooper) 336-613-3849 • Randy Price (Duke Energy) 336-215-5380 • Padraig McDonagh (construction) 832-731-5182 “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give” This golf tournament is not associated with the Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office. However, these men have personal knowledge of a need and have chosen to act. If you can assist by advertising, participation, or donation, it would be appreciated. OMEN S


The Eden Parks & Recreation Department will have an organizational meeting for Women’s Winter Volleyball on Tuesday, December 7th at 7:00 and for Church Adult Co-ed Volleyball at 7:30. Any team that is interested in participating should attend this meeting. Games will begin the first week of January. For additional information contact 6232110 Ext. 3026.

C arter’s A uto R epair


• Lock Out Service • Oil Changes •

There are a few bricks left on the Morhead High School Spirit Walk. The school would like to offer you a chance to become part of history. A 4”x8” brick is $150 and can hold up to three lines of up to 20 characters per line. An 8” x 8” brick is $300 and can hold up to six lines at 20 characters per line. Sports logos may be purchased for an additonal $5 per brick, however space is then limited to 10 characters per line. You may mail your request and payment to MHS Spirit Walk, 302 N. Pierce St., Eden, NC 27288.

“Quality Work at Affordable Prices”

Winterize Now • Brake Jobs • Tune Ups • Service Engine Soon Diagnostics

- No Job Too Small Charlie Carter (Formerly of Reidsville Nissan)

222 N. Bridge Street Eden, N.C. 27288



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Shopping? Have A Place To Be Just For Today? “Drop In” Enrollment Is Now Available! Do you need affordable childcare for a few hours a day so that you can meet appointments and other obligations. Please Contact Us For More Information! Pre-Enrollment Is Required! Minimum 3 hours.




Amanda Rorrer, Contributing writer Author of I am what I am. I am one who embraces the challenge. I am one who does what others only dare. Rorrer I teach and I reach… Though they may be far and few between. At the end of my years, I will reflect and know, Think and say, Speak and feel, All that which I have become. All that I have embraced, Even that which was difficult, Because I rose to the challenge And I was firm in my convictions. I loved the challenge and the quest for answers— Even the seemingly impossible ones. I nurtured the thirst for knowledge by never letting my own well run dry. I am a woman who wonders, “Do I do enough?” Or, am I doing too much? How much more of myself can I give? I do what I do because I am what I am. I am a wife, a mother, a teacher, a daughter, a niece, a granddaughter, a friend. I am what I am. I am a work in progress, Never perfected and in constant need of refinement. This is me and I am what I am. I am a poet whose words are often unrhymed. I am a writer who writes what is on my mind. I keep trying and I practice. I practice to perfect an art, knowing that perfection is an unattainable goal— Only a point to strive toward. My heart is on my sleeve and that is only because I am what I am. I am a lover of the written word, the ability to speak one’s mind, and the inspiration to find one’s voice. I am human and I am often sidetracked by the realities of life and the pains of death. I am a writer who struggles to find the words that fit perfectly on the page— Regardless of how those words are interpreted by those who know me less than myself— By those who think they know me. I am a teacher who teaches respect, Knowing that respect for one’s self and others will benefit my students farther in life than any multiple choice test. I am strong, but even I need reassurance and positive reinforcement to do the insurmountable tasks that consume my day. Even with strength comes doubt--But I have a higher power whose voice reminds me that He has made me who I am. And He gives me a will to strive to do more. Always changing, always learning, and always growing, Which is the essence of life. I am what I am. I am me.



598 W. Kings Hwy. • Eden 336-623-8225 Mon. - Sat. 8 - 8, Sunday 9-8 FRUIT CAKES , BLACK WALNUTS, CHRISTMAS CANDY IS HERE!

To Many Specials To List! Church’ s & Other Organizations, Customers Church’s It’s It’s Time To Start Start Putting Christmass Fruit, Nut, Candy, , Candy Gum, Raisin, Fruit Bags, Fruit Basket Orders In! Come See Us For Your Fruit By The Case!

We Accept EBT & All Major Credit Cards

DECEMBER 2010 EDEN’S OWN / COUNTY STAR, PAGE 39 ¶ EDEN PARKS & REC. DEPT. STEELERS First Row L to R - Nathan Bennett, Austin Denny, Voyd Gunter, Jonathan Blackwell, Tyshun Lowe and Jevon Johnson. Second Row L to R Matthew Harper, Noah Dowdy, Nicholas Craddock, Shaquan Lowe, Parker Wilson, Isaiah Totten and Darius Broadnax. Third Row L to R - Coach Doug McMillian, Coach Robert Blackwell, Jacob Wilson, Dekarai Dillard, Mark Wilson and Daryl Broadnax. EDEN PARKS PEE WEE LEAGUE Hurricanes Front Row L to R - Chance Menefee, Jordan Sharpe, Jacob Mamun. Tevon Gibbs, George Wood, D'Andre Richardson and Tristen Smith. Second Row L to R Issaiah Brown, Tristan Willis, Issiah Thompson, Blake Byrd, Rishard Jumper, Tyler Horton and D'Antae Richardson. At Rear - Coaches Curtis Slade, Gary Sharpe, Brent Menefee and Todd Byrd.

Holiday Dog Treats & More Available!!! Visit for details.

Now Crr ea a tii ng Yourr New Look

Tammy Clark Featured at

The Bette-R-Look Salon & Day Spa

715 Washington St., Eden Tuesdays - 9am - 6pm and

Spoiled Salon

Hair • Nails • Face

301 C. State St., Greensboro Wednesday - Saturday EDEN MOOSE LODGE PANTHERS - PEE WEE LEAGUE - EDEN PARKS & REC First Row L to R - C. C. Bratcher, Mark Pettie, Jeremiah Bridges, Jaden Brown, Kishan Tinsley and Marcus Gunter. Second Row L to R Jai'ray Flippin, Devin Woody, Jonathan Barnette, Nathaniel Lowe, Tremain Williams, Kaleob Dunkin, Brad Bonds and Ted Agee. At Rear - Caoches: Torey Scales and Shawn Lowe. Not pictured: Tyleak Scales and Jerrell Humble.


• Stylist • • Manicures • • Pedicures • Waxing •

Appointments & Walk-ins Welcome

Arts and Frames By Hobbs 1422 Freeway Drive Reidsville,N.C. 27320

Tuesday - Friday 10a.m.-5:30p.m.,Sat. 10a.m. - 2p.m.

336-342-4665 Christmas Framing - ORDER EARLY Custom Picture Framing

Handcrafted Stained Glass By Shay Pottery By Hawk Spirit Studio

ELIZABETH’S PIZZA & SUBS 8460 Hwy. 87, Reidsville “In Wentworth Across From New Courthouse”

336-348-9998 Hours: Mon. - Sat. - 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sun. - 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.

Daily Specials!!!

New York Style Pizza! • Caps BONE & JOINT REPLACEMENT VIKINGS - MIDGET LEAGUE Front Row L to R - Isiah Broadnax, Tyleic Hairston, Devin Via, Chris Roberts and Joshua Hallman. Second Row L to R - Jahaleal Brown, Jalen Lowe, Seth Gammons, Justin Phillips and Coach Jordan Phillips. Back Row L to R - Coaches: Jeremy Artis, Vincent Sims and Bud Dillard. Not pictured: Tyrell Berger and Blake Howell.

• T-Shirts • Rain Gauges • Business Card • Magnets • Pencils • Pens • Yardsticks

MR Promotions 107 South Market St. Madison. N.C. 27025

336-548-9358 800-343-4387

• Invoices • Business Cards • Calendars • Embroidery • Screen Printing • Sublimation • Coffee Cups

Sirloin House Restaurant 207 S. Van Buren Road • Eden • 336-623-7778


HAPPY HOME IMPROVEMENT SAINTS Kneeling L to R - Joel Buffkin, Marquette Murphy, Malacha Holland and Carson Moore. Second Row L to R - Elijah Boyd, Quayvon Foster, Danielle Hart, Talis Lester and Stefan McLaughlin. At Rear - Coaches Marquette Murphy, Tracy McLaughlin and Marvin Lester. Kneeling L to R - Joel Buffkin, Marquette Murphy, Malacha Holland and Carson Moore. Second Row L to R - Elijah Boyd, Quayvon Foster, Danielle Hart, Talis Lester and Stefan McLaughlin. At Rear - Coaches Marquette Murphy, Tracy McLaughlin and Marvin Lester.


LET US HANDLE THE COOKINGT! 10-12 LB. TURKEY • 3 LB. DRESSING (HOMEMADE) • 1 PINT OF GRAVY • 8 OZ. BREAKFAST BAR OF CRANBERRY - $42.99 $5.95 - MON. - FRI. • $6.95 - SAT. - SUN. ALSO BAKED HAM W/GLAZE - $5.99 LB. Hours: Monday - Thursday 6 a.m. - 9 p.m. SELECTED HOME COOKED VEGETABLES - 3 LB. PAN - $5.99 Friday - Saturday - 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. ASSORTED DESSERTS & BREAD Sunday - 6 a.m. - 3 p.m.


MIDGET FOOTBALL ALCAN PAKERS Kneeling L to R - Stephen Holland, Nikkie Simons, Rashaun Clark, Tyren Willis and DeAndre Graves. Standing L to R - Kaleol Gunter, Lewis Griffin, Keivon Broadnax, Coach Earl Fountain, Shemar Watkins and Marcus Griffin. Not pictured - Brant Sawyers.

Kneeling L to R Trinitee Gibbs, Jakayla Harris, Shantel Gill, Glumyia Terry, Azure Adams and CindyHutchens. Standing L to R Zakaiah Tinsley, Eboni Johnson, Katherine Smith, Kimberly Hanna, Deja Peeler, India Hairston, Brista Vincent and Coach Amber Hutchens. Not Pictured: Jasmine Caton.

Eden Parks & Rec Girls Volleyball Red Sox Kneeling L to R - Chianna Blackwell, Kaya Roberts and Deja Peeler. Standing L to R - Kimberly Hanna, Destiny Fish, Sydney Corns and Leianah Minter.

Eden Parks & Rec Girls Volleyball Blue Jays MILL AVE. RAIDERS EDEN PARKS & REC FLAG TAG LEAGUE Front Row L to R - Jacob Lunsford, Dwayne Terry, Luken Price, Danny Lunsford and Brayden Joyce. Second Row L to R - Charles Galloway, L'queshyne Flippin, Keyan Walker, Dominique Blackwell and Tevion Flippin. At Rear - Coach Stacey Price. Not pictured: McKayla Simmons and Coach John Simmons.

Kneeling L to R - Zoe Lowery, Danielle Owens and Janae Elliot. Standing L to R - Tianna Gibbs, Coach Veronica Smith and Kennedy Cohen.

JR’s Archery 336-623-9605

For The Sportsman On Your Christmas List! Jason Wright email

615 Henry St., Eden (Old Nat. Guard Armory) THE EDEN EAGLES Baseball Team won the 11U Central Zone Fall State Championship. They outscored their opponents 53 to 3. Front Row: Layton Helms, Garret Hladilek, Noah Yeatts, Ben Bullins, Jaegar Nance Back Row: Devan Perdue, Garrett Howerton, Bennet Nooe, Hunter Vaught, Bennett Nance, Philip Berger.


“The Price Is Right” At

Till Sporting Good Lawson McCollum Owner

144 N. Fieldcrest, Eden, NC 27288 Telephone: 635-6222 Fax. 623-3318

Member of the National Sporting Good Assoc.

Whistle-Jacket Grille & Catering Seafood, Steak, & Chicken

Lighting Of The Tree Ceremony Thursday, December 2nd At 5 p.m. Until Come out for an exciting time as we light our 15 foot Christmas Tree! Special Holiday Buffet Take Pictures With Santa Live Music With GT Summerlin Reservations are welcome! Come Check Out Our Fantastic Fresh Seafood Menu!

952 W. Washington St., Eden 336-623-8812 Angie Watson, Stylist Tatum Maness, Stylist Annette McCubbins, Owner Stylist Thank You For Another Wonderful Year! God Bless And Happy Holidays! Gift Certificates Available Hair • Nails • Skin • Massage





The holiday season is here! Relay for Life will be active this season – please come and join us! December 11th marks the Wentworth Christmas Parade. We will be marching behind our Relay for Life banner. Another participant in the parade will be the Pink Fire Truck that is touring the nation in support of fighting women’s cancers. This is part of the Pink Heals Tour 2010 and is driven by the Guardians of the Ribbon – an organization that “cares enough to wear pink”. They are fire fighters, originally from Phoenix, Arizona and have visited more than 1000 cities in the last 22 months. The truck is carrying more than 40,000 signatures of survivors across the country – come and sign it too! They hope to raise awareness, encourage men to support women’s health issues and bring hope to all who are fighting cancer. The parade will take place at 11:00 am in Wentworth. Also on December 11th, we will be in the Madison-Mayodan

by Joan Weisenbeck

parade at 1:00 pm. We will be marching in support of the fight to end cancer – both for Relay for Life and Bark for Life. Bark for Life recognizes our furry friends who also fight cancer. Our first annual Bark for Life this summer was a huge success! Relay for Life supports local patient care programs as well as cancer research. In the News Promising new research, which is supported by the American Cancer Society, involves earlier diagnosis, treatment and prevention of pancreatic cancer. This cancer is usually found so late that only 5% of patients live five years past diagnosis. This is among the lowest survival rate for any cancer. Numbers 43,000 new diagnoses each year 36,800 deaths each year 20% found early enough for surgery to help 80% recurrence rate Survival rates have been virtual-

ly unchanged since 1970. Patrick Swayze ( Dirty Dancing, Ghost ) died of this cancer last year at the age of 57 just 19 months after diagnosis. Symptoms 1) Unexplained weight loss 2) Abdominal pain 3) Jaundice ( yellow skin and eyes) Risk Factors 1) Smoking 2) Obesity 3) Lack of exercise 4) Diabetes – especially type 2 5) Cirrhosis of the liver 6) Increased stomach acid 7) H. pylori bacterium in the stomach 8) Family history 9) Work exposure to pesticides, dyes and other chemicals Prevention 1) Quit smoking 2) Maintain a healthy weight 3) Exercise regularly 4) Consume a healthy diet 5) Avoid excess alcohol What They’re Working On 1) PARP inhibitors show promise

in pancreatic cancer patients with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations ( also found in some breast and ovarian cancer patients ). These, paired with chemotherapy, are showing some increased success. 2) Targeted therapy – aimed toward each individual’s type of cancer – like Tarceva. 3) Pancreatic cancer vaccines Some of the dollars raised by Relay for Life fund this important research. Please join this year’s Relay for Life campaign and help put an end to cancer. Our Kick-Off for 2011 will be on January 6th at Main Street Methodist Church at 6:00 pm. It will be a pajama party – come in PJs or as you are!! Our Relay will be on May 1314th ( save the date ) and we will be celebrating ! Stay Awake at the Lake with us! Teams are forming now .

For more information call Bree Myers at 336-404-4988 or visit our website at www.relayforlife/rockinghamcounty

Stella’s Pizza

Home of the GIANT 28” Pizza!



Delivery: 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. Mon. Thur. Sat. 11 a.m. - 12 midnight

515 Morgan Road, Eden


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year From All Of Us At ... EDEN LAWNMOWER, LLC 100 E. Aiken Rd. Eden, NC 27288 336-623-3902

Sales • Parts • Service • Rental Since 1967

Relax & Enjoy The Moment!

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CIRCLE DRIVE IN EDEN PARKS & REC CALL CO-ED SOFTBALL SEASON CO-CHAMPS First Row L to R - Jordan Cochran, Richard Sullivan, Kelly Sullivan, Jessica Dalton, Rachel Young, Carla Cochran and Angie Wilson. Second Row L to R - Chris Powell, Matt Brownback, Tracey Brownback, Kyle Luegers, Josh Cochran, Jennifer Cochran and J. W. Cochran.

We Buy Junk ATV’s & Motorcycles

Pick-Up & Delivery Available


Draper Cycles 513 S. Fieldcrest Rd. • Eden (336) 635-5811

We Have The 202 Piece Kits $10.00 each!!! Hurry They Are Selling Fast!!!

The Studio Will Be Offering Gift Certificates & Discounts On Massage , Reflexology & Yoga Throughout The Holiday Season 571 B. Bridge St., Eden NC 27288


Kelley Pulliam, RYT, LMBT

NC License #8237 Massage Available By Appointment Only


203 S. Edgewood Rd., Eden, N.C. 27288 Jesus Saves

336-635-1947 • 336-613-4911 Fax 336-635-2270 • Affiliated Agency


BERMUDA CRUISE Aug. 25, 2011 - 6 NIGHTS & 7 DAYS You Can Take A Short Drive & Not Be Troubled With Flights. Sail From Charleston S.C. To The Beautiful Island Of Bermuda. Spend The Afternoon, Night & Day In King’s Wharf. Rates Are $750 Interior, Room Per Person & $800 Oceanview. Each Room Has $100 Onboard Credit. $50 Deposit Due Asap; 2nd $250 March 1, 2011 Final May 25, 2011


Budget Hair Salon

FAST CASH CLASSIFIEDS APARTMENTS / HOMES FOR RENT OR SALE Rock Wood Manor Mobile Home Park Stoneville N.C. 27408 2 or 3 Br’s with 2 bath available, include refrigerator, stove & heat pump and water and sewage, no pets $400 - $450 month plus non-refund $100.00 deposit. Call Shirley at 336-548-1008 - Owner. 1 and 2 br houses / Eden Area. W/D hookups, some appliances. $400 - $450 /plus Deposit Call 336.589.9301 3br, 2 ba Mobile Home for rent on private lot. $400 per month, includes water & lot rent.$200 dep. Eden Area. 336-589-7200 or 336-589-0715 Ownr Fin/Stnvl Four MH’s Ready (1) 1986 14X60 Chal 2 Bdrm, $9,000 sale Dwn $500+, 10 yrs+ 12% APR, Pmts $122 Appl., Dep. & Lot Rent 273-4774/573-1065 Nice Country Setting Duplex for Rent 2 bedrooms 1.5 bath Wimbish Road - Eden $475 per month Deposit and References Call 623-7028 leave message MOUNTAIN VILLA APTS. Located in Mayodan, with handicap accessible units available. Section 8 assistance available. Call 427-5047. Office hours: 8 am-2 pm. Mon.- Thurs. TDD Relay 1-800-735-2962. Equal Housing Opportunity

198 Twin Creeks Stokesdale, Rkhm Co. 3000 sq. ft., .57 ac 2 car Gg., blt. 2007 4 bdrm. - 2.5 bath $3,0000 Dn., $1,500 mo. $269,900 Lease Purchase P.I. Prop. 273-4774 2 Br. Apt. Heat Pump. Water And All Appliances Included $425 Per Month Call 336-627-5031 For Rent 2 Br. Town House All Appliances. $445 Per Month Call 336-627-5031 1, 2, 3, & 4 Bedroom Apartments / Homes for Rent in Eden area. Reasonable Rates! W/D Hookups, Some include appliances. Daytime 336-623-6948 night 336-635-1717 ROOMS FOR RENT $295 Month or $395 W Pvt. Bath $20 Appl. & $30 Dep. Carolina Inn, Eden 623-2997 ITEMS FOR SALE 2 Seat - 6Hp Go Cart with Roll Cage, Seat Belts Like New, Less Than 10 Hours $600 Call 336-342-4059 Sell your unneeded itmes here in our classifieds. Call 336-627-09234

5’ Entertainment Center plus 27" RCA Color TV included. Entertainment center made in America by Riverside Furniture in FT Smith, Arkansas. Looks and works great. $250.00. Call: 336 623 4798. FREE - Various Sizes of Wooden Wire Spools and wooden pallets. Call Melissa's or Jim at 336-573-4225 Free Pine Trees Call 276-650-8609 For More Information! Motorcycle Trailer One of a kind! Lowers to the ground, drive the bike on it, raises back up to trailer height. For sale $750. Call 336-613-0312 S E RV I C E S OFFERED Experienced Cosmotologist Needed In Well Established Salon In Eden. Call Head 2 Toe At 336-623-8812 PETS & ANIMALS Eclectus Male - Handfed Baby African Grey - Handfed Baby Umbrella Cockatoo - Handfed Baby Other Handfed Babies Available Reasonable Prices 336-627-9274 Advertise your unneeded items in our classifieds for as little as $7 a month.! 336-627-9234

Thurman Estate Sale (Inside) 924 Overlook Ave. Eden, N.C. 27288

Dates: Dec. 10 & 11, 2010 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (In case of Snow - Postponed)

CLASSIFIED ADS Pets To A Good Home or Lost & Found ads are free No 900 numbers accepted

EDEN MALL • 336-635-6469

Happy Holidays!!! Walk-ins & Appointments Welcome Hours Tue.-Fri- 10 - 6, Sat. 9 - 2 Linda Grogan • Emma Elberson • Beverly Spence

We go to any width to build the perfect shoe Health 811

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Store Hours: Thur. - Sat. 10:30 a.m. Till 5:00 p.m.

UDEN’S S HO E C E N T E R “On The Boulevard” • EDEN


WOODBRIDGE APARTMENTS 2101 S. Scales St., Reidsville, NC Be among the first to enjoy • New appliances in every apartment; • New carpet throughout every apartment • New siding/windows for all buildings; • Completely redone playground; • Renovated parking lot; • And much, much more!! Apply Now for a 1, 2 or 3 BR Apt. Family Friendly Beautifully Landscaped 24-hour Maintenance On site management


Call (336) 342-0705 To see what we have to offer! Office hrs: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Disability accessible units based upon availability. Rents based on income Sec. 8 Welcome! Equal Housing Opportunity.

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If billing is required & accepted there will be a $1 charge billing charge added.

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Answer to Puzzle: HAPPY TRIP

Professionally managed by Partnership Property Management, an equal opportunity provider and employer.

• Call 336-627-9234 with information

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if necessary. I WILL get back to you!)

• Fax to 336-627-9225 • Mail in your ad information and payment to Eden’s Own Journal 5197 NC Hwy. 14 NC. Hwy 14 Eden, NC 27288 Eden’s Own is published and placed on the stands on the 1st of Each Month Ads cannot be put in nor canceled after deadline. No refunds. Ads run only at the discretion of the management. We reserve the right to turn down any classified ad we deem not publishable for any reason.

Our Advertising Policy - New Publication Dates! Our Advertisers are special to us, and we strive to bring them the best medium possible for business advertisements. Eden’s Own Journal is distributed free of charge throughout Eden and Rockingham County by businesses, in waiting rooms, and on stands at over 120 locations. In order to get all the information possible in each edition, and to be able to cover the events that are to be announced before they occur. DEADLINES WILL BE PUBLISHED IN EACH ISSUE ON PAGE 4 Due to some holidays, check with office 336-627-9234 for any adjustments on deadlines. Early information will be greatly appreciated. Paid Advertisements Placed In This Magazine Do Not Necessarily Represent The Views Or Opinion Of The Publisher.

If you are interested in running an advertisement or supplying a news story please contact:

Deadlines Usually fall 6 to 8 days before publication, call to find out the exact deadline for the issue in which you wish to publish 336-627-9234


627-9234 or 613-0325 Fax: 336-627-9225 or EDEN’S OWN JOURNAL OR FINNEY/DOSS DESIGNS 5197 NC Hwy. 14, Eden, NC 27288

Proud Member of



Rent-A-House “A Nice House You Can Call Home”


MHS Duane Best Auditorium Seat Replacement Project

1-6 Bedrooms Available We Buy Houses & Land Shane & Abby Hensley

740 of 1692 (plus wheelchair spaces) $111,134 o f $255,000 43.5% DONATED 4424, Eden NC 27289. Contact a Team member for assistance: Duane and Gloria Best, Carolyn Hale Burnett (Ft. Walton Beach FL), Chad Clark, Pete and Susan Cunningham, Lynn Dyer, Ann Fair, Janice and Jessi Hagood, Charlie Hall, Wanda Harris, Alex Meadows (Chicago IL), Kay Milley, Sheree Joyce Mills (Rancho Palos Verdes CA), Richard Nance, Doug Nichols, Rose Mary Nolen, Amanda Carter Rorrer, Fern Ragan, Kay Spencer, Debra Stowe, Lynn Tuttle, Rachel Wright. Office: 336-623-2932

Brenda Atkins Mark and Brenda Atkins Barbara Lamar Carrubba R. Duane and Gloria T. Best Jim and Gloria Young Chandler 1963 Reba Enriquez 1963 Carlton and Janice Estes Patricia and Fred Fetzer Nancy Scales Garner 1962 Gary Ann Lamar Fitts GREENSBORO BIG BAND Audience Gail J. Haley 1952 Gen G. Harris 1952 Shirley Gilley Hill Preston Hopkins 1952 Patricia Lamar Hossenloop Rita Rutledge Hunt 1964 James B. Lamar, Jr. Larry and Pam Kendrick 1963 B. J. Kissenberth 1952 Leaksville High School Class of 1950 Dian (1963) and Tom Lovell

Next Best Performance: Sunday, December 5 at 3 PM CAROLING with the Rockingham County Community Band, Holmes Middle School, and Central, Douglas, Draper and Leaksville Spray Elementary Schools. Class Challenges, TIREMAX, Greensboro Big Band and Melanie Paschal’s Dance Creations replaced seats in the balcony. Donors from September 1 through November 16 help get’er done!

Norma Mabes (2) Margaret Lamar Mauney MELANIE PASCHAL’S DANCE CREATIONS MHS Class of 1990 (4) MHS Class of 2000 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Odell (6) Janet Hicks Poole Public Works Employees City of Eden Patricia Hyler Pumphrey 1965 Brian and Pam Rhodes 1987 (2) Maurice M. Richardson 1952 Laura R. Smith 1952 Spray Baptist Church Barry M. Steagall Everlene Stephenson 1952 TIREMAX Raeford W. and Kay Q. Walker 1952 Raenord B. and Emily J Walker 1952. T. Kay Swindell Wilson John and Nancy Woody 1960 (4) Rob, Debbie, Ali, Drew Ziglar

Iron Eagle Tires • Brakes • Struts • Shocks Turn Rotors • Alignments • NC Inspections

608 Boone Rd., Eden Owned & Operated by Jimmy McBride

The Higgs Team Boyd & Vonda

P OLICE A S K FO R IN F O R M ATION Since June of this year the Eden Police Department has received several reports of Breaking and Entering incidents that have occurred in the area of Monroe Street, South Hamilton Street, and Lindsey Street. The perpetrator has made entry thru side and rear windows to houses that have been for sale, for rent, or have appeared to be vacant. In the majority of these cases the suspect has only used the empty house for shelter but on a few incidents the suspect has stolen small appliances. The suspect has been seen fleeing the area by some of the reporting parties and has been described as a Black Male with very dark skin, about 6’0” tall, between 160 and 170 pounds, and about 25 years of age. If you have any information in regards to this crimes please contact the Eden Police Department, Det. Benjamin J. Curtis at 623-9240 Ext. 240. A REWARD is offered for information that leads to the arrest and conviction in these cases.

CAROLINA PLUMBING Plumbing Repairs & Installation 30 yrs. experience / insured

336-344-4555 DL#1705

JIMMY JOHNSON MOTORS VANS, TRUCKS & CARS 325 Fieldcrest Rd. Eden, NC 27288

A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE! $485 Mo. Still Offering 1/2 Off 1st Month’s Rent! A Pet Friendly Community 336-623-4645

Tax Preparation • Estate Planning • Our Goal Is To Save You Money • Daniel E. Gillespie


CALL 336-340-8400

WILLMON AUTO SALES We Repair Power Windows! Don’t Let The Headliner In Your Car Hang Down On Your Head! Get Professional Headliner Replacement

229 W. Meadow Rd., Eden, NC 27288 336-623-8324



605 Bridge Street Eden, NC 27288

Ronald T. Corum President

Barbara F. Adams. CRFA President, Wealth Advisor

Securities offered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC

Invest $25 Per Week Potential Earnings Unlimited Vendor’s Booths Available

Golden Flea Market 336-601-4776

Come Take A Look At 411 S. Second Ave. Mayodan (Near Fursty’s)


336-612-2114 221 E. Stadium Dr. Eden, NC 27288

142 Benjamin Road Eden, NC 27288 Phone: 336-627-1420 Fax. 336-627-9148


311 S. Main St. • Reidsville

Job Opportunity

Jimmy or Jay 336-635-1289

Gillespie’s Tax Service, LLC

(336) 627-5093



Real Estate Investors


The MHS Duane Best Auditorium tax-deductible seat project ($150 ea.) continues to enrich hearts and souls! Tribute cards to honor and remember people are in demand for Christmas! Pam Bailey Rhodes writes, “My daughters are students of Mrs. Barnett and love being a part of music. I have two younger children in elementary school. This project will help keep music alive in our school for all of our children.” Rodney Snow (Denver) says the Class of 1963 seat donation will soon be 50 SEATS! Preston Hopkins, Leaksville HS 1952, says, “I’m ready to bring my class to the 2011 music reunion! SEAT ORDER DEADLINE: April 29, 2011! 1970s grads are making a difference: 1970 ($1,972/5), 1972 ($225/1+), 1973 ($$683/4+), 1974 ($3,525/23+), 1975 ($450/3), 1976 ($300/2), 1978 (Partial/1), 1979 (Partial/1). MHS Duane Best Scholarship Fund, P O Box

336-634-0201 Phone 336-458-9328 Fax

TWO RIVERS PLAZA Only 2 - 1000 sq. ft. Suites Available! Best Deal In Town!


307 W. Meadow Rd., Eden (Former NC Tag Office)


Faye Shelton, Theresa McCollum, Karen Powell, Stephanie Andrews, Judy Hutcherson, Jodi Lester, Phillip Stone, Eddie Barker, Jill Pegram, Mary Beth Powell Realtor’s Luncheon The November Realtor’s Luncheon was held at Whistle Jacket of Eden. President Faye Shelton called the meeting to order and announced the guest speaker, Andrea Bushnell, Executive VP with NCAR who installed the 2011 officers. General Board President: Don Warren Vice President: Jodi Lester President-Elect: Vonda Higgs Secretary: Phillip Stone Treasurer: Karen Powell

MLS Board MLS Board President: Faye Frye Vice President : Eddie Barker President-Elect: Philip Stone Secretary: Donna LaPrade Treasurer: Karen Powell


Looking For A Car?

I M P O R TA C A R 568 Bridge Street • Eden, North Carolina 27288

EDEN LAWNMOWER, LLC 100 E. Aiken Rd. Eden, NC 27288 336-623-3902

Importacar eliminates the middle-man and passes the wholesale savings on to you! Order any make, model, or year of the car that you want or choose from our stock of:

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Our Special Christmas Baskets 2010 Coffee Lovers $25 A Great Combination Of Our Delicious Gourmet Coffees For Your Favorite Coffee Lover! • 1/2 lb Riverhouse Blend • 1/2 lb Jingle Java • 1/2 lb Southern Pecan • 1/2 lb Columbia Supremo * Add $1 For Each Decaffeinated Coffee * Add Fudge From Nancy’s Fudge In Meadows Of Dan, VA For $4 More!

349 Kings Hwy (the former Grogan's Building) Eden

336-627-4200 Phone or Fax orders welcome Phone 336-627-4200 Fax 336-627-7800

Ask about our special delivery options! Business Baskets Available with your promotional items incorporated

Lisa Shively Gift Bag $25 Choose Between: Package #1 A Hardback Copy Of One Of Her Cookbooks: • From Our Home To Yours • Gritslickers • Cooking With Lisa And Your Choice Of One Of Her Cocoa Mixes: • Chocolate Covered Cherries • Pumpkin Pie • Mocha • Cool Mint Package #2 One Of Lisa’s Small Cookbooks: • Fat Little Crockin’ Cookbook • Fat Little Blueberry Cookbook • Fat Little Sweet Potato Cookbook • 100 Full To Cook & Eat Recipes • Kids Cookbook And A 4-Pack Of Lisa’s Quick Meal Mixes

Christmas Morning Breakfast $40 • Atkinson Pancake Mix (Made In NC) • Butter Pecan Or Blueberry Syrup • Crooks Corner Grits From Chapel Hill, NC • 4 oz Strawberry Preserves Or Blueberry Jam (Locally Made) • Carolina Cupboard Apple Butter • 1/2 lb Riverhouse Blend Coffee All In Basket Box Wrapped In Cello & Crowned With A Bow * Add $1 For Decaffeinated Coffee*

Holiday Goodies $45 • Nancy’s Fudge (From Meadows Of Dan., Va.) Chocolate Drizzle Popcorn • Red Bird Soft Peppermints • Nancy’s Chocolate Covered Cherries • WaterCrackers • Swiss Cheese • Hickory Smoked Ham Sausage • 2.5 oz Package Cheese Straws • Wild Smoked Salmon • Tin Of N.C. Peanuts • Oatmeal Raisin Pecan Cookies • 4 oz Cranberry Fruit Bowl Jam In Basket Box Wrapped In Cello & Crowned With ABow

Christmas Thank You $50 • WoodWick Candle

(Burns 100 Hours)

Food Network’s Paula Deen’s Frasier Fir Or Noel Scent Cookie Collection $30 • Wassail Spiced Apple Get A 4 Pack Cookie Collection • Coconut Pecan Bars • Cheese Straws • Pineapple Drop Cookies • Chocolate Marsh Mud Cookies Gift-Wrapped & Bowed

North Carolina Pride $35 • 1 Bag NC Roasted-in-the-shell Peanuts (2 lb) • 1 1 oz Moravian Sugar Cookies • 1 1.25 oz Cheese Biscuits • 1/2 lb Riverhouse Blend Or Jingle Java Coffee • Small Package Of Appalachian Trail Mix

Unique Gifts For Unique Individuals This Christmas Season!

All These North Carolina Products Are Tucked Inside A “Goodliest Land” Burlap Bag With A Wrapped In Cello & Crowned With A Red Bow. * Add $1 For Each Decaffeinated Coffee *

Cider Drink Mix • Coffee & Tea Cake Chocolate Truffle Mix • 10 oz N.C. Peanuts Roasted-in-the-shell • 4 oz Cranberry Fruit Bowl Jam • Red Bird Soft Peppermints In A Gold Basket Wrapped In Cello & Crowned With A Hand-Tied Bow

‘Tis The Season $75 • 1 WoodWick Candle (Burns 100 Hours)

Frasier Fir Or Noel Scent • 1/2 lb Jingle Java Coffee • 1/2 lb Riverhouse Blend Coffee • Le Chef Christmas Cookie Mix • 2 oz Wild Smoked Salmon • Water Crackers • Brie & Peppercorn Soft Cheese • 2.5 oz Package Of Cheese Straws • 10 oz N.C. Peanuts Roasted-in-the-shell • 2 Cashew Grizzlies • 2 Pecan Grizzlies • 2 French Silk Truffles • 4 Ghirardelli Chocolate Squares All In A Gold Basket Wrapped In Cello & Crowned With A Hand-Tied Bow * Add $1 For Each Decaffeinated Coffee *

The Ultimate $100 • 1 WoodWick Candle (burns 100 hrs) Frasier Fir or Noel scent • 2 WoodWick Candles (Holiday Glow or Mistletoe Magic)

• 1/2 lb Jingle Java Coffee • 1/2 lb Riverhouse Blend Coffee • Wassail Spiced Apple Cider Drink Mix • Cranberry Pecan Coffee & Tea Cake • Red Bird Brand Soft Peppermint Puffs • Classic Belgian Chocolates • Peanut Log Rolls • Butter Almond Toffee Bars • Green Angel Mint Bars • Pecan Caramel Nougats • Vanilla Nut Caramels • Chocolate Covered Blueberries • Chocolate Strawberries • Candy Coated Sunflower Seeds • Cheese Lover's Pub Mix • 4 oz bag of Appalachian Trail Mix • Berry Good Snack Mix • Downtowner Assorted Chocolates • 2 lb. bag of Roasted-in-the-shell North Carolina Peanuts!

* Add $1 for each Decaffeinated Coffee *

Business or Corporate Customer Gifts! Please call us & we will be glad to discuss the quantity and price range you wish to stay in. We will gladly drop in any promotional items you would like incorporated.

Please Call 336-627-4200

Riverhouse Gift & Gourmet

349 Kings Hwy (the former Grogan's Building) Eden


Phone Or Fax Orders Accepted Please Ask About Delivery Options

Advertise locally with a family owned and operated


ROCKINGHAM COUNTY STAR Investing in Rockingham County’s Quality of Life


New Issues On The Stand The

THE FIRST OF EVERY MONTH Each with fresh, up-to-date news and schedules! • Still including the free internet ad coverage!

Our Distribution is County-Wide with stands in Eden, Reidsville, Madison, Mayodan, Stoneville, Wentworth, Ruffin

Upcoming Schedules and Deadlines • IF DESIGN AND PROOF REQUIRED DEADLINE IS 24 HOURS PRIOR TO THOSE LISTED BELOW in order to be proofed by deadline.





New Years, Martin Luther King Jr.,


Daylight Savings begins, (13) , St. Patricks (17), Spring Begins (20)

APRIL 2011


Easter (24), Earthday (22), Admin. Prof. Day (27)

MAY 2011


JUNE 2011


JULY 2011


Mothers Day (8), Armed Forces Day (21), Memoral Day (30) Fathers Day (19), Flag Day (14), Summer Begins (21)





Labor Day (5), (9-11)Patriot Day (11), Autumn Begins (23), Eden Cruise, Riverfest



Columbus Day (10) , Halloween(31) , National Boss Day(16) , Eden Cruise


MONDAY, OCTOBER 24 , Holiday Open House, Night

Daylights Savings Ends (6), Election (8), Veterns Day(11), Thanksgiving (24) Parade



Pearl Harbor Day (7) Christmas (25), Winter Begins (21), Candlelight Downtown, Draper Parade


New Years, Martin Luther King Jr.,

• EMAIL: • Call 336-627-9234 with information (leave message if necessary. We WILL get back to you!)

• Fax to 336-627-9225 • Mail in ad information and payment : Eden’s Own Journal 5197 NC Hwy. 14 Eden, NC 27288


Valentines, Presidents Day (21)

Independence Day (4)

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Deadlines subject to change. Please contact if there is a concern.

We accept Master Card, Visa, Checks, Money Orders and Cash • Political Issues - limited to schedules and location of group meetings, the decisions made by officials, and voting information. • Community Events - Articles should be sent in as early as possible, by the 20th of the prior month is always safe, and photos are welcome. There is no charge for an article of community events. • Church Events - There is a special section for Special Church Events. The cost is $10 for up to 10 lines. • There are discounts available for prepaid consecutive advertisements. Call for details. • Letters to the Editor should be no larger than 300 words. We reserve the right to edit or not to print letters that we feel do not fit our mission. • Birthday, Anniversary, Family announcements available at reduced rates. Articles and ads presented in this paper do no necessarily reflect the opinions of the owners. Contributed articles are subject to editing for content and space. Respond to advertisements at your own risk. Mistakes in articles or ads will only be compensated up to the cost of the submission.

ANNOUNCEMENTS WEDDING / ANNIVERSARY $50 for 2 column photo (B/W) with up to 300 word announcement. $25 for 1 column photo (BW) with up to 125 words $30 extra for Full color $6 extra per 50 word count over limit.


1col x1” . . . . . . . . . .$7.50 1col x2” . . . . . . . . . . . .$15 1col x3” . . . . . . . . .$22.50 1col x4” . . . . . . . . . . . .$30 1col x5” . . . . . . . . .$37.50 1col x6” . . . . . . . . . . . .$45 1col x7” . . . . . . . . .$52.50 1col x8” . . . . . . . . . . . .$60 1col x9” . . . . . . . . .$67.50 1col x10” . . . . . . . . . . .$75 1col x11” . . . . . . . .$82.50 1col x12” . . . . . . . . . . .$90 1col x13” . . . . . . . .$97.50 1col x 14” . . . . . . . . .$105 1 col x 16” . . . . . . . .$120 2col x1” . . . . . . . . . . . .$15 2col x2” . . . . . . . . . . . .$30 2col x3” . . . . . . . . . . . .$45 2col x4” . . . . . . . . . . . .$60 2col x5” . . . . . . . . . . . .$75 2col x6” . . . . . . . . . . . .$90 2col x7” . . . . . . . . . . .$105 2col x8” . . . . . . . . . . .$120 2col x9” . . . . . . . . . . .$135 2col x10” . . . . . . . . . .$150 2col x11” . . . . . . . . . .$165 2col x12” . . . . . . . . . .$180 2col x13” . . . . . . . . . .$195 2col x 14” . . . . . . . . .$210 2colx 16” . . . . . . . . . .$240 3col x1” . . . . . . . . .$22.50 3col x2” . . . . . . . . . . . .$45 3col x3” . . . . . . . . .$67.50 3col x4” . . . . . . . . . . . .$90 3col x5” . . . . . . . .$112.50 3col x6” . . . . . . . . . . .$135 3col x7” . . . . . . . .$157.50 3col x8” . . . . . . . . . . .$180 3col x9” . . . . . . . .$202.50 3col x10” . . . . . . . . . .$225 3col x11” . . . . . . .$247.50 3col x12” . . . . . . . . . .$270 3col x13” . . . . . . .$292.50 3col x 14” . . . . . . . . .$315 3colx16” . . . . . . . . . .$360 4col x1” . . . . . . . . . . . .$30

4col x2” . . . . . . . . . . . .$60 4col x3” . . . . . . . . . . . .$90 4col x4” . . . . . . . . . . .$120 4col x5” . . . . . . . . . . .$150 4col x6” . . . . . . . . . . .$180 4col x7” . . . . . . . . . . .$210 4col x8” . . . . . . . . . . .$240 4col x9” . . . . . . . . . . .$270 4col x10” . . . . . . . . . .$300 4col x11” . . . . . . . . . .$330 4col x12” . . . . . . . . . .$360 4col x13” . . . . . . . . . .$390 4col x 14” . . . . . . . . .$420 4colx16” . . . . . . . . . .$480 5col x1” . . . . . . . . .$37.50 5col x2” . . . . . . . . . . . .$75 5col x3” . . . . . . . .$112.50 5col x4” . . . . . . . . . . .$150 5col x5” . . . . . . . .$187.50 5col x6” . . . . . . . . . . .$225 5col x7” . . . . . . . .$262.50 5col x8” . . . . . . . . . . .$300 5col x9” . . . . . . . .$337.50 5col x10” . . . . . . . . . .$375 5col x11” . . . . . . .$412.50 5col x12” . . . . . . . . . .$450 5col.x13 . . . . . . . .$487.50 5col.x 14 . . . . . . . . . .$525 Full Page 5colx16” . . . . . . . . . .$600 1/4 Page Ads Include 3col x 7 “ 4col x 5 “ 2colx10 “ 5col x 4”

$157.50 $150 $150 $150

1/2 Page Ads Include 3col x 14” $315 4col x 10” $300 5col x 8 $300 Full color for above ads $25

Full Page 5col x 16” $600 full color $635 FULL COLOR $35


1col x5” . . . . . .$37.50 1col x10” . . . . . . .$75 1col x12” . . . . . . .$90 1 col x 16” . . . . .$120 2col x2” . . . . . . . .$30 2col x3” . . . . . . . .$45 2col x4” . . . . . . . .$60 2col x5” . . . . . . . .$75 2col x6” . . . . . . . .$90 2col x10” . . . . . .$150 2colx 16” . . . . . .$240 3col x2” . . . . . . . .$45 3col x3” . . . . . .$67.50 3col x4” . . . . . . . .$90 3col x5” . . . . .$112.50 3col x6” . . . . . . .$135 3col x10” . . . . . .$225 3col x12” . . . . . .$270 3colx16” . . . . . . .$360 4col x3” . . . . . . . .$90 4col x4” . . . . . . .$120 4col x5” . . . . . . .$150 4col x10” . . . . . .$300 4col x12” . . . . . .$360 5col x3” . . . . .$112.50 5col x4” . . . . . . .$150 5col x7” . . . . .$262.50 5col x8” . . . . . . .$300 5col x10” . . . . . .$375 5colx16” . . . . . .$600*

1 col = 1.88 in. • 2 col = 3.91 in. • 3 col = 5.94 in. • 4 col = 7.97 in. • 5 col = 10 in.


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Color Separation Any ad $60 or less can add full color for only $15 Any ad $61 - $350 can add full color for only $25 Any ad $351 and above can add full color for only $35 COLUMN WIDTHS

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