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Local Information County Wide Vol. 12, Num. 1




Left behind by nation at war

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Imagine it’s 1944, you’re 17, and have been dropped off in the Marshall Islands, hostile Japanese all around, with no food or water, supplies, ammunition or mail access. A nightmare, right? But part of an all too real memory to Eden resident Bethel Griffith. The experiences of the group of 150 souls inadvertently left behind for months now called “A” Lost Company, is recorded in a book by Griffith, published in 2008, which explains the adventure and misfortune of Company “A” 10th Amphibian Tractor Battalion in World War II. Griffith was born in Woolwine, Sirginia in 1925, and moved to Leaksville as a child. Shortly after hearing of Pearl Harbor, 17-year-old Bethel lied about his age, and became a member of the United States Marines in 1943. The book goes through his boot camp memories, and several assignments prior to being sent to the newly created Company

“A” 10th Amphibian Tractor Battalion. This group left San Diego in December of 1943 and sailed west in the Pacific, no one knowing the destination. They later landed on Kwajalein Atoll, a tiny spot of land in the Marshall Islands, 6000 miles from his home. It wasn’t a peaceful landing. No waving palm trees and soft winds to enjoy^ just angry Japanese soldiers so close they were wading into the water throwing knives at the amphibian units landing to deploy Marines. Being the 1st conquest of Japanese property during World War II, the Marshall Islands included valuable real estate, even though they were only tiny dots of land peaking above the water from and undersea volcano^ some barely the size of a football field. Griffith’s book takes you through some of his most memorable boot camp adventures^ his time with the “Lost Company” and the times afterwards when he made his career

Griffith trail through Guadalcanal, and Aget Beach, Guam. Readers enjoy flipping through the photographs from the ordeal and other adventures of the war, as well as excerpts from letters to his sister, maps, and letters from other members of the company.

Continued See War... Page 12

Join the American Red Cross in celebrating National Blood Donor Month Throughout the month of January, the American Red Cross celebrates the contributions of thousands of volunteer blood donors in our area who give the gift of life with every blood donation. January has been designated National Blood Donor Month to raise awareness of blood donation during the time of year when blood supplies often fall to their lowest levels. Donations traditionally decline during the post-holiday season, due to busy schedules and inclement weather which can prevent people from keeping donation appointments. At the same time, the need for blood remains constant in the early months of the year. Giving blood is a way to support the community by helping to ensure that a stable inventory is available for premature babies, cancer patients, or the many people who suffer accidents and other illnesses which may require transfusions. National Blood Donor

Month not only honors those who give blood each year, but is also a time to educate and encourage new donors about the importance of giving blood. Blood has a shelf life of only 42 days, and, therefore, must

continually be replenished. Donors can give blood every 56 days, or up to six times a year. This year, you can make a difference. All it takes is your willingness to help someone in need and a pint of your blood. Most healthy people age 17 and older, or 16 with parental consent, who weigh at least 110 pounds,

are eligible to donate blood and platelets. Donors who are 18 and younger must also meet specific height and weight requirement. Schedules for the upcoming Month - Sunday, January 2, 2011, 12 noon – 4:30 pm, Rebecca Carbone Bloodstock, First Baptist Church, 1010 South 1st Ave., Mayodan, for an appointment call the church office 548-2565 - Wednesday, January 5th, 2:00 – 6:30 pm, Reidsville YMCA, 504 South Main Street, Reidsville, for an appointment call the American Red Cross at 349-3434 - Thursday, January 6th, 2:00 – 6:30 pm, Eden YMCA, 301 Kennedy Street, Eden for an appointment call the American Red Cross at 349-3434 - Friday, January 7th, 10 am – 2:30 pm, NC DOT, 191 Hwy 65, Wentworth, call Brenda Joyce 6345642 for an appointment

Conintued on page 17


Garden Of Eden Senior Center offers fun and instruction ! #et involved in activities at the ! #enealogy class- Register now free to seniors 65 years b older. 0enior Center. Call 656-8611 for to learn to e@plore your family cnder 65 must pay fees. information. Activities include> history. Classes will be held Towever this year, as part of a ! Ta@ assistance A Free ta@ prepa- Fridays at 1>LL and will begin special project, we will offer 5 ration will be provided by IR0 Uanuary 18. Classes are taught by classes free of charge to anyone Certified Community Iolunteers #erri #arrison and are free of 5L years or older. at the #arden of Jden 0enior charge. ! Register now for classes. Center located at 5LM Orchard ! Walking #roup from M>LL-M>VL Classes begin the week of Orive in Jden. Call Uanuary 9th. 656-8611 for an Basic computer appointment. Wednesdays V>VL-5>VL Available days are Basic level II computer Pondays 15-8, Tuesdays 1>VL-V>VL Wednesdays 1L-5 and Internet Buzzwords 0aturday, February (facebook etc.) Tuesdays 15th and 56th from 9-15 1L-5. Internet Fridays 9-15 ! 0enior Oance at the 0eniors are welcome to CB Tut. Ponday, come use our computers Uanuary V1st. It will during times we do not be from 6-9>VL have classes. admission will only ! eewff 0enior be $5.LL at the door. Beginners Technology Come at 6 for line Class will be offered free dance. The dance is of charge on 0aturday, T*ri teAchin. A +ini sessi*n At the seni*r center in *rder t* .et reAdM f*r her c'Ass thAt Ji'' Oe held the last Ponday Uanuary 15th and again *ffered in >An&ArM. of each month. on 0aturday Uanuary 55 ! Archery Yessonsfrom 1L>LL until 15>LL. #et ready for senior games. Uohn on the 0enior Center Track. Call 656-8611 to register. The Boutin is offering archery lessons ! Come J@ercise with us on class is limited to 11 students. at Ur’s archery on Tenry 0treet. Ponday, Wednesday and Friday ! Free beginner technology and Begins Uanuary 11th at 1>LL call M>VL-9>LL. 0it down or stand up computer class offered for 656-8611 for more info. class using resistance bands, balls seniors at the #arden of Jden ! Watercolor paint classes A and hand held weights. 0enior Center. Two classes Wednesdays and Fridays from 9- ! Rook or Tand and Foot card offered on 0aturday, Uanuary 15 15. Classes begin Uanuary 15th games A Anyone interested in and 0aturday, Uanuary 55, 5L11. ! Yandscape/ One 0troke paint playing the card game Tand and gou may sign up for both or just classes- Thursdays from 9-15. Foot please show up at the one. The class instructor will be Register now classes begin in #arden of Jden 0enior Center at Tori Tuffman, a senior at Uanuary. 1>LL pm on Wednesdays. Porehead Tigh 0chool. 0he will ! ^nit and Crochet A Pondays ! Bingo Bash at 9>LL on Ponday, be teaching as part of her senior from 1>LL-8>LL begins Ponday, Uanuary 58th at the #arden of project. Anyone interested in Uanuary 58th. Call for more info. Jden 0enior Center. being in the class can call 656656-8611. ! Bingo at Bridge 0treet Rec on 8611 to register. The class is lim! Yegal Aid will be Uanuary 1Vth Tuesday, Uanuary 19th at 1>LL ited to the first eleven particito make an appointment call 1- (bring a $1 prize) pants that sign up. MLL-951-5556 ! Computer classes are offered

Circle briveJIn === Xoone Rd.E )den


W) @aW BR]) \ILc UBRc)Ud Call In arders Welcomed Myott releases first book Jden author Christine Pyott has just published her first book A m0traight From Py Teartn. The book, billed as a great take-along book because of its ease to carry around (perfect to read in the car or waiting for appointments), is a book of poetry for women detailing love and loss, joy and sorrow, good times and bad, all in verse. Readers may cry, they may laugh and they will definitely be moved as they read the work that began when Pyott was just a teen. In this intimate look into Pyott’s soul, each woman will at times see a reflection of herself and they may see someone they know as they move through the years of Pyott’s life in prose. The poems of this lovely book are certainly straight from Pyott’s heart and will be treasured in yours. Available at www.lulu.com, the book is also now in stores, including Riverhouse #ift b #ourmet at V89 ^ings Twy.

Letter to the Editor... Rockingham County’s Focused Deterrence What is Focused Oeterrencei This framework identifies the core offenders involved in a particular crime problemj creates a law enforcement, community, and social service partnershipj opens direct communication with the offendersj and makes clear to them the community wants them to stop the violence, that there is help available to them, and there will be consekuences for continued violent acts. The strategy was developed by lrofessor Oavid ^ennedy of Uohn U College in eew gork. The program was implemented in Boston Passachusetts in 1996, after the city had e@perienced a spike in violent offenses. Other cities, including Tigh loint implemented the program and found that their violent crime rates declined significantly. According to lrofessor ^ennedy, In Boston, youth homicide fell by two-thirds after the mCeasefiren strategy was put in place in 1996. In Yowell, youth assaults declinedj according to Yowell Tigh 0chool headmaster William 0amaras, who had been dealing with gang conflicts among students, there was man immediate kuieting effect on the school.n In Pinneapolis, one of several Pidwestern cities that had e@perienced an increasing homicide rate, homicide fell by 85 percent citywide in the months after the city kicked off its homicide prevention strategy. llans have been in place for past 15 months in Rockingham County to begin Focused Oeterrence. In Uuly 5LL9, the county received a grant from the #overnor’s Crime Commission to implement a crime scene investigative unit and a gang/violence prevention initiative. We have partnered with probation, local law enforcement, lroject Re-entry, RCC and O00 to effectively reduce violent crime in Rockingham County. Community involvement is an important element of this program. Without the support of community volunteers, we cannot successfully implement and sustain a potential life altering project such as this. We need your help. We are now in the process of planning a meeting with our community volunteers. If you are interested in participating, please contact the Rockingham County Forensic/#ang lrevention Bureau at VV6-656-9991. Pike Uames

Letter to the Editor Oear Friends and let lovers. I hope to keep this short as so many folks have helped us this year. I would hate to start mentioning them then forget someone special. But thank you so much for helping us help the animals with time and donations. Jvery weekend you will see some of our little ones at letsmart Charities. Our two main projects are the Country kitty crossing of our barn. We are trying to raise about 5L,LLL for this project. And our isolation ward cost about 15,LLL. Any help with a ta@ deductible donation towards these projects really would give us a boost as it is very hard to build and rescue animals at the same time financially. Well that is about it, we have some great pets for adoption, more out there that need help in the future, and a great body of work this year. Terb Poniz lresident Carolina Ieterinary Assistance and Adoption #roup, Inc. 5L1-cV VV6 V98 81L6 V98 Cook Florist Road, Reidsville eC 56V5L

Letters to the )ditor do not necessaril0 re1resent the o1inions of the editor31ublisher. Letters received are 1ersonal o1inions from 1rivate citi9ens in the area and must be signed b0 writer. Su#missions should #e no more than 100 3ords4 longer onl6 #6 permission. 9e reserve the right to re;use a letter ;or an6 reason and to edit ;or grammar and taste. The 3riter should include their address and phone num#er ;or veri;ication purposes onl6. >ddress? @den’s B3n Cournal D 51G S Han Buren4 Suite C D @den4 KC 2M288 D or email? edens-o3nPem#arQmail.com. D Fax to 11T-T2M-G225.


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Want to know more about the basics of government at the local, state, and federal levelsZ The 0chool of #overnment recently made this book available online> Yocal #overnment in eorth Carolina www.sog.unc.edu/programs/civiced/ncccma/educators/te@tbook

<=>? @C Bw0. =CD )denE @C F?FGG


KaLM HHIJIF?J>FF< D edensJownNembarOmail.com D Political Issues J limited to schedules and location of grou1 meetingsE the decisions made b0 officialsE and voting information. D Communit0 )vents J Rrticles should be sent in as earl0 as 1ossibleE b0 the FSth of the 1rior month is alwa0s safeE and 1hotos are welcome. There is no charge for an article of communit0 events. D Church )vents J There is a s1ecial section for U1ecial Church )vents. The cost is V=S for u1 to =S lines. D There are discounts available for 1re1aid consecutive advertisements. Call for details. D Letters to the )ditor should be no larger than HSS words. We reserve the right to edit or not to 1rint letters that we feel do not fit our mission. D Xirthda0E Rnniversar0E Kamil0 announcements available at reduced rates. Rrticles and ads 1resented in this 1a1er do no necessaril0 reflect the o1inions of the owners. Contributed articles are subYect to editing for content and s1ace. Res1ond to advertisements at 0our own ris[. \ista[es in articles or ads will onl0 be com1ensated u1 to the cost of the submission.

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!"# % &!# % "# 'arkers Special 2!34566 Plus 9a:

We in7ite yo: to 7isit :s, %ompare %osts. We thin> yo: -ill be pleasantly s:rprised.

"in%e (9*(

Al-ays There, Al-ays Fair

#I,CWOPTL,,IP ISGQTOMQIJ,MI,^IHL,MI,]IKP WIHL., (IP^LGOQJ,XQ^MKPL,HIKJMLR,[QMW,:QYLMQHL,!OPPOJM],YPIH,YO^MIP]. I6"@$0"%$.Z'";e'"8@"<4-5e"@$0"1$2ed"T11"-'e82"&4e"6-.e2'"e0&1-'@d



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Lo#e% ones )*o *a#e re-ent/y 1asse% a)ay2 Paul Samuel Alverson, 71 - Eden Ervin Lester Burge, 86 - Reidsville Cecil Ray Barker, 81 Delores Diane Freeman Beeson, 55 - Eden Nettie Knowles Wilson Brown, 78 - Reidsville Dorothy IDotI Williams Burroughs, 82 - Eden Katherine Grubbs Belton, 53 Margaret McCollum Butler, 91 - Reidsville Thomas Hume Collins, 63 Shelby H. Corum, 59 - Eden John McDonald “Mac” Carter, 74 - Madison Klyce Hampton Chandler, 99 Joe Wiseman Craig, 78 - Reidsvile Joseph Keith “Joey” Cundiff, 49 - Reidsville Lacy Brooks Chaney, 82 - Reidsville Klyce Hampton Chandler, 99 Edna Earle Martin Chaney, 88 - Rockingham County Marty Faye Davidson, 52 Jo Beth Robertson Earles, 55 Melvin Edgar Fain, 85 - Eden Ann Roberts Groff - Reidsville Henry Wayne Gentry, 72 Regina Minter Hodges, 35 Mae Rose Price Hawks, 90 - Eden Rebecca Harris Hall, 75 - Reidsville Clarence Glenn Hall, 87 - Eden Gladys Van Hook Hightower, 88 - Rockingham County Ruth Manring Howell, 84 James William “Bill” Inman, 73 - Reidsville George William IBillI Jarrell, 95 Mildred B. Kallam, 94 Charlene Hall Kennon, 73 - Reidsville Delores Saunders King, 67 Jimmy ICheeseI Bernard Landreth, 63 Edna Virginia Bullins Lemons Myrtle Elizabeth Sullivan Lemons, 96 - Rockingham County Hoyt Donald Lee, 82

C/$#3& 08,+ /983$"%8+.

Bobby Glenn McKinney, 56 - Reidsville Michael E. Mooney, 61 - Mayodan Elkana Cox McCargo, 90 - Reidsville Julius Meadows Medley, 78 - Reidsville Michael Gene Keith “Mike” McDonald, 52 - Reidsville Lucy Pricilla Page Page, 95 - Reidsville John Paul Pulliam, Sr., 82 - Reidsville Annie Louise Joyce Peters, 97 Pencie Ann Grogan Price, 70 - Rockingham County Betty Clay “Honey” Rothrock, 86 - Mayodan Libby Wilson Richardson, 78 - Reidsville Jerry Clark Rector, Sr., 67 Kathleen Hudson Roberts, 86 - Rockingham County Leroy Smith, 80 - Stoneville Doris “Anita” Compton Smith, 71 - Reidsville Teresa “Tee” Shelton, 85 - Madison Justin Michael Sanders, 20 - Eden Genelle Smith, 90 - Eden Constance IConnieI Chaney Simmons, 58 - Rock. County Hazel Tabor Stacey, 56 - Reidsville Betty Roberts Shropshire, 98 Katherine Snellings Stadler,95 Vera Chaney Tuggle, 70 - Mayodan Henry Herman Thomas, Sr., 77 Ellen Goins Terry, 73 Othola Beatrice Hicks Thompson, 87 Wade Spencer Tate, 70 - Reidsville Ola Tilley, 89 Ruby Mangrum Wilson, 94 Bobby Lee Wilson, 72 - Rockingham County Annette Wade Welker, 80 James Randolph “Ran” Wooten, 51 - Eden Paul Wilson, 82 - Eden Mary Frances Hundley Walker, 70 - Rockingham County Sammy Eugene Young, 81 - Reidsville Mary Frances Duke Young, 82 - Reidsville

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Custom (onuments designed to your specification on site. All types of monuments in a variety of colors and si8es in stock. :rom design to delivery in ;< days or less. C3536378%9%C:;7<:3=%9%C>?><%MA4;5346=% G7C4>630%MC7DE30%F7A4G3 HR11%1JKIMAK1J% Locally owned and operated ?y Sandra Aoyce Stop In and meet our Staff Open daily 4 until 5, Saturdays 9 until 12 In home or After Hour Appointments Available If Needed

AOOIKIONAQ J1RRIC1J% O3C6:%OC63=%%9%C353637>3=%CE3C4>4S%% HC5>E8%T%C:;7<:U=% MA4;5346%<E3C4>4S%C42%73VC>7% F34<:3=0%C7A==3=0%RC=3=% AQQ KWX1J%OH%M1KAQ JANOFQAJKING% CC7%XC76=0%CC7=0%H7C53=0% O;6%OAA7%H;74>6;730%CC=6%I7A4%CAAY%ZC73

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C*oose )4t* -on74%en-e2 9=ian Cente= CeaDtE F %eEaGiDitation 226 North Oakland Ave. Eden, North Carolina 27288 (336) 623-1750


" #ent' Community Education Support Groups & Meetings

LOOK GOODRFEEL TETTER Annie Penn Hospital - Female cancer patients are invited to a FREE beauty makeover taught by a volunteer cosmetologist. Each female cancer patient receives a FREE makeup kit worth $200. Classes are offered the first Wednesday of each month. To register, please call 951-4584.

HIV-AIDS Meetings Held Monthly. For info: 800-924-3193 Teresa Hart CHRONIC DISEASE MANAGEMENT classes are now held at .orehead Hospital diabetes Education Classroom Please call 82:-0409, @ am-Apm to register for these classes. < Car?@aA RBCaD E Ma@ntH < D@aDBtBI ManaJBKBnt • !uMKonary RBCaD !rJKH

MANAGING ARTHRITISU MorBCBa? OrtCoVB?@A LBAturB SBr@BI 12:00 noon, Wednesday, January 5 Morehead Memorial Hospital Downstairs Classroom Over 46 million Americans suffer with arthritis and due to our aging population it is estimated that twenty years from now 67 million people will be diagnosed with

DraVBr LuKDBr E Har?ZarB CoH InAH All Kinds Of Building Material. Right Here At Home. Small Plumbing Repair k12221

!"#$ &ro)t St, - E/e)1 2,3,

445654$6$#7! - e .o0 1a#e C)4P6"T" 8P9 P:)C"99+.; for <our '>i@@ing need'C

C artBr)I A uto R BVa@r WXuality Work at Affordable PricesY

< LoA\ Out SBr]@AB < O@M CCanJBI < W@ntBr@cB NoZ < Tra\B JoDI < TunB W UVI < SBr]@AB EnJ@nB Soon D@aJnoIt@AI

W No JoD Too SKaMM W Charlie Carter (Formerly of Reidsville Nissan)

222 N. Bridge Street Eden, N.C. 27288



+ ntere't

arthritis. Join orthopedic surgeon, Dr. David Dalsimer, with Morehead Orthopedic Center to learn more about living with arthritis, including pain management and treatment options. Registration is required by Monday, January 3. Lunch will be provided to those registered. Call 336-627-8510 to register. LOOK GOOD W FEEL TETTER 10 a.m. - noon, Monday, Jan.17 Smith-McMichael Cancer Center This program helps patients learn to disguise physical side effects they sometimes experience while undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment. Open to any patient in Rockingham County regardless of where they are receiving treatment. Registration is required. To register, call 336623-9713. COMMUNITY OF HO!E CANCER SU!!ORT !ROGRAM 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 11 Smith-McMichael Cancer Center Conference Room A group designed to help patients and their families/caregivers/friends cope with cancer. Family concerns, financial concerns and spiritual concerns and needs will be addressed. For more information, call Marcia McYueen at 336-6239711, Ext. 2482. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Wed. - 8pm - Morehead Hosp. Dining Rm - Tue & Fri - 8-9pm Rock of Eden Spray Methodist ALWANON W Fri’s @pm - Hoint meeting with Alcoholics Anonymous - Rock of Eden Spray .ethodist Wed’s - Morehead Hosp. Dining Room - Circle of Love - 8 - 9pm NA XNARCOTICS ANONHY Meets 5 days a week in Reidsville at the REMMSCO Annex, 108 N. Main St. Includes a noon meeting on Monday and 8 PM meetings Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 1 hour meetings, open to all.

GROU! DIATETES CLASSES ^ Annie Penn Hospital offers FREE Diabetes Group Classes twice a week. Walk-ins are welcome. Dining Room C in the Annie Penn Cafeteria Each Tuesday- 10 -11am. and Thursday afternoons from 3-4 pm. Please call 951-4673. HOUSE CALLS W RADIO SHOW 11:30 a.m., 2nd & 4th Wednesday 1490 WLOE AM ` WMYN AM Hosted by Kerry Faunce, Morehead Hospital marketing director. Hosted by Torrey Goard, community health educator WEEKLY WELLNESS HOUR Every Wednesday evening at 7pm FREE to Public! Door Prizes! Learn about health and prosperity. 594 Pierce St, Eden, NC (next to library) 627-4325 S!ECIAL !O!ULATION DANCE W 336-627-7565 The Arc Of Rockingham County sponsors a special population dance monthly (the 2nd Thurs. of month RCC, Whitcomb Student Center. 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Refreshments. GRIEFSHARE E DIVORCE CARE W Support groups for people who are grieving the death of someone close to them or needing help healing from pain of separation or divorce. Every Mon. from 6:30- 8:00pm, Growing Oaks Community Church, 2270 Harrington Hwy., Eden. Call 623-1114, 558-5947 or visit www.growingoaks.org FOSTER CARE E ADO!TION SU!!ORT Meets 3rd Tuesday of each month 6:30pm- 8:00pm, DSS Conf. Room. Jo Wilson 342-1394 SINGLE !ARENT SU!!ORT GROU! meets at Leaksville United Methodist Church, 603 Henry St., Eden. Dinner, child care provided. Door prizes. Sponsored by the Rock. Co. Partnership for Children, Rockingham Pregnancy Care Center, and Wal-Mart. FREE. Call Beverly at 342-9676 to register. MO!S - Eden MOPS - Contact Virginia at 623-3400 for more info - Reidsville MOPS - Contact Kelly at 348-1634 for more info - Rockingham MOPS - Contact Heidi at 427-2712 for more info

YOGA CLASSES - Terri Lea, certified Poga instructor at In Touch. Beginner & Intermediate Welcome - - 11@-A Arbor Lane, Eden. 82V-91V@ to register EDEN - CITY HALL EDEN ROOM Ongoing Classes Tues’ 8:309:45am or CB Hut - Boone Rd., Eden, Weds. 6pm-7:15pm $72 for 6 week session or $15 per class (must have min. number of students, class sizes limited, reg. early) !ARKINSON)S DISEASE SU!!ORT GROU! 2 p.m., Tuesday, January 18 Morehead Memorial Hospital Main Conference Room.A support group providing information and encouragement for individuals and families affected by Parkinson’s Disease. Refreshments will be provided. For more info. call 336627-6199. ADULT LITERACY TUTOR TRAINING Mons. and Weds., 1:30-4:30 p.m. Jan. 10, 12, 17, and 19 Participants should plan to attend all four sessions. ESL XEnJM@IC aI a SBAon? LanJuaJBY Tutor Tra@n@nJ Mon. and Weds., Jan. 24 and 26 1:30-4:30 p.m. Participants should plan to attend both sessions. At the Rockingham County Literacy Project 705-A Washington Street, Eden Call Jean Light Kinyon at 6270007 to pre-register, or visit www.rcliteracyproject.org

Civic and Group Meetings EDEN)S WOMEN)S CLUT W 3rd Thurs. of mo. - 7pm. 6237290 S!ECIAL YOUNG ADULTS 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m., Tuesdays, January 4 & 18 Morehead Memorial Hospital Downstairs Classroom A night for adults ages 18-45 with mild or moderate developmental disabilities to meet new friends, play games (Bingo, Uno, Dominoes), make crafts, enjoy snacks and participate in other social activities. For more info.n, call Brenda Moore at 623-1077 or613-5174 after 6 p.m.

Church Events A NBZ [BaturB o[ E?Bn)I OZn - RoA\@nJCaK County Star CCurAC E]BntI @I [or SVBA@aM OAAaI@onI tCat CCurACBI @n tCB Aounty o[[Br tCB VuDM@A IuAC aI RB]@]aMI3 MuI@A3 GuBIt SVBa\BrI3 !roJraKI3 VaAat@on T@DMB SACooMI an? KorBH For 76 L@nBI or MBII tCB [BB @I ^76 TCB M@It@nJ Z@MM DB @n tCB VuDM@A)I Can?I [or a [uMM KontC3 Io DB IurB to tBMM tCB VuDM@A ZCat your VMaAB o[ ZorIC@V CaI to o[[Br tCBKH CaMM __%W%5`Wa5_b an? aI\ [or EM@caDBtC or L@IaH

GRIEFSHARE & DIVORCE CARE (Grief Recovery Support Group) meet every Monday 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm GROWING OAKS COMMUNITY CHURCH 2270 Harrington Hwy, Eden, NC Call __%W%5_W777b for more information www.growingoaks.org

JAN$AR& '()) +D+N-S O0N 1 CO$N3& S3AR, PAG+ 7 !

" vents 0+N30OR3H R$RI3AN C:$B Ruritan Club meets 2nd Tuesday each month at 6730 at the Wentworth United Methodist Church at 6730pm. Charles Boswell A 336-342-4346 or Sharon Reynolds A 336-613-0474 S3ON+<I::+ R$RI3AN C:$B Meets at the VFW Hut, N. Glenn St. 3rd Tuesday or the month - 7pm Call Dot Ellington 573-2093 or Ricky Craddock 336-453-7005 MINORI3& B$SIN+SS ASSOCIA3ION > +D+N Meets 1st Monday of each month at 6700pm - Eden Chamber of Commerce building, Van Buren Road. Call Butch-627-7600 CHRIS3IAN 0OM+N O? +D+N Ent$rta'n($nt an* Brun-. Wray Centre, 452 Bridge St., Eden T10 at the Door. Contact 939-2230 or 342-1524 For Dates and Times ROCKINGHAM CO$N3& AMA3+$R RADIO C:$B Monthly Meetings held 7pm on the 3rd Tuesday of month. Red Cross Bldg - 3692 NC Hwy 14, Reidsville. 573-3317 or 5482027


Free Meals MEALS WITH FRIENDS! Monday a Thursday at lunch time. Anyone 60 years of age and over Why7 activities, good food b fun c HUNTSVILLE NUTRITION 1151 Sardis Church Rd., Madison 427-5206 Site Manager-eoann Williams-Tucker c LEAfSVILLE NUTRITION Bridge St. Rec. 400 Bridge St. Eden Site Managers- Mildred Cochran fay Ramsey 623-5343 c MAD. - MAYO. NUTRITION Mad. a May. Rec. 300 S Second Ave., May. - 445-9840 Rita Hunt c REIDSVILLE SENIOR CENTER Reidsville Rec./ RHS Apartment 201 N Washington St., Reidsville Site Managers- Sara Dominick b Diane Clark 349-9757 SA:<A3ION ARM& Hungryi Come by and have a meal on us! Mon. thru Fri. 1270012730 314 Morgan Rd, Eden Sunday 9730 worship 11am Sunday School.

Events Of Interest

JOB S++K+R C:ASS+S Goodwill Industries of Central NC Community Resource Center of Reidsville. Call 336-637-1010 to register Employability Skills, GED Classes

M$SIC F DANC+ Cascade Community Center 3561 Huntington Trail, Cascade Every Friday Night 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. Cascade Express b Friends. Concessions Av.

3H+ DA< Now meeting 3rd Monday of each month at 7pm

M$SIC A3 3H+ BARN Tuesdays 7pm the doors open at 151 Gant Road, Eden. - Bluegrass music b eam sessions. Free to public. 2nd b 4th Saturday, 6pm covered dish - 7pm - Heart Strings...

AM+RICAN :+GION POS3 7A - Reidsville, Meets the 1st Monday each month at 7pm at the post located behind Auto Yone in Reidsville. For more info7 336295-2996. AM+RICAN :+GION POS3 'BC Meets 3rd Thursday of each month 6730pm. All Vets are Welcome 147 N. Fieldcrest Rd, Eden CI<I: AIR PA3RO: The Civil Air Patrol (CAP) is seeking volunteer members to help perform emergency services (including search and rescue and disaster relief operations)] aerospace education] and cadet programs for teens. Meetings every Thursday at 6730 p.m. at Shiloh Airport, Stoneville. Call Charlie Spratt at 336-537-3115 or 336520-7886. DJOSH$A-S 3ROOPSE Meet every 2nd Thursday of the month at 8730am at the Dan Valley Com. Bldg (Madison) Do not .a1$ to 2$ a 1$t to att$n*3 MARIN+ CORPS :+AG$+ Meetings 2nd Thursday each month at 6730pm - 8pm, at the Whitcomb Student Center at RCC. Seeking new members 613-3171 or email tthorneAtriad.rr.com AM<+3S- Newly formed local group. All Veterans and service men and women welcome. Willard (Woody) Waters at 635-1786 or woodyeeeAembar^mail.com

MA&ODAN M+RCHAN3-S ASSOC. Pro-active group comprised of business and property owners intersted in working to improve the Downtown area. Regular meetings will be held monthly on the 3rd Monday at 7700 pm, at Mayodan Town Hall. R+D CROSS B:OODMOBI:+S Appointments are strongly recommended for donors to get in and out faster. Call for the nearest bloodmobile near you! 349-3434

I nterest

HABI3A3 R+S3OR+ HO$RS Monday b Thursday 1 - 3 PM 249 The Boulevard, Eden Tax-Deductible Donated Items Help Build Houses. Building Materials, Furn., Appliances Large item pick-up 627-0160 N+0 B+GINNINGS N++DS... Children’s clothing for this difficult holiday season. This shop’s proceeds supports the Rockingham County Women’s Shelter. Please donate you unneeded items to this shop. 653 Washington Street, Eden Phone7 336-627-5003 3AH PR+PARA3ION ASSIS3ANC+ ?OR S+NIORS Garden of Eden Senior Center at 508 Orchard Dr., Eden. Staffed by volunteers trained by the IRS. Beginning eanuary 31st, taxes will be prepared every Monday from 12 noon - 4 p.m. and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. until April 11th. Also on two Saturdays, February 12th b 26th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Call the Senior Center 336-627-4711 for reservations but walk ins are also welcome. 0IN+, NO 0HIN+, 3AS3ING B+N+?I3I Best Auditorium Benefits and Performances 2011Friday, eanuary 14, 2011 A 5 - 8 PM The Front Porch 702 Washington St., Eden Appetizers a 50/50 Raffle a Entertainment Allen Mills, ALLENDALE ROAD, Guitar b Vocals Sheree eoyce Mills of Ranch Palos Verdes CA, Coordinator T10 Benefit Donation Benefits7 eohn Motley Morehead High School Duane Best Scholarship Fund Lynn Tuttle, President Auditorium Seat Replacement Promect P O Box 4424, Eden NC 27289


Consultant Contractors, Inc.

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+:ISAB+3H <ON 3RAPP 3O P+R?ORM at Bethany Community Middle School. A rich Musical LegacynAn Inspiration for the Heart, starring Elisabeth von Trapp takes place on February 9, 2011 at 6730pm at Bethany Community Middle School. Contact Leon Gentry at 336951-2169 or email bcsfoundationAbcmschool.com for more information .

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DeE >ea; F DeE 8++-GGG Jalk-ins c A33oint8ents Jel:o8e Hours Tue@-Fri- 10 - ]G Sat@ b - 2 Iinda #rogan ` $mma $;Cer>on ` Seder;G *@en8e i Ca3s i T-S4irts i Rain Gau<es i Dusiness Car& i 7a<nets

J2 Promotion> 10Z Sout4 7arket St@ 7a&ison@ N@C@ 2Z02[

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` *@e8ia;iaing Mn ` Sales c Installation Of Car Stereo EFui38ent

c1__Q_b Mn>ta;;ed gA&&itional Parts 7ay De ReFuire& - Not In:lu&e&h

\20 ,Q JeadoX 2dQ $den3 (QCQ 2[2%%


Ha;ent I+;-%h+J :JJ+;t2nit3 T4is is A4at all t4e 3arents are askin<G QHoA a8 I su33ose to <et t4ese ki&s to 5e4a,e noA t4at Santa 4as <one 5a:k to t4e Nort4 PolejR Are you tire& of tryin< to 8ake your :4il&ren 5e4a,ej Do you feel like you 4a,e tire& e,eryt4in< fro8 3riHes an& reAar&s to <uilt an& 8ani3ulation to outri<4t for:e an& you still aren?t seein< t4e 5e4a,ior you Aantj eoin us as Ae eP3lore si83le Aays to in:rease :oo3eration an& :reate a 3ea:eful 4o8e en,rio8ent t4at e,eryone :an enSoy@ You Aill learn to re:lai8 you 3oAer 5y :reatin< t4e stru:ture an& :onne:tions nee&e& to 8ake e,ery&ay a 5etter &ay Ait4 your fa8ily@ Take a 5reat4 an& relaP in t4is funG intera:ti,eG an& 4an&son Aorks4o3 for 3arents or anyone A4o 4as :4il&ren in t4eir lifef T4is Aorks4o3 Aill 5e 4el& Satur&ayG eanuary 22G 2011 at Os5orne Da3tist C4ur:4G T2] E@ Sta&iu8 Dri,eG E&enG N@C@ T4e :lass Aill 5e<in at b_00 a@8@ an& en& at 12_T0 3@8@ Re<istration an& refres48ents at X_T0 a@8@ T4e Aorks4o3 Aill in:lu&ek free Fuality :4il& :are a,aila5le on siteG 5reakfastG free trans3ortation a,aila5leG all 3arti:i3ants Aill re:ei,e a 5ook for ea:4 :4il&f T4ere is no fee for t4is Aorks4o3k 4oAe,erG 3re-re<istration is reFuire&@ T4is Aorks4o3 is s3onsore& 5y Ro:kin<4a8 County Partners4i3 For C4il&renG In:@ C4ail& Care Resour:e c Referral@ To re<ister or for 8ore infor8ation 3lease :all Lori Jri<4t at TT]-T42-b]Z] ePt@ 212 5y eanuary 14G 2011@

#MII$*PM$)* T"T *$2PMC$3 IIC T"T P2$P"2"TM+(U $*T"T$ PI"((M(#

As Ae enter into our 24t4 year of ser,in< Ro:kin<4a8 County an& surroun&in< areas for t4eir taP nee&sG Ae Aant to THAN6 ea:4 one of our :lients for t4eir :ontinue& su33ort@ Je Ael:o8e t4e o33ortunity to assist you Ait4 all of of your taP nee&s@ Je 3ro,i&e 3ersonal ser,i:e alon< Ait4 loA rates@ Je offer ele:troni: filin< at no a&&itional :4ar<e@ Gi,e us a :all DEFORE YOU PAY TOO 7UCHf XXXQdgi;;e>@ietaOQ8om


County (tar !nve%tin( !n *+,-in(ha0 1+2nt34% 52alit3 +f 8ife

*89o;ar>9i@ e>taC;i>9ed in memorG of Iind>aG "@@;e Frien&s of Rei&s,ille nati,e Lin&say A33le 4a,e esta5lis4e& t4e Lin&say 6at4arine A33le 7e8orial S:4olars4i3 at Ro:kin<4a8 Co88unity Colle<e in 8e8ory of A33le?s :o88it8ent to e&u:ation an& 5elief in 4el3in< ot4ers@ A33le Aas in t4e first <ra&uatin< :lass of Rei&s,ille Hi<4 S:4ool?s International Da::alaureate 3ro<ra8@ T4e 3ro<ra8 reFuire& ser,i:e a:ti,itiesG A4i:4 A33le e85ra:e&@ S4e also <a,e ser,i:e t4rou<4 4er :4ur:4 5y ,olunteerin< Ait4 or<aniHations su:4 as Carolina Cross Conne:tion@ After 4i<4 s:4oolG A33le earne& a Da:4elor of S:ien:e in En<lis4 an& Jo8en?s Stu&ies an& a 7asters of E&u:ation in Hi<4er E&u:ation at t4e Uni,ersity of Nort4 Carolina at C4a3el Hill@ S4e also earne& a Gra&uate Certifi:ate in Non3rofit 7ana<e8ent fro8 Nort4 Carolina State Uni,ersity@ As a stu&ent an& youn< 3rofessionalG A33le :ontinue& ser,in< ot4ers t4rou<4 8ission tri3s to Oi85a5AeG Costa Ri:a an& 7ePi:o@ T4rou<4 t4e Lin&say 6at4arine A33le 7e8orial S:4olars4i3G A33le?s frien&s 4o3e to :ontinue 4er le<a:y of :arin< 5y 4el3in< ot4ers re:ei,e t4e <ift of e&u:ation t4at :an :4an<e li,es@ Her fat4erG Dill A33leG sai&G QLin&say Aoul& 4a,e 5een so a33re:iati,e of 5ot4 t4e initial an& su5seFuent &onors to t4is s:4olars4i3 A4i:4 4as 5een esta5lis4e& in 4er 8e8ory@ J4ile 4er lifeti8e a::o83lis48ents Aere not li8ite& to 4er for8al e&u:ationG e&u:ation Aas i83ortant to 4er@R He a&&e&G QHer fa8ily is Fuite 3lease& t4at a nu85er of stu&ents Aill 5e assiste& in 3re3arin< t4e8sel,es for life t4rou<4 t4is s:4olars4i3@R T4e Lin&say 6at4arine A33le 7e8orial S:4olars4i3 Aill 5e aAar&e& to se:on&-year stu&ents 8aSorin< in e&u:ation A4o 4a,e a 8ini8u8 <ra&e 3oint a,era<e of T@0 an& &e8onstrate finan:ial nee&@ Re:i3ients 8ust 5e Ro:kin<4a8 County resi&ents Ait4 3referen:e <i,en to <ra&uates of Rei&s,ille Hi<4 S:4ool@ Contri5utions to t4e Lin&say 6at4arine A33le 7e8orial S:4olars4i3 8ay 5e 8a&e to t4e RCC Foun&ationG Post Offi:e DoP TXG JentAort4G NC 2ZTZ[@ InFuiries a5out a33lyin< for t4e s:4olars4i3 8ay 5e 8a&e to T42-42]1G P 220T@

Jer89ant> ">K Lor Mn@ut T4e 7ayo&an 7er:4ants Asso:iation is askin< for in3ut fro8 lo:al :itiHensG as t4ey 3lan for t4e neA year@ Resi&ents are 5ein< aske& to 8ake a list of fi,e 3roSe:ts an& 8ail t4e8 to 202 Jest 7ain StreetG 7ayo&anG NC 2Z02Z@ T4e list :an also 5e faPe& to [4X@4]T]@ T4e 7ayo&an 7er:4ants Asso:iation 8eets t4e t4ir& 7on&ay of t4e 8ont4 at Z_00 3@8@ at t4e 7uni:i3al Duil&in<@ 7eetin<s are o3en to t4e 3u5li:@

*iO Lina;i>t> Pie Lor Pre>identia; Po>ition at 2CC

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Taske& Ait4 narroAin< t4e a33li:ations &oAn to siP finalistsG t4e Presi&ential Sear:4 A&,isory Co88ittee at Ro:kin<4a8 Co88unity Colle<e :on:lu&e& its role in t4e 3resi&ential sear:4 3ro:ess in No,e85er T4e siP finalists are_ 'rQ "nge;a 2Q Sa;;entine 4as ser,e& as t4e Senior `i:e Presi&ent at `an:e-Gran,ille Co88unity Colle<e in Hen&ersonG N@C@ sin:e 200Z@ Prior to 4er :urrent 3ositionG s4e ser,e& t4e Colle<e as Dean of Healt4 S:ien:es fro8 1bbX-200ZG Pro<ra8 Dire:tor-Ra&io<ra34y fro8 1bb]-1bbXG an& as an Assistant Pro<ra8 Dire:tor an& Instru:tor fro8 1bb1-1bb]@ Dr@ Dallentine earne& a Da:4elor?s De<ree in Diolo<y fro8 Greens5oro Colle<e in Greens5oroG Nort4 Carolina@ S4e earne& a 7asters De<ree in A&ult c Co88unity Colle<e E&u:ation an& a Do:torate in Hi<4er E&u:ation A&8inistration fro8 Nort4 Carolina State Uni,ersity@ 'rQ #ene CQ Cou89 4as ser,e& as t4e Dire:tor of t4e Title III Pro<ra8 at Sout4Aestern Co88unity Colle<e sin:e Se3te85er 2010@ Prior to 4is :urrent 3ositionG 4e ser,e& t4e Colle<e as `i:e Presi&ent for Instru:tion an& Stu&ent Ser,i:es fro8 200[-2010G `i:e Presi&ent for Instru:tional Ser,i:es fro8 1bbb-200[G an& Asso:iate `i:e Presi&ent for Pro<ra8 De,elo38ent fro8 1bbZ-1bbb@ Dr@ Cou:4 re:ei,e& a Da:4elor?s De<ree in Allie& Healt4 fro8 7ars Hill Colle<e in 7ars HillG Nort4 Carolina@ He earne& a 7asters De<ree an& a E&u:ational S3e:ialist De<ree in TAo Year Colle<e E&u:ation fro8 Jestern Carolina Uni,ersity@ Dr@ Cou:4 earne& a Do:torate in E&u:ational Lea&ers4i3 fro8 East Tennessee State Uni,ersity in eo4nson CityG Tennessee@ 'rQ Srad;eG 4Q $Cer>o;e 4as ser,e& as `i:e C4an:ellor for A:a&e8i: Affairs at Daton Rou<e Co88unity Colle<e in Daton Rou<e Louisiana sin:e 200[@ Prior to 4is :urrent 3ositionG 4e ser,e& as t4e Assistant to t4e `i:e C4an:ellor for Learnin< an& Stu&ent De,elo38ent fro8 1bbb-200[ an& Dire:tor of t4e Hunt `alley Colle<e Center for Professional De,elo38ent an& t4e Jeeken& Colle<e fro8 1bb2-1bbb at t4e Co88unity Colle<e of Dalti8ore

Continued to Page -


A Winter Wine Count' (tar & Art EMpo to warm those !nvestin( !n *ockin(ham County4s 5uality of 8ife winter days Continued from Page 3 County in Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Ebersole received a Bachelor’s Degree in Recreation and Park Administration from Virginia Commonwealth Cniversity in Richmond, Virginia. He earned a Masters Degree in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation and a Doctor of Philosophy in Education Policy, Planning and Administration from the Cniversity of Maryland. Dr. Michael S. Helmick has served as Vice President for Academic Affairs at Western Piedmont Community College since 2007. Prior to his current position, he served as the Vice President for Academic Affairs at the Technical College of the Low Country in Beaufort, South Carolina from 20052007. He served as Dean of Technical Education at Walters State Community College in Morristown, Tennessee from 2000-2005. Dr. Helmick received a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Arts Education from the Cniversity of West Florida in Pensacola, Florida. He earned a Masters Degree in Technology and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis from East Tennessee State Cniversity in Johnson City, Tennessee. Dr. Vernon L. Lawter, !r. has served as Provost/Vice President of the Citrus Campus of the College of Central Florida since 2006. Prior to his current position, he served as the Director of the Mooresville Center from 2005-2006 and the Director of New & Expanding Industry and Focused Industrial Training from 2000-2004 at Mitchell Community College in Statesville, North Carolina. Dr. Lawter received a Bachelor’s Degree and a Masters Degree in English from CNC at Charlotte. He earned an Educational Specialist Degree in Higher Education/Adult Education from Appalachian State Cniversity and a Doctorate in Higher Education Administration from NC State Cniversity. Dr. Sheila J. Ruhland has served as Vice President of Instruction at Rockingham Community College in Wentworth, N.C. since 2007. Prior to her current position, she served as Vice President of Instruction at Clatsop Community College in Astoria, Oregon from 2004 to 2007. From 1999 to 2004, she served as Assistant Professor in the Department of Work, Community and Family Education at Cniversity of Minnesota. From 1995 to 1999, Dr. Ruhland served as Dean of Business at Western Wisconsin Technical College in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Dr. Ruhland earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing and Distributive Education from the Cniversity

Continued To Page .0

Beat those winter blues[ get out of the house and enjoy the fruit of the vines]the region’s only WinterWine Festival will have something for everyone! Betsy-Jeff Penn 4-H Educational Center & the Fine Arts Festival of Rockingham County present for your enjoyment . . . Wine and Art Expo to promote arts education, artists, & local fine agriculture, with proceeds to benefit the Fine Arts Festival Association of Rockingham County, and to provide scholarships for students to attend Betsy-Jeff Penn 4-H Educational Center. • Taste and shop locally Grown award winning wines & locally made gourmet cheeses • Local art on display • Live entertainment • Vendors with wine Accessories • Hot chocolate / hot cider available for children and designated drivers.

Banuary CD, CFGG G:FF I J:FF pLmL SnoM Nate: To Be Netermined

BetsyIBeff Penn QIR Educational Center TFQ Cedar 8ane, *eidsville, UC CVWCF There will be door prizes, entertainment and kids get in free! Tickets Available: Chinqua-Penn Plantation Betsy-Jeff Penn 4-H Educational Center Grove Winery (max@grovewinery.com) Wentworth Town Hall (336-342-6288 & Press 1) or call Texie Needham @ 336-349-6969 $20.00/in advance $25.00/at the door Group Rate: 12 for $200




E%ual Housing Opportunity Insurer

T, - N , / 0 1 T2 3 3 E 5 - 3 2 / 6 9A Cut A;ove The *est= ;4=H WES SHELTON 3 , E 3 2 9 EMperienced ArOorist F 32? >2 6 3 / 3 S /,29 @0A 89: Tree Removal and Trimming W, E6/ 2D Chipping and Stump Grinding CaOling and Bracing T Animal Rescue Servin( All of *ockin(ham County @ Surroundin( Areas


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Health Tips 5roviding Solutions For Better Heath Nutrition 101 Youdve proOaOly heard it all Oefore. MayOe the advice has even Oeen so drilled into your head that itds simply Oecome Oackground noise: Eat your veggies. Choose whole grains. Banish the trans fatse. Et cetera, et cetera. Well, it may all Oe old news, Out the age-old mantra is still true: fYou are what you eat.f So, hereds a Orief nutrition review, along with a couple of tips on how to Oegin making changes. These are the Oasics of a healthy eating plan: T Look for a rainOow of fruits and veggies. If you choose a variety of colors, youdll get a variety of nutrients g go for orange veggies and dark leafy greens, for eMample, along with dry Oeans and peas such as kidney Oeans, split peas, or lentils. For the most Oenefits, choose whole fruits, not huice. Aim for 5 to V servings each day. T Got milki Aim for 3 servings. A serving is 1 cup of milk or yogurt, ' cups of cottage cheese, or 1i ounces of cheese. If youdre lactose intolerant, look for Oeverages that are free of milk products Out are fortified with calcium. Make low-fat and nonfat choices most often. T Eat the fwholef thing. Choose whole-grain Oreads, rice, cereals, crackers or pasta. Three ounces is a good daily goal. T Be lean `not meana. Choose 5 i to V ounces of lean meats and poultry Out miM up your protein choices. If youdre a diehard carnivore, rememOer that protein is found in plants, too. Include fish, nuts, seeds, and Oeans in your meal plans. T Go easy on the eMtras. The Nutrition Facts laOel is your friend! Look for foods low in saturated fats, salt `sodiuma, and added sugars. NiM the trans fats altogether. Not many of us are great at keeping track of calories and serving sikes. Check out this nifty, new online calculator that does it for you: www.myfoodapedia. Type in the name of a food you want more information aOout. With one click of your mouse, youdll see what food group it falls into, how much a serving sike is, and how many calories are in a serving. You can also compare it with another similar food. For eMample, if youdre wondering how your cereals stack up with one another, you can luickly find out. You might Oe surprised to learn that homemade granola has three times the calories of Grape-Nuts. Now, Idm the first to admit that making dietary changes isndt easy. Rather than trying to change everything at once, choose one change to start with. For eMample, try adding one more serving of veggies a day. Or, start eating Oreakfast if you arendt already. Or switch from snacks with empty calories `sodaa to nutrient-rich snacks `an apple with peanut Outtera. Focus on how much Oetter you feel and how your food choices can improve your overall health. If youdve made diet changes and are still trouOled Oy weight gain, ask our pharmacy staff aOout our 13 week professional weight loss program called, mTake Charge.n It’s all aOout Oalanced nutrition and Oecoming more active. We’ll Oe glad to help you Oring in '011 with a Healthier You!

HA55Y NEW YEAR!!! Eden Drug is a full service: family owned pharmacy serving the individual needs of our patients.

Join us on Facebook @ Eden Drug Health Mart 5ete Crouch, R5h, C55 103 W. Stadium Drive, Eden, NC 'Z'^^ 5hone: `33Va V'Z-X^5X Hours: Mon-Sat. 9am - 9pm, Sun. 1pm - 6pm FREE DELIVERY T WeOsite: www.EdenDrug.com


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Minimum donations of S5 per lovelight and S100 per starlight will be accepted through January 7, 2011.

While You Were Out!

A88 2onat%on& ar. tac 2.2u't%E8.. Pro'..2& "ro/ t;. Tr.. o" L%". F%88 E. u&.2 to .c<an2 t;. <.2%atr%' &.'ur%ty &y&) t./ on t;. &.'on2 "8oor. T;. .c<an&%on F%88 Eu%82 on t;. &.'u) r%ty &y&t./ a8r.a2y %n <8a'. %n t;. B%rt;%n5 C.nt.r0 "urt;.r &.'ur%n5 a22%t%on roo/& "or /ot;.r& an2 EaE%.&. A 'ar2 F%88 E. &.nt a'NnoF8) .25%n5 your 5%"t. T;. na/. o" .a'; <.r&on ;onor.2 or /./or%) a8%`.2 an2 t;. na/. o" t;. 2onor F%88 E. Fr%tt.n %nto t;. BooN o" Honor an2 M./ory F;%'; %& 2%&) <8ay.2 %n t;. ;o&<%ta8k& /a%n 8oEEy t;rou5;out t;. ;o8%2ay &.a&on. Donat%on& /ay E. /a2. at t;. ;o&<%ta8 5%"t &;o< or Ey 'on) ta't%n5 t;. 7o8unt..r S.r@%'.& D.<art/.nt at QQI)IC\)jORD.

Offering Services Such AsT Pet ServicesT S%tt%n5 g Wa8N%n5 g F..2 h Wat.r g P8ay g M.2%'at. g Put OutiBr%n5 In Home ServicesT Hou&. S%tt%n5 g G.t Ma%8 In g L%5;t& A8t.rnat.2 g P8ant& Car.2 For g M.&&a5.& ForFar2.2 g S.'ur%ty C;.'N& g L%5;t Hou&. K..<%n5

Call Liza Doss At 336-613-3025 Anytime!



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The !"#$%&'()*

"ounty (tar Investing In Rockingham County’s 5uality of Life Continued .rom Page 9 o" W%&'on&%n)Stout %n M.no/on%.0 W%&'on&%n0 an2 a Ma&t.r& D.5r.. %n Cont%nu%n5 an2 7o'at%ona8 E2u'at%on an2 a Do'tor o" P;%8o&o<;y %n E2u'at%ona8 A2/%n%&trat%on "ro/ t;. Un%@.r&%ty o" W%&'on&%n %n Ma2%&on0 W%&'on&%n. On D.'. CD)CC t;. Eoar2 /./E.r& %nt.r@%.F.2 a <ort%on o" t;. 'an2%2at.&0 an2 on Gan. H)I0 t;. Eoar2 /./E.r& F%88 %nt.r@%.F t;. r./a%n2.r. In 'onKun't%on F%t; t;. %nt.r@%.F&0 RCC’& "a'u8ty an2 &ta"" F%88 E. %n@%t.2 to ta8N F%t; .a'; 'an2%2at. 2ur%n5 o<.n "oru/& an2 t;. <uE8%' %& %n@%t.2 to /..t .a'; 'an2%2at. on t;. %nt.r@%.F 2at.& at H <./.)OPQD <./. %n roo/ RDO o" t;. A2@an'.2 T.';no8o5%.& Bu%82%n5. T;.r. F%88 E. no "or/a8 %ntro2u't%on o" t;. 'an2%2at. at t;. <uE8%' UM..t an2 Gr..tU In&t.a20 t;. <uE8%' F%88 E. %n@%t.2 to 'o/. an2 %n"or/a88y /..t t;. 'an2%2at.. T;. Boar2 o" Tru&t..& <8an& to announ'. t;. n.F <r.&%2.nt %n Ganuary CDRR.

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County Farm Bureau wins safety program award Gr..n&Eoro W Ro'N%n5;a/ County Far/ Bur.au Fa& na/.2 Nort; Caro8%na Far/ Bur.au’& ZNCFB[ CDRD Sa".ty Pro5ra/ AFar2 W%nn.r %n D.'./E.r. T;. 'ounty Fa& Ku25.2 to ;a@. t;. /o&t a't%@. <ro5ra/0 a& F.88 a& t;. /o&t ."".'t%@. <8an to <ro/ot. &a".ty %&&u.& t;rou5;out t;. <a&t y.ar. T;. aFar2 '.r./ony tooN <8a'. 2ur%n5 NCFB’& \Ot; Annua8 M..t%n50 D.'./E.r Ot; W \t;0 at t;. Go&.<; S. Koury Con@.nt%on C.nt.r0 S;.raton Gr..n&Eoro Hot.8 at Four S.a&on&. _A ';%." 5oa8 o" our or5an%`at%on %& to <ro/ot. t;. &a".ty o" "ar/ an2 rura8 "a/%8%.&0a &a%2 Larry Woot.n0 <r.&%2.nt o" NCFB. _H.8<%n5 "a/%8%.& %n'r.a&. &a".ty an2 r.2u'. a''%2.nt& %& .&&.nt%a8 to <rot.'t%n5 t;. "utur. o" a5r%'u8tur. %n Nort; Caro8%na.a Ro'N%n5;a/ County Far/ Bur.au <art%'%<at.2 %n a nu/E.r o" .@.nt& 2ur%n5 CDRD t;at F.r. 2.&%5n.2 to a22r.&& &a".ty 'on'.rn& "or ';%82r.n %n Eot; rura8 an2 urEan "a/%8%.&. In a22%t%on to <art%'%<ant& %n A5r%'u8tura8 Sa".ty AFar.n.&& W..N0 2ur%n5 F;%'; %t <ro/ot.2 tra'tor0 &un an2 N%2& &a".ty0 t;. Ro'N%n5;a/ County Far/ Bur.au &<on&or.2 a CountyF%2. Tra'tor Sa".ty Day F%t; 8.&&on& on "%r. .ct%n5u%&;.r u&.0 8aFn/oF.r &a".ty an2 8ar5. .du%</.nt &a".ty0 an2 a Pro5r.&&%@. Far/.r K%2& Far/ Sa".ty Say "or &tu2.nt& an2 a2u8t&. T;.y a8&o <ro/ot.2 "oo2 &a".ty aFar.n.&& at 8o'a8 "ar/.r& /arN.t&.

Man Gets Prison For Cashing Deceased Mother’s Checks Bryant Fu8<0 QH0 <8.2 5u%8ty to "our 'ount& o" OEta%n%n5 Pro<.rty Ey Fa8&. Pr.t.n&.0 "our 'ount& o" F.8ony Utt.r%n50 Lar'.ny "ro/ t;. P.r&on0 on. 'ount o" F.8ony Lar'.ny0 an2 on. 'ount o" A&&au8t on a F./a8. %n Ro'N%n5;a/ County Su<.r%or Court 8a&t F..N. Gu25. E25ar B. Gr.5ory &.nt.n'.2 Fu8< a& a HaE%tua8 F.8on to RDR)RQR /ont;& %n t;. Nort; Caro8%na D.<art/.nt o" Corr.'t%on&. On "our o''a&%on& "ro/ O'toE.r0 CDDe t;rou5; D.'./E.r0 CDDe0 Fu8< t.n2.r.2 ;%& 2.'.a&.2 /ot;.r’& &o'%a8 &.'ur%ty ';.'N& to t.88.r& at Stat. E/<8oy..& Cr.2%t Un%on %n E2.n. Ea'; ';.'N Fa& "or fI\H.DD0 "or a tota8 o" fC0IeI.DD. Fu8<’& /ot;.r 2%.2 %n S.<t./E.r0 CDDe. T;. 'r.2%t un%on Fa& not%"%.2 Ey t;. So'%a8 S.'ur%ty A2/%n%&trat%on t;at Fu8<’& /ot;.r Fa& 2.'.a&.20 an2 t;. E2.n Po8%'. D.<art/.nt Fa& not%"%.2 %n Mar';0 CDRD. Fu8< a2/%tt.2 to 2.t.'t%@.& t;at ;. 'a&;.2 t;. ';.'N&. Fu8< a8&o <8.2 5u%8ty toP Lar'.ny o" t;. P.r&on W On Ganuary CR0 CDRD0 Fu8< Fa& at a r.&)

Continued to Page 11

!"#U"%& '()) +D+#-. /0# 1 C/U#T& .T"%, 5"6+ )) ! !"e ROC$INGHAM


Et ;ooLed ;iLe a parade, a Kery offiNa; one (&)* andCn the =itterly cold morning =y the Constitution

!nvesting !n *ockingham County4s 5uality of Life Continued from Page 13 idence on Central Avenue in Eden. 2hen the victim walked out of the residence9 :ulp gra==ed him =y they neck from =ehind. :ulp then took the victim’s money and watch. :elony Larceny B Cn Septem=er EF9 FGGH9 :ulp stole a moped from a residence in the area of Price Road in Eden. Detectives with the Eden Police Department recovered the moped which was =adly damaged. :ulp prior convictions for :elony :leeing to Elude Arrest with a Motor Mehicle9 :elony Larceny of a Motor Mehicle9 :elony Larceny NOP9 :elony Possession of Stolen Goods9 Speeding to Elude Arrest9 D2I NFP9 Driving 2hile License Revoked NSP9 Assault NOP9 and TnauthoriUed Tse of a Motor Mehicle. In addition9 :ulp had previously =een sentenced as a Ha=itual :elon in EHHW for charges in :orsyth County.

Fina; <prin? <eme<ter re?i<tration 0+#T0/%TD B :inal registration for spring semester at Rockingham Community College is scheduled for Xan. O from noon to W p.m. and Xan. Y from EG a.m. to W p.m. In order to participate in this final registration period9 applicants are urged to complete the admission process =y Dec. FF. The college will =e closed for a holiday =reak until Xan. O. In order to register9 applicants need to complete an application9 take placement tests if re[uired9 review placement tests results with a counselor9 have all official transcripts from high school/GED and all colleges attended to the RCC admissions office and make an appointment to see their assigned advisors. Spring semester classes =egin Xan. ].

EnpFt wanted on Iayodan eKent< The Mayodan Merchan’ts Association would like your input on what projects you would like to see downtown in the coming year. Please make the time to write down you top five ideas and send them in to Downtown Merchants Association9 FGF 2. Main Str.9 Mayodan9 NC FWGFW. Mayodan Merchant’s Association is a pro-active group comprised of =usiness and property owners interested in working to improve the Downtown area. Regular meetings will =e held monthly on the Ord Monday at W`GG pm9 at Mayodan Town Hall.

Continued *o Page 12

of Decem=er ]th9 several lines of Deputy Sheriffs9 Dentition officers9 as well as their families and friends9 paraded from the new Rockingham County Xail a Law Enforcement Center in 2entworth9 =i=les in hand9 to gather on the lawn for the official swear in. The ceremony =egan with a pledge of allegiance to the flag and a moment of silence for those fallen in line of duty. Sheriff Sam Page was the first to =e sworn in =y Xudge Ed 2ilson. Standing close =eside Page were his wife bathy Gunn Page and his parents9 Stephen and Lillian Page . Soon after followed the swear-in of the entire crew of Deputy Sheriffs as well as supporting staff and Xail Staff. Trying to keep the ceremony short due to the =itter cold9 Page =egan =y ecplaining that the office of Sheriff is actually a Constitutionally Esta=lished office9 the oldest office of law enforcement in the nation9 esta=lished in North Carolina in EWW]

and still carries the same responsi=ilities it did centuries ago. The four primary responsi=ilities of the office of Sheriff are to provide Law EnforcePage takes oath of office with his ment9 serve due $athy Page and husband mother, father and wife process9 run the jail standing by for suAAort. and Sheriff Sam Page system9 and protect at court through the Bailiff System. eI recogniUe the =adge of my office as a sym=ol of pu=lic faith9f Page said. Elected =y the majority of HF9GGG citiUens9 he noted9 the office of Sheriff has HF9GGG =osses. His challenge to the Deputies9 in addition to following the law9 is to maintain focus as a teamg to look out9 protect and support each team mem=er. Each deputy signing his oath9 and enjoying refreshments followed the event. This was the first official swearin at the county’s new jail and Rockingham County DeAuties take oath of office. law facility.

! !AGE %& EDEN*S O-N . COUNTY STA34 5ANUA3Y &6%% War... continued from Page 4


GriAAith siOns and talks a3out experiences with Ouests

Griffith decided to write the book after mulling it over during one of the company’s reunions. He wanted people to know just what really happened to the men as they were totally forgotten in the Marshall Islands for HOW LONG and the trials and tribulations, red tape and communications breakdowns that followed. In November Griffith was invited to hold a book signing at Euantico, Va. Museum store at the Museum of the Marine Corp where he was welcomed by

County Star In#esting In *o,-ing.a0 County4s 5uality o7 8i7e C#ntin$ed :r#0 La7e @@

NC Comm9:ity >o9:?atio: aAar?s DEFG4GHF i: scholarshiLs

Fellow Company KAL mem3er retired Col. Ward Reiss Noined GriAAith Aor support.

SCALES APPLANCE R E PA I R S E R V I C E E E T -a s h i : R t o : S t r e e t U E ? e : 4 N C & V & F F GGHWGX6WFX66

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Marines and their families, as well as Naval Academy students who wanted to hear the first hand accounts of the WWII veteran. People of all ages purchased his book - Naval Academy students in their 20Ls, a boy scout troop, and adults in their 40Ls and 50Ls. He proudly signed his name to the books and enjoyed the interaction with them all. His good friend and fellow Company OAP member retired Col. Ward Reiss joined Griffith for support during the long day. Making his home in Eden since he was nine years old, Griffith came from a family of 15 children, and had 4 brothers and one sister who served in the Military in World War II. He left the military and was married for 58 years to Francis Cox from Spray , a union which produced four children and several grandchildren whom he adores. Griffith’s book, OTales of OAP Lost CompanyP, is available from Griffith himself. You may call 336-634-2654. Originally selling for $28, for sale now for $15.

9:o Con#enient 8o,ations 9o ;er#e =ou >etter Winter SpecialsB MADISON V6H ^9rto: Street GGHWTXFWHHVX

D%X_ET Oil Cha:Re `TAG6.%6AG6a Cartri?Re >ilter Ebtra

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3ALEIGO -- The North Carolina Community Foundation has awarded more than $983,368 in scholarships and educational grants in 2010, according to NCCF CEO Jennifer Tolle Whiteside. The NCCF has awarded $459,355 in direct scholarship aid to students from across North Carolina, representing 307 scholarships to 280 students. Of these, 97 scholarships were awarded to first-generation college students. The NCCF also has contributed another $524,013 in grant money to educational institutions for the purpose of awarding scholarships to students attending these schools. Direct scholarships have been awarded to recent high school graduates and other qualified adults seeking higher education at public and private universities and community colleges. Scholarship endowments are held by the NCCF for most of its 60 affiliate foundations statewide. The scholarships are among 1,731 grants totaling more than $5.8 million that the NCCF has awarded to nonprofits across North Carolina in the past year. OWe salute the generosity of our fund-holders and donors, who are transforming the lives of many North Carolinians through the power of education,P Tolle Whiteside said. !"#$t t'e )#rt' Car#lina C#00$nity F#$ndati#n4 5'e )CCF i6 t'e 6in7le 6tate8ide 9#00$nity :#$ndati#n 6er;in7 )#rt' Car#lina and 'a6 0ade nearly <=> 0illi#n in 7rant6 6in9e it6 in9e?ti#n in @ABBC Dit' 0#re t'an <@>E 0illi#n in a66et6, t'e )CCF 6$6tain6 @,EEE end#80ent6 e6ta"li6'ed t# ?r#;ide l#n7Gter0 6$??#rt #: a "r#ad ran7e #: 9#00$nity need6, n#n?r#:it #r7aniHati#n6, in6tit$ti#n6 and 69'#lar6'i?6C 5'e )CCF ?artner6 8it' =E a::iliate :#$ndati#n6 t# ?r#;ide l#9al re6#$r9e all#9ati#n and 9#00$nity a66i6tan9e in == 9#$ntie6 a9r#66 t'e 6tateC !n i0?#rtant 9#0?#nent #: t'e )CCFI6 0i66i#n i6 t# en6$re t'at r$ral ?'ilanG t'r#?y 'a6 a ;#i9e at l#9al, re7i#nal and nati#nal le;el6C F#r 0#re in:#r0aG ti#n, ;i6it n99#00$nity:#$ndati#nC#r7 and Fa9e"##JC 5'#6e intere6ted in in;e6ti7atin7 69'#lar6'i? #??#rt$nitie6 #::ered t'r#$7' t'e )CCF 6'#$ld 9'e9J t'e )CCF 8e"6ite in Fe"r$ary KE@@C

Corbi: beRi:s ?9ties Aith state aLLroval For the first time, Rockingham Community College has a fulltime lead instructor for the certified nursing assistant program. Mary Corbin began her duties in November after serving 16 years as nursing assistant program instructor/coordinator at Guilford Technical Community College. A graduate of the University of Maryland School Of Nursing, Corbin has over 30 years experience as a registered nurse. During that time she discovered a love for geriatric nursing. OI always loved hands-on care,P said Corbin. OToday’s nurse spends a lot of time doing paper or computer work, but that is not what lured me into the profession. I love working with patients.P In modern medical facilities, hands-on Cor3in work is typically relegated to certified nursing assistants. That is what drew Corbin to the program and it is why she loves it. At RCC, one of her first duties was to take the program through the biannual approval process conducted by the NC Department of Health and Human Services. Approval had to be given for clinical space, keeping of records, and instruction/lab site. CNA programs taught through community colleges must be state approved. Otherwise, the program can be shut down. Fortunately, Corbin was familiar with the process and the approval process went smoothly. Now Corbin can concentrate solely on what she loves – teaching others how to care for patients.

!etse:se Ool?s Gra:? OLe:i:R I: December Get your pet’s nails done, adopt a furry, lifelong friend or just enjoy special giveaway items starting at 9 a.m on Saturday, December 11, 2010, as the Rockingham County Humane Society joins Mayor James K. Festerman at the grand opening of the new Reidsville Petsense store located at 1547 Freeway Drive. The 6,000-square-foot store, which previously housed a Movie Gallery, will sell around 5,000 pet-related products from pet food to toys to self-cleaning litter boxes – and much more – for dogs, cats, birds, fish, reptiles and other small animals such as hamsters, gerbils, ferrets and rabbits. Store Manager Cathie Basil said Petsense will also offer its popular, state-of-the-art Groom Shop, an in-store adoption program, and fun, seasonal events. OLeashed and vaccinated pets are always welcome inside our store to assist their owners with shopping and sniffing out hot new items,P said Basil.

C#ntin$ed t# La7e @M

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I'ZJL(L( +;t In or T;[e Out

! PAGE 14 EDEN’S OWN / COUNTY STAR, 5ANUARY 2011 ECe "utF"urFGa9 'arden C8uA met HitC IECe Jden Ko9- and 'ir8- LoutC 'arden C8uAI to -CoH tCem CoH to taMe >utting- from a CCri-tma- Ca>tu- to -tart tCeir oHn ?8ant-N Ja>C >Ci8d Ha- gi7en a CCri-tma- mug fi88ed HitC ?eta8-O ?otting -oi8O and >utting- to taMe Come HitC tCemN !efre-Cment- Here -er7ed afterHard-N

Good idea ...

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!'0-'% 2""?+*.% 0' YPEDE% 9")-% +'e#/% 9")% <)-: 8h0/e%8"#e%&-"#A%A%@*%")-%8)--e*' e8"*"#+8% /+')0'+"*7% e1e-9% 2+''2e 'h+*.%6e%3)9%"-%;"%0&&e8'/%/"#e: "*e%e2/e%:%e1e*%'he+-%c"3A%Yhe*%+* ;")3'7%Ge NBED@ONWb% Pe-/he9V/% 80*;9AAAA#0;e% +* BeF+8"f%De0;%"*AAA ^% X08?% T+*?/% Gee&% Xe-?9% Be0'% +/ #0;e% +*% G-0M+2% b% Yh0'V/% 6-"*. 6+'h%g!N #e0'fff%%%% ^% O"2.0'e% +/% #0;e% +*% BeF+8"% AAA O-e/'7%N#e-+80A ^% T+.h'% 3)23/7% aE% 3-0*; BeF+8"AAA% hE1e-9;09% _02)ed% L&& 3-0*;%:%N#e-+80% ^% G")*8e% >-9e-% !hee'/AAA% 9e<7 9")%.)e//e;%+'7%G")*8e%8"/'%#"-e #"*e9% 0*;% #0;e% +*% O0*0;0% A The% E1e-9;09% _02)e% 3-0*;% 60/ 2e//%#"*e9%0*;%BN>E%@W%TPE g!Nb% !"% 'h-"6% ")'% 'he% #9'h% 'h0' 9")%80**"'%&+*;%<-";)8'/%9")%)/e e1e-9% ;09% 'h0'% 0-e% #0;e% -+.h' he-eA Oh022e*.e% AAA!'0-'% -e0;+*. 'he% 203e2/% 6he*% 9")% /h"<% &"e1e-9;09%'h+*./%0*;%/ee%6h0'%9") 80*%&+*;%'h0'%+/%#0;e%+*%'he%g!N :% 'he% c"3% 9")% /01e% #09% 3e% 9")"6*%"-%9")-%*e+.h3"-/b !'"<% 3)9+*.% &-"#% "1e-/e0/ 8"#<0*+e/b Te'V/% .e'% 6+'h% 'he% <-": .-0#AAAhe2<%")-%&e22"6%N#e-+80*/ ?ee<% 'he+-% c"3/% 0*;% 8-e0'e% #"-e c"3/%he-e%+*%'he%%%g!N A

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County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s 5uality of Life Continued from Page 12 !"#e% "&% 'he% )*+,)e% "&&e-+*./% 010+2032e% 0'% 4e'/e*/e5/% 2"67% &08'"-9: ;+-e8'%<-+8e/%+*82);e= >e2+8+")/% 0*;% *)'-+'+")/% 30?e;% .")-#e'% 3+/8)+'/7% '-e0'/7% 0*; ."";+e/%0/%6e22%0/%0%20-.e%/e2e8'+"*%"&%<e'%@>%'0./7%+*82);+*.%;e/+.*: e-%>+10%'0./%0*;%8"22e.e%0*;%<-"&e//+"*02%/<"-'%'0./A%B"/'%'0./%80* 3e% e*.-01e;% "*% 3"'h% /+;e/7% &"-% CDEEA% EF'e*/+1e% /e2e8'+"*% "&% <e' 3e;/7%8-0'e/%0*;%088e//"-+e/AC-e,)e*'%3)9e-%<-".-0#=%G)9%HI%0*;%.e' "*e%CDEE%J"*%/e2e8'%<-e#+)#%&"";/KA >)-+*.% 'he% >e8e#3e-% HH% .-0*;% "<e*+*.7% 2"802% <h"'".-0<he-/

!eid-7i88e *a9or :e-terman "ffi>ia889 o?ened Pet-en-e A9 >utting tCe riAAon in De>emAer L-+"*%4h"'".-0<h9%6+22%"&&e-%0%8h"+8e%"&%<e'%<h"'"%<08?0.e/%0*;%022 ?+*;/% "&% .+1e0609/% 0-e% <20**e;7% +*82);+*.% &-ee% /0#<2e/% 0*;% ;-06: +*./%&"-%<-+Me/A%N2'h").h%4e'/e*/e%;"e/%*"'%/e22%2+1e%0*+#02/7%+'%6"-?/ 6+'h%2"802%<e'%/he2'e-/%2+?e%'he%D"8?+*.h0#%O")*'9%P)#0*e%!"8+e'97 6h+8h% 6+22% h"2;% 0% <e'% 0;"<'+"*% 82+*+8% ;)-+*.% ")-% .-0*;% "<e*+*.% '" &+*;%80-+*.%h"#e/%&"-%2"1+*.%<e'/A De.)20-% /'"-e% h")-/% /'0-'+*.% !)*;097% >e8e#3e-% HQ% 6+22% 3e% R 0A#A%'"%R%<A#A%B"*;09%'h-").h%!0')-;09%0*;%HI%0A#A%'"%S%<A#A%"* !)*;09/A A"out Petsense Petsense stores are a pet lovers0 paradise3 Founded in 20078 Petsense is rapidl9 growing t<roug<out t<e =ountr9 and is mainl9 lo=ated in rural markets3 Our =ustomers "enefit from our a"ilit9 to "u9 dire=t from manuB fa=turers wit< a==ess to more t<an 78000 petBrelated items availa"le inBstore and online at ever9da9 low8 fa=tor9Bdire=t pri=es3 For more information8 visit our we"site8 www3petsenseoutlet3=om8 and follow us on Twitter DpetB sense and on Fa=e"ook3

American Legion Recruits Scholarship Candidates N'%'he%N#e-+80*%Te.+"*%4"/'%UR%%-e.)20-%#"*'h29%#ee'+*.%%+* De+;/1+22e%+*%>e8e#3e-%!0#%C-e'6e227%&+-/'%1+8e%8"##0*;e-7%-e<"-': e;% "*% 'he% 4"/'V/% <20*/% '"% -e8-)+'% <0-'+8+<0*'/% &-"#% 0#"*.% 'he% &")0-e0% h+.h% /8h""2/% &"-% 'he% N#e-+80*% Te.+"*V/% W0'+"*02% L-0'"-+802 !8h"20-/h+<%O"#<e'+'+"*%6h+8h%3e.+*/%+*%X0*)0-9A%Y+**e-/%0'%e08h 2e1e2%"&%8"#<e'+'+"*%-e8e+1e%80/h%060-;/%0*;%#e;02/%0*;%6+22%h01e%0 8h0*8e%'"%-e<-e/e*'%WO%0'%'he%W0'+"*02%2e1e2%/"#e'+#e%+*%QIHHA% Th+/%6+22%3e%'he%&")-'h%9e0-%4"/'%UR%h0/%h0;%0%8"*'e/'0*'%+*%'he 8"#<e'+'+"*A%%T6"%9e0-/%0."7%'he+-%8"*'e/'0*'%#0;e%+'%'"%'he%&+*02/%+* D02e+.h%3e&"-e%3e+*.%e2+#+*0'e;A Be#3e-/%0*;%<-"/<e8'+1e%#e#3e-/%0-e%+*1+'e;%'"%0''e*;%'he%-e.)20-: 29%/8he;)2e;%#ee'+*./%"&%N#e-+80*%Te.+"*%4"/'%UR%6h+8h%0-e%he2;%0' 'he% 4"/'% +*% De+;/1+22e% "*% 'he% &+-/'% B"*;09% "&% e08h% #"*'hA De&-e/h#e*'/%0-e%)/)0229%/e-1e;%0'%S=[I%4B%6+'h%'he%#ee'+*.%3e.+*: *+*.%0'%U=II%4BA%%

Continued to Page 1G

Cus1’s Cruises ; Travel

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AUG. 25, 2011, Group Space Still AvailaKle On The Carnival Vantasy, 6 Night Cruise. Vor the BEST deals around, fust give me a call. Can match or Keat most any quote and the INTERNET. HIent on t<e Allure of t<e Seas Kt<e worlds largest =ruise s<ipL It is so large8 it is a wonder t<e9 =ould get so mu=< on one s<ip3 It is a floating =it93N Oill9 Cus<man


The Best Medicine for Colds and Flub Hand Washing !ith !inter )omes )old and flu season2 and2 in turn2 a good rea4 son to refo)us your efforts on the 6enefits of thorough hand 7ashing8 9Fre;uent hand 7ashing is one of the 6est 7ays to avoid getting si)= or s>reading illness2? says @eresa Aohnson2 Bnfe)tion Control Durse at Eorehead Eemorial Fos>ital8 9Gf e;ual im>ortan)e is 7ash4 ing your hands >ro>erly 7ith soa> and 7ater or2 if ne)essary2 using hand sanitizer8? Follow these simple steps, she saysa I Remove any Ke7elry and 7et your hands 7ith running 7ater8 I A>>ly li;uid2 6ar or >o7der soa> and lather 7ell8 I Ru6 your hands vigorously for at least 2N se)onds2 ma=ing )ertain to s)ru6 all surfa)es2 in)luding the 6a)=s of your hands2 7rists2 6et7een your fingers and under your fingernails8 I Rinse 7ell and dry your hands 7ith a )lean or dis>osa6le to7el2 or an air dryer8 I Bf >ossi6le2 use your to7el to turn off the 7ater fau)et and on doors as you eOit the restroom8 9Fand sanitizer and anti6a)terial soa>s should only 6e used 7hen regular soa> and 7ater aren’t availa6le2? she adds8 9@hey are no more effe)tive at =illing germs than regular soa>2 and fre;uent use may lead to the develo>ment of 6a)teria that are resistant to the >rodu)t’s antimi)ro6ial agents2 ma=ing it harder to =ill these germs in the future8? Aohn Aohnston2 vi)e >resident and Qtrategi) Planning >ra)ti)e leader at Suorum Fealth Resour)es (SFR)2 des)ri6es the results of a re>ort on hand 7ashing trends announ)ed this >ast Qe>tem6erV 9Bn the latest o6servational study s>onsored 6y the Ameri)an Qo)iety for Ei)ro6iology and the Ameri)an Cleaning Bnstitute2 WX >er)ent of adults 7ashed their hands in >u6li) restrooms2 )om>ared 7ith YY >er4 )ent in 2NNY8 @he WX >er)ent total 7as a)tually the highest o6served sin)e these studies 6egan in 1[[\8? Fo7ever2 in a se>arate tele>hone survey2 [\ >er)ent of adults say they al7ays 7ash their hands in >u64 li) restrooms2 a >er)entage that has remained relatively )onstant over the years ] 7hi)h Aohnston attri6uted to 9good intentions8?

! "R$!T 'L!C$ T* LI,$1234 5o7 Still *ffering ABC *ff Ast 5onth’s Rent" #e%&'()e*+,-&./001*)%GGHIHCGI2H24


Dr.Abdul-Mbacke 6890 Greensboro Rd., Ridgeway, Va. (Next To The Sheetz)


You should always wash your hands beforea I Pre>aring food^ I _ating^ I Administering medi)ine/medi)al treatment^ I @ou)hing a 6a6y or si)= >erson^ or I Putting in/ta=ing out )onta)t lenses8 You should always wash your hands aftera I asing the restroom^ I Changing a dia>er^ I Blo7ing your nose2 )oughing or sneezing into your hands^ I Pre>aring food2 es>e)ially ra7 meat^ I @ou)hing an animal or its toys/litter 6oO/7aste^ I Fandling gar6age or other >otentially )ontaminated items^ I @ou)hing a si)= >erson^ or treating 7ounds^ or I !henever they loo= dirty8 Parents2 tea)hers and )hild)are givers )an hel> )hildren stay healthier2 too2 6y en)ouraging them to 7ash their hands >ro>erly and fre;uently8 9!ash your hands 7ith the )hild to sho7 them ho7 itcs done2 and lead 6y eOam>le ea)h and every day2? Aohnson says8 9Prevent rushing 6y suggesting )hildren sing a song as they 7ashdthe eABCs’ 7or=s 7ell for this8 And never hesitate to remind )hildren to 7ash their hands after using the toilet2 after )oming inside after >laying2 or 6efore a meal8? A =id4friendly 6athroom at home or s)hool )an hel>2 too8 A ste>4 stool2 )olorful soa> dis>enser and easy4to4rea)h hand to7el )an ma=e the >ro)ess more managea6le and enKoya6le for your little ones8 Educational hand h-giene materials are available to do5nload online at 55565ashup6org and 5556cleaninginstitute6org/clean9living/hands9publications6aspx6 This article is courtes- o= Morehead Memorial Hospital and @uorum Health Resources B@HRC6

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County Star Continued from Page 14

Ring in the Ne5 cear 5ith the _an Ri7er Basin Association on the 8eauti6u+ ne5 _ick i Wi++ie Fassage in Martins7i++e. Wirginia] _RBAjs First Satur*ay Outing 5i++ 8egin at ?>A>> aCmC on ;anuary ? 5hen participants meet at the Wirginia A7enue Trai+hea* 6or a 4CD-mi+e stro++C Trip coor*inators 6or the outing are Mynn an* Ash8y Fritchett o6 Martins7i++eC

The:S75:!/Be,:@74/5 )441Q/70/15T4:&eM:Ue7,T4 S7.:V/,40:;70-,C7.:"-0/5W M/AA:2e:7:h/Pe:15:0he:5eM S/QP:X:O/AA/e:+7447We:/5 *7,0/54B/AAeD:Y)Z:The:N-2A/Q /4:/5B/0eC:M/0h1-0:Qh7,WeZ

430 -. Kings QZy., Suite G S Eden, N.C.

The !"#$%&'()*

!n#e%ting !n *o,-ing.am Count34% 5ua6it3 of 8ife

@anuar3 B Ci-e in >artin%#i66eD EF T Butler


NC Medicare - .A Medicaid Accepted

(RGA strolls (ick & -illie Passage

_RBAjs E++en ;essee. 5ho concei7e* the i*ea o6 this rai+ trai+. says. kIt 8egan as a *ream in 2>>DC No5. 5ith great pri*e in the com8ine* e66orts o6 Henry County an* _RBA. I am happy to say that it is a rea+ityCk O66icia++y opene* on Octo8er ??. 2>?>. accor*ing to ;essee. kThe trai+ has Uuick+y 8ecome Henry Countyjs most popu+ar an* most use* 5a+king an* 8iking attraction 6or resi*ents an* 7isitors a+ikeCk The re+ati7e+y +e7e+ pa7e* trai+ is ?> 6eet 5i*e to a++o5 6or easy 5a+king an* 8ikingC It exten*s 6rom the Wirginia A7enue Bri*ge near E+ Farra+ Restaurant to Mu+8erry Creek east o6 Martins7i++eC Kno5n as the _ick i Wi++ie Fassage. the trai+ uses a 6ormer stretch o6 the _an7i++e i Western Rai+ Mine. *u88e* the k_ick an* Wi++ie.k that ran through Martins7i++e an* Henry County. connecting _an7i++e an* StuartC The +ine +ater 5as acUuire* 8y Nor6o+k Southern Rai+5ayC The `pto5n Spur Trai+ that 5as comp+ete* ear+ier 5i++ pro7i*e a ha+6-mi+e out-an*-8ack portion o6 the 5a+k. 8eginning at Fine StreetC A court case re+ate*

continued on next page

Greakfast Gar

Jonday - Friday 7 a.m. - %% a.m. Saturday 7 a.m. - % p.m. Sunday 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Sirloin Qouse Restaurant

207 S. Ran Guren Road Eden, N.C. S 336-623-7778 QoursU Jonday - Thursday 6 a.m. - V p.m. Friday - Saturday - 6 a.m. - %0 p.m. Sunday - 6 a.m. - 3 p.m.

-inter--ine -onderland at ChinCua-Penn ! W i n t e r - W i n e Won*er+an*-. the region2s on+y 5inter 5ine 6esti7a+. 5i++ 8e he+* Satur*ay. ;anuary 2=. 2>??. 6rom ?A>> pCmC unti+ DA>> pCmC at the Betsy-;e66 Fenn 4-H E*ucation Center. L>4 Ce*ar Mane. Rei*s7i++e. NCC The 6un*-raising e7ent is co-sponsore* 8y the Betsy-;e66 Fenn 4-H E*ucation Center A*7isory Boar* an* the Fine Arts Festi7a+ Association o6 Rockingham CountyC Frocee*s 5i++ support scho+arships 6or youth to atten* the Betsy-;e66 Fenn 4-H Camp an* 8ene6it the Fine Arts Festi7a+ AssociationC Wineries 5i++ inc+u*e Gro7e Winery. ChinUua-Fenn Wines. BenVamin Wineyar*s. an* Mock+ear WineryC Moca+ 6oo* tastings 5i++ 8e pro7i*e* 8y 555Cpie*mont+oca+6oo*Ccom Hot choco+ate an* app+e ci*er 5i++ 8e a7ai+a8+e 6or chi+*ren an* *esignate* *ri7ersC Art exhi8its an* *emonstrations 5i++ 8e pro7i*e* 8y +oca+ artists. an* +i7e entertainment 5i++ 6i++ the a6ternoonC Many 7arie* *oor priZes 5i++ 8e gi7en a5ay. an* tours o6 the camp 5i++ 8e on-goingC Beat those 5inter 8+ues. an* atten* !Winter-Wine Won*er+an*to support ki*s at camp. artists. an* North Caro+ina 5ineries an* agricu+tureC A*7ance tickets are on+y [2> each\or a *oZen 6or [2>>] What 8etter Christmas gi6ts 6or 6ami+y. 6rien*s. an* co-5orkersC Furchase your tickets no5 6rom Gro7e Winery. ChinUua Fenn Gi6t Shop. Bren*a War* at Went5orth To5n Ha++. Texie Nee*ham at Home Sa7ings Bank in Rei*s7i++e. or any Boar* Mem8er o6 the Betsy-;e66 Fenn 4-H Camp or Rockingham County Fine Arts Festi7a+ AssociationC

RCC loses more to retirement Se7era+ emp+oyees ha7e recent+y retire* a6ter +ong years o6 ser7ice to Rockingham Community Co++egeC Terry Kent o6 _an8ury retire* e66ect _ecC ? a6ter 2L years as a counse+orC Kent recei7e* a 8ache+or2s *egree in socio+ogy an* a master2s *egree in counse+or e*ucation. 8oth 6rom Appa+achian State `ni7ersityC Whi+e at RCC. Kent 5as acti7e in the schoo+2s Co++ege Assem8+y. a go7erning organiZation comprise* o6 stu*ents. 6acu+ty an* sta66C Whi+e the $e50 assem8+y *i* not set po+icy or proce*ure. they ma*e recommen*ations to the presi*ent a8out po+icies an* proce*uresC Kent ser7e* this organiZation in 7arious ro+es. inc+u*ing 7ice presi*entC For 2L years he has represente* the co++ege on the Rockingham County ;u7eni+e ;ustice an* _e+inUuency Fre7ention Task Force. a group that 5orks to keep trou8+e* youth out o6 institutiona+iZe* con6inementC He +,-./00 is a+so the co++ege2s contact 5ith Wocationa+ Reha8i+itation o6 Rockingham County an* its representati7e 6or ;o8MinkC _uring his time as an RCC counse+or. Kent 5as a++o5e* to spen* a summer atten*ing the KEMMOGG Institute at Appa+achian StateC At the en* o6 his training. he ha* earne* a certi6icate in *e7e+opmenta+ e*ucation 5hich ma*e him more e66ecti7e in 5orking 5ith in*i7i*ua+s 5ith specia+ nee*sC He a+so earne* a nationa+ certi6ication as 8oth a 678e4 +icense* pro6essiona+ counse+or an* nationa+ certi6ie* counse+orC Whi+e at RCC. Kent 5as acti7e in the schoo+2s Co++ege Assem8+y. a go7erning organiZation comprise* o6 stu*ents. 6acu+ty an* sta66C Whi+e the assem8+y *i* not set po+icy or proce*ure. they ma*e recommen*ations to the presi*ent a8out po+icies an* proce*uresC Kent ser7e* this organiZation in 7arious ro+es. inc+u*ing 7ice presi*entC Mynn Fruitt o6 Rei*s7i++e is retiring e66ec!12e,04 ti7e ;anC ? a6ter 2? years as executi7e secretary to _rC Bi++ Knight. 6ormer executi7e 7icepresi*ent. an* 6or the past three years as curricu+um assistant to _rC Shei+a Ruh+an*. 7ice-presi*ent o6 instructionC A nati7e o6 Mountainsi*e. Ne5 ;ersey. Fruitt 5as e*ucate* at A7erett `ni7ersity

Continued to Page 18


DR5A !"#$%#&'(... to the railroad+s land a./0isition 1or the s20r line in 3456 is st0d7 ied in la8 s.hools to this day: The <0n.tion o1 the t8o trails is no8 mar>ed ?y a metal lea1 s.0l2t0re@ as 8ell as a ?en.h and trash re.e2ta.le dedi.ated to the mem7 ory o1 Charles Bhite: Users 8ill noti.e that the trail is nearly leDelEa ne.essity 1or railroadsE8ith attra.tiDe lands.a2inF that in.l0des s2lit rail 1en.inF and .are10lly sele.t7 ed trees: The Di.> H Billie IassaFe 8as .om2leted thro0Fh .oo2era7 tiDe e11orts ?y many in the .om7 m0nity@ in.l0dinF DRBA sta11 and Dol0nteers@ Henry Co0nty sta11@ the City o1 MartinsDille@ Hoo>er F0rnit0re and UniDar Chemi.al: F0ndinF 1or the P3:Q million 2ro<e.t .ame 1rom 1eder7 al@ state@ and lo.al so0r.es: Iarti.i2ants in the Ran0ary 3 o0tinF 8ill .ar2ool to the Fisher Street Trailhead to ?eFin the hi>e:

A l0n.h ?rea> is 2lanned 1or the Li?erty Street Trailhead@ 8here restrooms@ a FaUe?o and 2i.ni. ta?les are aDaila?le: A total o1 1o0r trailheads 2roDide a..ess to the trail alonF the 8ay@ and siFn7 ?oards 2roDidinF histori.al notes 8ill ?e installed soon: Iarti.i2ants sho0ld dress in layers@ 8ear hi>inF ?oots or .om7 1orta?le 8al>inF shoes@ and ?rinF l0n.h and 8ater: All 2arti.i2ants 8ill ?e as>ed to siFn a 8aiDer: To rea.h the VirFinia ADen0e Trailhead at 354Q VirFinia ADen0e@ MartinsDille@ VA WGIS YZ:Z4[Y6@7[4:6445Y[\@ ta>e US ]]5 B0siness to Common8ealth Bo0leDard: T0rn east on Common8ealth and immediately t0rn north into the 2ar>inF lot 1or El Iarral Resta0rant: The a..ess road 1or the trailhead 2ar>inF lot Foes do8nhill ?eside the VirFinia ADen0e BridFe: ODer1lo8 2ar>7 inF 8ill ?e in the lot ?eside El

It,s All /or The Children... A Io>er R0n 1or Toys 8as held in NoDem?er to raise money and toys 1or lo.al .hildren to haDe a s2e.ial Christmas: The Toy R0n raised PQ@Z55 and toys Falore 1or the .a0se: BeFinninF at F0ll Moon Saloon on Monroe Street@ rode thro0Fho0t the .o0nty@ and ended 02 ad Dri1ters Bar on H8y: [[5 8here the riders 8ere treated to a ?and and ?011et: Some Z5 riders 2arti.i2ated and the eDent 1eat0red Q] s2onsores:

Red Cross... .ontin0ed 1rom 2aFe 3 7 Sat0rday@ Ran0ary 6th@ 35 am f ]bY5 2m@ Monroeton Fire Station g35@ 4]Z] US H8y 3d6@ ReidsDille@ .all Cheryl at YQ]7 3Y6Z 1or an a22ointment 7 Monday@ Ran0ary 35thh Yb55 f [bY5 2m@ Lo8es United Methodist@ Y343 H8y 6[@ ReidsDille@ .all the .h0r.h o11i.e at YQ]73]]Z 1or an a22ointment 7 T0esday@ Ran0ary 33th@ 3b55 f diY5 2m@ Bent8orth Elementary S.hool@ 665Z NC H8y 6[@ Bent8orth@ .all the s.hool o11i.e at ZYQ7Y]d5 1or an a22ointment 7 Bednesday@ Ran0ary 3]th@ 35 am f ]bY5 2m@ Ro.>inFham Comm0nity ColleFe@ H8y Zd Best@ Bent8orth@ .all Iatri.ia at YQ]7Q]Z3 1or an a22ointment 7 Friday@ Ran0ary ]3st@ 35 am f ]bY5 2m@ Ameri.an Red Cross@ YZ4] H8y 3Q@ ReidsDille@ .all the Ameri.an Red Cross YQ47YQYQ 1or an a22ointment 7 Sat0rday@ Ran0ary ]]nd@ 35 am f ]bY5 2m@ Mayodan MoraDian Ch0r.h@ 35Q So0th Yrd ADe:@ Mayodan@ .all R0ne Ore at dQ67 ZY33 1or an a22ointment 7 Sat0rday@ Ran0ary ]4th@ 6bY5 am f 3bY5 2m@ Boodmont United Methodist Ch0r.h@ 34]Z Ri.hardson Street@ ReidsDille@ MARROB TYIING ALSO AVAILABLE@ ?lood driDe hosted ?y the ReidsDille R0nior SerDi.e LeaF0e and the ReidsDille Rr: Bomanls Cl0?@ .all Kathryn at ]657Y46Z or Natalie at YQ67QZQ6 1or an a22ointment 7 Monday@ Ran0ary Y3st@ ]b55 f ZbY5 2m@ Eden Moose LodFe@ Z]Z For?es Street@ Eden@ Call Rani.e Gri11in at Z]Y7YZQd 1or an a22ointment

7 Monday@ Ran0ary Y3st@ Yb55 7 [bY5 2m@ Madison United Methodist Ch0r.h@ 335 Best A.ademy Street@ Madison@ Call the .h0r.h o11i.e at dQ67ZZd6 1or an a22ointment All eliFi?le donors are as>ed to s.hed0le an a22ointment to donate ?lood ?y .allinF the Ro.>inFham Co0nty Cha2ter at YYZ7YQ47YQYQ or 888:red.ross7 net:orF

Iarral: `Noteb VirFinia ADen0e ?e.omes Memorial Bo0leDard so0th o1 its interse.tion 8ith Common8ealth Bo0leDard:c DRBA inDites the 20?li. to <oin in@ 1ree o1 .harFe@ 1or this .ele?ratory hi>e: For /0estions a?o0t the o0t7 inF@ .onta.t Lynn and Ash?y Irit.hett@ Tri2 Coordinators@ ][Z7 ]d]7Z5Z6@ lynn2rit.hette.om7 .ast:net : For in1ormation a?o0t the Dan RiDer Basin Asso.iation@ Disit 888:danriDer:orF:

Lo0ise Bhitt and Faye Byatt are the Artists o1 the Month at the Ro.>inFham Co0nty GoDernmental Center: Bea0ti10l 8ater .olors@ 2astels@ a.ryli.s and 2ho7 toFra2hy 8ill ?e on dis7 2lay d0rinF the months o1 De.em?er and Ran0ary on the ]nd 1loor:

Ernie’s Coin Shop & Collectables ]5] B: Main St:@ Mayodan@ NC ][5][

F336I 613-4115 To Cold To Venture OutP We Have Games & Movies For Those Cold Winter NightsW



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58C:'>8KB PQCG?'=:?'RG=>4'GCDIE:4'DC:N4'?=:PE4' NCNNGE'=:?'F8BE'9CIQ'^C:?EBFKDCP Simply put, Kindermusik is a music and movement program for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers and their parent or caregiver. In class, you’ll play, listen, sing (encouraged, but optional>), move, dance, and giggle with your child. It’s fun. Lots of fun. But the best part – your child will

be learning and developing skills along the way. Each activity is designed to stimulate a child’s brain, strengthen developing neurons, build gross and fine motor skills, enhance social-emotional development, and much more. Kevin Garrison, a trained, licensed Kindermusik educator, guides the class from one activity

The !"#$%&'()M

to the next. With expertise in childhood development, he will help you understand what your child is gaining from Kindermusik. The age-based curriculum combines the latest research with proven methods. If you’re familiar with music education pioneers such as Orff, Kodaly, and Suzuki, you’ll find their influence woven throughout Kindermusik. Along with the classroom experience, each child also gets

The research about music and children’s development is truly stunning.

(CM8BPE'3EP8MEB>'\ +KRR8BI'#B8KR Someone You Know Is Hurting Tell him or her about Divorce Care, a special weekly seminar and support group for people who have been touched by separation or divorce.

C=GG'I8?=>';8B F8BE'C:;8FB=IC8:V'U6W@%%%[ Sponsored by Growing Oaks Community Church GriefShare c Divorce Care groups meet every Monday from 6N30 pm to 8N00 pm at #3,-I)#',"^+' C,<<0)I12 CS03CS 2270 Harrington Hwy, Eden, NC

Call WWU@U6W@%%%['

for more information www.growingoaks.org

# BC E ;' 3 EP8 ME B> +KRR8BI' #B8KR Comfort & Care For Those Left Behind. GriefShare is a special weekly seminar/ support group for people grieving the death of someone close. C=GG'18?=>'A8B <8BE'I:;8BF=IC8:.

SEGR' 28KB CQCG?B E:'SE=G' AB 8F' 1QE'SKB I',;'(CM8B PE Divorce Care for Kids, DCVK, provides a safe, fun place where your children will learn to understand their feelings, express their emotions appropriately, feel better about themselves and develop coping skills. A8B "NED'T@%6'''@''+KRR8BI'#B8KRD'<EEIC:N $MEB>'<8:?=>'UVW7'X'&V77'RF' =I'#B89C:N',=HD'C8FFK:CI>'CQKBPQ4'66Y% S=BBC:NI8:'S9>.4'$?E:4')C' C=GG'WWU@W[[@76%T'8B WWU@U6W@%%%[ ;8B F8BE'C:;8BF=IC8:

fantastic take-home materials. These materials help you bring the Kindermusik experience home, not only to continue the learning, but to continue the fun> The research about music and children’s development is truly stunning. More and more, the eyes of the research community turn to music as a vehicle to deliver a learning experience to children. The bottom lineN early, positive, and age-appropriate experiences with musicOlike a Kindermusik programOcan have a remarkable and researchproven impact on your child’sN language and literacy skills (vocabulary, comprehension, listening, expression)P social and emotional developmentP mathematics and pattern-recognition skillsPability to plan, guide, and self-regulate their behavior. Classes are currently underway with several options for the new year. Since a great beginning never ends, consider registering your child for a Kindermusik class. For more information visit www.kindermusik.com or contact Kevin Garrison at kindermusikwithkevingarrisonSyahoo.com or 336.3VV.V566.

Heaven On Earth Massage Therapy


U6Y@S$"` a[W6Tb c8::CE'^8dEB Lic.n31V %'S8KB @'eTT W7'FC:.'eW7 Certified Iridologist Iris Reading 815 NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS By Appointment Only

County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s 5uality of Life Continued from Page 16 (Averett Women’s College when she enrolled in 1966). Bill James of Reidsville, assistant professor of history, is also retiring effective Jan. 1. James has a V0 year teaching career with the last seven years spent at RCC. Born in New Jersey but raised in Saudi Arabia where his father worked for Arabia American Oil Company, James brought an interesting perspective to teaching. He said he tended to see history in a positive light rather than a negative one. For example, he said a certain practice might be morally wrong and yet it might be accepted and practiced worldwide. The positive and remarkable point in history, he says, is when somebody recognizes it as wrong and changes it. James earned a bachelor’s degree in history from Washington and Lee University and a master’s degree in history from James Madison University. Circulation clerk, Carolyn Roberts is retiring effective Jan. 1 after 30 years at RCC. Her position is being eliminated. Although the job was always classified as permanent part-time, Roberts liked it so much she never sought a full-time position with the college. Educated at Mars Hill College where she earned a diploma in secretarial science, Roberts worked as a secretary at several places, including Reidsville High School, before taking the position at the RCC library. She worked under all three of the college’s presidents. She loved working with and helping the students and says she is going to miss them.

189:'8;'<=>8?=:@ A=BBCD'<EF8BC=G'!=BH'":ICJKE $LIB=M=N=:O= If you’re interested in fine antiaues and collectibles, then the Town of Mayodan-Farris Memorial Park Antiaue Extravaganza is the place to be. The Antiaue Extravaganza will be held twice a year with a Spring and Fall Show. The Town of Mayodan Antiaue Extravaganza will be held at the Farris Memorial Park in Mayodan, NC on April 15 c 16, 2011. Hours for the show are Friday April 15th 8am – 6pm and Saturday April 16th 8am – 6pm. It will feature top auality antiaue dealers from various states displaying and selling items includingN 18th to 20th century furniture and paintings, as well as pottery, glass, clocks, dolls, guns, toys, military items, fishing collectibles, decoys, jewelry, auilts, folk art and “in the rough” country Americana> A DON’T MISS SHOW for all Antiaue Enthusiasts. For more information, please contact Michael Wilkins Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department 336-5V8-2789 or 336-5V8-9572 mwSmmrecdepartment.org

CCMCG'-=B PG=DD'I=KNQI'IQCD'DRBC:N''' -$)1-,31S – The Civil War is having a birthday. The year 2011 marks the 150th anniversary of the great internal conflict that took an enormous toll on our nation. During spring semester 2011, Rockingham Community College is offering a course on the Civil War through its humanities division. Instructor Mark Sattler plans to examine the conditions that led to the war, military strategies and conditions throughout the conflict, international relations, the home front, womenjs roles, medicine, the postwar US through Reconstruction, and more. Students will be researching significant Civil War figures, important battles, the effects of geography on the battles, and how the war was remembered. Re-enactors from the 11th NC Volunteers will come on campus to demonstrate uniforms, camp life, drill, and a firing simulation. A different re-enactor will demonstrate life for women behind the lines and their struggles to support the troops. In addition, Sattler plans to take students to at least one Civil War site to examine the effects of geography on fighting. Classes will be held Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9-9N50 a.m. The class is a 3 credit hour class. Reauired prereauisites are English 90 and reading 90. Join the class during this anniversary year, an ideal time to reexamine this pivotal event in U.S. history. Registration will be held in the Admissions Office in Whitcomb Student Center on Jan. 3 from noon to 7 p.m. and Jan. V from 10 a.m.-7 p.m.

+I=BI')E9'2E=B 9CIQ' IB=?CIC8:=G'FE=G'Brenda Sutton, the .roduce Lady Hoppin’ John is a traditional New Year’s dish in the South. Consuming a New Year’s Day meal of Southern peas and greens is said to bring wealth and luck in the coming year. The peas represent pennies or coins while the leafy greens, which are the color of money, represent cash. Given the nutritional value of these revered Southern vegetables, no matter your financial future, you’ll start the year with a dish that’s healthy and delicious.

Continued to Page 23


Cold Weather Tips for Senior Citidens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>As t:e co,@ weat:er 4s now u8on us an@ w4t: 6ue, 8r4ces :a)4ng a negat4)e e66ect on t:e ent4re econA o;yB I a; eCtre;e,y concerne@ o)er t:e we,,De4ng o6 our e,@er,yE I wou,@ ,4Fe to asF e)eryone to De attent4)e to your ne4g:Dors an@ re,at4)esE Kee8 c:ecF on t:e; as o6ten as you canEH S:er466 Page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The IRS auditor was not surprised when Grandpa showed up with his attorney. The auditor said, 8Well, sir, you have an extravagant lifestyle and no full-time employment, which you explain by saying that you win money gambling. I8m not sure the IRS finds that believable.8 I8m a great gambler, and I can prove it,8 says Grandpa. 8How about a demonstrationC8 The auditor thinks for a moment and said, 8Okay. Go ahead.8 Grandpa says, 8I8ll bet you a thousand dollars that I can bite my own eye.8 The auditor thinks a moment and says, 8It8s a bet.8 Grandpa removes his glass eye and bites it. The auditor8s jaw drops. Grandpa says, 8Now, I8ll bet you two thousand dollars that I can bite my other eye.8 Now the auditor can tell Grandpa isn8t blind, so he takes the bet. Grandpa removes his dentures and bites his good eye. The stunned auditor now realizes he has wagered and lost three grand, with Grandpa8s attorney as a witness. He starts to get nervous. 8Want to go double or nothingC8 Grandpa asks 8I8ll bet you six thousand dollars that I can stand on one side of your desk, and pee into that wastebasket on the other side, and never get a drop anywhere in between.8 The auditor, twice burned, is cautious now, but he looks carefully and decides there8s no way this old guy could possibly manage that stunt, so he agrees again. Grandpa stands beside the desk and unzips his pants, but although he strains mightily, he can8t make the stream reach the wastebasket on the other side, so he pretty much urinates all over the auditor8s desk. The auditor leaps with joy, realizing that he has just turned a major loss into a huge win. But Grandpa8s own attorney moans and puts his head in his hands. 8Are you okayC8 the auditor asks. 8Not really,8 says the attorney. 8This morning, when Grandpa told me he8d been summoned for an audit, he bet me twenty-five thousand dollars that he could come in here and pee all over your desk and that you8d be happy about it!8 I keep telling you! Don8t Mess with Old People!!

Because they had no reservations at a busy restaurant, my elderly neighbor and his wife were told there would be a Q5minute wait for a table. 8Young man, we8re both 90 years old, 8 the husband said ...8We may not have Q5 minutes.8 They were seated immediately.

DonMt Commit a 3oNNery -hile 7ntoOiPated A woman arrived home and saw a man breaking into her house. She called her husband, then called the police. The husband rushed home and saw the intoxicated man leaving his house. It was someone he knew. So he went over to talk to him. They chatted by the side of the road long enough for the police to arrive and arrest him.

#irlie -isdomF 1. A friend of mine confused her Walium with her birth control pills... She has 1Q kids but doesn8t really care. 2. One of life8s mysteries is how a 2-pound box of chocolates can make a woman gain 5 lbs. 3. My mind not only wanders, it sometimes leaves completely. Q. The best way to forget your troubles is to wear tight shoes. 5. The nice part about living in a small town is that when you don8t know what you are doing, someone else does. 6. The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight because by then, your body and your fat are really good friends. 7. Just when I was getting used to yesterday, along came today... 8. Sometimes I think I understand everything, and then I regain consciousness. 9. I gave up jogging for my health when my thighs kept rubbing together and setting fire to my underwear... 10.... Amazing! You hang something in your closet for a while and it shrinks 2 sizes! 11. Skinny people irritate me! Especially when they say things like...8You know sometimes I forget to eat!8 .....Now I8ve forgotten my address, my mother8s maiden name and my keys, but I have never forgotten to eat. You have to be a special kind of stupid to forget to eat! 12.. The trouble with some women is that they get all excited about nothing and then they marry him. 13. I read this article that said the typical symptoms of stress are eating too much, impulse buying, and driving too fast. Are they kiddingC That8s my idea of a perfect day!

Goarding gateL



At the airport for a business trip, I settled down to wait for the boarding announcement at Gate 35. Then I heard the voice on the public address system saying, _We apologize for the inconvenience, but Delta Flight 570 will board from Gate Q1._ So my family picked up our luggage and carried it over to Gate Q1. Not ten minutes later the public address voice told us that Flight 570 would in fact be boarding from Gate 35. So, again, we gathered our carry-on luggage and returned to the original gate. Just as we were settling down, the public address voice spoke again: _Thank you for participating in Delta8s physical fitness program.

The ToQ TJenty Slight AdCertising Slogans 1. BadAir: When you just can8t wait for the world to come to you. 2. BadAir: We8re Amtrak with wings. 3. Join our frequent nearmiss program. Q. On flights, every section is a smoking section. 5. Ask about our out-of-court settlements. 6. Our staff has had lots of experience counseling next-ofkin. 7. Are our jet engines too noisyC Don8t worry. We8ll turn them off. 8. Complimentary champagne during free-fall. 9. Enjoy the in-flight movie in the plane next to you. 10. The kids will love our inflatable slides. 11. If you think it8s so easy, get your own plane! 12. Which will fall faster, our stock price or our planesC 13. Our pilots are all terminally ill and have nothing to lose. 1Q. BadAir: We may be landing on your street. 15. BadAir: Terrorists are afraid to fly with us. 16. Bring a bathing suit. 17. Some airlines are content to fly thousands of feet over landmarks. We try to get as close as possible for the best view. 18. That guy who crashed into the White House was one of our best pilots. 19. Fly BadAir and enjoy a free two-week hospital stay on us. 20. BadAir: A real man lands where he wants to.

Do 2ou SellL


A duck waddled into a country grocery store and asked the clerk, “Do you sell duck foodC” “Ofcourse not,” replied the clerk. “We sell groceries to humans, not ducks.” The next day, the duck returned and asked again, “Do you sell duck foodC” Annoyed, the clerk snapped, “No! No duck food.” When th duck returned the next day and posed the same question, the clerk threatened, “I’ve told you this is a grocery store for people, not birds. If you ever come back in here and ask me that stupid question again, I’m going to nail one of your webbed feet to the floor and laugh while you walk around in circle.” The next day the duck was back. “Do you sell nailsC” The clerk, miffed, replied, “Ofcourse not. This is a grocery store, not a hardware store.” epon which the duck asked, “Do you sell duck foodC”

Smith climbs to the top of Mt. Sinai to get close enough to talk to God. Looking up, he asks the Lord... 8God, what does a million years mean to youC8 The Lord replies, 8A minute.8 Smith asks, 8And what does a million dollars mean to youC8 The Lord replies, 8A penny.8 8Smith asks, 8Can I have a pennyC8 8The Lord replies, 8In a minute.8

2our daily smile I was in the six item express lane at the store quietly fuming. Completely ignoring the sign, the woman ahead of me had slipped into the check-out line pushing a cart piled high with groceries. Imagine my delight when the cashier beckoned the woman to come forward looked into the cart and asked sweetly, 8So which six items would you like to buyC8 Wouldn8t it be great if that happened more oftenC

TaQe ReasureL A policemen watched suspiciously as a man stepped out of a van, holding his hands about two feet apart. The man hurried down the street; the policeman followed. At the enterance to a building supply store, the suspect - hands still apart - waited until a customer came through the door. He darted through the open door behind the other person, seemingly afraid to touch the door with either hand. The officer quietly entered the store behind him, just in time to hear the stranger tell a clerk, “I need half a dozen three-by-fours cut exactly this long.”

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Drug Deal Gone Bad


Using illegal drugs must really fry your brain, as the pub6 lic service announcements show. A man called the police to report that he had <ust been robbed. As he was attempting to deliver drugs to two women in his car, a third person came to the window and robbed him. So, naturally, he called the police. All four of them were arrested.

A senior citiRen said to his eighty6year old buddy\ HSo I hear youHre getting mar6 riedQH HYepOH HDo I know herQH HNopeOH HThis woman, is she good lookingQH HNot really.H HIs she a good cookQH HNaw, she canHt cook too well.H HDoes she have lots of moneyQH HNopeO Zoor as a church mouse.H HPhy in the world do you want to marry her thenQH H]ecause she can still driveOH

The Flight Test A programmer and an engi6 neer are sitting ne>t to each other on a long flight from Los Angeles to New York. The programmer leans over to the engineer and asks if he would like to play a fun game. The engineer <ust wants to take a nap, so he politely declines and rolls over to the window to catch a few winks. The programmer persists and e>plains that the game is real easy and is a lot of fun. He e>plains EI ask you a question, and if you donHt know the answer, you pay me IJ. Then you ask me a question, and if I donHt know the answer, IHll pay you IJ.E Again, the engineer politely declines and tries to get to sleep. The programmer, now somewhat agitated, says, EOK, if you donHt know the answer you pay me IJ, and if I donHt know the answer, IHll pay you IMNNOE This catches the engineerHs attention, and he sees no end to this torment unless he plays, so he agrees to the game. The programmer asks the first question. EPhatHs the dis6 tance from the earth to the moonQE The engineer doesnHt say a word, but reaches into his wal6 let, pulls out a five dollar bill and hands it to the programmer. Now, itHs the engineerHs turn. He asks the programmer EPhat goes up a hill with three legs, and comes down on fourQE The programmer looks up at him with a puRRled look. He takes out his laptop computer and searches all of his references. He taps into the Air6phone with his modem and searches the net and the Library of Congress. Trustrated, he sends e6mail to his co6workers66all to no avail. After about an hour, he wakes the Engineer and hands him IMNN. The engineer politely takes the IMNN and turns away to try to get back to sleep. The pro6 grammer, more than a little miffed, shakes the engineer and asks EPell, so whatHs the answerQE Pithout a word, the engineer reaches into his wallet, hands the programmer IJ, and turns away to get back to sleep.

Research Did you hear about the latest government study on agingQ It cost IWXN million and provided compelling evidence that the AmericanYs are growing older.

A plane crash in Poland A small two6seater Cessna MJW plane crashed into a ceme6 tery early this afternoon in cen6 tral Zoland. Zolish search and rescue workers have recovered [NN bodies so far and e>pect that number to climb as digging con6 tinues into the evening.

Doctor Morris, an _W year6old man, went to the doctor to get a physi6 cal. A few days later, the doctor saw Morris walking down the street with a gorgeous young woman on his arm. A couple of days later, the doctor spoke to Morris and said, HYouHre really doing great, arenHt youQH Morris replied, H`ust doing what you said, Doc\ HGet a hot mamma and be cheerful.HH The doctor said, HI didnHt say that.. I said, HYouHve got a heart mur6 murb be careful.H

How Not To Rob a Bank She thought I would be easy. After filling out an application for a new account, she handed it to the teller, then pulled out a gun and demanded money. Only problem is, she left the applica6 tion behind with her name and address on it. She was arrested with out incident less than an hour later.

Not a Criminal, But Still Pretty Dumb A woman called the poison control center, upset because her little daughter had eaten some ants. The person at poison control assured her that ants were not dangerous and that her little girl would be fine. The mother was relieved, then cfortunatelyd men6 tioned that she had given her daughter some ant poison to kill the ants. She was told to get to the emergency room as quickly as possible.

What just happenedE A military cargo plane, fly6 ing over a populated area, sud6 denly loses power and starts to nose down. The pilot tries to pull up, but with all their cargo, the plane is too heavy. So he yells to the soldiers in back to throw things out to make the plane lighter. They throw out a pistol. EThrow out moreOE shouts the pilot. So they throw out a rifle. EMoreOE he cries again. They heave out a missile, and the pilot regains control. He pulls out of the dive and lands safely at an airport. They get into a <eep and drive off. Zretty soon they meet a boy on the side of the road whoHs crying. They ask him why heHs crying and he says EA pistol hit me on the headOE They drive more and meet

another boy whoHs crying even harder. Again they ask why and he says, EArifle hit me on the headOE They apologiRe and keep driving. They meet a boy on the sidewalk whoHs laughing hysteri6 cally. They ask him, EKid, whatHs so funnyQE The boy replies, EI sneeRed and a house blew upOE

Results of damage testing It seems the US Tederal Aviation Administration cTAAd has a unique device for testing the strength of windshields on airplanes. The device is a gun that launches a dead chicken at a planeHs windshield at appro>i6 mately the speed the plane flies. The theory is that if the windshield doesnHt crack from the carcass impact, itHll survive a real collision with a bird during flight. It seems the ]ritish were very interested in this and wanted to test a windshield on a brand new, speedy locomotive. They borrowed the TAAHs chicken launcher, loaded the chicken and fired. The ballistic chicken shattered the windshield, went through the engineerHs chair, broke an instrument panel and embedded itself in the back wall of the engine cab. The ]ritish were stunned and asked the TAA to recheck the test to see if every6 thing was done correctly. The TAA reviewed the test thoroughly and had one recom6 mendation\ EUse a thawed chick6 en.E

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Sports Medicine and Orthopedic Center (SMOC) and Deep River Rehabilitation Dollar General-Morgan Road-No: Open!

Josue Reyes Japanese at it’s best. Josue Reyes of Yon-O Express held the ribbon cutting of their second location in Rockingham County, 151C S. Scales Street, Reidsville, in the former Hardee’s building near Penn Rose Mall. Their original location is still open in Eden in the front of the Eden Mall.

1on9+ oKenM MeNond PoNation Yon-O E(press Japanese Restaurant has opened their second location in the county preparing authentic oriental Hibachi & Teriyaki Style food. Located at 1519 S. Scales St., Reidsville, this second location offers a drive through as well as take-out and a beautiful eat-in facility. This is in the old Hardee’s building. For call-in orders call 342-0092. Yon-O has made it’s reputation in Eden, at the Eden Mall, as a great place for Puality attention

to details and affordable prices. For call-ins to the Eden location call 635-0R00. Both locations are open seven days a week. “At Yon-O E(press we know the e(pectation of our customers so this is why everyday we try our hardest to be the communities favorite. We use fresh vegetables and daily fresh cut meats for the finest Puality,” Josue Reyes. Featuring a wide variety of seafood cooked on the grill to your taste including salmon,

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tilapia, scallops, shrimp, and octopus. And for those Sushi lovers, Yon-O E(press prepares the most asked for sushi made to order. The most popular entrXe’s ordered at Hibachi steak, Hibachi chicken, Hibachi Shrimp, and the grilled tilapia and shrimp. Combinations to fit anyone’s taste can be made. And for those who love the Teriyaki style, there are Zust as many choices, too. Side items include choices of fried or white rice, noodles, and all plates include fresh mi(ed vegetables. The brothers Josue, David, Elias, and Esrain would like to welcome you to either restaurant for a great e(perience in Japanese cuisine they add, “God bless, and wishing everyone a Happy New Year^”

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The new Dollar General store, located in the Cook Block area of Eden, is now open. Stop by and see their e(pansive inventory for your everyday needs and Christmas shopping. The store is located across the street from the famous Ramsey’s Barber Shop.

Rio Grande Me>ican Grille and Patio While you may not want to use their patio on these chilly winter days, it is a great way to enZoy a meal in the warmer months. Rio has great indoor seating and can accommodate special meetings and parties in this restaurant. Call 623-26_0 for more information.

Upcoming Ribbon Cuttings... Mark your calendars now for these upcoming ribbon cuttingsb

Heather BJs Sand:ich CafL The celebration will take place on Friday, January Rth at 11b30am. Heather B’s is located at the corner of Washington Street and Monroe Street in the Olde Leaksville Shopping District.

Cunningham Tire

3 P"(T* 9 X3F8= $"CD

Their ribbon cutting will take place on Friday, January Rth at 2b00pm. Cunningham Tire is located on Hwy 14 ne(t to the Eden Inn (formerly the Mar-Gre Motel).

?B+,$2* C( TDE(#*3 E(CF

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Support our Olde LeaMsville Restaurants Reno’s Italian Restaurant Reno’s offers Italian entrees, subs, a salad bar and pizza at their 629 Monroe Street location. They offer authentic Italian food in our fair city. Dine in or take out. Call 336-623-2033 for more information.

These medical services organizations are Zointly located in the former Blockbuster fideo space at Meadow Greens Shopping Center off of Hwy 14. Their ribbon cutting will take place on Wednesday, January 19th at 4b00pm.

My FriendJs Place Consignment Stop by the Two Rivers Plaza, located at 30R Meadow Road, suite C for the ribbon cutting of My Friend’s Place Consignment store on Thursday, January 20th at 11b00pm. This is where you can find clothing, household items, child products and much more. For more information, call owner Kim Ayala at 5_9-0_3_.

Heather BJs Sand:ich Cafe Stop by 63R Washington Street and try the delicious soups, sandwiches and pies that Heather makes daily. You can also get on her email alert list to learn about what is on the menu each day. Call 336-623-2900 for more information

RocMingham Literacy ProRect • Located at the Rockingham County Literacy ProZect R05-A Washington Street, Eden Call Jean Light Kinyon at 62R000R to pre-register, or visit www.rcliteracyproZect.org for more information. • Adult Literacy Tutor Training on Mondays and Wednesdays, January 10, 12, 1R, and 19 from 1b30p.m.-4b30 p.m. Participants should plan to attend all four sessions. • ESL (English as a Second Language) Tutor Training Mondays and Wednesdays, January 24th and 26th from 1b30p.m.-4b30 p.m. Participants should plan to attend both sessions.

CUNNINGHAM TIRE Front End Alignments Cars $25UTrucks $V0 Brakes U Tune Ups U Shocks U Alignment Custom Wheels U State Inspections V11 S. Van Buren Rd. Eden, NC 272]] Mon - Fri - ]am - 5:V0pm U Saturday ]am - 2:V0pm




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Major Abner Bullins, Deputy Anthony Wilson, Jeremy Dewberry (sports director), and Barry Mabe, Executive director of Eden YMCA display a portion of the toys. In December a pickup truck full of new toys were gathered and delivered to the Eden YMCA. Barry Mabe, E(ecutive Director of the Eden YMCA said he was grateful for the donations and went straightto work distribute them to the less fortunate. Sheriff Page e(pressed his appreciation to those making donations of toys. Because of this generosity, many children were able to e(perience a better Christmas.

!AN$AR& '011 +D+N-S O0N 1 CO$NT& STAR, PA6+ '3 ! !he ROCKINGHAM

County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s Juality of Life 9%+(,+6e2'$&%=':13e'>?

Von Trap to perform Jn Bethany Middle School Elisabeth von Trapp will perform at Bethany Community Middle School. A rich Musical LegacyaAn Inspiration for the Heart, starring Elisabeth von Trapp takes place on February 9, 2011 at 6:30pm at Bethany Community Middle School. Elisabeth is the granddaughter of the legendary Maria and Baron Von Trapp whose story inspired the 1960’s classic movie, The Sound of Music. Singing professionally since childhood, Elisabeth has enthralled audiences from European cathedrals to Washington D.C.’s Pennedy Center. !"e$%&e'(he'*%+*e&(',-'%.e&'-he /,00' h1.e' (he' *&%/2' 31-4,+3 /,(h' (he' -hee&' 5e16(7' %$' he& .%,*e8” Boston Globe “Building on her famed family’s passion for music, Elisabeth has created her own artistic style, at once ethereal and earthy, delicate and powerful. Listeners have likened her to Judy Collins and Loreena McPennitt Critics have called her voicea “hauntingly clear” “joyfully expressive” and “simply beautiful.” “Elisabeth’s concert repertoire ranges from Bach to Broadway... Schubert to Sting. With equal ease and eloquence she sings timeless wonders like Rogers and Hammerstein’s Favorite Things and Edelweiss, Lieder by Mozart, Puccini’s O Mio Babbino Caro, soaring gospel tunes, pop classics like A Whiter Shade of Pale and her own stunning compositions.” Audiences of all ages are drawn and awed by the beauty of her voice and musical arrangements... their hearts touched by the astonishing sound of her unique new music. Tickets for the evening performance are $20.00. Seating is limited, so act now. Tickets can be purchased at Bethany Community Middle School during school hours. Contact Leon Gentry at 336-951-2169 or email bcsfoundation@bcmschool.com for more information . Bethany Community School Foundation - Supporting iuality Education Bethany Community School Foundation (the Foundation) was formed in 2008 to address the challenge of financing school facilities and technology, and other capitalintensive projects in the BCMS classroom. The Foundation is a 501 c(3) non-profit organization working in partnership with others to support the mission of BCMS. The Elisabeth von Trapp Evening Concert is a


Fleishman leaves practice Longtime Eden general surgeon Henry A. Fleishman and his wife Gini will move to Charlotte at the end of the year. Their daughter Margaret is a physicians’ assistant at Carolinas Medical Center in CharlotteD and his daughter Leonie and her husband, Jay, who has recently completed a plastic surgery residency and has j o i n e d Presbyterian Hospital, now live in Charlotte with their two daughFleishman ters. His son Nathan is a medical student at East Carolina Medical School in Greenville, NC Dr. Fleishman has been in practice in Eden since April 1979 at Piedmont Surgical Associates. He played a major role in the creation of the John Smith, Jr.Dalton McMichael Cancer Center and in securing its accreditation with commendation from the American College of Surgeons, as well as in the creation of the Morehead Wound Healing Center. He built the relationships to have the Susan G. Pomen Foundation, which support Breast Cancer research, come to Rockingham CountyD and In addition to serving as Chairman of the hospital Cancer Committee since its inception, he has held several other hospital leadership positions, including Chief of Staff, Chief of Surgery, and as a member of the Medical Executive Committee.


“Dr. Fleishman has made significant contributions to Morehead Memorial Hospital as well as the Eden community over the past 32 years and he will be missed. We are indebted to his vision and commitment to improving the quality of life in this community and bringing healthcare to a higher level. We wish him and his wife Gini the best in their new endeavor,” Mayor John Grogan. In December Mayor Grogan, recognized Dr. Henry A. Fleishman for all the contributions that he has made to our city and to Morehead Memorial Hospital and we wish him blessed future.

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Y O ? < D < ; A M S! You spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping. Dreams occur 25^ of that time. Why are dreams important? Because they provide answers to questions that baffle us when we are awake. Dreams: Guidance from WithinaA Christian Perspective is a book that gives real life examples of people’s life changing dreams and how you can learn how to tap into the power of the unconscious mind. You can purchase Dreams: Guidance from WithinaA Christian Perspective at House of Health 641 Washington Street in Eden.



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County *tar Investing In Rocking:am CountyGs Huality o0 Li0e Continued from Page 23

Doin’ Business Monday Thru Thursday 11-6 Friday & Saturday 10-7 Mish Mosh Isabeads Past & Jewelry Present Pennwood Gifts Puritanicals Dobie’s Soaps & Designs Skin Therapy 101 S. Scales St., Reidsville, NC

!ac$ ro( L*r + Co-.//. Sca/.12 A/4.rta Finn.y2 :ir;inia !ro(n2 Ro1.tta Smith2 ?/oria Purc.//B Front ro( /*r+ Naomi A44ott2 !.u/ah ?a//o(ay2 Caro/ !roadnaE2 Do//i. Sca/.12 A;n.1 ?raG./y2 RiG.ria Fra-i.r Sisterhood +reakfast Laughter and good times are what the holidays are all a+out7 And there was plenty of +oth to go around in :ecem+er when <renda Scales gathered her mom’s friends toghetehr at the Sirloin House in Eden to talk a+out the old times and a+out the future7 Scales’ mother is :olly Scales of Eden7 Most of the gathering was from the <lue Creek area of the town7 It seemed that every ladie in the community came out to reminise7 Aged up to DDE most of the attendees were widows7 To get them into the holiday season mood Scales read a poem titled “:rinking from my Saucer7” UUM*MVU*WMXO Scales said of the gatherI ingE “It was awsome J it did eKactI ly what I wanted it to do7 It was a very Loyous occasionE and I think Beginning it went really well7 Everyone came January 8, 2011 toghetehr with a closeness that 3 Classes (Hunter, Open & defines who these ladies are7 I’m Traditional) Starts At 6 p.m. gids glad they all enLoyed themselves7” Start At 5 p.m. $3 Per Shot, 50h Pay Back Per Round By Gift Card

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On Novem+er ``E `NWNE :etective Sgt7 ^evin Suthard asked the pu+lic to assist in locatI ing Re+ecca Ann Sheeler and Andy Sayne Silson7 The two are wanted on numerous charges for crimes relating to <reaking and Entering residences7 The couple has +een located in Springfield Missouri and is +eing held on Felony <reaking a Entering charges for WbN Chrystal Lake Road in Reidsville7 The process of eKtradition to Rockingham County North Carolina has +egun7

Need Business Cards For Your Business? Call Us We Can Help! Eden’s Own Journal featuring The Rockingham County Star


+enefit for the Foundation to support education at <CMS7 Elisa+eth will also provide an afternoon musical and eduI cational concert at the school for the <CMS students and staff7 <CMS is a pu+lic school of choice licensed +y the State of North Carolina as a charter school7 <CMS serves students in the <ethany Community and throughout Rockingham County7 It is a VNW cXMY nonI profit organiZation and has +een in operation over ten years7 <CMS has a successful record in consistent high academic performance and leadershipE sound fiscal and +usiness manI agementE and community serI vice7

C O $ % T Y ( O))* O $ T T+ E ( ECY)CI%G T(/I)E(* Rockingham County recently rolled out porta+le recycling trailers at siK of the county’s volunteer fire departI ments7 MultiI+in trailers will +e located one day per week from O[NN am until W[MN pm at county fire departments as folI lows[ Mondays[ North Stoneyview Fire :epartment Tuesdays[ Silliams+urg Fire :epartment Sednesdays[ Huntsville Fire :epartment Thursdays[ Oregon Hill Fire :epartment Fridays[ Leaksville Fire :epartment Saturday[ <ethany Fire :epartment County citiZens may delivI er their recycled items to the designated Fire :epartments at no chargeE +ut regular houseI hold waste will not +e accepted7 Each trailer will feature removI a+le +ins accepting[ R card+oard R miKed paper R newspapers R clearE +rown and green glass +ottles Lars and Lugs R plastic +ottles Lars and Lugs R steel and aluminum cans7 An attendant will +e preI sent at each location to assist with separation of items7 At the end of the dayE trailers will +e taken to the County Landfill to +e emptied and returned to the neKt site7 According to CommisI sioner ]ames ^allamE these mo+ile stations are intended to assist citiZens in recycling the large variety of items listed a+ove7 “Myself and mem+ers of the Solid Saste Committee have worked to make recycling convenient to the citiZens of Rockingham CountyE” he eKplained7 “<y using mo+ile trailers and providing multiple drop sitesE we’re trying to make recycling simpleE convenient and afforda+le for Rockingham County citiZens7

!"#$"%& '()) +,+#-S /0# 1 2/$#3& S3"%4 P"G+ '7 !

Section B +,+#-S /0# !/$%#"8 =e Need ?our @elp;

I:a<in? a cAilC <oin< AEn<rG... ...and you may picture in your head a far away third world country. Now, imagine being able to help that child, his parents, brothers or sisters by simply giving a dollar or two a week when you are able. Now, what if that child were right in your county, your community, or right next door, would that trouble you? Would it trouble you to know that 42,407 individuals found it necessary to reach out because they needed help with putting food on the table this past year, right here in our county? That is 20,646 families who admitted to needing help, and sought it out at The Lord’s Pantry from December 9, 2009 L December 1, 2010. With an average of 85 new families per month coming to receive food assistance over the past year, the need is great, therefore the need for monetary assistance is greater than ever. Each family, with qualifying paperwork, can simply attend every other Monday to receive a bag of groceries and a box of bread and cakes. Last year alone 20,646 bags and 20,646 boxes were distributed without one penny being charged to the recipients. Some 75 volunteers distribute this food every MondayS to the recipients are who are allowed to attend every other week to receive free food items. With donations over the past year reaching T43,528.10 for food, the purchase of food from 2nd Harvest Food equals T790,128.51 in wholesale value of foods, meaning T746,600.41 in savings. In addition to the purchase of food from 2nd Harvest, two special Food Lions, the Eden Mall location and Mayodan’s Food Lion make sure they have plenty to supply the community with their donations that totaled some T500,000 retail in products last year. The Lord’s Pantry, Inc. operates solely on donated funds. While running an operation of this size, feeding thousands per month, expenses can become hard to meet. Not one penny is spent on any salary, all volunteers operate the facility, and not one penny is spent on anything frivolous. Even the vehicle used to pick up the food weekly was donated, as were the tires on it,

A"solutely Perfect. 0ove2In Ready.

the equipment to move the pallets around, the freezers and tables used to store and distribute the food, all were donated. Even after all these donations, operation expenses include: • Rent T1250 • Gas for truck to pick up food items from 2nd Harvest Food Bank and the two Food Lion’s T400 month approximately • Natural Gas L for the heatingwhich can reach up to T700 per month in the winter. • Water Bill T50 month • Upkeep of building and regular maintenance of vehicle - varies monthly

“"or I was hungry and you gave 2e food4 I was thirsty and you gave 2e drink4 I was a stranger and you took 2e in4” 2atthew 95;<5

• Office Supplies L copy paper, ink, staples, tape, pens/pencils varies monthly • Electricity - T450 L 800 month Phone - T60 month • General supplies L Paper towels, toilet paper • Paper bags for groceries - T140 month • Food per month can reach upwards of T4000. Andrew “Gyp” Collins operates the facility and the board oversees the operation of the fundsS but he and the board note that after the bills are paid, the Lord’s Pantry is back down to a shoestring budget to begin the process over again, taking the van to the 2nd Harvest in Winston-Salem and purchasing food for the hungry who will show up the very next Monday. The Lord’s Pantry Thrift Store, located in the front section of the building located at 602 N. Bridge Street, Eden, is filled with clothing eFREE to anyonef, household items and furniture pieces for sale and the money from these sales goes directly, 100 percent, into feeding the hun-

gry right here in our own communities. There are also books for sale, bibles of course, are free. You are invited to visit their thrift store Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, between 8am L 1pm. Shop for a good cause at the thrift storeS spend for a good cause, feeding the hungry. Money goes further by having the pantry purchase the food from the food banks. T1 will purchase 5 lbs of food for the hungry right here in our community. For example: If you bought 2 cans totaling T1.50 and gave them to the pantry, although greatly appreciated, if you had given that T1.50 to the pantry in a monetary donation, they can turn that same T1.50 around and buy 7.5 pounds of food with it. They have the buying power of purchasing from the 2nd Harvest Food Bank at .20h per pound. This price includes staple foods as well as meats, so you can easily see how just a few dollars can feed many right here where you live. Neither child nor adult should ever go hungry in our community. Desperately in need of monetary donations for the food ministry, The Lord’s Pantry asks for your consideration in serving the Lord by your charitable offerings to benefit your community. No matter how big or small, if you can find it in your heart to serve the Lord through a local food ministry that feeds your fellow neighbors and citizens of the county, you can do so by sending your tax deductible donations to: The Lord’s Pantry P.O. Box 4504 Eden, NC 27289-4504 For more information on how you can help with this powerful project call 336-623-1504. Give from the heart, a gift that makes a difference. The %or()* Pantry 0o1l( li4e to than4 all o5 yo1 in o1r comm18 nity 0ho ha9e helpe( in any 0ay ;y gi9ing 5oo(, clothe*, time an( money, there are too many to mention. ?e cannot operate 0ith8 o1t yo1, yo1 are tr1ly (oing a great (ee(. ?e 0o1l( e*pecially li4e to than4 the ?@SB8CD 5ami8 ly 5or helping 1* 0ith the telethon 0hich rai*e* a0arene** o5 o1r co1nty)* nee(*. Than4 yo1 all an( may @o( Ble** Fo1G Sincerely, The %or()* Pantry, Hnc.

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S K Be(room Tpartment 8 S1mmerglen. Bent i* JCPM per month, JKNN *ec1rity (epo*it S K Be(room Tpartment 8 Uampton ?oo(*. Bent i* JCMN per month, JKNN *ec1rity (epo*it S K Be(room Tpartment 8 Vlyce0oo(. The Bent i* JCMN per month, JKNN *ec1rity (epo*it We Accept HUD Vouchers

/3I+% "J"I8"B8+ %+#3"8 P%/P+%3& S L Be(room apartment a9aila;le at @len0oo( Wo1rt Tpartment*. Bent ;a*e( on income. Bental a**i*tance an( han(icap acce**i;le 0hen a9aila;le. S ?e are ta4ing application* 5or o1r 0aiting li*t at Xorman Wo1rt Tpartment*. Thi* i* an el(erly compleI 0hich mean* in or(er to apply yo1 0o1l( nee( to ;e OK year* o5 age or (i*a;le. Bent ;a*e( on income. Bental a**i*tance an( han(icap acce**i;le 0hen a9aila;le. S ?e are no0 accepting application* to a(( to o1r 0aiting li*t 5or ?e*tri(ge Tpartment* in Stone9ille Bent ;a*e( on income. Bental a**i*tance an( han(icap acce**i;le 0hen a9aila;le. L Be(room Tpartment* no0 a9aila;le 5or Vnoll0oo( Wo1rt Tpartment*. The*e apartment* are 5or applicant* that are OK year* o5 age or (i*a;le( regar(le** o5 age. The rent i* ;a*e( on income, an( han(icap acce**i;le 0hen a9aila;le. Equal Housing Opportunity.

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RCC students named to academic lists WENTWORTH e &ockingham Community College announces those named to the fall semester 2010 President’s ]ist and Dean’s ]ist. To Eualify for the Presidentfs ]ist, a student must be enrolled full-time (12 or more credit hours) and maintain a 4.0 grade-point average. Named to the President’s ]ist were@ >den eStephen Dunn, James Kendrick, Deborah Wheatley, James Rurley, James Thomasson, Samantha Bowling, Matthew >dwards, ]ynsey Caillouet, Justin &orrer. >lon College e James Walker. Zibsonville e &ochelle McCain, &aEuel McCain. Zreensboro e Kristin Nicholson, Shameca Scales. Madison e William &amirei, ]isa Apple, Caitlin Jay, Reather Cope, Sarah Warren. Mayodan e Danielle Adams, Brandy Joyce. &eidsville e Mark Scott, Melissa &ogers, Sabrina Zregory, Dustin McCall, Daniel McCall, Jennifer Isley, ChiEuita Baity, Tracy Shreve, ]ydia Daughton,

cictoria Ropper, Jennifer Altiier, &ichard Terrell, Daniel Cory, Khori Navarre, Tameika Nicholson, Thomas Dunbar, Ashley Ware, Ketashia Johnson, Sarah Purdy, &ichard Saunders. &uffin e Patricia Pierce, Dale Jones, Jamie Quller, &obert Shaw, Brandi Kennon. Sandy &idge e Anthony Joyce. Stokesdale e Jonathan Thacker. Stoneville e Kimberly Boyd, Rannah >vans, Tamara NunesZusman, Curtis DelPeiio, Candy Wilson, Patricia Martin, Patricia Bray, ]inda Jones, Courtney Burroughs. Summerfield e Stephen Burke. Walnut Cove e Kelly Doane, Caleb Dyer. Winston-Salem e Jacob Dyer. To Eualify for the Deanfs ]ist, a student must be full-time and maintain a grade-point average of 8.25 or higher. Named to the Deanfs ]ist were@ Browns Summit e Jonathan Worley, janina Rowe. Charlotte e &aymond Moye. Clemmons e Tyler Carroll. >den eMandy Vverby, Amanda Beachum, Brandi Neal, Sharon Wade, Penny Ropkins,

]atisha Moyer, Jennifer >vans, Christopher &orrer, Michael ]owe, Darnell Wilson, Jessica Durham, cickie Martin, Isiak Bush, Anna Cassell, Naomi Sanders, Keith McZuire, Timothy &obertson, Dario Campbell, ceronica Peatross, Timothy Bailey, Portia Adams, ]evon Zraves, Megan Jones, Zeorgette Artis, Cody Snow, Christopher Watkins, &obert White Jr., Joshua Ranks, Melissa Barber, Jessica Porter, Stephanie >llis, Keisha Brown, Abigail Baynes, Cassidy Wright, Jessica Chatman, Taylor Whaley, Charles Buss, Charles Spencer, Priscilla Rairston, Christopher Pratt, Alyssa Dubay, >mily Pulliam, Brandon Nichols, India Taylor. Zreensboro e Zina Burgess, Daphne Moore, Myrielle Summers, Aiesha Zreer, Cynthia Jenkins, Stacy Downing, Travis Jones, Taylor ]ee. Madison e Travis Alley, Brian Stone, Melissa ]owe, Travis Zuerra, Teresa Rundley, Jessica ]ewis, David Knight, Zloria Ropkins.

Mayodan e Matthew Barrett, Adline Bowling, Tasha Zann, Jerry Robbs II, Jessica &oland, Paula Morton, kachary &ager. Mc]eansville e Zail Matthews. Pelham e Joshua Perales. Powhatan e &yan Bendele. Providence e ]avinia ]ee. &eidsville eMadeline Spencer, Charles Vwens, ]uke Jones, Margaret Smith, Crystal Carter, Pamela Johnson, William Wood, Zail King, Kimberly Dalton, Michael Burns, Cynthia Smalls, Katey Thompson, Marcus Tinsley, Timothy Denny, Brittany ]ong, Shannon James, Sheila Webb, Pamela Ropkins, Clem Shelton III, Michelle Williams, Jonathan Boles, Brandalyn Apple, Kelly Davis, Casey Whitesell, James Rarmon, ]aurie Wagoner, Kelly Donovan, Nicole Marchionne, Jodi Zaglio, ]a’Davia Miller, ]auren Qields, Pamela Morrison-Ashe, Brooke Turley, Christopher Moore, Cassandra Collins, Amanda Mabe, Ashley >llison, Dolores Pegram, Mary

Stanfield, Tonya Thomas, Cassandra Crumpton, Kyle Mitchell, Callie Raskins, William Apple, Qurman Pace III, Mariah Walker, Kristen Johnson, Stephen Rennis, Kim Blackwell, &andy &andolph, &ichard Kuti Jr., Megan Miller, Kayla Toler, Deidre Ryler, Brooke Snead. &ichlands e Jennifer Reath. &uffin e Vliver Jeffries Jr., &egina Pierce, Steven Pegram. Sandy &idge e Jennifer Pauley. Stokesdale e Donna Raiilip, Terri Qlinchum, Misty Peters, Mackeniie Rendrix, ]auren Wimmer, >rin Pacheco, Brittney Chaney, Donna Stanley. Stoneville e Timothy Rairston, Aaron Kinsey, Nena Williams, Christopher Whitsett, Thomas Qarris, &obert PaEuin Jr., Kristina Martin. Summerfield e Zrayson Tuck, Carrie Smallwood, Jonathan Wilkinson, Cindy Britt, Janet Sutterfield, Amanda Wilkinson, Cristal Duncan. Walnut Cove e Tracey >dwards. Yanceyville e Jeff Mercer.

Join in on nature walks in the county RENT> O<L CO., <NC.

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The &ockingham County Naturalist Club would like to invite you to their nature walks in 2011. The following dates have been set, weather permitting. Qell free to vivsittheir website for more information at www.&ockinghamNaturalists.org. a January < - Sunday@ ]eave &CC at 2 p.m. We drive to the St. Qrancis Springs Prayer Center near Shiloh. The Center, which is non-denominational, provides a natural setting for prayer, reflection, and meditation. We will walk along the stream side walking trails on the Center. >asy walking in a beautiful setting. a Qebuary 20 - Sunday@ ]eaving &CC at 2 p.m. We are going to hike on the property of Qred and >laine Berry off Iron Works &oad. They have lots of land to as well as a variety of domesticated animals to see, including an entire pack of fox hounds. >asy wlaking. a March 20 - Sunday@ ]eave &CC at 1@80 p.m. Sharp. We will leave earlier than usual to carpool to the >mily R. Allen Wildflower Preserve and Qriendship Zarden in Winston-Salem. Vur guide will be Ken Bridle of the Peidmont ]and Conservancy. ]ots of ferms and wildflowers in a beautiful garden settingU Vver 80 species of Trillimus alone. A tip not to missU >asy walking.

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a April 17 - Sunday@ ]eave &CC at 2 p.m. We will visit the property of Billy Phillips west of >den, walking to Matrimony Creek along one of it tributes. There should be some wildflower in bloom. Moderate Walking. a May 15 - Sunday@ ]eave &CC at 2 p.m. We’ll be walking the Qieldale Trail along the Smith &iver in cirginia. It’s a good time of the year to enjoy observing both birds and wildflowers, including Twin ]eaf. >asy walking, about 8 miles in total.

T&;. 336-635-2160. C 336-280-5800 a June 12 - Sunday@ ]eave &CC at 2 p.m. It’s the club’s annual cover dish picnic, this year on the property of Joanne and Zarland Crumpton. The Crumptons are among are among the gardening pros of our county, there is much to see there and learn


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BIBLICAL REFLECTIONS OF NATURE By Dr3 Far' Ga77ney Htone5i66e> Qorth Uaro6ina The U=:'o# ,aOO;eR The Ving Rames s9e66ing o7 the :=:'o# is rendered the :=:'oo <ird in mod8 ern 6ang=age3 There are more than WXY di77erent s9e:ies o7 :=:'oos in the #or6d> the 5ast majority o7 them 6i5ing in s=<8 tro9i:a6 regions o7 the rain7orest3 The :=:'oo is one o7 the most 9e:=6iar <irds 'no#n to modern man3 This strange 6itt6e <ird 6ays her eggs in the nests o7 other <irds o7 simi6ar siGe3 To ins=re that she doesn2t get :a=ght> she 9=shes o=t the eggs o7 the host 9arents and arranges her eggs in its 96a:e3 I7 any o7 the host eggs are 6e7t #hen the :=:'8 oo <irds hat:h> these a6so #i66 <e eje:ted 7rom the nest3 By nat=re most <irds are res9onsi<6e> 6o58 ing> n=rt=ring 9arents to their yo=ng> <=t not so #ith this <ird3 As Uhristians #e are to <ring o=r :hi6dren =9 in the 6o5e and admo8 nition o7 the Zord3 The Bi<6e s9ea's o7 the 7ather2s res9onsi<i68 ity in [E9hesians \]X^ ?And> ye 7athers> 9ro5o'e not yo=r :hi68 dren to #rath] <=t <ring them =9

in the n=rt=re and admonition o7 the ZordB3 The :=:'oo2s des9i:a8 <6e a:ts ha5e 6a<e6ed this <ird as the sym<o6 o7 =n7aith7=6ness3 As the yo=ng :hi:'s 6oo' 7or 7ood> #ith their <ea's o9en and their eyes sh=t> they 7ind none at the mo=th o7 their mother and 7ather3 They are 6e7t to <e raised <y the hand o7 another3 Da5id eJ9resses that e5en i7 the #or6d a<andons him> the Zord #i66 ta'e him =93 ?@hen my 7ather and my mother 7orsa'e me> then the ZORD #i66 ta'e me =9B [_sa6m `a]WY^3 Than' God 7or the 9romise o7 o=r Father> ?7or he hath said> I #i66 ne5er 6ea5e thee> nor 7orsa'e theeB [Me<re#s Wc]T^3 Home 7am8 i6ies 6oo' at the :h=r:h as <eing ?7oster 9arentsB> raising and tea:hing their :hi6dren 7or them3 The :h=r:h is an o=trea:hed hand o7 s=99ort and g=idan:e 7or the home> <=t in no means does it re96a:e 9arenthood3 The Israe6ites #ere :ommanded <y God to tea:h the 6a#> the stat=tes and the j=dgments o7 God to their :hi6dren and their :hi6dren2s :hi68 dren3 ?Qo# these are the :om8 mandments> the stat=tes> and the j=dgments> #hi:h the ZORD yo=r God :ommanded to tea:h yo=> that ye might do them in the



6and #hither ye go to 9ossess it] That tho= mightest 7ear the ZORD thy God> to 'ee9 a66 his stat=es and his :ommandments> #hi:h I :ommand thee> tho=> and thy son> and thy son2s son> a66 the days o7 thy 6i7ed and that thy days may <e 9ro6ongedB [De=teronomy \]W8`^3 The same :ommandments> stat=tes and j=dgments that are 9rea:hed 7rom the 9=69its aro=nd the #or6d> sho=6d <e ta=ght 7rom the :rad6ed arms o7 6o5ing 9arents in the home 7irst3 ?Train =9 a :hi6d in the #ay he sho=6d go] and #hen he is o6d> he #i66 not de9art 7rom itB [_ro5er<s ``]\^3 Uhi6dren are a heritage o7 the Zord and a gi7t that :ometh do#n 7rom the 7ather o7 6ights3 ?Zo> :hi6dren are an heritage o7 the ZORD] and the 7r=it o7 the #om< is his re#ardB [_sa6m W`a]c^3 Don2t <e 6i'e the :=:'oo <ird and a<andon yo=r jo< as <eing a 9arent> 9ro:6aim as Da5id did in [_sa6m ae]`8X^3 ?I #i66 o9en my mo=th in a 9ara<6e] I #i66 =tter dar' sayings o7 o6d] @hi:h #e ha5e heard and 'no#n> and o=r 7athers ha5e to6d =s3 @e #i66 not hide them 7rom their :hi6dren> she#ing to the generation to :ome the 9raises o7 the ZORD> and his strength> and his #onder7=6 #or's that he hath doneB3 For a :o9y o7 ?@here the Birds Fa'e Their QestsB 96ease 5isit Ri5erho=se Gi7ts & Go=rmet in Eden or Reids5i66e Bi<6e Boo' Htore3

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.aTi;Us *ortV .mili;U 'Xout


Amanda Rorrer, Contri0uting writer - Author of Runningwrite.0logspot.com !"#t &'#r )'r*+ int' t.e .and+ 'f t.e 3'rd4 and &'#r 5#r5'+e+ )i66 7e 8ade 9er: tain;< "r'=er7+ >?@A : BCi76e in Ca+i9 Dng6i+.F I #as ra'ing my grandmother2s yard the other day3 E5ery 6ea7 had 7a66en 7rom the trees and her side8 #a6' and ste9s #ere :o5ered3 The 9ath to her :ar #as o<s:=red and 7or her sa7ety> the 6ea5es needed to dis8 a99ear3 I 6oo'ed aro=nd the yard and as'ed myse67> ?@here do I e5en <eginAB I started at the to9 o7 the hi66 and ra'ed the 6ea5es do#n#ard> thin'ing I needed to #or' smart> not hard3 As I ra'ed> I :o=6dn2t he69 <=t imagine that the tas' #o=6d <e easier i7 I had he693 I <egan to reminis:e a<o=t my grand7ather> #ho re:ent6y 9assed a#ay> and a<o=t ho# m=:h 7=n this tas' m=st ha5e <een 7or a=nts and =n:6es #ho a6#ays did this jo< together gro#ing =93 I :o=6d see the yard 7i66ed #ith my a=nts and =n:6es and I imagined them at di77erent ages3 I remem<ered ho6idays I ha5e shared there #ith :o=sins and my heart a:hed3 I <egan to thin' a<o=t ho# sometimes o=r 6i5es are 6i'e the yard s:attered #ith 6ea5es3 There2s :om8 96ete :haos and #e don2t e5en 'no# #here to <egin to 9i:' =9 the 9ie:es3 On:e again> I #ished I had some he69 to ra'e those 6ea5es into 9i6es3 I ra'ed and I ra'ed3 Fy arm <egan to :ram9 and my <a:' h=rt> <=t 7ina66y I had 7i5e h=ge 9i6es3 I sto99ed 7or a <rea' and #ent inside 7or a drin'3 I sat #ith my grandmother and #e ta6'ed 7or a #hi6e a<o=t ho# things #ere #hen she #as raising her :hi6dren> a66 se5en o7 them3 I 7e6t a 6itt6e re7reshed and ret=rned to #or'3 @hen I #ent <a:' o=tside> I rea6iGed that those 6ea5es #hi:h #ere on:e s:attered #ere no# in ni:e 6itt6e 9i6es> <=t on6y ha67 the #or' #as done3 I :o=6dn2t 6ea5e them there3 One strong #ind #o=6d sim96y s:atter them a66 o5er the yard again3 I <egan thin'ing

a<o=t ho# i7 o=r 6i5es are 6i'e the yard s:attered #ith 6ea5es> some8 times it ta'es #or' to 9i:' =9 the 9ie:es and ra'e them into 9i6es3 Hometimes #e2re s:ared to do this3 @e 'no# it #i66 <e <a:'8<rea'ing #or'3 And sometimes> #e2re s:ared o7 the dirt and m=d #e might 7ind =nder the 6ea5esIthe 7ragi6e and im9er7e:t 9ie:es o7 o=rse65es are eJ9osed on:e the #or' has <eg=n3 I tried to 9=t the 6ea5es into some sma66 <ags3 I K=i:'6y rea6iGed I needed something <igger and stronger3 I 7o=nd some 6a#n and 6ea7 <ags> #hi:h #ere m=:h more st=rdy and d=ra<6e3 God is 6i'e the strong and st=rdy <ag3 Me #ants =s to 9i6e a66 o7 o=r 7a=6ts and disa99ointments> ho9es> :on7iden:e and 6o5e into Mim3 Me a6one is strong eno=gh to hand6e it3 It does =s no good to #or' o=r8 se65es to :om96ete eJha=stion i7 #e are on6y going to ho6d on to the 9i6es o7 6ea5es in o=r 6i5es3 Mo6ding on 9re5ents 9rogress> and =6timate6y reK=ires more #or'3 E5en i7 #e 6ea5e the 9i6es <y the road 7or someone e6se to 9i:' =9> #e are not ta'ing 7=66 res9onsi<i6ity 7or o=r tas'> #hate5er the tas' might <e3 And e5en sti66> #e r=n the ris' o7 one strong #ind s:at8 tering the 6ea5es and a66 the hard #or' is n=66 and 5oid3 @e ha5e to ha5e some#here to 9=t the 6ea5es> and #e ha5e to rea66y get do#n and dirty i7 #e #ant the #or' done3 I 6oo'ed at my hands> #hi:h #ere dirty> <=t I 6oo'ed <a:' at the 7i5e <ags I had a6ready 7i66ed3 I 7e6t on6y ha67#ay a::om96ished3 There #as m=:h more #or' to <e done3 Fy da=ghter :ame o=tside to he69 me and I #o=6d ho6d the <ag o9en as she tried to 9=t 6ea5es inside3 As I #at:hed her> I noti:ed some st=<<orn 6ea5es that #o=6d 7a66 right <a:' to the gro=nd e5ery time she 9i:'ed =9 a 9i6e #ith her 6itt6e arms3 I tho=ght ho# the 6ea5es that #o=6d8 n2t stay in the <ag are 6i'e o=r 6itt6e im9er7e:tions> o=r #ea'nesses> o=r 7a=6ts> o=r sins> and o=r addi:tions3

The 6ea5es that #on2t go easi6y into the <ag are those things #e ha5e a harder time gi5ing to God and j=st 6etting Mim hand6e3 B=t God #aits 9atient6y> 7or !orrer =s to ma'e the de:ision to ma'e a 7=66 :ommitment to the tas' at hand3 As #e :ontin=ed #or'ing> my da=ghter said> ?Fommy! I :an2t ra'e anymore <e:a=se my ra'e is 7=66 o7 6ea5es!B Right then I rea6iGed that the ra'e is j=st 6i'e o=r heartsIsome8 times #e ha5e to sto9 and 9i:' the 6ea5es 7rom the ra'e in order to 'ee9 on going3 The 6ea5es on the ra'e are the <=rdens> sins> and im9er7e:tions that :6=tter o=r heart> and sometimes #e j=st need a good :6eansing3 I :are8 7=66y instr=:ted her to 9i:' the 6ea5es 7rom the ra'e and 96a:e them into the <ag3 E5ery 7e# min=tes> #e had to sto9 and :6ean o=r ra'es3 B=t ho# o7ten do #e sto9 and as' God to :6eanse the 6ea5es 7rom o=r heartsA I shared this story #ith my da=ghter as #e #or'ed in the yard and 7i66ed <ag a7ter <ag o7 6ea5es3 Be6ie5e it or not> it #as a sim96e meta9hor that e5en a 7i5e8year8o6d :o=6d =nderstand3 Fy grandmother :ame o=t to :he:' o=r 9rogress and I shared this idea #ith her as #e663 At that moment> I thin' #e <oth re:ogniGed that God has 96a:ed he69 7or =s in a66 dire:tions3 @e ha5e to <e #i66ing to as' and then to a::e9t3 Qo one sho=6d go thro=gh 9ain and grie7 a6one and there is not a 9erson on Earth #ho has to3 God :an :6ean the s:attered 6ea5es> hea6 <ro'en hearts> and mend shattered 6i5es3 R=st as #e 7inished o=r jo<> the sno#76a'es on De:em<er Tth <egan to 7a663 I 6oo'ed to the s'y and than'ed God 7or Mis a<i6ity to send a mira:6e j=st #hen I needed to <e reminded o7 Mis a#e8 some #onders3

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From The (esks Of CITY HALL Code of Ethics adopted by Eden City Council The %de' City Cou'cil met i' Decem2er to di4cu44 4e5eral i44ue 2e7ore 8oi'8 o' the Chri4tma4 2rea9: The 7ollo;i'8 item4 ;ere di4cu44ed: <t ;a4 time a8ai' to ma9e a''ual appoi'tme't4 7or City >oard4 a'd Commi44io'4 a'd the cou'cil mem2er4 ;ere a49ed to 2e8i' co'cideri'8 their choice4 7or the upcomi'8 year: The cou'cil al4o adopted a code o7 ethic4 a4 7ollo;4? @e'eral pri'cipal4 uderlyi'8 the code o7 ethic4? A The 4ta2ility a'd proper operaB tio' o7 democratic repre4e'tati5e 8o5er'me't depe'd upo' pu2lic co'7ide'ce i' the i'te8rity o7 the 8o5er'me't a'd upo' re4po'4iB 2le eCerci4e o7 the tru4t co'7erred 2y the people upo' their elected o77icial4: A @o5er'me't deci4io'4 a'd polB icy mu4t 2e made a'd impleB me'ted throu8h proper cha''el4 a'd proce44e4 o7 the 8o5er'me'B tal 4tructure: A >oard mem2er4 mu4t 2e a2le to act i' a ma''er that mai'tai'4 their i'te8rity a'd i'depe'de'ceD yet i4 re4po'4i5e to the i'tere4t4 a'd 'eed4 o7 tho4e they repreB 4e't: A >oard mem2er4 mu4t al;ay4 remai' a;are at 5ariou4 time4 they play di77ere't role4? B E4 ad5ocate4D ;ho 4tri5e to ad5a'ce the le8itimate 'eed4 o7 their citiFe'4 B E4 le8i4lator4D ;ho 2ala'ce the pu2lic i'tere4t a'd pri5ate ri8ht4 i' co'4ideri'8 a'd e'acti'8 ordiB 'a'ce4D order4D a'd re4olutio'4 B E4 deci4io'Bma9er4D ;ho arri5e at 7air a'd impartial Gua4iBHudiB cial a'd admi'i4trati5e determiB 'atio'4 B >oard mem2er4 mu4t 9'o; ho; to di4ti'8ui4h amo'8 the4e role4 to determi'e ;he' each role i4 appropriateD a'd to act accordi'8ly: B >oard mem2er4 mu4t 2e a;are o7 their o2li8atio' to co'7orm their 2eha5ior to 4ta'dard4 o7 ethical co'duct that ;arra't the tru4t o7 their co'4titue't4: %ach o77icial mu4t 7i'd ;ithi' hi4 or her o;' co'4cie'ce the touchB 4to'e 2y ;hich to determi'e ;hat co'duct i4 appropriate: TH% CJD% JF %TH<CS The purpo4e o7 thi4 Code o7 %thic4 i4 to e4ta2li4h 8uideli'e4 7or ethical 4ta'dard4 o7 co'duct 7or the City o7 %de' a'd to help determi'e ;hat co'duct i4 approB priate i' particular ca4e4: <t 4hould 'ot 2e co'4idered a 4u2B 4titute 7or the la; or 7or a 2oard mem2erM4 2e4t Hud8me't: 1. Obeying Applicable Laws. >oard mem2er4 4hould o2ey all la;4 applica2le to their o77iB cial actio'4 a4 mem2er4 o7 the 2oard: >oard mem2er4 4hould 2e 8uided 2y the 4pirit a4 ;ell a4 the letter o7 the la; i' ;hate5er they do: Et the 4ame timeD 2oard mem2er4 4hould 7eel 7ree to a44ert policy po4itio'4 a'd opi'B

io'4 ;ithout 7ear o7 repri4al 7rom 7ello; 2oard mem2er4 or citiB Fe'4: To declare that a 2oard mem2er i4 2eha5i'8 u'ethically 2ecau4e o'e di4a8ree4 ;ith that 2oard mem2er o' a Gue4tio' o7 policy Na'd 'ot 2ecau4e o7 the 2oard mem2erM4 2eha5iorO i4 u'7airD di4ho'e4tD irre4po'4i2leD a'd it4el7 u'ethical: 2. Upholding the Integrity and Independence of the Office. >oard mem2er4 4hould act ;ith i'te8rity a'd i'depe'de'ce 7rom improper i'7lue'ce a4 they eCerci4e the dutie4 o7 their o77ice4: Characteri4tic4 a'd 2eha5ior4 co'4i4te't ;ith thi4 4ta'dard i'clude the 7ollo;i'8? B Edheri'8 7irmly to a code o7 4ou'd 5alue4 B >eha5i'8 co'4i4te'tly a'd ;ith re4pect to;ard e5eryo'e ;ith ;hom they i'teract B %Chi2iti'8 tru4t;orthi'e44 B Pi5i'8 a4 i7 they are o' duty a4 elected o77icial4 re8ardle44 o7 ;here they are or ;hat they doi'8 B Q4i'8 their 2e4t i'depe'de't Hud8me't to pur4ue the commo' 8ood a4 they 4ee itD pre4e'ti'8 their opi'io'4 to all i' a rea4o'B a2leD 7orthri8htD co'4i4te't ma'B 'er B Remai'i'8 i'corrupti2leD 4el7B 8o5er'i'8D a'd u'a77ected 2y improper i'7lue'ce ;hile at the 4ame time 2ei'8 a2le to co'4ider the opi'io'4 a'd idea4 o7 other4 B Di4clo4i'8 co'tact4 a'd i'7orB matio' a2out i44ue4 that they recei5e out4ide o7 pu2lic meetB i'84 a'd re7rai'i'8 7rom 4ee9i'8 or recei5i'8 i'7ormatio' a2out Gua4iBHudicial matter4 out4ide o7 the Gua4iBHudicial proceedi'84 them4el5e4 B Treati'8 other 2oard mem2er4 a'd the pu2lic ;ith re4pect a'd ho'ori'8 the opi'io'4 o7 other4 e5e' ;he' the 2oard mem2er4 di4a8ree ;ith tho4e opi'io'4 B Sot reachi'8 co'clu4io'4 o' i44ue4 u'til all 4ide4 ha5e 2ee' heard B Sho;i'8 re4pect 7or their o77ice4 a'd 'ot 2eha5i'8 i' ;ay4 that re7lect 2adly o' tho4e o77ice4 B Reco8'iFi'8 that they are part o7 a lar8er 8roup a'd acti'8 accordi'8ly B Reco8'iFi'8 that i'di5idual 2oard mem2er4 are 'ot 8e'erally allo;ed to act o' 2ehal7 o7 the 2oard 2ut may o'ly do 4o i7 the 2oard 4peci7ically authoriFe4 itD a'd that the 2oard mu4t ta9e o77iB cial actio' a4 a 2ody 3. Avoiding Impropriety. E: >oard mem2er4 4hould a5oid impropriety i' the eCerci4e o7 their o77icial dutie4: Their o77iB cial actio'4 4hould 2e a2o5e reproach: Elthou8h opi'io'4 may 5ary a2out ;hat 2eha5ior i4 i'appropriateD thi4 2oard ;ill co'4ider impropriety i' term4 o7 ;hether a rea4o'a2le per4o' ;ho i4 a;are o7 all o7 the rele5a't 7act4 a'd circum4ta'ce4 4urB rou'di'8 the 2oard mem2erM4

actio' ;ould co'clude that the actio' ;a4 i'appropriate: >: <7 a 2oard mem2er 2elie5e4 that hi4 or her actio'4D ;hile le8al a'd ethicalD may 2e mi4u'der4toodD the mem2er 4hould 4ee9 the ad5ice o7 the 2oardM4 attor'ey a'd 4hould co'B 4ider pu2licly di4clo4i'8 the 7act4 o7 the 4ituatio' a'd the 4tep4 ta9e' to re4ol5e it N4uch a4 co'B 4ulti'8 ;ith the attor'eyO: 4. Performing the (uties of the Office: >oard mem2er4 4hould 7aith7ully per7orm the dutie4 o7 their o77ice4: They 4hould act a4 the e4pecially re4po'4i2le citiB Fe'4 ;hom other4 ca' tru4t a'd re4pect: They 4hould 4et a 8ood eCample 7or other4 i' the comB mu'ityD 9eepi'8 i' mi'd that tru4t a'd re4pect mu4t co'ti'ualB ly 2e ear'ed: >oard mem2er4 4hould 7aith7ully atte'd a'd preB pare 7or meeti'84: They 4hould care7ully a'alyFe all credi2le i'7ormatio' properly 4u2mitted to themD mi'd7ul o7 the 'eed 'ot to e'8a8e i' commu'icatio'4 out4ide the meeti'8 i' Gua4iB Hudicial matter4: They 4hould dema'd 7ull accou'ta2ility 7rom tho4e o5er ;hom the 2oard ha4 authority: >oard mem2er4 4hould 2e ;illi'8 to 2ear their 7air 4hare o7 the 2oardM4 ;or9B load: To the eCte't appropriateD they 4hould 2e ;illi'8 to put the 2oardM4 i'tere4t4 ahead o7 their o;': 5. Conducting Affairs in an Open and Public Manner. >oard mem2er4 4hould co'B duct the a77air4 o7 the 2oard i' a' ope' a'd pu2lic ma''er: They 4hould comply ;ith all applicaB 2le la;4 8o5er'i'8 ope' meetB i'84 a'd pu2lic record4D reco8B 'iFi'8 that doi'8 4o i4 a' imporB ta't ;ay to 2e ;orthy o7 the pu2B licM4 tru4t: They 4hould rememB 2er ;he' they meet that they are co'ducti'8 the pu2licM4 2u4i'e44: They 4hould al4o remem2er that local 8o5er'me't record4 2elo'8 to the pu2lic a'd 'ot to 2oard mem2er4 or their employee4: <'

order to e'4ure 4trict complia'ce ;ith the la;4 co'cer'i'8 ope'B 'e44D 2oard mem2er4 4hould ma9e clear that a' e'5iro'me't o7 tra'4pare'cy a'd ca'dor i4 to 2e mai'tai'ed at all time4 i' the 8o5er'me'tal u'it: They 4hould prohi2it u'Hu4ti7ied delay i' 7ulB 7illi'8 pu2lic record4 reGue4t4: They 4hould ta9e deli2erate 4tep4 to ma9e certai' that a'y clo4ed 4e44io'4 held 2y the 2oard are la;7ully co'ducted a'd that 4uch 4e44io'4 do 'ot 4tray 7rom the purpo4e4 7or ;hich they are called: T <' additio' the cou'cil 5oted o' the 7ollo;i'8 The City 'o; o;'4 the property at UVW Spri'8 Street: Thi4 property ha4 2ee' the 4u2B Hect to 'umerou4 'ui4a'ce actio'4 a'd 4u2Hect to a Mi'imum Hou4i'8 Code actio': The City i'curred YZD[WZ:\Z 7or 'ui4a'ce a2ateme't prior to the 7ire: <t ;a4 appro5ed that the a2o5e property 2e declared 4urB plu4 a'd ad5erti4ed 7or 2id4: A The 2yBla;4 o7 the T;i' Ri5er4 Do;'to;' De5elopme't Corporatio' reGuire that a' %de' City Cou'cilma' 2e appoi'ted to thi4 >oard: The T;i' Ri5er4 Do;'to;' De5elopme't Corporatio' i4 re4po'4i2le 7or o5er4eei'8 the do;'to;' re5iB taliFatio' e77ort4 i' the City o7 %de': %de' City Cou'cilma' ]im >ur'ette ha4 eCpre44ed i'tere4t i' co'ti'ui'8 hi4 appoi'tme't to thi4 >oard: The TRDDC >oard reGue4ted that Mayor @ro8a'

appoi't Mr: >ur'ette to the >oard a'd it 4o pa44ed: A The @e'eral E44em2ly appro5ed i' ]uly ZW[W that ^W_ o7 the 7u'd4 i' a mu'icipalityM4 %mer8e'cy Commu'icatio' Fu'd o' the e77ecti5e date o7 the act N]uly ZW[WO may 2e u4ed 2y the local 8o5er'me't e'tity to pro5ide 7or pu2lic 4a7ety 'eed4D i'cludi'8 co4t4 that are 'ot eli8iB 2le eCpe'4e4 u'der @:S: \ZEB`\: The eCpe'diture4 mu4t 2e made i' 7i4cal year4 ZW[WB[W[[ a'd ZW[[BZW[Z: The 7u'd 2ala'ce i' the %mer8e'cy Commu'icatio'4 7u'd at ]u'e VWD ZW[W that ;a4 appro5ed 2y the a[[ 2oard ;a4 Y[^aDV[\: The attached 2ud8et ame'dme't allocate4 YUaD\WW o7 the %mer8e'cy Commu'icatio' 7u'd 2ala'ce to the @e'eral Fu'd i' the bolice Departme't 2ud8et 7or the u4e o' pu2lic 4a7ety 'eed4: >elo; i4 a li4t o7 item4 that the bolice Departme't i'te'd4 to 7u'd u4i'8 thi4 mo'ey: A CEDD Mo2ile c EdP Qpdate Y[ZD[WW A Set Motio' Ser5er NMTD4O Y[[DeWW A Eli Data2a4e S'ap4hot YUWW A Mo2ile Camera Ser5er c Eutomated Erchi5e De5ice YZWDWWW A NUO Mo2ile di4io' <'BCar Camera4 YV^DWWW Totalli'8 YUaD\WW The mo2ile camera 4er5erD autoB mated archi5e de5iceD a'd 7i5e camera 4y4tem4 ;ere reGue4ted i' the ZW[WBZW[[ >ud8et: Ho;e5erD the4e item4 ;ere remo5ed 7rom the 2ud8et due to the curre't eco'omic co'ditio'4:

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MARTIN LUTHER WING JR. HOLI(AY CLOSING The City o7 %de' Solid fa4te Di5i4io' ;ill 2e clo4ed Mo'dayD ]a'uary [UD ZW[[ i' o24er5a'ce o7 the Martin Luther Wing Jr. Holiday!

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DE##"', &FEG (''G- H'E+FE" I' F$'IJ#E KL-/ /#FE By Johnny Farmer, Parks and Recreation Director

As one of the major parks and recreation sites in Rockingham County, Freedom Park is meeting or exceeding the expectations of all those involved in helping make this park a reality. The City of Eden, along with many civic organizations and businesses and with assistance from the North Carolina Parks and Recreation Trust Fund, developed a state-ofthe-art facility at Freedom Park. From the playground, walking track, fields and picnic shelters, to the amphitheater and nature trails, Freedom Park is one of the most exciting places to visit around this area. People from across the region use this beautiful facility on a regular basis. Local leagues that are held weekdays provide Quality recreation programs to our residents while the walking track, picnic shelters and skateboard park are used daily.

This will be another busy year at Freedom Park with 45 events booked, including tournaments scheduled from the first weekend in March to the last weekend in November. One of the tournaments is the Dixie Youth Baseball

Ozone State Tournament, scheduled for July 15-21. Concerts in the Park will be held the last Saturday of each month at 6:30 p.m. from March to November. Special events, such as Ribfest and the Fall Festival, are scheduled throughout the year. This does not include the reservations

at the two shelters at the park, which are rented almost every Saturday and Sunday for the season. Freedom Park plays a major role in providing a positive economic impact on our community when individuals and teams come to play at the park. They support Eden’s businesses by staying in our motels, eating in our restaurants and shopping at throughout the city. On behalf of the city’s staff, I would like to thank all of those individuals, from former city employees, Freedom Park Planning Committee members and Friends of Freedom Park members, to the city manager, mayor and City Council, for carrying out the vision to develop Freedom Park into the thriving venue it is today.

+EARHART1S Paint 5 6ody Shop 2arold 7earhart, oCner/operator of 7earhart)s Paint H Bod. Shop, has over JK .ears of automo$ile collision and refinishing eOperienceP The full service paint H collision shop does an.thing from small touch up to complete all over refinishing and can repair an.thing from small dings and adQustments to maQor collision H frame repairsP • The modern climate controlled facility offers year round repairs, avoiding temperature & humidity related problems. • The Dupont computerized paint mixing and color matching to your specific vehicle. Our computerized frame dimensions assures correct body & frame analysis & realignment after a collision. • Mitchell computerized estimating It)s Deer SeasonS and pricing gives fair and accurate estimates, no surprise hidden costs. B# *FE#HL(A • EQuipped with specialized welding -('+ "'+$Y eQuipment • Fully licensed and insured and work with all major insurance companies to return your vehicle to pre-accident condition. So come and see 2arold or Rosh 7earhart for a free estimateP

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E"#$ &'()*# +#(*',#- $#+ #,.('/## The Eden Police Department is proud to announce the addition of a communications officer to its staff. April Saunders Martin began her full-time dispatching duties in December. Martin is excited about her new position. ?I feel very fortunate to join the Eden PD,E she said. ?I look forward to serving our community.E Martin was born and raised in Eden and is the daughter of Neva and Bobby Saunders. She is also the proud mother of one child, Brad Martin. Martin

eF$*F-I#E E#I)E#- HE', C)I/ Tim Lancaster retired from the city Dec. 31 with 32 years of service. Lancaster began working for Eden in the Public Works Division as a vehicle mechanic in December 1978. In 1993, he wanted new challenges from his career and transferred to the Water Filtration Plant. He became a water plant mechanic and relief operator, earning his CSurface Water Certification. In 1998, the Utilities Department underwent some streamlining to become more efficient and economized. The Water Resources Division was created to provide and consolidate mechanical, maintenance and electrical support to the water, wastewater, and collection and distribution operations throughout the city. Once again, the mechanic in Lancaster

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came out and he transferred to the Water Resources Division and become a plant mechanic. In 2002, Lancaster became the chief plant mechanic and served in that capacity until his retirement. His time away from work has been occupied with many activities. Lancaster and his wife Carolyn love to travel and have an ?appetiteE for dining at interesting new restaurants. They have one daughter, Ashley, who recently married and lives in Eden. Lancaster has been very passionate about his service to the Lord and is active in his church. He is an avid motorcyclist and has been known to ride to work even when the temperature was in the teens. He has also remained true to his mechanic rootse he loves to restore, ride and

show old classic cars. Lancaster started and runs a business rebuilding GM Lancaster guadra-jet carburetors. His green h70 GTO takes much of his free time. During the past year, Lancaster worked tirelessly with the Three Rivers Car Club to sponsor the Eden Cruise that took place on Washington Street the second Saturday of each month throughout the summer of 2010. He will continue this in 2011. The City of Eden wishes Lancaster all the best in his retirement. We look forward to seeing him buzzing around town in his GTO.


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SPORTS )ational Cunior College Athletic Association 0layer A<arded

/ecember Uth, The !orehead 5ootball program held its Annual A<ards 6anQuet.

CP 2Quad #eft to right Colon &olden, Tavon Iilson, Cameron 6ray, Ceremiah !orediath.

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Coach 6ray <as given an appreciation a<ard from his players for his dedication on the field and off the field.

4n /ec. V, 2teve 6ennett of &reensboro, a W'YZ[ basketball center at Rockingham Community College, <as one of three players nation<ide, and the only player in /ivision ((, to be named as a )ational Cunior College Athletic Association 0layer of the Ieek. 6ennett <as cited for his stats during play against Cohnston Community College ]^_ points, `^ rebounds, five assistsa and 0itt Community College ]^^ points, Y` rebounds, four assistsa.

!C#A%&'#() +)T+RTA()!+)T +/+) 0AR12 3 R+C C4-+/ 245T6A## 0#A7455 C'A!02 5ront Ro< # to R - !att Tuggle, Cessica #e<is, #orie #emons, Chris Tuggle, Ihitney Iilson and 2amantha Cones. 2econd Ro< # to R - 0aul 2imons, 6randon 'odge, !att 6ullins, Cenna Campbell, Taylor Carter, 1eith 5razee and Tracy !c#aughlin.

5ust a few apartments left at Harris Pointe Eden NC Premiere Senior 55 I Apartment Community Located neMt to Meadows Green golf course T"#$%&'()&*(+&'()+&*#$,#-,./&+0-1($-02&I*&'()&4#$,&,(&50&#&1#+,&(*&E70$’-&1+09 :.0+&;)<)+'&#1#+,:0$,-&*(+&S0$.(+-&>>&#$7&(;70+&C#;;&,(7#'&#$7&I’;;&,0;;&'() #5(),&()+&*#$,#-,./&M(A0&.$&S10/.#;-B&O)+&D+0#,&#:0$.,.0-&.$/;)70E Range Refrigerator Dishwasher Disposal Large Closets EMercise Room Reading Room

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Leading the Pack is Teddy Burris in cart [04.

Frank Rogers, Photographer

Burris races to victory... again

EDEN PARKS & RECREATION DEPT. MIDGET FOOTBALL LEAGRE ALCAN PACKERS Kneeling L to R - Stephen Holland, Nikkie Simons, Rashaun Clark, Tyren Willis, Bryton Fuller and DeAndre Graves. Standing L to R - Kaleol Gunter, Lewis Griffin, Keivon Broadnax, Coach Earl Fountain, Shemar Watkins and Marcus Griffin. Not pictured - Mrcus Chaplin and Brant Sawyers.

Bridge St. Rec Football Cheerleaders Kneeling L to R - Alli Watson, Shyyonna Bridges, Joyonna Scales, Victoria Cantu and Jatoriea Scales. Secon Row L to R - Tyasia Scales, Aiyana Bratcher, BoeeC Lowery, Tamaya Foster and Shelby Martin. Third Row - Coach Casmin Bratcher. Not pictured - Khyla Surgeon, Chakiyah Pettie, TifreC Hairston, Diamond Witcher, China Gunter and Makayla Witcher.

Racing is in the blood of Tedd2 Burris. You might sa2 it is a famil2 tradition. Carl Burris, Tedd2’s grandfather, raced <=>? in the big leagues with Pett2 and the other greats, winning the Pole at Da2tona in CDE= and winning the Sportsman DiHision that 2ear. Barr2 Burris, an uncle, startI ed goIcart racing in the mid JK=’s when Tedd2 would tag along and help. It wasn’t long before Tedd2 had his own racing cart, and in M==N he moHed up to the Champ Cart series, that he continues in toda2. M=C= Senior Champ >C= TracO Champion at The New Caswell Count2 Racewa2, Burris’ M=C= included winning the first of two mone2 races at Caswell Count2 Racewa2 on Sept CQ, M=C= and then doubled their mone2 the neRt da2 b2 winI ning again in their diHision. Halloween HaHoc in October was a good weeOend for the team, who won bacOItoIbacO with the new Clone Motors M. Out of C> races, the2 tooO Cst in C= races, Mnd in two, and third in the remaining two. With a grand total of CD feature race wins out of MK including all three tracOs, their M=C= record is going to be a hard one to follow. <We didn’t get to finish out the season at Madison, but did haHe good success there. There were siR Cst place, M finishes in Mnd and one >th and one Wth place finish out of CC races we did get to run. It was still a good half of a season,? Burris said. At Libert2 Racewa2 ParO in August the2 won a mone2 race in Champ Class M. A local racer with local sponsors, Burris wanted to maOe sure all those who help throughI out the season get their recogniI tion. A special thanOs goes out to their sponsors includingZ [ Rio Grand has helped for two 2ears with financial support in Oeeping the motors <up to speed?.

Sales H Service H Repair

[ Pi]]a Station has stood b2 the team for some C= 2ears now with entr2 fees and racing fuel eRpensI es. With this business closed, Tedd2 said, <The gu2s at Pi]]a Station will be deepl2 missed, I wish all of them the Her2 best and a big thanOs.? [ Kingswa2 Produce helps, too. <Barbara has helped me for about C= 2ears with gate fees and odd eRpenses for getting into the tracO. [ Gearhart’s Paint _ Bod2 Shop in Eden <Harold has Oept m2 bod2worO looOing sharp for the past C= 2ears. With the wa2 I driHe, I’m glad to haHe them on m2 side to patch things up,? he aoOes. [ ProIBlend Motorsports has stood b2 the team for E 2ears, helping on all tire preparation and condition needs. That is a big Ab to haHe in the Oart racing business. [ DenHer Smith Engineering has done a lot of fabrication worO for us for 2ears. [ Diamond Performance GrafiR’s, Donnie, has Oept the Hin2l graphI ics looOing sharp with the sponI sors’ logos. [ cohn’s Kart Bodies has alwa2s been a good friend and supplied us with fiberglass for the champI Oart. [ Free]e Power Racing Engines has supplied us with great horseI power for the season, Oeeping us up front. [ Anar PacOing, Burris’s place of

emplo2ment, has supported him throughout his racing career. <The management team and m2 coIworOers haHe reall2 been great. We worO rotating shifts eHer2 M weeOs and haHe worOed with me on m2 racing season schedule.? The crew includes Tedd2’s father, Eddie Burris, the team’s boss, Tedd2’s girlfriend Son2a McKinne2 as the crewIchief, and this stepIdaughter Shannon Ta2lor whom he calls his cheerI leader. EHer2 Henture needs someI one to haHe 2our bacO, and Leon and SteHen Farmer, Burris’ good friends, fill that bill. <I Onow we will be at Ace Speedwa2 starting in March M=CC. We also haHe plans to run for the Championship in Sr. Champ Clone >MW and Sr. Champ Flathead >MW. <With the outstanding aob that B.c. Cobb and staff done with Caswell Count2 in M=C=, I Onow that M=CC at Ace Speedwa2 will be better than eHer with them behind the scenes,? Burris noted, <Until then, I want to sa2 thanOs for eHer2one’s help on and off the tracOf I couldn’t haHe done it without each of 2ou.? He added that M=C= was a great 2ear and he hopes for an eHen better 2ear in M=CC. Alwa2s’ remember in an2 sport that 2ou are in, 2oung or old, <Don’t Beat Yourself, cust Beat the Competitiong?


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Sonya McKinney, crew chiefU Eddie Burris, the “Boss”U Shannon Taylor, cheerleader and inside the kart is Teddy Burris, the Wheel-man, is pictured with the 2010 Championship trophy and Clone Box Stock Motor for winning the Points Division.

Eden (336) 635-5811 drapercycle@yahoo.com

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J and 2 Fr houses 9 )den "rea. K9* hookups< some appliances. WRVV Q WRPV 9plus *eposit %all OON.PTS.SOVJ OFr< 2 Fa MoFile Home ?or rent on pri>ate lot. WRVV per month< includes water I lot rent.W2VV dep. )den "rea. OONQPTSQ72VV or OONQPTSQV7JP MoFile Homes !or #ale: Ownr !in9#tn>l !our MHZs Ready WS<VVV $o WJO<PVV *wn WPVV< JV yrs J2[< pmts WJ22 Q WJT7 "ppl. *ep I 'ot Rent SO2QRJVS9P7OQJVNP Nice %ountry #etting *uple\ ?or Rent 2 Fedrooms J.P Fath KimFish Road Q )den WR7P per month *eposit and Re?erences %all N2OQ7V2T lea>e message 'ease $o Own #ingle !amily: JST $win %reeks #tokesdale< Rkhm %o. OVVV sM ?t< .P7 ac 2 %ar ]g.< Flt 2VV7 R Fdrm Q 2.P Fath WO<VVV *n< WJ<PVV mo W2PS<VVV lease prchs ^.(. ^rop 27OQR77R J< 2< O< I R Bedroom "partments 9 Homes ?or Rent in )den area. ReasonaFle Rates_ K9* Hookups< #ome include appliances. *aytime OONQN2OQNSRT night OONQNOPQJ7J7 !or Rent 2 Br. $own House "ll "ppliances. WRRP ^er Month %all OONQN27QPVOJ H & . " WA ' T & 0 Ridge %are< a leader in #enior 'i>ing< is seeking an "cti>ity *irector ?or "rFor Ridge at )den. `uali?ications will include strong interpersonal and organiaational skills as well as the aFility to Fe creati>e< plan and coordinate e>ents< and puFlish calendars and newsletQ ters. %erti?ication and e\perience working with seniors pre?erred. ^lease suFmit your resume to "ndrew )rickson at aericksonbridgecare.com or mail to OV2 #. cennedy ">enue. )den< N% 272TT

WA ' T & 0 : A; <uyi@A (3AP$3 PA3AP8$)$B:A %all OONQNOPQPTJJ #,,M( -,# #&'T Room ?or Rent in 2Br< Brick home. !ull access to citchen< dining room and 'i>ing room and all utilities included. (n )den on ]arrett Rd. %all TVRQOJ7QORPT lea>e message Rooms !or Rent: W2SP Month #ingle Room Or WOSP K. ^>t. Bath W2V "ppl I WJOV *ep. %arolina (nn< )den Under New Management BoFFy N2OQ2SS7 IT&M( -,# (A.& 2 %ementary ^lots< Ridge>iew %emetary. Orginally WVSP )ach. Kill #ell !or WTVV )ach. OONQN27QJNSO 'ea>e Message #ell your unneeded itmes here in our classi?ieds. /all %%EFE&GFH&%I !R)) Q earious #iaes o? Kooden Kire #pools and wooden pallets. %all Melissafs or gim at OONQP7OQR22P !ree ^ine $rees %all 27NQNPVQTNVS !or More (n?ormation_ Motorcycle $railer Q One o? a kind_ 'owers to the ground< dri>e the Fike on it< raises Fack up to trailer height. !or sale W7PV. %all OONQNJOQVOJ2 "&T( 2 A'IMA.( "d>ertise your unneeded items in our classi?ieds ?or as little as W7 a month._ OONQN27QS2OR

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City Of Eden Reports O)Ge+e4:er)EJ,)P%$'3ne)Q3:$"n)re7"r'e6)():re(?3n;,)en'er3n;,)(n6)&(rB +en5) 8r"4) NRC) S3@er$36e) Gr3@e.) )/++"r63n;) '") '0e) re7"r',) 7er7e'r(B '"rT$U) en'ere6) '0e) :(+?6""r) :5) %n?n"wn) 4e(n$) (n6) $'"&e) $e@er(& @($e$,)()73&&"w)+($e,)(n6)()R8'.)73+'%re)"8)'0e)Vee'&e$.)) O)Ge+e4:er)EJ,)W3+0(e&)X('r3+?)W3n'er)"8)<6en)re7"r'e6)%n(%'0"r3Ye6 +re63')+(r6)'r(n$(+'3"n)"n)03$)+re63')+(r6.))/++"r63n;)'")'0e)re7"r',)( 'r(n$(+'3"n)"n)'0e)+(r6)"++%rre6)"n)03$)(++"%n')8"r)INZ.LE.))X($')(+'3@B 3'5) "n) '0e) +(r6) 3n63+('e6) '0ree) "'0er) %n(%'0"r3Ye6) 'r(n$(+'3"n$) "n Ge+e4:er)K,)(n6)Ge+e4:er)EC. O)Ge+e4:er)ER,)De+"n6)[(n6)!($0)&"+('e6)(')LJF)D.)\(n)V%ren)S"(6 re7"r'e6)re+e3@3n;)()+"%n'er8e3'):3&&.))/++"r63n;)'")'0e)re7"r',)():&(+? 8e4(&e)(''e47'e6)'")7%r+0($e)C)Q(4eV"5);(4e$)%$3n;)()+"%n'er8e3' 'wen'5)6"&&(r):3&&.))/ $%$7e+')36en'383e6. O)Ge+e4:er)ER))]('05)Senee)Xe''5)re7"r'e6)():re(?3n;,)en'er3n;,)(n6 &(r+en5)8r"4)EJF)^ew)D'ree'.))/++"r63n;)'")'0e)re7"r',)7er7e'r('"rT$U en'ere6)'0e)@(+(n')re$36en+e):5)%n?n"wn)4e(n$)(n6)$'"&e)()Ge&&)+"4B 7%'er)@(&%e6)(')IKFF.))/ $%$7e+')0($):een)36en'383e6.) O) Ge+e4:er) EK,) ) W3+0(e&) W+X0ee'er$) "8) <6en) re7"r'e6) () &(r+en5. /++"r63n;)'")'0e)re7"r',)'0e)$36e)6""r)"8)'0e)@3+'349$)re$36en+e)w($ ?3+?e6)3n)(n6)7er7e'r('"rT$U)$'"&e)CK)G\G$)@(&%e6)(')ICF.)) O)Ge+e4:er)EK,))["w(r6)\ern"n)re7"r'e6)@(n6(&3$4)(')JRK)<.)[(rr3$ X&(+e.))/++"r63n;)'")'0e)re7"r',)$"4e"ne)?e5e6)'0e)7($$en;er)6""r)"8 ()CFFF)QW!)Gen(&3)&e(@3n;)4(r?$)(n6)6(4(;3n;)'0e)7(3n'.))

County Reports O)On)Ge+e4:er)E`,)CFEF)(')ZaKL)74,)'0e)+&er?)"8)]5&e9$)VX TCKKR bDCCF)W(63$"n,)^!U)w($)r"::e6)(');%n7"3n'.)/ 4(n)en'ere6)'0e $'"re)we(r3n;)6(r?)ce(n$,)w03'e)Y37)%7)d0""63ee,):&(+?);&"@e$)(n6)( :&(+?)n5&"n)4($?.)[e)3$):e&3e@e6)'"):e)():&(+?)4(&e):e'ween)K9FLe (n6)K9EEe)(n6)ERK)'")EZK)7"%n6$.)=(?3n;)'0e)4"ne5)8r"4)'0e)+($0 re;3$'er)0e)%$e6)()r"5(&):&%e):(;)$343&(r)'")():(+?)7(+?)'(?3n;)$"4e CF)7(+?$)"8)^ew7"r')!3;(re''e$)(n6)():"f)"8);r(7e)g03'e)Ow&)+3;(r$.) [e)'0en)'""?)'0e):(;)(n6)03$)$3&@er)&"n;):(rre&)re@"&@er)(n6)r(n)(w(5 8r"4) '0e) $'"re) '"w(r6$) bDCCF) D"%'0.) ) O) Ge+e4:er) E`,) CFEF) 3') w($ re7"r'e6) '0(') $"4e"ne) %n&(w8%&&5) en'ere6) Q36e"n) Qr"@e) !0%r+0 TCZNK)Q36e"n)Qr"@e)!0%r+0)S"(6,)D'"?e$6(&eU,(n6)'""?)()E`e)>!G 'e&e@3$3"n):5)G5nef)@(&%e6)(')IEFF)(n6)()c(r)"8)+"3n)+%rren+5,)@(&%e6 (') (77r"f34('e&5) IKF./n5"ne) w3'0) 3n8") (:"%') '03$) 3n+36en') ) +"n'(+' NJRBJCJZ)"r)+(&&)!r34e)D'"77er$)(')JR`B`NZJ.

VWNGS H0&. 5R/D$C+ U H"ND DW55+D WC+ CR+"H 5NM 0. VinXs Hwy. P +den 336-623-M225 Hon. - Sat. M - M, Sunday N-M WT-S " N+0 &+"R "T VWNGS H0&. H0&. 5R/D$C+



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Eden’s Own Journal 336-627-9234

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/ocal ?e&s@Weather CommDnity Calen+ar -EitDaries Firth+ays We++ing Hnni0ersaries /istener Comments I&a> Iho>@Jra+ing Kost )egional Christian Krograms IatDr+ay 6799 a.m. ; L799 >.m. IDn+ay M789 a.m. ; L799 >.m.

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Lemons Arreste9 for

Francis Photography Collection Stat.tory Sex Offense

This old photo is from the Francis Photography collection at the Eden Historical Musuem. They are as yet unidentified. If you think you know the location or who is in the photo please contact@ edenhistoricalmuseumAyahoo.com. You can write the museum at 656 Washington St., Eden, NC 27288 or call Mulie Hampton Ganis at 336-623-3853.

Yo.r First Choi5e Sho.l9 Be The Fresh Choi5e...

Richard’s Meats 1403 S. Scales St., Reidsville 336-342-1881 !eats 'or All ,astes Ri(e>e3 NeA Yo)U St)i; TY Oo"e3 Oeef Ri(3 Po)U ?ho;3 ?=(e SteaU Sa=3aIe V Oa&o" ?h=&U Roa3t ?o="t)> Ham Oo9oI"a SteA Oeef Oa(> Oa&U Ri(3 Hot DoI3 G)o="5 Oeef Who9e F)>e)3 ?hi&Ue" Wi"I3

O=> fo) a mea9 o) ;=)&ha3e o"e of o=) 3;e&ia9 (="59e3K O)eaUfa3t O="59e a"5 S;e&ia93 S=;e) O="59e Home O="59e cQ to &hoo3e f)omd ?ooUo=t O="59e 2=m(o O="59e /EE 9( o) _E 9( O="59e3 Reat OoPe3 A93o feat=)i"I EII3. F)oze" VeIie3. F)ie3. ?hi9i Pi"to Oea"3 3;i&e3 a"5 3a=&e3. ma)i"a5e3 a"5 mo)e!

Dete&tiFe Lo)i PeI)am a))e3te5 ]eFi" Lemo"3. 00. of /8Q8 A"I9e Roa5 i" Ra5i3o"B He Aa3 IiFe" a (o"5 of [_EE.EEE a"5 i3 i" the Ro&Ui"Iham ?o="t> 2ai9B He i3 &ha)Ie5 Lemons AithK / &o="t of Stat=to)> Ra;e 0 &o="t3 of Stat=to)> SeP Offe"3e The Fi&tim i" the3e &a3e3 i3 a /_ >ea) o95 Ii)9B She ha5 Aa9Ue5 aAa> f)om he) home a"5 Aa3 ;i&Ue5 =; (> Lemo"3B He U"eA the Ii)9 a"5 he) fami9>B He tooU he) to a 9o&a9 mote9 Ahe)e he &omme"te5 the3e &)ime3B A feA ho=)3 9ate). 5e;=tie3 fo="5 the Ii)9 Aith Lemo"3 a"5 )et=)"e5 he) to he) fami9>B

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Se"5 i" >o=) "eA3YAo)Y th> item3 to E5e"X3 OA" 2o=)"a9 S Ro&Ui"Iham ?o="t> Sta)B We Ao=95 9oFe to haFe a99 the &omm="it> "eA3 i" o=) ;a;e) eFe)> mo"thB Do"Xt a33=me Ae a9)ea5> U"oA a(o=t >o=) eFe"t. IiFe =3 a &a99 a"5 maUe 3=)e!

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O" De&em(e) 2+th. /+01. 2e33e a"5 E5ith Ha9e o;e"e5 <=a9it> ?9ea"e)3 o" ?h=)&h St)eet i" Ahat Aa3 the" S;)a>B The t)a5itio" &o"ti"=e3 DE >ea)3 9ate) a3 thei) 3o". 2BTB Ha9e 2)B. ;)oFi5e3 the 3ame G=a9it> a3 the ;a)e"t3 at the 3ame 9o&atio"B 2BTB ha3 (ee" em;9o>e5 Aith <=a9it> ?9ea"e)3 fo) mo3t of hi3 9ife a"5 ha3 (ee" o;e)ati"I the (=3i"e33 3i"&e 2e33e. "oA +E. )eti)e5 20 >ea)3 aIoB The fami9> i3 ;9ea3e5 to 3e)Fe E5e" i" a 3ma99 toA". fami9> f)ie"59> Aa>B


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Students in Ms. LaPlant’s class at Bethany Middle School are enjoying a unique project that will benefit the children’s charity of choice this year. The art class learned a little home economics when they were offered a chance to sew pillows, by hand, out of donated materials. Each student will eventfully complete two pillows; one for themselves and the other is to be auctioned off for that child’s charity of choice. While some students absolutely loved the project, others weren’t to keen on the sewing part, but the projects’ objective kept them at it and there was love sewn into every stitch, as well as laughter and friendship, with a little knowledge thrown in for spice. The pillows for auction are now in the school foyer for everyone to admire. LaVaughn Campbell will auction his pillow for the Battered Women’s Shelter, while Jaylin Smith, [errigan Hill and Jacob Vernon will have theirs donated to find a cure for breast cancer. While a couple, Areli Echavarria and ]ack Wilson, have yet to decide what charity theirs will go to, Cassie Easter’s will go to Camp Carefree and Hanna Lee, the animal lover’s, will go to the ASPCA.

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