JULY 2013 Issue

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Vol. 14 Num. 7

JULY 2013


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Rockingham County E-Vault up and running for citizens! The Rockingham County E- continue to work as a team for Vault is up and running! Citizens their constituents. They both may access E-Vault at agreed: “We’re all here to prowww.co.rockingham.nc.us; then vide high caliber services and click the link for “Register of programs for the people of Deeds.” Rockingham County. Providing E-Vault is a remote access quality services to our citizens is site that contains unofficial a common goal shared by all of records provided as a public ser- us in county government.” vice. The official records are Metzler further stated: “We kept in the Office of the are extremely sensitive and comRockingham County Register of passionate about our staff, their Deeds at the families, and their Rockingham County well-being.” Courthouse in Cipriani said: Wentworth. “It has taken a decade Providing access to to get our records into E-Vault for citizens on a format so they Thursday morning was could be delivered part of yesterday’s resoelectronically to our lution following a series customers. Paper of face-to-face meetings records, aperture between County cards and microfilm Metzler Manager Lance Metzler had to be digitized and Register of Deeds first before they Rebecca Cipriani. could be placed into “Together, we e-vault. I understand worked diligently to the value of this serresolve this and provide vice to our citizens the E-Vault access for and our business our Rockingham County community, which is citizens,” Metzler said. why I undertook such The Register of an endeavor to proDeeds has indicated that vide records online she will evaluate a fee all the way back to Ciprianni structure for the use of 1787.” the E-Vault should cusShe said the E-Vault tomers need official documents was disabled on Monday in order to download at their convenience to re-organize her office followwithout having to travel to ing a reduction-in-force and to Wentworth. find a revenue solution that The County Manager and the would prevent further loss of ERegister of Deeds emphasized e-Vault... that all Rockingham County Governmental employees must Continued on Page 4

Gloria & Duane Best celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary with the community

The Bests celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary with the community Duane and Gloria Best held a huge farewell for their friends in June as they produced a musical/theatrical performance variety show in honor of their 50th Anniversary and as a loving goodbye to the community. This couple, that is near and dear to so many in the Eden community, will soon the coop in when they move to a retirement community nearer to their children. The couple married June 5, 1963 and soon after Duane Best brought music to Leaksville, Spray and Draper, now known as Eden, as coral director. He brought his wife Gloria to town 50 years ago, and the couple had two children, Mark and Brad. Duane, originally of High Point, graduated from Appalachian State Teachers College and spent his entire teaching career right here as the music teacher from 1960 – 1998. Gloria, originally from Charlotte, graduated from High Point College. The couple married a month after Gloria graduated college and she served as a teacher at Morehead High School, as well as was extremely active in the community including Habitat for Humanity and many other worthwhile caus-

Best... Continued on Page 25

Check Out The Coupons on Pages: 7, 10, 24, 28, 29, 36

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JULY 2013 Issue by Lisa Griffith - Issuu