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JULY 2016
Vol. 17 Num. 7
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Senate Passes Hundreds of Millions in Tax Relief for Middle Class, Small Businesses The North Carolina Senate unanimously passed legislation in May to provide an immediate $145 million tax cut this year and an additional $205 million tax cut next year mostly benefitting middle class families and small businesses. The Middle Class Tax Relief Act, sponsored by Senate Finance Committee Chairmen Bob Rucho (RMecklenburg), Bill Rabon (R-Brunswick) and Jerry Tillman (R-Randolph), would increase the state’s zero percent tax bracket by more than 12 percent over the next two years. This means all North Carolina taxpayers, regardless of income, will pay no state income taxes on more of their earnings, as follows: Amount of Annual earning Now Tax-Free:
County Government Unveils "2016 State of the County" Report Rockingham County Government, in partnership with nine county and state agencies, has produced the 2016 State of the County report to provide updates on recent accomplishments and programs all across Rockingham County. The 43-page report was developed to inform citizens and visitors about the great works being done in Rockingham County, and to celebrate the accomplishments of public and non-profit partners in service. County Manager Lance Metzler said: "We are elated to share this outstanding information to our internal and external constituents to keep them abreast of the excellent programs, services and resources in Rockingham County. We are moving forward and we're informing those we serve." Metzler added, "This year we took a little different approach. In years past, the County has done a State of the County discussing only the county entity issues and
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While all North Carolina taxpayers will see tax relief, 86 percent of the tax cut will benefit working and middle class families earning less than a combined $80,000 per year. “Our tax reforms have led to a budget surplus for two years in a row, and putting more money back into the pockets of the people and small businesses who rightfully earned it will continue to drive economic growth in our state,” said Rucho. “Increasing the zero tax bracket will provide quick relief to low and middle-income earners, working Who Benefits from the Middle Class families and small businesses Tax Relief Act? across North Carolina.” According to Shelly Carver, President Pro Tem’s Office, since Republicans assumed leadership of the North Carolina Senate in 2011, they have passed over $3 billion in tax relief for North Carolina families and job creators.
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