May 2018

Page 1

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MAY 2018

Storms and tornados wreak havock on the area in April

116-B W. Meadow Rd. Eden, N.C.

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Vol. 19 Num. 5

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Erin B. Courtney,


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On Sunday April 15th at 5:30pm a massive line of storms stretching from Southern Florida to Canada swept through the area, producing tornadoes that took the life of one in Guilford County and destroyed homes and businesses, causing widespread power outages and a call for disaster relief from the government. The first sighting of a tornado on the ground was in Greensboro near the Lee Street area of Hwy. 29. This area was devastated by the EF2 tornado, high winds and heavy rains as the storm headed on a path north on 29. Skirting the east of Reidsville, another touch down hit the Mayfield area, through Ruffin and into Virginia. According to Rodney Cates, Emergency Services Director of Rockigham County, the northeast sections of Rockingham County have sustained major damage from a tornado. The area of Grooms Rd., Frank Rd., and Rocky Ford Rd. sustained the most damage yet there was also substantial damage in the Ruffin area.


More jobs coming to County City and County officials are excited about Governor Roy Cooper’s announcement in April that local industry Albaad will be creating more than 300 jobs and investing nearly $45 million as part of its expansion plans. Albaad, an international manufacturer of wet wipes and other non-woven textile products, is located in the Reidsville Industrial Park. The Israeli company, which currently supports 225 jobs in North Carolina, will add those 302 jobs over a three-year period as it expands to a second physical facility in the City. “We are very pleased to continue expanding our Albaad USA business in Reidsville,” said Gidi Tenne, Plant Manager for Albaad. “We continue to build on a great workforce, culture and community that supports advanced manufacturing jobs in Rockingham County. This merging of technology and a strong, creative workforce is the foundation of our success and we look forward to continued growth in the future.” Albaad will add a variety of positions with this expan-

Tornados... Continued on Page 10 sion, including engineers, technicians, and production

Eden Adopts Amended Ordinance to Address Animal Cruelty In response to matters voiced by concerned members of the animal welfare group, Humane-ity, and other concerned citizens, the Eden City Council working with the City of Eden Police Department amended their Animal Ordinance on April 17, 2018. The amended ordinance will include a new section under Chapter 3: Animals by adding Section 3-8 Cruel Treatment. The new section will address humane animal tethering as well as sanitary and adequate food, water and shelter. Chains and ropes will no longer be acceptable. Chains or ropes can tangle up and prevent the dog from access to food, water and shelter or the dog could possibly become entangled in the rope, chain or surrounding objects and become strangled. The amended ordinance will require that tethered dogs must be attached to a swiveled ground anchor by a coated cable wire at least fifteen (15) feet in length and

Animal Cruelty... Continued on Page 5

While You Were Out! Pet Services: Sitting • Walking • Feed/Water • Play • Medicate • Put Out/Bring In

Home Services: House Sitting • Get Mail • Security Checks • Lights Alternated • Plants Cared For • Messages Forwarded • Light House Keeping Call Elizabeth Doss - 613-3025

and logistics personnel. Salaries for the new positions will average $38,300, which is higher than the current Rockingham County average wage of $34,620. “This is a very exciting opportunity for Reidsville and for Albaad,” said Reidsville Mayor Jay Donecker, who spoke at the Governor’s press conference along with Kevin Berger, Chair of the Rockingham County Commissioners. “It is one piece of the puzzle, starting with Love’s Travel breaking ground a few weeks ago. We anticipate several more announcements this year. We appreciate everything Albaad does for our community.” County Commission Chair Kevin Berger agreed. “We are excited to have Albaad expand in Rockingham County,” Chair Berger said. “Without a doubt, the teamwork of the City of Reidsville, the County and State

Jobs... Continued to Page 5

Registration for Fall Semester is Open Come See Us Today!

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Jerry Carter For

N.C. House of Representatives Common Sense Governing To Represent ALL the People Paid for by Citizens to Elect Jerry Carter

RE-ELECT A True Conservative Treating Everyone Fair, Honest and using the Common Sense Approach.

Paid For By Keith Zero Mabe For County Commissioner

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Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editor or staff. Letters submitted to the Editor must be signed and include the address and phone number of the writer for clarification and proof of identity. Letters will be published as space allows and at the Editors discretion. Submitting a letter does not guarantee it will be printed.

Dear Ms. Griffith, I am writing in support of the ¼ cent sales tax referendum to be decided by Rockingham County voters on May 8, 2018. The revenue from the tax will be used to fund workforce education at Rockingham Community College (RCC.) As an RCC graduate, I have seen how my Associates degree in Industrial Systems Technologies has helped my career with the City of Eden. Currently, I am a Machine Operator, something I wanted to do because I like to work with my hands. I believe my RCC degree will help me progress with the City in the future.

When I graduated from high school, I enrolled in a 4year private college. After one semester, I realized it was not a good fit for me. I am grateful that RCC was there for me with its Industrial Systems Technologies program which has given me a bright future. I hope the voters of Rockingham County will support this referendum so other students can enjoy the same career potential as I have. RCC is a great resource for our students. Please help this organization provide the training our children will need for future jobs. Sincerely, Jesse Carter

Letter to the Editor, I am writing in support of the ¼ penny sales tax referendum that will be on the May 8, 2018 primary election ballot. This additional funding will be used solely for workforce education at Rockingham Community College. The current facilities are not up to standard for today’s workforce needs. Jobs are getting more sophisticated and for anyone to earn a living wage, they will need additional training after high school. RCC has always been one of the great resources in our county but it needs investment.

The tax is not on groceries, gasoline or prescription drugs and it only reaches a full penny when you spend more than $4.00. This seems like a small sacrifice to help our children have better opportunities in life. Please vote “For” on the ¼ penny sales tax ballot on May 8th. Sincerely, Neville Hall, Mayor of Eden

Independent Agent

Complimentary “Welcome to Medicare” Educational Seminar Confused about all those Medicare plans and options? There are over 30 different plans in Rockingham County. Which strategy is best? Get answers to your questions from a trusted Independent Agent and Certified Senior Advisor with over 12 years of service in Rockingham County.

Saturday, May 19th at 10:00 am Tuesday, May 22nd at 6:30 pm Refreshments Provided Seating is limited, so call to reserve your seat today!

336-613-0543 307 W. Meadow Rd, Suite A, Eden NC •

Next to Ray’s Bait & Tackle near Spray Traffic Circle

A note from Keith Mabe... In the past 7 plus years, I have worked to reduce wasteful spending, creating more jobs and worked to prevent jobs from leaving the county. I also focused on making county government more transparent and making the government work for the people as customers. During my time the taxpayer’s property taxes were reduced. In 2011 unemployment was above 16%, 2017 unemployment is below 6%. Created more jobs in my tenure than what was created in the past decade before with the most recent job announcement of Albaad expansion of 302 jobs in the Ball Plant. I’ve fought to save several companies from leaving adding even more jobs to the county. We’ve had of our meetings computer STREAMED and tape recorded over Rockingham Update and Channel 2 the RCC network so citizens can watch the meetings at home. We also held the county employees accountable for the departments spending and the departments were rewarded when they saved the county money. Each department had measurable goals and objectives that were reviewed each year to make sure the department was on a positive trend of improvement. All departments were graded on customer service because the taxpayer and our citizens are our customers. The focus needs to be getting a higher level of a skilled work force to fill the vacant jobs that employers need. This can be accomplished through Rockingham Community

Letters to the Editor Coninued to next page

Eden’s Own Journal / Rockingham County Star is a monthly news magazine covering local events and lifestyles in Rockingham County. We print and distribute free of charge, due to the support, generosity and commitment to the community that our advertisers exhibit. Views appearing in our paper are from a broad spectrum of citizens and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher. We reserve the right to accept or reject, and edit any and all submissions and advertisements. • Political Issues - limited to schedules and location of group meetings, decisions made by officials, and voting inform.. • There are discounts available for prepaid consecutive advertisements. Call for details. • Birthday, Anniversary, Family announcements available at reduced rates. • Respond to advertisements at your own risk. Mistakes in articles or ads will be compensated at editors discretion, but never more than the cost of the submission.

For Advertisement Inform. Call...

Lisa F. Griffith Or Elizabeth Doss Lisa-336-613-0325 Elizabeth-336-613-3025 Office-336-627-9234 or 5197 NC Hwy. 14 Eden 27288 Schedule for

upcoming ISSUE

JUNE 2018 DEADLINE for Ad Proofs

MAY 22ND 4PM SHARP Visit Us At Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved

Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality Of Life


Letters to the Editor Continued from Previous Page

College and upgrading the training equipment that more matches what the employer has in the manufacturing plant. We also need to plan a strategy for a waste water treatment operation or work with the western towns to get sewer down the main corridors on the west side. We also need a similar strategy between Eden and Reidsville and out 158 East and West. I have been fair and honest to everyone regardless of who they were or what party they belonged too. I have always accepted responsibility for what I have done both good and bad and have asked God for forgiveness for the bad. One quote that I always take to heart is “The Ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in the moment of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in the times of challenge and controversy”. I want to thank everyone for their continued confidence in me over the past years. I would appreciate your Vote on May 8. Thank you and God Bless. Keith Mabe, County Commissioner Dear Ms. Griffith, I am writing in support of the ¼ cent sales tax that is on the May 8, 2018 primary ballot. This tax will benefit Rockingham Community College by providing funds for workforce education. My story shows why supporting RCC is important. While attending RCC, I worked the weekend shift at Gildan Activewear. This allowed me to dedicate time to my education and begin a career at this local Eden company. I graduated with an Associates Degree in Business Administration. After working as a production controller, I am now a shift supervisor at Gildan. I believe I have a good future at Gildan because of the education I received at RCC. I ask Rockingham County citizens to please support the ¼ cent sales tax to help our community college. There are good jobs available in Rockingham County, but we need the type of training to meet the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s industry. This small tax –it only reaches a penny when you spend $4.00---will help other students have a good future. Sincerely, Edgar Robertson To the Editor and citizens, My name is Kimberly W. McMichael and I want to represent you as a Republican for Rockingham County Board of Education, Member at Large seat, in the 2018 election. A native of Rockingham County, and 1993 graduate of Rockingham County Senior High School, I have been married to Penn McMichael for 16 years. We have three children who all

Letters to the Editor Continued on Page 12

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Morehead Memorial Hospital is now UNC Rockingham Health Care, and we couldn’t be more excited. More than just a name change, the hospital is now backed by the expertise, technology and reputation of UNC Health Care. It’s a brighter tomorrow for your hometown care.



Local Farewells Loved ones of Rockingham County who have recently passed away

Peggy Lawson Alley, 71 Stoneville Frank Burroughs, 87 - Reidsville Kerry Bradtmuller - Ruffin Marion Franklin Baynes, 65 Eden Alvin Wilson Bowen, Jr., 79 Josephus Delando Bell -

Reidsville Jerry W. Bell, 69 - Reidsville Xavier Patricio Bonilla Marjorie Williamson Brown Reidsville Nannie Broadnx Norman “Dean” Craig, 83 - RC John Franklin Compton, 62 -

SAUNDERS MONUMENT SALES AND SERVICE WE SELL 1ST QUALITY GRANITE, MARBLE & BRONZE Office 336-875-5264 • 336-613-7795 • 336-613-7797 Great Supply of Pet Memorials Vases on site!

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Reidsville Harry Davis Clifton, 91 Reidsville George E. Church, 67 Donald Lee Cayton, 74 Madison Robin Michelle Cooper, 44 Reidsville Evelyn Dixon Carter, 93 - RC Maryline Storto Davis, 83 Dale Allen Eaglen Vivian Mae Collins Evans, 84 Wilbert Junior East, 86 Stoneville Sateria Zoe Fleming John Robert Farris, 72 Geraldine “Jean” Moore Goins, 69 Christine Elizabeth Stallings Grove, 33 - Reidsville Brenda Charlene Hayes, 68 Reidsville



Kathleen Apple Horton Eunice Bell Herbin Virginia “Ginny” Moore Harrell, 84 Robert Hodge, 66 Ann Trigg Phlegar Harrill, 95 Reidsville Carrie Ernestine Poole Henderson - Reidsville Bobby Junior Hampton, 61 Reidsville Willie Mae Hooper Madelynn Lou Elizabeth Harris, Infant Lois Hamilton Joyce, 75 Willie Preston Kelly, 94 Reidsville Lois Orene Bolen Lancaster, 75 Shawn L. Lowe, 46 Ralphine DeHart Light, 86 Alice Faye Horsley Mimms, 75 RC Gladys Bullins Moore, 87 Mayodan Darryl Mabe - Eden Charlotte Jolene Church McDaniel, 75 Berkley Lee Mabe, 74 Harold Lloyd McKinney, 91 Reidsville Frankie Cox McKenzie, 81 Reidsville James Michael “Mike” Morton, Sr, 65 - Madison Frances Atkins Martin Mayodan Emma Fabian McBrayer, 79 Eden Dora Lee Goad Nelson, 69 Hallie Williams Neal, 92 George Ronald Newman, 80 -

Eden William L. Neal Glenn Ernest Owens, 80 Bobby Leonard Phillips, 83 Eden Denise Pratt, 41 - Reidsville Sylvia Emory Pulliam, 82 John “Wayne” Pruitt, 78 Virginia Earnhardt Ritchie, 100 Ruth Saunders Rumbley, 89 Reidsville Raymond Allen Silvers, 59 - RC Belva Mae Williams Shelton, 71 Lenora Spencer Smith, 95 Patricia Ann Scott Southern, 85 Lessie C. Simmons John Smith, 88 - Mayodan Mildred “Millie” Gilley Spharler, 89 - Eden George "Sonny" Smart, 84 Eden Xander James Sawyer, Infant Sharan James Stallings, 63 Bobby Lee Sizemore, 74 Mamie Constance Catus Smith Margarette Meeks Trent, 96 - RC Dorise Ann Galloway Turner, 63 - Eden Odessa Manuel Thompson, 96 Carolyn Wilkes Talley Janice Lee Joyce Vaden, 62 Mayodan Helen Elaine Moore Vanhoy, 61 Betsy Saunders Wray, 85 - RC Mary Frances Wray 88 Reidsville Doris Boone Wrenn, 82 James "Jimmy" Judson Worsham, III, 71 Berkley Washington Walton, 88 Virginia Brim Wright - Madison

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Jobs...Continued from Page 1 were instrumental. On behalf of the citizens of Rockingham County, I want to thank Governor Cooper, Senator Berger and Commerce Secretary Tony Copeland for their role in landing this expansion for the City of Reidsville and Rockingham County.” “We feel that Reidsville and Rockingham County are poised for real economic development growth over the coming year due to our location and businessfriendly climate,” said Reidsville Economic Development Director Jeff Garstka. “We love to get new industries here but we are also delighted when our existing industries make plans to build on their presence here.” “We are thrilled with Albaad's success in our community and extremely grateful for the company's investment here,” said Jan Critz-Yokeley, Director of Economic Development & Tourism for the Rockingham County Center for Economic Development, Small Business &

Tourism. “It was a true team effort by the State, Reidsville and County to secure this expansion when the company had the choice to go elsewhere. Albaad is a leading example of advanced manufacturing and we look forward to the company's continued success in Rockingham County." The announcement by Governor Cooper is the culmination of more than a year’s worth of discussions between the company, State and local officials about Albaad’s plans to expand. Albaad’s expansion in Rockingham County will be facilitated, in part, by a Job Development Investment Grant (JDIG) approved by the state’s Economic Investment Committee earlier today. Over the course of the 12-year term of this grant, the project will grow the state’s economy by an estimated $810 million. Using a formula that takes into account the new tax revenues generated by the new jobs, the JDIG agreement authorizes the potential

reimbursement to the company of up to $3,688,200, spread over 12 years. State payments only occur following performance verification by the departments of Commerce and Revenue that the company has met its incremental job creation and investment targets. JDIG projects result in positive net tax revenue to the state treasury, even after taking into consideration the grant’s reimbursement payments to a given company. Partnering with the North Carolina Department of Commerce and the EDPNC on this project were the North Carolina General Assembly, the North Carolina Community College System, Duke Energy, Rockingham County, the City of Reidsville, The Rockingham County Center for Economic Development, Small Business and Tourism, and the City of Reidsville Economic Development Department.

of sufficient strength to restrain the dog without breaking. Chains, ropes, twine, cords and non-cable wire are not acceptable types of tethers. All tethers must have swivels attached to both ends to prevent twisting. The area should be free of garbage and other debris that can harm the dog. It shall be unlawful to tether a dog in a manner as to cause injury, strangulation or entanglement of the animal on fences, trees, or other manmade or natural obstacles; or to a fixed-point; or that is under four (4) months of age; or that is sick or injured. There should be no fences or objects within the radius of the tether that the dog can get hung upon. The tether must be arranged so as to be free from obstacles that may limit the movable length of the tether. The tethering ordinance also states that the tether must be attached to a safe and secure harness or collar. Under no circumstances shall the tether be placed directly around the dog’s neck. Tethers are never to be used in conjunction with training collars such as choke or pinch style collars and shelter and water must be present and always within reach of a tethered dog. Properly fitted collars will be required It will no longer be acceptable to use carriers or crates as shelter. The following descriptions will address adequate food water and shelter requirements. Adequate food: The provision at suitable intervals, of a quantity of wholesome foodstuff suitable for the species and age, sufficient to maintain a reasonable level of nutrition in each animal. Such foodstuff shall be served in a receptacle, dish, or container that is physically clean. Adequate water: Means provision of and access to clean,

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Animal Cruelty... Continued from Page 1

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fresh, potable water of a drinkable temperature which is provided in a suitable manner, in sufficient volume, and a suitable intervals, to maintain normal hydration for the age, species, condition, size and type of each animal; and is provided in clean, durable receptacles which are accessible to each animal and are placed so as to minimize contamination of the water by excrement and pests or an alternative source of hydration consistent with generally accepted husbandry practices. Adequate shelter: Means provision of and access to shelter that is suitable for the species, age, condition, size, and type of each animal; provides adequate space for each animal; is safe and protects each animal from injury, rain, sleet, snow, hail, direct sunlight, the adverse effects of heat or cold, physical suffering, and impairment of health; is properly cleaned; enables each animal to be clean and dry, except when detrimental to the species; and, for dogs and cats provides a solid surface, level resting platform, pad, floor mat, or similar device that is large enough for the dog or cat to lie on in a normal manner and can be maintained in a sanitary manner. Adequate shelters for a dog or cat should consist of (3) walls, a top and a floor. Under this chapter, shelters whose wire, grid, or slat floor (i) permit the animal’s feet to pass through the openings, (ii) sag under the animal’s weight, or (iii) otherwise do not protect the animal’s feet or toes from injury are not adequate shelter. Crawl spaces under building/decks, under or in a vehicle, made from materials easily degraded by the elements, carriers or crates designed for temporary housing are not defined as adequate shelter. When sunlight is likely to cause

heat exhaustion of an animal tied or confined outside, sufficient shade by natural or artificial means shall be provided to protect the animal from direct sunlight. It will also be unlawful to fail to provide any dog with adequate space. "Adequate space" means sufficient space to allow each dog to easily stand, sit, lie, turnabout, and make all other normal body movements in a comfortable, normal position for the dog and interact safely with other animals in the enclosure. Chief Greg Light and Captain John Edwards both explain that this ordinance reflects what other surrounding communities have adopted. By adding these requirements we hope that will allow our Animal Control Officer to more effectively ensure animals are not being mistreated. Chief Light explained that the animal owner will have 6 months to comply with the revised animal cruelty ordinance. Humane-ity, a group of local Eden and Rockingham County residents working to improve the standards of care for animals in the community, county and state, believe that these changes to the ordinance will enhance the ability of our local Animal Control officers to police and enforce the ordinances designed to protect domestic animals in the city. Statistics show that responsible pet ownership as enforced and protected by local ordinances benefits the community in many ways – to include reduced overall costs of handling, sheltering and euthanizing animals that are neglected, abandoned or abused. In the case of a serious violation, the police may seize the animal.

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For Your Health...

• DIABETIC EDUCATION 3rd Thurs. of month, 3 pm. No res. necessary, FREE! Pete Crouch, Eden Drug. Call for location. 336-627-4854 • TOPS - TOPS (Takes off pounds sensibly) Mon. at 5:45 pm at the Central Christian Ch., 233 Stadium Dr. Eden. www. or call 1-800-YEA-TOPS. or 919-621-3613. Brenda Denson 627-1086 or Pat Elske at 627-0057. • UNC ROCKINGHAM HEALTH CENTER (formerly Morehead Hosp.) Pre-registration is required for ALL classes UNLESS instructed otherwise. Many are FREE of Charge. Call 336623-9711 ext, 2412 to register. CHRONIC DISEASE CARE Call for dates and times... • Community of Hope Cancer Support Susie Pool at 336-623-9711, Ext. 2662. • Look Good - Feel Better Call 336-623-9713. • Parkinson's Support Group Call 336-627-8510 • HOUSE CALLS - RADIO SHOW 1490 AM • WMYN AM 11am & 7pm, 2nd & 4th Wednesday • ANNIE PENN HOSPITAL Preregistration is required for ALL classes UNLESS instructed otherwise. Many are FREE of Charge. Call numbers listed.

• Reidsville Brain Injury Support Group (for survivors, family members and caregivers) Tuesday, May 15, 7-8:30 p.m. Cone Health Outpatient Rehab Center at Reidsville, 730 S. Scales Street, Suite A For information, call Casey Cockerham at 336-951-4557. • Group Diabetes Classes Monday, May 7, 9-11 a.m. Annie Penn Hospital, Dining Room D. Reg. is req. Call 336-951-4731. • Cancer Support Group Tuesday, May 8, 1-2 p.m. Cone Health Cancer Center at Annie Penn Hospital, Journey Room. For info. or to register, call 336-951-4613. • Creative Journey (for cancer patients and survivors) Tues., May 15, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Cone Health Cancer Center at Annie Penn Hospital, Journey Room. To register, call Patricia Wright at 336-951-4674.

Support Groups

• Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Support Group - Meets every 2nd Tuesday of each month from 11am - 1pm at the Wellness Center located inside Laynes Pharmacy, 509 Van Buren Rd. , Eden. Visit on Facebook: #gotpain. - ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Monday • Evening Words of Wisdom -6:00pm. Life Changes Bldg, 7586 NC HWY 770 Eden. (336) 623-8584 • Fellowship Group – 8:00pm First Presbyterian Church, 318 S. Main St., Reidsville (336) 349-3474 Tuesday • “A Vision for You” Group – 6:00pm St. Thomas Episc. Church, 315 Lindsey

McKinney Sewing and Vacuum

O n g o i n g E v e n t s o f I n t e re s t St., Reidsville (336) 349-3511 Wednesday • Sparrow Group - 8:00pm William’s Annex, 108 N. Main St., Reidsville (800)591-6474 • “Circle of Love” Group - 8:00pm Open Discussion - UNC Rockinghanm Health Center (fomerly Morehead Hospital) 117 E. Kings Hwy., Eden -(336) 623-9711 Thursday • Fellowship Group – 8:00pm First Presbyterian Church, 318 S. Main St. Reidsville (336) 349-3474 Friday • “A Vision for You” Group – 8:00pm Open Discussion, St. Thomas Epi. Ch.. 315 Lindsey St., Reidsville 349-3511 Saturday • 12 Changes Group – 9:00am Life Changes Bldg., 7586 NC Hwy 770, Eden (336) 623-8584 • Serenity Group – 11:00am William’s Annex, 108 N. Main St. – Reidsville (800)591-6474 • Fellowship Group – 8:00pm First Presb. Church 318 S. Main St., Reidsville (336) 349-3474 Sunday Fellowship Group – 8:00pm First Presb. Church, 318 S. Main St. Reidsville (336) 349-3474 ALANON Thursday • Draper Al-Anon Group - 7:00pm First United Methodist Church 130 Main Street - Draper • Madison-Mayodan Group – 8:00pm Episcopal Church of the Messiah 114 S. 2nd Ave. – Mayodan Sunday Paths to Recovery – 7:00pm Reidsville Alliance Church 1300 Freeway Dr. - Reidsville CELEBRATE RECOVERY Sunday Evenings at Osborne Baptist Church. Meal at 5 p.m. Program at 5:30 p.m. (Celebration Place for1st-6th graders, and childcare provided. Rob Robbin at 336-344-6064 or email at ARC OF ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, INC. MONTHLY DANCE - 2nd Thurs. of every month. - Rockingham Wellness Center, 570 S. Van Buren, Laynes Bldg 6:30 - 8:00. Call 336-552-8576 • ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP FOR CAREGIVERS - Annie Penn Call for date & times. South Day Room. Registration not required. 336-951-4674.

Youth Concerns

JUNIOR FIREFIGHTER PROGRAM for 16 & 17 year olds. The Draper Vol. Fire Dept. Must be in high school and have a NC license. Call 336-635-2233. SPECIAL YOUNG ADULTS A night for adults ages 18-45 with mild or moderate developmental disabilities to meet new friends, play games (Bingo, Uno, Dominoes), crafts, snacks and social activities. Call Brenda Moore at 336-623-1077 or 336-613-5174 after 6 p.m.

1405 S. Scales St., Reidsville


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TEEN PARENT SUPPORT GROUP 3rd Tuesday of month at 6:30pm at Leaksville UMC. Ashley May at 6236002. MOPS - Reidsville MOPS - Contact Kelly at 348-1634 or - Rockingham MOPS - Contact Heidi at 427-2712

Meetings & Classes

WENTWORTH RURITAN CLUB 2nd Tues. each month at 6:30 at the Rock. Co. Co-Op Extention Office at 525 NC 65, Reidsville. Call Monnette Rich 336-951-2526 or Mary Jo Boswell 336-342-4346 STONEVILLE RURITAN CLUB At the VFW Hut, N. Glenn St. 3rd Tuesday of month - 7pm Dot Ellington 573-2093 or Ricky Craddock 336-453-7005 INTELLIGENCE RURITAN CLUB Bethany area meets on 1st Tuesday at 6:30 in Fellowship Hall of the Comers Chapel Bapt.Church, Bald Hill Loop, Madison. Text 336 686 6013 or email REIDSVILLE CHARTER CHAPTER OF ABWA Meets the third Tuesday of every month at Fursty's Restaurant on Freeway Drive in Reidsville at 6:30 pm. RC FEDERATED REPUBLICAN WOMEN'S CLUB 3rd Sat. of every month at 9:30 am for snacks, Meeting begins at 10 am. Meeting at the Rock. Co. Republican Headquarters, 221 Piedmont St., Reidsville.

349-6040. Volunteers Needed. (336) 394-0080. • AMERICAN LEGION POST 254 2nd Thursdays of Month at 7PM at the legion. Call Curtis Pierce at 336-6239481 leave message. • AMERICAN LEGION POST 79 Reidsville, 2nd Sat. of month 10 am (breakfast at 9am) Behind Auto Zone in Reidsville. 336-932-9082, leave message. • AMVETS - Local group. All Veterans and service men & women welcome. Willard (Woody) Waters at 336-635-1786 or • DAV AUXILIARY - New info: 2nd Tuesday of month, Noon at the Golden Coral in Reidsville. Betty Gatewood at 336-623-7027 • VFW POST 8297- 2nd Sat. of month at 961 Church St. Ext., Reidsville, Noon. Bobby Jones 336-349-7733 • VFW POST 7033 -1st Tuesday of month at 301 12th Ave., Mayodan, 7 PM. Donald Bien,CDR 336-548-3431. • A PLACE TO SHARE EXPERIENCES... 3rd Sat. of month 8am - until. Freeman Wood Crafters 413 Church St (Near traffic circle). Eden. Park in the main parking lot (at the Three Rivers Outfitter) follow the signage. Coffee, doughnuts and relaxing atmosphere. Woodworking lesson if wanted. Please call ahead: 336-573-9900. Handicapped access available, please let us know your needs when you call. There are no plumbing facilities at this meeting and no temperature control. Dress accordingly.

Community Help

RC AMATEUR RADIO CLUB 7pm on the 3rd Tuesday of month. 708 Barnes St., Reidsville (Salvation Army Gym.) 434-203-3050

GOODWILL CAREER CENTERS GED, Computer Skills Classes, Employability Skills Classes, Job Leads, Network Room, Resume Assistance For information or to register for classes: Eden –336-623-3007 Reidsville – 336-637-1010 Mayodan – 336-949-4849

EDEN EVENING LION’S CLUB Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of month at Santana’s, Eden at 6:30am.

ROCKINGHAM HABITAT FOR HUMANITY RESTORE - 926 Washington St., Eden. Every Saturday 10

NATIONAL ACTIVE AND RETIRED FEDERAL EMPLOYEES – Chapter 1161 – 3rd Wed. each month at 11:30 a.m Mayflower Seafood Rest., 1641 Freeway Dr., Reidsville, . All federal active, retired empl. & spouses & postal & military) Tom Lovell – 336-623-1081. THE CHRISTIAN WOMEN’S CONNECTION OF EDEN Shelby Baker 939-2230 or Norma Woody 623-8807 ROCK. CO. DEMOCRATIC PARTY MONTHLY MEETING 3rd Tuesday of Month 7pm - 8:30pm Room 211, Advanced Tech. Bldg, RCC GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH: The Family History Center at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 4751 N.C. 14 south of Eden. 1 to 4 p.m. Tues. and 12:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wed. Professional on site to help trace roots for free. 336-623-7154 or 336-623-1797.

Military Groups

• ROCK. CO. PFC JERRY L. MCKINNEY GROUP - Detachment of Marine Corps League - All Marines, active/inactive, Navy Corpsmen and Navy Chaplins that served with FMF Marine Units and Spouses. 2nd Thur. of each mo. Eat 6pm, meet 7 pm at the Agriculture Building, 525 Hwy 65, Wentworth. Joe Zanetti 336-623-6779 • AMERICAN LEGION POST 534 Post 534 - at 302 N. 12th Av. Mayodan . Rock. Co. Post. The 2nd Saturday at 11 AM. Post CDR. David Califf: • AMERICAN LEGION RIDERS 2nd Sat. of month at 9:30 AM at Post Building, 302 N. 12th Ave., Mayodan. American Legion, Auxiliary or Sons of AL with a street legal motorcycle welcome. Don Laster at 336-202-9724. • THE DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS OF ROCK. CO. 2nd Monday. Chapter 63 -Ag. Building at 525 HWY NC 65, Wentworth, (old Wentworth School. Room 180) Social 6 pm, meeting at 7 pm. Transportation for veterans to VA appts if needed. (336)

a.m. to 3 p.m., Thurs - Fri. 10-4. Tax ded. Free large pickup. 336-627-0160. FACE THE WORLD FOUNDATION registering volunteer host families for international exchange students for the 20142015 school year. Call 910-308-9458. MEALS FOR THE HUNGRY • SALVATION ARMY -Mon. thru Fri. 12:00-12:30 at 314 Morgan Rd, Eden Sun. 9:30 worship, 11am Sunday School. MEALS WITH FRIENDS! Monday – Thursday at lunch time. Anyone 60 +, Activities, good food & fun Hot Nutritious Lunches • HUNTSVILLE NUTRITION 1151 Sardis Church Rd., Madison 427-5206 Site Manager-Donna Fulp • LEAKSVILLE NUTRITION Bridge St. Rec. 400 Bridge St., Eden Contact Mildred Cochran 623-5343 • MAD. - MAYO. NUTRITION Mad. – May. Rec. 300 S Second Ave., May. - 445-9840 Wanda Barnett • REIDSVILLE NUTRITION SITE Reidsville Salvation Army 704 Barnes St., 349-4923 ext. 106 • ROCKINGHAM RESCUE MISSION 618 Early Avenue, Eden • 336-623-2133 Tues., Wed. & Thurs 11:00-12:30 • FOOD BANK Every Friday 11am 1pm Stoneville Pent. Holiness Ch., Hwy 770, Stoneville. Free food to all in need.

Ongoing Events

- Effective Teacher Training Class meets at Goodwill - Eden Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, April 3-25 from 9:00 a.m. - Noon at Triad Goodwill’s Eden Career Center, 220 W. Kings Highway, Suite H, Eden, NC 27288.Cost is $125 with instruction by Rockingham Community College. Learn how to be successful in a classroom setting. This class is required by RC Schools to be placed on Substitute Teacher Lists. Call 336-623-3007 to reg.

Church Events “Church Events” is for Special Occasions that Churches in the county offer the public such as Revivals, Music, Guest Speakers, Programs, Vacation Bible Schools and more. For up to 10 Lines (or less) the fee is $10 The listing will be in the public’s hands for a full month and online, so be sure to tell the public what your place of worship has to offer them. Call 336-627-9234 and ask for Elizabeth or Lisa.

REFORMERS UNANIMOUS ADDICTIONS PROGRAM Complete, Free recovery program meeting at ROBERTS MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH Every Friday evening 7-9, Ph. 336-344-5083 203 Memorial Baptist Church Rd. Stoneville NC 27048 Why Are You Still Addicted? We can Help. • SHAW CHRISTIAN CHURCH 208 The Boulevard, Eden • 336-635-2277 Thursday Service 6:30pm - Biblical Learning / Bible Study Saturday 6:30pm - Worship Service Now accepting volunteers for our Children’s Ministry for Thursday and Saturdays • EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH Eden Baptist Church The Church With A Y For You! 320 The Boulevard ~ Eden, NC Specialized Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship 6 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer 7 p.m. Children & Youth Programs 7 p.m. 336-623-3515; • EDEN CHURCH OF CHRIST 250 The Boulevard, Eden, NC • 276-340-2653 James Oldfield • SUNDAY 9am Bible Class • 10am Worship Thursday 7pm Bible Study Also: Call In Live Thurs 9pm on WGSR Star News 47.1 Live Call In at WLOE Sundays at 5pm •

REDEMPTION ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH 2131 Hwy. 14, Reidsville, NC 27320 • 336-420-8805 Pastor D.L. Bray • Youth Pastor Luke Bray #RevivallnReidsville • Van Ministry • Ladies & Mens Ministry • Youth Ministry • Food Pantry Mininstry Sunday School 10am / Sunday AM Worship 11AM Sunday Evening 5pm / Wed. Night 7pm Preaching from the King James Bible


Events of Interest DANCE - LARRY J’S 1201 Old Leaksville Rd., Ridgeway, Va.  Friday with the House Rockers Saturday - Various Guest Bands Doors Open at 6pm Music from 7pm - 9:45pm No Alcohol • Smoke Free Concessions Available Adults $6 Donation, 12 & Under Free For Info Contact Wayne at  276-956-1337 or 276-340-6212 TRIAD DAYLILY FANS & NTL GARDEN CLUB - Meets the 1st Sunday of month. Plant sales Sept-May 2 - 4pm, 4301 Lawndale Dr, Greensboro. Lynne 336 456 4509 "ART IN THE GARDEN" A conversation on how our community can develop an art center in Eden. We have a Public Facebook Group 90931/) with an ongoing discussion.      CASCADE COM. CENTER DANCE # 621 (3561 Huntington Trail) Cascade Virginia. Doors open 5:30 pm, Concessions avail. Music  Friday night from 7-10 pm by  Cascade Express with Eddy Irving & Friends and Bluegrass  the 1st and 3rd Sat.  THE BARN 151 Gant Rd. Eden, N.C. - Tuesday Night at “The Barn” Open Jam 6:15PM, Doors Open 7 p.m.  Also Saturdays at “The Barn”  Music at 7:00 PM. Call Jerry Wilson 336-706-1018 or  Debbie Wilson   336-706-2144 DANCE: TEXAS “T” BAND AT JEFFERSON PENN MASONIC LODGE, 110 S. Main St., Reidsville

Saturday 6pm, Dance at 7pm.  No Alcohol, smoke free. Adults $5 don.,  Under 11 free.  SENIOR DANCES -REIDSVILLE EVENTS CENTER -Downtown Reidsville @ 223 S. Scales St. - Tuesday Bluegrass Night 7pm - 9:30pm - Thursday Classic Country with City Limits Band 7pm: 9:30pm Bob or Myra Tudor at 336342-6770. VFW WEEKLY DANCE Every Thursday 7pm - 10pm Live Music, Refresh. Avail.  No Alcohol •  $5 donation at door VFW Bldg., 302 N. 12th Ave. Mayodan, NC

Upcoming Events

ART AND PHOTOGRAPHY BY: NEW JOURNEY CREATIONS Show and Sale at Eden City Hall. Open for viewing any regular operation hours. Call Lisa F. Griffith at 336-613-0325 for

more information. Great gifts for birthdays, celebrations, Mothers & Father’s day coming up! 2018 Candidate Filing Period Superior and Dictrict Court Offices June 18 - June 29th 2018 Soil nad Water Conservation District Supervisor June 11, 2018 - July 6 2018

• 2018 Rockingham County Senior Games & SilverArts will be celebrating it’s 22nd year of Recreation, Competition, Exhibits and Performances for adults age 50 and better.  This year’s events will take place from April 17th May 19th.

• 16th Annual Piedmont Pottery Festival June 2, 9-4pm at Kingsway Plaza Shopping Center at 220 W. Kings Hwy., Eden. Over 75 potters, demonstrations and door prizes. Visit or call City


of Eden Tourism & Special Events Coordinator Cindy Adams at 336-6128049. email  PRAYER AROUND THE POLE SCHEDULE MAY 7, MON., Bethany Com. Middle; Bethany Elem/Start at Community end at Elem. MAY 14, MON., Lincoln Elem; Douglas Elem; Leaksville Spray Elem/ Starting at 7:00 MAY 21, MONDAY, Southend Elem; Moss St/ Start So end MAY 28, MONDAY, New Vison/ Dillard; Huntsville Elem/ Start at 7:00

1201 old Leaksville Rd. Ridgeway, Va 276-956-1337

May 2018 Line-Up

Every Friday: House Rockers

Doors Open 6pm • All Shows 7pm

•  FILMING AT EDEN DRIVE-IN - Eden Drive-In with UNC-TV. We encourage everyone to come out and enjoy a great movie under the stars and support this Eden treasure. UNC-TV is featuring our drive-in as part of  a Weekend Getaway that will air later in the month. Our drive-in is only 1 of 5 in the entire State!  Gates open at 6pm. Giveaways and great fun! See you there!


Saturday 5/5 Woody poWeRs & MidnigHt expRess Saturday 5/12 oLd skooL Saturday 5/19 ReMedy Saturday 5/26 BULLet Band


• ROCKINGHAM COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSS MEETING. Governmental Center, 371 NC Hwy. 65, Wentworth, NC. All Meetings are at 6:30PM  • FIESTA IN THE PARK - We will be conducting a Hispanic Heritage event in Grogan Park at Eden City Hall with all of the 5th graders in our Eden elementary schools. Mariachi Band, delicious authentic food samples, piñata making, photos and lots of fun. Sponsored by Grassroots Grant from the Rockingham County Arts Council.


• FREEDOM PARK (Eden) FUN FEST 10am - 3pm -Schedule: 10-12 Mountain View Baptist Mass Choir, 10:30-12 Fun Family Tennis Games, 12 noon - Extravadance Exhibition, 12:40 Hula Hoop Contest, 1-3 - The Bullet Band. There will be inflatables for kids, mini golf, corn hole, slide and bounce house.  Free kids activities all day and food for everyone’s taste.  • 4th ANNUAL OINK & ALE. 6PM - 9PM on Monroe Street in the Historic Leaksville District. Admission is Free. Enjoy various vendors Barbecue and Ribs, MillerCoors beer, as well as many independent beers. Live Music and dancing in the streets! For more information visit or call City of Eden Tourism & Special Events Coordinator Cindy Adams at 336-612-8049. email


SUNDAY, MAY 13TH • MOTHERS DAY • RELAY FOR LIFE Friday, May 18th 6pm  - 12am. Rockingham County High School. Wish Upon A Cure! 6pm Opening Ceremony, 6:15 Survivor/Caregiver Walk, 9pm Luminaria Ceremony, 11:45 Closing Ceremony. • AARON MANUEL MEMORIAL CRUIZE-IN Downtown Stoneville, NC 5pm - 8pm  Every 3rd Friday  thru Sept.  Sponsored by Carolina Cruizers in support of the Barry L. Joyce Local Cancer Support Fund.  Contact Michael Manuel  336-404-5565


Bring Mom for a new style!

•  Interested in KAYAKING OR STAND-UP PADDLE BOARDING for the first time? Want to try out a  specific type or model for a future purchase? Come today and have some fun at the Reidsville Lake. 10am - 2pm. REIDSVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION @ 336-349-1091 OR GET:OUTDOORS @ 336-294-3918. •  CANOE THE MAYO RIVER Mayo River State Park (4-5 hour float) Summer 2018  10:00am Free guided trip open to the first 11 people to register at the park office. Call 336-427-2530 to sign up or for more information and directions.



• ROCKINGHAM COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSS MEETING. Governmental Center,  371 NC Hwy. 65, Wentworth, NC. All Meetings are at 6:30PM  • HOOKED ON FISHING DERBY - . Registration begins at 9am, Fishing begins at 9:30 and ends at 11am.  Kids ages 4- 12 (Must be accompanied by an adult) will gather at the Fireman’s Hut Pond located on  Smith Acres Road near the Eden Drive In.  One rod per child, adults are not allowed to fish. Must fish with bait provided. Worms are furnished. For more info call Carla Huffman or Mary Stanley at 336-627-4711.  •  FREEDOM PARK MUSIC & CRUISE IN These events are held at the Kiwanis Amphitheatre at Freedom Park in Eden. Cruz In starts at 5:50. Live music starts at 6:30 pm. Event is open to the public and FREE. Bring your Lawn Chairs! Against The Nights (Christian Blues Music) There are 50/50 drawings, concessions, corn hole, door prizes and more.  • 7TH ANNUAL FAMILY FISHING DAY at MAYO RIVER STATE PARK 500 Old Mayo Park Rd.  9:30am – 2:30pm Kids fishing derby for registered participants ages 17 and under with prizes. 336-427-2530  A North Carolina FISHING LICENSE-EXEMPT DAY


• THE ANNUAL VETERANS MEMORIAL DAY PROGRAM will be held  at the Rockingham County Veterans Park in Wentworth at 2:00 pm. Reading the names of all veterans in County who have passed away  during the past year. Patriotic music, Rockingham Veterans Honor Guard 21 gun salute and the playing of Taps. We invite all veterans and their families and the general public.


• Tune in to watch “A FEW MINUTES WITH THE MAYOR” Spend 15 minutes with Mayor Neville Hall on WGSR-Star News 5 as this show airs live at 6:15 p.m. the last Thursday of each month.



MeadoW gReens sHopping CenteR

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$ .99 haircut

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$ .99 haircut

It’s Gonna Be Great! offer expires: May. 31, 2018 Not valid with any other offers. Limit One. Valid at Eden Location Only

It’s Gonna Be Great!


From the Desks of Eden City Hall City Manager’s Report

Proposed Budget for FY 2018-19 Copies of the proposed budget for FY 2018-19 (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019) were distributed to the Mayor and each member of City Council on Monday, April 9th. In addition, a complete copy of the budget document has been placed on file with the City Clerk and is available for public inspection

during normal business hours from now until the May 15th public hearing. The City Council held a budget work session on the proposed budget at the end of their agenda during the regularly scheduled City Council meeting April 17th. Executive Summary The combined budgets for fiscal year 2018-19 are balanced and equal $33,332.200, which is an increase of $78,400 or 0.24% when compared to the current budget.

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According to the priorities submitted and discussed by the Mayor and City Council, the funding priority themes for FY 2018-19 include: A. Economic Dvpt. Initiatives B. Parks & Recreation Initiatives C. Infrastructure Improvement Initiatives D. Positively Eden Strategic Plan Initiatives E. Code Enforcement & Nuisance Abatement It should be noted that funding to some degree or another for each of these identified and discussed priority themes has been included in the budget as submitted. The budget does not increase the current tax rate of $0.609 per $100 assessed property valuation. A comparison of the existing tax rates currently being charged by surrounding governmental entities is as follows: Eden $ 0.609 Madison $ 0.73 Mayodan $ 0.63 Reidsville $ 0.74 Rockingham County $0.696 Stoneville $ 0.69 Wentworth - Not Applicable The budget does not increase the water rates, sewer rates or monthly res. solid waste fee. The budget does not increase the motor vehicle license fee of $15.00 per licensed vehicle. The budget includes a flat $700 increase in compensation for all full-time employees. The budget includes funding for 181 full-time employees. This is a reduction of 3 full- time positions since Oct. 2015. This full-time employment level compares favorably to the 203 fulltime positions that were funded in FY 1995-96, and the 189 fulltime positions that were being funded during FY 2000-01. The budget includes $1,000,000 in contingency funds (General Fund $500,000 and Water & Sewer Fund $500,000) for unanticipated expenditures and/or unforeseen declines in revenue. The FY 2018-19 spending plan includes the allocation of $1,000,000 in available fund bal-

ance (General Fund $500,000 and Water & Sewer Fund $500,000). Without the appropriation of $1,000,000 in contingency funds as noted above, there would not have been a need to allocate any balance. Approximately $38,201,955 in work related to the EPA Administrative Order Consent (AOC) ($31,134,055) to eliminate Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) and the Berry Hill Mega Park Project ($7,067,900) to extend waterlines to the NC/VA state line will dominate much of our time over the next 4 years. A lump sum allocation of $300,000 for additional undesignated initiatives related to the continued implementation of the Positively Eden Strategic Plan is included in the budget. Funding is included for the following items: • $4,760,900 for capital outlay items – several of which, are related to the Positively Eden Strategic Plan: General Fund – $1,543,600 Powell Bill/Street Resurfacing – $856,700 Water & Sewer Fund – $2,360,600 • $2,831,800 in loan proceeds for twenty-four different items/initiatives. • $2,769,600 for debt service payments: • General Fund – $820,100 • Water & Sewer Fund – $1,949,500 • $1,307,900 in revenue from the following grants/principal forgiveness loans to help fund various projects and initiatives: 1. Rockingham County Aging, Disability & Transit Services (RCATS) Grant for the Skat Bus Operations – $127,800. 2. Duke Energy Water Resources Fund Grant for the Klyce Street/Draper River Access Points/Landings – $100,000. 3. Community Oriented Policing Services Grant the Help Fund Two Additional Police Officers – $83,100. 4. North Carolina Commerce Rural Infrastructure Authority Grant for the New Street Sewer Improvements Project – $997,000. $262,000 in funding to pay for the City’s obligations in reference to performance agreements with four local industries: Gildan, SGRTEX, Karastan, and Innofa. $162,800 for code enforcement efforts including demolitions and

nuisance abatements and $40,000 in funding for part-time employees who will focus on picking up litter and debris to improve community aesthetics. $124,100 in funding to continue supporting a number of community-wide organizations, events and initiatives. A copy of the complete budget message can be found on the City’s web page in the document center for your review and information. It can be accessed directly via this link: tCenter/View/10401. A public hearing and adoption of the FY 2018-19 budget will be held during the City Council’s regular meeting on May 15, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.

Economic & Tourism Development Department Lidl Supermarket Lidl Senior Real Estate Development Manager Hector Baez and Director of Communications Will Harwood spoke with Director of Economic Development Mike Dougherty on March 29th. All communications about new store openings come through the Communications Department. Mr. Harwood remarked that he often deals with Economic Development offices in the locations in which Lidl has opened. When the Eden store is scheduled for opening, the City will be the first to know, but there is no timetable for the Eden store that has been established at this time. Mr. Dougherty reiterated that area citizens are eager for the store to open, which they appreciated. Mr. Dougherty has also sent out a Facebook request to Eden and Rockingham County citizens to visit the Lidl web site and click on the “contact us” link. They can express their desire for the company to open the Eden store. On March 28th, Mr. Dougherty received a call from a Triad Business Journal reporter about a Greensboro Lidl location that has been delayed. He was curious about the Eden location. It appears that they are delaying both smaller and larger market

Eden Manager’s Report Continued On Page 9


Eden Manager’s Report

NC Works On-line As of Monday, April 2, 2018, there were 807 available jobs in Rockingham County. Notable companies that are currently hiring included: Cone Health: 83 RC Schools: 59 UNC Rockingham Healthcare: 46 Food Lion: 25 McDonald’s Corporation: 21

Continued From Page 8 stores until they get a better feel for the respective markets in which they are located. The Triad Business Journal published an article on this topic in their March 29th on-line publication.

1â „4 Cent Sales Tax Campaign A campaign has been initiated by the Citizens FOR the one-fourth cent sales tax to Benefit RCC Committee. Civic, church, emergency services and other groups have been contacted. Several RCC graduates were interviewed to provide their stories of how RCC helped launch their careers. They included graduates of the cosmetology, basic law enforcement and business administration programs. The vote on this referendum is May 8, 2018.

KDH Defense Systems This Eden company has officially merged with Armor Express, a manufacturer and distributor of high-performance body armor solutions based in Central Lake, Michigan. By joining forces, the companies now serve the U.S. Armed Forces, Department of Defense, federal and domestic law enforcement professionals, and various international agencies across the world. KDH is one of the prime manufacturers of protective gear for the Department of Homeland Security and has several contracts with other federal agencies, in addition to its longstanding heritage as one of the largest suppliers of body armor systems to the U.S. Armed Forces. Dave Herbener, founder of KDH, and Matt Davis, founder of Armor Express, will both serve as president of their respective organizations. KDH will continue to produce its military, government and federal law enforcement contracts at its manufacturing facility in Eden, while manufacturing of domestic and federal body armor will continue to be performed at Armor Express’ facility in Central Lake, Michigan.

Rock-A-Top Apprenticeship Program Twenty Rockingham County students have been accepted into the Rock-A-Top Apprenticeship program. They will work with local companies while attending high school. At the end of the program, the students will have earned an Associate’s Degree in Manufacturing Technology and may continue working for the companies in which they apprenticed. This program is being pursued to supply skilled workers to area companies. SCORE SCORE is the nation’s largest network of volunteer, expert business mentors, with more than 10,000 volunteers in 300

chapters. On March 21, 2018, Mayor Pro-Tem Jim Burnette, Main Street Manager Randy Hunt, Chamber of Commerce President Angela Fowler, Chamber Past President Will Flynt and Director of Economic Development Mike Dougherty met with Shawn Gorman, former county employee and VP of SCORE Greensboro to discuss starting a SCORE chapter in Eden. During his time in the county, Shawn monitored about 300 new businesses starting annually. Three to four out of ten came from Eden. 80% of the referrals came from the Register of Deeds where businesses normally register within the county.

NC Wildlife Resources Commission The City of Eden has been informed that this state agency has purchased the remaining Whitt Farm property located off of River Road outside of Eden. They will do a formal announcement in the near future. This property almost became a landfill in 2014. Thanks to efforts of several individuals and groups, including the City of Eden, we were able to work together to prevent this from happening and allocated the necessary resources to successfully fight it.



Eden Manager’s Report Continued On Page 34

In By 9am-Out By 5pm! HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! SPRING CLEANING IS HERE! Offering Alterations! All Cleaning On-Site!

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Tornado...Continued From Page 1

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Cates announced that the Emergency Services had declared a state of emergency for the townships of Williamsburg, Ruffin, and Reidsville, areas north and east of the U.S. 29 corridor extending to the VA line." No lives were lost in Rockingham County but there were seven transported to the hospital, two of which were with significant injuries. There were several reports of structural damage from fallen trees, power lines down, and roadways were blocked with debris. The clean up can take some time and may hinder travel

through several areas. After the sun came up on the day after, the Rockingham County townships of Williamsburg, Ruffin, and Reidsville, were declared in a state of emergency due to the EF-2 tornado. Soon after that the Engineering & Public Utilities Dept. issued a Rockihngham County Government Landfill Disaster Debri Protocol through May 1st to waive fees for local citizens who were directly affected by the tornado. Citizens are encouraged to register for the "Code Red" emergency notification system to

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receive "free" emergency information during a major event or disaster. You can also receive non-emergency information as well as severe weather notifications. Please fill in the appropriate info so you'll be notified by your local emergency response team in the event of emergency situations or critical community alerts! Examples include: evacuation notices, bio-terrorism alerts, boil water notices, and missing child reports. Go to CODE RED link to sign up now: ne/en-US/BFFE135A8D6B • Relief for Those Affected by the Tornado Rockingham Rescue Mission is able to receive the following donations: - Checks/cash donations - Non-perishable foods - Hygiene products These items will be accepted at Rockingham Rescue Mission’s location at 3692 NC Highway 14, Reidsville, NC 27320. Monetary donations may be mailed to this address (please do not send cash through the mail) or by visiting their website at Please mark the funds as Disaster Relief. For inquiries, please call 336-623-2133. In addition, Rockingham Rescue will be setting up a staging area at Ruffin Stacey Baptist Church on Saturday, April 21st and 28th. The church is located at 261 Estes Rd, Ruffin, NC 27326. This effort is in conjunction with the Rockingham County Emergency Management Services and Rockingham County Department of Health and Human Services. Behavioral Health Resources: After a Disaster To assist individuals and families who have been impacted by the recent tornado. The links have information on how to manage stress after a disaster event: • tornadoes.aspx • Coping_with_Disaster.pdf • coping/selfcare.asp • tornadoes-kids.aspx • Help is available for individuals who may need someone to talk to due to trauma or stress concerning the event. The following resources are available: Cardinal Innovations Healthcare Solutions Crisis Line (Rockingham County): 800-939-5911 Sandhills Crisis Line (Guilford County): 800-2569111

Food Drive extended due to Tornados

Photo courtesy of UNC The Rockingham County Food Drive has extended its collections to run through Saturday, May 19, Blake Dawson, chairman of the Committee of 100 that conducts the annual event, announced today. “People affected by the tornados – those whose homes were destroyed or severely damaged – probably will be contacting our agencies for help,” he said. “We also are running behind on our collections this year because of the 10,000pound increase in the goal.” Businesses, organizations and individuals who want to help meet the 50,000-pound goal can use these extra three weeks to increase their efforts to bring in more food. Dawson could not say how near the food drive is to meeting the increased goal because some agencies won’t be providing

MAY 2018 eDen’s oWn / CounTY sTAr, PAge 11 H

UNC Rockingham Health Care collected 331 packages of macaroni and cheese, canned peas and other food items for the countywide food drive. Pictured are Myla Barnhardt, left, marketing and communications coordinator at the hospital, and Dale Hallett, manager of the Cooperative Christian Ministries.

their totals until after the drive’s original end date of April 28. “We know that many of those people in the path of the April 15 tornado lost everything they had and are having to change their entire lives,” Dawson said. “Many have had to find another place to live on the spur of the moment and are now making decisions about replacing or repairing their homes.” “We hope being able to get food from the participating agencies will lessen some of their worries,” he said. Anyone wanting to donate food or help collect non-perishable items can drop off their donations to any of the seven participating agencies, at local fire departments, or can arrange to have it picked up by calling 336-432-2843 or 336-627-1256.

Randy McIntyre, owner Casey McIntyre and Chris Frazier, from left, of LED Integrations Co. on Church Street in Burlington hold some of the food they have collected for the drive. They learned about last year’s drive from a television newscast and brought nearly 1,000 pounds of food to add to the Countywide Food drive in Rockingham County. McIntyre says they plan to double that amount this year.

Freedom Park Music and Cruz In Sponsored by the Eden Parks and Recreation Department and held the last Saturday of each month. There are 50/50 drawings, concessions, corn hole, door prizes and more. These events are held at the Kiwanis Amphitheatre at Freedom Park in Eden. Cruz In starts at 5:50. Live music starts at 6:30 pm. Sat. May 26 6:30 - Against The Nights (Christian Blues Music) Event is open to the public and FREE. Bring your Lawn Chairs! Mark your calendars!


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Q & A’s: 7 screening Tests for Women

May is the month when many women celebrate Mother’s Day. Maybe breakfast in bed, homemade cards, extra hugs….? It’s pretty wonderful to feel so cared for. But how well do you take care of yourself —whether or not you’re a mother? one big piece of self-care involves regular screening tests, which can prevent many health problems— or help you nip them in the bud as early as possible. Life can get hectic, though, so it’s easy to forget or to put it off. Here is a brief overview of the tests the u.s. Preventive services Task Force recommends for women. remember: these are guidelines only. Talk with your doctor about your unique needs. 1. Blood pressure test. starting at age 18: • get tested at least every 2 years if your blood pressure is lower than 120/80. • get tested once a year if your blood pressure is between 120/80 and 139/89. • Discuss treatment with your doctor if your blood pressure is 130/80 or higher, per American Heart Association. 2. Bone mineral density test. • At age 50, ask your doctor if you are at risk for bone disease (osteoporosis). • At age 65 or older, have at least one bone mineral density test. Ask your doctor whether you need repeat testing. 3. Breast cancer screening. • At age 40, discuss your risk with your doctor to decide if you need regular mammograms. • starting at age 50, have a mammogram every 2 years. • At age 75, ask your doctor whether or not you need to be screened. 4. Cervical cancer screening. • starting at age 21, get a Pap test every 3 years if you have a cervix. • starting at age 30, you can get a Pap test and human papillomavirus (HPV) test together every 5 years if you have a cervix. • At age 65 or older, ask your doctor whether or not you need a Pap test. 5. Cholesterol test. starting at age 20, get a regular cholesterol test if you are at increased risk for heart disease. Ask your doctor how often to do this. 6. Colorectal cancer screening. From age 50 to 75, get screened for colorectal cancer. This may include one or more tests, such as fecal occult blood testing, sigmoidoscopy, or colonoscopy. Ask your doctor which test is best for you and how often you need it. 7. Diabetes screening. starting at age 18, get screened if your blood pressure is higher than 130/80 or if you take high blood pressure medicine. In addition, if you’re sexually active, ask your doctor whether or not you need any special tests. What if one of the tests above reveals that you have a health condition? You might feel overwhelmed by a new diagnosis. Many people do. We can offer you private consultations and a wide range of resources to help you manage what’s ahead. For example, if you need to monitor your blood pressure at home, you can find blood pressure kits for sale right here. or if you need help managing any drug interactions, we can work with your doctor to find better options for you. Don’t forget: eden Drug is with you each step of the way. nothing herein constitutes medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or is a substitute for professional advice. You should always seek the advice of your physician or other medical professional if you have questions or concerns about a medical condition.


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Letters to the Editor... Continued from Page 3 attend Rockingham County Consolidated Schools. I am the daughter of the late Ronald E. Walker and Deonne Walker, and the daughter in law of Jule Jr.

role as a Board of Education member is to be an active ambassador for the students, teachers, and taxpayers in the areas of safety, policy and education. These issues must be addressed in an environment of a trusted relationship with local government. Our Board of Education must be a good steward over every dollar allotted, making choices between needs and wants. After twenty years as a self employed professional, I have experience managing a budget and determining wants verses needs. It is my firm belief education is one of the major solutions so society’s problems. A quality education increases the likelihood of a better life. As a parent of three young children I easily relate to the desire for our children to have choices, and to become responsible, successful citizens. I would appreciate your support and vote in the upcoming Primary Election on May 8th. Kimberly W. McMichael for RC School Board

and Barbara McMichael. I have been a life long Republican and I hold to conservative beliefs and values. I believe the most important

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Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life

Teen Leadership Council formed The Rockingham County Teen Leadership Council is a new initiative sponsored by Rockingham County Government, wherein Leadership Council members will serve as a liaison between the youth of Rockingham County and their County Government. This is a service-oriented organization that requires monthly meetings as as well as participation in programs throughout the school year. Interested applicants are encouraged to read the Leadership Council's bylaws and attend a County Commissioner meeting to see what being a part of a governing team is like firsthand. Students entering grades 9-12 for the 2018-2019 school year who attend a public, private, or home school within Rockingham County are eligible to apply. The deadline for applications is May 30, 2018. Membership selection will be made before July 20, 2018, at which time all applicants will receive a letter of status. Membership in the Rockingham County Teen Leadership Council is expected to be very competitive, and those not selected are encouraged to reapply in subsequent years.

Help for Stuttering as close as your Library Thanks to generous donors, the Stuttering Foundation has donated books and DVDs to libraries across the country, including the Rockingham County Public Libraries. Stuttering Foundation books are directed to parents of children who stutter, adults who stutter, speech pathologists, pediatricians, family physicians, nurses, health care professionals, hospitals, schools, clinics, day-care centers, and all those concerned with the problem of stuttering. The DVDs feature some of the world's leading therapists with children who stutter. Since the original publication, Foundation materials have reached millions of individuals worldwide. More than three million Americans stutter, yet stuttering remains misunderstood by most people," said Jane Fraser, president of The Stuttering Foundation. "Myths such as believing people who stutter are less intelligent or suffer from psychological problems still persist despite research refuting these erroneous beliefs." Sixteen books and DVDs produced by the 70-year-old nonprofit Stuttering Foundation are available free to any public library. The Foundation has provided free materials that are available to over 20,000 public libraries nationwide. A library that will shelve them can e-mail

Sheriff urges, “Keep Rockingham County Beautiful, Don’t Litter!” With Spring finally here, take a moment during your busy day, look around and take in our county's natural beauty. From our lakes and rivers to our parks and cities, Rockingham County has a lot to offer when it comes to breath-taking landscapes. Rockingham County Sheriff Sam S. Page would like to remind citizens that it is the responsibility of all of us to keep our county beautiful. Some people don’t know they’re littering. A cigarette butt here. A bit of loose trash in the truck bed. Others just don’t care. They toss their fast-food bag out their car window thoughtlessly. From turning our roadsides into eyesores, to harming local wildlife of all sizes, litter adds up and affects everyone and everything. "Please don't litter.", says Rockingham County Sheriff Sam S. Page. "It can be costly, not only to the environment, but to your wallet as well. People caught littering can be fined up to 1,000 dollars! Not to mention the drain it puts on our resources and potential economic development. Imagine you are thinking of moving your business to Rockingham County, you're driving through looking for a potential location and you see garbage along every roadside that you travel on. Would that incise you to bring your business to Rockingham County? It's up to all of us to make sure Rockingham County stays beautiful for the generations to come! Make sure that you ALWAYS put your trash in its proper place... a garbage receptacle!"

ContInuEd on PagE 14


Center for Active Retirement May Events CAR (Center for Active Retirement Located at 141 Tyre Dodson Road, Wentworth. 336-349-2343

Classes and Learning opportunities...

County employees gathered food for the Countywide Food Drive.

The need of Food Pantries & Soup Kitchens Increased The Rockingham Countywide Food Drive Committee has increased this year’s goal to collect 50,000 pounds of non-perishable food for local residents. This 10,000pound increase over last year is due to the tremendous need being heard from food pantries and soup kitchens throughout the county. Food donations may be made now through Saturday, April 28th. Like last year, canned good and non-perishable food donations were collected at various County Governmental Offices and public libraries. "We will do all we can to help share food and encourage others to give towards the Countywide Food Drive," said Rockingham County Manager Lance Metzler. "I was very thankful for the way our staff and residents stopped by last year with bags and bags of canned goods and non-perishable foods. We invite our entire community to contribute either here at the Governmental Center or one of our public libraries." Contributions may be delivered to the following locations: • Rockingham County Governmental Center 371 NC Hwy. 65, Reidsville • Eden Library 598 S. Pierce St. Eden • Madison-Mayodan Library 611 Burton St., Madison • Reidsville Library 204 W. Morehead St., Reidsville, • Stoneville Library 201 E. Main St., Stoneville The Rockingham County Food Drive Committee is working extra hard this year to handle these increased demands for food assistance. The Committee wants to especially stress that all food collected in Rockingham County will stay in Rockingham County to meet local needs. Agencies Benefiting from Food Drive 2018 include: • Cooperative Christian Ministries, Eden : 712 McConnell Ave., Eden. (basement of Leaksville Moravian Church back entrance off Washington Street). Serves Eden area residents only. Hours: 9:30 to noon Wed’s and Thurs’s. In 2017, CCM assisted 4,092 people,with 348 of those being in December. • Hands of God, Western

Rockingham County: 115 Hunter St. Madison. Distribution by appt. Donations accepted 10 a.m. to noon, Mondays, and noon to 2 p.m. Thursdays. The Hands of God also has a clothes closet by appointment. In 2017, Hands of God assisted 485 families with food (28% increase from 2016); 272 Families with utilities (17% increase from 2016); 18 families with water; and 16 families with prescriptions. Total aid given in 2017 was $44,228 plus food from the pantry. • Men in Christ, Reidsville: 200 S. Main St. Reidsville. Distribution is from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. Clients must sign up before the day of distribution. Men in Christ gives out between 100 and 120 bags of groceries each distribution day. • Rockingham County Veterans Coalition Food Pantry: 542-C Cherokee Camp Road, Reidsville. Assists homeless and needy Veterans and their families. Open 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tues’s and Thurs’s except holidays. Must show valid military ID to receive food. One bag per family. Served 437 Veterans during 2017. • Reidsville Soup Kitchen: 121 Arlington St., Reidsville. Provides hot meals seven days a week and twice (lunch and afternoon) on Sat’s and Sun’s. Serves as many as 60 people a day. Soup Kitchen serves lunch Mon. - Fri. between 11 a.m. and noon. • The Salvation Army Soup Kitchen/Service Center, Eden: 314 Morgan Road. Serves hot meals from noon to 12:45 p.m. Mondays through Fridays; Food Pantry is open from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays; Shower Ministry is from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Mondays through Fridays. They averaged serving 57 meals a day and providing food to 131 families a month between July and January. An average of 60 people used the Shower Ministry at that time. • The Salvation Army Food Pantry, Reidsville: 704 Barnes St., Food Pantry hours: 10 a.m.11:45 a.m. and 1 p.m.1:45p.m.Mon’s- Fri’s. An average of 402 families a month were provided food between July and January.

Give in the local community and it will surely give back to you.

• Recycling. Ever wanted to know: What do all those silly numbers mean? What is truly recyclable? Hazel Puckett will answer your questions. Thursday, April 12th from 5:30 p.m. - 7 p.m. Refreshments will be served. • Computer Classes By Linda Wilson 303 W. Meadow Road, Print Shop - Advanced. Class Eden meets Thursdays from 9 a.m. to Great Place For A 12 p.m. in the Main Building. Mother’s Day Gift! Currently meeting. Featuring Victorian Era Furniture, Clocks, Nippon, China, Windows 10. Class meets Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Kitchen Ware, Advertising Clocks & Signs, 1950’s Jukeboxes, in the Main Building. Class 45 & 78 rpm Records & More! meets for 10 weeks. Fee is $50. Shop Hours: Tues. - Fri. 10am - 4pm, Sat. 10am - 3pm Refreshments will be served. Sunday by Appointment • Closed Monday RSVP Limited space. Ongoing 336-623-0726 class. • Offering Aerobics. Mondays, Facebook: Ashley Antiques Eden, NC Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. in the lower level of CAR, 141 Tyre Dodson Road. With the exception of the above noted days and WE ACCEPT HUD VOUCHERS times, the room is available for Hamptonwoods, Summerglen And Klycewood your usage from8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Apartments. Call For Availability We use a variety of videos in this FREE course. OTHER RENTAL PROPERTY • Do you have a chronic conParkland – very nice 1 bedroom garden and 2 bedroom dition such as diabetes, arthritis townhouse style apartments. Maximum gross income limit or high blood pressure? Then, the of $22,740- $32,460 based on household size. no cost Living Healthy Workshop Rental assistance and handicap accessible when available. can help you take charge of your life! You will learn: ways to deal Glenwood Court – 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. with pain and fatigue. Explore Rent based on income. Rental assistance and handicap ways to sleep better. Discover accessible when available. better nutrition and exercise choices. Understand new treatNorman Court – These 1 bedroom apartments are for ment and medication choices. applicants 62 years of age or disabled regardless of age. Learn better ways to talk to you Rent based on income. Rental assistance and doctor and family about your Handicap Accessible when available. health. Participants have been saying, “I know the things to do, Knollwood Court – These 1 bedroom apartments are for this helps my motivation to get it applicants 62 years of age or disabled regardless of age. done.” “The pain doesn’t go Rent based on income and handicap accessible when away, but you learn to manage available. the pain instead of the pain managing you.” Once we have Westridge (Stoneville) – 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. enough interest, we can hold this Rent based on income. Rental assistance and handicap workshop at the Center for accessible when available. Active Retirement. Please let Cheryl know at 336-637-8428 or Please Contact if you are JOHN ATKINSON COMPANY interested or want more informa336-627-5013 ext. 300 or 301 tion. TDD # 1-800-753-2962

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Friends of the Library Hear Author David Spear The 2018 Friends of the Eden Library were treated to a delicious meal provided by Mom’s Kitchen of Wentworth before moving to the Fieldcrest Room to enjoy a presentation by the talented David Spear, author and former publisher of the Madison Messenger. Guests were welcomed by Friends of the Library’s Jim Bush, interim President. Jo Snodderly, treasurer, presented the Special Friend Award to Sandy Hall who is always work-

ing to help others. Snodderly also announced the huge success of the Library “Book Store” which will be an ongoing program, while the yearly book sale will be phased out. She also announced that members will receive discounts in the book store such as buy one book receive a book of equal or lesser value free. When Friends business was done, special speaker David Spear took the microphone. Soon guests were entertained by

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Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12

Need a Guest Speaker? Contact Rockingham County Gov't!

David Spear anecdotes and tales of his work with the Madison Messenger/ The Messenger as well as his retirement predicament when he found himself a little lost with nothing to focus on. His tale began with joining his family business in 1964 as he noted how the early years revolved around integration as well as other turmoil in the country and county. When his family sold the business and he retired in 1984, Spear found that he had more time on his hands than he could handle. “I felt lost,” he said. A friend told him that he would do well with photography, but he lost focus, but only for a while. Spears said he had an epiphany, not the last, but this one was that his photography needed focus, a theme. In 1987 with this knowledge sinking in, it didn’t take long to realize that a theme was right down the road from him. A family who seemed to be lost in time. This is when he began contacting the Neugents, a small tobacco farming family on Tobacco

Library... Continued on Next Page



Sheriff SAM PAGE PROVEN LEADERSHIP Paid for by Sam Scott Page, Campaign for Sheriff

Your organization, fraternal group, club, class, or house of faith need a guest speaker? Just contact Rockingham County Government! The Rockingham County Government Speakers' Bureau is designed to bring information about County government operations, programs, services and events to local communities. Presentations are provided at no cost. Contact Public Information Officer Mable Scott at 336.342.8342or The Speakers' Bureau link below provides the topics on which County staff is available to speak. Topics are listed alphabetically with a contact name and phone number for each. In many cases, topics can be altered to fit your groups' specific needs or interests. Please call early to ensure that you will schedule the speaker best suited to your group. If your group would like a speaker on a topic that is not listed, please call the appropriate department or the Public Information Officer.

Flynn named Animal Shelter Director Rockingham County Manager Lance Metzler announced this morning the appointment of Brittany Flynn as the new Rockingham County Animal Shelter Director, effective immediately. "Brittany served as Interim Director after former Director, Kevin Baughn, was selected as Madison's Town Manager in November," Metzler said. "She was our Animal Shelter Flynn Manager for seven years and did a tremendous job sharpening her managerial, supervisory and leadership skills. Her technical background, certifications and experiences were also outstanding, therefore, her credentials rose to the top." Flynn said she wanted to: "continue to grow and develop the Rockingham County Animal Shelter in order to improve the live-release rates; gain new partnerships with animal welfare agencies; stay current on changes to improve the quality of life for animals at the shelter; and to present the shelter in a positive light to Rockingham County and the State of North Carolina." Prior to working at Rockingham County Animal Shelter, Flynn was Shelter Supervisor at Forsyth County Animal Shelter; Veterinarian Technician for Hopkins Road Animal Hospital; as well as for Banfield Pet Hospital. She graduated from East Forsyth High School and majored in Animal Cruelty Investigations at the University of Missouri Extension. She is a Certified Euthanasia Technician; Certified Rabies Vaccinator; and Certified Animal Cruelty Investigator who served the Rockingham County Sheriff's Dept. as the County's Cruelty Investigator for five years. In addition, she is a member of the NC Animal Federation; experienced with animal hoarding; and experienced as a First Responder for the Humane Society of the U.S. An Eden resident, Flynn and her husband, Holden, have lived in Rockingham County for seven years and have one son, Ryker Dean Flynn, who is currently three years old. Her first "children" are her four dogs, Gracie, Riley, Maddie, and Kodie. She enjoys spending time with her family and traveling. Those interested in adopting a dog or cat or volunteering/ sponsoring may contact the Rockingham County Animal Shelter, located at 250 Cherokee Camp Rd, in Reidsville, 27320. The phone number is 336.394.0075 and the email is The website is:



Frequently Asked Questions about the proposed 1/4¢ sales tax Submitted by Citizens for the One Fourth Cent Sales Tax to Benefit RCC

Q: What will happen at the cash register if this sales tax is passed? A: The Rockingham County sales tax will go from 6.75% to 7%. In many cases, consumers are already paying the 7% because you cannot pay ¼ cent and businesses just round up to 7%.

A: Everyone pays the tax including visitors and renters. The tax is paid by outsiders visiting the county, not just local taxpayers.

Q: What will the funds be used for? A: To help improve our workforce education at Rockingham Community College. By 2025, almost 70% of all jobs will require some education beyond high school. Currently, there are over 900 open jobs in Rockingham County but many of our citizens do not have the skills to compete for those jobs. The funding will help fund programs in advanced manufacturing, electronics, welding, HVAC training, plumbing, cosmetology and training for many other professions. It is esti-

Q: How much is the tax? A: it is ¼ cent on a dollar or a penny on a $4.00 purchase.

Q: Is this tax on everything I purchase? A: No, it is NOT on groceries, gasoline or prescription drugs. Q: Why is this better than a property tax?

Library...Continued on Next Page

Road in Madison, that didn’t seem affected by the surrounding communities growth. A simple and straight forward family that worked unbelievably hard to make ends meet, and exhibited the values of a by-gone age. At first Spears said the idea didn’t “sit well” with the matriarch of the family, Mamie. But after a few months of thinking, Spear understood why and made a new proposal to the family. If they, Mamie and Tracy Neugent, would let him have time to photograph their family’s everyday lives over an extended period of time, he would share the proceeds of the photographs and any book that came from the work. This did it, even though they were what some would call “back woods”, they had a business head on their shoulders that told them, this may work in their favor. The author then went on to take hundreds of photos of the family in their everyday lives, which basically always involved working or resting from their hard work. Several of the photos made it into his first book The Neugents, “Close to Home”, a book containing very moving images of the family, including the extended family, that still lived on the land. This book was first released in 1993 and has went on to sell extremely well for a photography book. It includes a detailed story of the family as well, with quotes that will make you laugh and sigh. It’s large format makes it a perfect coffee table book and conversation piece. After this book he went on to create two more photography books, one focused on Mexico named Visible Spirits, the other on Cuba named 10 days in

Havana (which almost didn’t get done due to a badly timed back injury). He is now presenting his most recent book which is Playing with Dynamite, The Story of One Newspaper Family in the South. This book takes you on a 60 year journey in history in Madison as two New Englanders struggle to establish a paper in Madison, N.C. during the Great Depression. Russell M. and Mimi Spear soon learn how absorbing the business can be. The book is a memoir of the evolution of the newspaper from

mated that 45% of county graduates do not seek additional education. That has to change for our citizens to compete for good-paying jobs. Q: Who is supporting this tax referendum? A: Citizens for the One- Fourth Cent Sales Tax to Benefit RCC is the name of the bi-partisan committee supporting this referendum.

Q: What do the local political parties think of this referendum? A: Both the Rockingham County Republican and Democrat parties support the referendum. Visit www.PenniesMake for more info. Find us on Facebook at Pennies Make Sense for RCC.

hand set type to the computer age. David Spear is an interesting character who has lived a few distinctly separate lives now, from a “Hell raising” teen, to a newspaperman struggling through the Civil Rights movement, to professional photographer, to celebrated author. Spear was a wonderful speaker who’s story peaked the guests interest. All four of his books are available on

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Beauty and the Beast

FOR RENT TGRC proudly presents "Beauty and the Beast." This beloved Disney musical follows the story of Belle - a girl who dreams of something better than her "poor provincial life." Her world is turned upside down when she gives herself in place of her father who is held as a prisoner in the castle of the Beast. The Beast must learn to love Belle and have her love in return in order to break a powerful spell placed on the castle. Show dates are June 15th 17th and 22nd-24th at Reidsville High School. More information

about auditions as well as how to get your show tickets can be found at Additionally, this summer TGRC will be hosting summer camps for rising 1st-9th graders at Rockingham County High School. Week 1, June 25-29, will include a performance of Disney's "The Aristocats Kids." Week 2, July 30-August 3, will include a performance of Disney's "101 Dalmatians Kids." More information, including pricing and registration, can be found on our website at

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Art Rocks Is Back The community art project, Art Rocks in Rockingham County 2018, comes to fruition on Friday evening, May 11, at Market Square in Reidsville with a free-to-attend county-wide festival. This is the second year for the Art Rocks in Rockingham County project and festival, which is a collaborative effort between UMAR of Reidsville, the Fine Arts Festival Association of Rockingham County and the Rockingham County Arts Council. Artists from across Rockingham County have spent the past few months painting 25 award winning Troutman rocking chairs that were handmade in North Carolina. A call to artists went out in September of 2017. Individual artists, art organizations, and community groups answered the call and 25 unique rocking works of art have been created. The Art Rocks in Rockingham County Festival will be hosted by motivational speaker Canisha Cierra Turner. Ms. Turner owns her own business, Executive Reign, where she trains clients from the tender

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age of 2 until 102 to SHINE BRIGHT by "commanding the microphone and conquering the crown!" Canisha Turner is the true definition of extraordinary. She has been on stage since the age of 2 and enjoys motivational speaking and all things media and entertainment. She is a 14year pageant veteran, having competed in natural, semi-glitz, and scholarship pageants. She has competed on all levels: local, state, national, and international. The musical guest for the festival is the local band, Whiskey Foxtrot. Whiskey Foxtrot is the moniker of the musical duo of Seth Williams and Sam Foster and their band formed in the summer of 2017. Seth and Sam have been playing around NC/VA as a duo and as a full band. The full band includes: Seth Williams on Vocals/Guitar; Sam Foster on Vocals/Guitar; Terry VunCannon on Lap Steel Guitar and Steven Worley on Drums. Their music is a combination of country, blues, and rock 'n roll. Also performing at the festival will be the Theatre Guild of Rockingham County. TGRC will give the audience a sneak peek of their upcoming production of Beauty and the Beast by performing a couple of songs from the show. Along with planning the festival, the Art Rocks committee has been selling raffle tickets for the past several months for a special chair painted in honor of the winning football history of Reidsville High School. Raffle tickets for the “Ram Pride” chair will continue to be sold at the festival until the winning ticket is drawn by none other than Reidsville High School football coach, Coach Teague himself. A portion of the proceeds from the

Traveling Over Summer Break? We Care For Your Pets & Home

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Call Elizabeth Doss At 336-613-3025 Anytime!

raffle will go to the Reidsville High School football program. Other highlights of the festival include food trucks from the Downtown Doghouse and Tropical G, beer provided by Pig Pounder, and wine available for purchase. The festival coincides with Reidsville’s May Cruise-In, so there will be a big party in downtown Reidsville on May 11th. The finale of the festival will be a lively art auction of the 25 rocking chairs. Many of these chairs have been seen all around the county in a “tour of chairs” and the response has been very positive, so the auction promises to be a lot of fun. Auction services will be provided by John Evans of Manitou Auction. The Art Rocks Committee would like to thank our Journeyman sponsor for the festival: Annie Penn Hospital. Other local sponsors include the Men’s and Women’s Fellowship of Leaksville Moravian Church of Eden. Join us for a fun night, support a good cause, and bid on unique rocking works of art on May 11th from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Market Square in Reidsville.

Lip Sync Battle 2018 Coming on June 1st at Pennrose Park Country Club is the Rockingham County Arts Council’s intensely competitive Lip-Sync Battle! Friends, neighbors, colleagues, and community leaders will compete head-tohead to be the next lip sync champion in this lively and friendly competition. Ready to hit the stage? Grab your friends and co-workers, pick your song, and practice your moves. Contact RCAC at 336-349-4039 or to become a lip sync competitor. Individual and group performers are encouraged to participate. Tell everyone you know to come to the event and vote for your performance. The winner of the most votes will take home the Golden Hairbrush trophy!! The lip sync acts will include local celebrities, including community leaders, business leaders, and representatives from local organizations. Tickets to attend the event are $30 per person or $50 per couple. Tickets include a dinner of beef or veggie sliders with all the fixings and dessert. Each ticket also includes one voucher to vote for your favorite act. Businesses or organizations can be a table sponsor for $200. Extra voting tickets will be for sale at the event for $1 each. There will also be wine and beer tickets for sale. Come on out to Pennrose Park Country Club on June 1st to vote for your favorite act. Tickets must be purchased prior to the event either online at, or by calling the Rockingham County Arts Council at 336-349-4039.

Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14

Guardian Ad Litem Needs Your Help Did you know that right now in Rockingham County there are hundreds of abused and neglected children in foster care? Each one of these children needs someone like you to be their voice in court. They need someone to visit with them at least once a month to make sure all of their needs are being met. This also includes letting the Court know what their wishes are. Are you able to dedicate a few hours each month to a child in foster care? If so, please consider becoming a Guardian ad Litem volunteer. No experience is necessary. You must have a sincere concern for children, be over 18 years old, and be able to pass a criminal background check. We would love to have you for our next training in July 2018. Our training lasts 6 weeks and consists of in-person and online sessions. Please call Amanda Benavides at (336) 634-6106 for more information and to request an application packet be mailed to you. You can also submit an online application at

Respecting our Veterans The annual Veterans Memorial Day Program will be held on Sunday, May 27th at the Rockingham County Veterans Park in Wentworth at 2:00 pm. We will be reading the names of all the veterans in Rockingham County who have passed away during the past year. There will be patriotic music during the program and the Rockingham Veterans Honor Guard will end the program with a 21 gun salute and the playing of Taps. We invite all veterans and their families and the general public to attend and honor our fallen heroes who have served to give us the freedoms we enjoy today.

Reported Road Rage Resulting in Shots Fired into Vehicle Date of Release: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 On Tuesday April 17, 2018 at around 4:30 p.m., Rockingham County Sheriff's Deputies received a call of a reported shooting into an occupied vehicle on US158 West near Swallow Rd. in Reidsville. Upon their arrival, Deputies spoke with Tony Ray Chapmon, 53, of 215 Pennington Rd. Reidsville, N.C.. Mr. Chapmon told Deputies that he had been traveling down US158 West near Strider Mountain Rd. in Reidsville in his 1990 Red in color Nissan truck and passed a White in color 2-door Honda Civic with a stuffed animal in the back glass. Mr. Chapmon stated that after passing the Civic and returning to his lane of travel, the driver of the Civic shot at him, striking his tire and the back windshield of his vehicle. The projectile that struck the back glass of the truck grazed the top of Mr. Chapmon's head before exiting out the front windshield. Mr. Chapmon then sped away before stopping at US158 West at Swallow Rd. where a passerby stopped to check on him and reported the incident. The driver of the White Honda Civic was described by Mr. Chapmon as a Caucasian male with dark hair. The suspect vehicle turned off on an unknown road prior to Mr. Chapmon stopping at US158 West at Swallow Rd. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call the Rcokingham County Sheriff's Office at 336-634-3232 or Rockingham County Crime Stoppers at 336-349-9683.

Officer Related Shooting on Nell Rd. Date of Release: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 On Monday April 16, 2018 at around 1:30 p.m., Rockingham County Sheriff's Deputy Clayton Doss responded to a 9-1-1 hangup call at 325 Nell Rd. in Madison (off Mineral



Reidsville & Wentworth Center for Active Retirement May Events CAR (Center for Active Retirement Located at 141 Tyre Dodson Road, Wentworth. 336-349-2343

Classes and Learning opportunities... • Recycling. Ever wanted to know: What do all those silly numbers mean? What is truly recyclable? Hazel Puckett will answer your questions. Thursday, April 12th from 5:30 p.m. - 7 p.m. Refreshments will be served. • Computer Classes By Linda Wilson Print Shop - Advanced. Class meets Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Main Building. Currently meeting. Windows 10. Class meets Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Main Building. Class meets for 10 weeks. Fee is $50. Refreshments will be served. RSVP Limited space. Ongoing class. • Offering Aerobics. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. in the lower level of CAR, 141 Tyre Dodson Road. With the exception of the above noted days and times, the room is available for your usage from8 a.m. to 4 p.m. We use a variety of videos in this FREE course. • Chronic Pain? Do you have a chronic condition such as diabetes, arthritis or high blood pressure? Then, the no cost Living Healthy Workshop can help you take charge of your life! You will learn: ways to deal with pain and fatigue. Explore ways to sleep better. Discover better nutrition and exercise choices. Understand new treatment and medication choices. Learn better ways to talk to you doctor and family about your health. Participants have been saying, “I know the things to do, this helps my motivation to get it done.” “The pain doesn’t go away, but you learn to manage the pain instead of the pain managing you.” Once we have enough interest, we can hold this workshop at the Center for Active Retirement. Please let Cheryl know at 336-637-8428 or if you are interested or want more information.

RCARE (Senior Center) 201 N. Washinton Ave., Reidsville, NC 27288 336-349-1088

RCARE May Schedule

Classes: • Painting -Monday 8:30 a.m. • Crochet –Tuesday 9:00 a.m. • Quilting -Thursday 9:00 a.m. • Bible study –Wednesday 10:00 a.m. • Jewelry making -1st & 3rd Friday of the month 1:00 p.m. • Blind Support - May 9th- (Every 2nd Wed. of the month) Cards: • Phase 10 – every Tuesday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. • Rook – every Wednesday 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. • Duplicated Bridge –every Thurs. 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. • Canasta – every Tuesday at 1:00pm -4:00p.m. Fitness: • Cardio Class –Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:00 a.m. – similar to Silver Sneakers but more cardio oriented. Participants still go at their own pace. • Advanced Tai Chi –Tuesday at 10:00 a.m.- in order to participate you must have completed 16 hours of instruction. • Pickleball – Monday & Friday at 10:00 a.m. Wednesday 10:45am– the hottest new game around. • Fitness Center- Free for 55 + years of age – hours MondayFriday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. • Reidsville Kickers Line Dance Group – Tuesday at 10 a.m. • Carolina Girls Line Dance Group – Mondays at 10:15 a.m. and Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. • Yoga – Wednesday 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – No charge • Shuffleboard League-Wednesday at 1:00p.m. • Gym activities–Thursday -2:30 p.m. Educational/Informative • SHIIP counseling for Medicare beneficiaries- by appointment only. Please call June at 336-349-1088. Special Events: • Rockingham County Senior Games -April 17th through May 19th • Senior Bingo –May 17th at 1:00 p.m. • Summer bowling league starting in June • Tai Chi for Beginners starts soon! Day and time TBA

ADTS celebrating 45th Anniversary Aging, Disability & Transit Services is pleased to announce it is celebrating 45 years of service in Rockingham County. ADTS’ services are primarily driven by community need and sustained through community support; as such, we invite the community to share in our celebration as we commemorate this milestone with public education and promotional events throughout the next twelve months. In 1973, ADTS, then known as the Council on Aging, was formed to assist older adults with accessing information and community resources. Today, ADTS employs nearly 300 staff countywide and provides services to more than 17,000 people annually. While ADTS services have expanded over time, the fundamental purpose has remained the same: to promote the independence and dignity of older adults and help people remain healthy, secure and involved at home and

Relay for Life returns Relay For Life is a grass roots, community-based team event. Join family and friends on Friday, May 18th, 2018 at Rockingham High School, 180 High School Rd., Reidsville, NC for this years Relay For Life event. Opening Ceremony (6pm) Time to get started. We kick off the event by honoring everyone who's been affected by cancer and everyone who has contributed to the success of this year's Relay season. Survivors and Caregivers are the heart and soul of Relay For Life events. At 6:15pm we honor their strength and courage with every step they take with the Survivor/Caregiver Walk . It doesn't matter if you were diagnosed 10 days ago or 10 years ago, you can walk while everyone gathers together to cheer you on. Luminaria Ceremony (9pm) During this ceremony we represent everyone touched by cancer with a Luminaria. Each light represents a life—a life taken by cancer, a survivor of cancer, or a support for a person still fighting the disease. It's a powerful demonstration that gives people the opportunity to grieve but also offers comfort and hope. At 11:45pm the closing ceremony is the time to commit to take action and help lead the fight for a world free from cancer. It's a time to celebrate what we've accomplished together and a time to unify for the work that needs to be done moving forward. For more information contact Sandra Meadows at or call (276) 806-5488 or view Online Help.

in the community for as long as possible. Cathy Powers, ADTS Executive Director noted “We are honored that our community has trusted us as a partner in care for the past 45 years! With a rapidly expanding population of older adults, the demand for services that support independence in the community is greater now than ever before. Our 45th anniversary provides an excellent opportunity to reflect on past accomplishments as well as look to the future, identifying new and innovative ways to better serve our community. ” ADTS is a private nonprofit agency dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for individuals

by empowering them to achieve optimum health and well-being, independence and participation in the community. This mission is accomplished through providing an range of community services including Home Care, Meals on Wheels (United Way supported), Meals With Friends group nutrition, LEAF Center Adult Day Care/Day Health, RCATS Public Access Transportation, skat bus transportation, the Center for Active Retirement Senior Center, and the Community Alternatives Program, as well as additional advocacy, referral and caregiver support Services. Learn more at or contact ADTS us at (336)349-2343.

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Rockingham County Star’s

Finding Fur-Ever Homes Animal’s Of The Month Ember is a laid-back 1.5-year-old female Shepherd blend, and she is on the look out for a new family who is active and will give her all the exercise and attention she needs. Ember loves to play any type of sports. If you have kids and they also enjoy playing sports then Ember is the perfect dog for your family. Stop by the shelter today and give this sweet girl a forever home. Adoption Fee: $75

These beautiful pets are located at the Rockingham County Animal Shelter at 250 Cherokee Camp Rd, Reidsville (Wentworth Area). Please stop by and find your Fur Babies today! Website: Phone: (336) 394-0075 Aulani is a 2.5-year-old Domestic Shorthair. Some of Aulani’s hobbies include playing with yarn balls, sunbathing, and watching Animal Planet. She also enjoys long cat naps and being the center of attention. Aulani would love to meet you. Her adoption fee is $15 and she is already spayed and ready to go home.


Roaming Around Reidsville By Angela G. Stadler Public Information Officer City of Reidsville

Parks and recreation in cities has sometimes had a “tough row to hoe.” (For younger readers, that means it can be a large undertaking that is especially difficult.) Why do I say that? Cities provide a variety of much needed services such as water and sewer and trash pickup. They do Code Enforcement and protect their citizens with a police and fire department presence. While many municipalities offer parks and recreation, it is often considered a “nice to have” and is one of the first things to get cut when city budgets are tight. Yet Reidsville officials have always recognized the importance of parks and recreation in our citizens’ lives. Providing recreational opportunities is a “quality of life” issue for those who live here. What would a City be if it didn’t have neighborhood parks, trails and ball fields in which kids and adults alike can roam and play? The City of Reidsville is especially lucky to have Lake Reidsville and Lake Hunt. While Lake Reidsville is a City water supply, it is so much more. Opened to the public in 1983, Lake Reidsville is the only municipally owned facility of its kind in Rockingham County. This 750-acre lake and park includes campsites, a quality disc golf course, walking/cycling trails, an amphitheater, basketball courts, picnic shelters and a regulation soccer field. We often refer to it as Rockingham County’s little known gem. And Lake Reidsville is about to get even better! The Murray Family has graciously

donated approximately 40 acres of land adjacent to the lake to the City of Reidsville. This generous contribution opens up a lot of additional recreational properties at the lake. Potential recreational uses include additional trails and camping or, perhaps, something “outside the box.” The City of Reidsville is

of which was written about this land. All this is really helping us understand the beauty and family memory of this property. It's a special place." Two public comment sessions have already been held to create a working master park plan. The lastest was held April 12 at the grand opening of the

Reidsville Chamber President Diane Sawyer speaks to the crowd gathered for the opening of the Lake Reidsville Trails. A final meeting on a Master Plan for the recently donated Murray property is scheduled for Tuesday, May 15 currently in a land use planning process to determine how the property can best be developed and managed for public use. Dan River Basin Association (DRBA) is assisting the City as part of the Pathways 2.0 Initiative, which is made possible by the Reidsville Area Foundation and DRBA’s municipal members. The Initiative helps to develop outdoor recreation across Rockingham County. "It's such an honor to be part of this process," says Jenny Edwards, Program Manager, Dan River Basin Association. "The Murray family has been involved in community meetings from the beginning and provided us with a copy of Margaret Murray's book of poetry, some

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Lake Reidsville Trails. If you are interested in having a say about the potential uses of this 40-acre piece of property, you still have another opportunity at the final draft review meeting scheduled for Tuesday, May 15, 2018. That meeting will be held from 5-7 p.m. at the Reidsville Parks & Recreation Center located at 201 N. Washington Avenue. If you can’t make the meeting, here is a link to the survey that is being done by DBRA and City of Reidsville Parks & Recreation: So far, officials have been pleased with the response from the public and feedback on the possible uses of the property. “Residents and visitors are excited about the new land donation next to the Lake Reidsville Park,” noted Frederick Thompson, Parks & Recreation Superintendent for the City of Reidsville. “They see a great potential to expand the hiking/mountain bike trail and to add several other additional outdoor recreation amenities, confirming that Reidsville is a great place to live.” The addition of the Murray property to Lake Reidsville is only the beginning of the City of Reidsville’s recreational plans. As I noted earlier, the Reidsville City Council is committed to not only supplying its residents with the everyday services that a City provides but also enhancing the quality of life for our citizens. But I don’t want to give it all away! There will be more in the coming months, most likely highlighted here in Eden’s Own Journal, about the City’s future plans for recreation.

In other news around Reidsville: Farmers Market Opens at Market Square. May 5th launches the season for the Downtown Farmers Market at Market Square. This opening day of the market starts at 7 a.m. and ends at 1 p.m. or until items run out! Visitors to the market will find a variety of items. SNAP/EBT, Farmers Market WIC, Debit and Credit are accepted. Interested in becoming a vendor? You can call Judy Yarbrough at 336-349-1099 to reserve a space. The Farmers Market is held every Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday from 7 a.m.-1 p.m. Downtown Cruise-Ins Continue Each Month. A very popular attraction in the City from April until September is the cruise-ins held in downtown Reidsville on the second Friday of each month. Last month kicked off the cruise-ins, which are sponsored by the EZ Street Cruisers Car Club. EZ Street also coordinates the annual car show, which is a big draw at the City’s annual Fall Festival in October. Held rain or shine, the cruise-ins feature cars that are from the year 1987 or older. Downtown streets close at 5:30 p.m. for the cruise-ins, which are held from 6-9 p.m. It is a great chance to see some beautiful cars and catch up with old friends. Several of the downtown restaurants usually stay open for the night as well. If interested in participating, contact Lou at 508-320-8751 or check out Get Your Zumba On! "Ditch the Workout, Join the Party!” That’s right … “Fitness on the Square” returns to Market Square beginning May 7. This popular class features the Zumba fitness craze. The best part – it’s free! Join the class from 6-7 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays, weather permitting. No rhythm required! Rockingham County Art Rocks! Don’t forget to check out this wonderful fund-raising event which benefits the Rockingham County Arts Council, the Fine Arts Festival Association of Rockingham County and UMAR of Reidsville. At Market Square from 6-9 p.m. on May 11, Art

Rocks features an auction of Troutman rocking chairs decorated by local artists. There will also be music, and food and beer/wine available for purchase. For more information, email artrocksinrockinghamcounty@g Single Bass Tourney Scheduled at Lake Reidsville. Lake Reidsville will be the site of a Single Bass Tournament (three fish limit!) on Saturday, May 12. The cost is $25 per person. To find out more, call the Lake Store at 336-349-4738. Spring Rabies Clinic Offered. The Reidsville Police Department’s Animal Control Division is hosting a Spring Rabies Clinic sponsored by Belmont Small Animal Hospital on Saturday, May 12, from 1:303:30 p.m. The clinic will be held in the rear lot behind the Police Department located at 220 West Morehead Street. The cost is $7 (cash only). A three-year vaccination is available if you present a current certificate. All cats and dogs should be brought in carriers or kept on leashes. For more information, you can call the Reidsville Police Department at 336-349-1010. Movies @ Market Square Begins. Who you gonna call? The classic Ghostbusters from 1984 will be the first offering for “Movies @ Market Square” starting at 8 p.m. (around dusk) on Saturday, May 12. Who can forget this trio fighting off the supernatural demons trying to take over New York? Bring your chairs and blankets for this movie shown on the lawn of Market Square. It’s free! “Paddling Days” with Get:Outdoors. Get: Outdoors, Reidsville Parks & Recreation, Dan River Basin Association and the Reidsville Area Foundation are presenting “Paddling Days with Get:Outdoors” on Saturday, May 19, at Lake Reidsville. This free event will allow participants to try out one of 50 kayaks or stand-up paddleboards from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the lake, located at 630 Water Works Road. Refreshments will be served. For more info, call Reidsville Parks & Recreation at 336-349-1091 or Get:Outdoors at 336-294-3918. Come out for this fun event at Lake Reidsville!

Tiny Toes Children’s Consignment Store’s Ribbon Cutting was held on April 19, 2018. Terri Cockman is the owner. Tiny Toes is located at 214 Scales St., Reidsville. They offer newborn to junior sizes, maternity clothing, toys and equipment. T hey are open Wed. 12 p.m. - 5 p.m., Thurs. & Fri. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Saturday 11 a.m. -3 p.m.


Reidsville & Wentworth Cone Health Recognizes Top Nurses From medical practices to hospitals, nurses are the foundation of care across Cone Health. Every year, Cone Health recognizes select nurses and nursing support staff for exceptional patient care and innovation in nursing practice. These individuals are nominated

by their colleagues and honored formally in May. The 2018 Cone Health Nursing Excellence recipients at Annie Penn are Mary Dickerson, RN, Jennifer Kendrick, RN. “Every day within Cone Health’s remarkable nursing community, our nurses and

Cone earns Leader in LGBTQ Healthcare Equality Designation For the fifth year, all six Cone Health's hospitals earned the “Leader in LGBTQ Healthcare Equality” designation from the Human Rights Campaign Foundation (HRC). HRC is the educational arm of the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) civil rights organization. The Cone Health hospitals are Alamance Regional Medical Center, Annie Penn Hospital, Cone Health Behavioral Health Hospital, Moses Cone Hospital, Wesley Long Hospital and Women's Hospital. “We are proud to be recognized again this year,” says Laura Vail, director, Cone Health Office of Inclusion and Health Equity. “Cone Health’s LGBT Employee Network Group works tirelessly to better serve our patients, staff and communities. By embracing and respecting others as we deliver exceptional care, we can truly live our brand promise: We are right here with you.” The Cone Health LGBT Employee Network Group takes part in community events such as Pride in Alamance County and Greensboro, where members

administered 100 flu shots in 2017. Members of the group also work in policy review and revision to ensure inclusive care at Cone Health. A record 626 hospitals took part in the 2018 HRC survey. HRC leader status is based on four core criteria: • Elements of LGBTQ patient-centered care • LGBTQ patient services and support • Employee benefits and policies • LGBTQ patient and community engagement In the 2018 report, an impressive 418 facilities earned HRC’s “LGBTQ Healthcare Equality Leader” designation with a score of 100. “With some of our biggest battles still ahead of us, it is crucial that institutions continue to demonstrate that the march toward full equality is not slowing down,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “The 626 participants in this year’s HEI continue this march in partnership with the LGBTQ community and we commend them for their leadership.”

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Lisa Griffith at 336-627-9234

nursing support staff apply their knowledge, skill and vocational passion to achieve exceptional patient care,” says Kenneth Rempher, PhD, RN, executive vice president & chief nurse executive, Cone Health. “They are driven by the desire to make a difference in people’s lives and by a deep compassion for humanity.”

VISA & Mastercard Accepted

Vehicle Inspections

TARHEEL TOWING 2433 Freeway Dr., Reidsville, NC 27320 Rollback, Light & Medium Duty Towing

Ronnie Harris (336) 342-2342

Elect Corey Brannock

for roCkingham County SChool Board On Facebook Corey Brannock for Rockingham County School Board Donations can be sent to: 280 Anderson Rd., Eden, NC 27288

Paid for by friends to Elect Corey Brannock

arE you droWning in dEBt?

richardson & Stroupe

We Can Help!

the law office of Cathy r. Stroupe, P.a. Cathy r. Stroupe & Brandi l. richardson, attorneys

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a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Can help you: • StoP foreclosures • StoP repossessions • StoP harassing Phone Calls from Bill Collectors • StoP tax levies and garnishments • StoP Creditor lawsuits • StoP struggling to pay your bills each month and

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Call Today to Schedule your free consultation with an experienCed loCal bankrupTCy aTTorney!

•  STarT living again! Financial hardships can leave you feeling helpless, embarrassed, stressed out, and hopeless. As a Rockingham County native, I take pride in offering a service that can help ease many of the financial burdens that my neighbors here are facing. I understand how overwhelming financial struggles can be and how they can affect your entire family. A Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy may help you find some much-needed relief from burdensome debt and help you get on the road to financial recovery. Many people do not realize how a bankruptcy case can help them. They believe that bankruptcy ruins their credit forever, that they will lose everything that they have, and that they will never get credit again. That is not true. In fact, bankruptcy can often help you keep property that you are otherwise at risk of losing and can help you get a fresh start and begin the process of improving your credit score. I offer FREE consultations in a relaxed, friendly, and confidential environment. I sit down with potential clients at these meetings to discuss their financial situation and offer advice as to what options they may have under the US Bankruptcy Code. I also give them the opportunity to ask any questions they have about the bankruptcy process and the impact it will have on their family. If you are curious about how bankruptcy can help you, please call me and schedule a free consultation. If you are curious, but not yet ready to come in for a consultation, call me and I will send you a packet of information to help you decide if bankruptcy is an option you would like to explore further. Brandi L. Richardson, Attorney at Law. our office also proudly represents clients in matters involving: traffic, immigration, Social Security disability Claims, Estate Planning and administration (Wills and trusts), tax, Expunctions, adoptions, and various other Criminal and Civil cases.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for relief under the Bankruptcy Code.


Reidsville & Wentworth

The Happy Week of the Young Child Festival for all local daycares was held on April 19, 2018 in Reidsville NC. Police Officers from the Reidsville Police Department served free popcorn and cotton candy in Market Square.

Keystone Foods in Reidsville held their Earth Day 2018 Project on Monday April 2nd. The work was focused on the Scales Street Veterans memorial across from Farmer’s Table. Keystone employees worked on the Veterans Memorial Project for their Earthday project. Artist Dan Starrett will complete the art work soon. They also planted shrubs, a tree and a flag pole and put out mulch which was donated by Wallace Farms, a composter in Advance who takes residual waste from the plant using it in the compost.

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I Appreciate Your Support Kimberly W. McMichael



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Center for Active Retirement May Events CAR (Center for Active Retirement Located at 141 Tyre Dodson Road, Wentworth. 336-3492343

Classes and Learning opportunities... • Recycling. Ever wanted to know: What do all those silly numbers mean? What is truly recyclable? Hazel Puckett will answer your questions. Thursday, April 12th from 5:30 p.m. - 7 p.m. Refreshments will be served. • Computer Classes By Linda Wilson Print Shop - Advanced. Class meets Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Main Building. Currently meeting. Windows 10. Class meets Tuesdays from 9

a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Main Building. Class meets for 10 weeks. Fee is $50. Refreshments will be served. RSVP Limited space. Ongoing class. • Offering Aerobics. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. in the lower level of CAR, 141 Tyre Dodson Road. With the exception of the above noted days and times, the room is available for your usage from8 a.m. to 4 p.m. We use a variety of videos in this FREE course. • Do you have a chronic condition such as diabetes, arthritis or high blood pressure? Then, the no cost Living Healthy Workshop can help you take charge of your life! You will learn: ways to deal with pain and fatigue. Explore ways to sleep

better. Discover better nutrition and exercise choices. Understand new treatment and medication choices. Learn better ways to talk to you doctor and family about your health. Participants have been saying, “I know the things to do, this helps my motivation to get it done.” “The pain doesn’t go away, but you learn to manage the pain instead of the pain managing you.” Once we have enough interest, we can hold this workshop at the Center for Active Retirement. Please let Cheryl know at 336-637-8428 or if you are interested or want more information.

Trails at Lake Reidsville Ribbon Cutting

Republican for Rockingham County School Board Our Board of Education must be a good steward over every dollar allotted, making choices between needs and wants. After twenty years as a self employed professional, I have experience managing a budget and determining wants verses needs. Paid for by Committee to Elect Kim McMichael

On April 12, 2018 the Ribbon Cutting for the opening of the newest trail at Lake Reidsville was held. Mayor Dr. Jay Doncker cut the ribbon and holding the ribbons were Mayor Pro Tem, Harry Brown and Community Development Manager, Donna Setliff. Lake Reidsville is open from 8am until 5pm during the Summer and 8am until 2pm during the Winter. For more information about what is offered at Lake Reidsville, please visit:


Madison / Mayodan / Stoneville Southern Finishing Plans Expansion in Rockingham County The Town of Stoneville and the Rockingham County Center for Economic Development, Small Business & Tourism are pleased to announce that Southern Finishing Company, Inc. plans to expand its local operation. The company will create 54 new jobs and invest $1.48 million in building upfit and new machinery and equipment in Stoneville. This expansion will take place over the next five years, in two separate phases. As a supplier to the furniture industry, Southern Finishing has been operating in Rockingham County for 40 years. The company manufactures furniture and cabinet components, such as prefinished mouldings, accessories, panels,

doors, kitchen and bath cabinet components, and bedrails. It partners with manufacturers such as American Woodmark, Marsh Furniture, Armstrong Cabinets, Quality Cabinets and Thomasville Furniture. Southern Finishing has its headquarters and four manufacturing facilities in Stoneville. It currently has 161 employees in Rockingham County in addition to over 350 employees in its other locations in Virginia and Arizona. “The Town of Stoneville is excited to see Southern Finishing’s growth. The company has been an excellent corporate citizen since 1978 and we are pleased that they have chosen to continue their success

here,” said Kenneth Gamble, manager of the Town of Stoneville. “I am excited to announce the expansion of one of our existing industries, Southern Finishing. This comes on the heels of the expansion announced last week with Albaad and it is further proof that our focus on business growth and retention is paying off. Southern Finishing has been a valuable employer and community supporter for 40 years now. We appreciate the company’s dedication to Stoneville and Rockingham County,” said Jan Critz-Yokeley, director of the Rockingham County Center for Economic Development, Small Business & Tourism.

Hayseed Magnolia blooms under pressure Hayseed Magnolia brings fashion and inspiration to Downtown Mayodan with owner Deanna Shelton. The beautiful store front of 102 South 2nd Ave, has come to life with vibrant colors and touches of creativity that flow with the already artistic downtown shopping strip. The store is full of beautiful clothes and accessories for a fraction of the cost of major retailers with an atmosphere of hand painted art to take in while you shop. It is an ideal place to pick up that special gift you have been thinking about for Mothers Day! Deanna started out selling leggings out of Rocky Mount when her sales picked up and eventually she opened the doors to Hayseed Magnolia in September 2017 and opened the store to vendors. Amy Stone, Owner of On Fleek Brow Boutique moved in and they welcome new vendors who may not be able to afford the big rent of opening a store but are interested in selling products from a fantastic location. Together, with a more variety of vendors Magnolia Hayseed is going to “BLOOM!” Deanna is an inspiration to so many not only because of her drive for success

but because of her ability to overcome. It may not be known to all but in June 2017 she began her day as normal with a few laps at McMichael for cardio workout with her husband and she had a horrific experience. She found herself not able to breathe or speak or even yell for help. Her husband finally found her struggling to take a breath. That was the day she decided to go to the doctor for a check-up. Bloodwork proved she was extremely anemic and the doctors didn’t know how she was even functioning while going to school, working and running her side business. One month later Deanna was told she had full blown cervical cancer. Deanna still proceeded to open her store and through the midst of the storm faced a radical hysterectomy in November 2017. She was unable to lift, sweep or even decorate her shop as she liked. On January 15th 2017, Martin Luther King Day Deanna took her first round of Chemotherapy. To her it was a sign to start treatments on such a day as this. Deanna fully believed with her whole heart she would be set free from her cancer with these treatments, starting on MLK

Day! She endured 5 sickening weeks of chemo and linear radiation together. She could hardly get out of bed, let alone run her store. Thankfully she had Michelle Cardwell step up to the plate to help run the store when she could not keep the doors open herself. In February 2018, Deanna was back to work! On March 16th 2018 the Dr. said they felt comfortable saying Deanna was 100% CURED!!!! Her last treatment was March 22nd 2018. Deanna is now President of the Mayodan Merchants Association and she can be found in her store on many days painting her shop making it more beautiful than ever. Just meeting and speaking with her is a pleasure and an inspiration. She teaches and is an advocate for early prevention and detection of cervical cancer and other health related issues. She even offers free classes at her shop on occasion for essential oils to help deal with some of life’s most common ailments! If you are interested in any classes she invites you to her shop which is open Wed & Thurs 10am - 3pm, Fri 10am-6pm, Sat 10am-3pm

Looking for Vendors 102 South 2nd Ave, Mayodan

Boutique offers Leggings, Tunics & Tops, Jewelry and Accessories Also offering doTerra Essential Oils Store Hours: Wed & Thur 10am-3pm, Fri 10am-6pm, Sat 10am-3pm

Precious Time Clock Repair Bobby Walker

336-932-5261 Leave short message Will return call

prizes for registered anglers. All children must be accompanied by an adult who will be in the park and supervising them at all times. One adult prize for heaviest fish of the day. Bring your own bait/tackle, extra drinking water/snacks, sunscreen & bug repellant. Free hot dogs, chips and drinks while they last, prepared by BSA Troop 562. Bluegrass music courtesy of Twin County Ramblers. Environmental Education games and displays, plus crafts

Grandfather Wall & Mantle Clocks

Revelation 10:16 “…shall time be no longer.”

7th Annual Family Fishing Day Saturday, May 26 9:30am – 2:30pm MAYO RIVER STATE PARK 500 Old Mayo Park Rd. Mayodan, NC 27027 336-427-2530 • A North Carolina FISHING LICENSE-EXEMPT DAY Event Sponsored by FRIENDS OF MAYO RIVER STATE PARK (non-profit) • Kids fishing derby for registered participants ages 17 and under with prizes for heaviest, longest and shortest fish in age appropriate categories, plus door

All Clocks weights or springs

for kids by Lowe’s. Nat Greene Fly Fishers Chapter of Trout Unlimited will give fly/casting/tying instruction to interested adults. THANK YOU TO THE N.C. WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION FOR FISH-FOR-FUN BAGS AND FOR STOCKING THE PONDS WITH CATFISH. KIDS CAN REGISTER FOR A STATEWIDE DRAWING FOR POSSIBLE EXTRA PRIZES.

RE-ELECT A True Conservative Treating Everyone Fair, Honest and using the Common Sense Approach.

Paid For By Keith Zero Mabe For County Commissioner


Madison / Mayodan & Stoneville Canoe the Mayo River Mayo River State Park (4-5 hour float) Summer 2018 Saturday – May 19, June 9, July 21, August 11 10:00am Free guided trip open to the first 11 people to register at the park office. Call 336-427-2530 to sign up or for more information and directions. Have you ever wanted to float down the scenic Mayo River? Come out and take a river trip with a park ranger. This canoe float will start at the

public boat access at Old Anglin Mill Loop Road and end at the public boat access on US 220 Business. Start time is 10:00am. Participants must provide their own transportation to the launch site and from the take-out site, which means you will need two vehicles with drivers or someone to pick you up at the take-out. The float should take approximately four to five hours, depending on river current and water levels. The trip is free of charge and open to the first 11

people to sign up at the park office. Canoes, personal flotation devices (to be worn the entire time) and paddles are provided. All participants must wear shoes appropriate for wading. Flip-flops will not be allowed. Bring drinking water, a snack/picnic lunch, sunscreen and any personal items in a waterproof container. Dress for and be prepared to get wet. Nylon clothing is best as opposed to jeans or cotton fabrics.

Fish with a Ranger

Creek Creep

Saturday, June 30 – 1:30pm to 3:30pm The fish are waiting. Will you walk away with a great fish story? Go fishing with a ranger at MAYO RIVER STATE PARK. Meet-up location is at the picnic area parking lot at Mayo Mountain Access. Bring your own tackle, bait and insect repellent. There is some tackle available to be used on loan. All participants 16 years and older must have a North Carolina fishing license. For more information contact Mayo River State Park 500 Old Mayo Park Rd, Mayodan. 336-427-2530, or visit

Saturday, June 16 1:00pm – 3:00pm

281 Sisk Mill Loop Madison, NC 27025

336-949-9696 Everyday Pick 5 Meats $19.99


StEak • Pork •  ChiCkEn

Darren Stevens, Plant Mang •

Surprise Your Mom This Mothers Day

Always & Forever Florist, Inc. 704 Rockingham Square Madison, NC 27025

336-427-6086 1-800-633-3312 In Shopping Center Beside SECU Behind Newbridge Bank

Natural Look Garden Center 3601-B Hwy 220 Business, Stoneville Joey Spencer

Cell 336-616-8175

• Gardening Center 336-573-7139 Greenhouse & Produce Keeping the Small Business in Business! Welcoming good fresh produce from local farmers. • Tomatoes • Honey • Variety of Canned Goods • Free Range Eggs • Hoop Cheese • Fat Back • Hanging Basket Arrangements • Flowers • Lavender • Ferns • Plants • Vegetables • Special Orders

Come see what is swimming around in the creeks at MAYO RIVER STATE PARK! A park ranger will lead you to Fall Creek Falls to see what you can catch! Wear clothing and shoes for getting in the creek and getting wet. Bring your own drinking water and insect repellent. Meet-up location is at the DeShazo Mill Road Access parking area (Latitude 36.5411, Longitude 79.9830). If you need directions, call the park office at 336-427-2530. MAYO RIVER STATE PARK 500 Old Mayo Park Rd, Mayodan, NC 27027 336-427-2530, or visit

We Need Volunteers! The Rockingham County Humane Society 205 Boone Road, Eden 336-623-4428

Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life ContinuEd FroM PagE 16 Springs Rd.). Upon his arrival to the residence, Deputy Doss made contact with a female. Within a few seconds of that initial contact, a Caucasian male subject confronted Deputy Doss and pointed a handgun at him. Deputy Doss drew his service weapon and fired, striking the suspect. After disarming the suspect, Deputy Doss radioed for emergency medical assistance to come to the residence and began rendering CPR to the suspect. The suspect was transported by EMS to a triad area hospital for treatment. Sheriff Sam Page requested the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation to respond and investigate the incident, per established protocol. The male suspect, Scott James Daniels, 46, of 325 Nell Rd. Madison, N.C. was treated and released by the hospital into the custody of Rockingham County Sheriff's Deputies. Daniels has been charged with felony Assault with a Deadly Weapon on a Law Enforcement Officer with Intent to Kill, felony Assault on a Law Enforcement Officer with a Firearm, felony Assault with a Deadly Weapon on a Government Official, misdemeanor Assault on a Female, misdemeanor Assault by Pointing a Gun and misdemeanor Interfering with 9-1-1 Communications. Daniels was placed in the Rockingham County Detention Facility and is under a $1,030,000. secured bond. He is scheduled to appear in court on April 25th. Deputy Doss was placed on Administrative Duties pending the outcome of the N.C. S.B.I.'s Investigation, per standard procedure.

STARS and PLANETS Saturday, May 5 9:00pm until 11:45pm Have you ever looked up into the night sky and wondered what you are looking at? Come out to MAYO RIVER STATE PARK and explore the constellations, stars and planets! Volunteers from the Greensboro Astronomy club will be on hand with telescopes to assist you on your journey through the wonders of the heavens. Meet in the field near the picnic shelter. Please use a red filter on any flashlights you bring. MAYO RIVER STATE PARK 500 Old Mayo Park Road, Mayodan, NC 27027 For questions, directions or more information, call the park office at 336-427-2530 or visit

Madison Mayodan Senior Center 300 S 2nd Ave, Mayodan •  (336) 548-2789

• PICKLEBALL – A racquet sport blend of tennis, badminton and table tennis. It’s low impact and easy for beginners to learn, but can develop into a quick, fast-paced competitive sport for experienced players. Days: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. Time: 8:30am – 10:30am……. NO COST • SILVERSNEAKERS YOGA – Whole body movement through a series of seated and standing yoga poses. Chair support Days/Time: Mon. at 8 am. Fee: $3.00 per class/ FREE with SS, A&F or S&F card* *SS (SilverSneakers), A&F (Active & Fit) and S&F (Silver & Fit) are exercise benefit programs offered by insurance companies. Your benefit card must be shown to the main office before you can participate in our activity without a fee.*

• HI-LO-CORE – High energy, low impact, core work out to lose the gut! Days/Time: Mon. & Wed. at 9 am. Fee: $3 per class/ / FREE with SS, A&F or S&F card* • ZUMBA – Exercise using various types of music & dance featuring aerobic & interval training to a combination of rhythms. Days/Time: Tues. 9am & 6pm, Thur.- 9am, Sat.- 9am. Fee: $3.00 per class/ FREE with SS, A&F or S&F card* NO COST PROGRAMS • Breakfast club provides social interaction, speakers with informational resources and a delicious breakfast. Sponsored by the Madison Maydan Rotary. First Fri. of each month at 9 AM • Veterans breakfast to honor veterans and spouses sponsored by Via Electric. Second Fri. every other month 9AM • GF Strenth - strength training and balance using dumbbells. Mon. and Wed. 1030 to 11:30 AM • Staying Strong is a physical fitness program for older adults targeting those with osteoarthritis. Safe exercises and learn helpful tips to increase independent functioning and a healthy active lifestyle. Tues. and Friday 10:30-11:30AM • Chair Tai Chi is done mostly from a sitting position for holding onto a chair. Improves movement balance and breathing. Tues. 11 to 11:30 AM • Tai Chi for arthritis no impact slow and gentle exercising Thurs. 10:30 to 11:30 AM • Chair exercises specifically for seniors who are less mobile. Entirely from a chair. Thursday 11 to 11:30 AM • Hand and Foot - Wed. 1 PM to 4 PM • ADTS programs also include blood pressure checks and meals with friends, Call the center for details.


Madison / Mayodan & Stoneville Events at Madison-Mayodan Public Library: May

(All Open to the Public) • Monthly Genealogy Soirée 2018: 2 pm – 4 pm Tuesday, May 1st: Lab Work Tuesday, May 22nd: Curating Your Family History & Preparing for Family Reunions. Student package available and a Calendar of Class Dates. Classes are usually held in the Linda C. Vernon Genealogy Room. Students will be notified of any changes. All programs have Handouts available. For more information call: 336-548-6553/email: ____________________________________________ Computer Classes – Every Wednesday: 9 am – 10:30 *Free to the Public • Week 1: Virus Protection and Computer Safety • Week 2: Constructing Email with Google • Week 3: Attachments, Copy/Paste, Creating Files/Folders • Week 4: Electronic Resources and Social Media • Week 5: Q & A Review For More Information Contact Madison-Mayodan Public Library: 336-548-6553 _______________________________________________ Children’s Programing – Every Wednesday May Programs: • Preschool Storytime: Focus – All About Family (Stories, Games, Crafts Songs, and More…) 10:30 am • Baby Times Storytime: 11:15 – 11:30 Newborns and Toddlers Welcome • Teen Library Council: Meets – Wednesdays – May 9th: End of School Pizza Party, Summer Service Prog. • Lego Club – Wednesday, May 16th: 4 pm - Join us for some building fun! For those who are in K – 5. • Kids Genealogy Program – May 30th: 4 pm Family Come learn how to tell your Family Story • Look Out for Our SUMMER READING Program… Coming Soon to the Library! Info to follow… ________________________________________________ Special Displays @ the Library – Friday, May 4th: May The Fourth Be With You! - Saturday, May 5th: CINCO de MAYO! Celebrate Mother’s Day @ the Library – Thursday, May 10th. Displays, Coloring Pages and Puzzles Provided _________________________________________________ “Star Wars” Bingo Fun @ the Library– Friday, May 11th: 2:30 pm - 5 pm . To be held in the McMichael Community Room - Prizes given to winners… ____________________________________________ Girl Scout Meetings – Saturdays, May 12th: 1 pm – 3 pm To be held in the McMichael Community Room _______________________________________________ The Force Is Strong @ the Library – Thursday, May 17th: 2:30 pm – Closing. Popcorn & Beverages Provided. To be shown in the McMichael Community Room ________________________________________________ Warrior Cats Club – Saturday, May 19th: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Games, Trivia Fun, Crafts, and Book Discussions, To be held behind the Library “Into the Wild” _____________________________________________ Minecraft Event @ the Library – Thursday, May 24th: 3:30 pm – Closing. Popcorn & Beverages Provided. To be shown in the McMichael Community Room ________________________________________________ Unwind with Adult Coloring & Challenge Your Mind with Puzzles – Friday, May 25th: 3 pm – 5 pm. Relax with coloring pages and peaceful light music, or wake up the “grey matter” with puzzles, materials will be provided. To be held in the McMichael Community Room ____________________________________________

New Meat source comes to Madison

Triad Meat Custom Processing has come to Madison NC with deals on freshly cut meat that you cannot get at any other stores like Walmart or Foodlion! With their “pick 5 daily deals” you can choose 5 different packs of pork, chicken and steak that are not injected with preservatives like added salt, so this place not only has food that is easier on your wallet but healthier for your whole family. Owner Darren Stevens has been in the meat business for many years performing a wide range of services including raising hogs and he even used to inspect places like the very one he owns and operates now in Madison. He takes pride in knowing he is feeding family quality meat at prices they can afford. Triad Meat is a well-known name established in 1961. The Greensboro location has any item you can imagine including crab legs, alligator, bison, fish, lamb, goat, and so much more. Darren is now allowing customers to call the Greensboro location to send things over to the Madison store for pick up on request. Our very own Sue from Eden’s Own Journal has sampled the pick 5 meats and was so impressed that Triad Meats has certainly earned a new customer. She invites Rockingham County to eat better and give them a try. The Greensboro location is at 3023 Randleman Rd., Greensboro. You can call to order any type of meat for pick up in Madison at 336-275-5671 or 336-274-6033 The Madison location is at 281 Sisk Mill Loop Madison, NC 27025 We Need Volunteers! The Rockingham County Humane Society 205 Boone Road, Eden 336-623-4428

Unmet Needs Hotline set up Rockingham County has created an “Unmet Needs Hotline” for citizens to call in the event of needs that they feel have not been met by the county. The number is 336-342-8229 Citizens who call the “Unmet Needs Hotline” will be prompted by a recording to leave a message and a county official who can give advice on the unmet needs will return the call. Citizens can also call the United Way’s referral service at 2-1-1 or 888-892-1162 to talk a trained call specialist who can register storm related needs. These lines are open 24 hours per day and seven days per week. IF A TRUE EMERGENCY EXISTS, CITIZENS SHOULD DIAL 9-1-1. The NC DOT will remove VEGETATIVE Debris for those affected by the tornado.VEGETATIVE is defined as things that NATURALLY grow. Citizens should pile vegetative debris at the roadside in a manner that does not interfere with vehicular traffic. NC DOT defines the roadside as a distance of thirty (30) feet from the centerline of the roadway or the area between the utility poles and shoulder of the roadway. Citizens will have until Sunday, May 13, 2018 to pile their debris in the manner described above. Beginning Monday, May 14, 2018, NC DOT will begin the process of collecting the debris. NC DOT may use private contractors to assist with the debris collection, so citizens may not see the traditional yellow trucks collecting debris. Debris will only be picked • Caps • T-Shirts • Rain Gauges • Team Uniforms • Political Signs • Pencils • Pens

up from the state maintained roadways and NOT private roadways or private property. Those living on private roadways should have their debris piled at the state right-of–way as described above. Debris piles that include construction debris (tin, shingles, windows, doors, drywall, plastic, glass, etc) WILL NOT be picked up. Citizens in the areas affected by the tornado (Williamsburg or Ruffin Townships) can deposit debris at the county landfill at no charge. You will be asked to verify that your address is located in areas affected by the tornado. Please follow the instructions on sorting the debris as the landfill has to meet state regulations on the collection and proper processing of debris. State and Federal Assessment Teams will continue to survey the damaged areas to determine if the county is eligible for State or Federal assistance. These members will be uniformed and will be operating clearly marked vehicles. Schedules for these teams are uncertain as the county does not regulate the State and Federal schedules. Many volunteer groups remain in the county and are ready to assist where needed. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) warns citizens about contractors who seek down payments for work of which the contractors will perform at a later date. The BBB suggests obtaining three pricing (3) quotes to ensure fair pricing and never pay with cash. www.MyRockinghamCountyNC .com

MR Promotions 107 South Market St. Madison. N.C. 27025


• Business Cards • Vinyl Signs & Letters • Magnets • Calendars • Embroidery • Screen Printing • Sublimation

A Family Tradition Storewide 20% Off Check Out Our $1 Bins!

Antiques, Gifts and Collectibles Gift Certificates for that Special Lady! Swearing in of the 2018-19 Elections Board, Oath administered by the Honorable J. Mark Pegram to Jeff Parris, Royce Richardson, Toni Reece, Bonnie Purgason.

Primitive Decore If you love primitave decore... this is the place for you!

113 N. Henry Street, Stoneville, NC

336-423-9721 - or 336-573-1066

Wed - Sat. 10am - 5pm or other times by appointment Tammy Evans, Owner


For the Fun of it...

Bored Animals

The animals were bored. Finally, the lion had an idea. "I know a really exciting game that the humans play called football. I've seen it on T.V." He proceeded to describe it to the rest of the animals and they all got excited about it so they decided to play. They went out to the field and chose up teams and were ready to begin. The lion's team received. They were able to get two first downs and then had to punt. The mule punted and the rhino was back deep for the kick. He caught the ball, lowered his head and charged. First, he crushed a roadrunner, then two rabbits. He gored a wildebeast, knocked over two cows, and broke through to daylight, scoring six. Unfortunately, they lacked a placekicker, and the score remained 6 - 0. Late in the first half the lion's team scored a touchdown and the mule kicked the extra point. The lion's team led at halftime 7 - 6. In the locker room, the lion gave a peptalk. "Look you guys. We can win this game. We've got the lead and they only have one real threat. We've got to keep the ball away from the rhino, he's a killer. Mule, when you kick off be sure to keep it away from the rhino." The second half began. Just as the mule was about to kick off, the rhino's team changed formation and the ball went directly to the rhino. Once again, the rhino lowered his head and was off running. First, he stomped two gazelles. He skewered a zebra, and bulldozed an elephant out of the way. It looked like he was home free. Suddenly at the twenty yard line, he dropped over dead. There were no other animals in sight anywhere near him. The lion went over to see what had happened. Right next to the dead rhino he saw a small centipede. "Did you do this?" he asked the centipede. "Yeah, I did." the centipede replied. The lion retorted, "Where were you during the first half?" "I was putting on my shoes." source:

Questions / Answers

Religious Cowboy

Q: What do you call an alligator in a vest? A: An Investigator

The devout cowboy lost his favorite Bible while he was mending fences out on the range. Three weeks later, a goose walked up to him carrying the Bible in its mouth. The cowboy couldn't believe his eyes. He took the precious book out of the goose's mouth, raised his eyes heavenward and exclaimed, "It's a miracle!" "Not really," said the goose. "Your name is written inside the cover."

Q: What's the similarity between a Alligator and Windows? A: Neither of them has enough bytes! Q: How many arms has a alligator got? A: Depends how far he has got with eating his dinner! Q: Why don't alligators like fast food? A: Because they can't catch it! Q: What do you get if you cross a alligator with a flower? A: I don't know, but I'm not going to smell it!


Q: Did you hear about the law firm with the most intimidating lawyers? A: It's filled with liti-gators.

Pronounce A husband and wife were driving through Louisiana. As they approached Natchitoches, they started arguing about the pronunciation of the town. They argued back and forth, then they stopped for lunch. At the counter, the husband asked the blonde waitress, "Before we order, could you please settle an argument for us? Would you please pronounce where we are very slowly?" She leaned over the counter and said, "Burrr-gerrr Kiiing."

Q: What do you call a crocodile with GPS? A: A Navi-gator. Q: What do alligators call human children? A: Appetizers. Q: Who gives alligators presents on Christmas? A: Santa Jaws! Q: What's worse than one alligator coming to dinner? A: Two alligators coming to dinner Q: What do alligators drink before a race? A: Gator-Ade.



Q: What was the nerd alligators favorite programming language A: Jaw-va

A teacher asked her students to use the word "beans" in a sentence. "My father grows beans," said one girl. "My mother cooks beans," said a boy. A third student spoke up, "We are all human beans."

Q: What do you call an alligator that makes others fight? A: An Instigator..

Bugs A boy asks his father, "Dad, are bugs good to eat?" "That's disgusting. Don't talk about things like that over dinner," the dad replies. After dinner the father asks, "Now, son, what did you want to ask me?" "Oh, nothing," the boy says. "There was a bug in your soup, but now it’s gone."

“Little Jonny, why did you put your teddy in the freezer?” “I would like to have a polar bear.”

Q: What do you call a blonde in a tree with a brief case? A: Branch Manager.


Q: Do you know why the blonde got fired from the M&M factory? A: For throwing out the W's.

Just came home from a training session. Two hours on the treadmill did me really good. If only I could somehow stop the constant beeping and the irritated comments of the cashier.

Q: Why are alligators comedians so funny? A: Their wit is as razor sharp as their teeth!

Alarmed “Mom, don't get alarmed, but I’m at the hospital.” “Son, please. You’ve been a surgeon there for 8 years now. Can we start our phone calls differently?”

Q: Why shouldn't you shoot an alligator? A: He'll just bite the bullet and make the best of it.


Each of the following cryptograms is a clue to the identity of a character in advertising. Using the hints E=O and T=P, decipher the clues to name the character.

1 LQICKLM ______________________________________

2 JEWMIDHB ______________________________________

3 MUTTB ______________________________________

4 AEOTHIL ______________________________________

5 AENNII ______________________________________ Virginia Christine played this advertising character:













There are 27 letters left. For the answer see the classified page.



Answers: 1) Swedish, 2) Motherly, 3) Happy 4) Couples, 5) Coffee, Mrs. Olson for Folgers


CK’s Supply Closet Spray Cotton Mills Staff recently met with Faisal Khan, Spray Cotton Mills developer on Tuesday, March 27th prior to the Planning Board meeting in which they heard about and considered his proposal to turn the property into a Planned Unit Development (PUD.) The Planning Board approved Khan’request. Khan plans 86 apartments, restaurant, an artists’ space, microbrewery and other enterprises on the property.

feature on this popular Eden attraction. We hope to have a full house as UNC captures a little bit of Americana in our community. Watch the Explore Eden Facebook page for more information on this fun event. Come out and show your support for the Eden Drive-In.

Game Land located just outside of Eden. This area will be the future home of trails, river access points and a hunting preserve. The property will now be used to enhance Eden’s quest to become a haven for outdoor recreation.

Mamalina’s Fresh Cooking If you have not tried Mamalina’s in the Eden Mall, you are missing delicious food and a very friendly staff. They have salads, pastas, subs, entrees and other tempting items. They are open from 11:00am-9:00pm Wednesday-Friday, 3:00pm9:00pm on Saturday and noon to 3:00pm on Sunday. Call 336635-9049 for more information or to order a take-out.

4th Annual Oink & Ale Festival-Mark your calendars. This year’s event is scheduled for Saturday, May 12, 2018 from 6:00pm-9:00pm on Monroe Street in Historic Downtown Eden. Chicago Tribute band Chicago Rewired will perform. Two Witches Brewery, Pig Pounder and other craft beer companies will be serving. The Eden Rotary Club will be selling MillerCoors products. There will be plenty of delicious food and other treats. Visit the Explore Eden NC Facebook page for more information. Free admission this year so bring your lawn chair and have fun as Eden kicks off its festival season.

UNC Television— Eden Drive-In UNC Television is going to be at the Eden Drive-In Theater on Friday, May 4th to do a special

Dan River Game Land On Thursday, April 19, 2018, the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission cut a ribbon on the 1,700 acre Dan River

Carter Auto Repair This company is located in the former NAAPA auto parts facility at 412 W. King’s Hwy in Eden. Call 336-627-9149 to schedule your next automobile service. Perkins Professional Daycare Perkins is located at 1135 Lawson Eden. Call 336-627-8057 for information about their rates and services offered. Bird’s Eye View Vintage This is a new business that has opened at 980 Westerly Park Road in Eden. It is located in the big red barn. They have vintage gardening, antique furniture and jewelry. They will open one weekend each month. Call 336-501-7874 for hours and more information.

Eden Mall Suite 107 201 E. Meadow Rd. Eden, NC 336-623-2592

Accessories for Men & Women • Jewelry • Shoes / Socks • Hats • Bows • Scraves • Hair Accessories • Wall Decor • Phone Cases and Accessories • Electronics • Much more! Hours 11am - 7m Tuesday - Saturday. Owners Claudia White & Keyara Hairston

Makeup Artist by appointment only - By Keepitkute

All Types Decorative Cakes, Pies & Sweet Snacks


Order Your Mother’s Day & Graduation Treats Today!

(336)-627-9338 323 B. E. Meadow Rd., Eden, NC




Professional Dog Grooming

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Walk In Nail Trims Welcome

635-9389 eveNT SPACe AvAiLABLe

Central location; Handicap accessible; Large parking lot; great for Business meetings/Luncheons; reunions; wedding receptions; Banquets; Birthday Parties; Church groups; short & long term leases available; Commercial Kitchen facilties Available

Posing with a check representing the $107,662 donated last year by Duke energy through its Share the warmth program are, from left, Tyra Clymer, greensboro Urban Ministry; Paula Young, The Salvation Army reidsville; Kim Murvin, open Door Ministries of High Point inc.; elizabeth Treadwell, The Salvation Army reidsville; Debbie Cole, Christians United outreach Center; Bill Smith, Cooperative Christian Ministries of eden; Kacie fore, Duke energy; Derrick Smith, Salvation Army Burlington; and Davis Montgomery, Duke energy. The check represents the Share the warmth money donated by customers and employees and matched by the Duke energy foundation. (Photo Courtesy of Duke energy)

419 Thompson Street, eden, NC  336-337-0177

Eddie Barker Rentals OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE

Will You Love A Helpless Dog or Cat? The Rockingham County Humane Society 205 Boone Road, Eden 336-623-4428 Now offeriNg Obituary/Eulogy listings. Ask your funeral home director to list your loved one locally in eden’s own Journal rockingham County Star so the entire county will know 336-627-9234

EDEN Downtown and only $250 and $350 Monthly For More Information Contact

Cell: 336-613-0867 Fax: 336-627-5654 •

R Ra ai il lr ro oa ad d C Ca af fe e 3 Generations Of Country Cooking!!! 239 N. Main Street & Hwy 770 East • Eden, NC • Phone (336) 635-1709 Come In And Enjoy Country Cooking!

Keep on the right track!


Countywide Classifieds ALL CLASSIFIED ADS SHOULD BE PAID BEFORE DEADLINE TO RUN IN NEXT ISSUE. Cash, Checks, Master Card & Visa accepted. If billing is required & accepted there will be a $1 charge billing charge added. (No 900 numbers accepted) email ad to.. -or - Call 336-627-9234 • Fax to 336-627-9225 Mail in your ad inform. and payment to - Eden’s Own Journal, 5197 NC Hwy. 14, Eden 27288 Eden’s Own is published and placed on the stands on the 1st of Each Month • Ads cannot be put in nor canceled after deadline. No refunds. Ads run only at the discretion of the management. We reserve the right to turn down any classified ad we deem not publishable for any reason.

APARTMENTS / HOMES FOR RENT OR SALE 1, 2, 3, & 4 Bedroom Apartments / Homes for Rent in Eden area. Reasonable Rates! W/D Hookups, Some include appliances. Section 8 & HUD. Daytime 336-623-6948 night 336-344-0386 2 Bedroom Mobile Home in small park. $350 month. Includes water and trash. 276-226-0576 ROOMS FOR RENT Frnshd w c & wifi Carolina Inn, Eden $240 pm +utlt, $390 prvt bth & kit no smk, no alchl clean, safe, quiet 336-623-2997 MOUNTAIN VILLA APTS. Accepting Applications For 1 & 2 Bedroom Units Located in Mayodan, Handicap accessible units available. Income restrictions apply. Section 8 Assistance Available For Elderly 62 & Older. Call 336-427-5047 NC Relay #800-735-2962

Office hours: 8 am-1:30 pm. Mon.- Thurs. Smoking Prohibited except in Designated Areas.

CAPITAL AVAILABLE FOR BUISINESSS, COMMERCIAL AND VENTURE CAPITAL. $50,000 up. Write to RAC, 154 Woodlawn Drive, Stoneville, NC 27048

HELP WANTED Lynrock Golf Club: Part Time Seasonal Golf Course Grounds Worker. Mowing. Experience Required. Please Contact Marcus Wilson at 336-432-5483 FOR SALE Greene Advertising Happy Jack® Xylecide® is a fungicidal shampoo to treat ringworm & allerigies. For dogs & horses. Y & W Farm Center (336-548-9017) ( 2001 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR VGC 154k Actual Milage 336-253-8385 Lift Chair (Golden Manufactured) Brown. Used Very Little. Regularly Sells For $850. Will Sell For $350. Call 336-349-2039

Equal Housing Opportunity

Managed By Community Management Corporation.

Sandstone Apts. Furnished 1 BR, 1 Ba, Living Room, & Kitchen All Utilities & Cable Included No Pets Or Children. Laundry On Site $150 For A Week. 336-552-0755 MH LOTS $0+ 1st yr $250 2nd yr + $20 @ prsn 336-623-2997 or 336-273-4774

2br Town House, 1.5 Bath, All Appliances, $485 per month. 336-627-5031 SERVICES Clarks Sealcoating • Sealcoating • Striping • Patchwork. Serving the area for 25 years. Free Estimates, Residential/Commercial 276-226-0576 REAL ESTATE SERVICES Property Mngt 30+ yrs experience P.I. Properties 336-273-4774

5HJLRQDO &ODVVLÀHG $GV Call this paper to place your ad in over 4 million homes. THE FOLLOWING ADS HAVE NOT BEEN SCREENED BY THE SOUTHEASTERN ADVERTISING PUBLISHERS A S S O C I AT I O N ( S A PA ) ; Therefore, any discrepancies thereof shall not be the responsibility of the aforementioned association. Your publisher has agreed to participate in this program and run these ads as a service to the Southeastern Ad ve r tisin g Pu b lish e r s Association.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Beware of loan fraud. Please che ck with the Bet ter Business Bureau or Consumer Protection Agency before sending any money to any loan company. SAPA

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Puzzle Answer From Page 24: Don’t Forget Your Moms This Month For Sale: 1987 Toyota Supra Burgundy • Automatic • C.D. Player • Good Tires Call - 336-349-3370

FOR SALE 22” Tires & Wheels 336-253-8385

Broyhill Armorie For T.V. Brown Solid Wood With 3 Drawers Regularly Sells for $1,100. Will Sell For $400 Call 336-349-2039 Call Edens’s Own Journal to sell your unneeded items in the Classified! 336-627-9234

Eddie Barker Rentals For Rent: 2 Bedroom • 1 Bath $450 deposit, $450 month rent. For More Information Contact

Cell: 336-613-0867 Fax: 336-627-5654 •

For Sale By Owner 2007 30’ HORNET KEYSTONE TRAVEL TRAILER Front Kitchen Model, EC 1 Owner. Sleeps 2, 2 exterior doors, Large slide-out with cover, nice awning, Goodyear Marathon tires, towed less than 3000 miles. Upgraded Serta Matress. Nice bath w/ shower. Orig. $30k, selling $12,000. Call 336-627-3077. Got something to sell?Ggive us a call at Eden’s Own Journal. Call 336-627-9234 or email

Eden Mall Flea Market Now Open Thursday, Friday, Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. $10 per table We have Used Furniture!

WANTED TO BUY Leaksville Shore Store Advertising Paper Bags Call Ashley’s Antiques 336-623-0726 HUGE YARD / ESTATE SALE Saturday, May 26 from 7 a.m. - 1 p.m. 315 Wilson St., Eden Kitchen Items, Pictures, Heater, Christmas Items & Misc. Rain Date Saturday June 2.

THIS SPACE. Call Lisa Griffith 336-627-9234 or Elizabeth Doss 336613-3025

NEED A CLASSIFIED? Call Us Today! Starting at $9. We have a readership of 27,000+ Sell, Rent, Hire, Events, and much more! 336-627-9234


Better Health Naturally Since 1948

405 Boone rd., eden, NC

“Eden Chamber Staff Photographer”

CK’S SuppLY CLoSet, in Suite 107 inside Eden Mall held their official Ribbon Cutting in April with Mayor Neville Hall performing the honors for owners Claudia White & Keyara Hairston . This shop is filled with home and personal items for every taste. From men and women’s accessories: Jewelry, shoes, socks, hats, bows and scarves to home decore and electronics. There is even a makeup artist available by appointment.They have it all! Stop in and see Claudia and Keyara and tell them Eden’s Own Journal sent you! For more information call 336-623-2592.

John r. Dabbs, DC 336-627-7398 •

Sibonga Hair Salon 202 Van Buren Rd., Suite A Eden, NC 27288

Shop (336) 623-2235

Serena pulliam, Stylist Welcomes

Cell (336) 637-7649 appointments & Walk-Ins Welcome


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Eight graduate as program as "EMERGING LEADERS" Congratulations to eight outstanding Rockingham County Governmental employees who graduated in March in the County's third EMERGING LEADERS program. The eight employees participated in a three-day, leadership workshop including: • Andrea Barker, Head Start, Disabilities, MH, Nutrition Manager • Casey Bowles, 9-1-1 Communications, Asst. Lead Telecommunicator • Donna Claybrook, Central Permitting, Central Permitting Tech • Robert Dillon, Engineering & Public Utilities, Maintenance Worker • Rachel Fetzer, Library, Sr. Library Assistant • Marcus Slade, Budget, County Management Fellow • Cody Thompson, Engineering & Public Utilities, Utlities Maintenence Tech • Katrina White, Public Health, Health Education Program Manager Rockingham County Commissioner Mark Richardson, County Manager Lance Metzler, and Human Resources Director

Carpet SourCe 1121 Washington St., Eden 336-623-5373

Nichole McLaughlin all were impressed with the presentation by the class and offered glowing compliments to the graduates regarding their commitment, eagerness to learn, and desire to advance as leaders within Rockingham County Government. The Emerging Leaders program was facilitated by Mike Lovett and Julie Copeland of HRD Strategies emphasized leadership skills and coaching. The program culminated with today's group presentation where participants discussed: • Vision Statement - “Building the future for a citizen centric community." • Objectives - understand role of leadership; embrace leadership role; learn to use three basic leadership skills: technical skills, critical thinking, and human relations. • Communication/ Transparency • Opportunities • Morale • Challenges • Training & Development • Quality of Life • What’s Being Done • Lessons Learned • Wake up with DETERMINA-

“Make the Right Choice First” Serving Rockingham and Surrounding Counties for 24 Years! Open Mon. - Fri. 10am-5pm COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL We Sell & Install • Carpet • Vinyl • LVT • Laminate • Hardwood

Happy Mothers Day!

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TION. Go to bed with SATISFACTION. The Rockingham County Board of Commissioners and County Manager realized a need for professional development and succession planning within the organization, therefore, Human Resources designed a staff development solution several years ago. The Emerging Leaders program was created to accomplish these goals: • Provide opportunities and experiences that encourage the development of diverse leaders and decision makers. • Instill a sense of mission, service and professionalism in program participants. • Demonstrate a proactive approach to succession planning for County leadership. • Develop a group of employees with the competencies required to address emerging challenges in local government.

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3144, Eden, NC 27289

125 N. Main Street, Reidsville NC 27320

RIVERSIDE TIRE SERVICE 39 Dye Plant Rd. Martinsville 276-632-7181

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JOSH SMITH AUTO REPAIR, LLC NEW STATE OF THE ART HUNTER ALIGNMENT SYSTEM! TIRES, ALIGNMENT, STATE INSPECTIONS, OIL CHANGES & DIESEL TRUCK REPAIR! EXPERIENCED WITH ALL MAKES & MODELS. A/C Service &Repair, Engine And Transmission Repair Shocks / Struts, Brakes, Tune-Ups, Oil Changes, Tires, Inspections, Computer Diagnostics & Alignments! 12 Month Warranty On All Repairs!

Happy Mother’s Day!

towing Phone : 336-627-9400 • Fax : 336-627-0400 available

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Ricky 336-932-4127 Where Integrity and Quality still have value. Kevin Redding

Walter Clark

Greer Haywood

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Cutting the ribbon on the new Dan River Game Lands


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Wildlife Reserve dedicated in Rockingham County On April 19th with the snip of a ribbon the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission and the Piedmont Land Conservancy (PLC) dedicated the new Dan River Game Land. The ceremony was held at 1625 Riverside Circle in Eden, featured remarks by representatives from the Commission, the Conservancy, the N.C. Clean Water Management Trust Fund and other distinguished officials. The PLC has transferred 1,068 acres in Rockingham County to the Commission to help create the Dan River Game Land. The acreage will adjoin an additional 660 acres acquired by the Commission in 2017. The new game land will provide the Triad area with public access to fishing and hunting opportunities. Senate Leader Phil Berger (R-Rockingham) wrote “This is not only an important conserva-

Jay Slaydon, MS, LMFT Accepting New Clients 336-612-2292 Counseling and Psychological Services for All Ages 424-D W. Kings Highway Eden, NC 27288

tion project, it is also a magnet for outdoor enthusiasts, I commend the Piedmont Land Conservancy and the Commission for conserving these game lands so that hunters, fisherman and the public can experience many of the abundant natural resources that Rockingham County has to offer. “In the nine counties where PLC works, there are very few 1,500-plus acre singularly-owned parcels left,” says PLC executive director Kevin Redding. “To see this tract protected, with its miles of Dan River frontage and abundance of wildlife, is one of the most significant achievements in our history.” He continued, “This is a tremendous asset for tourism and for bringing people to Rockingham County.” noting the abundant hunting, fishing, hiking, birding, nature photography and recreation opportunities on the river. Starting out as the 2000 acre Galloway farm back in the early 1900’s, and coming into the hands of Grayson Whitt’s ancestors which later passed down to him, the property has a facinating history which includes the former consideration of the land to be a landfill, a State Prison and an Industrial park. The 1,068 acre acquisition that completes this Game Land was funded by a $2.6 million grant provided by the N.C. Clean Water Management Trust Fund. The original 660 acres that were acquired in 2017 were done so with $1,000,000 from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Wildlife

Grayson Whitt and Sport Fish Restoration Funds and a $586,000 grant obtained by the PLC. Walter Clark of the Clean Water Management Trust Fund thanked the state legislature for the 2.6 million provding gthe ability to purchase this property. He noted the state now has 10.3 million people and is the 10th fasting growing state in country with an average of 196 people per square mile. “For all these people we need to protect the quality of life, invest in parks, gameland, greenways and community projects.” Going on to say that in these modern times people choose now go to where the quality of life is and find work instead of find work and go to that location. Greer Haywood, Trustee Chair of Clean water Management Trust Fund said she was grateful for the board and the work done here and how the Piedmont Land Conservancy worked hard to protect this property. Thomas Berry, President Pro Tem of N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission noted the abundance of quail, turkey and deer on the land. With the addition of a boat ramp in the future, fishing will be enjoyed here, even from the banks of the 4 miles stretch of river on the property. He added, Rockingham County is the Breadbasket of deer hunting in the state of North Carolina. There are a lot of people who come from all over

Dan River Game Land... Continued to next page


Harrison named volunteer of month The Rockingham County Board of Commissioners on March 19th, honored Katrina Harrison of Reidsville as the Outstanding Volunteer of the Month. Commissioners gave her a framed certificate and a County lapel pin. Katrina Harrison is an outstanding volunteer in our county because of her dedicated commitment and service to the community. She is president and one of the founding members of The Last Dons, LLC, a confirmed 501.c.3, non-profit organization. The Last Dons' mission statement is "We Are Not A Club. We Are A Culture. A Culture Of Open Arms And Extended Hands. We Ride For A Reason." The organization was founded, when her husband passed away in 20111. Katrina, his parents, friends and family established The Last Dons Second Chance Scholarship. The scholarship is presented to

Dan River Game Land... Continued to next page the state to hunt right here in Rockingham County, spending a lot of money to hunt.” “We appreciate the chance to partner with the Conservancy to manage and conserve this unique property for the benefit of the citizens of Rockingham and surrounding counties,” said Chris Jordan, the Commission’s game lands and forest resources manager. County Commissioner, Kevin Berger thanked the Clearwater Group, Adam and Phil Honeycutt for their work on the project. “So much is learned outside the classroom, in the woods and on the river with your parent or grandparents. Now we have a public place for people to come and create those memories,” Berger said, “this is an economic draw to the county. Children will get a lifetime of learning opportunities.” Brian McRae, Land and Water Access Section Chief said this aquisition put us over 500,000 acre mark in the state. The 7 miles to Leaksville access area will make a great day trip on kayak or canoe for recreation or fishing big mouth bass, catfish, sun fish. McRae also noted there are plans on the horizon for habitat needs and increasing hedge habitats, perscribed fires, and timber management where appropriate. “We hope to engage our hunters, getting their input to help manage this area.” For more information, visit

Get outdoors and enjoy the Spring Season

Mon - Fri 9-5 Sat. 9-12

Katrina Harrison honored by commissioners. non-traditional students, who are 21-years or older, and have faced some challenges in life because of making wrong decisions. The scholarships have been presented to several inidivuals who have become successful business owners since 2012. Some of those who have received the scholarship: culinary students at Guilford Technical Community College; commercial drivers' license at Carolina Trucking School; registered nurse at NC A&T State University; Winchester Boxing Academy; and Empire Cosmetology School.

Street • Off Road • ATV’s •  Machine Shop • Sales & Service 513 S. Fieldcrest Rd., Eden, NC 27288


BRING MOM OUT TO EAT • DAILY BUFFET BAR • SPECIALS • BOOK YOUR PARTY WITH US TODAY 207 S. Van Buren Road, Eden, N.C. • 336-623-7778 530 Commonwealth Blvd., Martinsville, Va. • 276-638-7778

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Randy Hunt (right) presents Jacob Vaughan with the Best in Show certificate from the Fine Arts Festival Association of Rockingham County. Vaughan won first place & Best in Show this year. Congratulations!


Elretha Perkins ROCKINGHAM COUNTY COMMISSIONER • Unafraid to run on values and speak directly to concerns of working families. • Accountability and Accessibility

Elretha Perkins • Engage citizens and partnering with our community.

Making Rockingham County Competitive again Contact:

Eden Parks & Recreation Winter Volleyball Playoff Runner Up - Good Times Gang Kneeling - Bridget Smith, Lindsey Haynes, Heather Sorrell and Amanda Paschal. Standing: Justin Harris, Dylan Cochran and Joey Paschal.

Paid for by Perkins Campaign


When you support local small business, you are supporting a dream....

Call Lisa Griffith 336-627-9234 or Elizabeth Doss 336-613-3025 Reidsville Parks & Rec. & Reidsville Area Foundation Presents: Paddling Days

James R. Walker R. Martin Melvin Seth M. Woodall Samuele J. Viscuso

Paddling days with Get:Outdoors. Try out one of 50 Kayaks or Stand-up Paddleboards free of charge. Refreshments will be served at this event. Saturday, May 19 from 10.m. - 2 p.m. located at Lake Reidsville Park, 630 Waterworks Road, Reidsville. Interested in kayaking or stand-up paddle boarding for the first time? Want to try out a specific type or model for a future purchase? Come today and have some fun at the Lake. For more information please contact Reidsville Parks & Recreation at 336-349-1091 or Get:Outdoors at 336-2943918.


Hooked on Fishing Derby returns to Eden The Eden Hooked on Fishing Derby is always popular with the youngsters. On Saturday, May 26th Kids ages 4- 12 (Must be accompanied by an adult) will gather at the Fireman’s Hut Pond located on Smith Acres Road near the Eden Drive In. One rod per child, adults are not allowed to fish. Must fish with bait provided. Worms are furnished. For more info call Carla Huffman or Mary Stanley at 336-627-4711. Registration begins at 9am, Fishing begins at 9:30 and ends at 11am. Door prizes given out and awards immediately following.

Sports Shorts You don't want to miss this... AFTERNOON GOLF SPECIAL!!

Trophies are awarded to winner and runner-up for Largest fish, and most fish caught in each age group. Only if there is heavy rain the rain date will be Saturday, June 9th) Sponsored by the Eden Parks and Recreation and Eden Kiwanis Club.

Spring is finally here and what a great time to dust off those clubs andplay Rockingham County's premier golf course for only $25!!!

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For the month of May, come and enjoy the beauty and tranqulity of one of Ellis Maples' best designs! Monday-Friday, book your tee time after 4pm and receive a "special rate" of only $25 includes cart fees, green fees, and a small bag of range balls!!

Eden Parks & Rec. Dept. Winter Co-ed Volleyball Season and Playoff Champions - Eden Jewelry Kneeling - Beth Hyler, Marie Boor, Sara Hodges & Annie DeLoid. Standing - J T Hyler, Andrew Boor, Cliff Hodges & Matt Stolz.

Call the golf shop at 336-427-0950 and book your tee time today!!!!

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See what's happening on our social sites:

Flat Screen TV’s


Games for Kids

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Laundry Products Available for Purchase

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Sports Shorts Eden Youth Council holds kickball tournament The Eden Youth Council has decided to host an elementary school kickball tournament

for the Eden elementary schools: grades 3-5. They have solicited permission from the Central

Office and have been asked to come to an administrators meeting with all K-5 principals in

Piedmont Preferred Women’s Healthcare Associates Welcomes

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attendance. The Youth Council advisors will be in attendance as well as the student Youth Council committee in charge of this event. The event is scheduled to be held on May 5th, beginning at 12:00 p.m. on the fields at Freedom Park. The Youth Council will provide pizza and Gatorade for the kids. Registration fee is $5.00, all of

which, will all go to the winning school's PE department. Youth Council members will also be visiting all of the elementary schools in Eden in order to attend an assembly and put on a skit to encourage more participation. Members of the Youth Council will serve as coaches and score keepers for this event with staff from the Parks & Recreation Department serving as referees and umpires.


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On Race day Burris Racing group at THE DSE WING CHAMP KART"DIRT" SERIES, sponsored by Burris Racing was on a roll. With Chris Bechtel setting the pace and getting the bonus points for winning his 10 lap heat race and leading halfway through the 20 lap feature gave him bragging rights. But the #14 of Curtis Martin was waiting patiently to make his move and did so with only 5 laps to go. Bechtel made a final attempt to get a run on Martin, but was able to hold him off for the big win. Thanks to all of our racers that came to CCS for the first points race. Thanks to our sponsors: Denver Smith Engineering, Burris Racing, Track Tac, Tuck-N-Run, Sunoco Racing, Chillys Ink.

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May a 8th Primary Election P ection Day

May a 8th P Primary Ele ection Day


From Root to Branch

C.S. Lawncare

Local Geneology Studies By Elvin Perkins, Jr.

Leaf Removal Lawn Treatments Mowing Mulching Pine Needles Seeding Hedging Fertilizing

“The French (Huguenot) Connection” On Sunday, April 8, the Genealogical Society of Rockingham and Stokes Counties met at the Madison Library for their quarterly meeting and had a wonderful presentation on French Huguenot history and the migration of French settlers to the American colonies. Though we may not have thought much on the subject many of us no doubt have French ancestors within our family tree. Perhaps we have missed exploring for our possible French ancestors because many who came to America Anglicized their name to sound English. The program reminded me of an article written several years ago for the one of the genealogical society journals. The article written by society member Joy Gann Brown gives insight into the history of the French Huguenots and French names. Presented here is Joy’s wonderful article. If you were to scan through any phone book for the nearby regions of Virginia and North Carolina, you would find many names that do not appear to be Ulster Scot, English, or German, the three main groups who populated our piedmont plateau. Where did those names come from? How can we account for such wondrous-sounding names as Fuqua, Bondurant, LeSuer, Michaux, Foy, Seay, Chastain, Basset and Jordan? Is it possible that we have a “French Connection” here? The century and a half following 1517, the year in which Martin Luther posted his famous ninety-five theses on the church door in Wittenberg, Germany, was a period of turmoil for most of Western Europe. The Protestant Reformation, really a revolution which Luther is sometimes mistakenly said to have fermented, involved excesses on the part of both the Catholic Church and their opponents. In France, the Protestants quickly gained a large following, and significantly, many of the French adherents came from the upper classes of society which resulted in their having more power and influence than was normally the case among Protestants. This being true, the French Protestants, called Huguenots (the origin of the name is unknown), were able to secure recognition of their rights not usually found in their neighboring Catholic states. In 1598, Henry of Navarre who had come to the French throne in 1589 as Henry III, issued a charter, called the Edict of Nantes, which granted the Huguenots freedom of worship as well as certain legal safeguards. With this aegis, the Huguenots were able to thrive for 87 years. Then came the ambitious Sun King, Louis XIV, who had no tolerance for the Protestant cause, or any other that was not his own. Louis repealed the Edict in 1685, which ultimately resulted in one

of history’s greatest mass migrations. Perhaps as many as 400,000 people left France. Some went to South Africa, some to Holland, but the greatest number went to Germany and England. A considerable number eventually found their way to the American colonies. Charleston, South Carolina, and New Rochelle, New York, are two of the places widely recognized for their large number of Huguenot settlers. It is not so well known, however, that there was an important Huguenot colony planted in Virginia, just up the James River from Richmond. And that Colonel William Byrd, the same man who was to later own 20,000 acres of land in the Dan River Valley, was instrumental in that plantation. A tract along the eastern North Carolina/Virginia border, which included the Great Dismal Swamp, was the original destination of these Huguenot refugees. However, Colonel Byrd was able to convince Francis Nicholson, the Governor of Virginia, that the selected tract was unhealthy, and that an abandoned Indian town up the James River, Manakintowne, which adjoined land owned by Byrd, was preferable. At least two other factors affected Nicholson’s decision to change the settlement location: the wish to keep these highly-prized refugees for Virginia alone; and, the feeling that such a settlement would provide a buffer to protect downriver and coastal settlers from Indian attack. Throughout the year 1700, a total of 600 Huguenots in five separate ships left England bound for Virginia. Unfortunately, by the time the third ship arrived in the New World, serious problems had developed in Manakintowne. Necessities were scarce and the immigrants, weakened by long, hazardous voyages, and disheartened by a feeling that the native colonists had manipulated them, quickly lost heart. Consequently, almost all of the arrivals after the first two shiploads sought to situate themselves away from Manakintowne with many choosing the locale of the Potomac and Rappahannock Rivers. While relatively little information is available about the disposition of the passengers on any of the final three ships, it is known that the fourth ship, The Nassau, carrying 191 passengers, docked first in New York, possibly disembarking some passengers there before it is thought to have proceeded on to Virginia. In the year 1700, King William III, of England, granted to the constituents of Manakintowne, then the largest French settlement in America, just over 10,000 acres of land. The Huguenot’s initial dissatisfaction with Manakintowne did not abate, however, and gradually, many of the new arrivals, like


Charles Seal, Owner


so many of their fellow new world immigrants, began to venture forth in the great search for more and better. With the preferred land in the eastern parts of both Virginia and North Carolina already taken, and with west ward migration in Virginia effectively blocked by the mountains, the Huguenots naturally tended to gravitate towards the southwest with many eventually choosing to settle in the counties along the North Carolina/Virginia border, hence, our “French Connection.” As you would expect, many French names have changed form over time, so that we have, for example, Michaux becoming Mishoe, Saye becoming Seay, Martain becoming Martin, Olivier becoming Oliver, and Deneille becoming Daniel. Though I cannot vouch for them, I have been told that the names Barrett, Peay, Pruitt, Petty, and Priddy are French, as is Amos, originally spelled Amis. A French root should be considered for almost any name that begins with “De” or “Du,” which would include, of course, DeShazio, Dehart, DeLancy, DeMoss, DePriest, Devine, DuBois, Dumas, and DuPree. If you want to know more about the Virginia Huguenots, you might like to read Huguenot Emigration to Virginia and to the Settlement at Manakin-Town (R.A. Brock, Genealogical Publishing Co, Baltimore, 1962) and Turff & Twigg, The French Lands (Priscilla H. Cabell, published privately 1988). Both of these books can be found in Davis Library at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. If they are not in your library, try an interlibrary loan. [More information can be obtained from internet research and Huguenot Societies;] For research information contact: Genealogical Society of Rockingham & Stokes Counties, NC, P.O. Box 152, Mayodan, NC 27027-0152; Website:; Elvin Perkins, Jr., President, GSRS; Email:; Visit the Linda Vernon Genealogy Room, Madison-Mayodan Library, 611 Burton St., Madison, NC 27025; Phone (336) 548-6553




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Eden Manager’s Report Continued From Page 9

repeated through webcast on April 3rd for those that could not attend the original meeting. Reaction has been overwhelmingly positive. Arnett, Muldrow and Associates is working to finalize all of the recommendations related to this initiative. Draper Pocket Park A U.S. Urban Forestry grant request was submitted and grant awards will be announced in the first part of July 2018. Drainage requirements have been determined to obtain piping and to block up the three openings on the back wall before backfilling. 622 Washington Street Progress on the rehabilitation of 622 Washington Street is moving forward. We are pursuing plans for retail/ office space downstairs and residential use upstairs. Roof improvements is a priority as well as the replacement of the back wall. Barring unforeseen issues, it is anticipated that work will be complete by end of June.

Washington Street Parking Lot The public notice for contract was placed in the newspaper on April 8th and on the website on April 6th. Bids are due on April 17th and will be voted on by the City Council during their meeting on April 17th. Building Rehabilitation Grant A third and fourth Building Rehabilitation Grant request has been awarded. Pam Tiano completed a roof replacement at the former Full Moon on Monroe Street and Jean Harrington completed a façade replacement at her property which houses the Eden Museum. EDDI The EDDI (Eden Downtown Development Innitiative) board discussede the 2018 Main Street Conference in Clayton, NC., 622 Washington Street, the Draper pocket park and the Washington Street parking lot. It was also noted that the City has applied for a U.S. Forestry Grant to assist with the Draper pocket park and if received, it will require volunteers from the EDDI and Draper merchants to assist with labor. It was also announced that advertisements for the SKAT bus bike program are running in Eden’s Own

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Discounts On Large Orders Cut To Order: Ribeye • Cube Steaks • Sirloin • T Bone • Stew Beef (Pre-Order) • Bologna • Cheese 713 Church St., Eden Mon. - Fri. 7am - 10pm, Sat. & Sun. 8am - 10pm 336-623-2981

Journal currently and copy has been approved for the ad to be placed on the bus. Coffee Shop Pam Tiano is confident she has a tenant for the former Full Moon Salon building. A successful business owner plans expansion. His offerings have included gourmet coffee, specialty sandwiches and salads and a craft beer selection. Canadian Golfers We would like to thank Bob Fitz and our Canadian golfer friends who were in Eden in April. The group of nearly 50 played golf in Eden and all over the region.

Engineering Department Street Resurfacing Projects The bid opening for the FY 2018-19 Street Resurfacing Contract, No. 1 was held on April 3rd. Bids: Waugh Asphalt $488,072.35 Joyce Trucking & Paving $507,324.50 Adams Const. Co. $596,409.35 Triangle Grading & Paving $949,044.60 Waugh Asphalt, Inc. was the low bidder. Request to award will go before the City Council for approval at their regularly scheduled meeting on May 15th. Waterline Replacement Addendum No. 1 for the Jackson Street and Farrell Street Waterline Replacement project was sent out by Alley, Williams, Carmen & King, Inc. on March 15th. The bid opening was held on March 29th with three bids being received. Sam W. Smith, Inc. was the lowest bidder with a bid price of $109,624. The other bids received ranged from $149,435 to $199,927. Fire Department Huntsville Elementary School visited the Eden Fire Department on March 15th for a station tour. The 71 elementary children along with 8 adults toured the station. A presentation on the use of 911 was demonstrated along with the importance of knowing your address. Firefighters did a turnout gear demonstration, showing what a firefighter looks like when they are wearing their full protective gear, and not to be scared or hide from them in the event of your home catching on fire. Three different types of apparatus were on display and the uses of each. Individual pieces of equipment were also shown as well as the proper use of each. On April 6th the Eden Fire Department in conjunction with Baptist Air Care set up a landing zone for the helicopter to land in the football stadium at Morehead High School. This demonstration was conducted for the EMT program taught at the high school. This showed the students the importance of quick transport of a critically injured patient and why the fire department is used in setting up a landing zone. The students got the opportunity to look at the helicopter close up and talk to the pilot along with

the flight nurses. The students could ask the firefighters and the flight crew questions about landing a helicopter on an emergency scene and other questions of interest.

Information Technologies Dept. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) If you’re worried about your financial accounts or social media sites getting hacked, the best thing you can to do protect yourself is turn on two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication (2FA), sometimes referred to as two-factor identification, is an additional layer of protection beyond your password. It significantly decreases the risk of a hacker accessing your online accounts by combining your password (something you know) with a second factor, like your mobile phone (something you have). Even if a hacker has your username and password, they still would not be able to access your accounts. Many of the world’s largest websites have made 2FA readily available from the security settings of your online accounts, but it’s up to you to turn on this free feature. How you access and turn on 2FA is different for every site or service you use. Telesign has put together a website with tutorials on how to turn on 2FA for specific applications, online services, and social media.

Eden Parks & Recreation Dept. Freedom Park Dog Park All of the components for the Freedom Park Dog Park have now been completed, with the exception of the water fountains and grounds. We anticipate this will be completed in the near future. We plan on having a ribbon cutting/grand opening at some point during the first part of May. Freedom Park Nature Trail Improvements / RV Pads The improvements to the Freedom Park Nature Trail have been completed and work is continuing on the new RV Pads. We anticipate this will be completed in the near future. We plan on having a ribbon cutting/grand opening at some point during the first part of May. Matrimony Creek Greenway Project The Matrimony Creek Greenway Project parking area and restroom location has been graded and stone placed in the area. A purchase order has been issued for the construction of the restrooms. Work will get underway on the restrooms in the near future. Staff continues to work on installing stone, gravel, and granite dust for the nature trail and this work will continue over the next sixty days. Currently, this project is on schedule to be completed by June 30th.

Historic Preservation Commission

The Commission discussed the steeple replacement of the First Baptist Church. Letters have been sent from the Commission as well as other historic preservation agencies regarding the historic appropriateness of the replacement steeple. The Commission also discussed updating the historic properties inventory which has not been updated in 20 years. Updates will include the current status of properties (demolished, intact, deteriorating, etc.) and new properties that might be added to the inventory. Spray Cotton Mill Rezoning Request (Z-02-18) Staff prepared the case report, maps, etc. for the requested rezoning of property from I-1 to PUD- MU (PUD-Mixed Use). The City Council approved the rezoning request during their meeting on April 17th. Zoning Case Z-18-03 Staff prepared the case report, maps, etc. for the requested rezoning request for two properties located on NC 135 and Harrington Hwy. Request is to rezone from R-20 to BG. The City Council approved the rezoning request during their meeting on April 17th. Special Use Case SU-18-01 A special use request for an antique shop located at 980 Westerly Park Rd. was approved by the Board of Adjustment on April 5th. Community Appearance Com. The Community Appearance Commission met on April 3rd and would like to plan a community- wide clean-up day. Staff intends to discuss this idea with corporate partners in an effort to solicit some additional support. Staff has created an Instagram account for the City to include “Good News” of what’s happening in the community. Development Luncheon One of the action items of the Positively Eden Strategic Plan is to encourage a dialogue between the City and the Development Community. The meeting on May 2nd will be moderated by Tom Terrell, a well know land use attorney. The goal for this gathering is to begin the process of finding ways that the City and the Development Community can work together to promote quality development of land in our community.

Planning & Inspections Code Enforcement Previous & Proposed Notices have been mailed by certified mail and first class mail for code violations: 3 for health violations for sewage systems, 3 for zoning violations, 9 for junk violations, 2 for junk car viola-

Continued to next Page

MAY 2018 EDEN’S OWN / COUNTY STAR, PAGE 35 H Continued from previous page tions and 2 orders were mailed for violation of the Minimum Housing Code. In addition, we will follow-up on all violations that have expired deadlines. In addition, five jobs were sent to our Facility & Grounds Division for abatement of junk and sight obstruction violations. Blight and Local Code Enforcement Impacts In Eden’s Positively Eden Strategic Plan, there is a strong emphasis on local code enforcement. Several efforts are underway to improve our program and the proposed 2018-2019 budget reflects increased spending for the current year. Along with that, we have been doing research into possible avenues to improve our ordinances or approach to local code enforcement. Director of Planning & Inspections Kelly Stultz has been reading two publications recently on the subject. The first is “Vacant Properties the True Costs to Communities” and “Implementing A Coordinated Approach to Address the Systemic Causes of Vacancy and Abandonment in High Point North Carolina”. These publica-

tions offer suggestions of a way that through GIS data and an interdepartmental committee, we might be able to identify the worst of the worst and track endangered properties. She plans to share more about these ideas in the coming months. Ashton Way Apartments Work in underway on the Ashton Way Apartments being constructed by Wynnefield Development on East Harris Place. REMINDER - City No Longer Picks-Up Used Car Tires The City of Eden will no longer pick up used car tires, residents must take them to the Rockingham County Landfill for disposal. This is due to a recommendation the City received from the Department of Environmental Quality and a City ordinance change that was approved by the City Council on April 18, 2017. The Landfill will accept the tires at no cost, unless it has a wheel on it, and in that event, they will charge $0.50 to remove the wheel.

Police Department The Eden Police Department completed the application

Rockingham Wellness Center May schedule All events at the Rockingham Wellness Center are free and open to the public. 509 S. Van Buren Road, Eden, NC 27288. Re-occurring monthly events: • Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings occur on Thursdays from 12:00 – 1:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous (Open) A fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. Support groups provide emotional strength and promote empowerment in a community environment. Open meeting and everyone is welcomed. • Art 101 occurs each Friday from 1:00-2:00pm Taught by Sara Brewer/Olga Diaz- Are you interested in learning about all things Art? Come, learn and paint with our local artists Sara Brewer and Olga Diaz. Materials provided. • The Power of Breathing and Relaxation - Thursdays from 3:00pm- 4:00pm. The way you breathe affects your whole body. Full, deep breathing is a good way to reduce tension, feel relaxed, and reduce stress. Breathing and relaxation techniques promotes overall wellness and can reduce the symptoms of many health problems brought on by stress such as colds, high blood pressure, anxiety, and depression. Join us for a relaxing journey through deep breathing and reflections to help improve your overall health and wellness. Please join Elohee El-Bey as he guides you through deep-

breathing techniques and other relaxation strategies. No registration is required. • Anyone can draw occurs on Mondays from 3:00pm- 4:00pm Anyone Can Draw – Everyone is born an artist, until someone tells them they aren’t. Kai Benton, local artist, is determined to prove that anyone can draw if they are willing to work on developing the skill. Kai will help you tap into the hidden creativity within. Activities like painting, sculpting, drawing, and photography are relaxing and rewarding hobbies that can lower your stress levels and leave you feeling mentally clear and calm. Art supplies are provided. • Bingo each Wednesday from 3:00- 4:00pm Enjoy an afternoon socializing, relaxing, and playing one of America’s favorite games. A person's social health impacts his/her ability to build friendships and form intimate relationships, plus studies show that positive social interactions can enhance a person's physical and mental health. Small prizes for the winners! • Chronic Pain Warriors Support Group the second Tuesday from 11:00am- 1:00pm Chronic Pain Warriors Support Group – Chronic pain affects both the individual and the people they love. Support groups provide emotional strength and promote empowerment in a community environment. This group plans events and speakers. Join members for refreshments and fellowship. Be a part of building support for County residents who suffer with chronic pain.

process for the new officers. The following officers were sworn in during the last month: Andrew Kenyi, Kyre’ Keen, Anthony Lovings and Kevin Meeks. Kenyi, Lovings and Keen have been training in the investigative unit while awaiting uniforms and equipment. Kenyi and Lovings began their tour with their assigned squads April 13, 2018. Meeks will begin workingafter serving his two weeks with prior employer. Lieutenant Richie Jeffries started working for the Eden Police Department in September 1993. He has submitted his retirement documentation and has an official retirement date of July 1, 2018. We thank him for his dedicated service and wish him the best in his retirement! On Wednesday, March 28, 2018 through Sunday, April 1, 2018, the Eden Police Department responded to approximately six “shots fired” calls with the call at 421 Glovenia Street ending in a fatality. During the recent shootings, information from witnesses has been very limited. Chief Light posted a video to our Facebook page providing an update and requesting anyone who may have information to call the police department or Crimestoppers. The video was shared 275 times and reached

approximately 19,000 people. Detectives with the Eden Police Department have been working long hours continuing to investigate the shootings and fatality. As mentioned by Chief Light in the video, schedules have been adjusted and additional officers are working to provide additional resources for the investigation and increased visibility throughout the city. On Friday, April 13, 2018, Chief Light, Deputy Chief Simpson, Captain Edwards and SRO’s will be attending a meeting with representatives of Rockingham County Schools and the principals and assistant principals at each school in the City of Eden. During this meeting they will be discussing school safety and security with the administrators and any improvements that can be made.

Public Utilities Department EPA AOC and Mandatory Projects to Stop Sanitary Sewer Overflows This EPA Administrative Order on Consent project includes over $33,725,000 worth of sewer improvements that will be completed in the next four years. This project is funded with a $16,660,000 principle forgiveness grant, a $15,000,000

zero percent interest loan and $2,056,600 from the City of Eden. This undertaking is a massive project that will see sewer line improvements in virtually every corner of the City. The Water Infrastructure Section of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources approved our Engineering Report for this work on Tuesday this week. The approval of this report clears the way for the engineering design work to move ahead. This is a large project and it will take over a 2019 to get to bidding this work out to contractors. Our design and bid specifications will be submitted for approval on or before October 1, 2018 and the approval is expected by February 1, 2019. Bidding and award of the of the project should be completed by June 1, 2019 with construction starting shortly thereafter and running through mid to late 2021. We anticipate that the EPA AOC will be completely satisfied by the April 22, 2022 deadline established by the EPA. We Need Volunteers! The Rockingham County Humane Society 205 Boone Road, Eden 336-623-4428

Wyatt Auctions / Wyatt Real Estate 136 N. Fieldcrest Rd., Eden, NC

Check for information and photos #16467


Sat, May 19th, 9 am to 12 noon 12 NOON WE WILL AUCTION REMAINING CONTENTS of Estate of Hattie Jarrell, 170 Jarrell Farm Rd Reidsville (off Bethlehem Church Rd) furn, household, antiques and more

MAY 5TH AUCTIONING 3 LOTS IN EDEN 502 Ash Street sells at sells at 10 am 615 & 616 Fraker St sells at 11 am NICE BUILDING LOTS

WYATT REAL ESTATE SALES 515 Flynn St - House needs TLC on nice 2.18 acre lot MAKE AN OFFER FOR SALE BY WYATT REAL ESTATE 532 Gresham St - 3br, 2 bath, deck, Nice starter or investment $35,000

GRANNY’S VARIETY & ANTIQUES AT 140 N. FIELDCREST RD. EDEN 336-635-4940 Please check AUCTIONZIP.COM Auctioneer #16467 for info and pictures. A complete Auction Service Specializing in Estates, Antiques and Personal Property as well as Estate Tag Sales Need to settle on estate, or clean out an attic, garage or basement? Call us for a free consultation. License in NC & Va.

Local River Bottom Honey

Linda Wyatt - 336-616-2113 NCAL #8777 • VA #3772

Frank Wyatt - 336-616-7044 NCREL #276840 • NCAL #9759

MEMORIAL DAY HOLIDAY CLOSING The City of Eden’s Solid Waste Division will be closed Monday, May 28th, 2018 in observance of the Memorial Day Holiday.

Recycling SOLID WASTE & REFUSE Recycling/Collection Date Center Monday 5 -28 -18 NoCollection Closed Tuesday 5-29-18 Normal Schedule Open Wednesday 5-30-18 Monday’s Collection Closed Thursday 5-31-18 Normal Schedule Open Friday 6-1-18 Normal Schedule Open If your collection day falls on an observed holiday, your collection will be Wednesday of that week. ALL AFTER HOURS CALLS SHOULD BE MADE TO THE EMERGENCY ANSWERING SERVICE AT 336-415-4444.


Tennis Talk

by Wayne Knight

On April 5, 2018, Jaycee Park in Reidsville played host to the Rockingham County Tennis Association and Xerox Corporation’s 2018 Rockingham

County High School Men’s Tennis Tournament. This tournament gave all men high school players a chance to show how well they

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skat bus

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can play the game and compete against other players from across the county. The tournament is set up as a round robin based on seeds, 1-7 and 1-3 in doubles. Each seed has a chance to earn up to 3 points for their respective school and a medal for finishing first. Second place earned 2 points and a medal, while 3rd place earned 1 point and last place earned zero points. The play was spirited and competitive. The overall winner was Rockingham High with 27 points. Number 2 Reidsville High with 18 points. Number 3 McMichael with 6 points. Number 4 Morehead with 4 points. The rosters were as follows: John Motley Morehead High Singles 1. Jordan Pulliam 2. Broch Bell 3. Lewis Griffin 4. Lochlan Bell 5. S. Smith Doubles 1. Pulliam/Griffin 2. Bell/Bell Dalton M McMichael High School Singles 1. Luke Hill 2. Casey Shelton 3. Will Arno 4. Tristan Hollifield 5.Hunter Satterfield Doubles 1. Hill/Shelton 2) Arno/Satterfield Rockingham County High School Singles 1. Heath Carter 2. Jacob Schraufnagel 3. J Carter Metzler 5. Matthew Chilton 6. Dakota Sheppard Doubles 1. Carter/Schraufnagel 2. Wood/Metzler 3. Chilton/Kollbe Russell 4. Jordan Wood Reidsville High School Singles 1. Neil Chudasma 2. Bryson Chapmon 3. Daniel Crowder 4. Chase Drizake 5. Eli Peoples 6. Erick Ortega Doubles 1. Chudasma/Chapmon 2. Crowder/Peoples 3. Drizake/Ortega 7’s Singles Bracket Mason Paschal, Carson Deel, John Howertown, Collin Lajano, Jacob Vaden, Kolbe Russell, Stefen Boromisa RESULTS: Number 1 Singles N. Chudasma RHS d J. Pulliam MHS 8-2 H. Carter RCHS d L. Hill DMHS 8-3 Carter d Chudasma 9-8 (7-5) Number 1 Consolation Hill d Pulliam 8-2 Number 2 Singles B. Bell MHS d C. Shelton DMHS 8-4 B. Chapmon RHS d J. Schraufnagel RCHS 8-5 Chapmon d Bell 8-1 Number 2 Consolation Schraufnagel d Shelton 8-2 Number 3 Singles D. Crowder RHS d L. Griffin MHS 8-2 C. Metzler RCHS d W. Armo MCM 8-2 Metzler d Crowder 8-1 Number 3 Consolation Arno d Griffin 8-2 Number 4 Singles C. Drizake RHS d T. Holifield MCM 8-0 J. Wood RCHS d L. Bell MHS 8-2 Wood d Drizake 8-6 Number 4 Consolation Bell d Holifield 8-1 Number 5 Singles M. Chilton RCHS d A Satterfield MCM 8-2 E. Peoples RHC d S. Smith MHS 8-0v

Chilton d Peoples 8-1 Number 5 Consolation Satterfield d Smith 8-0 Number 6 Singles D. Sheppard RCHS d E. Ortega RHS 8-5 Number 7 Singles Finals Kolbe Russell RCHS d Mason Paschal RCHS 6-4 Number 1 Doubles Hill/Arno MCM d Pulliam/Griffin MHS 8-2 Carter/Schraufnagel RCHS d Chudasma/Chapmon RHS 8-5 MCM d RCHS 8-6

Number 1 Consolation RHS d MHS 8-1 Number 2 Doubles Crowder/People RHS d Bell/Bell MHS 8-2 Wood/Metzler RCHS d Shelton/Satterfield MCM 8-0 Rock d RHS 8-4 Number 2 Consolation MHS d MCM 8-6 Number 3 Doubles Chilton/Russell RCHS d Drizake/Ortega RHS 8-6

Photo: Suzanne Russell

Rockingham County High School Cougars coached by Suzanne Russell

Photo: Suzanne Russell

Reidsville High School Rams coached by Charley Martin

Photo: Suzanne Russell

Dalton L. McMichael High School Fighting Phoenix coached by Kevin Johnson

Photo: Suzanne Russell

John Motley Morehead High School Panthers coached by Monte Dillard and Tommy Fleming

Get the 411 on Rockingham County Rockingham County 411 - will provide crucial info and updates, calendar and events. To sign up go to Emergency services director Rodney Cates sends out vital info and updates regarding Rockingham County, NC with this new video called, "ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 4-1-1." Announcing items such as Ready NC - road closing, shelter info, preparing for the unexpected problems, storm announcements, power outages info, preparation advice for these events. On a periodic basis, Public Information Officer Mable Scott, will share important, crucial news that citizens can use. The short segments will provide interviews, updates, calendar info, and events to keep you informed and up-to-date.


Voting In the 2018 Primary Election • Any properly registered Voter in Rockingham County is eligible to vote in the 2018 Primary Election on Election Day. Voter Registration Deadline is April 13, 2018. Voter Registration/Change Form • Any Voter who misses the Voter Registration Deadline is eligible to Register and Vote at a One Stop (Early) Voting Location. Same Day Registration Information • Voters who are registered Democrat will receive a Democrat ballot. • Voters who are registered Libertarian will receive a Non Partisan ballot. *There are no Libertarian Contests that require a Primary so there is no Libertarian ballot. • Voters who are registered Republican will receive a Republican ballot. • Voters who are registered Unaffiliated may choose a Democrat ballot, a Republican ballot, or a Non Partisan ballot. *NOTE: There will be a Quarter Cent Sales Tax Referendum on the 2018 Primary Election Ballots. The Democrat Ballot, the Republican Ballot and the Non Partisan Ballot will all have the Referendum. The only item on the Non Partisan Ballot is the Referendum. Primary Election in Rockingham County...Primary election candidates whose last names begin with the letter “F” will appear first in contests on official ballots in the May 8 primary, with additional candidates following in alphabetical order by last name U.S. House of Representatives District 6 -Ryan Watts -Gerald Wong N.C. House of Representatives District 65 -Michael H. (Mike) Lee -Wally White District Attorney District 22 -Jason Ramey -Ron Bradsher Board of Commissioners -Charlie Hall -Keith (Zero) Mabe -Tyres Tatum -Craig Travis

Sheriff -John H. Ferrell, Jr. -Sam Page -Earl Estes Board of Education - At Large -Doug Isley -William (Billy) Littrell, Jr. -Kimberly W. McMichael -Ron Price -Paula Harvell Rakestraw -Corey Brannock Qualified persons can still petition to be on the ballot in the November General Election either as an Unaffiliated Candidate or a Write In Candidate.

• • The only Republican to have filed for the seat for NC State House of Rep is Jerry Carter. Therefore no Primary is necessary, his name will automatically be on the ballot in November.

Felons and voting in North Carolina Felons in North Carolina are prohibited from voting or registering to vote until they’ve completed all terms of their felony sentences, including any probation or parole. It’s a felony to attempt to register or vote while serving a felony sentence. Once felons complete their sentences or get pardoned, they are eligible to vote and may register. Those convicted of misdemeanors in North Carolina DO NOT lose their voting rights, even if they are incarcerated.

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BOARD OF ELECTIONS 2018 Primary Election One Stop (Early) Voting Schedule

Voting will be held at the Board of Elections Office 240 Cheorkee Camp Rd., in Wentworth Tuesday, May 1, 9am - 6pm • Wednesday, May 2, 9am - 6pm Thursday, May 3, 9am - 6pm • Friday, May 4 9am - 6pm Saturday, May 5 9am - 1pm.


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School is Cool!

Chandra Caple, Director of Educational Partnerships sharing information about the Career and College Promise Program at RCC.

Non-Public Schools Community College Day On March 17th Rockingham Community College (RCC) held a Community College Day for Non-Public High Schools. This was a special event for North Carolinians for Home Education, homeschoolers located in Rockingham County. This was an opportunity for homeschoolers and the homeschooling parents to learn about the educational opportunities available at the college. They were given a chance to learn about the Career and College Promise “Tuition Free” program, tour the college campus and visit various program areas, while also meeting faculty. Success in today’s global economy may require a two-or four-year degree, a certificate or diploma. Through Career & College Promise (CCP), qualified high-school-age students in North Carolina have the opportunity to pursue these options, tuition free, while they are in high school, allowing them to get a jumpstart on their workplace and college preparation. North Carolina Homeschoolers are eligible to participate in free tuition program. The homeschool population in Rockingham county is continuing to experience constant growth and Rockingham Community College is

positioned to play an important role with supporting the educational goals of the homeschoolers. This institutional initiative is a focused outreach specifically for the Non-Public Schools in Rockingham County and to support the homeschoolers by informing them of the college’s educational resources. RCC was chartered in 1963 as a comprehensive, public community college with an opendoor admissions policy. RCC participates in the comprehensive Articulation Agreement between the NC Community College System and the University of North Carolina System with regard to transfer of credits. The college offers over 50 degrees, diplomas, and certificates and employs 154 faculty and staff members. To learn more about the educational opportunities available at the college please contact: • Derrick Satterfield Director, Enrollment Services 336-342-4261, Ext. • Chandra Caple Director, Educational Partnerships 336-342-4261, Ext. 2130 • Amanda Wares NCHE Region 3 Liaison 336-210-7449


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Eden Citizens Praying For Our Schools & Children Families gathered at Central & Drarper Elementary’s flag pole in April to pray for God to come back into our schools and country.

RCC’s Paying it Forward Mentoring Program meets A group of thirty gathered on March 23 in the Advanced Technologies Building on the Rockingham Community College Campus to network as part of the Paying It Forward Mentoring Program offered by the college. “The goal of Paying It Forward is to provide an opportunity for students to talk with each other and with mentors as they grow academically and in life,” said RCC’s Director of Customized Training Sally Newman who serves as coordinator for the program. “My goal for our students is to give them the tools and experiences they need to empower one another and be successful.” As part of the mentoring program students have visited several university campuses including NC Central University and NC A&T University. They have attended conferences at Elon University and toured the Charlotte Hawkins Brown Museum located in Sedalia, NC. Currently the students have been working with their mentors to develop their personal DiSC profile. This assessment helps students learn to manage conflict, facilitate teamwork, improve relationships all in order to become more self-aware, wellrounded, and more effective leaders. “RCC has changed me so much that I know when I graduate on May 11, I know I am going to be successful for the rest of my life,” said Deidre Thomas-Whisonant, RCC student and Paying It Forward participant. “After I graduate, I want to continue to be part of this program.” Paying It Forward is designed to provide mentors to student mentees. Mentors support and encourage students to manage their own learning experience in order to maximize their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance, and become the person they want to be. For more information on this program and the college, call 336-342-4261.

Collaboration Tour held for School Safety between Eden Police Department and Rockingham County Schools

Eden officers collaborating with RCS district administration and Central Elementary principal, Elizabeth Covell

Collaboration on school safety between Eden Officers, RCS district administration and Douglass Elementary principal, Dr. Nancy Mark. School safety and security is always a top priority for Rockingham County Schools and the Eden Police Department. Today, Chief Light, Deputy Chief of Police Simpson, Captain Edwards, and Eden Police Department officers, and the RCS District Crisis Team toured the Eden schools to have safety discussions with staff members and principals. The Eden Police Department and the school system district crisis team work hard to ensure school safety and security is a top priority. Each of the schools in Eden were visited. Each administrator was able to meet individually with the district crisis staff and Eden Police Department to discuss school safety. The goal of the safety walkthrough was to have each school in Eden visited by Eden officers to have them consult about areas for lockdown advice and to consult about any

safety/security plans. Karen Hyler and Stephanie Ellis (District Crisis Team Leaders) joined the team of law enforcement officers for the entire day. “It was a great day of collaboration around the very important topic of school safety. The Eden Police Department cares about our community and our students. We were able to have great discussions to ensure safety and security in our schools” stated Chief Light. Stephanie Ellis and Karen Hyler stated, “We appreciate all our schools do to maintain the safety and security of our precious students each and every day. This is a top priority for our school district. We also appreciate the collaboration with Eden Police Department. They always work very hard to support us in our efforts of school safety.”



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Front (l-r): Torri yeatts, Rebecca Southard, candace Ward, Sandi Hopkins, loren Johnson, Hannah Slaugher, Sarah Richardson. Row 2 (l-r): Meredith Gibby, caroline Stewart, Heather lovelace, Jennifer Somers, ashley Snow, lisa Rice, Savannah alcorn, Savannah parker, Victaysha Broadnax, Jorge Sanchez. Row 3 (l-r): Brian land, lauren irving, Jayla Oldfield, Jenny Ore, ilyssa Smith, Kiersten Dery, Zachary Ore, paul Fliehman. Row 4 (l-r): christian Goins, Dustin powell, cameron Hembree, Hunter Stephens, philipp Nelson, Jacob Neal, Gavin Taylor. Not pictured: ericka Holder.

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Students join international honor society at RCC Thirty-three students were inducted into Alpha Kappa Pi, Rockingham Community College’s chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, an international honor society and the largest honor society in American higher education. To be eligible for membership, a student must complete a minimum of twelve hours of associate degree course work and generally earn a grade point

average of 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Students must maintain a high academic standing throughout their enrollment in college. Those inducted during the spring ceremony were: Savannah Alcorn, Victaysha Broadnax, Kiersten Dery, Paul Fliehman, Meredith Gibby, Christian Goins, Cameron Hembree, Erika Holder, Sandi Hopkins, Lauren Irving, Loren Johnson, Brian

Land, Heather Lovelace, Jacob Neal, Philipp Nelson, Jayla Oldfield, Jenny Ore, Zachary Ore, Savannah Parker, Dustin Powell, Lisa Rice, Sarah Richardson, Jorge Sanchez, Ilyssa Smith, Ashley Snow, Jennifer Somers, Rebecca Southard, Hannah Slaughter, Hunter Stephens, Caroline Stewart, Gavin Taylor, Candace Ward, Torri Yeatts.

On Thursday april 4, the eden professional FireFighters local 2723 presented a check to Shane Woodall, Rockingham county Special Olympics coordinator. This is another way your firefighters give back to their community. Special Olympics mission is to provide year round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympic athletes and the community. This years local event will be held at Reidsville High School on Friday, May 4. The state summer games are held the first weekend in June in Raleigh. Last year, Rockingham County Special Olympians competed in Volleyball and brought home the bronze medal

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