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$1.75 / 18 lb bag or 20lb cooler. 40 lb $3.50 (tax included)
Vol. 16 Num. 5
MAY 2015
Tyra Hinton, the Face of Breast Cancer in County Not once, but twice, Tyra Hinton of Eden, had to face the dreaded diagnosis of breast cancer. In 1988, while a while stationed at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indianpolis, Indianna. Attending the Officer Advance Course, in the United Stateds Army, Adjutant General Corp, Hinton was told she had breast cancer and the world changed for her. She tried to reach out to family and friends, but at that time, in 1988 this diagnosis brought a different kind of reaction. “My father hung up on me,” she remembers, when she called to tell her dad, who was caring for her young son while she was in the service. “He just couldn’t face it,” at the time. Her sisters just broke down and cried, as well as several friends, but that wasn’t what she needed. She needed support, a friendly word or two of advice, and an uplifting presence from someone who had gone through this disease, and survived. But finding that in 1988 was not as easy as it is now. Now there are support groups, rally’s, walks, people are talking and sharing their experiences and their hopes and fears. The com-
munication is here now when it wasn’t then. But this doesn’t mean that when you get the diagnosis that all of a sudden there are swarms of people there to help. Not always. Most don’t know of all that is out their to help them cope with the fear, loneliness, expenses, and information overload. When you get a dreaded diagnosis, whether it’s breast cancer or any other cancer, your life takes on a new meaning. All the little things that used to seem so big are now just minor nusances, because you now see the big picture, and you have a mission to stay healthy and in control. No one can know everything that is to follow more than a two-time survivor herself. Hinton was diagnosed with cancer in her right breast in August 1988, and her left breast, while stationed at Fort Gordan, Georgia, surgery was at Dwight David Esienhower Medical Center. Not only did the Army have absolutely nothing in place to deal with this disease, but neither did the general public. Both times she found it hard, if not impossible, to find the information and support she needed emo-
Hinton proudly wears the Survivor shirt noting her 26 years of being a breast cancer survivor.
Face of Breast Cancer... Continued on Page 5
Mark your calendars for Oink & Ale Eden’s first barbecue & beer festival will take place Saturday, May 30 from 12:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. along Monroe Street in the Historic Leaksville downtown district. You will be able to enjoy barbecue, ribs, brisket, barbecued chicken, MillerCoors and Pig Pounder products along with beverages from other local craft & home brewers. Plenty of delicious nonalcoholic beverages, desserts and snacks will be available as well. The event will feature brewing education and games by the RCC Center for Brewing Sciences & Triad Homebrew Supply. We are also thrilled to have Eric & The Chill Tones performing during the event. So bring your lawn chairs and plan to come early and stay late!!! Tickets are only $10 and you will receive admission to the event & concert, a commemorative tasting glass, 9 tasting tickets and $5 of each ticket goes to Friends of the Eden Animal Shelter. We ask that you do not bring in coolers or pets. If you need further information please contact Cindy Adams at 336-612-8049 or cadams@edennc.us or go to ExploreEdenNC.com.
While You Were Out! Offering Services Such As: Pet Services: Sitting • Walking • Feed & Water • Play • Medicate • Put Out/Bring In Home Services: House Sitting • Get Mail In • Lights Alternated • Plants Cared For • Messages Forwarded • Security Checks • Light House Keeping
May is Sidewalk Sale Month!!!! Most Items $1 on Sidewalk Lending A Hand To Children In Need www.penniesforchangeinc.com
Pennies For Change, Inc. 640 S. Van Buren Rd., Suite E Meadow Greens Shopping Center
336-623-2210 Mon. - Sat.10am - 6pm