RAKESTRAW INSURANCE CENTER0 INC1 2234567489:9 !"www$%&'e)*r&w,n).r&n/e$/01 !er$ing all of Roc/ingham 2ount5 and the surrounding area since 899: PERSONAL & COMMERCIAL > LIFE & HEALTH > ANNUITIES
I NVESTING I N R OCKINGHAM C OUNTY ’ S Q UALITY ATTENTION SENIORS $3.00 OFF OIL CHANGE Every Tuesday at Master Lube (Across from the Eden Mall)
DuanE AFaGH I223J 36243:65 I223J 56743897
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Hea' & A*) Cond*'*on*n, 6 Roo8*n, & Me'al Fa;)*ca'*on
Richard Dyer, Owner 0 243 Hamilton St., Eden
O" N
Fea'u)*n, T/e R O C K I N G H A M
Local Information County Wide • FREE Vol. 11, Num.15 MonuGEnt CSEanTnU VVV1tTSSEyGonuGEntXSEanTnU1XoG
$750/mth Business Space Available Two Rivers Plaza See ad on page 39
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336-623-1055 Irrigation Retaining Walls Paver's Landscape Installation Trees And Shrubs brad@golawnworks.com
TAKI>H H O M F TH F H O ; J...AHAI> The well Nnown local line-dance group Nnown as the Mama’s & Papa’s won the RocNingahm County Senior Games performance award in May and went on in October to compete in the the state-wide competitions where they once again wowed the crowd and tooN home the gold. The team has a history of State Competitions going bacN to 2004 when their
F J F > = ATFR A > J ! F = F R I>2RFA!F!
At the October 19, 2010 Eden City Council meeting, Eden Mayor-Pro-Tem Wayne Tuggle, and City Councilmen Jim Burnette and Darryl Carter proposed delaying three future rate increases, slated to taNe effect between January of 2011 and July of 2012 for two years. The remainder of the Eden City CouncilODonna Turner, Jerry Epps, Jerry Ellis and Gene Hagood voted to approve this proposal. For the average citiSen, this translates into a savings of T220 for the next two years. Some industrial customers will save hundreds of thousands of dollars over the same
period. Councilman Burnette remarNed, VWe have been searching for a way to help the Eden residents and businesses and believe the delay in the proposed water and sewer increases is the most effective way to do this.W Mayor Pro-Tem Wayne Tuggle explained how it was possible to delay the increases. VXWhen the rate increases were implemented as a result of the Hanesbrands closing, the Council made a commitment to reevaluate the increases on an annual basis. We simply have reevaluated and found that we have enough to continue our infrastructure
2 Locations To Serve You Better
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336-342-4665 Christmas Framing - ORDER EARLY Custom Picture Framing
Handcrafted Stained Glass By Shay
Due to the overwhelming amount of Letters to the Editor for this month, we were forced to either choose a few to print and leave others out or place them all on our Face ^oo8 page for you to read. Please visit our face boo8 page YEden’s Own 4ournalZ to get the full copy of our Letters To The Editor this month.
Pottery By Hawk Spirit Studio
I19L NC Hwy. 1N 6 Eden, NC PLPQQ Cust call us and weAll set a time to come to youU If no answer, leave a message, we are probably busy with another client, we ?ILL get bac8 to you, as soon as possible. All our NVMIER! AND EMAI[! REMAIN T\E !AME Wou can now CALL, we will see you at your convenience. If you need us at anytime, call one of the numbers below. There is a secure drop boX at our new location to drop off i nformation and payments. Cross the bridge south of Eden, second driveway on left, it has the YRoc8ingham CountyZ Star beside it[ ?e sincerely appreciate the citizen’s support and the advertisers support over the past 1P years, which continues to keep Eden’s Own / Rockingham County Star a FREE publication. ^e sure to than8 our advertisers as you see them[
437 W. Kings Hwy., Suite B • Eden, N.C. 33l-lPL-0NNL 6 diamonds-n-dust.com Open Monday - Friday 9b37 a.m. - 5b37 p.m.
Office 336-627-9234 • Fax 336-627-9225 Lisa Finney Doss, Publisher, Media Consultant • 336-613-7325 • 336-613-7312 • lisadoss`edensown.com
UPHOLSTERY Auto 6 Motorcycle 6 ^oat 6 Furniture Speciali9ing in Classic Car Yestoration
)uality Wor1 at Reasona5le Prices
Call Connie Siegner Today 336-635-2541 • 336-552-1757
Letter to the )ditor Move’em out[ Move’em in[ The MHS Duane ^est Scholarship Fund says a whole row of auditorium seats were replaced during Eden’s RI_ERFEST P010[ Proceeds from two festival proaects will provide 1N new seats b$P,100 at $1I0 eachd. For the first time, RI_ERFEST P010 included a one-of-a-8ind sidewal8 art on ?ashington Street for a wee8. Thirteen artists painted chairs for the silent-auction benefit. Mayor 4ohn Grogan, 8ids and grandmas roc8ed during the Saturday concerts. Then the roc8ers plus 1 straight chair Yroc8ed onZ with the high bidders to homes and stores. Than8s goes to artists, Eden’s Olde Lea8sville business district merchants, silent auction bidders and ice cream eaters. Chair sponsors Eden eiwanis Club and the P010 Eden Chamber ^usiness EfPO donors collaborated with Eden Tourism Development, Troutman Chairs, Inc., Flynn Furniture & Carpet Co., and Scholarship Fund volunteers. They will be recognized on the auditorium ?all of Honor. Merchant and artist partners to be listed on the seat replacement ?all of Honor include: APA Gear N Sports Mary Alice Collins, Eden ^arbour Studio & Gallery Donna Coo8, Reidsville ^ible ^oo8 & Gift Center Debra YDebbieZ enight McCall, Huntersville Creative EXpressions Florist Elizabeth ^oles, Reidsville Eddie Price & Associates Suzanne L. ^. Cowan, Reidsville Elaine’s Antique Mall & Consignment eitty ?illiams, Madison House of Health eathi Thompson FoX, Reidsville Mabe’s Ladies Apparel ^ritt Thompson, Reidsville Pace Stone bchair storage and displayd Pat Coleman and 4im Turner, Reidsville Purlina’s - ^etty’s Hats ^etsy Hall Sharrow, ^ristol TN Second Time Around Y4o SnoZ CoX Snodderly, Eden Sign Shop - Stitch jn Time Garden of Eden Sr, Center - Geneva Massey Designer The Front Porch Carolyn Pruitt, Eden
Proaect friends and several churches churned homemade ice cream for festival-goers. They included Draper ^aptist, Draper Christian, Lea8sville GMC and First Presbyterian. Good dipping[ The Duane ^est Auditorium at 4ohn Motley Morehead High School will celebrate its I0th anniversary in P011. YSpare changeZ donations, roc8ers, ice cream, performances and significant taXdeductible donations continue to propel the proaect. $100,000 is counted[ $1I0,000 is needed[ GO[ TEAM[ Donor brochures are located at MHS and local stores or call b33l-lP3-P93Pd. Gloria and Duane Best
Letters to the )ditor do not necessarily represent the opinions of the editor3publisher6 Letters received are personal opinions from private citi9ens in the area and must be signed by writer6 !ubmissions should be no more than 122 words4 longer only by permission. 9e reserve the right to refuse a letter for any reason and to edit for grammar and taste. The writer should include their address and phone number for verification purposes only. Address? EdenAs Own Cournal D EFG ! Van Iuren4 !uite J D Eden4 NJ LMLNN D or email? edens-own@embarqmail.com. D RaS to 11T-TLM-GLLE.
O4its and asso"iated ads have 4een moved to )a.es < H B Ior Iuture reIeren"eE
!"hedules u)"omin. /!!01
<=>? NC Bwy6 =CD )denE NC F?FGG
FaL: HHI-IF?->FF< D edens-ownNembarOmail6com Want to know more about the basics of government at the local, state, and federal levelsa The School of Government recently made this boo8 available online: Local Government in North Carolina www.sog.unc.edumprogramsmcivi cedmncccmameducatorsmteXtboo8. This is an eXcellent source for information on how government wor8s, what counties may or may not do, how government varies for municipalities and counties, and much more.
3e"em4er 6787 3eadline
:ovem4er 66nd <)m shar) Call
==>?>6@?A6=< Fa% ==>?>6@?A66B email lisadossCedensoDnE"om
D Political Qssues - limited to schedules and location of group meetingsE the decisions made by officialsE and voting information6 D Community )vents - Articles should be sent in as early as possibleE by the FSth of the prior month is always safeE and photos are welcome6 There is no charge for an article of community events6 D Church )vents - There is a special section for Special Church )vents6 The cost is V=S for up to =S lines6 D There are discounts available for prepaid consecutive advertisements6 Call for details6 D Letters to the )ditor should be no larger than HSS words6 We reserve the right to edit or not to print letters that we feel do not fit our mission6 D XirthdayE AnniversaryE Family announcements available at reduced rates6 Articles and ads presented in this paper do no necessarily reflect the opinions of the owners6 Yespond to advertisements at your own risZ6 [istaZes in articles or ads will only be compensated up to the cost of the submission6
Publisher & Advertising
336-613-7325 336-627-9234 lisadoss@edensown.com
Lynn Dyer Reidsville - Advertising
336-432-5347 lynndyer@edensown.com \isit ]s At
edensown6com Copyright FS=S All Yights Yeserved
Qnvesting Qn YocZingham County^s _uality Of Life
When it3s time for life3s toughest decisions...
By 2indy 4dams6 2oordinator of 8ourism 9 Special <=ents
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OF E>UAL VALUE (UP TO $8.00) Not Valid With Daily Specials Or Kids Eat Free Promo. Rio Grande Eden Or Madison !"#i%e' )*ve,-e% 3/th, 2/4/
W!H)!SHAI [Ne'a8illa YaZita' Rac* Sala8e RHASSHAI JN,-* UN%%it* BhicTe9 Sala8 YSFHAI A9y Hi99e% Elate L4.// QVV !9t%ee
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Ann1e$ )enn$ H&'<1ta? )re'1+ent$ P1>Ge7$ Q&'ter$ Kante+ '&;eth1n:$ t&$ 01re$ /<$ enth/'1a'; a;&n:$e;<?&7ee'$0&r$the$Rn1te+ Sa7-$ He$ <r&;1'e+$ that$ he$ K&/?+ G1''$ a$ <1:$ 10$ e;<?&7ee'$ ;et$ the LTN.NNN$ :&a?$ 'et$ 0&r$ the$ h&'<1U ta?Va$ :&a?$ L#.NNN$ h1:her$ than ?a't$7ear-$ He'<1te$ the$ '?&K$ e>&n&;7. e;<?&7ee'$ra1'e+$LTT.NNN.$an+$'& the$+ea?$Ka'$+&ne-$ On$O>t&Eer$"th$the$h&'<1ta? 'ta00.$ <h&t&:ra<her'$ an+$ :/e't' W&1ne+$ t&$ Kat>h$ n&t$ &n?7$ Q&'ter. E/t$ Rn1te+$ Sa7$ H1re>t&r$ ,1>G H/r?e7.$ H1re>t&r$ &0$ X/r:1>a? Xer1>e'$ Sa7ne$ P>Qatter$ an+ Pana:er$ &0$ Ann1e$ )enn$ ,ehaE 31n+7$ ,/''e??.$ G1''$ the$ t1n7$ <1: na;e+$YeZZaEe??e-$ Q1tt1n:$ K1th$ the$ [Her&e'\ the;e$ &0$ the$ >a;<a1:n$ the$ ]4n+ A1rE&rne$ 3h&r/'$ 0r&;$ Qt-$ ^ra:: :ave$ a$ $ r&/'1n:$ <atr1&t1>$ <er0&rU ;an>e-
No Hidden Costs... O/r$0/nera?$<r1>e'$are$+e'1:ne+$t&$>&;E1ne &/r$<r&0e''1&na?$'erv1>e'.$<&</?ar$>a'Get' an+$va/?t'-$A2H$a??$&0$th&'e$1te;'$that$are n&t$+1'>?&'e+$1n1t1a??7$E7$&ther$0/nera? e'taE?1'h;ent'$'/>h$a'$:rave$&<en1n:.$taJe'. &E1t/ar1e'.$+eath$>ert101>ate'.$et>-$Kh1>h$>an 1n>rea'e$the$>&'t$/<Kar+'$&0$LMNNN$&r$;&re aE&ve$the1r$a+vert1'e+$<r1>e-
? All pre-arrangements are Zully transZerable ? Preplanning Cost can be covered Zor as little as `9%.8S a month. Contact us today Zor your Zree ]uote.
United Way Director Rick Hurley does his duty by kissing the pig.
Annie Penn Hospital Director Micky Foster kisses the pig.
Presentation of the check for 244,000 raised by Annie Penn employees.
The 82nd Airborne Honors Chorus performed at the event
We in7ite /ou to 7i0it u0, com<.re co0t0. We t2in> /ou -i,, be <,e.0.nt,/ 0ur<ri0ed.
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Please Call For Appointment>
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New Designs & Laser Etchings
Lo#ed ones who ha#e recently passed away. Ann Pinson Smith Arnold, 77 - Eden Carrie Medlin Auman, 99 - Reidsville Grier Lowrance “Joey” Arthur, 83 John Thomas Burks, 92 - Eden Michael C. Brammer, 48 Susan Parker Bishopric Marilyn Coleman Burton, 79 - Reidsville Helen Howell Buchanan, 88 - Reidsville Linda Vernon Clumm, 62 - Rockingham County Helen O’Bryant Coleman, 86 - Reidsville George Henry Chumley, Jr., 57 Jane Chaney Clifton, 63 - Eden Doris Cenola Carter, 84 - Rockingham County Peggy Ann Tuggle Carter, 76 - Rockingham County Curtiss William Cox, Sr., 71 William Harvey “Bill” Draper Sr., 81 - Rock. Co. Bobby Lee Frazee, 62 Robert [Bob[ Irvin Gammon, 63 - Reidsville Marci Schellenberg Goodman, 27 Jean Gray DeLancey Gooch, 80 - Reidsville Harvey Swanson Handy, 81 Blanche Curry Hearp, 83 - Reidsville Druie [Junior[ Harbour, 85 - Rockingham County Onie Elizabeth Paschal Isley, 101 - Reidsville Oliver Jackson Jeffries Sr., 89 - Rockingham County Kathy Stanley Lilly, 49 - Rockingham County Mary Elizabeth Stanley Lovelace, 67 - Reidsville Jessie Pruitt Lunsford, 92 - Rockingham County Mary Jean Chambers Lennon, 81 Reverend Minnie Wilson Looney, 97 - Rock.Co. Clarence Edward Mabe, 78 Curtis Dillard McGee, Sr. Hettie Meeks Manuel, 85 - Eden Captain Michael Douglas Martin, 66 Nancy Joyce Minor, 84 - Rockingham County James Burrell McLemore, 72 - Madison Walter Grady Mabe, Jr., 82 - Madison Marian Rierson Manley, 86 - Rockingham County
COUNTY /IDE OBITUARIES Ethel Catherine Clark Minter, 87 - Rockingham Co. Gail Spencer Marble, 77 - Reidsville Christopher Wyatt McCullough, 26 Robert Moss Markham, 65 William David Norman, 72 - Rockingham Co. Judith Meeks Overby, 58 - Eden Carl Leon Pulliam, 62 - Rockingham County William David Barker-Paschal, 38 - Rock Co. Irene Nonnemaker Paden, 84 Bettie Underwood Page, 99 David Lee Plaster, 64 Lena Saunders Page, 94 Sanford “Slew” Rakes, 79 - Eden Frederick [Fred[ William Rorrer, 52 - Eden Carolyn Mathews Rash, 64 - Reidsville Roxanna “Annie” Bailey Richards, 99 - Reidsville Lisa Marie Sharp, 30 Eugene Talley Shreve, 87 - Rockingham County Ronald Lee Strader, 71 - Reidsville Ruby Fulton Stanley, 92 - Reidsville James Richard Scott, Sr., 84 - Reidsville Helen Myra Matthewson Shumake, 90 - Madison Bobby Ray Smith, 71 - Stoneville Olivia Faith Sutton, Infant Eugenia Iris Sharp, 86 - Madison John Langston Southard, 78 - Reidsville Charles Michael Sterling, 58 Jordan Ryan Sheppard - Stoneville Jack Sexton, Sr., 76 John Langston Southard, 78 - Reidsville Rev. Jessie Douglas Thurman, 89 Henry A. Tate, 89 - Reidsville Richard Woods, 66 Eden Barbara Matlock Revis-Whitten, 73 Gladys Myers Weldin - Eden David Charles Wilson ,51 - Ruffin Harry Hubert Walker , 80 Jones Philip Webster, 84
Pa;-s Caring Co;panions, Inc. SpecialiHing In InIHo;e Co;panion Care Pa; Phoenix I Owner 1422 Oreeway Drive R Reidsville, N.C. 27320
33VI394I4277 pa;scaringco;panionsXtriad.twcZc.co;
Noyce Monuments
(336) 623-5333 14176 N.C. 87 N • Eden, N.C. 27288 C"#$%&'M%)"&*)$#' +*#,-)*+''$%''.%"/'#0*1,2,13$,%)'%)'#,$*4' A66'$.0*#'%2'&%)"&*)$#',)'3' 73/,*$.'%2'1%6%/#'3)+'#,8*#',)'#$%194' F/%&'+*#,-)'$%'+*6,7*/.',)'1<'+3.#'%/'6*##4' Cemetery • Churches • Civic Monuments Granite, Marble, BronGe FREE ESTIMATES L%1366.'%>)*+'3)+'%0*/3$*+' ?.''S3)+/3'A%.1*''
S#$% I( )(* +,,# $-. S#)// O%,( *)123 4 -(#12 5 S)#-.*)36 7 -(#12 89 I( :$+, $. A/#,. H$-. A%%$1(#+,(#6 A=)12)>2, I/ N,,*,* ADDITIONAL SERVICES Death Dates Cemeteries Cleaning Family/Church’s Monument cleaning and repair Benches, Crosses, Vases ALL TYPES OF METAL SANDBLASTING Car Parts, Cars, Frames, Out Door Furniture, Cast Iron CooY Ware
! !"G$ % $'$()S O,( - .O/(TY ST"23 (O4$M6$2 7898
" #en&s CO##$NIT( E*$CATION S$--ORT 0RO$-S & #EETIN0S :I4-"I'S !eetings )eld !onthl.. 0or info3 855-929-3193 Teresa )art .:2O(I. 'IS$"S$ M"("G$M$(T !"#$$%$ #'% ()* +%", #- M)'%+%#, /)$01-#" ,1#2%-%$ E,4!#-1)(
Sales • Serv@Ae • 2e_a@r • SGreeG • O\\R2oa? • "T4)s • MaAC@ne SCo_ • ,el?@nJ • Oe Buy Runk AT3Ts & #otorcycles
!@A]R/_ E 'el@very "va@laDle
*raper Cycles <=> S. @ieldcrest Rd. • Eden F>>6H 6><I<8==
5"#$$'))6 7"%#$% !#"" 89:;<=<>? @ #6;A06 -) '%B1$-%' C)' -+%$% !"#$$%$D • .ar?@aA 2eCaD E Ma@nGH • '@aDeGes ManaJeKenG E !ulKonary 2eCaD !rJKH POOQ GOO' R S$$P 6$TT$2 15 a.m. - noon, !onda., @oAember 1C Dmith-!c!ichael Fancer Fenter This Grogram helGs Gatients learn to disguise Gh.sical side effects the. sometimes eIGerience Jhile undergoing chemotheraG. or radiation treatment. KGen to an. Gatient in LocMingham Fount. regardless of Jhere the. are receiAing treatment. Legistration is reNuired. To register, call 336-623-9P13. "P.O:OPI.S "(O(YMO/S Wed. - 8Gm - !orehead )osG. Rining Lm Tue & 0ri - 8-9Gm LocM of Eden DGra. !ethodist "PR"(O( R F'1G$ @06 ; H)1(- 6%%-; 1(B *1-+ A"!)+)"1!$ A()(J6)4$ ; R)!L )C E,%( S0'#J M%-+),1$WedUs - !orehead )osG. Rining Loom - Fircle of LoAe - 8 - 9Gm (" T("2.OTI.S "(O(HU !eets C da.s a JeeM in LeidsAille at the LE!!DFK AnneI, 158 @. !ain Dt. Includes a noon meeting on !onda. and 8 Y! meetings Tuesda., Thursda., 0rida., Daturda.. 1 hour meetings, oGen to all.
A Cleaner World Thank You For Your Support During This Give A Kid A Coat CampaignE E A"-%'#-1)($ E X'J 5"%#(1(B E S+1'- L#4(,'J
Ends November 2I, 2010
M$"'O, G2$$(S S:O!!I(G .$(T$2 $?en `Behind BB&Ta
+ n&eres&
G2O/! 'I"6$T$S .P"SS$S Z Annie Yenn )osGital offers 0LEE Riabetes [rouG Flasses tJice a JeeM to LocMingham Fount. residents. WalM-ins are Jelcome. Rining Loom F in the Annie Yenn Fafeteria Each Tuesda.- 15 -11am. and Thursda. afternoons from 3-9 Gm. Ylease call 9C1-96P3. :O/S$ ."PPS R 2"'IO S:O, 11355 a.m., 2nd & 9th Wednesda. 1995 WLKE A! \ W!Y@ A! ,$$QPY ,$PP($SS :O/2 EAer. Wednesda. eAening at PGm 0LEE to Yublic^ Roor Yri_es^ Learn about health and GrosGerit.. C99 Yierce Dt, Eden, @F `neIt to librar.a 62P-932C S!$.I"P !O!/P"TIO( '"(.$ R 336-62P-PC6C The Arc Kf LocMingham Fount. sGonsors a sGecial GoGulation dance monthl. `the second Thursda. of each month. LFF, Whitcomb Dtudent Fenter. 6335 G.m. - 8335 G.m. Lefreshments DerAed. G2I$SS:"2$ E 'I4O2.$ ."2$ R DuGGort grouGs for GeoGle Jho are grieAing the death of someone close to them or needing helG healing from Gain of seGaration or diAorce. EAer. !on. from 6335- 8355Gm, [roJing KaMs Fommunit. Fhurch, 22P5 )arrington )J.., Eden. Fall 6231119, CC8-C99P or Aisit JJJ.groJingoaMs.org
'auJCGer o\ SJGH E MrsH :H ,yaGG VarreGG3 I43 o\ VaA]sonv@lle3 (H.H [randGarents are Land. & Fath. )odges of bacMsonAille, @.F., Brenda barrett of !cRaniel Load, Eden, @.F. !r. ). W.att barrett III, of Eden, @.F., [reat [randGarents are Fharlotte !cRaniel of Eden, @.F. berr. Turner of Eden, @.F. Fharles )odges of Dalsbur., @.F. and the late Barbara Leagen of LeidsAille, @.F.
SOST$2 ."2$ E "'O!TIO( S/!!O2T !eets 3rd Tuesda. of each month 6335Gm- 8355Gm, RDD Fonf. Loom. bo Wilson 392-1399 SI(GP$ !"2$(T S/!!O2T G2O/! meets at LeaMsAille cnited !ethodist Fhurch, 653 )enr. Dt., Eden. Rinner, child care GroAided. Roor Gri_es. DGonsored b. the LocM. Fo. YartnershiG for Fhildren, LocMingham Yregnanc. Fare Fenter, and Wal-!art. 0LEE. Fall BeAerl. at 392-96P6 to register. YOG" .P"SS$S - T%''1 L%#? !%'-1C1%, P)B# 1($-'4!-)' #- I( T)4!+D R%B1((%' S I(-%'6%,1#-% T%"!)6% ; ; UU@;A A'2)' L#(%? E,%(D 89V;>UV@ -) '%B1$-%' ERE@ - FITY )ALL ERE@ LKK! Kngoing Flasses TuesU 8335-939Cam or FB )ut - Boone Ld., Eden, Weds. 6Gm-P31CGm eP2 for 6 JeeM session or e1C Ger class `must haAe min. number of students, class si_es limited, reg. earl.a MO!S - Eden !KYD - Fontact firginia at 623-3955 for more info - LeidsAille !KYD - Fontact gell. at 398-1639 for more info - LocMingham !KYD - Fontact )eidi at 92P-2P12 for more info I(S"(T .!2 6355 G.m. - P335 G.m., Thursda., @oAember 11 - !orehead )osGital RoJnstairs Flassroom A class for eIGectant Garents and grandGarents to learn the basic techniNues of infant cardioGulmonar. resuscitation. Remonstrations and Gractice sessions GroAided. Instructors certified b. the American )eart Association. !"2QI(SO()S 'IS$"S$ S/!!O2T G2O/! 2 G.m., Tuesda., @oAember 16 !orehead !emorial )osGital !ain Fonference Loom A suGGort grouG GroAiding information and encouragement for indiAiduals and families affected b. YarMinsonUs Risease. Lefreshments Jill be GroAided. 0or more information call 336-62P-6199.
C H / 0 C H " 1"N34 " (e[ \eaGure o\ $?en)s O[n - 2oA]@nJCaK .ounGy SGar .CurAC $venGs @s \or S_eA@al OAAas@ons GCaG .CurACes @n GCe AounGy o\\er GCe _uDl@A suAC as 2ev@vals3 Mus@A3 GuesG S_ea]ers3 !roJraKs3 4aAaG@on 6@Dle SACools an? KoreH Sor 98 P@nes or less GCe \ee @s `98 TCe l@sG@nJ [@ll De @n GCe _uDl@A)s Can?s \or a \ull KonGC3 so De sure Go Gell GCe _uDl@A [CaG your _laAe o\ [orsC@_ Cas Go o\\er GCeKH .all aa%R%7WRX7aZ an? as] \or $l@baDeGC or P@saH
The Transformation of Faith Seminar
SCA2ES A--2ANCE R E -A I R S E R 3 I C E X X Y ,a s C @ n J G o n S G r e e G • $ ? e n 3 ( . 7 W 7 c c aa%RaZ8RcZ88
• ,asCer E 'ryer SeG e18C & cG • SGove e12C & cG \ 2e\r@JeraGor e13C & uG We also Bu. AGGliances !2$S$(T T:IS .O/!O( "(' 2$.$I4$
9-7 !r@Ae On Serv@Ae .allsd AsM 0or bim - 336-395-8955
Led b. Lonnie Lile. Fo-Rirector of the \ GRIEFSHARE & DIVORCE CARE `[rief LecoAer. DuGGort [rouGa meet eAer. !onda. 6335 Gm to 8355 Gm G2O,I(G O"QS .OMM/(ITY .:/2.: 22P5 )arrington )J., Eden, @F Fall aa%R%7aR999Z for more information JJJ.groJingoaMs.org \ :/G$ .:/2.: Y"2' S"P$ F4(,'#1$%' C)' N%%,J F#61"J C)' 5+'1$-6#$ T2I(ITY ,$SP$Y"( .:/2.: R GYM("SI/M 186 E. AiMen Ld., Eden (O4$M6$2 9aT: R W"M R/(TIP Lots of Dtuff from A-l - RonUt !iss It^ Also3 )ot Fhocolate, Foffee, Biscuits, BaMed [oods, Lefreshements.
.OMM/(ITY OS :O!$ ."(.$2 S/!!O2T !2OG2"M 2355 G.m., Tuesda., @oAember 9 Dmith-!c!ichael Fancer Fenter Fonference Loom ToGic3 Fommunicating Foncerns and 0eelings Gresented b. !arcia !chueen, RirectoriFhaGlainc. DerAices at !orehead !emorial )osGital. 0or more information, call !arcia !chueen at 336-623-9P11, EIt. 2982.
.I4I. "(' G2O/! M$$TI(GS $'$()S ,OM$()S .P/6 R 3rd Thurs. of mo. - PGm. 623-P295 S!$.I"P YO/(G "'/PTS P G.m. - 8335 G.m., Tuesda.s, @oAember 2 & 16 !orehead !emorial )osGital RoJnstairs Flassroom 0or more information, call Brenda !oore at 336-623-15PP or 336-613C1P9 after 6 G.m. ,$(T,O2T: 2/2IT"( .P/6 Luritan Flub meets 2nd Tuesda. each month at 6335 at the WentJorth cnited !ethodist Fhurch at 6335Gm. Fontact3 Fharles BosJell j 336392-9396 or Dharon Le.nolds j 336-613-59P9 T:$ "2. OS 2O.QI(G:"M .O/(TY3 I(.H Will meet on !onda., @oAember 8, 2515 at Louseks [rouG )ome, C999 )J. 13C, DtoneAille, @F at C335 G.m. The Gublic is inAited to attend. The Arc of LocMingham Fount., Inc. JorMs Jith and for GeoGle Jith cognitiAe, intellectual and deAeloGmental disabilities and their families. Dharon )airston - Ghone - 62P-PC6C STO($4IPP$ 2/2IT"( .P/6 !eets at the f0W )ut, @. [lenn Dt. 3rd Tuesda. or the month - PGm Fall Rot Ellington CP3-2593 or LicM. FraddocM 336-9C3-P55C MI(O2ITY 6/SI($SS "SSO.I"TIO( R $'$( !eets 1st !onda. of each month at 6355Gm Eden Fhamber of Fommerce building, fan Buren Load. Fall Butch-62P-P655 .:2ISTI"( ,OM$( OS $'$( E(-%'-#1(6%(- #(, R'4(!+ Wra. Fentre, 9C2 Bridge Dt., Eden e15 at the Roor. Fontact 939-2235 or 392-1C29 0or Rates and Times 2O.QI(G:"M .O/(TY "M"T$/2 2"'IO .P/6 !onthl. !eetings held PGm on the 3rd Tuesda. of month. Led Fross Bldg - 3692 @F )J. 19, LeidsAille. CP3-331P or C98-252P VO6 S$$Q$2 .P"SS$S [oodJill Industries of Fentral @F Fommunit. Lesource Fenter of LeidsAille. Fall 336-63P-1515 to register EmGlo.abilit. DMills, [ER Flasses T:$ '"4 @oJ meeting 3rd !onda. of each month at PGm "M$2I."( P$GIO( !OST WX LeidsAille, !eets the 1st !onda. each month at PGm at the Gost located behind Auto lone in LeidsAille. 0or more info3 336-29C-2996. "M$2I."( P$GIO( !OST 7YZ !eets 3rd Thursda. of each month 6335Gm. All fets are Welcome 19P @. 0ieldcrest Ld, Eden .I4IP "I2 !"T2OP EAer. Thursda.3 The FiAil Air Yatrol `FAYa is seeMing Aolunteer members from all bacMgrounds to helG Gerform three Me. missions3 emergenc. serAices `including search and rescue and disaster relief
) +ent/ operations*+ aerospace education for youth and the general pu5lic+ and cadet programs for teens. 8eetings every :hursday at 6:30 p.m. at Shiloh @irport in Stoneville. For information, call Charlie Spratt at 336D537D3115 or 336D520D7886. :JOSHUA-S TROOPS= 8eet every 2nd :hursday of the month at 8:30am at the Dan Kalley Com. Bldg M8adison* !o not have to *e a vet to attend, MARINE CORPS LEAGUE 8eetings 2nd :hursday each month at 6:30pm D 8pm, at the Nhitcom5 Student Center at RCC. Seeking new mem5ers 613D3171 or email tthorneRtriad.rr.com AM#ETSD Sewly formed local group. @ll Keterans and service men and women welcome. Nillard MNoody* Naters at 635D1786 or woodyeeeRem5arTmail.com FREE MEALS 8E@LS NI:X FRIESDSY 8onday Z :hursday at lunch time. @nyone 60 years of age and over Nhy: activities, good food & fun • X]S:SKILLE S]:RI:I^S 1151 Sardis Church Rd., 8adison 427D5206 Site 8anagerDJoann NilliamsD:ucker • LE@aSKILLE S]:RI:I^S Bridge St. Rec. 400 Bridge St. Eden Site 8anagersD 8ildred Cochran aay Ramsey 623D5343 • 8@D. D 8@b^. S]:RI:I^S 8ad. Z 8ay. Rec. 300 S Second @ve., 8ay. D 445Dc840 Rita Xunt • REIDSKILLE SESI^R CES:ER Reidsville Rec.d RXS @partment 201 S Nashington St., Reidsville Site 8anagersD Sara Dominick & Diane Clark 34cDc757 SAL#ATION ARMY Xungrye Come 5y and have a meal on usY 8on. thru Fri. 12:00D12:30 314 8organ Rd, Eden D Sunday c:30 worship 11am Sunday School. EVENTS OF INTEREST MUSIC & DANCE Cascade Community Center 3561 Xuntington :rail, Cascade Every Friday Sight 7 p.m. D 10 p.m. Cascade Efpress & Friends. Concessions @v. MUSIC AT THE BARN :uesdays 7pm the doors open at 151 gant Road, Eden. D Bluegrass music & Jam sessions. Free to pu5lic. 2nd & 4th Saturday, 6pm covered dish D 7pm D Xeart Strings... MAYODAN MERCHANT-S ASSOC. ProDactive group comprised of 5usiD ness and property owners intersted in working to improve the Downtown area. Regular meetings will 5e held monthly on the 3rd 8onday at 7:00 pm, alternating 5etween Downtown 8ayodan restaurants. SENIOR DANCE IN EDEN Sovme5er 2cth at the CB Xut in Eden. 7:00D10:00 pm Come at 6 to learn line dances. i5 admission at the door. :he dance is held the last 8onday of each month. RED CROSS BLOODMOBILES @ppointments are strongly recomD mended for donors to get in and out faster. Call for the nearest 5loodmoD 5ile near youY 34cD3434 HABITAT RESTORE 24c :he Boulevard, Eden Contact 627D0160 ^pen Xours Begin Sept. 2 8onday and :hursday 1:00 D 3:00 P8. See youY
1 ntere/t
FRIENDS CLUB PIE SALE annual fried apple & sweet potato pie sale. PreDorders can 5e placed 5y calling 627D4711. Proceeds help provide Christmas for needy chilD dren. i1.25 each HOSPICE OF ROCKINGHAM COUNTY TO HOLD ANNUAL MEMORIAL SER#ICE Xospice of Rockingham County will hold its annual memorial service :hursday, Sovem5er 4th at 6:30 pm at Calvary Baptist Church M7860 SC Xwy 87, Reidsville*. :he annual serD vice will honor the memory of Xospice patients who died 5etween Sovem5er 1st, 200c and ^cto5er 31st, 2010. :his is an opportunity for family and friends to honor and memorialije loved ones lost in the past year. :he pu5lic is welcome to attend. @nyone needing additional information may call the Xospice office at M336* 427Dc022. FAMILY PLUS DAY B^bS & gIRLS CL]B ^F EDES Saturday, Sovem5er 20th 10:00am to 2:00pm Everyone NelcomeY Free food, entertainment, games, music. Cele5ration of Sational Family Neek CHILI LUNCH & DINNER Boy Scout :roop 553 Fundraiser Xeld at Central Christian Church, Eden D Stadium Drive 11am D 8pm #ETERAN-S CEREMONIES & E#ENTS • Sov. 4th D @merican Legion placD ing flags on gravesites at ^verlook Cemetary cam • Sov. 7th D Keteranks 8emorial Park in Nentworth D Keteranks Ceremony. 2pm • Sov. 10th D Keteranks Parade D Draper MEden* Students leave school at 8:30, should arrive at memorial on Fieldcrest 5y cam for ceremony. MEN-S CLUB STEW Draper Penticostal Xoliness Church 1608 Delaware, Eden Sov. 6, ready 5y 11am i4.50 Tt. :o preDorder: 635D1cc0 or 635D1257 HABITAT RESTORE HOURS 8onday & :hursday 1 D 3 P8 24c :he Boulevard, Eden :afDDeducti5le Donated Items Xelp Build Xouses. Building 8aterials, Furn., @ppliances Large item pickDup 627D0160 2010 Tree of Life Lighting - 5:30 p.m., :uesday, Decem5er 7 Day Xospital Lo55y #ETERAN-S BREAKFAST Saturday, Sovem5er 6, 2010, 8am D 11am. Keteranks Eat FreeY general Pu5lic i5 each Xampton Xeights Baptist Chruch 1323 Nashington St., Eden 336D623D3226 EDEN NIGHT PARADE Line ]p starts at 5pm. Parade Starts at 6:30pm Call to Enter 336D627D1332 Free Registration D So fee Parade So horses. Enter 5y Sov. 20th, 2010 HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE :he ^lde Leaksville 8erchants @ssociation will hold its Xoliday ^pen Xouse on Sunday, Sovem5er 14th from 1:00pmD5:00pm. Please watch to see what special 5argains and refreshments will 5e offered. FUNDRAISERS FOR THE KIDS CHRISTMAS Friday Sov. 5 2010 from 5D8 p.m. at the Bridge Street Center.
Spaghetti Dinner for i5.oo includes the drink. @ll the proceeds will go to 5uy Christmas for the kids that play in our programs. :hese children will not receive anything from any other organijation. @lso at Bridge Street Recreation Center on Friday Sov. 1c, 2010 from 5D8 p.m. @ Xot dog supper with 2 hotdogs with trimmings and a 5ag of chips and a drink for i5.00
247 West Kings Highway Eden, NC 27288
We Got Wings In 55 Fla^ors!!!!!
"# %ONF)*)N%) Saturday, Sovem5er 6th, 2010 ^s5orne Baptist Church 326 E Stadium Dr. Eden :ime: 8:30 to 1:30 M@ttn Foster Parents: some sessions Tualify for CE* 8ore than a dojen agencies and organijations will 5e present with information and resources on orphan care, mentoring, adoption & foster care. ETuipping families & churches with the tools and training to 5ecome leaders in providing orphan care, mentoring, adoption & foster care. Join us in uniting to meet the crisis level needs of neglected, a5used, fatherless, and orphan children in our area, and around the world. 143 million orphans worldD widel if 7m of Christians would care for one they all would have their needs met. :o register or get a 5rochure of conference sessions & times, visit the os5orne5aptist.com we5site or call M336* 623D6064.
We Cater!
COC>RAN INSURANCE AGENCA 14C N. Fieldcrest Rd. Eden, NC 27288
LIFE >OME O CAR BUSINESS Phone 336-635-2015 Fax: 336-635-1012
!"ual 'ousing -..ortunit1 2nsurer
856 S. #an Buren Rd., Eden, NC
Now Featuring NON-ETHANOL GASOLINE Coming SoonY New Gas Log Showroom
P ROTECT A =AINST W EST N ILE V IRUS? WENTWORTH @ Although no cases of West Nile Virus (WNV) have been identified in humans in NC since 2008h the first e?uine case in a horse in Rockingham County highlights the fact that the disease is present and people should take precautions to protect themselves and their horses. WNV is a rare disease. The viral illness is transmitted by some species of mos?uitoes. The virus attacks the central nervous sys@ tem and causes inflammation of the brain and can be fatal to ani@ mals and humans. Wild birds serve as reservoirs for the virus. Mos?uitoes bite the birds and then can transmit the virus to humans and animals.
Symptoms can develop in people from a few days to two weeks after being bitten by an infected mos?uito. They include rapid onset of fever and headache and can resemble a case of the flu. Survivors of WNV infections may suffer from long@term effects to the nervous system. Therapy is limited to treating the symptoms of the disease, but there is no specific cure. There is a vaccine for horses but not for humans. While there is no vaccine to pro@ tect humans from WNV, the dis@ ease can be prevented in horses with the use of vaccinations. Rockingham County Department of Public Health advises the pub@
NeQ SeasonO NeQ Style
MEA,O- GREENS SHOPPING CENTER $%&'M *. ,an /0ren Road, Eden, NC 9:9;;
lic to remain diligent in their per@ sonal mos?uito protection efforts. These efforts should include the “5 DWs” for preventione i Dusk and Dawn ` Avoid being outdoors when mos?uitoes are seeking blood. For many species, this is during the dusk and dawn hours. i Dress ` Wear clothing that cov@ ers most of your skin. i DEET ` When the potential eXists for eXposure to mos?ui@ toes, repellents containing DEET (N,N@diethyl@meta@toluamide,) are recommended. Picaridin and oil of lemon eucalyptus are other repellent options. i Drainage ` Check around your home to rid the area of standing water, which is where mos?ui@ toes can lay their eggs. To reduce mos?uito breed@ ing areas around your home and farme i Remove any containers that can hold waterh i Keep gutters clean and in good repairh i Repair leaky outdoor faucets and change the water in bird baths and pet bowls at least twice a weekh i Pse screened windows and doors and make sure screens fit tightly and are not torn. i Keep tight@fitting screens or lids on rain barrels. If you have specific ?uestions pertaining to your horse and WNV please consult your veteri@ narian or the NCDA&CS at 919@ 733@7601. Recently NCDA&CS stressed the importance of vacci@ nation for horsese httpejjwww.ncagr.govjpaffairsjrel e a s e j 2 0 1 0 j 6 @ 10E?uinevaccinations.htm. See httpejjwww.aaep.orgjcorekvacci@ nations.htm for additional details. For more informatione go to the NC DPH websitee httpejjwww.epi.state.nc.usjepijar bovirusjeee.html.
H@;A@8 O8 E;<9B
H .99 ha<rc0t
Offer e<pires: NoLember 38O 58P8 Not val<d w<th any other oCCers. L<F<t One. ,al<d at Eden Locat<on Only
Massage Therapy
594 Pierce St., Eden
Rela<. YouAre at Great Clips.G
627-HEAL J4325L
H .99 ha<rc0t
Offer e<pires: NoLember 38O 58P8 Not val<d w<th any other oCCers. L<F<t One. ,al<d at Eden Locat<on Only
Rela<. YouAre at Great Clips.
Bonnie Nober Lic.l314 1 Hour - $55 30 min. $30 Certified Iridologist Iris Reading 415 NPTRITIONAL PRODPCTS 7y Appointment Only
Announcing 5nd SWift CWildcare ;9
$I,S -ORL,O INC. C R E AT I Y E L E A R N I N G C E N T E R S 445 -. $ings HQy. Eden
HQy. 668 StoneLille
CWurcW St. StoneLille
H *tate L<censed H I** Approved H *ec0r<ty CaFera H InCants $ MeeNs to O9 Pears H /eCore Q ACter *chool Q *0FFer RroSraFs H Free !ransportat<on H Indoor RlayrooF H Low Ch<ldU!eacher Rat<o • Mon-Fri. 6am-PP:38pm
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E NVISION P LASTICS W O R K S TO K EEP A MERICA C L E A N Envision Plastics of Reidsville is makine huge strides in helping the environment by recycling plastics for future use. The 80,000 s?uare feet facility purchases the large bales of plas@ tics, which are sorted through to remove stray debris and other types of non@HDPE plastics. The new concept in recylcling at Envison Plastics is to clean up the bales of mashed, unwashed bottles and containers and cleanse them thoroughly, put them through a grinding process, creating a small pellets of recycled plastic which will then be sent to other plants to create new products made entirely of recycled materials, or to other plants to be combined with virgin plastic resin for “partially recycled” products. At various points throughout the cleaning process, sample pel@ lets are taken and tested to further ensure safety The Reidsville plant produces about 108 million pounds per year for high profile clients including a miriad of containers for Procter & Gamble and Estee Lauder. Envision Plastics at this time is the only FDA approved food@ grade packaging plant, earning that designation in April of this year. Located at the corner of Freeway Drive and Walters Street, Envision Plastics employs 66 people, located in Reidsville in 2001 and was then known as Pnion Carbides.
RCC1SCHOLARSHIP ESTABLISHED IN H O N O R O F F O R M E R M ADISON N ATIVE In honor of her mother, EliSabeth Loving James, Martha James Keiger of Winston@Salem has established a scholarship at R o c k i n g h a m Community College bearing her motherWs name. Scholarship applicants must be Rockingham County high school seniors, show potential for academic success though not necessari@ ly at top academic levels and have par@ ticipated in eXtracur@ ricular activities at high school and in their community. The schol@ arship is renewable for up to two additional years if scholarship re?uirement continue to be met. In establishing the EliSabeth Loving James Memorial Scholarship, Keiger said she wanted to, “Yto help make a difference, through education, in the lives of students in my motherWs home county.” A native of Madison, James moved to Winston@Salem as a young woman. In the early 1950Ws, she established Friendship House for alcoholic women. Through donations, she raised the houseWs annual operating funds. For 49 years she served as Friendship HouseWs unpaid director, often cooking and cleaning when no one else was available. “She was an amaSing and selfless woman,” said Keiger. “This scholarship is a wonderful way for her service and selflessness to be an immortaliSed.” Those interested in applying for the scholarship should contact the RCC financial aid office. Gifts to the scholarship may be made by contacting Gaye Clifton, RCC foundation director, at 342@4261, EXt. 2201.
WENTWORTH ` The Rockingham Community College Foundation asked guests to “Take a Walk on the Wild Side,” for its thirteenth annual gala “Evening of Recognition.” In addition to a one@of@a@kind “Big Game Safari,” guests hunted for (purchased) ele@ phants and hippos, many of which contained priSes. The fundrais@ ing event was held Oct. 7 at Oak Hills Golf and Event Center in Eden. Each year individuals, organiSations, groups or corporate enti@ ties that have made outstanding contributions to the college or the college foundation are selected to be recogniSed at the gala. This year, Susan and Jimmy Thompson of Reidsville and MillerCoors in Eden were honored. Other recognitions of the evening included event sponsorse Talon Club Members (those who give a f1,500@a@year compre@ hensive sponsorship which includes Gold Sponsorship of the gala) ` Carolina Apothecary, Kevin and Kelley Carroll, Duke Energy Corporation, First CitiSens Bank, Home Savings Bank, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Keys, Dr. Robert Lowdermilk and Ms. Kathy Cheek, NewBridge Bank, Wachovia, a Wells Fargo Company, and Kenan and Molly Wright.
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Investing In Rockingham County’s 5uality of Life Continued f1om Page 3 Gold Sponsors +,-00 sponsors/ 0 Mrs. Dot Love, Ms. Trudy Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Moore, >. Eugene and Deborah D. Russell, Steve and Alice Smith, and Mrs. Frances B. Tucker. Silver Sponsors +,2-0 sponsors/ 0Mrs. Vicky Alston, Annie Penn Hospital, Arts and Frames by Hobbs, BB&T, Mrs. Toni Burchell, CittyQs Plumbing and Pools, Dr. and Mrs. Jay Donecker, J.
TU??+M76 S30::+O;;.-02N+@V>+O;;+ @/3+M723=W/+R.23! A Pet Friendly Community XXYZY>XZ[Y[U LACCINES
HOME+EOPI,MENT Canes Crutches >alkers Hospital Beds
>heelchairs Bathroom Aides ^Rygen C-Paps
Flu shots Pneumonia Tetanus `ostavaR Travel Vaccines
5IAKETES+CARE Free Diabetic Meters Diabetic Shoes Diabetic Education TASE CHARGE Nutrition Program
R.1FD.+97F-+,-./D-0<3072+D7/3 Free Generic Voucher ^ne-Price Prescription Drug Plan
,-7J0102N+S7:F3072/+;7-+K.33.-+H.C:3= Free Monthly Supply of Vitamins for Kids • Free Monthly Supply of Low-Dose Aspirin RCC+,-./01.234+5-6+R78.-3+$.9/4+:.;34+<-./.23/+3=. >?@?+F-0.21+7;+RCC+ABC-1+37+-.D0<0.23/+SF/C2+C21 G0HH9+T=7H</726
Health Tips Providing Solutions For Better Heath The Intriguing Link Between Diabetes and Alaheimerbs
M0::.-C77-/+-.<-./.23C30J.4+5.:+K773=.4+:.;34+-.D.0J./ 3=.+>?@?+C7-<7-C3.+K.2.;CD37-+ABC-1+;-7H+5-6+R78.-3 $.9/4+RCC+<-./01.236 Michael Fargis & Associates, LLP, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Foster, Mrs. Faye P. Gantt, Holland and Associates, Mrs. Mary B. HuR, Clarence and Betty Johnson, >illiam S. Sallam, DDS, Market Street >ealth Management Group, LLC, Morehead Memorial Hospital, Reidsville Building Supply Company, Mr. and Mrs. AleR Rothrock, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. >illiam Stone, Mrs. Donna Van Ness, Drs. Scott Vines and Tiffany Roberson, Mary and >ill Truslow, Mrs. Donna Van Ness, Scott M. Vines, MD, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby >harton, Mrs. Judith J. >ilkins, Mr. Homer >right, Jr.. MillerCoors, Phi Theta Sappa Honor Society, Reidsville Building Supply and the RCC staff volunteers were thanked for their special contributions. Proceeds from the gala benefit RCC programs and proWects not funded by taR and tuition dollars including student work-study Wobs, peertutor programs, child care tuition scholarships, and student aid grants. For more information on the RCC Foundation or how to be a part of neRt yearYs gala, call Gaye Clifton, foundation director, at 342-4261, ERt. 2201.
O BJECT F O U N D IN S O D A C A N >hile serving on the Grand Jury, and at the Courthouse a Wuror purchased a can of Pepsi from a soda vending machine located inside the courthouse. He drank the contents while inside the Wury room. As he was finishing his drink, he noticed chunks of something in the bottom of the can. He eRited the room to meet the bailiff posted outside the door, and went to the District AttorneyQs ^ffice with his can. A portion of the substance was removed from the Pepsi can. Immediately, the can and substance was photographed, documented, and placed into evidence. The vending machine was then closed and the local distributor replaced the contents of the soda vending machines. The Wuror reported no immediate medical concerns. The amount of substance was about one teaspoon of what appears to be cardboard.
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Did you know that having diabetes before age 65 more than doubles your risk of developing Alaheimerbs diseasec A study of nearly 14,000 Swedish twins helped to confirm this link. Given that more than 23 million Americans have diabetes and 57 million more have pre-diabetes, this is a bit of a concern. But the link between these two diseases may be stronger still. In fact, some now think of Alaheimerbs as a form of diabetes. They call it type 3 diabetes. But first, a review. What exactly are diabetes and Alaheimerbsc Diabetes is a chronic disease where your body has high levels of sugar. Thatbs true for one of two main reasonsQ Your body doesnbt make enough of a hormone called insulin (type 1 diabetes). Or, your body doesnbt respond well to insulin (type 2 diabetes). Diabetes can cause frequent urination, unusual thirst, and a wide range of other symptoms. It can cause serious f even fatal f complications. People with pre-diabetes also have high glucose levels. But theybre not as high as with full-blown diabetes. Alaheimerbs is a common type of dementia that worsens over time. It causes memory loss, confusion, and many other changes. It eventually leads to death. Scientists have long debated about the changes in the brain that lead to Alaheimerbs. But now they are paying closer attention to the role of insulin. Not only are people at increased risk for Alaheimerbs if they have diabetes. But many people with Alaheimerbs are also resistant to insulin. Could low insulin or insulin resistance in the brain be the cause of Alaheimerbs in some casesc Lower insulin is linked with mental decline. By helping cells take up energy in the brain, insulin likely plays a key role in the growth and survival of nerve cells and memories. Researchers are now experimenting with inhaled insulin as a treatment for Alaheimerbs. It has improved memory in patients with early stages of Alaheimerbs but it appears to have limitations. So, rather than diabetes simply being a cause of brain changes, both diabetes and Alaheimerbs may result from similar causes. The idea that one disease can affect many organs is certainly not new. After all, atherosclerosis affects the kidneys, brain and heart. Now, we know that diabetes and Alaheimerbs may be a part of the same disease process. Before you become too discouraged about the threat of all these diseases, though, remember thisQ Many of the factors that contribute to both Alaheimerbs and diabetes (and atherosclerosis, for that matter) are within your control. Weight loss, exercise, stress management, and a healthy diet can help prevent or help keep diabetes in check. And, itbs possible these lifestyle changes could play an even bigger role with Alaheimerbs than once thought. For a wealth of information on these diseases, go to HYPERLINK ghttpQ//www.healthmart.com/g www.healthmart.com/. And, don’t forgetQ If you need any guidance on diabetes management, Ibm here to help. Or, be sure to ask me if you have questions
about your loved onebs Alaheimerbs medications. Eden 51ug is a fu77 se1vice, fami7; o<ned p>a1mac; se1ving t>e individua7 needs of ou1 patients?
Join us on Facebook @ Eden Drug Health Mart Pete Crouch, RPh, CPP 103 W. Stadium Drive, Eden, NC 27288 PhoneQ (336) 627-4854 Hours: Mon-Sat. 9am - 9pm, Sun. 1pm - 6pm FREE DELIVERY • WebsiteQ www.EdenDrug.com
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County Star
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Continued From Page 9
2esus Saves
H ISTORICAL C HRISTMAS O R N A M E N T S O N THE W AY The"annua1"Chr'5t,a5"'n"7:en orna,ent5" I'11" 9e" arr'E'n)" 9y ,':?NoEe,9er^ Th'5"yearF5"orna,ent"6eature5 the" Rohn" UH" Ray" Uu'1:'n)D" %o,? ,on1y" &noIn" a5" the" Centra1 Hote1"on"Ya5h'n)ton"StreetH"The Chr'5t,a5" orna,ent5" are" an annua1" 6un:ra'5er" 6or" the Co,,un'ty" A44earan%e Co,,'55'onH" Lro%ee:5" 6ro," the orna,ent"5a1e5")o"toIar:5"9eau? t'6'%at'on" 4roTe%t5" 6or" the" %'tyH The" neI" orna,ent5" are" N\" ea%h an:"I'11"9e"aEa'1a91e"at"C'ty"Ha11 `a=]" 7H" Sta:'u," ArHbD" the" 7:en Cha,9er" o6" Co,,er%e" `\c]" SH dan" Uuren" Roa:bD" the" 7:en H'5tor'%a1" Mu5eu," `\S\ Ya5h'n)ton" StHb" an:" at A'a,on:5?N?Au5t"`ea="YH"K'n)5 HIyHbH"La5t"yearF5"orna,ent5"are a15o" aEa'1a91e" at" C'ty" Ha11" 6or N<HS="ea%hH The"orna,ent5"are"Ion:er6u1 &ee45a&e5" 6ro," 7:enF5" 4a5t" an: they" ,a&e" eM%e11ent" Chr'5t,a5 )'6t5^
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Dr. Robert Keys, RCC president, Sternberger scholarship recipients Heath Gauldin and Tom Dunbar, representatiDes Erom the Emanuel Sternberger Educational Fund, Ann Huraw and Patrick Weiner. WENTWORTH !"Than&5"to",onth1y"N>":onat'on5"9y",e,9er5"o6 the" State" 7,41oyee5" Cre:'t" On'onD" Caro1'ne" Pann'n)" o6" Mayo:an an:" Renn'6er" Stan6'e1:" o6" Ru66'n" ea%h" re%e'Ee:" a" N<DS==" State 7,41oyee5" Cre:'t" On'on" 5%ho1ar5h'4" to" atten:" Ro%&'n)ha, Co,,un'ty"Co11e)eH Pann'n)"'5"%urrent1y"4ur5u'n)"a":e)ree"'n"%r','na1"Tu5t'%eH""Her )oa1"a6ter")ra:uat'on"'5"to"Ior&"6or"the"State"Uureau"o6"InEe5t')at'onH She"'5"a"Eo1unteer"at"her"%hur%hD"a"Eo1unteer"at"A'11ar:"71e,entary S%hoo1"an:"th'5"4a5t"5u,,er"5he"Ia5"a"4art'%'4ant"'n"a",'55'on"tr'4 to"Urun5I'%&D"Geor)'a"Ihere"5he"he14e:"I'th"U'91e"5%hoo1H WIt"6ee15")reat"to"he14"4eo41e"an:"then"9e"reIar:e:"6or"'t"9y"re%e'E? 'n)"the"S7CO"5%ho1ar5h'4DX"5a':"Pann'n)H Stan6'e1:"'5"%urrent1y"4ur5u'n)"a"6our?year":e)ree"'n"e1e,entary e:u%at'on"throu)h"a"4artner5h'4"4ro)ra,"e5ta91'5he:"9etIeen"RCC an:"Green59oro"Co11e)eH""Tea%h'n)"'5"her"4a55'onH"";or"5'M"year5"5he ha5"5erEe:"her"%hur%h"a5"%h'1:renF5"%hur%h"1ea:er"an:"Ih'1e"5t'11"'n h')h" 5%hoo1D" 5he" 'nterne:" at" Y'11'a,59ur)" 71e,entary" S%hoo1H" " In a::'t'onD" 5he" Eo1unteer5" I'th" O4erat'on" Chr'5t,a5" Ch'1:" an:" '5" a ,e,9er"o6"A%teen5H" The"S7CO";oun:at'on"a55'5t5"5tu:ent5"'n"ea%h"o6"the"6'6ty?e')ht %o,,un'ty" %o11e)e5" 'n" the" North" Caro1'na" Co,,un'ty" Co11e)e Sy5te,H"There"are">>\"tIo?year"5%ho1ar5h'45"Ea1ue:"at"u4"to"NSD=== ea%hH"7a%h"North"Caro1'na"%o,,un'ty"%o11e)e"re%e'Ee5"tIo"5%ho1ar? 5h'45D" re4re5ent'n)" an" annua1" 6'nan%'a1" %o,,'t,ent" to" the" ent're %o,,un'ty" %o11e)e" 5y5te," o6" u4" to" NS]=D===H" "The5e" 5%ho1ar5h'45 are" 6un:e:" 9y" S7CO" ,e,9er5" throu)h" the" S7CO" ;oun:at'onH" " In Ro%&'n)ha," CountyD" S7CO" 5%ho1ar5h'45" are" 6un:e:" 9y" a11" three %ounty"%re:'t"un'on5H
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l-r, RCC President, Dr. Robert Keys, Caroline Lanning, JenniEer StanEield, and Phyllis Bradley, ReidsDille SECU branch manager.
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Continued from Page 10
(336)-623-9278 longskustomsZyahoo.com 621 Boone Rd. Eden, N.C.
C O U N T Y P R E PA R E S F O R M OBILE R ECYCLING WENTWORTH !"O$to'er"*+ ,-.-" /" 0e12nn2n1" 2n" the" ne5t 6e7" 7ee8s+" Ro$82n1ha< County" 72@@" ro@@" out" Aorta'@e re$y$@2n1" tra2@ers" at" s25" o6" the $ounty’s" Co@unteer" 62re" DeAart/ <entsE" " Mu@t2/'2n" re$y$@2n1 tra2@ers"72@@"'e"@o$ateD"one"Day Aer" 7ee8" at" the" North StoneyC2e7+" HuntsC2@@e+ 0ethany+"J2@@2a<s'ur1+"Ore1on H2@@" anD" Kea8sC2@@e" L2re MeAart<entsE"" Na$h"tra2@er"72@@"6eature"re<oC/ a'@e"'2ns"a$$eAt2n1 O"$arD'oarD" O"<25eD"AaAer O"ne7sAaAers O" $@ear+" 'ro7n" anD" 1reen" 1@ass 'ott@es"Pars"anD"Pu1s O"A@ast2$"'ott@es"Pars"anD"Pu1s"" O"stee@"anD"a@u<2nu<"$ansE"" No" househo@D" 7aste" 72@@ 'e"a$$eAteD"at"these"s2tesE" An" attenDant" 72@@" 'e" Are/ sent" at" ea$h" @o$at2on" to" ass2st
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N ATURALIST C L U B E3ENTS NoCe<'er" ,./KeaCe" RCC at","SME""Je"72@@"C2s2t"the"0o' Jatt’s" AroAerty" o66" Crut$h62e@D RoaDE""The"s2te"$onta2ns"a"A2ne 6orest" anD" an" o@D" <2@@" s2te+ $e<etery+"anD"house"s2te+"$e<e/ tery+" anD" house" s2te" 6ro<" the ear@y".Tth"$enturyE""Nasy"7a@8/ 2n1E Me$e<'er" U" /" SaturDayV Our"annua@"72nter"$oCereD"D2sh D2nner+" at" Ca@Cary" 0aAt2st Chur$h" 2n" Jent7orth+" at" the $orner" o6" SanDy" Cross" RoaD anD" H7y" *WE" " Arr2Ce" at" X" SM 72th" your" sa@aD+" <a2n" $ourse D2sh+" or" DessertE" " Je" eat" at XVY-SMZ" anD" at" [VY-" 7e" 72@@ hear" a" ta@8" 'y" LreD" Jat82ns+ suAer2ntenDent" o6" Mayo" R2Cer State" Sar8+" on" the" A@ans" 6or" 2ts 6uture"DeCe@oA<entE
C RIME S TO P P E R S 4 A N T TIPS I6" anyone" has" 2n6or<at2on a'out" the" @ar$eny" o6" these" A@@ Terra2n" ]eh2$@es+" A@ease" $a@@ 2nCest21ators" 72th" the" Sher266’s
Continued To Page 12
Grammy4winner Loudon Wainwright III is shown with Eden Mayor Lohn Grogan at the sparkling benefit performance given by Wainwright on September 5S in Eden’s pristine Governor Morehead Park. The event was sponsored by Piedmont Folk Legacies, with Eden Preservation Society. About YSZ visitors from Boone, Williamsburg, Chapel Hill, Charlotte, Danville, Martinsville, and elsewhere, including some locals, enjoyed a barbecue dinner and a rambunc4 tious concert on the lawn, which was decked out with small white tents and white covered tables decorated with white flowers. Lights gleamed in the trees and around the rustic stage as dusk turned into the dark of a beautiful summer evening, while it was pouring rain half a mile away^
$%& Mebane Bridge Rd. Eden4 NC %7%88 Phone0 223435644888 Email; heatandair=triad.rr.com
Steve Underwood N.C. Licenses; BC CD77E HGAC C$&I%EHJ$4%4E Service M Sales M Installation M DesignJBuild M Planned Maintenance
M ILLERC O O R S M A<ES G IFT TO RCC Throu1h"a"1enerous"a,-+--126t"6ro<"M2@@erCoors+"the"2nDus/ tr2a@" 're72n1" 12ant" 2s" 6unD2n1 e21ht"Tra2n"anD"Ga2n"s$ho@arsh2As 6or" stuDents" 2n" Ro$82n1ha< Co<<un2ty" Co@@e1e’s" 2nDustr2a@ te$hno@o1y"Aro1ra<sE""The"126t"2s a@so" AroC2D2n1" 6unD2n1" 6or" 6our SerCo" tra2n2n1" stat2ons" 6or" the InDustr2a@"Te$hno@o12es"M2C2s2onE The" e21ht" s$ho@arsh2A" re$2A2ents are" J2@@2a<" AAA@e+" b2<<y 0roaDna5+" Henry" Harr2son+ SteAhen" Henn2s+" Ku8e" bones+ bess2e"K2nC2@@e+"anD"TEbE"]2n$ent+ a@@"6ro<"Re2DsC2@@e+"anD"N2$ho@as Tha$8er"o6"Ru662nE""Na$h"s$ho@ar/ sh2A" haD" a" <a52<u<" Ca@ue" o6 a.+X--" Aer" se<esterE" " Th2s a<ount"2s"Des21neD"to"$oCer"<ost o6" the" $osts" asso$2ateD" 72th" one year"o6"stuDy"at"RCCE""" J2th"the"6our"SerCo"tra2n2n1 stat2ons+"RCC"72@@"'e"a'@e"to"Aro/ C2De" stuDents" 72th" Ara$t2$a@+ hanDs/on"e5Aer2en$e"2n"a"@a'"set/ t2n1E" " The" ne7" ecu2A<ent" 72@@ 12Ce" stuDents" an" oAAortun2ty" to 7or8"72th"drea@"7or@De"te$hno@o/ 1y" 7h2$h" they" 72@@" ut2@2`e" on$e they"enter"the"7or86or$eE"" dThese" SerCo" tra2n2n1" sta/ t2ons" 72@@" he@A" our" DeAart<ent $ont2nue"<eet2n1"the"eDu$at2ona@ neeDs" o6" $urrent" anD" 6uture" stu/ Dents"anD"AroC2D2n1"area"e<A@oy/ ers" 72th" a" h21h@y" tra2neD" te$hn2/ $a@" 7or86or$e+e" sa2D" M28e Lra`2er+" 2nDustr2a@" te$hno@o1y D2C2s2on"DeanE"" MrE" Ro'ert" Keys+" Ares2Dent o6" RCC" e$hoeD" Lra2`er’s" $o</ <ents+" aDD2n1" dJe" aAAre$2ate M2@@erCoors’ 1eneros2ty"anD"the2r $o<<2t<ent" to" the" $o<<un2t2es 2n"7h2$h"they"oAerateE""The2r"suA/ Aort" o6" the" Tra2n" anD" Ga2n Sro1ra<"oCer"the"Aast"62Ce"years has" <aDe" a" D266eren$e" 2n" the tra2n2n1" 7e" are" a'@e" to" AroC2De our" stuDents" anD" 2n" the" @2Ces" o6 the"s$ho@arsh2A"re$2A2entsE"e Lor"aDD2t2ona@"2n6or<at2on"on"the Tra2n"anD"Ga2n"Aro1ra<+"$onta$t Gaye"C@26ton+"RCC’s"M2re$tor"o6 MeCe@oA<ent" at" YU,/U,[.+ 5,,-.E""To"aAA@y"6or"a"Tra2n"anD Ga2n" S$ho@arsh2A+" $onta$t" the RCC"L2nan$2a@"A2D"O662$e"at"YU,/ U,[.+"5,,-YE
DRS M&'()*+ S,--+. Y-,/A S2er$e"Street"O"NDen+"NC",W,**
Office: 344-2070 • Fax: 627-7003
Je"7ou@D"@28e"to"Than8"our"Custo<ers"6or"a@@o72n1"us"the"Ar2C2@e1e"to"serCe"you"oCer the"years"/"Sat2ent"Care"anD"Sat2s6a$t2on"2s"Our"Goa@_
Susan Dernon
DRS Medical Supply Of Eden Is Accredited By The Accreditation Commission For Health Care, Inc. (ACHC). DRS Is Pleased To Announce We Now Participate With 2nited Health Care.
O"C/AaAs O"02/AaAs O"O5y1en O"Ne'u@2`ers O"Jhee@$ha2rs O"In$ont2nent"SroDu$ts O"Lree"Me@2Cery" O",U"Hour"CoCera1e"
/&*+01 C*3& 4356
O"Ja@8ers O"Canes O"Crut$hes O"HosA2ta@"0eDs O"M2a'et2$"SuAA@2es O"Sersona@"Care"Ite<s O"Je"Carry"Most""MaPor"Insuran$es Office Hours; Monday J Friday Da.m. J Vp.m.
Budget Hair Salon EDEN MA:: • RR6-6R5-6469
Ghe V'r@en of E@en Senior Center wel$omes 'll seniors to goin in on the fun 'n@ g'mes7 Ghis month there will 8e some spe$i'l events in$lu@ing_ c [rien@s Clu8 Fnnu'l Mie S'le h S'tur@'y; Wovem8er L*th from ._DD,L_DD7 Mre,or@er your frie@ 'pple or sweet pot'to pies now7 C'll )-9,+9LL7 Mies 're KL7-C7 c Senior X'n$e; Wovem8er -.th 't the CB But in E@en7 9_DD, LD_DD pm $ome 't ) to line @'n$e7 KC '@mission 't the @oor7 Ghe @'n$e is hel@ the l'st <on@'y of e'$h month7 On ' monthly or weeEly 8'sis seniors $'n engoy the fol, lowing '$tivities7 c NooE; [rien@s Clu8; anit \ Cro$het Cl'sses; M'int Cl'sses; Cr'ft Cl'sses 'n@ Sit \ Sew7 C'll )-9,+9LL for @et'ils7 c bine X'n$e Cl'sses igust for funj <on@'ys 't LD_LC 'm7 c beg'l Fi@ will 8e Wovem8er LLth $'ll L,6DD,.CL,--C9 c >'lEing Vroup from 6_DD,6_*D on the Senior Center Gr'$E7 c Come EYer$ise with us on <on@'y; >e@nes@'y 'n@ [ri@'y 6_*D,._DD7 Sit @own or st'n@ up $l'ss using resist'n$e 8'n@s; 8'lls 'n@ h'n@ hel@ weights7 c ooE or B'n@ 'n@ [oot $'r@ g'mes h Fnyone intereste@ in pl'ying the $'r@ g'me B'n@ 'n@ [oot ple'se show up 't the V'r@en of E@en Senior Center 't L_DDpm on >e@nes@'ys7 c Bingo B'sh 't ._DD on <on@'y; Wovem8er LCth 't the V'r@en of E@en Senior Center7 c Bingo 't Bri@ge Street Ne$ on Gues@'y; Wovem8er L)th 't L_DD i8ring ' KL pri`ej c Computer $l'sses 're offere@ free to seniors )C ye'rs \ ol@er7 Rn@er )C must p'y fees7 Seniors 're wel$ome to $ome use our $omputers @uring times we @o not h've $l'sses7
New Season - New Look!!! >'lE,ins \ Fppointments >el$ome Bours Gue7,[ri, LD , ); S't7 . , :inda Grogan • Emma Elberson • 7everly Spence
THAN\S TO O0R 5ETERANSZ Have A Happy ThanksgivingZ -e Clean Comforters c 7ridal Gowns c Alterations Celebrating 62 Years In Business!
QUALITYOnCSiteZ LEANERS Est'8lishe@ L.+9
e7G7 B'le; OwnerfOper'tor
7%2 Church Street • Eden QUALITY SERVICE • QUALITY PRICE 627-75%7
THE FARA7EE L*DL >7 >'shington St7 c E@en; W7C7
Call For Reservations RR6-627-79R4
EYperien$e Ghe Ch'rm Of Ghe ['r'8eed -e Specialiae In • -eddings • Showers • :uncheons • 7irhtdays • 7usiness And Club Gatherings • Children 7irhtday Parties
<'Ee Your Christm's Neserv'tions Wowd
County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s 5uality of Life !ontinued from *age 11 Offi$e 't )*+,*-*. or Crime Stoppers 't *+.,.)6*7 Septem8er -9th; <i$h'el >ilson reporte@ the l'r$eny of his Bon@' -CD$$; re@ 'n@ 8l'$E FGV v'lue@ 't KLCDD7 Ghe l'r$eny o$$urre@ 't -+D M'lm No'@ in Nei@sville7 Septem8er L.th; Benny Mruitt reporte@ the l'r$eny of his Bon@' Nin$on FGV v'lue@ 't K6;DDD7 It w's stolen from LDDLL RSLC6 in Nei@sville7 Septem8er L9th; >'lter B'll reporte@ his Frti$ C't FGV; *DD$$ green in $olor; stolen from --)L Bighw'y LC6 E'st; Nei@sville7 It w's v'lue@ 't K+;DDD7 C'll **),*+.,.)6* if you h've 'ny inform'tion
A DKINS C H A R G E D WITH M U LTIPLE C O U N T S O F C R U E LTY TO A NIMALS REIDS5I::E , On <on@'y; O$to8er LLth; Shelley Sw'in $ont'$t, e@ No$Eingh'm County SheriffUs Fnim'l Control Offi$ers with ' $on$ern of the tre'tment of 'nim'ls 't -6D) Vrooms No'@ in Nei@sville7 She is 'n Fnim'l Be'lth Ge$hni$i'n with the Worth C'rolin' Xep'rtment of Fgri$ulture 'n@ Consumer Servi$es; Veterin'ry Xivision7 Fnim'l Control went to the s$ene with other @eputies 'n@ @is$overe@ inhum'ne $on, @itions for 'nim'ls th't were out of $ontrol7 Xogs were running free; in sm'll $'ges; 'n@ in the house7 Xeputies witnesse@ @ogs 'tt'$Eing ' Amber Atkins horse 'n@ go't; with other @ogs fee@ing off the $'r$'sses of the siY @e'@ @ogs l'ying '8out the property7 Ghe s$ene w's se$ure@ 's 'n 'ppli$', tion for ' se'r$h w'rr'nt w's m'@e7 Ffter @eputies o8t'ine@ the se'r$h w'r, r'nt; ' $rime s$ene investig'tion 8eg'n7 Xuring th't pro$ess; Ghom's 'n@ Fm8er F@Eins were remove@ from the s$ene with $h'rges of siY $ounts of $ruelty to 'nim'ls7 Ghe F@Eins in@i$'te@ they were 'nim'l res$ue volunteers 'n@ worEing with ZM'n$'Ee Thomas Adkins Bollow ['rm \ Nes$ue] in Bighl'n@ Wew YorE7 Investig'tors $le're@ the s$ene 't LL_LC p7m7 with sei`ures of .* @ogs; - [errets; C Chin$hill's; C Vuine' Migs; ) go'ts; L horse; 'n@ ) @e'@ @ogs7 Ghese 'nim'ls re$eive@ ' me@i$'l eY'm 'n@ 're $urrent, ly 't v'rious f'$ilities7 Ghe F@Eins norm'lly @ispose@ of @e'@ 'nim'l $'r$'sses 8y 8urning them in ' 8'rrel; 8ut it
Real People A:-A2S Answer Our Phones ^No Machines To Deal -ithZ_ 2our Independent
HOMETO-N PHARMAC2 c ['mily Owne@ 'n@ Oper'te@ sin$e L.*D c
Free Delivery in Eden, Madison, Mayodan, Stoneville and surrounding areas.
c Xrive Ghrough >in@ow c >estern Rnion c >e F$$ept Fll Insur'n$e
Transfer 2our Perscription And Receive A FREE GIFTZ
c [ree Bloo@ Mressure Che$Es
W e love our country and those who fight for it!
c [ree Xi'8eti$ <eters Fv'il'8le Call In And Speak To Our Pharmacy Staff... No Automated Phone Machines Here!
PHARMACISTS 2 3uss 5itchell 2 9ar: 3oberson 2 3o<d: 5i=e 2 >a?id 5atthe<s
A Pharmacist Is Always On Call 62R-R%R2 After Hours
544 Morgan Rd., Eden, NC 27288 • PHONEQ
Kim with US Humane talks to Guilford County Animal Shelter person w's 8roEen; $'using the 'ni, m'ls to 8e left open to the Sheriff Page with media and representative with Guilford elements7 County Ghom's B'rol@ F@Eins; *9; of -6D) Vrooms No'@ w's $h'rge@ with ) $ounts <is@eme'nor Cruelty to Fnim'ls; 8on@ KC;DDD unse$ure@ 'n@ Fm8er X'wn F@Eins; L.; of -6D) Vrooms No'@ w's $h'rge@ with ) $ounts <is@eme'nor Cruelty to Fnim'ls; 8on@ KC;DDD unse$ure@ Additional Charges in Animal Cruelty On O$to8er L-th 't C_-D p7m7 8oth Gommy 'n@ Fm8er F@Eins were $h'rge@ with 'n '@@ition'l L. $ounts e'$h; Cruelty to Fnim'l mis@eme'nor $h'rges7 Both were given ' 8on@ of KC;DDD se$ure@; 'n@ 8oth were '8le to m'Ee 8on@ l'ter in the evening7
FU N D S R AISED F O R M A R AT H O N S'fe ai@s Worth C'rolin' is r'ising money for Ghe <'rine Corp <'r'thon7 Ghis ye'r S'fe ai@s Worth C'rolin' h's two runners th't will 8e running in >'shington; XC on O$to8er *Lst7 E'$h S'fe ai@s Co'lition is en$our'ge@ to r'ise K*CD7DD in support of our runners7 No$Eingh'm County S'fe ai@s h's ' RNb setup for you to @on'te7 Mle'se help us in o8t'ining our go'l 8y @on'ting7 Ghis
!ontinued to *age 1.
!O#E%&E' ()*) E,E!-. O/! 0 1O2!34 .35'6 758E *9 !
!e#i%are A%%e*te#
>*$4.#$() M#,.2$ Mama’s I Papa’s dance their way to the gold!
Ta@i-= Home The Col# 8 Co-ti-:e# ;rom *a=e > :2,4. .,6 ,)4+".)& 2$ # M,*$B) 3)&#"/ M+. .1)6 5),) *$ # ,*"" 52.1 X -*"& 2$ .1) :*""*52$- 6)#,4/ i)''2) S3#,. 24 .1) 1)#& *: .1) -,*+! 51* (1*,)*-,#!14 .1) 4.)!4 :*, (*3!).2.2*$/ S3#,. 1#4 ,)()$.D "6 ,).2,)& :,*3 .1) jM>A '+. (*$.2$+)4 .* .)#(1 &#$() 4)?),#" &#64 # 5))K/ T1) .)#3 .1#. (*3!).)& .124 6)#, (*$424.)& *:` S+) A'',+BB2E i+#$) M)4.E V)"3# M+,)1#3E L6$&# M+."),E A,")#$ >1,24.3#$E >#,*"2$) >+!!E N#$(6 i56),E M)..6 L2$$)6E H+&6 M+$-")E H#$) N*,5**&E R#6 S)":E i)''2) S3#,.E A$$ S32.1E N#$(6 S.,*$-/ L+"# W2"" #$& R1)$# _**&E 51* #,) $*. *: #-) .* (*3!).) !+. "*$- 1*+,4 &+,2$- .,#2$2$- #4 4.#$& 2.4 #$& (*,)*-,#!16 #4424.#$.4/ S#3 W2""E I),2 I#,,24*$ #$& I),,6 W+"4. #,) #"4* 3)3'),4 *: .1) E&)$ jM>AE #$& )#(1 (*3!).)& 2$ 452332$- #. .1) N*,.1 >#,*"2$# S)$2*, I#3)4 2$ R#")2-1E *$ J(.*'), PE PT<TE #$& 52$$2$- 4)?),#" 3)&#"4 )#(1E .1)6 d+#"2:2)& .* -* .* .1) N#.2*$#" S)$2*, I#3)4 2$ W*+4.*$E Tf 2$ PT<</ T1) N#.2*$#" I#3)4 #,) 1)"& )?),6 *.1), 6)#,/ S#3 W2""E RTE )#,$)& Y 3)&#"4 2$ #""l P -*"& 3)&#"4 :*, .1) PTT g <TT 6#,& ',)#4.4.,*K)E # 42"?), :*, .1) YT 6#,& ',)#4.4.,*K)E #$& ',*$B) :*, .1) PTT 6#,& #$& <TT 6#,& :,))4.6") 452332$- (*3!).2.2*$4/ I),2 I#,,24*$E QQE 5*$ X 3)&#"4 :*, .1) YT #$& <TT 6#,& ',)#4.4.,*K)E #$& YT #$& <TT 6#,& '#(KD 4.,*K)/ I),,6 W+"4.E ORE 5*$ N 3)&#"4/ S1) -*. 3)&#"4 :*, .1) YTE <TT #$& PTT 6#,& ',)#4.4.,*K) )?)$.4/ H#$) M(I$.6,)ERYE #"4* E&)$ jM>A 3)3'), d+#"2:2)& .* -* .* N#.2*$#"4 2$ .1) M2(12-#$ J"63!2( S)$2*, I#3)4 2$ H+"6/ S1) (*3!).)4 2$ YTE<TTEPTT '#(K4.,*K) #$& YTE<TTEPTT :,)) 4.6")/ >1,24 >#,.),E *: .1) jM>A 5#4 ?),6 1)"!:+" 2$ (*#(12$- I),2 #$& H#$) 2$ S)!.)3'),/
I,**32$- M*+.2d+) LL> Q<< _#412$-.*$ S./E E&)$E N> PQPRR H)#$)..) W#63*,)E c,*:)442*$#" I,**3),
!raduate of +anhall /rofessional School of Dog !rooming
Sarona Salon 7 Spa II) 7IE'1E .3F6 .2I3E ,6 E,E!6 !1
O&E.I,E /5LJ%5'3P
99IJI(9J((9V Check ;ut Holiday Discounts ;n Color 7 /erms!
%Dr:D ?D:<eY6 O`ner H '=f:n .erv:e H 3errY ,Dffs H _enn:fer &=Yte H 3D[erD b3D[[Yc &rD[e H 5n^:e 3DY<=r
5nG /e<a=[:n^ MDt:nD 3Z=[Dss=n W _ess:aD b3DY<=rc ?=G^es
Sam 1ill, 80, earned 5 medals in both breastroAe, Breestyle
Gerry 1ulst, 68 medals Bor 100 I 200 yard breastroAe
Geri Garrison, 77 won medals in the breastroAe and bacAstroAeQ
5ater 6ates 8 Co-ti-:e# ;rom *a=e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rD\er L@[fer W ?DrG`Dre 1=F InaF 41#,2$- =*' ,)4!*$42'2"2.2)4 *, All @inds ;f Building MaterialC &)"#62$- +.2"2.6 2$(,)#4)4/ M,/ >*,(*,#$ 5*,K)& 52.1 .1) .1,)) Right Here At HomeC >2.6 >*+$(2"3)$ .* 23!")3)$. .124 !,*!*4#" 512(1 I #3 1#!!6 S3#"" c"+3'2$- R)!#2, h<PPP< !#44)&EF I,*-#$ 4.#.)&/ L*, 3*,) 2$:*,3#.2*$ *$ .124 1425 Front Street ,#.) 2$(,)#4) &)"#6E (*$.#(. >2.6 ,#e-. /0C0 23244 M#$#-), M,#& >*,(*,#$ #. NNOD 336-635-5271 OPNDQQRSE )9./ NTPP/
.:r<=:n ?=@se 'estD@rDnt ()E .F #Dn &@ren '=DG H EGen H 99IJI(9JEEEK *)J*( L&F 32'ME4 H 9 L&F ,'E..I!8 O?O%E%5,EP H * 7I!3 OQ 8'5#4 H K ORF OQ 1'5!&E''4 J ST(FUU 5L.O
&5ME, ?5% /08L5RE J SVFUU L&F .ELE13E, ?O%E 1OOME, #E8E35&LE. J 9 L&F 75! J SVFUU 5..O'3E, ,E..E'3. W &'E5, ?=@rsX %=nGDY J 3Z@rsGDY I DF[F J U \F[F Qr:GDY J .Dt@rGDY J I DF[F J *) \F[F .@nGDY J I DF[F J 9 \F[F
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()*) 1Dr=<:nD ?=[e .Z=` W .D<e Q:ne 5rt DnG 1rDfts !"#$%#&'()*+
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Qr:GDY6 !=ve[fer VtZ J **D[ J I\[ .Dt@rGDY6 !=ve[fer ItZ J UD[ J T\[ O[@s:a Dt **D[P .@nGDY6 !=ve[fer EtZ J *(X9)\[ J T\[ O[@s:a Dt *\[P >*$.#(. NNODNXSDRNON 1#5K4!.]')""4*+.1/$). ^ _)'42.)` 1#5K4!2,2.4.+&2*/5*,&!,)44/(*3
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BDD[: <=H FEJ 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Thurs, Nov 18 7 a.m. - 4 p.m., Fri., Nov. 19 Morehead Hosp. Downstairs CR The Morehead Memorial Hospital Auxiliary will host a Books Are Fun fundraiser. Come check out the huge selection of discount books just in time for holiday shopping. The public is welcome to attend. All proceeds benefit Morehead Memorial Hospital. FHHQ GDDW F=<PH: S<QH 7 a.m. - 5 p.m., Fri., Dec.10 Morehead Hospital Main Conference Room The perfect holiday gift!!! Feel Good Frames are original, hand painted, one-of-a-kind picture frames, ornaments, and message boards unlike any you have seen before. Choose from a variety of sizes and colors and have your frame personalized while you shop!! 89%9 T=HH DF L>FH L>OMI>JO @ 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, December 7 - Day Hospital Lobby Searching for that special holiday gift? The Tree of Life provides just that – the opportunity to symbolize your love and admiration for the special people in your life. Simply purchase a lovelight - $5 donation, or starlight - $100 donation, in honor or memory of that special person. A card acknowledging your gift will be sent and their name will be written into the Book of Honor and Memory which is displayed in the hospital’s main lobby throughout the holiday season. All donations are tax deductible and all proceeds will go to benefit Morehead Memorial Hospital. This project is sponsored by the Morehead Memorial Hospital Auxiliary.
The ROC$I&'(AM
County Star !nvesting !n *o,-ing.am Count34s 5ua6it3 of 8ife !ontinued /rom Pa,e 14 have set the standard high and you have proven that you can achieve. It is a pleasure to congratulate you on your induction into PTK and I look forward to more success from you as you continue your studies at Rockingham Community College.” This year, PTK members will be working with the theme, “The Democratization of Information: Power, Peril and Promise.” Within the context of this theme, RCC history instructor and keynote speaker for the ceremony, Mark Sattler, spoke of inspiration: how it is spread through information, how it can be internalized and used to fuel one’s achievements, and how it should be passed on to others. Phi Theta Kappa members are given opportunities for continued success, leadership development, and the chance to be accepted into top universities. They are also eligible to receive scholarships available to honor students. The names of the inductees are listed below by city of residence: Brown Summit – Manina Howe, Jonathan Worley. Eden – Angela Allen, Mark Dunovant, Matthew Edwards, Megan Jones, David Martin, Vickie Martin, Katina Thomasson. Madison – Candace Kelley, Jaime McMahon, Will Ramirez. McLeansville – Gail Matthews. Reidsville – Jonathan Boles, Erica Clark, Stacy Cook, Cassandra Crumpton, Bonnie Cruz, Kimberly Dalton, Amy Deel, Amber Hall, Michele Hawkins, Jennifer Isley, Richard Moore, Shelby Street, Katey Thompson. Ruffin – Micah Paschal. Stokesdale – Kirstin Friddle, Cheryl Hash, Erin Pacheco, John Payne. Stoneville – Tamara Nunes, Nena Williams. Summerfield – Cindy Britt. Officers for 2010-11 are: Kenneth Gantt, president[ Tomacin Brown, vice-president, fellowship[ Kelly Donovan, vice-president, service[ Darnell Wilson, vice-president, scholarship[ Kelly Wilson, treasurer[ Steve Forrest, public relations contact[ Alvis Cook, web site coordinator.
A R T M A R & E T TO H O L D O P E N H O U S E Located at the heart of the County in historic Wentworth, the art market is operated by the Rockingham County Arts Council and provides a venue for local artists. After a period of reorganization, a series of revolving art shows will be introduced, beginning with the Emerging Young Artist Exhibit on October 21st from 57pm. And our Holiday Open House on December 4th and 5th. The new Art Market Gallery represent s a diverse range of visual art, to include painting and other two-dimensional media, pottery, sculpture, fiber arts, glass, original jewelry, fine heritage crafts, and more. Area artists interested in participating are encouraged to contact RCAC at 33b-349-4039 or info@artsinrockingham.org for submission guidelines and an application form. Applications will be reviewed and applicants notified by the Gallery committee.
Local Election Guide Combats Influence of Money in Politics Vote America2010.org went live in October across North Carolina, providing voters with unbiased election information, from candidate bios, positions and voting records, to a polling locator feature to find out where to vote. Campaign donors and candidate ratings by interest groups are also featured. Created by AmericanTowns.com, which provides communityfocused websites for 15,000 towns across America, VoteAmerica2010 brings together local election information from independent public sources such as the League of Women Voters, Vote411.org, the Vote Smart project, politifact.com and RealClearPolitics as well as North Carolina bloggers, local opinion, the web and the candidates themselves. eReliable, organized election information is the antidote to the money-fueled negative ad campaigns that characterize too much of American politics,e said AmericanTowns chairman Ted Buerger. eIf voters can find out what the candidates really stand for and what they have done in their professional/political lives, they can make betterinformed decisions while ignoring the distortions of paid political advertising.e In addition to providing information on major candidates, the site invites North Carolina voters to ehelp your neighbors of all parties understand the election by sharing your views of the candidates and the issuese. A civil tone is encouraged, but a wide range of political views are welcomed. The VoteAmerica2010.org site provides similar information for other states, covering all races for US Senate, House of Representatives, Governor and state wide offices, state house races (e.g. assembly and state senate) and ballot initiatives. eVoteAmerica is AmericanTownsj latest initiative to help people find and share the local information most important to them and their families,e explained Jim Maglione, AmericanTownsj Co-President -
!ontinued to Pa,e 1.
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A TI(E / O R /A(ILY D<r)n4 t"e 9ee3 of No:e/Ber 2C - 277 HoAs d G)rls Cl<Bs of A/er)6a ]HGCA^ an& K)/BerlA-Clar3 ]K-C^ en6o<ra4e fa/)l)es a6ross t"e 6o<ntrA to s,en& E<al)tA t)/e to4et"er &<r)n4 Nat)onal Fa/)lA Wee37 a 9ee3 &e&)6ate& to foster)n4 t"e 6onne6t)ons Bet9een Ao<t" an& t"e)r fa/)l)es= T")s /ar3s t"e f)ft" Aear HGCA an& K-C "a:e ,artnere& to e@ten& t"e rea6" of t"e Fa/)lA PLUS ]Parents Lea&)n47 Un)t)n47 Ser:)n4^ ,ro4ra/ nat)onallA BA en4a4)n4 fa/)l)es )n a6t):)t)es t"at en"an6e t"e)r t)/e to4et"er= Nat)onal Fa/)lA Wee37 fo<n&e& BA t"e All)an6e for C")l&ren an& Fa/)l)es7 ,ro:)&es Cl<Bs an& fa/)l)es an o,,ort<n)tA to ,lan a :ar)etA of a6t):)t)es t"at en6o<ra4e fa/)lA o<t)n4s
Boys & Girls Club Family Plus Day Saturday, November 20th 10:00am to 2:00pm Everyone Welcome! Free food, entertainment, games, music Celebration of National Family Week an& to4et"erness= T")s Aear lo6al Cl<Bs are ,lann)n4 6o//<n)tA &)nners7 fa/)lA 4a/e n)4"ts7 fa/)lA /o:)e n)4"ts7 /<lt)6<lt<ral "ol)&aA 6eleBrat)ons7 l)4"t)n4 of t"e 4reen 6ere/on)es an& tal-
ent s"o9s= Cl<Bs also ,artner 9)t" ot"er 6o//<n)tA or4an);at)ons to 4):e t)/e an& &onat)ons t"ro<4" :ol<nteer o,,ort<n)t)es at lo6al s"elters= Nat)onal Fa/)lA Wee3 )s a nat<ral f)t 9)t" t"e tenets of Fa/)lA PLUS BA ta3)n4 a 6o/,re"ens):e a,,roa6" to &e:elo,)n4 A/er)6ahs Ao<t" BA 4):)n4 fa/)l)es a&&)t)onal en6o<ra4e/ent an& reso<r6es nee&e& to ra)se a 6")l& )n to&aAhs 9orl&= HA e@ten&)n4 Nat)onal Fa/)lA Wee3 a6t):)t)es to all of o<r Cl<Bs7 9e re/)n& fa/)l)es to 6eleBrate an& 6onne6t 9)t" one anot"er &<r)n4 t"e start of t"e "ol)&aA season= More )nfor/at)on aBo<t Nat)onal Fa/)lA Wee3 )s a:a)laBle at t"e HGCAhs Fa/)lA PLUS 9eBs)te at fa/)lA,l<s=B46a=or4
E D E N D E PA RT ( E N T SEEKS VOLUNTEER /IRE/I1HTERS By Fire Chief Tommy Underwood
T"e E&en F)re De,art/ent )s loo3)n4 for &e&)6ate&7 "ar&-9or3)n4 /en an& 9o/en to ser:e t"e)r fello9 6)t);ens as :ol<nteer f)ref)4"ters= >ol<nteers /<st l):e 9)t")n ? or )n 6lose ,ro@)/)tA of ? t"e E&en 6)tA l)/)ts= >ol<nteers /<st Be at least C8 Aears of a4e an& ,ossess a ")4" s6"ool &),lo/a or )ts eE<):alent= T"eA /<st "a:e a 6lean &r):)n4 re6or& an& 6lean 6r)/)nal ")storA an& /<st Be 9)ll)n4 to 4o t"ro<4" tra)n)n4 offere& t"ro<4" Ro63)n4"a/ Co//<n)tA Colle4e= He)n4 a :ol<nteer f)ref)4"ter )s a &e/an&)n4 IoB ? ,"As)6allA an& /entallA= Tra)n)n4 )s r)4oro<s at t)/es= If Ao< t")n3 Ao< /)4"t Be )ntereste&7 ,lease 6all F)re C")ef To//A Un&er9oo& for /ore )nfor/at)on at 62N-778P7 e@t= N0NC= To a,,lA to Be a :ol<nteer f)ref)4"ter7 6o/e to E&en C)tA Hall’s F)nan6e De,art/ent= >ol<nteer f)ref)4"ters are 6o/,ensate& for t"e)r t)/e= Home of the 1IANT ?@” PiCCaE
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R O B E R S O N 5A (ERICAN C A N C E R S OCIETY /UNDRAISER R ETURNS T"e se6on& ann<al T)s" E:ans RoBerson F<n&ra)ser for T"e A/er)6an Can6er So6)etA )s "ere= On No:e/Ber CN7 20C0 at E&en Moose Lo&4e7 626 ForBes Street7 E&en7 NC= T"e e:ent 9)ll at 6Z00,/ an& 4o all t"e 9aA to C2Z00a/7 )t 9)ll 6ost Ao< [\=00 ,er a&<lt an& [C=00 ,er 6")l& <n&er C2= T"e /<s)6 9)ll Be ,ro:)&e& BA Ronn)e ]T"e F)re/an^ O:erBA an& fa/)lA "o<r 9)ll Be 6-7,/ 9)t" s,e6)al enterta)n/ent an& &oor ,r);es for 3)&s= Me/orA_Honor Tree7 Honor or /e/or)al);e t"ose "at "a:e fo<4"t or are st)ll f)4"t)n4 6an6er= We 9)ll "a:e one 6olor star for t"ose 9e "a:e lost an& anot"er for t"ose 9e 9)s" to "onor as f)4"ters an& s<r:):ors= We "o,e to f)n& a ,<Bl)6 lo6at)on to &)s,laA t"e tree lon4 after t"e f<n&ra)ser= It 9)ll Be [C=00 ,er star= So you think you can cookEnter Ao< Best a,,et);er7 so<,7 or &essert )n o<r 6oo3-offsa EntrA fee )s [\=00 ,er entrA= ]Co/,et)tors 9)ll not Be 6"ar4e& a&/)ss)on to t"e e:ent=^ Dea&l)ne for enter)n4 t"e 6oo3off 9)ll Be CC_C27 \Z00,/= Pr);es 9)ll Be a9ar&e& for ea6" 6ate4orA at PZ00,/ CC_CN= ./0./ tickets on sale no45 [C=00_t)63et or [\=00 for 6 t)63ets= Dra9)n4 to Be "el& at PZ00,/7 CC_CN= S)lent a<6t)ons7 /anA )te/s a:a)laBle7 )n6l<&)n4 c t)63ets to t"e >a Te6" :s U>A footBall 4a/e= ]We are st)ll as3)n4 for &onat)ons of )te/s an& ser:)6es to Be a<6t)one&=^
A<6t)on res<lts to Be anno<n6e& at PZ00,/= CC_CN= Door ,r);es 9)ll Be a9ar&e& e:erA "o<r at t"e f<n&ra)ser= Co/e Io)n <s an& "el, <s ,<t an en& to 6an6era
:arc@s Futo Service TOWIN4 NOW AVAILABLE!
T>. SO 8an ;uren <dO, Eden
TTUV=`/V.JU` SHECLFL ^J. ;rake Service <esurface <otors All prices subject to change per manamgment
O)l C"an4e ^=/O// U, to \ Et= T)re Rotat)on ^JO__ Trans/)ss)on Fl<s" ^T_O_. Hort R Holish Wead V StartinY at ^T./ T"rottle Ho&A Ser:)6e ^=_O__ Ho<rs M-F 8-\ f Sat 8-C2
Welp Eour Childr en Weal Kr om Dhe Wur t 7f ?ivor ce D):or6e Care for K)&s7 DCcK7 ,ro:)&es a safe7 f<n ,la6e 9"ere Ao<r 6")l&ren 9)ll learn to <n&erstan& t"e)r feel)n4s7 e@,ress t"e)r e/ot)ons a,,ro,r)atelA7 feel Better aBo<t t"e/sel:es an& &e:elo, 6o,)n4 s3)lls= Kor FYes .V>= V Support Iroups :eetinY Every :onday UaT/ b `a// pm ;eYinninY Septemcer >T, =/>/ at Iro4inY 7aks Community Church, ==J> WarrinYton W4yO, Eden, NC Call TTUVTSSV/=>. or TTUVU=TV>>>S for more information
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Gr)efS"are d D):or6e Care 4ro<,s /eet e:erA Mon&aA fro/ 6ZN0 ,/ to 8Z00 ,/ at I<7ALNI 7FPS C7::CNLDE CWC<CW 2270 Harr)n4ton H9A7 E&en7 NC
Call TTUVU=TV>>>S for /ore )nfor/at)on 999=4ro9)n4oa3s=or4
DI#ORCE C!"e$ Someone ;ou Know Is Hurting Tell ")/ or "er aBo<t D):or6e Care7 a s,e6)al 9ee3lA se/)nar an& s<,,ort 4ro<, for ,eo,le 9"o are se,arate& or &):or6e&=
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Amanda Rorrer, Contributing writer - Author of Runningwrite.blogspot.com
34ou 5a6e a 75oi7e8 4ou 7an t5ro9 in t5e to9e: or u;e it to 9i<e t5e ;9eat off =our fa7e8> ?@atorade When I loo> bac> on the time in my life when I began running, I ha6e to laugh at myself. I wouldnct say I was introduced to running. Rather, running dust introduced itself to me. Vy first feeble attempt at running happened by accident. It was a half-hearted attempt to rush through a one mile wal>ing wor>out. That first lap around the trac> almost >illed me. I remember collapsing onto the ground, flat on my bac>, and staring at the bright blue eanuary s>y. I could ha6e sworn the earth was spinning as I desperately tried to catch my breath and simultaneously coughed up half a lung. I almost crawled bac> to my car and prayed that no one actually saw what I considered a total disaster. I was worn out and sore for days, but I couldnct let myself belie6e the result of that effort was all I was QcapableS of. So, I went bac> out to the trac>. For a month, I began running a little e6ery day. I set a goal to be able to run one mile without stopping or >eeling o6er, gasping for breath. I told no one but my husband, who honestly didnct understand where this new Qone mileS goal was coming from. Nine months later, despite many sar-
castic remar>s and insane loo>s from some family and friends, I ran my first half-marathon. I crossed that Rorrer finish line, my first one e6er, and it was officialX I was a runner. I still catch sarcasm and craEy comments from my friends, but I dust smile when they call me QForrest Gump.S Sometimes I thin> the only people who understand my need to run are my husband and my daddy. But then I remember that there are millions of other people who ha6e running fe6er and sign up for races all across the country during e6ery month of the year. We canct all be craEyf In 200Y, I adopted my dog Sophie. She Luic>ly became my new and preferred running partner. She lifted me out of a Qrunning rutS and >ept me going out to run in the cold. I remember climbing a steep hill in my neighborhood one day with Sophie. She was right by side, matching me step for step, when a neighbor shouted, QHeyf Whocs pulling who up that hill;S I replied with the first thing that came to my mind. QWecre a teamfS I shouted bac>. Icll always lo6e to run with
T:; Lo>;?ac; ToBc: MoCi?; DaE SFa 336-791-5699 Audrey Lo6elace, LVBT License hcs 120201a420 i Va. Cosmetology License h1201103600
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Sophie, but now I ha6e a new team to run with. They are 21 boys and girls who ma>e up Voreheadcs Cross Country team. They call me QCoachS and sometimes when I hear that name, it still ta>es a second to remember theycre tal>ing to me. Icm new at this coaching thing, and I ne6er played organiEed sports, so I donct ha6e a great mentor to model my coaching philosophy after. Icll be the first to admit that I am learning as I go, but I >now two things for sureX I lo6e running and I lo6e my team. Wor>ing out with the team has forced me to return to the basics of running. Ic6e had to lay down the ipod and reconnect with the sound of my feet hitting the ground. Before coaching, I could run without the con6ersation of others, but I ne6er wanted to run without music. Now, the music that fills my ears is the sound of the team cheering each other on as we run hill repeats. And somehow, e6eryday, each member of the team returns for more. Vore running, more pushing our limits, more soreness, more sweat. We ha6enct won e6ery meet, but our times >eep impro6ing. Itcs li>e we all had to start with that 6ery first lap. We >now that the first lap, the first mile, and the first race may not be prettyg but we >now wecre capable of more, so together wecre wor>ing toward our goals. Some people thin> that winning is the most important thing, but for a runner, the most important things are often impro6ing and finishing. Coach S>ip Prosser said WIN means focusing on QWhatcs Important Now.S For us, the important thing is that we are a team. Wecre out there, doing what we lo6e, and we are impro6ing with each step.
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County Star Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 12 Community. +And what is more important than our right to 6ote, and our ci6ic duty to be an informed 6oter;+ About AmericanTowns AmericanTowns Networ> is a national platform empowering residents of o6er 15,000 towns and neighborhoods to find and share the local information most important to them, their families and their community. AmericanTowns brings unprecedented eDpertise and technology to collecting, de6eloping, and organiEing the most rele6ant information for each town or city, and shares this information freely with other community media. Calling on o6er 150,000 original sources, AmericanTowns connects each community, featuring continuously updated e6ents, community group listings, local newsFblogsFtweets, photosF6ideos and business ser6ices. Local organiEations use AmericanTowns powerful scheduling and communication tools to share millions of e6ents and notices to reach o6er 3 million indi6iduals per month, through the CompanyIs web sites Jwww.AmericanTowns.comK, mobile presence and social networ>s. AmericanTowns Networ> is headLuartered in Fairfield, Connecticut.
R C ATS PA RT)ERS W,TH FR E E C /,),C Roc>ingham Community Access Transit Ser6ices JRCATSK is launching a new and eDciting partnership with the Free Clinic of Roc>ingham County, Inc. QWe are thrilled to be able to partner with the Free Clinic to pro6ide much needed transportation for their clients,S said T. Lee Co6ington, eDecuti6e director of Aging, Disability and Transit Ser6ices, under which RCATS operates. QWith additional funds from NCDOT designated for QNew Initiati6esS, we hope to pro6ide year-round ser6ice to people who need to get to the Free Clinic, but ha6e no means of transportation.S +If we ha6e wished once we ha6e wished upon the stars one thousand times for a solution to our patientsI transportation dilemmas,S said Leslie Deaton, eDecuti6e director of the Free Clinic. QVany patients ha6e had to rely upon friends, neighbors, or family members to find a way to get to our eDam room or dental chair. Than>s to an eDciting collaborati6e partnership with RCATS, our wildest dream has come true. This is a win-win for residents across the county who are in need of a medical home.+ RCATS will pro6ide ser6ices under this partnership e6ery Tuesday and Thursday from 4X30-YX30 pm. To be eligible, clients must ha6e a 6alid appointment with the Free Clinic prior to calling RCATS at 34Y-228Y. RCATS operates a fleet of 21 6ans that pro6ides door-to-door ser6ice throughout the county. SiDteen of the 6ans are eLuipped with a lift. The 6ans ma>e 400 to 500 trips per day, rac>ing up 50,000 to 55,000 miles per month. Aging, Disability and Transit Ser6ices is a pri6ate nonprofit agency dedicated to assisting and lin>ing senior adults, people with disabilities and their families with information, opportunities and ser6ices that promote and enhance Luality of life, and to meeting the local transportation needs of Roc>ingham County citiEens. This mission is accomplished through pro6iding an array of community ser6ices including Home Health JCAP-DA, CAP-C, PCS, Home & Community Bloc> GrantK, Veals on Wheels, Veals With Friends Nutrition Sites, Adult Day Care, RCATS Public Access Transportation, and Ad6ocacy and Referral Ser6ices. For more information, call 34a-2343, or 6isit www.adtsrc.org. Celebrating its 12th anni6ersary this year, The Free Clinic of Roc>ingham County, Inc. JFCRCK dedicates itself to pro6iding a medical home to low income, uninsured residents of Roc>ingham County. By relying on the generous professional and nonprofessional support of caring 6olunteers, FCRC is open two e6enings a wee> for medical, dental, and pharmacy ser6ices and offers chronic disease management during daytime hours. To Lualify for ser6ices, indi6iduals must reside in Roc>ingham County, meet federal po6erty guidelines at 200b, ha6e no form of health insurance including Vedicaid or Vedicare JVedicare recipients are eligible for dental
Continued to Page -1
" # " $ P &"S"&()T+,$ S ,-+"T. / , & 0 S +$ TH " - ,223$+T. T, & )+S" ) / )&"$"SS The Eden Historical Museum, located at 656 Washington Street, Eden, would love for you to visit and the Eden Preservation Society welcomes new members. Below are some events planned for the upcoming season. Upcoming Washington Street Events include Sunday, November 14: Holiday Open House and EPS Bake Sale., and Tuesday, December 14: Candlelight Downtown. • Bake Sale:This year’s Annual Eden Preservation Society Bake Sale will be held at Pace Stone during the Holiday Open House along Washington Street on Sunday, November 14th, 2010. If you would like to contribute baked goods to this very important fund-raiser, please call Pam Archer at 336-623-2348 or Uean Harrington at 336-6232225. This will be the perfect opportunity for everyone to stock up on baked goods for the upcoming holidays and to help EPS raise much needed funds for our current and future projects. • Community Appearance Award: The Old Spray Cemetery on Church Street was awarded the Eden Community Appearance Award for the month of
September! Although the cleanup of this cemetery was begun as a project of EPS, high school senior Uosh Clark asked to take over the cleanup efforts as his Eagle Scout project, and he soon enlisted the help of the American Xegion. Uosh and his parents have also installed a fence and attractive sign at the entrance. Congratulations! • Christmas Tour Of Homes: This year’s tour will be Sunday, December 5, 2010. Mark your calendars so that you won’t miss this event! Xocations include: Home of Doug & Betty Shaw The Farabee Home of U. R. Amburn Home of Gene & Uanice Hagood Home Of Billy & ]ivian Phillips More information will be available closer to the tour date. • Construction Update: Construction of the new display cases in the exhibit bays is underway and should be completed soon! These exhibits will cover the time period from 1900 - 1967. New volunteer, Mike Carter, is doing the carpentry and has done a fantastic job. Mike is a native of Eden, but has just recently moved back to the area to be close to his family after
Consultant Contractors, Inc.
many years away. He is attempting to re-establish a business here doing carpentry, building and remodeling and has 25 years experience in the business. Give him a call at 336-612-2114. • Our Wish Xist We are currently seeking donations of these artifacts and photos for our permanent exhibits: Xocal items from the Great Depression. Xocal tobacco items: leaves, tags, bags, etc. Annie E Uohns’ Cooleemee: A Tale Of Southern Xife. ]ietnam War items of local veterans. Photos and bios of local veterans. Marshall Field items. Draper Xicense Tag. Cotton Bolls Other interesting local items! • ]olunteers Needed: Can you spare a few hours a month on Saturdays to volunteer at the museuma Please call 623-0773 if so! • Xeaksville Xadies Auxiliary Information Needed! Steve Uohnson of Golden, Co. is writing a history of WWII State Guard units and he is especially
].C. ICE • Sales and Service +*>,,*??@*,AA> .a/&B&?C>*@DE+ FiHht&B&C@'*@'A>
BY BRAD SMITH Mayodan, N.C. - Danville, ].A. - Meadows Of Dan, ].A.
intrigued by the Xeaksville Xadies Auxiliary because it is the first one he’s found in the U.S. that was part of an actual State Guard unit ( 19th State Guard Company, 4th Battalion). He is seeking information and photos concerning the ladies that were part of this unit. Please contact us at 623-0773 or edenhistoricalmuseumdyahoo.com and we will forward the information to him. Eden Historical Museum located at 656 Washington Street Eden, N.C. 27288. Call 336-6230773. Hours Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. also open during special events and by appointment.
Draper SpeedCay Shirts Great Christmas GiftsF $15 Each Or TCo For $25 Sm. - bbb Lg. Mens & Womencs We Buy Draper City Tags, Draper High & SpeedCay Paraphernalia Draper CyHRes V13 SI BieRdHrest RdI J Eden Z336[ 63V-VL11 draperHyHRe\yahooIHoO
G@RAAA B@@DDAND E13 ChFrHh StI, Eden, NC J 623-2KL1 Bresh Meats J CFstoO CFt SteaPs CFt WhiRe AoF Wait
LoS RiTeye - UV J HaOTFrger U2I6K RT Bresh CFt BoRogna & Cheese DXSC@YNTS @N DARGE @RDERS !ours&'a)*+,p)&&*&&&'&.a/s&0 1ee3
Pies 8 -a:es 8 -oo:ies 8 Pump:in &ollsA
6-2-S-W-E-E-T (336)-627-9338 323 B. E. MeadoC Rd., Eden, NC
;r<er 4arl/=
EDEN TIRE AND WHEEL CENTER 230 E. Meadow Rd. Eden, NC 27288 (336) 623-9122
OIL CHANGES Starting at
Wheel A Little Shakey[ Don’t Take Any ChancesF We NoC Have The Hunter Alignment MachineF 2 Wheel - $35.95 • 4 Wheel - $45.95 Brakes, Tires, Wheels, Oil Changes and also Minor Auto Repair
Locally OCned & OperatedF
Hours : Mon.-Fri. 8am-5:30pm, Sat. 8am-1pm
GEARHART’S Paint & Body Shop !arold (earhart, owner/operator of (earhart’s 4aint 6 7ody 9hop, has over ;< years of automobile collision and refinishing eBperience. Dhe full service paint 6 collision shop does anything from small touch up to complete all over refinishing and can repair anything from small dings and adjustments to major collision 6 frame repairs. • The modern climate controlled facility offers year round repairs, avoiding temperature & humidity related problems. • The Dupont computerized paint mixing and color matching to your specific vehicle. Our computerized frame dimensions assures correct body & frame analysis & realignment after a collision. • Mitchell computerized estimating Gt’s Heer 9easonI and pricing gives fair and accurate estimates, no surprise hidden costs. Be careful, • Equipped with specialized welding sloC doCnF equipment • Fully licensed and insured and work with all major insurance companies to return your vehicle to pre-accident condition. 9o come and see !arold or Fosh (earhart for a free estimate.
610 Boone Road, Eden, NC 336-623-3113
! PAGE 20 EDENâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S OWN / COUNTY STAR, NOVEMBER 2010
F#$%T'(%F)*%O,%I. Middle Age... Middle age is *hen you go to the doctor and you realize you kno* have to pay someone to look at you naked. 9he good ne*s about middle age is that the glass is still half< full= of course, the bad ne*s is that it *on?t be long before your teeth are floating in it. You kno* you are getting old *hen you go for a mammogram and you realize it is the only time someone *ill ask you to appear topless in film. Middle age is *hen you bounce, but you don?t bounce back. Middle age brings the *is< dom that life thro*s you curves= and that you?re no* sit< ting on your biggest ones. It?s very hard to Bget Ciggy *ith itD in Middle age= Ciggly, yesE Ciggy, no.
Parking 9*o street people *ere being entertained *atching a teenager try to park a car across the street. 9he space *as ample, but the dri< ver Cust couldn?t maneuver the car into it. 9raffic *as Cammed. Angry drivers honked, further flabbergasting the poor youth. It took all of five minutes before the car *as in place. B9hat,D said one of the idlers, BIs *hat you call paralyzed park< ing.D
Not Spicy Enough A man called TUU to report that a sand*ich shop had left off the hot sauce *hen making his spicy Italian sand*ich. Ve called a second time to complain that the police *ere not responding Guickly enough. 9he employees had locked him out *hen he left to make the call because he *as yelling at them and belligerent. 9he police tried to calm him do*n and explain the proper use of TUU, to no avail. Ve *as arrested and charged *ith making a false call to the police.
An emergency landing According to f9he Australian,f an airliner recently encountered severe vibration in flight. 9he captain decided to make an emergency landing, and s*itched on the seat belt sign. 9he vibration stopped imme< diately. A passenger emerged from a lavatory and explained that he had been Cogging in place inside.
Too Long Lne candidate at a politcal rally held the podium a full forty minutes *ith *hat had to be the most meaningless, boring speech in the county?s history. ^inally, he concluded and asked if any< one in the audience had a Gues< tion. BI do,D piped up a voice. BWho?s your opponent[D
IDIOT SIGHTING : I live in a semi<rural area. We recently had a ne* neighbor call the local to*nship adminis< trative office to reGuest the removal of the DEER CRLSS< INO sign on our road. 9he rea< son: '9oo many deer are being hit by cars out hereR I don't think this is a good place for them to be crossing anymore.'
9hree golfers, Jesus, Moses and an old man, get to the Ucth tee. It?s all tied. All three have the same score. Jesus? second shot goes into the *ater and lands on a rock. Ve *alks on the *ater out to the ball and hits it *ithin a foot of the hole. Mosesd second shot also goes into the *ater and sinks. Ve parts the *ater and then hits his ball *ithin a foot of the hole. 9he old man also hits his sec< ond shot into the *ater, but it lands on a *ater lilly. A frog comes out of the *ater and takes the ball. Just then a bird s*oops do*n and grabs the frog and car< ries him, *ith the ball, right over the Ucth hole *here the frog drops the ball right into the cup. Moses turns to Jesus and says, BYou kno*, I really hate playing *ith your Dad.D
WORDS YOU DONMT HEAR ANYMORE: X Be sure to refill the ice trays, *e're going to have company. X Watch for the postman, I *ant to get this letter to Willie in the mail today. X Zuit slamming the screen door *hen you go outR X Be sure and pull the *indo*s do*n *hen you leave, it looks like a sho*er is coming up. X Don't forget to *ind the clock before you go to bed. X Wash your feet before you go to bed, you've been playing outside all day barefooted. X Why can't you remember to roll up your britches legs[ Oetting them caught in the bicycle chain so many times is tearing them up. X You have torn the knees out of that pair of pants so many times there is nothing left to put a patch on. X Don't you go outside *ith your school clothes onR X Oo comb your hairE it looks like the rats have nested in it all night. X Be sure and pour the cream off the top of the milk *hen you open the ne* bottle. X 9ake that empty bottle to the store *ith you so you *on't have to pay a deposit on another one. X \ut a dish to*el over the cake so the flies *on't get on it. X Zuit Cumping on the floorR I have a cake in the oven and you are going to make it fall if you don't GuitR X Let me kno* *hen the ^uller Brush man comes by, I need to get a fe* things from him. X You boys stay close by, the car may not start and I *ill need you to help push it off. X 9here's a dollar in my purse, get _ gallons of gas *hen you go to to*n. X Lpen the back door and see if *e can get a breeze through here, it is getting hot. X You can *alk to the storeE it *on't hurt you to get some exer< cise. X Don't sit too close to the 9V. It is hard on your eyes. X If you pull that stunt again, I am going to *ear you outR X Don't lose that buttonE I'll se* it back on after a*hile. XWash under your neck before you come to the table, you have beads of dirt and s*eat all under there. X Oet out from under the se*ing machineE pumping it messes up the threadR X Be sure and fill the lamps this morning so *e don't have to do that tonight in the dark. X Vere, take this old magazine to the toilet *ith you *hen you go, *e are almost out of paper out there. X Oo out to the *ell and dra* a bucket of *ater so I can *ash dishes. X Don't turn the radio on no*, I *ant the battery to be up *hen the Orand Lle Lpry comes on. X NoR I don't have Ua cents for you to go to the sho*. Do you think money gro*s on trees[ X Eat those turnips, they'll make you big and strong like your daddy. X 9hat dog is NL9 coming in this houseR I don't care ho* cold it is out there, dogs don't stay in the house.
IMm Really Over 21
Golfing in Heaven
X Sit stillR I'm trying to get your hair cut straight and you keep moving and it is all messed up. X Vush your mouthR I don't *ant to hear *ords like thatR I'll *ash your mouth out *ith soapR It is time for your system to be cleaned out. X I am going to give you a dose of castor oil tonight. X If you get a spanking in school and I find out about it, you'll get another one *hen you get home. X Zuit crossing your eyesR 9hey *ill get stuck that *ayR X Soak your foot in this pan of kerosene so that bad cut *on't get infected. X When you take your driving test, don't forget to signal each turn. Left arm straight out the *indo* for a left turnE left arm bent up at the elbo* for a right turnE and straight do*n to the side of the door *hen you are going to stop. X It's: 'Yes Ma'amR' and 'No Ma'amR' to me, young man, and don't you forget itR X Bring back any Memories[ Sure did for MeR
Due Back An actor once rose to accept an a*ard. B Don?t *orry,D he began. BI *on?t speak very long. 9his tuxedo is due back in half an hour.D
A man *alked into the corner store *ith a gun, planning to rob it. Ve demanded all the money in the till. 9he cashier put the money into a bag, as the robber instructed him to. 9he robber then demanded the bottle of Scotch he sa* behind the counter. But the cashier *ouldn't give it to him because he said he didn't believe the robber *as over eU. 9he robber pulled out his driver's license to prove it and the cashier gave him the Scotch. After the robber left, the cashier called the police *ith the man's name and address. Ve *as arrested soon after.
Three very tough mice 9hree rats are sitting at the bar talking bragging about their bravery and toughness. 9he first says, fI'm so tough, once I ate a *hole bagful of rat poisonRf 9he second says, fWell I'm so tough, once I *as caught in a rat trap and I bit it apartRf 9hen the third rat gets up and says, fLater guys, I'm off home to harass the cat.f
Farther BI think the older my grandpa gets,D a girl remarked to a friend, Bthe farther he had to *alk to school *hen he *as my age.D
Watch Out Watch Lut ^or the Lld Broadsan c_<year<old *oman heard someone break into her home one Sunday afternoon. She calmly *alked past the teenager and into her bedroom *here she got a .ee caliber gun she kept there. 9hen she came back out, pointed the gun at him and made him pick up the phone and call the police. She kept the gun pointed at him until the police arrived. 9he boy *as charged *ith attempted burglary.
!er$%&' )*e& +or -$er ./ 0ear2
112 N. Van Buren Rd. Hwy. 14, Eden, NC !"##$ %$ &'uare Mea. "n $ 0ound !an3
Phone 627-1706 ^or 9ake Lut Lrders
Daily Lunch Specials Served Til 3:30 p.m.
$"NCH S!%CIA$./ !I##A0 SA$AD 2 DRINK
!"##$% Locate These Hidden Words In Edenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Own Find A Word
There are 13 letters left. For the answer see classified page
( : C ; ) ,%ICI<)%$. =C)R>LI,) County 7ta9 ; > ( $ 7 ; > ?@ %> R $%:R, Investing In Roc-ingham County4s Quality of 8ife +'2;/2<"4#&%'(#P.3"#EF !er$i&e! on*+,- and 0a$e one 1ua*ified mem5er of t0e 0ou!e7 0o*d 80o i! gainfu**+ em:*o+ed or re&ei$ing unem:*o+ment or di!a5i*it+ 5enefit!; < :ri$ate- non7:rofit organi=a7 tion- >C@C i! tota**+ de:endent u:on t0e genero!it+ of &0arita7 5*e tru!t! and foundation! and :ri$ate donation! from t0e &om7 munit+; Ao find out more infor7 mation a5out 5e&oming a :atient- $o*unteer o::ortunitie!or !u::orting t0e C*ini&B! mi!7 !ion 8it0 a monetar+ gift:*ea!e &a** CDE7C22G or $i!it t0e C*ini&B! 8e5!ite at 888;free&*ini&ofro&Hing0am7 &ount+;org;
"L$%& ( )*I,) . I//$R$,C$ WENTWORTH I A0e Ja!i& Ka8 Lnfor&ement Araining :ro7 gram at @o&Hing0am Communit+ Co**ege i! offering an e$ening JKLA &our!e t0i! !:ring; L$ening &*a!!e! 8i** 5e 0e*d Monda+ t0roug0 >rida+ from N71G :;m; and Paturda+! from 8 a;m; to R :;m;- San; R2G117Sune 2N- 2G11; JKLA !tudent! re&ei$e a minimum of N2D 0our! of in!tru&tion; A0e a::roTimate &o!t i! UVRG; <::*i&ation! for t0e e$ening :rogram 8i** 5e a&&e:ted t0roug0 We&; 1; Ja!i& re1uirement! for entering t0e JKLA :rogram areX a::*i&ant! mu!t 5e a Y;P; &iti7 =en- a Zort0 Caro*ina re!identand 5e o$er 2G +ear! o*d 8it0 a 0ig0 !&0oo* di:*oma or [LW; <::*i&ant! mu!t a*!o 5e !:on7 !ored 5+ a *a8 enfor&ement agen&+- 0a$e a &*ean &rimina* re&ord- &om:*ete a :0+!i&a* eTamination and a 8ritten :er7 !ona* 0i!tor+ form- :a!! a read7 ing &om:re0en!ion te!t- and 5e a&&e:ted into t0e :rogram 5+ t0e JKLA :rogram dire&tor; <::*i&ant! mu!t 5e in good :0+!i&a* &ondition and 5e a5*e to :arti&i:ate in !trenuou! :0+!7 i&a* a&ti$itie!; Program materia* and te!t! are !tate mandated; A0ereforet0o!e a&&e:ted into t0e :rogram mu!t attend a** :eriod! of in!tru&tion- !u&&e!!fu**+ :a!! a** te!t!- and a&0ie$e a mini7 mum of VG :er&ent on ea&0 of t0e !iT area! in t0e ZC Ptate Com:re0en!i$e LTamination; A0e :rogram at @CC i! 0ig0*+ regarded t0roug0out t0e !tate; Man+ graduate! find em:*o+ment in @o&Hing0am and !urrounding &ountie! !u&0 a! <*aman&e- >or!+t0- [ui*ford and PtoHe! &ountie!; ]t0er! 0a$e 5ui*t &areer! in &0oi&e *o&ation! !u&0 a! ^i*mington; _f +ou are intere!ted in t0e Ja!i& Ka8 Lnfor&ement Araining Program- &onta&t MiHe Mur:0+- JKLA dire&torat CCN7CD27D2N1- LTt; 2C2R or e7mai* to mur:0+md`ro&Hing7 0am&&;edu;
>a** i! 0ere and Ji** and Pu!an Moore at aa8H P:irit Ptudio are 1uite 5u!+ :re:aring for t0e 1Rt0 annua* Caro*ina aome P0o8; >rom it! 5eginning in 1EEN- t0i! e$ent 0a! gro8n from 12 arti!t! to t0e NR arti!t! and &raft!:eo:*e 80o 8i** 0a$e t0eir 8orH at t0i! +earb! !0o8; aa8H P:irit Ptudio- 80i&0 o:ened in 1EE8- i! *o&ated on t0e former !ite of t0e o*d Moore fam7 i*+ 0ome 80i&0 8a! de!tro+ed 5+ a fire in We&em5er of 1EEN; A0e !tudio !ite i! in t0e &enter of ro**ing farm*and and offer! Ji** and Pu!an a !erene en$ironment for &reation of t0eir g*a!! and :otter+ :ie&e!; ao8e$er- on Zo$em5er RNt0 and Vt0 aa8H P:irit Ptudio 8i** 5e&ome a $i5rant &enter of a&ti$it+ 80en t0e Caro*ina aome P0o8 i! taHing :*a&e; A0i! +earb! !0o8 80i&0 feature! *o&a* and regiona* arti!t!- 8i** &ontain an eTten!i$e and eT:anded !e*e&tion of origina* 8orH! from t0e 0and! of arti!t! and &raft!men in&*uding !tained and fu!ed g*a!!- :otter+!&u*:ture- forged &o::er and !tee*- :ainting!- :0otogra:0+ce8e*r+- &and*e!- turned 8oodorigina* note &ard!- !oa:7du7courgarden a&&ent :ie&e!- 0ome dd&or- &o**age!- teTti*e! and more; Mu!i&a* entertainment 8i** 5e featured !tarting at 1GXGG a;m; Paturda+ and a*!o on Punda+ J KThe Best Small Business To Start Right No=L ^0at 8ou*d 5e t0e 5e!t !ma** 5u!ine!! for +ou to !tart rig0t no8l ^ou*d it 5e a !er$i&e 5u!ine!!- retai*- manufa&turing or dire&t marHetingl A0e :rogram 8i** fo&u! on 0o8 to &reate a 5u!ine!! idea t0at fit! +ou and j0otk 5u!ine!!e! t0at 8i** gro8 in &oming +ear!; _f +ou t0inH t0e time i! rig0t for +ou to !tart a 5u!ine!! 7 +oubre rig0t` A0i! :rogram 8i** 0e*: +ou get !tarted t0e rig0t 8a+; 7 >ree MiHe Co**in! Pe&tion m 1VVN8 Zo$; 2- 2G1G 7 N :;m; 7 8XCG :;m; J KHey, I4m Diverse TooFL Come and find out a5out t0e im:a&t t0at di$er!it+ 0a! 0ad on t0e 5u!ine!! &ommunit+; A0e ru*e! 0a$e &0anged for e$er+ a!:e&t of 5u!ine!! 7 from marHet7 ing to 0iring; Soin nationa**+ Hno8n !:eaHer- Wa*e Met=- a! 0e !0are! idea! to 0e*: in t0e!e ra:id*+ &0anging time!; Wa*e Met= Pe&tion m1VVNE Zo$em5er E- 2G1G 7 N :;m; 7 8XCG :;m; 7 >ree KHoliday Stress Management >or 9or-ing 9omenL ao ao aon 7 <re +ou 0a$ing fun +et- or are +ou 8ondering 0o8 +oub** cugg*e 8orHing- !0o:7 :ing- 5aHing- 8ra::ing- and !:ending time 8it0 fami*+ and friend!;;; and Hee: +our !anit+nln Come taHe a 0umorou! *ooH at our eT:e&tation! and t0e :it7 fa**! t0at tra: u!; >ree; Lmi*+ Ja*an&e Pe&tion m 1VVV1 Zo$; 1N- 2G1G 7 N 7 8XCG :;m; 7 J Create Oour Sales Presentation In MS Po=erPointL ^it0 tem:*ate! and a 5a!i& under!tanding of entering data+ou &an &reate a :re!entation in minute!; >ree; @on P0affer Pe&tion m 1VVVG Zo$; 11- 2G1G 7 N 7 8XCG :;m;
Double >4s Beauty Salon V[)DA KFB\@ H]`C Z EOMB
afternoon; A0e Caro*ina aome P0o8 0a! eT:erien&ed tremendou! gro8t0 !in&e t0e fir!t !0o8 0e*d at t0e !tudio in 1EE8; ^it0 a!!i!7 tan&e from t0e @o&Hing0am Partner!0i: for L&onomi& and Aouri!m We$e*o:ment and effort! of t0e Lden C0am5er of Commer&e- t0e Moore! are a5*e to &ondu&t a 5road ad$erti!ing &am:aign *o&a**+ and in t0e Piedmont Ariad and Pout0!ide eirginia area!; @egiona* te*e$i7 !ion- radio and :rinted media ad$erti!ing :*u! o$er 22GG announ&ement! of t0e 2G1G e$ent mai*ed to indi$idua*! and 0ou!e7 0o*d! 8i** 5e u!ed to :romote t0e !0o8; A0e Caro*ina aome P0o8 offer! a 8ide $ariet+ of uni1ue 0andmade item! and gift! for a** age!; ^e attem:t to :ro$ide a 8onderfu**+ :*ea!ant eT:erien&e for our &u!tomer! t0at 8i** maHe t0em 8ant to &ome 5a&H to :atroni=e u! a! 8e** a! ot0er 5u!i7 ne!!e! in our area; A0e Caro*ina aome P0o8 i! a free e$ent7Zo$em5er R711XGG am7NXGG:mZo$em5er N7 EXGGam7DXGG:m- Zo$em5er V7 12XCG:m7DXGG:m; aa8H P:irit Ptudio i! *o&at7 ed at N8C Ki$eoaH @oad@eid!$i**e- Zort0 Caro*ina-71 mi*e off Z;C; aig08a+ 1D; Ki$eoaH @oad turn! off Z;C; aig08a+ 1D- C mi*e! !out0 of Lden and V mi*e! nort0 of Y;P; 2E; Ao &onta&t- &a** CCN7CDE7 8CNC or e7mai* 0a8H!:t`5e**7 !out0;net or $i!it our 8e5!ite at 0a8H!:irit!tudio;8ord:re!!;&om;
VVJDJ(WDWJ)) L*nora jJut&0k Wi**ard 7 ]8nerg Pt+*i!t Serr+ Jai*e+ 7 Jar5or Me* Martin 7 Pt+*i!t
NHOFBM C=__ ANN=>BPFB\ T THL <<C 11G Zort0 2nd <$e; f P;]; JoT VC f Ma+odan Zadine Co55 <&&ountantgCon!u*tant
While 'ou Were +utOeeM?FB\ SM?cFNM@ S>NQ A@A PMP SM?cFNM@A Pitting f ^a*Hing f >eed h ^ater f P*a+ f Medi&ate f Put ]utgJring _n H=IM SM?cFNM@A aou!e Pitting f [et Mai* _n f Kig0t! <*ternated f P*ant! Cared >or f Me!!age! >or8arded f Pe&urit+ C0e&H! f Kig0t aou!e iee:ing
Call 0i1a Doss At 336-613-3025 Anytime-
9interi;e No= >or A Safe Holiday Travel >rom Dosh Smith Auto RepairF ELKM?FMBNMO WFPQ ARR MHSM@ T M=OMR@C ARR W=?S G>H?HBPMMOU W"#P"%&'%(#A*+#R"-./%0#E23/2"#A24#T%.26(/66/'2 R"-./%#S8'9:6#*#S;%<;60#=%.:"60#T<2">U-60# O/A#+8.23"60#I26-"9;/'26 ASE#+"%;/&/"4##C +'(-<;"%#D/.32'6;/96 PQ=BM A VVJDJ(WDXY)) Z FHL A VVJDJ(WD)Y))
County Star
F)", T+% D%P*P OQ CITY HALL D O N’T MISS THE CELEBRATION O N B RIDGE S TREET! $% '(h))% *ar-er. /ar0s & 3e4reati() 7ire4t(r
The City of Eden and American Legion William bohnson Post n534 will hold a ceremony at the Bridge Street Recreation Center on Saturday, Nov. 13. The ceremony to recognize our veterans will be held at the WWI and WWII Memorial or in the gym, depending on the weather. The event kicks off at 10 a.m. with the Morehead High School bROTC presenting the colors and conducting a flag ceremony. The MHS band and glee club and Douglass Elementary students will also perform. An Army Reserve and National Guard Humvee will be on site for the kids to see. Refreshments will be available, donations suggested. Come out and support our local heroes. Other events at the center will include a display of paintings by art students from the Garden of Eden Senior Center. Their works will be exhibited in the gym from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. The Friends Senior Citizens Club will be selling fried apple and sweet potato pies to raise money for the club’s service projects, including buying Christmas gifts for needy children enrolled in recreation programs with the city. The American Legion will be collecting worn flags to be properly disposed of. Pull tabs will also be collected for the Ronald McDonald House Charities. For more information about the event, call the Garden of Eden Senior Center at 627-4711.
Christmas Open House November 15th 6 14th
R%Q)%P+,%#3P <$// B% S%)R%ST <% <$// D%0")(3% Y"U) H"UP% F") T+% H"/$S(VPT H"U)PM TU%PS(V - F)$S(V - FE(,-L2, G S(3W FE(W, -XMEE G SU#W F2W,-N 2W,W
952 Washington Street, Eden l Pat Reynolds, Owner
Absolutely Per5ect7 Mo9e-%n Ready7
Investin( In Rockin(ham County’s 5uality of Life
E D E N’S LEAF SEASON IS HERE $% 7arre) 8atew((:. ;u=eri)te):e)t (> the ;treet 7ivisi()
The City of Eden has started its loose-leaf collection and it will continue through March 4, 2011. Most collection is scheduled as follows> Garbage Collection Leaf Collection Monday Tuesday Tuesday Monday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Friday Thursday There are a few exceptions. Leaf pickup on Dameron Street, Highland Drive and in parts of the Central area (Stadium Drive toward Kings Highway) will be on Wednesday. The most recent annexed areas of the city along and between N.C. 135 and N.C. 770 will have their leaves collected on their regular garbage collection day – Friday. There are several things you must do to make sure your leaves get picked up> T Have them at the curb by 7 a.m. on your collection day. T Do not place leaves in the traveled portion of the roadway where traffic would be impeded. Pile them away from any objects such as parked cars, low-hanging tree limbs, catch basins and drainpipes. T Do not put leaves in the actual ditch, which could cause flooding. T Sticks, rocks, bricks and other such objects should be kept out of the leaves for pickup as they delay the collection process and can cause severe damage to the collection equipment. You are encouraged to keep leaves on your property and compost when possible by implementing a backyard composting project. If you want leaves for gardening purposes, call the Street Division for information on signing up for delivery of leaves by the truckload. For more information regarding leaf collection, call the Street Division at EET Y O U R D E N 627-7783, ext. 102 or Environmental Services at 623- CITY E M P L O Y E E S 2110, option 4. R"##$% M()*+(, P"/$0% D%2()3,%#3 Detective Ronnie Markham has more than 20 years of experience in law enforcement, five of those with the Eden P o l i c e Department. After all that time in one career, he still enjoys Markham his job. As with many of Eden’s finest, Markham cites helping people as his favorite part of being a law enforcement officer. His typical workday involves reviewing reports to find out who was victimized and who committed the crime. Markham likes working in Eden - “a small city with a lot of great people” - but notes that it needs economic growth. “We have all the right things a company needs,” he said. Markham is from Caswell
Holiday Gifts 6 Decor?
M-M RE C. DEPT. OFFERS S E A S O N A L C LASSES Christmas is just around the corner. so to help you get into the Christmas spirit, the Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department will be offering a special holiday classc boin us Saturday, November 20th for a Bow Making Class. Details are as follows> 2 classes available 9>30am - 11>00am & 11>15am - 12>45pm gBoth classes are the sameg Cost h i7.00 for ages 65j i10.00 for ages 64 and under Fees include all materials & instruction to make 2 bows. If you would like to make additional bows, you will be responsible for the materials. Space is limited to 10 participants per class & pre-registration is requiredc For questions or more information, please contact the Madison-Mayodan Recreation Department at (336) 548-2789.
TH E ATRE G UILD H O L D S A UDITIONS Shows may have specific autidion requirements. Please visit www.tgrc-nc.com for details. Auditions for Theatre Guild of Rockingham County production of GYPSY will be as follows> Nov. 11 & 12 - 6>30pm Ages 14 and older - RCC Auditorium Nov. 13 - 10am Ages 7 - 13, RCC Student Center Nov. 13 - 2pm - Callbacks RCC Student Center Alternate auditon dates may be arranged by contacting mike Morrison at momorrktgrc-nc.com. Parades Planned G MADISON PARADE - 7ND SATURDAY IN DECEMBER G REIDSVILLE PARADE - NOVEMBER 7ETH AT LMNE
County and lives there with his wife Caroline and their three children, Alex, Kerrington and bulia. His interests include camping, auctions and soccer games with his sons. He looks forward to retirement several years down the road when he plans to start a new career.
K%R$# MU)2+V P"/$0% D%2()3,%#3 For a decade, Officer Kevin Murphy has been serving with the Eden Police Department and he has developed a fondness for two major aspects of his job o “helping people and putting bad people in jail.” His work on patrol allows him to do both. In addition to arresting criminals, Murphy’s typical workday includes directing school traffic, issuing tickets and taking reports. A native of Elkin, Murphy likes living in Eden with his wife and son. The best part of residing in our small city he believes is the “good people that live in and visit Eden.” He hopes to see our community grow with more job opportunities. Murphy Outside of work, Murphy enjoys cars and guns.
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" # " $ C &T( C )*$C&L , )T"S &$ ) C T) . " R The regular meeting of the Eden City Council took place on Tuesday, October 19. The following decisions were made: @ Consideration of a request and adoption of an ordinance to close a portion of South Edgewood Road. ACTION: TO APPROVE THE REJUEST AND ADOPT AN ORDINANCE TO CLOSE A PORTION OF SOUTH EDGEWOOD ROAD. @ Consideration of a request and adoption of an ordinance to repeal the Local Landmark Historic Designation for Burton Grove School located at 724 McConnell Avenue. ACTION: APPROVE THE REJUEST AND ADOPT AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL THE LOCAL LANDMARK HISTORIC DESIGNATION OF BURTON GROVE SCHOOL. @ Recommendations Concerning the Immediate Future of the Water Y Sewer Fund. ACTION: TO DELAY WATER AND SEWER RATES SCHEDULED FOR IMPLEMENTATION [ANUARY 1, 2011, [ANUARY 1, 2012, AND [ULY 1, 2012 FOR TWO YEARS BY UTILI]ING WATER AND SEWER FUND BALANCE BUT TRY NOT GO BELOW [UNE 30, 2008 FUND BALANCE TOTAL OF $7,a59,335. @ Consideration and approval to purchase a 2011 Combination Vacuumc[et RoddercSewer Cleaner Truck. @ Approval and adoption of Resolution Approving Financing Terms for CYD Sewer Vac Truck. @ Consideration and approval of bidder for rehab of the Weaver Street Water Main. @ Approval and adoption of Traffic Study and Ordinance - River Road.
Pro$en Leadership /or Ro12ingham Co6nty And North Carolina
Paid For By The Committee To Ele1t Nelson Cole
Section B EDEN-S OWN
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/,6!a$1$a2 3$6,($a$( "!"316$)1+ >,3 3$)1 !"3^a")( "!"316$)1+ $($)4 )/ %X%YY Is your gross maximum income less then $21,540, $24,600, $27,720, $30,780> Would you like to live in newly completed remodeled apartments> Reasonable rent rates, rental assistance and handicap accessible when available.
H 2 Bedroom Apartment Summerglen. Rent is $435 per month, $200 security deposit H 2 Bedroom Apartment Hampton Woods. Rent is $450 per month, $200 security deposit H 2 Bedroom Apartment Klycewood. The Rent is $450 per month, $200 security deposit We ;cce+t HU\ Mouchers
,1M$3 "5"Na"Ba$ 3$)1"a !3,!$312 H 1 Bedroom apartment available at Glenwood Court Apartments. Rent based on income. Rental assistance and handicap accessible when available. H We are taking applications for our waiting list at Norman Court Apartments. This is an elderly complex which means in order to apply you would need to be 62 years of age or disable. Rent based on income. Rental assistance and handicap accessible when available. H We are now accepting applications to add to our waiting list for Westridge Apartments in Stoneville Rent based on income. Rental assistance and handicap accessible when available. 1 Bedroom Apartments now available for Knollwood Court Apartments. These apartments are for applicants that are 62 years of age or disabled regardless of age. The rent is based on income, and handicap accessible when available. @dual Housing O++ortunityC
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Eden Police Chief addresses the youth at the Eden Boys 5 Girls Clu7 of Eden.
Amy Nalley, Director of the Eden Boys 5 Girls Clu7 e>plains what Lights On After School is all a7out. S6here]s no reason that learning should sto+ at Y +m) +articularly if the alternative is unsu+ervised time in front of a television set) or any of the dangerous or unhealthy /ehaviors that can endanger children in the afterE noonsC 6he =oys > Girls Clu/ of @den o+ened in 9^HHC It now serves over [HI children) +rovidE ing homework assistance) menE toring) tutoring) s+orts) recreE ation) healthy life style) character develo+ment classes and FUXC Molunteers for this event includE ed: Reece Qyrtle) Sam Qage) Connie Whitt) Xeil Chaney) =oyd Higgs) 6erry Mernon) Marion Steed) ;nn Fair) Lisa \oss) =etty
Finney) =ar/ara Os/orne and barol 6willaC More information on the ;fterschool ;lliance and Lights On ;fterschool is availE a/le at wwwCafterschoolalE lianceCorgC 6he mission at the =oys > Girls Clu/ of to Sena/le all young +eo+le) es+ecially those who need us most) to reach their full +otential as +roductive) res+onsiE /le) caring citiJensOC 6o get involved) volunteer) donate or Loin +lease visit the we/site ay wwwC/gcedenCcom) call YYcE c8GEG^cI or Lust come /y 9I8c Harris StC) @denC Remem/er) SGreat Futures Start HereOC
$aNO"B$1M*+ !NOO" & +0B+ 6?aRJQ Gr??=@ +GJZZi=B /?=;?r [ MQK 9h4 $R?= LUNCH SPECIALS
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These and 4ore 78sinesses will open their doors >or yo8r Christ4as Shopping EnBoy4ent.
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Join in on the S/irit with the .lde JeaKs4ille Lowntown Christmas ./en 0ouse on No4emNer 14th >rom 25/m. OerChants will welCome guests with re>reshements and great sales. Phere will Ne s/eCial Christmas S/irit to KiCK o>> the season. Lon't miss it.
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NBM &BN<CC<CN= TEE W"#$%&'()& S(,--( . E0-& OABC HEF=B NEGP *I6 (A? J KA? Come su((ort t+e S+elter for /omen 12 s+o((ing in t+is quaint little store for great deals for 2ourself and t+ose on 2our C+ristmas list8
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Shop Local ... S8pport 'o8r Neigh7orEs F8siness
HOLIDA' CLOSING T$- C%(6 )K E0-& S)5%0 W"#(- D%=%#%)& B%55 >- ;5)#-0 T$C,#0"6, N)=. 11, %& )>#-,="&;- )K V-(-,"&# D"6. T$- C%(6 )K E0-& S)5%0 W"#(- D%=%#%)& B%55 >- ;5)#-0 T$C,#0"6, N)=. 2O, 8 N)=. 26, %& )>#-,="&;- )K ($- T$"&F#'%=%&'.
TT?'AY;A'S>;X ?'OU'E@?A 660 S. Pierce St. • Eden • 9Beside Wal-Mart:
IIJKJ%IKN8]8 aewelry • Fragrance Cosmetics • Boxed sets available '*#/ 4%"156)0$
Avon VR/#% 8.*%09/6W Barbies CBC>;V'`'R?=@G'M=@?' GDU>'B=Cd?>C'AY=DP=^P? Mia8ella Candles
I%IKC'EH'M?=@;F'R@H' E@?A4'NC'%]%&&
R ELA9 F O R LIFE TO S TA RT N E W S E A S O N 8y Moan Weisen8eck
Committees are now forming in Rockingham County for Relay for Life i the main fundraising effort of the American Cancer Society. Cancer affects us all. Relay for Life provides fellowship, fun , strength and support while earning dollars to fight this disease. Money we raise goes to research, and a good portion remains in our community to fund programs like Reach to Recovery 9 help for breast cancer patients :, Look Good Feel Better 9cosmetic help for chemotherapy patients:, and Road to Recovery 9providing rides to medical appointments for chemotherapy and radiation patients who are unable to drive:. Through our efforts, we can win the war against cancer. November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Lung Cancer is a disease that affects many in our community i it is the most common cancer in the world and the leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. for both men and women. More people die yearly of lung cancer than breast, colon and prostate cancers combined. C=BC?C 1: Cigarette smoking i the leading cause at 90%. 2: Secondhand smoke i 3000 non-smokers die yearly in the
U.S. due to this. 3: Pollution 4: Radiation 5: Asbestos 6: Radon SGVO>;VC 1: Cough that gets worse or doesn’t go away 2: Coughing up blood 3: Shortness of breath 4: Wheeling 5: Hoarseness 6: Chest pain that is constant 7: Pneumonia or bronchitis that keeps coming back 8: Swelling of the neck and face 9: Weight loss, loss of appetite 10 : Unusual fatigue WT=>'Y;B'C=A'D; 1: muit smoking 2: Avoid secondhand smoke 3: A diet rich in fruits and vegetables MAY help. H;F'>;'D;'I> November 18th is the 35th annual Great American SmokeOut! Use this day to make a plan to Tuit smoking, or mUIT on that day! There are many aids to Tuitting i check with your health professional for help. R?V?V^?X 20 minutes after Tuitting i
your heart rate and blood pressure decrease 12 hours later i carbon monoxide levels in your blood are normal 2 weeks to 3 months i circulation improves and lung function increases 1 to 9 months i coughing and shortness of breath decrease 1 year i increased heart attack risk is o of that of smokers 5 to 15 years i stroke risk is decreased to that of non-smokers 10 years iincreased lung cancer risk is o that of smokers 15 years i risk of coronary disease is decreased to that of nonsmokers In 2004, 1.3 million people world-wide lost their lives to lung cancer. Many of those were smokers but 15% of cases happen in non-smokers. Once diagnosed, the 5 year survival rate is only 14%. We can change all these numbers. We can win the fight against cancer. If you want to start or =oin a Relay for Life team, please call Bree Myers at 336-404-4988. Please also check our website for ongoing fundraisers at www.relayforlife.org/rockinghamnc . Look for news of our official kick-off in aanuary and our Relay in May. aoin Us!
Have Your Own -ersonal000 Consign your unwanted items at
8y 9riend’s -lace
Earlier this year, the Rockingham County Amateur Radio Club, 9RCARC:, approved a pro=ect to add Winlink and APRS digipeaters to complement our existing repeaters. Both digipeaters are operating on 2-meters under our club call N4IV. A U T O M A T I C PACKET/POSITION REPORTING SYSTEM 9APRS: allows for real-time tactical communications and display systems, much
like GPS displays for automobiles. This can be used for emergencies, public service applications, and global communications were information has a very short duration and needs to get to everyone Tuickly. Winlink 2000 is a global network that supports e-mail by radio. The Vnetwork of radiosW is also linked to the internet providing global sending and receiving of emails. Our N4IV Winlink
See what we have “in store” for you at our...
Ne> as >ell as consigned items -or your entire -amilyC
!"#$%#&!r"(#e#& *&+ra-e. VACATION PACKAGES 34556 C89:/;<
<ovem=er >?thA BC>C $am ( )pm ( Re-reshments and More ?CD E0 8FGHOE RH0A FHF< SKIMF C
DEam ( Fpm M< T< Th< Fr< Sat" DEam ( Jpm Wed"
N ??O-QRS-CR?R N Kim8erly Ayala< O>ner
!e#a% ' (n*o, -.e /oment2
FX??'G?A>P?'Y;R='CP=CC S=>BX@=G4'N;Y?V^?X 9I>T N_9L'=VK98_I8'=VH' C=PP';X ?V=DP'>;'X?RDC>?XH 571 B. Bridge St., Eden NC 27288
NC'LD<?AC?'\&%I]' kpulliam@triad.rr.com
FFFH?@?AV=CC=R?KG;R=H<;V !"##"$% '(")*"+*% ,- '../)012%01 O0*-
203 S. Edgewood Rd., Eden, N.C. 27288 Xesus Saves
BERMUDA CRUISE Aug. 25, 2011 - 6 NIGHTS & 7 DAYS You Can Take A Short Drive & Not Be Troubled With Flights. Sail From Charleston S.C. To The Beautiful Island Of Bermuda. Spend The Afternoon, Night & Day In King’s Wharf. Rates Are $750 Interior, Room Per Person & $800 Oceanview. Each Room Has $100 Onboard Credit. $50 Deposit Due Asapg 2nd $250 March 1, 2011 Final May 25, 2011
Consultant Contractors, Inc.
L;<=>?@';A' BBCDA?CC'HFGH'%%8 M=G;@=A4'NC
digipeater has a gateway into the internet. RCARC is active in the community by providing experienced radio operators for emergencies or disasters, and provide radio communications for fundraising events like MS walk, and bike-a-thons. Area hams or amateurs traveling through our area are invited and encouraged to take advantage of these repeaters. Many thanks to Mike Mansfield, WA3RFE for his work in obtaining the eTuipment, configuring and setting up the stations.
D O N ATE FO R D IAMONDS Diamonds and Dust located at 430 W. Kings Highway, Suite B, Eden NC is sponsoring our local food pantries. Bring five canned foods and have five pieces of =ewelry cleaned and inspected FREE! Bring in ten canned foods and register for a beautiful piece of Diamond =ewelry to be given away on December 21, 2010. 9Please check the expiration date on the food before donating.: All donations will go to local food pantries!
SO?<D=PDQDAR'DA'FP=>'T;O WTD>?'P5C'R;;U SGC>?VC W W?'@;'FT=>';>T?XC'=Y;D@Z
Y O : T H B AS?ETBAAA The 2den 4arks & Recreation 9e:artment is no< registering for its ?@A@BAA basketball league. Ages range from E year olds to AG year olds. Sign u: at the Iill Ave. Center, the Kridge St. Center or at the 4arks & Recreation 9e:artment office at 2den City Lall. 4ractices <ill begin in Movember. Nor additional info call O?PB?AA@ Q:t.P.
Are CD and IRA Rates .iving You the 6itters? RildanSs 2den MC 9istribution Center held their Prd annual Service KanTuet Uuncheon on Qctober AV, ?@A@ at Whistle Xacket Restaurant. Rildan honored ?@BV year service associates, EBA@ year service associates, and AB?@Y year service assoB ciate. Those not in attendanceZ V years serviceZ -relon Nit[gerald\ Uee Aiken\ Cecil Stokes\ 9aryl Si[emore\ ]risty Sullivan\ Antonio Segura\ ]aseem Cha:lin\ 4ansy Qrrell\ Andre 9illard\ Xohn S<anson AV years serviceZ ]athy Temoney ?V years serviceZ Uee Weddle
5 year group
10 year group: Y to R: Betty Richardson[ Yisa Chambers[ 6ohn Lorwood and Tamra Yuna
RAGESTRAW ILSURALCE CELTER, ILC. Ser%ing all of Rockingham County7 6ay Ballard and Harry Rakestraw 20U year award winner Dennis Culler
Consultant Contractors, -nc.
2den MC 9istribution Center held their Vth annual 2m:loyee Namily Nun 9ay on Qctober AO, ?@A@ at Nreedom 4ark to sho< RildanSs a::reciation to all its associates for their hard <ork and dedication throughout the year. Nood and entertainment <as :rovided by RreeneSs Catering Service <hich included a train ride, s<ing, and many inflatable games for kids of all ages. Iusic <as :rovided by a 9X for those <ho <ere moved to “boogie do<n”. With close to V@@ in attendance, em:loyees and families, there <as something for everyone.
Located on Business HFGH 220 MaGodan, NC
We Onstall All TGpes OR S Heat Pumps U ReRrigration, Compressors ! Warranty Work On Most All Brands
BonesTire D AutoSer%ice .rand Vpening Celebration: Week of Lovember 15th, 2010 !omin( *oon to Eden/ N!1
Advantage Hearing P Audiology of .reensboro We Accept
#isa U Master Card
• BraYes • Oil Changes • [ull Service Auto Repair Shop U Tire Sales • Tune Ups • Transmission Service • Transmission U Engine Replacement • Duralast Batteries
HAN]OO] • GOODYEAR • MOCHELON • GT RADOCAL • [ree Rotation With Purchase
^ones Auto Service 103 - B NH [ieldcrest RdH • Eden
336-635-1070 HoursS MondaG - [ridaG NS30 aHmH - 5 pHmH
2eals 6 2rawin(s 6 2emonstrations 2oor 9ri:es to ;irst <= >ttendees? @A== value Defreshments and Gift Ha(s for all >ttendees ;ree Iearin( Evaluations/ !onsultations/ and Listenin( 2emonstrations
Call 336-271-4944 to schedule your appointment today7
AUCTION 2 Houses
Wriday, November 19th At 1:00 p[m[ 620 Taylor Street, Eden, N.C. & 420 Patterson Street, Eden, N.C.
Morehead Nursing Center (MNC) has earned Four-Star rating in The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Five-Star \uality Rating System. CMS rates all nursing homes on a one through five star scale, where one star is very below average, three stars is average, and five stars is very above average. MNC’s overall rating of four stars places it in the “above average” range. The simple ratings are based on complex data drawn from state inspections and reports on staffing and other measures provided by nursing homes. \uality measures include data on such issues as falls, fractures, urinary tract infection rates, catheter rates, weight loss, drug use, restraints, and pressure ulcer rates. “The Four-Star rating shows that Morehead Nursing Center is committed to providing quality
care,” said MNC Administrator Gary Plasschaert. “A lot of hard work to improve our residents’ safety and comfort has gone into achieving this milestone.” The Five-Star \uality Rating System was created to help consumers, their families and caregivers compare nursing homes more easily and help identify areas about which to ask
questions. The rating system is based on continued efforts as a result of the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1987, a nursing home reform law, and more recent quality improvement campaigns such as the Advancing Excellence in America’s Nursing Homes, a coalition of consumers, health care providers, and nursing home professionals.
C"#$% S'())%"S
620 Taylor St.
Crime Stoppers is a program in which members of the community, media, law enforcement agencies, and business work together to solve crimes. Citizens are encouraged, via cash rewards and a promise of anonymity, to provide information leading to the arrest or indictment of criminals. How does it workd Each week, facts pertaining to unsolved crimes are publicized via radio, newspaper, internet and television. Citizens are encouraged to call CrimeStoppers with any information pertaining to unsolved crimes. Each informant is given a code number so that confidentiality and anonymity are ensured. Rewards of up to $1000 for information leading to the arrest of a criminal provide incentive to otherwise reluctant participants. 336.349.9683
420 Patterson St.
PRICE & ASSOCIATES REALTY & AUCTION, LLC Contact Eddie Price At 336-627-5466 or 336-613-7720 Pizza & A Drink Provided To Registered Bidders Properties To Be Sold From Taylor St. Location Terms: 10% Buyers Premium, $2000 Deposit, Close In 30 Days All Inspections Completed Before Day Of Sale Which Are Condition Of Sale Visit www. eddiepriceauctions.com NCAF 7401
C arter’s A uto R epair
!"uality Work at Affordable Prices6
• Lock Out Service • Oil Changes •
WinteriLe NoM • Brake Nobs • Tune Ups • Service Engine Soon Diagnostics
- No Nob Too Small Charlie Carter (Formerly of Reidsville Nissan)
222 N. Bridge Street Eden, N.C. 27288
!"#$%&'&A%)*"&+,--$.&"%/01$%)&,&%$)23&,3&32"&S056&+078 2"*9&,.&,&:;%9-,$."-&:0-&32"&<-,7"-&R;-,*& F$-"&<"7,-3?"%3&$%&O530A"-B
T0 7 & N 0 3 5 2 & T- " " & E F 7 " - 3 . !" #$%&"'()e&The&-e.%/ GHI+ WES SHELTON " 0 E " ? E_perienced Arborist F "-) ;". 3 " S , 30-? %51 $? Tree Removal and Trimming &J0 E.3 -6 Chipping and Stump Grinding Cabling and Bracing • Animal Rescue 0e1)234&"55&(6&-(78234h9:&#($3%;&< 0$11($3=234&"1e9.
Re#a%&s )vaila-le
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:a< 8riffin Yor 'ocJingOam County .cOoo< &oard
5t Large Position
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C"%$ .$$ "2' .:"/'""% "Y "#$ %&'"()&'#* Bedroom • Living Room • Dining Room Compare "ur Prices Yirste
&ox .prings & %attress Z 3Lin .ets [**_M00 ,inette 3a`<es starting at [*__M_\ 2 Piece LiFing 'oom .uits in stock [3a_M_\ **\ %"'85! '"5, b $,$!6 !C 2]2cc
Yree ,e<iFery In $dene
SantanasIsReLocati ngTo Oak Hi l l s At 436 Stadi um Drive (OldCountryClubBuilding)
/e LooJ YorLard 3o .erFing 4ou &etter /itO 3Oe .ame 8reat Yood6 .ame 8reat .erFice 5nd .ame 8reat Pricese /e "ffer Catering 5nd !oL 5ccepting 'eserFations Yor 5<< 4our 2pcoming $Fents 5nd Partiese
Come #isit 2s .oone /e<coming $FeryoneMMM Come 5s 4ou 5ree PriFate &anPuet 'ooms 5Fai<a`<eM 'eserFe "ne $ar<yM
5<< 5&C Permitse "pen ] ,ays 5 /eeJ %onday Z 3Oursday **am Z *0pm Yriday Z .aturday **am Z ** pm .unday *2 !oon Z *0pm
g33dh d23Z*030
3OanJs 4ou Yor 4our .upporteee
! !"#$ 32 $($N*S O-N . CO0N12 S1"R, NO5$M7$R 2010
C\Tff2*S C0S1OM "0(TO 7P2 ;o#gan H<. X S<enI V7 272YY y Ea le 336-623-5660 a y b 73iltonZs ?o<y @3op X 2illiam 73ilton Ra alia 2our One StoI CustoU ShoI? Qv
"0(TO H 5T($O H 5TN2f denwood d(C 13a C( !layer gac.c5 M1h Siuare 12 Tnch Sub g1cc.c5
!lanet "udio Tn (ash C(.(5( -ith 1ouch Screen g2cc.00
1ah24 Si_n -ith Stabe !rinted fettered 7oth Sides g6.50
3h4 7anner g25.00
Hoc$Ao#< Fosgate X ;!\ X =ionee# X (iAonics X ;? ]ua#t X ^57 X ^?R X F#ion
X ;o#e ?#an<s Qvailable _ 7all Fo# ;o#e JnAo#mation X c3illys36@ya3oo.com
1ee*s !i==a? 115 N. Bieldcrest Rd. H (raIer H (NeKt 1o Merry*s)
10P Off "ny Menu TteU -ith CouIon $KIires October 31, 2010
-e (eliver
Call - 336-627-1100
\ours] Mon. - Sat. 11aU - 2 IU - 5IU - 10 IU Sunday Closed.
-est Main Street (iner ^ Caterin_ 211 -. Main St., Mayodan H 336-427-6246 Monday - Saturday - 7]00aU - a]00IU Servin_ 7reabfast?
OIen 1hanbs_ivin_ BroU 10]30a.U. - 3I.U. !u#$ey'(am ,inne# / ,esse#t 2it3 2 5eggie 73oices: ;as3e< =otatoes ;ac / 73eese >#een ?eans @tuAAing / >#avy Cams =otato @ala<
7ole @laE F$#a F#ies =ic$le< ?eets Ceast Holls
'R E E C LI-IC O ' R OC.I-GHA2 C O3-TY Q#e you o# someone you $noE t#ying to <eci<e E3ic3 you nee< mo#e... me<ical ca#e o# utilitiesa... <ental t#eatment o# Aoo<a !3e F#ee 7linic oA Hoc$ing3am 7ountyI Jnc. may be able to 3elp. Fu# unibue 3ealt3 ca#e #esou#ces p#ovi<es me<icalI <entalI an< p#esc#iption se#vices to Hoc$ing3am 7ounty #esi<ents E3o a#e employe< an< uninsu#e<I an< ot3e#Eise Eoul< go Eit3out nee<e< 3ealt3 ca#e. Cou may as$ you#selAI c3oE <o J bualiAyad 2ell you must 3ave no ;e<icai< o# 3ealt3 insu#ance (;e<ica#e #ecipients may apply Ao# <ental se#vices only.) Q bualiAie< membe# oA t3e 3ouse3ol< must be employe< a minimum oA 5 3ou#s'Eee$ o# #eceiving unemployment o# <isability. Cou# income must Aall Eit3in Fe<e#al =ove#ty >ui<elines an< you must be a #esi<ent o# Hoc$ing3am 7ounty. Fu# se#vices inclu<e t3e AolloEing_ ?asic ;e<icalI >CV @e#vicesI HeAe##al @e#vicesI ?asic ,entalI 73#onic ,isease =#og#amI an< ;e<ication Qssistance. Cou can call to set up a sc#eening appointment to<ay at (336) 34i-322P ext. 3PPI Eal$ins a#e not accepte<. !3e A#ee clinic oA Hoc$ing3am 7ountyI Jnc. is a p#ivateI non-p#oAit voluntee# base< o#ganikation <e<icate< to p#oving basic me<icalI <ental an< p3a#maceutical ca#e to t3e Eo#$ing uninsu#e< in Hoc$ing3am 7ounty. Foun<e< in OiiYI !3e 7linic #eceives no gove#nment Aun<ing an< is totally <epen<ent upon t3e gene#osity oA c3a#itable t#usts an< Aoun<ations an< p#ivate <onations A#om t3e community.
Need Blyers desi_ned and Irintedl (on*t bnow what to dol fet us handle it? -e desi_n, and Irint your flyers for you? Call $den*s Own Mournal featurin_ 1he Rocbin_haU County Star
10RN$R B0RNT10R$ CO.
5a 2$"RS OB S$R5TC$ 1O ROCdTN#\"M CO0N12
!hone] 336-627-7c52
focated on 7usiness \wy. 220 Mayodan, NC
$den - 627-a153 Madison.Mayodan - 427-02a7 Reidsville - 34c-1a14 Bor (onation !icbuIs 627-0a26
H Cable.Sat.
B EGI---I-G6
7"S$7"ff ^ SOB17"ff 0NTBORMS
.T(+#P12,+#I)#R25('6 A'
!"## S&'()"*+ G''Lawson McCollum Owner
=>> N. Fieldcrest, Eden, NC ./.22 TeleJhoneM -NO--... FaQ. -.N-NN=2
Member of the National SJorting Good Assoc.
dTN#S \-2. !RO(0C$ ^ \"N( (T!!$( TC$ CR$"M 5ca -. din_s \wy. H $den 336-623-a225 Mon. - Sat. a - a, Sunday c-a BR0T1 C"d$S , 7f"Cd -"fN01S, C\RTS1M"S C"N(2 TS \$R$?
- NO5$M7$R S!$CT"fS N$- CRO! !TN1OS !TN1OS 10f7 7"# ga.cc " 7"# N.C. R$( S-$$1 !O1" !O1"1O$S 5cj f7 2$ffO- ONTON 3 f7 7"# g1.cc " 7"# !O1" !O1"1 O$S 5 f7 7"# g1.5c " 7"# 1o Many SIecials 1o fist? Church* s ^ Other Or_ani=ations, CustoUers Church*s Tt*s Tt*s 1iUe 1o Start Start !uttin_ ChristUass Bruit, Nut, Candy, Candy, #uU, Raisin, Bruit 7a_s, Bruit 7asbet Orders Tn? CoUe See 0s Bor 2our Bruit 7y 1he Case?
-e "cceIt $71 ^ "ll Makor Credit Cards
Sales H Service H ReIairs "ll 1yIes of !arts ^ !ieces for \eat ^ "ir
H -ater H "uto Tnsurance ficense !late "_ency Now 1abin_ (ube !ower !ayUents "nd Other 0tilities 7ills "t 1he NC (M5 at the $($N M"ff in C$N1$R CO0R1??? 7all Fo# ,etailsI 336-623-3OP3. QR@F 7ome SnToy ?#ea$Aast Qn< Runc3 Qt R$$C$*S N01 \O0S$ ^ MOR$?? ,aily @pecials Qn< ;uc3 ;o#e::: Hig3t ?esi<e !3e V7 ,;5 in S<en ;all:
H #as Credit Cards ^ More
H (ube $ner_y H !hone
@imply t3e place to s3op Ao# you#selA an< ot3e#s. !3e VeE ?eginnings t#io_ VeE ?eginning !oo at 653 2as3ington @t. in t3e (isto#ic Fl<e Rea$svilleI S<enI !3e Hei<sville Futlet ?outibueI O3Y @. @cales @t#eetI Hei<svillel an< Vouveau ?eginningsI OPi 2. ;u#p3y @t#eetI ;a<ison. !3ey oAAe# clot3ing an< ba#gain p#icesI neE an< use<I g#eat salesI special <iscounts Eit3 a s3opping ca#< an< a g#eat envi#onment in E3ic3 to s3op. 5alue 7a#<s a#e a special Aeatu#e oA t3e sto#es. ?uy one Ao# only mOP <onation to t3e cause an< you Eill #eceive OPn oAA eve#y pu#c3ase (even on top oA sales p#ices:) Ao# t3e yea# at all oA t3e sto#es (Hei<svilleI S<enI ;a<ison). !3e#e a#e also giAt ce#tiAicates available. Fo# mo#e inAo call 627-5PP3. 2it3 <onations at t3e top oA t3ei# Eant listI !3e VeE ?eginningsI !oo s3op in S<en is as$ing Ao# you# 3elp. Qlt3oug3 all clot3ing is EelcomeI t3ey a#e in nee< oA boys an< young menZs clot3ingI an< cleaning supplies so t3at t3is cost EonZt come out oA money to 3elp t3e F#ee<om (ouse especially. Sstate lette# a#e E#itten Ao# <onation A#om estates. !3e sto#eZs income suppo#ts F#ee<om (ouse an< ,omestic Sl<e# Qbuse t3#oug3 (elpI Jnc. Fo# mo#e inAo#mation contact_ (elpI Jnco#po#ate<I 7ente# Qgainst 5iolenceI =.F. ?ox O6I 2entEo#t3I V7 27375 o# call 336342-333O.
7onsultant 7ont#acto#sI Jnc.
111 $ast Meadow Rd H $den, N.C. 272aa
CALL -./-12.-
6 H O 7 8TIL Y O 3 D R O 7 AT - E
While You Were Out! Offering Services Such As: Pet Services: 8ittin9 : ;a(kin9 : =ee. & ;ater : %(ay : Me.i*ate : %ut @utABrin9 Cn Home Services: Douse 8ittin9 : Eet Mai( Cn : Fi9hts A(ternate. : %(ants Care. =or : Messa9es =orwar.e. : 8e*urity Che*ks : Fi9ht Douse JeeKin9
Call Li1a Doss At 336-613-3025 Anytime!
Service of RememBrance
!"e offici)l Ri,,o- C/tti-1 of !hree ,/4i-e44e4 too5 6l)ce i- 7cto,er 8he- P)rty Pl/4, Ri<erho/4e =ift > =o/r?et )-@ CoffeeA > Cre)?A 8elco?e@ the co??/-ity to 4h)re i- their Boi- <e-t/re i- the for?er =ro1)-C4 D/il@i-1, loc)te@ )t EFG Hi-14 "8y, I@e-J !he 8elco?e yo/ to co?e i- ,ro84e )-@ <i4it 8ith the? for ) /-iK/e 4ho6i-1, 46eci)l occ)4io- )-@ icecre)? )@<e-t/reJ Photo ,y Ly-- Myer
Sunday, NovemBer 14, 2010 4:00 PM Colonial Funeral Home Chapel in Madison !he %u'(i* is *or.ia((y in2ite. to 4oin in this tri'ute to the memory of our (o2e. ones7 T"#$%&'()($'*#$+*C"-(&./#&*0(11*23*#*4#($561*.(/3*57."7&3*0"7*"#)3*3843-(3$93+*+3#."*75*5#/(1:*#$+ 5-(3$+&.**W3*"#)3*41#$$3+*."(&*/3/7-(#1* &3-)(93*"74($'*.7*"314*4-34#-3*:76*57-* ."3*6497/($'*"71(+#:&. R35-3&"/3$.&*0(11*23*&3-)3+. !hi4 6ro/@ 1ro/6 )t the 7ffici)l 76e-i-1 )-@ Ri,,o- C/tti-1 of P)rty Pl/4, Ri<erho/4e =ift > =o/r?et )-@ CoffeeA > Cre)?A i-cl/@e@ left to ri1htS H)ri Thite !i? Thite, H)re- Thite, Ill) NcDri@e, R)-@y U@5i-4, Rte<e NcDri@e, Ooe V)-ettiJ
Colonial Funeral Home & Chapel, Inc. >?@*E11(&27-7*R7#+*B*M#+(&7$D*NC*?@F?G H?@-F?FG
Wishing You A -appy Thanksgiving From All Your Friends At Re-o PiAA) offici)lly o6e-e@ i- 7cto,er 8ith ) ri,,o- c/tti-1 cere?o-y )tte?@e@ ,y co/-cil?e-, N)yor Ooh- =ro1)- )-@ fello8 ,/4i-e44 o8-er4 ithe )re)J Re-o i4 o8-e@ )-@ o6er)te@ ,y !iff)-y > L/i L)ttero, )-@ i4 loc)te@ )t PQG No-roe Rtreet, I@e-J
349 Kings Hwy • Eden, NC 336-627-4200 www.riverhousegiftandgourmet.com
We Are Your One Stop Shop For All Your Thanksgiving Needs. Wreaths ? TableFavors Tableware ? Centerpiece FallCoffees Our Popular Jingle Java Coffee Now In.
? PumpkinSpice Coffee ? StateFairCoffee ? Caramel Apple Coffee
Come See Our New Line O f Paula Deen Food Products Riverhouse Honors All #eterans For Their Service. NovemBer 11, 2010!
! P"#$ %& $($)’S ,W) . /,0)12 S1"R, ),5$67$R 89:9
" O R E H E A ( " E"ORIAL H O+,ITA L W
Zden [lass recently celeDrated EF years in Dusiness in Zden with an o4en house and refreshmentsG Hhe Dusiness offeres glass for all your needs as well as awnings and car4ortsG Hhe Simmons invite you to sto4 Dy their location at E=> "G Keadow Road in Zden or give them a call at \EVX>\>WG
Photo Dy Lynn Dyer "allace Quto Service celeDrates o4ening with a riDDon cutting that was attended Dy city officials* local Dusinesses and 4olitical candidatesG "allace Quto Service is located atR S=T Hurner Drive* Reidsville* NCG Phone is VSWXWWSW
EDEN$Morehead Memorial Hospital is pleased to welcome three new members to its Board of Trustees. The new members include Pete Crouch, a pharmacist and owner of Eden DrugA Glenn Martin, health director with the Rockingham County Department of Public HealthA and Tiffany Morris, RN, BSN, director of nursing programs at Rockingham Community College. Mr. Crouch, 59, is a native of Spray and a lifelong resident of Rockingham County. He is a graduate of Crouch Morehead High S c h o o l , Rockingham Community College and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he received his pharmacy degree. He and his his wife, Deborah, who is marketing director for Eden Drug, have three grown children, Matthew, Adam and Amanda, and five grandchildren. Mr. Crouch was employed with other pharmacies in Rockingham County before establishing Eden Drug 10 years ago. He is a past president of the
Rockingham County Society of Pharmacists and has served as pharmacy consultant for Hospice of Rockingham County for 14 years. He is a member of the American Pharmacists Association, the Pedorthic Footwear Association, and the Board of Directors of the Eden Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Martin, 53, is a native of Leaksville. He is a graduate of Morehead High School, Rockingham Community College, and East Carolina University where he received a master’s degree in environmental health. He is also a graduate of the county administration program at the University of North Carolina School of Government at Chapel Hill. He and his wife, Jane, a teacher, have two grown children, Elizabeth and William. Mr. Martin has served as health director with the Rockingham C o u n t y Department of Public Health for the past 29 years, during which Kartin time he also served as a continuing education instructor for Rockingham Community
Onmates moved
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!"entworth* NC. Several de4uties with the Sheriff9s :ffice assisted in transferring =>? inmates from the Aold Bail facilitiesC to the new location on :ctoDer =st* EF=FG Hhe move went without incident* Dut did take all dayG Kany security measures were in 4lace as inmates were trans4orted to the new Rockingham County MailG Sheriff Page* AO was 4leased with the move and commend our staff for the organiPed* safe* and effective way of undertaking this most im4ortant taskGC
College for 10 years. He is a member of the Reidsville Area Foundation Board of Directors, the American Red Cross, Rockingham Chapter, Board of Directors, Piedmont Community Healthcare Alliance Board of Directors, Partnership for Health Management Board of Directors, the Rockingham C o u n t y Partnership for Children Board of Directors, and Korris the Rockingham C o u n t y Healthcare Alliance. Mrs. Morris, 38, is a native of Martinsville, VA. She is a graduate of Magna Vista High School, the University of Virginia and the University of Phoenix, where she received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in nursing. She is a certified nurse educator and is currently enrolled as a doctoral student at Capella University. She and her husband, DaRon Jesie Morris, a pastor and United Parcel Service supervisor, have three children, JeSani, JaRiah and Jezekiah. Mrs. Morris has been the director of nursing programs and an assistant professor at Rockingham Community College for the past five years. Prior to joining RCC, she was employed as director of nursing at Morehead Nursing Center for two years and as a nurse manager at Danville Regional Medical Center for two years. She is a member of the Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church where she is involved in music ministry as a deaconess and choir director, and a member of the North Carolina Associate Degree Directors of Nursing. The three incoming trustees replace retiring trustees Lisa Duncan, Sylvia Grogan and Nelson Hairston. Trustees may serve three consecutive threeyear terms. New members are selected by seated members of the Board of Trustees.
WhistleWaacKet #rille b /aterinL /"YY ?,R R$S$R5"1\,)S %%cWc8%WZcc&
)$W 6$)0!!!
Kerry Christmasf ]ou are invited to the SSth
),W ,??$R\)# " )$W 6$)0 ,? ?R$SG S$"?,,(! ?0YY S$R5\/$ 7"R!!!
Qnnual Dra4er Children9s Christmas Parade on
7,,S 2,0R /GR\S16"S P"R12 ),W!!!
Saturday* DecemDer S* EF=F at ==RFF aGmG
/,6$ ,) ,01 ")( #\5$ 0S " 1R2!
No entry feeG ]ou will get to see firetrucks* homemade floats* church grou4s* motorcycles* clowns* 4rofessional floats* marching Dands* vehicles* horses* and Santa9s Qrrivalf Ho enter the 4arade call the Dra4er bolunteer ^ire De4tG at VV\X\VTXEEVV or email dra4er4aradegyahooGcomG
WeeKQay Yunch 7u<<et ,nly dZ! ::am W 8pm $very WeeKQay
NO#EM&E' ()*) E,EN-S O/N 0 CO2NT4 STA'6 PAGE 9: !
!othin' loo*s better than an old rusty or dull item sportin' a 5resh coat o5 paint7 Thin* about it9 that old porch 'lider or swin' set9 or maybe that worn set o5 rims or parts to your hot rod’s motor that <ust aren’t what they used to be7 A spray>can <ust won’t do the <ob9 and you can 5or'et a paintbrush and hours o5 wor*7 Chad @artin and Ae55rey
Bolley have created a business out o5 powder coatin' items such as these7 These two 'rew up li*e brothers and decided to 'o into business to'ether this summer a5ter attendin' Bitchcoc* Dacin' Academy in Bi'h Point7 They both have the love o5 old cars so to'ether they started loo*in' 5or a location and equip> ment7 When they 5ound an auc> tion in Hden that had most o5
Feff Ho&&e; 1n# 0h1# H1rt%n @e91n F1+t F%n%+he+ %n the Ju::er of KLML5
what they wanted they ended up buyin' the buildin' at IJK Cascade Avenue9 instead o5 the equipment7 Lettlin' into the place in Hden that 5it the bill9 the two have be'an Mast Minishes7 They call Did'eway home9 but ma*e the short commute daily to open their doors to cus> tomers who have a love o5 every> thin' shiny7 Powder coatin'9 which is a paint process that produces a more durable9 reliable 5inish9 pro> tects metal because it doesn’t rust or lose its shine7 Nawn 5urniture9 auto parts and wheels9 'o cart 5rames and an endless number o5 items can be powder coated9 even some wooden and 'lass items can be powder coated7 There are teO> tures 5rom smooth and shiny to very thic*9 rou'h teOture7 Those who really li*e their chrome accents on their vehicles but don’t li*e the cost o5 dippin' to 'et it9 will love the chrome powder coatin' which can be up to P times less eOpensive7 Mast Minishes o55ers more than powder and ceramic coatin'9
thou'h9 they do spray>in liners9 sheet metal 5abrication9 sand> blastin'9 DynoAet Chassis Dyno and have a !itrous 5ill station7 The two are wor*in' on 'ettin' a paint booth that will enable them to move into even more eOtensive auto bodywor* and repair7 Mast Minishes is a 'oal they
have wor*ed hard to reach9 and with so many out o5 wor*9 they 5ound a way to create a business o5 their ownR become their own bosses7 To 'et more in5ormation call Chad @artin at PPS>TUJ> VPIP or Ae55 Bolley at UKS>PIJ> VJTI or email your inquiries to 5ast5inishesWyahoo7com7
Ca<ell? Sal@n Ba?r6 Sk?n & Na?ls NeGt T@ Eden ,r?Je In 99LML(NMLL99 NOP: NC NN) Q Eden !oo#$%&& In#u+tr%e+ of 0entr1& 2orth 01ro&%n1 In45 6re+ent+ 7o48%n9h1: 0ount; 0o::un%t; 7e+our4e 0enter <=61n+%on O6en%n95 !oo#$%&&???the re+our4e 4enter $1+ e=61n#e# ? !oo#$%&& 1n# 700 61rtnere# to :18e th%+ 6o++%@&e5 ABhoto @; C;nn D;erE
B@RrsS TResdaT M Fr?daT Vam M N<m AltX SatRrdaTs Vam M *<m
Man?cRres6 Ped?cRres & Fac?als &T Z?ndsaT B@rne
Tred]aT '@ck?n\ham C@RntT C@mm?ss?@ner Thank 4@R F@r 4@Rr #@te On N@Jem^er (! I-ZZ /O'` FO' 4O2XXX T@ Get a@^s &ack T@ '@ck?n\ham C@RntT T@ CRt /astebRl S<end?n\X T@ F?\ht B?\her TaGesX T@ S<end 4@Rr M@neT /?selTX Pa?d F@r &T The C@mm?ttee T@ Elect GRerrant Tred]aT ,em@crat?c Cand?date F@r C@RntT C@mm?ss?@ner
!nd %oining )he )ea- !t
Ca<ell?-s El?se McC@llRm Fr@m AJeda Inst?tRte In Cha<el B?ll
SRsan Gallaher Fr@m '@ck?n\ham C@mmRn?tT C@lle\e
,eanna Adams Fr@m6 PaRl M?tchell AcadeemT In Charl@tte
TA K E A S TROLL TH R O U G H TIME W Several wonderful houses, each with its own special charm, ranging in age from very old to fairly new, are presented this year in the Eden Preservation Society’s Christmas Tour scheduled for Sunday afternoon, December 5, 2
to 5 PM. The list includes the Matthews-Hagood home and the Phillips home, described here, and others to be listed in the next issue.
Ernie’s Coin Shop C Collectables 202 W. Main St., Mayodan, NC 27027
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MATTHEWS-HAGOOD HOUSE The Matthews-Hagood house at 114 North Oakland Avenue was built in 1L20 for Dr. W.W.Matthews, and is now the spacious home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hagood. The house itself and the surrounding grounds full of handsome mature plantings have been maintained and improved through the long life of the house. It is now one of the most outstanding properties in the Oakland Heights area. The house itself has just had all the floors redone to their original beauty, and each room has features of interest, such as the finely detailed mantel in the living room, made by craftsman cabinet-maker Bill Wright, or the interesting rich diagonal paneling in the den. Janice Hagood has amassed a huge quilt collection through the years, some her own handiwork and some inherited from her mother, Daisy O’Dell. They will be on display throughout the upstairs. She also has gathered fabulous “Elvis” items which fill a large breakfront in the dining room, and she plans an Elvis tree for that room. A lifesize, moving head of Elvis is among her other treasures. There is much original art , including pieces by Marilyn Purgerson and Sheralene Thompson, as well as original photographs done by talented daughter Jessi Hagood, who is now doing a photography internship in Washington , DC, with a famous photographer. Many original features of the house, such as transoms and stained glass and even an original bathtub are still in place. However the living quarters upstairs have been expanded with a huge sunny master bedroom and generous attached modern bathroom. The several bedrooms will be displaying quilts and family mementoes. The modernized kitchen leads to a large sun room with a huge fireplace along one wall, and a very large original beach scene mural, with the two little Hagood daughters in view. Beyond that is an enclosed rustic screened porch, and beyond that a patio and the back lawn with a perfect little playhouse, the handiwork of Marvin Cash, as well as a swimming pool, now covered for the winter. An old pump house has been converted for use as a rustic outdoor rest room, and Marvin also made the funny little “horsey” swing. The playhouse, which sees much use by various little girls, will be decorated for Christmas.
Consultant Contractors, Inc.
Located on Business HXy. 229 Mayodan, NC
The Matthews-Hagood house PHILLIPS HOME The handsome, sturdy country home of Billy and Vivian Phillips is full of unexpected treasures, and Charlie Poole fans will be especially delighted and surprised at the furniture and other mementoes from Charlie’s home. Vivian is the great-niece of the famous banjoist and band leader’s wife, and speaks familiarly of “Aunt Emma” and “Uncle Charlie.” The outstanding piece is the large portrait of Lou Emma
room is distinguished by pocket doors and a chair rail, but chiefly a collection of family photos, Lou Emma’s most prominent among them. The kitchen is efficiently modern, decorated with a collection of old baskets, and will have a 1L20’s style Christmas tree. Upstairs the several bedrooms have quilts made by Vivian herself and others handed down in the family. Vivian also demonstrated her needlework skill by a large silk embroidered
Phillips Home
Poole, Charlie’s longpanel with a Japanese suffering wife, showing theme. The master a pretty girl with an bedroom is a large and intelligent direct gaze, comfortable room, and the strong jawline with an enormous very of a determined and modern bathroom wonderfully faithful attached. The huge tub wife. She had to put up has a painting of with innumerable trials Tangier Island above in her marriage to an Lou Emma Poole it, one of numerous irrepressible, but enorsouvenirs through the mously talented husband. The house of the many varied places Phillipses have quite a number of the Phillipses have lived. pieces of furniture from the Poole This annual event is a fundhome. raiser for the Preservation The living room has one of Society, to support its various several antique pie-safes in the projects. Tickets are $10 for the house, this one chock full of sev- whole tour. Tickets and maps are eral colors of depression glass. available at the Eden Historical There is a cheerful working fire- Museum, Diamonds \n Dust, The place and a landscape painted by Front Porch, or from any member Vivian’s grandfather, an accom- of the Preservation Society. They plished commercial artist. In the will also be sold at the door of library there is a sizable collec- each home at the time of the tour. tion of Blenko glass, as well as a For more information, call 336very old desk with antique hunt- 623-1043 or 336-627-1762. ing scenes above. The dining
We Make All Kinds of Heat C Air (uct Work For Individuals That Wish To Install Their OXn. ` Also We Sell Heat C Air Eauipment For You To Installb
TH E ATRE G UI*D S EEKS Y O U R S U P P O RT W ITH S I*ENT A UCTION The Theatre (uild of Rockingham County (T(RC) is in the process of planning its first ever fundraising event. As you are already aware, T(RC is committed to providing Rockingham County with quality theatrical productions. T(RC provides an outlet for audiences, actors and creative staff alike. Of course, as is the case with any business organization, T(RC’s costs are rising. Our main sources of income are show ticket sales (F10.00 for adults, F7.00 for students) and playbill advertisements. T(RC’s prices for these items have remained unchanged for over ten years, making ours one of the most affordable theatre opportunities in the Piedmont. Their murder mystery dinner and silent auction will be held November 13, 2010, 6:00 PM, at the Pennrose Park Country Club in Reidsville. Tickets are F25 per person and may be reserved by returning the tear off portion below along with your check to T(RC. T(RC would be most appreciative for the donation of an item of your choice for the silent auction. Cash donations for the fundraiser event are also welcome. And of course, as always, donations to our non-profit orga-
nization are tax deductible. Justin Marcellus and I are the T(RC co-chairs for organizing this event. Please feel free to contact
either of us to arrange pick up of donations or to provide you with a receipt including out tax identification number. To ensure all arrangements can be completed for the fundraising event in a timely manner, we prefer donations to be received by October 15, 2010. If you should have any questions regarding this event, telephone numbers for Justin and I are located below. Core Silent Auction Items These are the basic items your guests will be expecting, are generally easy to equest and create the core of your auction offerings. • Hotel Stays • Restaurant Donations • Retail Donations • Services • Entertainment and Recreation Individualls can donate unique services such as . . .
• Babysitters -- Find local babysitters and see if they’ll offer a certificate for a free night of sitting in order to meet a new potential client family. • Birthday Parties -- Ask local indoor play places or kids’ gyms, local attractions, children’s museums, tea houses, mini-golf, etc. not to just donate an admission, but to donate a birthday party package. Also, try the local facepainter, bounce house provider, magician, balloon twister, or other party character (princess, cowboy, etc. who comes to parties) to donate a party service. • Catering Companies -Families with young kids often don’t like eating out. Ask local catering companies to donate dinner for a family for a family or catering for a small party. Local artists can donate a gift certificate or merchandise. Web Business -- Many of your attendees shop regularly on the web these days. So if your orginazation has a perticular focus, ask virtual business who would view you attendees as a target market for a gift certificate or donation. Upkeep Services Construcetion and Improvement Vacation and Travel Donations
musicians. Marching band instruments such as tubas, euphoniums, and bass drums are quite expensive; one instrument can be as much as F3,000.00, and repairing an older one is expensive as well. School funding for music programs has been cut drastically and cannot be counted on to help out. While the boosters program accomplished a great deal this past year, we need help with this expense. Any contribution you can make to help us raise money for these young people would be
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If Sou’re paSing list price6 Sour paSing too <uch\ Some (arages Mark Up Their Parts To List Price. Call Your Local Parts Supplier, For The Actual Cost Of Your Parts, We Never Mark Up Our Parts! Ray Hopper Owner Ma]or H Minor Auto Repair • Foreign0Do<estic 723 Irving Avenue, Eden, NC 27288
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B A N D N E E D S Y O U R H E*P The Pride of Morehead Marching Band is gearing up for one of its best seasons yet! Under their new director, Sean McClure, the band has had so much success that the incoming class, plus former members who have re-enrolled, is much larger than anticipated. The enthusiasm and excitement for the marching band program is building and they are looking forward to putting on a great show on Friday nights! They are asking for your help in buying and repairing instruments for our aspiring
927 Washington St/ Eden, NC 27288
greatly appreciated. You contribution is tax deductible and we would be grategul for any amount. You may send your contribution to Director, Mr. Sean McClure 134 N. Pierce St., Eden, N.C. 27288. Please make checks payable to the MHS Band Boosters. Please join Morehead High School at a home football game this fall to see the Pride of Morehead Marching Band and see how far we’ve come with your help!
: ’ 8 7 6 5 C4 !"#tau'ant T4;:<=>?<@4=A=<;:<BC=D<A47<FC56F;:<P4=A=GC5@48<F=>>7FA;=6<5A<A47<E?76<H;:A=C;F5><MI:I7DJ T478<5C7<5:<87A<I6;?76A;B;7?J<IB<8=I<A4;6K<8=I<K6=L<A47<>=F5A;=6<=C<L4=<;:<;6<A47<@4=A= @>75:7< F=6A5FA:< 7?764;:A=C;F5>DI:7IDN854==JF=DJ< Y=I<F56<LC;A7<A47<DI:7ID<5A<OPO W 5:4;6GA=6<SAJQ<E?76Q<NC<RSRTT<=C<F5>><JI>;7<H5D@A=6<G56;:<5A<VVOWORVWVTPVJ
)!*+,-+./ +12/I4* 564* 766,*8 4*+9. .+18:I75*. ,I8. 4*1;
(49 W. Kings HighwaS Eden6 NC
J(:K4)4) Eat In or TaUe Out
B"YS &
The Boys & Girls Club of Eden will Celelbrate National Family Week on Saturday, No?ember 20 from 10am-2Dm at their 1026 Harris Street location. To educate, Dromote and Dro?ide Dhysical acti?ity and healthy life styles for ALL families Acti?ities will includeK BPG Fun Celebrations Rock Climbing Wall, Games, Rides Nutrition Education, Li?e Music, Dancing Morehead HosDitalQs Teddy Bear Clinic, Safety Car Seat Check, Health Screenings, & FAMILY FUN PartnersK Healthy Carolinians, BPG Fun Celebrations, BGCA, Morehead Memorial HosDital, Rockingham County Food Coalition, Dr. John & Debbie Dabbs, Safe Kids The entire Community is welcome!
Nanny'7’L'D;nAr :8X'N['F;AI@FrALt'R@[''b''Dra\Ar
%%W-W%N-9NXO cHoDADa@A DALLArtL Da;Iyd
cNAY'LunFK'S\AF;aILd Mon@ayL'SAn;or Day' :9e'O??'O?'MAaI
TuAL@ayL'-'PoI;FA'O??;FArL4 F;rADan4'T'EMT FrAA'DALLArt'-'-;tK'MAaI
H ELP F " R FAMILY C AREGIVERS " F THE S ERI"$SLY ILL Caring for an ailing lo?ed one is difficult. It hurts to watch them struggle with Dain, deDression, fatigue, or the side effects of medication. So often family members feel frustrated and Dowerless to helD. And this doesnXt e?en begin to address other common issues likeK • financial hardshiDs • family discord and • the Dhysical toll of caring for someone who is seriously ill. No wonder family members often feel sad, angry, tired, sometimes resentfulZand then guilty! If you are a family caregi?er, this may sound all too familiar. Rest assured - you are not alone. According to a 2009 study by AARP and the National Alliance for Caregi?ing, there are 43.5 million family members or friends who Dro?ide care for an older adult in need of assistance. Much as you may lo?e the Derson you care for, itXs still hard work. And the more helD they need, the more that falls on your Dlate. Could you use helD withK • Bathing and grooming your lo?ed one_ • Managing Dain and other dis-
tressing symDtoms_ • 24-hour Dhone suDDort for your caregi?ing `uestions_ • Ad?ice regarding insurance and other financial assistance_ • Someone to talk to about emotional or sDiritual issues_ • Concerns about your lo?ed oneXs treatment and side effects_ • Assistance with a family meeting_ If you answered yes to any of the abo?e, then HosDice of Rockingham County could be of great benefit to you and your lo?ed one. We ha?e offered these ser?ices and more since 1987. Through our hosDice Drogram, we can send a nurse to your home on a weekly basis (they can make multiDle ?isits each week if necessary) to helD manage medications and keeD your lo?ed one comfortable. HosDice aides can ?isit se?eral times a week (daily, if needed) to Derform the Dhysically demanding tasks of bathing and grooming. We can also ha?e a trained ?olunteer come out to ?isit with your lo?ed one for a few hours a week. This gi?es you some time off to get out of the house, ?isit with friends, or recharge your own batteries.
Our hosDice ser?ice is co?ered 100f by Medicare. Medicare e?en co?ers all the exDenses related to keeDing your lo?ed one comfortable. This includes medications, and other forms of helD like Dhysical theraDy, a hosDital bed, or oxygen disDenser. All too often, families sign on with hosDice ?ery late in the Drocess. The relief they exDerience is remarkable. They realihe how much they ha?e been carrying, and how tired they are. All too often we hearK iI wish we had known about you sooner!i Let our highly-trained hosDice Drofessionals offer Dhysical, emotional, and sDiritual care so you ha?e the energy to gi?e the lo?ing suDDort only a family member can Dro?ide. If you think you or your lo?ed one could benefit from the ser?ices described abo?e, Dlease call HosDice of Rockingham County at (336) 427-9022 for further information. We would be haDDy to talk with you and with your lo?ed oneXs doctor if you would like. No one should ha?e to go through the end-of-life journey alone. WeXre here to helD.
7rAaV?aLt S\AF;aI Z8[XX
Nanny'T'Pa’L'FIAa'MarVAt 414 N. Highway 14 • Eden (1/2 Mile North Of Old Flea Market)
%%W-N89-X9:N ODenK Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday 6 a.m. - 3 D.m.
NAY'Out@oor FIAa'MarVAt'NAA@L'SAIIArL' TaPIA'RAnt'ZN[99'A Day
NoSADPAr S\AF;aI RAnt'TaPIA'-A@nAL@ay'T TKurL@ay'T'GAt'FrAA'TaPIA RAnt'On'Satur@ay
We Wi%% &e '(en 'n *+,n-s/i0in/ D,2!
A MERICAN LEGI"N C ELEBRATES V ETERANS D AY C;ty'o?'E@An'an@'ADAr;Fan'LAH;on'-;II;aD'JoKnLon'PoLt'MN%O VAtAranL'Day'CAIAPrat;on'-'Satur@ay4'NoSADPAr :%tK'PAH;nL'at':9'aD 7r;@HA'StrAAt'RAFrAat;on'CAntAr The City of Eden and the American Legion William Johnson Post k 534 will hold a ceremony at the Bridge Street Recreation Center on Saturday, No?ember 13th. The ceremony to recognihe our leterans will be held at the WWI and WWII Memorial, or in the gym deDending on the weather. The e?ent kicksoff at 10K00 am with the Morehead High School JROTC Dresenting the colors and conducting a flag ceremony. MHS Band and Glee Club and Douglass Elementary students will also Derform. McDonalds will be gi?ing haDDy meals to winners of the coloring contest in each grade le?el. The winners in age categories will be awarded troDhies by the City of Eden. Color sheets need to be turned in by Oct. 25th. There will be an Army Reser?e and a National Guard Hum?e on site for the kids to see. Refreshments will be a?ailable, donations are suggested. The American Legion will be collecting worn flags from the Dublic so that they can DroDerly disDose of them. They will also be collecting Dull tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. There will be other e?ents the same day at the Recreation Center. Art students from the Garden of Eden Senior Center will be disDlaying their Daintings in the gym at the Bridge Street Recreation Center on the same day from 10-1K00. The Friends Senior Citihens Club will be selling fried aDDle and sweet Dotato Dies to raise money for the clubs ser?ice Drojects. Each year they donate money to the recreation deDartment to buy Christmas for needy children that are enrolled in recreation Drograms with the City of Eden. For more information about the e?ent Dlease call 627-4711.
DAVE]S'TO-ING 600 Monroe Street • Eden, NC
`Pro?ALL;onaI'ToY;nH `CIAan'TruFVL.NAYAr Eau;\DAnt `Pro?ALL;onaIL'tra;nA@''to'toY' your SAK;FIA'@aDaHA'?rAA
American Legion members were honored to have Rep. Nelson Cole and Bert Jones attend and speak at their October meeting.
NOVEMBER 2010 EDENâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S OWN 0 COUNT4 STAR, PAGE 39 2
P E G R A M N A M E D P RESIDENT O F C LER1S O F S UPERIOR C O U RT t'e /o1rt s;steAZs 41)0et 'as G'e NFCF Con*eren/e o* Cler9s o* 4een si0ni*i/antl; re)1/e)C an) S15erior Co1rt 'as a new 5resiL a))itional re)1/tions are eH5e/tL )ent *or IJMJLIJMMF RF Mar9 e) )1rin0 t'e IJMM le0islatiQe :e0raAC Cler9 o* S15erior Co1rt sessionF *or =o/9in0'aA Co1nt;C will \,e/a1se o* t'e e/onoA;C we are /onstantl; 4ein0 lea) t'e stateZs ele/te) re61ire) to )o Aore /ler9s t'ro10' !101st wit' lessC] sa;s [MC IJMMF :e0raAF \G'e \Cler9s are an iA5orL Con*eren/e will 4e tant 5art o* t'e ?1)i/ial *o/1se) on )oin0 t'e 5ro/essC] sai) :e0raAC t'in0s we nee) to )o to w'o was sworn in 4; 5reserQe essential /o1rt C'ie* R1sti/e Sara' serQi/es in t'e *a/e o* :ar9er on Se5tF MF \W treAen)o1s *is/al /'alL aA eH/ite) a4o1t t'e Pegram len0esF] o55ort1nit; to wor9 ! natiQe o* =ei)sQilleC wit' an) re5resent t'e Cler9s to i)enti*; wa;s to 'el5 :e0raA 'as serQe) as t'e Cler9 o* t'at 5ro/ess o5erate Aore e**iL Co1rt in =o/9in0'aA Co1nt; sin/e IJJIF :rior to 4ein0 ele/te) /ientl;F] :e0raA ta9es oQer )1rin0 'ars' /ler9C 'e serQe) as a =ei)sQille e/onoAi/ tiAes *or t'e /o1rt s;sL :oli/e 3**i/erC =o/9in0'aA teAF U1rin0 t'e 5ast *ew ;earsC Co1nt; Ue51t; S'eri** an) Eiel)
WnQesti0ator *or t'e Nort' Carolina S'eri**sZ >)1/ation Grainin0 an) Stan)ar)s CoAAission a )iQision o* t'e !ttorne; XeneralZs 3**i/e in =alei0'F <e is a 0ra)1ate o* =ei)sQille <i0' S/'ool an) 'ol)s a /riAinal ?1sti/e )e0ree *roA =o/9in0'aA CoAA1nit; Colle0eF <e is also a 0ra)1ate o* t'e !)AinistratiQe 3**i/ers
Mana0eAent :ro0raA at NC State ^niQersit;F G'e Con*eren/e o* Cler9s o* S15erior Co1rt was /reate) in IJJ_ 4; t'e NFCF Xeneral !sseA4l; to iA5roQe t'e a)AinL istration o* ?1sti/e in Nort' CarolinaF G'e Con*eren/eC /onL sistin0 o* t'e MJJ ele/te) /ler9s *roA a/ross t'e state an) s155ortL e) 4; an eHe/1tiQe )ire/tor an)
a)AinistratiQe sta**C wor9s to iA5roQe 514li/ a//essi4ilit; to t'e /o1rts t'ro10' t'e Cler9 o* S15erior Co1rtC serQe as a reso1r/e *or t'e Cler9s in 9e; areas o* /o1rt a)AinistrationC an) to a/t as a liaison on 4e'al* o* all ele/te) Cler9s o* S15erior Co1rt to 4ot' 0oQernAental an) nonL 0oQernAental sta9e'ol)ersF
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!t a retreat 'el) *or t'e ,oar) an) sele/te) 01ests in 3/to4er at t'e 5i/t1res61e 7illow 3a9s :lantation on ,err; <ill =oa) o1tsi)e o* >)en to5i/s o* )is/1ssion were t'e 5ro0ress o* t'e ,an?o M1se1A an) Nant1/9et Mill 5ro?e/tC t'e <orse :ar9 o* t'e So1t'C Eree)oA :ar9 an) Aar9etin0 e**ortsF G'e >)en Motel o//15an/; taH *inis'e) t'e IJJKLIJMJ *is/al ;ear NMOP )1e to s5e/ial eQentsC /or5orate sta;s an) s5orts to1rnaAentsF G'e retreat 0oal was to )eQelo5 new initiatiQes to 9ee5 t'is AoAent1A 0oin0F New s5e/ial eQents s/'e)1le) *or IJMM in/l1)e a RaSS EestiQalC Te0o ,1il)L 3** an) t'e ret1rn o* t'e 5o51lar =144er U1/9 =e0attaF >)en will la1n/' a new we)L )in0 se/tion on t'e >H5lore>)enNC we4 siteF G'is will s'ow/ase t'e >)en an) =o/9in0'aA Co1nt; we)L )in0 Qen1esC 5l1s s155ort 41sinessL esF >)en we))in0 Qen1es in/l1)e 7illow 3a9s :lantationC W)lewil) an) a new Qen1e o5enin0 on Center C'1r/' =oa)F S155ort 41sinesses in/l1)e R1)it' 7arren ,o1ti61e an) ,ri)al an) :art; :l1s t'at s155lies all eQent nee)sF G'ere are also Aan; lo/al 5'oto0ra5'ersC Aost nota4l; ,ar4o1r St1)io an) Xaller;F G'e retreat eH5lore) wa;s to s155ort t'e N!SC!= eQents 'el) at MartinsQille S5ee)wa;F 3ne 5ossiL 4ilit; is to 'aQe A1si/ o**ere) in t'e 0reen s5a/e 4etween t'e t'ree area 'otels o** o* Yan ,1ren =oa) an) a s'owin0 o* !Aeri/an Xra**iti at t'e >)en UriQeLWnF Contin1e) riQer a//ess eH5ansionC a 5ossi4le /aA5L 0ro1n) alon0 t'e SAit' =iQerC tro1t *is'in0 on t'e SAit' =iQer an) Aore s5e/i*i/ Aar9etin0 to riQer ent'1siL asts in t'e =alei0'LU1r'aA area were )is/1sse)F Eor Aore in*orAation on >)en eQents an) to1risA initiatiQesC Qisit wwwF >H5lore>)enNCF/oA or t'e >H5lore>)enNC Ea/e4oo9 5a0e w'i/' 'as now oQer ICJOJ *ansF
Paid For Gy The Committee To Elect Nelson Cole
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Y#& O+/"2'$& R'1#*#/ P$".6+/,"#%&??F&*$/,%/,+&.,$'+/"$V D"##*& ?''& \,)),*1%V& "[ F5*$)'%/"#& SFV& $'/6$#'.& /"& 5'$ 5"1'/"U#& *%& *& (*$/& "[& /5'& C'%/ A6.,/"$,61& L6#.& 3^8^& L*)) P'$["$1*#+'&S'$,'%T \,)),*1%V& *& M"$'5'*.& H,-5 S+5"")& F)*%%& "[& 89g4V& 5*%& /*D'# 5'$&('$["$1'$%&/"&/5'&3^^g&B"$/5 F5*$)'%/"#& A$/%& L'%/,S*)& *#.& /" /5'& S/T& T5"1*%V& /5'& <S& e,$-,# Y%)*#.%T T5'& ($"['%%,"#*)& F5$,%/,*# /5'*/$'& +"1(*#G& ,#& /5' ?"U+"6#/$G& )*6#+5'.& ,/%& L*)) T"6$&U,/5&,/%&[)*-%5,(&($".6+/,"#V <#+"#.,/,"#*):&?"S'&B'S'$&L*,)% 2G& \,)),*1%T& T5'& /"6$& 2'-,#%& ,# F5*$)'%/"#& 2'["$'& 1"S,#-& /" B"$/5&F*$"),#*&*#.&e,$-,#,*T T5',$&%/"$G&-,S'%&5"('&/"&*)) "[& 6%& [*+,#-& .,$'& +"#%'h6'#+'% 2$"6-5/&"#&2G&"6$&"U#&1,%-6,.f '.& *+/,"#%T& & T5',$& /$,61(5& "S'$ /5',$& %/$6--)'%& '[['+/,S')G& +"1f 16#,+*/'%&/5'&$'%/"$*/,"#V&$'+"#f +,),*/,"#& *#.& $'-'#'$*/,"#& *S*,)f *2)'&/5$"6-5&6#+"#.,/,"#*)&)"S'T T5'& ($".6+/,"#& ['*/6$'. %"1'& "[& /5'& 2'%/& ('$["$1'$%& ,# /5'& ?"U+"6#/$G& ,#+)6.,#R*+h6'K& C$"U#& HA6-6%/6% iS1,//G’ S1,/5JV& T$*S,%& M,))'$ HTG$"#'& \,)%"#JV& & S5'#'h6* S/'U*$.& HF*#.*+'& E,)1"$'& JV R"5#&S1*))%&HB'*)&R*1,%"#JV&?,%* M"#/-"1'$G& HD'2"$*5& P'/'$%JV S'*#& \5,/'& HAS'$G& b6,#+G
!o-ors to t;e <ore;ea: ="g; >#;ool !ua-e @est >#;olars;"p Au-: proBe#t ;a)e ra"se: o)er $100F000 to repla#e au:"tor"u8 seats! !o--a Hee W"ll"a8sF .lass of 1JK4F Mroug;t ;er 6e8-a-t Nro:u#t"o-%s #ast fro8 .;arlesto- >. to Me a part of t;e @est 3u:"tor"u8 Au-: Nerfor8a-#e >er"esO N"#ture: are t;e #ast a-: fr"e-:s pr"or to W"ll"a8s% or"g"+ -al :ra8aF PQ.RQ!,S,RQ3H THo)e Qe)er Aa"lsO @est a-: W"ll"a8s 4el#o8e ot;ers to support t;e proBe#tO S;e Uree-sMoro @"g @a-: "s s#;e:ule: for Qo)e8Mer 4 at VWX0 p8 Yo;- <otleZ <ore;ea: ="g; >#;ool !ua-e @est >#;olars;"p Au-:F Qo-prof"t HZ-- SuttleF Nres":e-t Ulor"a SO @estF NroBe#t .oor:"-ator 3u:"tor"u8 >eat 6epla#e8e-t NroBe#t N R @o[ 4424F ]:e- Q. 2V2KJ Meste:e-^tr"a:OrrO#o8 XX_+_2X+2JX2 Z#,-5/J& *#.& R".#'G& E"".%"#V M6%,+*)&D,$'+/"$T&&& P*$/& "[& /5'& ($"+''.%& "[& /5' ($"-$*1& U'#/& /"& %6(("$/& /5'
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Coffeez And Creamz :EATU3;N# HOMESTEAD C3EAME3Y’S ;CE C3EAM HL$*#D),#&F"6#/GV&e*TJ&A))&O$-*#,+V&H"$1"#'&L$''
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NO#EMBER 2010 EDEN’S OWN / COUNTY STAR, PAGE 91 ¶ This is worth AonCerinE anC AassinE on iG HoI wish. Note the last LIote GroM NeGGerson on the OankinE inCIstrHQ HOW COULD ONE >AN BE <O <>ART ABOUT THE FUTURE THI< >ANY YEAR< AGOe Wo%n F. Qenned6 %eld a dinner in t%e 8%ite House 7or a group o7 t%e 3rig%test minds in t%e nation at t%at time. He made t%is statementV ET%is is per%aps t%e assem3l6 o7 t%e most intelli/ gence e;er to gat%er at one time in t%e W%ite House 8it% t%e e?ception o7 8%en T%omas We77erson dined alone.E Especiall6 read t%e last Yuote 7rom Z[\]. W%en 8e get piled upon one anot%er in large citiesN as in EuropeN 8e s%all 3ecome as cor/ rupt as Europe .. Thomas Jefferson T%e democrac6 8ill cease to e?ist 8%en 6ou taJe a8a6 7rom t%ose 8%o are 8illing to 8orJ and gi;e to t%ose 8%o 8ould not. Thomas Jefferson It is incum3ent on e;er6 genera/ tion to pa6 its o8n de3ts as it goes. A principle 8%ic% i7 acted on 8ould sa;e one/%al7 t%e 8ars o7 t%e 8orld. Thomas Jefferson
I predict 7uture %appiness 7or Americans i7 t%e6 can pre;ent t%e go;ernment 7rom 8asting t%e la3ors o7 t%e people under t%e pretense o7 taJing care o7 t%em. Thomas Jefferson >6 reading o7 %istor6 con;inces me t%at most 3ad go;ernment results 7rom too muc% go;ern/ ment. Thomas Jefferson No 7ree man s%all e;er 3e de3arred t%e use o7 arms. Thomas Jefferson T%e strongest reason 7or t%e people to retain t%e rig%t to Jeep and 3ear arms isN as a last resortN to protect t%emsel;es against t6rann6 in go;ernment. Thomas Jefferson
To compel a man to su3sidi^e 8it% %is ta?es t%e propagation o7 ideas 8%ic% %e dis3elie;es and a3%ors is sin7ul and t6rannical. Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson said in 1802: KI 3elie;e t%at 3anJing institu/ tions are more dangerous to our li3erties t%an standing armies. I7 t%e American people e;er allo8 pri;ate 3anJs to con/ trol t%e issue o7 t%eir currenc6N 7irst 36 in7lationN t%en 36 de7la/ tionN t%e 3anJs and corporations t%at 8ill gro8 up around t%e 3anJs 8ill depri;e t%e people o7 all propert6 / until t%eir c%ildren 8aJe/up %omeless
,ant A .oveable Pet3
C"#$%&$'T)*'E,*# P".#,'A$ 01234566'T"'78*9'T)* P*$:'A;%8<%=<*
4og'6 Pu88ie'6 Cat'6 :itten' A,">$8"#'?**'@AA'8#&<.,*: ;%&&8#%$8"#:B Make A Frien- For 0ife ? Sa4e A 0ife TooA
Senio" .ine <42-@@@@ ?"C'8#D"'%=".$'*<,*C<E' :*C;8&*:'8#'R"&G8#H)%I'C".#$EJ T)*'S*#8"C'L8#*'8:' ansBereCD ;o.rs+ E -ays a BeekF
I can ;eri76 t%is 3ecause I 8as in Lo8es t%e ot%er da6 7or some reason and :ust 7or t%e %ecJ o7 it I 8as looJing at t%e %ose attac%ments . T%e6 8ere all made in C%ina . T%e ne?t da6 I 8as in Ace Hard8are and :ust 7or t%e %ecJ o7 it I c%ecJed t%e %ose attac%ments t%ere . T%e6 8ere made in U<A . <tart looJing . Hers%e6Ks cand6. >ade in >e?ico Colgate / >ade in >e?ico Crest / >ade in U<A GE Brand Lig%t3ul3s / >ade in
>e?ico Bounce Dr6er <%eets / >ade in Canada >ost E;e6da6 House Ualue 3rands / >ade in U<A C%allengeV <tart reading t%e la3els 8%en 6ou s%op 7or e;er6/ da6 t%ings and see 8%at 6ou can 7ind t%at is made in t%e U<A / t%e :o3 6ou sa;e ma6 3e 6our o8n or 6our neig%3orsC LetKs get 8it% t%e program . . . . %elp our 7ello8 Americans Jeep t%eir :o3s and create more :o3s %ere in t%e U. <. A.
C"aft&' Co"ne" Nona Craf*+ E-./a*or+ 0eaks4ille S8ray Ele:en*ary E-en+ Nor*; Carolina
I %eard a stor6 t%e ot%er da6 t%at 8as 3e6ond incredi3le. It 8asN I am toldN a true stor6N one 7rom 8%ic% I learned man6 lessons upon re7lection. Let me tell itN in 3rie7N to 6ou. T%e stor6 is told o7 a couple 8%o %ad a dar/ ling little dogN a C%i%ua%ua. T%e6 adored t%is little pet as a 7amil6 mem3er. T%e6 8ould let t%e dog out to do %is 3usiness and 8%en %e 8as done %e 8ould scratc% at t%e door and t%en %e 8ould come in and en:o6 t%e 8armt% o7 t%e lo;e t%e6 poured on %im dail6. One da6 8%en %e did not come 8%en called t%e6 searc%ed 7or %im in t%e %ouse. To t%eir utter disma6 t%e6 7ound t%eir 3elo;edN on %is sideN stillN e6es closed in deat%. T%e6 could not consol t%emsel;es or eac% ot%er. T%eir grie7 8as 3e6ond 8ords and t%eir emotions 3e6ond repair. T%e6 gentl6 8rapped %im in %is 7a;orite 3lanJet and a7ter la6ing %im in a 3o?N 3uried %im in t%e 3acJ6ard. You can not imagine t%eir surprise 8%en a7ter t8o da6s t%e6 %eard 7amiliar scratc%/ ing at t%eir 7ront doorC But more t%an t%e surprise t%at t%e sound 3roug%tN imagine 8%en t%e6
715 WashinEton Street f ECen Call For An Appointment Or <top B6 f <ee UsC
Bar & Grill .o]ated in the :ing'[aW Placa Bi'it G' In Hhe ,eb--
5TS T 6TS - WCOWBOY OUTLAWY 12TS T 13TS - WBULLET BANDY 1[TS - TBA 20TS - WWISS]UL TSIN^INGY 26TS T 27TS - TBA ABACD ,A4EAS4ADF CGSHIMAC APPCACKAHKIE EKHA - LM0O off bee"P MeQbe"' R"ee AdQi''ion 2 TKU SCCAAE HB&' Hhu"'daW Eite'F :a"aoXe Y-Z2 [/Gn]le 4iddW R"iL ^ SatL - .ive Tand' Mu't be 2Z and Ive" _ `2<-Y4a4 bou"' 2 8Q - 2 AM _ a 4aW' A ,eeX
T%e tree o7 li3ert6 must 3e re7res%ed 7rom time to time 8it% t%e 3lood o7 patriots and t6rants. Thomas Jefferson
0O O H I E F O R E Y O L I L Y We s%ould ALL start read/ ing 3rands / especiall6 t%ose o7 us in t%e sout% 8%ere so manu/ 7acturing :o3s %a;e gone <out% =to >e?ico@ or Nort% =to Canada@ or o;erseasC E;en our E7res%E 7ruits and ;egeta3les in t%e pro/ duce section are coming 7rom outside our countr6. No WON/ DER all :o3less rate is so %ig% / 8e are gi;ing our :o3s to t%e peo/ ple in ot%er countriesC <tart read/ ing t%e la3les 7olJsC LetKs start taJing 3acJ our countr6 in t%e stores 8%ere 8e <HOPC W%en 6ou s%op READN THINQ and <WITCH TO E>ADE IN U<AE ProductsC A p%6sics teac%er in %ig% sc%oolN >r . Woole6N once told us t%at 8%ile one grass%oper on t%e railroad tracJs 8ouldnKt slo8 a train ;er6 muc%N a 3illion o7 t%em 8ould . Wit% t%at t%oug%t in mindN read t%e 7ollo8/ ingN o3;iousl6 8ritten 36 a good American
CoMe #isit Us At OIr New Lo`ation
opened t%e doorN looJed do8nN and sa8 t%eir little dogN co;ered in mud and dirtN staring up at t%emC Not onl6 %ad %e not 3een deadN %e %ad dug %is 8a6 out o7 t%e gra;e and returned %omeC I learned a 7e8 lessons 7rom t%is tale o7 / <orro8 turned to Re:oicing. Z. <ometimes 8%en peopleN =e;en t%ose 8%o lo;e 6ou@ t%inJ all %ope 7or 6ou is goneN it isn’tC ].E;er6 closed e6e isn’t sleep and e;er6 good 36e isn’t gone. a.Circumstances ma6 3ur6 6ouN 3ut i7 6ou are determinedN 6ou can dig 6our 8a6 out. b.It is great 8%en 6ou can re;eal 6our ac%ie;ements to t%ose 8%o t%oug%t 6ou 8ere done. c.It’s not t%e diagnosisN it’s 6our response to it t%at determines t%e outcome. d.Don’t put an6t%ing past a des/ perate C%i%ua%uaC No matter 8%at 6our circum/ stancesN Jno8 matter 8%at ot%ers sa6 or t%inJN dear readerN <TART DIGGINGC You ma6 %a;e to JnocJ t%e dust and dirt o77 3ut 6ou are going to come up and outN :ust QEEP DIGGINGC
Eo[ Se"ving K]e Cold 4"aft Tee"
Satu"daW' .adW MeQbe"' R"ee Gntil Z08Q
ECen ^iwanis 2[th AnnIal Pan`ake SIAAer MoreheaC SiEh S`hool CaGeteria
]riCaH, NoaeMOer 1[, 2010 9:30 A.M. - 8:00 A.M. ACIlts d5.00 ChilCren UnCer 12 - d2.50 Ti`kets AaailaOle At The Door
YoIr Donations SelA SIAAort ECen ^iwanis Proee`ts TerriGi` ^iCs, S`holarshiAs, ChilCren/PriortH One Thank YoI ]or YoIr SIAAortQQQ
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627-V234 or 613-0325 Fax: 336-627-V225 lisadoss@edensown.com or edens-own@embarqmail.com $D$N’S OWN JOURNAL OR FINN$Y/DOSS D$SIGNS 51V7 NC Hwy. 14, $den, NC 27288
Proud Member of
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336-623-8444 1-6 Bedrooms Availa`le We Buy Houses [ Land Shane [ A``y Hensley
Real Estate Investors
Iron Eagle T-res • 7ra8es • S*ru*s • S9o;8s Turn =o*ors • /l->n?en*s • @A InsCe;*-ons
D%E 7oone =F(G HFen OJneF K OCera*eF 3y Jimmy TcBride be available to delight the tastes of young and old. Kids activities include pony rides, face-painting and panning for treasures. Free hayrides of the surrounding Upper Piedmont Research station will be offered hourly. Admission to the festival is free. Mansion Tours are at a discounted rate for all adults 6ust a15 (usually a20), youths ages 6 d 16 are a10, and kids under 5 are free. The wine tasting room opens at 12 noone wine sales by the bottle and by the glass, tastings of the collection are a5. ChinUua Penn Plantation and Vineyards at 2138 Wentworth
Street, Reidsville, NC 27320 is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Plantation includes a 27 room English countryside mansion filled with elaborate furnishings from 30 countries, surrounded by 22 acres of beautiful gardens and historic landscape. The estate showcases the statehs premier collection of eclectic decorative arts. The home was built in the 1920s by Thomas Jefferson Penn (18751946) and his wife, Beatrice Schoellkopf Penn (1881-1965). For more information call 336-349-4576 or visit chinUuapenn.com.
; C:66N*N< 9 = > 9?*6 A, C H*N34A 5 6 N N On Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 6:00 pm Mandie and The Cherokee Treasure will be screened at ChinUua Penn Plantation on the lawn under the stars. Mandie and the Cherokee Treasure (rated G) is based on the popular book by Lois Glayds Leppard and is the second of the Mandie movies to be filmed on location at ChinUua Penn Plantation. Starring Lexi Johnson and Hayley Mills, this family movie will delight young and old as they follow Mandie on her harrowing adventure by train and through the mountains. This screening offers families the opportunity to tour the house in the afternoon to experience the locations in the movie first hand, before snuggling up on the Clock Tower Hill to watch the movie under the stars on the big screen. Packages for families (2 adults and up to 4 children) to tour the house and see the movie are a40 in advance and a50 at the door. For the movie only the family rate is a20 in advance a25 at the door. For the movie only individual adults tickets are a6e youths (6-15) a4e kids under 5 are free. Tours of the mansion will begin at 3 pm and 4 pm. The movie will begin promptly at 6 pm. Grilled food, popcorn, hot cocoa and other beverages will be available for purchase. Guests are encouraged to bring their own lawn chairs and blankets. For more information and advance tickets call 336-349-4576 or visit chinUuapenn.com. For more information on mo vie, visit www.mandiemovies.com.
The Higgs Team Boyd [ Vonda
Saturday, November 6th from 10 am to 5 pm, celebrate Fall at ChinUua Penn Plantation and Vineyard’s fifth annual Fall Festival and Gatsby Day Celebration. En6oy the beauty and elegance of the 1920’s with fun for the entire family. Delight in the vocal stylings of Jessica Mashburn as she shares her eclectic piano rock style with influences ranging from 6a]] to country and classic rock to oldtime favourites. Mashburn is a classically trained musician who is a regular in the Greensboro music scene and has toured the east coast with two ma6or Top 40 bands. The festival features a 1920’s costume contest with door pri]es given for the top three costumes. Wear your roaring 20’s flapper dresses and ]oot suits if you like or whatever is comfortable for an autumn festival. Classic cars will be on display on the grounds as well as a wide variety of fine arts exhibitors and crafts people with their wares for sale. The Disabled American Veterans, a regular at the festival, will be serving their famous Brunswick Stew and BarbeUue along with homemade sweets. Funnel cakes, candy apples, hot dogs, hot chocolate and more will
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