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Isaiah 53 "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."
We salute our veterans. Thank you. 116-B W. Meadow Rd. Eden, N.C.
Kathy W. Hale, AAMS®
Financial Advisor
430-B W. Kings Hwy. Eden, N.C. Member SIPC www.edwardjones.com
M.- F. 9-6 Sat. 10 5
County’s First Opioid Treatment Provider opens
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Gildan Yarns Coming to Eden
Gildan Yarns, a yarn-spinning company, will create 85 jobs in Eden. The company will invest approximately $5 million to revamp and operate a new yarn spinning mill in Eden in addition to the $12 million it spent on the acquisition of the former SGRTex building and equipment on Summit Road. Gildan Yarns is the yarn spinning division of Gildan, a leading apparel manufacturer headquartered in Montreal, Canada. This new location will be the compa-
Gildan Yarns... Continued on Page 2
Nationally recognized local clinic expands office space and services to aid the community
If you visit Eden Internal Medicine (EIM), you will find the small-town practice taking big strides towards providing high quality and value-based care. EIM has been serving Rockingham County and surrounding towns for the past 41 years, and has been a constant source of trust in the community. EIM has strived to achieve a global view of medicine, and doctors Shah and Vyas are looking to create a health care team that can tackle the largest possible group of medical conditions and ready to care for the most prevalent and aggressive conditions in our community. Having expanded their office space their team of seven talented medical professionals are ready for anything. EIM has consistently been ranked in the top 1% of providers in the national United Healthcare Medicare Quality program. EIM is also a Level 3 certified Patient Centered Medical Home and collaborates with multiple quality care programs with UnitedHealth Care, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Humana, Health Team Advantage, and Triad Health Care Network amongst other insurance companies. They have also scored 105
Eden Internal... Continued on Page 3
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Offers 12 Scholarships for Free Treatment to entities
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Vol. 20 Num. 11
A grand opening ceremony was held at noon, Oct. 15, for ALEF Behavioral Health Group, the first opioid treatment provider in Rockingham County, one of the counties in North Carolina that has been hardest hit by the opioid epidemic. “Our goal is to ensure that those who are struggling with opioid addiction have a place to come, so we can reduce the overdose rate in our county,” Ronald Flack, Jr., President and CEO of ALEF Behavioral Group, told a
Opioid Treatment... Continued on Page 6
The Ribbon Cutting ceremony was held October 15, for ALEF Behavioral Health Group, the first opioid treatment provider in Rockingham County
311 S. Van Buren Rd, Eden, NC MON - FRI- 8-5:30 • SAT. 8-2
Roadside Service Available!
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Eden Internal...
Continued from page 3
guidelines from the American Endocrinology Society, and we provide comprehensive management plans including diet, exercise, medications, and behavior modification methods. We monitor patients’ progress throughout the year to help control their blood sugar and provide regular testing. We also bring in nutritionists to help host diabetic classes to provide more information for patients. The latest technology –including continuous glucose monitors, insulin pens, and pod devices –allows us to provide the most advanced treatment. Our patients are motivated to take care of their diabetes and avoid complications, and we promise to always provide the best care and aid them on this mission. Are all professionals accepting patients? All of our providers are accepting new patients.
what is required of new patients to come to your practice? Patients who are interested in seeing our providers can contact our office at (336)627-4896 ext 334 to speak with our New Patient Coordinator. They will answer basic questions concerning their health, medications, and insurance coverage, and then immediately receive an appointment date with one of our providers based on provider availability and urgency of their need. what is your patient population geographic distribution? We see patients from all over Rockingham and its surrounding counties to Southern Virginia.
what insurances do you work with? what exclusions? We participate with most Medicare and Commercial Insurances- Medicare, Medicare Advantage UHC, BCBS, Aetna, Cigna, Humana, NC Medicaid,
(all five new Products) and some Virginia Insurance Pans. We do not participate with Virginia Medicaid.
what new equipment or services do you plan to offer soon? We will soon begin providing memory evaluation with advanced computerized cognitive testing and other treatment options. We will also begin offering home visits to homebound patients. Our doctors will continue to provide onsite patient care at UNC Rockingham Hospital and nursing home, and Brookdale Assisted Living. Our office will ensure our patients have complete coverage in any living situation.
How does the Memory clinic help the patients? In a survey of its members, AARP found that ‘staying mentally sharp’ was a top concern of 87 percent of respondents… The move to evaluate neurocognitive disorders as early as possible emerged from the recognition of a long predementia stage (before actual Dementia is diagnosed), improvements in early detection, and the increasing emphasis on early intervention to prevent or postpone dementia. With advanced technology Accurate and Precise Measurement and Monitoring of Cognitive Function is stablished in the office. Then careful management and care planning is done for the patient along with their family members. Patient is followed up on this plan with follow up visit and every 6 months advanced testing to see serial changes.
New Provider’s Bios: Mackenzie Barham, DNP Ms. Barham joined our Health Care Team in September. She has been a lifelong resident of Rockingham County. Following graduation from Morehead High School in 2009, she attended the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) where she earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 2014. Since then she
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has been working in the Intensive Care/Stepdown unit on the Cone Health's Wesley Long campus. While working for Cone Health she completed her Doctorate in Nurse Practice, specializing in adult/gerontology at UNCG. Having completed her doctorate in May of 2019, she is excited to serve the community she has always called home. Taylor Woodson, FNP-C Ms. Woodson will be joining our practice as a Family Nurse Practitioner in August. Ms. Woodson was born and raised in Pittsylvania County, Virginia and is a graduate of Tunstall High School. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA with her Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 2014 and has been employed as a highly skilled and trained emergency, trauma, and intensive care registered nurse. Ms. Woodson graduated Summa Cum Laude from Walden University in Minneapolis, MN with a Master of Science Degree as a Family Nurse Practitioner
NoveMBeR 2019 eDeN’S owN / CouNtY StAR, PAGe 5 H and is licensed by The American Association of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board, and North Carolina Board of Nursing. Ms. Woodson is devoted to providing quality care to her patients. Naitik Panwala, PA-C -Mr. Panwala earned his undergraduate degree of BS in Biology from the University Of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He then went on to complete his Master’s in Health Science Degree in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health in the Duke University School of Medicine in 1992 where he also completed his Physician Assistant Program. Mr. Panwala is a Fellow in the American Academy of Physician Assistants and North Carolina Academy of Physician Assistants. He is board certified by the NCCPA. Mr. Panwala has years of experience gained from working in the fields of Emergency Medicine, Urgent Care, Family Medicine, Pediatric, Rheumatology, Hospitalist and Internal Medicine. Mr Panwala
has over 10 years of Rheumatology experience and will be focusing on patients with Arthritis and Fibromyalgia at Eden Internal Medicine. Letter to Heaven
Joshua Daniel Pennell... it’s been almost a year since I lost you. Things are still the same. I’ve cried every day and not a day goes by that I don’t think of you. I visit your grave every day to take you fresh flowers. You were my first grandson. I don’t think I will get over this until my time comes and I see those beautiful brown eyes. Things are not the same by far. Granny loves you now as much as I ever did. You were and always will be my darling angel. Rest in peace and the Lord will take care of you. No more pain or sorrow for you and no more drugs for people to give to you. People who make and sell those things don’t care who they hurt. It’s just the dollar they are making and always remember Money is the root of all evil. Happy 28th Birthday in Heaven Love You...My Guardian Angel Granny Hilda Seals
Sunday November 10th, 2019 at 4pm Colonial Funeral Home Chapel in Madison
The public is cordially invited to join in this tribute to the memory of our loved ones. Thanksgiving and Christmas will be a painful time for those who have experienced death of family and friends. We have planned this memorial service hoping to help prepare you for the upcoming holidays.
COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME & CHAPEL, INC. 127 Ellisboro Road, Madison, NC 27025 • 336-427-0205
Opioid Treatment...
Continued from Page 1
a crowd of more than 60 people attending the event Keynote speaker Rodney Cates, Emergency Services Director for Rockingham County, noted the gravity of the opioid problem and the urgent need for opioid treatment services in Rockingham County. From January 1 through August 1, 2019, Rockingham County had 61 known opioid overdose cases and 14 deaths related to opioid overdoses, he said. During that same time period, Narcan (the drug used to reverse opioid poisoning) was used 135 times in Better Health Naturally Since 1948
405 Boone Rd., Eden, NC
Dr. John R. Dabbs, DC Dr. John LeSueur
www.edenchiropractic.com • edenchiropractic@hotmail.com
Rockingham County, Cates said. In 2018, Rockingham County had the 7th highest rate of opioid overdose Emergency Department visits (per 100,000 residents) in North Carolina, according to the North Carolina Division of Public Health. “We are very grateful and excited to have a treatment center opening in our county and eager to see the positive results this treatment center will have for those who are in need,” Cates said. “I commend everyone who has put this together – the development and the planning and the opening of this today. It’s a job well-done, and I think we will all benefit from it.”
Raising the bar on opioid treatment Flack told the crowd that ALEF Behavioral Group has two major goals – to reduce the stigma associated with seeking treatment so people are not afraid to come forward, and to help those struggling with addiction through a holistic approach, targeting the whole person. Treatment includes providing
medication to assist the addict in quitting opioids, but also encompasses behavioral therapies, links to help the person find employment, and other programs designed to help the person get his or her life back on track. “We desire to change the existing model of what opioid treatment looks like,” Flack said. “No longer can you just go to a clinic and get medication and go home. With ALEF Behavioral Group, we are going to raise the bar for how treatment is done. So, when you come to our treatment center, you may experience Zumba, you may experience all types of yoga, you may experience different therapeutic approaches. Because at the end of the day, we are trying to reach a person and take them to a different place that they never have experienced before.” Extending an ‘ALEF branch’ to the community Flack also announced at the event that ALEF Behavioral Group has launched an initiative called the “ALEF Branch to the
Donating your IRA distributions to a charity Qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) have been permanently extended. Individuals can donate up to $100,000 per year directly from a traditional or Roth IRA to qualifying charities. This is attractive to some investors because QCDs can be used to satisfy required minimum distributions (RMDs) from an IRA without having the distribution included in their income.
Eligibility A qualified charitable distribution may be made: • When the IRA holder is age 70½ or older
and estate-planning attorney about your situation. Edward Jones, its financial advisors and employees do not provide tax or legal advice.
• Directly from the IRA to a qualified charity
Key benefits
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• For those who give larger gifts – Deductibility limits do not apply to QCDs, which means the QCD can be made in addition to other charitable contributions that may be limited by the annual maximum deductible percentage of income or phase-outs of itemized deductions.
Qualified charities Generally, a qualified charity includes most public charities that are eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions – including religious institutions, certain veterans’ organizations, fraternal societies and community foundations that provide scholarships.
Limitations on distributions Restrictions set on QCDs include the following:
• For those who don’t itemize deductions – If QCDs are used as the funding source for charitable donations, the donor will receive tax benefits when there otherwise would have been none due to the use of the standard deduction.
• $100,000 maximum per person per year • Distributions transferred to the charity no later than Dec. 31 of the current tax year • Must be a direct IRA distribution from the IRA custodian or trustee to a qualified charity • Not all charitable organizations qualify • Applicable only for traditional and Roth IRA distributions (excludes SEP and SIMPLE IRAs) Making a QCD provides an opportunity to make a charitable contribution that you might otherwise not have been able to make and/or receive potential tax benefits for charitable contributions that you are already making. You should consult your tax advisor 116-B W. Meadow Rd. Eden, N.C. Sam Phillips
Financial Advisor
Financial Advisor 336-627-7737 116 W Meadow Road Suite B Eden, NC 27288 336-627-7737
Kathy W Hale, AAMS®
• For those who pay taxes on a portion of their Social Security benefits – Income for determining the taxation of Social Security benefits is lower than if the IRA holder had taken the RMD, potentially reducing this taxation. • For those whose income level subjects them to tax on Net Investment Income, or phase-out of personal exemptions or itemized deductions – A QCD made in lieu of an RMD will result in lower Adjusted Gross Income for the IRA holder, which may lessen the effect of this tax or applicable phase-outs.
116-B W. Meadow Rd. Eden, N.C.
Kathy W. Hale, AAMS®
430-B W. Kings Hwy. Eden, N.C. Hope Gilley
Financial Advisor
621 Monroe St. Eden, N.C. Mike Aviña
IRT-2633F-A EXP Financial 31 DEC 2019 Advisor © 2018 EDWARD D. JONES & CO., L.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Financial Advisor
IRT-2633F-A EXP 31 DEC 2019 © 2018 EDWARD D. JONES & CO. L.P. ALL
www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC
Community,” which will provide 12 scholarships for six months of free treatment to specific groups in Rockingham County, which can in turn designate area residents they determine are in need of opioid addiction treatment to receive the scholarships. “It’s our way of letting the community know that we are fully invested in helping with this problem,” he said. One scholarship for six months of treatment will be awarded to each: Reidsville Police Department Reidsville Fire Department Eden Police Department Eden Fire Department Rockingham County EMS Reidsville Mayor's Office Cardinal Innovations Daymark Recovery Services Rockingham County Department of Social Services Rockingham County Vocational Rehab / NC Works Program UNC Rockingham Health Care Cone Health Annie Penn Hospital of Reidsville The basic requirements for each scholarship recipient are: - Must be a resident of Rockingham County - Must produce/show financial need - Must be committed to treatment and committed to becoming a productive citizen of Rockingham County ALEF provides an answer One of the key components of the North Carolina Opioid Action Plan, developed to address the opioid crisis, is a call for more treatment and recovery programs. ALEF Behavioral Group’s opening is a response to that call. ALEF offers medication-assisted treatment (MAT), which encompasses three FDA-approved drugs, combined with individual and group counseling, behavioral therapy and other programs, to help those with opioid addictions overcome their addiction. “We are bringing comprehensive medication-assisted treatment – and hope – to people in Rockingham County with opioid addiction,” Flack said. “Now they can find evidence-based treatment options right here in their home community, along with counselors and medical staff who can help them navigate the path to recovery.” As an opioid treatment provider, ALEF has to meet strict requirements for certification and licensing by numerous agencies, including the federal Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the North Carolina State Opioid Treatment Authority (SOTA). “High-risk” opioid problem in Rockingham County A study published in June by the Journal of the American Medical Association’s JAMA Network Open classified Rockingham among 421 “high-risk” counties nationally that have a higher rate
Opioid Treatment... Continued on Page 7
Opioid Treatment...
Continued from Page 6
of opioid-related deaths per 100,000 people than the national average and a lower number of providers of medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorders than the national average. The study authors suggest that a greater availability of robust medication-assisted treatments in counties like Rockingham could reduce opioid-related deaths by 40-60%. “We specifically chose Rockingham County for our first opioid treatment center because of its high opioid addiction rate and its lack of a certified opioid treatment provider,” Flack said.
“As the study suggested, we hope to reduce the number of opioid-related deaths through our program.” Each ALEF client undergoes comprehensive assessment by a physician before beginning treatment, then is assigned a case manager. An individualized program is developed, and the client is closely monitored to ensure that progress is being made toward recovery. The company plans to open a second location in High Point in February 2020, with additional locations planned in North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland by 2022.
Two Young Health Care Professionals Return to Serve Eden
Like most rural areas of the stated Barham. “I love the small U.S., many young people from town feel of Eden and expect Eden have left for an education this community to grow in the and never returned. future.” She feels The Millennial generlike Eden Internal ation has flocked to Medicine provides larger urban areas, a good foundation but Eden can now on which to celebrate two young progress in her health care profescareer. Barham is sionals who have excited to reconnect returned to the comwith people she munity they love. used to know and Barham Mackenzie meet new ones. To Barham, Doctor of learn more about Nursing Practice the care Eden (DNP) at Eden Internal Medicine Internal Medicine and Ms. Barham A Rockingham offer, call their County native and office at 336-6272009 Morehead High 4896. School graduate, John LeSueur, Mackenzie Barham Doctor of attended UNCG, Chiropractic, Eden Lesueur receiving her Chiropractic Bachelor of Science John LeSueur grew in Nursing in 2014. up just outside of She completed her Doctorate in Eden. He graduated from Nursing Practice, specializing in Rockingham High School in adult/gerontology, in May of 2004 and obtained his degree in 2019. She is excited to practice Exercise and Sports Science in at Eden Internal Medicine and 2012 from Guilford College. serve the community she calls LeSueur had suffered from home. chronic shoulder pain that was Prior to her position at Eden not relieved by traditional mediInternal Medicine, Barham cine. After two visits with Dr. worked as a nurse at Wesley John Dabbs of Eden Long Hospital in Greensboro. Chiropractic, his pain ceased. She had done clinical rotations This inspired him to pursue a with Drs. Dhruv Vyas and Asish Chiropractic career. Life College Shah, MD of Eden Internal of Chiropractic, which Dr. Dabbs Medicine before receiving her had also attended, was where he training in Adult Gerontology. “I received his Doctor of enjoy older Chiropractic degree in 2018. people, their outlook on life, Currently, he is in practice wisdom and positive attitude,” with Dr. Dabbs in Eden. “Dr. stated Barham. Sometimes her Dabbs has given me a great patient visits can become social opportunity and has been my visits as she engages with them mentor for years,” stated as part of her practice. Barham is LeSueur. “My family and friends accepting patients and will be are still in Eden which has able to fully address their needs, always felt like home to me. I including physicals and acute am happy to return to serve illness issues. She will also proEden.” He noted that the first vide care at the Brookdale week he returned to Eden, he did Assisted Living facility of Eden not pay for a meal—his friends to the patients of Eden Internal would not allow him to because Medicine and lend time to the they wanted to welcome him fall prevention clinic and home. LeSueur wants to give dizziness testing now being back to the Eden community. offered at the office. He is dedicated to helping those Currently, Barham is living Eden residents in pain or sufferwith her parents Mike and Pam ing from other ailments to get in Eden. “People in Eden are healthier. One of his goals is to warm and welcoming compared conduct classes on illnesses and to Raleigh and Greensboro,” alternative treatment practices.
Oyster Creek
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He also coaches baseball for local youth to share some of his talents with others. For more information about Dr. LeSueur, contact Eden Chiropractic at 336-627-7398.
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Scenes from the 2019 Temptations in the Garden where guest were treated to delicious appetizers, main courses and desserts by local bakers, chefs and restaurants.
WHO TO CONTACT in Rockingham County Government (336) 342-8100 371 NC 65, Reidsville, NC 27320 Rockingham County Board of Commissioners A. Reece Pyrtle, Jr. Chairman (336) 613-2035 rpyrtle@co.rockingham.nc.us
Clerk to County Commissioners Keli G. Watkins (336) 342-8102 kwatkins@co.rockingham.nc.us
Building Inspections Mark Langel (336) 342-8132 mlangel@co.rockingham.nc.us
Health & Human Services/Integrated Health Care Lisa Ellington (336) 634-3009 lellington@co.rockingham.nc.us
Economic Development Leigh H. Cockram (336) 342-8138 lcockram@co.rockingham.nc.us
Financial Services Patricia Galloway (336) 342-8120 pgalloway@co.rockingham.nc.us
Legal John Morris (336) 342-8347 jmorris@co.rockingham.nc.us
Purchasing Amanda Crumpler (336) 342-8111 acrumpler@co.rockingham.nc.us
Strategic Management Paul Murray (336) 342-8366 pmurray@co.rockingham.nc.us
Kevin Berger (336) 932-4767
Mark F. Richardson Vice-Chairman (336) 549-0246 mrichardson@co.rockingham.nc.us
County Manager Lance Metzler (336) 342-8101 lmetzler@co.rockingham.nc.us
Executive Assistant to County Manager Tina Massey (336) 342-8101 tmassey@co.rockingham.nc.us
Chief Information Officer Derek Southern (336) 342-8359 dsouthern@co.rockingham.nc.us
Consolidated Health & Human Services Felissa Ferrell (336) 342-1394 fferrell@co.rockingham.nc.us
Health & Human Services/Public Health Ernesto Moseley (336) 342-8145 emoseley@co.rockingham.nc.us
Health & Human Services/Veterans Services Wanda Lane (336) 342-8449 wlane@co.rockingham.nc.us
Emergency Medical Services Rodney Stewart (336) 634-3005 rstewart@co.rockingham.nc.us
Emergency Services/9-1-1 Rodney Cates (336) 634-3017 rcates@co.rockingham.nc.us
Fire Marshal William Lingle (336) 634-3014 wlingle@co.rockingham.nc.us
Geographic Information Systems Eric Belton (336) 342-8262 ebelton@co.rockingham.nc.us
Library Michael Roche (336) 627-1106 mroche@co.rockingham.nc.us
Maintenance Ron Farris (336) 342-8371 rfarris@co.rockingham.nc.us
Register of Deeds Benjamin J. Curtis (336) 342-8820 bcurtis@co.rockingham.nc.us
Safety/Risk Christopher Elliott (336) 342-8265 celliott@co.rockingham.nc.us
Tax Mark McClintock (336) 342-8382 markmc@co.rockingham.nc.us
Charlie G. Hall, III (336) 932-2491
Animal Shelter Brittany Flynn (336) 394-0076 bflynn@co.rockingham.nc.us
Health & Human Services/ Environmental Health Angel Wyatt (336) 342-8183 angelw@co.rockingham.nc.us
Health & Human Services/Youth Services Tara Muchini (336) 342-5756 tmuchini@co.rockingham.nc.us
Engineering & Public Utilities Ronnie Tate (336) 342-8371 rtate@co.rockingham.nc.us
Human Resources Nichole Smith (336) 342-8112 nsmith@co.rockingham.nc.us
Planning/ Inspections & Central Permitting Carrie Spencer (336) 342-8137 cspencer@co.rockingham.nc.us
Sheriff Samuel Page (336) 634-3239 spage@co.rockingham.nc.us
T. Craig Travis (336) 432-4598
Board of Elections Tina Cardwell (336) 342-8107 tcardwell@co.rockingham.nc.us
Health & Human Services/HR Liason/ Staff Development Ellery Blackstock (336) 342-1394 eblackst@co.rockingham.nc.us
Cooperative Extension Service Will Strader (336) 342-8230 westrade@ncsu.edu
Environmental Compliance/Solid Waste Kathryn Jolly (336) 347-2025 kjolly@co.rockingham.nc.us
Lead Code Enforcement Officer Ben Curry (336) 342-8300 bcurry@co.rockingham.nc.us
Public Information Officer Mable Scott (336) 342-8342 mscott@co.rockingham.nc.us
Soil & Water Conservation Jason Byrd (336) 342-8260 jbyrd@co.rockingham.nc.us
Tourism Robin Yount (336) 342-8367 ryount@co.rockingham.nc.us
STAY IN THE KNOW ON WHERE TO GO! Rockingham County Governmental programs, projects, services and events:
www.MyRockinghamCountyNC.com Rockingham County Economic Development, Small Business, Tourism, Community programs, projects, services and events:
Rockingham County Governmental Center in Wentworth
Watkins honored by County Commissioners
The Rockingham County Board of Commissioners approved a resolution at its Oct. 7th meeting appreciating Keli G. Watkins' service to Rockingham County and its citizens. She served as County Clerk to the Board of Commissioners and was dedicated to accuracy and professional excellence in her service. The Clerk to the Board is responsible for the keeping and retention of official records of the County and most importantly insuring a full and precise account of all the actions of the Governing Body. Watkins began working at Rockingham County Library in 2007, and was employed at the Madison Branch as a Library Assistant until 2013. In Aug. of 2013, she accepted a job with the Board of Elections and received training to become a Certified NC Elections Administrator. While serving as Senior Deputy Director of the Board of Elections, she was appointed as Clerk to the Board of Commissioners on July 19, 2018.
UNC Health Care Renews Commitment to Local Care As a nationwide search for a CEO for UNC Rockingham Health Care begins, the UNC Health Care system remains dedicated to improving the health of the region’s residents and growing services at its Eden facility. On Friday, Oct. 18, Tonya Brown was named to the dual role of Interim Chief Operating Officer (COO) at UNC Rockingham and Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Brown has more than 20 years of health care experience and has been a member of UNC Rockingham’s Executive Management Team for 16 months. Dana Weston, former president and CEO of UNC Rockingham Health Care, resigned her position on Thursday, October 17th. In 2015, Dana joined what was then Morehead Memorial Hospital as President and CEO and helped guide the organization through bankruptcy and a successful acquisition by UNC Health Care in early 2018. An interim CEO is expected to be named soon. Chris Ellington, President of UNC Health Care’s Network Hospitals, will work closely with the Eden hospital’s
board of directors to conduct a search for a permanent CEO. “UNC Rockingham is in a very strong position today and has the full backing of UNC Health Care’s expertise and resources,” said Ellington. Since purchasing the hospital in January 2018, UNC Health Care has upgraded equipment and made facility improvements to the Eden hospital. In April 2018, it opened UNC Cancer Care at Rockingham, a service of UNC Hospitals. The comprehensive cancer center has undergone a full renovation. In recent months, UNC Health Care has also opened UNC Cardiology at Eden on the campus of UNC Rockingham. About UNC Health Care: UNC Health Care is an integrated health care system comprised of UNC Hospitals and its provider network (UNC Faculty Physicians), UNC Physicians Network, the clinical patient care programs of the UNC School of Medicine and other hospitals and hospital systems across the state. Additional hospital entities include UNC REX Healthcare, Chatham Hospital, Johnston Health, Pardee
Now is the time... A Feature of the Leaksville Garden Club
Compiled by margaret Petty
• Garden tasks are still calling. Insect pests are much hardier than their size would suggest • Start forcing bulbs like paperwhites, hyacinth, and amaryllis for the holidays • Plant a terra cotta pot full of hyacinth bulbs for a stunning display next spring • Get those daffodil bulbs and other spring flowering bulbs into the ground NOW • Plant bare root roses anytime between now and March • Plant beds of pansies • Plant heathers, grasses, and trialing ivy in pots for winter color • Rake leaves and make compost • Cover compost so rain doesn’t leach the nutrients • Keep fallen leaves raked away from rose bushes to reduce the chance of black spot or rust next year • Clean up garden debris and cut back any diseased foliage • Add organic matter to beds • Keep weeding • Keep watering trees and shrubs until the ground freezes • Protect roses by mounding soil around the crown and covering the bud union. Tie down climbing rose canes to protect from winds • If you plan to have a live Christmas tree with the intention of planting it this winter, dig the hole now, before ground freezes • Prune pear and apple trees anytime between now and February. Leave plum trees alone until midsummer • Move deciduous trees and shrubs while they are dormant • Prune deciduous trees and shrubs • Plant evergreen shrubs and conifers • Clean, sharpen, and oil tools • Disconnect, drain, and store hoses • As the weather gets colder, make sure bird feeders are filled and birdbaths are clean and filled with fresh water
Hospital, Caldwell Memorial, Nash Health Care, Wayne Memorial and UNC Lenoir Health Care.
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Health Tips:
Q & A’s: Choosing an Independent Pharmacy
4 reasons why you should choose an independent pharmacy
You have undoubtedly shopped at a pharmacy chain before, and you know that your experience at a chain in New York City is going to be pretty much the same as at one you find in Topeka, Kansas. The same services, the same products — probably in pretty much the same location of the store. And that is exactly why you should choose an independent pharmacy. 1. Services designed for YOUR community Whether you live in a large urban area or a small, rural area, you know that your needs are unique. Rather than offering the services and products some faraway corporate office dictates, locally owned independent pharmacies are free to offer what meets their community’s needs. Examples of services that might be offered by an independent pharmacy include: • Local delivery • Medicare Part D consultations • Compliance packaging • Medication synchronization • Flu shots or other immunizations • Diabetes services • Medication therapy management (MTM) • Medication flavoring • Compounding 2. A pharmacist who knows your name Why do pharmacists choose to be independent? Because customer service is important to them. Independent pharmacists want to be free to spend time to get to know their customers. Being an independent pharmacist gives them the freedom to serve their community and their patients, without being required to fit parameters and meet sales quotas. They are neighbors, friends, even family. Which explains why independent pharmacies have been at the top of the list for customer satisfaction as ranked by J.D. Power in each of the last five years. Because in this digital age, when it comes to your health, the personal touch matters. 3. Working for your community — because it’s theirs, too Choosing your local independent pharmacy is supporting a locally owned small business, and that, in turn, helps your community. Like many small business owners, independent pharmacies are known for giving back, from offering education classes, to sponsoring their local Little League team, to donating to local charities. 4. Working to keep your healthcare affordable It is easy to assume that chains offer better pricing based on volume, but research shows independents again come out on top. In fact, Consumer Reports sent secret shoppers to 150 different pharmacies to compare the pricing on five common prescriptions. From the independent pharmacies, the total cost averaged $107 for all five medications. Compare that to the three largest chains, who offered the same medications at a range of $752 to as high as $928! Did you know that an independent pharmacist is more than twice as likely to suggest a less expensive prescription option and will even reach out to your physician to discuss the alternative? If you are looking for maximum savings on your prescriptions, talk to your local independent pharmacist. We’re here to help Health Mart® pharmacies are independent, locally owned, and proud to serve our community. Whatever your healthcare needs, we are here for you! Nothing herein constitutes medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or is a substitute for professional advice. You should always seek the advice of your physician or other medical professional if you have questions or concerns about a medical condition.
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Watch for Times in upcoming issues of Eden’s Own Journal. Season Tickets are $48.
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Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life
Hunting From a Tree Stand This Season? Wildlife Commission Encourages Safe Practices
Since the 2017 hunting season, seven hunters in North Carolina have lost their lives in a tree stand incident. As deer season begins, the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission reminds hunters to follow safety guidelines when hunting from a tree stand. “Tree stand accidents continue to be the leading cause of injury to hunters year in and year out,” said Chet Clark, the Commission’s recruitment, retention and reactivation (R3) manager. “The majority of these accidents can be traced back to a lack of precaution, such as failing to use a fall-arrest system or not following the manufacturer’s recommended safety procedures.” The Commission’s hunter safety education campaign, Home From the Hunt, and the Tree Stand Safety Awareness Foundation offer these tree stand safety recommendations: - Prepping Your Tree Stand: Before use, check the stand’s belts, chains, bolts and attachment cords for damage and wear. Replace them, if necessary. - Ensure you do not exceed the stand manufacturer’s maximum height or weight limits. - Purchase a full-body safety harness as part of fall-arrest system. - Tree Stand Set Up - Let someone know where you are setting up your stand ahead of time. Select a healthy, straight tree for your tree stand. Have another person assist with setting up the stand. - Using Your Tree Stand - Always wear and utilize your harness and its tree tether to stay connected to the tree from the time you leave the ground to the time you return to the ground. Maintain three points of contact, as most falls occur when climbing up or down. When climbing or descending, use a lineman’s belt and/or lifeline. - Raise and lower equipment using a haul line – Never carry anything as you climb. - Bring an emergency signal device: cell phone or whistle. Hunters can review a free tree stand safety course online. For more information on tree stand safety, visit the Tree Stand Safety Awareness Foundation webpage. For information on the Hunter Education Program, hunting seasons and Hunting Heritage Apprentice Permits, visit ncwildlife.org or call 919707-0031. Get N.C. Wildlife Update — news including season dates, bag limits, legislative updates and more — delivered free to your Inbox from the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. Go to www.ncwildlife.org/enews.
Murray named New County Assistant Manager
During the official September Board meeting in the Governmental Center, County Commissioners approved the County Manager's request to reclassify the Strategic Management Director's position to Assistant County Manager. murray Commissioners approved Paul Murray as Rockingham County's Assistant County Manager. He assists the County Manager in administering, directing, and coordinating County programs and activities; performs professional, managerial work to lead performance management and continuous improvement efforts throughout the organization. He also provides direct supervisory/governmental liaison responsibilities for specific departments and services as delegated by the County Manager. Leads, facilitates, and coordinates the implementation phase of the Strategic Plan and long range planning with community partners and county staff. Work is performed under the direction of the County Manager. Acts on behalf of the County Manager in his absence." This morning, Rockingham County Manager Lance Metzler said, "I've been thinking about our need for an assistant county manager for some time. I'm glad Paul will step into this new position to provide additional support for our service-oriented organization as we enhance the quality of life for citizens." Metzler went on to say, "Paul's expertise in strategic management will help empower staff to fulfill our overall goals set by County Commissioners." Metzler explained Murray will supervise department heads who lead Budget & Performance, Information
COnTinuEd On paGE 14
Dewey’s Bakery comes to Eden in The Preppy Pirate
The Women's League of Eden (WLOE) was founded in 1982 and is part of the General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC). Tammy Shelton, President or the Women's League of Eden said through GFWC, we are organized to promote education and activities in civic, cultural, educational, and social welfare for the betterment of our community. Currently, our focus is on healthy living practices for women and children, so our projects involve community service and donations for these populations in Rockingham County. Each year we have multiple fund raisers, and we contribute all of our proceeds back to the community. We also have a scholarship program in which we are able to provide local high school seniors with funds to help achieve their educational goals. The big fund raiser this year is the Dewey's Bakery Holiday Store, which will be located inside Preppy Pirate Outfitters store at 647 Washington Street in Eden. Chris Nelson, the owner of PPO, is sharing this space with us. This is our first year to open this store in Eden. Dewey's Bakery was founded in 1930 in downtown Winston Salem. Since 2012, their fundraising program has helped non profit organizations raise over $1.7 million. These holiday stores help Dewey's Bakery to meet the high demand for their quality products that have gained loyal following throughout the southeast. Some of customer favorites that will be sold in the
holiday store are sugar cake, a wide variety of Moravian cookies, and cheese straws. Dewey's Bakery products make perfect seasonal treats to share or to give. Our store will offer different size packages at different price points and the convenience of gift wrap. We will have a
special giveaway on Black Friday and at other times throughout the time our store is open. Customers may sample products while browsing our shopping area. Proceeds from the Dewey's Bakery Holiday Store will be used to support our scholarship program and for women/children programs in Rockingham County. Members of WLOE will work in the store, so we will have very little overhead (Dewey's Bakery shares the cost of basic expenses to keep those to a minimum). In addition to Dewey's Bakery products, we will be selling Terri Lynn nuts (an annual fund raiser), which are suitable for holiday baking and copies of Tale of Three Cities books. “We absolutely could not do this fund raiser without the generosity of Chris Nelson and Preppy Pirate Outfitters,” said
Shelton. We welcome everyone to come by and experience the tastes of Dewey's Bakery. Our store will be open Monday, November 18 through Tuesday, December 24. Store hours are Monday through Friday 11:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. On Saturday, we will be open 11:00 a.m-4:00 p.m. We will also be open two Sundays: Sunday, December 15 and December 22 from 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Remember, we are located inside Preppy Pirate Outfitters in downtown Leaksville..... ARRRGH you ready for Christmas? This holiday store will have prepackaged items; we are not able to offer the fresh baked goodies that are available at their Winston Salem full-service stores.
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EMS Trucks Circle Drive at Heroes for a cure, Breast Cancer Walk/Run Get Fit Rockingham & Rockingham County 9-1-1 Center lifted fellow employee, Emily Thacker, with the Oct. 17th "Heroes for a Cure, Breast Cancer Walk/Run!" The onemile, fun walk and 5k included dozens of Rockingham County employees, families and friends at the Governmental Center in Wentworth to support Thacker, a Rockingham County 9-1-1 Telecommunicator and Eden Rescue Squad Volunteer. The 34-year-old, single mother of three children (ages 11, 6, 5) lives in Eden and was diagnosed with Stage 1 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Breast Cancer. She has had multiple doctor’s appointments for testing, scans, and biopsies; and has
2:30pm - 4:30 pm ! !
! MOST COMMON CONDITIONS TREATED 406 Thompson St !"#$"%#&'(#)*++$#&'((*,&#"%(#"-#.')/# Suite A x !"#$%&%'('")*+%(#,-(./)*+".#&%-(.#'%'( !"#$"%#-''0#(1'#2"30)#*4#5"6*,&#'6',# x 0"12($+//-(*3%''43%( Eden, NC 27288 (1"%&1#$"%#73'#,"(/# x 5'&2)#(678!(#,-(%)*29'%)#(( x 0%#3&(-"'%#'%:(.2/+%'&%3/+(#,-(./,1%'&";%(2%#3&( ! 89:9;#<=># <#"+43%( x =%#'/,#+(5++%31"%':(./+-(#,-(>?@(*3/$+%)'( x A"-,%9(-"'%#'%( x 5."-(3%<+4B:('&/)#.2(#,-(",&%'&",#+(*3/$+%)'( x 53&23"&"':($#.C(#,-(,%.C(*3/$+%)'( x ?%43/+/1".#+(*3/$+%)'( x @293/"-:()#+%(#,-(<%)#+%(2/3)/,#+(*3/$+%)'( x D%++,%''(#,-(83%;%,&";%(2%#+&2( Vestibular testing (ENG/VAT) enables (
Non-surgical knee pain solution Are you having joint pain? Do you have Arthritis or ( Fibromyalgia? ( ( (
had to leave work for appointments and come back to work afterwards. She had a double mastectomy Oct. 1st; followed by reconstructive surgery. Since this will be a lengthy and costly process for her, county employees put their Breast feet forward and participated in the HEROES FOR A CURE walk/run for Emily.
( ( (
Call and make an appointment with Naitik Panwala, PA-C
Arthritis is one of the leading problems in our community, and all of our providers have substantial experience with arthritis treatments. One of our providers even worked in rheumatology for over a decade. We provide non-surgical fluoroscopy guided injections and physical therapies to help patients reduce chronic pain and regain strength. These treatments have already been proven to alleviate many problems for patients with arthritis and fibromyalgia.
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Naitik Panwala, PA-C -Mr. Panwala earned his undergraduate degree of BS in Biology from the University Of North x American Diabetes Association recommends Carolina at Chapel Hill. He then went on to complete his routine screening for cardiac autonomic Master’s in Health Science Degree in the Department of neuropathy for patients with diabetes Family Medicine and Community Health in the Duke University School of Medicine in 1992 where he also comx Cardiac autonomic neuropathy increases the pleted his Physician Assistant Program. Mr. Panwala is a likelihood of a fatal heart attack or stroke by Fellow in the American Academy of Physician Assistants and five times and is asymptomatic North Carolina Academy of Physician Assistants. He is board x Chronic conditions(diseases) can damage certified by the NCCPA. Mr. Panwala has years of experithe autonomic nervous system over time ence gained from working in the fields of Emergency Medicine, Urgent Care, Family Medicine, Pediatric, ( Rheumatology, Hospitalist and Internal Medicine. Mr NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Panwala has over 10 years of Rheumatology experience and ( Call for an appointment )=>(1!!?@8A)B()?>(@18A?)8:( will be focusing on patients with Arthritis and Fibromyalgia an Eden Internal Medicine. !"22(C,#("0("--,%0.7*0.(9DDE<(EFGHIJKE(,-.(L(F( (336) 627-4896 opt # 2
For Your Health...
EDEN DRUG CLASSES OFFERED All Classees are FREE: • Eden Drug’s Heart Healthy classes held monthly on the 2nd Tues. at 10.am at Senior Center on Orchard Dr., Eden. • Diabetic Nutrition Classes are held monthly on the 2nd Thursday at 3:00 at Eden Drug’s Ed. Center located at 107 West Stadium Drive in Eden. • Diabetic Wellness Classes are held monthly on the 3rd Thursday at 3:00 at Eden Drug’s Ed. Center located at 107 West Stadium Drive in Eden. • TOPS - TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Mon. at 5:45 pm at the Central Christian Ch., 233 Stadium Dr. Eden. www. tops.org or call 1-800-YEA-TOPS. or 919-621-3613. Laurasgw@gmail.com Brenda Denson 627-1086 or Pat Elske at 627-0057. • UNC ROCKINGHAM HEALTH CARE
(formerly Morehead Hosp.) FREE of Charge.
CHRONIC DISEASE CARE • Parkinson's Support Group Call 336-627-8510 for dates and times • HOUSE CALLS - RADIO SHOW 1490 AM • WMYN AM 11am & 7pm, 2nd & 4th Wednesday • FREE CLASSES FOR EXPECTANT PARENTS UNC Rockingham Health Care. 117 E.Kings Hwy. Eden, NC 27288 • EVERY BABY SHOULD MAKE A GRAND ENTRANCE! Designed to help you through the labor and delivery process, Free and held in UNC Rockingham Health Center’s Downstairs Classroom. Register (336) 623-9711 ext. 1712399. Leave a message with name, number, due date, email and health provider's name.
Support Groups
O n g o i n g E v e n t s o f I n t e re s t • Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Support Group - Every 2nd Tues. of month 11am - 1pm at Wellness Center inside Laynes Pharmacy, 509 Van Buren Rd. , Eden. Visit on Facebook: #gotpain.
- ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Monday • Evening Words of Wisdom -6:00 pm. Life Changes Bldg, 7586 NC HWY 770 Eden. (336) 623-8584 • Fellowship Group – 8:00pm First Presbyterian Church, 318 S. Main St., Reidsville (336) 349-3474 Tuesday • “A Vision for You” Group – 6:00 pm St. Thomas Episc. Church, 315 Lindsey St., Reidsville (336) 349-3511 Wednesday • Sparrow Group - 8:00pm William’s Annex, 108 N. Main St., Reidsville (800)591-6474 • “Circle of Love” Group - 8:00 pm Open Discussion - UNC Rockingham Health Center (Morehead Hosp) 117 E. Kings Hwy., Eden -(336) 623-9711 Thursday • Fellowship Group – 8:00 pm First Presbyterian Church, 318 S. Main St. Reidsville (336) 349-3474 Friday • “A Vision for You” Group – 8:00 pm Open Discussion, St. Thomas Epi. Ch.. 315 Lindsey St., Reidsville 349-3511 Saturday • 12 Changes Group – 9:00 am Life Changes Bldg., 7586 NC Hwy 770, Eden (336) 623-8584 • Serenity Group – 11:00 am William’s Annex, 108 N. Main St. – Reidsville (800)591-6474 • Fellowship Group – 8:00 pm First Presb. Church 318 S. Main St., Reidsville (336) 349-3474 Sunday Fellowship Group – 8:00 pm First Presb. Church, 318 S. Main St. Reidsville (336) 349-3474
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ALANON Thursday • Draper Al-Anon Group - 7:00 pm First United Methodist Church 130 Main Street - Draper • Madison-Mayodan Group – 8:00 pm Episcopal Church of the Messiah 114 S. 2nd Ave. – Mayodan Sunday Paths to Recovery – 7:00 pm Reidsville Alliance Church 1300 Freeway Dr. - Reidsville
ARC OF ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, INC. MONTHLY DANCE - 2nd Thurs. of every month. Rockingham Wellness Center, 570 S. Van Buren, Laynes Bldg 6:30 pm - 8 pm. Call 336-552-8576
• ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP FOR CAREGIVERS - Annie Penn Call for date & times. South Day Room. Registration not required. 336-951-4674.
Youth Classes & Events
JUNIOR FIREFIGHTER PROGRAM for 16 & 17 year olds. The Draper Vol. Fire Dept. Must be in high school and have a NC license. Call 336-635-2233.
SPECIAL YOUNG ADULTS A night for adults ages 18-45 with mild or moderate developmental disabilities to meet new friends, play games (Bingo, Uno, Dominoes), crafts, snacks and social activities. Call Brenda Moore at 336-623-1077 or 336-613-5174 after 6 p.m. MOPS - Reidsville MOPS - Contact Kelly at 348-1634 or - Rockingham MOPS - Contact Heidi at 427-2712
Meetings & Classes
Special Needs Friends Group Madison at the First Baptist Church at 110 Franklin Street. for anyone with a disability and their families. Crafts, community information, self-help skills, movies, games, music, parties, field trips and more. RSVP to Teresa Julianso that we can have enough supplies, seating, food, and drink for all. Meets at 1 pm most afternoons on the schedule below (unless other times listed). • Oct 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th • Nov 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th
WENTWORTH RURITAN CLUB 2nd Tues. each month at 6:30 at Wentworth United Methodist Church 1308 NC-65, Monnette Rich 336-9512526 or Mary Jo Boswell 336-342-4346
STONEVILLE RURITAN CLUB At the VFW Hut, N. Glenn St. 3rd Tuesday of month - 7pm Dot Ellington 573-2093 or Ricky Craddock 336-453-7005
INTELLIGENCE RURITAN CLUB Bethany area. 1st Tues. at 6:30 in Fellowship Hall: Comers Chapel Bapt. Church, Bald Hill Loop, Madison. Text 336 686 6013 or email intelligenceruritans@yahoo.com
REIDSVILLE CHARTER CHAPTER OF ABWA - Meets the 3rd Tuesday of month at Fursty's Rest. on Freeway Dr. in Reidsville at 6:30 pm.
RC FEDERATED REPUBLICAN WOMEN'S CLUB 3rd Sat. of every month at 9:30 am for snacks, 10 am. Rock. Co. Republican Headquarters, 221 Piedmont St., Reidsville.
RC AMATEUR RADIO CLUB 7pm on the 3rd Tuesday of month. 708 Barnes St., Reidsville (Salvation Army Gym.) 434-203-3050
Rick Alcorn
License #15168H2H3-1
Financing Available
EDEN EVENING LION’S CLUB Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of month at Santana’s, Eden at 6:30am.
THE CHRISTIAN WOMEN’S CONNECTION OF EDEN Shelby Baker 939-2230 or Norma Woody 623-8807
ROCK. CO. DEMOCRATIC PARTY MONTHLY MEETING 3rd Tuesday of Month 7pm - 8:30pm Room 211, Advanced Tech. Bldg, RCC
Military Groups
• ROCK. CO. PFC JERRY L. MCKINNEY GROUP - Det. of Marine Corps League - All Marines, active/inactive, Navy Corps and Navy Chap. that served with FMF Marine Units and Spouses. 2nd Thur. of each mo. Eat 6pm, meet 7 pm at the Agriculture Building, 525 Hwy 65, Wentworth. Joe Zanetti 336-623-6779
• AMERICAN LEGION POST 534 Post 534 - at 302 N. 12th Av. Mayodan . Rock. Co. Post. The 2nd Sat. at 11 am. Post CDR. David Bray: 336-601-7176 • AMERICAN LEGION RIDERS 2nd Sat. of month at 9:30 AM at Post Building, 302 N. 12th Ave., Mayodan. American Legion, Auxiliary or Sons of AL with a street legal motorcycle welcome. Bill Morey 276-340-5091 or billmoreyf1@gmail.com • THE DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS OF ROCK. CO. 2nd Monday. Chapter 63 -Ag. Bldg. at 525 HWY NC 65, Wentworth, (old Wentworth School. Room 180) Social 6 pm, meeting 7 pm. Transp. for veterans VA appts if needed. (336) 349-6040. Need Volunteers (336) 394-0080. • AMERICAN LEGION POST 254 2nd Thursdays of Month at 7PM at the legion. Call Curtis Pierce at 336-6239481 leave message. • AMERICAN LEGION POST 79 Reidsville, 2nd Sat. of month 10 am (breakfast at 9am) Behind Auto Zone in Reidsville. 336-932-9082, leave message. • AMVETS - Local group. All Veterans/service men & women welcome. Willard (Woody) Waters at 336635-1786 or woodyeee@embarqmail.com
• DAV AUXILIARY - New info: 2nd Tuesday of month, Noon at the Golden Coral in Reidsville. Betty Gatewood at 336-623-7027 • VFW POST 8297- 2nd Sat. of month at 961 Church St. Ext., Reidsville, 10am. Bobby Jones 336-349-7733 • VFW POST 7033 -1st Tuesday of month at 301 12th Ave., Mayodan, 7 PM. Donald Bien,CDR 336-548-3431. • SHARE EXPERIENCES... 3rd Sat. of month 8am - until. Freeman Wood Crafters 413 Church St (Near traffic circle). Eden. Park at the Three Rivers Outfitter follow signs. Call ahead: 336-573-9900. Handicapped access available, No bathrooms and no temperature control.
Community Help
GOODWILL CAREER CENTERS GED, Computer Skills Classes, Employability Skills Classes, Job Leads, Network Room, Resume Assistance Eden –336-623-3007 Reidsville – 336-637-1010 Mayodan – 336-949-4849
MEALS FOR THE HUNGRY • SALVATION ARMY -Mon. thru Fri. 12:00-12:45 at 314 Morgan Rd, Eden • MEALS WITH FRIENDS! Monday – Thursday at lunch time. Anyone 60 +, Activities, good food & fun Hot Nutritious Lunches • HUNTSVILLE NUTRITION 1151 Sardis Church Rd., Madison 427-5206 • LEAKSVILLE NUTRITION Bridge St. Rec. 400 Bridge St., Eden Contact 336-623-5343 • MAD. - MAYO. NUTRITION Mad. – May. Rec. 300 S Second Ave., Mayodan - 336-445-9840
Church Events
“Church Events” is for Special Occasions that Churches in the county offer the public such as Revivals, Music, Guest Speakers, Programs, Vacation Bible Schools and more. For up to 10 Lines (or less) the fee is $10 The listing will be in the public’s hands for a full month and online, so be sure to tell the public what your place of worship has to offer them. Call 336-627-9234 and ask for Elizabeth or Lisa. REFORMERS UNANIMOUS ADDICTIONS PROGRAM Complete, Free recovery program meeting at ROBERTS MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH Every Friday evening 7-9, Ph. 336-344-5083 203 Memorial Baptist Church Rd. Stoneville NC 27048 www.robertsmemorialbaptistchurch.org Why Are You Still Addicted? We can Help. • SHAW CHRISTIAN CHURCH 208 The Boulevard, Eden • 336-635-2277 Thursday Service 6:30pm - Biblical Learning / Bible Study Saturday 6:30pm - Worship Service Now accepting volunteers for our Children’s Ministry for Thursday and Saturdays • EDEN BAPTIST CHURCH The Church With A Y For You! 320 The Boulevard ~ Eden, NC Specialized Sunday School 9:45 AM YSunday Worship 10:45 AM and 6:00 PMY Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer 7:00 PM Ministeries for The Entire Family (336) 623-3515; www.EdenBaptistChurch.org • REDEMPTION ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH 2131 Hwy. 14, Reidsville, NC 27320 • 336-420-8805 Pastor D.L. Bray • Youth Pastor Luke Bray #RevivallnReidsville • Van Ministry • Ladies & Mens Ministry • Youth Ministry • Food Pantry Mininstry Sunday School 10am / Sunday AM Worship 11AM Sunday Evening 5pm / Wed. Night 7pm Preaching from the King James Bible • 4TH ANNUAL LEAKSVILLE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER CHILI COOK OFF. Friday November 1, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. 603 Henry Street, Eden, NC. Tickets $5.00 Kids 3 & Under Eat Free. Grilled Cheese & PBJ Sandwiches Available. Come sample all the Chili and Pick Your Favorite. Drinks Provided. Desserts for sale .50¢ All proceeds to benefit the Preschool. • CANDLE, TEA AND BAZAAR Leaksville Moravian Church 712 McConnell Ave., Eden, 336-623-9440 December 7th 10am - 1pm Sanctuary Program begins at 9:30 Moravian Stars • Moravian Cookies Sugar Cakes Chicken Pies and Home Made Baked Goods Raffles
Letter to the Editor
Eden City Councilman Jim Burnette has served the city since December of 2007. He has voted conservatively to protect taxpayer money and urged city staff to seek grants and low-interest loans to save taxpayer money. The Eden Strategic Plan was Burnette’s idea. This plan has helped with recent downtown revitalizations efforts, including a developer who is now renovating two buildings with a third coming in the near future. The plan supports the Berry Hill mega park water line project that was funded primarily with grants. The plan has resulted in public art, work to rid the city of dilapidated housing and poorly maintained buildings, and better communication with citizens. No one works harder for Eden citizens. He deserves your vote on November 5th. Tanya J. Harris, Eden
Gildan Yarns... Continued from Page 1
ny’s fifth state-of-the-art yarn spinning mill in North Carolina. Eden is also home to Gildan’s first large scale distribution center. Starting with a 200,000 SF distribution center in 2000, Gildan distribution and yarn spinning will soon occupy a combined 2.2 million SF of four Eden facilities and employ in excess of 600 people. “We are very pleased to expand our operations in the
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1121 Washington St., Eden 336-623-5373
Eden community and to invest in a new yarn spinning facility,” said Chuck Ward, President of Gildan Yarns. “This will be the company’s seventh yarn spinning facility in the US. We are particularly proud to contribute to creating an additional 85 jobs in Eden in the next year as we open and ramp up our new operation.”
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“Gildan Yarns’ decision further solidifies our leadership in the textile industry,” said North Carolina Commerce Secretary Anthony M. Copeland. “North Carolina has more textile manufacturers than any other state and a world-class pipeline of textile talent to continue Gildan’s global operations.” The North Carolina Department of Commerce led the state’s support for the company’s
• Health, Dental & Cancer Plans • Medicare Supplements • Long-Term Care Insurance • Annuities 15 thru Medicare Annual Election PeriodFixed is October
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decision. Although wages will vary depending on the position, the average for all new positions could reach up to $37,707. The current average annual wage in Rockingham County is $34,716. A performance-based grant of $250,000 from the One North Carolina Fund will help facilitate Gildan Yarn’s operation in Rockingham County. The One NC Fund provides financial assistance to local governments to help attract economic investment and to create jobs. Companies receive no money upfront and must meet job creation and capital investment targets to qualify for payment. All One NC grants require a matching grant from local governments and any award is contingent upon that condition being met. “Gaining 85 new jobs is great news, and we welcome Gildan Yarns’ expansion in Eden,” said N.C. Senate Leader Phil Berger. “The economy is positioned for more growth like this because of low taxes, an incredible university system, and a top-notch workforce.” “Gildan Yarns’ investment is a win for everyone,” said N.C. Representative Jerry Carter. “With a strong, capable workforce and great infrastructure, the people of Eden are ready to support Gildan for many years to come.” In addition to N.C. Commerce and the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina, other key partners in the project include the North Carolina General Assembly, North Carolina Community College System, Rockingham County Board of Commissioners, Rockingham County Economic Development office and City of Eden Economic Development office. Employment applications are now being accepted on site at 335 Summit Road, Eden, NC.
Eden’s Own Journal / Rockingham County Star is a monthly news magazine covering local events and lifestyles in Rockingham County. We print and distribute free of charge, due to the support, generosity and commitment to the community that our advertisers exhibit. Views appearing in our paper are from a broad spectrum of citizens and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher. We reserve the right to accept or reject, and edit any and all submissions and advertisements.
• Political Issues - limited to schedules and location of group meetings, decisions made by officials, and voting inform.. • There are discounts available for prepaid consecutive advertisements. Call for details. • Birthday, Anniversary, Family announcements available at reduced rates. • Respond to advertisements at your own risk. Mistakes in articles or ads will be compensated at editors discretion, but never more than the cost of the submission.
For Advertisement Information Call...
Lisa F. Griffith Elizabeth Milligan Ashley Foley Lisa-336-613-0325
Elizabeth-336-613-3025 Ashley-336-420-9699
Office-336-627-9234 lisag63@edensown.com or elizabeth@edensown.com 5197 NC Hwy. 14
Schedule for Eden 27288 upcoming ISSUE
DECEMBER 2019 DEADLINE for Ad Proofs is
edensown.com Visit Us At
Copyright 2019 All Rights Reserved
Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality Of Life
Eden Internal...
Continued from Page 1
out of 100 points in the Center of Medicare & Medicaid Services quality Merit-Based Incentive Payment System program for the past two years.
What are the most common conditions you treat? We manage a wide array of diabetes cases –from the mildest to most complicated cases. Many patients also come in with high blood pressure, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart disease, cholesterol, congestive heart failure, thyroid or hormonal problems and stomach and intestinal problems. Seasonal allergies, the common cold, acid reflex, arthritis, headaches, and dizziness also affect many patients, and we strive to provide quality wellness and preventative health services.
between dizziness and light headed? Lightheadedness occurs when patients feel faint, which is usually caused by a drop in blood pressure to the brain. Dizziness refers to a sensation of whirling and feeling unbalanced; patients have a tendency to fall What is dizziness a symptom of? Dizziness can be a sign of problems with your blood flow. Your brain needs a steady supply of oxygen-rich blood – otherwise, you can become light-
headed and even faint. Some causes of low blood flow to the brain include blood clots, clogged arteries, heart failure, and an irregular heartbeat. What you can do for dizziness? There are several therapeutic approaches that can also be used to help relieve dizziness, such as head position maneuvers, balance therapy, or psychotherapy. What is ElectroNystagmography (VNG/ENG)? VNG/ENG allows us to assess patients’ visual and
NOVEMBER 2019 EDEN’S OWN / COUNTY STAR, PAGE 3 H vestibular control of eye movements. Our VNG/ENG is an improved and state-of-the-art version of traditional physiologic testing of these systems, and can include saccades, pursuit, head shake, and dynamic visual acuity. Our office has advanced computer patient education systems in the exam room. We also have an easy-to-use online portal for patient access, and the most up-to-date patient testing equipment. We are constantly explor-
““I NEEDED SURGERY and I needed it FAST.”
ing innovative devices such as an AI backed diagnostic machinery to benefit our patients. Diabetes is a major health care concern which leads to so many complications. How do you help the patient with Diabetes? Diabetes is by far the most common condition treated in our practice. All of providers are more than familiar with the best treatments, following the latest
Eden Internal... Continued on Page 5
What are the most common services provided? We provide a variety of services to help serve our patients. Our most commonly used services include: bone density studies, echocardiograms, ultrasounds, EKGS, wellness and DOT physicals, cancer screenings, and so many other tests. We provide many services in house to help our patients. Most common services are Bone density study, Echocardiogram, ultrasound, Carotid/Venous Doppler, EKG, Zio heart monitors, SNAP (home based sleep studies), complete Pulmonary Function Test, Dizziness and Balance testing, Joint Injections (Knee, Shoulders, Hips etc.), Continuous Glucose Monitoring, Coumadin clinic, DOT physical, Wellness physical, Skin biopsy for skin lesions, irregular moles etc., Cryosurgery for moles, warts, pre-cancer and cancers, Suturing of the wounds, Botox and fillers.
What new services do you provide? We want to make sure that we have identified any and all medical conditions that can pose challenges to our patient’s health and quality of life. Arthritis, injuries from falls, dizziness, memory problems, and others can pose significant, disabling problems. Based on our experience with these issues, we have developed Non-surgical arthritis and balance/dizziness program. How does your practice help patients with Arthritis? Arthritis is one of the leading problems in our community, and all of our providers have substantial experience with arthritis treatments. One of our providers even worked in rheumatology for over a decade. We provide non-surgical fluoroscopy guided injections and physical therapies to help patients reduce chronic pain and regain strength. These treatments have already been proven to alleviate many problems for patients with arthritis and fibromyalgia. How does your Dizziness and Balance program help the patients? But first, what is the difference
EMERGENCY EMERGENCYCARE CAREwhen whenand andwhere where you you need need it. it.
OSH KNOWS THAT EMERGENCY MEDICINE is is allall about OSH KNOWS THAT EMERGENCY MEDICINE about time, so when his primary doctor told him to hurry to the time, so when his primary doctor told him to hurry to the ER ER duedue to severe pain in his side, hehe was glad forfor the short trip. to severe pain in his side, was glad the short trip. “They took a CT scan and knew right away I needed my appendix “They took a CT scan and knew right away I needed my appendix out.out. I was nervous butbut grateful to to bebe there.” With expert doctors I was nervous grateful there.” With expert doctors andand nurses ready to handle an array of surgical as well as diagnostic nurses ready to handle an array of surgical as well as diagnostic needs—including endoscopy and high-tech imaging—take needs—including endoscopy and high-tech imaging—take comfort knowing we’re ready whenever you need us.us. “From the comfort knowing we’re ready whenever you need “From the ER ER to the OR,OR, everybody was professional and reassuring. I can’t to the everybody was professional and reassuring. I can’t speak highly enough of of ourour hometown hospital.” speak highly enough hometown hospital.”
Here Herefor forYou. You. 117 117E EKings KingsHwy, Hwy,Eden, Eden,NC NC27288 27288| |(336) (336)623-9711 623-9711
H PAGE 4 EDEN’S OWN / COUNTY STAR, NOVEMBER 2019 Slow Credit? No Credit? Been Turned Down?
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Nellie Ann Vernon Axelong, 70 Reidsville Edith Reynolds Bryant, 84 - Eden William “Kenny” Blakeman, 78 Mary Alice Settle Bell - Reidsville Pearline Lynch Barham, 93 Reidsville Bobby Lee Bullins, Sr, 75Stoneville Bennie R. Bullins, 73- Mayodan Jennifer Jane McCain Blackstock
95% of All Applicants Approved on Quality Serta, La-Z-Boy, and All Other Name Brand Furniture
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DANVIEW CEMETERY ANNUAL MEETING OF PROPERTY OWNERS Tues., November 19th at 6:30 pm at Draper Fire Department Fieldcrest Road, Eden, NC
Monuments - Markers - Bronze - Custom Designs • Flower Vases Monuments Cleaned and Repaired - Dates Engraved All Types of Metal Sandblasting
14176 N.C. 87 N. - Eden, NC 27288 Sandra Joyce, Owner • Chris Boothe General Manager
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Forrest Wade Bray, 93, - Reidsville Mary Jones Brame, 93 - Reidsville William Junior Mc Bee - Reidsville Master John Matthew Castro Reidsville Earl "Sanford" Cook, Jr., 72 Debra Lawson Collins, 61 Mary Audrey "Petie" Durham James Nathaniel Dillard - RC James Taylor Dillon, 62 - Eden Tony Alan Fain, 66 - Reidsville Daniel Joseph Fitzpatrick, 83 Lucille Bolejack Gillispie, 75 Reidsville Sunshine Underwood Hudson, 91 Reidsville James Curtis Hall, Jr., 62 Reidsville Michael Marvin "Mike" Harris, 70 Mary Ann Higbee, 73 - Eden Paul Dexter Hundley, 73 - Eden Joyce Laverne Johnson Hopkins RC John-Michael "Blake" Hopkins, 36 Eden Corey Ladrea Hooper - Reidsville Patsy Rutledge James, 86 - RC April “Rat” Strader Sharpe Kelly, 44 Shannon Dale Kallam, 45 - Eden Lydia Frances Kerns, 84 Harvey Clemons “H.C.” Lemons Jr., 88 - Madison LeRoy Lawson Minnie “Sue” Orrell Lovings William Gerald Moore, 80 - Eden Vera Enoch Morris, 93 - Eden Mable Richardson Martin, 83 Mayodan James Lloyd “Jimmy” McCandless, 66 Larry Franklin Martin, 79 Mary Turner McGehee, 87 Alice Harmon Mitchell, 68 - Eden Pauline Pope Middleton, 86 William “Bill” Richard Marrow, 84 RC Margie Christine Hockaday Myott Jackie Kenneth McCarty, 83 Larry Cornel McAilster, 68 Reidsville Peggy Johnson Neal, 78 Mother Irene Elizabeth Hairston Nunnally - Reidsville
Irene Nunnally - Reidsville Dr. N. Jerry Owens, 84 Patricia “Pat” Frances Turner Overby, 65 - Ruffin Brenda Kay Overby, 71 Colton Lee Orr, 4 - Reidsville Merylin Alben Paschal, 86 James "Donnie" Donald Pryor, 51 Ruffin Joseph Anthony “Tony” Pegram, 62 - Reidsville Margie Iona Galloway Pinnix Reidsville Harold Leroy Pinnix, 73 - Eden Lee Purdy, 68 - Eden Nellie Allison Pulliam, 99 - RC Lawrence D. Roach Mary Gilley Richardson, 65 Stoneville Irene Ressler, 87 - RC Roxanna Mims Richardson Reidsville Gayle Roach Ross, 78 - RC Robin Gray Shropshire, 57 - Eden Leon Settle - Reidsville Richard Thomas Southern, 61 Johny Delanor Shellman, 76 - Eden Carolyn Warf Sharpe, 70 Julie Ann Wilson Siddle, 61 - Eden Kathleen J Seely Charles Jefferson Smith, 81 Larry Keith Stultz, 68 - Eden Lewis W. Stultz, 82- Eden James Michael “Mike” Sharpe, 65 RC Pedro Chavez Santos, 79 Stoneville Mary Frances Snider, 88 - Madison Ronnie Elvor Tilley, 63 - Madison Glenda Laws Taylor, 79 - RC la Mae West Tilley, 72 Sarah Mirian Tate Tilley, 61 Madison Ramona Catherine Payne Wilson, 74 - Madison Wallace Warren, 85 John "Earnest" Walker, 86 - Eden Alton Ray Williams, Sr., 80 Stoneville Lacy Lee Wheeler, Sr., 82
The Rockingham County Division of Public Health is underway with the 2019 - 2020 Influenza Campaign and offering vaccinations Monday through Friday, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm. Seasonal flu occurs every year and is highly contagious. The flu is caused by a virus that cannot be treated by antibiotics. The flu is much more than just a simple cold and will occur more suddenly and severely. Symptoms include fever, chills, headaches, aching muscles, cough, and sore throat. If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms it is best to stay home on bed rest for a few days to avoid coming into contact with other people. Some people are at a greater risk for developing flurelated complications, they include: children younger than five, adults 65 years of age and older, pregnant women, and others with certain illnesses or diseases (consult your regular doctor if you are unsure if you are at a greater risk). In order to avoid catching the flu, your best defense is to get the flu vaccine which can
protect you for up to one year. It is also best to practice preventive actions everyday such as: covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, washing your hands with soap and water, and avoiding contact with sick people. Most healthy people with the flu do not need to be treated with antiviral drugs. However, it’s very important that antiviral drugs be used early to treat flu in people who are very sick with the flu and have a greater chance of getting serious flu complications. When preparing for your flu vaccination, please be sure to bring your insurance card to the health department or the community site. Some carriers require vaccination through the primary provider, only. Please review your insurance benefits and call your carrier if you have any questions regarding coverage. We Are Here To Assist You! For more information about the flu vaccine, eligibility or to make an appointment, please call the Rockingham County Division of Public Health at 336-342-8140.
Preparing for the Flu Season
NOVEMBER 2019 EDEN’S OWN / COUNTY STAR, PAGE 13 H • REIDSVILLE NUTRITION SITE 201 N. Washington Ave. Reidsville, NC 336-349-9757 • ROCKINGHAM RESCUE MISSION 618 Early Avenue, Eden 336-623-2133 Tues., Wed. & Thurs 11:00-12:30 • FOOD BANK Every Friday 11am 1pm Stoneville Pent. Holiness Ch., Hwy 770, Stoneville. Free food to all in need.
Ongoing Events
"ART IN THE GARDEN" A conversation on community on developing an art center in Eden. Facebook Group. Facebook.com/groups/ 1033311406690931/) with an ongoing discussion.
DANCE - LARRY J’S 1201 Old Leaksville Rd., Ridgeway, Va. Friday’s feature the House Rockers as well as others (see ad on this page) Saturdays - Various Guest Bands Doors Open 6pm, Music 7pm - 9:45pm No Alcohol • Smoke Free Concessions Available Adults $6 Donation, 12 & Under Free For Info Contact Wayne at 276-956-1337 or 276-340-6212
Events of Interest CASCADE COM. CENTER DANCE 621 (3561 Huntington Trail) Cascade Virginia. Doors open 5:30 pm, Concessions avail. Music Friday night from 7-10 pm by Cascade Express with Eddy Irving & Friends and Bluegrass the 1st and 3rd Sat.
THE BARN 151 Gant Rd. Eden, N.C. - Tuesday Night at “The Barn” Open Jam 6:15PM, Doors Open 7 p.m. Saturdays at “The Barn” Music at 7:00 PM. Call Jerry 336-706-1018 or Debbie 336-706-2144
DANCE: TEXAS “T” BAND AT JEFFERSON PENN MASONIC LODGE, 110 S. Main St., Reidsville Saturday 6pm, Dance at 7pm. No Alcohol, smoke free. Adults $5 don., Under 11 free.
SENIOR DANCES -REIDSVILLE EVENTS CENTER - Downtown Reidsville @ 223 S. Scales St. 7-9:30pm Thur. - Classic Country: City Limits Band Bob or Myra Tudor 336-342-6770.
VFW WEEKLY DANCE Every Thursday 7pm - 10pm Live Music, Refresh. Avail. • No Alcohol $5 donation at door - VFW Bldg., 302 N.
12th Ave., Mayodan, NC STORY TIME AT THE LIBRARY – Tuesdays at Reidsville – Wednesdays at Madison-Mayodan – Thursdays at Eden – Fridays at Stoneville 10:30 am with Miss Rachel Stories, songs, dancing and more! Story time is geared for those under 5 years of age and their caregivers. It is always free to attend. Contact Miss Rachel at rshaw@co.rockingham.nc.us
MADISON CRUISE-IN Downtown Madison - 1st Friday Night Through Oc 5:00pm - 8:00pm 50-50 Proceeds: Hospice of Rock. Co.
Upcoming Events
• DRAPER CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARADE December 7th - Parade line up is starts in front of former Miller Brewery on Meadow Road in Draper Section of Eden beginning at 9am on. Parade begins at 11 am sharp. The route will be Main Street to Fieldcrest to Stadium. Free to Register. Call - 336-635-0237 or register on line at: draperparade@yahoo.com.
• DAN RIVER BASIN ASSOCIATION'S FIRST SATURDAY OUTING, 10:00 a.m. 4.2-mile hike at Grassy Hill Nature Preserve, Gereau Center, 150 Technology Drive, Rocky Mount, VA (GPS 37.01448,-79.89529). Dress in layers, wear sturdy shoes or hiking boots, and bring walking sticks, lunch, and water. Freeto the public. Contact: Ellen Jessee, ejessee.pls@comcast.net, 276-734-1317
• BREAKFAST WITH SANTA Saturday Nov. 30th 9am - Noon Friendly Worship Center 1110 Morehead Ave., Ridgeway, Va Pancakes, eggs, sausage, OJ or milk. Christmas Story, Decorate Christmas Cookies, Pictures with Santa and a good Bag for all children. For info call Pasotr Robert Hilburn at 336-255-9497 or Dawn as 336-255-4443.
THE HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE IN THE LEAKSVILLE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT will be Sun, Nov 10th from 1-5 pm. Participants include: • Johnson’s Floristd • Southern Julip • Preppy Pirate Outfitters • House of Health • Total Diva’s Closet • New Beginnings Too • Front Porch • Revived Vintage • Belladonna’s Antiques
1201 Old Leaksville Rd. Ridgeway, Va 276-956-1337
Each Friday Night HOUSE ROCKERS
Saturday, November 2 WOODY POWERS & THE MIDNIGHT EXPRESS Saturday, November 9 BULLET BAND Saturday, November 16 SILVER EAGLES BAND Saturday, November 23 CROSS FIRE Saturday, November 30 OLD SKOOL
Doors Open 6pm • All Shows 7pm Line Dance Classes $5 (6pm - 7pm Fri)
Dreyer Auto Glass Mobile Windshield Repair & Replacement Service is covered by most insurance Veteran Owned Work Guaranteed
“Fix That Chip Before It Splits” 336-280-1887
• MARC FIDDLERS CONVENTION -10:00 AM - 9:00 PM EST 1086 NC Hwy 65, Wentworth Music, prizes, and more. Admission $10 for adults, $5 for students, free for children under 6. Donations can also be made on the MARC website. You may mail pickinatthemarc@gmail.com • WENTWORTH RURITAN CLUB FALL BREAKFAST -6AM - TO 10AM Calling All Hunters & Early Risers! Wentworth Ruritan Club is having a fund-raising event in November. Funds raised are used to assist those in area that have urgent needs. New Lebanon Church, 521 Huffines Mill Rd., Reidsville. Eggs, Biscuits, Bacon, Sausage and Gravy with Coffee and OJ.- All for only $6.
• THE ANNUAL VETERANS DAY PROGRAM will be held on at the Rockingham County Veterans Park in Wentworth at 2:00. Retired Colonel David Myers will be guest speaker. Several selections of special and patriotic music along with the placing of the wreath. The Rockingham County Veterans Honor Guard will give a 21 gun salute with Taps to follow. Everyone is invited to come join us to honor all veterans.
• ANNUAL REIDSVILLE CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING CELEBRATION & DOWNTOWN OPEN HOUSE. 6 - 9 p.m. 6:15 Tree Lighting, 6:30 Santa arrives at Mural Park. Snow Sledding, Marshmallow Roasting, Hot Chocolate & More! No Pets, No Bicycles, No Skateboards, No Scooters or Firearms.
Look great this Holiday Season! Call us!
• SHOWCASE OF SUCCESS - 8:30 am in the Media Center at Western Rockingham Middle School. Open to anyone who would like to learn about Western Rockingham Middle School and McMichael High School and the terrific things that are happening there. Hosted by Western Rockingham Middle School, Dalton McMichael High School, The Rockingham County Education Foundation and the Rockingham County School System
• Stars & Planets - 6:00pm Ever looked up into the night sky and wondered what you are looking at? Come out to MAYO RIVER STATE PARK and explore the constellations, stars and planets! Volunteers from the Greensboro Astronomy Club will be on hand with telescopes to guide your journey through the wonders of the heavens. Meet in field near picnic shelter. Please use a red filter on any flashlights. MAYO RIVER STATE PARK, 500 Old Mayo Park Rd., Mayodan . For questions, directions or more information, call the park office at 336-427-2530 or visit www.ncparks.gov.
• REIDSVILLE CHRISTMAS PARADE. 4 p.m. WGSR-TV 47 (Star News 5) will be hosting the annual Reidsville Christmas Parade on Scales Street.
• NIGHT-TIME OLDE LEAKSVILLE SHOPPING DISTRICT PARADE - 5-5:30 line up. Parade Starts at 6:30pm sharp. Travels down Washington St. to Bridge St., then Bridge to King Hwy. Ending in Kingsway Shopping Center. To register for the parade (FREE) - Call Peggy Good 336-6235400. Sorry, No horses or go carts.
640-M S. Van Buren Road • Eden, NC 27288
$ .99 haircut
Offer expires: Nov 30 2019 Not valid with any other offers. Limit One. Valid at Eden Location Only
$ .99 haircut
It’s Gonna Be Great! Offer expires: Nov 30 2019 Not valid with any other offers. Limit One. Valid at Eden Location Only
It’s Gonna Be Great!
From Root to Branch
The Lawson Family Murders – 1929 (Part 2) Local Geneology Studies By Elvin Perkins, Jr.
Charlie Lawson was born 1886 to William George Augustus “Gus” Lawson and his wife Nancy Jane Hill. In 1910 at the age of 24, Charlie met the 19 year old Fannie Manring who was born 1892 to parents John Washington Manring and Ona Lee Branch. By the fall of 1910 Charlie and Fannie were in love and thinking of matrimony. In the late winter
of 1911 they traveled to Stuart, Virginia where they were married on March 12th in a brief ceremony at the Missionary Baptist Church. Before fall of 1911 arrived Fannie would be pregnant with the first of their eight children with expectations of a wonderful life ahead. At about the same time that Charlie killed his two young daughters and was moving the
Dick’s Drive-In
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Rick Smith Piano Service Professional Tuning and Repair (336) 637-6344 Eden, North Carolina FatherRick@yahoo.com
Auto Glass Express LLC We Come To You!
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bodies of Carrie and Maybell into the barn, visiting neighbor Abe Heath decided it was time to leave and go home; his mother would be expecting him. As he left through the back door he passed the Lawson brothers, James and Raymond who were tossing a ball and playing catch with a local boy, Hassell Miller who had stopped by just before noon to play. Fannie needing wood for the fire had gone out the front door to the woodpile. With her arms full of wood she had just stepped onto the porch when she heard footsteps crunching in the snow and turned to see Charlie moving toward the house with his gun in his hands. Raising his shotgun and taking aim at his wife a stunned and suddenly terrified Fannie attempted to run; as the blast struck her the wood in her arms scattered across the porch and she fell screaming. The blast ripped a hole in her body damaging her heart. Hearing the shot, Marie ran to the window but could not see clearly what had happened. As she raced to the front door Charlie was already dragging Fannie toward the door with one hand while holding the shotgun with the other. Marie seeing what had happened to her mother began to scream as Charlie pulled Fannie’s body into the front room. Abe Heath had not gone far. Hearing the screams he ran back to the house where he joined Hassell and James entering the back door. As they entered the main room and saw what was happening they stood frozen in shocked disbelief. Thinking quickly Abe turned and ran back out the door and headed home. As Hassell Miller watched, Marie kneeled over her mother and pleaded with her father, “Please, Pappa, no.” Charlie broke open the gun to reload. It is believed that Marie hoping to fight back made an attempt to grab the fireplace poker. Before
From Root to Branch... Continued on page 15
Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued From Page 10
Technology, Geographic Information Systems, Community Development, Public Information Office, Library, and Animal Shelter. As Strategic Management Director, Murray led the annual budget process for the County's approximately $130 million dollar budget, as well as managed the County's Performance Measurement Program designed to improve departmental accountability, set high standards, and saved taxpayer money. Murray additionally serves as facilitator for Rockingham County's Teen Leadership Council; served as a Rockingham County Government's United Way Fundraising Co-Chair; graduated from the UNC School of Government's Public Executive Leadership Academy; and has received on behalf of Rockingham County Government, the Government Finance Officers Association's Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for each budget under his tenure. He replaced Adam Lindsay, who is presently Town Manager for Clayton, NC. Prior to joining Rockingham County, Murray served as Budget & Management Analyst for Catawba County Government, where he was the lead analyst for virtually all County departments and Funds at some point. He has also worked jointly as Community Development Coordinator for Person County Government and Executive Director of Roxboro Development Group. Originally from Person County, Murray received his bachelor of science degree in political science and his masters of public administration degree from Appalachian State University. He is married to Margaret "Maggie" Murray, Director of Student Life & Athletics at Rockingham Community College. The couple lives in the Bethany area of Rockingham County and have a rescue dog named Blue.
Applicants sought for 50th Annual Youth Legislative Assembly
Leaders of the North Carolina General Assembly invite North Carolina high school students to apply for the 50th Annual Youth Legislative Assembly (YLA). “North Carolina’s Youth Legislative Assembly offers students a unique opportunity to learn first-hand about the legislative process and to develop leadership skills that will help them succeed in life,” said Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger and House Speaker Tim Moore. The Legislative Services Office, under the North Carolina General Assembly, is now accepting applications for the conference to be held April 3 – 5, 2020, in Raleigh. Applications will be accepted through January 31, 2020. The application can be found online at: https://www.ncleg.gov/YLA . The YLA teaches high school students about the laws governing North Carolina’s citizens as well as the lawmaking process. Students draft, debate and vote on mock legislative bills while developing skills in research, interviewing, group facilitation and policy writing. As the bills are debated, the students get a chance to practice communicating their ideas, opinions and experiences in a team-building environment. At the conclusion of the three-day program, the participants have a better understanding of the lawmaking process as well as enhanced written and oral communication skills. YLA provides the opportunity for North Carolina’s youth to engage with peers from across the state in a structured, positive, youth-focused environment. The YLA program is open to students in North Carolina who are in good standing at a public, private, charter or home school. For information please email YLA Coordinator erica.gallion@ncleg.net or call 919-301- 1372.
Write Ins on Ballot
Non-Partisan Elections have Write In Spaces on the Ballot.
Retail, Office Space Former tenant was a church. Unlimited possibilities! For More Information Contact
Cell: 336-613-0867 ebarker68@hotmail.com
If a Contest is VOTE FOR ONE there will be one Write In Space, if a Contest is VOTE FOR TWO there will be two Write In Spaces, etc. If you choose to Write In a Candidate for a particular Contest, fill in the oval to the left of the Write In Space and write in the name of who you choose to write in. Please make sure that you write clearly (please print) so that your choice can be properly determined. If you vote for a Candidate whose name is listed on the ballot for a particular Contest AND also write that Candidate’s name
From Root to Branch... Continued from page 14
she could resist her father fired a shot into her body. The violent impact slammed her into the fireplace mantle breaking her neck and several teeth. James ran to hide under a trundle bed; Raymond sought refuge beneath the kitchen stove. As Charlie walked toward Marie’s body he noticed Hassell watching and stopped to look directly into his eyes. As they made eye contact Hassell turned and ran out the back door. Years later toward the end of his life Hassell would recall that “Charlie had this wild look” that seemed to say “get out.” He would never forget the amount of blood and the hole the gun’s blast made in Marie’s body. Charlie, returning his attention to Marie realized she may still be living and struck her in the head with the butt of the shotgun. Turning to locate the boys he managed to pull Raymond from beneath the stove far enough to bash his head until he died. Charlie found James hiding under the bed. Upon being discovered James crawled from beneath the bed and ran,
Charlie chasing behind. James tried to stay out of the reach of his father and ran behind the crib of the infant Mary Lou. Charlie slung the crib aside and grabbing James arm he beat his head until he no longer moved. Mary Lou crying in the crib was silenced by a blow to the head with the butt of the shotgun. The killing now complete, Charlie walked to the trundle bed with his rifle and shotgun and sat gazing around the room for one last look; a splattering of blood now soaked the room. Rising from the bed he took a pillow and placed in under the head of Fannie. He then moved the bodies of Marie and James near the fireplace and gathered more pillows to place under their heads. He also placed a pillow under Raymond’s head, the body still partially under the kitchen stove. Abe Heath had fled the Lawson farm and arrived at his home to sound the warning. Charlie Lawson was killing his family. Frightened and confused the Heath family was not sure what to do. Abe’s brother Rufus knowing Arthur Lawson had gone to the store in Germanton left in his car to find Arthur and his cousin Sanders Lawson. While Charlie was gathering the pillows his brother Elijah with sons Fred and Claude arrived at his home. It only took them a
few moments to realize a horrible tragedy had occurred. Hearing someone in the house the Lawson’s realized they had no more ammunition from their days hunting and believed they
Vonfain Music Company
carrying guns. Arthur ran to the house attempting to get in but was stopped by his Uncle Elijah and some other men who informed him that he had lost his family. Breaking down in tears Arthur was escorted to a bonfire
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may not be able to defend themselves from the unknown killer. Elijah and his sons ran as quickly as they could to the Heath family home and then continued to their own home where they quickly spread word of the
Lawson tragedy. The alarm now raised; family, friends, and neighbors rushed to the Lawson farm to discover and view the bloody scene. Neighbor and family friend Stephen Hampton was one of the first to arrive on the scene. Armed with his own gun he approached the home passing by the barn noticing blood stains in the snow. At about the same time he saw Deputy Sheriff Robert Walker and other men approaching. Opening the barn to look inside the sight they beheld left them stunned. When Rufus Heath and friend Charlie Wade Hampton found Arthur and Sanders and got them back to the Lawson home, the meadow and the yard was filled with cars and people
men had started for warmth. His Uncle retrieved Fannie’s rocking chair and a quilt from inside the home and Arthur sat by the fire sobbing. With the help of Rufus Heath, Elijah Lawson left the scene to inform his mother and other family of the murders. Elijah later returned to Charlie’s home with his brother’s Marion and George. After entering the home to witness the horror the brothers guarded the entrance doors from the growing number of onlookers wanting to get a look inside the home. While sitting down to eat a Christmas meal Dr. Chester Helsabeck was interrupted by a knock at the door by Sheriff John Taylor. They soon arrived at the Lawson farm to examine the crime scene. They were later joined by Dr. Robert Bynum. After walking around the home they realized they had not seen the body of Charlie Lawson. Where was Charlie? Once finished with the details of his families killing, Charlie with his two dogs, made his way through the snow and past the barn. Crossing a field to a pine thicket about a distance of one hundred yards behind the barn he worked his way into the woods stopping at a small creek to wash the blood from his hands and face. According to the investigation it appears he began to attempt to repair his jammed rifle occasionally striking wooden matches to likely warm his
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From Root to Branch... Continued on Page 16
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Let Us Light A Candle In Memory Of Your Loved One(s)...
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In Memory Of___________________________________ Name(s) of Deceased
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From Root To Branch... Continued from Page 15
hands in the freezing cold. Perhaps thinking to write a note of explanation Charlie took a pencil and an old tobacco warehouse receipt from his pocket and began to write, “Troubles can cause…” Here he stopped. He thought to start again writing, “No one to blame…” He never finished either. The search had begun for Charlie. It had now been approximately two or more
hours since the bodies of the dead had been discovered. Stephen Hampton along with several armed men and deputies had wandered to the barn looking for some sign. At about the same time the two dogs belonging to Charlie came running up. Suddenly the sound of a single gunshot made the men jump. The dogs and they headed in the direction of the shot where they soon found footprints leading
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into the pine thicket. With caution the men walked slowly, Stephen Hampton following the wailing sounds of the dogs found them lying in the snow beside the body of Charlie Lawson, steaming blood flowing from a gunshot wound in his chest. In having the portrait made of his family it seems evident that Charlie Lawson never wanted his family to be forgotten. In that sense he succeeded. The tragedy stunned the community and the nation. Hundreds of people would attend the funeral and come to see the home where the killings took place. It has now been ninety years since the events of the Lawson family tragedy began to unfold. The death certificates of each victim record the manner of their death. I make no attempt to examine why Charlie would kill his family. The WinstonSalem Journal reported “analysis shows man was insane.” Author Trudy Jones Smith gives a detailed examination of the Lawson family in her books White Christmas, Bloody Christmas and a second volume entitled The Meaning of Our Tears. The family funeral was held December 27, 1929. They were buried in the Browder Cemetery near Germanton. A Lawson family ballad would be written and recorded by the Stanley Brothers, Carter and Ralph. Two lines from the ballad read, “They were all buried in a crowded grave, while the angels watched from above.” An inscription on the large family gravestone reads: Not now, but in the coming years, It will be a better land, We’ll read the meaning of our tears, And then sometime we’ll understand.
Research information contact: Genealogical Society of Rockingham & Stokes Counties, NC, P.O. Box 152, Mayodan, NC 27027-0152; Elvin Perkins, Jr. Email: Eperkins2@aol.com
Investing In Rockingham County’s Quality of Life Continued from Page 14
in on a Write In Space for that particular Contest, that Candidate will only receive 1 vote. If you vote for the maximum number of Candidates for a particular Contest AND also write in another name as a Write In, the Write In will not count. All Write In Votes are accounted for and are applied to that particular person as long as we can determine without a doubt for whom the Write In was intended. The following are some examples of Write Ins that would count for John James Doe. John Doe Jon Doe John Do Jon Do John J. Doe Jon J. Doe John James Doe Jon James Doe If a Write In receives the most votes for a particular Contest, they would only be able to take office if they are eligible for that Contest. For example… They would have to be a registered Voter living within the jurisdiction of that Contest prior to the Candidate Residency Deadline. (Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, etc. would obviously not be taking office if they received the most votes). If you have any questions pertaining to Write In Votes, please contact our office. 336-342-8107.
Veterans free at Comicon
It’s time for the locally owned & operated NC COMICON, and we want to pay tribute to our country’s real-life heroes! As a way of offering a heartfelt thank you to the men and women of our armed services, CW22 and Ultimate Comics are proud to announce that we will be offering FREE admittance to the NC Comicon show on Sunday November 10th, 2019 to ALL Military Active-Duty Personnel and Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces. Together, CW22, Ultimate Comics & NC Comicon have partnered with North Carolina’s own Operation Sidekick to showcase an amazing charity. Operation Sidekick is an organization dedicated to training rescued pit bulls as service dogs to help our veterans overcome the daily struggle of PTSD and depression. Over 22 veterans a day are lost to suicide, which is now the leading cause of death in the military, surpassing war. Over 3,000 Pit Bulls are killed every day. Operation Sidekick is the first organization to bridge the gap and exclusively work with both rescued dogs and long suffering veterans of PTSD, to pair a set of best friends that will help and assist each other through every aspect of life. Please join CW22 & Ultimate Comics at the NC COMICON Nov 8-10, 2019, Veteran’s day weekend, as we thank the military’s brave individuals for their service, and celebrate Operations Sidekick’s dedication to helping pair those men and women with rescued animals who will provide lifelong love, friendship, and support.
Eden’s Own Journal
Rockingham County Star
Let the community know! 336-627-9234
Reidsville & Wentworth
Pickin' at the MARC Fiddlers Convention set for November 9, 2019
The 5th Annual Pickin’ at the MARC Bluegrass and Old Time Fiddlers convention will be held Saturday, November 9, at the Museum and Archives of Rockingham County. With more than $2500 in prizes offered, competitions will be held in both youth and adult categories. Youth competition includes instrumental, vocal, and flat foot dance categories. Adult competitions include bluegrass banjo, bluegrass fiddle, old time banjo, old time fiddle, mandolin, guitar, vocal, and flat foot dance. An open category will include instruments that may not have enough entrants to make a category. Awards are also offered for the bluegrass band and old time band competition winners. We encourage musicians to participate in this opportunity to perform, jam, and share the love of music, especially young musicians whose interest will continue these music traditions into the future. Featured performances will be provided by two well-known bands. The Slate Mountain Ramblers is a family old time band formerly from Ararat, VA and now from Mt. Airy, NC. Richard and Barbara Bowman and their daughter, Marsha Bowman Todd, have won numerous individual and group awards since they joined together as the Slate Mountain
Ramblers 27 years ago. Randy Hiatt adds vocal and guitar talent to the group. The performance by the Jeff Little Trio offers the unusual opportunity to experience piano as a band’s lead instrument. Jeff Little’s distinctive two-handed keyboard style, influenced by the mountain flat-picked guitar tradition, is breathtaking in its speed, precision, and clarity. In 2014 Little was inducted into the Blue Ridge Music Hall of Fame. He will be joined on the MARC stage by award winning guitar and banjo player Steve Lewis and Jeff’s son, Scott Little, playing mandolin. Scott is a student at Rockingham Community College and is also an award winning musician. A 1983 article in “The Spectator” magazine noted Rockingham County, NC as one of the birthplaces of country music, along with Bristol, TN/VA and Galax, VA. The Pickin’ at the MARC event is held annually to celebrate our county’s contribution to America’s traditional music heritage,” said organizer Wayne Seymour. The Town of Wentworth and Home Trust Bank are continuing their support of this event and of the MARC as the event sponsors again this year. Registration will begin at 11:00 AM and continue through-
Reidsville Parks & Recreation recently received USTA NC Outstanding Parks & Recreation Department Award given by Metaltek. This award is presented to the Parks and Recreation Department that made the greatest impact in its community during the past year through programming, events and partnerships. Reidsville Parks & Recreation was honored at USTA North Carolina’s Community Tennis Development Workshop at Grandover Resort in Greensboro in September.
Jaycee Park tennis courts hosts Rockingham County Schools team play as well as programs and events for our entire tennis community including practice and home match play for Reidsville High School and Reidsville Middle school teams, RCS County Boys & Girls Team Tournaments, NCHSAA 2A Mid East Regional Playoffs for Girls Tennis, USTA Junior Team Tennis (2014-2017), Try Tennis for Adults, two USTA Junior Level 5 and Level 6 tournaments, and the Tennis Excellence Program, a free youth
out the day. Online pre-registration is encouraged at www.themarconline.org/pickin-at-themarc. Competition begins at noon. Participation in Pickin’ at the MARC continues to grow each year. In addition to fans of bluegrass and fiddle music and event competitors, we are also drawing interest from families and visitors new to the genre. Tours of Wright Tavern and the MARC historic complex and outstanding food offerings from the Rib Man and Kelly’s Kitchen add to the festival atmosphere all day. Admission is $10 for adults, $5 for students, and free for children under 6. This is a fundraising event to support MARC’s work to share and preserve the history of Rockingham County. Donations can also be made on the MARC website. For more information, email pic kinatthemarc@gmail.com
MARC P.O. Box 84, Wentworth, NC 27375 Physical location 1086 NC Highway 65, Wentworth, NC 27375 (336) 634-4949 MARCconnection@gmail.com www.themarconline.org
Reidsville Parks & Recreation Recognized
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336-627-9234 Eden’s Own Journal Featuring the Rockingham County Star
tennis development program sponsored by Chuck Faint Realty. Reidsville Parks & Recreation partners with RCTA to provide courts for our National Junior Tennis & Learning (NJTL) 6-week program that connects tennis and education for youth from summer day camp programs at Reidsville YMCA, New Reidsville Housing Authority’s Parkview Village, and Community Baptist Schools. Fred Thompson, Reidsville Parks & Recreation Superintendent, is the founding president of Rockingham County Tennis Association Board of Directors. “Tennis is on the rise in Rockingham County.” Virginia Hoover, previous member RCS Board of Education Madison – USTA North Carolina annually honors those who have done an outstanding job on the court and off to help promote our great sport. Rockingham County Tennis Association (RCTA) is proud that Reidsville Parks & Recreation received the USTA NC Outstanding Parks & Recreation Department Award. Reidsville Parks & Recreation maintains the 8-court lighted tennis facility at Jaycee Park, 125 Jaycee Park Road in Reidsville. Four courts of this facility were recently resurfaced with help from a $15,000 USTA Facilities Assistance grant and a new backboard added.
Powell takes on role as Medical Director
Medical Center, Annie Penn Hospital, Cone Health Behavioral Health Hospital, The Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital, Wesley Long Hospital, Women’s Hospital, Cone Health Medical Group, MedCenter High Point, MedCenter Kernersville, MedCenter Mebane, Triad HealthCare Network and various outpatient clinics and programs. More than 12,000 exceptional people provide exceptional care to the people of Guilford, Alamance, Rockingham, Forsyth, Caswell and Randolph counties.
Cone Health has appointed a chief medical officer at Annie Penn Hospital. Alvin Powell, MD will work on quality, safety, and physician and employee engagement and will divide his time between caring for patients and administrative duties. Powell will also take the role of chief health equity officer for Cone Health. He will work on initiatives to eliminate health care disparities. Cone Health is committed to being a national leader in quality, service and cost. The integrated health care network consists of Alamance Regional
Serving Danville, Eden, Reidsville areas.
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New Chess Boards Adorn Downtown Reidsville
The City of Reidsville and the Reidsville Downtown Corporation have been very busy over the past year bringing more people downtown through art and recreation. The City is pleased to announce four new additions to these endeavors with Chess Tables and Boards being added to Mural Park and Kelly’s Way as the City creates an urban park setting in Reidsville’s downtown area. “The City and the Reidsville Downtown Corporation have truly added so much art to our downtown in the last year,” according to Reidsville Mayor Jay Donecker. “Project Dream, spearheaded by RDC Board Member Melanie Morrison and Missy Matthews, Main Street Manager, has added beautiful murals, along with painted pianos and fire hydrants to the downtown. Not only has it changed the landscape of the city, but it has created a lot of buzz. These new Chess Boards will do the same.” The Mayor encouraged resi-
dents and visitors to stop by the Reidsville Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center to check out chess and checker pieces if they do not bring their own. “This is just another way the City is enhancing the Downtown Experience. Not only do we have wonderful businesses, but you can also grab a coffee and a sandwich and catch a game of Chess or Checkers. Kelly’s Way and Mural Park are the perfect location to enjoy Downtown Reidsville!” he said. The Burgundy colors make the tables stand out and happen to be one of the colors the City uses in its marketing campaigns. There is no charge to check out the game pieces during Chamber operating hours, which are currently Monday – Friday 9-5. Be on the lookout for even more exciting additions to our downtown in the next year. Also, be sure and follow Team Reidsville on Twitter and Facebook for all the information about what’s happening!
Holiday time can be joyous and wonderful for some, but unfortunatly, it can be a time of stress and sorrow for many in our local communities. Those at the Salvation Army know this so well. This is why they sponsor two fundraising events in November and December including the Youth and Senior Angel Tree Programs and Bell Ringers. In October families with children ages 0-12 who may not have a Christmas without help, signed up for their children to be featured as Angel Tree donation recipients this holiday season. Last year there were over 300 signed up for the program, this year approximatly 500 throughout Rockingham County signed up family members for the annual program. Each Angels information will be held at the Salvation Army, and those wanting to choose a child or children to give to this Christmas are asked to call the office at 336-349-
4923, Major Syung Lee 336215-5084, or Major Hae Lee at 336-932-1564 to get an Angel’s wish list. You can make their Christmas special this year. When you choose an Angel you are expected to get a wish list tag providing the child’s Christmas wishes, it will tell you the age of the child, if it is a male or female and a few things the child needs or wants. You can purchase whats on the tag, which is usually an outfit and toy or two, or purchase what you wish to buy for them yourself. You can get a little or a lot, what ever your budget can allow. You can splurge if you wish, or get more than one child to help out! Maybe your heart is somewhere else, like with the seniors of our community who are left alone and without family with which to celebrate Christmas. The Senior Tree for senior citizens will be located inside Zibby’s Cleaners in Eden (Meadow Greens Shopping
Angels & Bells Return for Holiday
Just Have Too Much STUFF?
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Salvation Army Family Stores!
EDEN : 346 Kings Hwy. (627-8153) REIDSVILLE: 533 S. Scales St. (349-1814) Hours: 10 AM – 5:30 PM For Furniture Pickup call store location. Donations tax deducatible. All Donations Benefit Our Community Helping Those In Need.
Shop like you’re on a mission...at your local Salvation Army Store!
Reidsville & Wentworth
New Board members attended the September meeting at the Rockingham County Salvation Army headquarters in Reidsville. Pictured from left to right beside Major’s Syung Lee & Hae Lee are Tim Hailey, Dixie Penn, Ricky Graves, and CoChairs for the Advisory Board, Susan Thompson and Eugene Russell.
Showing off the new gymnasium facilities at the Barnes Street Salvation Army are Majors Syung Lee & Hae Lee along with Program Director Sebrina Mullens, Susan Thompson, Lee Lawson, Tee Price, and second row isprogram aids Katelyn Dillon, Teresa Page with Major Ronnie Ellison of the Reidsville Police Department.
Center beside Save-A-Lot). They will have an actual small tree up for you to pick a senior citizen who would have a sad loney Christmas without your help. With the holidays arriving, one of the main fundraising events each Christmas is the well known Bell Ringers who volunteer their time to help raise money for the many existing programs of the Salvation Army. This program is in need of volunteers to help out. The more the better so that no one has to stay out in the weather for long periods. If you want to help, call 336-349- 4923, extention 65732 soon, and choose the date or dates you can help, and you can sign up of an hour or more if you like. This program begins full force Thanksgiving weekend but some will be out beginning Friday, November 15th, so call soon to help out. Locations of Bell Ringers will include Walmarts, Foodlion’s, ABC store in Reidsville, Lowes Foods, Walgreens, Belks in Reidsville, and Peebles in Eden. Majors Syung Lee & Hae Lee are wanting to reinvigorate the Eden Salvation Army facility with new programs and ministries for the community. If you have ideas here is how you can help. Get involved with this great organization and help your fellow citizens; please consider joining the volunteer staff. Want to be even more involved? Think about becoming a council Member in the Eden Salvation Army. There is a need for several more to come on board.
The Salvation Army has always had special place in their hearts for the children. This is why there is new program, The Red Shield Club, which is focusing on the youth in the commuity. Sebrina Mullins is Program Director at Rockingham County's Red Shield Club which meets at the Bee Penn Community Center on Barnes Street beside the Salvation Army headquarters. The club is affiliated with the Salvation Army
Boy's and Girls Club and is staffed by 2 dedicated aides, Teresa Page and Katelyn Dillon. The Red Shield club is set up to help children with their education with programs such as power hour that offers assistance with homework, how to better themselves and also how to interact with society. The club is open from 3-6 pm Monday thru Friday. Members will be asked to fill out a form to join the club.
The 12th Annual Reidsville Business Showcase was held October 10th & 11th, 2019. This showcase featured 63 businesses. Thank you to everyone who came out to support your local businesses!
Reidsville & Wentworth
Roaming Around Reidsville
By Angela G. Stadler, Public Information Officer, City of Reidsville
Roaming Reidsville... Continued on Page 22 New Balance • S.A.S. • Clarks
• Bussola
See Kai Run • Keen • Van Eli
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The 2019 Boos, Brews, & BBQ was held October 12th, 2019 at 301 Camp Cherokee Camp Road in Wentworth. This event was held to support the Fine Art’s Festival Association & The Rockingham County Art’s Council!
Pennrose Mall • Reidsville • 349-5659 Visit us: www.stradershoes.com
ment. In past years Reidsville has been somewhat stable when it comes to population with new residents replacing those that have been lost. However, we expect that the 2020 Census results will show that tide has changed, and growth is on the upswing. In my 20-plus years with the City, we have never received so many calls and contacts from people who have said they are new to Reidsville. Local realtors will tell you that the housing market has been hot, many of which are people new to the city. We have also seen a lot of new residential construc-
Sperry or Sperry Top-Sider is the original American brand of boat shoe designed in 1935 by Paul A. Sperry. Sperrys, or Top-Siders, were the first boat shoes introduced into the boating and footwear markets.
• Alegria
tion occurring over the past 2½ years as well. We believe there are many factors for this perceived resurgence in population numbers. Among them are the City’s residential recruitment campaign and our designation as a North Carolina Certified Retirement Community. Reidsville is already blessed with a great location. We are a small city but have convenient access to larger cities like Greensboro and Winston-Salem so we like to think we have the best of both worlds within easy reach. The I-785 designation and improvements to the roadway recently announced by NCDOT will make us a “hop, skip and jump” away from the Piedmont Triad International Airport. All of these factors we think have led to increased numbers of Reidsville residents, but if people don’t fill out their census forms, we won’t benefit from these changes. The US Census Bureau is doing everything it can to make it easier for citizens to be counted. Once you receive your 2020 Census information, you can respond in one of three ways – online, by phone or by
these businesses and industries decide which products and they should offer their customers. And a final reason involves our electoral districts. The U.S. Constitution requires that such districts be adjusted if the population shifts so that affects who represents you on the State and National level. But for cities like Reidsville it primarily comes down to economics and economic develop-
not even to law enforcement agencies. Your answers can’t be used against you by any government agency or court. And the Census Bureau will NEVER ask you for information like your social security number, money or donations, or bank and/or credit card account numbers. All census workers will be wearing the appropriate badge and credentials when they come to your home, but if you don’t want them to stop by, you need to fill out the appropriate forms either online, by phone or by mail. To learn more about the 2020 Census, visit our webpage at ReidsvilleCensus2020.ROCKS. So, TEAM REIDSVILLE, let’s have a strong showing on the 2020 Census! Complete your census by filling out all nine
November marks the beginning of the City of Reidsville’s campaign to get those residents inside the City limits to fill out the 2020 Census. Census Day isn’t until April 1, 2020, but we want to get a head start on letting everyone know how important it is that they fill out their census forms. Also, you must fill out all nine questions for your census to count! The biggest reason why an accurate reporting of how many residents live in Reidsville is so important is economic. The Federal Government distributes approximately $675 billion annually to local and state governments. What often decides exactly how much a municipality or State gets is based on population. The more people you have, the more money you get. Cities rely on getting grants and other disbursements to help us with various projects, especially water and sewer. If cities receive grant monies, they are less likely to have to raise rates or taxes so it truly affects all of our pocketbooks. Another reason that municipalities like Reidsville want to make sure the census counts are correct is the effect it can have on economic development. Business owners and developers use census data to make really important decisions – like where to open new stores or where to expand their operations. The collected information also helps
mail. This is actually the first time people will have the ability to fill out their information online, either on a computer or mobile device. By April 1, 2020, every home should have received an invitation to participate in the Census. You need to remember to record everyone that lives the majority of their time at your home, from newborn babies to senior citizens. If your newborn was born before April 1 but still isn’t at home yet, count them. If your parents have come to live with you before April 1, count them. Many people express concerns about what happens with this information once it is returned to the government. By law, the federal government cannot release ANY information from the census that identifies you, your home or business –
• STarT living again!
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Financial hardships can leave you feeling helpless, embarrassed, stressed out, and hopeless. As a Rockingham County native, I take pride in offering a service that can help ease many of the financial burdens that my neighbors here are facing. I understand how overwhelming financial struggles can be and how they can affect your entire family. A Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy may help you find some much-needed relief from burdensome debt and help you get on the road to financial recovery. Many people do not realize how a bankruptcy case can help them. They believe that bankruptcy ruins their credit forever, that they will lose everything that they have, and that they will never get credit again. That is not true. In fact, bankruptcy can often help you keep property that you are otherwise at risk of losing and can help you get a fresh start and begin the process of improving your credit score. I offer FREE consultations in a relaxed, friendly, and confidential environment. I sit down with potential clients at these meetings to discuss their financial situation and offer advice as to what options they may have under the US Bankruptcy Code. I also give them the opportunity to ask any questions they have about the bankruptcy process and the impact it will have on their family. If you are curious about how bankruptcy can help you, please call me and schedule a free consultation. If you are curious, but not yet ready to come in for a consultation, call me and I will send you a packet of information to help you decide if bankruptcy is an option you would like to explore further. Brandi L. Richardson, Attorney at Law. We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for relief under the Bankruptcy Code.
Reidsville & Wentworth
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CAR: Center for Active Retirement is located at 1086 NC hwy 65 suites 1-6 Reidsville NC on the second floor of Marc (old courthouse Wentworth). WeCare being on the second floor is asking for you to call Linda Wilson when you arrive. For security reasons the museum (Marc) is locked. If you plan on coming to any events please call or text Linda Wilson (276)8069683. • Nov. 4 painting on canvas 9:00 am $20. Painting a black crow when you turn it upside down you see Jesus • Nov. 6th 9:00 am decorating Christmas ornaments $12. Decorate ornaments with words and paint even glitter if you choose. • Nov. 11th 9:00 am $30 Christmas wreath (snowflake). • Nov. 18th Decoupage a hymn on canvas $15. Learn the technique to create your own canvas hymn. • Rook meets every Tuesday 11:00 am. Always looking for new players. FREE
• Bingo meets every Tuesday 10 am until 11 am. $1.00 a day. Prizes vary. • Computer classes meet either Tuesday or Thursday for 30 hours total class instruction. We off topics according to the needs of the students. 10 am until 12 PM. Refreshments. $55 • November 20th Potluck at the Eden library 12:00-3:00pm. Please join us to keep informed with what we are doing as well as future plans. Covered dish. • Closed the week of Thanksgiving Nov. 25th thru November 29th. Happy Thanksgiving. If you plan on coming to any events please call or text Linda Wilson (276)806-9683. 1086 NC hwy 65 suites 1-6 Reidsville NC. We're located on the second floor of Marc (old courthouse Wentworth) WeCare being on the second floor is asking for you to call Linda Wilson when you arrive. For security reasons the museum (Marc) is locked. (276)8069683.
For several years the Reidsville Chamber of Commerce, Reidsville Branch NAACP and the Reidsville Human Relations Commission have organized the Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast. This year’s 22nd Annual Event will be held Monday, January 20th, 2020 at the Zion Baptist Church MultiPurpose Center, 807 Piedmont Street, in Reidsville. Being an enormous success last year, the event generated over 300 in attendance honoring this extraordinary individual and building community unity. Also, this event presents an opportunity for us to recognize and honor five special citizens who exemplify the spirit of unity and who strive to make Rockingham County a better place. Any profit from this event will be placed on the M.L.K. Jr4. Unity Scholarship Fund which
presents two scholarships each year for Reidsville High students to attend Rockingham Community College. 2019 brought in funds for triple the amount of scholarships due to the generosity of supporters in our community. There are four levels of sponsorship to assist with our financial obligations. All sponsors will be on the back of the printed program. The levels of sponsorship include: Platinum $500 (Includes 10 tickets; Gold $300 (incudes 6 tickets), Silver $200 (Includes 4 tickets) and Bronze $100 (Includes 2 tickets). In order to be listed in the program please send your sponsorship check, made payable to the M.L.K. Unity Fund to reach us no later than January 3rd, 2020. Address it to M.L.K. Unity Fund, PO Box 541, Reidsville, NC 27323-0541. For further information or tickets, please contact any organizations members or call 336-349-8481.
MLK Jr. Unity Fundraiser planned
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Happy Thanksgiving!
Hear the Beep where you Sleep
Rockingham County Fire Marshal’s Office at 150 NC 65, Reidsville, will be installing smoke alarms (free of charge) on November 9th in the Huntsville area. If you are in need of a smoke alarm, or want yours checked, please contact Assistant Fire Marshal Melissa Joyce at 336-634-3003
Roaming Reidsville...
Continued from Page 19
questions and make sure you turn it in. Even though the census is still a few months away, there are still several events coming up during the month of November, including: Upcoming Events & More: • Friday, November 1, is the deadline to reach the 400-subscriber goal for voluntary curbside recycling for residents and businesses within the Reidsville city limits. Residents and/or businesses must call Foothill Waste Solutions at 336-8714055. At last count, we were REALLYCLOSE to the goal! • Saturday, November 2, the Reidsville Appearance Commission will be holding a free shredding event behind City Hall. The “Let’s Shred” event will be held from 9 a.m. until noon OR until the truck is filled! • Saturday, November 2, the Reidsville Police Department will hold a Church Safety Seminar from 10 a.m.-12 noon at
Ray’s bait & Tackle
Jerusalem United Holy Church. • Week of November 4 th , the City’s Public Services Division of the Public Works Department will begin weekly curbside loose leaf pickup. Residents should have their loose leaves in their yard near the curb or edge of the pavement (but away from storm drains or parked cars) by 7 a.m. on their regular loose leaf collection day. Leaves should be separated from brush and other waste. This service continues until the end of the week of January 6, 2020. • Monday, November 11, Reidsville City Offices will be closed for the Veteran’s Day Holiday. Thank a veteran for their service! • Saturday, November 16, Downtown Reidsville kicks off the holiday season with the annual Tree Lighting Celebration and Downtown Open House. There will be sledding, marshmallow roasting, hot cider and more at the event, scheduled
from 5-9 p.m. • Wednesday, November 20, is the deadline to donate non-perishable food items to the Reidsville Police Department’s Youth Advisory Committee’s canned food drive. The youth are collecting items for families in our community in time for Thanksgiving. Donation boxes have been set up in the lobby of the Reidsville Police Dept., Reidsville High School and Reidsville Middle School with the items going to the Reidsville Outreach Center. • Sunday, November 24, WGSR-TV/Star News hosts the annual Reidsville Christmas Parade starting at 4 p.m. in downtown Reidsville. • Thursday & Friday, November 28-29, Reidsville City Offices will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday. • Saturday, November 30, is Small Business Saturday. Come out and support your local businesses!
The Reidsville Fall Jubilee
was held on October 19, 2019 in downtown Reidsville. This festival is one of the largest festivals in Rockingham County, featuring two stages of entertainment, festival foods, family activities, classic car show, and over 100 local vendors. Top left is Jackson Williams enjoying face painting. left middle: CdC dance Company performing for the crowd. Photographed in the bottom left box is the large crowd the event had at the opening of the event.
Support the arts in Rockingham County! Your donation (in any amount) helps provide quality art programs throughout our county.
Join the Rockingham County Arts Council today! RCAC is a non-profit 501(3)c organization and your donation may be tax deductible.
Please mail your donation to: 124 S Scales St. Suite 111, Reidsville, NC 27320 Or Call: 336.349.4039 Or Email: director@artsinrockingham.org Or Visit: www.artsinrockingham.org
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Goraya Food Land
Happy Thanksgiving! 2 - 8 oz Ribeyes for $11 ($6 Each)
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Cut To Order: Ribeye • Cube Steaks • Sirloin • T Bone • Stew Beef (Pre-Order) • Bologna • Cheese 713 Church St., Eden Mon. - Fri. 7am - 10pm, Sat. & Sun. 8am - 10pm 336-623-2981
All Events are Free and open to the public unless otherwise listed. (RCARE) - Reidsville Center for Active Retirement is located at 102 N. Washington Avenue, Reidsville. Hours: Mon. & Thur. 8:30 -8:00pm / Tues., Wed. & Fri. 8:30-5pm, 2019. Anyone 55 or over may participate. 336349-1088. CLASSES: • Painting -Monday 8:30 a.m. & Wednesday 8:30 a.m. • Crochet –Tuesday 9:00 a.m. • Bible study –Wednesday 10:00 a.m. • Jewelry making -1st & 3rd Friday of the month 1:00 p.m. CARDS: • Phase 10 – Tuesday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. • Rook - Wednesday 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. • Duplicated Bridge - Thursday 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. • Canasta, Hand Foot and Elbow –Monday & Thursday 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. & Tuesday 1:00p.m.-4:00 p.m.
FITNESS: • Cardio/Weight Class –Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:00 a.m. • Tai Chi -Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. (you must have completed 16 hours of instruction, to attend this class.) • Tai Chi for Beginners – Wednesday-10:15 a.m. • Pickleball – Monday at 1:00 p.m., Friday at 10:15 a.m. & Wednesday 11.00 a.m. • Fitness Center- Free for 55 + years of age–hours Tues, Wed, Friday 8:30 a.m.–5p.m./Mon & Thurs till 8 p.m. • Reidsville Kickers Line Dance Group – Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. • Carolina Girls Line Dance Group – Mondays at 10:15 a.m. and Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. SUPPORT GROUP • Blind Support 2n:d Wednesday of the month at 10:30 a.m. • Support Group for domestic violence –Tuesday from 2 pm. -3 pm.
EDUCATIONAL/ INFORMATIVE • Medicare Open enrollment is now through Dec. 7th The Seniors Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) counsels Medicare beneficiaries and caregivers about Medicare, Medicare supplements, Medicare Advantage & Medicare Part D insurance... We can also put in extra help applications for those with limited income. Please call June at 336-349-1088 to schedule an appointment. –Mon.-Friday 8:30 -5:00 p.m. • Legal Aide service -every 2nd Thursday of the month at 1:00 p.m. Call 877-579-7562 for an appointment between 9:00am and 11:00am or 1:00pm and 3:00pm. SPECIAL EVENTS: • Senior Bingo –Nov. 21st -1:00 p.m. Please bring a $1.00 to play. • Computer Classes –Oct 16th – Nov. 20th. Basic Computer Skills. 10am.-12pm.
Dear Rusty: I retired from work this year (age 62) and I will receive my first social security benefits in September. Is there a special rule for the first year you retire that allows you to not pay taxes on your social security since you have earned no other income since you retired? Before I retired, I earned about $50,000, which I know is more than the usual allowed income. Signed: Retired Senior
“adjusted gross income” from your Federal income tax return), plus any tax-exempt interest you may have received, plus half of your annual Social Security benefits. If your MAGI exceeds the above levels, then up to 50% of your Social Security benefits will become a part of your taxable income; or if you exceed $34,000 (filing single) or $44,000 (filing married-jointly) then up to 85% of your annual SS benefits will become taxable. If you don't exceed those levels your SS benefits aren't taxable as income. However, I suspect you may be confusing income tax on your Social Security benefits with another rule - Social Security's "earnings test" which, if you have not yet reached your full retirement age, sets a limit on what you can earn without your benefit payments being affected. If you are collecting benefits before you have reached your full retirement age and you exceed the annual earnings limit ($17,640 for 2019) Social Security will withhold some of your benefits – $1 for every $2 you are over the limit. If that is what you're referring to then, yes, there is a special rule for the first year you are collecting Social Security. That special first year rule says that if you claim benefits mid-year and you have not yet reached your full retirement age, you'll be subject to a monthly earnings test for the remainder of that year, rather than the annual test. So, if your benefits start in September, provided you don’t earn more than $1470 in September or any
month thereafter in 2019 you won't lose any benefits. But if you do exceed that monthly limit, even by $1, you won't be entitled to any SS benefits for that month. The monthly test is only in the calendar year you claim benefits - it goes away for you in 2020 and you'll be subject to the annual earnings test only for next year.
Ask Rusty – Income Tax on Social Security vs. the Earnings Test
Dear Retired Senior: I'm afraid there is no such "first year" rule which exempts you from paying income tax on your Social Security benefits. When you file your Federal income taxes with the IRS you will need to claim your Social Security (SS) benefits as part of your income, and whether it is taxable will depend upon whether your "modified adjusted gross income" (MAGI) for the year exceeds $25,000 (if you file single) or $32,000 (if you file married-filing jointly). "MAGI" includes your taxable income from all sources (your
Wyatt Auctions / Wyatt Real Estate 136 N. Fieldcrest Rd., Eden, NC
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Please note that the earnings limits are considerably more if you are claiming in the year you will reach your full retirement age. If this were the year you will reach your full retirement age, the annual limit would be $46,920 and the monthly limit would be $3910 (these limits change annually). However, if you stay fully retired and don’t return to work you will not need to worry about the Social Security earnings test but, depending on your “MAGI,” you may need to pay income taxes on your Social Security benefits.
This article is intended for information purposes only and does not represent legal or financial guidance. It presents the opinions and interpretations of the AMAC Foundation’s staff, trained and accredited by the National Social Security Association (NSSA). NSSA and the AMAC Foundation and its staff are not affiliated with or endorsed by the Social Security Administration or any other governmental entity. To submit a question, visit our website or email us.
Call Lisa Griffith at 336-627-9234 or Elizabeth Milligan 336-613-3025
From the Desks of eden city Hall
NCDOT: On October 2nd, representatives from the City of Eden Economic Development Department, Danville, VA Economic Development, Pittsylvania County, VA Economic Development and the Southern Virginia Regional Alliance met with NCDOT Division 7 Engineer Mike Mills to discuss the continuation of I785 to the Virginia state line. This is a vital component to the Southern Virginia Mega Site at Berry Hill development. Division 7 staff is trying to get the final leg of I-785 included in the Hicone Road to exit #153 funding so the entire section is completed. We will work with them to accomplish this through meetings with both state and federal officials. Planet Fitness This company has extended its $1 down and $10 a month online sale until October 28, 2019. Go to www.planetfitness.com to sign up.
UNC Rockingham Health Care Now Offering 3D Mammograms at the Wright Imaging Center, a Service of UNC Rockingham Hospital. Breast imaging services at UNC Rockingham Health Care now include 3D mammograms, a screening that delivers a more in depth look at breast tissue. The more detailed 3D image reduces the likelihood of additional screenings or followup visits. It also enables physicians to find cancers at an earlier stage. For those who have dense breast tissue, a 3D mammogram offers a clearer image. Screening mammograms are recommended for women beginning at age 40, unless otherwise advised by your physician. During October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, hours will be extended to 7 p.m. every Monday. Patients getting a mammogram during Breast Cancer Awareness Month will receive a free gift. To make an appointment, call Central Scheduling at 336627-6183. UNC Rockingham Wright Imaging Center, A Service of UNC Rockingham Hospital is at 618 South Pierce Street, Eden. 3D Mammography at UNC Rockingham is accredited by the American College of Radiology.
UNC Cardiology at Eden— Now Open! This practice opened in August at 518 S. Van Buren, Suite 3. Cardiologists Dr. Thomas Wall and Dr. Fernando Ortiz see patients in the office and provide hospital consults at UNC Rockingham Health Care on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. “We’re excited to bring this spe-
cialty to the UNC Rockingham campus,” said Dana M. Weston, president and CEO of the Eden hospital. “Through our affiliation with the UNC Health Care system, our community and our patients now have access to the expertise, research, technologies and clinical trials that are available at UNC Medical Center.” UNC Cardiology at Eden will see patients for the prevention, screening and treatment of heart disease. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, please call (336) 8643130.
Duke Energy Foundation Grant Received The City received a $9,454 grant from the Duke Energy Foundation for an otter habitat along the Smith River with the generous assistance of the Dan River Basin Association Executive Director Tiffany Haworth. This will be the only habitat of its kind in the U.S. The City of Eden has received more than $300,000 in grants from Duke Energy for environmental, trail development and waterway projects since 2016.
Young Eden Professionals Like most rural areas of the U.S., many young people from Eden have left for an education or to work and have never returned. A recent study showed Rockingham County was among the top NC Counties in population loss among young people. It is encouraging to see younger people returning to continue their lives in their hometown, especially when they are professionals interested in becoming the next generation of community leaders. What is interesting about each of them is how they left home for larger communities, but appreciated the benefits of small town living. Those profiled already are all professionals—three in the medical community and one a partner in an accounting firm. Watch for their profiles in Eden’s Own Journal.
Washington Street Construction continues at 618 Washington Street with the public pedestrian pass through to the rear of the facility. The building will become apartments, a coffee shop and restaurant.
Available Property Listing The city of Eden maintains an available commercial downtown property listing on the official city website. It can be found under the Economic Development tab, then Start a Business, with current ESRI data that is helpful to determine current businesses needed in Eden.
Leaksville MSD The Leaksville Municipal Service District continued to support Riverfest again this year with a donation of $1,500. This
MSD has supported the Eden signature event that brings thousands of people to the downtown area.
Homecoming Parade Morehead High School held their annual homecoming parade October 4th on Washington Street. The Street was lined with supporters cheering on the football team, cheerleaders and the Morehead High School marching band. Businesses were encouraged to decorate their storefronts for the occasion.
Eden Downtown Development Inc. The Design sub-committee project of custom painting downtown fire hydrants has been a success and will continue for the foreseeable future. Nineteen hydrants were completed in time for Riverfest. FOX 8 featured the hydrants in their Friday night broadcast including hydrants from Leaksville, Draper and the Boulevard. Another was finished depicting a rainbow trout design at the Spray traffic circle. Morehead High School students plan to complete one at Panther Lane. If you would like to participate contact Randy Hunt at rhunt@edennc.us.
Draper MSD The Draper Municipal Service District members met Thursday, October 3rd. They voted to purchase additional spools of bulb wiring and cases of LED bulbs to replace the aging electrical components on the angel lights that are hung from poles down-
town at Christmas time. Two metal benches were placed on Fieldcrest Road to service the bus stops. They are also researching the possibility a bus stop shelter.
Draper Merchants Association The Merchants Association are designing a T-shirt depicting Draper memories to be sold as a fundraiser for upcoming outdoor events, such as the Draper Christmas tree lighting December 3rd. Draper hosts a large Veterans Day event, also. Get Fit Rockingham Get fit Rockingham, a program designed for residents of Rockingham County to develop healthy habits wrapped up the 2019 season. A raffle was held
at Riverfest for Eden participants. John Carter of Eden won the grand prize, a new Apple I watch. The program will continue county wide in the spring of 2020.
Eden Downtown Development Inc. EDDI Members involved with an entrepreneurship education program met with representatives of Rockingham Community College and then members of the Rockingham County School system. Fostering an entrepreneurship mindset for a younger generation to create economic
From the Desks of city Hall... Continued on Page 25
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The City of Eden’s Solid Waste Division will be closed Monday, November the 11th in observance of the Veterns Day Holiday.
recycling soLiD wAste & reFuse center recycling/collection Date Monday 11-11-19 No Collection Closed Tuesday 11-12-19 Normal Schedule Open Wednesday 11-13-19 Monday’s Collection Open Thursday 11-14-19 Normal Schedule Open Friday 11-15-19 Normal Schedule Open If your collection day falls on an observed holiday, your collection will be Wednesday of that week. ALL AFTER HOURS CALLS SHOULD BE MADE TO THE EMERGENCY ANSWERING SERVICE AT 336-415-4444.
For the Fun of it...
Tazer Trouble
Last weekend I saw something at Ray’s Bait Shop that sparked my interest. The occasion was our 5th anniversary and I was looking for a little something extra for my wife Lisa.. What I came across was a 100,000-volt, pocket/purse- sized tazer. The effects of the tazer were supposed to be short lived, with no long-term adverse affect on your assailant, allowing her adequate time to retreat to safety.....?? WAY TOO COOL! Long story short, I bought the device and brought it home. I loaded two AAA batteries in the darn thing and pushed the button. Nothing! I was disappointed. I learned, however, that if I pushed the button and pressed it agains t a metal surface at the same time; I'd get the blue arc of electricity darting back and forth between the prongs. AWESOME!!! Unfortunately, I have yet to explain to Lisa what that burn spot is on the face of her microwave. Okay, so I was home alone with this new toy, thinking to myself that it couldn't be all that bad with only two triple-A batteries, right? There I sat in my recliner, my cat Annebelle looking on intently (trusting little soul) while I was reading the directions and thinking that I really needed to try this thing out on a flesh & blood moving target. I must admit I thought about zapping Annebelle (for a fraction of a second) and thought better of it. She is such a sweet cat. But, if I was going to give this thing to my wife to protect herself against a mugger, I did want some assurance that it would work as advertised. Am I wrong? So, there I sat in a pair of shorts and a tank top with my reading glasses perched delicately on the bridge of my nose, directions in one hand, and tazer in another. The directions said that a one-second burst would shock and disorient your assailant; a two-second burst was supposed to cause muscle spasms and a major loss of bodily control; a three-second burst would purportedly make your assailant flop on the ground like a fish out of water. Any burst longer than three seconds would be wasting the batteries. All the while I'm looking at this little device measuring about 5" long, less than 3/4 inch in circumference; pretty cute really and (loaded with two itsy, bitsy triple-A batteries) thinking to myself, 'no possible way!' What happened next is almost beyond description, but I'll do my best.. .? I'm sitting there alone, Annebelle looking on with her head cocked to one side as to say, 'don't do it dipstick,' reasoning that a one second burst from such a tiny little ole thing couldn't hurt all that bad. I decided to give myself a one second burst just for heck of it. I touched the prongs to my naked thigh, pushed the button, and . . HOLY MOTHER OF GOD... WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION . . I'm pretty sure Jessie Ventura ran in through the side door, picked me up in the recliner, then body slammed us both on the carpet, over and over and over again. I vaguely recall waking up on my side in the fetal position, with tears in my eyes, body soaking wet, both nipples on fire, testicles nowhere to be found, with my left arm tucked under my body in the oddest position, and tingling in my legs? The cat was making meowing sounds I had never heard before, clinging to a picture frame hanging above the fireplace, obviously in an attempt to avoid getting slammed by my body flopping all over the living room. Note: If you ever feel compelled to 'mug' yourself with a tazer, one note of caution: there is no such thing as a one second burst when you zap yourself! You will not let go of that thing until it is dislodged from your hand by a violent thrashing about on the floor. A three second burst would be considered conservative. A minute or so later (I can't be sure, as time was a relative thing at that point), I collected my wits (what little I had left), sat up and surveyed the landscape. My bent reading glasses were on the mantel of the fireplace. The recliner was upside down and about 8 feet or so from where it originally was. My triceps, right thigh and toes were still twitching. My face felt like it had been shot up with novocain, and my bottom lip weighed 88 lbs. I had no control over the drooling. I saw a faint smoke cloud above my head which I believe came from my hair. I'm still looking for my left eye and I'm offering a significant reward for it’s safe return! P.S. My wife, can't stop laughing about my experience, loved the gift, and now regularly threatens me with it! If you think education is difficult, try being stupid !!!
An elderly man called Keith, Mislaid his set of false teeth. They'd been laid on a chair, He'd forgot they were there, Sat down, and was bitten beneath. • An elephant slept in his bunk, And in slumber his chest rose and sunk. But he snored -- how he snored! All the other beasts roared, So his wife tied a knot in his trunk.
As for beauty I am not a star, There are others much more handsome by far. But my face -don't mind it, For I am behind it, It's the people in front that I jar. • Whoever invented knock knock jokes should get a no bell prize • Q: What do you call a pig that does karate? A: A pork chop. • Do you know why the corn does not like the farmer? The farmer pulls its ears! • Why do sharks swim in salt water? Because pepper water makes them sneeze. • What did the green grape say to the purple grape? OMG!!!!!!! BREATHE!! BREATHEEEEE!!!!! • Don’t forget to drink water and get sun you are basically a house plant with complicated emotions • If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito
Accidently went grocery shopping on an empty stomach, I am now the proud owner of aisle 5. • How does NASA organize a party? They planet • There's a fine line between a numerator and a denominator. Only a fraction of people will find this funny.
Why was the bee's hair sticky? Because he used a honey-comb. • Where do dogs go when their tails fall off? The re-tail store. • Not only did I fall off the diet wagon, I dragged it into the woods, set it on fire and used the insurance money to buy more cupcakes!
Locate These Hidden Words In Eden’s Own Find A Word
There are 25 letters left. For the answer see the classified page.
From the Desks of City Hall.. Continued from Page 23
opportunity was a focus; jobs and future workforce is difficult to predict as the world is changing more and more quickly. A mural unveiling at Henry Street is scheduled for Friday, November 1st.
Boulevard Merchants The merchant’s held Rocktoberfest, October 5th featuring live bands, food trucks and vendors. Monies raised will be used for façade grants for buildings on the Boulevard. The merchants also hosted a Boo-laVard! Halloween parade featuring trick or treating, face painting and a costume contest.
RIVERFEST Everyone at the city would like to thank sponsors, vendors, exhibitors, volunteers and attendees at RiverFest 2019. We had great weather that made for a very successful weekend here in beautiful Eden, North Carolina. See you next year!! 2019 RIVERFEST Sponsors • MillerCoors • City of Eden • Eden Tourism Development • Rockingham Co. Economic Development & Tourism • HomeTrust Bank • Historic Leasksville MSD Board • UNC Rockingham Health Care • News & Record • Rockingham Now • Gildan Activewear • Eden Drug • Fair Funeral Home • Duke Energy • Tri-City Automotive Group • Mike Moore Media Newsletter You can get information about upcoming local events by email through our monthly Explore Downtown newsletter. If you want to subscribe, please send your email address to godowntown@edennc.us ENGINEERING
NCDOT Resurfacing Schedule APAC Atlantic, Inc. has completed all of the state resurfacing and all of the pavement markings have been installed for 2019.
2019-20 Street Resurfacing Contract Sections of Price Street, Cedar Street, Anderson Street and Church Street are scheduled to be resurfaced soon. The other 11 streets on this paving schedule will be resurfaced in the spring of 2020. Delta Contracting, Inc. completed the asphalt milling on Anderson Street, Cedar Street and Church Street on October 9, 2019. APAC Atlantic had their paving crew scheduled to start resurfacing on October 14, 2019. The substantial completion date for this project is May 29, 2020.
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Cybersecurity Shannon Morse, a technology and cybersecurity commentator, published a 30 day challenge for Cybersecurity Month. She guides you through various tasks to improve your personal cybersecurity with a different activity each day. She provides video as well as written instructions and links to various online resources. You can find the 30 day challenge here:snubsie.com /30-daysecurity-challenge The most important thing you can do to improve your cybersecurity is to Stop! Look! And Think! before clicking that Link! PARKS & RECREATION
Freedom Park There is a NSA Tournament November 2 - 3 , 2019, a Top Gun Tournament on November 9 - 10, 2019, and a NSA Tournament November 16 – 17, 2019.
Staff will conduct the Monthly Pod Cast with Mike Moore Media on Parks and Recreation on November 1, 2019.
Code Enforcement 22 notices were mailed by certified mail and first class mail that affect the following number of properties: 2 for violation of the Human Habitation Standards, 5 for disabled vehicles, 2 for high grass and weeds, 1 for junk storage, 1 for yard waste accumulation, and 4 for zoning violations. Collections:$400.00 was collected for code enforcement fees.
GIS We have been working with the Eden Police Department on their Crime and Traffic Safety Analysis and DDACTS program.
It has become obvious that we need additional software and training to be able to meet the recent requests from the Police Department and the Municipal Services Department
Planet Fitness The Planet Fitness project is proceeding. They have been through the rough in stage and are now trimming out. They intend to open by early November.
Zip’s Carwash Permit approved and issued for the carwash which will be located in the old Sonic lot, in front of Subway, waiting on contractor to pick up. We have no startup date for this project.
KFC We are also expecting the plans for the new KFC any day now. They are wanting to get started ASAP so we will fast-track the plans once they are received.
PLANNING BOARD The Planning Board heard a PUD-MU request for the Nantucket Mill property at their October regular meeting. They will be heard at the City Council meeting in November. This is the same meeting that the American Warehouse property will be on the agenda for abatement.
Historic Preservation Commission Kelly came to the meeting to explain the roll of the SPC. Also discussed replacing historic district signs.
Community Appearance Commission Commission met on 9-3-19. September Appearance Award went to Burger King. Discussed possibly getting new banners on Washington St. to support the high school. Checked into getting something by homecoming, but this is not possible on short notice. Will discuss at next meeting as possible future project. Also discussed adding more planters on Washington St., which are more affordable than the large ones there now. Also discussed new trashcans for Washington St. and Draper. Will coordinate with Randy Hunt on this. Also discussed new plantings in Draper downtown – something low (zero) maintenance and drought tolerant. Will do this when the weather allows. Stadium Drive Sidewalk Selection process is beginning for an engineering firm to begin the sidwalk project.
GRANTS: CDBG: We have not heard about the CDBG application for housing rehab and infrastructure for the Draper neighborhood. Pedestrian Plan: We have not heard from the NCDOT about the Pedestrian Plan.
Statute Changes The General Assembly has approved a total re-write of 160A Article 19. This will mean that every ordinance we are responsible for will have significant changes. Bridge St SidewalkWork on the development of a
NOVEMBER 2019 EDEN’S OWN / COUNTY STAR, PAGE 25 H sidewalk on Bridge St. from Kings Highway to Highland Dr. has begun. This will provide connectivity to the new trail being installed behind Karastan. Josh and Kevin have met on site and found the existing property lines to ensure that sidewalk will not encroach on private property. The project will now be released to Public Works to begin construction. Matrimony Creek Greenway A landscape plan for the Matrimony Creek Greenway around the entrance and bathrooms is in the works.
Meadow Rd/ Stadium Dr. Landscape Plan A landscape plan has been drawn up for the concrete island at the intersection of Meadow Rd and Stadium Dr. and has received funding approval from the Strategic Committee. Plans have been submitted along with an encroachment agreement to NCDOT for approval. Josh Woodall is meeting Jason Julian with NCDOT on 10/3/2019 at the site for final NCDOT approval. 811 Locates One of the duties that has been assigned to Josh Woodall is to assist with 811 locates. Josh has assisted the Engineering Department with multiple 811 locates including the water line project for the Berryhill Mega Park and also a large locate project for Duke Energy in the Bearslide development. POLICE
Stand Against Litter The Eden Police Department continues to post a Public Service Announcement on the Eden Police Department’s Facebook page asking citizens to Stand Against Litter as part of the county wide campaign to aggressively enforce littering and illegal dumping violations. We
will continue to replay the announcement each month and aggressively enforce littering and illegal dumping statutes.
November Fund Raiser This year, our police department will be participating in ‘No Shave November” and ‘Crazy Nail / Casual Dress November’ fund raising campaign. The police force will be supporting one of the members of our “First Responder” family this year. Emily Thacker is a Rockingham County 9-1-1 Telecommunicator and a volunteer in the Eden Rescue Squad. Emily is a 34 year old single mother of three children (ages 11, 6, 5) and lives in Eden. Emily was diagnosed with Stage 1 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Breast Cancer. Emily has been a trooper since her diagnosis. For our female officers and clerical staff, November and December 2019 will be casual dress and we also encourage our female officers and clerical staff to paint their fingernails a pink or lavender for cancer awareness.
Training The Eden Police Department has scheduled the mandated fall in-service training. The training dates will be November 4, 18 and 25. The training will include firearms qualification.
Police Department Facebook Page The Eden Police Department would like to continue to encourage the citizens of our community to utilize the Eden Police Department’s Facebook page for updates and information concerning our community, as well as Crimestoppers, to provide anonymous information concerning illegal activity to keep our community safe. We all have to work together to keep our community safe.
The City of Eden’s Solid Waste Division will be closed Thursday and Friday, November 28th and 29th, in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday
Recycling SOLID WASTE & REFUSE Recycling/Collection Date Center Monday 11-25-19 Normal Schedule Closed Tuesday 11-26-19 Normal Schedule Open Wednesday 11-27-19 Thur & Fri Collection Open Thursday 11-28-19 No Collection Closed Friday 11-29-19 No Collection Closed If your collection day falls on an observed holiday, your collection will be Wednesday of that week. ANY AFTER HOURS CALL FOR WATER OR SEWER EMERGENCY ISSUES, OR TREES DOWN ACROSS ROAD OR OPEN HOLES IN ROAD SHOULD BE MADE TO THE EMERGENCY ANSWERING SERVICE AT 336-415-4444!
Christmas Open House Sunday, November 17th- 1pm - 5pm Special Discounts and Surprises! You must attend to see!
Always & Forever Florist 336-427-6086 704 Rockingham Square, Madison Located in Rockingham Square Shopping Center directly behind NewBridge Bank and beside the new State Employees Credit Union. www.alwaysandforeverflorist.net
Precious Time Clock Repair
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Madison / Mayodan & Stoneville
Western Rockingham Treasures By Therese Francin
Its surface area spans 3,864 acres, and its shoreline runs for 88 miles. It was created in 1973, but not by a natural event. Formed by a creek that is a tributary to the Dan River, and running deep beneath the earth’s surface with common water depths of 100 feet, and in some locations reaching a depth of 130 feet, it is sometimes viewed as a sportsman’s paradise. It has an underwater landscape of tangled branches and discarded wooden posts which are completely hidden from above. The water is held back by a rolled earth dam and a concrete spillway. This Western Rockingham water world is known as Belews Lake, named for the creek that runs into it from the Dan River. It was constructed by Duke Energy to provide cooling water for the steam station. This created a new bass fishery, and at first met the expectations of fish-
ing enthusiasts. There were 20 species of fish in the lake, but they dwindled down to only one species. In 1986 scientists discovered the fish die-off was a result of selenium, a by-product of the waste water discharged from the steam plant. This chemical had leaked into the lake and proved quite toxic to the fishery. Once Duke Energy corrected the problem, the fishery rebounded. Now largemouth bass are abundant, in the 10-to15 inch size, but they do have a naturally short life span. There are fish that do grow to 16 and 18 pounds, and enjoy the clear water at 60 feet. Much has changed since the 1970s, and Belews provides a recreational oasis in an area of the county where both residents and visitors enjoy outdoor activities. Many water ski in the warmer months, or go kayaking and canoeing in the expansive water. No sitespecific fish advisories are in
On Tuesday, November 19th, at 8:30am, The Rockingham County Partnership for Children and the North Carolina Early Childhood Foundation, in partnership with our local Chamber of Commerce, will present Family Forward NC at the Whitcomb Student Center, located at RCC. This program is an innovate initiative to improve children’s health and well-being to keep North Carolina competitive. It is is business led change towards adopting family-friendly policies which help children build a strong foundation for future
academic and career success through improved access to high-quality health care, education, and family economic security. The number of families where all parents are working has risen dramatically over the last few decades. Workplace polices and practices have not kept pace, and businesses are loosing out. The immediate and long-term business advantages of offering family friendly workplaces is well documented. Family-friendly workplaces provide a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining talent, increasing productivity and
employee satisfaction and reducing absenteeism. In a survey of 200 HR managers, two thirds cited family-supportive polices as the single most important factor in attracting and retaining employees. Workplaces that support parents have a direct impact on their children’s health, wellbeing and future academic achievement. These changes, big and small, all come back to benefit in its future workforce. Please RSVP to Cynthia at (336) 342-9676 or cynthial@rockinghamkid.org by November 15th.
All Events are Free and open to the public unless otherwise listed. Madison Mayodan Senior Center, 300 S 2nd Ave., Mayodan (336) 548-2789. EXERCISE CLASSES (All exercise classes are FREE to SilverSneakers/Silver & Fit /Renew Active participants) SilverSneakers Yoga- Monday @ 9:00am- $3.00 per class Hi-Lo-CoreMonday/Wednesday @ 9:00am$3.00 per class Step Aerobics- Friday @ 9:00 am- $3.00 per class Geri-Fit StrengthMonday/Wednesday/Friday @ 10:30am- FREE Zumba- Tuesday/Thursday @ 9:00am & Monday/Tuesday @
6:15pm- $3.00 per class ChairTues./Thur. @ 11:00am- FREE Tai Chi for Arthritis & BalanceTuesday/Thursday @ 11:00amFREE DANCE Shag- Tuesday @ 6:30pm (intermediate) & 7:30pm (beginner)$8.00/class or $32/month Line Dance- Tuesday @ 10:15 am- $3.00 per class CARDS & GAMES Hand & FootMonday/Wednesday/Friday from 12:30-4pm- FREE Bridge- the fun game! If you would like to play or would like to LEARN to play Bridge call 336-548-2789. (new day) THURSDAY @ 1pm- FREE Pinochle- new group looking for
players...willing to teach you the game. TUE. @ 1pm- FREE ART Painting with WatercolorsTuesday, November 5th class will be painting a snowman holiday design. Cost is only $10. Please call 336-548-2789 if interested. OTHER Pickleball- Monday/Tuesday /Thursday/Friday from 9-11am & Saturday from 8-11am- FREE (NO Pickleball on Sat., Nov. 16th due to Holiday Mall event.) HOLIDAY MALL- Come get your holiday shopping done! Over 50 vendors; 8 AM- 2PM. Our Dewey’s Bakery seasonal store opens on November 15th!
effect, and Duke Energy has invested significant funds to improve its environmental impact. This reservoir of cooling water provides much to do and see. There are hiking trails in the area, and nearby waterfalls and parks to enjoy the outdoors, as well as horseback riding and golf courses. The Mayodan State Park is located a short drive from the lake and also offers hiking trails and opportunities to enjoy nature in its natural state. The Western Rockingham County area has become an opportunity for outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy a natural setting. It has nearby welcoming small towns and a diversity of attractions and amenities, including the wonders of Belews Lake.
Business Smart. Family Friendly. Future Ready.
Madison Mayodan Senior Center
Madison / Mayodan & Stoneville
Events at Madison-Mayodan Public Library: (Open to the Public) Monthly Genealogy Soirée 2019: 2 pm – 4 pm Tues., Nov. 19th: Celebrate Your Family History. Classes are usually held in the Linda C. Vernon Genealogy Room. Students are notified of any changes. Handouts available. Call: 336548-6553/e-mail: sbrimjones@co.rockingham.nc.us • Children’s Programing – Every Wednesday Programs: - Storytime: Pre-school -10:30 am; Baby Time: 11:15 – 11:30: Cats, Thanksgiving, Night Time, Frozen - Young Writer’s Two Sentence Mystery Contest Winners Announced first Week of November - Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving - Wed., Nov. 6th: 4 pm – 5 pm - Teen Club: Wednesday, November 13th: 4 pm: “Escape Box” - Lego Club – Wednesday, November 20th: 4 pm: Join us for some building fun! For those who are in K – 5. • Thanksgiving Comedy Movies! @ the Library – Thur., Nov. 7th: 1:30 pm – Closing See Flyers at the Library for Schedule of Movies, Popcorn & Beverages Provided. To be shown in the McMichael Community Room • “What’s on Your Plate” Storytime Saturday @ the Library – Sat., Nov. 9th: 10:30 am. Featuring Miss Dale - Join us for crafts, music, storytelling, puppets and more! • Native American Movie Night @ the Library – Thur., Nov.14th: Noon - Closing. See Flyers at the Library for Schedule of Movies, Popcorn & Beverages Provided. Shown in the McMichael Community Room
• Western Friends of the Library Present - Christmas Relaxing Make & Take @ the Library – “Turn Rustic Mason Jar Rings into Rustic Christmas Ornaments” Fri., Nov.15th: 3 pm – 5 pm. Relax with light music and do a little craftin’. Held in the McMichael Community Room • Bingo for Books @ the Library: Mon., Nov. 18th: 5:30 pm – 7 pm. Held in the McMichael Community Room • Computer Class – Thur., Nov. 21st: 6 pm – 7:30 pm *Free to the Public. Getting the Most Out of Google For Info Contact MadisonMayodan Public Library: 336-548-6553 • Nary a Thing Chapter of “The Andy Griffith Show” Rerun Watchers Club @ the Library – Tues., Nov. 26th: 3 pm – 5 pm. Will be showing “A Plaque for Mayberry” and “Cousin Virgil”. Come join our Club and have some “Goooooooood fun!” Call for more information: 336-548-6553 Held in the McMichael Community Room • Library Features for November: – Celebrate Family History Month with us (a month late…) Free Tip Sheets, Worksheets, Pedigree and Family Sheets Tour the Linda C. Vernon Genealogy Room and pick up a free Room Guide Submit Family Questions you need help with – Celebrate Native American Heritage Month. Pick up some Local Fact Sheets . Coloring pages and Word Searches. Look at the Native American Selections in the Linda C. Vernon Genealogy Room.
Bingo & Hotdog Supper Fundraiser
Bingo! $5 Hotdog Supper begins at 5pm, BINGO begins at 6pm. November 16th. Fundraiser to benefit the Barry L. Joyce Cancer Fund. To be ehdl at New Vision Fellowship, 1135 W Academy Street, Madison. Awesome prizes from Pampered Chef, Thirty-One, Magnolia, LuLaroe and more. $25 for 20 games and Coverall Prize of Apple IPAD 32 GB. Call Jill Duncan at 336-312-1726 or Dee Biggs at 336-344-0774 to reserve your space!
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H PAGE 28 EDEN’S OWN / COUNTY STAR, NOVEMBER 2019 141 locations in 22 states in the United States. Watch this space and the Explore Eden NC Facebook page for more news on the projected store opening date.
Planet Fitness— Opens in mid-November! This company scheduled to open in mid-November. Watch for signs at its Kingsway Plaza location or visit planetfitness.com.
Leadership rockingham’s Class of 2020 preparing for their retreat river excursion
T&T Roofing Office Phone 336-627-9580 Cell 336-613-1194 Cell 336-552-3177
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Explore Eden
Kentucky Fried Chicken—Rebuilt soon! The City is fast-tracking the permit for the new KFC which will be constructed in the same location as the previous structure. It appears that the construction will be completed within 4-5 months.
Gordman’s Department Store—Coming Soon! The former Peeble’s store in Kingsway Plaza will be replaced by Gordman’s Department Store. Gordman’s is a chain of Midwestern off-price department stores founded in Omaha, Nebraska. The retailer operates
We Also Sell Bone-In-Spiral Ham, Home Cooked Vegetables, Deserts, Pies, Cakes & Breads
207 S. Van Buren Road, Eden, N.C. 530 Commonwealth Blvd., Martinsville, Va.
Visit us on...
Eden Chiropractic Drs. John Dabbs and John LeSueur are ready to help ease your aches and pains with chiropractic care. They are located at 405 Boone Road in Eden. Call 336-627-7398 or visit www.edenchiropractic.com. The Raleigh Ringers in EdenNovember 3rd The Raleigh Ringers is an internationally-acclaimed concert hand bell choir based in Raleigh, NC. Since its founding in 1990, The Raleigh Ringers has been dazzling audiences with unique interpretations of sacred, secular and popular music, including famous rock ‘n’ roll tunes arranged just for hand bells. They will appear at First Presbyterian Church, 582 Southwood Drive in Eden on Sunday, November 3rd at 3:00pm. Seating is limited so purchase your $20 ticket as soon as you can. To purchase tickets, contact Pam Cundiff at pam@travelconsultants.com
Home For rent 1101 Barnes Street reidsville
(on corner of Walker and Barnes St.) No Smoking / No Pets Tenant responsible for mowing lawn Renters insurance required Credit Check required
2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath $675/mo + Security Stove included. W/D hookups Heat Pump & Central Air City Water & Sewer Call Knowles management and rentals
336-342-1194 ext 2
James R. Walker Seth M. Woodall
Samuele J. Viscuso
Stella’s Pizza Home of the giant 28” pizza, Stella’s is located at 515 Morgan Road in Eden. They are open Monday-Thursday 11:00am11:00pm, Friday and Saturday, 11:00am to midnight and Sunday, noon to 11:00pm. Call 336-623-5055 when you get your next craving for pizza.
Lily’s Nails Professional nail care is offered at Lily’s Nails, 230 W. King’s Hwy in Eden. They do acrylic, gel pink & white, shellac nails, SNS, spa pedicure, manicure, wax/tint eyebrows, lash lifts and mircoblading. They are open Monday-Saturday, 10:00am7:00pm. Call 336-623-4043 for your next nail appointment.
Go Downtown Newsletter You can get information about upcoming local events by email through our monthly Explore Downtown newsletter. If you want to subscribe, please send your email address to godowntown@edennc.us Rent-A-House 1-6 bedrooms are available at Rent-A-House. Owners Shane and Abby Hensley also buy houses and land. Contact them at 336-623-8444.
Hutton Construction is building the Zip’s Car Wash that will open at the corner of E. Harris Place and Van Buren Road soon. Zip’s offers unlimited washes under its monthly program. They offer different deals but each includes unlimited washes to keep your vehicle shining all year long. Visit their web site at www.zipscar wash.com to learn about the different program options. Zip’s gives back to the communities in which it operates. This company pledges to work every day to make the communities they serve a better place. They offer programs for the youngest drivers to encourage safety on the roads through their Drive Clean® Initiative. For those who need to raise money for their local organization, ZipsCares can get you well on your way. And, for large employers our ZipsPerks program allows businesses to offer their team members a pricing Perk at Zips. Across the Mid-west and Southeast Zip’s is making their stores a collection site for homeless shelters and food banks. Each time you visit a Zips Car Wash and invest in your vehicle maintenance, you're helping them improve your community through their efforts to give back. Join the movement to make Eden a better place to live. They have given more than $760,000 thus far to communities in 2019.
NOVEMBER 2019 EDEN’S OWN / COUNTY STAR, PAGE 29 H Jay Brande Photographers
(School Pictures, Inc) Portraits need to be scheduled NOW for the holiday season. One trip to our camera room does it, then you may order from the comfort of home. Appts will be available for Tuesdays,Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Some weekend times will be available soon. Our office will close December 20th -January 20th.
Jay Brande
Any Christmas orders need to be picked up by Dec. 20th.
Call 336.429.5598 Reidsville
Monat Global Susette Andrews
Managing Market Mentor - Founder 612 Creekdridge Dr., Eden sandrews004@twc.com www.sandrews.mymonat.com
Monat is an anti-aging hair care treatment. Our products are paraben, sulfate, and gluten free! They contain no harmful toxins and are for all ages and hair types. Monat products are 3rd party clinically tested and proven to strengthen, lengthen, and promote hair regrowth and backed with our empty bottle, 30 day money back guarantee with no questions asked.
In October The Bayberry Retirement Inn in Eden celebrated 30 years of memories with residents and family members. With no change in ownership over 30 years, Bayberry has offered a consistent level of care and service to nearly 300 residents. Bayberry has been blessed with excellent staff members. Director Liz Robinson and the entire staff are dedicated to creating a safe and caring environment for seniors. Located at 511 Carolyn Court, Bayberry residents enjoy time outside regular activities each week with special Garden of Eden Senior Center parties and celebrations for each season, holiday, every resident’s birthday and All Events are Free and information on what is available. even an occasional 100th open to the public unless other• Whine and Design birthday celebration! wise listed. The Garden of Eden With Louise Perez cost $20
Senior Center is located at 508 Orchard Dr, Eden. (336) 6274711. Mon-Fri. 8am - 5pm . • Friends of the Center – Meetings every Tuesday at the center at 10am. On the 4th Tuesday of the month we will have special informative speakers and good fellowship, we also have a lunch outing, so we meet at 11 or earlier depending on where we are going for lunch. Call 336-627-4711 for details • Legal Aid will be on November 14th at the senior center You must call 1-800-9512257 or 1-877-579-7562 to make an open a file. • Exercise – Walk with Ease class at Bridge Street Rec 10 am Mon., Wed., and Fri., Call 6274711 to register, limited space. • Walking Group – Morgan Road Track at -9 am Monday, Wednesday and Friday. • Play Mah Jongg – Thursdays at 11 am Come and learn or play. Schedule does vary call before you come 336-627-4711 • Rook - Please show up at The Garden of Eden Senior Center by 12:45 and play from 1:00pm until 4:00 pm on Wednesdays. • Hand, Foot and Elbow – Please show up at The Garden of Eden Senior Center by 12:45 on Tuesday. Play at 1:00pm • Phase 10 cards Fri. at 10 am • Bingo at 9am on Monday, November 18th. Sponsored by Blue Ridge Therapy, win prizes! Free to play • Pickle ball- Learn to play now and join in on all the fun! We play every Monday,Wednesday and Friday 8:30- 11 at Mill Ave. Recreation Center and in the evenings from 6-8:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. • Open Craft time - Fridays at 1 pm bring your own craft or work on one we have. Call for
Thur., Nov. 21st at 1pm Create a beautiful holiday themed acrylic painting on wood or canvas. • Watercolor class on Wednesdays at 9:30. $5 per class call at 336-627-4711 for more info. • Watercolor, oil, pastels or acrylic paint class on Thursdays at 1:00. $6 per class. Starting back after Labor Day give us a call at 336-627-4711 for more info. • Dominos – (chicken foot) Tuesdays at 11 am. • Quilt Guild – Meets Nov. 14th. Call for info. • Bocce - We would like to start a league. Playing pick up games on Thursdays at 1 pm at the Garden of Eden Senior Center. If you are interested in playing please contact us at 627-4711 • Line Dance for fun – Monday, Nov. 25th at Bridge Street Rec. 11 am. • Walk with Ease Class – FREE on Mondays, Wed. and Fri. from 10-11 . We will meet at Bridge Street Rec. Gymnasium. Walk With Ease sessions are designed to help people reduce pain and discomfort of arthritis, increase balance and strength, build confidence in the ability to be physically active and improve overall health among older adults. During the 6-week program, participants meet three times a week in groups of up to 15 education session on an arthritis- or exercise-related topic, followed by stretching activities and a 10– 35 minute walk. Please call Carla Huffman at 336-627-4711 to register • Hoarding ( the difference between collecting and hoarding things). The class is on Nov. 18th at 1:15. Class is free to the public.
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As we enter November and look ahead to Thanksgiving, I find myself thinking about blessings in my life. A few years back I started a Positive Journal during a very difficult year in my life. I realized I needed to find the positive in each day. Each night I would write down three positive things that happened in my day, no matter how bad the day ended up. As I reread the journal I saw where I actually did find three, sometimes more, positive things in my day. True some very difficult days it was stretch; for example some days I listed the simplest things: my sons, food to eat, and roof over my head. Other days I listed things like the beautiful weather, the kindness of a stranger, a social activity, and more. These are what I call everyday blessings. There is a blessing in each
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day, whether its little or big we have to quietly reflect and see them. We each have our dark periods in life, especially those fighting mental illness or chronic illness. Whenever I go out to run errands or do business I make it my job to put a smile on someone's face. I try to give a stressed young mom a bit of encouragement, a frustrated employee a smile; or a nurse tending to me a sweet attitude or joke. Often when we think of blessings we think of materialistic things. We need to look for the simple everyday blessings, the little things in life. What are the everyday blessings in your life? What brings a smile to your face? The sound of a child's laughter? The flowers in your yard? A fishing trip with your buddies? Maybe even meeting your friends for coffee each
morning. Whatever it is, look for the blessings in your day. In fact I challenge you this month to be a blessing to someone each day. Make it your goal to bring a smile to someone's face, give a hug, help your neighbor, or simply give of your time. Whatever it is just aim to make someone's day a little brighter. Trust me, when you do that you will find your days feeling a bit brighter. Each night before bed try to list three blessings that happened in your day; even keep a journal. Our everyday blessings help us to focus on the good in our life, and eventually gives us an attitude of thanksgiving.
“United We Stand: A Veterans Art Exhibit” Now Seeking Entries from Veteran Artists
In honor and appreciation of our Veterans, the Caswell Council for the Arts is currently seeking artwork created by veterans for our upcoming gallery show “United We Stand” to be exhibited at the Lee Fowlkes Gallery in Yanceyville from Nov. 1st – Dec. 18th, 2019. An opening reception will take place on November 8th, 2019 from 6-8pm, just in time for Veterans Day. All are welcome to attend this reception to honor our Veterans and view their work. The reception will include performances by local veterans, a viewing of the artwork, and light snacks and refreshments. All varieties of artwork including paintings, drawings, photography, sculpture, woodwork, and all other 2D and 3D mediums will be accepted. All U. S. Veterans can register to submit up to 3 pieces of artwork for consideration. The number of pieces accepted by each artist will depend on the total number of submissions received. Interested veterans can register online at www.CaswellArts .org/events, by phone at (336) 694-4474, or in person at the Lee Fowlkes Gallery,43 W. Main St,
Yanceyville, NC during gallery hours Tues. – Fri. 10am – 2pm. Please register by the deadline of Wednesday, October 23 to ensure enough space for all exhibiting artists. More information and complete details can be found at www.CaswellArts.org. Contact the Caswell Council for the Arts with any questions regarding the exhibit at CaswellArts@ gmail.com or (336)-694-4474. The exhibit will remain on display at the Lee Fowlkes Gallery in Yanceyville until Dec. 18, 2019.
About Caswell Council for the Arts: The Caswell Council for the Arts was founded in 1977, and has been supporting and promoting the Arts in Caswell County ever since. Through the Lee Fowlkes Visual Arts Gallery, arts education classes, performances, special events, arts opportunities for our youth, and our permanent arts collection exhibited throughout Caswell County, we work to bring positive arts experiences and opportunities to our citizens while supporting local artists and nurturing creative expression. We can be found at 43 W. Main St. in Yanceyville, NC or online at www.CaswellArts.org.
Rockingham County Weather is here to help the citizens of the county be aware and ready for when severe weather strikes with both National weather service 100 miles away we can pull the weather here in the middle and help you be aware of any threat of severe weather. You can follow us on facebook (@rockinghamcountyweather) or by email:rockinghamcweather@gmail.com
Morehead Moments
e mpressive c ontours
County- wide, 134 students toured the Simulated Hospital to learn about programs they offer. Since RCC built this facility, enrollment has increased dramatically. Morehead High School has its Health Sciences Academy designed to encourage those students who wish to work in the health services fields that are always hiring. These are well-
All-Stars Team honored by Commissioners
The 2019 Reidsville Recreation All-Stars Baseball Team were contratulaed by the County Commissioners in October for winning the "Dixie Youth World Series - Silver Bracket." The team won two games to capture the "2019 Dixie Youth World Series Silver Bracket," held July 26-30, 2019, in Ruston, Louisiana. The All-Stars successful regular season of six wins and no losses enabled them to finish second in the Dixie Youth NC State Baseball Tournament with five wins and two losses. Coaches, parents and players were recognized for their outstanding team work. This is the first Dixie World Series Baseball Championship won by the Reidsville Recreation All-Stars which are ages of 6 through 8 which is one of only 16 teams from southeastern U.S. to go. Team members include: Conner Behe, John Belcher, Colton Crom, Marcus Fleming, Chase Gengler, Justus Jones, Liam Jones, Brody Lovelace, Quinton Neal, Noah Rumley, Nick Wright, and Hayden Young. The Head Coach is Andy Gengler along with coaching staff Matt Behe, Brian Lovelace, Brian Rumley, and Hal Young.
• Eyebrows • Eyeliner • Lips • Color Correction
On Thursday, October 3rd, thirty-seven Morehead High School attended RCC Day to get familiar with the programs offered at the community college. The Simulated Hospital, a state of the art training facility, was part of the tour. Some of the programs they offer include:
• CNA Day and Night Program • EMT I & II • Paramedics • Medication Aid Program • Pharmacy Tech • Surgical Tech • Phlebotomy • Registered Nurse and Licensed Practical Nurse • Respiratory Program
Morehead High School Student—GOOD—News (Christi Hensley, MHS Career Development Coordinator)
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Morehead High School RCC Day
paid careers in a dynamic industry that will continue to need bright, energetic employees. In order to prepare Morehead High School students for health care career training, the First Steps program was created. High school students spend a day at RCC learning from RCC students who tell them what to expect during their first year at the college. The college is working within MHS to offer classes, such as Anatomy and Physiology to help them more quickly earn the credits needed to obtain
health care degrees. RCC is the best deal in town when it comes to education. Many programs are available just a few miles away and are a fraction of the cost of four year institutions. Morehead High School teachers and staff work together with their RCC counterparts to create a pathway for MHS students to be successful. Next month: A profile of Blair Pruitt of the MHS Auto Tech program.
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We are looking for experienced career oriented individuals who have the drive to succeed. If this is you and you want to join the KDH family please visit us or send your resume and cover letter to: 750A Fieldcrest Rd Eden, NC 27288 or e-mail to nshreve@kdhtech.net
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Marine Corps 244th Year Birthday Celebration Dinner November 9th, 2019
Social begins at 6 pm Deep Springs County Club 160 County Club Dr., Stoneville, NC 06385 Cost is $30 per person includes dinner For Tickets Contact: Joe Zanetti at 336-623-6779 or Dave Spellman at 843-812-3495
on september 10, 2019, the rockingham county Marine corps League had installation of officers. The members are as follows (L-r): commandant Dave spellman, sr vice commandant Phil randall, Jr vice commandant Mike Lambert, Judge advocate Jim clark, chaplain Bobby Tilley, nc Dept sr vice commandant, nc Dept commandant richard Thomason.
Fall Bazaar B an nd Stew Sale S Draper D e Pen ntecos nteco ostal Holi iness Chur rch 1608 Delaware are e Avenu v ue - Eden d
Bazaar Sp B pecials: Bak B ked d Goods d Quilt ds, ilt Ra R ffl fle,, Homemade e Crafts, afts D Door Thank nksgiving an nd Christm mas sPrrizes! Gifts, f fts & Collectable . Brea Brea eakffast & Lun unch avail ilable blle e.
St w Sa Ste Sale: l $5 $ 5.50 50 per Quar t. t Preorrde P er you o r Qu uar t today by calling g ((336)) 63 1990. 9
Three GeneraTions of U.s. navy service Pictured Left to right • scott Gillie, commander, Usn retired, Mt. Pleasant, sc, son to calvin and father to Maddie • Madison (Maddie, Gillie, ensign, Unc (nurse corps), naval hospital, san Diago, ca • calvin Gillie, Lieutenant commander, Usn retired, grew up in Draper, nc. father to scott and Grandfather to Maddie
S Saturd day y,, No ovemb ber 9th
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Dar and the Marc celebrate constitution Week! september 17, 2019 The Museum and Archives of Rockingham County, along with William Bethell DAR and James Hunter DAR of Madison, hosted the beginning of Constitution Week. There were many handouts including Constitution Booklets. Guest got to tour the Museum free of charge. There were tables set up with displays, as well as answering questions about the Constitution and DAR. Many enjoyed the Genealogy table with members helping them research their family tree. shown left to right: Jeff Bullins, Museum Board Director, elisabeth Pugh, regent of William Bethell Dar, James hunter Dar, Janelle Johnson, vice regent and Kim Thompson, regent.
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Youth & Sports Shorts
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336-627-9149 Charlie Carter
Left to right: Hanna Williamson, Grace Barrios, Thea Dowdle, Alice Holmes, Taylor Robertson, Rylee Martin, Kaitlyn Marquardt, Katelyn McKinney, Lexi Cruise, Mariana Faint, Celine Snipes, Alison Brake, Ayania Pomery, Autumn Hamby and Jada Ore.
School Lady Cougars win RCS 2019 Girls Team Tennis Tournament
On September 26th Rockingham County’s three high school girls tennis teams met at Jaycee Park in Reidsville for the all-county team tournament. This event brings together players from McMichael, Reidsville and Rockingham County High Schools. The tournament is set up as a round robin based on seeds, 1-7 Singles and 1-3 Doubles. Each seed has a chance to win points for their respective schools and a medal for both first place and finalist. Rockingham County High School won 18 team points, Reidsville High School won 11 and McMichael High School won 7. The medal winners are: 1 Singles winner: Taylor Robertson, RCHS. Finalist: Jada Ore, McMichael HS 2 Singles winner: Grace Barrios, RCHS. Finalist: Celine Snipes, Reidsville HS 3 Singles winner: Mariana Faint, Reidsville HS. Finalist: Kaitlyn Marquardt, (RCHS) 4 Singles winner: Autumn Hamby, McMichael HS. Finalist: Ayania Pomeroy, Reidsville HS 5 Singles winner: Alice Holmes, RCHS. Finalist: Lexi Cruise, Reidsville HS 6 Singles winner: Katelyn McKinney, RCHS. Finalist: Alison Brake, Reidsville HS 7 Singles winner: Riley Martin, RCHS. Finalist: Thea Dowdle, RCHS 1 Doubles winner: Jada Ore/Autumn Hamby, McMichael HS 1 Doubles finalist: Taylor Robertson/Grace Barrios, RCHS 2 Doubles winner: Kaitlyn Marquardt/Hanna Williamson RCHS 2 Doubles finalist: Mariana Faint/Ayania Pomeroy, Reidsville HS 3 Doubles winner: Lexi Cruise/Alison Brake, Reidsville HS 3 Doubles finalist: Katelyn McKinney/Riley Martin, RCHS The Tournament Director is Suzanne Russell of Rockingham County High School. Rockingham County Tennis Association was the tournament sponsor supported by a grant from the Xerox Foundation. Rockingham County Tennis Association (RC Tennis), a 501c3 nonprofit corporation, a USTA Community Tennis Association and a registered National Junior Tennis & Learning (NJTL) chapter.
Congratulations to the Reidsville Parks & Recreation Department and Rockingham County School System who accepted awards at the USTA NC Awards ceremony held September 28, 2019. Awards were presented to these two organizations for their outstanding support of tennis in the community through strong partnerships. This would not have occurred without the support of Shelby Rhyne, RCTA Executive Director, and the efforts of the Rockingham County Tennis Association. L-R: Fred Thompson, Superintendent Reidsville Parks & Recreation, Quintin Robertson, Recreation Programs Supervisor, Reidsville Parks & Recreation, Shelby Rhyne, Executive Director, Rockingham County Tennis Association (RCTA), Dr. Rodney Shotwell, Superintendent of Rockingham County School System and Jackie Cantrell. RCTA Board Member — at Grandover Resort & Spa.
Registration open for basketball season
The Eden Parks & Recreation Department is now registering for its upcoming basketball season. Registration forms may be picked up at Eden City Hall, the Bridge St. Rec Center or the Mill Ave. Rec Center. Birth certificates are required for all first time players. Leagues will be available for ages 4 thru 18. Practices will begin in early November. Call 336-623-2110 for additional information.
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Countywide Classifieds
ALL CLASSIFIED ADS SHOULD BE PAID BEFORE DEADLINE TO RUN IN NEXT ISSUE. Cash, Checks, Master Card & Visa accepted. If billing is required &â&#x20AC;&#x2C6;accepted there will be a $1 billing charge added. (No 900 numbers accepted) email ad to.. lisag@edensown.com -or - Call 336-627-9234 â&#x20AC;˘ Fax to 336-627-9225 Mail in your ad inform. and payment to - Edenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Own Journal, 5197 NC Hwy. 14, Eden 27288 Edenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Own is published and placed on the stands on the 1st of Each Month â&#x20AC;˘ Ads cannot be put in nor canceled after deadline. No refunds. Ads run only at the discretion of the management. We reserve the right to turn down any classified ad we deem not publishable for any reason.
APARTMENT FOR RENT In Eden - 1 Bedroom / Studio $400 per month. Call 336-525-9888
Diversified, rapidly growing CPA firm has an opportunity at its EdWill assist individual & corporate clients with tax preparation, audits, reviews, financial statements and general accounting. Qualified candidates must have a minimum of a B.S. degree in accounting, and experience in public accounting. Excellent compensation, benefits, challenging work, career growth opportunities and starting bonus. Send resumes to: scottb@barhamcpa.com or fax to 336-623-1393 attention rsb
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Medical Professional Seeking Position Locally I have extensive experience in health care (former RN), In-home Psych nurse, office management (NCQA, HEDIS, HIPPA) trained in Medicare requirements and clinical notes to assure appropriate reimbursement (IS-SI), clinical sales, case management and more. â&#x20AC;˘ Many years of education with various degrees, former certifications and licenses. Resume available upon request. â&#x20AC;˘ Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;am seeking a clinical office position, clinical sales, or local home health care situation. Prefer part time, but open to employers needs. 561-290-9929 rjhsamson@gmail.com
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This includes benefits, vacation and holiday pay! Opportunities available for overtime! We offer 1st - 2nd and 3rd shifts (8 hour and 12 hour shifts) located in Browns Summit, NC Once youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve completed the online application at www.xlcservices.com please call our Recruiter, Audrey Levine at 336-763-7555 to schedule your interview
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NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Glenwood Court Apartments â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Eden, NC
1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Rent based on income. Handicap accessibility when available.
Parkland Apartments â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Eden, NC
1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Rent based on income. Handicap accessibility when available.
Norman Court Apartments â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Eden, NC 1 bedroom apartments. Rent based on income. Handicap accessibility when available.
Knollwood Court Apartments â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Eden, NC 1 bedroom apartments. Rent based on income. Handicap accessibility when available.
Meadowgreen Apartments Phase I, II, III â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Reidsville, NC 1 bedroom apartments. Rent based on income. Handicap accessibility when available.
Southgate Apartments â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Reidsville, NC
1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Rent based on income. Handicap accessibility when available.
Westridge Apartments â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Stoneville, NC
1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Rent based on income. Handicap accessibility when available. John Atkinson Company is an equal opportunity provider and employer
John Atkinson Company PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 1227 Norman Drive, Office â&#x20AC;˘ Eden, NC 27288
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Release the Ducks
Circle Drive-In 111 Boone Rd., Eden
Call In Orders Welcome!
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1509 S. Scales St., Reidsville
(336) 627-5093
Once again the little smiling yellow rubber ducks sped down the Spray Canal vieing for the win of the 2019 Rubber Duck Regatta. Returning with a bang, the 2019 Rubber Duck Regatta featured prizes for 1st place at $500,, 2nd at $250 and 3rd at $150. But thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not all, the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lame Duckâ&#x20AC;?, the pour little fellaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; who comes in last, wins
$100. Not the duck actually, but the participant who bought that duckâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s number before the race begins. And who were the lucky Ducks who won prize money? John Totton took home $500 for his speedy duck, Ira Tilley won $250 with his second place quacker, and Ashley Foleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s duck was a close third. The poor little Lame Duck
brought itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sponsor Kathy Edwards $100. Held at the canal adjacent to the Spray Mercantile Building, 413 Church Street in Eden. The Eden Chamber of Commerce sponsors this fun race and plans to make it an annual event again. The money goes to support the Eden Chamber initiatives and events in the future.
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Photos by Ashley Foley
Rubber Duck Regatta Returns with a bang
behind Dragon Garden
605 Bridge Street Eden, NC 27288
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336-552-5841 or 336-932-9878
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Tianoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pizza 615 BURTON ST, MADISON, NC
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Rent-A-House â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Nice House You Can Call Homeâ&#x20AC;?
1-6 Bedrooms Available We Buy Houses & Land Shane & Abby Hensley Real Estate Investors
John E. Grogan Lifetime Achievement Award – Accepting Nominations
Honoring an individual or business that has made a truly significant contribution to Eden and a lasting mark on improving the quality of life for our community. A Lifetime Achievement Award winner is a successful leader in economic development, education, cultural enhancement, public policy, government relations and business community relations. This award recognizes contributions over the entirety of a career, rather than, or in addition to, a single contribution. Who comes to mind? Please take time to nominate that person for this distin-
guished service award for the year 2019. Submit your nomination letter or email showing why you support your nominee toEden Chamber of Commerce, 678 S. Van Buren Rd., Eden, NC 27288 or email president@edenchamber.com Deadline for submitting a nomination is November 15th, 2019 The Eden Chamber of Commerce 2019 “John E. Grogan Lifetime Achievement” award winner will be honored at our 64th Annual Chamber Awards Dinner on January 28th, 2020.
Eden 2019 Citizen of the Year Award – Accepting Nominations
The Citizen of the Year Award is a special award that recognizes an individual for their outstanding volunteerism and commitment to Eden. This award honors a member of our community who has shown exceptional leadership, someone who works as an advocate to promote and support Eden and the quality of life of our citizens including the solicitation of development for continued growth of the community. This person has displayed outstanding dedication and contribution to the community during the preceding year. Who comes to mind?
Please take time to nominate that person for this prestigious community award for the year 2019. Submit your nomination letter or email showing why you support your nominee to or mail it toEden Chamber of Commerce, 678 S. Van Buren Rd., Eden, NC 27288 or email president@edenchamber.com Deadline for submitting a nomination is November 15th, 2019 The Eden Chamber of Commerce 2019 “Citizen of the Year” will be honored at our 64th Annual Chamber Awards Dinner on January 28th, 2020.
Jim Burnette
Eden City Council
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Jim Burnette
• As a member of Morehead Hospital Board of Directors, Burnette assisted with the UNC Health Care purchase, saving more than 700 jobs at Eden’s largest employer. • Burnette spearheaded the Eden Strategic Planning process that has promoted and funded downtown revitalization, trail improvements and public art. • Supported funding the very popular Freedom Park Splash Pad • Burnette initiated the Eden Youth Council in 2012. Since that time, his guidance has allowed local high school students to learn about leadership, civic affairs and complete projects for the good of the community. • During his time on City Council, more than $29 million in grants has been awarded to the City for infrastructure projects, saving taxpayer money.
2019 Election Schedule
Saturday, November 2, 2019 - 1PM - One Stop (Early) Voting Ends Tuesday, November 5, 2019 - Munciple elections. Polls Open at 6:30am and Close at 7:30pm Tuesday, November 5, 2019 - Absentee by Mail Ballots Due to the County Board of Electison - By 5PM Friday, November 15, 2019 - County Canvass Meeting - 11AM Offices up for Election in 2019 Town of MADISON City of EDEN Mayor (1 Seat) & Alderman (3 Seats) Councilman – Ward 1 (1 Seat) Town of MAYODAN Councilman – Ward 2 (1 Seat) Mayor (1 Seat) & Councilman (3 Seats) Councilman – Ward 6 (1 Seat) Town of STONEVILLE Councilman – Ward 7 (1 Seat) Mayor (1 Seat) & Councilman (3 Seats) City of REIDSVILLE Town of WENTWORTH Councilman – District A (2 Seats) Councilman (3 Seats) Councilman – District B (2 Seats) For Sale in Eden - Beautiful table, conference or other uses. Sturdy, very heavy and in perfect condition. 71” long, 35.5” wide, 30” high $100. Call 336-613-0325