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Register of Deeds to save taxpayers more than a quarter of a million dollars “Saving the taxpayers money without sacrificing service is always at the forefront of decisions I make for our citizens”, with an intimate understates Register of Deeds standing of how Rebecca Cipriani. Register of Deeds She recently entered offices operate. We are into a contract with committed to providing Courthouse Computer low maintenance soluSystems, a North tions at economical REGISTER OF DEEDS & TEAM L-R: 1st row: Amy Simpson, Carolina company based Assistant Register of Deeds - Recording Supervisor; Teresa prices to the 19 North in Chapel Hill to provide Strader, Deputy Register of Deeds - Information & Vital Records Carolina counties that an advanced document Division; Rebecca Cipriani, Register of Deeds; Susan Archibald, run our software," says management system for Deputy Register of Deeds - Lead Deputy for Vital Records Roederer. the Rockingham County Division; Cheryl Chrismon, Deputy Register of Deeds - Vital Cipriani states, Division. 2nd row: Stacie Julian, Assistant Register of Register of Deeds Records “We went live on June Deeds - Indexing & Vital Records Supervisor; Mitzi Evans, Deputy Office. “Courthouse Register of Deeds - Recording Division; Catinia Winchester, 11 with their software Computer Systems is a Deputy Register of Deeds - Lead Deputy for Recording Division; and were prepared in good fit for the technolo- Deanna Hamilton, Deputy Register of Deeds - Recording Division advance to meet the July gy we need and service & Special Projects; Susan Chilton, Deputy Register of Deeds - 1 mandated date for required to meet the Indexing Division. implementing the new daily demands of runNorth Carolina Indexing ning this office. I am also pleased to Roederer, "We are thankful for the Standards.” support a North Carolina business,” opportunity to serve the citizens of “A stringent Compliance Rockingham County. We take great Review was conducted by the North says Cipriani. “Technology has become an pride in offering Register of Deeds Carolina Secretary of State’s Office integral part of our ability to provide offices the user-friendliest solution of all vendors doing business with timely, accurate, and essential ser- available for record management. North Carolina recording offices. The vices on a daily basis and failure to Easy to use software creates addition- purpose of the Review was to certify keep up with technology can hinder a al efficiencies that provide ongoing that the vendors’ software met the county government’s ability to effec- monetary savings for both individu- mandated requirements for Indexing tively serve its constituents. als and government. Although diffi- Standards that became effective on Therefore, I am pleased to be able to cult to quantify, this saving goes well July 1, 2012, in all NC Register of save our citizens more than a quarter beyond a simple comparison of the Deeds Offices except Wake County of a million dollars over the term of cost of software.” (which has until January 2014),” “In the past five years remarks Cipriani. “Legislation and this contract, while continuing to expand and improve services that are Courthouse Computer Systems has technology are the driving forces that absolutely necessary to our citizens, added more new North Carolina impact our offices and the purpose of to businesses, and to government,” Register of Deeds customers than all the new Indexing Standards was to other solution providers. This sucCipriani reveals. According to Courthouse cess is the direct result of combining Cipriani... Continued on Computer Systems President Charlie an innovative technology strategy
Pages 4 & 5
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