October 1, 2012

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Morehead Hospital Recieves New Accreditation from DNV Healthcare Morehead Memorial Hospital announced that is has achieved national accreditation from DNV Healthcare, the only hospital accreditation program approved by the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that integrates the ISO 9001 Quality Management System with the Medicare Conditions of Participation. DNV’s accreditation program requires hospitals to evaluate the continuum of patient care throughout its facilities and take measured steps to improve when it is warranted. ISO 9001 is the internationally recognized standard for the quality management of businesses. ISO International Standards ensure that products and services are safe, reliable and of good quality. “The DNV program is consistent with our long-term commitment to patient safety and total quality,” said W. Carl Martin, President and CEO. “There has not been a new approach to hospital accreditation in a very long time. The ability to integrate ISO 9001 quality disciplines with our clinical and financial processes is a major step forward.” DNV hospital accreditation addresses the demands of today’s hospitals dedicated to patient-centered care. As part of the accreditation process, DNV surveyors will visit Morehead Memorial Hospital annually instead of every three years as was done previously. They will monitor the hospital’s adherence to patient safety criteria established by CMS and evaluate processes that impact patient care across various departments and facilities of the hospital. “It’s a much more holistic system,” Mr. Martin said. “DNV is very thorough and their surveyors are very collaborative during the survey process. The DNV program helps us find opportunities throughout the organization to improve every day.

Hospital leadership shown with the Morehead Memorial Hospital Certificate of Accreditation from DNV Healthcare include, left to right, Physician Chief of Staff Jim Parsons, Board Vice Chairman Jim Burnett, Board Chairman Scott Barham, and President and CEO W. Carl Martin. This is a welcomed change. We now look upon accreditation as a strategic business tool and as a mechanism to empower our staff.” Being accredited by DNV allows Morehead Memorial Hospital to receive reimbursement for its patients covered by Medicare and Medicaid. The DNV accreditation program was authorized by CMS in 2008, and today DNV provides not only hospital accreditation but also Primary Stroke

Center Certification. Morehead Memorial Hospital is a not-for-profit, 108-bed, community hospital located on a 22-acre campus in central Eden. An active medical staff of 55 physicians and a consulting/courtesy staff of 35 physicians serve patients in the North Carolina

Accreditation... Continued on Page 4 Sheriff Sam Page leads the ceremony at the Rockingham Sheriff’s Office in memory of 9/11. The flags were lowered to half staff in honor of those lost on September 11, 2001 and in the wars following.

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