October 2017

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Vol. 18 Num. 11

NOveMBeR 2017

ADTS receives $10k Keep our rivers clean grant from Christopher By Melinda Ward, Wastewater Superintendent wind to blow it to the neighbor’s Last month, I wrote an arti& Dana Reeve yard. cle entitled “Imagine A Day • If you have exposed dirt anyWithout Water.” It expressed the Foundation where in your yard, do someimportance of water in our daily

Aging, Disability & Transit Services of Rockingham County is proud to announce that it has received a $10,000 Respite Care grant from the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation. The Respite Care Grant Program recognizes family caregivers and the vital role they play by supporting nonprofits that address the episodic respite care needed to prevent caregiver ‘burn out’. ADTS will use the grant to provide respite care for families with individuals with paralysis through participation at our L.E.A.F. Adult/Day Health Center or in-home care. Ashely Cooper, Director of Adult Day services said, “We are humbled and thrilled to have been chosen by the foundation among so many applicants around the country. It shows their commitment to quality care for people with mobility issues and their caregivers. We look forward to offering respite care to families and caregivers in Rockingham County in need of a break.” Cathy Powers, ADTS Executive Director noted, “We are so grateful to the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation for their generosity. This grant will not only provide direct care for people in need, it will help bring attention to the challenges faced by family caregivers. We hope this grant will serve as leverage as the agency seeks funding to provide a full range of services aimed at supporting people to live independently regard-

See Ad On Page  9

life and how we tend to take it for granted. If you stop and think about how much water we need, you soon realize that it touches almost every aspect of our life. I also mentioned that we pull from the Dan River for our drinking water source as well as play in both the Dan and Smith River. What would happen if we took their quality for granted? Our treatment plants are great, but they can only do so much. If the streams become too polluted, treatment becomes difficult and in some cases, not effective. We have good, clean water in Eden because we have a good, clean water source. The following are tips to make sure that we continue to have a good, clean water source in our area. Everyone must realize that rain washes anything on the streets and other paved surfaces down the storm drains and into the nearby creeks and rivers. Being aware and responsible can go a long way to reducing the pollution. • Keep leaves and grass off of the sidewalks and streets. If the city is picking them up for you, make sure that the area is clean afterwards. Don’t wait for the next rain to clean it off or a good

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ATDS Grant...Cont. on Page 5

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thing to keep it covered. Cover the area with plants to help hold it in place and then spread mulch around it so that it is not prone to runoff. Even just mulch would help. It could also improve the appearance of your yard. • Clean up after your pets if they do their business outside. If you take them for a walk, always bring a small bag to pick up any surprises. You’ll make your neighbors happy and you’ll keep it from spreading E. coli to the streams. Even if it’s your own yard, it’s good to pick it up routinely and dispose of it in the garbage. • Keep all of your trash bagged properly and in cans. There shouldn’t be any way for trash to fall out and litter the streets. Also, if they are bagged properly, trash won’t fly out of the truck as it rides through town. • Pay attention to your vehicle and make sure that no fluids are leaking from it. This may require routine tune ups or you can do it yourself, as long as you properly dispose of any used fluids. We have a drop off spot on Mebane Bridge Road. Also, some auto-

Rivers.... Continued on Page 2

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