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Vol. 18 Num. 7
JULY 2017
Tip ‘n Toss Campaign Prevent Mosquito Breeding and the Spread of Mosquito Diseases in Rockingham County Rockingham County Environmental Health is urging residents to clean up around their homes and yards and dispose of all unnecessary items that can hold water. Mosquitoes lay eggs in any type of container with water—even something as small as a bottle cap with water in it. After every rainfall event, tip flowerpots, planters, buckets, and children’s toys and wading pools to dump standing water which will reduce the number of mosquitoes and prevent the spread of illnesses.
Tip & Toss... Continued on page 11
912 Bethlehem... not just another address By Lisa F. Griffith
912 Bethlehem is more than just an address. It is a casual, yet, elegant setting for the gourmet talents of Bryan Parker. A former Senator, Bill Goldston, of Eden, calls this address home, even though he has moved out of the original structure and into a new home on the same plot of land. The two-story grand white house at this address was on Fishing Creek and built by John J. Thomas in 1897 for himself, his wife, Winifred Lou Thomas and baby son, J. Oscar
Integrated Health Care Program serving citizens Rockingham County Health and Human Services is pleased to announce that the Integrated Health Care Program is now operational and serving citizens of Rockingham County. Rockingham County Health and Human Services received a $1,506,069 operational grant from the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust to create and implement a comprehensive integrated care management program, which will focus on assisting individuals who are primarily low-income and have chronic medical and mental health conditions. These residents may have unmet health care needs due to barriers in accessing care, or issues receiving consistent care, which often leads to individuals accessing urgent or emergent services unnecessarily. The services provided through the Integrated Health Care Program will include a community paramedic program, which will be utilized to assist with bridging services for medical issues; a behavioral health component to assist with counseling and medication management; and an intensive case management service to help address social and financial needs. While individuals participate in this program, they will receive ongoing patient education for their health care and social needs. The program is unique when compared to other Community Paramedicine Programs in the state. The Integrated Health Care Program aligns existing health and human service programs into a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to provide effective care to citizens without the silos. This allows individuals in the program to access all care needs simultaneously. Initial data has already shown improved chronic disease management and is helping individuals make life style changes to improve their health and wellbeing. “By using a holistic approach, our program is uniquely qualified to address the persistent issues that often plague those who suffer from complex physical
912 Bethlehem... Continued on page11 Health Care... Continued on Page 3
Pennies For Change, Inc.
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