Staying relevant on social media in 2021 Dani Barker, founder of Social Source, explains why transitioning your business online, and building your brand’s presence on social media, has now become a non-negotiable through the mental ‘spam’ filter they’ve created in their subconscious minds so
comes at a great cost. Planning and producing content,
that your message actually gets heard.
managing platforms, nurturing
But how? Here are the three essential
communities, running paid campaigns
components to becominig and staying
and analysing data all make a dent
relevant on social media in 2021 and
in your marketing budget whether
you bring these processes in-house or outsource them. You’re spreading your
time, energy and budget too thin. However, there is a more efficient
ust being online
isn’t enough.
It’s a common misconception that, in
(and less stressful) way to do things.
Success will require
order to be successful on social media,
You see, one of the key components
you to become
you need to be posting content on every
of becoming – and, more importantly
and stay relevant
single one of the platforms available.
- staying relevant on social media is
in order to build a truly future-proof
There’s a lot to choose from nowadays;
knowing where you need to be focusing
brand and business in the virtual world.
YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
your efforts. Instead of trying to show
TikTok, Clubhouse, podcasting, blogging,
up everywhere, be more selective in
Because people’s most precious
Pinterest, Snapchat - and who knows
which platforms you choose to build
and finite resources are their time
what will be next. I’m not surprised that
your presence on. Ask yourself what
and attention. Every day they get
so many business owners and marketing
social media platforms are your ideal
bombarded with thousands upon
teams find it exhausting just to think
clients and customers most likely to
thousands of social media posts and
about. Not to mention creating content in
spend their time on? Start by narrowing
advertisements. You need to be able
so many different mediums, and posting
this down to just three platforms and
to cut through the noise and pass
consistently in so many different places,
focus on consistently publishing content
Why is relevancy so important?
[34] FEBRUARY 2021