Scan your way to better mobile working F
or many of us, remote working has
a welcome attribute. Additionally, it ensures that consistent
now become a reality – regardless of
record-keeping is adhered to – something which can easily
whether it was one we were prepared
fall by the wayside when working from home, outside of the
for. COVID-19, the destructive pandemic
usual routine and without a team within easy reach for backup.
sweeping the globe, has closed the
Working across locations, employees can’t rely solely on
doors of a huge number of UK businesses
physical copies of documents – there is a need for a a digital
and driven us to our own homes to work. Of course, most of
library to be accessible and maintainable anywhere, and by
us don’t have access to the same resources at home that we
anybody; there can be no disconnect between the information
have in the office – but that’s where the expertise of PFU (a
available to office-based workers and mobile employees.
Fujitsu company) comes in. Flexible working has proven to be a growing market
in recent years – and this will suddenly accelerate, thanks
If you’re a business owner, or employee of a business that has
to the current worldwide emergency. Smaller, consumer-
embraced mobile working, it can be difficult to imagine your
friendly scanning devices, more reliable wireless and mobile
peers still holding any reservations as to its efficacy. On paper,
connectivity, and great advances in productivity software have
this apprehension can appear well-founded; for instance,
all made a big difference to our ability to get things done
some feel that if employees are free to work from home, their
outside the traditional office environment – and we need the
productivity will decline, while others worry that communication
help more than ever before.
will break down without the ability to talk face-to-face.
The benefits of scanning in remote working include
However, perhaps the most severe threat people worry about
enhanced collaboration, as those working from home can
in relation to mobile working is how can businesses be sure that
easily share their work – via e-mail, a messenger platform or
information taken out of the work environment stays secure?
the cloud – with their colleagues and managers whilst ensuring
These ‘risks’ are easily overcome, leaving nothing but
security and compliance remain a part of their daily routine, as
benefits. Scanning ensures full visibility of the work that staff
well as enhanced and uninterrupted service to your customer.
have been doing, including an audit trail - and the safety
Scanning also promotes a more efficient working process –
of data that managers will be particularly concerned about
which, in the difficult time we find ourselves in, is certainly
during this trying time is secured.
[18] APRIL 2020