CURSO: 2013 / 2014
Proyecto de Trabajo: “Los Continentes” 1
CURSO: 2013 / 2014
NOMBRE DEL PROYECTO DOCUMENTAL INTEGRADO: “Los Continentes” ALUMNADO Y PROFESORADO QUE PARTICIPA: Este proyecto documental integrado “Los continentes” va dirigido a un grupo bilingüe inglés de 24 alumnos/as de 2º nivel del 3er ciclo de Educación Primaria (6º: 11 y 12 años) de un centro de Educación Infantil y Primaria de la localidad de El Ejido. Participarán también la Maestra de Conocimiento del Medio, Educación Plástica y Educación Física, la Auxiliar de Conversación al ser un área impartida en bilingüe, así como las familias del alumnado que ayudarán a seleccionar y ampliar la información que van recopilando a lo largo del proyecto. TIPOLOGÍA DE RECURSOS DOCUMENTALES: Los recursos documentales que vamos a utilizar a lo largo del proyecto serán, en primer lugar, todos aquellos a que los alumnos/as tienen acceso. En primer lugar, se les enviará a las familias una nota informativa para que aporten todo el material que consideren necesario para investigar sobre el tema. Además de este material aportado por nuestro alumnado, contaremos con los siguientes recursos: • Presentaciones tipo Power Point o Prezzi • Búsqueda de información a través de Internet • Búsqueda de información a través de las bibliotecas del centro y de aula • Láminas y mapas • Imágenes capturadas de páginas de internet • Recursos bibliográficos que posean los alumnos/as en sus casas (mapas, enciclopedias, libros, revistas, diccionarios, etc.) • Lecturas aportadas por el profesorado Proyecto de Trabajo: “Los Continentes” 2
CURSO: 2013 / 2014
El análisis de la información consistirá en la recopilación de información por parte del alumnado sobre diferentes aspectos relacionados con los continentes. Se ha realizado una asamblea planteando el tema de los continentes, preguntando qué es lo que saben y qué es lo que les interesaría saber sobre los continentes. Después, se ha realizado un guión que nos ayudará a organizar nuestro trabajo de investigación, dónde obtener la información y cómo nos organizaremos. A partir de este guión, ya tendremos la información suficiente sobre qué sabemos y qué queremos saber y nos permitirá realizar el reparto de tareas para alcanzar los conocimientos necesarios que nos hemos marcado. Las inquietudes del alumnado han salido sobre los siguientes temas: • Dónde están situados (límites geográficos) • Cuántos países forman parte • La populación • La extensión • Las ciudades más importantes • Qué idiomas se hablan • Los paisajes • Flora y fauna • Atracciones turísticas • Deportes Para la recogida de esta información utilizaremos los recursos documentales señalados anteriormente y además solicitaremos la colaboración de las familias para que les ayuden a buscar información e imágenes. También se cuenta con la ayuda de la Auxiliar de Conversación. Para motivarles utilizaremos una presentación con imágenes de varios continentes y algunos fragmentos de vídeos con paisajes de cada continente.
Proyecto de Trabajo: “Los Continentes” 3
CURSO: 2013 / 2014
CUESTIONES ORGANIZATIVAS A TENER EN CUENTA: Las actividades se realizarán implicando al profesorado responsable de las áreas de Conocimiento del Medio, Educación Plástica, Educación Física, Matemáticas y a la Auxiliar de Conversación. Los espacios con los que contaremos a lo largo del proyecto serán: el aula que está dotada de pizarra digital, la biblioteca del centro, los ordenadores ultra portátiles con acceso a internet del centro, la sala de usos múltiples y las instalaciones deportivas del centro (gimnasio y pistas multideportivas). El tiempo que dispondremos para el trabajo de este proyecto serán cinco sesiones semanales (dos de una hora y tres de una hora y media). Una de ellas la haremos coincidir con el día que cada aula tiene para visitar la biblioteca del centro. La organización general del aula nos permitirá trabajar en pequeños grupos estableciendo los mismos de común acuerdo. Cada uno de estos grupos (seis aproximadamente, cuatro alumnos/as por grupo) serán los encargados de trabajar sobre un continente consensuado por los mismos alumnos/as, que será presentada posteriormente en una exposición a toda la clase. ESTABLECER PRODUCTOS POSIBLES: Como resultado del trabajo de este proyecto se realizará una exposición en Power Point, Prezzi o cualquier otro programa, en la pizarra digital de la sala de usos múltiples, de cada uno de los grupos de todo el material con el que se ha trabajado y el que se ha realizado a lo largo del mismo. La finalidad será trabajar aspectos de las diferentes áreas: lectura compresiva, expresión escrita, expresión oral, unidades de medida en, plástica, etc. utilizando los continentes como centro de interés, así como la competencia motriz a través de algunos deportes originales de cada uno de los continentes.
Proyecto de Trabajo: “Los Continentes” 4
CURSO: 2013 / 2014
HERRAMIENTAS TIC QUE SE EMPLEARÁN: • Cañón • Pizarra digital • Portátiles con acceso a Internet • Página web y aula virtual del centro • Cámara de foto CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN DEL PROYECTO: •
El interés del tema seleccionado
La motivación y las diferentes aportaciones del alumnado para elaborar la presentación
La colaboración entre los miembros de un grupo así como entre los grupos
La organización de los espacios y del tiempo
El material utilizado
La participación de las familias, alumnado y resto de los miembros de la comunidad educativa
La intervención del profesorado en cada fase del proyecto así como de la Auxiliar de Conversación
La posibilidad de que se desarrollen estrategias nuevas de metodología así como la de realizar proyectos interdisciplinarios y de innovación en el bilingüismo.
BIBLIOGRAFÍA: Emie. Grupo creativo de diseño y Fontnatura. (2006). Parajes Naturales. Barcelona: Random House Mandadori, SA. Jones, Annie. (2004). Saber al descubierto: Las cuatro estaciones al descubierto. Madrid: McRae Books Srl y SM. Vicenç Prat. (2009). La Tierra: Mares y oceános. continentes. Universo. Ediciones Saldaña. Veyret, Yvette & Husson, Séverin. (2009). Nuestro planeta , la Tierra. Barcelona: Combel Editorial. Marinelli, Janet, Abbott, Louise & Evans, Annelise. (2006). Planta: La referencia visual más actual de plantas y flores del mundo. Col. del Valle: Santillana Ediciones Generales, S.A. Colvin, Leslie & Speare, Emma. (1993). Enciclopedia de la naturaleza. Madrid: Susaeta Ediciones, S.A. (versión española de Ana Quijada). Proyecto de Trabajo: “Los Continentes” 5
CURSO: 2013 / 2014
Kindersley, Dorling. (2006). El Ártico y La Antártida. Para descubrir otros mundos apasionantes. Madrid: Pearson Educación, S.A. Departamento de Cartografía de Santillana Educación, S.L. (2005). Atlas escolar Primaria. Madrid: Santillana Educación, S.L. González Ordás, Emilia. (2005). Atlas geográfico universal Everest. Londres: Edit. George Philip & Son Limited y León: Editorial Everest, S.A. Libro de Texto de Conocimiento del Medio de 6º de Educación Primaria. (2009). Madrid: Santillana Educación, S.A. Proyecto La Casa del Saber. Libro de Texto de Matemáticas de 6º de Educación Primaria. (2009). Madrid: Santillana Educación, S.A. Proyecto La Casa del Saber. Textbook: “Top Science Teacher’s Book” 6 Primary, Richmond Publishing, Santillana. Textbook: “Top Science Teacher’s Resource Book” 6 Primary, Richmond Publishing, Santillana. Textbook: “Tests and Assessment. Essential Science. Science, Geography and History” 6 Primary, Richmond Publishing, Santillana. Textbook: “Essential Science Teacher’s Book: Science, Geography and History” 6 Primary, Richmond Publishing, Santillana. Diccionario Oxford Pocket para estudiantes de inglés. Oxford University Press. (2005). tercera edición. RECURSOS DIGITALES: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oceania http://mapasinteractivos.didactalia.net/comunidad/mapasflashinteractivos/recurso/paises-yterritorios-de-oceania-donde-esta/c6cf5a43-6910-41c5-bc86-bc8730c81bbe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%81frica http://go.hrw.com/atlas/span_htm/africa.htm http://mapasinteractivos.didactalia.net/comunidad/mapasflashinteractivos/recurso/paises-deafrica-donde-esta/f5142b37-183f-4259-9ce7-cfb31ac478bf http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asia http://mapasinteractivos.didactalia.net/comunidad/mapasflashinteractivos/recurso/paises-deasia-donde-esta/2e90856e-1979-40dc-93be-a530342d6309 Proyecto de Trabajo: “Los Continentes” 6
CURSO: 2013 / 2014
http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Am%C3%A9rica http://mapasinteractivos.didactalia.net/comunidad/mapasflashinteractivos/recurso/paises-deamerica-central-donde-esta/31446872-b78e-46a0-bab6-439d96887685 http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa http://mapasinteractivos.didactalia.net/comunidad/mapasflashinteractivos/recurso/paises-deeuropa-donde-esta/8ae789ae-e1dc-4143-9f6c-4fbfc5ee17dc http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ant%C3%A1rtida PERSONAS QUE LO LLEVA A CABO: Delia Carmen Dumitru Sopirla – C.E.I.P. Laimún, El Ejido (Maestra que imparte los áreas de Conocimiento del Medio, Educación Plástica y Educación Física, áreas bilingüe inglés) EVALUACIÓN DEL PROYECTO: •
Mi alumnado ha aprendido: A buscar fuera del libro de texto información sobre un tema, usando tanto recursos digitales en Internet como libros de la biblioteca de aula, del centro como sus propios libros, documentos de interés, enciclopedias y atlas sobre los continentes. Utilizar lo que han aprendido sobre la estructura de la biblioteca de centro para encontrar dónde puede estarla información. A seleccionar información y a procesarla. Elaborar una composición escrita que resuma la información encontrada y acompañarla de una foto o dibujo relacionado. A solicitar ayuda a los padres para buscar información y que les orienten sobre la más representativa. A presentar la información de una forma atractiva.
Como docente he aprendido: Que la realización de proyectos documentales integrales es viable cuando alumnado, profesorado y familia están motivados.
Proyecto de Trabajo: “Los Continentes” 7
CURSO: 2013 / 2014
Que la familia está dispuesta a colaborar en la consecución de los objetivos propuestos en el proyecto si se le explica con anterioridad la metodología y los objetivos a conseguir.
Dificultades: Ayudar al alumnado a buscar y seleccionar la información más relevante. Corregir los errores de traducción al idioma extranjero, al ser un proyecto totalmente en inglés.
Proyecto de Trabajo: “Los Continentes” 8
South America is a continent located in the western hemisphere. It is mostly in the southen hemisphere, but also has a relatively small portion in the northern hemisphere. It can be considered as a subcontinent of the America. Most of the population live near the western or eastern coasts of the Continent while the interior and the far south are not as heavily populated.
NORTH AMERICA North America occupies the northern portion of the landmass, generally refered to as the America, or as the United States of America. It is considered by some to be a single continent with North America as a subcontinent. When Christopher Columbus first discovered America it was called the New World. North Americas only land connection is to South America. Geographers agree that the continent is limited on the southeast by the Darien watershed along the Colombia-Panama border, placing all of Panama within North America.
s e i t i C r a l u Some cities and states in Pop e l t t a North America e ● S d n a l t ● Po r P o p u o l c a s i r c n S a r t F ates n ● Sa Wash ingto s e l e g n n A s ● ● Lo New o Y g o e i r D k n a ● S ● Texa s o g a c ● Chi ● Flori d a n i t s u ● A ●
i m a i M
Calif or
Some countries and cities in south America COUNTRIES
Rio de Janeiro
Buenos Aires
OCEANS OF AMERICA 1_Atlantic Ocean (East and South) 2_Pacific Ocean (West and South) 3_Glaciar Artic Ocean (North)
Monuments of America (1)
Monuments of America (2)
Watersheds of North America Watersheds of North America are: Arctic watershed Pacific watershed Atlantic watershed
Lakes of America
Rivers of America
Coasts of America
Animals of America
Gastronomy of America
Languages of America â—?
Various languages are spoken in the America. Some are of European origin, others are spoken by indigenous peoples or are the mixture of various languages like the different creoles.
María Contreras Iborra
Iván Góngora Maldonado
Manuel Berenguel Fernandez
Andrea Navarro Rodrigez School Year: 2013/2014
Although several countries have laid claim to various portations of Antarctica, it is governed by the 1958 treaty of Antarctica, which establishes the continent as a peaceful and cooperative international research zone. There are not cities only research stations.
Antarctica is the coldest natural temperature ever recorded on Earth, it was -89.2 ÂşC.
In the Antarctic there are many animals: penguins, leopard seals, icefish, and gentoo penguins.
fish fish of Antarctica has a substance in the blood that helps them withstand cold temperatures of Antarctica.
Plants â—?
The climate of Anarctica does not allow extensive vegetation to grow. A combination of freezing temperatures, poor quality soil, lack of sunlight inhibits plant growth.
MOSS â—?
Moss antarctica revives after spending 1.500 years.
It is the fifth-largest continent in the world after Asia, Africa, North America, and South America.
FORM â—?
The island is between the Antarctic convergence. Antarctica is 60Âş South on the parallel line.
rivers Subglacial lakes that lie beneath the surface of the ice sheets of Antarctica may be connected together by a complex system of tunnels under the ice.
LAKES - Lake Ellsworth - Lake Fryxell - Lake Vostok
TOURIMS Antarctica, the last continent on Earth to be discovered and the most rigorous and exotic, receives tourism since the 1950s, although the regular tourism has been developing since the second half of the 1960s when the state-owned shipping company ELMA launched cruise Travel to Antarctica.
The presence of many mineral resources has been revealed by detailed geological studies. They have verified the existence of coal deposits.
C.E.I.P. Laimún (School Year: 2013/14) 6th Grade Subject: Science
ASIA David Rodríguez García Rafael Rodríguez Morales Iker Lafuente Herrero María Rodríguez García
Asia Asia is the largest continent and most populates of the Earth. It extends over the eastern half of the northern hemisphere, from the Arctic Ocean to the North untill the Indian Ocean to the South. Bordered to the West by the Ural Mountains, and on the East by the Pacific Ocean.
Monuments of Asia
Countries of Asia
GASTRONOMY The Gastronomy of Asia corresponds to a set of cuisines associated countries and ethnic groups in Asia. Usually, the term generalizing both of the cuisines of East Asia and Southeast Asia to be used. Its main route of influence (and communication between them) both the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Major cuisines of this region are the cuisines of Southeast Asia, the Chinese and Japanese and Indian cuisine. In some countries the term "Asian cuisine" as in the United Kingdom comes from the kitchens to indicate South Asia: Indian cuisine.
Animals The fauna of Asia is as diverse as climate, soils and vegetation of the continent. The northern regions are rich in species with thick fur like the brown bear, otter, sable, ermine, the wolf, and an impressive variety of birds.
Economy Asia has the second largest nominal GDP of all continents, after Europe, but the largest when measured in purchasing power parity. As of 2011, the largest economies in Asia are China, Japan, India, South Korea and Indonesia. Based on Global Office Locations in 2011, Asia dominated with 4 of top 5 in Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo, Seoul and Shanghai. Around 68 percent of international firms have an office in Hong Kong.
Geography In the conventional division of continents, from Europe, Asia and Africa appear as two different entities for cultural and historical reasons. Geographically, they are actually a single continent called Eurasia. Furthermore, Eurasia is joined to Africa by the Isthmus of Suez, so it can also be seen throughout the joint area of Europe, Asia and Africa as a single supercontinent called Eurafrasia or, occasionaly, Afro-Eurasia, because it can not fully determine the continents that determine Asia.
CLIMATE The climate of Asia is influenced by two factors changing climatic conditions and are critical to classify their climates. The large latitudinal extent of the continent and the height of their land, as a result of large differences between winters and summers, between the coastal areas and the interior, can be seen.
VEGETATION The tundra is located in North, in the Arctic coast of the continent. The taiga is present in northern Siberia, south of the tundra, in a broad band running East to West. The deciduous forest penetrates a little from Europe, by the southern Urals, but are just little represented.
MOUNTAINS This list gathers, first, 30 higher mountains of Asia, all of them in the Himalayas and in the Karak贸rum. They are, likewise the highest mountains of the world, since all the the planet they find the Asian continent. It is possible to complete this index with the list of the highest mountains of the world (eightmiles), where also they find nine secondary beaks of more than 8.000 m; and with the list of the highest mountains of the world that gathers the sevenmiles of the planet. The mountain Everest is the first one of the considered "seven summits" (seven submit).
LAKES Caspian Sea: Azerbaijan, Kazajistรกn, Iran, Turkmenistan and Russia. Lake Baikal: Russia. Lake Balkhash: Kazajistan. Lake Kara Bogaz Goal: Turkmenistan. Aral Sea: Kazajistan and Uzbekistan.
OCEANS Artic Ocean, Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean.
Paula De Lamo Martínez
Eugenia Viedma Diaz
Joaquín Espinosa Martín
Moisés Castillo Torcuato C.E.I.P. Laimún - 6th Grade Subject: Science School Year: 2013 - 2014
Countries of Europe Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden and United Kingdom.
Geography Europe is a peninsula that makes up the western fifth of the Eurasian landmass. Its maritime borders are made up of the Arctic Ocean to the North, the Atlantic Ocean to the West, and the Mediterranean Black Sea, and Caspian Sea to the South. Land relief in Europe shows great variation within relatively small areas. The southern regions are more mountainous, while moving North the terrain descends from the high Alps, Pyrenees, and Carpathians, through hilly uplands, into broad, low northern plains, which are vast in the East.
Flora There are over 2,000 documented plant species that inhabit the land. In Europe the forest types are: lush, full of oak, beech, ash, chestnut, holly, Orchis and Ophris. The plant have a lot of colours.
Fauna There are some species recovery programs in the National Park. If we had to mention just one characteristic of the Picos de Europa animals, that would certainly be the Chamois. There are still several pairs of brown bears, very difficult to observe, as well as wolves, wild boar, deer, wildcats, pine martens, weasels, stoats, otters. Two rivers that form part of the National Park Picos de Europa, Cares and Deva.
Dining Some of the most inf luencial European cuisines are French and Italian, France has as famous as Dijon mustard, more than four hundred varieties of cheese, plus some of the most prestigious wines and champagnes and traded products in the world. The Italian cuisine of fers dif ferent varieties of pizzas and pastas, mozzarella and parmesan cheeses, risotto and polenta, prosciutto, famous Italian cured ham.
Flag The European flag consists of 12 yellow stars arranged in a circle on a blue background. The stars symbolize the ideals of unity, solidarity and harmony among the peoples of Europe.
Sports The most popular sport in Europe is football. Another popular sport in Europe is rugby, which is played in southern France, the United Kingdom, Ireland and northern Italy. Another famous European sport is tennis, which is now played all over the world.
Location Europe is in the northern hemisphere. Its coordinates are 35 grades to 70 grades N, and 10 grades E to 60 grades W. Europe is bordered on the north by the Arctic Ocean, on the east by Asia, and on the west by the Atlantic Ocean.
Plains and mountains The plains extend through the central and eastern parts of Europe. The Great European Plain,the Central Massif, the Vosges Range and the Black Forest Mountains. In Eastern Europe, the Eastern European Plain. The highest mountain system in Europe isl the Pyrenees, and the Alps, the Carpathians, the Balkans and the Caucasus Mountains.
The European coast Europe is a continent with many kilometers of coastline. It has a very irregular, jagged coast with many features: -Peninsulas -Gulfs -Capes -Fjords and inlets -Islands
European climates Temperate climates: -Oceanic climate temperatures are mild Precipitation is abundant and regular -Mediterranean climate temperatures are high in summer and mild in winter. Precipitation is not abundant. -Continental climate temperatures are high in summer, but very low in winter. Precipitation is higher in summer. Cold climates: -Polar climate temperatures vary between –50 ° C in winter and 15 ° C in summer. Precipitation is scarce. -Mountain or Alpine climate the temperatures are very low in winter and cool in summer. Precipitation is abundant.
European vegetation There are three types of vegetation in the temperate climate zone: -oceanic climate there are meadows and decidous forests with trees such as oak and beech. -Mediterranean climate zone there are Mediterranean forests with evergreen trees such as wild olive and cork. -continental climate zone there are steppes and taiga. In the tundra, or the cold zone, there is little vegetation.
European Rivers The Arctic watershed The Atlantic watershed The Mediterranean watershed The Black Sea watershed The Caspian Sea watershed
European lakes Northern lakes: are generally larger and deeper than southern lakes. There are many northern lakes in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia. Sothern lakes: are smaller and not very deep, such as Lake Albufera in Spain. Alpine lakes: found in the mountains such as the Alps in Switzerland and northern Italy.
Oceania Oceania is an insular continent of the Earth constituted by the continental platform of Australia, the islands of New Guinea, New Zealand and the coral and volcanic archipelagoes of Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia. All these islands are distributed by the Pacific Ocean. With an extension of 9 008 458 km ², it is a question of the smallest continent of the planet.
Islands (I) ●
American Samoa - Australia
Cook Islands - Fiji Island
French Polynesia – Guam
Hawaii – Kiribati
Marshall Islands - Island Nauro
New Caledonia - New Zealand
Niue Island - Northern Mariana
Islands (II) ●
Norfolk Island - Palau
Papua New Guinea - Pitcairn Islands
Samoa - Solomon Islands
Tokelau - Tonga
Tuvalu - Vanuatu
Flags of islands
RELIEF OF OCEANIA [I] Oceania is the continent of the sea. Though most of his territory is Australia there are islands spread throughout the whole Pacific Ocean. Some of the nearby islands are New Guinea, Tasmania and New Zealand, and an additional 25 000 small dispersed islands in the Pacific Ocean. They are distributed between two tectonic plates that of the Pacific Ocean and the Australian one. Some islands have a volcanic and others are of coral origin. Many of the islands are sea level.
RELIEF OF OCEANIA [II] The climate is strongly influenced by oceanic currents, including The Child, who causes periodic droughts, and the seasonal tropical system of low pressure, wich produces cyclones in the North of Australia. The desert or semiarid region takes up 40% of the territory and is covered by sand dunes. Oceania is the driest, flattest, least fertile continent with the areas of major antiquity.
GASTRONOMY The gastronomy of Oceania is characterized by a set of different typical food that reflect his historical multicultural past: the autochthonous gastronomy of the Australian aborigines, so called bush tucker or bushfood, the British and Irish kitchen of the first European settlers who were coming for the most part from the British Isles and the contributions of the Asian and Mediterranean kitchen brought by the immigrants come after the First World war.
RELIEF OF OCEANIA (III) The tundra, like the weather, appears only in some islands far to the South. The Mediterranean forest has typical species of the Australian Empire such as the mixed forest of grass and conifer trees and also appears on smaller islands such as New Zealand, Tasmania and the Australian Alps. The subtropical rainforest is located in the western part of New Zealand and in the South-East coast of Australia. Dry tropical forest and the monsoon forest appears in a narrow strip that runs from North to South for all mountain systems of the eastern part of Australia, to the Australian Alps, as well as some spots in the North of the country, and many of the islands of the Pacifico.The Savannah extends to North of Australia, close to the coast.
ANIMALS The ualabĂ is a mammal of small or medium size, similar to the kangaroo. His maximum length is 1.8 meters of the head to the tail and his weight ranges between 2 and 24 kilograms. It has an elongated head and powerful back useful legs to jump big distances and to aim strong kicks in case of taking part in one fights. His long tail is not prehensile but on the other hand, works to support the balance when it is in movement. His stomach is complex since it is provided with compartments where the fermentation is effected.
Animals This Kangaroo species differ from one another in terms of physical characteristics. In general, its appearance is similar to a small bear. It has a wide face, short muzzle, round ears and small eyes. The hind legs are shorter than the front and they all have long and curved nails. The tail is very long and pendulous, which gives a perfect balance kangaroos while they are in the trees.
CLIMATE The continent of Oceania has a great variety of climates in his dispersed territories in the Pacific Ocean, the majority of the islands are at the mercy of the conditions of the sea, which characterize the climate to a great extent depending on the marine currents and the occasional tempests. In Australia there is had a great quantity of these climates along his continental platform, in the central zones a desert climate is had and of continental type whereas on the coasts the climate comes closer more the oceanic one.
LANDSCAPES Landscapes of Oceania Oceania is a continent of beautiful landscapes and splendid destinations for knowing, in spite of not being so needed by the tourists so much since it it can be Europe. Firstly, it is a mistake to think that more resaltante of Oceania is to visit only Australia, since in the small islands of the Polynesia also we will find beauty worth being visited. It is because of it that here we sense beforehand a small list of options for visiting in order that you know the beautiful landscapes of Oceania.