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• Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an illness caused Live Healthby a virus that can spread from person to person. • The virus that causes COVID-19 is a new coronavirus that has spread throughout the world. • COVID-19 symptoms can range from mild (or no symptoms) to severe illness.

Know how COVID-19 is spread


• Buy groceries and medicine, go to the doctor, and complete banking activities online when possible. • If you must go in person, stay at least 6 feet away from others and disinfect items you must touch. • Get deliveries and takeout, and limit in-person contact as much as possible.

• You can become infected by coming into close contact (about 6 feet or two If your skin would normallyPrevent the spread of burn after 10 minutes in the sun, applying an SPF arm lengths) with a person who has COVID-19. COVID-19 is primarily spread COVID-19 if you are sick from person to person. 15 sunscreen would allow• Stay home if you are sick, • you to stay in the sunYou can become infected from respiratory except to get medical care. • without burning for approximately 150 minutes (a factor of 15 times longer). This is a rough estimate that depends on skin type, intensity of sunlight and droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks. You may also be able to get it by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it, and then by touching your mouth, nose, or eyes. • • • Avoid public transportation, ride-sharing, or taxis. Separate yourself from other people and pets in your home. There is no specific treatment amount of sunscreen used. for COVID-19, but you can seek SPF is actually a measure ofProtect yourself and others from COVID-19 medical care to help relieve protection from amount of your symptoms. • UVB exposure and it is not meant to help you determine duration of There is currently no vaccine to protect against COVID-19. The best way to protect yourself is to avoid being exposed to the • If you need medical attention, call ahead. virus that causes COVID-19. exposure. • Stay home as much as possible and avoid Know your risk for

TALK BACK TO YOUR INNER VOICE.close contact with others. severe illness Everyone has an inner voice, i.e. the way you talk to yourself in your • Wear a mask that covers your nose and head or out loud. But sometimes that voice can be cruel—even though mouth in public settings. • Everyone is at risk of it’s ultimately dictated by you. It can tell you that you’re a failure or convince you to stress about something that you have absolutely no control over. Most people have a loud inner critic which makes their life more stressful.Learning to have a reassuring and soothing inner voice can make a big difference in improving your mental health. Obviously that’s easier said than done, but here’s a good place to start: When your inner voice is giving you really crappy freedback and • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces. • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcoholbased hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. getting COVID-19. • Older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions may be at higher risk for more severe illness. advice, stop and consider how you would talk to your best friend in this situation. Then try to adjust your inner voice to talk like that.

• Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an illness caused • Buy groceries and medicine, by a virus that can spread from person to person. Live go to the doctor, and complete banking activities Health • The virus that causes COVID-19 is a new SKIN TROUBLES 101 HEALTH CHECK UPS online when possible. coronavirus that has spread throughout the world. • COVID-19 symptoms can range from mild (or no symptoms) to severe illness. Know how COVID-19 is spread Winter is the season to boost immune system and nurture our body. Damaged skin is one of the perils of winter. Cold weather damages skin resulting in dry, and itchy • If you must go in person, stay at least 6 feet away from others and disinfect items you must touch. • Get deliveries and takeout, and limit in-person contact as much as possible. Winter season precautions include keeping a check on health conditions by opting for a regular health checkup. As cold weather triggers health problems like asthma, flu, • You can become infected by coming into skin, chapped lips, and close contact (about 6 feet or twocracked heels. Skin care in Prevent the spread of arm lengths) with a person who has COVID-19. COVID-19 is primarily spread from person to person.STAY HYDRATED winter is a must include moisturising, applying sun protection creams and COVID-19 if you are sick • Stay home if you are sick, • You can become infected from respiratory Drink required amount of increasing intake of water. except to get medical care. droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks.water every day and stay hydrated. Water helps to • Avoid public transportation, ride-sharing, or taxis. 59 • You may also be able to get it by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it, and then by touching your mouth, nose, or eyes. Protect yourself and others from COVID-19 • Separate yourself from other people and pets in your home. • There is no specific treatment for COVID-19, but you can seek medical care to help relieve 121 sore throat, painful joints, and increased risk of heart attacks as low temperature makes clean our system and remove toxins, carry nutrients to the body cells and help balance body fluid. People don’t typically associate dehydration with winter, but you can get dehydrated 121 59 • There is currently no vaccine to protect against COVID-19. The best way to protect yourself is to avoid being exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19. regardless of the temperature outside.Your body loses a lot of fluid during the cold, dry winter months, and many are less diligent about hydration. Make a point to • blood pressure to rise and puts more pressure on heart. Preventive health checkup is best way beat the winter your symptoms. If you need medical attention, call ahead. • Stay home as much as possible and avoid close contact with others. drink water and replenish fluids. Know your risk for severe illness diseases and to enjoy good health even in the chilled weather. • Wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth in public settings. GET VACCINATED • Everyone is at risk of • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces. • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcoholbased hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Vaccines save millions of lives each year.Vaccines work by training and preparing the body’s natural defences – the immune system – to recognize and fight off the viruses and bacteria they target. After vaccination, if the body is later exposed to those diseasecausing germs, the body is immediately ready to destroy • getting COVID-19. Older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions may be at higher risk for more severe illness. them, preventing illness. Vaccines are a critical new tool in the battle against COVID-19. Source: World Health Org.

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