Edge Magazine Issue 1

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Issue 1 Editor Nikki Stephens nikki@edge4chicks.com

Contributing Writers Stephanie Berlic, Kristin Boese, Billy Bosch, Julie Catalano, Corrie Dyer, Matt Sweeting, Ely Tamman, Brian Watkins. Contributing Photographers Stewart Allen, Louis Barr, Austyn Bynon, Bart Castro, Jeremy Edgar, Tracy Kraft, Michael Lawrence, Kaitlin Perry, Sharif Hassan Photography. Page Designer Nikki Stephens Web Designer Jared Serfozo Publisher Instant Flipbook instantflipbook.com Disclaimer: The athletics described and illustrated herein are performed by trained athletes and could result in serious bodily injury, including disability or death; do not attempt them without proper supervision , training and safety equipment. Edge Magazine is not responsible for injuries sustained by readers or failure of equipment depicted or illustrated herein. Contributions: Address all editorial correspondence to Nikki Stephens at nikki@edge4chicks.com. All manuscripts and letters sent to Edge Magazine will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes and are subject to editing. Edge Magazine does not necessarily endorseauthors’ views. Edge Magazine is not responsible for oss of or damage to manuscripts, photography or art.

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High Hopes

Letter from the Editor

Passion, like beauty, dives deeper than the surface. When you find something that gives your life meaning, you take hold of it, harness it and develop it into something great, or so you hope. The journey to produce this magazine required dedication and patience. There were plenty of times I wanted to give up. I thought, “Can I really do this?� I was fresh out of college, still in college when the idea came about, and I was by myself. I pushed through the obstacles and prayed for everything to work out positively. The ocean can be calm, she can also give you double overhead in 40 plus knots of onshore wind, but then there are times when the Earth and Moon align just right, creating a tide only ever dreamt about on a picture-perfect day. This magazine is that moment for me. Peace and Love,

Nikki Stephens Nikki Stephens nikki@edge4chicks.com



F O R @F R E E edge4chicks.com

ON THE COVER Jessica Winkler puts away her kite after a short session shooting the cover of Edge Magazine. Who would have thought we liked this one the best?

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Read her story on page

Letter from the Editor Good in the Hood

Matt Sweeting explains why Hood River, Ore. is the wind capital of the country.

Kite Trick

Backroll with Kitesteering demonstrated and explained by pro kiter Kristin Boese.

Wake Trick

Corrie Dyer, pro wakeboarder, shows Edge chicks how to toe-side 360.

Shape Up

4x World Wakesurfing Champion, Bri Chmel on staying in shape off the water.

Surf Expo

Orlando, Fla. played host to the nation’s largest event for the surf industry.

Mr. February

Kiteboarding hottie Sky Solbach opens up about girls in the sport.


Alexa Score is a pro wakeboarder who has fought for more than just a title.

SurfAid International

One organization uses surfing to help underdeveloped countries.

Wetsuit Guide

Ask the right Questions Central Florida kite instructor Billy Bosch tells readers how to stay safe.

Chick Next Door

Changes of the Wind By Ely Tamman

PHOTOS//Bart Castro

PHOTO//Bart Castro

On a moonlit October night in Brazil, Jessica Winkler experienced 28 knot winds, two and a half meter waves and happiness on a kiteboard. “I was so excited I was laughing, singing and screaming with joy,” she says. Told she could not hold the kite because she was a girl, Winkler waited six years after seeing kitesurfing for the first time to begin actively pursuing it. She has wasted little time on setbacks and naysayers since. Taking her first lesson in 2007 after flying down to Mancora, Peru, she followed her passion. Her journey has taken her all across South America in search of new opportunities and new kitesurfing locations. She spent a year and a half in Brazil and helped set up a resort in Prea. While she was hesitant to teach, the pride she felt when she saw a student experience his first ride signaled to her that that was what she wanted to do. Looking to move forward in her career, she went to Nicaragua in order to set up a kitesurfing school. “This was the biggest challenge I have faced, because although there is lots of wind in Nicaragua, there are no kitesurfers,” says Winkler. “I was alone trying to find the best spots.” The feeling of loneliness was not a deterrence, but rather a motivator to build a community. After spending six months “banging on doors,” Winkler saw a lack of opportunity for wom-

en in the sport. They were not being appreciated for the hard work they put in. “I felt the perception of women in the sport was all wrong and wanted to do something that would highlight women’s talents on the water.” When Surf Expo announced a Kiteboarder of the Year, Winkler decided to apply this to highlight women in kitesurfing. With the help of Global Kiter Foundation and inMotion Kitesurfing, she sought to change the attitude toward women in sports by developing the Most Influential Girl Kitesurfer competition. The solitary path she has taken was motivated by a desire to create opportunites and communities not afforded to her. With postivie feedback from the competition, Winkler is finally seeing the results of her hard work to build a community for women. “I felt so alone pursuing my kite career and it was amazing to connect with other women who went through hard times.” After opening her own doors, she has her hands in multiple projects involving kiting, including opening up a resort for girls to kitesurf with travel packages and opening the first kitesurfing school in Progreso, Mexico. Throughout her journey, Jessica has learned an important lesson. “Sometimes being a leader is a quiet place, but upon hard work and a positive attitude we can succeed.”


How did you and inMotion Kitesurfing partner up for the Most Influential Girl Kitesurfer Contest? Brendon Held was one of the first people to support me when I began pursuing my career in kitesurfing. He gave me the opportunity to write articles about my dreams and post them on his website www.inmotionkitesurfing.com. After about six months of banging on doors looking for sponsorship, support or an agent I felt really frustrated at the lack of opportunities given to women in sports, especially kitesurfing, so I started looking at what other methods there were to get exposure. Other than winning competitions everything else looked like a swimsuit competition. I called Held and explained that women were under appreciated in the sport and were mostly shown standing on the beach next to their kite looking pretty. I felt the perception of women in the sport was all wrong and wanted to do something that would highlight women’s talents on the water and reward them for how hard they work in the industry. This was right after the the competition was run for the Kiteboarder of the year (announced at the Orlando Surf Expo in October 2011) and I thought we could do something similar. We began sharing ideas, involved The Global Kiter Foundation and we all came up with the MIGK comp. Tell us about the entry and voting processes. The entry process was simple. We asked people to nominate themselves or an exceptional girl they know. Originally we were just hoping to get enough entries to make a top 10 list but ended up flooded with nominations. The voting process was completely viewer’s choice. I liked how you could see the results right after voting. Held created a one-timeonly voting system where you could read the girls’ profiles then click to vote for your favorite. Upon voting you were given the voting result for all the girls. The entire month we were on pins and needles watching the Top Five switch every few days. It was very exciting.

PHOTO//Bart Castro

How did you choose the Top 10 finalists out of so many entries? It was so hard to choose. Every single one of the girls is amazing and they had so many people supporting them, telling us stories of how the person influenced their life. It was very touching to read them all. At the end of the day we had to pick the top 10 girls who received the most nominations and were working hard to be the MIGK girl. Describe how the kiting community’s response to the contest affected you? To be honest with you, I actually was pretty emotional about it. I felt so alone in pursuing my kite career and it was amazing to connect with other women who went through the hard times of starting a school in a different country, always trying to live up to the boys’ standards and making it through to the other side. I feel like I got the greatest gift from this competition and that is the courage and confidence to keep going. These women are so supportive and truly inspirational.

PHOTO//Youri Zoon MIGK 2011 Winner Kari Schibevaag

PHOTO//Bart Castro

Good in the Hood By Matt Sweeting

Quite possibly the best, most diverse kitesurfing town in the world—Hood River, Ore.—is my new home. What is it that makes Hood River so special? Surely a tropical paradise such as Maui, or the big winds and waves of Western Australia and Cape Town are far better— maybe to some—but where else can you start your day on the slopes in the middle of summer then kitesurf through the afternoon, mountain bike until dusk and finish off with friends in some of the best microbreweries in the country? I have been very fortunate to have spent most of my life travelling; I was raised in Singapore, finished education in England and then travelled incessantly for the past 10 years chasing the wind and surf. I have lived, taught and worked in virtually every major kite and windsurf destination around the globe, yet I find myself drawn to Hood River and the Columbia Gorge more than anywhere else. Hood River started out as a small orchard and logging town, but by the mid1980s windsurfers started to frequent the area in droves, attracted by the strong consistent summer winds. The warm rising air of the eastern plains draws the strong westerly breeze from the cool Pacific Ocean. When squeezed by the mountainous topography, the wind narrows into a funneling jet stream and blasts right through the Columbia Gorge, on which Hood River sits—sounds pretty amazing to me. Then along came local legend and one of the founders of the visually stunning sport, Cory Roeseler. With his stacked kites and waterskis, he fashioned a bar made from an old windsurf boom and a reel to control the

line length. He would smoke past windsurfers and boost big airs off flat water (Countless articles have been written about Cory, and he deserves a thorough Google search if you are not familiar with his story). And the rest, they say, is history. Conditions in the Gorge provide more variety than most other kite spots; providing new challenges for any level of kiter. There are flat water spots for freestylers and beginners alike, but also rails and kickers for wakestyle and 6-foot-plus rolling swell. Yes, that’s not a typo, for wave heads—a common find in Hood River—it is not uncommon to get overhead swell on 6 meter days, so much so that you will sometimes see more surfboards than twin tips and wakeboards. It’s not just the diversity of the conditions I love here but also the variety of kiters. Young and old, male and female, pro and weekend warrior, all are fairly represented here. None more so than the thriving female kite community, which is fantastic. Hence why it is one of the major stops for Kristen Boese’s Kiteboarding 4 Girls (KB4Girls) clinics. I believe kiting is the only major watersport in which woman are represented fairly, kick ass as much as the guys and are treated as equals. This contributes to the wonderful vibes in Hood River that keep people coming back—or cause them to never leave. Check out this little Pacific Northwest paradise, and you too will realize that it’s All good in The Hood. Plus, local chick kiter Cameron Rogers says there are plenty of hot dudes who hug trees and drink cold beer, which is made locally. The epic wind, though, just might make you forget about both altogether.

Matt Sweeting is the owner of Kitesurfing California and is a Level 2 IKO instructor. He placed second in the 2006 Red Bull Bintan Kite Event and fifth in the 2005 BKSA Amateurs event at Brighton Beach, Brighton, UK. B. He is now working with a new kite company, Mutiny, as well.

Silly Boys

tricks are for chicks By Kristin Boese PHOTO//Tracy Kraft

Kristin Boese is a 9-time World Champion kitesurfer and the owner/founder of the non-profit organization, Kiteboarding 4 Girls. Boese tells us the secrets to a backroll while kite steering­â€”for the more experienced kiters.

Backroll with kitesteering A backroll is the easiest rotation to learn. The best way to approach a backroll is without steering the kite and by putting both hands as close together as possible in the middle of the bar. The rotation is initiated by carving hard into the wind and is supported by the head that looks over the front shoulder. When you master the backroll without steering the kite, you can now attempt higher backrolls by steering the kite to the zenith during your trick. This will require you perfect the timing of the rotation and a kite supported jump together.

3. As you push off, begin to rotate immediately with as much momentum as possible. 4. Support this action by turning your head in the direction of rotation. 5. During the flight phase, your legs are flexed slightly following a 他-turn. 6. When you can see the water again you extend your legs in preparation for landing and to break the rotation.

1. Steer the kite from the 1:00 position back to the 7. Simultaneously steer the kite forward in the rid12:00 position and cut upwind at the same time. ing direction into the 1:00 position, so you can ride away upon landing. 2. The moment at which the pull on the lines gets stronger, you take off powerfully over your back leg 8. The landing on the water should be absorbed well and from the tail of your board. by the knees.

www. K i t e b o a r d i n g C l o s e o u t s . c o m F r e eS h i p p i n g o nA L Lo r d e r s

Toe-side 360 By Corrie Dyer

Wakeboarder for Slingshot, O’Neill and Gatorbait Wakeboarding School

The toe side-360 is a fun trick to learn, but also a very important building block for more advanced tricks down the line. Once you have toeside 180’s down you’re ready to try toe-side 360’s. To start off , you want to cut in and pop off the wake just like you would for a toe-side 180. After leaving the wake, you want to open your chest toward the boat, initiating the first 180. It works best to break this trick down into two separate 180’s. So as your chest is facing the boat, wait until you start descending to begin the next 180. At this point, take your front hand off the handle and move your back hand with the handle into the small of your back [the top of your wrist should be touching your back]. As you complete the last 180 and you’re about to land, get your chest over your knees and pick something behind you to stare at between the shoreline and the wake. This is called locking your eyes, which helps with all blind landings. It’s important to not rush this trick and land wrapped with the handle behind your back, not pass it. Both of these will keep you from over rotating and sliding out on this trick.

PHOTO//Austyn Bynon




REPS: 10 SETS: 3 1 Stand tall. 2 Step forward with right foot. 3 Bend both legs keeping your weight centered. Do not let the knee pass in front of the ankle as this can cause strain to the knee. 4 Step right foot back to standing position. 5 Repeat with left foot.

Shape Up

Hitting the water is the ultimate work out, but sometimes Mother Nature doesn’t cooperate. Check out these three exercises for the days when hitting the surf just isn’t an option. They are demonstrated by Bri Chmel. She’s a four-time Women’s World Wakesurfing Champion, is the first female on the cover of a kitesurfing magazine and the 2012 Victoria Skimboards Bri Chmel Pro Model.


REPS 25 SETS 3 1 Lay on your back with bent knees so your feet and heels are flat. 2 Place hands behind your head or across your chest. 3 Tighten abdominal muscles. 4 Keeping your feet flat, lift your head and shoulders gently. Do not push head forward with hands as this can cause neck injury. 5 Hold. 6 Return to start position.



REPS 10 SETS 3 1 Assume the push-up start position with hands turned 45 degrees outward and placed directly under shoulders. Keep back and neck straight and abdominal muscles tight. 2 Bend arms 45-90 degrees. 3 Hold. 4 Return to start position.


Ask the right


By Billy Bosch

We all have to start the learning process somewhere. Almost anyone entering the sport has at least one new aspect to learn. Usually this one new aspect, whether it is kite flying, board riding or understanding the conditions can be an extremely large hurdle to conquer. One of the most important parts in the neverending learning process of kiteboarding, is understanding where you are skill-wise and when to sit a session out. Just because the experienced riders appear to be effortlessly flying through over-head surf when the wind is blowing 35 knots does not mean that any kiteboarder should or can ride in these conditions. You have to know your limitations and work your way up. These riders started in smaller, calmer conditions and over time gained the skills and knowledge required in order to conquer heavier days. Simply evaluating the conditions and following a gut feeling can save you the potential destruction of an $1,800 kite, the risk of injury and a potential ban of the sport. One of the best phrases I have heard is; “If in doubt, don’t go out.” I have found from my learning experience—and many others—that just about every time I had an issue, it was during a session where I was not sure about the conditions or my equipment. I found myself saying, “I knew I

If in doubt, don’t go out.

shouldn’t have gone out,” after every self-rescue. This is not to say accidents cannot happen in perfect conditions, because they certainly can. But in order to do oneself and the sport a favor, just analyze the conditions in relation to your skill level to make a proper judgment call. Common sense is something that seems to be all too often replaced by excitement from the adrenaline rush leading up to a session. Instead of running to the beach as fast as you can to setup your kite, take a minute and watch. Look at the waves. Feel the wind. Plan the launch. Look for other riders. Identify potential hazards. Talk to the locals. All these things are easy and can save you and everyone else a lot of hassle.

When looking at the waves, try to analyze size and period.

How tall are the waves? How often are they coming in? Are they breaking in the same place every time? Is there a strong current? Try to imagine the tacks you would take when you are out there. Are you going to be able to hop over them or are you going to have to turn around really fast? Is this something you are prepared for and proficient at?

Talk to a local.

This can really make the difference between a good or bad session. You may learn about that one rock that you cannot see, that deep spot to avoid, that area full of oysters, etc. Ask them what kite size they would fly if they were you. You are never too experienced to ask about conditions and get a local’s advice.

Choose the right launch/landing location.

PHOTO//Louis Barr Billy Bosch kitesurfs a few gnarly waves.

Pay attention to the wind.

Is it steady? Is it shifting? What direction is it and how strong? Do you have the right size kite? Remember there is wind quantity and wind quality. Just because it is windy does not mean it is the right direction or steady enough. Some places simply do not work for certain directions and sometimes you need more wind for certain directions. Gusty wind will also greatly affect the way the kite stays in the air. Also, be sure to keep in mind any and all water movement. A current going the same direction as the wind can dramatically kill the apparent wind in your kite. The current going the opposite direction will

Is there someone around who can confidently launch you? Are you going to walk your lines downwind or upwind? What obstacles are there that my lines may get caught on? If the launch does not go well, what would I hit? If I had to eject where would my kite go?

Try to answer as many of these questions as you can before each session. If you are not confident in your answers, then ask for help or maybe just sit this one out so you can enjoy the next one. Kitesurfing is all about having fun. If you are just going to be scared and feel unsafe, then what’s the point in going out anyway? Billy Bosch is the lead instructor for his kitesurfing school Goodbreeze Kiteboarding. He has taught numerous students how to kite including Edge Magazine Editor-in-Chief Nikki Stephens.

Retailers are returning to business and brands are filling orders following Surf Expo’s largest event since 2005. More than 14,000 retailers, exhibitors and media from around the globe traveled to Orlando, FL for Surf Expo, the global boardsports and beach lifestyle trade show. The event took place January 12-14 and offered buyers a chance to preview summer and fall 2012 lines and write orders with more than 2,500 brands. All 240,000 square feet of Surf Expo’s floor space was accounted for during the sold-out show, as brands continued to search for more room right up to the last minute. “Our show was bursting at the seams with exhibitors and buyers – all in a positive mood and doing business on the floor,” says Roy Turner, Show Director for Surf Expo. “From the minute we opened the doors until the show closing, there was an energy that I haven’t seen in years. The positive vibe at Surf Expo shows an industry headed in the right direction as it continues to rebound after the recession.” Orlando continues to prove itself convenient to buyers from across the U.S., the Caribbean, Canada, Latin America and Europe. A small sampling of the 7,000 storefronts in attendance includes Amazon. com, Target, Archies (Canada), Red Sail (Caribbean), Moosejaw, Glick’s, Palace Entertainment (water and amusement parks), Bells, Hanger 94, Emerald City, 17th Street, Jack’s and the Frog House. “Friday’s foot traffic was fantastic! Even more than we expected,” says Jonathan McCabe, Sales Manager for RVCA. “We saw 100 accounts who sat through a full line showing. The show stayed busy until 6; we were working until the lights went out. Our order file will be half full within the week.” “This has to be one of the best Surf Expo’s ever

for volume, quality of people here and everything involved,” says John Gothard, VP Sales of Sanuk. “The energy and optimism was great from 9:01 on day 1 through the final day. Usually the last day is the time when you say hi to friends, but today [day 3] the show is still packed. There’s a great attitude and we saw a mixture of current and new dealers.” To give buyers a chance to rest their hands between writing orders, a variety of high-energy events took place around the show and in the evenings. Surf Expo put swim and sportswear fashion trends in motion with runway shows three times a day throughout the event. Skate competitions kept plenty of action on the street course and quarter pipe, as skaters competed for the $3,333.33 up for grabs on each of the three days of Surf Expo. A standup paddle tank centered on the show floor allowed buyers to test new stand up boards before they bought, while adding energy to the growing SUP section. Crowds gathered to watch Florida’s most recognized shapers square off in a shaping room in tribute to Greg Noll. Visitors appreciated the opportunity to mix business and pleasure in Orlando. “This is the first time that I’ve come to the show and stayed all three days. It’s so much fun going to all the events and parties in the evenings and check out events on the show floor,” says Anthony Dunbar, owner of Catch a Wave Surf, Skate and Ski in Coconut Grove, FL. “I’ve been writing orders from the show for fall and summer, so there’s not all of the homework when I get home.” On the first evening, Surf Expo welcomed all attendees to the House of Blues for a concert and cocktails. Friday night, the show played host to the East Coast Surfing Hall of Fame awards.

PHOTO//Nikki Stephens

PHOTO// Sharif Hassan Photography

PHOTO// Sharif Hassan Photography

Sky Solbach

Age: 28 Years Kiting: 10 Riding Style: Strapless surf. Sponsors: North, ION. Hometown: Lyle, USA.

photos//courtesy Sky Solbach

Where do you live now? Margaret River, Australia. What is your favorite trick to throw? Air reverse or getting barreled. Where is your favorite place to vacation? Anywhere with waves and no internet connection. How did you get into kitesurfing? I friend of mine bought a two-line Wipika Classic back in 2002. He was getting frustrated learning one day and asked me if I wanted to give it a try. I was hooked after the first 5 minutes. I bought my own kite the very next day and the rest is history. Kiting takes up a lot of your time, so what do you do for fun? I like to get creative. I spend a lot of time designing and shaping surfboards and I like to cook and play music. I also spend a lot of time staring out the windows of airplanes. Are there any female kitesurfers who you especially admire or look to for inspiration? I’d have to say my girlfriend Kristin Boese. She is a ninetime world champ and has done--and continues to do-so many great things to bring the sport forward. She is the founder of KB4Girls, a non-profit organization that gets women into the sport and raises money for various charities that benefit women of all walks of life. She also founded the Kite Surf Pro World Tour, which is really pushing the competitive surfing side of the sport. What would you tell a girl who wants to learn the sport? Always take a lesson, but never take a lesson from your boyfriend! Can you describe your dream girl (or should we just say Kristin Boese)for us? My perfect girl appreciates all the best things in life like good food and good wine and loves to be at the beach and in the ocean. She is smart, thoughtful, original and independent and knows the value of hard work. She can take care of herself, but still enjoys being taken care of.

PHOTO//Austyn Bynon

Pro Wakeboarder Alexa Score held a charity event for the Livestrong Foundation to celebrate a successful five years after being diagnosed with Leukemia. With a red carpet entrance at The Other Bar in downtown Orlando, the December event couldn’t have gone any better. At the age of 16, Score was having terrible bone pain, but her diagnosis for cancer came by chance. She was getting stitches out of her forehead when she asked the doctor to take a blood test. That night she received the phone call about her positive diagnosis, Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. Not only was it a scary time for her, but it also pushed her to set high goals for herself. Without the support of her friends and family, Score may not have gotten to where she is today. A supporter of Livestrong, a pro wakeboarder and a student at the University of Central Florida, proves she can achieve all she

has set out to do. “My family and friends were definitely my biggest motivation,” Score says. “I had an incredible support system, and I owe a big portion of my recovery to that.” While she was sick she thought about being on the water all of the time. It was midwinter in Minnesota and she set her sights on being healthy by the summer so she could wakeboard. At times it looked like it might not happen, but after months of battling, it did. She says, “I’m so thankful to be alive and to be able to spend time with family, with friends out on the water.” Five years after the diagnosis and she remains strong and upbeat. She even finished her season ninth in the world on the Queen of Wake Tour. Not only does Score kill it wakeboarding, but she is also furthering her education at the University of Central Florida. She plans to graduate next fall with a degree in Finance.

By Julie Catalano The event had a great turn out raising more than 2,500 dollars for the Livestrong Foundation. This month alone, Score and all her supporters raised almost 7,000 dollars. Many of the riders from the wakeboarding community such as Bob Soven, Shaun Murray, Jimmy Lariche, Shawn Watson, Erik Ruck, Collin Harrington, Clay Fletcher and many others all came out to support the cause. “It was great to be in good company on a night that meant so much to me,” Score says. Along with the support of friends and family, companies such as Liquid Force, Spy, HDX Hydration Mix and Malibu attended and donated items for raffles at the end of the night. Without people like Score, many would not have someone to look up to or a reason to set high seemingly unatainable goals. Score proves she is unstoppable in her wakeboarding career and with her fight against cancer.

PHOTOS//Julie Catalano Score, friends, fans and supporters celebrating her health and the Livestrong Foundation at The Other Bar in downtown Orlando.

SurfAid International

By Brian Watkins

In 1999, SurfAid founder Dave Jenkins took what he thought would be a routine surf trip to a group of islands off the coast of Sumatra. Home to 70,000 people and some of the finest reefs in the world, it was the perfect retreat for a doctor working in a stressful corporate directorship. It was going into a village one day and seeing dozens of small graves that inspired Jenkins to run a clinic that afternoon, at the village chief’s request. Villagers were suffering from malnutrition, malaria and inadequate living standards. Most of these problems are treatable (some totally preventable).

Jenkins did what he could, but concluded his trip with a feeling that he could do more. After returning home and consulting some of his closest friends, Jenkins decided there was more he could do. In January of 2000 SurfAid International was born as a non-profit organization with the aim of bringing sustainable health changes to the Mentawai Islands. Today, SurfAid has staff in New Zealand, Australia, and the US that assists in administrative functions and fundraising.


Through the SurfAid Schools Program, students learn about the work of SurfAid and how to be global citizens. They can then act locally, for example by keeping their local beach clean, and helping program partners spread the message to other surfing communities. It’s a great way to teach kids valuable lessons with something fun that helps them appreciate the beaches and connects to surf culture worldwide. The SurfAid Schools Program, which runs in the US, Australia and New Zealand, provides free curriculum units for teachers online, presentations on global citizenship and SurfAid’s work in the Mentawai, tool kits for kids to help with fundraising and the ability to work on their required community service hours for school while enjoying a group surf. The US Schools Program began in San Diego, Calif. It now reaches Malibu and more than 2,000 children. By partnering with Billabong USA in summer 2012, the schools program plans to expand its reach to more than 10,000 students. The growth of the SurfAid Schools Program owes much to the longtime support of Billabong as well as local

schools, surf schools, and volunteer groups. Industry Partners Billabong One OC Family Volunteer Group Christian Surfing Association Ripeando (Latin American Surf Magazine) Pro Surfer (Dave Rastovich’s Transparent Sea Tour, Ambassador) Pro Surfer (Courtney Conlogue, Ambassador) Pro Surfer (Donavon Frankenreiter, Surf Musician) Free Surfing Lessons Eli Howard Surf School (Encinitas) PB Surf Shop (Pacific Beach) Soul Surfing Surf School (Laguna Beach) Schools and Education The Preuss School, UCSD Kearney High School of Digital Media & Design San Diego Cooperative Charter School Malibu High School

SurfAid runs its operations 100 miles off Indonesia’s Sumatran and Aceh coasts (including Nias, Telo and the Banyak islands). Over 95 percent of the program staff is comprised of Indonesian nationals, helping to preserve the unique cultures and customs of the islands while improving health and lifestyle. According to research done in conjunction with the University of Indonesia, one in ten Mentawai children do not make it to the age of five—15 times the death rate of developed countries. Additionally, more than 70 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. By partnering with local governments and their communities, SurfAid has developed programs to further education, healthy habits, and the

ability to deal with natural disasters. These programs include: Malaria education and mosquito net distribution Water and sanitation Emergency preparedness (and response) Mother and child health The E-Prep program was originally sponsored by the Australian government and aimed to improve village disaster management systems. Being prepared means saving lives which was demonstrated after the 2010 Mentawai tsunami. Only nine lives were lost in communities where these programs were implemented.

PHOTO//Michael Lawrence

PHOTO//Stewart Allen


WETSUIT GUIDE From rashguards to fullsuits, we picked out the hottest waterwear to keep you warm­--no matter what part of the world you’re shredding this Spring.

PHOTO//John Alymer

Body Glove 2011 Deluxe Short Arm Rash Guard This 8 oz. lyrca rashguard has a UV protection of 50 SPF. Combine that with a feminine fit and a boardshort connector, you’ve got yourself the perfect protection on a warm day. $29.99 bodyglove.com

Ripcurl Women’s Classic Eye Candy Short Sleeve The ultra-lightweight rashguard has 50 plus UV protection to keep you rash and sunburn free while you shred hard. $32.95 ripcurl.com

Hyperflex Sunshine Short Sleeve Water Tee This updated version of a Lycra rashgaurd fits and feels like a comfortable tee shirt rather than a tightstreth fit, but offers the same UV protection. $29.95 hyperflexusa.com

Body Glove 2011 Performance Long Arm Made from a mixture of polyester and spandex, this long arm rashguard is constructed specifically for active women on the water. $39.99 bodyglove.com

Body Glove 2011 Insotherm Long Arm A .5 mm titanium material will keep you warm on the chillier days without having to strap yourself into a full wetsuit. $59.99 bodyglove.com

O’Neill Skins Long Sleeve Crew Great style lines, ergonomic seam placement, 4-way stretch and quick dry properties seal the deal. $32.95 oneill.com

Patagonia Juanita For a suit with versatility, comfort and edge, the Patagonia reversible Jaunita spring suit is a fantastic option. Made for warmer water (65-75 degrees) with 2mm neoprene and recycled polyester. $155 patagonia.com

Roxy Ignite The nylon jersey is infused with bamboo charcoal which is anti-microbial for less stink. Because of our unique materials, weaving, and lamination process, the FIBER-LITE NEOPRENE is 14% more flexible, absorbs less water, dries faster, and weighs less than anything you can imagine $144.95 roxy.com

Roxy Cynthia Rowley Spring Suit It’s high fashion meets credible technology, with sexy cuts, bright colors, and flirtatious fun. This long sleeved spring suit is made of 2mm Fiber-Lite Neoprene with GBS (glued and blindstitched) seams and a zippered back stash pocket for your keys. $144.95 roxy.com

Roxy Kassia Meador Spring Suit Look like Kassia when you surf in this long sleeved spring suit! Its made of 2mm Fiberlite Neoprene with glide skin outer, GBS (glued and blindstitched) seams, and has a YKK front zip with collar. $139.95 roxy.com

Billabong Skinny Jane There’s nothing Plain Jane about this wetsuit from Billabong. With an ultra-chic shape and vibrant color options, this will be your go-to suit this season. $89.50 billabong.com

Ripcurl Insulator With improved fireskin lining that is now thinner and lighter--but still the warmest available--your range of motion will not be limited and you won’t freeze your buns off on those icy Spring days. $319.95 ripcurl.com

Chick Next Door

Photo//Kaitlin Perry

Stephanie Berlic

Photos//Jeremy Edgar

For me, kiteboarding is a family affair. My older brother Oliver first handed me a harness and a 12m Cabrinha in 2007 during my freshman year in college. I will never forget the thrill of that first ride, which was short, yet exhilarating! As I progressed as a rider, I was hooked. I joined the Collegiate Kite Association, tagging along during competitions, and eventually, entered in them. Although I usually placed last, I was excited to be part of such a fun community. Living in St. Petersburg, Fla. was a blessing as a newbie. There is perfect flat water less than 10 minutes from Eckerd College. Where else in the world could you possibly do a downwinder to school? The local kiters are down to earth, chill and supportive. I was lucky enough to have Billy Parker as my coach at our local beach. It’s great to see him tearing it up at the Triple S this past year. Re-visiting my roots in Brazil as a kite-

boarder was an extraordinary experience. Oliver was living in the northeast of Brazil in a quaint fishing town called Cumbuco, which is a kiteboarder’s paradise. I enjoyed starting my day with a fresh bowl of açai, fruit, honey and granola, which gave me the boost I needed. The conditions and locations are incredible. I strongly recommend taking a trip down there! Other favorite spots that I have ridden include the south of France, near the city of Montpellier, the northeast US and all over Florida, including Cocoa Beach, Marco Island and the Keys. The riders that have influenced me the most are Bruna Kajiya, Susi Mai, Hannah Whiteley and Gisela Pulido, who are setting the bar out there for us girls. They are true inspirations for the female kite world. Jump. Unhook. Ride hard and remember – safety first!


Send us an email to nikki @edge4chicks.com with photos of you shredding the gnarliest waves. Tell us all about your journey into the sport of surfing to be featured in the NEXT issue of EDGE Magazine. PHOTO//Austyn Bynon Amy Nicholl of the UCF Surf Team

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