Brooklyn Park Minnesota Police

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Brooklyn Park Police Department MINNESOTA

Since 2010, significant changes and developments have been established to address and combat the issue of domestic violence in our city. With the inception of the Domestic Violence Reduction Project and as a recipient of the VAWA (Violence against Women's Act) grant, the city's prosecution conviction rate has increased considerably since 2010. The purpose of the project was to reduce the likelihood of further victimization by improving our delivery of victim services through collaboration with City Prosecutors and Advocacy Services. We strive to continue these efforts.

National model for best practices

6 Foundational Principles 1) Adhere to an interagency approach and collective intervention goals 2) Build attention to the context and severity of abuse into each intervention 3) Recognize that most domestic violence is a patterned crime requiring continuing engagement with victims and offenders 4) Ensure sure and swift consequences for continued abuse 5) Use the power of the criminal justice system to send messages of help and accountability 6) Act in ways that reduce unintended consequences and the disparity of impact on victims and offenders

Project Goals

 Reduce Domestic Violence in Brooklyn Park  Heighten Domestic Violence Prosecution  Promote Victim Safety and increase victim support  Create a strong, positive relationship between victims and the police department through follow-up (Knock and Talk Program  Build trust between police department, victims and the community.  Promote strong community awareness on domestic violence by educating community members about the prevalence of abuse, encouraging people to take action to end abuse and alerting survivors to the options and resources that are available to them.  Outreach to Immigrant and At risk Populations  Reduce Recidivism  Collaboration with other agencies

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2010-2011 Creation of the Domestic Violence Reduction Project with a full-time Domestic Violence Prevention Coordinator and a part-time Domestic Violence Specialist. A Domestic Violence Reduction team is established consisting of a domestic violence patrol officer liaison, detective, advocates, prosecutors and probation. A monthly meeting is held to discuss cases and procedural/program updates. Blueprint for Safety. A set of protocols for city/county agencies responding to misdemeanor and felony assault Department procedural changes became effective and includes but is not limited to; Domestic Violence Packets (Domestic Violence Supplements, Domestic Violence Information sheet, Medical Release forms, Crime Victim Card), Patrol procedures (BBPD Response guide, GOA checks, taking Mirandized/Scales Statements). Use of the ODARA Assessment Tool to identify likelihood of high risk revictimization for all domestic related cases. Active monitoring of Jail calls and 911Audio review for prosecution

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2012-2013 The Knock/Talk Program - An opportunity to extend services to victims explaining the court process, getting them in touch with an Advocate, ensuring their safety and to also monitor defendant’s compliance with court order such as a Domestic Abuse No Contact Order or a Conditional Release No Contact order. Change in Prosecution Services to Colich and Associates Advocate Agency Collaboration change to Cornerstone (1 full-time and 1 half-time In-house Advocates)

2014 2 full-time In-house Cornerstone Advocates

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2015 Active tracking and Enforcement of Order of Protections Expansion of Knock/Talk Program

911 Call/Police Response  On scene investigation  To arrest or not to arrest  Scales Interview Patrol Paperwork  Domestic Packet (Medical Release/Victim’s Domestic Violence Supplement/Victim Information/Advocate Agency Pamphlet)  Crime Victim Notification Card Cornerstone Advocacy  Domestic Supplement faxed over to Shelter/Advocacy/Probation within 4 hours.  Victim contacted Domestic Violence Coordinator

 ODARA Assessment/Lethality  Knock/Talk Follow up Legal Advocates  Investigation/Prosecution Assistant  Victim Safety Planning/Follow-up  Court Support



Why patrol? -Fresh incident -Bail arguments -No chance to develop a story -Best practice for handling domestic cases -Other departments are doing this

•Review all domestic violence cases filed with the police department •Analyze the risk of recidivism associated with all domestic violence cases (ODARA). Department

Domestic Violence Prevention Coordinator

•Completed recidivism and risk assessments and conducted unannounced in-person follow-up with high risk domestic violence victims and offenders. •Work with Brooklyn Park Investigators/Prosecutors to assist in the investigation of cases

••Review evidence and determine evidentiary value for prosecution of crimes (911/Jail Calls)

Domestic Packets

Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment  Developed in Ontario, Canada

 First empirically tested and validated domestic risk assessment, created from research of nearly 600 cases.

Danger Assessment (ODARA)

 Assesses risk for; 1) Further domestic assaults 2) Frequency of assaults 3) Severity of assaults Researchers found that the higher scores on the ODARA can indicate that an accused assaulter will commit more assaults, commit them sooner, and cause more injury (in a range of injury from none to lethality) than an accused with a lower score Although it was not designed to predict risk of lethality, the authors have found a correlation between higher ODARA scores and more severe assaults in the future.

Identification of potential risk to Victim (and children in relationship)

Assists in explaining to victims, and their understanding of, potential risk

Improve victim engagement with service providers

Enable appropriate safety planning commensurate to identified risk for victim.

Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA) Score of 7+

Knock & talk

Concerns from; Officer Advocate Attorney Probation Domestic Violence Coordinator Knock and Talks are performed weekly

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1-2 Officers Domestic Violence Prevention Coordinator

Unannounced Visits to victim’s homes Why? –What are the goals? 1. 2.

Knock & talkS

3. 4. 5.

Check on Victim Safety Give victim information about their case and contact with their Cornerstone Advocate if they do not have that information Gather Evidence Make Arrests Victim Cooperation creates a stronger relationship with community members and police.

K/T provides victims with the opportunity to speak directly with the DVPC and an officer about their concerns and questions regarding their case

Knock and Talks are performed weekly

Collaborating Partners with Cornerstone Advocacy 2 full time Advocates housed in the police department Services provided to victim • Safety Planning • Legal System Advocacy – Court Support and a Liaison between victims and prosecutors


Other service provided and offered by organization • • • • •

Support and Educational Parenting Support Therapy Housing Resources Rape and Sexual Abuse Services

 Knock & Talk Program  Patrol Response 1. Victim DV Supplements, Evidence Collection, Crime Victim Card, Medical Release, Scales, 12 Cameras from Cornerstone, Future training on iPhone

Project Successes

 Heightened Domestic Violence Prosecution  Monthly DV Meetings 1. Probation 2. Cornerstone – In house Advocates 3. Colich & Associates 4. Police  Collaboration with other Agencies

Community Outreach 1. Target Immigrant and at Risk Populations  Partner with Community Non-profit Organizations

 Partner with Community Cultural Liaison  Community Response Unit - Youth  Crime Watch Meetings

Community Impact

 National Night out  Coffee with Cops  Domestic Violence Awareness Forums 2. Self Defense Classes

3. Citizen’s Academy 4. DV Project Pamphlets 5. Park Pages – BP Website

 Proactive OFP Enforcement  Continuance of Knock & Talk Program  Expand K/T’s to OFPS, Warrants and Probationary DANCOS  Continue Efforts in Community Outreach and Engagement with Immigrant and At Risk populations

Looking Head

Contact Info

Shellie S. Enright Brooklyn Park Police Department 763-493-8375

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