Realities of Violence Against Women

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Realities of Violence Against Women Crimes Common Characteristics   

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Course of conduct vs. incident-based crimes Interrelated nature of crimes (e.g., domestic violence involving sexual abuse, stalking prior to sexual assault) Involve power and control Minimization by victim due to feelings of shame, guilt, fear Multiple concurrent crimes Perpetrators and victims know each other – have history Psychological/traumatic impact Reluctant witnesses/victims Serial nature of perpetrators, significant recidivism Typically perpetrated by men Underreported Victims are often: o Isolated o Selected because of a vulnerable status (e.g., disabled, inebriated, prostituted) o Doubted or blamed by society

Commonly Missed Offenses                     

Burglary or trespassing Child and/or animal abuse Coercion Disorderly conduct False imprisonment Felony threats Fraud, extortion Harassment (telephone & electronic) Human trafficking Interference with custody Interference with crime reporting Intimate partner sexual violence/rape Intimidation Kidnapping Property damage/ vandalism Theft/robbery Protection order violations Smuggling Stalking Strangulation Weapons violations

Why Concurrent Crimes Impact When VAW are Commonly Missed by Crimes are Not Officers Fully Addressed         

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Appropriate lines of inquiry not initiated, e.g., in interviews with victims and suspects Cultural stereotypes Insufficient supervisory oversight Lack of cross-jurisdictional communication Language barriers Little or no training on the interrelated nature of crimes Officer bias or lack of officer sensitivity Singular focus on presenting call/ complaint Time constraints for first responders which limit opportunity to ask necessary questions Victim fears the perpetrator and does not trust police or criminal justice system Victim feels guilt, shame, selfblame

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I AC P N a t i o n a l L aw E n f o rc e m e n t L e a d e r s h i p I n s t i t u t e o n V i o l e n c e A g a i n s t Wo m e n

Bolsters perpetrator confidence and sense of invincibility Intergenerational perpetuation of violence Fatality Liability – failure to act or respond, failure to enforce court order, etc. Lost community trust, decreased confidence in police department Officer and/or victim safety compromised Serial offenders move on to next victim with no accountability Recidivism/ re-victimization Victims do not report Violence and risk escalates

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