EHU Personal Statement Workbook

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Writing an Effective Personal Statement

Introduction to Personal Statements When students are writing the statement they should bear in mind that many institutions don't interview applicants, so this is their only opportunity to let us know about themselves and their achievements. They won't get another chance to prove to us that we should offer them a place. Undergraduate Admissions Officer

What is a Personal Statement? A personal statement is a key part of your UCAS application and is a chance for you to communicate your strengths and passions to the universities you have chosen to study at; • • • •

Your opportunity to make a university want you Your chance to stand out from other applicants with similar grades A statement of 4,000 characters or 47 lines (whichever comes first) A chance to impress your admissions tutors as many courses don’t have interviews

What should you include? • What motivates you • Academic ability and understanding of the profession • Skills and attributes • Relevant experience • Personal interests An easy way to remember what to include is the STAR acronym


What were you doing, What was your specific role or responsibility?


What were you trying to achieve?


What specific actions were taken? Focus on what you did rather than group work


What was the outcome and what did you learn?

For more information and help visit

What motivates you

Most people find it hard to write about themselves. Before you start, think about the things which are motivating you to apply to university and to your subject area of interest. You may want to consider the following: What do you want to get out of… • Higher education? • The course? • The university? Your commitment and enthusiasm • Why does the course interest you? • What do you want to learn about? • What qualities do you possess that make you suited to this area of study? Your career goals and ambitions • What do you hope to do after university study? • How will the course help you to achieve this? • What skills have you already developed to help you achieve your goals?

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I have always had a desire to assist and offer support to clients. This is because there are very few professions that offer so much in terms of job satisfaction, while giving me the chance to enhance individual’s lives during their times of need. I seek to achieve the best in my life and my career as life is not a rehearsal. Social Work applicant

Academic Ability I feel that my A Level studies have prepared me for the study of English Literature at university. English Language has developed my understanding of key terminology around language features and development; Politics and Government has helped me to contextualise both fictional and non-fictional literature; and Theatre Studies has introduced me to a variety of playwrights and performance techniques that will inform my study of plays. English Literature applicant

A large part of your personal statement will relate to your academic ability, the course you are applying for, and where you see it leading. You should include the following: About you • Your academic strengths and diversity • Any challenges you have overcome • Things you are most proud of About your academic study • Previous or current studies you have enjoyed • How your previous studies have prepared you for the subject you are applying for • Specific topics or modules you have enjoyed, or are looking forward to • Your academic influences

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Skills and Attributes

You will also need to write something about yourself. Why you think you would make a good university student. What makes you unique? What personal skills and attributes do you have which make you suitable for the course or career you are interested in? Pick two or three personal attributes to expand on rather than including a long list. These could be two or three of the following: Key transferable skills and attributes: - Communication - Time management - Team work - Critical thinking - Independent learning and research - Presentation - Problem-solving - Self-motivation

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I regard myself as a dedicated, conscientious and trustworthy individual, with excellent communication skills. This enables me to express empathy and warmth while being non-judgemental. These qualities will be crucial for a career in the NHS as clients will trust and appreciate that I am genuinely offering them support. Adult Nursing applicant

Relevant Experience I have been working part-time as a homecare worker to provide myself with more experience in the caring industry. My service users are older people and those with disabilities who need assistance with daily living tasks and count on me being punctual, reliable and professional. Adult Nursing applicant

What relevant experience do you have? • Work experience placements • Voluntary work • Part-time jobs For some courses, previous experience will be compulsory, but for others it will just help the university to learn more about you as an individual. You may need to think creatively where you have not been able to gain work experience in a very specific area. For example, if you are considering midwifery, then observing antenatal classes or mother and baby classes, where you can work with pregnant women and understand their needs, will be useful. If you want to work with children and young people, it is useful to have experience of a range of ages, so you can explain why you are most interested in, and suited to, a particular age range. These experiences give you another opportunity to show evidence of determination, dedication and commitment so make sure you link the skills you have to your chosen course or career, or to higher education in general. .............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................

Personal Interests

It is not compulsory to include this information but your personal interests can reveal skills and experience in a variety of areas, so you should focus on what they have taught you and what they allow you to bring to the university because of them. You could include the following: • Social activities and extracurricular commitments • Qualifications, training or awards, for example, Duke of Edinburgh, First Aid or Young Enterprise • Membership of societies • Personal achievements, for example, fundraising or charity work

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I have a keen interest in music and performance; achieving grade four piano and grade three singing and performing in Annie and Joseph with a local operatic group. I would be keen to continue developing these skills at university and intend to get involved with as many societies as possible. Dancing is a favourite pastime, achieving grade five ballet and working towards exams in both modern and tap dance. All of these experiences have further enhanced my existing team-work and negotiation skills, Education applicant

Dos and don’ts when writing your personal statement Set yourself a schedule. It will take longer than you think to write your personal statement and it is important that you allow time to review your work several times. University Student Recruitment Officer

Check it carefully! Get your teachers, friends, partner or someone else you trust to read it - out loud - to you. It's a great way to spot errors and make sure it makes sense. University Admissions Officer

What to do • • • • • • • • •

Give yourself plenty of time Draft and redraft your statement Get other people’s opinions on your qualities Be positive and enthusiastic Research the courses and universities Sell yourself – now is not the time to be modest Be unique – UCAS software checks for plagiarism Use all the space – 4000 characters or 47 lines Write your statement first, then copy and paste it into your online application • Save a copy, so you can re-read it before an interview • Check your spelling, grammar and punctuation – spellcheck does not always pick everything up • Double check your spelling, grammar and punctuation

What to avoid • • • • • • • • •

Humour – not everyone finds the same things funny Cliches, such as ‘It has always been my dream to ….’ Immature email addresses Irrelevant facts or repetition of information already in your application such as, GCSE results Spelling and grammar errors Lies or over-exaggeration – you may be tripped up at interview, or if your teachers’ reference differs from your own Lists – this is a professional piece of writing so bullet points and lists are not appropriate Impersonal or overused quotes Excuses – if there have been any extenuating circumstances your teacher can talk about these in their reference. This could include poor exam grades or lack of work experience. Mentioning universities or courses by name – the statement needs to be relevant to all courses on your application form

Open Days and University visits

Make the most of opportunities at Open Days to get advice for your Personal Statement, and university life in general. Below are some of the questions you may consider asking: What does the university look for in an applicant’s personal statement for a particular subject area? Does the course hold interviews, or is selection based on your UCAS application? How many people apply for this course, and how many places are there? What grades do I need? Can I still get a place if I don’t quite get the grades? What qualifications does the university accept? Can this be a combination of qualifications, such as A Level and BTEC? What are the modules covered as part of this course? How will the course make me more employable? Do you offer or arrange placements? What careers have previous students progressed to after graduation? What are the facilities like for this course? Is a place in student Halls of Residence guaranteed? What type of accommodation is available on and off-campus? How have you found the course so far? What are the teaching facilities, support and field trips like? (to current students) What bursaries and scholarships are there and how do you apply? How am I assessed on the course? Is this by exams, coursework or practical tasks? What clubs and societies are available?

Talks on student finance, welfare and the admissions process will normally be repeated throughout the day. But you may only get one chance to speak to a tutor or take a laboratory tour, so fit the rest of your day around that. University Director of Admissions

UCAS Timeline March to June (Year 12 or 1st Year College) Begin research into universities online using and university websites Visit UCAS fairs and university open days Find out whether work or volunteering experience would benefit your application?

June to September (Year 13 or 2nd Year College) Begin your UCAS application Decide on the courses and universities you wish to apply for Begin to draft your Personal Statement

October to December Deadline for Oxford and Cambridge applications (15th October) Deadline for medicine, dentistry and Veterinary Science applications Internal Personal Statement deadlines in many schools and colleges

January to May UCAS application deadline for most courses (15th January) UCAS application deadline for some Art and Design courses (24th March) Universities reply with offers Attend applicant visit days, interviews and auditions Decide which offers to accept as Firm and Insurance, and which to reject UCAS Extra open for those without offers

August to September Results Day Clearing available for those who have not achieved the required grades Adjustment available for those who exceed their grades and wish to change their decisions

Start University

Checklist Which subject(s) do you want to study at university? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Which universities would you like to apply for? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................




Have you checked the entry requirements for these courses/universities? When are the Open Days for these universities? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Top tip – check dates of Open Days well in advance to make sure they don’t clash

Applying to university Have you watched the ‘How to’ videos on the UCAS website? There is a video to help you complete each section of the application form Have you filled in the five sections in this booklet? Make notes or draw a mind map to help you start planning what to include in your personal statement What is your school or college deadline for completing your personal statement? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Have you asked for feedback from your personal tutor or careers advisor on your personal statement? Have you checked all your university application? Top tip – Make sure there are no spelling or grammar mistakes and that all of your details are correct

What next? What offers have you received back from your university choices? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...............................................




Top tip – If you haven’t received any offers from your university choices you will become eligible for UCAS Extra, go to your Track page to access this

Do you have to attend an interview or audition for any of your choices? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If so, have you looked at the University website for information about the interview? Top tip – Make sure to re-read your application as they might ask you questions about it

Have you been invited to Post-Application Visit Days for the universities you are applying for? Top tip – these days are designed to help you decide which university you would like to put as your firm and insurance choice. You will get to see the campus and facilities as well as speaking to staff and students in more detail about your chosen course

Have you applied for Student Finance? You must do this by 6th May in order to get your money on time Which university have you decided to put as your firm choice? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Which university have you decided to put as your insurance choice? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . When do you have to apply for your Student Accommodation? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Top tip – Watch the videos on the UCAS website about Clearing and Adjustment in case you need to use either service on results day

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