Degree magazine issue 2

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Kerry Howard: from Edge Hill student to star Freshers’ guide

Issue Two - Summer 2013

New creative campus explored

Healthy, low cost recipes to pull out and keep



Welcome Welcome to the second edition of Degree, the magazine that modestly aims to inform, excite, inspire and reassure our latest HE applicants and enquirers about life in HE’s fast lane. This time round we focus on the development of the £16m Creative Edge facility, which will bring together several departments and revolutionise the way we teach and how we encourage the creative process in all areas, from computing to design to business to writing. Elsewhere, we give you a heads up on what to expect in your first few weeks on campus, and how to get ahead of the game.

Gareth Dowling SU President BA (Hons) Journalism

Dubliner Gareth wants to help struggling or upset students, and get them involved, as he did when he took students to London in 2010 to protest against rising tuition fees. He’s also introducing a RateYourLandlord scheme, which recognises the best student landlords. He advises freshers to talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime: “Don’t be afraid to speak to the person standing next to you in the queue for enrolment or at the bar.” And his dream SU event? “I’d love someone like Robbie Williams to do an outdoor gig with 5000 students! I’ll keep dreaming…”

Contents 01° Meet our Students’ Union Team

03° Settling In

05° Seminars and Sandwich Years 07° Your Support Services

08° The Arts Centre

09° Pride and Prejudice... and Dragons

11° Kerry Howard 13° Get App-y

15° Student Short Story

17° Rodge Glass: Script Doctor 19° Red Rose Day

20° Staff Profile: Jenni Woodward

21° Creativity Rises in the East 23° Getting Started

Production Team Sam Armstrong Andy Butler Nick Lodge Mark Molloy

Cover Image Kerry Howard Photographer: David Price.

Emma-Jane ‘Em-J’ Samworth Vice President, Faculty of Arts and Sciences BA (Hons) Drama and English

Former student guide and cat lover Em-J loves meeting new and prospective students, seeing how excited they all are. She’s keen to make sure students feeling depressed or under pressure have somewhere to turn. She recommends first years investigate as many societies as possible at Freshers’ Fair as it’s a great way to meet people. With unlimited budget and total control her dream SU event would involve Fall Out Boy, and everyone dressed as cats. Hmmm…



Kayley Wilson Vice President, Faculty of Education BA (Hons) Primary Education with QTS

Kayley once dressed as a giant hippo at a children’s party. This hasn’t put her off working with young people, though. She’s determined to make students fully aware of how the SU can help them make the most of their university experience, as it’s over all too quickly. Her own Freshers’ Week remains her most memorable time, even though “doing stuff with a group of people you’ve only just met sounds crazy!” As an SU officer she dreams of holding a huge festival with lots of bands. And, Channing Tatum.

Fresh Faces

Students’ Union Team 2013/14

These are the people that have been elected to represent our students – in University, nationally and internationally, making sure the student voice is heard, and ensuring you're having the best possible time at Edge Hill. They provide support, and run campaigns, organise events, and raise issues on your behalf.

If you have any issues, want to talk to somebody, or have any ideas or suggestions, just drop in, or email them.

They aim to help make your student experience as memorable, exciting and rewarding as you want it to be. For a sneak preview of Freshers’ Week 2013/14 activities, visit

Christian ‘Mitsi’ Mitsiaras Vice President, Faculty of Health and Social Care BSc (Hons) Pre-registration Mental Health Nursing

Christian loves engaging with the University and other students. He loved his own Freshers’ Week: “It’s the least responsibility you’ll ever have, and you don’t get to re-live it!”, but wisely advises freshers not to let a good night get out of hand. His dream SU event would involve an 80s/90s themed fancy dress night, complete with some mind-blowing luminescent outfits. You have been warned!


Settling In





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Music/DVDs: annoy your neighbours or make new friends. Photos and posters: make your room your own. Tea, coffee and a bottle opener: be the host with the most. Recipe books: the novelty of beans and Pot Noodles wears off eventually. Bike: Ormskirk is within easy biking distance of beautiful countryside, and the beach.

Halls essentials

Find out more:



Seminars and Sandwich Years: tricks of the uni teaching trade

At university you’ll encounter new faces, new places, new tastes, new haircuts, new friends, new and exotic forms of body art, even.

But in this brave new world you will also have to do some studying. And studying at university presents new challenges. You’ll experience fresh ways of delivering information, receiving information, and working with other people towards a common goal. So, along with your new books and clothes, fully-stocked larder, and an open mind, it’s really useful to familiarise yourself with some of these teaching and learning methods before you arrive. Dissertation A long essay on a particular subject, especially one written for a university degree or diploma.

Field Trip A trip made by students or research workers to study something at first hand. Group Work Work done by a group in collaboration.

Lecture An educational talk to an audience, especially one of students in a university.

Oral Presentation A speech or talk in which a new product, idea, or piece of work is shown and explained to an audience. Personal Tutor An academic who will oversee all academic, social and personal aspects of your time at uni.

Placement The temporary posting of someone in a workplace to enable them to gain work experience.


Plagiarism The practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own.

Referencing When writing assignments, you will regularly refer to work by other authors, which you must acknowledge. The Harvard system is the HE standard. It may seem an extra bind, but referencing is absolutely essential when producing credible academic work. It also shows you’ve researched your topic, directs readers to the information you have used, and enables you to avoid the pitfalls of the dreaded p-word: plagiarism.

No need to worry, though, as our Learning Services team run tutorial sessions to familiarise you with the system:

Sandwich Year Avoiding lame jokes about boring 12-month diets, this is a year spent in the workplace as part of your degree programme gaining invaluable experience.

Seminar A class at university in which a topic is discussed by a tutor and a small group of students.

Tutorial A period of tuition given by a university or college tutor to an individual or very small group (see also Seminar).

Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) A system designed to support teaching and learning within an educational setting.

Our VLE is called Learning Edge, a suite of programs and systems which can be accessed online to support your learning experience. At the heart of Learning Edge is Blackboard Learn which is where you will find your course or module areas. It’s used in a number of ways, from fully-online teaching and learning to supplementing face-to-face learning.

Workshop A meeting at which a group of people engage in intensive discussion and activity on a particular subject or project.


Your Support Services 07°


Name: Paula Dalziel

Job title: Residential Life Adviser (RLA)

“As part of the Hall Support Team, the RLA enlightens students about activities on campus and in the wider community, encouraging them to get involved.

“Edge Hill University now has over 1,700 students living on campus. Imagine you’re away from home for the first time, living with a group of new people, starting a course with high expectations. While most students find the adjustment to this new world manageable, some struggle.

Edge Hill University provides a comprehensive student support service. We can help you with almost anything to do with your University life, whether you need advice on managing your finances, help with accommodation, health issues or timetabling, or even a confidential one-to-one with a qualified counsellor.

Our student support services are accessed via our dedicated on-campus Student Information Centre which is open 8:30am7:30pm Monday to Thursday and 8:30am-5:00pm Friday during term time. You can contact the Student Information Desk on 01695 584554 or just call in and someone will point you in the right direction. Support for students with a disability or specific learning difficulty (SpLD), such as dyslexia, is provided through our Inclusive Services team who have highly experienced staff members to support you. For details about the team and how to get in touch visit our website at or email

Our impressive library, IT and support facilities across all campuses ensure you get the most out of extensive information resources and excellent learning facilities. We have helpful, specialist staff who provide virtual and personal support. You will find lots of information, help and support on the website, including our “ask a question” service, or you can follow the University Library on facebook and twitter:

T: F:

“Freshers get caught up in the whirlwind of Freshers’ Week, and information overload is quite common. For those who enjoy socialising it can be great fun – students have told me they don’t even unpack until they’ve been here for a week or two. Nevertheless, less gregarious students need to know that lots of activities around campus are available for them too. “At the same time students who’ve previously always been confident and outgoing may feel a bit overwhelmed. Usually they just need to realise that their feelings are quite normal and most of their peers will be having the same thoughts. This allows them to reflect on how they’d like to get involved.

“My advice to freshers? Firstly, remember to take five minutes out each day to reflect on all the new and good things that you’re experiencing. Secondly, remind yourself why you wanted to come to university in the first place, and if you’re finding it challenging, talk. There’s a great deal of support available, with new friendships, new classmates and support services – talk, talk, talk. “When I was studying I began to realise that the feeling of ‘uni community’ has a lot to do with how much I was involved. I became the postgraduate representative for my student cohort – it was the best part of my student experience. Other options include being part of societies, sporting activities, and volunteering.”




Our Arts Centre features the Rose Theatre, a professional and fully-accessible 200-seat facility, and the Studio Theatre for films and performances. It hosts touring companies and alternative artists, and caters to all tastes, including drama, literature, dance, music, physical theatre and comedy. The Red Bar and bistro area are open on a daily basis. Autumn highlights include:

23rd September 2nd October 14th October 18th October 25th October

31st October 11th – 16th November 27th November

Duncan Oakley, comedian Teechers Translunar Paradise Phoenix Nights’ Justin Moorhouse, comedian Halloween Special: a night of ghost stories Steve Harris, comedian Performances by our third year Performing Arts students Andy White, comedian

Justin Moorhouse

And look out for our legendary Open Mic nights once a month, and the Short Cuts season of films on the big screen.

Don’t miss our special Freshers’ offers and student discounts.

F: TheArtsCentreEHU T: ArtsCentreEHU W:


Pride and Prejudice… and Dragons



here you are, browsing this year’s reading list: Pride and Prejudice, Hamlet, Wuthering Heights, Great Expectations, The Call of Cthulhu, Brideshead Revisited. Hold on, rewind slightly. The Call of Cthulhu? That may not sound like a classic of English literature, but at Edge Hill, literature and creative writing students are encouraged to look beyond books to other forms of writing – short stories, films, comic books, computer games, interactive fiction. And they can now add classic role-playing games (RPGs) to that list.

To many, RPGs are the sole reserve of geeks and freaks, a world where people dress up as wizards and Amazonian warriors, and arrive at a friend’s house with nothing more than a set of dice and the desire to either save or destroy the world. But Dr Peter Wright sees real value in understanding the requirements of RPG storytelling, and has developed what is one of the first modules, certainly in the UK, to take an academic approach to writing for RPGs:

“It’s actually about increasing creative skills in terms of characterisation, plot structuring, creation of story worlds, making students aware of the practices of genre, particularly the popular genres like science fiction, horror, fantasy, crime, all those generic opportunities they might have for writing.” So, students don’t have to turn up for class in pointy, bestarred hats and learn the rules of Quidditch by heart. The course is really about becoming a better storyteller, and a more versatile writer:

“To be a good fiction writer you’ve got to be a good plotter, and one of the best ways of learning about plot is to write something that’s going to be tested by a group of people around a table. You get a much more acute sense of how difficult, or how important, a coherent, organised, logical plot is, and how dangerous plot holes are.”


Typically groups will play-test each other’s scenarios for several hours, flagging up anything that doesn’t work. The challenge for students is to find a balance between the ingenious and the impossible. For example, one recent student’s scenario, set in India in the 1920s, and involving a curse (of course), began in a hotel lobby. The plot was so complex, however, that players didn’t even make it out of the lobby. For the final assessed piece, characters and playing area were much more finely-tuned.

“We're trying to broaden students’ horizons in terms of what they can actually write for. So it's not only about poetry, prose, script, it's about tabletop gaming, it's about computer gaming, because at the end of the day if they want to earn money from writing, they're probably going to be writing across a range of media. Most of the successful commercial writers are either very well known for one specific thing – Stephen King, for example – but for the jobbing writer, they write comic books, they write novels, they write franchise novels, they write novelisations, they write games. So it's really lifting the employability of the students.” Resident Edge Hill novelist, biographer, graphic novelist and short story writer Rodge Glass would agree that to succeed as a writer you now need to embrace every writing opportunity: "As a relatively young writer, I want to show our students how the industry is changing. Gone are the days when writers could just lock themselves in their rooms, there is more pressure to go out there, be heard, set up blogs, websites and perform. I can help them to understand the publishing world in the 21st Century and help them to build their confidence and develop their own voice."



Dr Peter Wright’s Introduction to Role-playing games

The Call of Cthulhu

Tabletop roleplaying in the universe of horror writer HP Lovecraft. Keeping your character alive and sane can be quite challenging. Playing and writing for the game is great practice for anyone interested in horror and dark fantasy.

With a module on writing for computer games already in the pipeline, and Creative Edge conjuring so many collaborative opportunities, Peter is keen to take advantage:

“Writing for the graphic novel, comic book writing, is something we'd like to develop. The graphic novel is enjoying incredible growth in popularity as a serious art form. It's taken a while for academics to catch onto that but over the last ten years the academic discourse about graphic novels has really grown. Creative writing needs to step beyond poetry, prose and drama because there are so many other opportunities for writers.”

To paraphrase many a writer over the years, creative writing opportunities at Edge Hill University: to be continued…

A brief history of role-playing games

A role-playing game is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, and according to a formal system of rules.

1974 saw the introduction of the first RPG Dungeons & Dragons, and the genre enjoyed growing popularity, peaking in the 1980s. RPGs briefly went into decline with the growth in computer game technology, but have enjoyed a renaissance in the 21st century, possibly as a result of the growth in independent publishing in tandem with online advancements.

Dungeons & Dragons

The original tabletop roleplaying game, it first appeared in 1974. Great fun but overshadowed now by Pathfinder. Both are complex fantasy RPGs set in worlds of high adventure, swords and sorcery.

Star Wars: Edge of Empire

The new Star Wars tabletop roleplaying game looks to set new standards in space adventure gaming. And no sign of Jar-Jar Binks.

Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space

A tabletop RPG set in the 'Who' universe. Fast-paced, authentic and easy to play, the Doctor Who RPG captures the flavour of both old and new ‘Who’..

Planescape: Torment

Based on the tabletop Advanced Dungeons & Dragons ‘Planescape’ game setting, Torment is a beautifully rendered, retro PC game now available for download from Great story, complex plotting and a floating skull. What more could you want?


Kerry Howard: funny lady Alumni Profile




Come Dine With Edge Hill University

Pull O ut & Ke ep

Our pull-out-and-keep guide to eating healthily on a shoestring budget is designed to get you started on the road to culinary enlightenment.

These are just a few suggestions to set you off on your gastronomic journey – add to them as you go along. Test out recipes with your new friends, share them around halls, experiment with the new and bizarre ingredients you come across in Ormskirk’s weekly market.

Food doesn’t have to be expensive to be interesting, different, and, above all, tasty – sometimes you just need a bit of confidence. These simple recipes will hopefully give you a taste for experimentation.

Tuck in!



Smoked Haddock Cakes with Mustard Mayo

Spaghetti Bolognese

Ingredients For the Fish Cakes 350g mashed potatoes 175g white fish eg cod 175g smoked haddock 300ml white wine or fish stock 4 spring onions, chopped 1 tbsp chopped parsley 1 tbsp plain flour, seasoned with pepper 1 tbsp oil salt and pepper

Ingredients 20 ml of olive oil 1 small onion, finely chopped 1 small carrot, finely chopped 1 celery stick, finely chopped 1 garlic clove, crushed 200g extra lean minced beef 1 tablespoon tomato purée Pinch of dried mixed herbs 250ml (¼ pint) beef stock Salt and black pepper 200g (3oz) dried spaghetti For a vegetarian option, use Quorn in place of minced beef

Fish isn’t everyone’s favourite, but it’s really healthy. Fishcakes are an ideal introduction to the wonders of the deep.

For the Mustard Mayo 1 tsp wholegrain mustard 50g of Light Mayonnaise

Method 1 Boil and mash the potatoes.

2 Cook the fish in the wine or fish stock for 5-6 minutes, or until cooked through. Allow to cool before flaking the fish into decent-sized chunks. Season with salt and pepper.

3 Mix together the cooked and mashed potatoes, fish, spring onions, mayonnaise and parsley.

4 Shape mixture into balls and flatten, dust in seasoned flour and fry in oil for five minutes (turning halfway).

5 Mix wholegrain mustard and mayonnaise together, serve with fishcakes. Chef's tip Try serving with granary bread and a side salad.

Michael Wichmann, Executive Chef at Edge Hill University.

This Italian dish has been a student favourite since time immemorial.

Method 1 Add a small amount of oil to a non-stick saucepan and when hot, tip in the onion, carrot, celery and garlic. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for a few minutes until the vegetables are soft and beginning to turn golden brown.

2 Add the minced beef and cook, stirring for about five minutes until brown. 3 Stir in the tomato purée, herbs, stock and seasoning. Cover and simmer gently for ten minutes.

4 Meanwhile, cook the spaghetti in plenty of boiling water, following the packet instructions. Drain well.

5 Place the spaghetti onto a plate and spoon the Bolognese sauce over the top.

Chef's tip Bolognese sauce can be frozen so you can save any leftovers for another day. Michael Wichmann

Asian Style Prawn Salad with Sweet Chilli Sauce

A quick (10 mins), tasty salad for two which uses some unusual ingredients.

Ingredients 250g bag of ready prepared salad leaves, ideally rocket and lambs lettuce 1/2 cucumber 50g cherry tomatoes 50g cooked edamame beans 50g cooked and sliced green beans 150g of small prawns cooked Quarter bottle of Sweet Mandarin Sweet Chilli dipping sauce 1 lime to garnish

Method 1 Slice the cucumber into moon shapes by cutting 1/3 of the cucumber. Halve the cucumber and lay the seeds flat on the board. Slice the cucumber into even moon shapes. 2 Halve the cherry tomatoes.

3 Rinse the salad leaves in water.

4 Wash the edamame beans and green beans in cold water and drain.

5 In a mixing bowl, add the salad leaves, cucumber, tomatoes, edamame beans and sliced green beans. Stir in three tablespoons of Sweet Mandarin Sweet Chilli dipping sauce and toss through the salad.

6 Scoop the dressed salad into a plate and lay the salad on top of each other.

7 Place the cooked prawns on top of the salad and drizzle 1-2 tsp of Sweet Mandarin Sweet Chilli Dipping Sauce on the prawns.

8 Garnish with a wedge of fresh lime.

Chef's tip Edamame is a popular side dish at Japanese izakaya restaurants. To cook, the pods can be boiled in water, steamed or microwaved. Helen Tse, Sweet Mandarin



The Ultimate Barbecue Ribs

Salmon with Stir-fry

Chilli Bean Enchiladas

Ingredients 1 rack of baby back ribs (450g) 1 bottle of Sweet Mandarin Barbecue Dipping Sauce (300ml)

Ingredients Salmon fillet 1 garlic clove, crushed ½ inch piece root ginger, grated or finely chopped Fresh red chilli deseeded and finely chopped Stir fry mix (most supermarkets do very good bags for approximately £1) Fresh lime Olive oil Sesame seeds Fresh tomato salsa (optional)

Ingredients 25ml olive oil 200g lean minced beef 1 onion, peeled and chopped ½ teaspoon hot chilli powder 200g can chopped tomatoes 1 red pepper, diced 200g can red kidney beans, drained and well rinsed 4 soft flour tortillas 30g Cheddar cheese, grated

Serves two, this classic Chinese dish takes 10 minutes to prepare, and is ready to eat in two hours.

Method 1 Wash the baby back ribs in the sink.

2 Cover a baking tray with tinfoil. Lay the baby back ribs on the tray.

3 Pour 3/4 of the Barbecue Dipping Sauce over the ribs and baste the meat on both sides

4 Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F/Fan 180°C/Gas Mark 6 for five minutes. Turn the oven down to 150°C/Gas Mark 2 and slow cook the ribs for 1.5hours. Then for the last 30 minutes increase the temperature to 200°C/400°F/Fan180°C/ Gas Mark 6 until the sauce bubbles and caramelises.

5 Remove from the oven and let the rack of ribs stand for a minute. Then slice each rib with a carving knife. The barbecue ribs will be moist and intense in flavour.

Chef's tip Eat with your fingers, as you will have the pleasure of licking them clean once the ribs have been polished off. Helen Tse, Sweet Mandarin

10 – 12 minutes preparation and cooking time. Average cost, less than £5 per portion.

Method 1 Lightly oil the salmon and lightly sprinkle with sesame seeds and either place under grill or in a frying pan on the stove. Allow to cook for 6-8 minutes on a medium heat or less if you prefer salmon pink in the middle. Turn the salmon at half time for an even cook.

2 Whilst the salmon is cooking, add a glug of oil to a hot frying pan or wok, add your garlic, ginger and chilli to the pan and allow to soften but not brown. Add your stir-fry mix and toss around the pan for a few minutes to soften the vegetables.

3 When your stir-fry mix is softened with still a little crunch, transfer to a hot plate and top with the salmon fillet.

Chef's tip Add a squeeze of fresh lime and more sesame seeds to taste, and a tablespoon of tomato salsa on top, if required. Recipe from the Fat Olive kitchen. The Ormskirk restaurant offers students 10% off on production of student ID.

This Mexican staple is simple to make. If you’re feeling brave, add extra chilli.

Method 1 Add the oil to a hot saucepan, add mince and onion and fry, stirring until the meat is browned.

2 Stir in the chilli powder, tomatoes and pepper. Bring to the boil and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

3 Stir in the beans and heat through.

4 Meanwhile heat the tortillas according to pack instructions, then fill each with chilli bean mix and place on an ovenproof dish. Pour over any remaining chilli mix and sprinkle with the cheese.

5 Place under a hot grill until cheese has melted and serve with salad.

Chef's tip Discount shops are an excellent source of cheap, branded ingredients, including tortillas. Michael Wichmann



Life is Sweet Alumni Profile: Helen Tse

Successful lawyer, businesswoman and author, Helen Tse, comes from a long line of inspirational, entrepreneurial Chinese women. Now, with a teaching qualification under her belt, she is turning Sweet Mandarin, the awardwinning Manchester restaurant she runs with her two sisters, into a place where education, culture and great food meet.

“I grew up around food. My parents owned a Chinese takeaway in Manchester and every day after school we would come home, get our aprons on and help out. Our schoolwork fitted around the shop. However, my parents knew it was a tough industry and were very keen that their children should have professional careers.

“I studied Law at Cambridge and worked as a lawyer in London and Hong Kong for ten years. My sisters and I had thought about setting up a business together but it was a family holiday to trace our roots in Hong Kong and China that made us want to continue a tradition begun by our pioneering grandmother, Lily Kwok. She came to England as a single mother and went on to establish one of the first Chinese

restaurants in the UK. Lung Fung became a Manchester institution, dishing up authentic Chinese food to locals and celebrities alike – legend has it that Cliff Richard, The Hollies and even The Beatles ate there in the 60s.

“We opened our restaurant, Sweet Mandarin, in 2004. Our aim has always been to give something back to our community and to inspire the next generation not just to think about and appreciate food, but also to show them that you can be successful whatever your background. When we started working with school groups I realised I wanted to get a professional teaching qualification to take the education side of the business to the next level.

“Edge Hill came highly recommended by my sister Janet, who had completed her PGCE there. Although I found getting back into an academic mindset difficult at first, I loved my time at Edge Hill and the skills and techniques I learned on the course have been invaluable to my work at Sweet Mandarin. We now have a contract with Manchester Council to run masterclasses in food technology, science and entrepreneurship for 175 schools.

“It was through food that I unravelled our family history and it was through food that I wanted to tell it. My grandmother and I used to go shopping in a Chinese supermarket every week and each time she picked up a packet or bottle, it would trigger a memory. I had originally wanted to write a cookbook with stories behind each recipe, but when my publisher told me that there were no other books by British-born Chinese authors that documented the journey of Cantonese-speaking immigrants to the UK, I felt compelled to write Lily’s story.

“Lily always said there are many things in life that divide us; but the one thing that unites us is food. I like to think her memory, as much as her dishes, lives on in Sweet Mandarin and I hope that it becomes the same focus for our community as Lung Fung was for hers.”

Try out a couple of Helen’s recipes in our pull-out-and-keep guide.

Sweet Mandarin by Helen Tse is published by Random House. For more information visit:




f you aim high, you’ll reach the sky, if you aim low, you’ll never know.

These words adorned Kerry Howard’s bedroom wall from her first day at Edge Hill University, cheesy, she readily admits, but they got her through the tough times and kept her eyes on the prize: becoming a working actor. Now, whether performing in a portaloo at the Edinburgh Fringe or working with some of Britain’s brightest comedy stars, Edge Hill University Drama graduate Kerry Howard is happy because ‘the best thing about acting is quite simply work’. She met her agent in that particular toilet, in the nicest possible way, and began to carve a career in comic acting, in British films Wedding Video and I Give It a Year, but most famously as Laura in hit BBC comedy series Him & Her: “I’ve just finished work on the fourth series. My role has been developed and Laura has become more insecure and arrogant. She’s an emotional mess but I love her.” Kerry’s come a long way since rocking up at Edge Hill University, where her eyes were really opened:

Hooked on the whiff of greasepaint, Kerry was determined to open the curtain on her own career in one of the most competitive working environments:

“Not working is an occupational hazard, it’s something you can’t avoid, no matter how talented you are. There’ll come a time when you won’t work for a long period, but you can either wait for your agent to call or you can get out there and put on your own shows in fringe venues, do the stand-up venues if you’re funny or, if it’s too lonely, grab a friend and force them to be funny with you in a sketch. That’s what I did. “I spent a year after uni doing endless auditions in London and then went to drama school part-time for another year, but still didn’t have an agent, so I tried the comedy route and within a month was at the Edinburgh Festival in a sketch group called the Umbrella Birds.”

“Whether performing in a portaloo at the Edinburgh Fringe or working with some of Britain’s brightest comedy stars, drama graduate Kerry Howard is happy because ‘the best thing about acting is quite simply work’.”

“I learnt so much about the history of theatre and drama theory. I loved studying physical theatre and learning about [German dancer and choreographer] Pina Bausch and [dance troupe] DV8, and we were encouraged to create our own pieces. My tutors also taught me to be proactive; I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t created my first job, a sketch show in Edinburgh called Where’s Yak?” Kerry’s resolve to follow her chosen career path remained undimmed through uni:

“Every actor just wants to get up every day and walk on stage or set and be something else other than themselves. I love acting and if I’d gone into it as a career because I wanted to be famous or meet exciting people then it would soon become extremely boring.”

Films and sitcoms apart, her burgeoning brilliant career has also seen her perform her own comedy sketches on BBC3 Three, with Lu Corfield, and work with Vic Reeves, ‘a comedy thunderstar’. And to anyone looking to follow in her illustrious footsteps?

“There’s no clear route, there is only your route. Be patient and persistent. If you want money, go work in an office; if you want fame, be in a reality show; if you want to act, then put yourself in an environment that will encourage that, whether that is a drama school, an improvisation class, doing five-minute stand-up sets, working as an extra, or as an elf at Harrods. I did all five…and more.” To paraphrase ‘comedy thunderstar’ Vic Reeves, Kerry’s clearly no workshy fop, and takes the industry’s obstacles in her stride. Not one to rest on her laurels, Kerry is currently filming Give Out Girls, a new comedy series costarring Diana Vickers for Sky Living HD, as well as Him & Her: The Wedding which will air on BBC Three later this year. Check out Kerry’s comedy sketches:



Get App-y


he creator of the next Angry Birds could well be working alongside a graphic design student and a sound effects undergraduate in our own Creative Edge building.

When it opens in September, our new creative hothouse will be home to media, design and music students. It will also be the permanent home to the computing department, Edge Hill having identified the increasing overlap between technology, creativity and communication. On the eve of the department’s move, Dr Ella Pereira, Reader in Computing, Director of Research and lecturer in Mobile Application Development, sheds some light on this rapidly expanding industry.

“Apps can be very simple, like noises and vibrations, or complicated, such as games, which need games programming software. For the younger generation, games are the most popular, but I use apps such as iPlayer and 4OD, to read news online or to check emails,” says Ella.

Apps certainly come in all shapes and sizes. A recent online straw poll of “must-have” apps threw up, amongst many, many others, weather forecasters, metronomes and tuners, fitness monitors, torch/tools, maps, video viewers, and a periodic table tutorial. Not to mention Roger’s Profanisaurus from the Viz comic writing team. Recent research suggests that by 2050 there will be around 2,000 devices per household, or even person. Each one will require some level of application development.

App development was in its infancy when Ella was tasked with building the Edge Hill programme – “there was no Android, Apple wasn’t so well known” – and she initially taught Symbian, the Nokia-favoured programming platform.



But things change very quickly in computing. Smart phones arrived, the Symbian platform wasn’t powerful enough to support them, Nokia lost its market-leading position, the world moved on. So, while Nokia regrouped, Ella had to make a decision on which direction to take the course – Apple or Android?

“Apple is well-known for its interactive design, it’s easy for ordinary users to use, it’s intuitive and you don’t need experience of interacting with devices – this is why they’re so popular – but when it comes to functionality Android is as good.”

Without wading too far into jargon-infested waters, Ella’s students have been developing apps such as a tennis training app which explains how to make certain shots, a student cookbook, supported by a database – “not as simple as it appears”, and a personal health app, which stores data, such as temperature and blood pressure, and contacts your GP or carer if a reading is abnormal.

“What the students like is that they can see the results of their programming. It appears very simple but there is a lot of coding behind it, and when they load it onto their devices, the students love to see it,” says Ella.

But once again the lines between app technologies are blurring. With some of the most popular free downloads being social networking apps such as facebook, Twitter and YouTube, things to do when you’re on the move, devices and platforms have become increasingly versatile, and the internet cheaper and more accessible:

“That’s the next step for us – there’s no need to divide students between app-type development. You can now have hybrid applications with all the advantages of web-based applications, but if you’re not connected you can still use your application. When you become part of whatever network your application can automatically interact with the server again, you don’t have to re-connect. ”

In May 2013, the 50 billionth iOS app was downloaded. The lucky customer received $10,000, although this appears small potatoes once you realise Apple take 30% of all downloads from their iStore. So is app development a good career choice?

“We don’t teach students one specific software package, we give them a foundation in computing. In terms of careers, I think it’s a very good place to be – do you see us going back and living without these devices? No.”

Surrounded by so much creative potential, and a thriving industry containing at least six of the world’s top ten brands (Branddirectory, 2012), including Apple, the future at Edge Hill University certainly looks rosy.

In the meantime, get ahead of the game and take a look at some free coding basics:

Name: Philip Andrews Course: BSc (Hons) Computing (Systems and Software) Current role: Mobile Application Developer, Apposing “Learning to develop Android apps was one of the most enjoyable experiences during my time at Edge Hill. Since joining Apposing I’ve worked on a wide range of apps which have not only developed my Android skills, but also my app design skills. I’m getting to do what I love every single day. One of the most amazing things about the mobile app sector is that it’s ever-changing. We’re always going to be developing new apps and updating old ones. I’m hoping to open my own business one day.

“I work with a total of 12 people in Apposing, including designers and developers. We work together as a team to develop top end applications for our clients, we all have input into the design and development of the apps. We work together in brainstorming sessions and everyone is able to input ideas. One of the advantages of working like this is that we’re able to bring together a lot of creative ideas.” Some of the apps Philip has worked on:

CSL Sofas “When I first started at Apposing, I was tasked with finishing part of the development of this app although I wasn’t part of the design process.” Yookos “This is a social network site that was the first app that I worked on as part of the development team.” Cabfind “This is a booking service for clientele of a taxi firm in Liverpool.” Prolific North “This is a RSS reader app for a news company in Liverpool.” TEDxLiverpool “I developed the app to go alongside the iOS version for TEDxLiverpool 2012.” Chester Zoo “I have worked on updates to this app, adding in information and removing information.”




dam Hampton, an English Language with Creative Writing undergraduate, has always had a deep interest in literature and language, what he calls ‘the nooks and crannies, the little skills and techniques that all build to create a AMENDED CS-1262a - Degree Issue 2 -piece of poetry or fiction’. Studying at Edge Hill University has provided him with not only the skills to produce his own creative work, but also a range of mentors: ‘It’s a lot easier to achieve to the best of your ability when you have real respect for those teaching you on a daily basis.’ Read the prize-winning culmination of his first year at Edge Hill.

Fable 13 Adam Hampton:



Fable 13 A thirty-something man that nobody has ever seen before stands in plain clothes on a busy inner-city street holding a vast umbrella of individually tethered balloons. All of the balloons are white.

This is a city of grey and black, where the people are selfish and greedy. This is a city where the winners win and the losers lose. Where sharp suits and tailored shoes are more important than random acts of kindness. The smile is a weapon used to blanket deception; the wink a sign of some dark secrecy shared between highfliers. This is a city that has forgotten its name.

The enormous plastic mushroom filled with lighter-than-air air is a plaything for the wind, and should threaten to lift the man from the ground and float him away. But the man resists it. He manages somehow, with ease and elegance, to keep his feet on the ground beneath the towering canopy. The man is smiling.

The man has a simple piece of cardboard hanging from his neck by a simple piece of string. The sign tells passers-by to ask the man for a free balloon. Some people do take a balloon, watching as he plucks with weathered fingers one of the fine, white threads from the thick bunch and hands it to them. They thank him, sometimes verbally, sometimes with a smile, and sometimes just with their eyes. The man doesn’t speak, not a single word. He simply stands and gives away his balloons, feeling the burden of their pull on his arm lessen with every one he gives away.

Some people pass the man paying him no notice at all. They simply ignore him and keep a brisk and disinterested pace, their heads bowed and their minds hypnotised by mobile phone screens. Some people do notice the man but flash him a disapproving or confused look whilst uttering ‘lunatic,’ or ‘weirdo’ under their breath (the more cowardly say it silently in their minds.) But the man has a secret.

And only the man knows what it is. The balloons aren’t filled with helium as the passers-by might assume, but with something completely different altogether. They’re filled with a commodity that in this dark, dank city it is usually impossible to catch, or to confine, or redistribute.

Now, it is generally accepted that when a balloon has endured the darkness of the world for a week or so, it will, slowly and regrettably, fade and wither. The tight skin on its exterior will start to wrinkle and loosen, and the overall size and shape will deteriorate, changing from the perfectly shaped dome of a young, reflective membrane, to something resembling the skin on an elderly plum. But the man’s balloons are different. They are everlasting balloons.

They will never age or wilt. They won’t give you a sad surprise one morning in your home, as you step into the kitchen in your pyjamas to see it like a skinned animal on the tiled floor. They won’t burst suddenly when you’re sitting in a nook reading a book. The balloons are beyond time.

Of course, the balloons do have it hard sometimes, as their owners knot them to their wrists and take them everywhere with them: the supermarket, to work, to the new balloon appreciation buildings popping up all over town. The balloons are subject to the wind, and they will mark and blemish if caught in an accident. But they are everlasting, and somehow their wounds heal, overnight or over the course of a lifetime, they always heal.

The balloons would become a rare and desired object in the city, with those lucky enough to own one keeping it with them at all times, and finding themselves holding an inflated status on society’s hierarchical ladder. Generations would go by with the balloons being passed from mother to daughter, father to son. The balloons never change: always white, always large, and always looking over their owners. Each day the man returned to the same spot in town. Most of the people still ignored him, but he gave balloons to those who wanted them from his ever-depleting collection. But one day, after several years, the man had just one solitary balloon left. A crowd of balloon-less people began to gather. The frightful chatter was of hopelessness, of despair, of regret.

“We missed our chance!” screamed one angry young woman.

“Bring us more you selfish bastard!” added a second. And, without warning, the man was attacked by the mob. Nobody ever saw him again.

Nobody ever saw his last balloon again. His balloons were filled with… Love.

Name: Adam Hampton Course: BA (Hons) English Language with Creative Writing

“I love language, but having some idea of how to make that language work in creative contexts is a real gift. I’d like to develop those skills within myself – the nooks and crannies, the little skills and techniques that all build to create a piece of poetry or fiction.

“My tutors, particularly Rodge Glass, have definitely inspired me. He’s added to the subject that little extra bit of magic that a brilliant tutor can. I consider myself lucky, as at Edge Hill the corridors seem full of them. It’s a lot easier to achieve to the best of your ability when you have real respect for those teaching you on a daily basis.”


Rodge Glass: Script Doctor





found it very difficult to find an artist that didn’t want to do large breasts and large guns, and stuff exploding everywhere.”

Dr Rodge Glass, Edge Hill’s ‘lecturer of making things up’, is outlining one of the challenges of writing his first graphic novel, Dougie’s War, about a soldier returning to civilian life and struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – ‘the war after the war’. It was nominated for Best Publication and Best Illustration at the Scottish Creative Awards, and for Best Graphic Novel at the Scottish Indie Comic Book Awards.

His career to date has seen him cover a variety of literary formats – biography, novel, short story. When the chance to produce a graphic novel arose, he was both excited, as a fan of the format, and challenged, to reach audiences for which reading isn’t necessarily second nature: teenagers considering the services, and ex-service people.

Writing a graphic novel was a steep learning curve for Rodge, mentored in the craft of the wordsmith by, amongst others, eccentrically brilliant Scottish writer Alasdair Gray. Rodge almost had to rip up everything he’d learnt so far:

“I realised very quickly that I had a lot of stuff in the bubbles where actually the pictures were doing the work for me, and I needed to then modify my original script. I’m generally a literary writer…but in this, every ten pages has to be a chapter, every two pages something needs to happen, you’ve got a certain amount of panels for each one, you have to move – and move fast.”

Finding an artistic partner wasn’t straightforward either. The predilection for well-endowed women and heavy artillery amongst the graphic novel artistic community limited choice. In Dave Turbitt, Rodge found someone who could convey the experience of PTSD sensitively, following his research talking with veterans and charities, and the work he’d done on his second novel, Hope for Newborns, which featured a character suffering from the disorder.

The book’s popularity grew slowly but steadily and eventually got taken up by libraries, making it much more accessible to its intended audience. And Rodge is understandably proud to be able to stand alongside – or at least brush shoulders with – graphic novel giants such as Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman:

“It’s become one of my books as much as anything else, and it’s had this interesting organic life which is lovely, really, because we wondered whether it would be too literary for the graphic novel geeks, and not literary enough for people who knew my other work.”

Rodge’s ‘other work’ includes his recent collection of short stories ‘for the EasyJet generation’, LoveSexTravelMusik, his sixth publication in eight years, but his career plans weren’t always so clear:

“At school I didn’t see enough of worlds that were close enough to the one I recognised. The main thing that sparked my interest was seeing other actual human beings who were

not rich or from the elite or the well-connected doing it.”

So, apart from reading twice as much as you currently do, here’s our Lecturer of Making Things Up with five tips for budding writers:

1 Let go of your inhibitions “My first two novels didn’t have any swearing in them, ‘cause I was worried about what my mother thought. Mostly, people come in with loads of hang-ups, and are self-censoring the whole time because they think it’s not ok to say certain things. We’re trying to loosen people up.”

2 Be prepared to learn your craft… “Some people are born to be brain surgeons, but they still need to be taught what all the implements are and how to use them. And writing’s the same – there’s things like economy of language, subtlety, manipulating the reader, and structure, that when you have the initial splurge of enthusiasm as a writer, you don’t have the patience for.”

3 …But embrace ‘the splurge’ “You mustn’t hold back when you’re actually doing what I like to call the splurge stage. There’s a time at the beginning of the writing process to just let go and write. Yes, you need to think very carefully about the reader, structure, control, tone, language, but you have to explore a completely imagined world and make it convincing.”

4 Find a mentor “I was Alasdair Gray’s secretary. I’d see him shape a sentence, and delete words, and replace one word for another, so you learned about why he’s making those decisions, and because he worked very slowly, that forced me to slow down, and that was my education really.”

5 Keep experimenting “I’ve written novels, short stories, biography and a graphic novel. I’ve learnt a lot from each experience, and each one gives me new energy and informs my future writing. If you never try new things you get stale.”

And then the money will start rolling in, right, Rodge?

“[Writing as a career] is harder than ever, but it’s also more egalitarian than it ever was. There are more people reading than there ever were, it’s just that most books sell far less copies. So I make money from festivals, going into schools, doing events, doing launches of my own, travelling around, international work.

“But I absolutely love it. I did horrible jobs for ten years before that. I consider myself hugely fortunate. It never even occurred to me I’d be able to travel widely through my writing. Or I’d be able to help people unable to make a living out of it. I would consider it an absolute privilege” Dougie’s War is published by Freight


Red Rose Day


ohn McEnroe and Bjorn Borg, Steve Ovett and Sebastian Coe, Victoria Pendleton and Anna Mears, the Ashes series between the English and Australian cricket teams, even Nancy Kerrigan and Tonya Harding

Sporting rivalries are the stuff of legend, adding an extra dimension to contests of skill, endurance and physical prowess. When the heady combination of talent, hard work, personality and drive clash head-on, you better stand back and enjoy from a distance, as anything could happen.


And the contest lived up to its billing, with a raucous crowd witnessing a competitive, heated spectacle. With everything to lose but nothing to separate them, the two sides headed into the final quarter. It was down to who could handle the pressure with most aplomb. And it was Edge Hill’s players, showing true grit and determination, who pulled seven points clear at the final whistle and handed Edge Hill victory.

“I’m very proud of Edge Hill and our sports teams, we took plenty of players and supporters and this Varsity rivalries are a long-standing tradition amongst showed on the day, with shouts for Edge Hill far universities, most famously between Oxford and Cambridge. They are an opportunity for two universities to pit themselves outweighing those for our opponents.”

against one another, predominantly in sporting contests such as the Boat Race, and develop a little friendly competition. Well, that’s the theory – see Kerrigan and Harding above!

Edge Hill Uni entered the arena this year in their first ever varsity match, taking on the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) at the Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre in Preston over the course of seven sports (men’s basketball, mixed handball, mixed volleyball, mixed squash, men’s and women’s badminton, and women’s netball).

Losing in basketball and squash, Edge Hill rallied in the handball ties, and a sudden death volleyball victory saw the scores tied at 2-2. With both universities taking a badminton tie, it all came down to the women, and the netball.

Elliott Hodgeon, former Students’ Union president

“Edge Hill’s renowned sense of community and togetherness shone through, and hopefully next year’s varsity match will be even bigger and better! One thing’s for sure, watching my counterpart at UCLan SU handing over the first varsity trophy to our winning captains, on their turf, was a very satisfying moment.” There was no ceremonial burning of sporting equipment, but rivalries will be resumed next year, with Edge Hill on home turf, and making the most of its new £15m facilities.



Jenni Woodward

Staff profile

Lecturer in Film Studies and English Literature

What do you teach, and what is your research about? My research specialism is in British disaster narratives. I teach a module on narrative, Beyond Books, in English Literature, and Japanese Cinema and film adaptation in Film Studies. My research is in film adaptation, science fiction (tv, literature and film), and apocalyptic fiction. Best part of your job? Working with really fabulous people.

Holiday destination of choice and why? Toronto in Canada. It's vibrant, multi-cultural and friendly.

Who, alive or dead, has inspired you in life/do you most admire? Ernest Shackleton. In 1916 he saved the entire crew of his ship, The Endurance, when they were stranded in the Antarctic. Amazing.

Culturally, I never miss...? New exhibitions at the Tate Liverpool. I’m a pop culture junkie, so I never miss the latest TV science fiction, most recently Misfits. I also try to see bands I like when they’re touring.

Growing up I dreamt of becoming...? A photographer.

What is the worst job you’ve ever done? Packer in a meat factory. I stood for eight hours a day in a giant fridge vacuum-packing hundreds of honey roast hams. Guilty pleasure? Smoking a cigar with a Jim Beam.

How do you relax? Listening to music, usually too loudly.

What’s in your iPod at the moment? Almost 120gb of music on the iPod. Currently defaulting to Iron Maiden, Pearl Jam, Anna Calvi, Suede, Rainbow, The Fratellis, Noah and the Whale, and I Am Kloot. That list will have changed by the time this goes to print. What are your favourite books and films? Favourite books: The Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold, and Dune by Frank Herbert. Favourite serious film: Brief Encounter Favourite comedy: Dodgeball What do you always have in your fridge? Beer and dark chocolate. And Innocent smoothies because I’m not a fan of fruit. I drink them like medicine, through a straw so I don't have to taste them. What has been your most embarrassing moment? Standing at traffic lights on a busy junction wearing a very swirly skirt. A gust of wind blew it straight up, over my head, much to the amusement of onlookers.

What do you wish you’d known before starting uni? How to cook something other than tuna pasta. I also wish I'd known that you're not supposed to eat tuna more than a couple of times a week because of all the mercury in it...

Finally, tell us a joke… What do you call a monkey in a minefield? A baboom.



Creativity Rises in the East


n the rapidly-expanding Eastern Campus exciting things continue to happen. The development of the £16m Creative Edge facility has taken the idea of creativity and connectivity and run with it, throwing together students in the future-centric subject areas of media, film, animation, advertising and computing, in a dramatic collision of ideas, technology and industrystandard facilities.

Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That's because they were able to connect experiences they've had and synthesise new things. Steve Jobs

The aim is to establish a culture of real interdisciplinary collaboration between students, expanding possibilities, and allowing students and staff to look at the bigger picture.

Rubbing shoulders with people with different skills will broaden minds, and allow creativity to flourish. It’s a melting pot of invention and innovation, with over 50 staff and up to 1,200 students in any one academic year. Creativity is contagious – pass it on. Albert Einstein

Students are already working together on projects, combining computing, design, and animation, while links are being established with the Creative Writing department, opening up opportunities in computer and roleplay gaming, application development, film and performance art. All the tools are in place – tv studios with broadcast capability, recording studios, sound-editing suites, a radio studio, animation studios, a photographic studio, multimedia laboratory and networking, forensic and computer labs – and the canvas is blank. The rest is down to your imagination.



Creative Edge also increases the chances of successful artistic and commercial collaborations, with the multimedia, networking, forensic and computer labs providing space for innovative business ideas to take shape.

Curiosity about life in all of its aspects…is still the secret of great creative people. Leo Burnett, advertising guru

Dr Peter Wright, Edge Hill film and literature lecturer, and resident multimedia analyst, has followed this revolution in the creative industries over the years:

“Synergy between different media has been happening since the late 60s/early 70s, but with the growth of digital technology it becomes a lot easier to facilitate that exchange. So when you start to get the people who analyse and produce some of that kind of text together you ensure that students are aware of the multiple possibilities for creativity across a range of disciplines and practices. We’re hoping that will lead to some very productive exchanges and collaborations, for teaching, for research, for student experience.” The facility will house our very best technically-savvy students, working with each other, hopefully in digital harmony. The radio and tv studios also present an opportunity for students looking to become the next king or queen of the airwaves. To add even more spice to this creative stew, we’ve also linked up with Bay TV Liverpool, who secured Liverpool’s local tv licence at the beginning of 2013, with use of Edge Hill’s new studios integral to their bid. They will have a base within the building, and our media students will contribute to the station’s output and benefit from placements and internships.

Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas. Donatella Versace

The new facilities provide space for teaching, research and collaboration with industry partners, as well as students and graduates in the early stages of starting businesses, which means our students will be learning alongside the professionals.

Creative Edge is a hub for creative people to explore their imaginations, and bring those ideas and visions to fruition, through easy access to other like-minded people, but also to other ideas. Some of the greatest creative collaborations are the result of a serendipitous meeting of distinct imaginations. You could be following a long line of inspired collaborators such as Lennon and McCartney, or, more recently, Damon Albarn and a myriad of artistes, or even pursue more commercial collaborative models like that of Jay Z and Bing/Microsoft.

Andy Tibbs is Programme Leader in Advertising:

“Encouraging and enabling our students to work with agencies is something we constantly do as part of the media degrees here. By combining opportunities to work directly with clients, businesses and professionals alongside the cutting-edge facilities and experienced staff within the University, you bring about a creative environment that is an ideal platform for future success.”

You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not’? George Bernard Shaw, playwright

The next generation of Edge Hill University graduates will leave as more rounded, open-minded and technically skilled candidates in whatever activities they choose to pursue. Exposure to new worlds of creativity, alongside access to the equipment with which to fully express their imagination, will make Creative Edge a place where dreams really do come true.

Getting Started...

Whenever you start, whether it’s this year or sometime soon, university is exciting, but also confusing and disorientating at times.

That’s why we’ve put together a comprehensive online starter pack, with all the info you will need to get you through the first week, and help you to relax and enjoy the next chapter in your life. In the pack you’ll find: •

• •

pre-course information, such as key dates, and accommodation and finance guidance enrolment and arrival times your first week timetable

You’ll also find details on what’s happening during Freshers’ Week, and how you can make the most of your time at Edge Hill.

Getting Involved…

Join our online community of students, alumni and friends, now well into five figures. It’s a gateway to a whole world of advice, guidance, news and views about Edge Hill University, from those that really know.

We’re always posting useful, informative, or sometimes quirky stuff on our pages, and we’d love you to return the favour.

So if you have any questions, don’t be afraid to join the online conversation. Also any photos, links, videos, whatever, you’d like to share.

Meeting Other Applicants…

We also have a discussion forum exclusively for Edge Hill University applicants, where you can chat with other applicants, join a departmentspecific group, and address any burning issues.

Finding like-minded students and making friends before you start the course will give you the confidence to hit the ground running when you arrive for your first term at Edge Hill University. Log in at

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