Edge Hill University Student Finance 2016

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Student Finance

2016 Entry

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Disclaimer: Students domiciled outside of England should check with their funders for specific details on fees and living costs support. Contact details can be found on page 24.

The accuracy of the guidance in this booklet is based on the latest information available at the time of writing. However, such information is subject to change, sometimes at short notice.

Whilst care has been taken to ensure that all information is correct, the University does not accept responsibility for errors, omissions or inaccuracies relating to external funding which it does not control. No guarantee is given that funding from external sources will be provided to any individual student. Printed: October 2015


Loans Repaying Loans Scholarships Funding At A Glance Frequently Asked Questions Useful Contacts



Money while you study

Students and their supporters need to know about the financial side of studying, and Edge Hill University aims to give you the clearest information possible.

This booklet summarises key information and tells you who you can contact to find out more.

There are differences in financial arrangements for some courses and according to individual circumstances, but for the majority of students starting undergraduate degrees in 2016: -

You don’t have to pay fees up front


You could receive a loan for living costs of up to £8,200 each year


Tell us about your achievements outside the classroom and you could receive an Excellence Scholarship woth up to £2,000



Edge Hill will give £1,000 to eligible high performing students who achieve 360 UCAS points in their final exams

You could develop your sporting performance by applying for a Sports Scholarship worth up to £1,000 per academic year.

Details of these schemes, special support for disabled students, care leavers and more is given on the following pages. As with anything relating to money, ‘terms and conditions apply’ – these are also explained on the following pages, and our advisers can clarify anything that is unclear.

Student Finance – Loans Student Finance – Loans


Student Finance - Loans Funding arrangements for UK and EU undergraduate students for 2016/17 Tuition Fee Our standard full-time undergraduate tuition fee is £9,000 per annum.

Eligible students (UK/EU) will be able to borrow the full cost of their tuition fee from the Government in the form of a loan. • •

You do not have to pay for your course upfront You can get a loan to cover the cost of your tuition which you start to repay once you have left university and are earning over £21,000 per year Any monies still owed after 30 years will be written off

Living Costs Maintenance Loan Students who live away from their parental home and study at a university outside London may be able to borrow up to £8,200 per annum to help with living costs. Students who remain in the parental home whilst studying can expect to borrow up to £6,904.

All students from England studying for their first undergraduate degree, regardless of household income, could receive the basic maintenance loan of up to £3,039 per annum. The difference between the basic loan and the maximum loan is means-tested, based on household income. Maintenance loans are paid directly to the student in three instalments.

Some students may be entitled to special support grants and other forms of financial support (eg. Disabled Students Allowance). Further information is available at gov.uk/studentfinance

Studying Away from Parental Home (outside London) Household income

Maximum Maintenance Loan available


Studying Whilst Living at Parental Home (outside London) Household income

Maximum Maintenance Loan available









£30,000 £40,000 £42,875 £45,000 £50,000 £55,000 £60,000 £62,180 £65,000 £70,000

i i

£7,612 £6,434 £6,095 £5,845 £5,256 £4,667 £4,078

£3,821 (+) £3,821 £3,821

gov.uk/studentfinance edgehill.ac.uk/fees

£30,000 £40,000 £42,875 £45,000 £50,000 £55,000 £58,201 £60,000 £65,000

£6,322 £5,158 £4,824 £4,576 £3,994 £3,412

£3,039 (+) £3,039 £3,039

Student Finance – Loans

Summary of support for living costs

Repaying Loans

Students will only be required to start repaying student loans from the April after they have graduated (or left university) and are earning over £21,000 per annum. If your earnings fall below £21,000 in the future, your repayments will stop until your earnings exceed the repayment threshold. The more you earn over £21,000 per annum, the more you will repay. Repayments are calculated at 9% of earnings over £21,000. Loan repayments will be deducted from your salary at source (usually through PAYE).

Typical monthly repayments will be: Salary

Amount of salary from which 9% will be deducted

Monthly repayment







£30,000 £40,000 £45,000 £50,000 £55,000 £60,000


£19,000 £24,000 £29,000 £34,000 £39,000


£142.50 £180.00 £217.50 £255.00 £292.50

Rates of interest A nominal rate of interest is charged on student loans. For students who begin their studies in 2016, the Government has set out the following interest rates:

• • •

Interest on your loan will be applied at inflation (Retail Price Index – RPI) plus 3% while you are studying, and up to the April after you leave university From the April after you leave university, if you are earning less than £21,000 per annum, interest will be applied at the rate of inflation For graduates earning between £21,000-£41,000 per annum, interest will be applied between RPI and RPI +3% on a gradual increasing scale depending on income For graduates earning above £41,000, interest will be applied at RPI + 3%

No early repayment charges will be made.


How loan repayments work Tuition fee loans and maintenance loans will be added together as one amount of money which you will be required to repay to the Student Loans Company.

Repaying Loans

Repaying Loans

Previous Higher Education Study (excluding PGCE) The number of years you are able to receive student funding is limited. Previous study includes time spent on a full-time higher education course or any specifically designated public funded higher education course, whether or not it is in the UK. Even if you attended for just one day of an academic year this is counted as a whole year in terms of your funding entitlement.

If you have previous study, regardless of how far back this dates, it could mean that you may not qualify for a full tuition fee loan, and will be required to self-fund all or part of your course.

If you have achieved a lower level qualification i.e. HNC, HND, Cert HE, DipHe, or Foundation Degree, full fee and maintenance support should still be available to top-up your qualification. However, time spent on preliminary courses will be taken into account in assessing your financial entitlement.

Please note that the regulations are complicated and you should seek advice about previous study as soon as your place is confirmed. Detailed information on previous study is available at edgehill.ac.uk/previousstudy and you can also contact the Fees, Scholarships and Bursaries Team on TuitionFees@edgehill.ac.uk for further information.




Scholarships Edge Hill University Financial Support for New Students

High Achievers Scholarship Worth £1,000 and paid over the first year of a full-time undergraduate degree, the High Achievers Scholarship rewards high performing school leavers who achieve 360 points from a maximum of three final A2 (or equivalent) subjects in one sitting.

Eligibility Applicants must have submitted their UCAS application to a full-time undergraduate degree at Edge Hill University for a course carrying the full tuition fee to be eligible for this award. Applicants must embark on a full-time degree within 3 years of completing their A-levels or equivalent. Edge Hill University students studying Foundation Degrees at partner colleges will also qualify for this award.

How do I apply? Students will be assessed automatically during their application to Edge Hill University.

Excellence Scholarship If you've applied to Edge Hill University for full-time study on an undergraduate degree or PGCE, you could make a substantial difference to your student life and finances by applying for an Excellence Scholarship worth up to £2,000 which will be paid over the duration of your course.

If you can demonstrate determination, commitment and achievement outside of work or study, we want to hear from you.

Eligibility Excellence Scholarships are available to prospective full-time students who have firmly accepted an offer of a place. Eligibility for scholarships does not depend on your financial situation or degree subject. How do I apply? Application forms for the Excellence Scholarship will be available at: edgehill.ac.uk/scholarships from early 2016.

Sports Scholarships If you've applied to Edge Hill University for full-time study on an undergraduate degree or PGCE, you could make a substantial difference to your student life and finances by applying for a Sports Scholarship worth up to £1,000 per academic year.

If you are talented at sport, participate at a competitive level or coach, and can demonstrate the ability and ambition to improve in your sport during your time at Edge Hill University, then we want to hear from you.

How do I apply? Application forms for our Sports Scholarships will be available at: edgehill.ac.uk/scholarships from early 2016.

Should more than one student achieve the same tariff score, the Scholarship will be divided equally amongst the highest scoring candidates.

How do I apply? Students will be assessed automatically during their admission to Edge Hill University.

On-Course and Nomination Scholarships Edge Hill University offers a variety of scholarships for students who are already enrolled on selected courses.

Excellence Scholarships are worth up to £2,000. They reward determination, commitment and achievement in a variety of areas. Nomination Scholarships are worth up to £2,000. They recognise contribution to the University and are by nomination only.

Academic Achievement Awards of £500 are paid to the best performing first and second year students whilst on their course.

Other Scholarships and Support

Care Leavers Bursaries Up to £1,000 per annum for care leavers on any full-time or part-time undergraduate programme.

Preparation for HE Scholarships Open to students undertaking one of the University’s Access programmes (Fastrack) who subsequently enrol on a full-time undergraduate degree course. Scholarships are awarded by nomination for commitment in the face of adversity, and are worth £1,000.

Helena Kennedy Scholarships Open to applicants for any full-time undergraduate programme by personal application to the Helena Kennedy Foundation; four awarded annually on the basis of hardship/disadvantage. Please refer to www.hkf.org.uk. Contact T: 01695 657245 E: Scholarships@edgehill.ac.uk i


12 Scholarships

Liverpool Scholarship A £3,000 Scholarship will be awarded to the student with the highest UCAS tariff score who commences a full-time undergraduate degree and is domiciled in the City of Liverpool, and is paid in the first year.

Millie Forrest

BA (Hons) Coach Education

Sports Scholarship (Gold) 2014/15

Ranked 2nd in Great Britain and 9th in the world in Discus in the F37 category for people who have cerebral palsy, Millie’s ultimate goal is to compete at the Paralympic Games in Rio in 2016.

Millie has already been spotted as a top athlete, she was granted a prestigious SportsAid Award, following in the footsteps of athletes such as Ellie Simmonds, David Weir and Jessica Ennis-Hill, and is part of the British Athletics Parallel Success Academy. Millie’s Scholarship will give her the chance to travel further afield to competitions so that she can continue to compete at the highest level.

14 Scholarships Adam Hampton

BA (Hons) English Literature with Creative Writing

Excellence Scholarship in Creative Arts 2014/15

Former Royal Marine Adam Hampton found comfort in writing poetry when his military career was cut short by injury. Now, his first collection of poems, ‘Transitions’, has earned him a Scholarship from Edge Hill and helped him make the change from soldier to scholar. The Scholarship will help Adam to develop his poetry as he plans to submit a collection of poems to a small publishing house, as well as submitting poems to competitions, both of which are quite expensive ventures.

Summary of financial support available by course: Tuition Fee Loan

Maintenance Loan (total amount based on household income)

Supplementary Grants (Parents Learning Allowance, Childcare Grant, Dependents Allowance)

MeansTested NHS Bursary and non-means tested grant

High Achievers Scholarship

Excellence Scholarship and Sport Scholarship

Undergraduate Courses

 full-time students only

 full-time students only

 full-time students only

 full-time students only

PGCE Courses

 full-time students only

 full-time students only

 full-time students only

 subject to criteria set by NCTL*

 full-time students only


Pre-Registration Courses; (Nursing, Midwifery, ODP)

Fees paid by Dept of Health

 (reduced rate)

 Paid through the NHS bursary department. See NHS for further details

See NHS for further details

*Teaching Agency Bursaries (for PGCE students) Students who satisfy the criteria set by the National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) will be eligible for a monthly bursary for the set duration of their studies. If you are eligible for a bursary you will receive information during your enrolment session. Please refer to www.education.gov.uk/get-into-teaching for further information.

NCTL BUrsary

Student Funding and Support Student Funding and Support


Support for Students Starting in 2016 Funding

How much?

Tuition Fee Loan

Up to £9,000 per year

Maintenance Loan

Up to £8,200 (£6,904 for those living at home)

Assessed Against Income?

Available for part-time students?

Is there a How will the cap on the money be number paid? available?

Directly  (subject to to the university previous study)*

 (up to £6,750)

High Achievers £1,000 Scholarship+

Excellence Scholarship

Up to £2,000

Care Leavers Bursary

£1,000 for full-time  students. £500 for part-time students (each year)

Helena Kennedy Scholarship

Refer to www.hkf.org.uk

 (subject to previous study)*

Will the money have to be paid back? 

In three  instalments to your bank account In two instalments across first year

In instalments throughout your programme

One instalment

Paid directly  from the Helena Kennedy Foundation

18 How much?

Assessed Against Income?

Available for part-time students?

Is there a How will the cap on the money be number paid? available?

Will the money have to be paid back?

Preparation for HE Scholarship


Liverpool Scholarship


Sports Scholarship

Up to £1,000 per year

+ *

In two instalments across first year In three instalments

Up to two instalments per year

Not available to Pre-Registration Professional Health Programme students

Please refer to page 9 for more information about previous study

Some students may also be eligible for additional forms of support including Disabled Students’ Allowance, Parents’ Learning Allowance, Adult Dependents Grant or Childcare Grants. Please check gov.uk/studentfinance for further information.

Funding at a Glance


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to pay my tuition fees up front? No, as long as you have not been to university before and meet the residency conditions you should be entitled to take a loan out (via Student Finance) to cover the cost of your fees.

Will the amount of the loan I receive for fees depend on how much my family earn? No, the tuition fee loan is not assessed against household income. This means that regardless of what your parents or partner earns you should still be eligible for the tuition fee loan (subject to the conditions above).

What if I have been to university before and already hold a degree? If you already have a degree you may not be able to apply for loans for a second degree, although there are certain courses which are exempt from this legislation. Please get in touch with Academic Registry who will be able to offer further advice and guidance. You can fnd their contact details on page 24.

I have been to university before but didn’t finish my course. Will I still be eligible for all my funding? Your previous study may have an impact on funding for a new course, speak to the Fees, Scholarships and Bursaries Team or Academic Registry. You can fnd their contact details on page 24.

I am thinking of applying for a nursing or paramedic course, will I have to pay fees? No, the NHS will continue to pay the fees for nursing and paramedic courses in 2016.

I am a part-time student; will I have to pay my fees up front? No. Part-time students will be eligible for tuition fee loans as long as they are studying at least 25% of an eligible full-time course.

I don’t live in England how will I fund university? Students from Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Islands will be able to apply for support for tuition fees and living costs through their devolved governments. Students who are ordinarily resident in the EU, and have been for three years prior to the start of the course, will be entitled to apply for tuition fee loans on the same basis as English students. EU students generally can’t apply for loans for living costs.

Can I take out a tuition fee loan for each year of my course? Yes, most full and part-time students will be able to apply for loans for each year of their course (subject to previous study and residency conditions).


Paying Fees

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Will the tuition fee loan I can apply for be enough to cover the full fee? Yes, the tuition fee loan will cover your full tuition fee and will be paid direct to Edge Hill.

Can I self-fund my studies? You may pay your tuition fees securely up front at enrolment via payments.edgehill.ac.uk/fees. Alternatively, you may, with agreement from Academic Registry, pay your tuition fees in three equal instalments. Arrangements will be discussed and agreed at enrolment.

Living Costs and Maintenance Loans

Will I be entitled to apply for help with my living costs while I am on the course? Yes, most full-time undergraduates can also apply for a maintenance loan to cover their living costs. You can take out a maintenance loan for each year of your course (subject to eligibility). Some students may be entitled to additional support. See gov.uk/studentfinance for more information.

How much maintenance loan will I be entitled to? The amount of maintenance loan you can apply for will depend on your household income and where you are going to live whilst studying. Students living in the parental home can apply for up to £6,904 and students living away from the parental home can apply for up to £8,200.

My household income is high, does this mean I won’t qualify for a maintenance loan? No, all students should receive at least 65% of the loan regardless of household income (subject to residency and previous study).

What can I use this money for? The maintenance loan is designed to meet your living costs including food, accommodation and travel. The money is paid to you in three instalments over the academic year.

When can I apply for this support? If you are starting a course in September 2016 it is expected you should be able to apply for your funding from January of that year. To apply go to gov.uk/studentfinance

When will these loans have to be repaid? You won’t have to start repaying your loans until the April after you leave university and are earning at least £21,000 per year. Part-time students will be required to start making repayments four years after starting the course if they are earning over £21,000 per year. For all students the repayments are calculated at 9% of your earnings above £21,000. What if I don’t earn over £21,000 when I finish university? If you earn less than £21,000 when you finish studying and start work you won’t start making repayments until your income goes above the threshold. Similarly, if your salary ever drops below £21,000 for any reason your repayments will stop.

Will I be repaying the loan until all the debt is cleared? Not necessarily, as mentioned earlier if your salary drops below £21,000 the repayments will stop. If you haven’t repaid all of the loan within 30 years, anything you still owe is written off.

Non-repayable Funding

Will I be entitled to any grants? Students can also apply for a Childcare Grant, Adult Dependants’ Grant and Parents’ Learning Allowance. All of these grants will be assessed against household income and a re applied for through the relevant student funding body. Students with a disability, long-term health condition, mental health condition or specific learning difficulty can apply for Disabled Students Allowance. Edge Hill also have a wide variety of scholarships available to eligible students, a full list of all the funding available can be seen in the table on pages 17 and 18.

Part-time Students

I am a part-time student will I be eligible for loans and grants? Part-time students are not entitled to maintenance loans however they can apply for tuition fee loans.

22 Frequently Asked Questions

Repaying Loans

Useful Contacts

Edge Hill Tuition Fees (Academic Registry) E: tuitionfees@edgehill.ac.uk T: 01695 657359

Edge Hill Scholarships E: scholarships@edgehill.ac.uk T: 01695 657245 Student Finance England www.gov.uk/student-finance T: 0300 100 0607

Student Finance Wales www.studentfinancewales.co.uk T: 0300 200 4050 Student Finance NI www.studentfinanceni.co.uk T: 0300 100 0077

Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS) www.saas.gov.uk T: 0300 555 0505 Information regarding NHS bursaries www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/students T: 0300 300 1345

Students’ Union Advice Centre E: suadvice@edgehill.ac.uk T: 01695 657301


Edge Hill Money Advice Team E: moneyadvice@edgehill.ac.uk T: 01695 657250

Useful Contacts

Useful Contacts




Information correct at time of going to print. Printed: October 2015





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