Edge Davao Vol. 15 Issue 133 | Friday, Sept. 16, 2022

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ON PAGE 2 A man makes fun of the piglets that are being delivered to a lechon house along Chavez Street in Davao City. The City Veterinary Office (CVO) bared that it is currently conducting swine repopulation in the nine African Swine Fever Edgebarangays(ASF)-affectedinDavaoCity.Davao Body formed to probe unlicensed establishments in Marilog

P 15.00 • 12 PAGES@EdgeDavao edgedavao@gmail.comwww.edgedavao.netf EDGE Serving a seamless society DAVAO SPORTS P 12 VOL.15 ISSUE 133 • FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 INVESTSPORTSIN COLORUM SPOTS



or the Judiciary Reorgani zation Act of 2021, which expanded the jurisdiction of first-level courts.

Metropolitan Trial Court (MeTC), MTCC, Municipal Trial Courts (MTC), and the Municipal Circuit Trial Courts (MCTC),” Duterte ex plained.InDavao City, there are only seven existing MTCC branches. But among these branches, only four are be ing regularly raffled with cases since one branch is

est leader of the land, it is only right that we support the movements of our Vice President, especially if she is acting or performing her mandate on behalf of the President.)Castillo denied rumors that Duterte is using the helicopter to visit her chil dren in Davao City. This, after the Vice President thanked President Ferdi nand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. for allowing her to use the aircraft so she could be with her “Thankfamily.you [President Bongbong] and your 250th [Presidential Airlift Wing] for ensuring that wherev er I may be found in the country during the day, I am home in time to tuck my children to bed,” Duter te said in a Facebook post, with a picture of her in the government

In an interview, PAF spokeswoman Col. Ma Con suelo Castillo said the Bell 412 helicopter posted by the Vice President on her social media account is part of the 250th Presidential Air Wing.“Base po sa mandato ng Presidential Airlift Wing of the Philippine Air Force, ang mga helicopters po ng 250 ay ginagamit sa mga movement ng ating presi dente, ng first family, visit ing heads of state, and oth er local and foreign VIPs,” Castillo(Basedsaid.on the mandate of the Presidential Airlift Wing of the Philippine Air Force, the helicopters of the 250 are used for the move ment of our President, the first family, visiting heads of state, and other local and foreign“AngVIPs.)mga local VIPs na tinutukoy dito ay ang ating mga high government offi cials and considering that our VP is the second high est leader of the land, nar arapat lang po na bigyan natin ng suporta ang mga movements ng ating Vice President lalo na if she is acting or performing her mandate on behalf of the President.”(Thelocal VIPs include our high government offi cials and considering that our VP is the second high

Marilog District is now being positioned as an emerging tourist destina tion in Davao City as din ing and tourism spots now thriving in the area.

House Bill No. 3272, which aims to create three additional branches of MTCCs in the 11th Judicial Region to be stationed in Davao City, has already been approved at the committee level of the Lower House.

different agencies and par ties involved for the Marilog issues,” she Meanwhile,said.


oting that among the pertinent problems in our country is the slow justice system due to clogged court dockets, Rep. Paolo Duterte is pushing for the immediate approval of his bill seeking to create three more Municipal Tri al Court in Cities (MTCCs) in Davao City to ensure the swift administration of jus tice for every case filed.

Pulong wants more courts in Davao City for speedy disposition of justice

opment Office (CPDO), the city government of Davao, and the City Tourism Oper ations Office “Councilor(CTOO).AlRyan Ale jandre is also actively en gaging with the different stakeholders on this,” she said.She also said that this issue has already come to the attention of the Region al Development Council 11 (RDC 11) as well as to the city government of Davao.



Body formed to probe unlicensed establishments in Marilog



zones in “MayMarilog.establishments are operating there in Mari log na may license. There are too many there already and we are getting a low number sa mga licensed,” TanShesaid.said DOT 11 is now working closely with the City Planning and Devel

VP Sara authorized to use presidential chopper: PAF

“These things will be raised to the RDC and the

Working Group (TWG) has been constituted to look into unli censed establishments operating in Marilog District, Davao City.


However, Regional Di rector Tanya Rabat-Tan of the Department of Tourism 11 (DOT 11) reminded that there are build and no build

“The said piece of leg islation will eventually de clog second-level courts, particularly the Regional Trial Courts. In response to this judicial innovation, there is an immediate need to increase the number of first-level courts, namely:

Duterte said that several attempts have been made to declog court dockets, the most significant of which is Republic Act No. 11576


Dabawenyos visit the Commission on Elections (Comelec) regional office inside Magsaysay Park in Davao City on Thursday to claim their voter’s certificate. The proposed measure seeking to postpone the Barangay and Sang guniang Kabataan elections from December 2022 to December 2023 due to issues plaguing both the Barangay and the Sangguniang Kabataan systems starts rolling in the Senate. Edge Davao

ice President Sara Duterte is authorized to use the presidential helicopter, a spokeswoman of the Philippine Air Force said Wednesday, amid talk that the second highest offi cial is supposedly using the chopper for personal trips.

Cherry Faye Al-ag, president of the Davao Tourism Associa tion (DATA) also called on establishments regarding the building restrictions in Marilog.“Iam excited to see the results of the TWG because we want to promote more tourism establishments that will give truly an enjoy able and memorable expe


of September they are in full swing with their con struction works as they are targeting to implement the project this year.


Philippine Coffee Expo attracts coffee industry

Louie John Bonguyan of the second district is opposing the post ponement of operation of the Davao City Water District’s (DCWD’s) Bulk Water Supply Project to solve the water shortage in Davao City.


The newly launched PlanSmart Ready to Rebuild web appli cation of the Office of Civil Defense (OCD) will allow local government units (LGUs) hit by calamities to immediately generate re habilitation and recovery plans“This(RRPs).app, which will systematically generate RRPs using science-based information and pro-for ma templates, will signifi cantly help LGUs plan for quick and resilient recov ery,” OCD NationalsaidmanagingforefrontouringitsReadyopmentbetterefficientlytoernment,countryplanningandtheenvisionedautomatedtoWednesdayFerrer,UndersecretaryAdministrator,Raymundosaidinastatementnight.ThePlanSmartReadyRebuildwebappisanplanningtooltorevolutionizedisasterriskreductionmanagement(DRRM)processesinthebyhelpingthegovespeciallyLGUs,planfordisastersmoreandtobuildbackfaster.“WewelcomethedevelofthePlanSmarttoRebuildappandsupportcapacitybuildprogramastoolsforLGUsthatareattheofmitigatinganddisasterrisks,”Ferrer,whoisalsoDisasterRiskRe

Thedirector.Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Philippine Insti tute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs), Department of the Interi or and Local Government (DILG), NDRRMC, and OCD in partnership with the World Bank launched the app on “ThroughWednesday.PlanSmart, it is my vision that we will have a geospatially-en abled Philippines where we evaluate data, time and location together for better analysis and decision-mak ing,” said DOST Secretary Renato Solidum Jr.

The app speeds up the development of RRPs and supports andforwellmentuseerateenables(R2R)andformGeoRiskPHsasterningdecision-makingevidence-basedandplanforpre-andpost-dievents.ItisanoffshootoftheIntegratedPlatdevelopedbyDOSTtheReadytoRebuildProgramledbyOCD,LGUstoautogenanRRPthroughtheofapro-formadocutemplate.“TheWorldBankasastheGlobalFacilityDisasterRehabilitationRecovery(GFDRR)

public. We urge the public to come and try the coffee here. We got coffee from the Mountain Province, Manila, Visayas, and Mind anao. The whole coffee sec tor represented,” Ryan said in anTheinterview.expoinvited Phil ippine and international speakers who discussed about coffee, climate change, coffee quality, mar keting, the role of the Q

The expo was also high lighted with competitions

diri sa Davao City,” he said over Davao City Disaster Radio (DCDR) on Thursday. He added that the said top official assured that the first drop of water is expected in December this year.“Gipadalhan ko nila ug pictures, full blast na sila karon ug kaning problema nato sa Tigatto Road for how many years naglu bak lubak dinha kay wala nila naayo ang dalan, this month ayuhon daw nila ang Tigatto and Mandug

New app to boost LGUs’ disaster rehabilitation, recovery efforts


“So wala na gyud rea son na mag-extend pa mo (Apo Agua) ug dili pa ma dayon ug ma postpone na sad. So make sure na this year by December naa na gyud ng tubig kay dugay na gipaabot dili lang sa taga second district but also first district kay affected pud sila. Dapat naa na gyud na this year para masulbad na ang kakulangan sa tubig

duction and Management Council (NDRRMC) execu tive

Apo Agua Infrastruc tura, Inc. is taking the lead role in the construction of the project to fast-track its completion which will pro vide 300 million liters of safe water daily to over one million Dabawenyos. It tar gets project completion by the end of Bonguyan,2022. chairper son of the Committee of Energy and Water of the City Council, said based on their conversation with the company’s top official, they themselves led the con struction and this month

Dad wants operation of bulk water project to push through

Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) president and general manager Arnulfo Veloso interacts with members of the media during a presser held at the GSIS office in Davao City on Thursday in time for the agency’s 65th anniversary. Edge Davao

The recently conclud ed face-to-face Phil ippine Coffee Expo (PCE) 2022 drew the coffee industry’s in the country. The SMX Convention Center at SM Lanang Pre mier in Davao City was dot ted with coffee carts, stalls, and booths of the partic ipating exhibitors from Davao City, Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao offering cof fee sampling and display

“There was a whole range of topic representa tions in the whole sector that include universities, researchers, coffee produc ers, and coffee quality. It was an excellent two-day event,” Ryan said.

Standard in the Philippine Specialty Coffee Sector, and everything about coffee.



ing coffee Terrenceproducts.J.Ryan, chief of party of the Philippine Coffee Advancement and Farm Enterprise (Phil CAFE), said there are 60 booths and 27 coffee carts set up for the expo, which ran from September 14 to 15, 2022.“We have a diverse group of participants dis playing their products and coffee carts open to the



The government placed Metro Manila under en hanced community quar antine (ECQ) due to threats of Delta variant in August 2021.Operating capacity of business establishments was limited under increasingimprovedautoMonth-on-month,ECQ.industrysalesalsoby8.5percent,from27,813

SRA OKs importation of 150K metric tons of refined sugar

Wong said central banks are helping address the elevated rate of price increases by also hiking their key policy rates.



tional government subsidy for premiums of personslation,suchpableormentPhilHealthgovernment’swillcontributors...PhilHealthindirectlastforever.”Shesaidthenationalsubsidytoisforthepayofindirectmembers,thosewhoarenotcaofpayingpremiumsastheindigentpopuseniorcitizens,andwithdisabilities.

and consumers,” it said.

In a briefing on Wednes day, Prudential chief health officer Andrew Wong said jumps in inflation rate, which is the main reason for increasing interest rates around the globe, is not se vere in Asia and Africa as it is in Europe and the United States.“So certainly, we hope this is going to be like a temporary issue,” he said,

corded in 2019,” CAMPI president Rommel Gutier rez said in a statement.

tuarial life could be extend ed beyond 2027 with fund ing subsidies other than the Philippine Amusement Gaming Corporation (PAG COR) and Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO), which were required under the Universal Health Care law to remit a portion of their funds to the PhilHealth.

ales of automotive ve hicles in August 2022 jumped by 90.5 per cent to 30,185 units from 15,847 units in August last year, the Chamber of Auto motive Manufacturers of the Philippines Inc. (CAM PI) and Truck Manufac turers Association (TMA) reported Wednesday.

Domingo said that the PhilHealth will not be bank rupt because “ we have na

Rising interest rate has no instant effect on price insurance products

Domingo said that the estimated actuarial life of PhilHealth until 2027 are “assumptions and projec tions based on different sce narios.”PhilHealth offi cer-in-charge Eli Dino San tos had told the House ap propriations committee that the state health insurer’s ac

Davao Tourism Association (DATA) president Cherry Faye Al-ag Cherry Faye Al-ag says the organization is excited to see the results of the Technical Working Group (TWG) in Marilog, Davao City because it want to promote more tourism establishments that will give truly an enjoyable and memorable experience including the safety of the customers. Edge Davao


The import volume is ex pected to arrive in the coun try before Nov. 15, alongside the harvest

“The impact of inflation should be a temporary phe nomenon,” he said.


Car sales jump 90% in August

The Philippines is set to import 150,000 metric tons of refined sugar, according to Sugar Regula tory Administration (SRA)’s Sugar Order No. 2 (SO 2).



The sugar imports will be composed of 75,000 metric tons of refined sugar for industrial users and the other 75,000 metric tons for consumers.“Theintention is that the imported sugar shall be open and available for consump tion by all industrial users

to P177 billion as of Decem ber 31, 2021, “25% higher compared to 2020.”


executive of the Philippine Health In surance Corporation (PhilHealth) on Wednesday said that the state insurer will last “forever,” amid a remark by its chief that its actuarial life may only last untilPhilHealth2027. spokesper son and vice president for corporate affairs Shirley Do mingo said that the compa ny’s reserve funds amount


official of London-based Prudential Plc is optimistic that the rising inter est rate will not have any immediate hit on the pricing of their insurance prod ucts as authorities are now addressing the

He said the regulators are receptive to the sugges tion.“This is what we call the claim-based pricing… It’s basically a reward to the policyholders if they stay healthy or if they have a lot of other prevention steps so that they take the con scious decision not to incur claims,” he added.

PhilHealth ‘will forever,’ actuarial exec

need to introduce prod ucts with higher guarantee of returns, pointing out that people’s awareness to have insurance protection increased during the pan demic.“Because of the envi ronment, because of the in creasing interest rate, most of the companies, including ourselves, are in a better position to come up with some sort of higher guar antee return to products as a result,” he said.

life until ‘27 only an assumption:

who have not made any claims or those with mini mal claims to date.

adding “whatever comes up will come down again.”


“The recovery of the in dustry is indeed on track as we reached monthly sales of above 30,000 units – a pre-pandemic monthly performance level last re

During the same brief ing, Pru Life UK president and chief executive officer (CEO) Eng Teng Wong said these affordable products

Wong said this is the reason why firms, such as insurance companies,

Wong said they have proposed with the regula tors about the provision of some sort of reward sys tem for their policyholders

The bid of the local government to collect the amount has been ques tioned by the mining firm before a local Tampakancourt.Mayor Leon ard Escobillo confirmed Wednesday they already received last week a copy

The local government unit of Tampakan in South Cotabato has demanded tax dues worth P397 million from Sagit tarius Mines, Inc. (SMI), op erator of the controversial $5.9-billion Tampakan proj ect.

The Philippines would hit net zero emissions by 2050 through re newable-based power sys tems, backed by grid bal ancing engines and energy storage, according to Finn ish energy technology com panyInWärtsilä.astatement on Wednesday, citing its mod elling of the power system of the Philippines’ largest island, Luzon, Wärtsilä said that “a combination of re newables plus flexibility, provided by balancing en gines and energy storage, can reliably meet the re

“Critically, when fac toring in the International Energy Agency’s (IEA)’s upper forecasted carbon prices, the study shows that the LCOE (levelized cost of electricity) in the “Net Zero”

In the January to July period, cash remittances reached $18.26 billion, higher by 2.8 percent com pared to the $17.77 billion in the same comparable period, data Remittancesshowed.from the

unfazed by the case filed by the SMI.“We have sent them three notices to settle their tax obligations but to no avail. I am just implement ing our local (tax) ordinance in effect since 2012,” he told MindaNews by phone in mixedThelanguage.mayorsaid the LGU was willing to discuss a set tlement but SMI decided to bring it to court. He said they will face the mining compa ny squarely.SMIhas not issued a media statement on the pe

The total is higher than the $2.85 billion in the same month last year, the BSP said in a statement.

The national govern

In a statement, the dig ital bank also said it now has over 650,000 custom ers.

PH to hit net zero emissions by 2050, says Finnish firm Wärtsilä


Cash remittances coursed through banks grew by 2.3 percent to $2.92 billion in July, according to data from the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas released Thursday.

Tampakan project developer ‘owes’ LGU P397M in taxes

“We are executing and growing at the speed of digital, and we are grate

Maya Bank on Wednesday said it has reached P5 billion in deposit balance as of the end of July or just after 3 months after it was officially launched.


the first 7 months to $20.3 billion, which is 2.7 percent higher year-on-year, it added.

Cash remittances up 2.3% at $2.92 billion in July: BSP

A vendor sells sea shells for P50 a plate in Cotabato City on Wednesday (14 September 2022). MindaNews photo by FROILAN GALLARDO

of the civil case filed by SMI against the EscobilloLGU.earlier ordered the Office of the Municipal Treasurer to review the taxes paid by all business establishments operating in the locality over the past few years.Based on the assess ment of the municipal trea surer’s office, SMI was found to have deficiencies for busi ness tax from 2020 to 2022 and mayor’s permit fees and other regulatory fees from 2013 to Escobillo2022.said the LGU is

The peso weakened to its all time low of P57.18 against the greenback on Sept. 8.

This brought the total personal remittances for

tition it filed with the host LGU.The Tampakan project is touted as the largest unde veloped copper-gold mine field in Southeast Asia and among the largest of its kind in theBasedworld.on a company study, the Tampakan project has the potential to yield an average of 375,000 tons of copper and 360,000 ounc es of gold in concentrate per annum in the expected 17-year-life of the mine.

Young consumers who are attracted to offers, high-yield interest rate on deposits and seamless ex perience, among others, are among its drivers of growth, Maya Bank said.

US, Saudi Arabia, Singa pore and Qatar contribut ed largely to the increase during the first 7 months of the year, the central bank said.Meanwhile, personal remittances amounted to $3.24 billion in July, also up by 2.3 percent compared to the same month last year, BSP data showed.

“The expansion in cash remittances in July 2022 was due to the growth in receipts from land-based and sea-based workers,” the BSP said.

gion’s increasing power de mand.”The Finnish firm said it modeled two scenarios, namely the “Business As Usual” (BAU) scenario –without an emissions limit – and a “Net Zero” scenar io, where emissions were halved by 2040, before reaching net zero by 2050.

Deposit balance hit P5-B in 3 months: Maya Bank

Some economist have said that the seasonal in crease in remittances could provide support for the weakening peso against the US dollar during the last quarter of the year.


While it is very tempting to buy a Marilog property and develop it for eco nomic activity, there is still the caveat that laws on property as well as those of the environment provide the limitations necessary to protect lands falling under ancestral domain.


In co-sponsoring the Senate Resolution paying tribute to Alexandra “Alex” Eala who became the country’s first tennis player to win a juniors singles Grand Slam event: Sen. Bong Go

tablishments sprouting in Marilog and operating without a valid license since 2018. The councilor has pointed out that not only do these establishments operate without government permits and the required prior consent from the National Commission on Indigenous People’s (NCIP), they are also situated in landslide-prone areas considered as danger zone.

Al Ryan Alejandre has been raising the concern of es

If you wonder why inland resorts and private rest houses are mushroom ing in Marilog District, don’t be surprised. It’s pure economics.

Recently, Datu Rody Mande, Indigenous Peoples Mandatory Repre sentative (IPMR) of the City Council, sounded out his frustration over the rampant illegal buying and selling of ancestral domains in Marilog Dis trict which has displaced several lumads in the area. Mande has urged the tribal leaders not to deal with buyers to eradicate the issue of selling ancestralSimilarly,domains.Councilor

Alex’s victory is a victory for the entire country and serves as motivation for many young Filipinos interested in participating in national sports, particularly tennis. Despite balancing training and school, Alex demonstrated that success is a result of hard work, perseverance, and passion.

MAYA M. PADILLO Senior Reporter

Caveat to Marilog property hunters


Director Tanya Rabat-Tan of the Department of Tourism 11 (DOT 11) has been constantly reminding would-be buyers in Marilog.

VOL.15 ISSUE 133 • FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 20226 EDGEDAVAO VANTAGE Columnists: MA. TERESA L. UNGSON • EDCER C. ESCUDERO • AURELIO A. PEÑA • ZHAUN ORTEGA • BERNADETTE “ADDIE” B. BORBON • MARY ANN “ADI” C. QUISIDO • LEANDRO B. DAVAL SR., • NIKKI GOTIANSE-TAN • NICASIO ANGELO AGUSTIN • EMILY ZEN CHUA • CARLOS MUNDA Economic Analyst: ENRICO “GICO” G. DAYANGIRANG • JONALLIER M. PEREZ OLIVIA D. VELASCO General Manager Printed by Zion Accuprint Publishing Inc. Door 14 ALCREJ Building, Quirino Avenue, 8000, Davao City, Philippines Tel: (082) 301-6235 Telefax: (082) 221-3601 www.edgedavao.net editorial@edgedavao.net marketing@edgedavao.net CAGAYAN DE ORO MARKETING OFFICE LEIZEL A. DELOSO | Marketing Manager Unit 6, Southbank Plaza Velez-Yacapin Sts. Cagayan de Oro City Tel: (088) 852-4894 RICHARD C. EBONA Advertising Specialist SOLANI D. MARATAS Finance EDGEDAVAO Providing solutions to a seamless global village. NEILWIN L. BRAVO Editor in Chief Columnists: ANTONIO V. FIGUEROA • HENRYLITO D. TACIO • JOHN CARLO TRIA • MUJAHID NAVARRA • FRED C. LUMBA DENNIS R. GORECHO • VIDA MIA S. VALVERDE • HAROLD CAVITE • MOSES BILLACURAANAMARIE G. SILPAO Layout ATHENA JILLIAN BRAVO NIKKI MEGHANNGOTIANSE-TANSTA.INESFERINASANTOS Lifestyle edgedavao@gmail.com MANILA MARKETING OFFICE RICHARD C. EBONA Product Development officer Address: No. 18 Purok 4B, Madelo Street, Lower Bicutan, Taguig City Mobile number: +63 947 265 2969(smart); +63 916 955 8559(globe) LEANDRO S. DAVAL JR. Desk Editor ARMANDO B. FENEQUITO JR. Correspondent OLIVIA D. VELASCO President SOLANI D. MARATAS Finance


General Manager / VP Operations JOCELYN S. PANES Director of Sales PHILIPPINE PRESS INSTITUTE the national association of newspapers


More and more holders of ancestral domain properties are selling their lands. It’s simple, people need money. These people cannot just hang on to lands that they cannot convert into livelihood or cash. To develop them, they need money. To continue farming, they wouldn’t survive either.

So the easiest way to convert land to cash is to sell them, albeit unlawful.

While Marilog District is positioned as an emerging tourist destination in Davao City, people need to realize that there are limitations. Not all areas in Marilog are meant to be tourist or economic area. There also exists no-build zones.Regional

This translates to a third of its population with an estimat ed $12.5 B lost in crops and property.Anamusing but straight forward published quote from a fisherman went: “What bad luck we have,” said the 68-year old flood victim. “When there is no water in the lake, we are starving. When there is plenty of water, we are drowning.”

Thousands are being housed in temporary shelters and videos of hungry children - including swarms of flies touching babies and toddlers - are a picture that needs no caption to describe their sorry plight.More

For nearly three centuries, the Maguindanao sultanate’s influ ence in regions around the gulf was profound. Datu Buisan, chief leader of Davao, was not just the preeminent ruler of the gulf; his son and daughters

fronted with: floods, natural disasters, terrorism and illegal drugs, economic and agricul tural instability, political polar ization,Deathlyetc. typhoons visit both countries on a regular basis like a pendulum that never stops swinging.Politicians crave power and position.Whoever carries the scepter of authority, there - like ants at tracted to a delicacy carelessly left open - they make a beeline towards that StudentsAmusing,authority.isitnot?ofpolitical history and government, who desire to acquire vital knowledge and enrich their education, should regularly monitor political de velopments in that country.


But first we must pray for Pakistan’s deliverance for the sake of its suffering millions of citizens. (Email feedback to PINES!GODfredlumba@yahoo,com.)BLESSTHEPHILIP

(babac), frog; Manat (a river), rosewater; Buhisan (buisan), place of tribute or an altar of sacrifice; Badas, whip; Saug, to water down a thing; Man ay, to sew; Padada, lasso to catch birds by the feet, bird trap; Lagab, rays of the sun; Cabacan (Kabacan), rice barn; Cauit, iron hook; Kingking, the little finger of the hand; Gusu (Guzo), sea stone; Pusan, fish in brine; Sandawa, sulfur; Tagum, indigo plant; and Ngan, to give or deliver.

“We have to heal our wounded world. The chaos, despair and sense less destruction we see today are a result of the alienation that people feel from each other and their envi ronment.” - MICHAEL JACK

tandag (pepper; Tandag City, Surigao del Sur); Rajah Cab ungso-an (Sharif Kabungsu wan, first sultan of Maguindan ao; barangay of Lingig, Surigao del Sur); nunuk (a large tree that is an object of superstition by the natives; Nonoc Island Surigao del Norte), and harip (sharif; barangay of Hinatuan, Surigao del Elsewhere,Sur).you have places bearing certain Maguindanao influence such as Lagau (Lagao, Gen. Santos City), the elder of the country; (Sultan sa) Barun guis (a town in the province of Maguindanao), a fruit tree that bears red and rather acid fruit; Auang (Awang, Maguindanao), a water craft; Lebak ( a town in Sultan Kudarat), swelling (of riverway); Sirungan (Rajah Sirongan of Buayan, Cotaba to), a dark area or shape of a body coming between rays of light and a surface); Makilala

(a town in North Cotabato), to know; and Malabang (Lanao del Sur), rising (of the tide).

married into the royalty and his son ruled Kandahar in the Celebes Sea. The vassal states in adjacent areas, given his clout, also respected him.

is in a state of na tionalThirtyemergency.threemillion Paki stanis - global media reports say - are severely affected by the continuing monsoon rains that have begun since June resulting in devastating floods.

Eighty million acres of crops were damaged and the farmers and their hungry fam ilies have also lost their homes.


You could see onrushing floodwaters sweep away con crete houses, bridges and roads made impassable. Just like that.


(In the Maguindanaoan dic tionary of Fr. Jacinto Juanmarti, SJ, pantoc is defined as a super stition the Moros have of mak ing someone guess something, while pantucan is to collect a debt.)Ifyou go as far as Surigao, certain places surely evoke of Maguindanao legacy, such as dapa (to offend someone; town of Dapa, Surigao del Norte);

gions and areas, authorities say. Of course, fears are rising over the threats of water borne diseases like dengue, cholera, influenza, pneumonia, cough andFoodcolds.aid and other items could not reach many outlying areas and helpless Pakistanis rush and sprint and crowd when they hear that trucks loaded with government relief have arrived out there in the open where safe parking areas are Pakistaniavailable. officials say that it will take some ten years for the country to recover where nec essary funding is estimated to cost some Government$25B. authorities have ascribed these destructive and calamitous occurrences to climateSomechange.media narratives


Aside from oral traditions, dissertations, travelogues, scientific papers, diaries, le gal documents, and other ac counts in archives, museums, and libraries, dictionaries are also vital sources of histori cal data, particularly insights into linguistic influences. Loanwords, due to coloniza tion, trade, intermarriage, and evangelization, provide a his toriographer a broader un derstanding of the significance that words and idioms carry.

There are also many Arabic loanwords in the Maguindan ao language by way of Islam, such as kitab (book of sacred scriptures), murtad (apostate), harip (sharif, descendant of Muhammad), rasul (apostle), tafsir (Islamic commentaries), hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca), ka lifat (khalifa, successor or ca liph), jukum (yahkam, law or to judge), jiin (djinn, demon), and jina (zina, heaven).

however claim that, through the years, utter government negligence and gross misman agement of the state of affairs due to incessant political bick

The same problems the for mer has been through and is undergoing now are similar to the problems Filipinos are con


I have seen all the horrifying videos on the internet and the relentless rainwaters have over flowed and cascaded to towns and cities, putting them under water until this writing.

Khan has been able to gath er thousands of supporters in a bid to regain his post and re-es tablish his political grip and stature.Short of urging his vocifer ous supporters to take up arms and topple the constitutional government, Khan has been quite successful in arousing na tionalisticPardonfervor.me but I cannot helpSomehow,it. there are similar ities between Pakistan and the Philippines.Figureout the comparison and parallel conditions.


Studying the etymology and orthography of the Magu indanao language is an essen tial aspect of Davao’s history.

The flooding may take up to six months for the water to recede in the hardest hit re

Maguindanao’s linguistic link to places in Davao is most ly inspiring given that many areas that were once Moro en claves still carry telltale signs of this connection though the names are slightly altered but can still be traced or attributed to theAmonglanguage.the familiar pla cenames are Bunawan (bo anawan), foot bath; Babak

erings and disunity were the major factors for Pakistan’s currentToday,woes.the stability of the Pakistani government is greatly threatened by the political bloc of ousted PM Imran Khan who is facing arrest and detention.



harrowing is that more than 1,300 human lives have already perished in the floods described by some me dia orgs as “apocalyptic.”


The extent of the Maguin danao impact in the gulf has largely been a minimally ex plored field. Historians, for ob vious reasons, focus their stud ies mostly on the socio-cultural facets of the indigenous peo ples, from understanding their customs and traditions to documenting their art. In re cent decades, the research has delved into textiles and eth no-music.Itisalso significant to be aware of the Islamic inroads the sultanate of Maguindan ao has introduced in Davao, which are represented today by the small Moro communi ties that socio-culturally coex ist with the majority Christian populations around the gulf.

“What a day. It’s a beautiful day for us,” he added.

She said she was optimis tic that she would witness the reunification in her lifetime. “It’s part of their journey. The rise, the fall, the rise, the one ness.”Maglangit, the two Misu ari children and the four other MPs appointed from Misuari’s group, were present to wit ness the historic meet.

Hashim’s MILF, on the oth er hand, started negotiating peace with the government in July 1997 under the Ramos administration but under the Estrada administration, only a general intent was signed in August 1998.

“What we are witnessing here are Bangsamoro leaders taking a reconciliatory posi tion to heed the call of Pres ident Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr., for unity in the country. A united Bangsamoro will usher a genuine and inclusive peace not just in the BARMM but also throughout Mindanao and the entire country. More good things are expected to happen,” Galvez said in a press release issued by his office.

When he was Governor of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), visited MILF chair Salamat Hashim in Camp Abubakar on March 16, 1999, a visit facili tated by the Libyan Ambassa dor to the Hashim,Philippines.whowas Misu ari’s Vice Chair before he broke away to form the MILF after the failed implementa tion of the 1976 Tripoli Agree ment, succumbed to an illness in July“This2003.is a symbol of uni ty,” Ebrahim described their meeting, to which Misuari added, “and solidarity.”

overdue. The Bangsamoro has been longing to see this hap pen a long time ago. Our wish is that this unity meeting/visit will be translated into concrete unity in action and solidarity in charting a better future for the Bangsamoro. This can be manifested in crafting laws, programs and activities that will improve the socio-eco nomic life of the Bangsamoro, strengthen social cohesion and inclusive development.”

Nurredha noted the visit coincided with the birth an niversary of former President Ferdinand Edralin Marcos, father of President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. It was Marcos Sr. who declared martial law on September 21, 1972 and sent his troops to go after their fa ther and the AbdulkarimMNLF.noted that September 11 is also the anni versary of the Sultan of Sulu’s visit to China 605 years ago.


plied: “No no. Sabi pa nga niya (her father), he wants to visit Murad. Really, it’s really some thing. Ama is really open now.”

Presidential Peace Adviser Carlito Galvez visited Misuari on August 18 and was told he wanted to see Murad.

“It means a lot, it means a lot, so we move,” said Misuari, with Murad adding “together, Inshallah” and Misuari com pleting the sentence “towards the end, through our unity and solidarity, a solid unity and solidarity that will guide our destiny as a nation.”


Murad thanked Misuari for his warm welcome. “See you in our inaugural session on September 15,” he said, referring to the inaugural ses

On Sunday morning, Ebra him told MindaNews that he does not mind going to Misu ari’s home even if he is Bang samoro Chief Minister. “Wala namang damage kung ako pupunta sa kanya. Anyway, dati ko naman siyang leader” (There’s no damage if I go visit him. Anyway, he was my for merTwenty-threeleader).

“Allahu Akbar, Allahu Ak bar,” the crowd repeatedly said, following Misuari.

“This is a great day, a great day for the Bangsamoro homeland,” the 83-year-old Nur Misuari, chair of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) said of his meeting with Bangsamoro Chief Min ister Ahod “Al Haj Murad” Ebrahim, chair of the Moro Is lamic Liberation Front whom he warmly welcomed in his residence here shortly after 2 p.m. on Sunday, marking the first time in over two decades that leaders of both fronts sat down to talk with each other.

Long GuiameloverdueAlim, a mem ber of the Council of Elders of the Cotabato City-based Consortium of Bangsamoro Civil Society (CBCS) said “this unity meeting or visit is long

“A better Bangsamoro” is “inevitable,” said the MNLF founding chair.

MP Tarhata Maglangit, among the women veterans of the Bangsamoro struggle, said “finally, finally, it happened.”


/ MindaNews)

sion of the Parliament of the new Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) on Septem ber 15 which will be attended by President Ferdinand Mar cos, “IJr.will be there Inshallah, I will be there Inshallah,” Misu ari replied.MILF-led BTA

Murad leads the BTA as Chief Minister of the 80-mem ber transition body. Among the 80 members are 55 nom inated by the MILF and MNLF: 41 from the MILF, seven from the MNLF under Misuari and seven from the MNLF under Muslimin

years earli er, it was Misuari, then ARMM Governor, who visited MILF chair Hashim in Camp Abuba kar. At that time, Misuari was awaiting the amendatory law that would have incorporat ed the provisions of the 1996 Final Peace Agreement he signed with government. His three-year term was supposed to have ended in September 1999 but he stayed on as Gov ernor on holdover capacity until November 2001.

In March 2000, a full year after Misuari’s visit to Hashim, Estrada waged an “all-out war” against the MILF that displaced nearly a million res idents.“The rise, the fall, the rise, the oneness”WhenEbrahim said he had to leave because he was returning to Cotabato City, a five-hour ride from Davao City, he told Misuari: “Thank you very much.” Misuari’s re sponse: “Thank you for hon oring our humble house with yourEbrahimvisit.” said in jest, “when we come back to Davao, we will sleep here.”

Misuari’s daughter, Nur-Ainee, said her father was

AmongSema.the 80 are 15 children of Bangsamoro rev olutionary leaders, including Misuari’s children Abdulkarim and Nurredha, and children of commanders and peace panel members. Sixteen of the 80 members are women with Nurredha Misuari as the youngest member. She is turn ing 28 in EbrahimDecember.was accompa nied to Misuari’s home by Senior Minister Abdulraof Ma cacua who joined the MNLF when he was 15 and was Misuari’s dishwasher. Macac ua mentioned places where he was with Misuari decades ago. “You mention what history is like. That was long, long ago tapos nag-reunion kami dito in your presence,” he addressed a crowd of supporters in the sameEbrahimroom. arrived at Misu ari’s home at around 2:15 p.m. MindaNews was allowed by both parties to enter the meet ing venue an hour later.

Abdulkarim Misuari, Misuari’s eldest son with first wife Desdemona Tan, pointed

Bae Magdalena Suhat, chair of the Mindanao Peoples Caucus, thanked God for the blessings of peace and unity and thanked “our leaders for extending the hand of unity and “Thisreconciliation.”isahistoric moment for the leaders of the MNLF and MILF to converge the peace agreements under an inclusive platform which is the BTA. We hope that their efforts will bear fruit and redound to benefit the poorest of the poor in Mindanao. We call on our people to unite and support the BTA and help ensure that the transition period will suc ceed and deliver the avowed promises to the Moro people.”

Nur – Murad meeting: ‘A great day for the Bangsamoro homeland’

“This is a great day for us. A great day for the Bangsam oro homeland,” he said.


Fatmawati Salapuddin of Talipao, Sulu, a former mem ber of the BTC and former commissioner at the Nation al Commission on Muslim Filipinos, said she has “high expectations that they will work hard to ease the burden brought by decades of con flict.” O. Arguillas

his finger up to indicate it was Allah’s will that the brothers in the Bangsamoro struggle are now back together. “Move for wardNur-Ainee,lahat.” Abdulkarim and Nurredha, said “yes” and “sure” when asked if they ex pected to witness this “unity and solidarity” in their life time.“Can you imagine the rip ple effect?” said Nur-Ainee.

“Was he not resistant giv en that the BTA is MILF-led,” MindaNews asked Member of Parliament (MP) Nurredha, Misuari’s eldest daughter with third wife Tarhata Ebrahim, on August 19. Nurredha re

“I will proclaim it for you,” Misuari volunteered. “This is symbol of our unity and soli darity,” said the former profes sor of Political Science at the University of the Philippines who led the MNLF after the Jabidah Massacre of 1968.

“very“Bapahappy.”Mus is coming as well, anytime,” she said. “Bapa Mus” is Muslimin Sema, chair of the MNLF group that broke away from Misuari in April 2001. Sema’s MNLF support ed the government and MILF’s peace pact, the Comprehen sive Agreement on the Bang samoro (CAB) and his group nominated members to the MILF-led Bangsamoro Tran sition Commission (BTC) that drafted the Organic Law for the BARMM in 2017 and also nominated members to the BTA in The2019.last time Misuari, Ebrahim and Sema were seen in one venue was on Septem ber 30, 2019, at the anniver sary celebration of the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process, reunited onstage briefly for a souvenir photo.The anniversary celebra tion of the Office of the Presi dential Adviser on the Peace Process on 30 September 2019, paved the way for a brief reunion among brothers in the Bangsamoro struggle — Nur Misuari, founding chair of the Moro National Liberation Front (2nd from Left, between Presidential Peace Adviser Carlito Galvez and Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri), Ahod “Al Haj Murad” Ebrahim, chair of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and Chief Minister of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Re gion in Muslim MIndanao, and Muslimin Sema, former chair of an MNLF faction and for mer Cotabato City mayor. The three Moro leaders were re united onstage for a souvenir photo with personalities from other peace processes. Sema reached out to shake Misu ari’s hand, hugged and kissed him on both cheeks, followed by Murad. Photo courtesy of OPAPPMP

After Ebrahim left, Misuari continued to speak highly of the historic visit.

Erstwhile estranged brothers in the Bangsamoro struggle (L to R) Ahod “Al Haj Murad” Ebrahim, Nur Misuari and Muslimin Sema are reunited at the inaugural session of the Bangsamoro Parliament on Thursday, 15 September in Cotabato City, at peace with each other’s presence. Ebrahim is Chief Minister of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao and chair of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, Misuari is founding chair of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and Sema chairs a faction of the MNLF. Ebrahim visited Misuari in his residence in Davao City on September11. Sema and Misuari before the President arrived, embraced each other, both of them promising to visit each other. MindaNews photo by CAROLYN O. ARGUILLAS BY CAROLYN O. ARGUILLAS, MINDANEWS

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is a driving force, an en abler, of many of our dayto-day transactions. The Vertiv Asia Channel Sum mit is an excellent venue for us to gather all our partners to learn from each other and under stand the trends that are shaping our world in the next normal,” said Daniel Sim, senior director for channel business at Ver tiv Asia. “It has been quite some time since we have met with our partners in the region, and nothing beats in-person meet ings. I am truly excited to meet all of our partners in person.”During the confer ence, Vertiv executives unveiled Vertiv’s chan nel roadmap in Asia for the coming years, shar ing updates to the Vertiv

A highlight of the conference was the Solu tions Gallery, a showcase of Vertiv’s latest core-toedge solutions, including the Vertiv™ Liebert® GXT5 Lithium-Ion dou ble-conversion on-line UPS and the Vertiv™ Edge Lithium-Ion UPS; the Vertiv™ Liebert® CRV4 in-row cooling solution; the Vertiv™ Geist™ rack power dis tribution units (rPDUs) and rack transfer switch; and the Vertiv™ Power Insight and Vertiv™ Envi ronet™ Alert monitoring software.“Itwas great to see all

Partner Program, includ ing the Vertiv Incentive Program, and new prod uct launches that chan nel partners can offer to their customers.

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VOL.15 ISSUE 133 • FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 9


Latest solutions, channel roadmap featured in Asian Channel Summit HUB

“Over the past few years, we have seen how technology has trans formed the way people do business, not just in Asia but all over the world. Today, technology

of our partners gathered here in Bangkok,” said Pichet Ketruam, country manager for Vertiv Indo china. “Being able to hold physical events again re minds us that businesses are now moving forward despite the pandemic. As businesses around the globe navigate the new normal, Vertiv will con tinue to work with its channel partners in pro viding IT solutions that support the digital trans formation essential for organizations to thrive in today’sDuringeconomy.”.theevent, a panel discussion with key Vertiv thought lead ers was also held, cover ing the latest trends that are shaping the industry today. Among Vertiv’s key initiatives that aim to

drive channel growth are the Vertiv e-commerce program, new incentives programs, enablement activities, IT bundling promos, and social me dia community manage ment.Meanwhile, Vertiv also recognized its out standing partners for 2021. Among the orga nizations that were rec ognized from the Philip pines were as follows:

Vertiv, a global provid er of critical digital infra structure and continuity solutions, hosted its Asia Channel Summit in Thai land, sharing its channel roadmap, latest solutions and a thought leadership panel discussion with over 200 partners across Asia, including Southeast Asia region, South Korea and Japan. The summit was held from August 17 to 19 at the Avani+ Ho tel in Bangkok and is the first in-person confer ence for partners in the region since global lock downs in 2020.

rience including the safety of the customers,” she said.

po kami ngayon para tumu long,” he added.

Once approved by the Senate and the House of Representatives, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, in coordination with the Secretary of the De partment of Justice, would immediately include in the Court’s program the imme diate implementation of the Act.“The Constitution grants that all persons shall have the right to a speedy dispo sition of their cases before all judicial, quasi-judicial, or administrative bodies,” Duterte pointed out.




ment granted SMI a 25-year Financial and Technical As sistance Agreement (FTAA) that was to expire on March 21, 2020.SMI sought and was granted a 12-year extension for the original FTAA, or until March 21, 2032. The FTAA can still be renewed for another 25 years.



scenario is 23% lower than in the “Business As Usual” (BAU) scenario. This would equate to an annual saving of $6.5 billion,” it said.

52,082 units in the said pe riod.Gutierrez said the in dustry is optimistic to hit its sales target for 2022 at 336,000 units with the outcome of sales last month.Meanwhile, industry players will be holding the 8th Philippine Interna tional Motor Show (PIMS) on Sept. 15 to 18 at the World Trade Center in Pa say ThisCity. year’s PIMS, with a theme of Mobility + Hu manity – Innovating for Common Good, aims to highlight how the industry players work together in reshaping the future of mo bility that will contribute to nation building. (PNA)

In a separate statement, PhilHealth “assured its members anew of continu ing benefit coverage and reiterated that their fund remains strong to meet its obligations in the long term.”


The SO 2’s value is low er by half compared to the controversial supposed im portation of 300,000 metric tons of Thesugar.SRA also released

In May 2022, the Sanggu niang Panlalawigan of South Cotabato lifted the ban, re moving the decade-old thorn in the throat of SMI. Howev er, South Cotabato Gov. Rey naldo Tamayo Jr. vetoed the measure, thus the ban on open-pit mining remains in effect across the province.

FROM 4 are targeted to encourage more people to have in surance coverage, thus are aimed to also help increase financial inclusion in the country.Hesaid these are com petitive products given the benefits it will have to the


Wärtsilä said that Luzon represents around 72% of the Philippines’ total ener gy generation and around 72% of the Philippines’ peak demand, compared to 14% in Visayas and 13% in Min danao.The modeled pathway for Luzon, it said, in its Re thinking Energy in South east Asia report, “can serve as a blueprint for major islands in the regions of



ful for the overwhelmingly positive response from the market. This feat reflects our strong commitment towards our country’s fi nancial inclusion goals,” said Maya Bank President AngeloMayaMadrid.saidit recently in troduced an instant credit feature of up to P15,000 for eligible users and mi cro, small and medium en terprises

sue of selling ancestral do mains.Councilor Al Ryan Ale jandre has been raising this concern since 2018 because not only that these establishments are oper ating without government permits including a prior consent from the National Commission on Indigenous People’s (NCIP) over the past years but also these are situated in landslide-prone areas or danger zone.

The industry sold 6,733 units of passenger cars and 23,452 units of commercial vehicles in the previous month, the joint report showed.From January to Au gust 2022, total industry sales rose by 25.1 percent to 212,872 units from 170,112 units in the same period a year ago.

Ryan said they are eye ing holding another PCE in May 2023. By Maya M. Padillo

for five days and even one week.“Lisod walay tubig a ba lay. Kana lang ang tubag sa atoang shortage of water,” he said.

Halfway ingorderesateHence,casesthresholderingexpectedtwowhichexistingcases2022,approximatelythrough6,693aredesignatedtothebranches,excludingareonlockdown.“ThenumberofcasesistoincreaseconsidtheexpansionintheamountofsmalltoP1,000,000.00.thisbillseekstocrethreeadditionalbranchofMTCCforDavaoCityintodecreasethependcasesbeforethecity’s


The FTAA covers about 10,000 hectares straddling the towns of Tampakan in South Cotabato, Kiblawan in Davao del Sur and Columbio in Sultan Kudarat.

the communist New Peo ple’s Army (NPA) and armed tribesmen also hobbled the Tampakan project since then. On New Year 2008, NPA rebels stormed and burned the company’s ba secamp in Barangay Tablu, Tampakan.In2010, the South Cota bato provincial government imposed a landmark ban on open-pit mining, the meth od that SMI admitted is the most viable way to extract the deposits lying near the surface. The ban hampered the bid of SMI to proceed to commercial operation.

“The modelled scenar ios reveal that flexibility, in the form of energy storage and balancing engines, is the crucial technological fix to enable renewable ener gy to become the dominant source of power,” Wärtsilä said.

“As of December 2021, it was P71 billion. We have huge funds,” Domingo said.

would take more than half a day.“Hindi po araw-araw ang paggamit ng ating he licopters, tulad po ng sin abing pag-uwi sa Davao. I presume po ang ina-as sume nila is travel from Manila to Davao. I myself [am] a presidential heli copter pilot previously at kung gagamitin po natin


Visayas and Mindanao as well.”The Philippines has not yet explicitly communicat ed a net zero target, but its National Renewable Energy Program (NREP) sets out plans to power the grid with a 35% share of renewables by 2030 and 50% by 2040.


staunchly support this ef fort led by our national gov ernment partners. We are also pleased to know that the PlanSmart Ready to Re build app is just the first of a series of planning tools that are being developed under the PlanSmart platform. This is as an opportunity to continue highlighting the importance of access to risk information to sup port comprehensive haz ard and risk assessments and data sharing among national government agen cies, LGUs, and the public for science-based planning and investments program ming,” said Ndiamé Diop, World Bank Country Di rector for the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Brunei.The PlanSmart Ready to Rebuild launch also her alds the rollout of capaci ty-building activities to en

units in July 2022.

“As of June 2022, the state-run insurer has a re serve fund of P188 billion, which is 6.7% higher than the P176.6 billion as of end of 2021. Such financial standing is a clear indication that it is financially stable and therefore is in a strong position to sustain payment of benefits in the long term,” it added.



She added that the stateowned firm also collected P172 billion from direct contributors.“Otherfunds not be ing used for benefit payout were invested. Last year, we earned P9.5 billion from in vestments,” Domingo said.


on latte art, brewdown, and cupThetasters.expo was original ly scheduled in April 2020 but was rescheduled due to the “We’vepandemic.been waiting for two and a half years and we’re able to gather ex hibitors. We will be able to


The senators also stressed the need to study how the government can support athletes so that they will be motivated to answer to the call of repre senting the country in inter national“Nabalitaancompetitions.konamara mi sa ating mga atleta ang pina-pirate at kinukuha ng ibang bansa dahil maaaring mas malaki o mas mata as ang oportunidad doon. Kagaya rin po ng ating mga nurses na hindi naman na tin mapigilan mangibang bansa kahit mawalay sila sa kanilang mga pamilya da hil mas malaki ang sweldo abroad,” Go cited.

“Filipinos(MSMEs).deserve re liable and seamless digi tal banking experiences, and we are delivering this with urgency and speed




Since it was launched in January 2003, the Tampa kan project, named after the town that hosts the massive mineral deposits, has been staunchly opposed by the local Catholic church and environmental groups on concerns over the environ ment, food security, health and human Securityrights.threats from

The PhilHealth spokes person said that estimating the actuarial life of the state insurer is a yearly evalua tion done by the agency.

SO 1, indicating the alloca tion of the sugar production for Crop Year 2022-2023 for domestic use. Its pro duction is expected to be 1,876,135.36 metric tons, and is meant for the domes tic sugar market.

The expo was consid ered the largest gathering of key stakeholders in the Philippine coffee sector.


promote the coffee sector together,” Ryan said.

The state health insurer said it ended 2021 with a net income of P32.84 billion, P2.8 billion higher than the prior“Thisyear.is after the Corpo ration has recognized a total of P140 billion in members’ benefit claims expense. Its total assets also rose by 27% with a total of P347.48 billion in 2021,” it said.

It can be recalled that Datu Rody Mande, Indige nous Peoples Mandatory Representative (IPMR) of the City Council, expressed frustrations on the rampant illegal buying and selling of ancestral domains in Mari log District as this displaced severalMandeIPs. urged the trib al leaders not to deal with buyers to eradicate the is

While year-to-date sales of commercial vehi cles grew by 39 percent to 160,790 units, passenger cars’ sales still recorded a decline of 4.3 percent to

able LGUs, particularly data managers, DRRM officers, planning officers, and oth er staff involved in disaster rehabilitation and recovery programs, to use the app for the creation of their lo cal RRPs.“Iam encouraging our LGUs to maximize the use of this PlanSmart Ready to Rebuild app in every aspect of their respective disas ter risk management – re covery and jaminform,”thetegrateddatatoalsoRebuildlizefectivelygies.mechanisms,andpreparedness,rehabilitation,response,preventionprocesses,andstrateForustobeabletoefandefficientlyutithePlanSmartReadytoapplication,IamencouragingourLGUspopulatethebaselineintheGeoRiskPHInPlatformtoenrichdatabaseoftheplatDILGSecretaryBenAbalosJr.added.

Later that day, Go spon sored Senate Resolution No. 200 congratulating and commending the of ficials and athletes of the Philippine National Muay Thai Youth team, otherwise known as “Team Bagsik”, for bagging wins during the International Federation of Muay Thai Associations (IFMA) Youth World Cham pionships.Healso co-sponsored a Senate resolution com mending and congratulat ing Alexandra “Alex” Eala for becoming the first Fili pino to win a juniors singles Grand Slam match in tennis.

Earlier, Go authored and co-sponsored Republic Act No. 11470, establishing the National Academy of Sports at the New Clark City Sports Complex in Capas, Tarlac.

Both passenger car and commercial vehicle seg ments recorded growth month-on-month and yearon-year basis.


“Hindisaid.po talaga ratio nal and practical kung gag amitin ang helicopter natin sa pag-uwi sa Davao arawaraw especially if coming from Metro Manila.”


policyholders.Headded these are expected to help increase insurance penetration in the country which, to date, remains low relative to the region at only around 1.7 percent of total population. (PNA)

functioning as an Environ mental Court, another is with a presiding judge func tioning as Executive Judge with additional administra tive duties and obligations, and one branch is tempo rarily held in abeyance as its caseload had reached 1,500.


judicial bodies and to ensure the swift administration of justice for every case filed. Thus, the immediate ap proval of this bill is earnestly sought,” Duterte stressed.

ang helicopter from Manila to Davao, it will take almost more than half a day to trav el kasi magkakaroon pa ng maraming stops for refuel ing,” she

Member-Millers’ Represen tative Ma. Mitzi Mangwag, and acting Board Mem ber-Planters’ Representa tive Pablo Luis Azcona also signed the order.

“Isa po talaga sa mga pangarap ko ang pagkaka roon ng National Academy of Sports na kumpleto sa mga makabagong pasili dad, silid-aralan at tirahan ng ating mga scholar at nakabatay sa international standards. Bukod sa pa ghasa sa ating mga kabata an sa larangan ng sports, pagkakalooban din sila ng de-kalidad na edukasyon. Makakapag-aral sila at the same time training, and vice versa,” explained Go.



with Maya,” said PayMaya Group President and Maya Bank Co-Founder Shailesh Baidwan.Thecompany said it also has an on-ground agent network called Maya Centers, formally known as Smart Padala. The app also offers crypto feature backed by a Virtu al Asset Service Provider (VASP) license from the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipi nas.Maya Bank is among the 6 digital banking li cense holders in the Phil ippines.

“In this hearing, we will not criticize nor intervene. Hindi po kami mangingi alam sa pamamalakad at lalo na sa strategy ninyo. We just want to know the current state so that we know how we can help. Magtulungan po tayo,” he clarified.“Huwag nating sayangin ang pagkakataon na tayo po ang host, sana maging ma ganda po ang ating hosting pati na rin ang ating stand ing, para na rin po sa ating mga kababayan. We are ready to cheer for you,” he added.

roads,” he Bonguyansaid.stressed that this water problem needs to be solved because the water interruptions in some areas in the city last

The sugar supply is ex pected to stabilize incoming months, according to the SRA. (PNA)

The star players of TNT, San Miguel, and Ginebra have been inserted to the initial pool of Gilas Pilipinas for the fifth window of the FIBA World Cup Qualifiers.

their last game before the November window is on Nov. 5 against the Terrafirma Dyip and will return on Nov. 16 against the Meralco Bolts.

For a former media man, that for sure is a habit you can not easily shrug off because me dia men have and will always be a people

Erram.Thompson and Agui lar played for Gilas during the fourth window last month, teaming up with Kai Sotto and Jordan Clarkson.Perez, Fajardo, Pogoy, and Erram missed the cut last window as their teams duked it out in the PBA

“I share the same belief with the country’s sports communi ty, that our athletes, given the support that they need and the encouragement that they de

Veteran slotman Junmar Fajardo is among those con sidered for the fifth window happening in November.

tional competition, yet I was just there in the corner watch ing Ithem.sought the statement of Councilor Ocampo because I know that he has definitely something to say after Alex Eala put the Philippines on the world tennis map by win ning the 2022 US Open girl’s title.On Tuesday’s SP session, Tek said, in a privilege speech, that Eala’s victory has “under scored the potential of Filipino athletes, young at that, that our athletes can also excel and tri umph if fully supported”.

I am glad that Councilor Tek has clearly not forgotten his roots as one of the original members of the Davao Sports writers Association (DSA) then headed by manong Ferdie “Bat man” Lintuan, whose sole pur pose is to promote sports devel opment.Thank you Councilor Tek Ocampo for delivering that speech, to continually remind us that sports development is as basic as food, clothing, shelter and health care as advocated by two-time Phil ippine Sports Commission chairman and former Davao

Beerman June Mar Fajar do and Gin King Scottie Thompson, are placed as among those considered for the fifth window hap pening in November.


serve, can conquer not just the national stage but the interna tional arena as well. Let us start them young. Let us produce more Alex Ealas”.

City sports chief William “Butch”ThenRamirez.Iremembered an ami able tennis lady named Carol Angel, who under the tennis leadership of Rommie Chan, and friends have been assisting in the organizing of the Dacud ao Cup, that has been develop ing junior players in the city of Davao.Ma’am Carol said that coach Boy Diong is in-charge of train ing at the Philippine Tennis As sociation (PTA) Davao training center that has produced, so far, four outstanding players that playedWillabroad.PTADavao be able to produce an Alex Eala? That’s possible.“Asa lady tennister, and an avid supporter of youth tennis,

I cannot hold back my tears hearing her say that with her victory is a desire to contribute to the development of tennis in the Philippines,” said ma’am Carol.Alex Eala’s victory, I hope, will inspire legislators like Councilor Tek and tennis youth development advocates like Carol Angel, Rommie Chan and Boy Diong to one day produce a Dabawenya version of an Alex Eala.It took Alex Eala five years to do that herstorical victory. Can it be done?


As confirmed by the Samahang Basketbol ng Pilipinas on Thursday, the

The Beermen and the Gin Kings will first face off on Nov. 6 but will only return on Nov. 16 and 18, respectively. (PNA)

TNT, Ginebra, SMB players eyed for FIBA WCQ Window 5

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last two Philippine Bas ketball Association (PBA) Most Valuable Players, MOSESCLEANBILLACURASLATE

Also under consider ation are SMB’s CJ Perez, Ginebra’s Japeth Aguilar and Arvin Tolentino, and TNT’s RR Pogoy and Poy

I believe Dabawenyos can do that too if we all work together! We welcome your com ments by sending us an email to mpb_sports@yahoo.com.

Philippine Cup Finals. To give the said play ers ample time for nation al team duties, the three teams will have at least a nine-day rest near the tailend of the PBA Com missioner’s Cup elimina tions.The Tropang Giga will be the first to sit out as

Probably,person.the majority of Dabawenyos can still recall that before they built that SP Building, there used to be a tennis club beside it. I used to watch fellow Dabawenyos in action all those years, espe cially after 5 p.m. when a lot of them start their matches. I had no idea then if it was a club tournament or an invita

If the landscape has not changed, probably Councilor Temujin “Tek” Ocampo would take some time to visit the ten nis court and chat with players before proceeding to his City Council office.

“It is also important to note that one of the functions of the Philippine Sports Commission is to exercise supervisory and vis itorial powers over the national sports associations in connec tion with their sports promotion and development programs with respect to which financial assis tance is extended by the Commis sion,” Go Asidesaid.from being an organi zational meeting where the com mittee discussed legislative pri orities and policy direction with sports officials and stakeholders, Go also tackled the preparations being made to ensure the suc cessful hosting of the Philippines of the FIBA World Cup next year.

“Nandito po tayo upang ala min kung papaano po ba maka katulong ang inyong Senado at ang gobyerno para sa hosting ng FIBA sa susunod na taon at para mabigyan ng suporta ang Philip pine national basketball team sa international competitions,” he underscored.“Naalala ko nanawagan sa amin nina Senator Angara at Sen ator Villanueva ang ilang netizens na gumawa kami ng paraan paa no matulungan ang Gilas, nandito


Go reiterates need to invest in grassroots sports development, protecting athletes’ welfare


“We need to study how we can support our athletes so that they will be motivated to answer to the call of representing our country in international competitions and in this case in the upcoming FIBA World Cup,” he said.

Go then reiterated the impor tance of investing in grassroots sports development. He cited how giving opportunities to promising athletes to participate in interna tional sports events will not only highlight the skills and talents of Filipinos, but will also show the world how far the country has come in terms of labanparaharmfulawayalsoworldnotbefore,es.avoidthesportsmanshipwillsupportmentmaintainedFurthermore,progress.thesenatorthatifthegoverncontinuouslyprovidestothesportssector,itsignificantlyinstilldiscipline,andhardworkinyoungathletes,andhelpthemillegaldrugsandothervic“AsIhavesaidmanytimesinvestinginsportswillonlyenableustodevelopclassathletes,butitwillhelpusinkeepingouryouthfromillegaldrugsandothervices.Isangparaanitoipagpatuloyangkampanyasailigalnadroga,”saidGo.“Kapagbumibisitaakosamga

During the Senate Committee on Sports hearing on Monday, September 12, Go, who heads the committee, acknowledged all Fil ipino athletes who showed out standing performances in several international sports competitions even amid the pandemic.

During the demic.evensportsseveralperformancesshowedFilipinoacknowledgedtheBongSeptemberhearingCommitteeSenateonSportsonMonday,12,Sen.Go,whoheadscommittee,allathleteswhooutstandingininternationalcompetitionsamidthepan FINVEST, P10

enator Christopher “Bong” Go remains fo cused on extending his utmost support to the country’s sports sector as he urges all stakeholders to work together to ensure that athletes are well-supported especially during international sports competitions.



He hailed Hidilyn Diaz for win ning the country’s first ever gold since joining the olympics during the Women’s Weightlifting 55kg event in the Tokyo Olympics; Al exandra “Alex” Eala for becoming the first Filipino to win a juniors singles Grand Slam match in lawn tennis; pole vaulter Ernest John “EJ” Obiena for his record-break ing success at the men’s pole vault competition in the 31st Southeast Asian Games in Hanoi, Vietnam, and his recent winning streak in the 2022 Golden Fly Series in Eu rope; and many others.

komunidad, lagi kong ipinapayo sa mga kabataan na umiwas sa droga at sa halip ay ibuhos ang oras nila sa eskwela at iba pang produktibong gawain tulad ng sports. Namimigay ako ng mga sa patos, bola at iba pang kagamitan para maengganyo sila na lumahok sa mga larong pampalakasan,” he shared.The senator then noted the crucial role of the Philippine Sports Commission in ensuring the efficient implementation and promotion of the country’s sports development programs.

Senator Go, together with Sen ators Joel Villanueva, Alan Peter Cayetano, Mark Villar and Francis Tolentino, had earlier filed Sen ate Resolution No. 83 urging the Committee on Sports to conduct an inquiry in aid of legislation on the ways to support Gilas Pilipi nas and, in the process, review the relevant laws and policies to ensure optimal performance in future international sports com petitions and to protect the wel fare of our Filipino athletes.

“The achievements of our ath letes are results of sheer determi nation, perseverance, and hard work. Ang kanila pong pagbibigay sarikpisyo ang isa sa mga susi sa matagumpay nating pakikilahok sa iba’t ibang mga competitions, whether domestic or abroad,” expressed Go in his opening state ment.“As Chair of this Committee and an avid sports enthusiast, let me reiterate my unwavering com mitment for the advancement and promotion of a national sports de velopment program in the coun try through formulating relevant policies and extending assistance to our athletes,” he reaffirmed.

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