His suggestion? In stead of inflicting pain, do some physical activities instead as initiation.
“I strongly discourage hazing. Karaan naman na nga butang. If you want naa mo’y pasudlon sa inyo organization ninyo then you want to test that indi vidual then do it through physical activities but do
not, I don’t see the point in hurting,” Duterte said over Davao City Disaster Radio (DCDR) on Wednes day.August Ceazar P. Sap lot, a pledgee of the AL PHA KAPPA RHO Frater nity, Alpha Delta Chapter, and a student of the Uni versity of Mindanao (UM) died due to hazing last
week.The suspects name ly Jeremiah Obedencia Moya; Leji Wensdy Ofe cio Quibuyen; John Lloyd Garciano Sumagang; Har old Joshua Sagaral Flau ta; John Steven Baltazar Silvosa; Ramel John Po tenciano Gamo; Gilbert Escodero Asoy, Jr; and Roseller Andres Gaenta no, who are also students of UM, are currently de tained at Mandug Police Station and are facing charges of violating the Anti-Hazing Law.
Duterte said academic institutions do not toler ate hazing but the prob lem is on the students who want to be affiliated with these organizations.
“Ang kanang academic institutions, they strongly discourage, kabalo man sila ana no one wants it actually. Kaning mag participate sa inyuhang muapil mamatay. Kabalo ang mga eskwelahan ana, walay eskwelahan na gus to ana pero ang problema dinha sa mga estudyante
Vice President and Education Secre tary Sara Duterte on Wednesday reminded the public not to let hate “overpower unity” as the world celebrated the United Nations Interna tional Day of Peace.
In a recorded mes sage, Duterte said it is the world’s moral obligation to end the threats to ba sic cultural rights.
“We cannot allow hate
to poison our differences or allow it to overpower our unity as one commu nity that respects each other’s ethnicity, culture, and religion,” she said.
Duterte stressed the sense of “universality” in fighting racism, consid ering the rising trend of hateBasedcrimes.on the data from the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, there has been a “moder
ate rise” in hate crimes in the first half of 2022.
Filipinos in New York City alone were warned by the Philippine Con sulate in New York against the “increasing major crimes and transit crimes,” with hate crimes mounting by 13 percent.
With such figures, Duterte posed her strong stance on promoting group efforts to ensure “inclusive communities.”
“We should tap on our differences and en sure that every person can freely exercise their cultural rights and other fundamental rights rec ognized by international laws,” she said.
“I trust that Filipi nos will support the campaign against rac ism in the spirit of unity, peace, and progress for our country,” she added. (PNA)
The Office of the Pres idential Adviser on Peace, Reconciliation and Unity (OPAPRU) on Thursday said major mile stones in the Bangsamoro peace process have already been achieved in the early months of President Ferdi nand Marcos Jr.’s adminis tration.Ina statement, OPAPRU chief Secretary Carlito Gal vez Jr. said the Chief Exec utive demonstrated his re solve to move forward with the Bangsamoro peace pro cess with the appointment of the 80-member Bang samoro Transition Author ity (BTA).“True to the call for in clusivity, the new composi tion of the BTA is composed of representatives from the Moro National Liberation Front’s (MNLF) Misuari and Sema-Jikiri groups, as well as the sons and daugh ters of top Moro Islamic
Liberation Front (MILF) leaders,” Galvez said.
In the run-up to the BTA’s inaugural session, the OPAPRU chief said MILF chairperson Murad Ebrahim and Member of Parliament Thong Jikiri of the Sema-Jikiri group met with MNLF founding chair Nur Misuari in the latter’s home, putting an end to the two Moro fronts’ 46 years of separation.“Duringthe inaugura tion of the BTA last Sept. 15, the country witnessed the reunification of all Bangsamoro leaders. This was both historic and a milestone in the Bangsam oro peace process,” Galvez said in a forum held at the Ateneo de Davao University Wednesday.Headded that the Pres ident reiterated his call for the BTA to pass the BARMM’s crucial codes
Agents coming from the Regional Spe cial Enforcement Team of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) XI and the Davao Occidental Provincial Office con ducted a successful buybust operation today (Sept 21) at Barangay Santo Antonio in Agdao, DavaoGenealCity.
Almadin, 34-years old, single and a resident of the place was the object of the buy-bust
operation. He was arrest ed by a PDEA agent who acted as a poseur buyer for one piece of a plastic sachet containing onegram piecesLeaneMade,denthePhp15,000.lyhydrochloride,methamphetaminecommonknownasshabuworthAlsoarrestedduringbuy-bustweredrugvisitorsDuevardJohnBactongandRomarLubiano.Alsoseizedweretwoofheat-sealed
Mayor Sebastian “Baste” Duterte caters to some concerns of the constituents through the City Mayor’s Office booth during the celebration of Barangay Manuel Guianga’s 64th Araw ng Barangay on Tuesday. CIOSebastian “Baste” Duterte said he does not see the point why frater nities hurt aspirants before accept ing them as members.Major Bangsamoro peace gains achieved in 3 months of Marcos admin: OPAPRU
The threat level of Davao City is cur rently at a moderate level based on the report presented during the re cent Davao City Peace and Order Council (CPOC) meeting chaired by Mayor Sebastian “Baste” Duterte.
“Ang threat level karon sa Davao City is moderate. Ang atoang security alert ness is high-level gihapon. Wala nato giusab kay li sod magkumpyansa sa mga butang na ingon ana. although ang classifica tion sa atoang threat level is moderate ang atoang preparedness is at the high-level gihapon,” the mayor
However,said. Mayor Baste noted that there is an in crease in theft cases in the city.“Naa kitay increase from last year’s theft ug karon. Daghan theft na cases but I do not know atong pre-pandemic na datus nato,” he said.
Davao City Police Of fice (DCPO) director Col onel Alberto Lupaz re ported in a press briefing on Wednesday that of the eight focus crimes, theft remains on top in the city. The focus crimes are
theft, rape, robbery, phys ical injury, murder, homi cide, carnapping of motor cycles, and carnapping of other motor vehicles.
Lupaz reported that from July to September 15 of this year, a total of 30 theft cases were recorded, which almost double the 16 cases recorded during the same period last year.
Lupaz said the DCPO has accomplished a lot in terms of curbing theft cas es after it reinstated Oplan R.A.T. Tugis (Robbery/ Hold-up, Akyat Bahay and Theft).Duterte is hoping that DCPO can decrease the numbers as yuletide sea son is “Makitaapproaching.nakoang ef forts ng DCPO suporta lang ta sa ilaha. Believe in them. They only want what’s best for the city,” Duterte
Meanwhile,said. the Police Regional Office 11 (PRO 11) vowed to intensify its security campaign against focusPolicecrimes.regional direc tor PBGen Benjamin Silo Jr. reported that from Jan uary 2 to September 17 of this year, a total of 1,006
By MAYA M. PADILLOMayorSebastian “Baste” Duterte has issued an Executive Order (EO) on voluntary wearing of face masks in an outdoor setting.
EO No. 43, Series of 2022, known as “An Order Adopting Presidential Ex ecutive Order No. 03 Allow ing The Voluntary Wearing Of Face Masks In Outdoor Settings And Reiterating The Continued Implemen tation Of The Minimum Public Health Standards In Davao City During The State Of Public Health Emergency Relative To The
Covid-19 Pandemic,” which took effect on September 21, 2022.
The EO allows the vol untary wearing of face masks in open spaces and non-crowded outdoor ar eas with good ventilation, provided that non-ful ly-vaccinated individuals, senior citizens, and immu nocompromised individu als are highly encouraged
to wear their masks, and physical distancing will be observed at all times.
The new EO cited Davao City Ordinance No. 0307-20, Series of 2020, requiring the mandatory wearing of face masks at all times in public plac es during the community quarantine and/or until after the State of Public Health Emergency is lift ed, duly amended thereaf ter by City Ordinance No. 0417-20 Series of 2020.
The Davao City Police Of fice, Task Force Davao, City Health Office, as well as the barangay officials, other law enforcers, and designated city officials shall continue to ensure the mandatory wearing of face masks in said areas.
The said EO adopted Executive Order No. 03 issued by President Ferdi nand Marcos Jr. issued on
The EO also empha sized that MPHS, intended to effectively prevent and minimize the spread of COVID-19 in the city, shall be mandatory in Davao City under City Ordinance No. 0307-20 Series of 2020.
The Department of La bor and Employment in the Caraga Region (DOLE-13) has aided 250 employees in Surigao del Sur province claim their unpaid salaries as of Aug. 31.
In a statement Thurs day, the DOLE-13 said that through its Inspection Program, the employees
received their unpaid sala ries from their employers worth PHP644,120.
“In Surigao del Sur, the inspected establishments were mostly engaged in wholesale and retail indus tries, tourism-related, con struction, manufacturing, and mining,” DOLE-13 said.
The agency noted that of the 142 establishments
inspected in the province, 22 with deficiencies were settled for the entitlements of their workers as of last month.The common viola tions the establishments committed include non-re mittance of social welfare benefits of their workers, particularly to the Home Development Mutual Fund,
the Philippine Health In surance, and the Social Se curity
of the first-aider, safety of ficer, Fire Safety Inspection Certificate, and the lack of occupational safety and
Davao City Police Office (DCPO) director Colonel Alberto Lupaz reports in a press briefing on Wednesday that of the eight focus crimes, theft remains on top in the city. He said from July to September 15 of this year, a total of 30 theft cases were recorded, which almost double the 16 cases recorded during the same period last year. Edge DavaoThe Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (DA-BFAR) on Wednesday said it aims to increase the country’s competency in the global ornamental fish trade.
During the first orna mental fish summit of the National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI), DA-BFAR offi cer-in-charge Demosthenes Escoto said the ornamental fish trade offers a wide op portunity for livelihood of Filipino fishers.
“This summit, apart from being monumental, is timely and relevant to the fisheries sector, as it gains the momentum towards recovery from the adverse
socio-economic setbacks brought by the Covid-19 pandemic… Not everyone realizes that aside from the therapeutic benefits of pet ting ornamental fish, the ornamental fish business is actually a lucrative industry worldwide, with its pros pects for livelihood and trade,” he Escotosaid.said the orna mental fish industry is showing a steadily increas ing trend, being considered the second largest hobby
worldwide.TheBFAR expressed confidence that the coun try’s ornamental fish trade will more likely boom and provide livelihood to fish ers and even hobbyists.
The BFAR noted that the country is considered “one of the major players in the ornamental fish in dustry,” including the pro duction of goldfish, koi, angelfish, guppy, and molly, among“Theothers.Philippines is… one of the largest exporters in the world, with an aver age export of 5,215 metric tons from 2009 to 2016,” EscotoAnnually,added. the Philip pines can produce a volume
of 23,216,618 pieces of or namental fish (both ma rine and freshwater), with a value of over PHP283.1 million.
Native ornamental fish
Besides the country’s capacity to competitively export marine ornamental fish, Escoto emphasized the need to develop the breed ing of native or indigenous ornamental fish.
“Formulate breeding programs to improve the quality of our freshwater ornamental fish, we must also be able to produce our own native ornamental fish species to be globally com petitive. These initiatives will not only benefit local
government’s financial lit eracy program by introduc ing a financial education electronic book (e-book) and platform aimed to in crease people’s financial resiliency.Inanevent on Wednes day, Metrobank chief marketing officer Digs
Dimagiba said the e-book Moneybility is a compila tion of money management topics that will be updat ed “as market conditions change.”He said the e-book, currently available for sign-ups on
help users better under stand the Dimagibatopics.said the bank continues to “strive to go beyond just providing the usual banking services and aim to be the credible and reliable partner of our cus tomers for expert financial advice.”“With education as our driving force, we hope to fulfill their needs while at the same time empower
them to sustain a financial ly resilient way of living,” he added.
Dimagiba said financial literacy has become a hot topic in social media, with many people discussing is sues targeted to inform the public.
He added once financial literacy content remains fragmented across various online sites, it will be dif
ASoutheast Asian tech startup that enables restaurants and re tailers to automate and grow their business said Wednesday it has raised $13.5 million in new fund ing.
In a statement, Store Hub said it would use the amount to strengthen its operations in the Philip pines and the rest of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) re gion, particularly continu ing to fuel “healthy growth and technology innovation to deepen the value of each customer.”Thefunds were raised in a pre-series B funding round led by 500 Global, with participation from ex isting investors Vertex Ven tures Southeast Asia and India, OSK, and others, ac cording to the startup.
“In the post-COVID rush to reopen, businesses have had to make new changes to adapt to the new normal. In line with this, the Philip pines and the region have had to accelerate the adop tion of digital technologies to meet the demands of the time. With ‘revenge travel’ and ‘revenge dining’, retail and F&B business owners
are looking for ways to im prove operational efficiency and maximize their revenue per customer. StoreHub en ables business owners to make more money and get more time for their families, or to expand even more,” said StoreHub CEO and co-founder Wai Hong Fong.
In the Philippines, StoreHub said it is fast becoming the partner of choice for many restau rants, cafes, and retail stores to successfully automate theirTheoperations.startup said it is one of the few point-of-sale system providers accredit ed by the Bureau of Internal Revenue.Since its launch, Store Hub has served a wide range of small and medi um enterprise (SME) mer chants in the Philippines alone, ranging from multistore cafes such as Coffee Academics and Tender Loving Cakes to restau rants like Wagyu Studio and Kondwi.“Wesee a huge potential for Filipino F&B and retail SMEs to grow sustainably through digitization. Store Hub is committed to help ing bridge the tech gaps in the market,” said Fong.
A resident sun-dries coconuts in Barangay Alubijid in Buenavista, Agusan del Norte on Wednesday, 21 September 2022. MindaNews photo by H. MARCOS C. MORDENORising levels of obesi ty are set to cost the world economy 3.3 percent of GDP by 2060, slowing development in lower-income countries and making it hard for people to lead healthy lives, according to a new study published Wednesday.The peer-reviewed paper, published in BMJ Global Health, provides the first country-by-country estimate of the economic impacts of obesity, a major driver of other non-com municable diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart conditions.Italso included projec tions for the numbers of people in each country who are overweight or obese -- defined as a body mass index in adults greater or equal to 25 and 30, respec tively.
“Globally, nearly 2 in 3 adults are now living with overweight and obesity. And we project that will be 3 in 4 adults by 2060,” lead author Rachel Nugent told reporters at a briefing on the margins of the UN General Assembly.Theconditions current ly cost 2.2 percent of global GDP, and the biggest increas
es are expected to be seen in lower-resourced countries.
China, the United States and India are projected to experience the highest impact in absolute terms -- costing the countries $10 trillion, $2.5 trillion and $850 billion, respectively.
As a proportion of the economy, the worst impact ed countries are set to in clude the United Arab Emir ates, where obesity would account for 11 percent of GDP, and Trinidad and Toba go at 10.2 percent.
The report analyzed both direct costs, made up primarily of medical fees, and indirect costs from pre mature mortality and lost productivity. Previous pa pers had only focused on the former.“Less visible costs consti tute a drag on development,” said Nugent, vice president of non-communicable dis eases at non-profit research firm RTI International.
“We could be developing and growing faster, and im proving people’s livelihoods faster, if we were not sort of experiencing this lower pro ductivity, early mortality.” TO PopulationSTIGMAand eco
President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Mar cos Jr. on Thursday (Manila time) sought partnership with investors from United States (US), as the Philippines further reopens its economy amid the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pan demic.
In a business dialogue with members of the US-Association of South east Asian Nations (Asean) Business Council and the US Chamber of Commerce, Marcos expressed opti mism that the Philippines would be able to forge deals
with more American inves tors and business firms.
“We really have to lever age whatever assets, what ever capabilities, whatever we have so that we can maximize our ability to grow and to pull the econ omy. Let us find new ways,”
Marcos said during his meeting with the business leaders in New York City.
“Let us find new ways to partner. Let us find new ways to develop. Let us find new ways to strengthen this relationship between the United States, Asean and the Philippines. And in that way, the synergies that we will find in that kind of relationship will be to the benefit of us all,” he added.
Marcos also discussed his administration’s bilat eral economic and invest ment agenda, according
to a statement released by state-run Radio Television Malacañang (RTVM) in a Facebook post.
For over three decades, the US-Asean Business Council has been serving as the premier advocacy or ganization for US corpora tions operating within the Asean.The council also pro vides a platform for the US private sector to pro mote mutually beneficial trade and investment rela tions between the US and
Globe-backed mobile wallet GCash has part nered with the Phil ippine Stock Exchange Inc. (PSE) and stock brokerage firm AB Capital Securities to offer in-application stock trading.Ina news release, GCash said it aims to activate the untapped potential of the Philippine equities market by launching GStocks.
The mobile wallet said it targets to officially roll out in-app stock market trading by year-end to select users followed by a nationwide launch in early 2023 with
close to 300 publicly-listed companies in the PSE acces sible on the platform.
GStocks feature will be available to fully-verified GCash users without the need for a bank account, the mobile wallet said.
The payment platform added that it will also be of fering free top up and with drawalUsersservices.ofGStocks will be able to buy and sell local shares in real-time, monitor pending trades; monitor portfolio performance and returns via a dashboard; ac cess stock watch list, direct
research reports, real-time quotes, and live stock charts, as well as access analytics, news and disclosures and daily and weekly market re ports, according to GCash.
“With GStocks on the GCash app, powered by AB Capital Securities and sup ported by the PSE, more Filipinos can now invest in stocks. Thanks to its game-changing capabilities, GStocks will democratize stock trading in the coun try by making it accessible to the 66 million users of GCash. This trailblazing de velopment is, of course, in
line with our vision of ‘Fi nance for All’,” said GCash president and CEO Martha Sazon.“Aside from making stock trading more acces sible to Filipinos, this part nership aims to help ordi nary Filipinos grow their wealth by offering them the opportunity to own shares of publicly listed Philippine companies. It’s next level accessibility, affordability, assistance, and experience,” said AB Capital Group chair man and CEO Antonio Jose Periquet.
A jobseeker is being inverviewed by Human Resources personnel of a hotel during the opening of the two-day Philippine Tourism Job fair dubbed “Trabaho, Turismo, Asenso” at the activity center of Abreeza mall in Davao City on Thursday. Edge DavaoIf you have been passing by Davao City National High School (DCNHS), chances are you will get a fleeting glimpse of the date ‘1922,’ in refer ence to a founding date, at the bottom of the eye-catching sculpture. But the question that begs an answer is when was the actual date the school was built? Is it really the old est public school in town?
In its online history, the DCNHS traces its begin ning to 1922, in a makeshift structure with a thatched roof and walls made from nipa built along Magallanes Street. It was in 1941 that it was moved to a much better building in a new location where the school now stands.
Historically, the construc tion of the first ‘school house’ in Davao was mandated by Act No. 36 of the Philippine Commission, enacted on Feb ruary 9, 1904, and approved
on March 11, 1904. It was allotted P3,000 Mexican pe sos to partially cover the cost of the building. The statute was known as ‘The Municipal Code of the Moro Province.’
An excerpt from the An nual Report of the Engineer of the Moro Province that appeared in the August 1906 issue of The Far Eastern Re view explains that for the project to be completed, a portion of the funding would come from local ‘subscrip tion’ and ‘contributions’:
‘After the usual failure to secure reasonable bids, this office [Moro Province] took up the execution of the work under the local charge of the District Secretary, who is, under the law, the repre sentative of the Provincial Engineer upon work in his district. The work proceeded slowly and [was] apparent ly unnecessarily expensive.
During the time under re port, the building was about eighty-five percent complet ed, the quality of the work, however, being excellent. To tal expenditures P4,172.00, together with P603.12, Mex., localDisbursementscontributions.’ made in 1905 and 1906, which ap peared in February 3, 1909, edition of the Zamboan ga-based The Mindanao Her ald, show that the ‘school at Davao’ was allotted P4,621.58 and P1,264.15, respectively, or a total of P7,685.73.
In the 1923 Annual Report of the Governor General, Phil ippines Islands, DCNHS, men tioned as Davao High School, was a recipient of a single government scholarship.
During this period, Domi nador Fernandez acted as the school’s officer-in-charge. He was later replaced by Ad olfo Casanova Cascolan, a UP
Bachelor of Arts graduate, Batch 1917, as full-fledged principal.
By 1928, according to the Eighteenth Annual Report of the President of the Uni versity of the Philippines to the Board of Regents, DCN HS, one of those qualified to take the admission test at the state-run institution, had twenty-three applicants but only five passed the entrance exam, i.e., one for Junior Col lege and four, for Liberal Arts.
In the 1931 Annual Report of the Director of Forestry of the Philippine Islands, Davao High School was cited as one of the institutes that joined the annual Bird and Arbor Day led by the district forest er. A forest ranger was also chosen to take part in a simi lar event hosted by the Davao Elementary School, now Ka pitan Tomas Monteverde Sr. Central Elementary School.
DCNHS’ contribution to the national literary scene during the prewar and Com monwealth periods is essen tially a forgotten achieve ment. Geronimo D. Sicam, an English faculty in the highschool institution, was instru mental in molding a number of students whose works were later carried by the Philippine Magazine, among them Silvestre L. Tagarao and Vicente Generoso.
Gen. Trias, Cavite-born Tagarao, who published po ems while still a DCNHS se nior student, wrote ‘Super stition’ (1938) and ‘Sunrise’ (1941), later included in an anthology. Zamboanga-born Generoso penned an amus ing story titled ‘Sister Takes Me to a Dance’ (1934). For his part, Sicam authored the popular book ‘Prize-winning Declamation Pieces, Poems and Plays’ (1965).
Five*******decades have passed since the martial law years.
Those who experienced pain and suffering passionately re member the harsh memories and are forever etched in the ep itaphs of their minds.
Can’t b;ame them.
We should respect this mind set because they reflect a facet of Philippine history where a na tion firmly prides itself on.
How often has it been said that those who do not remember the mistakes of the past are cer tainly going to repeat the same.
I pray I do not digress.
But can we make a parallel ism?The US Civil War in 1861 when the North fought the South over the institution of slavery
saw Americans killing fellow Americans.Eleven southern states left the Union to form the Confeder ate States of America to fight the United States of America.
More than 620,000 men were killed in the four-year civil strife.Out of this bloody and vi olent conflict emerged an un paralleled patriotic fervor that Americans continue to cherish and reflect in their lives today.
Because of the painful and traumatic lessons, Americans have put forth a national con sciousness that democracy is the best form of government on thisBecauseplanet. it is a government “of the people, for the people and by the people.”
More than just being our colonizers for more than forty years, the Americans - without sounding subservient but more factual - taught and shared with Filipinos what freedom and de
mocracy are all about.
Maybe, in the course of time, Filipinos have misinterpreted the true meaning of these two terms.Because when their free doms were threatened and de mocracy was on the verge of falling into the wrong hands, political leaders of that era mis handled the affairs of the nation and had only their own selfish interest to protect and preserve.
Instead of seeking to uni fy a highly polarized country, politicians - in effect - stood by to watch the “parade” that was passing by.
In contrast, Abraham Lin coln - the major reason he was dubbed “The Great Emancipator - fervently sought the Confed eracy to go back and re-join the United(AfterStates.the war, the US Con stitution was amended, freeing the slaves and granting them the assurance of “equal protection under the law” for American cit
izens, and to give black men the right to vote.)
In a dedication speech at the Soldiers’ National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Lin coln declared three things: One, “that these dead shall not have died in vain”; Two, “that this na tion under God shall have a new birth of freedom”; and Three, “that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”Beautiful, aren’t these?
Today’s contemporary gen eration - I have observed - seem to be more detached than at tached to the melancholic rem iniscences of the martial law years.After all, - I hear this frequent rationalization from their youth ful ranks - they saw the light of day when a global technological boom has given them the tools to search, acquire and re-search knowledge that were before only verbally told and re-told by
their predecessors, parents, tu tors and “Moveall.on,” is a two-word popular phrase that is now the fancy of the times.
The pragmatic meaning has a positive connotation because it is not a hard sell pitch that cannot be understood.
It is Evensimple.anelementary pupil will comprehend its meaning in its basic form.
We are now in the 21st cen tury where AI (artificial intelli gence) and the use of robotics - the branch of technology that deals with the design, construc tion, operation and application of robots - are swiftly and rapid ly advancing.IthinkIecho the youths’ in terpretation of “moving on” as something like this: They will not dwell on the sad past and let it unduly mix into their pres ent lives. (Email feedback to fredlumba@yahoo.com.) GOD BLESS THE PHILIPPINES!
“The past is but the beginning of a beginning, and all that is and has been is but the twilight of the dawn.” - H.G. WELLS
The Land Bank of the Philippines (LAND BANK) strengthened its ties with the Provincial Government of Cebu during a courtesy visit on 15 September 2022, as the Bank expressed its continued support for the Province’s En
hanced ProgramDevelopmentCountryside(ECD)forfarmers and fisherfolk.
LANDBANK Pres ident and CEO Cecilia C. Borromeo met with Cebu Governor Gwen dolyn F. Garcia, together with LANDBANK Execu
tive Vice President Lidu vino S. Geron, Corporate Banking Group Head, Senior Vice President Celeste Burgos, East Vi sayas Branches Group Head, Senior Vice Presi dent Khurshid Kalabud, and Visayas Lending Group OIC, Vice Presi
dent Allan Bisnar, among other LANDBANK offi cials.The Bank has an on going partnership with the Provincial Govern ment under the ECD Program to finance the agricultural production of local farmers and
fisherfolk, especially those who are resid ing in underdeveloped areas in Cebu. The Pro gram also offers capital to expand or restart existing businesses af fected by the Covid-19 pandemic, among oth ers.
Since the initial rollout of the ECD Program in March 2021, LAND BANK has approved loans for 767 farmers and fisherfolk engaged in the production of swine, high-value crops, and fisheries in the whole Province of Cebu.
Aiming to help the housing indus try bounce back, the Subdivision and Housing PagIbig-ertycountry’stomentandHumantheinAssociationDevelopers(SHDA),partnershipwithDepartmentofSettlementsUrbanDevelop(DHSUD),issetbringtogetherthetoppropdevelopers,theFund,and other private financial institutions, all with the end view of facili tating housing owner ship for Filipino fami lies.Happening on Oc tober 7 to 9 at the Megatrade Hall 1, Megamall B, Manda luyong City, SHDA’s
seventh Housing Expo will feature an ex tensive selection of property offerings, construction sup plies, and housing and financial services for home buyers and owners. The event runs back-to-back with the 30th Annual National promos,alsoers.directlysmartable,ofhaveCity.GlobalHyattbeConventionDevelopersthatwillheldattheGrandHotel,BonifacioCityinTaguig“Ourpastexposbroughtamenuresilient,affordinnovative,andhousingunitstoendusThisyear,wearebringingvariousincentives,
and special financing schemes from affordablewithprovidingtoisers300liancedecentfamiliesthatSHDAonChair.ingGovernorsaideryoverhelpandmember-developersourbankpartnerstoprovidearooftheheadofevFilipinofamily,”JoydeJoya,SHDAandHousExpoCommitteeCitingdatabasedDHSUD’sstudy,pointedoutabout3.7-millionstillrequireshelter.“Asthelargestalofmorethanhousingdevelopinthecountry,itourdutytorespondthisproblembyFilipinossustainableandhousing
developments,” SHDA Board 1st Vice-Presi dent and Chair of 30th National Convention Maya Colayco avers.
With housing as the primary concern, the upcoming faceto-face housing expo provides buyers di rect access to the current offerings of top local developers such as 8990 Hold ings, MyCitiHomes, Ayala Land, PHirst Park, Phinma Prop erties, ProFriends, Raemulan Lands, Inc, SMDC, Convergence, Lynville, Forte Realty, ACM Homes, PA Alva rez, among propertywillInterestedothers.buyersalsogainaccesstoinvestment
and financing oppor tunities through the exhibitions and semi nars at the expo.
Among the exhib itors is CitiHomes Builder and Devel opment, Inc., which recently launched Liora Homes Naic, a sustainable commu nity of 3,345 afford able yet avant-garde homes.“We push the boundaries of excel lence of our prod ucts and services by offering ippinesnotresidentialbeorahousingdevelopmentsustainableintheindustry.LiHomesNaicwillthebiggestrooftopsolarfarmonlyinthePhilbutinSouth
east Asia,” CitiHomes Builder and Develop ment, Inc. Executive Vice President John Philip T. Wang said.
The Housing Expo is one of the many ef forts of SHDA to help address the housing backlog now expect ed to affect 6.5 million families by 2030 by extending its reach to more potential home buyers and generat ing jobs in the pro cess.“We do hope those interested in own ing a home can join us in this three-day event. Registration is free, and exciting of fers and prizes await those who can make it,” de Joya added.
Land Bank of the Philippines (LANDBANK)President and CEO Cecilia C. Borromeo (5th from left) paid a courtesy visit to Cebu Governor Gwendolyn F. Garcia (4th from left) on 15 September 2022. Joining them are LANDBANK Executive Vice President Liduvino S. Geron (3rd from left), Corporate Banking Group Head and Senior Vice President Ma. Celeste A. Burgos (6th from left), and other LANDBANK senior officials. EDGEVivo asserts its posi tion as a mobile photog raphy master with the launch of the vivo V25 series that showcases outstanding night pho tography specs, stunning color-changing capability, and other noteworthy as pects that are essential to Gen Zs and Millenials.
Get to know the new est V series -- the vivo V25 Pro, vivo V25, and vivo V25e, and be amazed by the devices’ premium specs. The vivo V25 and vivo V25e will be available via vivo’s official online stores nationwide start ing September 24, 2022, while the vivo V25 Pro can be purchased online start ing October 1, 2022.
Eye-Catching and Changing Colors Meet the Eye
Photochromic 2.0 is an amazing color-changing innovation that is unique ly vivo and the vivo V25 series are the only smart phones in the industry to make use of this technol ogy. Because of light mo lecular material (widely used in high-tech products like microscope optical storage devices and bio logical targeting agents), the colors of these mobile phones change after being exposed to sunlight or UV light.Elevate your style and choose among the many color-changing options the V series has to offer. The vivo V25 Pro comes
in Surfing Blue (Photo chromatic 2.0 enabled) and Starlight Black, while the vivo V25 and V25e are available in Sunrise Gold (Photochromatic 2.0 enabled) and Diamond Black.Enhanced Night Pho tography Made Possible
Flexing photos and videos on social media is the new norm for most people these days. This is why many have be come more meticulous and aware of their smart phones’ capability to cap ture images in various scenarios and lighting situations. Taking this to heart, the #NightPortrait Master vivo V25 series was born with upgraded camera hardware and capacities designed for nighttime shooting.
With the vivo V25 se ries, you can bid noisy and underexposed photos farewell and say hello to gloriously captured and vivid pictures. As a night vision device, the vivo V25 Pro offers a 64MP OIS Ul tra-Sensing rear camera with extreme night vision, an 8MP Super Wide-An gle camera, and a 2MP Super Macro camera. The high-definition main cam era features a lowbrightnessjittersteadiertohigh-precisioncutting-edgeOISmoduleofferyouclearerandvideosagainstandboostimageandqualityinlight.Getthatwokeuplike
this freshness because the vivo V25 Pro also provides a superior photography experience with its 32MP Eye AF Selfie camera + Eye Autofocus. It also has an AI HD Algorithm that im proves face clarity and im age quality, and 4K Video + Natural Portrait which enables face beauty filters like skin polish and skin tone adjustment. Other photography features in clude Multi-Style Portrait,
Motion Blur, Vlog Movie, Beauty Mode, and Portrait Mode so you can capture photos and videos proudly like a Livingpro. up to its name as the #NightPortraitMaster, the vivo V25 Pro boasts exceptional night photog raphy capabilities. It has a Super Night Portrait fea ture which allows users to take clear portraits even in low light, with a bokeh that blends seamlessly
with the background. To perfectly capture motion even in low light scenar ios, the vivo 25 Pro has a Super Night Video feature which guarantees crisp, bright and clear videos even when it’s dark.
The vivo V25 and the vivo V25e both banner the same 64MP OIS Ul tra-Sensing rear camera that offers O+E Stabi lization System. These help ensure stability and
smoothness between sin gle-frame and multi-frame shots to eliminate the us er’s worries about shaky or blurry photos and videos. On top of these incredible camera specs, the vivo V25 also pro vides a 50MP front cam era that tracks how you move, keeps you in sharp focus, and freezes all the vibrant details, thanks to its high-resolution sensor and Auto Focus.
gyud,” he Meanwhile,said. the Police Regional Office 11 (PRO 11) vowed to intensify its coordination with the different schools in the Davao Region following the recent hazing inci dent.PRO 11 director BGen.
which include the Elector al Code, Local Government Code, Revenue Code, and Indigenous Peoples’ Code.
Galvez said the passage of these codes will lay the foundations of an inclu sive, responsive and peo ple-centered governance in the Bangsamoro and “ensure that the BARMM is well-prepared for their first (regional) elections in 2025.”
Bangsamoro Member of Parliament Laisa Alamia described the BTA inaugu ral session as a “historic” moment for the Bangsam oro peace process as the MILF and MNLF are now reunited after 46 years of separation.“Thatday brought so much light and hope to the Bangsamoro journey to peace. We were so happy as members of the Parlia ment of the BTA. Everyone was able to witness what happened that day,” Alamia said.As a testament to the MILF and MNLF’s unity and commitment to work together for the welfare of the Bangsamoro people, she said the BTA no longer has a majority and minori ty block.“Wedon’t have a major ity-minority block anymore in the BTA. This is one BTA. I used to be the minority floor leader. But we have decided and agreed upon by the entire BTA that there will be no (majority)-mi nority block,” Alamia said.
She said that as one BTA, the body “is united and committed to making sure the directives given by the President, by OPA PRU, by the security sector at the national level, and of course, the provisions of the Bangsamoro Organic Law, the CAB, and the FAB, will be Mussoliniimplemented.”Lidasan, ex ecutive director of Al Qalam Institute, said that OPAP RU’s work to sustain the gains of the Bangsamoro peace process “requires much focus and concen tration, as well as support from all our stakeholders.”
“The call for unity is very promising and Presi dent Marcos’ appointment of the new BTA shows his true commitment to con tinue the gains of peace that the previous admin istration has started,” Li dasan said.
To sustain the gains of the peace processes with the MILF and MNLF, Gal vez said the national gov ernment shall carry out a normalization process that aims to bring about the holistic transformation of the former combatants and their“(This)organizations.entailsfour lev els of interventions – from the provision of basic ser
Benjamin Silo Jr. said the schools should also in tensify their monitoring of the activities of their students. He also said that the schools should have direct communication with the various organi zations in their respective school.
vices, capacitation and pro ductivity, generating cor porate business ventures to social healing, reconcili ation and unity,” he added.
Galvez said the national government’s peacebuild ing efforts in the Bang samoro are anchored on the OPAPRU expanded mandate and the Marcos Administration’s 5-Point Peace, Reconciliation and UnityTheAgenda.5-Point Peace, Rec onciliation and Peace Agen da includes the following:
- Completion of peace agreements with the MILF and MNLF towards healing and reconciliation in the Bangsamoro;-Ending of local com munist armed conflict by expanding the transfor mation programs for local conflict peace process;
- Completion and sus tainment of the gains of the signed peace agreements with the RPM-P/RPA/ABB AND CBA-CPLA;
- Enhancement of the resilience for peace of com munities and vulnerable groups through social heal ing and peacebuilding ap proaches in support of the peaceandprocesses;-Enhancement of the delivery of CSPP-com pliant socioeconomic in terventions in addressing the key drivers of conflict through convergence and complementation in sup port of the peace processes.
As part of its efforts to preserve the dividends of peace, Galvez said the OPAPRU has been work ing closely with its peace partners, particularly the academic community and civil society, to promote the culture of peace through out the country.
He said the peace agen cy has partnered with the Ateneo de Davao University and other peace stakehold ers to effectively commu nicate the “Document on Human Fraternity,” which was signed by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of AlAzhar Ahmad Al-Tayyeb in 2019.
“OPAPRU aims to pro mote and integrate the prin ciples of the Human Fra ternity Document into the peacebuilding initiatives of various learning institutions and its other peace part ners,” Galvez said.
In line with its efforts to revitalize peace education, he said the OPAPRU seeks to institutionalize peace education and advocacy in formal education and informal learning institu tions through the proposed issuance of a strengthened executive order (EO).
Galvez said this pro posed EO aims to promote the culture of peace, en hance community resil ience, and provide a pro
transparent plastic sa chets with suspected sha bu weighing more or less 10 grams with a street value of Php 150,000 along with assorted drug paraphernalia and marked money used for
September 12, 2022, which provides the guidelines al lowing the voluntary wear ing of face masks in out door settings and reiterates the continued implementa tion of the minimum public health standards during the state of Public Health Emergency relative to the Covid-19Marcospandemic.issuedthe order following the recommen dation of the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) to make the wearing of face masks outdoorsMeanwhile,optional.Dr. Michelle Schlosser, the spokes
incidents of the eight fo cus crimes were reported in the Davao Region. Of these, 983 cases were al ready filed in court, 551 arrests were made, and 23 remain unsolved.
He also said police forces were able to clear 97.71 percent of the re ported cases regionwide not only due to the com
Southeast Asia, the leading investment destination of American businesses in the Indo-Pacific.
The US Chamber of Commerce, on the oth er hand, is an assembly of small businesses and chambers of commerce across the US that support communities, leading in dustry organizations and international corporations that innovate and provide solutions to global challeng es, and the emerging and fast-growing industries.
Since its founding, the organization has advocated for policies that help busi nesses generate jobs and grow the ‘Enlightening’economy. meet with food Meantime,corporationMarcos also shared in his official Facebook page that he had an “enlightening” meet
active approach to counter the recruitment and mo bilization by violent ex tremist groups, especially among vulnerable commu nities and individuals.
“The strengthened EO shall provide for the man datory establishment of peace centers in all public and private higher educa tion institutions that shall plan for the integration of peace education into the formal and non-formal cur ricula,” he said.
Galvez said this will be carried out through the im plementation of alternative learning systems and other peace-related modules, the development of content and other learning materi
the buy Casesbust.for violation of RA 9165 or the Compre hensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 are being prepared against the sus pects. (with reports from PDEA/PIA RG Alama)
health policies,” the DOLE13 said.DOLE-13 vowed to con duct more inspections on establishments in the re
person of the Davao City Covid-19 Task Force, earli er cautioned Dabawenyos amid the voluntary wear ing of face mask.
She added that the de cision to voluntarily wear face mask and protect themselves is up to the Dabawenyos.,Onthe other hand, Duterte’s EO 43 cited Pres idential Proclamation No. 57, series of 2022, of Pres ident Marcos dated Sep tember 12, 2022, extending the State of Calamity in the country until December 31, 2022.
petence of police investi gators but also the active participation of civilians.
“We are very thank ful na ‘yong mga kaba bayan natin gising at na kikipagtulungan sa ating mga kapulisyahan para maresolba ‘yong mga kri men na nangyayari sa Davao Region,” he said. By Maya M. Padillo
ing with the executives of American global food corporation Cargill on the fourth day of his working visit to the MarcosUS.said he and Car gill executives discussed possible cooperation in the field of agriculture.
“We discussed how to attain food security and self-sufficiency, and ex plored ways to boost agri cultural productivity in the Philippines,” he said.
Marcos’ meeting with top officials of Cargill hap pened after his participa tion in the 77th session of the United Nations General AssemblyDuring(UNGA).hisspeech de livered before UN mem ber-states, Marcos empha sized the importance of the agriculture sector and food security in the develop ment of the Philippines.
als, and the capacity-build ing of peace educators, amongBeforeothers.ending his pre sentation, the peace advis er shared the statement delivered by President Marcos on Sept. 20 during the 77th United Nations General Assembly in New York.“My country’s expe riences in building peace and forging new paths of cooperation can enrich the work of the Security Council. Our success in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindan ao in the southern Philip pines is the centerpiece of these efforts,” the President said. (PNA)
aquarists but will also in crease the number of orna mental fish hobbyists in the country,” he Currently,said.there are about 2,000 species of or namental fish worldwide, 65 percent of which are produced by Asia, primarily coming from Singapore, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and Thai land.In an expert presen tation, DA-NFRDI Senior Science Research Specialist Frederick Muyot said the freshwater ornamental in dustry was developed as early as the 1980s. Howev er, the Philippines has not yet posted significant prog ress in this area.
“Until now, we have not developed it into a booming industry, unlike our neigh boring countries like Thai land, Singapore, and Malay sia, Indonesia, and China. Although if we look at it, there is a wide prospect for development for us, local and export market, and we have not yet tapped our ex port market,” he said.
He said the Philippines
ficult to explain to people this particular topic.
Dimagiba said with the e-book, “we want to make sure that people are getting the right facts and the right advice and guidance.”
“This advocacy of pro pelling financial literacy among Filipinos wherever they may be in their finan cial journey is consistent with our promise of keep
nomic growth are the pri mary drivers of obesity prevalence -- as countries increase their incomes, they experience changes in diet to highly processed foods, she Inexplained.richnations, aging populations are also a major factor as older people find it harder to lose weight.
Francesco Branca of the World Health Organization said there were a number of ways to respond to the obe sity epidemic and avoid the worst“Havingoutcomes.policies that, for example, shape the pricing of food -- so the foods which are contributing most to obesity, such as drinks or foods high in fat and sugars need to be priced higher,” he said.Other steps include
For his part, PSE presi dent and CEO Ramon Mon zon said that the partner ship will further modernize Philippine stock trading and enable millions more Filipinos to become stock market investors, ulti mately contributing to na tion-building.“Onlinetrading has ac
gion to ensure compliance with safety and health stan dards and on the payment of correct wages and bene fits of their workers.(PNA)
has a high production vol ume of freshwater orna mental fish. However, it is important to have a native production to increase the country’s competency in the global trade.
The Davao Region, Cen tral Visayas, and Calabar zon (Cavite, Laguna, Batan gas, Rizal, and Quezon) are the top three major players and producers in the orna mental industry.
“So ‘yung ornamental fish industry is malaki ang opportunity dun (There’s a huge opportunity in the ornamental fish industry)… We have a very large local market… and then export trade… steadily increas ing po ang demand ng (of) ornamental fish… The ex port trade for freshwater ornamental fish is a highly competitive market that re quires high-quality fish and competitive prices,” he said.
Major markets of or namental fish include the United States of America, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, China, Canada, and other European Union countries.
ing people in ‘good hands.’ Equipped with our de cades-worth of experience and wisdom on banking and finance, Metrobank hopes to be the go-tosource of financial knowl edge through our slate of learning tools and initia tives, starting with our flagship financial education tool, Moneybility,” he add ed. (PNA)
better labeling -- and in ad dition to prevention mea sures, better access to coun seling and drug therapies as treatments.Thereport stressed the economic costs of high weight and obesity “are not attributable to individual behavior” but rather a con sequence of social and com mercial priorities shaping
celerated retail investor par ticipation in the PSE in the last few years. This under taking will take the dynam ics of online trading to the next level. We are pleased to provide the trading tech nology that should fast track the growth of retail inves tors in the stock market,” said Monzon.
WilliamRaniel “Will” Navarro apologized to the Samahang Basketbol ng Pilipinas (SBP) after getting embroiled in a contract impasse that prevented him from joining the Seoul Samsung Thunders for the upcoming Korean Basketball League (KBL) season.
In a statement over In stagram, Navarro said he personally went to SBP ex ecutive director Sonny Bar rios to say sorry for signing with Seoul Samsung de spite having a live contract to be a full-time Gilas Pilipi nasBarriosplayer. earlier said the six-foot-six forward has to honor his Gilas contract, which comes with a clause for him to play for North Port in the Philippine Bas ketball Association (PBA) if he gets“Today,released.Imet with Exec Director Sonny Barrios at his office and reiterated my sincere apology for my error and the misunder standing and miscommu nication caused by my sign ing up with the Samsung Thunders of Korea. I now fully recognize that I have an existing contract with the SBP and am aware of its provision re: the rights of my PBA Drafting Team thru the PBA special draft, Northport Batang Pier,” Na varroHesaid.said a management team is now assisting him in his affairs so that a simi lar incident will not happen again in the future.
“Since the fallout of my actions, have sought pro fessional assistance and am now once again under the advisement of a man agement team that will as sist me with contracts and commitments moving for
ward,” he added He reiterated his com mitment to play for Gilas should he get a call-up, but he too pleaded for him to be released from his con tract.“I seek the kind under standing and generosity of the SBP, the PBA and the Northport Batang Pier Team to give me a chance to pursue my and my fam ily’s dreams for my basket ball career,” the former Ate neo Blue Eagle added.
Navarro, however, clar ified that he will “abide by whatever decision they may arrive at regarding my case.”Thunders take Chris tian David Despiteinsteadthat,the Thun ders did not wait for the resolution of Navarro’s contract dispute and signed another Filipino to be its Asian import.
Seoul Samsung an nounced on Thursday that it has signed Christian David.
Like Navarro, David, formerly of Butler Univer sity, stands at six-feet-six.
However, despite both his parents being Filipino, David is not considered a local by FIBA eligibility as he attained his Philippine passport after reaching 16 years
Theold.KBL, though, is lenient regarding the na tional team eligibility of its Asian imports and classi fies David as such. (PNA)
After switching on the TV to watch the sports channel, I de cided to watch golf and saw this college golf tournament featuring Stanford University, the alma ma ter of our former Daily San Pedro Express news bureau chief Mi chael Dacudao Locsin, against the University of Oregon, the alma mater of our fellow sports for peace Mindanao co-worker Prof. Henry C. Daut.
Suddenly flashing to my mind was Alessandra Zozobrado Nagayo, granddaughter of one of my favourite Davao City Council lors Attorney Jesus “Baby” Zozo brado.Alessandra,
christened “Swingderella” by our editor in chief Neil Bravo, has been mak ing waves in the amateur golf
circuit and if you have been fol lowing the sports pages of Edge Davao, Neil has been closely following and writing about her performance.AsIwatchRose Zhang of Stan ford play, I said to myself, “Makit an unta nako nis Alessandra sa TV da.” I could not help but tag Neil in my comment on FB as I wish that someday, we, Dabawenyos and Filipinos can see the “Swingder ella” on golf channel. I just had a good feeling, that’s all. Naay good vibes ning bataa ba.
When her mom, Attorney Rachel Zozobrado Nagayo, the Toronto-based Philippine La bor Attache, posted on FB that Alessandra qualified to the 2022 USGA Junior Girls Championship last July 18 to 23 in Kentucky (mu
rag taga diri man papa ni Dad dy Ram Maxed, commissioner Charles not?), I was so happy. As in lipay gyud ba! She did see ac tion but was nursing an injury, so she was not 100 percent healthy. But, in consolation, she was able to compete and get the needed experience.Alessandra is currently play ing for Team Ontario and will suit up for Kennesaw State University in Georgia in 2023.
I’m trying to recall if there was a Dabawenya to have qualified to the prestigious tournament, mu rag, wala pa man gyud. I thought of Imee Garcia, Davao City’s best lady golfer, if she had some chanc es back in the day, yet I am not sure. I should have asked her when we were still covering the
Leon Garcia Memorial Golf Tour naments sa una. But that would be another story to tell.
With this beautiful news, what will this mean to women golf de velopment in Davao?
This I believe will encourage support to golf development spe cifically for girls.
While the sport has been dom inated by men and boys, there should be a program for girl’s golf, if golf club managers and patrons find this Alessandra development inspiring.Iremember when University of Mindanao executive vice-presi dent Saturnino “Ondo” Petalcorin told us about a golf varsity team, that was one good news that we were happy about. In fact, when Davao City competed in the Phil
ippine National Games, UM gra ciously lent their players to the City of Davao during the stint of then City Sports Chief Butch Ramirez.Asimilar support for golf var sity players would lead to a wave of outstanding girl golfers follow ing the footsteps of Alessandra.
Davao City has a rich history in golf.Let us make Alessandra’s outstanding performances be an inspiration to all golf-loving Dabawenyos.Ihaveafeeling that The Fore fathers Golf Association headed by newly-elected president, Attor ney Ed Batacan, may be thinking of some girls golf development program. I just have a feeling and I may be right.
William Raniel “Will” Navarro (FIBA photo)Run 7-Eleven was last held physically in 2019.
popular 7-Eleven Run Series of ficially makes its comeback on Sep tember 25 with the staging of the Davao leg at the SM City Davao in Ecoland.
The footrace is back to its physical format after two years of virtual editions during the pandemic.
The nationwide simul taneous run will be held in three key cities in the Phil ippines, namely Cebu City, Davao City and Manila with an overall target of 40,000 runners on Sept. 24 and 25, 2022.
42km, 32km, 21km,16km, 10km (Buddy Run),10k m,5km (Buddy Run), 5km and 3km divisions.
for grabs are titles in
Sunday’s run will be staged on an out an back course starting and end ing at the SM City Davao in Ecoland.Thereturn marks the 10th installment and fifth simultaneous run in Manila, Cebu and Davao. Part of the proceeds will go to the Phil Seven Foundation Incorpo rated.Up
Cash prizes will be given to the top three winners in all categories.Themale and female champion in the 42K race will each receive P25,000, while runners-up get P20,000 and P15, 000, re spectively. The top three in the 32K will bring home P22,000; P17,000; and P12,000 cash prizes, while the top 21K finishers win P20,000; P15,000; and P10,000.Registration is now ongoing online on www. run711.com. A vaccination card is required upon regis tration in compliance with the Covid-19 protocol.