“Hopefully by the end of this year we can activate that particular police enti ty,” said PRO 11 director BGen. Benjamin Silo Jr.
He said that once ac tivated, the structure will have PRO 11 as the head unit, there will be one district office, five police provincial offices, and the Davao City Police Office (DCPO).
Silo said PRO 11 al ready submitted the rec ommendation as part of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) for that law to the National Economic and Develop ment Authority (NEDA).
development authority outside Metro Manila.
Several government agencies are look ing at a landslide in Marilog which first oc curred on August 30, 2022.
At 9:00 a.m. of August 30 the landslide incident situat ed in Purok Malikongkong, Barangay Marilog Proper in Davao City was reported. It initially affected 20 hect ares of land. On September 2 the progression of mass movement occurred and the landslide area extended to 40 hectares.
The Mines and Geosci ences Bureau XI conducted an inspection on Septem ber 16. They observed wa ter seepage along the riv erbanks/cliffs of the Upian River where the toe of the landslide is located.
Based on Interferomet ric Synthetic Aperture Ra dar (IFSAR) the area was sitting on an old landslide
The City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office- Davao Risk Assess ment Team had conducted a geohazard risk assess ment. The landslide area was geotagged using Global Positioning System or GPS.
According to findings the landslide area which has now affected 50 hect ares is primarily used for agriculture and is charac terized as having steep to very steep slopes. A similar landslide incident was also recorded in 2008.
An ongoing Depart ment of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Region al Office project was also observed near the Upian River and Sitio Malaluan, a community around 150200 meters away from the landslide area. (PIA/RG Alama)
The Metropolitan Davao Police District com plies with the new law that requires the creation and activation of the said police entity whose opera tion will be under the Met ropolitan Davao Develop ment Authority (MDDA).
In terms of timeline, Silo said that based on law the Regional Development Council (RDC) is only giv en 90 days to submit the IRR and upon approval of the IRR the Metropoli tan Davao Police District should be activated imme diately.
Authored by Davao City Third District Repre sentative Isidro Ungab, the MDDA is the first regional
MDDA shall consist of 16 LGUs including Davao City, Carmen, Panabo City, Tagum City, Maco, Mati City, Sta. Cruz, Digos City, Bansalan, Malita, and the Island Garden City of Sa mal, among others.
The MDDA’s scope and services include develop ment planning; transport management; solid waste disposal and manage ment; flood control and sewerage management; urban renewal, zoning, land use planning, and shelter services; review and recommend to the MDD Council policies
regarding development permits; monitor the im plementation of metro politan-wide programs and projects and identify implementation issues and appropriate solu tions; install and admin ister a single ticketing system, fix, impose, and collect fines and penal ties for violations, and confiscate and suspend or revoke driver’s licens es in the enforcement of such traffic laws and regulations; prescribe and collect services and regulatory fees; fix the compensation of the offi cers and personnel of the MDDA.
rest stop will rise soon in the Island Garden of Samal (IGa CoS) which will serve as in formation and pasalubong center and will be equipped with clean restrooms.
Among the 10 rest-andshop areas to be developed by the Department of Tour ism (DOT) nationwide, will be constructed with a ‘pas alubong center’ inside to promote local products and native artifacts to highlight Filipino artistry.
It will also serve travel ers in need of accommoda tion, information, safety, se curity, and decent and clean restrooms.
DOT 11 director Tanya Rabat-Tan said the rest stop, which is still being prepared, will be situated in Peñaplata in Samal.
“Wala pa’y details kay it is still in preparation. Tour ist service center and rest area. Swerte ta kay naa tay isa diri,” she said.
DOT Undersecretary
Ferdinand Jumapao said apart from Samal, one rest stop will be put up also in Bukidnon.
“Ang naa ana makapahu lay ang mga turista ug any body didto nga nagbiyahe, naay comfort room, pasalu bong center, basta maka re lax ang tanan. Income gen erating pud ni kay naa man maninda,” he said.
The project will be im plemented before the end of the year in partnership with the Tourism Infra
structure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA) and with the support of the local government units (LGUs) proponents of the TRA facility.
DOT will introduce tourist rest areas across the three island groups in the Philippines, with three in Luzon, five in the Visayas, and two in Mindanao.
The project is expected to boost the country’s tour ism industry.
By Maya M. Padillo
The Police Regional Office 11 (PRO 11) is eagerly awaiting the acti vation of the Metropolitan Davao Police District, which is expected to strengthen the capacity of the police force.Construction workers haul electrical conduit PVC to a compact backhoe loader during the ongoing pipe laying works for the city goverment of Davao’s underground cabling system project along the junction of R. Magsaysay Avenue and Chavez Street in Davao City. Edge Davao
I thank the Heroes Movement, Inc — and I am profoundly grateful —for an initiative that ticks all the boxes we need in our call for unity to advance our progress and development as a nation. Bayanihan. Volunteerism. Love of country. Love of fellow Filipinos. Dedication. Passion for change. These are not just words. These are people. Real people. They are Filipino people.
Former President Rodrigo Duterte ended his social weather poll per formance the way he started it: Excellent.
In a survey for his final week in Malacanang, the first Mindanawon President scored an “excellent” rating on the Social Weather Stations (SWS) based on the result of its June 26 to 29 survey. This only proved the consistency f his public approval rating and perhaps will go down the history as unprecedented for a Chief Executive.
Most of the country’s former Presidents dipped on their ratings on their way out. PRRD is taking a different trail.
According to SWS, 88 percent of adult Filipinos were satisfied, 5 per cent were undecided, and 7 percent dissatisfied with Duterte’s six-year term. This translated to a net satisfaction rating of +81 (percentage of sat isfied minus percentage of dissatisfied).
In fact, the former President improved on his ratings compared to the previous two surveys. The last result is 16 points above the very good +65 in April 2022 and a new record-high that surpassed the previous record of +79 in November 2020.
Based on the SWS survey which was done using face-to-face interviews of 1,500 respondents nationwide, Duterte was excellent in urban and rural areas nationwide, all age groups, all educational groups, and among men and women. His rating rose from very good to excellent in Metro Manila by 22 points from +63 to a new record-high +85, surpassing the previous re cord of +76 in November 2020; and in Balance Luzon (+75, up by 15 points), Visayas (+83, up by 28 points), and Mindanao (+90, up by 7 points).
Meantime, Duterte’s urban net satisfaction also leaped from very good (+64) in April 2022 to excellent (+84) in June, while his rural net satisfac tion improved from very good (+65) to excellent (+77). The net satisfaction rating yielded +83 among adults in Filipino families who have not experi enced hunger; +70 among those who experienced hunger in general; +74 among those who experienced moderate hunger; and +56 among those who experienced severe hunger.
That’s fairly impressive for a President. To be fair with the former Pres ident, the survey should lay to rest the critics writing him off as a bad lead er. Something not only Dabawenyos can be very proud of but the entire nation as well.
In pushing for Filipinos to uphold patriotism and debunk hatred:
September could be consid ered as a month of criticism.
During the widespread wa ter interruption in Davao City, a Dabawenyo netizen posted a message to Mayor Sebastian Duterte. The Mayor responded to the message and he was bashed on social media.
In a radio interview on the afternoon of September 21 – yes, the day when then president Fer dinand E. Marcos declared mar tial law fifty years ago – Mayor Duterte said: “Usahay man gud, mang-insulto ka, dapat kahibalo pud ka mudawat kung insultuhon ka. Ana ra man na.”
In simpler words, if you throw an insult at a person, expect that you will be insulted in return.
Another case happened in Bansalan, Davao del Sur. During the recent weeklong 70th anni versary celebration, a beauty con test was held as one of the high lights. Spectators complained that the stage looked like it was straight from a school program.
In his speech during the day celebrating its 70th year, Mayor Edwin Reyes apologized. He said he will try to improve it should such an event be staged again the
following year.
Both are examples of crit icism, which is defined by the Oxford dictionary as “the expres sion of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived failure or mistakes.”
There are criticisms and there are criticisms. There are good criticisms (yes, believe it or not) and there are bad criticisms (which oftentimes are unsavory and unkind).
Dante, one of the success ful businessmen in the city, was highly critical of his competitors’ storefront windows. “Why, they are the dirtiest windows in town,” he told his wife.
It was not only his wife – but other businessmen as well – who grew tired of his continual crit icism and nitpicking comments about his competitors’ windows. “What can I say,” the wife replied.
One day, over coffee, Dante carried the subject just too far. Before leaving, a friend suggested to Dante that he get his own win dows washed.
Dante followed the advice, and the next day at coffee, he ex claimed, “I can’t believe it. As soon as I washed my windows, my
competitor must have cleaned his too. You should see them shine.”
As Dale Carnegie, American writer and developer of famous courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, and public speak ing, puts it: “Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain -- and most fools do.”
It’s never fun to be on the re ceiving end of criticism. Sydney Harris reminded, “What people say about us is never quite true; but it is never quite false, either; they always miss the bull’s eye, but they rarely fail to hit the tar get.”
Donald H. Rumsfeld, former US Secretary of Defense, agreed: “If you are not criticized, you may not be doing much.”
Or as Michel de Montaigne states, “We need very strong ears to hear ourselves judged frankly, and because there are few who can endure frank criticism with out being stung by it, those who venture to criticize us perform a remarkable act of friendship, for to undertake to wound or offend a man for his own good is to have a healthy love for him.”
When you criticize a person, be sure you know who you are
Brig. Gen. Joseph ‘Black jack’ Pershing, the fifth gov ernor of the Moro Province, visited Davao on October 1, 1911. The Zamboanga-based La Voz de Mindanao carried the event. The details of the duty call were retold in eye witness missionary chroni cles.
Gen. Pershing’s predeces sors as Moro province gover nor were Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood, Maj. Gen. Tasker How ard Bliss, Col. Ralph Hoyt, and Capt. Charles Hagedorn. He was replaced on Decem ber 15, 1913, by Frank W. Carpenter, a government ci vilian employee.
Meanwhile, Moro Prov ince, as a territory, consisted of the regions of Zamboanga, Lanao, Cotabato, Davao, and Jolo. Following the creation of the Department of Mindanao and Sulu on July 23, 1914, it was divided into provinces
and regions, including Agu san and Bukidnon.
In a letter dated October 13, 1911, to Fr. Saturnino Uri os, SJ, Fr. Bernardino Llobera, SJ said the governor was in formed that Caraga alone had some 7,000 natives con verted and that if the 23,000 other residents remained unbaptized, sooner or later, they would be drawn to the faith without compulsion. The entire population, as a result, could be organized to form a district with its own governor.
At the time, the southern part of Mindanao was com posed of four residencias (i.e., parochial seats) name ly Zamboanga, Tamontaca, Davao, and Caraga, while the northern sector consisted of three residencias of Cagayan, Butuan, and Dapitan.
Fr. Llobera, then assigned in Caraga and prepared the
putting in the limelight. There was this well-known New York photographer who went to a so cialite party. On his way in, the hostess told him, “Oh I love your photos; you must have an amaz ing camera!”
The photographer never re plied. And so, they had dinner and at the end of the night, on his way out, the photographer com mented to the hostess, “I really loved the food; you must have an amazing stove!”
The usually unflappable Win ston Churchill could handle any thing. After all, the British prime minister endured the chaos and terror of World War II without losing his cool. But there was one event in his life which had a humbling effect on him. That day came when Lady Nancy Astor be came the first woman to sit in the British House of Commons.
At one time, the two were stay ing with Churchill’s cousin, the Duke of Marlborough, at Blenheim Palace. During the dinner, Lady As tor told the British prime minister: “Winston, if I were your wife, I’d put poison in your coffee.”
Churchill became silent; he looked her straight in the eyes
and remarked, “Nancy, if I were your husband, I’d drink it.”
I think there’s a Pinoy version of the said anecdote. At a party, a woman told a young man who imbibed too many drinks. “You are drunk,” she said. The young man mumbled but still managed to say, “Tomorrow, I will be sober, but you will still be ugly!”
Truth hurts, indeed. In most instances, a person criticizes an other person because the critic is better than the recipient of the criticism. In the movie, “Bituing Walang Ningning,” a singing sen sation (played by Cherrie Gil) told an upcoming phenomenal star (Sharon Cuneta in the role), “You’re nothing but a second rate, trying hard copycat.”
Take heed of your critics. It happened to Hollywood ac tor Samuel L. Jackson. The award-winning thespian doesn’t lose his cool anymore when play ing golf, thanks to one critic. “One day, I did get angry with myself and threw a club,” he recalled. “My caddie told me, ‘You’re not good enough to get mad.”
Dr. Jose Rizal puts it bluntly: “We need criticism to keep us awake.” CRITICISM IS NEEDED
welcome of the general, wrote that the visitor was solemnly received as he in spected the towns of Caraga, Baganga, and Cateel, then under the Residencia de Caraga. He noted the gov ernor’s intent to establish public schools in these areas but the news was not warm ly received by the teachers who thought the existing pa rochial schools were already sufficient. He doubted if this opposition would hold.
Fr. Llobera alluded to an incident in Davao where the pupils, both girls and boys, escaped from the parochial institute and transferred to the public school. The reason for this was when the priest assigned there used the pul pit in telling the parishioners that Catholics must follow the church in terms of enroll ing their children in sectari an schools.
Tradition states that during this visit, Gen. Persh ing, also the commander of the Army in Mindanao, met his friend, Spanish lawyer Joaquin Rodriguez, who had settled in Davao after buying an expansive estate in the Mintal area, which he culti vated with the help of Bago bo farmhands. At the time, he had already built a good rep utation and was well-loved by the village inhabitants.
The meeting between two old friends resulted in the appointment of Rodriguez (the grandfather of Sonja Habana’s spouse) as de facto governor of Davao. The event, which took place four years prior to the appointment of the first Filipino governor in the district, is remembered in an autographed picture of Rodriguez’s, which carries the governor’s note.
In another letter dated
November 18, 1911, Fr. Llo bera, in reference to Gen. Pershing’s visit, mentioned that during the stopover ‘we were excluded from the re ception program, along with the boys and girls,’ adding: ‘I invited him in particular to a little act [presentation in English] that we gave him; he accepted and was pleased because no town in this coast presented him with as much brilliance as in the schools of Caraga.’
The taciturn welcome Gen. Pershing received may be attributed to several rea sons, the most significant of which was the plan to es tablish public schools which would be in direct competi tion with the growing enroll ment in sectarian academic institutions, chiefly primary level, that were under the su pervision of the parishes and their priests.
Pursuant to Sec. 1 Rule 74 of the Revised Rules of Court of the Philippines, NOTICE is hereby given that the late SPOUSES VENANCIO R. LAGMAN and JUANITA C. SEGOV IA-LAGMAN who died intestate on October 8, 2008 and February 7, 2014 respectively at Davao City, leaving a parcel of land situated in the Barrio of Sta. Ana, Davao City, covered by Original Certificate of Title No. P-12606 with an area of THREE HUNDRED FIFTEEN (315) SQUARE METERS more or less, has been the subject of an EXTRA-JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT executed among their surviv ing heirs. Per Doc. 39; Page No.9; Book No. 30; Series of 2022 of the Notary Public Atty. NICOLAS A. BAÑGA.
Pursuant to Sec. 1 Rule 74 of the Re vised Rules of Court of the Philippines, NOTICE is hereby given that the late TE ODORICA V. CAYUNDA who died intes tate on November 4, 1995 at Davao City, leaving a parcel of land situated in the Barrio of Communal, City of Davao, cov ered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-164640 with an area of SEVEN THOU SAND THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY TWO (7372) SQUARE METERS more or less, has been the subject of an EX TRA-JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT executed among her heirs. Per Doc. 151; Page No. 32; Book No. 373; Series of 2021 of the Notary Public Atty. FRANCIS ARNOLD D. DE VERA.
Email: rtc2dav017@judiciary.gov.ph Tel. No. (082) 297-0342
- versus -
FOR: Petition for Recognition of Foreign Judgment (Divorce)
Petitioner Rowena Mapula Lamac filed a Petition, praying that after due no tice and hearing, judgment be rendered:
1. Recognizing the Certificate of Acceptance of the Divorce between Yoshi yasu Saruya and Rowena Mapula Lamac dated April 11, 2015 as valid;
2. Declaring the marital bond between the parties severed as a result thereof and declaring that the Petitioner is capacitated to remarry;
3. Ordering the Civil Registrar General-Philippine Statistics Authority and the Local Civil Registrar of Davao City to annotate the divorce decree on the Certificate of Marriage of the Petitioner;
4. Ordering the Local Civil Registrar of Davao City to register and record the judgment (recognizing the divorce) of the Honorable Court of this Peti tion.
5. Ordering the Petitioner to revert to her maiden surname prior to mar riage.
The Petitioner also prays for other reliefs, just and equitable under the prem ises.
Finding the Petition to be sufficient in form and substance, set hearing of this Petition on March 9, 2023 at 9:00 o’clock in the morning, ordering all interested persons to appear on the said date and show cause, why this Petition should not be granted
Petitioner is directed to publish this Order, at least once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, prior to the date of hearing in a designated qualified newspa per of general circulation, pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 1079.
Furnish a copy of this Order to the Clerk of Court, Regional Trial Court, Davao City, for raffling of the publication.
Given this 12th day of September 2022 at Davao City, Philippines.
MARIE ESTRELLITA S. TOLENTINO-ROJASPursuant to Sec. 1 Rule 74 of the Revised Rules of Court of the Philippines, NOTICE is hereby given that the late DONATO D. FABROS, SR. who died intestate on July 21, 2020 in Davao City leaving personal properties to wit:
Upon extra-judicial petition for sale under Act 3135, as amended filed by the above-mentioned mortgagee against SPS. TOMAS J. MONTEVERDE III and MARIA LOURDES G. MONTEVERDE, debtors/mortgagors, of legal age, Filipino citizens, with known addresses at. No. 1 Columbia Street, Doña Vicenta Subdivision, Davao del Sur; and Lot 17 Blk. 7, Viking Street corner Columbia Street, Doña Vicenta Village, Phase 1, Brgy. Poblacion, Davao City, Davao del Sur, to satisfy the mortgage indebtedness as of this date, the subject obligation is in the amount of PESOS: SIXTEEN MILLION ONE HUN DRED SEVENTY-SEVEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED EIGHTY-SEVEN PESOS and 03/100, ( ₱ 16,177,887.03) Philippine Currency, inclusive of interest, penalty and other charges but exclusive cost and expenses relating to the foreclosure and sale; the undersigned Sheriff IV of the Regional Trial Court, Davao City, will sell at public auction on October 20, 2022 at 10:00 A.M., or soon thereafter, at the main entrance of Hall of Justice, Ecoland, Davao City, to the highest bidder for CASH or MANAGER’S CHECK and in Philippine Cur rency, the following real property mentioned and described below together with all the improvements found thereon, to wit:
“A parcel of land (Lot 17, Blk. 7 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-18997, being a portion of the consolidation of Lots 4,6,9,10 LRC Pcs-18628, Davao Cadastre, 1208-E, Psd-16366 and 138-F, Psd-16099 LRC (GLRO), Cad. Rec. No. 317 & 133543), situated in the City of Davao, Island of Mindanao. Containing an area of THREE HUNDRED NINETY SEVEN (397) SQUARE METERS, more or less.”
All sealed bids must be submitted to the undersigned on the above-stat ed time and date.
In the event the public auction should not take place on the said date, it shall be held on November 24, 2022, without further notice.
Prospective buyers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the above-described real properties and encumbrances thereon, if any there be.
Davao City, Philippines, September 8, 2022.
PHILIPPINE SAVINGS BANK, EJF REM CASE NO. 18,593-22 Mortgagee, - versusTREZITA B. ACOSTA Mortgagor/s. X-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------X
Upon extra-judicial petition for foreclosure and sale under Act 3135, as amended filed by the mortgagee PHILIPPINE SAVINGS BANK against the mortgagor/s TREZITA B. ACOSTA, with given address at. NO. 7, NANGKA LANE, WOODRIDGE PARK, MA-A DAVAO CITY, to satisfy the mortgage in debtedness which as of AUGUST 19, 2022 the outstanding obligation of the mortgagor/s with the mortgagee amounts to THREE MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED SEVEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SIXTY ONE PESOS and 38/100 ( ₱ 3,807,761.38) plus accruing interest, penalty and other charges thereon from the said date up to the date of foreclosure sale, publication, other foreclosure expenses, attorney’s fees and such other additional sums as are due from the Borrowers/Mortgagors under the Mortgage Deed; the undersigned Sheriff IV of the Regional Trial Court, Davao City, will sell at public auction on October 6, 2022 at 10:00 A.M., or soon there after, at the main entrance of Hall of Justice, Ecoland, Davao City, to the highest bidder for CASH or MANAGER’S CHECK and in Philippine Currency, the following real property mentioned and described below together with all the improvements found thereon, to wit:
LOT NO. 5-D-2 PLAN NO. PSD-112402-124228
PORTION OF: LOT 5-D, PSD-11-105867;
All sealed bids must be submitted to the undersigned on the above-stated time and date.
That in the event the public auction should not take place on the said date, it shall be held on November 3, 2022, without further notice.
Prospective buyers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the above-described real properties and encumbrances there on, if any there be.
Davao City, Philippines, September 5, 2022.
ATTY. FRANCISCO M. CAMPANER – the OIC Clerk of Court & Ex-Officio Prov’l Sheriff (SGD.) MELRON A. BARTOLOME
That the above-mentioned personal properties has been the subject of an EXTRA-JUDICIAL SET TLEMENT executed among his heirs. Per Doc. 505; Page No. 102; Book No. XXIII; Series of 2022 of the Notary Public Atty. ROMAN J. CUISON JR.
Pursuant to Sec. 1 Rule 74 of the Re vised Rules of Court of the Philippines, NOTICE is hereby given that the late FELECISIMA MONTEROLA FLANDEZ CAYONDA who died intestate on Novem ber 30, 1985 at Davao City, leaving a par cel of land situated in the Barrio of Com munal, City of Davao, covered by Original Certificate of Title OCT No. P-10630 with an area of twelve thousand four hundred sixty (12,460) SQUARE METERS more or less, has been the subject of an EX TRA-JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT executed among her heirs. Per Doc. 273; Page No. 56; Book No. 381; Series of 2022 of the Notary Public Atty. FRANCIS ARNOLD D. DE VERA.
Pursuant to Sec. 1 Rule 74 of the Re vised Rules of Court of the Philippines, NOTICE is hereby given that the late RO DOLFO BARRIOS who died intestate on January 14, 2013 at Digos City, Davao del Sur, leaving unclaimed Philippine Na tional Police (PNP) Pension Differential as part of his estate upon his death, has been the subject of an EXTRA-JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT AMONG HEIRS WITH WAIVER OF RIGHTS executed among his heirs. Per Doc. 244; Page No. 60; Book No. 39; Series of 2022 of the Notary Public Atty. CARLO Martin D. Martel.
LAND BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES EJF REM CASE NO. 18,599-22 Petitioner-Mortgagee,versus -
Upon extra-judicial petition for sale under Act 3135, as amended, filed by the above-mentioned mortgagee against the mortgagor BENEDICT GIL LAYUG MAR FORI, WILL MICHAEL LAYUG MARFORI and JAIME S. ALUNEN, married to CARO LINA G. ALUNEN, debtors/mortgagors, of legal age, Filipino citizens, with known address at Kumintang Street, Mintal, Tugbok, Davao City, to satisfy the mortgage indebtedness which as of August 31, 2022 in the amount of PESOS: EIGHT MIL LION ONE HUNDRED FORTY-NINE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-SEVEN PESOS AND 13/100 ( ₱ 8,149,137.13), Philippine Currency, inclusive of interest, penalties and other charges but excluding attorney’s fees and cost expenses re lating to the foreclosure and sale; the undersigned Sheriff IV of the Regional Trial Court, Davao City, will sell at public auction on October 27, 2022 at 10:00 A.M., or soon thereafter, at the main entrance of the Hall of Justice, Ecoland, Davao City, to the highest bidder for CASH or MANAGER’S CHECK and in Philippine Currency, the following real property/ies together with all the improvements thereon, to wit:
“A parcel of residential land (Lot 184-B-2-C-2, Psd-67381), being a portion of lot 184-B-2-C, Psd-48464 LRC, registered in the name of Benedict Gil Layug Marfori and Will Michael Layug Marfori, containing an area of TEN THOUSAND (10,000) SQUARE METERS, more or less, located at Brgy. Wangan, Calinan District, Davao City.
“A parcel of agricultural land (Lot 865-B-2-F-4, Psd-11-113671), being a portion of Lot 865-B-2-F, Psd-11-067270, registered in the name of Jaime S. Alunen, married to Carolina G. Alunen, containing an area of THREE HUNDRED (300) SQUARE METERS, more or less, located at Brgy. Mintal, Davao City, including existing and future improvements thereon.”
All sealed bids must be submitted to the undersigned on the above-stated time and date.
In the event the public auction should not take place on the said date, it shall be held on November 24, 2022, without further notice.
Prospective buyers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the above-described real properties and encumbrances thereon, if any there be. Davao City, Philippines, September 16, 2022.
Upon extra-judicial petition for foreclosure and sale under Act 3135, as amended, filed by the mortgagee Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company (Metrobank for brevity) against the mortgagor ROSANDREI M. LADIGNON with residence address at Lot 2, Block 77, Oxygen Street, Emily Homes –Phase 3, Cabantian, Davao City, to satisfy the mortgage indebtedness which as of June 15, 2022, amounted to ONE MILLION SIX HUNDRED TWENTY SEVEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED NINETEEN and 23/100 (Php 1,627,419.23) Philippine Currency, inclusive of interest and penal ties, plus legal fees and other expenses incident to foreclosure and sale; the undersigned Sheriff IV of the Regional Trial Court, Davao City, will sell at public auction on October 27, 2022 at 10:00 A.M., or soon thereafter, at the main entrance of the Hall of Justice, Ecoland, Davao City, to the highest bidder for CASH or MANAGER’S CHECK and in Philippine Currency, the following real property mentioned and described below together with all the improvements thereon, to wit:
TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 146-2018005635 of the Registry of Deeds for Davao City
“A parcel of land of the Cons. & Subd. Project (Lot 5, Blk 17, of the cons. & Sub., Plan PCS-11-005487, being a portion of lots 1570-A-2-B-3 & 1570-A-2-B-4, BOTH of Psd-11-029741; Lot 1570-A-1, (LRC) Psd-161239; Lot 1570-A-2-B-5-D, Psd-11-106592; Lots 1,2 & 3 All of Pcs-11-001215; Lots 1570-C-1-G, 1570-C-1-H, 1570-C-1-1, 1570-C-1-J & 1570-C-1-K, All of Psd-11-013259; Lots 1570-C-2-A, 1570-C-2-B, 1570-C-2-C & 1570-C-2-D, All of Psd-11-007138; Lot 1570-C-1-A, Psd-11-013259; Lots 1570-A-2-B-1 & 1570-A-2-B-2, BOTH of Psd-11-029741), situated in the Barangay of Ma-a, City of Davao, Island of Mindanao. Containing an area of One Hundred Square Meters more or less.
All sealed bids must be submitted to the undersigned on the above-stat ed time and date.
That in the event the public auction should not take place on the said date, it shall be held on November 24, 2022, without further notice.
Prospective buyers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the above-described real properties and encumbrances thereon, if any there be.
Davao City, Philippines, September 16, 2022.
Upon extra-judicial petition for sale under Act 3135, as amended filed by SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM OR SSS against ANTONIO CANTAROS MAR RIED TO BIBIANA CANTAROS with postal address at LOT 17 BLOCK 18, #229 OPAL ST., DONA LUISA VILLAGE, MATINA, 8000 DAVAO CITY, to satisfy the indebtedness which the mortgagors failed and refused to pay as of JULY 31, 2022 in the sum of PHP=1,683,226.88, Philippine Currency, including interest thereon, penalties and other charges, also secured by the said mortgage, the undersigned Sheriff IV of the Regional Trial Court, Davao City, will sell at public auction on NOVEMBER 3, 2022 at 10:00 A.M., or soon thereafter, at the main entrance of Hall of Justice, Ecoland, Davao City, to the highest bidder for CASH and/or MANAGER’S CHECK and in Philippine Currency, the following real property mentioned and described below together with all the improvements found thereon, to wit;
All sealed bids must be submitted to the undersigned on the above-stat ed time and date.
In the event that the public auction should not take place on the said date, it shall be held on ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬DECEMBER 1, 2022 without fur ther notice.
Prospective buyers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the herein-above described real property and encumbrances thereon, if any there be.
Davao City, Philippines, SEPTEMBER 16, 2022.
FOR: ATTY. FRANCISCO M. CAMPANER-OIC Clerk of Court & Ex-Officio Provincial Sheriff (Sgd.) SANTI JULIAN G. SOLOMON
Email: rtc2dav017@judiciary.gov.ph Tel. No. (082) 297-0342
ALYANNA NICOLE CABALHIN SPEC. PRO. NO. R-DVO-22 Rep. by her mother, MARY ANN 03930-SP C. SINAMAG Petitioner
FOR: Petition for Correction Of the Entries Corresponding - versus - to the Birth Record of Minor Alyanna Nicole Cabalhin to THE LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRAR Use the Surname of Her OF DAVAO CITY, THE CIVIL Legitimate Father “Sinamag” REGISTRAR GENERAL, Among Others PHILIPPINE STTISTICS AUTHORITY (PSA) AND TO ALL OTHER PERSONS/ ENTITIES WHO/WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED THEREBY, Respondents. ORDER
Petitioner filed a Petition praying that after due notice and hearing, the Court adjudge and Order to effect in the Certificate of Birth Record of the Petitioner pertaining to the use of her father’s surname from “Alyssa Nicole Cabalhin” to “Alyssa Nicole Cabalhin Sinamag”, and supply and correct all oth er blank and erroneous entries in her Certificate of Live Birth as alleged in this Petition.
Finding the Petition to be sufficient in form and substance, set hearing on this Petition on December 14, 2022 at 9:00 o’clock in the morning ordering all interested persons to appear on the said date and show cause, why this Petition should not be granted.
Petitioner is directed to publish this Order, at least once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, prior to the date of hearing in a designated qualified newspaper of general circulation, pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 1079.
Furnish a copy of this Order to the Clerk of Court, Regional Trial Court, Davao City, for raffling of the publication.
Given this 15th day of September 2022 at Davao City, Philippines.
BDO UNIBANK, INC., EJF REM CASE NO. 18,613-22 Mortgagee, - versus -
Upon extra-judicial petition for sale under Act 3135, as amended filed by the mortgagee BDO UNIBANK, INC. against the mortgagor SPS. SIEGFRED L. CONCON and EVELYN S. CONCON, with residence and postal addresses at (1) PUROK SAN FRANCISCO, CORONON, STA. CRUZ, DAVAO DEL SUR; and (2) LOT 8, BLK. 18 PHASE 2, OCEAN COVE, BAGO APLAYA, DAVAO CITY, to satisfy the mortgage indebtedness which as of August 30, 2022 mounted to ONE MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND FIVE PESOS & 12/100 ( ₱ 1,710,005.12) Philippine Currency, including interest, penalties and ex penses, plus other legal expenses incident to foreclosure and sale; the un dersigned Sheriff IV of the Regional Trial Court, Davao City, will sell at public auction on October 27, 2022 at 10:00 A.M., or soon thereafter, at the main entrance of Hall of Justice, Ecoland, Davao City, to the highest bidder for CASH or MANAGER’S CHECK and in Philippine Currency, the following real property/ies mentioned and described below together with all the improve ments found thereon, to wit:
All sealed bids must be submitted to the undersigned on the above-stat ed time and date.
In the event the public auction should not take place on the said date, it shall be held on November 24, 2022, without further notice.
Prospective buyers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the above-described real properties and encumbrances thereon, if any there be.
Davao City, Philippines, September 19, 2022.
BDO UNIBANK, INC., EJF REM CASE NO. 18,616-22 Mortgagee, - versus -
Upon extra-judicial petition for foreclosure and sale under Act 3135, as amended, filed by the mortgagee BDO UNIBANK, INC. against the mortgag or SPOUSES RICHARD V. SITOY and NOEME A. SITOY, with given address at: (1) BLOCK 5, LOT 13, PHASE 5, EL RIO VISTA, BACACA, DAVAO CITY and (2) UNIT 6207, BUILDING 6, ONE OASIS, DAVAO ECO-WEST DRIVE, ECOLAND, DAVAO CITY to satisfy the mortgage indebtedness which as of August 30, 2022 the outstanding obligation of the mortgagor/s with the mortgagee amounts to THREE MILLION EIGHTY EIGHT THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY FIVE PESOS AND 39/100 ( Php 3,088,185.39) plus other legal ex penses incident of foreclosure and sale; the undersigned Sheriff IV of the Regional Trial Court, Davao City, will sell at public auction on October 27, 2022 at 10:00 A.M., or soon thereafter, at the main entrance of the Hall of Justice, Ecoland, Davao City, to the highest bidder for CASH or MANAGER’S CHECK and in Philippine Currency, the following real property/ies together with all the improvements thereon, to wit:
All sealed bids must be submitted to the undersigned on the above-stat ed time and date.
That in the event the public auction should not take place on the said date, it shall be held on November 24, 2022, without further notice.
Prospective buyers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the above-described real properties and encumbrances thereon, if any there be.
Davao City, Philippines, September 16, 2022.
ATTY. FRANCISCO M. CAMPANER – the OIC Clerk of Court & Ex-Officio Prov’l Sheriff
tourists, a lounge for them to rest in, a complete infor mation on tourist destina tions, as well as pasalubong centers for them to be able to purchase local products and delicacies,” Frasco said.
domestic and foreign tour ism.
Speaking at the Phil ippine Economic Briefing (PEB) in New York City, Fra sco touted the Philippines’ readiness as a tourism des tination, and the “critical role” the sector plays in the country’s economy.
“The President has clearly identified tourism as a major tool for the econom ic resurgence of the Philip pines, stating that it can be the economic driver upon which we herald the Filipino Brand and at the same time create economic opportuni ty and livelihood all over the country,” Frasco said in her opening statement.
She also outlined the
Department of Tourism’s 7-point agenda and 3 strat egies for tourism develop ment, which center on con nectivity, convenience, and equality.
She also underscored DOT’s plans to open tourist service areas nationwide, with 3 in Luzon, 5 in Vi sayas, and 2 Mindanao.
“I’m very pleased to inform you that in the first week of October, under the directive of the President, we are breaking ground on no less than 10 tourist rest areas across the Phil ippines... These tourist rest areas will have clean and decent restrooms for our
Also among the DOT’s plans are partnerships with different government agen cies to ensure the safety and security of tourists and to establish Wi-Fi connections in some of the country’s top destinations.
She also outlined the department’s plans to set up an “improved” digital information platform for tourists, as well as a tourist assistance call center.
In his keynote speech, President Ferdinand Mar cos Jr. also touched on the tourism sector’s efforts to revitalize itself and “pro mote the Filipino brand,” as well as the safe reopening of tourist destinations for
“We will also reinvigo rate the tourism sector by investing in travel infra structure and the promo tion of the Filipino brand. With the Department of Tourism leading our efforts to revitalize both domestic and foreign tourism, we will ensure the safe reopen ing of tourist destinations and develop the Philip pines’ yet to be discovered attractions,” he said.
The PEB was part of Marcos’ 4-day working visit to the United States, where he spoke at the 77th United Nations General As sembly and also met with world leaders including UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, US President Joe Biden, Japanese Prime Min ister Fumio Kishida, and former British Prime Minis ter Tony Blair.
The faster pace of in crease in prices of goods and services has been the major reason for the decline in confidence among businesses and con sumers in the third quarter of the year.
The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) reported Fri day that overall confidence index (CI) among businesses in third quarter of 2022 de clined to 26.1 percent from 35.3 percent in the second
“The respondents’ less optimistic sentiment in Q3 (third quarter) 2022 was at tributed to: (a) higher infla tion (i.e., faster rise in prices of consumer goods, services, raw materials and produc tion costs), (b) rising fuel pric es, (c) decline in sales and de mand, (d) peso depreciation and (e) the continuing public health threat of Covid-19,” the central bank said.
Business sentiment is also
less optimistic for the next quarter as confidence level went down to 43.9 percent from 46.4 percent, while over all CI for the next 12 months also slowed down to 57.7 per cent from 59.9 percent.
In July to August 2022 period, consumers were more pessimistic as overall CI further declined to -12.9 percent from -5.2 percent, still mainly due to higher in flation rate.
Other reasons of con
sumers for their weaker confidence also include low income and fewer available jobs and working family members.
But consumers are more optimistic for the fourth quarter and the next 12 months.
Overall CI improved to 13.4 percent from 11.2 per cent for the next quarter and to 33.4 percent from 32.4 percent for the next 12 months. (PNA)
The Philippines’ lead ing airline, Cebu Pa cific continues to beef up its regional footprint as it announces the resump tion of its international op erations in its Davao hub, starting with direct flights to Singapore. CEB is the first local carrier to restart inter national flights from Davao since the pandemic.
On October 30, 2022, CEB will begin operating three times a week from Davao to Singapore, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Flight 5J 715 is scheduled to depart Fran cisco Bangoy International Airport at 5:15PM, and is set to arrive at Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 4 at 9:10PM. Its return flight, 5J 716, is scheduled to leave Singapore at 9:55PM, and is estimated to arrive in Davao at 1:40AM the next day.
This is the first interna tional route that the airline is restarting from Davao, in line with its move to expand hubs outside Metro Manila.
“We are very excited to bring back this route as we know passengers in Min danao have been waiting for more affordable and convenient flight options to fly abroad. Now that we’ve strengthened our operations from Manila, it’s time we
move forward to growing our regional hubs as we work to ward restoring 100% of our pre-pandemic capacity in the coming months,” said Xander Lao, CEB Chief Commercial Officer.
Fully vaccinated guests entering Singapore are not required to submit a pre-de parture COVID-19 test and are not required to under go quarantine upon arrival. They must instead present their proof of full vaccination (VaxCertPH or BOQ Yellow Card), and fill out a Singa pore Arrival card three (3) days before arrival.
Coming home to Davao, boosted Filipinos no longer need to take a COVID test pre-departure. For more information, passengers may refer to CEB Travel re minders page for the latest updates and complete travel guidelines to their destina tion.
CEB continues to offer its guaranteed low fares to stim ulate travel across its widest domestic network in the Philippines. It continues to implement a multi-layered approach to safety, while it operates with a 100% ful ly vaccinated crew, 95% of whom have been boosted –all to ensure every Juan flies safely and conveniently on Cebu Pacific.
A watermelon vendor waits for customers at the fruit stalls area of Bankerohan Public Market in Davao City during a quiet Saturday morning. Edge DavaoTourism
Secretary Christina Frasco urged business leaders in the United States on Thursday to invest in the Philippines’ revitalizing tourism sector, which has been recovering from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Planning Secretary Ar senio Balisacan on Thursday cited ag riculture as a vital growth driver for the country, while mining industry should be further explored to increase its contri bution to the economy.
ernment should promote this industry.
Land Bank of the Philippines (Landbank) has urged its clients and the gener al public to be wary of an online scam using Google Ads that is linked to a fake Landbank website.
“Landbank has not placed any ads on Goo gle. The Bank is currently working with Google to bring down these mislead ing ads the soonest time possible,” the government financial institution (GFI) said in a statement on Fri day.
It said the fake Land bank website conducts phishing activities to get account holders’ personal and financial information.
The bank advised its clients to directly visit its official website at www. landbank.com and to use the available links with in the website to access the bank’s digital banking channels.
These channels include the official iAccess site, www.lbpiaccess.com, it said.
“The Landbank Mobile Banking App (MBA) can also be used for safer on line transactions,” it added. The bank also advised the public “to remain vig ilant against phishing scams and all other forms of online banking fraud.”
“Please do not open suspicious e-mails, links and attachments, and nev er share your account and personal information to anyone. Official Landbank representatives will nev er ask for critical financial and banking information from our customers,” it said.
To report suspicious activities, the bank ad vised its customers to report these to their re spective handling branch or through the bank’s cus tomer care hotline at (02) 8-4057000 or 1-800-10405-7000.
Landbank customers may also report any in cident through e-mail to customercare@mail.land bank.com, the statement added. (PNA)
“We have to reinvigo rate agriculture, thus that the high price of food affect everyone and influence the movement of the econo my,” he said in a statement during the Philippine eco nomic briefing in New York.
Balisacan, who is also the National Economic and Development Author
ity (NEDA) chief, said ag riculture is an “obvious” growth driver for the econ omy as President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. has pronounced that this is a priority sector of his admin istration.
He said responsible min ing is a major source of eco nomic growth and the gov
“As we understand from our Environment Secretary, only 6 percent of extractable resources have been mined. There’s so much room for expanding that and trans form that wealth into other forms of wealth,” he added.
The country has been pitching investments in green metals such as nickel, cobalt, and copper to Amer ican investors as part of the Department of Trade and In dustry’s “Make It Happen in the Philippines” investment campaign.
Balisacan said the coun try has to revive its manufac turing sector as this is a good source of quality jobs and has a tremendous impact on poverty reduction.
The economist cited tourism and information technology and business process management, along with health and pharmaceu tical industry, as low-hang ing fruit for the economy.
Other major growth drivers for the country in clude construction due to the huge housing backlogs, public-private partnerships, and connectivity. (PNA)
As quarantine restric tions continue to ease down, business trav elers are more than ready to hop on the plane and travel across the world. Last May, CNBC – a leading platform for business news and re al-time financial market coverage held a survey to their readers asking their preferred hotel when they are away for business. The CNBC reader survey ran
from May 3 to June 7, 2022.
Along with the survey which was tabulated by Statista, they also reviewed more than 1 million hotel data points that presented information on the hotel’s location, food, business fa cilities and such. Along with this, they reviewed online travel reviews gathered from TripAdvisor, Google, Expedia and other travel websites. They also took into
consideration in weighting the data of the hotel charac teristics deemed most im portant to the readers.
Through the processes, Park Inn by Radisson Davao stood out and recognized as one of the best business ho tels in the city.
“CNBC is a widely avail able platform in most coun tries and to be part of this in formative list is tremendously significant not only to the
hotel but for Davao’s tourism as well. In fact, we only found out about the survey when we got notified that we are part of the list. We are grate ful to our dear guests who took part of the survey and to our team members who are always exceeding in deliver ing memorable moments to everyone who comes to the doors of the hotel,” said Sven Toune, Park Inn by Radisson Davao general manager.
Park Inn by Radisson Davao has been chosen recently as one of the best Asia-Pacific hotels for business travelers. (Park Inn by Radisson Davao)Landbank warns clients, public vs. phishing scam using Google Ads
of illegal trading of a juvenile bird in Panabo City, Davao del Norte made rounds on social media in May this year as reported by the regional office of the Depart ment of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). The online poaching caught the at tention of the LGU’s Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO).
Panabo City’s CENRO staff, according to a report, contacted the seller who in cidentally was a minor.
In an investigation that followed, the seller said he had done such an act “in good faith” as he only dis covered the nest of the three juvenile kingfisher birds on a rotten tree. He thought of rescuing them and so he brought them home for care.
But he claimed he was incapable of raising the birds and so he thought of selling them through the online market. The confis cated wildlife species were turned-over to the DENR 11 in Davao City.
“The minor seller was accompanied by his moth er and were both educated about the laws that protect our wildlife species and the consequences that come with it when illegal activities are committed,” said a press statement from the DENR.
The Philippines has 19 species of kingfishers, 11 of which are found only in the country. As they are wild birds, they cannot be tamed and are not friendly. In many
places, it is illegal to own a kingfisher as a pet.
The wildlife species of the Philippines includes a significant number of en demic flora and fauna. In 2020, sixty-seven percent of the 52,177 species in the country were identified as endemic with 418 of them listed as threatened by the Red List of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Re sources (IUCN).
Hunting for internation al trade, destruction of habi tat due to massive land con version, and climate change have been recognized as the culprit of the diminishing number of their population.
“Wildlife species are of ten traded as skins, leather goods, souvenirs, food, tra ditional medicine, pets, and many other forms,” wrote Manila Bulletin’s Faith Ar gosino. “Illegal wildlife trade is an industry that involves the unlawful harvesting and trafficking of live animals and plants and their parts and products.”
Argosino reported that, as per records from the DENR, the following wild
life species were confis cated from 2014 to 2017: 354 marine turtles; 4,300 freshwater turtles, 4,000 of which were Philippine for est turtles; 58 pangolins; 70 hawksbill turtles; 58 Goffin’s cockatoos; nearly 1,000 en demic pitcher plants and lady slipper orchids; 106 sulfur-crested cockatoos; and 462 Indonesian endem ic parrots.
Wildlife trafficking is now a transnational orga nized crime. It is the fourth largest transnational crime in the world, following the trafficking of drugs, people, and weapons.
The Philippines is a consumer, source, and tran sit point for illegal wildlife trade, threatening endemic species populations, eco nomic development, and biodiversity. The country has been a party to the Con vention on Biological Diver sity since 1992.
The World Wildlife Or ganization explained illegal wildlife trade is driven by high profit margins and, in many cases, the high prices paid for rare species. Vul nerable wild flora and fauna are also pushed further to the edge of extinction when nature can’t replenish their stocks to keep up with the rate of human exploitation.
In the Philippines, DENR is the lead agency for com bating illegal wildlife trade. It acts through the Republic Act 9147 or the Wildlife Re sources Conservation and Protection Act, which is the
key legislation to protect and conserve the country’s wildlife species.
Under this law, caught violators killing critically endangered wildlife face a sentence of six years and one day to 12 years in pris on, or a fine ranging from P100,000 to P1 million. Penalty for the transport of wildlife species is from six months to one-year impris onment or a fine of P50,000 to P100,000.
Last year, the DENR in troduced automated permit issuance for the trading of flora and fauna to enhance global trade transparency with the objective of pre venting illegal wildlife trade and developing biodiversity sustainably.
This is in compliance with the Convention on International Trade in En dangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). The issuance of permits is done electronically through eCITESPH.com. It is aligned with Republic Act 11032 or 2018 or Ease of Doing Busi ness and Efficient Govern ment Service Delivery.
“The system will im prove control of interna tional trade in endangered species,” explained Assistant Director Amelia Ortiz of the Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB). “Automa tion of CITES processes will help enforce regulations, increase transparency, and facilitate processing and electronic data exchange with customs and other
In addition, “electronic information exchange will reduce opportunities for corruption and the use of fraudulent documents in the trading of endangered spe cies,” she said, adding that BMB issues more than 1,500 permits each year.
More than 38,700 spe cies – including 5,900 an imal species and 32,800 plant species – are protected under the CITES, an inter national treaty signed by the Philippines which was entered into force in 1975. Each species is under any of three appendices depending on the degree of protection they need.
Illegal wildlife trade is a big business, bringing in estimated billions of dollars of illegal revenue. In the Phil ippines, the value of illegal wildlife trade is estimated at $10 billion to $23 billion per year, according to a re port from the Manila-based Asian Development (ADB), “Addressing the Illegal Wild life Trade in the Philippines.”
Poaching or taking with out permission of wildlife species occurs throughout the country, but in Mindan
ao the major poaching areas are located in Agusan del Norte, Bukidnon, Mapun Is land (in southwestern Sulu Sea) and Turtle Islands (like in Sulu Sea).
Mati City in Davao Ori ental and Lipata Port in Su rigao del Norte have been listed by the ADB report as one of the transshipment points of wildlife in Mindan ao. Davao City is included in the list of major confiscation sites of wildlife fauna, along with Cagayan de Oro, Paga dian, Surigao, and Zambo anga. Cabadbaran in Agusan del Norte is listed as a major confiscation site of wild flo ra.
CITES has listed al most 50 wildlife species in the country that are rare, threatened, or endangered. Among those included in the list are five marine turtles, two crocodile species, the Philippine eagle, tamaraw, and dugongs.
“Once these species are gone, they are gone forever, leaving behind an imbal ance in ecology and beauty difficult to determine and restore,” a committed Fili pino environmentalist re minded.
Marine turtles, locally known as pawikan, are on the verge of extinction. Philippine eagles, whose population is dwindling, are also facing extinction.in the day’s fourth and last match.
At one point in the match, the Swiss legend gave fans a bizarre but mem orable moment as he made a shot that passed through the net and landed in.
Fans applauded as it
was a rare occasion to see on a tennis court, de spite his team losing the point.
Federer, 41, could not hold back tears at the final of his professional career, wit nessed by his wife and their four children, parents, and
former coaches.
The Swiss icon, who has 20 Grand Slam singles titles through his decorated ca reer, also holds the record for the most Wimbledon titles, with eight champion ships.
Casper Ruud and Stefa
no Tsitsipas of Team Europe won the first two singles matches over Jack Sock and Diego Schwartzman, respec tively, while Alex de Minaur secured Team World’s first point with a three-set win over Andy Murray. (Anado lu)
These past few days, I have been bothered about the news of our basketball players being stopped to play in leagues outside this beautiful country.
To me, that’s a violation of “freedom of movement”.
I can perfectly understand that they signed contracts for the national basketball team but there should be a clause that should al low “freedom of movement”. It seems to me that when the play ers signed the contract, there was not even a representative for the player to make sure that his best interests were discussed and written in the contract.
Just like any other Overseas Filipino Worker, basketball players should be allowed to play abroad
when the opportunity arises. You see (or probably you just do not see or even refuse to see), there is always a huge advantage for allowing our players to get ex posure abroad.
Why? Because the brand of basketball these days is no lon ger the type of basketball in the yesteryears. If you do not know what I am saying, go ask Davao superstar Vito Orcullo of Crispa, who now manages SunLife insur ance advisors, or Padada’s Pride Jay Ramirez of Shell Rimula-X and younger brother of former PSC chairman William “Butch” Ramirez. JayRamz’s brand of play, believe it or don’t, is actually pat terned after his manong Butch. These days, because of the
contracts, pa banjing banjing na lang. Hadlok na gani ma injured. I remember manong Lan Daval, the editorial cartoonist and colum nist, who said that he no longer watches the PBA because it’s very “slow motion”.
Being able to play in other leagues will always be an advan tage because Filipino players will have the opportunity to play with foreign players and learn every day. By being with other coach es, they will surely be able to pick some good lessons why certain plays were done in certain situa tions during their games.
What’s all this blah-blah-blah for not releasing the players to foreign leagues? Very irritating to me, really.
That’s a clear indication that there’s definitely something wrong with the formation of the national team. Why? That simply shows there is no comprehensive list of players should there be an absence of the 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 posi tion. Mura pud ug national team coach, walay listahan, when there are so many bright coaches in this country! Usa ray makit an nga na tional coach!
Let me ask the Samahang Bas ketbol ng Pilipinas (SBP) officials in Imperial Manila, where is the farm team now?
Have you even visited teams in Mindanao and checked on players who can be part of the farm team? Have you even thought of asking Mindanao coaches if there are
players who fill in the spot in case Jordan Clarkson, Kai Sotto and other Gilas players get injured?
Or can you even show a list of potential national players coming from the Visayas?
If only the farm teams were in place in the Visayas and Mindan ao, it would have been very easy to fill in a vacant spot. Right?
My point here SBP Manila of ficials, if our players get offers and contracts abroad, please release them, let them go.
By doing that, I may praise you for showing some love to our hard-working basketeers.
* * *
Comments are welcome by sending an email to mpb_sports@ yahoo.com.
Rivals and friends Ra fael Nadal and Roger Federer were defeat ed by Team World’s American duo of Jack Sock and Frances Tia foe, 6-4, 6-7(2-7), 9-11 in the day’s fourth and last match.Abalos, a member of Camp Aguinaldo Golf Club scored thr hole-in-one at the scenic course’s 160yard hole no. 11. His feat earned for him a brand new 45-inch Smart TV.
In scoring his ace, Ab alos used his trusty Maru man five-wood and a Titli est PRO VI ball. The ace was witnessed by flightmates Rene Sacay of Team LRG
Butuan and Tony Ramos of Rich Golf.
Rancho Palos Verdes Golf and Country Club and South Pacific Golf and Lei sure Estates are co-host ing the 2022 Eaglemasters Golf tournament held over the weekend. The two-day tournament, now on its 12th year, attracted a huge field from clubs around the country.
Thads Abalos of team MCG/K&G provided the biggest highlight of the 2022 Eaglemasters Golf Tournament after he scored a rare ace at the Rancho Palos Verdes Golf and Country Club course in Cabantian.Thads Abalos of team MCG/K&G from Camp Aguinaldo (center) strike a pose with flightmates after scoring a rare ace on RPVGCC’s hole no. 11 in the 2022 Eaglemasters Golf tournament. (RPVGCC photo).