UM students involved in hazing going through proper investigation, says exec

An official of the University of Mindan ao (UM) said that the students who are allegedly involved in the hazing incident, which resulted to the death of a student-pledgee, are being afforded due process before the recommendation of their expulsion will be applied.
Marianne Afrondoza, head of the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) of UM, said OSA is still continuing the investigation of the case in volving the suspects.
“We have suspended
the attendance of the said students and we have to go through with the due pro cess so that everything will be put into place and with this due process the recom mendations of OSA is for the
expulsion or exclusion of these students will be duly processed,” said Afrondoza during the AFP PNP Press Corps media briefing on Wednesday.
On Monday, the manage ment of UM, through a state ment, announced that it has suspended the four students who were allegedly involved in the hazing incident, which resulted in the death of August Ceazar P. Saplot, a pledgee of the ALPHA KAP PA RHO Fraternity, Alpha Delta Chapter.
Afrondoza maintained that the hazing incident did not happen inside the school premises.
“Hazing was not or did not happen on our univer sity premises. Klaruhin lang natin yan because maram ing nagsasabi na it hap pened within the university,” she emphasized.
She also reiterated that hazing and any forms of fra ternity and sorority are not tolerated nor recognized in UM.
FDUE, P10The local government said it has validated 30 centenarians here who will receive cash incen tives worth PHP200,000 each on Oct. 3.
Lawyer Marlisa Gallo, City Social Welfare and De velopment Office (CSWDO) chief, said the city will pro vide PHP100,000 on top of the PHP100,000 allocated by the national govern
ment through the Depart ment of Social Welfare and Development for centenar ians annually.
“This will serve as the government’s gift to the centenarians for their life long contribution in na tion-building,” she said.
To qualify, the awardee must be a Filipino citizen who has reached 100 years old and above, is a regis
tered voter, and physically residing for at least three consecutive years in Davao City.
Gallo said that based on their validated list, the old est Dabawenyo is 114 years old, and 24 out of 30 cente narians are women.
More centenarians are being validated to qualify for the cash grant, she said.
“We are still validating
as of the moment, and we were also informed by the DSWD that some who were not on our list also cele brated their birthdays. We will do our best to include them. If we cannot, then we will do our best to give to them,” she said in the dia lect.
Those who are vali dated after the awarding
The communist New People’s Army (NPA) in most parts of Mindanao is critically de clining due to the deaths, arrests, and surrender of their top leaders, the East ern Mindanao Command (Eastmincom) said Tues day.
Lt. Gen. Greg Almer ol, the Eastmincom chief, hailed Army troopers in the regions of Cara ga, Davao, and Northern Mindanao for the series of neutralization of NPA leaders and the disman tling of an NPA guerrilla front this month.
“Forty-five NPA mem bers, including high-value individuals, have surren dered, while others were arrested, captured, or killed this month alone by the units under the 10th Infantry Division (ID) and the 4ID,” Almerol said in a statement.
At least 40 high-pow ered firearms of various calibers and three an ti-personnel mines were
also recovered during the period, he said.
Of the three top NPA leaders killed during the period, two were in the Caraga, including Noel Alacre, the commanding officer of Platoon 2, Guer rilla Front (GF) 30, and Ro lando Leyson Jr., the secre tary of GF 16, both of the NPA’s North Eastern Mind anao Regional Committee.
Another NPA leader, Vincent Isagani Madlos, was slain during an en counter with government troops in Barangay Kapi tan Bayong, Impasug-ong, Bukidnon on Sept. 3.
Madlos’s wife, Angie Salinas, who served as the secretary of the National Communications Bureau of the Communist Party of the Philippines-NPA-Na tional Operations Com mand, was also killed during the encounter.
Two top NPA leaders also yielded to the Army this month, including Ba dong Lipanda, the com
Eighty-one of 182 barangays here are declared as drugcleared, the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agen cy in the Davao Region (PDEA-11) said Tuesday.
In an interview, PDEA11 spokesperson Noli Di maandal said the latest to join the drug-cleared areas in the city were 14 villages on Monday.
He said the Region
al Oversight Committee Barangay Drug Clearing (ROCBDC) led by PDEA11 together with repre sentatives from the De partment of the Interior and Local Government, Police Regional Office-11, Department of Health, and local government units convened and val idated the required doc uments submitted by the
Marianne Afrondoza, head of the Office of Student Affairs of University of Mindanao, says during this week’s AFP-PNP Press Corps media forum at The Royal Mandaya Hotel in Davao City that the students who are involved in the hazing incident, which took the life of a student/pledgee, are undergoing due process before the recommendation of their expulsion will be applied. Edge DavaoThe Moro Islamic Lib eration Front (MILF) negotiating panel Tuesday heaped praises anew on President Fer dinand Marcos Jr. for his support of the Mindanao peace process and com mitment to sustaining the gains of the undertaking.
Mohagher Iqbal, MILF peace panel chair and now BARMM education minister, said this during the launch of the resump tion of Phase 3 of MILF decommissioning at the old capitol grounds in Barangay Simuay, Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao.
“We thank President Marcos Jr. for his reaffir mation of support and commitment to the peace process, which he earlier demonstrated by uphold ing the provisions of the Comprehensive Agree ment on the Bangsamoro (CAB) and the Bangsam oro Organic Law (BOL) where the Bangsamoro Transition Authority shall be MILF-led,” Iqbal said.
“Indeed, not only is the peace process mov ing, but the BARMM is also moving,” he added.
Presidential Advis er on the Peace Process, Reconciliation and Unity (OPAPRU) Secretary Car lito Galvez and BARMM chief Minister Ahod Ebra him witnessed Phase 3 of the MILF decommission ing as facilitated by the International Decommis sioning Body (IDB).
The process is among the security component of the Normalization Track of the CAB, the peace agreement forged between the government and MILF in 2014, which aims to help former com batants make the success ful transition to civilian life.
The IDB was created by the Government of the Philippines and MILF ne gotiating panels as part of the Annex on Normaliza tion of the CAB and com posed of representatives from the Governments of Turkey, Norway, the King dom of Brunei, and local experts nominated by the panels.
Darwin Wee, OPAP RU’s communications and public affairs services di
The Rodriguez-Lucas family, owner of the Paradise Island Park and Beach Resort in the Island Garden City of Samal (IGaCoS), is ready to sit down with the Department of Public Works and High ways (DPWH) with the intention of find ing a win-win solution to the Samal Is land-Davao City (SIDC) Connector Project standoff.
The Rodriguez-Lucas family reiterated it is not opposing the project ex cept for its present align
ment which according to the family “was arbitrarily chosen.”
The bridge’s landing
site on the Samal side will cover a reef in between Paradise Island Park and Beach Resort and Costa Marina Beach Resort, both owned by the family.
The family stood pat on its stand that the current alignment was chosen in Manila by a few govern ment functionaries without consulting landowners and stakeholders and even be fore an Environmental Im pact Statement (EIS) was conducted.
In a statement shared
to Edge Davao by BMV and V Law Firm, the legal coun sel for the Rodriguez-Lucas family, stressed that based on scientific findings by expert marine biologists, the current alignment will irreversibly and irrepara bly damage the Paradise Reef—among the last re maining healthy coral reefs in Samal, which was pre served as a de facto marine sanctuary for almost a cen tury.
“An independent en
Companies from In dia and Israel will be taking part in the business matching (B2B) activity during this year’s 24th Davao Agri Trade Expo (DATE 2022), which will commence today (Sept. 29) at SMX Convention Center, SM Lanang Premier.
Cherylyn Casuga, com mittee chair for DATE or
ganized by the Davao City Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCCII), said there are 28 companies, which compose the delega tions of the Israel Economic and Commercial Mission to the Philippines and the Em bassy of India.
The B2B will be joined by the Bureau of Invest ments (Bo) and the DCCCII.
These companies are in the dairy, and aquaculture (for tilapia production) indus tries.
Casuga said the biggest supplier in milk from India will be looking for partners in Davao City for it’s distri bution in the Philippines.
DATE 2022 will also showcase the solutions and the innovations specially
those that are impacting agriculture such as climate change, high cost of imports that would be applicable in Davao City and the Davao Region.
“This is very exciting. To morrow is the day and we will be having the two -day Date. We will be focusing on hogs, poultry, high value
Chinese geotechnical workers conduct soil testing for the Samal Island-Davao City Connector (SIDC) Project along Lanang in Davao City. The family that owned Paradise Island Park and Beach Resort in the Island Garden City of Samal (IGaCoS) is ready to sit down with the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) with the intention resolving an issue regarding the implementation of the bridge. Edge DavaoThe Philippine peso touched the P59 level against the US dollar during in traday early Wednesday as most cur rencies depreciate, data from the Bankers Association of the Philippines said.
The peso closed at its new record low of P58.99 against the greenback on Tuesday. Several analysts have said the peso hitting P60 is possible.
AB Capital Securities Vice President and Head of Research Jovis Vistan said this is due to the strong US currency.
“The dollar is the one
strengthening against all currencies, not just the peso. It’s the US dollar that’s ex tremely strong,” Vistan said.
But the peso is expect ed to slightly recover from remittances and exports during the holiday.
“We should see some relief, the question is when is it going to happen,” Vistan said.
Meanwhile, the Philip
pine Stock Exchange Index (PSEi) declined to 6,020.07 on Tuesday.
Vistan said market sen timents are likely to remain negative until the US Fed and the global interest rate tightening ends.
However, the US Feder al Reserve had warned that it would implement more interest rate hikes in the near term.
The Department of Budget and Manage ment (DBM) has allo cated P15.2 Billion to the newly created Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) under the 2023 Nation al Expenditure Program (NEP).
This is in line with the Marcos administration’s commitment to uphold the welfare of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) and en sure the efficient delivery of services and assistance to OFWs.
gandaman said.
The Budget Secretary added that the DBM is in full support of the Pres ident’s advocacy for the betterment of our OFWs’ condition.
“We know and feel the difficulties our kababayans face by being far from their loved ones and we contin ue to ensure that they will be afforded with the appro priate support they need,” DBM Secretary Amenah Pangandaman added.
Senate passed a bill on mandatory SIM card registration on its third and final read ing on Tuesday.
Senate Bill (SB) No. 1310 or the proposed “SIM Registration Act”, which is meant to curb cybercrimes committed via mobile phones, was
passed with 20 affirma tive votes, and no negative votes or abstention from senators, the Senate said.
A similar bill earlier was earlier passed by the House of Representatives.
The Senate said the measure seeks to regulate the registration and use of SIMs by mandating sub
scribers to register with telecommunication enti ties before SIMs are acti vated.
“Existing subscribers must also register or risk deactivating or retiring their SIMs,” the Senate statement said.
Selling stolen SIMs is also banned under the bill.
“Finally, we can now do something aside from just ignoring, deleting or blocking the numbers with fraudulent or spam messages,” said Senator Grace Poe, who sponsored the bill.
The push for SIM card registration gained fresh
DBM Secretary Amen ah Pangandaman noted that the administration steadfastly recognizes the contribution of our OFWs to our economy.
“Our OFWs are our modern day heroes. We honor their sacrifices, as they work hard to uplift the lives of their families and to enhance our country’s economy through their re mittances,” Secretary Pan
Out of the aforemen tioned amount, Php 3.5 billion is earmarked for the DMW’s Office of the Secre tary, of which, 77% or Php 2.7 billion goes to the Over seas Employment and Wel fare Program. This includes Php 1.2 billion AKSYON Fund pursuant to Republic Act No 11641.
Pursuant to Section 20 of Republic Act No. 11641 or the Migrant Workers
Tourism expert Emilie Hagedoorn, owner of Green Heart Tourism, meets Go Negosyo Tourism cluster coordinator Mary Ann Montemayor and other tourism stakeholders in Davao City for a round-table discussion with Davao students on “Rethinking Tourism: Gearing Towards Sustainability for a Greener, Safer, and Healthier Industry” on Wednesday. Edge DavaoThe Province of Davao del Norte took a ma jor leap in opening up its tourism frontiers by staging the Penong’s 5150 Triathlon in Tagum City re cently.
Almost 600 athletes from all over the country with 11 participants from overseas, mixed compet itive racing with camara derie and pure touristic instincts in a fun filled Sep tember 4, 2022 weekend at the Hijo Resorts in Tagum City.
No less than Governor Edwin Jubajib graced the occasion by welcoming the participants and officials.
“It has been a long pause for sporting events in the province which is why we are all excited to once again help organize triathlons like this. We are ready to welcome all our partici
pants to the beautiful prov ince of Davao del Norte, “ he said in his welcoming address.
Rosanna Tuazon, Pres ident and CEO of Hijo Re sorts Davao showed much delight in her resort being chosen as venue of the prestigious 5150 Triath lon series. “Visitors and athletes alike, enjoyed the beach, forest, banana plantation and mangroves along with our accommo dation facilities of this vast eco and agri farm resort,” she said.
Indeed, with this race, which Tuazon hopes to support annually, Hijo Re sorts has now gained rec ognition as a sports tour ism venue. “Tagum City is the perfect city to host a triathlon event of this size and Hijo Resorts is the best
President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Mar cos Jr. is considering to approach Rus sia for the Philippines’ fuel needs.
In an interview with Bloomberg TV during his working visit in the Unit ed States, Marcos said the rising prices of petroleum products had “significant ly” affected the country and cited the need to tap alternative sources for fuel.
“Now, maybe we need to approach Russia, say that maybe they can loos
en up and provide us with some fuel,” Marcos said.
Asked if the Philippines was having conversations with Russia regarding fuel , Marcos said: “Yes, we are. We are having conversa tions with as many as pos sible suppliers.”
On when the supply may be expected, he said, “Pretty soon. We are com ing close with some agree
ments. Certainly, it will not be only in one place.”
Asked about details on Marcos considering fuel supply from Russia, Press Secretary Trixie Cruz-Angeles said the Palace could not issue statement on it until such time that an agreement has been entered into and finalized.
“We do have the in formation but until the agreement has been final ized then we cannot dis close the pending trans
actions,” Cruz-Angeles said at a separate press briefing.
Oil and gas prices have surged over Russian en ergy supplies and soaring inflation brought by the Russian-Ukraine conflict that started in February of this year.
While the Philippines does not buy oil directly from Russia, its trading partners such as China, South Korea, and Japan do, according to the De partment of Energy.
Filipino nurses who have migrated to the US are contributing about P2 billion to the econ omy annually but it is likely to grow with more nurs es eyeing to work there, healthcare firm Health Car ousel CEO John Sebastian said on Wednesday.
“We recently commis
sioned an economic study which indicated that those 3,000 nurses that come to the United States, on an annual basis remit back to the Philippine economy in excess of P2 billion,” he said.
“With the additional migration, we expect in the next 3 to 5 years we believe that it can double,” he add
The company is helping nurses migrate to the US and has continuously been investing in the Philippines in the form of scholarships for nurse educators and exercise camps to develop successful candidates, Se bastian said.
“We make it a 2 way
street, investing back into the Philippine economy while we also invest back in the United States,” he said.
Demand for healthcare workers globally spiked during the COVID-19 pan demic but it had also caused burnout in nurses, he said.
The goal, he said, is to
Davao Agri Trade Expo 2022 (DATE 2022) committee chair Cherylyn Casuga says during this week’s AFP-PNP Press Corps media forum at The Royal Mandaya Hotel that this year’s edition will showcase solutions and innovations to address the problems that farmers are currently facing. Edge DavaoThe work(s) of the PDEA and the DDB are crucial to our continuing campaign against illegal drugs and criminality. We have done so much since 2016, thanks to the tireless work of the PDEA and DDB under the administration of former president Rodrigo Duterte but I believe that we must not stop and continue what we started. Huwag ho natin sayangin kung ano po yung naumpisahang kampanya laban sa iligal na droga.
Iran is in the spotlight today, with hundreds of thousands pro testing over the death of a young woman while under the custody of the morality police. Why was Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old wom an, detained? Because her hair showed under her hijab (veil). In protests, Iranian women, young and old, took to the streets – sup ported by men. They took off their hijab, many burned their veils pub licly, sparking protests all over Iran.
After the 1979 Islamic Revo lution in Iran, so-called “Guidance Patrols” were created to police compliance to the norms of Sharia, particularly a dress code requiring all women to wear the hijab and loose-fitting clothing in public to disguise their figures. The moral ity police had the power to detain women who wore too much make up or showed too much hair or tight clothes. Punishment included prison or flogging.
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, while attending the United Nations General Assembly in New York, said he had ordered an in vestigation of Amini’s death while warning the protesters that “acts of chaos” were not acceptable. A Senior Member of Parliament, Jalal Rashidi Koochi, has publicly criti cized the morality police for using force.
At least seven persons have re portedly been killed since the pro tests started.
Why has the hijab become THE more important aspect of Islam in stead of charity? Charity, after all, is one of the five pillars of the faith.
Does the Holy Quran itself make the hijab a religious obligation for all Muslim women? I am not an Islamic scholar so I turn to those who have researched the issue.
According to Dr. Asma Lambaret, the term “hijab” is reiterated seven times in the Qur’an referring each time exactly to the same meaning.
“Hijab” means curtain, separation, wall and, in other words, anything that hides, masks and protects something[i]. She is the Director of Studies and Research Center on Women’s Issues in Islam of (Rabita Mohammadia des Ulemas), sup ported by King Mohammad VI.
Dr. Lambaret notes: “the verse that has been most often used to prove the “obligation” of veiling for women and that mentions the term Hijab is the following: ” O you who have believed, do not enter the houses of the Prophet except when you are permitted for a meal… And when you ask [his wives] for some thing, ask them from behind a sep aration (Hijab)” Quran 33; 53.
“As indicated here, the Hijab concerns only the wives of the Prophet and meets a circumstan tial requirement in order to respect the private life of the Prophet. Be sides, it does not represent, in any way, a particular model of clothing. The essence of this requirement aimed, mainly, to educate Arabs of that time to respect the privacy of people and good manners.”
On clothing, the Quran has three references enjoining women to be modest and not draw attention to their sexuality. In Sura 24:30-31, the reference is to let their head
covering cover their necklines and not reveal their charms. Do note that it does not mandate the use of a head scarf. However, all wom en in the Middle East used veils in those days to protect them from the sun and sand. Also note that in those days, women of ill-repute would bare their breasts and legs to attract men. Thus, it made sense that women of faith be enjoined to cover their bodies.
Today, however, women’s veils are occupying center stage instead of the plight of the Muslim refu gees, of Palestine, of the Rohingya, the restriction of Afghan girls from going to school, among many.
If my mother, former Sena tor Santanina T. Rasul, were still in public office, she would surely stand up for the rights of Muslim women in Iran and everywhere else, including the Philippines. While she fought for the right of Muslim women to use the hijab in public and not be discriminat ed against, she also defended our right not to wear the hijab. It is our choice.
In our latest episode on “She Talks Peace,” my sister Salma and I shared stories about our mom. We recalled her remarkable life as an educator and advocate for adult lit eracy, a Muslim senator, and a trail blazer in promoting and protecting the rights of Filipino women.
Mother of Illiterates. Senator Rasul was mother not only to the six Rasul siblings, but also to the Philippines’ adult illiterates. Recog nizing the low literacy rates in Mus lim Mindanao and working in her
own capacity in civil society — long before civil society was established in Muslim Mindanao — she rose to the challenge of teaching adult illit erates in underserved communi ties how to read and write. With our help, she developed the Magbassa Kita reading manual which em ployed the phono syllabic method of teaching adults to read. As word of her effective method spread, or ganizations began reaching out to ask her to teach in their communi ties. Shout out to Marlen Ronquil lo (Manila Times) who wrote last week about Mama and her advo cacy for education. https://www. opinion/columns/down hill-from-there-for-education-sec tor/1859675
Observing that the Philippine educational system is geared to ward children and alienating for adults, Senator Rasul personally went to the barangay to teach. She also trained people from the ba rangays to become literacy teach ers, so the program could continue after she left. Magbassa Kita would later become a nationwide pro gram, prompting President Cora zon Aquino to make her a senato rial candidate.
A Fair Lawmaker. Senator Ra sul was the first Muslim woman to be elected senator, the first Muslim Senator to be re-elected, and the last Muslim Senator from Muslim Mindanao. This is a huge feat, con sidering that the Philippines’ Mus lim population is no greater than 10%. However, she was acutely aware that she was a senator for
all Filipinos, regardless of religion, creed, or association.
During her career in the Senate, countless civil servants approached her and complained that they were being eased out of their positions because they were appointed during the Marcos years and seen as sympathizers. Seeing how this affected hundreds of thousands of innocent civil servants, Senator Ra sul launched hearings to look into the situation and came up with a bill—which later became known as the “Rasul Law”— to stop the practice.
Women’s Rights Advocate. The celebration of women’s month in the Philippines can be attributed to Senator Rasul. She moved to make allies in both the Senate, and the House of Representatives to pass the bill and make it a law.
Senator Rasul notably authored the Women in Development and Nation-building Act, among other acts that aimed to empower wom en. Very much ahead of her time, she penned this powerful piece of legislation that required to set aside a certain percentage of the budget for projects that capacitate women. Later, the late Senator Le ticia Ramos-Shahani fixed the per centage at 5% in the Magna Carta for Women, but it was Senator Ra sul who first put it on the table. Lessons Learned. We have in herited much of our ethos from our mother. If you want to know about the lessons we have learned from Senator Rasul – like the meaning of a cracked porcelain plate – listen to “She Talks Peace”.
During the recent gathering of Gentrimed Heroes Movement, Inc., Vice President Sara Duter te-Carpio talked about how hatred has devastated us a nation. This hatred, if not stopped, “will con tinue to be the stumbling block to patriotism,” according to Maya Padillo who quoted the country’s second highest official.
The same kind of hatred has divided the Filipino people – now numbered to about 110 million –“and will further break people into pieces if they don’t let it go.”
This division has reminded me the famous words of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. On June 16, 1941, he used the phrase, “United we stand, divided we fall” in a broadcast from London to the United States on receiving an Hon orary Degree from the University of Rochester.
What the phrase means: If we work together as a nation, we can be successful. However, if we fight against each other, we will defi nitely fall.
So, why do we hate? As a verb,
it means “feel intense or passion ate dislike for (someone). Ex ample: Maria hates going to the market. As a noun, hate is defined as “intense or passionate dislike.”
Example: He has feelings of hate and revenge.
Among the common syn onyms of hate are abhor, abom inate, detest, and loathe. If you consult your dictionary, all these words mean “to feel strong aver sion or intense dislike for,” the hate here implies an emotional aversion often coupled with enmi ty or malice.
There are some people who hate animals like dogs and cats, which others consider as pets. But people are the highest form of an imals and why can’t be like them?
As American singer-actor Elvis Presley puts it, “Animals don’t hate, and we’re supposed to be better than them.”
Let’s take a closer look at hate.
“Hate can be a deeply stim ulating emotion,” wrote Fredrik Backman in Beartown. “The world becomes easier to understand
and much less terrifying if you di vide everything and everyone into friends and enemies, we and they, good and evil.
“The easiest way to unite a group isn’t through love, because love is hard; it makes demands. Hate is simple. So, the first thing that happens in a conflict is that we choose a side, because that’s easier than trying to hold two thoughts in our heads at the same time,” Backman continued.
“The second thing that hap pens is that we seek out facts that confirm what we want to believe –comforting facts, ones that permit life to go on as normal. The third is that we dehumanize our enemy.”
Most Filipinos think they are Christians or followers of Christ. After all, Philippines is the only Christian country in Asia. But still, it seems to me, they cannot love their enemies which Jesus Christ asked His followers to follow.
In A Knock at Midnight, Mar tin Luther King, Jr., reminded us: “It is this: that love has within it a redemptive power. And there
is a power there that eventually transforms individuals. Just keep loving them, and they can’t stand it too long. Oh, they react in many ways in the beginning. They react with guilt feelings, and sometimes they’ll hate you a little more at that transition period, but just keep loving them.
“And by the power of your love, they will break down under the load. That’s love, you see. It is redemptive, and this is why Je sus says love. There’s something about love that builds up and is creative. There is something about hate that tears down and is de structive. So, love your enemies.”
The reason why people cannot move on, and hate remains in their heart is because they cannot deal with the pain that comes along with it once hatred is gone. As James Baldwin wrote in The Fire Next Time: “Imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.”
“Darkness cannot drive out
darkness: only light can do that,” wrote Martin Luther King, Jr. in A Testament of Hope: The Essen tial Writings and Speeches. In like manner, “Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
Love is the opposite of hate. But Amish Tripathi disagrees. In The Secret of the Nagas, he writes: “The opposite of love is not hate. Hate is just love gone bad. The actual opposite of love is apathy. When you don’t care a damn as to what happens to the other per son.”
Elie Wiesel believes the oppo site of love is indifference. “The opposite of love is not hate,” he pointed out, “it’s indifference.” And it’s only hate, by the way, but there’s more: “The opposite of art is not ugliness, but indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indiffer ence.”
Now, if we love our country, we need to stop this hating each oth er. For the sake of our motherland, please.
A business partnership is like marriage, partners support each other.
With that mindset, Mindanao’s No. 1 home grown retail chain, the New City Commercial Corporation (NCCC) pro vide their partners--sari
sari store owners and wholesalers alike--the
much-needed hand.
At the 23rd Kanego syo Congress, NCCC treated its partners with great deals, fun give aways, helpful business tips, and surprises.
A total of 48 ex hibitors dolled up the NCCC Victoria Plaza Dome with booths of marvel and DC super heroes, NCCC Super market, Choice Mart, HB1+ Pharmacy, NCCC Department Stores,
Helens Farms, Nestle, Unilever, Monde Nissin, URC, Unilab, P&G and many more. SSS, DTI, Gcash, ECPay, and other government agencies.
“It is such a joy to be able to have a face to face Kanegosyo Congress af ter doing it online the past 2 years. Nothing beats the personal inter action with our valued customers which allows us to make them know we genuinely care for
them and the success of their businesses. I am truly grateful that we can continue to serve them as our Kapartner sa Pag-unlad. We are continuously innovating to help take them to the next level as business owners. To our loyal Kanegosyo, daghang salamat po,” said Lafay ette Lim, president and CEO of NCCC.
This year’s gathering was held in partnership
with the Department of Trade and Industry 11 (DTI 11) and graced by DTI 11 Director Ra chel Remitio, consultant Bobby Mabanta, AVP for Supermarket Operations Jezza Joy Damada, and AVP for Pharmacy Cora zon Wee.
The activity was en livened more with per formances of KD Estra da, Dominic Roque, and Mindanaoan online sen sation, Madi Telma.
With Apo Agua Infra structura, Inc. (Apo Agua) taking over and ramping up works for the construction of the P12-billion Davao City Bulk Water Supply Project (DCBWSP), Davao residents are expected to benefit from a new and sustainable water source by the first quarter of 2023.
The DCBWSP of Davao City Water District (DCWD) is the first of its kind in the country. It is designed to fol low the water-energy nexus concept, where renewable energy will be generated through an integrated hy droelectric power plant. With this state-of-the-art landmark project, Davao
City will now have access to both surface water from the Tamugan river, and its cur rent ground well sources.
The DCBWSP encoun tered setbacks during the pandemic, compounded by other internal contribut ing factors. However, Apo Agua’s timely intervention by taking control over the construction activities was necessary to mitigate the ef fects of these.
“Despite on-going dif ficulties in the transition, the project has resumed construction across civil, mechanical, and electrical works in all areas, including road restoration along the Treated Water Pipeline. We
have spent the last month completing the takeover of the works from our previ ous contractor, gaining pos session of critical materials and equipment, and mobi lizing key construction con tractors on site,” said Apo Agua President Anna Lu.
Apo Agua has mobilized multiple seasoned contrac tors and works are expect ed to be at full capacity by October 2022. “The project is being fast-tracked by hir ing a team of experienced construction management professionals. In addition to this, various contractors with credible track records in bulk water facilities and large-scale complex projects
have been engaged in order to implement as many par allel activities as possible, ” Lu said.
Testing and commis sioning to ensure water quality will be conducted simultaneously with the construction works to fur ther expedite the project’s completion. A thorough test of every piece of equipment is required to ensure their durability and longevity in the provision of safe drink ing water throughout its expected operation of about 30 years.
Supply in District II will be significantly augmented by the DCBWSP which will deliver over two-thirds of
its production to DCWD reservoirs in the area. Delivery of water to DCWD is expected to start in the first quarter of 2023 at Tugbok, subject to their acceptance, and will pro gressively ramp up to Cabantian, Mandug, Calinan, Taland ang, Indangan, Panacan, and Dumoy, by the second quarter of 2023.
As we move in sync with the demands of a hyper-con nected world, the role of home internet connection has become more relevant than ever. That’s why the name of the game no longer just stops at speed, but how it extends to making homes greater with life essentials and unparalleled customer service that allow each fam ily member to thrive and succeed in this fast-evolving digital age.
Welcome to GFi ber-Strong City
To bring #ExtraGDay to its users, Globe At Home took them on an immersive jour ney through GFiber-Strong City, where they got to expe rience first hand the power of GFiber connectivity and what life-changing oppor tunities it can bring to their homes to be able to thrive in a hyper-connected world.
“We wanted to demon strate through this event how Globe At Home contin ues to redefine the fiber ex perience for Filipinos with
our GFiber offerings that go beyond unlimited connectiv ity and speed. Through GFi ber, we bring customers into the Globe ecosystem to uplift the lives of every Filipino family by supporting them in their pursuits anchored on the things they are passion ate about and giving them more confidence to be great because they are backed by Globe’s reliable fiber,” said Ja nis Racpan, Head of Globe At Home Brand Management.
The brand showcased the ultra-speeds its postpaid plans offer and all the kinds of things families can do with a GFiber subscription. Partic ipants were also able to expe rience GFiber’s rich lifestyle and entertainment partners, and learn about Globe At Home’s rewards and innova tive wifi promos.
Several Globe At Home ambassadors joined the event, including Kryz and Slater Young, lifestyle content creators and owners of an in telligent home; Jim Bacarro and Saab Magalona, one of
the podcast show pioneers in the country; as well as Bian ca Gonzalez, actress, TV host, and proud mother of two.
The future is now with GFiber Globe At Home has been ramping up its custom ers' migration to fiber and introducing innovative connectivity products in re sponse to the demand for faster and more reliable in ternet connection at home as millions shifted to a hy brid work or learning setup. GFiber can even power up homes with up to 1Gbps in internet speeds, which means uninterrupted and high-quality digital experi ence for every household member.
Make homes greater with WiFi-strong connec tions
Families can experience the power of connectivity right in their own homes with any of the GFiber plans available. With GFiber Unli Plan 1699, they can enjoy up to 150mbps fiber connectiv
ity that would allow them to stream high quality videos, increase their productivity and even create a seamless intelligent home experience.
Globe At Home also re cently launched the fiber-tothe-room or FTTR technol ogy–the first in Southeast Asia. This new WiFi solution allows users to enjoy the strongest, most consistent, and fastest fiber connectivity at home as fiber is extend ed to the individual rooms of the home. It works best with 1Gbps fiber connectiv ity powered by GFiber Unli Plan 7499 as it provides full home Gigabit WiFi coverage. Aside from making video calls, streaming videos in 8K HD, or playing online games without any interruptions, users can also enjoy a better intelligent home experience with FTTR technology.
In a video, Kryz and Slater Young discussed how they are able to enjoy better family experiences because of their intelligent home and how crucial it is to have an internet connection that can power up their gadgets.
“It’s important to have a well-connected home be cause all our smart home gadgets run on the internet so it’s important to have high-
speed connection, which is made possible by Globe At Home,” said Slater Young.
Make homes greater with life and entertainment essentials that matter
GFiber plans also come with complimentary sub scriptions to entertainment content that bring joy, inspi ration, and creativity. Cus tomers can enjoy 3-month exclusive access to Amazon Prime video, HBO Go, Viu, and the latest addition to this power line up, discovery+.
They can also make sure to prioritize their health by getting a free 3-month fami ly access to licensed Filipino doctors via the telehealth service KonsultaMD with their GFiber subscription.
“We believe that having access to different content platforms can definitely fuel one’s creativity.
That’s why we’re so hap py that with our GFiber plan, we’re able to access a wide array of world-class stream ing apps,” said Jim Bacarro.
Globe At Home contin ues to power up customers’ digital lifestyle as it enables them to enjoy uninterrupted gaming and elevated digital experiences–all made pos sible by GFiber’s ultra-fast connectivity.
Make homes greater with unparalleled customer care
To make sure that its customers get the best expe rience, Globe At Home offers guaranteed 24- hour instal lation and 24-hour repair visit. They also extend access to ramped up rewards and a seamless experience via the OneGlobe plan. Meanwhile, VIP customers who avail of GFiber Unli Plan 2499 and up are given exclusive access to a VIP customer service hotline and Globe VIP Home Squad–a team of profes sional tech-experts ready to assist customers with their home WiFi and digital needs.
“All of us at home enjoy the strong and seamless con nection because of GFiber, and I especially appreciate the fast and efficient custom er service, all in just a few clicks” shared Bianca Gonza lez.
Globe At Home contin ues to work hard to give its customers the full GFiber experience and to bring the far-reaching benefits of fiber connectivity to every Filipi no household to make more homes greater.
Life made greater. Apply for a Globe At Home GFiber Unli plan today via
Davao City Water District advises the public of a water service interruption on September 30, 2022 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM affecting some areas served by Riverside Water Supply System. Specific affected areas are Purok Mangga in Brgy. Talandang, Duco’s Compound, Sitio Aca cia Biao Escuela, Sitio Egay, New Sam bo, and Matina Biao.
DCWD has to temporarily shut off wa ter supply in the affected areas to give way to the tapping and looping of new ly installed pipelines to DCWD’s existing pipelines along Talandang Road for the pipeline expansion at Brgy. Talandang. Once completed, this project will allow for the accommodation of additional service connections in Brgy. Talandang.
The DCWD management asks for the understanding and cooperation of would-be-affected customers and advis
es them to store enough water prior to the schedule. Water supply may be re stored earlier if work goes smoothly or later if unforeseen problems arise.
DCWD conducts flushing after service works are completed. However, once wa ter is restored, customers are advised to open all faucets and allow water to run for at least two minutes. While doing this, do not drink tap water immediately. Water may be boiled as an additional safety pre caution.
For the latest water service updates or any DCWD-related concerns, the general public may contact DCWD’s 24-hour call center hotlines at 235-3293, 244-6767, 0927-798-8966, 0925-511-3293, or 0908441-0653 and chat support in the DCWD’s website ( or Facebook page ( cialDCWD). (Camille Margarette U. Solon)
FROM 2 30 DAVAO...
“As head of OSA of the university in Matina and Bolton and coordinating with other branches of UM, we uphold that we have to abide by the law of RA 11053 or the Anti Hazing Law and this is already an amendment of RA 8049 since then it was promul gated in 1995 anti-hazing campaign has already been promoted in the university. We do not allow any forms of fraternities and sororities nor hazing as one form of initiation in our student or ganizations,” she said.
She said UM has 31,000 students for this semester and with that number of stu dents the management can only do so much. This year, there are also 10 student college governments, and 47 student organizations being re-accredited.
She said OSA monitors
57 student organizations this year.
“It is not really an easy job because we have to mon itor them, what are their plans for this year, how are they going to accomplish, whatever they are going to submit as part of the re quirements,” she said.
She also said OSA has only eight employees mon itoring these organizations.
“As in hindi namin lahat ma-cover, we cannot really control. That is why we ap peal to students and family of the students that our val ues must be inculcated from the family,” she said.
As to the timeline of the completion of the investiga tion, she said currently they are still sending information, summoning those who are at large, and asking for infor mation from students and stakeholders.
Act, the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) is mandated as an attached agency of the DMW.
As such, under the 2023 NEP, a budget allocation amounting to Php 10.039 Billion is earmarked for the Emergency Repatria tion Program of OWWA. This covers a number of 367,287 OFWs to this day.
The program provides assistance in bringing back distressed OFWs and hu man remains back to the country. Workers are pro vided with proper help, temporary shelter at the
vironmentalist has not ed that a dive or snorkel would make it evident even to a Grade 1 pupil how the Paradise Reef is so rich, productive, and teeming with life,” it said.
The family offered to donate to the government a valuable piece of property with less marine life just a short distance away from the old shipyard, Bridge port, as an alternative land ing site in Samal Island.
However, this offer re mains unaccepted up to this time.
The family stated that Bridgeport was notably recommended by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) as the pre ferred landing site in Samal as the bridge will be short er, cheaper, and will spare rich marine life from destruction.
“Hence, it can be sur mised that the DENR was deprived of the opportuni ty to inform itself of other alignments with less envi ronmental impacts, includ ing the JICA-recommended alignment, before the En vironmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) for the bridge was granted,” it said.
The family also noted that there were procedural lapses in the issuance of the required ECC, which was issued without a prior Pro tected Area Management Board (PAMB) clearance which is an essential re quirement.
The entire Samal Island is a protected area, it being classified as a Mangrove Swamp Forest Reserve un der Proclamation No. 2152, s. 1981, which became an initial component of the National Integrated Pro tected Areas System or NI PAS. Its boundary has not been modified by an act of Congress to date.
“Therefore, it is mis leading to state that the landing site in Samal Island is outside the declared pro tected area. A valid PAMB Clearance therefore is es sential before an ECC could be issued. While the airport height limits and navigation channel requirements have been raised as a concern, we trust that engineering solutions are available to address the same, with the end view of implementing a cost-efficient and envi ronmentally sustainable bridge project” it said.
may still claim the incen tives by accomplishing the application form from CSWDO-District Office and
14 applicant barangays.
present a birth certificate or passport. Primary and secondary IDs may also be accepted. (PNA)
The newly declared drug-cleared barangays are 36-D, Talomo Riv er, Gumalang, Alambre, Tungkalan, Balengaeng, Biao Escuela, Los Amigos, Manuel Guianga, Matina Biao, New Valencia, Tacu nan, Tagakpan, and Talan dang.
Dimaandal said the barangays have satis factorily complied with the requirements set by Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) Regulation No.3, Series of 2017, and PDEA Memorandum Circular No. 2020-041.
“The ROCBDC, upon deliberation, unanimous ly found and conclud ed to formally declare
the14 barangays as drug cleared,” he said.
In identifying a drug cleared barangay, Di maandal said there must be no availability of drug supply, absence of drug transit and drug shipment activity, no laboratories, no chemical warehouse, no marijuana cultivation sight, no drug den resort, no drug pusher, user, and protector.
Apart from that, Di maandal said the baran gay must also be active in their involvement in an ti-drug activities.
“These are the pa rameters set by the DDB before declaring a baran gay drug cleared,” he said. (PNA)
manding officer of Platoon Banglas, Sub-Regional Committee (SRC) 3, and Raquel Dahoyla, the secre tary of SRC 5, both of the North Central Mindanao Regional Committee.
On Sept. 10, another top leader, Nenita Gener alao Dolera, the secretary of GF19, SRC Southland of NEMRC, was nabbed in Su rigao City.
Almerol said the East mincom also approved the dismantling of GF18 after the government troops neutralized its remaining members and the recovery of war matériel during the series of armed confrontations this month in Lupon and Banaybanay in Davao Ori
OWWA Halfway Home, psycho-social counsel ing, stress debriefing, and transport services to their respective localities.
Other programs in cluded in the DMW bud get allocation for 2023 are the Overseas Employment Regulatory Program, Labor Migration Policy and Inter national Cooperation Pro gram, Maritime Research and Skills Competency Program, and Provision for OFW Hospital and Diagnos tic Center under Overseas Employment and Welfare Program among others. (PR/DBM)
crops, and livestock,” Casu ga said during the AFP PNP Press Corps media briefing on Wednesday at The Royal Mandaya Hotel (TRMH).
Around 85 exhibitors from different industries in
the agribusiness will be par ticipating in the said activity, which will highlighted also with seminars, conferences, and technical demonstra tions.
This year’s DATE aims
help more nurses find op portunities in the US.
Filipino nurses are drawn to work in the US where the minimum salary is about P1,500 per hour,
momentum amid the re cent proliferation of “per sonalized” SMS scams.
Some groups however have opposed the measure saying it may compromise
to encourage local agri en trepreneurs to adopt new farming techniques and technologies to increase farm productivity, ensure sustainability, and become more competitive in the
Health Carousel said.
In 2021, Filipino nurs es accounted for 4 percent of registered nurses in the US or around 150,000, data showed.
telco subscribers’ privacy.
A similar bill was ap proved by lawmakers in the previous Congress but was vetoed by then-Presi dent Rodrigo Duterte.
global market.
DATE 2022 will have the theme “Innovative Agribusi ness: Achieving Productivity and Sustainability for Food Security.”
By Maya M. Pa dillo
strategic venue for the rac es. We’re thrilled to high light the resort not only as a sports venue among our athletes but as the ultimate leisure destination for their families and supporters as well,” Tuazon added.
5150 Triathlon Davao Del Norte title sponsor, Pe nong’s Barbecue Seafood and Grill expresses their unending support and love for triathlon events, “We love what the 5150 races represent which is why we’ve been a willing partner since the success of the previous 5150 race in Davao in 2019. Now that triathlons are back in the spotlight, we want to join in on the action as we welcome our athletes to our home province,” says Chad Regis, President of Penong’s.
After two-year hiatus, Sunrise Events felt the success of the event with a higher note, “We have had a successful string of reig niting our triathlon events
ental province.
He noted that GF18 has weakened since Nov. 2021 with the surrender of its two top leaders.
“We are also eyeing the dismantling of oth er NPA units in Northern Mindanao and the Caraga Region following the se ries of neutralization of its top-ranking leaders and the capture of its remain ing war matériel,” Almerol said.
He said Eastmincom has dismantled 28 out of 33 NPA guerrilla fronts since 2017.
Of the five remaining guerrilla fronts, he said one is still operating in Re gion 12 while four are in the Caraga Region. (PNA)
here in the country and we’re excited to add Tagum as another success story. We’ve had this on pause since 2020 so we are in high spirits as we ensure a safe and memorable racing experience for all our athletes. Of course, none of this would be possible without the help of our partners so this col laborative event will be a success of many,” Sunrise Events General Manager Princess Galura stated.
During the Penong’s 5150 Davao Triathlon, Joshua Ramos dominated the event from the begin ning to the end, while KC Joy Garcia rallied in the bike stage and then held off Lourdes Ramos in the final run leg. Together, they shared the first place podi um.
Appreciation goes out to Penong’s and Sunrise Events for working to gether to bring this sports tourism event to Davao del Norte.
The Philippine Sports Commission, in partnership with the Department of Health and the City Government of Manila, provided COVID-19 vaccination booster shots to athletes, coaches and employees at the Rizal Memorial Colise um, earlier today as the sports agency continued its vigilance against COVID-19 and its variants.
Tokyo Olympian Cris Nievares was among the more than 160 athletes and coaches from Baseball, Ca noe Kayak, Karate, Olympic Rowing, table tennis, judo, kurash, gymnastics, tae kwondo, water polo and diving who availed of the
vaccination drive.
PSC Chairman Jose Em manuel “Noli” Eala said that as the PSC’s facilities open “it is also vital that we re main vigilant and protected against COVID-19. Our ath letes, coaches, and employ ees who serve them need to
be secured, protected and cared for as we begin tran sition and the return of our sports activities and events.”
Almost 400 booster vac cines were administered to the athletes, coaches, and PSC employees who availed of the vaccination drive.
(Editor’s Note: We officially welcome Engr. Chito Malabanan, part-time engineer and full-time golfer as he would have it, as one of our resident sports columnists. He begins his column aptly called Jabong! and all golfers can relate to that, with this piece.)
And so Team USA “again” won the 2022 President’s Cup in their home turf with that massacre in Charlotte, North Carolina of Team International.
No matter how they sugar coated the event and pump up the golfing public, it still is the Greatest Mismatch of Team Golf Competi
tion in recent memory. Sans the energy and entertainment provid ed by the young Korean Tom Kim, the event is bland and boring de void of drama and funfare.
Poor Team Captain Trevor Immelman of South Africa, He became the shock absorber and carried the brunt for the embat tled Team International. He tried to come up with battle strategies, squeezed hard and motivated his wards to at least survive until the last day of the Singles match to give the event a semblance of a competition , of which he success fully did.
But that’s just about it. Keeping
the fight.
For how can you convince the viewing public to cheer for the Team International when the re sult is already a foregone conclu sion before it even started. What remains to be determined was the Final Score.
For how can you convince the public that the Internation als stand a fighting chance with a team without Australia’s Camer oon Smith, the veteran Louie and the South Africans, India’s Lahiri and rising Latino stars Joaquin Nieman of Chile and Abraham Ancer of Mexico against the much superior Team USA with practical
ly all of its players belonging to the Top 20 in the Golf world ranking.
LIV and you die.
That’s the condition set by the PGA of America to players who opted to play in the maverick LIV Golf series funded by the Saudis.
The international players request ed for reconsideration to let them play in the International side but as the PGA would say, the die is cast.
Come to think of it, the battle at least would have been much in teresting if World number 2 Cam Smith and the other LIV golfers in the Team International were al lowed to play. No matter how un
derdog the Team International is.
As of the moment while the raging battle of egos and pride exist between LIV’s Greg Norman and PGA’s Jay Monahan, the pub lic’s attention will be divided in its appreciation of best golf. The 2022 President’s Cup was the first major casualty for this ongoing saga. Am beginning to think what will happen or will there be an unfolding drama for the incoming Majors?
Just ask Paul McCartney and maybe he would just say…(but ) if this ever changin’ world In which we’re livin’ makes you give in and cry … (just) say LIV and let die.
Ateneo de Davao’s Dax Ang in action during the recent Inter-Ateneo Alumni Football Friendlies held at the Azuela Cove. Handout photoIt’s bigger and definitely fiercer. The Arcadia Ateneo Reunion Cup returns this December 3-30 with some 37 teams involving 24 batches of Ateneo de Davao University alumni taking part.
Tournament Commis sioner Miggy Solitaria formally announced on Wednesday the staging of the tournament which has been sidelined for two years due to the Covid-19 pan demic.
“Yes, we are bringing back the Ateneo Reunion Cup and so far we have re ceived strong commitments from the different batches,” Solitaria, a former standout of the ADDU Blue Knights said.
Nine teams have signi fied intention to join Divi
sion 1 (Varsity Division), 9 teams for the 30 years old and above division, 14 teams for Division 2 (Non-Varsity) and 5 teams for the Wom en’s Division.
For this year’s edition, the Reunion Cup will be adding the college division. A team meeting is set next week.
Arcadia Active Lifestyle Center, the event’s venue, is the main presenter of the tournament which has drawn huge participation from ADDU batches in pre vious editions.
Miggy Solitaria (fifth from right) with team representatives joining the Arcadia Ateneo Reunion Cup. Handout photo