Rodrigo “Rigo” Duterte II urged bikers/ cyclists and owners of light mobility vehicles (LMVs) to register their ve hicles and follow policies implemented by the city government of Davao.
“Bicycles and light mo bility vehicles have became alternative mode of trans portations for our fellow Dabawenyos. Sa mga tagiya’g bike ug LMV iparehis tro nato atong mga units
para maiwasan nato ang hasol ug problema. Kaning mga bikes ug LMVs daku kaayo’g tabang sa inyo labi na karon na during peak hours lisod kaayo maka sakay,” he said.
The Davao City Trans port and Traffic Manage ment Office (CTTMO) has called on bicycle and LMV owners to register their units to avoid getting flagged down and penal ized.
This after the city gov ernment of Davao issued an advisory requiring own ers to register their bicycles and light mobility vehicles. This conforms to Ordi
nance No 0782-21, Series of 2012 or an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 0334-12, series of 2012, otherwise known as the “Comprehensive Transport and Traffic Code of Davao City” in conformity with the Amended Bicycle and Light Mobility Vehicle Ordinance of Davao City”
“Para pud ni sa inyong safety ug safety sa ubang motorists,” Rigo said.
Vice President Sara Duterte and United States Vice Presi dent Kamala Harris will meet on Monday, Novem ber 21, 2022, according to the Office of the Vice President.
This is the first time that the second highest ra
nking officials of the Philip pines and the US will meet.
Aside from VP Dute rte, Harris is expected to meet President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. during her vis it to the Philippines from November 20 to 22, 2022.
Harris will visit Puerto Princesa City in Palawan
Province in November 22, 2022 to talk to local residents and representa tives from the Philippines Coast Guard.
According to reports, the visit will make Har ris the highest-ranking American official to set foot on the island chain
adjacent to the Spratly Islands, wherein China has dredged the sea floor to build harbors and air strips on the Spratlys, parts of which are also claimed by Brunei, Ma laysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam.
By Maya M. PadilloThe Civil Service Commission (CSC) reminded all gov ernment officials and em ployees regarding the “no gift policy,” especially this holiday season.
CSC Commissioner Ai leen Lizada said that three laws prohibit the accep tance and/or asking of any government workers of gifts, services, and favors to the public.
Under Presidential De cree no. 46, “it is believed necessary to put more teeth to existing laws and regulations to wipe out all conceivable forms of graft and corruption in the pub lic service, the members of which should not only be honest but above suspicion and reproach.”
Republic Acts 6713 and 3019 prohibit “directly or indirectly requesting or receiving any gift, present, share, percentage, or ben efit, for himself or for any other person, in connection with any contract or trans action between the Govern ment and any other part, wherein the public officer in his official capacity has to intervene under the law.”
Lizada reminded the agency’s head to be an ex ample to their employees.
Aside from receiving gifts, solicitation in any form is also prohibited.
“Sa mga heads of agen cies be good examples wag po kayong magsosolicit kayo, ‘yung division chief niyo magso-solicit lahat ay mag so-solicit. Sabihan niyo ho sa baba na kung may magpada la ng regalo ay no gift policy kayo so wag na ho hirap mga tao, hirap mag negosyo at hi rap mga operators wag na po dagdagan ang cause of doing business nila,” she said.
“Gusto n’yo bang ma preso sa Pasko? When in government service ‘yung ating pagseserbisyo walang kapalit we are servicing the public,” Lizada added.
Meanwhile, the Bureau of Internal Revenue also reminded their offices to “politely” decline all forms of gifts from taxpayers.
According to BIR Rev enue Region 6 Director Jethro Sabariaga, newly ap pointed Commissioner Ro meo Lumagui Jr. instructed them that the no gift policy must be strictly observed all year round.
Gov’t workers reminded: ‘No gift policy’ these holidays
The people of Davao through its City Di saster Risk Reduction and Management Council Office (CDRRMO) have ex tended financial assistance amounting to PHP2 million to typhoon and earthquake victims in the province.
Retired Police Colonel Alfredo Baluran, chief of the CDRRMO in Davao City, personally turned over the cash check on Friday to the Ilocos Norte government represented by Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management officer Marcel Tabije.
“This is part of our may or’s commitment to helping typhoon victims in areas under state of calamity,” said Baluran in a media inter view in front of the Capitol here.
As an Ilokano himself because his family originat ed in Sarrat, Ilocos Norte before they migrated to Mindanao, Baluran said the financial assistance is meant to help in the im mediate needs of the Ilo
canos who were hard hit by Typhoon Neneng in the middle of October and a magnitude 6.4 earthquake that jolted Abra and neigh boring provinces of Ilocos region last Oct. 25.
Through the initiative of Davao City mayor Sebastian Duterte, Baluran said it has been a practice of the city government to extend assis tance to other cities or prov inces hit by calamities. The city has assisted Abra, Ak lan and Zamboanga, among others.
By MAYA M. PADILLOIn his courtesy vis it with Mayor Sebastian “Baste” Duterte, newly appointed Consul Gener al of Indonesia in Davao City, Dr. Achmad Djatmiko reiterated the Consulate’s commitment to partner ing with Davao City and work towards strengthen ing the bilateral relation
ships between the two.
In a statement shared by the Davao City Invest ment Promotion Center (DCIPC), Duterte said that the city and Indonesia have been very good part ners for several years.
“The mutual ties with Indonesia and Davao through the Consulate are
valued and given much appreciation. The city is always available at any time to assist in whatever concern,” it said.
It can be recalled that in 2017, the Davao-Gen San-Bitung roll on-roll off (RoRo) service was launched with President Rodrigo Duterte and In donesian President Joko Widodo leading the cere mony.
However, the service has been put on hold for lack of demand.
The Indonesian government through the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City committed to strengthen its bilateral relationship with Davao City.
In urging bikers/cyclists and owners of light mobility vehicles (LMVs) to register their vehicles and follow policies implemented by the city government of Davao:
“Bicycles and light mobility vehicles have became alternative mode of transportations for our fellow Dabawenyos. Sa mga tag-iya’g bike ug LMV iparehistro nato atong mga units para maiwasan nato ang hasol ug problema. Kaning mga bikes ug LMVs daku kaayo’g tabang sa inyo labi na karon na during peak hours lisod kaayo makasakay.”
Dear IBP Davao,
Magtatanong lang po sana ako. Nasa UK po live in partner ko pinoy po siya. 3years na po kami mag live in. and plano po namin magpakasal next year March 2023 para makuha napo niya ako dito sa pinas visa mar riage dependant visa. pero limit ed lang time namin kasi 3weeks lang binigay na VL sakanya. Gusto po sana namin na mada liang pagpapakasal kasi we’re running out time. Tanong lang po, ano po ba dapat gawin para makasal kami ng madalian via civil lang po.
Dear Smitten Soon-to-be Wife,
To begin with Article 2 and 3 of the Family Code of the Phil ippines provides that the es sential and formal requisites of marriage are the following: (a) legal capacity of the contract ing parties; (b) consent freely given in the presence of the sol emnizing officer; (c) authority
of the solemnizing officer; (d) a valid marriage license; and (e) a marriage ceremony that takes place with the appearance of the contracting parties before the solemnizing officer and their declaration that they take each other as husband and wife in the presence of not less than two witnesses of legal age. Absence of any of the essential or for mal requisites shall render the marriage void ab initio. Thus, whether or not you get married in a church wedding or through a civil wedding, this will be legal within Philippine law.
Considering that one of the requisites is that of a marriage license, the requirements of the marriage license should be complied with unless this falls within the exception under the Family Code. As stated under Ar ticle 34 of the Family Code, “no license shall be necessary for the marriage of a man and woman who have lived together as hus band and wife for at least five (5) years and without any legal im pediment to marry each other.”
In your case, since you have only been living together, as
suming that there are no legal impediments, for only three (3) years, then you cannot be ex empted from obtaining a mar riage license and you must apply to obtain one which is valid for only 120 days.
Whether or not you plan to get married in a church wedding or through a civil wedding, the following are the common civil wedding requirements in the Philippines:
• At least 2 valid IDs of the couple
• PSA Birth Certificate
• Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR)
• Marriage License Applica tion Form
• Community Tax Certificate
• Barangay Certificate
• 1×1 Picture
• Pre-Marriage Counseling Certificate of Attendance (for marriage license ap plicants 25 years old and below)
Additional Civil Require ments are also as follows:
• Parental Consent (for cou ples aged 21 and below)
• Parents’ Personal Appear ance (for couples aged 21 and below)
• Parental Advice (for cou ples aged 22-25)
• Death Certificate (if any of you are widowed)
• Certificate of Finality of Annulment (if any of you are annulled)
• Affidavit in Lieu of a Cer tificate of Legal Capacity to Marry (for U.S. citizens)
• Certificate of Legal Capac ity to Marry (for other for eign citizens)
• Clear photocopy of the im migration stamp in the for eigner’s passport
• Passport (bio-page)
• Divorce Decree (if di vorced)
• Death Certificate of de ceased spouse (if wid owed)
Depending on the area of where you will hold your civil wedding, it could cost as low as Php 5,000 for only documentary requirements that are needed. As to the time frame, it will also depend on the area where you
plan to hold your civil wedding.
Lastly, I hope that you con sider that whether or not you decide to do a church or civil wedding, that your heart will rule over your head and that you marry for love and nothing else as the family will always be the basic unit of society. Notably, should you choose to do a civil wedding in the UK or anywhere abroad, this will also be con sidered valid under Philippine laws considering that you and your future spouse are Filipino citizens and you abide by the customs and ceremony of the country where you plan to get married.
May your love last a lifetime and you may have a happily ever after.
The above legal opinion is based solely on the appreciation of the facts and problem given and stated above. The opinion may vary when other facts, cir cumstances, and situations are stated. For more information and for further queries, you may contact the Legal Aid Office of the Integrated Bar of the Philip pines Davao City Chapter.
Do you remember Loretta, a Mel Chionglo film based on the screenplay written by Ricardo Lee? It was one of the most con troversial films of 1994 because of the Manila Film Festival scam. It tells the story of a wife who cuts the manhood of her husband (played by Gabby Concepcion) when she could no longer endure the pains he had inflicted on her.
In another movie, Ika-11 na Utos: Mahalin Mo ang Iyong Asa wa, Aiko Melendez portrayed a battered wife to an abusive hus band, again played by Concep cion.
Feminists and health and so cial workers call those harrowing experiences as violence against women (VAW). The Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women (1993) defines VAW as “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is like ly to result in, physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering to wom en, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.”
You may be wondering why I am writing this. It’s because on November 25, our country ob serves the National Conscious ness Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and
their Children (VAWC). Also, on November 25, the 18-Day Cam paign to End Violence Against Women, starts which will end on December 12.
In the Philippines, Repub lic Act 9262 – more popularly known as the Violence Against Women and their Children Law –was passed in 2004. It broadened the definition of abuse to include physical, emotional and econom ic harm. It also made violence by an intimate partner (anyone with whom a woman has a sex ual relationship) a public crime, and made it possible for anyone – not just the victim – to file a case against a perpetrator.
Intimate partner violence re fers to the behavior in an intimate relationship that causes physical, sexual or psychological harm, in cluding physical aggression, sex ual coercion, psychological abuse and controlling behaviors.
Sexual violence is any sexu al act, attempt to obtain a sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances, or acts to traffic, or otherwise directed against a per son’s sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any setting. It includes rape, defined as the physically forced or other
wise coerced penetration of the vulva or anus with man’s sexual organ, other body part or object.
“Violence against women and girls remains one of the most pervasive problems in the world today,” said then Davao City May or Sara Duterte in 2021. “Attacks against women happen in work places, public spaces, churches and other places of worship, schools, and worse, at home.”
The Integrated Gender and Development Division (IGDD), a special division under the Office of the City Mayor, recorded a to tal of 12,174 VAWC from 2014 to 2020. In 2021, IGDD recorded 1,193 cases.
Gabriela, a party list dedicated to promoting the rights of mar ginalized and under-represented Filipino women, said that one in three women in the world gets beaten or raped in her lifetime. “In the Philippines, domestic vio lence is a reality that occurs once every 37 minutes,” it said.
What is deplorable is that policemen, who are supposed to protect women, are themselves the culprits. There was a time when almost half of VAWC cases –23 out of 54 cases – in Davao City accused police members as the perpetrators.
Here is another disturbing
fact from the World Health Orga nization (WHO): at least one in five women has been physically or sexually abused by a man at some time in her life. The United Nations health agency said that “women are more at risk from their husbands, fathers, neigh bors or colleagues than they are from strangers.”
Population Reports, which I obtained from a friend, said that violence affects women’ sexual and reproductive health. “Phys ical violence and sexual abuse can put women at risk of infec tion and unwanted pregnancies directly, if women are forced to have sex or fear using contracep tion or condoms because of their partners’ reaction,” it said.
Around the world, as many as one woman in every four is physically or sexually abused during pregnancy, usually by her partner. “Pregnant women who have experienced violence are more likely to delay seeking pre natal care and to gain insufficient weight,” Population Reports said. “They are also more likely to have a history of sexually transmitted infections, unwanted or mistimed pregnancies, vaginal and cervical infections, kidney infections, and bleeding during pregnancy.”
Violence has also been linked
with increased risk of miscar riages and abortions, premature labor, and fetal distress. Likewise, it may affect pregnancy outcomes indirectly by increasing wom en’s likelihood of engaging in such harmful health behaviors as smoking and alcohol and drug abuse.
“Violence has been linked to many serious health problems, both immediate and long-term,” Population Reports said. These include physical health prob lems, such as injury, chronic pain syndromes, and gastrointestinal disorders, and a range of mental health problems, including anxi ety and depression.
What about in our country? The 2008 National Demographic Health Survey estimated that one in five Filipino women between the ages of 15 and 49 had expe rienced physical violence, while 14 percent of women have been physically abused by their hus bands.
“Violence against women cuts across social and economic situa tions and is deeply embedded in cultures around the world – so much so that millions of women consider it a way of life,” wrote Cate Johnson, author of Violence Against Women: An Issue of Hu man Rights
The Department of Transportation (DOTr) and fiber broadband provider Con verge have inked a partner ship to provide free WIFI services in passenger ter minals of nine internation al and domestic airports across the country.
In a media bulletin Friday, the DOTr said the project’s memorandum of agreement (MOA) was signed between DOTr, Con verge, the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP), Mactan-Cebu In ternational Airport Author ity (MCIAA), Manila Inter national Airport Authority (MIAA), and Davao Interna tional Airport on Thursday.
The program will pro vide free public Wi-Fi at the arrival and departure areas of the Ninoy Aquino Inter national Airport (NAIA), Davao International Air port and the Mactan-Cebu International Airport.
It will also cover the Ba colod-Silay Airport, Iloilo
International Airport, Lao ag International Airport, Pagadian Airport, Tacloban Airport and Zamboanga International Airport -- all operated by CAAP
DOTr Secretary Jaime Bautista said the agreement will improve connectivity services in the said airports, aside from providing free Wi-Fi to passengers in the arrival, departure and pas senger terminal areas.
“This joint project with Converge signifies our commitment to improving the connectivity services in our transport facilities, par ticularly in our airports. We are launching this initiative to provide connectivity to our passengers through digital technology,” Bautis ta said.
In a separate state ment, Converge CEO and co-founder Dennis Antho ny Uy said the project aims to leave a “positive impres sion” on the Philippines for tourists and local travelers alike.
ThePhilippines’ overall balance of payments (BOP) position posted a deficit of $711 million in Octo ber 2022, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipi nas (BSP) said Friday.
This is lower than the $1.1 billion BOP surplus recorded in the same month last year, the BSP said in a statement.
“The BOP surplus for the month reduced the cumulative BOP deficit in January-October 2022 to US$7.1 billion from a deficit of US$7.8 billion in the first three quarters of the year,” the central bank said.
“The BOP surplus in October 2022 reflected inflows arising mainly from the National Govern ment’s net foreign curren cy deposits with the Bang ko Sentral ng Pilipinas.”
According to the BSP, the current year-to-date BOP level reflected the widening trade in goods deficit as goods imports continued to surpass goods exports “on the back of the persistent surge in international
commodity prices and resumption in domestic economic activities.”
“The gross interna
tional reserves (GIR) lev el increased to US$94.0 billion as of end-October 2022 from US$93.0 bil lion as of end-September 2022. The latest GIR level represents a more than adequate external liquidi ty buffer equivalent to 7.5 months’ worth of imports
of goods and payments of services and primary in come,” it said.
“Moreover, it is also about 6.9 times the coun try’s short-term external debt based on original maturity and 4.1 times based on residual matu rity.”
PresidentFerdinand R. Marcos Jr. on Friday asked his fellow Asia-Pacific leaders to create a “free, fair, and inclu sive” trade and investment environment in the region.
Marcos made the call during his intervention in a working lunch at the 29th Asia-Pacific Econom ic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meet ing in Bangkok, Thailand, as he acknowledged the 21-member bloc’s vital role in fostering a “stable and predictable environ ment for progress and prosperity, anchored on peace and collaboration.”
Marcos said APEC member economies must seek a “responsive and rel evant” multilateral trading system by ensuring their compliance with the exist ing agreements, including
the World Trade Organiza tion (WTO) deals.
“A free, fair, open, non discriminatory, transpar ent, inclusive, and predict able trade and investment environment will help economies practice re sponsible policy-making that is crucial in ensuring that everyone can fully participate and benefit from trade,” Marcos told his fellow APEC economic leaders.
“Fostering open mar kets, predictable and fair rules, and a functioning system to adjudicate these views are the hallmarks of responsive and rele
vant multilateral trading system to build a robust global economy towards greener, more inclusive, and resilient societies,” he added.
Marcos acknowledged that global trade has been a “central feature” in ad dressing the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic and supporting economic recovery.
The spirit of coopera tion, Marcos said, will yield a remarkable economic growth.
“As a global focus shifts to reigniting growth and charting the path for a strong economic recovery, governments are respon sible for providing their people with the neces sary support for recovery, growth and for develop ment,” he said.
Marcos likewise
stressed the need to ad dress regional trade and investment issues and identify opportunities of mutual interest with APEC partners and stakeholders during an informal meet ing, the Office of the Pres ident (OP) said in a Face book post.
Marcos encouraged the use of safety measures that will help stabilize the flow of essential goods and services in times of crisis.
“The President encour aged investments in the high-quality ICT (informa tion and communications technology) infrastruc ture in less developed member economies as he advocated for regional economic integration to ensure more resilient and sustainable supply chains and green investments,” the OP said.
Oil prices are fore cast to decrease next week, as China, one of the main demand drivers, experiences a COVID-19 surge.
“Dahil pa rin po ito sa pag-surge ng COVID sa Chi na. In fact, 23,000 per day ang naging cases nila at nag-spread sa malalaki nil
ang region like Guanzhou at Chongqing siyempre bum aba na naman ang demand ng china at yung pagtaas na pagtaas na interest rate to beat inflation,” Energy Asst.
Director Rodela Romero said.
Diesel prices will drop by P2.10 to P2.30 per liter, while kerosene prices are
set to drop by P2 to P2.20 per liter.
After a week of in crease, gasoline prices will decrease by P0.75 to P1 per liter.
However, industry ex perts still can’t say if this trend of rollbacks will con tinue in the next coming weeks.
“Kung talagang imam anage lang nila ang mar ket, maaaring dahil sa pagbaba ng demand magtutuloy-tuloy din ang pagbaba ng presyo kung despite the tightness ay enough ang supply sa world market kahit maba ba ang demand,” Romero said.
Stakeholders of the fish ing industry are calling for the creation of a Department of Fisheries to address the issues plaguing the country’s territorial wa ters.
“That has been the call of the industry ever since a long time ago. We’re sup posed to take care of the Exclusive Economic Zone of the country and we’re deal ing with international issues as well. A small agency like BFAR is simply not enough to do all those tasks,” for mer Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources director Atty. Asis Perez said in a statement.
“What is needed is to develop a policy framework that will ensure that the pri vate sector will be inspired, to invest, to put in the mon ey so that the fisheries part of the blue economy is fully realized,” Perez said.
Philippine Rural Re construction Movement (PRRM) president Edicio de la Torre supports the move.
“Fishers, they’re like on the margin. So, there’s not much attention paid to them. That’s part of the reason why they want a separate Department of
Fisheries that can really pay attention to their specific interest, their needs,” De la Torre said.
The PRRM chief also lamented how “overfished” our fishing grounds are and how “big international boats come and fish…they real ly capture all because they have large nets.”
De la Torre also ex pressed dismay how ga lunggong, once the top food fish that Filipinos consume, “has become our top im port.”
“They are frozen, and they are caught from our seas. Mainly Chinese fish ing boats. And I was told they really don’t eat ga lunggong there. They just re-export to us,” Dela Torre pointed out.
Likewise, the PRRM president noted that the “Philippines is more than 300,000 square kilometers of land. Our Exclusive Eco nomic Zone is 2.2 million square kilometers.”
“We are the 15th larg est fishing nation in the world. The Philippines is a Maritime and Archipelagic Nation or MANA. And if nec essary, we must defend it,” Dela Torre added.
Japanese global apparel retailer UNIQLO is ready to welcome the community of Santa Rosa, Laguna to its newly opened roadside store in Nuvali. It highlights the first ever Green Park by Ayala, in partnership with UNIQLO Sustainability.
“Our roadside stores highlight our commit ment to bringing Life Wear closer to more Filipinos. Opening a roadside store promises a simple, local one-stop shopping experience for customers to enjoy a quick and convenient trip close to their homes, especially this Holiday season,” says UNIQLO Philippines COO, Geral dine Sia.
UNIQLO executives together with invited media celebrated its of ficial launching last No vember 16 with the tra ditional barrel breaking,
Japanese sake toast and store tour.
Aside from its limited store opening offers, this Nuvali Store gives utmost importance to Uniqlo’s sustainability mission as they feature a special corner that shares how they channel their initia tives to help the planet, people and the society. In this area, customers will learn more about how their favorite UNIQLO pieces are sustainably made and sourced while sitting comfortably in the proudly displayed upscale furniture made from roped plastics and denim scraps by Jun kNot.
This “green area” also features the Re.UNIQLO box where customers can drop off their pre-loved UNIQ LO pieces which will be brought back to life through reusing/do nating and upscaling.
Outside the store, Customers can enjoy and appreciate nature at the first ever Green Park made possible in part nership with Ayala and UNIQLO sustainability. This space is more than
just a park because of its bicycle racks that pro mote an environmentally friendly mode of trans portation, kids’ active zone and a pedal power charging station for the community to experi ence.
The building has been aesthetically designed with a mural painting by local artist AG Saño with the help of some invited children in the Nuvali community which con veys UNIQLO’s campaign
about caring for the envi ronment.
The store is a stand alone 1,418 sq. m. build ing that carries a wide selection of LifeWear staples for men, wom en, kids, and babies. It offers a convenient and exciting shopping experi ence for customers with over 300 parking slots, a special kids’ play corner, and eleven fitting rooms, including one specially fitted for persons with disabilities (PWDs).
It never rains in the fair ways.
Braving the early morn ing rain, 78 golfers took part in the recently concluded 1st ANECI Golf Invitational club held at the South Pacif ic Golf and Country club on Friday, November 18,2022.
“This is in celebration of the company’s 25th year anniversary and a thanks giving to all our friends and sponsors who supported us through all the years” says Engr Arthur Escalan te, President and General Manager of the construc tion firm ANECI.
Randall Hooper took the overall gross title with his 3 over par score of 75 while Edito Jualo took home the Overall Net plum with his Net score of 70 spiked by two birdies in the System 36, Double Barrel start golf tournament.
Golfers in Davao City nowadays are organized into small groups/clubs and it is a common fixture in every tournaments that their presence are notice able because of their col orful uniforms and team logos.
For this tournament, three golf clubs dominated the event with the Boyz Fly te group headed by Dondi Sison taking four Individu al honors, the Mixed Nuts Buddies headed by Gen Dario Gunabe with two ti tles and the 5:30 Recovery Group with one.
For Class A ( Hdcp 0-18) Division, veteran Larry Ba luso took the Lowest Gross plum with his 77 and MNB’s Councilor Jay Areja of Que zon, Bukidnon got the Over all Net Title with his 71.
Dick Arellano and Jun Yap of MNB shared the hon ors for the Class B Division ( Hdcp 19-26 ) with Arellano
taking home the Lowest Gross and Yap, the Lowest Net title.
The honors for the Lowest Gross and Lowest Net for the Class C Division were taken by the Boyz Flyte members Jay Lagat and Bobet Leuterio respec tively.
Tony Bautista took the plum for the Gross Cham pion for Seniors Division participated by golfers 65 years old and above. Busi nessman Ben Gaite took the Overall Net Title and host Engr Art Escalante of the Boyz Flyte came in as Net Runner Up.
Part of the net proceeds
of the tournament was do nated to the Rotary Club of Sta Ana to be used for their water system projects . Engr Art Escalante is also the Past President of the RC Sta Ana Club.
Golfers were enter tained in the Awarding fellowship with a live band while partaking the buffet dinner and overflowing drinks offered by the host.
“We would like to thank and invite everyone for the 2nd ANECI Cup to be held next year. Hopefully with your support it will be grander, bigger and more fun” says Engr Escalante in his parting words.
For the first time in 12 years, USA Bas ketball is not atop the world men’s rankings, Fiba, the sport’s gov erning body, updated its rankings on Friday — and Spain moved into the top spot, a sliver ahead of the US.
The four-time de fending Olympic cham pion Americans moved into the top spot after winning the FIBA world
championship in 2010, and had been there since.
“It’s not exactly a new title and it proba bly can’t be maintained for too long, but it’s something so unique, prestigious and historic that I feel tremendously proud of everyone who ... have contributed to it,” Spain coach Sergio Scariolo wrote Friday on Twitter.
FIBA’s rankings were changed in 2017 to a system that only takes results from the most recent eight years into account. That means the US is no longer reaping the benefits of the 2014 World Cup title, but still is seeing the Olympic gold medals won at Rio de Janeiro and Tokyo factoring into the rank ings. The US was only seventh at the 2019
World Cup.
Spain won the last World Cup, plus the EuroBasket title earli er this year. The Euro Basket win was Spain’s fourth in its last six ap pearances at the conti nental championship, all of those wins coming under Scariolo.
Spain is just 1.1 points ahead of the US men now; the margin is 758.6-757.5.
The next 10 spots in the world rankings were unchanged. Australia is third, Argentina — which was No. 1 before the US took that spot in 2010 — is fourth, fol lowed by France, Ser bia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Greece, Italy, Germany and the Czech Republic.
The US is still ranked No. 1 in women’s bas ketball by a nearly 200-point margin over
China. The Americans rolled to a gold at the women’s World Cup this year, further cementing their spot atop the list. USA Basketball also holds comfortable leads atop the worldwide boys and girls rankings.
FIBA’s most recent rankings include the men’s national teams from 164 countries, as well as 118 women’s na tional teams.
Pursuant to Sec. 1 Rule 74 of the Re vised Rules of Court of the Philippines, NO TICE is hereby given that the late SHERYLL D. LAYAN who died intestate on February 24, 2021 at Davao City, leaving a parcel of land, containing an area of ONE HUNDRED TWENTY (120) SQUARE METERS more or less, situated in the Barangay of Cabantian, City of Davao, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 372801, has been the subject of an EXTRA-JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT AND PARTITION WITH WAIVER OF RIGHTS executed among her heirs. Per Doc. 480; Page No. 93; Book No. III; Series of 2022 of the Notary Public Atty. EMMANUEL A. MAHIPUS, MNSA.
Pursuant to Sec. 1 Rule 74 of the Re vised Rules of Court of the Philippines, NOTICE is hereby given that the late MY NARD T. SAAVEDRA who died intestate on April 6, 2020 in Davao City, leaving a parcel of land in which he was a co-owner, particularly described as TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE No. 146-2019003901 containing an area of 1,009 square meters more or less, located at Talomo, Bago Gallera, Davao City, has been the subject of an EXTRA-JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT WITH DEED OF ABOLUTE SALE execut ed among his heirs. Per Doc. 101; Page No. 22; Book No. 200; Series of 2022 of the Notary Public Atty. FATIMA IRENE T. ADIN.
BDO UNIBANK, INC. EJF-REM CASE NO. 18,671-22 Mortgagee, - versus -
ROWENA J. JUMUAD, rep. by Attorney-In-Fact, Geraldine M. Pantojan Debtors/Mortgagors, X-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------X
Upon extra-judicial petition for foreclosure and sale under Act 3135, as amended, filed by the mortgagee against the debtors/mortgagors RO WENA J. JUMUAD rep. by Attorney-In-Fact, Geraldine M. Pantojan, both of legal age, Filipinos, and with postal address/es at BLK. 11 LOT 11 TOS CAN SUBD., PUAN DAVAO CITY; and (2) LOT 41 BLK. 6 CAMELLA DAVAO, COMMUNAL ROAD, COMMUNAL, DAVAO CITY, to satisfy the obligation which as of AUGUST 30, 2022 has amounted to ONE MILLION ONE HUN DRED THIRTY THREE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY SEVEN PESOS & 49/100 (Php 1,133,437.49), Philippine Currency, inclusive interest and other charges and plus other legal expenses incident to foreclosure and sale; the undersigned Sheriff IV of the Regional Trial Court, Davao City, will sell at public auction on December 15, 2022 at 10:00 A.M., or soon there after, at the main entrance of the Hall of Justice, Ecoland, Davao City, to the highest bidder for CASH or MANAGER’S CHECK and in Philippine Currency, the following real property mentioned and described below together with all the improvements found thereon, to wit:
“A certain land situated in BARANGAY OF COMMUNAL, CITY OF DAVAO, ISLAND OF MINDANAO, more particularly bounded and de scribed as follows:
LOT NO: 41 BLOCK NO: 6 PLAN NO: PCS-112402-006000
All sealed bids must be submitted to the undersigned on the above-stat ed time and date.
That in the event the public auction should not take place on the said date, it shall be held on JANUARY 19, 2023 without further notice.
Prospective buyers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title herein described real property and encumbrances thereon, if any there be.
Davao City, Philippines. October 27, 2022.
ATTY. FRANCISCO M. CAMPANER – the OIC Clerk of Court & Ex-Officio Prov’l Sheriff (SGD.) ALBERT C. ABEJARON
SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM (SSS) EJF-REM CASE NO. 18,665-22 Mortgagee, - versus -
Upon extra-judicial petition for foreclosure and sale under Act 3135, as amended, filed by the mortgagee against the mortgagor/s MAURICIO GUADALQUIVER married to LYDIA GUADALQUIVER, with postal address at LOT 557-C-3-C-1D-3, DIAMOND-MOLAVE STREETS, PAMPANGA EXEC UTIVE HOMES, PHASE 4, BARRIO PAMPANGA, 8000 DAVAO CITY, to satisfy the indebtedness of the mortgagors which as of SEPTEMBER 1, 2022, amounts to ONE MILLION NINE HUNDRED SEVENTY SEVEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY SEVEN PESOS & 07/100 (Php 1,977,377.07), Philippine Currency, including interest thereon, penalties and other charges and plus other legal expenses incident to foreclosure and sale; the undersigned Sheriff IV of the Regional Trial Court, Davao City, will sell at public auction on December 15, 2022 at 10:00 A.M., or soon thereafter, at the main entrance of the Hall of Justice, Ecoland, Davao City, to the high est bidder for CASH or MANAGER’S CHECK and in Philippine Currency, the following real property mentioned and described below together with all the improvements found thereon, to wit:
“A parcel of land (Lot 557-C-3-C-1-D-3, of the subdivision plan Psd-11019107 being a portion of Lot 557-C-3-C-1-D, Psd-11-018974, situated in the Barrio of Pampanga, City of Davao, Island of Mindanao. xxx Contain ing an area of TWO HUNDRED EIGHTEEN (218) SQUARE METERS, more or less, xxx.”
All sealed bids must be submitted to the undersigned on the above-stat ed time and date.
That in the event the public auction should not take place on the said date, it shall be held on JANUARY 19, 2023 without further notice.
Prospective buyers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title herein described real property and encumbrances thereon, if any there be.
Davao City, Philippines. October 27, 2022.
ELISA CASIL BALDON married to Erjoe Bacalanmo Baldon Mortgagor/s. X------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------X
Upon extra-judicial petition for foreclosure and sale under Act 3135, as amended, filed by HOME DEVELOPMENT MUTUAL FUND or PAG-IBIG FUND, against ELISA CASIL BALDON married to ERJOE BACALANMO BAL DON, with postal address at Lot 2, Block 3, NHA, ROSALINA VILLAGE III, DUMOY TORIL, DAVAO CITY, to satisfy the mortgage indebtedness in the total amount of Php 313,042.93, Philippine Currency, inclusive of interest and penalty charges as of August 08,2022, plus attorney’s fees equivalent to 10% of the total indebtedness and other legal expenses incident of fore closure and sale, the undersigned Sheriff IV of the Regional Trial Court, Davao City, will sell at public auction on December 15, 2022 at 10:00 A.M., or soon thereafter, at the main entrance of the Hall of Justice, Ecoland, Davao City, to the highest bidder for CASH or MANAGER’S CHECK and in Philippine Currency, the following real property mentioned and described below together with all the improvements found thereon, to wit:
“A parcel of land xxx (Lot 2, Block 3, PCS-112402-001850, xxx), situated in the City of Davao, Island of Mindanao. xxx Containing an area of NINE TY FOUR (94) SQUARE METERS, more or less.”
All sealed bids must be submitted to the undersigned on the above-stat ed time and date.
That in the event the public auction should not take place on the said date, it shall be held on JANUARY 19, 2023 without further notice.
Prospective buyers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title herein described real property and encumbrances thereon, if any there be.
Davao City, Philippines. November 2, 2022.
ATTY. FRANCISCO M. CAMPANER – the OIC Clerk of Court & Ex-Officio Prov’l Sheriff
Upon extra-judicial petition for foreclosure and sale under Act 3135, as amended, filed by the mortgagee HOME DEVELOPMENT MUTUAL FUND or PAG-IBIG FUND against the mortgagor CARLITO BURLAT CANDIA, with postal address at Lot 9, Block 2 Pearl St., Don Lorenzo, Bo. Pampanga, Davao City to satisfy the mortgage indebtedness which as of August 8, 2022 amounted to FIVE HUNDRED SEVENTY-SIX THOUSAND SEVEN HUN DRED TWELVE PESOS and 20/100 (Php 576,712.20), Philippine Currency, inclusive of interest and other charges plus other legal expenses incident to the foreclosure and sale; the undersigned Sheriff of the Regional Tri al Court, Davao City, will sell at public auction on December 1, 2022 at 10:00 A.M., or soon thereafter, at the main entrance of the Hall of Justice, Ecoland, Davao City, to the highest bidder for CASH or MANAGER’S CHECK and in Philippine Currency, the following real property mentioned and de scribed below together with all the improvements found thereon, to wit:
All sealed bids must be submitted to the undersigned on the above-stat ed time and date.
That in the event the public auction should not take place on the said date, it shall be held on JANUARY 5, 2023 without further notice.
Prospective buyers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title herein described real property and encumbrances thereon, if any there be.
Davao City, Philippines. October 28, 2022.
ATTY. FRANCISCO M. CAMPANER – the OIC Clerk of Court & Ex-Officio Prov’l Sheriff (SGD.) SUNNY D. MAURILLO Sheriff IV
Pursuant to Sec. 1 Rule 74 of the Revised Rules of Court of the Philippines, NOTICE is hereby giv en that the late MYNARD T. SAAVEDRA who died intestate on April 6, 2020 in Davao City, leaving four (4) parcels of land of which he was a co-own er to wit:
1. Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-216068, con taining an area of 345 square meters more or less located at de Guzman Street, Toril, Davao city;
2. Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-298878, con taining an area of 648 square meters more or less, located at Bayabas, Toril, Davao City;
3. Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-230144; con taining an area of 2,077 square meters, more or less located at Bayabas, Toril, Davao City; and
4. Transfer Certificate of Title No. 1462017003445, containing an area of 1,029 square meters, more or less located at Talo mo Bago, Davao City.
That the above-mentioned properties have been the subject of an EXTRA-JUDICIAL SETTLE MENT WITH DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE executed among his heirs. Per Doc. 102; Page No. 22; Book No. 200; Series of 2022 of the Notary Public Atty. FATIMA IRENE T. ADIN.
Pursuant to Sec. 1 Rule 74 of the Revised Rules of Court of the Philippines, NOTICE is hereby given that the late MYNARD T. SAAVEDRA who died intestate on April 6, 2020 in Davao City, leaving real properties described as follows:
1. Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-127636, containing an area of 29,513 square meters more or less located at Atan-awe, Toril, Davao City;
2. Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-127632, containing an area of 39,576 square meters more or less, located at Atan-awe, Toril, Davao City; and
3. Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-234700; containing an area of 816 square meters, more or less located at Brgy. Macleod District, Toril, Davao City.
That the above-mentioned properties have been the subject of an EXTRA-JUDI CIAL SETTLEMENT WITH WAIVER AND DONATION executed among his heirs. Per Doc. 100; Page No. 21; Book No. 200; Series of 2022 of the Notary Public Atty. FATIMA IRENE T. ADIN.
ALEX DELA MERCED ORALLO married to MARIA ESTELA C. ORALLO Mortgagor/s, X-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------X
Upon extra-judicial petition for sale under Act 3135, as amended, filed by the above-mentioned mortgagee against ALEX DELA MERCED ORAL LO married to MARIA ESTELA C. ORALLO, with postal address at Saint Anthony Vill. Cor. Nazareth St., #172-A Angliongto, Davao City, to satisfy the mortgage indebtedness, that the mortgagor stand indebted to the mortgagee for the sum of ONE MILLION SIX HUNDRED FORTY SIX THOU SAND SEVENTY FIVE PESOS and FIFTY SIX CENTAVOS (₱ 1,646,075.56), Philippine Currency, representing principal, interests, penalties and other charges plus attorney’s fees and other legal expenses incident of foreclo sure and sale; the undersigned Sheriff IV of the Regional Trial Court, Davao City, will sell at public auction on December 15, 2022 at 10:00 A.M., or soon thereafter, at the main entrance of the Hall of Justice, Ecoland, Davao City, to the highest bidder for CASH or MANAGER’S CHECK and in Philip pine Currency, the following real property mentioned and described below together with all the improvements found thereon, to wit:
“A parcel of land of the subdivision project (Lot 15, Blk. 3, xxx), situated in the Barrio of Mamay, City of Davao, Island of Mindanao. xxx xxx Con taining an area of THREE HUNDRED ONE (301) SQUARE METERS, more or less.”
All sealed bids must be submitted to the undersigned on the above-stat ed time and date.
In the event that the public auction should not take place on the said date, it shall be held on JANUARY 19, 2023 without further notice.
Prospective buyers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title herein described real property and encumbrances thereon, if any there be.
Davao City, Philippines. November 10 2022.
ATTY. FRANCISCO M. CAMPANER – the OIC Clerk of Court & Ex-Officio Prov’l Sheriff
Pursuant to Sec. 1 Rule 74 of the Revised Rules of Court of the Philippines, NOTICE is hereby given that the late GUALBERTO S. GAMAO who died intestate on August 20, 1974 in Panabo City, leaving a parcel of land, containing an area of FOUR HUN DRED SEVENTY SEVEN (477) SQUARE METERS more or less, identified as Lot 4; Block 12 located at Brgy. Sto. Niño, Panabo City, has been the subject of an EXTRA-JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT AND PARTITION WITH WAIVER OF RIGHTS executed among his heirs. Per Doc. 468; Page No. 94; Book No. I; Series of 2010 of the Notary Public Atty. RICHARD C. MI GUEL.
Pursuant to Sec. 1 Rule 74 of the Revised Rules of Court of the Philippines, NOTICE is hereby given that the late PEDRO C. RAMOS and DOROTEA SANTOS-RAMOS who died in testate on December 5, 1994 and April 3, 1987 respectively in Davao City, leaving a parcel of land embraced by Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-16327 with an area of (70,000) square meters more or less, situated at Barangay of Cawayan, Calinan, Davao City, has been the subject of an EXTRA-JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT executed among their heirs. Per Doc. 135; Page No. 28; Book No. IV; Series of 2022 of the Notary Public Atty. MARLONE NIÑO M. VILLAVIRAY.
MARIBEL MAYOR LANDERO Married to JEZREEL T. LANDERO Mortgagor/s, X-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------X
Upon extra-judicial petition for foreclosure and sale under Act 3135, as amended, filed by the above-mentioned mortgagee against MARIBEL MAYOR LANDERO married to JEZREEL T. LANDERO, with postal address at PUROK II, BARANGAY TACUNAN, TUGBOK DISTRICT, DAVAO CITY, to satisfy the obligation which as of November 8, 2022, amounted to THREE MILLION THIRTY TWO THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SIX PESOS and SEV ENTY-SEVEN CENTAVOS (₱ 3,032,206.77), Philippine Currency, represent ing principal, interests, penalties and other charges and plus other legal expenses incident of foreclosure and sale; the undersigned Sheriff IV of the Regional Trial Court, Davao City, will sell at public auction on Decem ber 15, 2022 at 10:00 A.M., or soon thereafter, at the main entrance of the Hall of Justice, Ecoland, Davao City, to the highest bidder for CASH or MANAGER’S CHECK and in Philippine Currency, the following real proper ty mentioned and described below together with all the improvements found thereon, to wit: TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF
bids must be submitted to the undersigned on the above-stat ed time and date.
That in the event the public auction should not take place on the said date, it shall be held on JANUARY 19, 2023 without further notice.
Prospective buyers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title herein described real property and encumbrances thereon, if any there be.
Davao City, Philippines. November 10, 2022.
ATTY. FRANCISCO M. CAMPANER – the OIC Clerk of Court & Ex-Officio Prov’l Sheriff
As he was running his way to attack other players, I was a bit surprised that no one ever grabbed him to prevent the un fortunate incident.
You see, ladies and gentle men, this is not the first time that Amores was involved in an incident where he was hitting other basketball players.
For a player who has the tendency to throw punches, he is already a marked man for me. If I am part of the Jose Rizal University squad, I would look after him, very closely, because he may erupt anytime.
If I were with the NCAA, I’ll keep a close eye on him because of the previous com plaint lodged against him.
Duna gyuy player nga man gita sumbagay. I mean, that’s
part of their personality.
The Davao basketball scene has plenty of stories about bas ketbrawls before. This happens because we are so passionate of the sport, that it has become part of the tournament, mak ing it a headache to organizers.
It’s crazy, but it’s true.
Kumuton ang itlog sa play er, kumuton ang kilid, sumba gon ang kuto kuto, sagpaon ang nawong ibis ang bola. Daghan paagi nga ma hugaw ang duwa. Mao nay Davao-brand of bas ketball kaniadto.
I can still vividly remember when the Davao Sportswrit ers Association (DSA) basket ball team under coach Butch Ramirez was playing at the Rizal Memorial Colleges gym, Neil Bravo, was hit hard on the stomach by a player who had the tendency to play dirty. Neil could hardly breathe, and upon seeing it, a fuming Gene Boyd
Lumawag went on to that play er and did a Wolverine move, a whooping scratch on his face. Ni lupad si Buboy, and his claws, ni landing gyud sa nawong sa kon tra. Tua, nakambrasan gyud.
See? Even in the media bas ketball tournament, things like that can happen because we are so passionate about the sport. When we play, we play hard, it’s all serious business.
My fear is that John Amores’ basketball career may be over because of the embarrassment.
Gone are the days, that inci dents like these are reported in the newspaper and aired over the sports radio. What he did was posted online! A simple Google search about it, and it is there!
Will John Amores seek pro fessional help on anger man agement? I hope, he will. With the same intensity as that ram page of punching all those Col lege of St. Benilde players.
This is no longer the 1970’s, 1980’s or 1990’s. These days,
we already have professionals who can help players with an ger issues.
If the anger issues are re solved professionally, he may be able to appeal to the NCAA and redeem himself in due time.
And hopefully, someday we will see him play in the profes sional league, a completely re formed basketball player.
* * *
For comments, email mpb_ sports@yahoo.com. Daghang salamat!