Metro Shuttle Corporation has been granted by the court a Rehabilitation plan that will benefit stakeholders and families who are dependent to the com pany for their livelihood.


P 15.00 • 12 PAGES@EdgeDavao edgedavao@gmail.comwww.edgedavao.netf EDGE Serving a seamless society DAVAO SPORTS P 8 VOL.15 ISSUE 129 • SUNDAY-MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11-12, 2022 HISTORY How Metro Shuttle won its Rehabilitation Plan A STITCH IN TIME STORY ON PAGE 2

The rehabilitation of DMSC would also benefit other stakeholders and families who are depen dent to the company for their“Thelivelihood.caseprovides us the full appreciation of Fi nancial Rehabilitation and Insolvency Act. Distressed companies specially those who suffered during the pandemic can consider taking recourse from this law,” De Leon said.
“We filed for the Reha bilitation Plan as a matter of recourse. Of course, we did not expect a lot but we we’re determined in try ing than see the business go and people losing jobs,” said De Leon. “It’s a victory for distressed companies and for its employees.”
It’s not strange to hear companies reeling from the damaging pandem ic. We have seen many of them--big or small--succumb to the ruthless wrath of the health crisis which not only claimed hu man lives but also took the life out of the economy.
idea of Rehabilitation Plan with his deep background in corporate law practice. De Leon is familiar with the legal recourse for dis tressed companies having worked for the Philippine Airlines which went into Rehabilitation Plan in 1998.
In sum, the Rehabilita tion Plan will not only re store the financial stability of the transport business of the petitioner which is imbued with public inter
Davao Metro Shuttle services one of the widest routes all over Mindanao. Recently, it launched the PITX-Davao route.

In 2019, DMSC
Lawyer Robert de Leon of The Law Office of Robert De Leon and Asso ciates, counsel for the com pany, revealed in an inter view with Edge Davao that his firm brought up the
DMSC won the case— a decision that was hailed not only by the company but also its employees, stakeholders and the transport industry in the region.“We are happy that the court heard us and understood that we are
candidates.The Rehabilitation Plan could also mean acquisition of new buses for the company as it serves more routes.
tle Corporation (DMSC) as a case in point.
How Metro Shuttle won its Rehabilitation Plan
Let’s take the curious case of Davao Metro Shut
The bus transport firm, one of Mindanao’s biggest fleet, filed for Re habilitation Plan in 2021 after suffering from mas sive losses due to the pan demic.
est but also the interest of the creditors as well since it would be beneficial to them as a whole.
Davao Metro Shuttle is one of the biggest fleet in Mindanao.

BY NEIL BRAVO provided to Universe
At first, Davao Metro Shuttle’s owners, the Uy family of Tagum City, were hesitant to file for legal remedy but after consid ering the welfare of its employees and continu ing the public transport service finally agreed to
file the Thispetition.started the ball rolling.
here to serve the public through the transport re quirements of the region and we are concerned with the welfare of our employees,” said Oyo Uy, president of DMSC.
Mayor Baste calls for strict implementation of traffic laws
“Daghan tao sa da lan nga nagbaktas ug kadaghanan sa atoa nag baktas gyud. Katong mga motorista nga nagsakay ug sakyanan ug pribado nga mga sakyanan, kung dili mo kabalo mugamit ug dili mo mutan-aw ug pedestrian crossing, bu lok gyud mo. Gibutang ng pedestrian crossing diha kay para i-prioritize ang mga nagbaktas, para na comfort katungod na nila kay gabaktas sila. Dili lalim magbaktas kay ang Pilipinas init kaayo unya pagtabok palisod lisuran pa gyud nimo. (expletive) driver, bulok,” he said.
two years,” Duterte said.
The Business Bureau has called on the business men and entrepreneurs in Davao City to apply for the mentioned permits online and to log on to its website page for instructions and procedures.
The mayor reminded
applications online.
By Maya M. Padillo
the public not to get angry if there is a problem while transacting online and urged them to write their names and cite the prob lem on the official pages of the city government of Davao and Davao City Re ports.
In his inaugural speech in June this year, Duterte pushed for the digitaliza tion of public transactions and the delivery of govern ment services as part of his administration’s direction to work closely with the business sector in Davao City.

Clients of Business Bureau urged to transact online

It was the third time that the mayor reminded the motorists to respect traffic rules, specially the
Clients of the Business Bureau are urged to transact their business permits, special permit, and occupational permit applications online.
“Mao na nanawagan ko sa CTTMO, LTO, ug HPG istriktuhi na ninyo. Kay two consecutive days naay naligsan. Gahi ug ulo ning (expletive) tan-awa ron (expletive). Gahi gyud ug ulo bisan unsaon. Karon palisuran gyud ta mo (mo
FOUR MILLION TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FORTY PESOS and 42/100 ( ₱ 4,271,840.42) Philippine Currency, inclusive of interest and other charges, become due and demandable on August 31, 2022 and plus other legal expenses incident of foreclosure and sale; the undersigned Sheriff IV of the Regional Trial Court, Davao City, will sell at public auction on October 6, 2022 at 10:00 A.M., or soon thereafter, at the main entrance of Hall of Justice, Ecoland, Davao City, to the highest bidder for CASH or MANAGER’S CHECK and in Philippine Currency, the following real property mentioned and described below together with all the im provements found thereon, to wit: TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 146-2015000278 “ A PARCEL OF LAND OF THE CONSOLIDATION-SUBDIVISION PROJECT LOT 23, BLOCK 7, OF THE CONSOLIDATION-SUBDIVISIO PLAN PCS-11-002119, XXX SITUATED AT CABANTIAN, DAVAO CITY; ISLAND OF MINDANAO. XXX CONTAINING AN AREA OF ONE HUNDRED TEN (110) SQUARE METERS, MORE OR LESS.” TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 146-2018018306 “A PARCEL OF LAND (LOT 21, BLOCK 16, PCS-11-002688), XXX SITUATED IN THE BARANGAY OF MA-A, DAVAO CITY, ISLAND OF MINDANAO. XXX CONTAINING AN AREA OF FOUR HUNDRED SIXTY TWO (462) SQUARE METERS, MORE OR LESS.” TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. T-429531 “A parcel of land (Lot 536-F-2-A-1-A, Psd-11-027487, xxx), situated in the Barrio of Buhangin, City of Davao, Island of Mindanao. xxx Containing an area of TWO HUN DRED EIGHTY (280) SQUARE meters, MORE OR LESS.” All sealed bids must be submitted to the undersigned on the above-stated time and date. In the event the public auction should not take place on the said date, it shall be held on November 3, 2022, without further notice. Prospective buyers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the above-described real properties and encumbrances thereon, if any there be. Davao City, Philippines, September 2, 2022. ATTY. FRANCISCO M. CAMPANER – the OIC Clerk of Court & Ex-Officio Prov’l Sheriff (SGD.) TERESITA M. CEBALLOS Sheriff IV
pedestrianMeanwhile,crossings.Davao City Transportation and Traffic Management Office (CTT MO) head Dionisio Abude Jr. said some drivers in Davao City lack discipline when it comes to the use of the pedestrian lanes.
Duterte said it is best to wait and see to the Covid status of other cities, munici palities, and provinces before implementing the optional wearing of face masks.
Mayor Baste on optional face mask outdoors: Let’s wait until December
“Unya tan-awa nin yo ug maayo ug dili gani isuwat ra ninyo inyong pangalan. Ayaw ninyo ug awaya dayon. I-scrutinize ninyo and give your com ments. Ayaw mo ug kasu ko dayon. I-report ninyo,” he added.
Former President Rodrigo Duterte and Senator Christopher Lawrence “Bong” Go drop by at Magsaysay fruit market in Davao City early morning of Saturday to satisfy their craving for their favorite native durian.

Duterte emphasized that it would be better to observe the data until De cember this year before mak ing it optional to wear face masks outdoors.
torists). Mao man na in yong ginapangayo. ihatag nako inyong ginapangayo. Dili man ninyo kaya di siplinahon inyo sarili , ang gobyerno ang mudisiplina sa inyuha. Gilaliman man gud na sila kung makaligis gani istorya mingaw day on,” Duterte said during Special Hour with Mayor Baste over Davao City Di saster Radio (DCDR) on Friday.The mayor remind ed motorists to be aware that there are people on
“Tan-awon sa nato ang uban syudad kung unsay ma hitabo sa ilaha then we can implement na optional ang face mask na lang. Tan-awon sa gyud nato ug dili ko gusto mag-una una ta ana kay ang kinabuhi sa tao kausa ra. Hu wat na lang ta hangtod De cember unya, tan-awon nato ang datus sa uban glugar, kung okay gani di, optioanal. Mao na atong buhaton,” he said.
By Maya M. Padillo
Mayor Sebastian “Baste” Duterte also urged the business sector to try transacting their permit
the road and at pedestrian crossings.
Upon extra-judicial petition for sale under Act 3135, as amended filed by the above-mentioned mortgagee against ESTERLITA C. ELEJORDE-DELA PEÑA, married to PAQUITO S. DELA PEÑA, with postal address at 708 BARCELONA BUILDING, MA GALLANES RESIDENCES, DAVAO CITY, to satisfy the mortgage debt amounted to
Abude urged motorists to consider the safety of everyone while driving and always be careful as acci dents happen.
The Mayor’s tough stand came in the after math of accidents were pedestrians reportedly got run over on the road due to reckless drivers. Two of these incidents have been reported recently.
irate Mayor Sebastian “Baste” Duterte called on the officials of the City Transport and Traffic Manage ment Office (CTTMO), Land Transpor tation Office 11 (LTO 11), and Highway Patrol Group (HPG) to strictly implement traffic and pedestrian crossing rules.
ayor Sebastian “Baste”
Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT 11TH JUDICIAL REGION OFFICE OF THE DavaoCOURT-SHERIFFCity 1ST VALLEY BANK, INC., EJF REM CASE NO. 18,589-22 A DEVELOPMENT BANK. ESTERLITA-Mortgagee,versus-C. ELEJORDE-DELA PEÑA, married to PAQUITO S. DELA PEÑA Debtors X--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------XMortgagors.
This is also in support of the recommendation of City Health officer Dr. Ashley Lopez to maintain the mandatory wearing of face masks indoors and outdoors until Decem ber following the proposal of the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) to make the wearing of face masks outdoors optional.
“Okay man na dili nata magmask pero ingon ani unta akong gusto, since ni re komenda man si CHO nato (Ashley Lopez) hangtod De cember man daw to iyang gusto. Sa tan-aw nako okay na hangtod December kay gusto nako katong mga probinsya, munisipyo, ubang syudad na dili na mag face mask gusto nako tan-awon unsay mahita bo ato nila. Kung makita nato na okay sila, diha pata musu nod pero dili nako gusto maguna una ta kay kapoy na prob lema kanang Covid gyud. Mao nay ni encumber sa atoang de velopment sa city in the past
He said that he cares for the lives of people who will be affected once this is fully im plemented.Meanwhile, Lopez encour aged Dabawenyos to follow the requirement of wearing face masks, and also maintain ventilation, especially in work places because these areas may become sources of trans mission despite the city having low community transmission, but the campaign against Covid-19 is not yet over.
“Suwayi ninyo ning mga online. Katong gusto mugamit sa online services aning business bureau su wayi ninyo. Gamita na nin yo kay tutal gibuhat man na para dili namo mag adto adto ug mga opisina, para dili namo mugawas ug ba lay, unya maka-aaply namo ug permits. Suwayi ninyo ug unsa man ang findings ninyo, isuwat ninyo or mu tawag sa atoang call center para muhatag sila ug ko mento,” he said.
“Kung paratoy-ratoy ka kusog imong dagan kay abi nimo wala’y tao, unya kung duna’y mutabok nga wala pud sya kabantay nimo, diha na ang disgrasya,” he said.The CTTMO is deploy ing personnel specifically in the city’s Central Busi ness District (CBD) and pe destrian lanes on the high ways.
He also wanted red tape and fixing to end immedi ately and urged the public to report them to the authori ties, the City Mayor’s Office (CMO), and the Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA).
A. PEÑA • ZHAUN ORTEGA • BERNADETTE “ADDIE” B. BORBON • MARY ANN “ADI” C. QUISIDO • LEANDRO B. DAVAL SR., • NIKKI GOTIANSE-TAN • NICASIO ANGELO AGUSTIN • EMILY ZEN CHUA • CARLOS MUNDA Economic Analyst: ENRICO “GICO” G. DAYANGIRANG • JONALLIER M. PEREZ OLIVIA D. VELASCO General Manager Printed by Zion Accuprint Publishing Inc. Door 14 ALCREJ Building, Quirino Avenue, 8000, Davao City, Philippines Tel: (082) 301-6235 Telefax: (082) 221-3601 CAGAYAN DE ORO MARKETING OFFICE LEIZEL A. DELOSO | Marketing Manager Unit 6, Southbank Plaza Velez-Yacapin Sts. Cagayan de Oro City Tel: (088) 852-4894 RICHARD C. EBONA Advertising Specialist SOLANI D. MARATAS Finance EDGEDAVAO Providing solutions to a seamless global village. NEILWIN L. BRAVO Editor in Chief Columnists: ANTONIO V. FIGUEROA • HENRYLITO D. TACIO • JOHN CARLO TRIA • MUJAHID NAVARRA • FRED C. LUMBA DENNIS R. GORECHO • VIDA MIA S. VALVERDE • HAROLD CAVITE • MOSES BILLACURA ANA MARIE G. SILPAO Layout ATHENA JILLIAN BRAVO NIKKI MEGHANNGOTIANSE-TANSTA.INESFERINASANTOS Lifestyle MANILA MARKETING OFFICE RICHARD C. EBONA Product Development officer Address: No. 18 Purok 4B, Madelo Street, Lower Bicutan, Taguig City Mobile number: +63 947 265 2969(smart); +63 916 955 8559(globe) LEANDRO S. DAVAL JR. Desk Editor ARMANDO B. FENEQUITO JR. Correspondent OLIVIA D. VELASCO President SOLANI D. MARATAS Finance JASPER V. BACSAL General Manager / VP Operations JOCELYN S. PANES Director of Sales PHILIPPINE PRESS INSTITUTE the national association of newspapers GREGORIO G. DELIGERO Consultant MAYA M. PADILLO Senior Reporter MOSES BILLACURA Sports Editor
In supporting the recommendation of City Health officer Dr. Ashley Lopez to maintain the mandatory wearing of face masks indoors and outdoors until December following the proposal of the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) to make the wearing of face masks outdoors optional:
Okay man na dili nata magmask pero ingon ani unta akong gusto, since ni rekomenda man si CHO nato (Ashley Lopez) hangtod December man daw to iyang gusto. Sa tan-aw nako okay na hangtod December kay gusto nako katong mga probinsya, munisipyo, ubang syudad na dili na mag face mask gusto nako tan-awon unsay mahitabo ato nila. Kung makita nato na okay sila, diha pata musunod pero dili nako gusto mag-una una ta kay kapoy na problema kanang Covid gyud. Mao nay ni encumber sa atoang development sa city in the past two years.”


His choice was Col. John P. L. Tharp, a Philippine Con stabulary (PC) officer known for his dedication and integri ty. He joined the PC on April 6, 1903, and was, as a lieu tenant, assigned in Bacoor, Cavite. He also became the second head of the Depart ment of Mindanao and Jolo.
The prevalent situation nowadays as we can see on social media is the rampant selling of what we they refer as “raw lots for sale.” These are oftentimes agricultural lot subdivided into numerous small residential lots, usu ally measuring 100sqm to 150sqm, and are being offered to the public at a lower cost and under installment pay ment.
To mention the usual viola tions:•The area is not located in a residential zone (oftentimes it is an agricultural area where the land is vast and thus, sub divided lots are plentiful usu ally at 100 sqm to 150 sqm meters). It should be noted that one of the basic require ments for the issuance of li cense to sell is that the proper ty being subdivided must be in a residential zone.
Alfredo Zamora, then Davao’s secretary-treasurer, as acting governor.
• The area is not a suitable site for housing (there are in stances that the raw lots are located inside a hazard prone
Atty., may tanong po ako. May binebenta na “raw lot.” Mura lang po, 150 sqm sa halagang Php150,000.00 at 5 years to pay. May subdivision plan po at lot number. Okay lang po ba bilihin?
decide.Under PD 957 [THE SUBDI VISION AND CONDOMINIUM BUYERS’ PROTECTIVE DE CREE] any subdivision of real property for sale as residential property requires that the de veloper must register himself/ itself with the Department of Human Settlements and Ur ban Development [DHSUD], formerly HLURB, and secure a
Dear IBP,
and protected area, and some times in a critical area that are subject to flooding, landslides, and unstable soil)
titles could not be issued to the buyers because the Registry of Deeds will ask for a license to sell or exemp tion of license to sell from the DHSUD which the developer cannot provide. So, the prom ise/pretenses that land titles will be issued to each buyer of subdivided lots will never be come a Nowfruition.youknow that indeed, buying “raw lots” only gives you the “mother of all head aches. “
The reason for the resig nation of Sales is unclear, but there was strong indication it had something to do with his role in the 1918 Lukban case. As Davao governor, he signed the receipt confirming the ar rival of around 170 hospital ity girls forcibly exiled from Manila. He was, fortunately, dropped from the charge sheet when the incident be came a full-blown court case.
License to Sell subdivided lots. Otherwise, the developer can not sell subdivided lots.
Col. Tharp’s nomination, however, did not fly. In a meeting attended by mem bers of the Nacionalista Par ty and Partido Democrata in Davao, they spoke highly of the endorsee. Still, the con sensus of the two cliques was to appoint another Filipino to succeed Sales.

Wood, Sales, and Zamora, sooner or later, left public of fice for different reasons.
Wood intended to install an American as acting gov ernor until a new provincial leader had been elected in the first gubernatorial polls in Davao slated on June 6, 1922, and later proclaimed and con firmed by the governor-gener al in an executive order.
through false pretenses.
The typical scenario is that the pseudo developer will show you a residential subdivision plan, a copy of the mother title and a special power of attorney from the landowner which shows that the registered owner autho rizes him to subdivide the land into numerous portions and sell the same.
“Speakers at the meeting expressed high personal re gard for Col. Tharp but de sired a Filipino to succeed the Filipino who recently re
The opposition to Wood’s proposal, interestingly, got a space in the Washing ton-based publication, The Sunday Star, which carried an article titled ‘Filipinos of Davao Province Oppose Man Chosen by Wood’ in its Janu ary 8, 1922, issue:
Following the resignation of Davao governor Francisco Sales on October 28, 1921, American governor-general Leonard Wood announced the selection of an American to assume as acting provin cial governor. Sales’ resigna tion took place fourteen days after Wood assumed as the country’s ninth American ad ministrator.Sales, originally from Leyte, was an inspector of the provincial advisory census board in 1918 while Wood was a retired officer-physi cian of the US Army with the rank of major general.
‘Raw lots” are also known as “LOTE-LOTE” in vernacular. These subdivided “raw lots” for sale without any license to sell, only offers problematic situations, albeit occurring at a later time, to the buyers in cluding the general populace as well.
• The area is not accessible to public transportation lines or there is no road right of way
Wood, returned to the United States and died from brain tumor on August 7, 1927, in Boston, Massa chusetts, while undergoing surgery. Sales, unclear if he agreed to take another gov ernment post, returned to ci vilian life in the end. Zamora, who was involved in the ap pointment of ex-Ilocos con
gressman Mariano Marcos, the grandfather of President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr., as governor-at-large of Davao during his gubernatorial watch (1921-22), regained his old Historically,post. the Democra ta Party, founded by Juan Su mulong in 1917, split from Progresista Party before merging with the Naciona lista Party decades later due to a common cause—to ob tain Philippine Independence from the U.S. In 1935, follow ing the formation of the Com monwealth under the 1932 Hare–Hawes–Cutting Act en acted by the U.S. Congress, it wasHaddissolved.Wood’s intent to ap point an American as acting governor materialized, this would not make a difference given that the 1923 local elec tions were only a few months away.
scenario, I advise you not to proceed with the purchase as such scheme violates PD 957. I am quite sure that the sell er/pseudo developer is not registered with the DHSUD nor has he any License to Sell subdivision units issued by the DHSUD.PD957, a law created un der the police power clause of the state, aims to regulate the right of landowners to subdivide his property into several lots or subdivision project for purposes of lot selling.
• Lack of drainage sys tem that would cause flood in the area during a heavy rain downpour.•Lackof garbage disposal system•Land
If your case falls under this
“A protest against appoint ment by Governor General Leonard Wood of Col. John P.L. Tharp of the constabu lary as acting governor of the Province of Davao was made at a mass meeting of Filipino members of the Nacionalista and Democrata parties at the town of Davao, according to official advices received today.
In yielding to the popu lar request, Wood, who only served a year in office as governor-general after be ing given a leave of absence from his post as provost of the University of Pennsylva nia, consequently installed
If he proceeds with the subdivision, and thereafter sell those subdivided lots without the required LICENSE TO SELL, it will be considered an illegal act and he will be or dered by the DHSUD to “cease and desist” in the selling of the lots. The landowner and/or developer can also be charged in criminally in court for Estafa

“Kayo na po ang nagsa bi noon, hindi ako,” Uy re plied.(You said that, I didn’t.)
In a statement, the DOF said Finance Secretary and Fiscal Incentives Review Board (FIRB) chairper son Benjamin Diokno has released a rangementthe“provisionallymemorandumextending”currentat-homearforIT-BPMen
As of August, the DICT has only used 20 percent of its budget.“Ihave already pro grammed August to the end of the year. At the very least, on my table, we will be shifting to 70 to 80 per cent budget utilization, and we’re still preparing for further programs… We aim to have almost 100 percent utilization of the remaining budget,” Uy told the House Committee on Appropri ations deliberating on the agency’s proposed 2023 budget.“Inthe first 8 months, you will see a budget utili zation of 20 percent, but in the next 3 months you will see a utilization of about 50 percent, that is our com mitment to our people, to our representatives,” add ed.
Likewise, Unioil Petro leum Philippines, said, in its fuel price forecast for Sep tember 13 to 19, 2022, die sel prices should go down by P1.20 to P1.40 per liter while gasoline prices should decrease by P0.40 to P0.50 per liter.
otorists will be greeted by anoth er round of rollback in the pump prices of petroleum products in the coming week.
“We have the same question as you do po. Pero I assure you, during my watch, that will not hap
epartment of Infor mation and Commu nications Technology (DICT) Secretary Ivan John Uy on Friday said he aims to raise the budget utiliza tion of the agency after be ing flagged by lawmakers.
NTC Commissioner Gama liel Cordoba said.
But the NTC said the number of permits issued increased to about 8,000 in 2021 from around 6,000 the year “Therebefore.arestill areas na ayaw talaga magpapasok. For example, the villages in NCR, ayaw talaga magpa pasok, even if we talk to the home owners association,”
PEZA’s request is includ ed in the list of agenda items for the next FIRB meeting on September 15 next week, according to Finance Under secretary Antonette Tionko, who serves as the chairper son of the FIRB Technical Committee.“Giventhe long-standing issue on the WFH exten sion for the IT-BPM sector, we hope the decision of the Board will finally bring clar ity to the matter,” Tionko said.
“We listen to our stake
P1.30 to P1.50 while gaso line prices may be reduced by P0.30 to P0.50 per liter.
Continuing threat of lower demand due to planned another round of interest hike by US and Eu rope,Veryandminimal impact of the production cut by Orga nization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries for Oc tober at 100,000 barrels per day to stir price increase.
Director Rino Abad said that the indicative price decrease of fuel products for Septem ber 13 to 19, 2022 are as follows:Gasoline: P0.64 per liter
Diesel: P1.52 per liter
A mall goer checks out one of the classics cars on display during Retro Cars and Big Bike show at Abreeza mall’s activity center on Saturday. Edge Davao

DOE-OIMB’s Abad said the expected fuel price re duction was due to the fol lowing factors:
Kerosene: P1.93 per liter
he existing work-fromhome arrangement for Information Technol ogy and Business Process Management (IT-BPM) en terprises has been extended, the Department of Finance (DOF) said Friday.
ACT Teachers Party List Rep. France Castro had flagged DICT’s slow budget utilization and the delayed installation of free Wi-Fi in schools.
“We now have on the ground access points and routers, but they are not lighted because there’s no connectivity, and the re newal, which is a simple case of just preparing for the renewal of those con nections, did not happen. That’s so pitiful,” Uy said.
“Considering the Sep tember 12, 2022 expiration of the resolution, it is just fair that we extend the WFH arrangement for IT-BPM companies until we finalize a resolution addressing the issue,” Diokno said.
It said Diokno saw it “necessary” to retain the 70 percent on-site and 30% work-from-home arrange ment until the FIRB decides on Philippine Economic Zone Authority’s request to extend the status quo.
pen,” Uy Castrosaid.asked, “So si nasabi ninyo, napaka-in competent ng last adminis tration ng DICT?”
DICT eyes raising budget utilization to at least 70% DAVAO ECONOMY
Of the target 105,000 sites for the free public WiFi program, only 4,000 sites are live, Uy said. This is de spite around P12 billion in total funding allocation to the program since it started in 2016.Uysaid he is also seek ing explanation from the past DICT administration, but assured lawmakers the slow budget utilization would no longer happen under his watch.
Citing the oil trading re sults from September 5 to 9, 2022, an oil industry source said the prices per liter of diesel may be slashed by
Oil companies usual ly announce price adjust ments every Monday to be implemented on the follow ing day.Effective Tuesday, Sep tember 6, 2022, fuel firms implemented a per liter price reduction in gasoline by P2.60, diesel by P1.55, and kerosene by P1.60.
“Our constituents are very disappointed. I was very disappointed in the lack of foresight, the lack of concern in continuing this very simple renewal. We have the funds, but there was no effort at all. That’s part of the program in the next 3 months to reactivate all of these,” he added.
DICT’s priorities for the rest of the year include re activating the routers and access points where ser vices were terminated after the contract with service providers ended.
Department of Ener gy-Oil Industry Manage ment Bureau (DOE-OIMB)
Meanwhile, the Nation al improvebeuptoassociationsalCommissionTelecommunicationssaidtherefusofsomehomeownersandbarangaysissuepermitsforputtingcelltowerscontinuedtoaproblemineffortstointernetaccessin
Gov’t extends work-from-home setup for IT-BPM enterprises

the country.
The latest price roll backs resulted in year-todate price adjustments to stand at a net increase of P16.95 per liter for gasoline, P36.25 per liter for diesel, and P31.60 per liter for ker osene.
Another fuel price rollback seen Tues
holders and see the WFH arrangement to be the new business model of most of the registered business en terprises. Hence, the discus sion on this matter in the next FIRB meeting requires a more permanent measure from the inter-agency body.”
Data from the DOE as of September 6 to 8, 20222 showed the price per liter of gasoline range from P63.75 to P73.55 per liter in Quezon City, Metro Manila’s largest city; diesel prices range from P77.20 to P81.95 in Makati City, the country’s top financial hub; while in Philippine capital Manila, kerosene prices range from P82.11 to P93.45 per liter.
The FIRB earlier or dered the return to office of IT-BPM and BPO workers in AprilSome2022.firms have se cured a Letter of Authority (LOA) to extend the setup until September.
“The country’s partic ipation in CIFIT builds up the country’s standing as a preferred investment loca tion for Chinese companies. It moreover reflects the gov ernment’s recognition of China as a priority market,” the BOI said in a statement Friday.In the past two years, the Philippines became the guest country of honor, rec ognizing the long and rich history between the Philip pines and BOI, the country has bagged more
Billions of pesos worth of liabilities are set to be written off from the proposed measure by Pres ident Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to condone the land amor tization fees and interests incurred by agrarian reform beneficiaries, Agrarian Re form Secretary Condrado Estrella III said Saturday.
PH to lure investors in China investment fair
“Hindi nagpapadala ang ACPC-ACCESS ng anumang verification email sa GCash o kahit anong transaction na may kinalaman sa salapi (The ACPC-ACCESS does not send any verification email to
The President said this law will emancipate the agrarian reform beneficia ries from the debt burden.
“Kung sakaling maka tanggap ng ganitong email, siguruhing hindi ninyo pip indutin ang anumang button at mas mabuti na i-delete ito (In case such an email is re ceived, make sure not to click any button and better to de lete it,” it said.
DA warns farmers, fishers against email spoofing
P58-B to be ‘written off’ from proposed condonation of agrarian reform loans
scale computing, innovation and start-ups, and renew able energy, among others.
“We are deeply com mitted to ensuring that at tendant risks in using new technologies are effectively managed through enabling and responsive regulations,” he added.TheBSP said the sand box under the Framework has a four-stage process – application, evaluation, testing, and exit strategies –that will be conducted for 12 months before evaluating whether it is “fit for broader or mass adoption” or not.
Meanwhile, prior to the opening of CIFIT 2022, DTI Secretary Alfredo Pascual delivered his speech at the 21st World Business Lead ers Round Table Meeting in Xiamen.Pascual highlighted the government’s economic reforms and priorities in strengthening trade and investment ties with China and other countries in the region anchored in the goals of the Regional Comprehen sive Economic Partnership. (PNA)
The “Make It Happen in the Philippines” campaign highlights five key sectors for investments which in clude electronics, automo
than PHP506 billion worth of project proposals in its participation in CIFIT last year.
Earlier, in his first State of the Nation Address, Marcos
The central bank’s poli cy-making Monetary Board (MB) approved the Regula tory Sandbox Framework, which allows BSP Super vised Financial institutions (BSFIs), third-party service
Monetary Board OKs framework to test financial technologies

he Department of emails“emailFridayand(DA-ACPC)Creditriculture-AgriculturalAgPolicyCouncilwarnedfarmersfishersinthecountryontobevigilantagainstspoofing”ordubiousclaimingtobefrom the agency.
asked Congress to pass a law that will amend Section 26 of Republic Act 6657 or the Comprehensive Agrarian Re form Law of 1998.
Estrella early last month said about 650,000 farmers and agrarian reform benefi ciaries stand to benefit from the proposed condonation measure.During the radio inter
Sentral ng Pil ipinas-regulated in stitutions and related firms can now test and offer in a controlled environment some innovative products that may eventually be use ful for the domestic financial system.
providers, and new financial institutions to use the test and learn (T&L) approach, which has been in place since 2024, in testing new products without risking the financial system’s stability.
Estrella said the existing agrarian reform loans have reached P58 billion.
Through its investment promotion agency, the Board of Investments (BOI) brought its “Make It Happen in the Philippines” cam paign in this year’s CIFIT in Xiamen, China from Sept. 8 to 11.
tive, aerospace, copper, and information technology and business process manage ment.BOI said it targets to get investors from China specifically in areas of high technology manufacturing industries, such as electron ics manufacturing services, medical devices, electric vehicles, battery manufac turing, green metals, hyper
The National Bureau of Investigation South Eastern Mindanao Regional Office accounts at least 3,600 illegally refilled butane canisters seized from vendors at local public markets in Davao City on Friday, September 9, 2022. Mindanews Photo

The central bank “has al ways championed responsi ble innovation since we see it as a catalyst to promote efficiency in the financial system and expand finan cial inclusion,” according to Bangko Sentral Governor Felipe Medalla.
Gcash or any transaction that involves money),” it said in an advisory.Itadded that it is im portant to delete similar messages sent to email ac counts.
view, the Agrarian Reform chief said the condonation program will not affect the country’s gross domestic product“Malaking(GDP).bagay din ito sa mga magsasaka kasi im bes na babayaran nila ang kanilang lupa ay gagamitin na lang nila na karagdagang puhunan para sa ganoon ay mas mapabuti nila ang kanil ang pagsasaka at mas mara mi ang kanilang aanihin at mas malaki ang kanilang ki kitain,” he said.
he Department of Trade and Indus try (DTI) will entice more businesses from China to invest and do business in the Philippines as the country partici pates in the China International Fair for In vestments and Trade (CIFIT) 2022.
Discover it for yourself.
What is a Davao stay cation like?
I must say it’s a good idea to stay at Aeon Towers for a weekend away with all the benefits of a holiday, without even leaving the Davao metro area.
How about that? Not bad eh.
What is a Davao staycation?
There’s minimum travel time, with all the benefits of being on vacation – ordering food delivery, running a hot bubble bath, dip ping into the pool or working out in the gym and no housework to get in the way!
But let’s not spoil the staycation bliss. Why not give in to a stress-bust ing getaway?
It’s that little break away from home. Right in your own city.
yos have never spent time re-discov ering themselves and family away from their own space at home. The Aeon Towers staycation experience gives you that mush needed “me” or “us” time.

Think about it, staying at this icon ic building is just what you need. It gives you that ‘homeowner’ feel.
You can even take some work with you at the working spaces.
Rates starts at P2999 for Studio, P3499 for 1-BR, P6999 for 2-BR and P7999 for a 2-BR corner room that offers a scintillating view of the city and environs. These packages come with free breakfast and access to club aeon amenities (pool at 6F, co work ing spaces, gym).
So I treated myself and the family to a staycation bliss. I picked Aeon Towers for its height and might.
Aeon Towers is an iconic land mark towering in the heart of Metro Davao’s business district along J.P. Laurel Avenue. It is a mixed-use de velopment with residential, commer cial and soon a hotel component to be operated by a 5-star international hotelier making Aeon Towers the next big destination in the city. Some of its condo units are now turned over to homeowners who are enjoying a lux urious and smart lifestyle experience they invested in.
Aeon Towers is the perfect spot for a mini staycation to reconnect with friends, family or your special some one.Many Dabawen
Junmar Fajardo will lead the newly-crowned Philippine Cup champions in the EASL. PBA
will have him on board, it will be a big plus to the PSC. Take note that Prof.Daut is “married” to sports and only to sports. So, if you think of someone who can work more than full-time for the PSC, it’s Anotherhim.question that would raise is will those in the PBBM Sports Circle even consider him? I have a feeling no because there is for sure a long list of appli cants already and it is but nat ural for them to accommodate those who helped them in the presidential campaign.

Since the foundation of the PSC in 1990, so far those who served that are from Mindanao were PSC commissioner William “Butch” Ramirez (who eventual ly became a two-time chairman), commissioner Leon “Binggoy” Montemayor, commissioner Celia Kiram and commissioner Charles Maxey.
I call him coach Leo because every sportswriter in Davao knows him very well as a sports man, who can even easily drain a three-point shot from the top of the key. Other than his skills as a sportsman, coach Leo has been running the affairs of the Rizal Memorial Colleges and that would make him very busy. Made me think, coach Leo is just overqualified for that commis sionership post.
MOSESCLEANBILLACURASLATEWHOWILLPBBM APPOINT AS PSC COMMISSIONER FROM MINDANAO? All-Filipino champion San Mi guel Beer will square off with Anyang KGC and its new recruit Rhenz Abando on opening night of the 2022-23 East Asia Super League (EASL).TheBeermen will be fielding import Thomas Robinson when they meet Anyang KGC on October
Now here comes the mil lion-peso question. Who do you
San Miguel meets Abando-backed Anyang KGC in EASL opener
San Miguel and TNT figured in a grueling but exciting title clash with the Beermen coming out triumphant after 7 games.

Circulating in the FB post ings was a move to indorse for mer Philippine Sports Institute executive Professor Henry C. Daut, who retired recently from the Mindanao State University.
Personally, Professor Daut has gained a lot of experience during his stint with former chairman Ramirez and if they

But on a second thought, coach Leo as PSC commissioner would be great news to Davao and Mindanao sports. Coach Leo’s better understanding of the problems besetting sports development and its athletes in Mindanao can be easily ad dressed.Ihave read somewhere, “if
Finally,Ramirez?thelong wait was over with Eala’s appointment, and we wish him all the best for the next six years.
“We welcome San Mi guel and TNT. We know from EASL’s previous event just how good these teams are, and we can’t wait to match up with them again and trav el to Manila,” said Seoul SK Knights star Kim Sun Hyung.
think from Mindanao who will sit in the PSC Board of Commis sioners?
you want things done, give it to a busyCoachman”.Leo is a busy man and you know what I mean.
Forgive me dear President Bongbong, but I have Ilocano blood running in my veins from the Castillo and Lucero clans in Banna, Ilocos Norte, so I have the courage to write that there should be a PSC commissioner from Mindanao.
I strongly believe that a Min danaon should be in the PSC Board.And whether he’ll or she’ll do great things for Mindanao sports development, that remains to be seen.**
* Comments are welcome by sending an email to mpb_
EASL formalizes part nership with PBA, other top leagues in region
in Group A with Taipei Fu bon Braves and Ryukyu GoldenTNTKings.and Bay Area Dragons belong to Group B with Utsonomiya Brex and Seoul SK Knights.
12 in Seoul, Korea.
It took Malacanang some time and finally it has announced the appointment of former PBA commissioner Noli Eala as the new chairman of the Philippine SportsAttorneyCommission(PSC).GuillermoIroy Jr., the executive director, served briefly as OIC and with the com ing in of bowling great Bong Coo as commissioner, eventually she must take care of the PSC as OIC. And for days, that made us won der when will President Bong bong Marcos appoint a success sor to PSC chairman William “Butch”
The Beermen are grouped with Anyang KGC
Anyang KGC, run ner-up in the Korean Bas ketball League (KBL) last season, secured the ser vices of the NCAA Rook ie-MVP before plunging into EASL Meanwhile,action.
That’s acceptable and we can fullyIfunderstand.thebasisis someone who helped in the campaign, then I would say, coach Leo Tereso Abellera Magno is what I had in mind.
Philip pine Cup runner-up Talk
‘N Text will battle the Bay Area Dragons in Ma nila.
Notice is hereby served that the Provincial Government of Davao De Oro thru the COMMITTEE ON AWARDS FOR THE APPRAISAL AND DISPOSAL of Supplies, Properties, Livestock and Agri- Products located at the Provincial Capitol, Davao de Oro Province, will sell the following unserviceable construction and heavy equip ment, motor vehicles and materials with appraised value offered per unit and by lot through PUBLIC AUCTION on September 28, 2022. Dropping of Bid Entries shall be from 8:00 A. M. to 12:00 NN and Opening of bids shall start at 1:00 P.M. on the same date (Note: Bid box shall be closed at exactly 12:00 NN).Venue is at PGSO Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Left Wing, Provincial Capitol, Cabidianan, Nabunturan, Davao De Oro.



Havlickova, world No. 3 in both singles and doubles, defeated seventh-seeded Di ana Shnaider, 6-4, 6-4, in the other semifinal match.
Eala pulled off a 6-1, 7-6 (7-5) victory over Canadian Victoria Mboko on Saturday to reach the girls’ singles fi nals of the US Open Juniors Championships at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in New York.

ON TRACK. Alexandra Eala has eyes on the ball at the US Open in New York, where she qualified for the finals slated for Sunday (Sept. 11, 2022), Philippine time. She will take on Czech Lucie Havlickova. (Courtesy of Troi Santos Facebook)
The No. 10 seed needed one hour and 21 minutes to prevail over Mboko, the No. 9 seed who ousted fourth pick Swiss Celine Naef, 7-5, 2-6, 7-5, in the quarterfinal round.Eala, the world junior No. 167, will meet second seed and French Open girls’ singles reigning champion Czech Lucie Havlickova in the finals on Sunday.
Eala won the Australian Open and French Open ju niors doubles titles last year.
If the 17-year-old Havlickova wins her two finals matches, she will be come the second junior to win both titles in the tourna ment after American Robin Montgomery, who achieved the feat last year.
“Isa pa (One more),” she posted on her Facebook page.
PH’s Eala makes US Open finals

The 17-year-old debuted at the 2019 Southeast Asian Games held in the Philip pines, snagging the bronze medals in women’s singles, women’s team, and mixed doubles with Filipino-Amer ican Treat Conrad Huey.

Havlickova also reached the doubles finals with Shnaider.
They scored a 6-1, 7-6 (7-1) win over American Liv Hovde and Australian Taylah Preston to advance against Germans Carolina Kuhl and Ella Seidel, who advanced past American Alexis Blokh ina and Canadian Annabelle Xu, 7-5, 6-4.
She has been training at the Rafa Nadal Academy in Mallorca, Spain for the past four years. (PNA)
hatever the result of the finals today (Sunday), teen tennis sensation Alexandra Eala has already made history for Philippine ten nis.