2 minute read
James Brown D3
CURRENT OCCUPATION: Attorney and Business Owner CAMPAIGN WEBSITE: www.jamesbrownformontana.com
Arrow-Circle-Right Briefly introduce yourself. I am a fourth-generation Montanan who owns and operates his own law firm with offices in Dillon and Helena.
As part of my legal practice, I have represented a wide variety of business clients, ranging from agriculture producers to fish and game outfitters. I have also represented motor carriers and alternative energy producers. As such, I have a strong grasp of industries regulated by the PSC and those who appear before the Commission.
Of note, I am the ONLY candidate in this race who (1) is a business owner and (2) is a member of the Montana Chamber of Commerce and (3) has signed both the front and back of a paycheck.
Arrow-Circle-Right Would you approach your role in
this position as a policy influencer, advocating as such, or as a regulator, applying and enforcing
existing law? Please explain. The Montana Public Service Commission is a quasi-judicial regulatory body tasked with applying the law fairly and evenhandedly, not a legislative body tasked with making the law. Should I be elected to serve as Commissioner, I will always act within the legal authority granted to the PSC by the Montana Legislature, and not use the office to push radical agendas or as a platform for making public policy.
Arrow-Circle-Right Do you favor the creation of
an advocacy staff for the PSC (independent in action, but administratively tied), or to leave that responsibility to the Montana Consumer Council? Please explain.
The Office of Consumer Counsel is established by the Montana Constitution and is specifically tasked to advocate on behalf of consumers of regulated utilities. As a PSC Commissioner, I have no say in whether to ‘leave that responsibility to the Montana Consumer Council.” That decision was already made by the people of the State of Montana in 1972 with the adoption of the ‘new’ Montana Constitution. This being stated, as a PSC Commissioner I see no need for or basis for the Commission to request that the Montana Legislature authorize the Commission to hire additional state employees to serve as advocates for the Commission. The PSC’s mission is to serve as a neutral, balanced regulator— not to act as an advocate for either the regulated entity or the consumer.
Arrow-Circle-Right Would you support alternative
dispute resolution practices over the traditional contested case process when such matters come before the PSC? Why or why not?
I support the PSC mission and structure as currently constituted. The structure of the PSC is sound, so long as the commissioners themselves have the skillset and interest (as I do) to carry out their duties. stop