2 minute read
Monica Tranel D4
CURRENT OCCUPATION: Attorney CAMPAIGN WEBSITE: www.tranelforpsc.com
Arrow-Circle-Right Briefly introduce yourself. I was raised on a ranch in Eastern Montana with my nine siblings. I live with my husband and three daughters and enjoy spending time hiking and skiing with my family on Montana’s public lands.
I’m a team player who knows how to work hard and get things done. Rowing with the US Women’s team, I won a World Championship Gold for the USA and twice competed in the Olympics.
I have two decades of experience fighting for Montanans as an attorney, arguing in front of the PSC and in the courtroom. I run Tranel Law Firm and represent clients who want to invest in renewable energy projects, as well as water and property rights, and regulatory issues in front of the PSC.
I’m running for Commissioner to make Montana an energy leader in today’s economy. I’ve helped developers invest millions of dollars to build wind energy projects in Montana. And I’ve fought for Montanans, keeping $10 million in the pockets of Montana’s businesses and families.
Arrow-Circle-Right Would you approach your role in
this position as a policy influencer, advocating as such, or as a regulator, applying and enforcing
existing law? Please explain. Within the confines of the law, the Commission in its regulatory role can and should be a leader in providing for an affordable, reliable and sustainable energy system. The role of the Public Service Commission is to regulate monopoly utilities. As a creature of statute, the Commission implements the policy set by the legislature. As Commissioner, I will abide by the mandate of the legislature, and work to set just and fair rates for all Montanans, including our small business and local suppliers that are a significant part of Montana’s economy, and to ensure that regulated utilities provide adequate service.
Arrow-Circle-Right Do you favor the creation of
an advocacy staff for the PSC (independent in action, but administratively tied), or to leave that responsibility to the Montana Consumer Council? Please explain.
The Montana Consumer Counsel is a constitutionally created agency to represent consumers in front of the Commission, and should continue to do so. In the past the Commission has on occasion created an advocacy staff where the specific docket has warranted it, but in general, that has not been the process utilized at the Commission. Due to the small staff of the Commission and the resources of the parties that bring cases to it for decision, it is important to be careful in utilizing the Commission’s resources, and allowing the Consumer Counsel to perform its role.
Arrow-Circle-Right Would you support alternative
dispute resolution practices over the traditional contested case process when such matters come before the PSC? Why or why
not? I would consider any reasonable options that would streamline decision making while ensuring fair process and transparency of decision making. Alternative dispute resolution can be helpful but all parties must be allowed a full and fair process and transparency of decision making. stop