On Tuesday, June 18th we celebrated in style with a ribbon cutting to commemorate the opening of our new Residential Facility on our Project Sunshine campus. This represents a monumental achievement in this massive project. It was the phase that finally brought us all onto one campus, something that has not occurred since 2011 as our programs have previously been split between three facilities.
This strategically designed program area will provide high quality residential programs for up to 16 women and their children Our Youth Maternity Home which serves pregnant, and parenting mothers aged 12-21 and their children, and our Recovery Home which serves mothers aged 18-35 and their children, who are on their journey to recovery from substance use disorders. The unique element of these programs is that children can accompany their mothers to treatment. This ensures that attachment between mother and child is not interrupted, and women can learn how to provide a solid foundation for their children through Florence Crittenton’s community and early childhood programs
As with previous phases of this project, this floor has been a combined effort of business partners, government and state partners, and private donors coming together to complete this beautiful home for our most vulnerable clients We are hopeful to complete the final fundraising for this floor this fall so we may continue to achieve our goal of a debt-free project.
Florence Crittenton provides innovative, comprehensive services and nurturing programs that engage and empower children, young adults and young families to thrive and build productive lives.
Collette Hanson, President
Lisa Nelson, Vice President Jim Carney, Treasurer
Jamie McCullough, Secretary
Christopher Betchie
Amy Deitchler
Danielle Durkin
Erica Johnston
Wendy Murphy
Creeana Rygg
Florence Crittenton is a leader in family and early childhood services. We provide effective intervention and prevention services to families of young children. With the support of partners like you, Florence Crittenton offers a comprehensive array of services, including therapeutic residential care, home visiting, community parenting classes, outpatient treatment services for mental health and substance use disorders and early education and childcare oopportunities for children 0-5.
Dear Friends,
Well, if a picture truly says a thousand words, I think this one speaks volumes! As the weather begins to turn, I am taking this opportunity to reflect on a busy summer and all that we have accomplished and endured over the past several months and years.
This summer brought much excitement and many transitions for our organization. Moving out of our home of 27 years, moving into what will hopefully be our new forever home, bringing our entire organization together on one campus for the first time in over a decade, exploring and learning our new space, all the while continuing the construction of our building…it’s been an adventure to say the least!
But in amongst the chaos, I still continue to see hope. I believe often this is what the families we serve face every day There is often much chaos in their lives when they come to us, so many unknowns and learning to live in new space with others It can be uncomfortable and hard, amazing days and really tough days. And amongst it all, there is hope glimmering somewhere in the background.
As the chaos fades with each day, the glimmer of hope gets brighter and light appears at the end of the tunnel.
It is a beautiful chaos we are living in right now, and that glimmer has become a light. As we continue through the final phases of Project Sunshine, I hope you will help us keep shining that light at the end of tunnel We are so grateful for your continued support
With gratitude,
Carrie Krepps, Executive Director
My story starts with my childhood. My mom was 16 when she had me and struggled with a lot of traumatic things for her age, and my dad is schizophrenic, so life was very traumatic and unstable Everything in him wants to be a father, but he is unable to, and I am accepting and understanding of that I was mostly raised by my grandparents but having no father figure and an unstable relationship with my mother left me feeling like I had a hole within, and I started searching for validation in unhealthy ways, particularly from men that were very toxic
When I was roughly 8-10 years old my mom’s brother was murdered, and about two months after that my grandmother was diagnosed with lung cancer. She slowly withered away until I was 14, when she then passed away. My Grandma had raised me, so it was heartbreaking to lose her, and I had no one to talk to about it I felt anger, guilt and so much hurt and began to spiral downhill.
I had been smoking weed since I was 14 but when I was 18, I met a man that introduced me to IV drugs, and I started using heavily. His influence took over my life and he had total control over me. I dropped out of school, was homeless, sleeping in a camper with no water on a pile of dirty clothes and was just a shell of a person. Not long after that I discovered I was pregnant A lot of people advised me that I should terminate the pregnancy but something inside me stopped me from doing that. My boyfriend was happy about the pregnancy, but I knew we could not raise a child together We made some big mistakes that resulted in us both being arrested and sent to jail During that time in jail, I leaned heavily on the Bible and when I was released, I got baptized I have felt since then that a higher power has been guiding me and helping me.
While I was in jail, I got really sick and lightheaded and I ended up getting released. My other grandma came and got me and supported me through everything. I cannot stress enough how much she has supported me throughout my entire life, and especially with my recovery I ended up reaching out to an old school counselor from my high school who had really supported me in the past, and she recommended Florence Crittenton. My grandmother really pushed for me to take advantage of this opportunity, and regardless of how hard it was for her to let me leave again, she gave me the support I needed to go through with it When I looked at the website it sounded too good to be true and that this opportunity was better than anything I could wish for. I filled out the paperwork with the help of my grandmother and was accepted and moved in when I was about 8 months pregnant. From the moment I arrived, I knew I was in the right place. It was not always easy, but I completely gave myself to the program and I had no doubt it was where I needed to be
Florence Crittenton’s program has helped me completely turn my life around One of the most important parts of being in recovery is community and that is what Florence Crittenton provides I have been blessed with beautiful relationships with the other women in the program. They understand me in every sense, and they are now lifelong friends. The program has helped me reshape my relationship with women My clinical providers have modeled what a healthy relationship is, one that holds boundaries and involves safe, loving, discipline and sometimes a little tough love. That doesn’t mean you’re not loved; in fact it means you are loved. I had never experienced that, and I am so grateful to have learnt that lesson at this point in my life not just for myself but for my daughter too I also worked through a lot of my trauma at Florence Crittenton and have come to a place of forgiveness for my mom. I am grateful for this as I know not forgiving can cause bitterness and I have accepted that she was doing the best she could as a teen mother.
I learned about parenting: not just from my staff and peers but from parenting classes. The Circle of Security class helped me understand how important it is to be a safe base for my child and that her emotions and behaviors are never malicious, that she is just a little person that needs me I also know that I want my child to be a child and not be the parent like I often had to be growing up. I want her to always feel safe and secure and not seek love in all the wrong ways I set a lot of goals while I was at Florence Crittenton The first one was to get my HiSet which I did within 7-8 months I then enrolled at Helena College and am studying towards a degree in Social Work My therapist, an LCSW at Florence Crittenton, changed my life so I want to do that for others in the future. In my first semester I got a 4.0! I have never done particularly well at school, so this was a huge confidence boost
I have recently moved from the Recovery Home into Florence Crittenton’s Transitional Living Program and into an apartment on the campus This is a great program where I pay rent that is put into a savings account I am so grateful for this opportunity. It was scary to think about leaving so much support and living on my own. Florence Crittenton is the first place I have ever lived that I have felt safe and secure. I know I have a lot to learn about being an adult and parenting by myself so being so close to my team is reassuring and still having that community around me helps me know I have people around to support me.
My daughter is now 18 months old, and she is thriving She attends Florence Crittenton’s Child Enrichment Center and is a beautiful, confident, happy, healthy little girl. I love her with my whole heart and am so thankful that I am the parent I am today so she can have a happy childhood knowing she is loved This program has given me wings, it has broken cycles, I wish every program was like this, it is truly amazing, and I would tell anyone that is considering it to just do it!
We’re getting closer to completion every day...but we’re not there yet!
We’re excited to report that we’ve completed the Child Enrichment Center and the Residential floors, but we still have one to go It will house Administration, Development and Community-Based Services While we’ve gotten used to construction noise and dust, sharing offices and working from home, we’re eager for this floor to be complete!
You may have noticed the picture of our ED, Carrie Krepps, in her ‘office’ in her letter. They say patience is a virtue, and Carrie has been most gracious while she and others in admin and development are working in makeshift spaces!
We’ve raised about 68% of funding needed to complete Project Sunshine: more than two thirds of the way there! If you haven’t contributed to Project Sunshine –or even if you have – please consider donating today to facilitate our ability to build more thriving families! Just scan this code and note “Project Sunshine” in the comments section. Thank you!
With the holidays fast approaching, Florence Crittenton is seeking Santa’s Helpers from our community who will join us in giving the gift of a joyful Christmas morning to the young mothers and mothers-to-be we serve If you are interested in helping make this Christmas a magical experience for our families, please reach out to Kaytlin at kaytlinr@florencecrittenton.org.
Florence Crittenton is committed to sharing our expertise by providing trainings across the state to individuals working with families.
Our Clinical and Residential Director, Daniel Champer LCPC IECMHC has facilitated over a dozen trainings in the past year to hospitals, school districts, youth probation officers and long-term care facilities His lighthearted story telling style of teaching, together with his extensive clinical knowledge provide an engaging and valuable experience for attendees
Daniel’s most popular trainings include the following:
The Harder Side of Helping (3-4 hours)
Interacting with individuals whose lives are affected by trauma often has unintended consequences for the individual trying to help The concepts of "big t" and "little t" trauma, attachment and human development are explored These ideas are used to explain the concept of secondary trauma and why it affects us as helpers. Participants will learn to develop an individualized R&R plan that addresses the effects of secondary trauma in a fluid and holistic manner
Booms, Bangs, and Body Odor (1.5 hours)
This training explores the role that physical environment plays when working with individuals who have experienced trauma. Concepts regarding the science of trauma and how our physical beings experience the world around us are explored Participants learn how to recognize negative, neutral, and positive environmental factors and create a plan to use physical environments as active interventions in helping relationships.
This training utilizes attachment theory, neuroscience, and child development to explore the reasons why humans do the things that they do. The participant will learn that every human behavior is driven by an underlying emotional need. Participants will learn how to recognize the need behind the behavior and respond with an effective and connected intervention.
Stacey Maharg, our Parent Educator, offers private parenting education to groups including businesses that would like to offer parenting classes to their employees The curricula she offers are:
At times, all parents feel lost or without a clue about what our child might need from us Imagine what it might feel like if you were able to make sense of what your child was really asking from you The Circle of Security® Parenting™ program is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened. This class helps parents understand their child’s emotional world by learning to read emotional needs, support their child’s ability to successfully manage emotions, enhance the development of their child’s self-esteem and honor the innate wisdom and desire for their child to be secure
This program is designed to help you strengthen family bonds and nurture your child’s development using insights from leading experts in child development, psychology, neuroscience, and attachment Attendees learn to build a secure attachment, ensuring each child feels consistently loved and supported. The course teaches how to separate behavior from identity, so parents can address actions without impacting your child’s self-esteem We also cover essential regulation techniques to manage emotions and support the child's feelings effectively.
Jen Burkhard, our Director of Community Services, is a certified trainer for the state of Montana through the National SafeCare Training and Research Center. Jen provides a four-day SafeCare provider workshop SafeCare is an evidence-based program that equips providers with the skills to enhance parent-child interactions, improve home safety, and support child health and development This workshop offers hands-on training and certification, enabling participants to deliver the SafeCare model effectively in their communities, promoting positive parenting and the prevention of child maltreatment
Florence Crittenton is delighted to expand our Home Visiting Program by adding Universally Offered Home Visiting. This compassionate program is aimed at supporting expectant and new mothers, providing assistance from 36 to 40 weeks of pregnancy through to the child’s first birthday This initiative includes four in-home visits from trained professionals who offer comprehensive support during this crucial time.
During each visit, home visitors conduct essential screenings, including those for depression, developmental milestones, and parental well-being, ensuring that both mother and baby are thriving. The program’s goal is to reduce maternal and infant morbidity and mortality by evaluating the health needs of both parents and infants, addressing behavioral health, and identifying social needs
In addition to personalized assessments, home visitors help connect families with relevant community services, ensuring they have access to the resources they need Universally Offered Home Visiting is designed to offer a positive, supportive experience, focusing on the well-being of both the mother and child, while laying the foundation for healthy growth and development throughout the critical early stages of life
We are delighted to welcome Pat Sassano as our new Development Director!
Pat’s relationship with Florence Crittenton began many years ago when he began providing tech services to the organization After getting to know the mission, and the impact Florence Crittenton has on young families and our community, he quickly became a supporter as well!
Prior to joining Florence Crittenton, Pat was the Chief Revenue Officer at Pinion Technology Core. There he oversaw marketing efforts and led business development for new client acquisitions Pat has had a long career in serving clients in Montana and nationwide and is excited to pivot his career to this philanthropic role and use his skills for a cause he feels passionately about.
Born and raised in Helena, Pat loves it here and enjoys the proximity to Montana’s multitude of outdoor activities He and his wife have three boys and during their off time they delight in attending the boys’ events
We are thrilled to have Pat on board in our development office and on our Leadership team. He brings a unique set of skills and perspective to our organization, with a passion for the work that equally matches his skills We are so excited to bring Pat’s energy and enthusiasm at this pivotal time in our organization!
On First Interstate Bank’s Day of Service, employees came together to volunteer at Florence Crittenton Family Services, installing raised garden beds for the residents The bank generously provided all the necessary materials and labor for this project.
These new garden beds provide residents with a fantastic chance to get involved in gardening. They can plant and tend to their gardens, learn the skills of gardening, and harvest their own herbs and vegetables, which is a skill they’ll be able to carry into independent living. This initiative not only beautifies the surroundings but also promotes a sense of community and well-being among the residents.
First Interstate Bank’s commitment to supporting local organizations and enhancing community life, especially as it relates to food insecurity, is clearly demonstrated through this meaningful act of service Community engagement is vital for Florence Crittenton Family Services, as it enhances our ability to provide comprehensive care and resources to the families we serve The generosity and involvement of local organizations and volunteers help us create a nurturing environment where our residents can thrive.
We are incredibly grateful for the support we receive from community businesses like First Interstate Bank, which allows us to amplify our programs and services, making a meaningful difference in so many lives – for our clients and the families they’re building This collective effort underscores the power of community in fostering hope, healing, and growth
Florence Crittenton prides itself on providing services to a wide array of families from across Montana From farming communities, to larger cities, to our Tribal Nations - our experiences, traditions, and spirituality can be vastly different across the state. In our quest to serve families in the most nurturing and effective manner, we are always striving to better understand and relate to the unique cultures and experiences of Montana’s diverse population. Effectively meeting every family where they are and recognizing how their culture and spirituality affects their family dynamics, their history, and their response to others and treatment is a core value of our organization
We are thrilled to announce two exciting opportunities that will help us achieve this goal Florence Crittenton was recently announced as a recipient of the Headwaters Foundation’s Strategic Initiative Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity grants Building on our ongoing internal work and learning about equity, bias, and culture, this grant will support knowledge building and training for all staff on our personal internal biases, how those biases affect our interactions and relationships with clients and co-workers, and how other people’s own biases affect their relationships with us. The grant will also further the organizational examination of opportunities to continue to embed diversity recognition into policy and practice.
Additionally, we are so excited to have Kathryn Kellerman join us at Florence Crittenton as our new Chaplain & Faith Coordinator. In her position Kathryn will help families in our residential program explore their own faith and spirituality and help them build new traditions with their young families We are so grateful to the generous donors that have made this position possible and can’t wait to see Kathryn in action with our brave families
Huge thanks to everyone who made our totally tubular 80’s themed Support Our Girls event such a success! Guests enjoyed 80s music and decor, savored an upscale taco bar, and reveled in the laughter of the much-anticipated decorated bra auction. This spirited event fostered a sense of togetherness while raising essential funds to help transform the lives of women and children in our programs.
We are enormously grateful to everyone involved, including our wonderful sponsors whose generous contributions helped translate the funds raised into direct support for the individuals and families receiving transformational services at Florence Crittenton Thank you!
Adwoa's Creations
Atlas Real Estate
Birds and Beasleys
Black Eye Legrand Barber Shop
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Montana
Christen Loendorf Photography
Cinemark Helena and XD
Copper King Mansion
Cruise Planners (Shannon and Jason Welnel)
Crumbl Cookies
Dairy Queen
Euclid Avenue Salon
Fantaztic Cleaning Solutions
Great West Engineering
Helena Martial Arts
Honeybee Empowerment
Jessy's Hair
Leilani's Lattes
Scenic Brew
Silver Bow Drive-in
The Angel Fund
The Anonymoms
The Myrna Loy
Angie Cejka
Jodie Lineaweaver
Kelsey Pocha
Pat & Amy Sassano
Big Dipper
Birds and Beasleys
Cinemark Theater
Copper King Mansion
Crumbl Cookies
Dairy Queen
Exploration Works
Great Northern Carousel
Helena Symphony
Hel'z Belles Roller Derby
Leilani's Lattes
Myrna Loy Center
RB Drive in Scenic Brew
Seeds of our Land
Silver Bow Drive-in
Silver Star Steak Co.
White Knight Games & Hobbies
You’re invited to join us yet again in celebrating the hope, compassion, and transformation found at Florence Crittenton Family Services during our Enchanted Forest-themed Paint the Town PINK on Saturday, February 8th, 2024, at the Lewis and Clark County Fairgrounds.
Tickets go on sale Monday, December 2nd, 2024.
$50,000 +
Gianforte Family Charitable Trust
Oro Y Plata Foundation
Otto Bremer Trust
Treacy Foundation
$25,000 - $49,999*
Dave and Wendy Morgan Foundation
Dick Anderson Construction
First Interstate BancSystem Foundation
Martin Family Foundation
MJ Murdock Charitable Trust
$1,000 - $4,999
Ashton Thomas Private Wealth
Best Western Helena Great Northern Hotel
Cobb Foundation
Crafted Aesthetics & Wellness
Crowley Fleck PLLP Attorneys
D A Davidson & Co
Donald and Carol Roberts Foundation
in Memory of Virginia K Weston, Inc
Eagle Electric
Great West Engineering
Helena Area Community Foundation
PacificSource Foundation for Health Improvement
Planned and Engineered Construction, Inc.
Wall Family Power Townsend Foundation
Williams-Malone Foundation
$10,000 - $24,999
Augustine Properties
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Montana
Cross Charitable Foundation
First Interstate Bank
Health Care Services Corporation
Helena OB/GYN
Montana Radio Company
The Sample Foundation, Inc
Valley Bank of Helena -- Glacier Bancorp
$5,000 - $9,999
Browning Kimball Foundation
Chase Bank
Harold & Shirlie Klinker Foundation
Headwaters Foundation
Lone Mountain Ranch
LONG Building Technologies, Inc.
St Peter's Health
Helena Home Team
Home Beautifiers
Intrepid Credit Union
Kingsbury Memorial Foundation
Leslie's Hallmark
Marsh McLennan Agency
MDU Resources Foundation
Molly Ward Disability Law, P.C.
Montana Community Foundation
Montana Eyecare
Morrison - Maierle Systems Corp
Mt Ascension Physical Therapy
NorthWestern Energy
Opportunity Bank of Montana
Otten Foundation
Overland Express
Park Avenue Bakery
Partners in Pediatrics
Pinion Technology Core
Qwik Signs & Classic Creations
Robert Peccia & Associates
Shodair Hospital
Silver City Stone
Slate Architecture
$500 - $999
American Sheet Metal
Ash Grove Cement Company
Big Sky Acoustics LLC
Big Sky Insulations Inc.
Big Sky Retirement
Christian Community Foundation
D A Davidson & Co
Douglas Wilson & Company, PC
Eagle Beverage
Fidelity Charitable
Frontline Glass Inc.
Helena Orthodontics
Lehrkind's Coca Cola/Mountain Country Dist
Marks Lumber
PureView Health Center
SMA Architecture + Design
$100 - $499
AAmerican Online Giving Foundation
Big Sky Brokers LLC Real Estate
Browning, Kaleczyc, Berry & Hoven, P C
Century 21 Heritage Realty
L.W. Davis, Inc.
Mannix Brothers Inc
Mote Lumber
Renaissance Charitable Foundation
Ullman Lumber Co
Windermere Real Estate Bozeman
$1,000 - $4,999
St Luke's Lutheran Church
First Presbyterian Church - Helena
Our Lady of the Valley Parish
St Peter's Cathedral
Life Covenant Church
$500 - $999
Bethel Lutheran WELCA
First Lutheran Church
Grace Lutheran Church
St Johns Lutheran Church
$1,000 - $4,999
Ennis Lions Club
Broadwater County Lions Club
The Exchange Club of Helena
Structural Building Systems of Montana, LLC
Sullivan Financial Group
United Way of Lewis & Clark Area
Westaff of Helena Wipfli LLP
$100 - $499
Mission Valley United Methodist Women
Our Saviors Lutheran Church W O W
Presbyterian Women--Helena
Risen Christ Catholic Church
St Francis Catholic Church
St Paul's United Methodist Women
WELCA Plentywood Lutheran Parish
St Margaret Parish - CCW
Covenant United Methodist Church
United Methodist Women Boulder WELCA Immanuel
$500 - $999
Caring Hands Inc.
Helena Gold Rush Lions
$100 - $499
American Legion Lewis & Clark Post 2
Great Falls York Rite Bodies
Knights of Columbus Council #2860
Masonic Lodge # 104 Western Star
Doric Masonic Lodge #53 Big Timber
White Sulphur Springs Lions Club
Leadership Helena
Donations received between July 1st 2023 and June 30th 2024
Anonymous (2)
Bruce & Maggie Davis
Maggie & Rick Hopkins
John Northey
Terry & Patt Payne
$25,000 - $49,999
Tim & Mary Barnard
$10,000 - $24,999
Erik & Lexi Bass
John & Mary Grant
Meg Jacoby
Freddy & Carrie Krepps
Bill & Miki Lloyd
F. Thomas Shellenberg
James & Mary Pat Sullivan
Mary Patricia Sullivan
Marjorie Trainor
Ron & Ann Waterman
$5,000 - $9,999
Mary Ahmann Hibbard
Dick & Margaret Anderson
Anonymous (2)
Tim Ballweber
Judith Bowen
Michael & Katie Brennan
Jarrin & Sarah Burke
John & Anne Collins
Tyler & Amy Emmert
J Empson
John & Janet Fine
Collette & Harry Hanson
Kevin & Kim Kelley
Mark & Regan Meredith
Kathleen & Robert Morrison
Corey & Tara Palmer
Rick Pyfer
Marc & Theresa Racicot
Don & Barb Schultz
Peter Sullivan
Colby & Erin Thomas
Jim & Cindy Utterback
Cy & Allie Williams
$1,000 - $4,999
Kris & Collette Anderson
Anonymous (4)
Doug & Christina Ardary
Bill Tonidandel & Pam Attardo
James & Amy Bartell
John & Deb Beaver
Travis & Darby Belcher
Kimberly Benjamin
Cheryl Bieber
Sue & Dean Bjerke
Steve & Kellee Blom
Allison & Brad Brown
Tom & Kathy Butler
Andy & Jeaneen Campbell
Rose & Brian Carlson
Jim & Joslyn Carney
Sarah Corbally
Janice Couch
Scott & Tana Cromwell
Dustin & Amy Deitchler
Jake & Mandy Dolezal
Danielle & Eric Durkin
Jeannie Etchart
Ellen Feaver
Randal Rake & Sarah Fenton
Marylis Filipovich
Peggy Flynn
Linda Frank
Joan French
Rebekah French
Tom Gannon
Salvatore & Meghan Giovenco
Kiely & Mike Green
Connie Griffith
Jana & Jake Gruber
Maurice Hamill
Jane & Rick Hays
Bob & Rachael Heberly
Josh Hicks
Betti & Rick Hill
Debbie Hunsaker
Deanna & Duane Johnson
Sheridan & Tara Jones
Danny & Katie Kelley
Lisa & Marcus Kelley
Brandon & Mari Kiesling
Kyle Lantz
Annette Luckett
Erin & Tyler Maxwell
Matt & Jamie McCullough
Andrea & Dave McKeever
William & Valerie Meiers
Erin Mills & Christine Armstrong-Mills
Justin & Molly Mosness
Alan & Nancy Nicholson
David Niklas
Bill & Sandi Olsen
Christopher Ottemoeller
Amberly Pahut
Jeffrey & Jeffrey Pollack
Ken & Regina Rose
Teresa Sampson
Amy & Pat Sassano
Krista & Rob Simons
Naci & Nick Spano
Timothy & Timothy Speyer
Craig & Christy Stiles
Denice Street
Sterling & Sterling Sundheim
Jeff Swingley
Tim & Lauren Tholt
Daniel & Cassie Trost
Wayne Vinje
James Greene & Martha Vogt
Marie & Randy Wangerin
Shirley Warehime
Melinda White
Michael & Tina Wong
Elizabeth Zimmerman
$500 - $999
Garrett & Amy Allen
Chance & Nicole Anderson
Anonymous (3)
Stephanie Beckert
Tom & Emily Bischoff
Jock & Tere Bovington
Kris & Troy Brandt
Whitney Brothers
Kevin & Linda Brown
Matt & Katy Bugni
Robert Caldwell
Daniel & Veronica Champer
Joseph & Georgia Chiarella
Donald & Ingrid Childress
Mark & Connie Cowett
Beth Demmons
Amber & Jamie Dushin
Crystal Eckerson
Jordan & Justin Evertz
Roxanne Feddes
Linsey Feller
Daniel & Mary Ann Fiehrer
Lana Finch
Fred & Judy Flanders
Riley & Danni Ford
Lacey Forrey
Keith & Susan Foster
Elizabeth Goggins
Network for Good
Eric Stimson & JoAnn Hanson
Patrick & Liane Heggy
Dana Hillyer
Quinn & Dana Holzer
Charles & Patricia Hunt
Lisa James
Ed & Roberta Jasmin
Sarah & Bryan Johnson
Ken Larson
Veronica Lehman
Alan MacKichan
Jim & Michelle Maus
Dan & Cheryl McCauley
Tricia & Tricia McCreary
Joe & Sarah Mitchell
Duane & Sherry Mitchell
Kasey & Chris Mockel
Monty & Maureen Montague
Randy & Sherri Ohs-Mosely
Robert & Patty Peretto
Craig & Gwen Pozega
Sharon Raemaeker
Daniel & Katrina Rausch
Georgiana & Don Reimer
Joe & J Anne Roberts
Jay & Anita Sherley
Nate & Ashlee Shorten
Kimmy & Lee Skiftun
Kendall Small
Amy Smiedala
Shirley & Shirley Thomas
Mark & Dawn Walters
Russ Williams
Jake & Candace Ziegler
$100 - $499
Bill Allen
Sandra Alt
Teresa & Gordon Amsbaugh
Lesli Amundson
Walter Anderson
Bobby & Barbara Andreozzi
Anonymous (13)
Paul & Kelly Arneson
Jolie Arsenault
Angie Ashby
Bill & Crystal Avey
Courtney Babcock
Terri & Eric Barclay
Kady Bartsch
Rian Bartsch
Timothy & Tricia Bartz
Valerie Bauch
John & Nina Baucus
Marsha & Max Baumeister
Tracy & Mike Blotsky
John Boettcher
Kathy Bowman
Natalia & Lance Bowser
Glenda & Stan Bradshaw
Danny & Jamie Bragg
Barney Brandt
Kara Brockett
Duane & Nancy Bruce
Jen Burckhard
Jason Burnett
Susan Butler
Tina Buttelman
Pat & Tanya Call
Gary & Sherry Carlson
Lindsey Carroll
Russell & Karen Carter
Deborah Cheda Milburn
Del Christiaens
Joshua Clement
Janice Clinard
John & Nancy Coe
James Cole
Patrick & Linda Connors
Haley Cote
Kevin & Barbara Crabtree
Tammy Crumley
Robie & Brad Culver
Ryan & Tara Damschen
Lloyd Davison
Jennell Day
Susan DeBree
Roger & Myrl DeBruycker
Caitlin Denning
John & Anna Doran
Debra Dorrance
Pamela Duensing
Jo Ann Eder
Deborah Ennis
John & Stoney Esp
Karen Fairbrother
Paul Ferry
Gregory & Dawn Field
Janice & James Fishburn
William & Susan Fortune
Rodger Foster
Cynthia Foster
Dan & Jan Dee May Fraser
Kassondra Frith
Carrie & Ryan Gardner
Patrick Sullivan & Mary Gilchrist
James & Karen Gransbery
Paul & Lynne Grant
Mark Grotbo
Jack Grover
Sara Groves
Kathleen & John Gummere
Dave Hajny
James & Helen Hall
Allen & Barbara Han
Tiffany & Justin Hanson
Riley & Lacey Hanson
Gina Harp
Amy & Dan Harrington
Emily Harris
Barbara Harris
Blair & Brian Haseman
Leo & Dorothy Heath
Jake & Alissa Heaton
Paul & Celinda Hicks
Tammie & John Hilton
Helena Hoffman
Kim & Trapper Hogberg
Raina Hollenbaugh
Troy & Kimberly Hooper
Frank & Billie Houle
Fran & Leona Hovan
Maureen Howe
Paul & Patti Hunthausen
Bill & Maureen Hunthausen
Teresa Hutton
Keith Jackson
Mallory Jacobson
Leonard John
Phillip & Colleen Johnson
Regan, Jalena & Deb Johnson
Jalena Johnson
Marisa Johnson
Erica Johnston
Sandy Jomini
Lee & Norma Jones
Esther & Jim Kalitowski
Lori Keck
Ken & Sue Keefe
Nick & Patty Keilman
Ted & Norma Kelly
Dorothy Kelsey
David & Jerri Kettman
Robyn Kiesling
Shanna & Robert Kimball
Randolph & Laurel Koutnik
Kimberly Kradolfer
Lindsey Krywaruchka
David Kunkle
Corinne Kyler
Judith Lake
Jannelle Lange
Shane & Anna Larson
John & Cheri Larson
Douglas & Laurie Lawrence
Dick & Margaret Anderson
Jean Barrett
Bill and Barbara Burton
Donna & Carey Cain
Peter & Mary Carparelli
John & Anne Collins
Pat & Patty Collins
Kenneth L. Davenport
Lisa & Bret Lian
Seth Mott & Lacy Little
Patsy Long
Robert Fusie & Lorette Lynde
Jim & Ginger MacDonald
Lindsey & Bennett MacIntyre
Marisa Mailand
Jill Martin
Julia Martin
Claire Marty
Katie Maslowski
Stephen Mason
Laura Maurillo
Patty Mazurek
Dan & Melissa Mazurek
Mike & Vicki McGinley
Michael & Terah McClain
Sarah McKinley
Walt & Karen McNutt
Anthony Menichino
Jerry & Pamela Mergenthaler
Adele Michels
Bobbi Mickelson
Zach & Shari Mittleider
Erin Mondie
John Moore
Samuel Morgenroth
Ken & Sherry Morrison
Amy Moses
Damon & Angie Murdo
Judy & John Murphy
Scott & Lisa Murphy
Connie Nelson
Lisa & Ron Nelson
Bruce & Susan Newell
Colleen Nicholson
Joseph Nistler
Krista & Julian Nolen
Amanda Northrup
Doug O'Donnell
Gary & Judith Olsen
Dean & Diane Olsen
Martha Orcutt
Jamie Palagi
Jecca Parson
Carolyn & Donald Peace
Amy Pearson
Lawrence Pettit
Philip & Kathleen Porrini
David Carr & Sanna Porte
Elizabeth Preston
Larry & Mary Putnam
Madalyn Quinlan
Angelica Quintero
Bridget Rebo
Brent & Mary Rehm
Craig & Stefani Reinhardt
Clifford & Linda Roessner
Alicia Roethler
Charity Rowsey
Judy & Darrell Rud
Shirley Ruffner
Michael & Pamela Sanford
Marilyn & Peter Schendel
Jean Ann Scheuer
Calvin Schlepp
Stuart & Chelsea Segrest
Brandon & Ann Sheahan
Christopher Shipp
Troy & Jenna Simanton
Kenny & Linda Simonsen
Howard Skjervem
Tara Smith
Jim & Katherine Smith
John & Luane Smith
Brett & Morgan Smith
Luke Soper
Eli & Jeanne Spannagel
Mike & Karen Stevenson
Dustin & Krystal Stewart
Carl Stimson
Myrna Stone
Fred & Kim Stout
Anna Strange
Patricia Stricklin
Vona Sundberg
Donna Swank Rudiger
Steve & Anna Thennis
Dan & Kathi Tiefenthaler
Craig & Laura Trapp
Nettie & Mark Traxler
Elaine Tucker
Madeline Turner
Michael Uda
Sox Ullman
Danielle & Thomas Vincent
George Olsen & Ellen Vogelsang
Steve & Jennifer Wade
Jeffrey Wadekamper
Robert & Christene Wagner
Lyn Walker
William& Jean Wallace
John & Kathleen Ward
Darcy Weidman
Debra & Edward Werry
Ethel White
Janet & Brian White
Duane & Sue Wright
Garry Wunderwald
Rocky & Mary Yuricic
Carolyn Zimmer
J Empson
Cynthia Foster
Henry Dahl Trust
Marcella Hull
Maureen and Edward Kiely
Martin H. Oleson Jr.
Barb Moy
Dixie Nichols
Heather Nicholson
John Northey
Martin H Oleson Jr
Fred Peterson
F. Thomas Shellenberg
Art Story
Peter Dan & Sarah Sullivan
Ron and Ann Waterman
Each stage of life involves looking to the future in some fashion As many enter their "golden years", the future they begin planning for is not always their own, but that of their family and community Florence Crittenton's Legacy Donors are supporters who have chosen to provide for the future of our clients and our organization through a planned gift. These types of gifts range from naming Florence Crittenton as a beneficiary of their estate to establishing a life-income gift like a charitable gift annuity To learn more, visit www florencecrittenton org or call our Director of Development, Pat Sassano, at 406-413-7046