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2020. The year that face masks became the new fashion trend. The year we all grew our hair out, and started showing our gray. The year of no sports and way too much screen time. The year that school ended abruptly. The year of the global pandemic.
In its own right, the pandemic has cause undue stress on families. We rapidly had to adapt to routines, adjusting to school and work from home, massive job losses, stay home orders, and isolation from friends and families. For some, the stress began right away. Others may have initially enjoyed a few weeks home with their families. Three months in, though, things are getting hard. Kids and parents alike, miss their social connections, their routines, and the ability to go where they want when they want. Families with job losses are struggling to make ends meet and are wondering if and when they’ll be able to return to work.
If that weren’t enough, citizens in and around Midland County watched their communities change rapidly with excessive rain and failed dams, flooding so many of our communities in late May. Families were evacuated and emergency shelters created. Suddenly, the pandemic seemed to fade into the background as the community responded to the immediate crisis. As people began to return to their homes and assess the damage, a new wave of emotions and concerns came over everyone.
Many of us would like to bid farewell to 2020, but there is still a lot of the year left, and parents and kids alike, need tools to make the most of the time that remains this year.
To help, I reached out to Purdue University professor emeritus, Dr. Judith Myers-Walls. Dr. Myers-Walls is an expert in the effects of disasters on children, and is a professor that I worked with in both my undergraduate and graduate coursework. She had heard of our flood and was glad to provide guidance on how to help families cope with the stressors of 2020.
Below is a summary of notes that Dr. MyersWalls provided to me. I hope this provides you with some new tools for your parenting toolbox.
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