Construction Materials Testing and Inspections RFP Addendum 3

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ADDENDUM # 3 January 16, 2019

Addendum # 3 is being issued on January 16, 2019 in response to questions received to date. The deadline for questions has passed.

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Can your provide an estimated construction cost for (1) Terminal and CUP (2) Parking Garage We will not be providing estimated construction costs at this time. (3) Civil? On the Excel unit price work sheet the line for welder qualification “Welder and Welding The unit price work sheet for Welder Qualification testing should state 4C or D. Operator Qualification Test 5C or D of AWS D.1.1 Structural Welding Code”. Should this state section 4 C or D? Can you provide us a more detailed construction schedule with durations of specific activities (i.e. auger cast pile installation, pile cap construction, steel erection, precast erection, etc.) within each of the key project elements (Terminal, Parking Garage, Landside and Airside Civil Improvements)? Is it acceptable to use 4”x8” concrete cylinders for compressive strength testing where the size of the coarse aggregate will allow? If 4”x8” cylinders can be used, I assume breaks at 7 days, 3 at 28 days, and a Hold will be needed.

We will not be providing additional construction schedule details at this time.

Bids should be based on the use of 6" x 12" cylinders for compressive strength testing (ASI Standards). The use of 4" x 8" cylinders may be addressed with the Engineer of Record after contract award. Bidders should anticipate making 8 cylinders per test - breaking 2 cylinders at 3 days, 2 at 7 days, 2 at 28 days and holding 2 for 56 days.

Will there be a Resident Project Representative (RPR) onsite to perform the duties listed in the FAA requirements in 150/5370-10H? We feel there is a lot of risk to prepare a not-to-exceed cost proposal based on the limited amount of information and available construction schedule. Is there a more detailed construction schedule available? Is there a schedule of quantities?

Yes, Clark / Weitz / Clarkson will be the Resident Project Representative.

Could you provide the individual construction costs for each of the three components (Airfield, Parking Garage, and Terminal and Central Utility Plant? Item 34 on page 5 of Exhibit B states hourly rates should include costs for travel, report preparation and distribution, and office and administrative support…and include travel time/mileage, Project Management and all equipment, lab testing/fees. But, the Unit Price Schedule of Values separates all of these items. Please clarify.

Please see response to Question 1 above.

See response to Question 3. No more information on quantities than has been provided as estimates in Addendum 1.

Unit rates should be inclusive of all overhead costs. Please disregard the request for unit prices for Administrative and Trip Charge shown in the Unit Price Schedule of Values.


Regarding the airside portion of the project - Typically, on airfield projects at KCI, the civil Edgemoor will contract to provide (under this RFP scope) all third party QC Material Testing & engineer provides an on-site resident PE to perform the inspections while we have provided Inspections for FAA related work. The Owner will provide third party QA Material Testing & Quality Assurance testing for the engineer/owner, or have provided Quality Control testing Inspections for FAA related work. for the contractor. We interpolate the specs to read we should propose to provide QA testing only and that Edgemoor will subcontract a civil engineer to provide the required FAA inspections. Please advise if this is correct.


We understand Clarkson will likely be the paving contractor for the airfield and that Clarkson Airside paving contractor has not been procured. The successful Materials Testing and typically provides their own QC testing. Will the airfield paving contractor be responsible for Inspections bidder will be responsible for QC testing on airside. all the QC airfield testing separate from this RFP? How many days of airfield PCCP paving? The current schedule estimates 74 weeks (non-consecutive) of airfield paving. Note this is an estimate and subject to change. How many Lots are anticipated for airfield PCCP paving? Number of Lots has not been determined. How many days of soil stabilization are anticipated for the airfield? Number of days of soil stabilization for the airfield has not been determined. How many days of airfield asphaltic concrete placement? There is no airside aircraft-rated asphaltic concrete paving planned. The vehicle service roads (outside of apron areas) may be bid as either asphaltic concrete or PCC pavement. State your assumptions. How many Lots are anticipated for airfield asphaltic concrete paving? Number of Lots has not been determined. How many days are anticipated for auger-cast piles installation? The current construction schedule denotes the following durations which may be overlapping (as shown in schedule provided in Exhibit A): Terminal Total - 28 weeks Concourse Y - 21 weeks Concourse X - 23 weeks Connector - 7 weeks Parking Garage - 29 weeks Note: these are estimates and subject to change. How many square feet of masonry walls are there? We believe there is sufficient information in the RFP documents to determine this quantity.

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Will the lower level walls of the parking garage be masonry or precast or cast-in-place concrete? Item No. 28 of Exhibit B lists Cathodic Protection. The Spec Section 26 42 14 Cathodic Protection – Galvanic, indicates the NACE certified corrosion engineer/technician is to be retained by the contractor. Are we suppose to carry this scope in our proposal?

Proposals should be based upon masonry on the lower level walls of the parking garage.

Spec Section 33 52 43. 13-11 Aviation Fuel Pipe, Fittings, and Installation – Will shop inspection of pipe welds be required? If so, where is the shop located? Spec Section 33 52 43.24-4 Fuel System Inspection, Testing, and Flushing – Is the weld integrity testing to be included in our scope? If so, how many welds will require this?

No, shop inspection of welds will not be required.


Item 27 of Exhibit B and Spec Section 33 52 43.24-4 Fuel System Inspection, Testing, and Flushing – Are we only providing an engineer to witness the required tests with the understanding these tests will be performed by the contractor?

Yes, successful bidder will provide witness to fuel system tests performed by the contractor.


What is the overall approximate construction cost for the project and for each key major Please see response to Question 1 above. construction element? Can the full Primavera P6 schedule or PDF be provided for its current state? Please see response to Question 3 above. In order to determine the required tests and test frequencies, can you tell us what materials Please refer to the details provided in the Updated Concept Drawing Set. and associated thicknesses will comprise the FAA pavement sections?


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many days of asphaltic concrete placement are anticipated for the airfield? Please see response to Question 14 above. Will the lower level walls of the headhouse be masonry or precast or cast-in-place concrete? Proposals should be based upon masonry on the lower level walls of the headhouse.

No. The MEP Contractor will be responsible for inspection and testing of Cathodic Protection.

Inspection of field welding will be required under this scope. Refer to fuel system plan and profile drawings to estimate installed length and estimate # of welds. State your assumptions.

Based on the provide organizational chart it appears that our role will be as a QA firm. FAA specifications contain specific test frequencies for QA vs QC role. Please confirm our role as QA or QC as it relates to the FAA specifications. Will providing pricing as part of the submittal be in conflict with Chapter 8 of the State of Missouri statues on procuring professional engineering services for public projects which states selection should be a QBS process first and a negotiation of price with the most qualified firm. Should the pricing components of the RFP be delivered in a sealed envelope to be opened after qualification based selection? Can you please clarify this as we would not want to submit in conflict with the statute?

For airside grading and paving, your role will be to provide QC with respect to all FAA specifications. KCAD will provide QA for airside grading and paving.

Will the geotechnical engineer of record be engaged through the life of the project or will the materials testing and inspection consultant assume that role? Are there any certification requirements for personnel outside of KCMO Special Inspections, for example, MoDOT? For item 14 of Exhibit B, are items a-f pertaining only to the Special Inspection and Material Testing scope of the project? If not, please further define.

Geotechnical Engineer of Record will be engaged through the life of the project.

Edgemoor is not an agency as defined in the statute, so the requirements of the statute do not apply to this process.

Personnel should have knowledge of MoDOT standards as well as KCMO standards. Field technicians should be NICET certified, when applicable. Yes, items a-f as pertain to the Materials Testing & Inspections scope of work.

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